A Chama da Ascensão


Quinta-feira, 14 / 11 / 19

Benjamin's Full Update: Deliberate implosion of financial system being engineered to kick-start new financial system

Benjamin Fulford 

Full Report 


Posted by November 14, 2019 by Edward Morgan


A bigger than Lehman Brothers collapse of the financial system is being engineered in order to make way for a new financial system, Asian secret society sources say.  Recent trends in financial markets, notably a stock market bubble of biblical proportions, back up this assertion.  Any financial veteran will tell you that when financial markets fight against reality, reality always wins in the end.  This means stock prices could fall by 90% or more.
However, in a sign the financial war is not yet over, European royals disagree, saying, “All of the world’s investment banks have begun to migrate away from the old system, so it is just a matter of time before it seamlessly or frictionlessly just morphs from the old to the new.”
This may work for payment systems, ATMs, and credit cards, etc., but not for the Western system of Babylonian debt slavery as a whole.  This system has resulted in the top 1% owning 53.2% of all stocks and mutual funds, and if you add in the next 9%, the rich control 93.2%, leaving the remaining 90% with just 6.8%.  Further proof that this is a system of debt slavery comes from the fact the bottom 90% of the people owe 72.4% of all the debt.

This stock market, controlled and owned by the super-rich and their high-level servants, has become fraudulent and parasitical and is actually sucking money out of the real economy.  This makes a collapse mathematically inevitable.
Let’s take a look at some more numbers that prove this.  From January to October of this year worldwide, $339 billion has been put into bonds and $208 billion has been taken out of stocks, and yet the stock market keeps hitting record highs.  That’s because since 2009, institutional investors and households have taken $1.9 trillion out of the stock market while corporations, using private central bank funny money, have bought $3.6 trillion of their own shares.

Plus, according to the Wall Street Journal, 97% of listed companies are not using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in releasing their profits, meaning basically they are cooking their books.

Coca Cola is a good case study.  To quote from The Daily Bell:
“If we just go back a few years to 2010, Coca Cola’s annual revenue was $35 billion.  By 2018 the company’s annual revenue had fallen to less than $32 billion.  In 2010, Coca Cola generated $5.06 in profit (earnings) per share.  In 2018, just $1.50.  And Coca Cola’s total equity, i.e. the ‘net worth’ of the business, was $31 billion in 2010.  By 2018, equity had fallen to $19 billion.  So over the past eight years, Coca Cola has lost nearly 40% of its equity, sales are down, and per-share earnings have fallen by 70%.  Clearly the company is in far worse shape today than it was eight years ago.  Yet Coke’s share price has nearly DOUBLED in that period.”
To summarize, the families that own the Western (and Japanese) central banks are printing money and handing it to the corporations they also own, while sucking the lifeblood out of 90% of the population.

The financial system has become a giant black hole, which makes perverted sense since many of the ruling families worship the black sun.
One likely trigger will be the collapse of Deutsche Bank, which just announced a third quarter loss of 832 million Euros.

This chart of their stock price bears an uncanny resemblance to Lehman Brothers just before they collapsed.

A collapse of Deutsche Bank would pull down the European Central Bank and bankrupt the EU, the Asian sources say.
Needless to say, while it’s easy to spot a bubble, it’s harder to predict when it will burst.  However, Asian secret society and White Dragon Society (WDS) sources believe a collapse is likely in 2020.  This will be followed by a jubilee (a one-time write-off of all debt and redistribution of assets) and a huge campaign to fix the planet.  This plan includes setting up a meritocratic future planning agency that anybody can apply to join.
Before that becomes possible, though, some serious battles remain to be fought.  Right now, the main action is taking place in Saudi Arabia and Mexico, where the Khazarian mafia is fighting to preserve its oil and drug money pipelines.
Let’s start with the situation in Mexico, where according to Pentagon sources, U.S. President Donald Trump has “declared war on Mexican drug cartels, and indirectly the Democrats who are their secret supporters.”  However, Mexican sources say recent events in Mexico such as the supposed murder of nine American women and children are just false flags.  The evidence leads to “Yunque, an extreme-right secret occult sect with trails of …
… pedophilia (Father Marcial Maciel was part of it),” Mexican patriots say.
The Mexican sources have put together a damning case showing that the recent attempt to arrest the son of “El Chapo” and the supposed murder of the Americans were part of a desperate attempt by the U.S. corporation to survive by seizing Northern Mexico and its oil fields.
The LeBaron family that was supposed to be the victim of the slaughter of nine women and children has been stealing water, kicking farmers off their land, smuggling drugs, and is involved in the NXIVM sex cult among other things, the sources say.
They note that the video of the “massacre” showed no bodies, no clothing, had no witnesses, and that the bullet-ridden survivors supposedly managed to walk six hours and 15 kilometers through hostile desert terrain and are all in Arizona, not Mexico.
The sources also say the failed attempt to arrest the son of El Chapo was done by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency and the governor of Culiacán without informing the President of Mexico.  “The cartel had a reaction response comparable to that of a well-organized army.  The stink of CIA operatives is all around,” the sources say.
“With the excuse of these attacks, the U.S. Congress is going to label drug cartels as terrorist organizations, therefore opening the door, thanks to the Patriot Act, to wage war in Mexico,” they conclude.  A detailed report by the Mexicans can be seen in a Letter to the Editor on this site.
Now let’s turn our attention to the situation in Saudi Arabia, where the Khazarian mafia is fighting to preserve the petrodollar system by publicly listing Aramco, the Saudi oil company.  Here, “Iran’s announcement of a new 53 billion barrel oil field was timed to derail the Aramco IPO and should make it richer than Saudi Arabia, whose proven depleted reserves may be well below 200 billion barrels,” Pentagon sources say.
“Until Saudi Arabia signs a non-aggression pact with Iran, a peace deal with Yemen, and has S-400 [anti-aircraft batteries] operational to protect its oil assets, nobody will invest in Aramco,” the sources continue.  “While China may pretend to be interested in Aramco to help Mohammed Bin Salman, it may be forced to back down because of Saudi human rights violations, war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity, torture, mass murder, and terrorism,” they conclude.
Of course, the battle over Saudi Arabia is also about an attempt by the Rockefellers and other cabal families to use the oil to bribe the Chinese into going along with them, WDS sources say.  That’s why they handed $100 billion of “Saudi money” plus control of Japan’s election-stealing machinery to Softbank’s Son Masayoshi, a relative of Sun Yat-sen, founder of modern China, Asian secret society sources say.
However, the Asian secret society sources say they are not being fooled by this maneuver, which is why Son has suddenly run out of money.  Instead, the sources say they plan to bankrupt the cabal-owned Bank of Japan along with the Federal Reserve Board and the European Central Bank.
The sources say they are setting up a bank in Serbia that is being designed to replace the European Central Bank.  Serbia is being given Russian S-400 air defenses to protect this planned bank, the sources say.  This would be great historical justice for the destruction of Yugoslavia.

In a sign the U.S. military is on board with this plan, Pentagon sources say, “Trump may attend Russia’s Victory Day military parade in May 2020 to send a message to the Deep State, Zionists, and China.”
The Chinese, for their part, are now preparing to establish a $10 trillion a year “Earth-moon space economic zone by 2050.”

There’s a lot more going on under the surface that we cannot write about yet for reasons of operational security.  However, we can say that more and more senior cabal politicians are vanishing.  The desperate cabal operatives are trying to sustain the appearance that their pet politicians are still around with tweets, letters, press releases, and computer graphics.  However, we hear they are being held incommunicado while facing “vigorous questioning.”  Most are “singing like canaries,” Pentagon sources say.
Once the clean-up in the U.S. is finished, attention will turn to Europe and Japan, WDS sources claim.
Finally, in a sign the Israelis have backed off their “Samson option” threats, Israeli embassies have reopened for 25 days on the order of a judge, according to a spokesperson for the Israeli embassy in Tokyo.  This maybe an indication the Zionists are negotiating a surrender.

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Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:49
Segunda-feira, 11 / 11 / 19

Deliberate implosion of financial system being engineered to kick-start new financial system

Benjamin Fulford 

Sample Report 




A bigger than Lehman Brothers collapse of the financial system is being engineered in order to make way for a new financial system, Asian secret society sources say.  Recent trends in financial markets, notably a stock market bubble of biblical proportions, back up this assertion.  Any financial veteran will tell you that when financial markets fight against reality, reality always wins in the end.  This means stock prices could fall by 90% or more.
However, in a sign the financial war is not yet over, European royals disagree, saying, “All of the world’s investment banks have begun to migrate away from the old system, so it is just a matter of time before it seamlessly or frictionlessly just morphs from the old to the new.”
This may work for payment systems, ATMs, and credit cards, etc., but not for the Western system of Babylonian debt slavery as a whole.  This system has resulted in the top 1% owning 53.2% of all stocks and mutual funds, and if you add in the next 9%, the rich control 93.2%, leaving the remaining 90% with just 6.8%.  Further proof that this is a system of debt slavery comes from the fact the bottom 90% of the people owe 72.4% of all the debt.

This stock market, controlled and owned by the super-rich and their high-level servants, has become fraudulent and parasitical and is actually sucking money out of the real economy.  This makes a collapse mathematically inevitable.
Let’s take a look at some more numbers that prove this.  From January to October of this year worldwide, $339 billion has been put into bonds and $208 billion has been taken out of stocks, and yet the stock market keeps hitting record highs.  That’s because since 2009, institutional investors and households have taken $1.9 trillion out of the stock market while corporations, using private central bank funny money, have bought $3.6 trillion of their own shares.

Plus, according to the Wall Street Journal, 97% of listed companies are not using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in releasing their profits, meaning basically they are cooking their books.

Coca Cola is a good case study.  To quote from The Daily Bell:
“If we just go back a few years to 2010, Coca Cola’s annual revenue was $35 billion.  By 2018 the company’s annual revenue had fallen to less than $32 billion.  In 2010, Coca Cola generated $5.06 in profit (earnings) per share.  In 2018, just $1.50.  And Coca Cola’s total equity, i.e. the ‘net worth’ of the business, was $31 billion in 2010.  By 2018, equity had fallen to $19 billion.  So over the past eight years, Coca Cola has lost nearly 40% of its equity, sales are down, and per-share earnings have fallen by 70%.  Clearly the company is in far worse shape today than it was eight years ago.  Yet Coke’s share price has nearly DOUBLED in that period.”
To summarize, the families that own the Western (and Japanese) central banks are printing money and handing it to the corporations they also own, while sucking the lifeblood out of 90% of the population.

The financial system has become a giant black hole, which makes perverted sense since many of the ruling families worship the black sun.
One likely trigger will be the collapse of Deutsche Bank, which just announced a third quarter loss of 832 million Euros.

This chart of their stock price bears an uncanny resemblance to Lehman Brothers just before they collapsed.

A collapse of Deutsche Bank would pull down the European Central Bank and bankrupt the EU, the Asian sources say.
Needless to say, while it’s easy to spot a bubble, it’s harder to predict when it will burst.  However, Asian secret society and White Dragon Society (WDS) sources believe a collapse is likely in 2020.  This will be followed by a jubilee (a one-time write-off of all debt and redistribution of assets) and a huge campaign to fix the planet.  This plan includes setting up a meritocratic future planning agency that anybody can apply to join.
Before that becomes possible, though, some serious battles remain to be fought.  Right now, the main action is taking place in Saudi Arabia and Mexico, where the Khazarian mafia is fighting to preserve its oil and drug money pipelines.
Let’s start with the situation in Mexico, where according to Pentagon sources, U.S. President Donald Trump has “declared war on Mexican drug cartels, and indirectly the Democrats who are their secret supporters.”  However, Mexican sources say recent events in Mexico such as the supposed murder of nine American women and children are just false flags.  The evidence leads to “Yunque, an extreme-right secret occult sect with trails of …
The remainder of this article is only available to members of BenjaminFulford.net
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The full report will be post here this Thursday morning or late Wednesday evening EST.

Letters to the Editor

November 11, 2019

Mexican false flag event: LeBaron massacreBy Benjamin Fulford

I’m writing because right now the military-industrial complex or the CIA or Deep State wants to invade Mexico with the excuse of fighting the cartels.  But what they really want is the North of Mexico because of its vast resources and control of the distribution corridors of drugs to the USA.
In recent months several and bizarre attacks attributed to the drug cartels have occurred, but what all have in common is that the U.S. government has been involved.  The tragedy that happened to the LeBaron family of Mexico—American citizens—smells like a false flag attack orchestrated by the CIA.
Here is the intel I got about the subject:
  1. At the same time the attacks occurred, the U.S. Ambassador was in the State of Sonora.
  2. Rhonita Maria Miller, one of the women that supposedly got killed, was part of the Sex Cult NXIVM.  Also, Julian LeBaron, the cousin of Rhonita, appears in an advertising video of NXIVM.
  3. When ex-governor Duarte was in office, Alex LeBaron ended up being a Deputy of the State.  The people of Chihuahua have denounced the LeBaron family for exploiting aquifers illegally and kicking farmers off their land.  The mother of Alex LeBaron, Maria Gonzalez, was incarcerated from 2002–2011 for the crime of smuggling drugs across the border.  The adults of that family are not saints and have a history of corruption, organized crime, and murders.  Los LeBarons family are friends with Salinas’ son, one of the top corrupt political oligarch leaders of the Deep State of Mexico.
  4. With the excuse of the attack, the U.S. Congress is going to label drug cartels as terrorist organizations, therefore opening the door, thanks to the Patriot Act, to wage war in Mexico.
  5. In the video of the attack, the truck the family supposedly was traveling in has no bodies and no clothing left on the scene.  All of the supposed victims were taken to a hospital in Arizona.  There was not a single witness.  What we see in the video is only a truck burning and bullet holes.  The guy who is filming is supposedly the father, but you don’t see his face, and when he starts saying that they killed his sons and daughters he doesn’t sound too sincere or hurt about the act.  I’m not saying that did not happen, but in my personal opinion if that had happened to my family I would be devastated and crying and screaming.  In the video, the only time he speaks, he says, “Oh, they killed my children,” and that’s it.  Really, it doesn’t make sense at all.  Where are all the victims, the bodies, and the kids that survived?  The official story is that the kids that survived walked with bullets in their bodies 15 km to a ranch for 6 hours in the middle of a harsh environment, full of snakes and coyotes, etc., which doesn’t make sense at all.  Also, the excuse of the official narrative is that the attack was so devastating that the bodies burned and nothing was left except ashes;  however, we all know that always some remains, such as bones or clothes, are left in those kind of circumstances.  I could be wrong about this, but we don’t see anything that could indicate otherwise.
  6. Both of the attacks happened in states held by the [Mexican Deep State] PRI, and Chihuahua is ruled by PAN.
Now I want to show you some similarities with the failed operation to arrest El Chapo’s son in Culiacán:
  1. The DEA, one week before the failed operation, held a meeting with the governor of Culiacán, a meeting the President of Mexico was not notified about.
  2. The local government of the city casually canceled school that day because of “the threat of rain.”  That shows the governor of Culiacán knew what was going to happen.
  3. The Chapos cartel had a reaction response comparable to that of a well-organized army.  The stink of CIA operatives is all around.  They were ready and prepared, therefore they knew in advance.
  4. Someone within the military leaked the information of the arrest to the media and cartels.
The last parties that were in power before Lopez Obrador have been trying to destabilize his rule since day one of the new government.  I know that PRI is controlled by the Scottish Rite Freemasons and the PAN by the Yunque, an extreme-right secret occult sect with trails of pedophilia (Father Marciel Maciel was part of it).  Clearly both organizations are controlled by the Cabal.  My theory is that the U.S. Cabal and Mexican Cabal are working together to take down these new governments of patriotic people in USA and in Mexico.
It’s also a well-known open secret that the USA has always wanted to invade Mexico, especially the North, and that is why the whole time they are trying to balkanize Mexico and divide it.  My geopolitical analysis is that the dirty game that the Cabal had in the Middle East is falling apart, so now their machinery is focusing on Mexico.  It also makes a lot of sense, because a depression in the USA is coming next year since they are running out of money.  I think it is one of the last stands of the Deep State or USA corporate government to avoid falling into bankruptcy.
I need your help because you’re a well-known writer who has focused on denouncing false flag attacks and right now Mexico is suffering the consequences of them.  I am a patriotic Mexican who believes in the sovereignty and the determination of the people.  My intel is well based and I encourage you to do your research.
You might think Mexico is of no geopolitical importance, but a lot of undercover wars have been carried on here throughout history.  For example, history analysts say that the Last War between England and USA was the Mexican Revolution.  Right before the revolution, all the big important industries and businesses were owned by the British, but after the revolution it changed to American owners.  Right after the revolution, the British empire declined and the U.S. empire rose.  Of course, the Second World War was part of it, but the Mexican Revolution influenced that.  My point is that I don’t doubt that one of the last battlefields to get rid of the Khazarian Mafia is going to be Mexico.  There’s also exopolitical theories that underground Reptilian bases still remain in the North of Mexico.  There are a lot of unresolved mysteries.
You have an international audience and the best way to kill the objective of a false flag is to denounce it as one.  We have to stop this.  Of course, I’m open to listen and learn the information that you have about the subject.  I might have some things wrong, and I hope I’m mistaken.  I also said in social media that I don’t mind help from the U.S. government to take down the organized crime, but if they are going to help us, only the Marines should help us because they have been the only institution that has not been infiltrated by the Deep State.  How can the U.S. government plan to help us if they are the bosses of the cartels?  Of course, you know this;  it’s thanks to all the drug money that the Deep State has been able to build the Secret Space Program.
Thank you very much, Ben;  keep going with the good fight to the liberation of the earth.
Cheers, and farewell!



The Goldfish Report, Nov. 7, 2019, 

with Red & White Dragon reps

By Benjamin Fulford 

Here is a link to a talk I had with the Red Dragon Ambassador. The Ambassador is a true, high-level insider and you will get information about the new financial system here that is not available elsewhere.

November 10, 2019

Good morning from West Coast of Canada

By Benjamin Fulford 

Hello Benjamin:
I hope this e-mail finds you well.
I continue every Monday to see your posts;  they are like a highlight of my week.
My question to you is how in the world did Justin Trudeau ever get into office again?  It is truly unbelievable.
I was a little ticked off when I heard Thomas Williams say you were out of Langley, along with Anna Von Reitz.  It’s very, very difficult for nobodies like me to know, except that what you post rings true.
There was a earthquake in Bern, Switzerland.  Any connections to the banksters?
I sure like along with you Simon Parkes from the UK.  He actually mentioned you and confirmed what you had posted on a certain subject was indeed true!
Just curious.
Thank you kindly, Benjamin.

Hi J,
Trudeau was re-elected based on traditional voting patterns in Eastern Canada.  If Canada had a presidential system like the U.S., he would have lost because of overwhelming disapproval of his policies in Western Canada.  In particular, they are angry because he bowed to fake environmentalists sponsored by Rockefeller-controlled oil companies and prevented the construction of pipelines.  These pipelines would allow Canada to export to Asia, and I have calculated they would raise average Canadian living standards by 20%.
As far as me being CIA is concerned, that is false.  I have always been an independent journalist.  However, in my efforts to remove the corrupt, bribed, and blackmailed leadership that is destroying the West, I have reached out to white hats in the Pentagon, CIA, MI6, FSB (KGB), etc.  Many of them agree on the need to remove the criminals who have hijacked so many governments.
At the end of the day, if we cannot get the men with guns to take action, our civilization is headed for disaster because of the incompetent, criminal gangster governments.

November 9, 2019

Global ruling class

By Benjamin Fulford 

“A negotiator for the ruling Western elite, for his part, said, ‘The global ruling class have no objection to the People if they show themselves capable of understanding and taking on the challenges of running a planet.’ “
As we are in the midst of a removal of “the Western ruling elite,” it remains to be seen who negotiates with whom and just how they are to enforce any world governance without the U.S. military overseeing its structure and the quality of those who decide what constitutes “merit,” and if that all-powerful body is capable of even-handed treatment of all of mankind.
The above quote of the negotiator is a perfect example of the incredible hubris of a “class” that has certainly not “run the planet,” but has raped it and murdered millions for their own gain.
Only the spiritual strength of the People has kept this planet functioning, if you can call it that.  The transition from the brutality of the elite to a planet governed with equanimity and wisdom will take time, and only the military’s devotion to country and constitution can provide the security that will allow the People to create the world they want, not the world the elites say they will allow them to have.
Only America has that military and that Constitution and the will to forge a governing system no longer open to corruption.  Once done, the rest of the world can follow our example.
The “elites” can talk among themselves all they want.  The People are awakening to the responsibility they should never have surrendered, and once the cabal rulers have been eliminated, your sources will be from the People, and not the “very high level” you admire so much.
In the meantime, we need men and women who have sworn to protect and defend the Constitution to manage things so we are not conned again by arrogant, spoiled elites.
Make no mistake, Ben, the swamp that is being drained is global, and our freedom depends on those determined to break the back of the criminal class you like to quote.

Hi D,
The first thing you need to understand is that I report the world as it is, not as I wish it to be.  My job is to talk to people who are actually in power, not who I wish were in power.
The U.S. military is a meritocracy and will remain a key player in world affairs even after the U.S. corporate government and the oligarchs who own it are removed from power.

November 9, 2019



By Benjamin Fulford 
This notion that some politicans like Hillary, Netanyahu, Obama, and Pelosi have been replaced by clones smacks of hyperbolic, hysteric, histrionics from a sophomoric reporter, not the former editor-in-chief for Asian affairs at Forbes, especially since cloning would require a lot more than some plastic surgery, and these people are seen by the entire world and their associates every day.
First of all, P, you are engaging in what is known as a straw man attack. You attribute ideas to me that I do not have and then you attack them. While many of my sources keep insisting cloning is real, I have always said I stick to Occam’s Razor and look for more probable explanations.
The view I have, and this is based on fact-based reporting from real sources, is that they take people who look like famous politicians and alter them with plastic surgery to make them resemble whoever it is even more. The other thing they do is use computer graphics to create fake TV images of these people.
Do you remember how Hillary Clinton was stuffed into a van during the Presidential election campaign and reappeared a few hours later 40 pounds lighter? That lighter person was identified as a known lookalike.
The other thing you are doing is engaging in what is known as an ad hominem attack. You attack me, and not my reporting, with insults like “hyperbolic, hysteric, histrionics from a sophomoric reporter.”
This is slander and I could sue you if I were the type of person who liked to sue.
My question to you is, “Are you a paid troll or just brainwashed?”


November 7, 2019

Amsterdam plane hijacking?

By Benjamin Fulford 
You might want to look deeper into the stories that came out today about a “false alarm” airplane hijacking at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport. I live in Amsterdam, and we got phone alerts around 7:30pm about a serious situation on an airplane at Schiphol that might put citizens in the surrounding areas in danger. It said that the situation started a little after 7pm. Then around 8:30 they said it was a possible hijacking. It took until after 9pm before the news reports said everyone was safe—nothing to see here. That was only after they say they evacuated a whole terminal and the Air Europe flight in question.
Then the story started to change. The non-Dutch press started to say it was a “false alarm” and the pilot “pushed the wrong button.” If it was just a simple press of the wrong button, why did it take two hours for them to say everything is safe again? Why evacuate the whole airport terminal and bring in masses of emergency vehicles?
The stories also started to move the times of the events. I’ve seen reports say everything started after 7:30pm, or even 8, but if that were true, we would not be getting text alerts on our phones at 7:30. The resolution time was also moved up to 8-8:30, which makes it sound more plausible as a false alarm if it only took 30 minutes or so to clear up. But if it was resolved so quickly, the local news outlets wouldn’t have waited until 9pm to let people know.
The emergency level they declared around this was pretty serious. It’s not something that people would have ignored or taken lightly. It would have been important to let people know that things were alright again as soon as possible. And I guess it also worked to keep people away from the airport.
This reminds me of those stories of people being secretly extradited through the Denver and New Jersey airports after reported fires and power outages that mysteriously took out all their backup power options. I don’t have any concrete evidence that anything fishy was going on here, but it just seemed pretty suspicious.
Thanks for all the good work you do!
Thanks for the information. It may have something to do with the Dutch royal family who were involved in the Malaysian Air 370/17 crime. I will make inquiries.

November 7, 2019

Silver Trigger

By Benjamin Fulford 
Hi Benjamin,
It would be great if you could mention the Silver Trigger on your blog if you feel so guided.
Victory of the Light,
Will do. We really are getting close to victory, but we need to keep pushing until it is finally done.

November 7, 2019

Meditation request

By Benjamin Fulford 
Hi Mr. Fulford,
I’m a reader of yours and I have previously sent you a similar email. There is currently a mass meditation being prepared for November 11th for the purpose of removing the control the Cabal has upon the financial system.
The reason why I’m writing you is that the more people that take place in this meditation, the bigger its effect, and you have a following of good-hearted people. Also, if you believe in such things you could buy some silver yourself.
I haven’t got much to earn from this meditation except that the whole earth situation will get better and that decent people like me and you will have a better future to live in.
Here’s the link:
Thank you for your time!


November 6, 2019

On religion

By Benjamin Fulford 
From a game theory perspective:
The Sanhedrin made a deal with the Flavians to use Jesus as their martyr, to conquer the world passively.
Chabad Lubavitch is the supreme messianic religion.
How can one continue to believe the nonsense that is Christianity and Islam? Their respective books have been weaponized for war, and hell on earth.
Tribal tendencies are being preyed on by the Masters.
Christianity and Islam have had their chance to be the religions of a peaceful world. Both have obviously failed miserably, opening the door for Noahide.
This insanity must stop.
In my humble opinion, the idea of “A Creator” can only be viewed from a quantum perspective. In a peaceful world we need to edit out the BAD CODE! i.e. Religion.
We don’t need religion to give us our moral compass in an evolved society.
My view is that we did not create ourselves; something else created us, so there is a Creator. It is up to the individual to think of this as God or Nature.
The important thing is to respect the Creator by respecting the creation; i.e., other human beings and Nature.
As far as monotheism is concerned, it is an ancient system of mind control run by certain inbred families. I think humanity is ready to run itself now.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 09:26
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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  • O Sathya Sai Baba ainda está entre nós e vive na Í...
  • Olá, obrigado pelo comentário.Sempre que dermos ou...
  • Sempre que dermos ouvidos à voz que vem do coração...
  • Ola Manuel, muita luz para você ,é a primeira vez ...
  • fale alguma coisa,de mim sou poliana miguel
  • Você fala com anjos ,pede um deles mandar uma mens...
  • A "vida real" é uma ilusão Toda a matéria é formad...
  • Bom dia,reparámos que o seu blog faz uso de textos...
  • O Amor é tudo o que existe e na sua mais pura exên...
  • usando uma metafora descrevendo a vida real, e nao...
  • o odio deve-se à permissao do mal andar entre nós,...
  • Obrigado pelas suas palavras. Fiquei a conhecer po...
  • Adoro este artigo. Já tinha conhecimento do assunt...

blogs SAPO

Universidade de Aveiro