A Chama da Ascensão


Segunda-feira, 10 / 02 / 20

We suggest you to send further healing into Gaia’s crystal heart

We suggest you to send further healing into Gaia’s crystal heart.

Ter ‘Aka and Feline Rac.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

February 9, 2020.


Within this blue bubble, sphere of peace, align yourselves the peace of knowing, of being. We are the Blue Avian beings. I am Ter ‘Aka. 
Much chaos we see as the worlds are splitting. We can feel and observe the readings from our spheres, but you are feeling them on the ground most acutely. That is why we are offering our technology of etheric sphere pillow-shielding to our grounded light worker friends who are doing much heavy lifting and much clearing for the collective. The clearing that you have been doing is phenomenal and Gaia thanks you, we all do, for your tenacity. 
Many of you have been operating as your higher selves, doing blessings and clearing for other frozen or stuck aspects of yourselves and sending them love and healing. This is excellent work. We suggest that you amplify it by sending further healing into Gaia’s crystal heart where all memories of pain and abuse have been stored. We see that much portal work has been very successful and we are very pleased. 
Discordant and stuck spirits and energies have been ushered into the light. Of the 36 portals that were recently opened this week, 34 held the light codes necessary for the ascension of stuck energies into the higher realms and 2 were overtaken and claimed for those that wished to further experience the darkness. That is the smoke and steam that you saw, galaxygirl. (This week I saw 36 portals around Gaia, 34 bright white light, spinning, glorious, full of great energies and the other 2 were smoky and dark that gave me the shivers). 
Yes, much energy has been shifting and churning for the 3d is now officially no more which is great cause for celebration! Truly the astral plane within this sector has been very dark, very bleak. You are and have been navigating these murky waters for some times and these portals have come to your aid to usher away those which no longer serve the ascension project. This is cause for tremendous celebration and we are celebrating by sending more light, more love and in your terms, more ‘high-fives’ or high-wings.
We are most pleased to offer these blue spheres and we recommended that you take advantage of them for we foresee in the next coming days with the upcoming Schumann resonances that your electrical circuits may be frazzled, sensitive. Wear hats, comfortable clothing, whatever it is that makes you feel more safe and secure. Be at peace. 
We surround you with the wings of love, of light. We surround you with promises of our services of light to continue to aid the advancement of the human species into the enlightened ones that you were designed to be and are returning to be. The draconians are shocked at their demise. They are not easily defeated. But love has won, friends. Send them more love, more light. 
Forgive and now create that which you wish to experience. If you are through with clearing and need a break, claim your reality as being on the ascended timeline where all clearing is done already and completed most perfectly and manifest this outcome. You are creators. In creator school in the higher realms students create with great practice until it becomes effortless. 
You don’t understand in this now moment how strong you are, but perhaps you are beginning to. Choose the highest and best timeline. Manifest beauty, manifest peace. Manifest Nova Gaia in her radiant beauty and bliss will become a stronger vibration of your reality. You will become a vibrational match for this.
I am Ter ‘Aka. Rest in the peace of this knowing that you are divinely loved, protected and that you have the power to shift your reality to a higher plane. And so we lovingly suggest that you do. We are the Blue Avians. Peace. 
Remain the blue sphere, it is our etheric gift to you.
We are the Feline Race. 
We are on the ground with you, hidden, fighting, bringing justice as the warriors that we are, fighting alongside the energetic warriors that you are. 
We are stealthy, strong assassins. The dark ones have no place to hide. We are watching over you, watching out for you. We are your defenders and protectors energetically and physically. 
We see many things. Much is happening in the ethers. Gird up yourselves in the light. Be the light. It is your best defense in these end days as new brighter days are to rapidly come. 
The falling out is falling as the light is rising. We are warriors of old returned. We are ancient, we are wise. We, like the ascended dragons, are not easily fooled. We are working with the light workers who have feline warriors at home. 
They are serving energetically in many capacities, grounding, transmuting, transmitting and cleaning the surrounding energies. They deserve your high respect. Animals are a gift from the creator, aspects in form. Honor them as you would treasure your own vessels. 
In the higher realms vessels are treasured, respected, well cared for. As your bodies are shifting so too you must shift in your previous practices.
We are the Feline Race. We are called elsewhere. Remember you are protected and rest in this space of knowing. 
Create the reality that you wish to see around you and be the warriors of light in full knowing of this truth. 
It is our honor to serve you, grounded ones. 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
Free counters!



publicado por achama às 20:05
Quarta-feira, 29 / 01 / 20

All life must be honored.

The Feline Race.

Channeled by Galaxygirl.

January 27, 2020.


We are the Feline Race. 

We are warriors, we are strong. We are guarding your world, working on her surface and within her underbelly, cleaning, clearing, destroying all that is not of the light. We are swift. We are strong. We enjoy our feline forms. It is a great honor to be within our vessels, just as it is a tremendous honor to be embodied as a human on ascending Gaia. You are here to lend your light. We are here to lend our power, our protection. You may call upon us. You may work with us. We are working with you in your astral state, most likely as we partner together clearing the way for yet more light to come.

We are the Feline Race. 

Our hearts go out for the animal kingdoms affected in the most recent fires of arson within Australia. The animals need to be protected. Gaia’s life forms must be held with reverence and respect. All life must be honored. Those who have been unscrupulously in charge have only themselves and their own survival in mind. This is being remedied as we speak through this one. We are a part of many black op, secret missions. The galactics are awake and aware, patrolling your planet, just as we are on your surface doing the same. And yet the dark fights. The dark does what it does, it resists the light, until the light claims it. This is happening.

We are the Feline Race. 

What do you wish to know about us Galaxygirl? Are you pleased with the current progress of planetary ascension? It is not in our best interests as soldiers to be pleased with the progress or to be displeased. We simply fight until the objective is achieved. We are achieving this objective. Is there anything that we as light workers need to do in this now to be safe? You have many offering to protect you. 

Open yourselves up to this protective collaboration, bless your surroundings with peace, bless your bodies with perfect health and shine your light brightly. That is all that needs to be done. Fear does not serve you. Do you work with the animal kingdoms? Yes in that we are serving to protect them as well as offer them inter-dimensional transport into the hidden oasis within Gaia where the animals are healing, transforming into stronger forms.

Do not be afraid of these earth changes. Much is changing. 

You came here to witness the changing of an era, and to lend your light. Shine brightly, humans. Others are watching. All is being recorded. So fight valiantly, love fiercely, protect swiftly the children, the animals, the planet. Be a good steward of the resources. Many are watching. Be respectful of Gaia and of her own. Many are seeing. Lead strongly. Many are watching you lead the charge of the changeover, for your vibration is key to this success. How tall are you? We are 9 to 14 feet tall, females, males.

Do you have a special relationship with the felines on Gaia? We view the animals as our brothers and sisters. Gaian cats resemble us genetically. Many of us have placed an aspect of ourselves within a house cat so that we can further ground the energies with a light worker’s home, to serve in that capacity. Others are hybrid walk-ins as this one’s cat is. We are able to share space within a being with others so that we can offer our light and perspective in another way. We are multidimensional as are you, humans. 

Some of you are or have been within these feline forms before. You will find our vibration familiar. Others will not, and have stopped reading as they did not resonate. Enough for now. We are called elsewhere. Peace. Stand strong. Guard the light within you and shine it well. 

We are the Feline race. 

We move now.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 19:43
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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