A Chama da Ascensão


Domingo, 23 / 02 / 20

The Last Words of Stephen Hawking Addressed to Humanity


The Last Words of Stephen Hawking Addressed to Humanity.

Sherrie Hurd.


Posted February 22nd, 2020.

For those who haven’t read Stephen Hawking’s latest and final book, I’m here to share his last words and a few of his ideas about humanity.
Words from one of the earth’s greatest minds still astound us. Stephen Hawking’s last book, Brief Answers to the Big Questions was published by The Sunday Times right before his death in March of 2018.
It brings us a collection of essays that tackle some of the deepest questions we may muse about every day. After Stephen Hawking’s death and the publication of his book, many people are still astounded by the words of this genius.
The big questions
Some of the biggest questions are discussed in his books – questions like whether we are really alone in this universe, including the existence of God, and many questions about artificial intelligence, and our future as we move forward in this area.
One of is main concerns is humanity itself and how long we shall survive on our planet. Hawking believes within 1000 years, either a nuclear or environmental disaster will affect the earth, but maybe humans will be able to leave the earth and survive. However, he believes we shall have many other obstacles to encounter long before the end of our planet.
Hawking sees the rise of artificial intelligence as a real possible threat, and definitely the threat of asteroids, which can also destroy many regions of the world.
Engineered DNA
One of the lesser talked about subjects is about “Superhumans” created by the CRISPR-cas9, a gene-editing tool. It seems we’ve skipped Darwinian evolution, and went straight to engineering ourselves, improving our own DNA. It stands to wonder what will happen to those who are not “superhumans”.
“There is no time to wait for Darwinian evolution to make us more intelligent and better natured. Humans are now entering a new phase of what might be called self-designed evolution, in which we will be able to change and improve our DNA,” Hawking writes.
Hawking figured that those who aren’t “gifted” with this superhuman DNA, will either die out or become unimportant. The intelligence altered humans will span out and populate other areas of the universe.
Stephen Hawking’s thoughts on God
Clearly, Hawking doesn’t believe in a God of the universe, unless, of course, if this God is considered science. Hawking is an atheist and also included in Westminster Abbey in Science Corner with the likes of Newton and Darwin.
Of course, Hawking had many ideas for climate change as well. He believed thatfusion power is the answer. It’s clean energy which can be used to power electric cars. This energy source could be used without causing global warming. It wouldn’t become a culprit of pollution either.
The future of humanity
While one of our greatest minds may be passed on, his beliefs and ideas about our future seem to be falling into place already. Who knows how close his predictions for humanity will be. Thanks to many great minds, like Stephen Hawking, we get a glimpse into the future and a look at what we may become.
Thank you, sir, for sharing your intelligence with the rest of us.


Sherrie Hurd

Image credit: Stephen Hawking is giving a lecture for NASA’s 50th anniversary/NASA



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Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 04:39
Sábado, 08 / 02 / 20

Dunbar’s Number or Why Most of Your Social Connections Are Not Your Friends

Dunbar’s Number or Why Most of Your Social Connections Are Not Your Friends.

Janey Davies.


February 7th, 2020.

Dunbar’s Number.
Have you heard of Dunbar’s number? My sister certainly has. Years ago, when her new neighbour asked her if she wanted to pop round for a coffee, she said: “No thanks, I’ve got enough friends.”
Now, before you start judging my sis for being unnecessarily blunt, she does have a point. And that’s where Dunbar’s number comes in. You see, it suggests that a person can only maintain a maximum of 150 social connections at once. So why is this and where does the idea come from?
The Origin of Dunbar’s Number
Robin Dunbar is a British anthropologist and an evolutionary psychologist. Back in the 1990s, he was interested in the number of social connections a person could have.
For instance, how many people do we know; how many do we actually care about and is there a common link to this number? Do some people have more connections, others less? Now, remember, this was the 90s so well before social media and ‘likes’ and ‘friends’ and all of that.
Dunbar began his research by examining the patterns of sending Christmas cards.
Dunbar and the Christmas Card List
Sending cards at Christmas seems fairly innocuous, but there is a certain amount of investment involved. You make the list of people, you choose and buy the cards, the stamps, and you look up the addresses. Then you write them all out and post them. It all takes time and effort. Dunbar reckoned that most of us would not go to all this trouble and effort for just anyone.
After collecting data from thousands of households, Dunbar found a remarkable coincidence. Of every household he collected data from, the average number of cards sent was always around 150. There was also a fairly unanimous split in who the cards went to. For example, around a quarter were sent to close relatives, two-thirds to friends and the remaining small percentage to colleagues.
But why did the number 150 keep cropping up? It was a mystery. Dunbar carried on researching. But this time he turned his attention to primates and social groups.
Why Is Dunbar’s Number 150?
Dunbar discovered a link between a primate’s brain and the size of their social groups. Specifically, their brain mass and the primate’s preferred group sizes. He looked at different primate species and catalogued social activity.
In particular, time spent grooming (the equivalent of socialising for humans), the size of the neocortex (the area of the brain related to language and cognition) and group size. He found that in primates, the smaller the size of the brain, the smaller the size of the groups were formed. As brain mass increased, so did group size.
Dunbar proposed that brain size was the overriding factor in deciding the number of social connections a primate could successfully manage. Dunbar then collected data across all primate species, including humans.
He proposed that humans can only comfortably maintain 150 social connections. Larger numbers require stricter social rules and larger neocortical processing capacity.
So what exactly does Dunbar mean by 150 and social connections?
Dunbar characterises the number 150 as:
“..the number of people you would not feel embarrassed about joining uninvited for a drink if you happened to bump into them in a bar.”
There is strong evidence, throughout history, that shows 150 is an average size for social groups. Indeed, it is the optimum number for a group. For when numbers start to exceed this size things tend to collapse or fail to function effectively.
Dunbar’s Number applies to many social groups
Even our earliest ancestors, the cave-dwellers, the hunter-gatherers, lived in groups consisting, on average, of 150 people. The earliest villages consisted of around 150 people. From African tribes to Roman legions, we are always drawn back to this magic number of 150.
Perhaps stranger still, Dunbar and his magic number of 150 can be seen in many other aspects of human social groups, not just our personal lives. For example, offices, campsites, hotels, military organisations, even book-clubs. Indeed, research proves time and time again that if numbers exceed 150 the group fails.
150 only applies to primates and humans
So why 150? It appears that 150 is the prime number for evolutionary survival. Primates, in particular, live in social groups, and this helps them to survive. In our ancestor’s time, humans were prey, not predators. We didn’t have sharp teeth, razor-like claws or strong muscles.
Whereas it suited other predators to hunt alone, for humans to stay alive, we needed to form groups. We used our shared knowledge and cunning. We planned and formulated ways of attack. For us, staying in strong, social groups was a matter, literally, of survival.
Now, look at other animals. For instance, the tiger, a predator at the top of the food chain, or a penguin, prey and near the bottom. Tigers are solitary animals. They survive without the need of a group and therefore hunt alone.
On the other hand, penguins are at risk from many predators, including extreme weather conditions. As a result, it is in their best interest to form huge groups. In fact, some of the largest penguin colonies have consisted of up to 180,000 to 200,000 birds.
Of course, tigers and penguins are very different from primates and humans. Penguins may form groups but they are not social in the way that human groups are. For the penguins, it is all about staying alive. For humans, it is more about emotional, psychological and spiritual connections.
And this is where it gets interesting. Because it takes a lot of effort to maintain all this emotion, and our brain can only manage so much. However, have we changed in the 21st century?
Has Social Media Changed Dunbar’s Number?
Now, in today’s society, there is nothing unusual for a person to have hundreds, if not thousands of friends on Facebook. So is it possible that Dunbar’s number no longer applies in our modern world?
Dunbar first proposed the number 150 in the 1990s. The 2020s is a very different place. We communicate online. We meet for the first time online. We date online. Surely, Dunbar’s number must have increased a little to keep up with our modern society?
I mean, this doesn’t make sense for a modern age. People communicate in seconds across the globe. Our social reach has expanded as our grasp of technology has stretched our imaginations. Also, I would have thought that our brain capacity would have increased substantially since our ancestors first set up villages over 250,000 years ago.
Well, not really. And that’s because it is all to do with our emotional capacity.
“It is as though we each have a limited amount of social capital and we can choose to invest it thinly in more people, or thickly in fewer people. But you can’t exceed these limits.” Dunbar
So what do these social connections look like? Dunbar arranges them in ever-decreasing circles. Our closest friends are in our inner circle and our acquaintances are in the furthest circle.
Most people, on average, have:
5 loved ones
15 best friends
50 good friends
150 meaningful contacts
500 acquaintances
1500 people you recognise
So we may know thousands of people, but Dunbar states that the 150 number is the important cut-off.
“The 150 layer is the important one: this defines the people you have real reciprocated relationships with, those where you feel obligations and would willingly do favours.” Dunbar
Because humans are complex creatures, maintaining these relationships take effort and time. And that’s why we only have the capacity for 150 social connections.
Of course, people move in and out of our lives at any given point. There are also huge differences between the social connections of an extrovert and an introvert. An extrovert may have a larger social network. However, they tend to spread themselves out thinly across a wide network of people. Introverts have a smaller social pool of contacts. But they like to spend more quality time with a few special friends.
There are also interesting differences between the genders. For example, men have a wider spread of contacts throughout their social circles. Whereas women have more contacts within their inner circles.
Final Thoughts
So is there really any advantage to knowing that humans have a limited capacity for maintaining social connections? Well, I think so yes. I realise it is all about time and effort. If we only have space for 150 connections then we should make sure those connected to us are worth the effort, and that we make the effort to preserve them.
Oh, and my sister? She did pop round for that coffee after all. They’ve been good friends ever since.
  1. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  2. www.forbes.com
  3. www.bbc.com


Janey Davies


About the Author: Janey Davies.
Janey Davies has been published online for over 8 years. She is the head writer for Shoppersbase.com, she also writes for AvecAgnes.co.uk, Ewawigs.com and has contributed to inside3DP.com. She has an Honours Degree in Psychology and her passions include learning about the mind, popular science and politics. When she is relaxing she likes to walk her dog, read science fiction and listen to Muse.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 02:45
Terça-feira, 05 / 11 / 19

The History of Earth...

by Teri Wade.


Posted November 5th, 2019.



Pleiadian teachings

Parts 1 to 10

Part 1- The beginning of the Humanoid form.
First of all humanity needs to realize that time can be changed and modified by our own awareness therefore history is not written in stone but is an ongoing tapestry of events. But, remember each event is also happening in a different timeline and we as humans can jump those timelines individually and collectively. 😉
This Universe that we find ourselves living in began about 20 billion years ago. Approximately 4.5 billion years ago we went through an expansion and Earth was formed out of dust and gas mainly hydrogen. Throughout this physical chemical process Source (God) differentiated itself into units of consciousness we call souls.
The Pleiadians decided to embed a tiny part of themselves into the evolving worlds to better experience them directly.
They created a multitude of patterns we call the DNA molecule. These are called “light packets” of energy that can descend down in vibration. These DNA codes are the building blocks of our species as we know it.
These 9th density Pleiadians then densified these codes down to the 7th density the first actual density of the DNA codes. As 7th density beings they were now able to experience as inhabitants the expanding Universe and it’s evolving worlds.
They scattered their seed throughout the Universe. As the Universe expanded into individual clusters of the expanding Galaxy they began incarnating into several different regions of the galaxy.
The galaxy we call the Milky Way was seeded by them in different quadrants. The first quadrant that was seeded was the Lyra region using the manipulation of our DNA codes. It took the Pleiadians almost 900 million years to perfect this process and it was within the last 100 million years they were able to create all life forms down to the 3rd density where the human race is now and beginning to evolve out of.
The process of descending into form is called devolution. Which means the process of becoming lower and lower in density or vibration until it reaches simple existence, pure elemental awareness. This is the density we call non-organic existence or 1st density. Which is the simplest form of existence of the hydrogen element.
Once hydrogen is infused with consciousness the process of evolution begins.
Part 2
This form that we have got to know so well meaning our arms, legs, torso, head etc. is a result of genetic experimentation and research comprised about 900 million years. 
Most of the animal life forms on this planet have been brought forth as a side effect of this research. Life exists in many forms much of it we would not recognize. There are carbon-based life forms, silicone-based life forms and even lithium based lifeforms. All life begins in the simplest of states. It sounds crazy but even hydrogen has a level of awareness. The Pleiadians figured out they could take the consciousness of a hydrogen atom or a heavier metallic element and mutate the atomic structure thus creating varying forms of life.
All lifeforms have a tendency to become more organized and sophisticated growing in awareness over time. Our scientists have no idea how to explain the mutations and alterations in living organisms.
As life began evolving from 1st density up thru the mineral and plant stage became a level of sophistication and awareness meaning the animal stage...making it possible for the higher density souls to incarnate into flesh and blood vessels. Hence, the human species territorial and predator traits thru that animal consciousness. But the pinnacle form is our humanoid form.
This humanoid form that we find ourselves in was originally designed to experience 7 different dimensions simultaneously and had the capability to sit, stand, walk, leap, fly and teleport itself from one place to another. This body we inhabited at that time had the capability to become translucent and fluid or it could be as solid as we experience it now. We were quasi-physical beings.
This body was specifically designed to work with the gravitational fields and electromagnetic fields of evolving planets. We could shift our density at will from 1st thru 7th level. Oh, how we’ve been messed with. During the 900 million years of experimentation there were many strange and exotic life forms walking this planet. The dinosaurs was one of these lifeforms that was a byproduct of this research.
We’ve all heard the land of Pan, Pangaea and there was lots of experimentation going on at that time. We’ve all heard of the life form Pegasus. This experimentation resulted in the cross between a man and horse, man and angels. There were many strange and bizarre life forms roaming the Earth due to this rogue genetic experimentation and inter-species breeding.
So, basically we have two processes unfolding here...the first is the process of evolution from a tiny spark of light that began as an inanimate object of first density slowly evolving to a more sophisticated levels of genetic configurations. Eventually making our way back to Source, God... this is the Ascension process, evolving back towards light, that beginning spark we started as. Then we got the process of devolution... Meaning starting out as that little grain of sand evolving towards a higher vibrational luminescent being of light. Now you know what the saying means going full circle.
Part 3
There has been four major civilizations on our planet and many minor ones since the grand experiment started to unfold. 1-Pangaea 2-Lumeria 3-Atlantis 4- Our current civilization.
There was two major events that dramatically impacted the history of our world. The destruction of Maldek, which is now our asteroid belt and the destruction of the surface of Mars. There was other events that also took place one being the Orion invasion... the infusion of the Draco race. The reign of the Sirians and the Zeta Reticulans, the Grey’s. There was also some infusion with the Andromedas, Alpha Centauri and many more and of course the Pleiadians and Arcturians.
The progress of this planet has been overseen it’s entire existence by the Council of Alcyone, The Great White Brotherhood, the Federations of Light and their off shoots, Ashtar, Solar Cross and many others like Enoch, Metatron.
The Land of Pan.
Was a time of rogue experimentation and inter-species breeding using different strains of DNA. This place was paradise, the original Garden of Eden written in the Bible.
Most of the Earth was a tropical jungle millions of years ago. Example, the petrified forest in Arizona was once a lush jungle and Sedona, AZ. was underwater much of this time. Basically, our planet was bathed in water and dense vegetation back then. Even the polar regions were full of life.
The humanoid formation was seeded here approximately 100 million years ago. There were many different humanoid groups scattered about this planet. These beings were 7th density humanoids with wings, completely telepathic with very advanced psychic abilities. They lived in paradise, they were loving, spiritual and communicated with the plant and animal life. They extracted their food directly from sunlight, water thru their pores. They were in need of nothing but each other. This was the Garden of Eden!
During this time Earth was hit by a comet that destroyed the dinosaurs and due to the massive cool down on Earth much of the vegetation was destroyed and with the help of Pleiadian factions many of these humanoid groups went underground.
These Pleiadian factions created a beautiful subterranean underground world. This was the beginning of the inner Earth civilizations that we’ve all heard of. Most of the exotic life forms during the Land of Pan do not exist today. Pegasus being one of those exotic life forms along with the various forms of reptiles. Dragons got their folklore from Pangaea and the Draconian invasion.
The early dragons were Reptilian creatures that evolved along with the dinosaurs and were genetically manipulated by the Pleiadians and other ET groups. Then came the Draco and infused their formation by interbreeding making various dragon forms.
The fall of Pangaea was the original “fall from grace.” This occurred when the 7th density Pleiadians decided to incarnate into the lower vibrational humanoid forms on Earth and forgot their divine connection to Source. This is what has happened to us. Before the incarnation of the Pleiadians these humanoid forms had the consciousness between 2nd and 3rd density consciousness. Our so-called “scientists” call this the missing link between apes and humans.
Soooo, when these highly evolved Pleiadians incarnated with the humanoid forms on Earth we can say with confidence that they majorly dropped in vibration. They lost all their psychic, telepathic abilities and connection to Source etc. Again, are you seeing why many of us now have a lineage to the Pleiadians? 😉
At this time there was a major cosmic event, the poles shifted and there was a change in frequencies... hmmm? Sound familiar? 😏 This turbulence brought on the Great Flood as written in the Bible. At this time most of Earth was covered in water with a few remaining pieces of land and humanoid beings scattered about here and there.
Part 4
The beginning of Violence...
10 million years ago there was three planets that harbored life forms Earth, Mars and Maldek. Many of the beings that got displaced by the great flood of Pangaea incarnated on Mars and Maldek which had harsher conditions than Earth but had forests at the Equatorial locations and plenty of water. Most of these souls incarnated as 4th density beings. The realm of imagination, thought creation and the dream state.
Many other star systems took interest in these planets one of the star systems were the Draco’s who sent scout craft to Earth. The Draco and another group from Orion constellation had planned on a conquest of Earth but the Pleiadians were watching Earth extremely close and wasn’t about to let it happen. It would be like the Draco coming into the Pleiadians laboratories and saying we’re taking over the Pleiadians Earth experiment and they weren’t going to let that happen.
At that time the Pleiadians had a protective vibration around Earth and at that time things like taking over a planet did not happen. But, Mars and Maldek did not have that protective barrier because frankly those two planets were not the Pleiadians terrain.
At first it was very hard for the Draco and the beings from Orion to live on Mars and Maldek’s environment so they began their infusion thru the reincarnation process. These Draco’s and beings from Orion were very aggressive and warrior like in their mentality. Their main purpose coming to Earth’s solar system was conquest and mining of resources. Basically anything that would give them power and prestige. These beings had lost their connection to source.
The Beginning of War...
Because Earth was being watched so closely by the Pleiadians the Draco decided to incarnate on Maldek in mass. They built great cities out of stone. These cities had gigantic fortresses around them to prevent attack. Maldek became a warring planet with the initiation of nuclear power. At this time the DNA of the population was a mixture of the Draco and the Orion greys which both had aggressive and war like tendencies.
The scientists at that time did not realize the destructive capability of this weapon and one was fired at an underground military base and within that base there was hundreds of other nuclear weapons. This massive explosion sent an earthquake repercussion unlike any other. This explosion tore apart the planet of Maldek and broke it into hundreds of fragments which is now our astroid belt. 10 million souls perished in this destruction and later these souls reincarnated on Mars.
Part 5
After the destruction of Maldek the surviving souls incarnated on Mars where the Pleiadians had an ongoing experiment with that population. But, in the middle the night, so to speak, the Pleiadian laboratories were broken into and their DNA experimental samples were stolen. So, now the Draco is had the DNA samples of the human experiment the Pleiadians were in charge of and monitoring.
In the meantime the Draco and Orion beings began to interbreed with the humanoid beings of Mars which were of the Pleiadians experiment. The population grew immensely up to 100 million souls. Due to the thin atmosphere on Mars and it’s distance from the sun this planet could not house such a growing population not to mention nuclear weapons. Unrest grew...
Because of Maldek’s destruction altering Mars orbit the climate became hostile and water was scarce. Great wars broke out due to water shortage and a form of dirty atomic weapons using heavy metals broke out using uranium and plutonium.
These warring factions were warned many times by the Pleiadians, Great White Brotherhood and the Federations of Light. These positive factions neutralized many of these weapons so they would not have a repeat of Maldek. Is this sounding like familiar times?? 😏
Well, a war broke out using these weapons blowing holes in their atmosphere and destroyed the surface of Mars where most surface life went instinct and many went underground. Massive civilizations were built underground.
The scientists of these civilizations created a sealed off artificial environment. On the surface of Mars now there are a few remaining pyramids and rectangular buildings that remind us of a distant civilization in the past. As of today the civilizations still exist underground on Mars in the 4th density and are not visible to us.
What happened to the millions of souls that did not go underground on Mars? You guessed it they migrated to Earth and reincarnated into the melting pot of Pleiadian, Draconian, Orion and many others that reorganized since the destruction of Pan...Pangaea.
Part 6
The mixing of the DNA codes by these negative ET groups ( Draco, Greys ect. ) with the evolving Earth souls through energy transmissions and mass incarnation corrupted the whole Pleiadian experiment. Hence, came the ego-based mentality who wants control and power over others. Are you seeing what happened to our planet when all the sudden the ego became in charge?
The initiation of nuclear weapons changed everything on this planet and in our galaxy. Earth is a Free Will planet and up until the invention of nuclear power and the complete destruction of Maldek these positive factions could not get involved but that has changed.
The souls who are in a calibration of 4th and 5th density automatically enter a vibrationally protected field. Don’t get this wrong meaning, these people that are of higher density are going to be saved and only them, it’s just these people are granted access to Stargates and portals necessary to relay important information to humanity to break away from the Luceferian stronghold it has on Earth.
All souls can be free from this Luciferian illusion you just need to ask, ask and you shall receive...it’s Divine Law.
After the Great Flood of Pangaea all lifeforms began to recover from this event. After the destruction of Maldek and Mars atmosphere many came to incarnate here on Earth and dramatically increased the population.
At this time Earth was still a tropical jungle and was covered 90% with water. With the increasing incarnation of the souls from Maldek and Mars on Earth it dropped the vibration to match theirs. So, are you seeing what’s happening in our current situation right now...meaning, the higher frequencies with the transition into Age of Aquarius we’re all feeling and seeing on our planet meaning...These lower vibrational beings can no longer keep control hence, the incredible chaos that’s going on right now on Earth.
So, when the awareness level dropped below 5th density souls from neighboring planets would now be able to access those portals and star gates accessing Earth which were not regulated at that time except for the Law of Attraction. Although, the Draco and Orion’s we’re already here but when the vibration dropped on Earth they came in mass.
Part 7...
The Luciferian Rebellion
As the vibration dropped on Earth many other star systems came to incarnate most of them in the fourth density. Earth became a blend of many races and the Orion’s began to dominate. Unlike the Draco’s the Original ones were able to land directly on the Earth in addition to come through the incarnation process. So their numbers dramatically increased much more than the Draco’s.
The Draco’s Reptilian bodies had a very hard time adjusting to Earth’s atmosphere and gravity. The Pleiadians watched with dismay at what was happening but they were not allowed at this time to interfere. It was like them watching their specimen go out of control and not being able to contain it. They weren’t happy.
A group of archangels and ascended masters from 7th, 8th and 9th density were also watching Earth. Archangel Michael and an ascended being which later named Lucifer.
Lucifer devised a plan to lessen the chaos on Earth by teaching Earth’s souls to control their emotions and become more aware of their intellectual abilities so they wouldn’t be so easily swayed by the negative factions. A group of souls came to Earth to help Lucifer train the beings of Earth to be able to control their emotions. The plan backfired!
As the souls began to suppress their emotion the souls became more fragmented until their vibration dropped below 4th density into 3rd density. Sounding familiar 3D humans? 😏
Suppressing any part of the self decreases your power and awareness... not good!
The shaming of emotion in men, the Victorian suppression of sexual desire all have their origins in Lucifers' philosophy. Archangel Michael seeing what was happening on Earth could no longer sit by and watch what was happening. Archangel Michael had a group that decided to drop their vibration and incarnate to Earth. This was all planned to raise the vibration of the souls here on Earth once again.
Once Archangel Michael and his group were incarnated on Earth they began to see the evil that has plagued this planet and decided to do something about it. Michael took the polarity of the light and the Draco took the polarity side of the dark. Hence, duality.
In the meantime Lucifer took great pride in seeing this fight between the light and the dark and watched the battle continue. His goal was to see who would win this supreme battle between the Light and the Dark. He lost all compassion. Lucifer taught the soldiers on the battlefield to suppress their emotions to become hardened to suffering and misery. While Archangel Michael taught his players to become compassionate and try to understand the lost souls Lucifer had trained. When Lucifer seen what Archangel Michael was doing he waged battle on Michael and his forces in the astral and etheric planes above Earth. This became the War in the Heavens.
The War in the Heavens lasted about 1000 years. At this time there was about 1 billion people on Earth. Most of the fighting on Earth at this time was regional and only using conventional weapons. After the 1000 years of fighting Lucifer agreed to stop waging war.
Things started to mellow out and the beings were again incarnating as fourth density beings and then came the 26,000 years cycle into a different age. Again, sounding familiar to current times as we entered the Age of Aquarius in 2012? 😉
This shift wiped out about half of Earth’s population through massive earthquake’s. Sounding familiar??? Land masses shifted and this began the continent of Lumeria. Again, about three grand cycles later there was another destructive event that flooded most of the continents on Earth but Lumeria remained. Could this be the Nibiuru system on its 3600 year cycle?? History repeating itself? Connect the dots people! 😏
The souls that perished on the flooded continents reincarnated into Lumeria. This became a second Lumerian period. But, as this system passed by Earth it’s tail brushed the atmosphere and changed the temperature from tropical heat to 50°F in hours freezing most of them. Those who knew what was coming fled to the sea, some walked into the sea and drowned. Some tried to build huge underwater cities but were unsuccessful. The Lumerian continent sank into the sea.
The few survivors migrated to Australia, South America, Hawaii and the Philippines. What has been suppressed our entire existence is that the Draco were the ones behind the close passage of this comet, planet by nuclear explosions in space that purposely directed the trajectory of this comet towards Earth to destroy the civilizations here.
They wanted to completely wipe out the entire population of Earth so they could land and take control of Earth themselves. They were only partially successful in this attempt. They found out that their native Reptilian bodies could not live in Earth’s atmosphere and gravity so they started to incarnate in mass with the remaining population.
The Draco Reptilians spent many years in their spacecraft in their laboratories splicing and dicing DNA samples and came up with the human Draco hybrid. They did this by injecting their Reptilian DNA into the cerebellum part of the brain of the humans on Earth that quickly mutated. Hence, what we call today the reptilian brain. This is where we get the aggressive, competitive and fight or flight behavior. Today about 80% of the DNA in humans are Orion and Draco hybrid. What is thought to be human nature is really the hybrid part of our brain which came from the Draco Orion races thru incarnations. So, the original DNA blueprint of our original species was reduced to 20% of the human beings projected abilities.
So, basically what happened to the original blueprint of the human being is we were downgraded to warlike, barbaric, unempathetic beings because of this downgrade in our DNA by the Draco Reptilians.
Part 8
The Transition from Lumeria to Atlantis...
During this time the Draco and Orion’s had massive fleets above the Earth. These ships were mostly in 4th density. These two groups had a loose alliance based on exchanging technology and keeping hostility at bay. One of these technologies was a highly intense electro magnetic beam used to disrupt the etheric fields around the Earth and it created a force field to keep their enemies from coming to Earth.
After the destruction of Lumeria there was a quarantine placed around Earth because Earth was now known as an unsavory place, not a very desirable place to settle peaceful loving groups.
The 7th density Pleiadians put a quarantine around Earth themselves to prevent the Draco and Orion’s corruption bleeding into the higher etheric fields of our Universe. So basically they blocked Earth off to keep Earths corruption and business to itself. This veil, this vibrational quarantine was not lifted until 1987 A.D. This was the time known as a harmonic convergence.
At this time the Pleiadians seen things were beginning to settle down after the destruction of Lumeria and began settling on Earth once again on a landmass that is now the Atlantic Ocean. Remember, the Draco in their Reptilian bodies could not live in this vibration or gravity so they began incarnating with the Lumerians that had survived.
The DNA of those survivors of Lumeria were mostly Orion , Sirian and Andromeda DNA with Draco energy. As the new civilization began to grow the Pleiadian, Draconian and Orion DNA began to mutate. These new beings became more scientific and intellectual in their evolution. This was the beginning of Atlantis!
These new humans still had the reptilian brain but the Cerebral cortex of the brain of these new humans had developed the high virtues and understanding of the Pleiadians.
A civilization began to exist much like the civilizations of today with all technical achievements. The higher Pleiadian mind combined with the passion of the Orion and the competitiveness of the Draco resulted in a structured world of machines and great architecture. Looking familiar?
But, at this time the quarantine had worn off and lots of unsavory characters began coming to Earth once again and to fast forward we come to the downfall of Atlantis. It was due to the misuse of crystalline energy generation systems.
About 2000 years before the end of Atlantis the scientists developed radionics devices using quartz crystals. They were able to generate all the energy they needed to power every part of their civilization. This energy was powerful enough to tempt the unsavory aspects of society.
Several Atlantean scientists made deals with the Orion groups trading technology to attain supreme power. This is similar to what’s happening today with certain Earth factions. The Orion’s took notice of this energy and began engineering it creating weapons with it. But, the Orion’s never got the chance to wage war with this technology because one of these very strong crystal generators exploded sinking the continent of Atlantis and most of its inhabitants.
Only a tiny handful escaped in air ships and in sea going vessels over 90% of those who tried escaping by sea were drowned in massive tsunamis. Those who escaped in ships relocated to South and Central America and Egypt.
The scientifically oriented hybrids of Atlantis once again suppressed their emotions just like the Luciferian’s. Meaning, they grew to want physical power once again instead of going in the spiritual direction. Not good...
If the Atlanteans were balanced spiritually and emotionally in their bodies they would have seen what was happening and would’ve taken steps to prevent it. This is what I believe is happening today with many of us seeing what’s happening in our world through our higher vibrational reality. We must take steps to prevent the destruction of our planet we see happening now! Because, this is the same scenario being played out in our world today and people better wake up! We are very close to the destruction of Earth and our civilization as Atlantis was at the time of their destruction!
However, there are two important differences. There is divine integration happening to many of its inhabitants on our planet right now. Meaning, large numbers of souls are achieving higher consciousness and they are being monitored just like the Earth very closely. Lots of you know who you are. 😉 These benevolent beings, positive factions are watching Earth very closely and are prepared to act in an instant to prevent large scale nuclear war. THE GLOVES ARE OFF!!
These positive groups have sophisticated technology to detect dangerous and exotic weapons before they are tested.
The next part will be about the Aztec, Egyptian, Biblical and Greek periods, Christian and Jewish mythology, and who and what really happened at the time of “Jesus.” and where the distortion lies.
Part 9
The time of ancient Egypt and the time of Jesus Christ has held this human species attention for a long time. The battle of Light and Dark continued after the destruction of Atlantis. This planet seemed to seesaw between periods of enlightenment, control and corruption, Egypt was a case in point.
A group of 7th density Pleiadians were determined to restore the genetic blueprint of humanity lost to Orion, Sirian, Draco, and Adromedans. The humans that ended up by the Nile river were the first to be visited by the Pleiadians and the teacher who headed up this group of 7th density Pleiadians was named Thoth.
Thoth was a radiant humanoid being of blue white light. Thoth was able to lower his vibration low enough to be able to communicate truth with the survivors of Atlantis that ended up on the Nile. Thoth was the engineer behind the Great Pyramid.
The Great Pyramid served many purposes but it’s main purpose was an Ascension chamber and controller of Earth’s grid system. But, this great pyramid never got to serve it’s purpose of an Ascension chamber due to interference by Orion and Draco factions.
It was also to serve as a portal for incoming high density Pleiadians to begin bringing back the original blueprint of the human being they had envisioned. The 7th density Pleiadians constructed this Great Pyramid engineered by Thoth in a matter of days using levitation and laser technology. The Pleiadians along with others helped build the Hall of Records that is located several thousand feet below the pyramid.
The Sphinx was built to mark the entrance of this Ascension portal.
Eventually, the Sirians from the star system Sirius B began to arrive on Earth and started unraveling the work the Egyptians, Pleiadians and Thoth had orchestrated. The Christian, Jewish and Greek mythology comes from the Sirians.
The Sirians were very psychic and intellectual beings but they had a very big ego issue and were looked up to by the humans. This was the beginning of worship!
The Sirians started this charade very subtly by demonstrating their miraculous powers to these lesser spiritual human beings who could not see through this charade. Hence, the beginning of the Sirian God’s.
The God of the Old Testament Jehovah was a 7th density Sirian and was a very egotistical being. The Old Testament is one of the bloodiest, violent books ever written. You need to ask yourself would a very highly evolved being pit one race against each other? Would he order blind obedience to his principles? Christian and Jewish biblical scholars need to go back and research the ancient teachings. Did they promote peace and evolution of awareness or did they promote division, conflict and obedience?
Egypt began to fall into worship and sacrifice. At this time the Draco, Orion and Avian came once again and integrated and started to interbreed with the human. Hence, the part Reptilian, part Avian, part human form depicted in Egyptian drawings. The bird people were a hybrid Draco, an Andromedan race, the result of creative DNA engineering. They like the Sirians used their superior technology psychic power to enslave the docile humans. You can see these ancient drawings all over Egyptian caves of these worshiped Egyptian gods.
The Pleiadians once again seeing their experiment go awry to the Draco, Orion, Andromedan races retreated back to their inner planes and Egypt fell into a relatively time of darkness. Mystery schools, sacrifice, mummification and worship had all corrupted the Pleiadian teachings. If the teachings of Thoth and the Pleiadians would’ve been fully integrated corruption would not have happened.
Part 10
The real story of Jesus Christ.
The allegorical storyline of one being sacrificed to heal the sins of the masses happened many times over before our 2000 year period. This story has been repeated many times throughout the history of Earth. If you dig into other cultures you will find the same storyline with icons with stories which are very similar. The idea that a savior died for your sins has been played out by the dark ones in an attempt to get humanity to place the blame outside of themselves in order to keep their problems from being solved.
Let’s get this straight nobody can ever die for your sins! Because you have free will and you are responsible for everything that you do and there is no such thing as a unpardonable error or an error that causes you to be defective. You are as perfect as the day God, Source created you and you will always be perfect, innocent and holy.
The soul known as Jesus was a direct fragment of the Sananda lineage in other words Sananda was the oversoul of Jesus. Sananda once again watching man flounder in sorrow and ignorance. He wanted to intervene and help in a way that respected our free will so he incarnated in approximately 39 BC as the son of Joseph and Mary. This information is much in line with the biblical story.
Jesus birthdate was approximately March 31st. Sananda and 8th density celestial being incarnated as Yeshua (Jesus). Being from 8th density he retained much of his spiritual abilities despite the very dense environment he was born into.
As a young boy he was very psychic and had foreseen many events that would come to pass. Joseph and Mary were at odds with the political establishment and were not married when Mary became pregnant. The virgin birth was all a lie. Certain ET factions have the capability to impregnate women by other means but Mary was impregnated normally.
Because of giving birth out of wedlock Joseph and Mary removed themselves from the social, political and oppressive beliefs of the authorities. Mary and Joseph then migrated to Galilee near the Dead Sea. Mary and Joseph left Yeshua in the care of the Essenes they had met up with in Galilee. Yeshua eventually joined the Essene order learning the Essene way.
The Essenes were strict vegetarians and taught Yeshua to respect all lifeforms. At the age of 16 Yeshua traveled to India and met several gurus and saints as he studied the mysteries of life. He finished with his India studies and headed back to Galilee to see his parents where he met Mary Magdalene who was a dancer and entertainer and briefly prostituted herself when times were tough.
Yeshua and Mary were deeply in love and had a child. They were not married and became social outlaws. Yeshua’s Essene friends allowed him and Mary to stay at their temples for safety. Again, Yeshua traveled to India with Mary this time where their young son was blessed by spiritual gurus.
Eventually, word got out that Mary Magdalene had an illegitimate child but no one knew who the father was. Fearing for the child’s life Mary and Yeshua left this child in the care of an Indian Saint. It was a few years later that they could return to India but they knew he was all right but missed him terribly.
After visiting their son Mary and Yeshua left him in the care of the Indian guru where he grew up. The political climate was way to unstable and risky to bring him back to Galilee. Their son grew up in India and became a very wise sage in his teachings.
In this time Yeshua was receiving higher spiritual visions from spirit and his soul family and was told to teach higher spiritual principles to anyone who would listen. He started teaching in his late 20s and gathered quite a following and had about 50 disciples.
He and Mary Magdalene had kept their child a complete secret. Being highly clairvoyant Yeshua saw that the authorities were eventually going to kill him but was told by his soul self to keep teaching his spiritual principles. His teachings were highly distorted in the Bible but a few truths managed to get through.
He taught to forgive your enemies, to love one another and that we had all the abilities as him meaning healing and clairvoyance. Also, we were created in the likeness of our creator which is love and to reach God, Source was not thru him alone.
Once Yeshua reached a certain level of awareness his cosmic family begin to communicate with him reminding him of his position in the priesthood. When Yeshua was brought to the cross he immediately left his body consciously instead of suffering for 3 days as told in the Bible. After leaving his body he holographically projected himself back into human form numerous times to appear to his disciples and Mary Magdalene.
The body of Yeshua left the tomb to Christ consciousness or Celestial consciousness of higher densities. As we all know Christianity has little to do with the original teachings of Yehshua, Jesus and a whole lot to do with sin and guilt.
Fortunately many of us are expanding our state of awareness to see beyond these limited and primitive beliefs.
Pleiadian teachings


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 14:36
Sábado, 25 / 05 / 19

Signs Asperger’s Syndrome Could Be the Next Stage of Human Evolution ~ Janey Davies.

Signs Asperger’s Syndrome Could Be the Next Stage of Human Evolution.

By Janey Davies.

May 24th, 2019.




Asperger’s Syndrome is a disorder characterized by poor social skills – however, some believe there are signs it will contribute to our evolution.
Before I explain why, I’d like to tell you a story. Years ago, I worked for a government office that dealt with sick leave and benefits payments. One of my jobs was to work out when a person could start receiving benefits.

A person would receive 28 weeks of Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) paid by the employer, after which they could start getting benefits. The problem was it was a really tricky date to work out. 28 weeks included weekends and many of us got the start date for benefit wrong.

However, there was one guy in our office who, if you gave him the start date of SSP, could tell you in a nanosecond the exact date 28 weeks later. He never got it wrong. He was also amazing with birth and death dates of kings and queens, battle dates. Actually, come to think of it, any history date.

But, he wasn’t good socially. He didn’t ‘get’ jokes, he had no sense of humour and he struggled in social situations. Now I think about him I realise he probably had the signs of Asperger’s.
What Are the Signs of Asperger’s Syndrome?

So what exactly is Asperger’s Syndrome? Asperger’s is characterized by difficulties in social interactions and trouble in processing nonverbal language. A person with Asperger’s will have problems reading social cuesand find comfort in repeating patterns or behaviours.
Lorna Wing, M.D., was an English psychiatrist who introduced the term ‘Asperger’s Syndrome’. She divided Asperger’s signs into three key areas:
  1. Speech: One-sided conversations, sometimes pedantic, focused on one particular subject of interest to the person with Asperger’s, monotonous intonation, repetitive speech.
  2. Nonverbal communication: Inability to understand facial expressions, a lack of facial expressions themselves, cannot comprehend other’s expressions or gestures.
  3. Social interaction: Does not understand unwritten rules of social behaviour, acts inappropriately, e.g. proximity to others, stares for too long, says the wrong things, wears the wrong clothes, responds in the wrong way. Has a lack of empathy for others. Inability to form friendships or relationships.
For example, my friend’s child gets extremely upset if he does not have his meals served in a particular purple bowl every day. He cannot eat his food if any of it is touching the other food in the bowl and he has to know in advance what he is eating.
But how can being poorly equipped to deal with social situations and insisting on a purple bowl for lunchtimes aid human evolution?

Why Asperger’s Could Be the Next Stage of Human Evolution

Well, it’s all to do with intelligence. As well as having certain impairments, people with Asperger’s show signs of skills in particular areas of intelligence.
For example, they tend to have extremely good memories, which allows them to learn by rote. Their habit of becoming interested in one or two subjects gives this amazing memory full capacity to absorb every minute detail. They become experts in one specialized field.
And this is where it gets interesting. In the past, you would call men like this one thing – geeks. However, nowadays, these so-called ‘geeks’ are responsible for some of the biggest tech companies, social media platforms, and communication industries on the planet.
And the great thing about these men geeks (and they usually are men) is that in today’s society, they get to meet incredibly bright and socially-capable women. These so-called geeks hook up with socially-adept women and produce intelligent but socially-aware offspring.
Just think about the kinds of people we are talking about.

Famous People Who Show Signs of Asperger’s Syndrome

Thomas Jefferson

Founding Father and third president of the United States, Jefferson was a shy man that mumbled and walked around with a mocking bird on his shoulder. However, he did write the Declaration of Independence in one go.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart wrote his first symphony at the age of five and went onto write over 600 pieces. Reports of the time state that he was woefully impaired when it came to social interaction. He also had trouble expressing his emotions to others.


Michelangelo’s incredible concentration makes him a candidate for Asperger’s syndrome. Not only was he obsessive over his work, but he was also completely unable to show emotion. His extraordinary memory allowed him to retain sketches for the Sistine Chapel.
“Michelangelo was aloof and a loner. Like the architect John Nash (1752-1835), who also had high-functioning autism, he had few friends.” Dr Arshad and Prof Fitzgerald

Albert Einstein

What sort of brain do you need to work out the theory of relativity? Einstein is considered to be one of the greatest scientists of all time, but he did show signs of Asperger’s.
He had trouble recognising social cues but was able to narrowly focus his attention to solve one of our greatest scientific mysteries.

Charles Darwin

Darwin’s fascination with insects, shells and categorizing indicates he had Asperger’s. The man responsible for changing the way we view evolution was prone to bouts of solitude and obsessed with nature.

Sir Isaac Newton

Newton may have developed the theory of gravity but by all accounts, he was a vindictive, unforgiving, calculating, quick-tempered and petty man. All signs of Asperger’s.

Woody Allen

Woody Allen makes neurotic films and has admitted to sharing neurotic traitshimself:
“I am a neurotic in a more benign way. I mean I have a lot of neurotic habits. I don’t like to go into elevators, I don’t go through tunnels, I like the drain in the shower to be in the corner and not in the middle.”

Tim Burton

The famed film director Tim Burton was watching a documentary about autismand said to his long-term partner Helena Bonham-Carter that was how he felt as a child.

Chris Packham

Chris Packham is a British naturalist who has a remarkable breadth of knowledge on the natural world and wildlife. Despite having Asperger’s, he has carved out a successful career on TV.

Mark Zuckerberg

The founder of Facebook has been described as a ‘robot’, he wears the same ‘uniform’ of a grey t-shirt and jeans every day so he doesn’t have to worry about what to wear. However, his company is worth around $230 billion.

So why is it that someone with signs of Asperger’s is likely to do well?

What is it about this condition that makes a person so successful? There’s the intelligence side of it, of course, but also, some experts now believe it is the actual lack of social skills that is a contributing factor.
Think about it for a moment. You have an idea that you think will make millions, but in your normal everyday life, you feel constricted by societal rulesand unspoken boundaries. You don’t want to speak out for fear of ridicule, or people thinking you are over-reaching or narcissistic.
But the person who has Asperger’s has none of these boundariesThey don’t follow society’s rules. They are not even aware of them. As a result, they just go right ahead, pitch their ideas and get on with the job.
Tech investor Peter Thiel believes we could all benefit from a little touch of Asperger’s.
“We need to ask what is it about our society where those of us who do not suffer from Asperger’s are at some massive disadvantage because we will be talked out of our interesting, original, creative ideas before they’re even fully formed.”
My final point is that these days, we are all spending more time on our smartphones, our computers, laptops, and in the artificial world. As such, our social interaction is gradually being reduced.
Therefore, being able to connect socially might not be such a big deal in the decades to come anyway. Perhaps it’s time for those with signs of Asperger’s to shine.
  1. https://www.forbes.com
  2. https://medium.com
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov




About the Author: Janey Davies.

Janey Davies has been published online for over 8 years. She is the head writer for Shoppersbase.com, she also writes for AvecAgnes.co.uk, Ewawigs.com and has contributed to inside3DP.com. She has an Honours Degree in Psychology and her passions include learning about the mind, popular science and politics. When she is relaxing she likes to walk her dog, read science fiction and listen to Muse.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 05:46
Terça-feira, 07 / 05 / 19

How to Retain Information More Easily with These 5 Strategies

How to Retain Information More Easily with These 5 Strategies.

By Guest Author.

May 6th, 2019


retain information easily strategies.


Do you ever feel like you’re expected to keep track of too much information? That there’s more going on in your life and the world around you than you can possibly remember? If so you’re not alone. The truth is most people are overwhelmed with the amount of informationthrown at them on a daily basis. But if you think you’re incapable of improving your ability to retain this information, think again.

Human evolution and our ability to retain information

From an evolutionary perspective, humans are built to do two things: travel long distances on two feet and keep a massive mental catalog of facts and details about the world around us.
For hundreds of thousands of years, these basic skills helped early humans to successfully integrate themselves into a multitude of different environments around the planet ranging from the subtropical to the subarctic.
If you could somehow travel back in time and talk to our early ancestors, you would quickly realize the average “caveman” or “cavewoman” had an indelible memory regarding the natural world.
They knew everything they could about every planet and every animal in the area. They kept accurate track of the seasons and could quickly calculate how all these factors could and would intertwine to influence their lives. Most important of all, they caught on to the ways in which they could turn around and influence their environment.
What this means is that humans are bioengineered by Mother Nature to be memory machines. The only problem is that society has changed so much in the last few thousand years that our brains haven’t caught up yet. We’re expected to remember thingswithout being exposed to them the way we would have been thousands of years ago.
With this in mind, it’s important for modern humans to utilize their natural information retention capabilities in order to remember the things modern life expects us to.

Here are a few ways to improve your brain’s ability to retain information:


The extreme amount of information available to the average person – most of which comes via the internet – is overwhelming, to say the least. For most people, it’s not a question of whether they can find information but rather what information do they want to find?
More times than not, Google has you covered with a simple search. This means lots of modern learning experiences are one-off events where the individual is unlikely to encounter that information again.
Contrast this with the experience of our ancient ancestors, whose worlds were much smaller in scope. They found themselves repeatedly exposed to the same things throughout their lives. This forced a level of repetition which ultimately led to expert-level retention.
Modern humans can also rely on repeat exposure to information to improve their memory retention capabilities.


everyday reading
One major advantage modern humans have over our ancient ancestors is widespread literacy. The ability to read is incredibly vital for retaining information in the modern age. There is simply too much information to do it any other way.
According to transcription experts and others working directly with the transfer of spoken language to written words, the process of seeing speech on paper or on screen has a potent impact on memory. This is because a word is ultimately a symbol; humans have a better chance of remembering an idea if they can connect it to a visual construct.
Letters joined to make words provide that visual construct. Reading is arguably how modern humans “hack” our own complicated societies. It gives us a way to apply our visual cortex in pursuit of understanding abstract concepts.


Explaining your interpretation of information to others is a crucial part of the retention process. This explains why all those teachers made you write all those reports; it helped to cement the information in your memory and made the learning experience something which proved longlasting in its impact.
It’s a process which undoubtedly proved vital to our ancestors, who relied on each other to share important information with accuracy and integrity.
In order to better retain information in the future, consider writing a report. Even a 100-word paragraph can prove effective in helping to establish long-term memory of a given event or learning experience.


discussion retain information
Only sharing your thoughts and feelings about a given topic is not enough to effectively remember all the important details. This is due to the human tendency to incorporate bias into our explanations and insights whether we mean to or not.
To help flesh out any misinterpretations caused by bias, people ought to review and discussthese topics with others.
Listening to what others have to say about a certain piece of information is like getting a whole extra brain’s worth of critical thinking prowess. Their insights can help you to remember things you may have originally overlooked because of any number of factors and vice versa.


Lastly, effective information retention requires some form of debate and discourse. This doesn’t always mean two parties have to disagree in order for both to successfully remember the facts correctly. Instead, there should be an airing of disagreements where they exist.
Attempting to extinguish each other’s opposing view can only lead to a reduction of your ability to retain information. On the other hand, when disagreeing sides are willing to debate, this will generate critical thinking about a given topic. This will further cement the information in their heads for future use.
This has the added effect of expanding their knowledge base, which ensures the information they retain is accurate all-around.
Human evolution has made us into beings with incredible memories. While modern life seems to challenge this trait, modern men and women can rely on their natural abilities to adapt. After all, it’s what we do best.
Articles from guest authors who contribute their writings to Learning Mind.







Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 17:02
Quarta-feira, 01 / 05 / 19

3 Interesting Decision-Making Theories Which Explain the Choices We Make ~ Sherrie.

3 Interesting Decision-Making Theories Which Explain the Choices We Make.

By Sherrie.

April 30, 2019


Decision-making theories come are quite useful. When it’s time to make an important choice, there’s no need to delay.
Whether we are familiar with theories regarding decision-making or not, in this day and age, choice is in abundance. What do we want to eat, which sofa should we purchase, do you get a dog or not? Because we have way too many options, it can make choosing much harder than it should be.
Choice is our ability to make decisions when presented with two or more options. When we have more than two options, we must make a choice. This is what the world presents to us. Therefore, it is the truth of how free will works. We can then live and artistically create the life we want to.
So, why is it so difficult? Ultimately, choice represents the sacrifices we must make. We automatically give up something else when we make a choice between two or more things.
This means, if we find ourselves wanting something else next month, chances are that choice will be gone – non-existent. We have to take what we have today, and this depends on what we choose.

Decision-making theories – the basics

Different approaches to decision-making are sometimes called Choice theories. William Glasser founded this term from a book with the same title. According to Glasser, freedom, fun, power, love and belonging, and survival are basic satisfied needs which come from choices we make.
The idea that choices are mostly made by humans, which enhance what we really want, is an idea that’s been around for quite some time. Choice and the psychology behind it is the reason we make the decisions that we do. It’s a subconscious decision that motivates our satisfaction and meeting those satisfactions.

Here are three decision-making theories that will help you to understand the choices you make. It might even encourage you to make better ones!

1. Our emotions connect to our actions

Neuroscientist and professor at USC and Salk Institute, Dr. Antonio Damasio says that our decisions come from visceral emotion. The definition of his theory is that there is a link between “raw” emotions and the part of the brain which governs decisions. He, therefore, concluded that decision making and judgment come from a critical neural circuit.
Damasio concludes that non-rational and rational processes bridge feeling and emotion. If meaning and motivation, would not be possible if emotional input was absent, and decision making could not happen.
Damasio believes that we don’t only base our choices on logic and fact, but also on memories and emotions. This is why we make decisions on unconscious levels. Our intuition guides us.

2. Decisions can be costly – literally!

Does making decisions result in reduced self-control? A study from the University of Minnesota points to yes. The study also showed more procrastination, lack of ability to persist in failed circumstances, decrease in physical stamina, and worsening of arithmetic abilities
Researchers, to conduct the study asked students for help. After dividing into two groups, the teams take on studies much like the others but to understand how choices affect things. Identical product lists were given to all the students in the initial experiment.
A singular group was asked questions revolved around how often, in the past, that the product was used. However, one group was about how often they’d used the products in the past. The same product, with variations, were chosen by the other group. In another experiment, one group answered questions such as this and the other did not.
“Making choices apparently depleted a precious self-resource,” wrote the authors in the conclusion of their study. “This is because subsequent self-regulation is poorer among those who had made choices than it was among those who had not. This pattern became clear in the laboratory, classroom, and shopping mall.”

3. Watch out for bias!

There is absolutely no doubt that our biases affect our choices. However, there is one particular bias that focuses on decision-making theories in many situations.
Loss aversion bias is one such example. No one likes to be left out or miss important things. Fact. However, it isn’t as important to gain something than it is to avoid losing something. This is the way aversion works. The endowment effect shows us through our desire to keep what we have instead of striving for more.
Daniel Kahneman, in yet another study, gave test subjects either an empty mug, nothing or chocolate.  They could trade or choose between two other objects. Half of them wanted the mugs, but those who already had mugs did not want to give them up – about 86% of participants, showing the desire to keep the possessions a person already has.

How to make hard decisions easier

Choices are hard, you see. I guess you understand now. No matter what, some choices you make will always be hard. However, some of these decision-making theories might just help you understand your own choices.
We don’t always have a rational reason to make decisions. They cannot separate from our identity, our location, or what helps us decide what to wear. Maybe we will be able to make wiser choices and help others make proper decisions too, as long as we understand psychological influences and factors that affect our decisions.
  1. https://www.psychologytoday.com
  2. https://www.forbes.com









About the Author: Sherrie

Sherrie is a freelance writer and artist with over 10 years of experience. She spends most of her time giving life to the renegade thoughts. As the words erupt and form new life, she knows that she is yet again free from the nagging persistence of her muse. She is a mother of three and a lifetime fan of the thought-provoking and questionable aspects of the universe.



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publicado por achama às 19:50
Domingo, 21 / 04 / 19

5 Remarkable Examples of Animal Intelligence That Will Leave You in Awe ~ Sherrie.

5 Remarkable Examples of Animal Intelligence That Will Leave You in Awe.

By Sherrie.

April 19, 2019


Animal intelligence could stretch to more than just an elephant’s excellent memory! As these examples will reveal.

The intelligence of animals surpasses what we realize. But the first question is, how is animal intelligence measured? There have been many experiments carried out that could prove animal intelligence really exists. We only have to look at Pavlov’s Dogs study to see how animals can quickly learn to associate a sound with behaviour or action.

But other, far more compelling research shows activity is more evident than we thought when it comes to the brains of animals.

Here are just a couple of impressive things that reveal animal intelligence at its peak!

Animals are spiritual beings

Of course, you heard that right. There is evidence to suggest animals can react emotionally to their surroundings. They can feel and respond to grief, e.g. in a death, and can express the wonderful feeling of existence itself.

Psychologists Marc Bekoff and his colleague Steven Kotler looked at whether animals really experienced spirituality. Bekoff and Kotler found ample evidence that animals can have a morally conscious and emotional intelligence.

Whilst Bekoff and Kotler’s work is anecdotal, Darwinian theory supports it well. The belief of Darwin was evolutionary continuity. This belief states that there were no different kinds of intelligence, only different degrees with the various species.

“The bottom line is that if we have something, they (other animals) do too. It would behoove us to study the questions at hand rather than dismiss them because animals can’t possibly do or experience something that we think is uniquely human.”


Only humans were self-conscious, linguistic, moral, and rational. This is what we believed for a long time. Now we know the truth. There’s more startling evidence as well. It seems that animals could possibly think about pains and pleasures from the past,

Darwin said. They actually possess “excellent memories and some power of imagination”.

Solving puzzles is just as easy for crows as 5-year old children.

Again, this could be the title of a well-thumbed kids’ comic book. But experiments recently conducted, and many of them, suggests truth in the crow’s intelligence. These are indeed creatures with remarkable talent, especially when it comes to solving problems.

The University of Auckland researchers discovered that crows noticed that liquid rises when objects are dropped into tubes of water, water which held a treat. They would then be able to reach the treat that was inside. If the water levels were higher, they could get the treat faster as well. Objects that sank instead of floated would also reduce the time it took for the treat to come to the top of the tube.

Crows can also bend a wire to fish treats from small tubes. This was also quickly realized by the research team. This is why researchers compare a crow’s intelligence is to 5-7-year-olds.

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Elephants can show empathy

An elephant never forgets, right? But, they can also seemingly show understanding and empathy. During controlled experiments, elephants showed their desire to work together with tasks. When learning to pull a rope to acquire a treat, they did this together instead of alone.

Contrary to what some may believe, elephants do not ponder long over the dead. They have been known to eat their dead or at least, sniff them and walk away. As for their reaction to remains, such as bones, an elephant may linger for a while or become aggravated for some unknown reason.

A recent study proves such behavior: When an African elephant sees a skull from its own kind, it stares longer than when rhino or buffalo skulls are introduced. It’s the same with sticks as opposed to ivory.

The elephant is smart enough to know the difference between something originating from their kind and something else entirely.

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Dogs can be taught words

We’ve all tried to teach Fido how to shake hands and Rover to cartwheel. But John Pilley, Psychology researcher, went a step further and trained his dog, Chaser to recognize over a thousand toys, by name. What’s more, over 90% of the time, Chaser could recognize certain toys when Pilley asked for them.

Chaser has learned even more, including recognizing verbs and nouns taught by Pilley Instructions are easy for her, she can put her paw and nose on objects, and even pick them up.

This is an achievement of intelligence for canines, and all it took was hours of intensive training. Chaser is special and not all dogs can learn at her pace.

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Picking locks are easy for Cockatoos

Finally, let’s learn about the cheeky Cockatoo. They too display animal intelligence enough to understand tricky puzzles and solve them, all for a delicious treat. A 2013 study by Alice Auersperg, revealed the difficulty of such puzzles, and that the bird actually has to first open the box. Here’s how the trick worked.

Inside the box was a cashew. So, the cockatoo had to pull out a bolt, remove a pin, take out a screw, turn a wheel, and removed a latch by using a sliding technique. All these things, the Cockatoo accomplished fairly easy.

Without opposable thumbs, as humans have, this did take a long time. It did take two hours for the Cockatoo, but eventually, the bird solved the intricate puzzle. A bird had a goal and completed the goal, a goal that wasn’t an easy and quick task. This says quite a bit about the bird’s perseverance, wouldn’t you say.

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Whilst this research can be contested, it could also lay the foundations for new ways of thinking about animal intelligence. Next time you spend time with your pet, maybe you can watch them more, and learn a few morals and lessons about determination.


  1. https://www.psychologytoday.com
  2. https://news.nationalgeographic.com/
  3. https://www.dailymail.co.uk







About the Author: Sherrie

Sherrie is a freelance writer and artist with over 10 years of experience. She spends most of her time giving life to the renegade thoughts. As the words erupt and form new life, she knows that she is yet again free from the nagging persistence of her muse. She is a mother of three and a lifetime fan of the thought-provoking and questionable aspects of the universe.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
Thanks to: Learning Mind <noreply+feedproxy@google.com>




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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 22:11
Quarta-feira, 17 / 04 / 19

3 Creepy Stephen Hawking’s Predictions about the Future of Humankind ~ Sherrie.

3 Creepy Stephen Hawking’s Predictions about the Future of Humankind.

By Sherrie.

April 16, 2019


There are some of Stephen Hawking’s predictions that none of us want to be around to see – from the apocalypse to aliens.
Several conspiracy theories have been placed in the very center of many of Stephen Hawking’s statements. Many of them were just noticed at the time before his death in 2018, but they have certainly got us talking! Hawking’s predictions took a number of forms.
Like, how there wasn’t such infinite darkness in black holes and that light could, in fact, escape in the event horizon – proving to upend psychics completely. He also said the world would be taken over by aliens – before it was destroyed altogetherUnless, of course, if AI was developed enough to save it!
Want to know more?

Stephen Hawking’s predictions and their impact on humankind

Hawking was a world-renowned scientist who dedicated his life to ground-breaking physics and theories. Hawking explains what happened in the Big Bang in a theory proposed just over a week before his death. This final work was submitted to the Journal of High-Energy Physics. This would shape the possibility of multiple universes existing right beside our own universe.
Already freaked out? Well, here are 3 more creepy predictions from Stephen Hawking that may have you running for the hills.

1. The reality of aliens

extraterrestrial life
One of many Hawking’s predictions that are pretty weird. But, the danger of aliens approaching and interacting with humans was one of Hawking’s common concerns. He was fascinated by extraterrestrial life.
Stephen Hawking’s 2010 documentary, Into the Universe, explains his beliefs. Hawking believed that if aliens are advanced enough to reach us, they may possibly be hostile.
Hawking’s peers do not share all his views, however. They argue that interstellar space travel alone is really difficult to do. Also, his peers believe that any beacons sent out for as long as radio transmissions leaked from our planet would have been heard and answered by now. So, obviously, wouldn’t they have found us by now?
So, perhaps we can hold fire on this prediction, even though Hawking himself strongly contests it!

2. AI: Yay or nay?

robot takeover stephen hawking's predictions
As AI permeates more of our daily lives, it is clear to see how it can make an impact. However, whilst many of us are busy embracing technology, another one of many Stephen Hawking’s predictions is based upon the overall fear of a robot takeover. His particular concern was the very distinct possibility of the potential power of modern advancing technology.
Hawking made a striking comment about artificial intelligence, saying it might just take over. He thinks technology is underestimated greatly. Although Hawking does think AI is a threat to humanity, he doesn’t have a timeline in mind for this disaster.
However, Hawking thinks it would be simple for the technology to operate aloneand even reinvent itself when needed, making it faster and more intelligent.
It seems that Hawking was torn between the benefits and drawbacks to AI technology. Here are a few of his quotes which show his true feelings and beliefs about such advancements.
“It wouldn’t take long before humans, with their slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be superseded,” he said.
“The potential benefits of creating intelligence are huge,”
“Every aspect of our lives will be transformed.”
-Hawking, The Guardian
Then on Reddit, Hawking warned us about who would benefit the most during this advancement:
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed,” he said. “So far, the trend seems to be toward … technology driving ever-increasing inequality.”

3. Is it the end of the world?

mass extinctions
The next prediction from Hawking is about the asteroid strike. If other things don’t manage to kill us all, then maybe this will.
His main driving reason is that there are just too many of us on the earthand something has to balance the situation. Hawking was more than aware of how badly we are draining all our physical resources.
It’s alarming. And there are other issues as well including animal extinctions, melting ice caps, temperature rising, and deforestation. All these things could increase the earth’s temperature to 460°C (860°F) This is about the warmth of the planet Venus. This is if we don’t put a stop to gas emissions.
Therefore, Hawking’s theory is that there’s a severe risk of self-destructiondue to the destruction of our environment and climate change. He thinks it is this which will be our downfall and could cause the end of the world.

Other pearls of wisdom by Stephen Hawking

If that isn’t enough for you, here are a few further snippets of Stephen Hawking’s wisdom to provide some food for thought…
  • We want to know the meaning of the universe.
 ‘If we find the answer to that, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason – for then we would know the mind of God’
– A Brief History Of Time, published in 1988.
  • Maybe some of us want to understand why the world is not perfect
 ‘Without imperfection, you or I would not exist’
– In Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking, The Discovery Channel, 2010.
  • The magic question is: Are we alone in the universe?
‘I think it would be a disaster. The extraterrestrials would probably be far in advance of us. The history of advanced races meeting more primitive people on this planet is not very happy, and they were the same species. I think we should keep our heads low’
– In Naked Science: Alien Contact, The National Geographic Channel, 2004.
  1. https://news.nationalgeographic.com/
  2. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/






About the Author: Sherrie

Sherrie is a freelance writer and artist with over 10 years of experience. She spends most of her time giving life to the renegade thoughts. As the words erupt and form new life, she knows that she is yet again free from the nagging persistence of her muse. She is a mother of three and a lifetime fan of the thought-provoking and questionable aspects of the universe.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
Thanks to: Learning Mind <noreply+feedproxy@google.com>



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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 18:58
Segunda-feira, 11 / 02 / 19

The Mystery of Wrinkled Fingertips in Water and 4 More Evolutionary Quirks ~ Janey D.

The Mystery of Wrinkled Fingertips in Water and 4 More Evolutionary Quirks.

By Janey Davies.

February 10, 2019.


Wrinkled Fingertips in Water


Have you ever wondered why you get wrinkled fingertips if you are in water for long periods of time?

It’s actually a neat evolutionary quirk, developed over time, designed to enable us to survive. So how does it work? Why do we get wrinkled fingertips? Not only that, but why is it only our fingertips and not other parts of our body that wrinkle?

Why we get wrinkled fingertips in water

Imagine the treads on a racing car’s tyres. In dry weather, drivers use smooth treads because these will have a better grip on the road. However, on a wet track, drivers will change their tyres and opt for ones with deep treads.
The treads in these tyres channel water away from the surface area which allows the tyres to grip the road more efficiently. The same is true when we get wrinkled fingertips. If we have been in the water for a long time, we need ‘treads’ in our fingertips to be able to grip a slippery surface in order to be able to escape.
So, is this a reflex action or is something more sophisticated going on? Actually, there are specific nerves in our fingertips. These nerves send messages to the brain after a certain time in the water. Our brain then sends back messages to the surface of our skin and this accounts for our wrinkled fingertips.

Wrinkled Fingertips and 4 More Evolutionary Quirks

  1. The Life or Death reason for sighing

Have you ever felt so exasperated at a situation that you’ve sighed heavily? You might just have saved your own life. Sighing isn’t just about releasing tension or pent-up frustration. It is crucial to maintaining lung function.
Our lungs are made up of tiny balloon-like air sacs called alveoli. These alveoli inflate and deflate every time we take a breath. Oxygen enters the alveoli and carbon dioxide leaves via the bloodstream. However, every so often individual alveoli collapse.
“When alveoli collapse, they compromise the ability of the lung to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide,” Jack Feldman said. “The only way to pop them open again is to sigh, which brings in twice the volume of a normal breath. If you don’t sigh, your lungs will fail over time.”
A sigh is an involuntary deep breath that expands these collapsed alveoli and pumps them back up to full capacity again. Without this built-in mechanism, these tiny air sacs would gradually collapse leading to lung failure.
  1. Shaking your head means I’m full up

Body language is a fascinating area of study. For example, why do we shake our head to say no and nod to say yes? Well, scientists have the answer to one of these questions. And, when you think about it, it makes perfect sense.
Despite the shake of the head indicating one of human’s most recognised gestures, no one really knew its origins. Until now. The key is to look at babies. When babies are full up, they don’t have the necessary language skills to express that they don’t want any more food.
Babies turn their heads from side to side to avoid the next mouthful of food they do not want. This rejection of food at an early age has come to signify ‘no’ in all other aspects of our adult lives.
  1. Why we stick our tongues out when we concentrate

You often see children so intently focused on a task that they stick their tongues out. But why does help with their concentrationIt makes more sense if we think about what the tongue is responsible for.
It has thousands of taste buds that work to identify millions of combinations of flavours. More importantly, however, it is always moving around the mouth, keeping us from choking and helping to swallow the build-up of saliva.
The tongue is also responsible for formulating language. It is a huge muscle that changes shape to form the sounds of letters and as such, is connected to the brain’s language centre.
This means it is constantly sending huge streams information to many different areas of the brain simultaneously. By sticking it out and holding it in place by biting it, we are restricting its movement.
By keeping it still for a moment, we are able to calm this constant stream and free up our brains to focus on just one activity at a time.
  1. Your speech reflects your environment

Can our environment have an effect on the way we speak? According to one theory, it can. The ‘acoustic adaptation’ speculates that the region you were raised in has a direct effect on your speech. And it is all to do with how sound travels and how we hear it.
For example, take forest dwellers. Sound behaves differently in a forest compared to a vast desert. Consonants tend to get lost in dense forest so you only hear the vowels.
In hotter areas, pockets of hot air distort hard consonants. So languages evolve differently in hot and cold climates. Warmer climates tend to have softer vowels and use a lot of open syllables. Just think of Hawaii and ‘aloha’.
Whereas in more temperature climates, such as Germany, they hear fewer vowels sounds and, therefore, use harsher consonants for the endings of their words. For instance, ‘how are you?’ translates into German as ‘Wie geht es dir?‘
Wrinkled fingertips are just one evolutionary quirk humans have developed over the years. It just goes to show the incredible way our bodies adapt to master our environment.
  1. http://www.bbc.com/
  2. https://www.npr.org/




About the Author: Janey D.

Janey Davies has been published online for over 8 years. She is the head writer for Shoppersbase.com, she also writes for AvecAgnes.co.uk, Ewawigs.com and has contributed to inside3DP.com. She has an Honours Degree in Psychology and her passions include learning about the mind, popular science and politics. When she is relaxing she likes to walk her dog, read science fiction and listen to Muse.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 15:59
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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