A Chama da Ascensão


Domingo, 15 / 12 / 19

Why no one is safe from the FBI, not even natural health advocates


By Mike Adams.


Mike Adams

Bombshells in the Horowitz report are revealing the outrageous criminality and fraud of the FBI.

This is the same rogue, deep state agency that tried to criminalize a vaccine truth activist to silence her warnings about vaccine dangers.

The FBI has been caught red handed, committing treason, FISA warrant fraud and running fake news media schemes that are obediently repeated by the complicit media to smear people who have done nothing wrong.

It's time to expose the corruption and criminality of the FBI itself.


Image: NO ONE IS SAFE: Bombshell findings of the Horowitz report prove the FBI is run by treasonous crooks who answer to no one.


NO ONE IS SAFE: Bombshell findings of the Horowitz report prove the FBI is run by treasonous crooks who answer to no one.

(Natural News

Despite its attempts to whitewash the crimes of the deep state, the damning Horowitz report has awakening us all to the realization that the FBI is a criminal organization run by lawless, seditious tyrants who answer to no one.
For the past three years, we’ve been reporting the undeniable truth of how the FBI is America’s No. 1 most prolific terrorist organization, planning and running terror plots against the American people as a way to justify its own existence in the so-called “war on terror.” Now it turns out the deep state is the origin of all that terrorism, and the FBI has been carrying out assassinations (JFK), cover-ups (Sen. RFK), death threats (Dr. MLK) and political coup attempts against America.
In their attempt to destroy Trump, the FBI finally got caught.
As Peter Van Buren, writing for TheAmericanConservative.com, asks, “Can we impeach the FBI now?”
As Van Buren writes:
[The FBI] unleashed a full-spectrum spying campaign against a presidential candidate in order to influence an election, and when that failed, they tried to delegitimize a president.
We learn from the Horowitz Report that it was an Australian diplomat, Alexander Downer, a man with ties to his own nation’s intel services and the Clinton Foundation, who set up a meeting with Trump staffer George Papadopoulos, creating the necessary first bit of info to set the plan in motion. We find the FBI exaggerating, falsifying, and committing wicked sins of omission to buffalo the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) courts into approving electronic surveillance on Team Trump to overtly or inadvertently monitor the communications of Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Jared Kushner, Michael Flynn, Jeff Sessions, Steve Bannon, Rick Gates, Trump transition staffers, and likely Trump himself.
We learn that the FBI greedily consumed the Steele Dossier, opposition “research” bought by the Clinton campaign to smear Trump with allegations of sex parties and pee tapes. Most notoriously, the dossier claims he was a Russian plant, a Manchurian Candidate, owned by Kremlin intelligence through a combination of treats (land deals in Moscow) and threats (kompromat over Trump’s evil sexual appetites). The Horowitz Report makes clear the FBI knew the Dossier was bunk, hid that conclusion from the FISA court, and purposefully lied to the FISA court in claiming that the Dossier was backed up by investigative news reports, which themselves were secretly based on the Dossier. The FBI knew Steele had created a classic intel officer’s information loop, secretly becoming his own corroborating source, and gleefully looked the other way because it supported his goals.
The FBI, in other words, constructed a massive conspiracy of lies to illegally spy on Trump officials and try to criminalize their actions, even when no criminal behavior occurred. In fact, the Democrats in the House are continuing this insanity right now with their attempted impeachment of Trump, even though they are wholly unable to cite a single crime committed by Trump that rises to “high crimes” justifying impeachment.
The left-wing media, of course, has been fanning the flames of all this the entire time, knowingly engaging in coordinated lies and disinformation “news” that would support the deep state’s attempted coup against a duly-elected President.
Yes, the media is complicit in treason. It’s a triangle of criminality and treason: The deep state, the Democrats and the establishment media. Each of these three parties is guilty of committing the most serious crimes that can ever be committed against a free nation.

“A scandal of historic magnitude”

Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept — no fan of Trump, by the way — writes that the malfeasance of the FBI “reveals a scandal of historic magnitude.”
He continues, “the FBI’s gross abuse of its power – its serial deceit – is so grave and manifest that it requires little effort to demonstrate it.”
From the article:
In sum, the IG Report documents multiple instances in which the FBI – in order to convince a FISA court to allow it spy on former Trump campaign operative Carter Page during the 2016 election – manipulated documents, concealed crucial exonerating evidence, and touted what it knew were unreliable if not outright false claims.
If you don’t consider FBI lying, concealment of evidence, and manipulation of documents in order to spy on a U.S. citizen in the middle of a presidential campaign to be a major scandal, what is? But none of this is aberrational: the FBI still has its headquarters in a building named after J. Edgar Hoover – who constantly blackmailed elected officials with dossiers and tried to blackmail Martin Luther King into killing himself – because that’s what these security state agencies are. They are out-of-control, virtually unlimited police state factions that lie, abuse their spying and law enforcement powers, and subvert democracy and civic and political freedoms as a matter of course.
Greenwald hits on something very important to recognize here: The lawlessness, fraud and treason of the FBI is nothing new. The agency has long relied on outrageous, illegal tactics to destroy its political enemies. Greenwald doesn’t even go far enough, by the way. The FBI is above the law and can engage in any nefarious, unconstitutional, illegal, unethical or immoral behavior it likes because the deep state always protects the deep state. (Read FBIcorruption.news for more coverage of the FBI’s criminal history.)
There is no accountability at the FBI, as evidenced by the fact that James Comey is still walking around as a free man instead of being indicted and charged with treason.

All this proves no one is safe from the FBI, since the corrupt agency can fabricate damning accusations against anyone

The upshot of all this is that no person in America is safe while the FBI remains in existence, since the corrupt agency can clearly fabricate a long list of false accusations against anyone, then use those accusations as a basis for arresting, overthrowing or destroying that person. The FBI will also leak those false accusations to the complicit left-wing media, then cite the media’s reports as further “proof” that the person is dangerous and must be stopped or arrested.
As Greenwald explains:
To spy on a U.S. citizen in the middle of an election, one who had just been working with one of the two major presidential campaigns, the FBI touted a gossipy, unverified, unreliable rag that it had no reason to believe and every reason to distrust, but it hid all of that from the FISA court, which it knew needed to believe that the Steele Dossier was something it was not if it were to give the FBI the spying authorization it wanted.
Steele’s own key source told the FBI that Steele was lying about what the source said: an obviously critical fact that the FBI simply concealed from the FISA court because it knew how devastating that would be to being able to continue to spy on Page.
If it does not bother you to learn that the FBI repeatedly and deliberately deceived the FISA court into granting it permission to spy on a U.S. citizen in the middle of a presidential campaign, then it is virtually certain that you are either someone with no principles, someone who cares only about partisan advantage and nothing about basic civil liberties and the rule of law, or both.

The fake news media was complicit in the entire FBI fraud

“But the revelations of the IG Report are not merely a massive FBI scandal,” writes Greenwald. “They are also a massive media scandal, because they reveal that so much of what the U.S. media has authoritatively claimed about all of these matters for more than two years is completely false.”
Indeed, the complicit left-wing media has been part of this outrageous criminal coup against the United States of America, and many of their so-called “journalists” have openly carried out acts of treason in order to try to smear Trump and push the Democrats’ false narrative.
CNN, one of the most disgusting propaganda hubs that has ever existed in the history of world, actively pays deep state spies to serve as “talking heads” to drive its fake news narrative. As Greenwald writes:
It’s virtually impossible to turn on MSNBC or CNN without being bombarded with former Generals, CIA operatives, FBI agents and NSA officials who now work for those networks as commentators and, increasingly, as reporters.
The past three years of “Russiagate” reporting – for which U.S. journalists have lavished themselves with Pulitzers and other prizes despite a multitude of embarrassing and dangerous errors about the Grave Russian Threat – has relied almost exclusively on anonymous, uncorroborated claims from Deep State operatives (and yes, that’s a term that fully applies to the U.S.). The few exceptions are when these networks feature former high-level security state operatives on camera to spread their false propaganda, as in this enduringly humiliating instance:
John Brennan has a lot to answer for—going before the American public for months, cloaked with CIA authority and openly suggesting he’s got secret info, and repeatedly turning in performances like this.

Embedded video

All of this has meant that U.S. discourse on these national security questions is shaped almost entirely by the very agencies that are trained to lie: the CIA, the NSA, the Pentagon, the FBI. And their lying has been highly effective.

Natural News and the independent media have accurately and honestly reported the truth, yet we are smeared as “fake news” while the actual fake news media is celebrated with Pulitzer prizes

Notably, Natural News and other independent media outlets like InfoWars.com and Breitbart.com were the most accurate news outlets all along, reporting the facts that have now come out, even in the face of being repeatedly smeared, censored, blacklisted, de-indexed (by Google), banned from platforms like Facebook and absurdly smeared by the CIA-run Wikipedia disinformation encyclopedia.
We got the story right, in other words, yet we are punished for being right while the fake news media — which deliberately lied and took part in an actual real-world conspiracy of treason — is awarded with Pulitzers and other media accolades. The Pulitzer Prize has morphed into an award for which media outlet broadcasts the most effective propaganda, making a mockery of real journalism. From Greenwald:
The narrative manufactured by the security state agencies and laundered by their reliable media servants about these critical matters was a sham, a fraud, a lie. Yet again, U.S. discourse was subsumed by propaganda because the U.S. media and key parts of the security state have decided that subverting the Trump presidency is of such a high priority – that their political judgment outweighs the results of the election – that everything, including outright lying even to courts let alone the public, is justified because the ends are so noble.
This just underscores the haunting truth about the so-called “free press” in America today: The entire media establishment is a CIA front that knowingly spews disinformation, and the tech giants reinforce the lies by banning the independent media, hoping no one will ever learn the real truths that are being reported every day on news aggregation sites like Censored.news.
We were right; CNN was wrong. The deep state has become the media, and the deep state will lie, cheat and commit outrageous criminal acts of treason to get its way.
It all forces us to take a new look at the CIA-run media’s coverage of Sandy Hook, for example, or the 9/11 twin tower attacks. The deep state has been running the media for decades, and it’s the deep state that helped spin the lies and disinformation surrounding the Oklahoma City bombing that Bill Clinton hoped to use to silence conservative talk radio and enact new gun control laws.

Every mass shooting and act of terrorism in your lifetime has been planned and carried out by the same deep state people who are now trying to destroy Trump

What Americans now need to realize is that much of U.S. history has been staged by the deep state in order to achieve their political aims: The destruction of conservatives, the elimination of the Second Amendment, the silencing of independent voices and the mass psychological terrorism of the American people with staged, FBI-run false flag operations that routinely kill and murder innocent Americans.
Yes, the FBI is in fact a terrorist organization, and it exploits its power to carry out acts of physical terrorism against Americans while psychologically terrorizing everybody else with false media narratives.
For your entire life, you have been living under the siege of a dark, nefarious criminal cartel that has only come to full view thanks to President Trump, whose election victory forced the deep state swamp to “de-cloak” and reveal its true nature. Had Hillary Clinton won the election, Trump would right now be rotting in prison, having already been convicted of the “Russian conspiracy” that was being fabricated against him. That was the real purpose of the set up, by the way: To give the FBI and Clinton’s DOJ enough “evidence” to convict Trump of election meddling once he lost. What, you think Hillary Clinton was just going to take office and let Trump go back to work building hotels? Not on your life. She had planned to destroy Trump just like the Clintons have ordered the executions and political extermination of hundreds of political opponents, dating all the way back to Arkansas.
Hillary Clinton, by the way, is running for president again in 2020. She just hasn’t officially announced it yet, but it’s actually Hillary who is behind the scenes destroying the viability of all the other Democrat candidates, making sure that she’s the only one left standing and is therefore “forced” to run, since no one else remains to oppose Trump.
Shockingly, there are brainwashed, left-wind lunatics in America who actually support Hillary Clinton and think she’s an angel rather than the demonic, destructive witch she has actually become. If the pure evil of Hillary Clinton were to ever rise to power and seize control of the Oval Office, America would be doomed for she would ensure the dominance of authoritarian left-wing fascism, complete with the criminalization of all dissenting speech and the systematic destruction of all liberties in America.
Hillary’s 2020 candidacy must be vehemently opposed by all. And no, Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.

Trump isn’t perfect, but he isn’t an evil demon in a human skin bag, either. Vote for Trump in 2020 or America is lost. And once Trump wins in 2020, implore him to dismantle the deep state fake news media that tried to run a criminal coup to remove him from power. CNN’s “journalists” are treasonous criminals, and they should be indicted, charged and prosecuted for their crimes against America.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:24
Sábado, 14 / 12 / 19

Ten self-evident truths that We the People have spontaneously come to realize... (powerful)


By Mike Adams.


Mike Adams

We have shared an amazing journey together, and over the last three years, something amazing and spontaneous has happened to us all: We've awakened to the shocking truths about the evils of corrupt government (and the deep state swamp).

Read my short story today for the top 10 "awakening" list that's spontaneously happening in the minds of people everywhere, including in the UK and across Western Europe.


Image: Ten self-evident truths that We the People have spontaneously come to realize… that will END all government as we know it.


Ten self-evident truths that We the People have spontaneously come to realize… that will END all government as we know it.

(Natural News

We have a lot to thank Trump for, but among the most important is the idea that Trump has caused the corrupt, fraudulent, lying specter of “Big Government” to fully reveal itself for what it truly is.
Does anyone trust the FBI after reading the shocking findings of the Horowitz (IG) report? Not on your life.
Does anyone believe the Democrats are pursuing legitimate “impeachment” based on legitimate “high crimes?” Not a chance.
Does any rational person think that high-level lawmakers and bureaucrats aren’t on the take, receiving kickbacks from billions in foreign aid?
It’s quite stunning, actually, how the mass awakening has accelerated over the last three years as Trump has succeeded as President. In their desperate attempt to destroy Trump, the deep state swamp creatures and corrupt, lawless Democrats have been forced to reveal the truth about their corruption, fraud and malicious abuse of power.
Because of all this, there are many self-evident truths that have now become obvious to the American people. Read from the point of view of the People talking to the political swamp in Washington D.C.:
  1. We don’t believe you.
  2. You are all dishonest crooks and horrible people who should never be trusted again.
  3. The intelligence community is the enemy of the people and must be dismantled if any American is to ever be truly free.
  4. We are not going to voluntarily hand over our guns. You may come try to take them by force, but we will shoot you if you try.
  5. We are withdrawing our consent. You are now a rogue enemy government that we finally recognize as the ENEMY.
  6. We are never going to vote for establishment candidates ever again.
  7. We will not live as slaves, suffering under your tyranny. We would rather die as Americans, defending our liberty and our republic.
  8. If we ever get the chance, we will arrest all of you and throw you in prison for as long as you live.
  9. We will no longer cooperate with your sham court system, your corrupt FBI and your lawless federal regulators. They are all fraudulent, criminal cartels that have no legitimate authority. You have lost the consent of “the governed.”
  10. Your fiat currency financial system and debt Ponzi scheme is a criminal fraud that steals money from the working class. We will no longer hold your dollars and will seek alternatives at every opportunity.
I’m sure you can think of dozens more, but that short list sums up the highlights.
The bottom line should be crystal clear: The United States federal government is run by illegitimate, corrupt, fraudulent swamp creatures and the very future of freedom for America depends on completely dismantling the very concept of a “government” that rules over the people.
The time has come to end the era of big government. We the People no longer need “representatives” in Washington. We don’t need a United States Senate, packed with treasonous crooks (like McCain or Reid) and foreign aid skimming hucksters. We don’t need the FDA or the CDC, both of which are nothing but fake science marketing departments for Big Pharma. We don’t need the Federal Reserve, a fiat currency counterfeiting operation that steals from all working Americans. And we don’t need the intelligence community, which has morphed into a domestic spying secret police operation that routinely abuses its power to surveil and threaten innocent Americans.
We don’t need government-run health care, government-run food stamps or government-run anything, other than defending the shores, setting standards and using the limited powers of small government to protect the rights of individuals against dangerous corporations such as banks and tech giants. That’s the proper role of government: To protect liberty, not to rule over the people.
Do not surrender an inch to this corrupt, lawless system run by traitors and tyrants. Every Democrat in Washington D.C., without exception, is guilty of treason and should be arrested, charged and treated accordingly. And half the Republicans are guilty of the same crime, by the way.
The entire system is corrupt beyond repair. The deep state swamp cannot investigate itself, yet all the powers of investigation have been concentrated in the hands of the very people who are the most dangerous, corrupt criminals of all.
It’s time to revoke our consent from this criminal government and dismantle it once and for all.
Trump is attempting to do exactly that, but even he is spending America into oblivion with record debt spending. Perhaps he realizes a financial implosion is the only sure way to bring down the whole corrupt system.
There will never be another Trump. Once Trump’s tenure is up, We the People must continue his work of exposing, dismantling and rejecting the criminals, crooks and fraudsters in Washington D.C. The very existence of big government is irreconcilable with personal liberty and prosperity. We can either be free and prosperous, or we can be enslaved and forced into destitution under the rule of big government tyranny.
Watch Brighteon.com to daily videos on liberty and freedom, posted by thousands of different users. Or join Brighteon and post your own.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 03:44
Segunda-feira, 25 / 11 / 19

"Decarbonize" is a code word for the depopulation agenda that's now active


By Ethan Huff.

November 24, 2019.

[Humans are carbon-based life forms.

When you hear climate alarmists talking about the need to "decarbonize," what they really mean is depopulation.
The extermination of humans has now begun, and according to many climate activists, they are convinced that's the only way to save the planet.
Which means that in their minds, the rest of us are expendable. Mike Adams.]

Carbon-based life

Carbon is a key component of all known life on Earth, representing approximately 45-50% of all dry biomass... 



“Decarbonize” means DEPOPULATION, because humans are carbon-based organisms… AOC, Bernie Sanders are actually promoting extermination of humans.



(Natural NewsRepresentative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and failed presidential candidate Bernie Sanders have together unveiled a new piece of legislation that they claim will help to “decarbonize” America’s public housing stock – which is just code for depopulation.

The “Green New Deal for Public Housing Act,” as they’re calling it, would require $180 billion in taxpayer dollars to “decarbonize the entire public housing stock in the United States of America,” according to AOC and Sanders.
“And in the process of decarbonizing the public housing stock we are going to put hundreds of thousands of people to work in good paying jobs and giving that preference to public housing residents,” AOC further explained during a public unveiling event for the bill.
“The planet is in crisis,” Sanders added, to cheers from a group of public housing residents that was bussed in from New York City to Washington, DC. “The truth is that five out of the last six years have been the warmest on record,” Sanders further contended, offering no evidence to back this claim.

All major cities will be under water in 50 years, claims Bernie Sanders

Part of the impetus behind this first of many Green New Deal initiatives is the fear that AOC and Sanders both have about our planet warming to the point that ocean levels rise and flood our major cities.
“Major cities around the world – cities like Miami, New York City, London, Shanghai, and Hong Kong will likely be under water in the next 50 years,” Sanders claims, again without any evidence to back it.
Get more news like this without being censored: Get the Natural News app for your mobile devices. Enjoy uncensored news, lab test results, videos, podcasts and more. Bypass all the unfair censorship by Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Get your daily news and videos directly from the source! Download here.
According to Sanders, the United Nations is correct in its speculation that “climate change” will soon create “over a hundred million climate refugees in search of food, water, and a minimal standard of living.”
By retrofitting America’s public housing stock with “decarbonization” in mind, not only will a climate crisis like this be averted, according to Sanders, but it will also “reduce carbon emissions equivalent to taking off of the road over one million cars,” while also supposedly creating 250,000 “good paying union jobs.”
“This will pay for itself,” claims Sanders about this Green New Deal proposal. “This is a win, win, win piece of legislation.”

“Sustainability,” “decarbonization,” and other “progressive” language all translates as fewer humans

How “decarbonizing” public housing will magically create 250,000 high-paying union jobs is anyone’s guess, as the socialist duo failed to reveal any details about how the Green New Deal for Public Housing Act will actually work. But one thing is for sure: It will most certainly involve reducing the number of human beings that are allowed to stay alive.
As Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, continues to warn, the climate change hoax is primarily about one thing: reducing the world’s population to “sustainable” levels, making the planet easier to control for eugenicists like Bernie Sanders and AOC that are promising the world to people dumb enough to vote for their ideas.
If you don’t believe us, check out a new paper, entitled, “World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency,” that was recently published in the journal BioScience. In this paper, more than 11,000 “scientists” call on governments of the world to take action by eliminating billions of people from the face of the earth – all to stop “global warming,” of course.
“In the last century or so, governments of the world have already mass murdered 262 million people,” Adams warns. “Apparently, that’s not nearly enough, according to genocidal climate scientists.”
To keep up with the latest news about how climate armies around the world are pushing for massive population reductions in the name of stopping “global warming,” be sure to check out Depopulation.news.
Sources for this article include:
  1. Breitbart.com
  2. Depopulation.news

My notes:
  • The carbon is the oxygen of the plants and the plants supply oxygen.
  • The human bodies are in transaction from carbon-base to crystal-base. 


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 03:32
Terça-feira, 12 / 11 / 19

WSJ reports - Google running covert project to sweep up all your health records


By Mike Adams.

Mike Adams


The WSJ is now breaking the news that Google is running a covert project to hoover up all your private health records without your knowledge or permission.

Using AI systems and partnerships with Big Pharma, Google plans to mass medicate everyone with toxic, high-profit prescription drugs, generating a tidal wave of new revenues for Google itself, which is now becoming a pharmaceutical and vaccine corporation.

It's all a massive criminal racket, and YOU are the target.


Image: BREAKING: Google running Orwellian project to secretly hoover up health records of millions of Americans across 21 states – WSJ.

BREAKING: Google running Orwellian project to secretly hoover up health records of millions of Americans across 21 states – WSJ.


(Natural NewsThe Wall Street Journal is now breaking the news that Google is running a secret, Orwellian project called “Project Nightingale,” designed to covertly sweep up the health records of millions of Americans across 21 U.S. states.

“Search giant is amassing health records from Ascension facilities in 21 states; patients not yet informed,” warns the WSJ.
The WSJ goes on to explain:
Google is teaming with one of the country’s largest health-care systems on a secret project to collect and crunch the detailed personal health information of millions of Americans across 21 states, according to people familiar with the matter and internal documents.
The data involved in Project Nightingale includes lab results, doctor diagnoses and hospitalization records, among other categories, and amounts to a complete health history, complete with patient names and dates of birth.
Neither patients nor doctors have been notified. At least 150 Google employees already have access to much of the data on tens of millions of patients, according to a person familiar with the matter.
What this means is that the same evil tech giant that now bans natural health websites and controls the public’s access to health-related information is positioning itself to profit from the widespread degenerative disease caused by people not having access to truthful information about nutrition and natural cures.

Google is now an evil pharmaceutical company that censors competing information on natural health and natural cures

As Dr. Mercola recently unveiled, Google is also a pharmaceutical company that’s working to roll out its own vaccines. This explains the company’s exhaustive effort to gather up health records of millions of Americans. By exploiting this data, Google can target the American people for high-profit prescription drugs and vaccines, cashing in on disease while running a censorship racket that blocks the public’s access to natural health solutions that prevent and reverse disease without resorting to toxic pharmaceuticals.
ebookDiscover how to prevent and reverse heart disease (and other cardio related events) with this free ebook: Written by popular Natural News writer Vicki Batt, this book includes everything you need to know about preventing heart disease, reversing hypertension, and nurturing your cardiac health without medication. Learn More.
Google, in other words, is becoming part of the Big Pharma drug cartel that conspires to keep the American people diseased in order to maximize corporate profits. Google’s AI technology, of course, will be used to target individuals with recommended high-profit drugs and medical procedures that ensure future profits for Google and Big Pharma. As the WSJ explains:
Google in this case is using the data, in part, to design new software, underpinned by advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning, that zeros in on individual patients to suggest changes to their care. Staffers across Alphabet Inc., Google’s parent, have access to the patient information, documents show, including some employees of Google Brain, a research science division…
With the censorship of natural health content being pushed by Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Wikipedia and other tech giants, America is now collapsing into a mass medicated “pharma state” (similar to Mexico’s “narco state” but controlled by pharma).
Much of the high-tech economy, it now seems, is going to be rooted in keeping the American people ignorant, diseased and mass medicated, with toxic prescription drugs being air-dropped via drone delivery. This is the exact nightmare scenario that we’ve warned about, which is why we are maliciously censored and de-platformed by all the tech giants.
Amazon, Costco, Google and other large corporations are all jumping in with Big Pharma to profit from the continuation of disease, making sure nobody has access to health knowledge that can prevent illness and dramatically reduce America’s health care costs.
The quest for corporate profits is now driving all the powerful corporations, including those that control online speech and that rig elections to ensure compliant legislators stay in office to keep the scam going.

Google is the most evil tech company on the planet, and they will enslave humanity while profiting from Big Pharma’s medical racket

Never forget that Google helped communist China build a police state surveillance system that helps the corrupt, tyrannical regime in China carry out organ harvest, torture and rapes of political and religious dissidents. Google is the most anti-human rights tech corporation on the planet, and there’s no question they will exploit and abuse their power to unleash horrific levels of human suffering, all in the name of “blood money” for their pharma cartels.
Read more about Big Tech’s complicity in medical tyranny at MedicalTyranny.com.
Watch more breaking videos on health and medicine at this Brighteon.com health page.
Mike Adams

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:37
Sexta-feira, 08 / 11 / 19

The enemies of humanity are literal demons in human form -


By Mike Adams.

Mike Adams


What if the opponents of human freedom, liberty and truth weren't human beings at all but rather demons in human form?

That's the argument of today's detailed article, which lays out the evidence that those who oppose human health, dignity, truth and freedom are not human beings at all.

They are, in many cases, formerly human skin bags now occupied by truly demonic dark spirits.

Their goal? Mass death, suffering, murder, disease, destruction and collapse.


Image: Making the case that many Democrats are no longer human, but rather biological vessels of “Demonic Obsession”.

Making the case that many Democrats are no longer human, but rather biological vessels of “Demonic Obsession”.


(Natural News) Despite the seemingly shocking idea presented by the title of this article, the idea that some individuals are no longer “persons” is an idea championed by the Democrats themselves.

The entire slave plantation era in America was, of course, spearheaded by Democrats who demanded “ownership” of slaves, a form of de-personing. It was Democrats who ran the KKK, pushed gun control to keep blacks disarmed, demanded school segregation and opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. It was Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, who freed the slaves and ended the de-personhood that Democrats had insisted on enforcing as part of their twisted desire to exploit human beings for their own power and profit.
Even today, it is Democrats alone who have celebrated new laws legalizing the killing of human babies after they’re born by claiming they are not persons. These new laws — passed in New York and elsewhere — legalize infanticide by pretending human babies are not human at all. What turns a baby into a human being? According to Democrats, babies aren’t real people until the mother decides she wants to keep the baby.
In other words, according to prominent Democrats, human being can be de-personed, mutilated while alive, and murdered by licensed medical professionals… and they’re isn’t a single prominent Democrat who opposes this practice.
Not one.

Part of being a human being is recognizing the humanity in others

What makes us human?
One of the prerequisites of being considered a human being is, of course, the capacity to recognize the humanity of others. Democrats fail this test when they look at a living, breathing human infant and declare it’s okay to murder that child. As stated above, this position is embraced, almost without exception, by nearly every Democrat in America today.
Mass murderers are often called “inhuman” when the horrors of their crimes are finally revealed. What kind of a person would murder innocent people or condone such murder on a grand scale?
Democrats, of course. That’s who they are. This is what they not merely tolerate but celebrate.

Condoning the mass murder of innocent human beings disqualifies you from being considered “human” yourself

Systematically violating the core humanity of other human beings — regardless of their age — disqualifies you from being a true human being yourself. If you believe it is your right to selectively revoke the recognition of humanity in others and carry out acts of violence against them in order to make your own life more comfortable, you are not a human being.
You are an inhuman sociopath.
And that’s exactly what nearly every Democrat in America is today: Sociopaths who support mass murder, extreme censorship, violence against their political opponents and genocide carried out in Planned Parenthood murder factories across America.
But killing human babies isn’t enough to satiate the desire for pure evil and human suffering that now infests the dark hearts and twisted minds of Democrats: They also specialize in sexually abusing children, too.
That’s why a convicted pedophile and sex criminal was just elected as a Democrat in Virginia. His name is Joe Morrissey, and he apparently has the majority vote of Virginians, a state whose governor (Northam) was not only caught wearing blackface, but who openly admits to supporting and even endorsing the practice of murdering living human children.
The idea of being led by an individual who endorses child murder didn’t phase Democrats one bit. They support the practice.
In fact, it defines them. That’s why Jeffrey Epstein was so popular among Democrats like Bill Clinton: Because he provided the trafficked underage children for the Democrat “rape encounters” that are so popular among the powerful elite. Recently, a top Democrat donor named Ed Buck was finally arrested after three dead black escorts were found in his home. (The man would string them up, drug them, rape them and leave them for dead. He was a top donor to the Hillary Clinton campaign.)
Yes, Democrats not only murder children seemingly for sport, they also celebrate sexual perversion, child trafficking (hence their support for open borders), organized child rape and even Satanic rituals that result in children being sacrificed, murdered and “disappeared.”

460,000 missing children in the USA each year… while the entire left-wing media protects pedophiles

Do you have any idea how many children go missing in the United States each year? According to GlobalMissingKids.org, 460,000 children are reported missing each year in the United States alone. The number of mind boggling. Surely some percentage of those children are ultimately found alive and well, but there’s no question that a significant portion of those 460,000 children end up in Democrat sex dungeons to be exploited and repeatedly raped by Demoncrats and their donors.
Jeffrey Epstein alone — who had widely reported links to the Clintons and other powerful Democrats — reportedly demanded “three orgasms a day” from child sex slaves who were provided to him by the global elite, nearly all Democrats, according to The Sun UK. At one point, Epstein was gifted three 12-year-old French girls for his birthday. The girls were kidnapped and flown in from France, reports the NY Post, to appease this Democrat-connected pedophile ring mastermind.
What kind of a person hates humanity so much that they would rape multiple young girls (or boys) each day, year after year, while providing these children to the world’s most powerful and wealthy individuals like Bill Clinton?
Someone who truly hates humanity, most likely because they aren’t human themselves.
The pedophilia now even reaches the halls of the mainstream media as both CBS News and ABC News are now actively defending a pedophile by firing a whistleblower staffer who sought to expose the cover-up. As Zero Hedge reports, “CBS has fired a female staffer believed to have had access to a candid tape of ABC host Amy Robach complaining that in 2016, the network shelved her scoop on Jeffrey Epstein’s sex crimes…”

The top three broadcast networks are now openly protecting Democrat-linked pedophiles. As this story explains in World Net Daily:
The Epstein case resonates as a shining example of the growing chasm between our society’s elites and everyone else. If the super wealthy and super connected can even get away with raping young girls with almost no punishment, our system is beyond broken.
ABC’s claims that the story didn’t run because of a lack of “corroborating evidence” are hard to accept after the same network chose to run outlandish and completely uncorroborated reports about Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, peddled at the time by now disgraced Democratic activist and lawyer Michael Avenatti. There’s no explanation for such disparate treatment besides pure bias.
…we have all three major U.S. television broadcast networks implicated to some degree in covering for rapists…
In Canada, by the way, an estimated 45,000 children are reported missing each year. In Australia, it’s 20,000 children and in the UK, it’s nearly 113,000. Globally, we’re talking about over a million children going missing each year.
What’s really happening to all these children? It’s gruesome to consider, but many of them end up in the hands of child traffickers who exploit the open borders of the United States to transport kidnapped children to and from the United States. One of the reasons Democrats strongly oppose closing the open border is because it would make their child trafficking operations more difficult and expensive.

Democrats are triggered into irrational, violent rages upon seeing a MAGA hat, much like a Christian cross

But the hatred toward humanity doesn’t stop there, of course. Democrats are also filled with vile hatred for Donald Trump and his supporters. They lash out in violent episodes and demean individuals who voted for Trump, dishonestly labeling them “Nazis” while adopting fascist Brownshirt tactics themselves.
Their hatred for God is even more pronounced. Democrats despise God and any inkling of a creative, divine being. The very idea that the universe was created through intelligent design causes extreme anger to rise up inside Democrats, almost as if a demonic spirit was surfacing to violently reject any mention of God, Christ or the Bible. Beyond merely deciding they don’t wish to follow a Christian lifestyle, these Democrats fanatically hateChristians and those who honor God.
Were you aware that the Catholic Church carries out exorcisms all across the world, even today? According to the Catholic Church, human beings may become captured through demonic possession. When this happens, a demon occupies the body of a person and has access to most of their memories, thrusting that person’s original (human) consciousness aside. The body remains the same, but the “soul” inside is a demon spirit.
In fact, every diocese under the Catholic Church contains at least one person who is trained to carry out exorcisms. That’s how common demonic possession has become in our world.
“There is an alarming increase in demonic activity being reported by those who work in exorcism ministry, said the exorcist for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis,” reports the NC Register in an article about exorcism:
Last October, Father Lampert met in Rome with the International Association of Exorcists, a group of 400 Catholic leaders and priests. It is a support group that meets every other year. According to him, group members agree that there is a great need for more exorcists.
The article quotes Father Lampert, who explains that, “Demonic obsession involves mental attacks, such as persistent thoughts of evil racing through one’s mind.”
Does that not describe most Democrats living in America today? They are consumed with evil, hateful thoughts about killing or violently attacking others, and they wish for death and destruction not merely upon infant babies but upon the United States of America as a sovereign nation.
As the Catholic Deliverance blog explains about Demonic Obsession, via the book “An Exorcist Tells His Story” by Fr. Gabriele Amorth:
“Symptoms include sudden attacks, at times ongoing, of obsessive thoughts, sometimes even rationally absurd, but of such nature that the victim is unable to free himself.” Moreover, “the obsessed person lives in a perpetual state of prostration, desperation, and attempts at suicide. Almost always, obsession influences dreams.”
Does this not describe modern Democrats perfectly?
Antifa, a product of the radical Left, routinely carries out acts of extreme violence, insanity and mindless assaults on innocent people, acting almost as a horde of demonspossessed by an otherworldly force. See this video for examples:
Democrats have truly become the party of mass mental illness:
Just as Satan-following demons go insane when shown Christian symbols like the cross, today’s Democrats lose their minds when shown liberty symbols like the red MAGA hat:

What if we aren’t dealing with human beings but rather human skin bags possessed by life-hating, human-hating, freedom-hating DEMONS?

All this brings up the important question: What if we aren’t really facing human beings that call themselves “democrats” but rather human skin bags that are occupied by demonic spirits pretending to be human?
It actually makes perfect sense. It is widely recognized by the Catholic Church, for example, that demons possess people and that the ease of possession coincides with the alignment of a person who hates God, Jesus Christ and the Bible.
Who hates the Bible the most? Democrats. They despise it. In doing so, they make themselves incredibly vulnerable to demonic possession.
Once possessed, it turns out their demonic, pro-satanism stance is completely aligned with the Democrat party: Child murder (infanticide), bloody abortions, hating God, promoting the evil of transgenderism indoctrination of children, child rape and sacrifice, unleashing massive human suffering, disease, destitution, homelessness, substance addiction and more.
There are all the Democrat platforms of today!
It’s Democrats that promote satanism in public schools. It’s Democrats who just pushed for the Austin school district, for example, to teach 3rd graders about anal sex.
It’s Democrats that want to force your children to be injected with vaccines manufactured from the blood of aborted human babies, “marking” your children as the property of Satan via medical cannibalism rituals.
And it’s prominent Leftists like Richard Pan, Adam Schiff, Hillary Clinton, George Soros who literally look like evil demons, even when they appear in human form.
The goal of these demons is now perfectly clear: The complete destruction of humanity, life, liberty, happiness, abundance and faith in God. That’s why these demonic entities routinely attack churches, children, truth, faith, health, happiness and the family, among other things.
We are not witnessing human beings going insane; we are witnessing demonic entities taking over human skin bags and working to utterly destroy humanity.

Every institution is now run by DEMONS who are pretending to be human

Fallen angels are hard at work, controlling the media, the realm of “science,” the vaccine industry, public education, Hollywood and more. This is why satanism, pedophilia, violence and bloodlust are shoved in your face every day, via pop culture, mainstream media and violence on the streets. “If it bleeds, it leads” is the mantra of the media, and that’s because they are run by bloodthirsty demons who seek to use their platforms to psychologically terrorize every conscious human being on our planet.
Ultimately, of course, their goal is the complete destruction of humanity. That’s exactly why 11,000 scientists just called for global depopulation, a way to mass murder literally billions of human beings who represent the image of God.
Demons are running amok, and they’re suddenly becoming far easier to recognize. They call themselves “Democrats” and they watch the pro-pedophilia news networks. They vote for child-raping political demons like Bill Clinton, and they despise Christians and living human babies.
Don’t make the mistake of continuing to believe they’re human at all. They may lookhuman, but underneath the skin bag, a demonic entity is fully in charge.
Read more news about demonic possession and the rise of satanism at Demonic.news.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 22:21
Terça-feira, 11 / 06 / 19

Facebook bans Natural News - Health Ranger responds ~ Mike Adams.

Facebook bans Natural News; 

Health Ranger responds with message for humanity.

by: Mike Adams.

June 9, 2019. 

Mike Adams
Facebook has now permanently banned Natural News.
I've posted a detailed video response and a message to humanity.
We need your voice to help express the outrage against Facebook for banning one of the most important voices in the world of natural health, nutrition and personal liberty.
P.S. Don't miss the special today on Liyfbiotic Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes. Your gut health is crucial to your overall health. For the next 16 hours, we've got these on special.

Image: Facebook bans Natural News; Health Ranger responds with message for humanity.



(Natural News) In response to a coordinated, heavily-funded smear campaign against Natural News and myself, the Health Ranger, Facebook has now permanently banned Natural News from posting content. The channel name that has been banned is Facebook.com/healthranger, which was our primary channel reaching over 2.5 million people.
This is on top of the permanent bans of Natural News content from Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Google News, Apple and other techno-fascists that now represent the greatest threat to human freedom the world has ever seen.
The techno-fascists, including Wikipedia, have decided that no speech that questions any official narrative will be allowed on any platform. Anyone who questions the safety of toxic vaccines, 5G cell towers, geoengineering, chemotherapy or glyphosate weed killer chemicals is now maliciously attacked, smeared and de-platformed. You’re not even allowed now to talk about nutrition, anti-cancer foods or nutritional supplements without being labeled a “vitamin” website accused of pushing fake cures. (That’s right: The left-wing authoritarian tyrants are now anti-nutrition on top of everything else.)
Every website or individual who expresses any view of dissent against the corrupt scientific establishment is immediately labeled “fake news,” even as the left-wing media routinely pushed total fabrications about President Trump and anyone who supports Trump.
As I have repeatedly pointed out, the tech giants and their CEOs are truly enemies of humanity.
Remember: As all this censorship is taking place, the tech giants somehow claim they aren’t censoring anyone at all. They claim to have a monopoly on “facts” or “truth” and proclaim themselves to have the King’s unique right to decide who gets to speak and who must be silenced. These criminals like Zuckerberg, Dorsey and Cook are un-elected, subject to zero transparency and offer no mechanism for due process whereby channels who are banned might defend themselves against unfair, dishonest smears or fake news attacks run by left-wing journo-terrorism hacks.
In essence, the entire internet is now run by the most lawless evil war criminals imaginable, and they have zero respect for human rights, human dignity or free speech.
I have posted a video response to the Facebook ban on Brighteon.com, the video platform we created following YouTube’s de-platforming of natural health and conservative channels.

More videos about the “online ethnic cleansing” now being carried out by the evil tech giants in an effort to enslave humanity and create Hell on Earth via thought control, censorship, intimidation and authoritarian tyranny:
Also see this video from Stephen Crowder about Vox and its bully tactics for de-platforming all conservatives:


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



 * All Posts

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 14:50
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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