A Chama da Ascensão


Quinta-feira, 21 / 05 / 20

Rise Above the Fear.

Rise Above the Fear.


Channeled by Erena Velazquez.

May 21th, 2020 .




I am Sanat Kumara, it's been a while since my last message, which I delivered to humanity, it was at the beginning of Coronavirus.

Today, I am glad to be here and I would like to share my wisdom with all of you. It has been rocky, fearful and unexpected times for you dear ones. I understand, that a lot things happened and changed for you. The Coronavirus was brought on humanity for a reason to create chaos, bring fear, and to eliminate the human population. As you see right now, the Dark Forces plan didn't work too well. They wanted to destroy and kill most of the people on Earth and of course to attack and destroy your well being by bringing uncertainty to your life and making you fearful and uncertain. The Negative Forces are losing their battle, because their plans keep failing, and all this propaganda by their media, who are trying to scare everyone is also not working, they are loosing and they will continue to lose.

The human race started with fear, because they couldn't understand, why suddenly they were loosing their jobs, got closed and locked in their homes. All of the countries on the planet where told to stay home because of this Coronavirus. The virus, which was superficially created and let out into to the world, as Ashtar of Galactic Federation Commander mentioned to you already, so you know the details, how everything was done on purpose to scare you to death, so you would follow the orders of your governments. Your government leaders were exposed and they could not hide their true agenda, if you had any doubts before and were wondering, if they were ever on your side and really tried to help you, now you can see clearly that they are not on your side, they never were and never will be. All of the government ever wants for you is to be constantly in fear, so they can control you, it's all about power and control over you and nothing else.

How do you deal with that, you know very well how, it's very simple, not to listen to what they say and follow your own discernment, what makes sense to you on how you want to live your life and not the way they tell you to live. You know that your governments have been lying to you for thousands and thousands of years, telling you lie after lie. They never cared about you to give you, what you deserve and what is your right. Your right is to be free, live abundantly and in peace. Instead you got stress and more stress and your always worried about how your going to pay your bills, while working hard and being unsatisfied with your job. These times are coming to an end and each day brings you closer and closer to the real date, to the date when you will be completely free, and there will be no more control from your governments or anybody else.

In the meantime, what you can do, just don't let fear take over you, don't trust your mass media or your government leaders, just meditate. I know you heard from many Ascended Masters to meditate, yes, to meditate, to raise your energies and vibration, to maintain your energies, because if you don't, it's hard to stay in this 3D reality in a high vibration, so not to let anything bother you or cause you to be fearful. We, all of us the Ascended Masters, Galactic Federation, Prime Creator and etc. have been working very hard to help you with your Ascension to bring this process to the end to the final destination, so please help us by doing simple things, what I mentioned by having faith in yourselves and us, and by meditating.

I am glad to be here, because I can tell you my message and let you know that I have been always on your side, and I am doing what I can to help you to move to The New Age, The Golden Age and close this chapter of enslavement in your life behind you. Also, I would like to ask you please don't get vaccinated by your doctors, because they are going to put poison in your vaccination. Don't trust your government, they have been lying to you for so long, why would they suddenly now do something good for you, it's only going to be benefit them. Especially these doctors who come on TV and preach about how wonderful they are, and that they want to save you and help you. They are not looking for your best interest that's for sure, they have their own agenda, which is to destroy humanity and nothing else. Humans have been nothing, but subjects for the Dark Ones to experiment on all their fear tactics, they have been exploiting, torturing and killing human beings.

The good news are that some abused children have been rescued and brought out of the tunnels in different parts of world to the light and are being taken care of by trying to bring them back to life, healing them and ensuring them that their nightmare is over and that it will never repeat again.

I am aware that these times have been very difficult for you. I am asking you please, don't give up, just keep going and be strong, believing that these bad times, what you had will end and the light will shine through the darkness, and everything and everybody will be restored to the light and healed from all this misery that humanity has experienced for so many years, I don't even want to mention how many years because you know yourselves it has been too long. I want you to reach the destination where you will be happy, in peace, creating what you love and living long lives, not how you live now. You leave your physical body in a very early age, for us, it's like your a baby and your leaving your body so soon. We all live long lives, this is how it's been created by Prime Creator, that our bodies and our souls never die. It only happens here and on other similar planets, where life has been cut short and taken away sooner than it's suppose to. We live forever, there is no such thing as death.

I am really happy that these rough times and Dark Ones control over human civilization are ending, and I am happy to be part of this process, that I can be here and deliver through this channel my message, because this message represents all of us. All of us on the other side, you call that beyond the veil, but this veil is getting thinner and thinner. Information for you and everyone else is coming in more and more, soon all of your memories will be restored, and you will remember all of your lives, and who you were then and who you are now. You got stuck here and lost all your memories, and didn't really know that you have been living long lives here on planet Earth, in the galaxy and other galaxies. Everything was taken away from you, the Negative Ones erased everything from your consciousness and kept you in the dark, because they didn't want you know who you are. You are a spiritual being like us and you have amazing and magical powers, and you don't need to be living like a slave.

A lot of you got awaken in different parts of the world since this lockdown happen. You starting to questioning, why I need to be sitting home, is the virus really there or not, are people really dying, and how many are dying from the virus and how many are not. The information has been delivered to you not truthfully, it was manipulated, and the news gave what they wanted to give you, so in reality nobody knows for sure how many people really died from the Coronavirus, and how many people died from something else. Every person who died, they were counting as from the Coronavirus, no matter what symptoms they had, so please understand, you can't expect the truth from your government and your news media, who have been misleading humanity for so long.

I am looking forward to when you will start speaking the truth yourselves and start saying, I had enough of this, I am not putting up with it anymore. You will say, I know what my rights are and I know that I have the right to be free, prosperous and be happy. I am happy that awaking is taking place across globally, more and more people are getting awake and questioning daily, why things are the way they are in this world. It's the greatest and the most rewarding times for human civilization.

When you will cross that line and will be in 5D and you won't need to live anymore in 3D, then you will see, understand and appreciate even more your freedom in this new reality, where you will be happy and nothing will bother you, make you sad or put you in despair. You will be creating for the good of your civilization in unity and not in separation.

I am so happy to share this message with all of you today and I promise you, I will be coming more often.

I am Sanat Kumara and thank you for listening to me.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:25
Quarta-feira, 06 / 05 / 20

O véu está se tornando cada vez mais fino.

O véu está se tornando cada vez mais fino.

Mahatma Gandhi.

Através de Erena Velazquez.

5 de maio de 2020. 

Traduzido a 6 de abril de 2020



Saudações Meus Queridos,

Eu sou Mahatma Gandhi e estou muito satisfeito por estar aqui.

Esperei muito tempo pela oportunidade de vir e me comunicar com a humanidade. Estou muito feliz por ter essa chance de expressar minha gratidão e meu amor a todos neste planeta, a Mãe Terra. Faz muito tempo desde que eu andei e conversei pela Terra, não muito tempo em comparação com outros Mestres Ascensos, mas é um prazer e meu respeito a todos vocês que eu possa vir aqui hoje e enviar minha mensagem a todos vocês.

Quando eu estava andando e vivendo em Mãe Gaia, estava lutando pela liberdade da escravidão do meu povo. Meu pessoal e todo mundo agora está passando por uma situação semelhante à que vivi durante a minha vida. Agora vocês estão lutando por sua liberdade com grandes forças que os mantêm escravizados por muito tempo, sem que vocês saibam quem vocês são e qual é a verdade. Hoje, as coisas são muito diferentes em comparação com o momento em que eu vivia a vida humana, na época eu nem conhecia a existência dessas forças das trevas. Eu só sabia que, no fundo do meu coração, queria ser livre e que minha nação também o fosse livre.

Estou tão feliz por ter chegado aqui hoje, porque posso ajudar a liderar todos que ouvirem minha mensagem e quem quiser seguir minha liderança em direção à liberdade, prosperidade, felicidade e serenidade, sejam bem-vindos a ouvir e experimentar essa liberdade comigo. Sim, os tempos são diferentes, mas a situação é muito semelhante, a humanidade quer e precisa se libertar, porque mais e mais pessoas estão despertando. Está se tornando cada vez mais fácil enviar mensagens do nosso ao vosso lado, vocês chamam isso aqui atrás do véu. O véu está se tornando cada vez mais fino, especialmente porque vocês recebem muitas energias altas que são enviadas a vocês por todos que desejam que vocês se tornem livres e felizes.

Decidi aproveitar essa caminhada à liberdade, ajudando vocês a ficarem mais acordados e seguirem minha liderança. Como vocês sabem, eu sempre fui um lutador, mas sempre lutava de maneira pacífica, nunca acreditei que lutar com a espada traria liberdade, e acredito que apenas lutar sem a espada é o melhor caminho. Entendo que todos vocês estão passando por momentos difíceis agora, estão com medo de suas vidas, estão confusos e não sabem o que esperar em um futuro próximo. Eu sou Gandhi, posso lhes dizer uma coisa, não se preocupem, tudo vai dar certo, mesmo que pareça tão incerto, injusto e assustador. É apenas temporário, a luz voltará como sempre, e estou feliz em ver que essa liberdade está chegando a vocês. A liberdade de se tornarem uma nova civilização feliz que foi escravizada por muitos, muitos milhares de anos.

É meu prazer e honra tornar-me seu apoio e guia para experimentar a linha de chegada de todos neste planeta. Estou muito satisfeito e feliz em ajudar, guiar e apoiar minha nação e o resto das nações do mundo. Tenho orgulho da minha nação, que passou por muita coisa e ainda está passando por muitas coisas diferentes. Nesta situação caótica, acredito que a humanidade vai superar esse grande obstáculo, vi como as pessoas podem se unir e ajudar umas às outras em situações difíceis. É por isso que estou ansioso e sei que todas essas experiências pelas quais as pessoas estão passando agora unirão todos ao redor do mundo, trará paz, compreensão e respeito uns pelos outros.

Minha presença aqui é tornar-me seu guia e professor para compartilhar minha sabedoria com todos vocês e minhas experiências do outro lado para ajudá-los a entenderem entre si e serem mais gentis e amorosos uns com os outros. Lembrem-se, a vida humana neste momento tem sido muito curta, e esquecemos como podem ser momentos preciosos e como é maravilhoso respirar fundo e cheirar as flores, sentir a natureza, ouvir os pássaros e observar o pôr do sol ou o nascer do sol, são todas essas pequenas coisas e todo o cenário é tão precioso. Sei que vocês estão passando por tempos difíceis há muitos anos, agora e às vezes é muito difícil prestar atenção a esses pequenos eventos e pequenos momentos da sua vida, mas isso está chegando ao fim.

Como eu disse antes, a linha de chegada está muito próxima, todo mundo está trabalhando para ajudá-los o máximo que puder do outro lado a trazer para esta Nova Era o que todos estão falando sobre a Nova Era para Gaia, Nova Era para a Mãe Terra e Nova Idade para a humanidade. A humanidade vai se tornar muito feliz e próspera, tudo o que ela precisa está aqui, vocês não precisam ir muito longe, mas foi tirado a todos pelas forças negativas, que não querem que as pessoas e nações sejam felizes e vivam em paz. Tudo o que eles sempre queriam era vos controlar ou que vos controlásseis.

É por isso que, quando vivi na Terra, viajei e morei na África do Sul, estudei na Inglaterra e depois fui para minha amada Índia, vi como o sistema era injusto com as pessoas e não podia viver e tolerar o que estava acontecendo com minha amada nação e vi outras nações sofrendo também, mas como minha formação na época estava relacionada à minha Índia, dei minha vida por ela e não me arrependo de nenhum momento. Foi minha alegria e orgulho ajudar as pessoas a ver sua liberdade. Portanto, neste momento, convoco todas as nações e todas as pessoas ao redor do mundo a se unirem e ajudarem-se a receber e ver a luz, para que todos possam experimentar uma nova vida sem pobreza, fome e tortura.

Alguns de vocês sabem e que muitas crianças neste mundo foram sequestradas e torturadas nos túneis ao redor do mundo sob as cidades, sacrificadas e mortas. Fico feliz em informar que é verdade que as crianças foram resgatadas e continuam sendo resgatadas por pessoas incríveis. Vocês as chamam de forças especiais que continuam trazendo essas crianças para casa, trazendo-as de volta a este mundo e ajudando-as a ver a luz novamente, porque foram roubados de tudo o que tinham, de seus pais, de suas vidas e de tudo o mais que podiam experimentar.

Meus queridos, estou muito feliz e não posso expressar minha alegria vendo e experimentando que muitos de vocês estão acordados e estão se ajudando mutuamente a verem a luz. Entendo e estou ciente de que o Criador Principal veio e deu uma mensagem com certa verdade, mas por favor, entendam que amamos todos vocês, nunca quereríamos prejudicar nenhum de vocês, se dermos um pequeno conselho ou enviarmos uma mensagem, é porque queremos que vocês vejam e entendam o porquê e o que está acontecendo com vocês. Vocês vivem suas vidas aqui e às vezes estão tão consumidos com isso que não são capazes de ver a verdade real. Não queremos que vocês pensem que os desprezamos e que não entendemos o que vocês estão passando, nós entendemos. Eu estive aqui em tempos difíceis, muito difíceis. Fui muitas e muitas vezes preso e sei como os direitos humanos foram violados na época e ainda hoje estão sendo violados em alguns países.

Estou aqui como embaixador da luz e do amor e estou aqui para ajudá-los, nutri-los e levá-los a uma nova vida. Estou muito grato e orgulhoso de todos vocês e também não posso esquecer minha nação. Eu chamo minha nação, porque essa é a vida que tive na minha última vida. Minha querida Índia, estou tão orgulhoso de ti porque fizeste um trabalho incrível. Eu entendo que vocês ainda têm pobreza e algumas pessoas ainda morrem de fome, mas tudo vai mudar apenas confiem em si mesmos e em todos os outros. Amo vocês, meus queridos, sempre amarei, sou sua família e a mesma coisa posso dizer sobre o resto da humanidade.

Estou muito feliz por estar aqui e estou ansioso por mais mensagens que eu possa entregar a todos vocês. Hoje, estou grato por estar aqui, porque foi minha bênção poder vir e ser canalizado, espero que vocês estejam gratos e felizes por me ouvir, Gandhi, que sempre foi o lutador e sempre estará lutando pela liberdade de uma maneira pacífica. 

Estou lhes enviando toda a minha luz e amor a todos e, por favor, amem-se, apoiem-se e fiquem seguros e saudáveis.

Eu sou Gandhi e fico agradecido ter estado aqui.


Erena Velazquez

Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.
A religião organizada é desnecessária à espiritualidade.
Excelentes ensinamentos dos mestres têm sido contaminados pelo controle dogmático dessas religiões.
Discernimento sim; julgamento não.
Com discernimento é possível alcançar o espírito da letra de qualquer escritura e é também bem mais fácil escutar a voz da alma que vem do coração.

Por favor, respeitem todos os créditos

Recomenda-se o discernimento.

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Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.


Individualmete pode-se ser ajudado a encontrar a própria Verdade que é diferente a cada um de nós.


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publicado por achama às 06:59
Terça-feira, 05 / 05 / 20

The veil is becoming thinner and thinner.

The veil is becoming thinner and thinner.

Mahatma Gandhi.

Channeled by Erena Velazquez.

May 5th, 2020.



Greetings My Dear Ones,

I am Mahatma Gandhi and I am so pleased to be here.
I was waiting for a long time for the opportunity to come and communicate to humanity. I am very happy to have that chance to express my gratitude and my love to everyone on this planet, Mother Earth. It has been a long time since I walked and talked on Earth, not very long compared to other Ascended Masters, but it’s my pleasure and my respect to all of you that I can come here today and send my message to all of you.
When I was walking and living on Mother Gaia I was fighting for freedom from enslavement for my people. My people and everyone else right now are going through similar situation that I experienced during my lifetime. You are now fighting for your freedom with big forces who have been keeping you enslaved for a very long time by not letting you know who you are and what is the truth. Today, things are so much different compared to the time when I was experiencing the human life, at that time I didn’t even know myself about the existence of these Dark Forces. I only knew that deep inside my heart I wanted to be free and for my nation to be free.
I am so happy that I came here today, because I can help lead everyone who will hear my message and anyone who wants to follow my lead to freedom, prosperity, happiness and serenity, your welcome to listen and experience that freedom with me. Yes, the times are different, but the situation is very similar, humanity wants to and needs to become free, because more and more people are getting awaken. It’s becoming easier and easier to send messages from our side, our side you call that here behind the veil. The veil is becoming thinner and thinner especially since your receiving a lot of high energies that are send to you by everyone who wants you to become free and happy.
I decided to enjoy this ride to freedom by helping you to get more awake and follow my lead. As you know I was always a fighter, but I was always fighting in a peaceful manner, I never believed that fighting with the sword would bring freedom, and I believe only in fighting without the sword is the best way. I understand that all of you are going through hard times now, you are scared for your life, your confused and you don’t know what to expect in the near future. I am Gandhi, I can tell you one thing, don’t worry everything is going to work out even if it seams right now so uncertain, unfair and it’s scary. It is only temporary, the light will comeback as it always does, and I am happy to see that this freedom is coming to you. The freedom to become a new happy civilization who has been enslaved for many, many thousands of years.
It’s my pleasure and honor to become your support and guide to go and experience the finish line for everyone on this planet. I am so pleased and happy to help, guide and support my nation and the rest of the nations in the world. I am proud of my nation which went through a lot and is still going through a lot of different things. In this chaotic situation, I believe and I have faith in humanity that they will overcome this big obstacle, I seen how people can unite and help each other in difficult situations. This is why I am looking forward to and I know that all of these experiences what people are going through right now will unite everyone around the globe, it will bring peace, understanding and respect for each other.
My presence here is to become your guide and teacher to share my wisdom with all of you and my experiences from the other side to help you understand each other and to be more kind and loving to each other. Please remember, the human life at this moment has been very short, and we forget how precious moments can be, and how wonderful it is to able to take a deep breath and smell the flowers, feel the nature, listen to the birds and watch the sunset or sunrise, it’s all of these little things and all the scenery are so precious. I know you have been having hard times for many years, now and it’s sometimes so hard to pay attention to these little events and little moments in your life, but this is coming to an end.
As I said before, the finish line is very close, everyone is working to help you as much as they can from the other side to bring this New Age what everyone is talking about The New Age for Gaia, New Age for Mother Earth and New Age for humanity. Humanity is going to become very happy and prosperous, it’s everything what they need is here, you don’t need to look too far, but it was taken away from everyone by the Negative Forces, who didn’t want the people and nations to be happy and live in peace. All they always wanted was to control us or that we control each other.
This is why, when I was on journey here, I traveled and lived in South Africa and studied in England and then I went to my beloved India, I saw how unfair the system was towards people, and I couldn’t not live and tolerate what was happening to my beloved nation and I seen other nations suffering too, but because my background at that time was related to my India, I gave my life to it and I don’t regret any moment. It was my joy and pride to help people see their freedom, so at this moment, I call all the nations and all the people around the world to unite and help each other to receive and see the light, so all of us can experience a new life without poverty, hunger and without torture.
Some of you know and are aware that a lot of children in this world have been kidnapped and tortured in the tunnels around the globe under the cities and sacrificed and killed. I am happy to let you know that’s it’s true the children have been rescued, and they are continued to be rescued by amazing people, you call them here special forces who keep bringing these children home by bringing them back to this world and helping them to see the light again, because they were robbed from everything they had, from their parents, their life and from everything else what they could experience.
My dear ones, I am so happy and I can’t express my joy seeing and experiencing that a lot of you are awake and are helping each other to see the light. I understand and I am aware that Prime Creator came and gave a message with some hard truth, but please understand we love all of you, we would never want to harm any of you, if we give a little advice or send a message, it’s because we want you to see and understand why and what it is happening to you. You living your lives here and you sometimes are so consumed with it that your not able to see the real truth. We don’t want you to think that we look down on you and don’t understand what your going through, we do understand. I was here and the times were rough, very rough. I went many, many times to jail and I know how human rights were violated at that time, and they are still being violated today in some countries.
I am here as an Ambassador of Light and Love, and I am here to help you, nurture you and lead you to a new life. I am so grateful and proud of all you and I can’t forget about my nation also. I call my nation, because this the life I had in my last life. My dear beloved India, I am so proud of you, you did amazing, amazing work. I understand you still have poverty and some people are still dying from hunger, but everything is going to change just trust yourselves and trust everyone else. I love you my dear ones, I always will, your my family and the same thing I can say about the rest of humanity.
I am so happy to be here and I am looking forward to more messages that I can deliver to all of you. Today, I am grateful to be here, because it was my blessing to be able to come and be channeled, I hope you will be grateful and happy to hear from me, Gandhi, who was always the fighter and will be always fighting for freedom in a peaceful way. I am sending you all my light and love to all of you and please love each other, support each other and stay safe and be healthy.
I am Gandhi and I was grateful to be here.

Thank you

Erena Velazquez

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:05
Quarta-feira, 29 / 04 / 20

The Plan That Will Bring Freedom To This Planet.

The Plan That Will Bring Freedom To This Planet.

Prime Creator.

Channeled by Erena Velazquez.

April 28th, 2020.



I am Prime Creator,
I am the one who created planets, galaxies, and universes. I am also the one who created you and everyone else in this world and around this world. I am who I am, I am Prime Creator, I am here my children to deliver my message.
My message today is that I am not very pleased with you my children, because I have been teaching you all my life to be still and listen to your heart. You are beings who never die, it’s like the universe, it doesn’t have a beginning and it doesn’t have an end, it’s always there and a new life is always being created, and I love to make new planets, new galaxies, and new universes. I am busy, I am always very busy and I have been working with The Galactic Federation on a plan that will bring freedom to this planet.
My dear children, you forgot the basics on what you need to do. Your expecting from us to do all the work for you, I need to tell you that it doesn’t work this way. You came here as starseeds and spiritual beings to help Earth evolve and ascend to 5th dimension, and you got stuck here, because of the Dark Forces, who enslaved you and force you to stay here. We know how many years you have been stuck on this planet, we are aware of that, but I need to tell you, your blaming others and not taking responsibility on what happened on Earth yourselves. Your the ones who never questioned anything, why and what, you just followed all of these rules and with each year your following more and more rules. You were so involved with your lives that you didn’t even question the government or anybody at all, on what they were doing to you. They were doing to you whatever they wanted to do. They never gave you anything in return just a little piece of bread and a little glass of water and that glass of water was just half full, it was never even full, you just followed and followed and gave all your freedom away for nothing in return.
Now, I decided to come, because I see and I know what’s going on here, and what is happening in every galaxy. I am connected to each being and planet through consciousness, what we call Universal Consciousness, so I don’t need to be in that place to know what’s going on. Me, the Counselors, Galactic Federation and the rest of Light workers and others have been putting a lot of effort and work to protect Earth and bring this planet to a New Age.
In the meantime, my dear children you have been having too much time on your hands, because you never put your time, where you needed to. You just started celebrating like Earth is completely free and it moved to 5D. No, my dear ones your still in the transition phase and as Mother Earth said it herself, she is in 5D, and she will leave you behind, because she can’t wait until you make up your mind and start moving, where is she going. What I want to say is you need to put yourself together and stop feeling like a victim with this whole virus situation. You brought it on your own head by keeping your head in the sand, yes it was created to destroy humanity, but it’s not going to happen, because we are overlooking from the other side to make sure that nothing is going to happen to this planet and the people on it. Yes, some people are leaving their physical bodies, but they didn’t try to keep their bodies, they didn’t fight for their physical bodies, because they never put any effort to it. Not doing their meditation, not trying to get awake and find out what’s really going on in the world, why the world is the way it is, so it’s natural since they believe in duality that the virus can kill them, so the virus has been killing them.
I didn’t plan to come here, I have as you would say here, too much going on, but I couldn’t just stay a on the side and not say something about it by watching you, listening and hearing you what your doing here. What are you celebrating right now, there is nothing to celebrate, the human life is getting destroyed by the virus, it’s very sad because life is very precious and highly respected in the universe. There are thousands and thousands of people who are leaving their physical bodies. Some sources say because it’s karmic that they ended their contract, it’s not true. They didn’t ended their contract, they were practically forced out of their bodies, not because they wanted to go, because their physical body couldn’t handle it anymore. They didn’t do anything to maintain their body by not bringing it to the light and keeping it in the light.
I am here to tell you my children, that you need to start doing your work, if you really want to move to 5D, and I am aware that a lot humanity is doing their work, but they can’t move to 5D because part of humanity doesn’t want to get awake, it doesn’t want to do it or they are awake, but they just don’t want to do the work. I am sorry, I don’t want to be the one to tell, that if you don’t do the work, you will end up going back to 3D or even 2D. You will continue the same life were you left off or you will continue in the same or lower density planet. Believe me, I want for you to move and celebrate a new life with everyone, the Galactics, me, Ascended Masters and everyone else who have been watching and working so hard to bring Earth to Ascension into 5th dimension, so please pick yourself up and stop finding excuses not to do what you need to do and believe me, I love you all dearly. You are all my children and you are all creators too, you just forgot who you are. You can create and make planets and galaxies too, but by being and living here as a human and being controlled by the Dark Forces you lost your identity and you forgot how to think and question your surroundings.
Look right now at the full picture, you follow everything your government tells you to do, the government tells you to put a mask on your face, you will put a mask on your face, the government tells you to sit at home, you sit at home. You don’t do anything to protect yourself from everything like the virus or anything else, but think about it, the government right now is daily taking away all of your rights as a free being, chipping them away one day at time and you do nothing about it. I am not saying you need to become a revolutionary and start going on the street and demanding your rights back. You can do that on a spiritual level by taking your time, sitting and connecting to me and the universe through meditation, by being one with universe, being still and being in the moment. Instead of keep running around and not finding the space for yourself, because right now you can’t even sit still and follow the rules, you still drive around, you try to do something your not supposed to. You can use that time more wisely by helping everyone move the Ascension Process quicker, and we on our end are sending you all of the energies and all the help we can to bring this process to the end, the 5D end.
My dear children, I didn’t want to come here and scold you and tell you what your not doing, and I know that you know deep inside your soul that your not doing anything for yourself, because your not happy, you were never happy and you never questioned why your not happy. Your thinking because it had something to do with your job or your circumstances, but think about it, you have been robbed from everything since you came here to this body, your wealth, joy, harmony, and your peace, you basically became like a machine without joy and satisfaction. Your the ones who were helping me create new worlds and do amazing things in the galaxy, because you are powerful spiritual beings with amazing talents, but everything was taken away from you, including your memories of who you really are. We know why, but I am not going to go to the history how this planet was enslaved and why it happened, it’s not important at this moment. What is important right now is that we all together, me and the rest of spiritual beings on the other side and you and everyone around the globe come and unite and put our hands together and just do our spiritual work. Then everything will change in a second, because things are changing right now at this moment as your reading my message, a lot of things are going on behind the scenes that your not aware of.
You need to understand, there is a lot of information and misinformation in the media and everywhere and through the channels too. I am not trying to diminish any channels, I am just saying you need to use your own judgement, you need to feel through your heart and your soul, what is the truth and what it is not. I love you my dear children, and I will always love you and I will help you reach Ascension to 5th dimension. This why I am Prime Creator, I was chosen to play that role and please stop questioning the channelers, because I noticed some groups question the channelers, if this is a real being who came through. Yes, they are real, this is why they come through here, it’s not your imagination and it’s not their imagination. The spirits come through the right channels, who have been open, for us this is a spiritual telepathic communication channel, which is so important for us right now.
I want to tell you that in some of the light beings, part of them is still asleep even though they are channeling messages, because they need to put their ego aside and stop trying to be a celebrity. They need to stop focusing so much on their own success and do what they came here to help humanity in the Ascension Process by being a clear channel telling only the truth with their messages and not putting their own opinion in the messages. Instead of putting their own opinion or questioning the channeling, you just go with the flow and just put on the paper the information that you received, even if it sometimes doesn’t make any sense for you, just process it and send it to the light sources, so they can deliver the messages to the rest of the world and don’t worry about it. I understand, why it happens because then you read the message you say wait, wait a minute, you start questioning that whole channeling, and then you try to improve that message, and then it ends up that the whole channeling has been changed, and this not why we come here. We come here to tell you the truth and maybe it’s not always the truth you want to here, but it still the truth and it’s good, because your still learning from this truth and your going forward with this truth.
I know from being and working with you in the past how wonderful all of you are, you just forgot and it’s okay. You will wake up soon and we all will meet together as a big family and we will start creating again wonderful things together. You won’t need to worry anymore about money, bills and etc, it will be a beautiful and a wonderful world, so please trust me and trust yourself, because we are all one, there is no separation, no beginning and no end. You live forever, you just change the form, but that’s going to change too. You will be able to live as long as you want and change the form, when you want to change and not be force out of it.
I am really happy to be here today, I was a little concerned on how I will come through this channel, because of my power and my high energy, but I see it’s okay, the channel is fine, so this means that I will be back again and I am hoping the next time the message will be filled with more joyful news. All of this chaos, misunderstandings, fears and everything else that is going on, will pass. I am looking forward for amazing, beautiful and happy times for the light beings on Mother Gaia. I am sending you all my love and support from Ascended Masters, Galactic Federation, Counselors and everyone else who are participating in this amazing first time ever Ascension Process.
I am Prime Creator
Thank you

Erena Velazquez

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 04:48
Sexta-feira, 10 / 04 / 20

The time of enslavement is coming to the end.

The time of enslavement is coming to the end.

Azure Dragon [Meng Zhang].

Channeled by Erena Velazquez.

April 10th, 2020.


I am Azure Dragon,
I have been called a Blue Green Dragon, Meng Zhang, I am one of the Ancient ones, which is the God Dragon that represents the essence of Spring and protective abilities. I am here to greet and communicate to humanity. I think humanity needs some guidance and advice. They are now in turmoil and scared for their lives. I came here to help and protect the human civilization with my magical powers and not let the people of Earth be destroyed.
I am Azure Dragon and I have been living for many thousands of years. 

I am one of the God Dragons, who has a lot of magical abilities, which I will use to protect humanity and help to bring a new beginning to the planet. 

As of right now, we know people are fighting for their lives, because somebody dropped and released a virus to kill the humans. 

That virus will just suddenly disappear in the future the same way it came. Everyone should stay calm and try to follow the rules implicated by the government for now. 

It doesn’t mean everything your government says is good and true. There is a lot of misconception and lies going on through the mass media. They are not telling the whole story on what’s going on with the public. Like, why are so many people are dying and what is really causing this. 

Is this just only from the virus or that their immune system is compromised or is it, because they are dying from something else. It’s a lot of confusion purposely created by the media without facts.
The media was never standing on the side of the humans. They have always been on the dark side pushing their agenda on humanity. 

Now, the time is coming, when the news media will need to tell only the truth, they won’t be able to get away with their lies anymore. 

I am not saying that people are not leaving their physical bodies, yes they are leaving their physical bodies, but their are not dying. 

They are ascending, what does that mean, that means there is no death. You know that deep inside your soul, this is true, but you are forgetting that the news media and the people in power were never on your side. 

You also, forgot that you are magical beings yourselves like the dragons, you have magical abilities inside you, but your powers have been put to sleep by the Dark Forces, who used all their fear tactics, all this misbeliefs, and all these things they try to put on you to control you. 

Like they have done for thousands of years. Oh, lets say about 350,000 years, I think, it’s been long enough that humanity has been enslaved and did what it has been told to do.

I came here today, because I want for the people on Earth to start listening and paying attention to their surroundings and question everything they hear from anyone and anywhere. 

They also need to be still, and this is the perfect time to be still and to do your daily meditation. You know this from other Ascended Masters and other beings from Galactic civilizations, who have been telling you that you need to meditate, meditate and meditate and pay attention, look at your surroundings and question your masters. 

Yes, I am calling them your masters, because you follow them with blind faith. Nobody said to follow them because they are your leaders, they are in charge of you, and because they have more money than you, it doesn’t mean that you have less rights than them. 

You have the same rights, they made everything here to be this way, because it’s convenient and wonderful for them. Has humanity been happy, we say no, they work the jobs they hate, they pay all these bills every month and what do they get in return, very little. Do they feel happy, no.

The time of enslavement is coming to the end. This is why we all need to unite, the human race right now, when they are facing this huge scare, they actually forgot about wars. They are actually trying to help each other by sending to each other technology, equipment and whatever they can, because they understand and feel compassion for each other, which they forgot to do in their daily lives. It’s sad that this needed to happen for the virus event to make them see and be more compassionate. It was not necessary, but it was done on purpose, so now it’s time for the whole humanity to wake up.
You had a successful Saturday meditation, you succeeded in big numbers on who were meditating together on the same day. You opened new energies of 5D, which are flowing right now and surrounding Earth with it’s healing energies, you just need to tune into and start feeling, what that energy can do to you and how it can help you with your healing, because the virus can’t effect you, if you stay in a high vibration. 

Yes, you may carry the virus on you, but it doesn’t mean you will become sick. The only way you can do this by always being in a high vibration, by being still and listening to the guidance that comes from your soul. Also, doing meditation even for a short time, being grateful for everything you have, for the little things and sending love and light to your neighbor and everyone who surrounds you, that will also bring you up in vibrations. You will end up in high vibrations, where the virus can’t touch you.
I am an Ancient Dragon and I know what I am saying is the truth and you know this too. I came here and I will be flying around Mother Gaia watching and helping out by sending my healing and protective energies. 

I am also the Dragon who represents the essence of Spring and Spring is here now. I am so happy that I could come and deliver this message, because I know you need to hear from us, from all us, there is a lot of us, the Ascended Masters. There are many of us on the other side and we care and love humanity, but we feel humanity is still in the infant stage. They still need to learn a lot and I am the one who learned through many thousand of years, what is wisdom and what is love and light means, when we send it out and express it to each other, and what healing powers it has.
It’s understandable right now that the whole world is still, everyone is suppose to stay home and do the little things, they need to do and follow what they have been told to do, but it doesn’t mean you need to be slave, it means you need to use your commonsense, we call it commonsense, we the God Dragons. I am not the only one Dragon, today I am just one, Azure one. I am here to tell you that other Dragons are also watching out for you, they are here around the planet sending their wisdom and healing energies to Mother Earth to help and heal the human civilization, who are scared right now and don’t know what the future will bring to them.
Please don’t panic, a new life is coming to you. You understand that you will never go back to your old ways of life again, it’s not possible anymore. The world needs to change no matter what anybody would say or what the dark light would want to do. Their plan never worked and it will never work again. In the meantime, you need to do your work too, this way you can go and do what you need to do to help everyone reach the 5th dimension and leave the 3D reality behind, so you can get your new body, your crystalline body, which is waiting for you, the 5D body. Continue to learn and absorb wisdom from your Ascended Masters, from all of us, we’re here to help and assist you.
I am sending my love, my magical healing powers and light to all of you. I was grateful to be here. I am Azure Dragon Meng Zhang, who loves and cares for you.
Thank you

Erena Velazquez

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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Jordan Sather's 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:15
Sexta-feira, 03 / 04 / 20

Humanity Forgot Who They Are and I Don’t Accept That...

Humanity Forgot Who They Are and I Don’t Accept That...

Mother Gaia.

Channeled by Erena Velazquez.

April 3, 2020


I am Mother Gaia,
I am here to deliver a message to humanity. I want to tell humanity to calm down and try to use their time they are spending at home wisely by meditating or by doing something that brings good to everyone.
This is going to be my last incarnation as a planet. I have been other beings in the past, and I chose to become a planet to have an experience, on what it means to be a planet, being the hostess to all other beings on Earth. It’s quite an experience, there are good and bad sides to it. I am not complaining, I just wanted to say to humans that they need to respect life in any form, they need to learn that. All of the beings on Earth didn’t come here to be tortured, killed and be eaten. They came here to have an experience, like I have the experience of being a planet.
Unfortunately, humanity forgot who they are and I don’t accept that they forgot who they are, because they never tried to figure out who they are. They just went along with everything that was going on here on the planet, instead of questioning and looking to find out the answers, on why things are the way they are here. Now, I am hoping because they are tied up to their homes, can’t work, need to stay and not leave their residence, that they will start questioning everything about this world, why things are the way they are here on Gaia, like why this virus arrived here.
Like everything in this universe things happen for a reason, so this is why there is panic, turmoil and chaos right now, because it’s suppose to happen in order to teach humankind a lesson on becoming more compassionate and loving to each other. Please understand, whatever is taking place right now around the globe, it’s only temporarily. The order of natural things will be restored and everything will come down and will go, where it’s suppose to go.
One thing, I need to tell you that this world will never be same, it will never go back to the old ways the way it has always been. It’s going to need to change. I am Mother Gaia and I am already in 5th dimension, and if humanity decides they don’t want to move to 5th dimension, they will be left behind. Its not because I don’t want them to be where I am, it will be, because they are not doing the work they are suppose to. They need to raise their vibrations, it’s a very simple thing to do by doing daily meditation starting from 5 to 10 minutes and up.
I didn’t come here to give humanity a lecture, I just wanted to say that I am happy to move and be in 5D. It’s so much better and nicer to be there than being in this 3D reality, where nature is being constantly destroyed and animals are being slaughtered and killed for different reasons, like to be eaten or just for fun. Like the famous Lion who was killed by a human, who just wanted to have the lion in his trophy collection.
I am giving everyone here a home, I never tried to purposely destroy or kill anyone. Please, remember, that we are all one, there is no separation between us, we are all energy. I enjoy being Mother Gaia this is what I wanted to be, I chose to be a planet, but I never expected that humanity, nature and animals would need to go through so much suffering and pain. It was suppose to be Heaven on Earth. I am looking forward to, when humanity will catches up vibrationally to 5th dimension by doing their work. Then they will come and join me and stay in 5D, and enjoy all of the blessings 5D has to offer. There is no killing, no competition on who will get first place or who makes more money, there only exists peace, serenity and harmony.
I am Mother Gaia, you call me Earth, some know me as Terra Christa, I am happy to be channeled today, this is my opportunity to express myself on how I feel. I feel for humanity, I have a lot of love and compassion for them. I just want people to understand that anything you have, you need to respect and treasure. People on Earth need to respect and not to destroy or torture living beings, it needs to be a mutual respect and appreciation for what has been given to you and not to take it for granted, as people have done. They always took a lot of things for granted and didn’t appreciate the little things. Now look at the oceans, lakes and rivers suddenly they became cleaner, the water is clear, you would ask why, because humanity is staying at home and can’t pollute. The same thing with big cities around the globe, pollution suddenly disappeared, you will ask again why, because no more cars or less cars, they don’t pollute.
Your the ones who created this reality, your the ones who were destroying your own surroundings and your the ones who need to take responsibility for what you have done and understand, you can’t be guided by a few people on the top and being told what to do. You need to think for yourselves and you need to lead yourselves. You can’t be just a marionette who is being constantly manipulated and told what to do. You have a lot of power in yourselves, you can do anything and you can create anything. Just look at me, I wanted to be a planet and I became a planet. I enjoyed other lives too, but this is the most challenging one I have experienced so far, carrying all of the inhabitants on me, inside the Earth and on top of Earth. I am only one planet from few planets in galaxy who actually has inhabitants on the surface. Most of the civilizations live on the inside of the planet. You don’t realize how fortunate you are that you can be outside instead of being inside. I understand, it has pluses and minuses living on top of Earth, because of the weather, which has been manipulated by humans a lot times and sometimes by mother nature, me trying to tell you something, sending you a message that you need to stop destroying the planet.
I am glad and happy to be able to say how I feel, and I feel a lot of love for everyone. I know all of this turmoils will pass and we will move to a New Age, if you want to and if you do your work, because no matter what you will decide as an individual, I will be in 5th dimension. You will be left behind or you will move forward, it’s up to you. I am here to let you know that I was always happy to have you living in my home. I am happy to continue to support everyone whose living and breathing.
Remember, I love you all, I am your Mother Gaia and I was so happy to be channeled today.
Thank you.

Erena Velazquez

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:56
Sábado, 28 / 03 / 20

From Darkness will come a Bright Light and Humanity will go to a New Age.

From Darkness will come a Bright Light and Humanity will go to a New Age.

Blue Rays.

Channeled by Erena Velazquez.

Marchh 28th, 2020 .


Greetings Mankind,

We are Blue Rays,

We came here in peace. We have been observing humankind for a long time and we decided it’s time for us to introduce ourselves to humanity. We live in a far away galaxy. We are humanoid and we have a blue skin, this is why we called ourselves Blue Rays. We walk on two feet and have a body similar to humans, the only difference is that our skin is different and our features are more profound than in humans. Our height starts at 8 feet and up and we have a slim build. We live on the inside of the planet and not on the surface of the planet like here on Earth. Our diet is plant based, we don’t eat meat, as you call it here we are vegetarians or vegans.

We are pleased to be here. We were waiting for a long time to connect to the human race and we feel it’s the perfect time for us to introduce ourselves. As a lot of changes are happening on Earth right now. We are observing now and feel happy for humanity, because we know after all that darkness will come a bright light and humanity will go to a New Age, which you call here The Golden Age. Our technology is much more advanced than here on Earth. We are over 150,000 years more advanced in technology. We build and use only friendly technology, we don’t enslave or kill anybody, we are a peaceful race.

Our purpose here is to interact with humanity, when the right time comes. When you will go through all your changes and become a peaceful and a happy nation, we will jump on our fast ships, which are a slim construction during flight but then expands into a huge size when the ships land, we can be here in seconds. As of right now, we would like to tell you that we are an advanced civilization, who focuses only on advancement that brings only good. We don’t build any unfriendly or killing technology. We have the technology that protects us from unfriendly civilizations, but we use it only when it’s needed. We live so far away and we are hidden from a lot of nations, that we don’t need to use this type of technology to kill. We value life very highly as do many other galactic civilizations, who are friendly and follow the protocol in living in peace.

We are from 8th dimension and up and some of us reached the 12 dimension and higher. We have a structure that is not based on wealth. We don’t use money, we work and create only what we want to create, which means everyone has an assignment, and they choose what they want to make. We live very long lives, and we don’t die like humans from diseases. We don’t have any diseases, because we have technology that eliminates any virus or obstacle that we come across. We love to create and we don’t like to destroy. We have amazing plants on our planet, they are very unusual and have never been seen by the human eye. As we mentioned before, our ships are very fast and we can fly in just seconds to anywhere. We also are spiritual beings, we practice and work on our enlightenment and development. We never stop learning and helping each other. We would like to share our knowledge and our development in the future with humanity.

Our goal is to establish a friendly communication and interaction with the human race. As of this moment, we know your going through a lot of turbulence and it seams everything is falling apart, but remember one thing, everything happens for a reason. Nothing in the universe has been created or dismantled for no reason. Your old system is falling apart and it’s scary, because you don’t know what the future will bring. Please remember, you have a lot of other civilizations on your side and we are aware that The Galactic Federation is helping you out.

We would like to tell you one more thing, we communicate telepathically, but we can also speak. We can speak any language we want because we have the technology that can translate for us any language we use. Our language is not known to humanity and it would not make any difference right now, if we would try to tell to the channel, because the sounds would be very unfamiliar.

We were happy to be here and be able to give this short communication and introduce ourselves. We are looking forward to doing more communications, because we found the channel, who is willing to channel us, and we are pleased and happy to send all our love and light to Earth, and we hope that very soon you will be a happy and a prosperous galactic civilization.

We are Blue Rays and we are looking forward to doing more transmissions.

Thank you for the transmission

Erena Velazquez

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:36
Quarta-feira, 11 / 03 / 20

You Are Almost There, Remember the Dark Can’t Defeat You.

You Are Almost There, Remember the Dark Can’t Defeat You.

Sanat Kumara.

Channeled by Erena Velazquez.

Marchh 117h, 2020 .




I am Sanat Kumara,

I am glad to be here today.

I want to give you my message to humanity. The Dark Forces had enslaved Humanity for thousand of years and kept them in fear by taking their power away from them. Their time is coming to the end, I am here today to remind you that. Their losing the battle with the Light, and all of you need to remember, who are and don’t let fear interrupt your path to Ascension.

The Negative Forces always tried all of their tricks to scare and keep everyone in fear. You need to let it go, it’s just an emotion, the emotion that doesn’t mean anything. You are much stronger than that and your winning the battle with our assistance from the Galactics, Ascended Masters and everyone else. You are almost there, you just need to remember that they can’t defeat you, and they can’t keep everyone in slavery anymore like they did for so many years. Their time is almost ending, you need to not react to all of the things that are happening in world, it’s all their tricks that they had in their sleeves, which they are now putting out. They always did and they will do that to their last moment.

Fear can freeze you and make you uncertain by making you forget that you are a spiritual and a powerful being. You just need to remember that and not to be afraid of anything. All of these energies that have been sent to Earth are helping you in your process to Ascension,
and the new thing that appeared on the horizon the Coronavirus is the last trick of the Dark Forces. Please don’t listen to the news, don’t pay attention to what the media and the rest of the world is telling you, because most of it is not true. They want you to be afraid, so you would not succeed in your mission of ascending. I am here to tell you and encourage you to be strong and not react to the lies, which have been told to you for thousand of years. You are who you are and you will soon remember, who you really are. You came here to this planet to have an experience and you end up being stuck here, but this will not continue anymore. You will be able to ascend to 5th dimension and you will live long and happy lives on new Mother Earth.

Everything that we have been telling you, I and the rest of Ascended Masters it’s only the truth. We would never say anything to you to discourage you or to tell you something that’s not true. I am here to let know you that your part of us, you are a spiritual being that forgot who he or she is. Very soon the whole humanity is going to get awake, and they will remember who they are, and then the New Golden Age will start with a new life for everyone. There will be no more suffering, no more hunger and no more poverty, everyone will be equal and everyone will live magical, happy and amazing lives. I am Sanat Kumara and I am here to encourage you not give up and trust us, trust the Galactics that your not alone, and we are here to help and assist you and bring you to the New Beginning.

I am Sanat Kumara and I was happy to be here today.

Thank You

Sanat Kumara

Erena Velazquez

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:23
Sexta-feira, 06 / 03 / 20

Remember Who you are.

Remember Who you are.

Lord Buddha.

Channeled by Erena Velazquez.

Marchh 5t, 2020 .




I am Buddha,

I am so happy to be here.

Today I want to talk about who we are and what is our connection with nature and Mother Earth. We forgot who we are and we forgot that we need to connect to mother nature. What does that mean, it means we need to go and take our time to sit near the tree or to be somewhere in nature and try to remember who we are, we forgot that, so I am trying to remind you. You don’t just have a physical body, but you also have a spiritual part too, it’s the spiritual essence in you. You need to reconnect to it, if you ask me how, I will tell you how. Daily meditation will reconnect you back to your true self of who are, you are a spiritual being, you just forgot. It’s very simple, I did it myself many years ago. I did a lot of soul searching and meditations, and I found my connection to who I am. You need remind yourself who you are, you are spiritual beings. You have a lot to offer and you have a lot of power in you, but you just forgot.

By living here in this world where the pace is so fast on a daily basis, you just got wrapped up with materialistic life and with turbulence in your life. I want you to go back to the basics by being who you are, who you always was and who you always will be. Be yourself by being loving, graceful and unlimited powerful being who can do anything, anytime and anywhere. I am so happy to help you to go where you have started. You started many years ago like me, but you forgot that you came to this planet many times, which is easy to forget especially if you don’t have any memories from your past lives. Your past lives they don’t matter, what matters is to know who you really are and you know who you are deep in the center of your being. You are unlimited powerful spiritual being and I just want to remind you, it makes me so happy to be here to help and assist humanity.

Please, take care of yourself, I am always with you, you can always call my name, say Buddha and I will be there to help you and assist you in your growth. My dear ones, this Earth is going through changes and your going through changes too, some changes are not visible yet and some of them are. This world is going to a New Age, no matter what even if some of them who don’t want these changes, they can’t do nothing about it, because they are coming no matter what anybody thinks and wants. The changes are coming and you are evolving and becoming more advance, you just first need to go back to the basics and then you will evolve even more, just remember that, my dear ones.

Just be yourself and don’t get wrapped up with all this unnecessary and meaningless things in your daily life. A lot of them don’t have any meaning, they are just things and your more than that. You are spiritual beings who know, who he or she is. You just need to go to the core of your being and I will help you. I will be very happy to help you, just ask for my help.

My dear ones, I have been so happy to be able to come again and give you my message. My message of love, blessings and respect to you. I wish to all of you that you have a lot of light, happiness and laughter in your life.

I am Buddha, I was happy to be here.

Thank you
Erena Velazquez


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 23:22
Quarta-feira, 26 / 02 / 20

We are removing all of the obstacles that come to Earth. .

We are removing all of the obstacles that come to Earth.

KaRa the Pleiadian Emissary.

Channeled by Erena Velazquez.

February 26, 2020.




I am KaRa Pleiadian Emissary,

I am representing Ashtar. Ashtar is my Commander and I belong to his fleet.

I am happy to be here. I was looking forward to be able to speak. I am the one who overlooks and helps some groups with their Ascension.

Today is my individual message, I am representing the Light Forces just like Ashtar does. I am sending this transmission to tell that I am happy to assist and help humanity to lift their consciousness and move to the next stage of their Evolution. I am pleased to be part of this amazing experience, for the first time in the galaxy to be able to ascend a whole planet with people on it. We are doing a lot of work behind the scenes, we are removing all of the obstacles that come to Earth. The obstacles created by the Dark Forces who don’t want for this planet to ascend. Please don’t be alarmed or be fearful, everything is going by the plan, don’t worry, just do your part.

I just want to be here and I am grateful that I can be here. I will continue to be part of this process and I will send some messages. I am pleased to see all the progress humanity is doing, especially some of the light worker communities, who are working so hard to bring and shine the light to the rest of humanity. We are proud and grateful for their dedication. We also are happy to assist humanity and help them with their process.

This year is going to be an interesting year. We are expecting for a lot of information to come out. The information that was hidden from humanity for thousand of years. Humanity was lied to about everything, including their origin. This is going to be the year of the truth, the truth will surface. We know humanity is hungry for the truth, they have been lied to, used, and they have been mistreated for a long time. Light is coming and we are grateful to see that. All of these energies that are coming to Earth and all of the things that have been done, make me happy to be part of this process. It’s an amazing process, some days it doesn’t feel like it is, because we know that humanity is still suffering, a lot people are going through hardships in different ways. We know that humanity is going through all of these diseases, which were created for them by the Dark Forces, but this is coming to end, you just need to be a little bit more patient.

I am KaRa, I was happy to be here and be channeled through this channel. I will be back again.

Thank you for this transmission

Light and Blessings to you Humanity

Erena Velazquez


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:51
Quarta-feira, 19 / 02 / 20

The Galactic Disclosure and the Ascension of Humanity.

The Galactic Disclosure and the Ascension of Humanity.


Channeled by Erena Velazquez.

February 19, 2020.




I  am Ashtar Light Forces Commander,

I am grateful to be here and to be channeled by this channel.
It has been a long road for us and humanity. Now it’s about 40 years ago when the Galactic Disclosure was suppose to happen and it was stopped. The transmission was in England on BBC channel, we decided that humanity was not ready for the Galactic Disclosure. Then, in the beginning of 2000, another Galactic Disclosure was suppose to happen, which was interrupted by the Dark Forces with September 11. Now, we are in 2020, this time we believe that we are on the right road to the Galactic Disclosure and the Ascension of Humanity.
We are pleased to announce that we are doing everything we can to save humanity from the Dark Forces who are still trying to interrupt the Event. Please, don’t be alarmed by the Coronavirus, it’s another attempt by the Negative Forces to stop the upcoming Galactic Disclosure. We suggest that you don’t let fear take over you and please meditate to raise your vibrations. We are doing our part from another side trying to stop and eliminate the Coronavirus, which was created in the laboratory. The Cabal wanted to create panic and distress globally.
I am pleased to say that we are doing a lot of work behind the scenes. We prevent a lot of catastrophic events that could destroy humanity and put Mother Gaia in a big distress. When you see these chemical trails in the sky, why do you think you are still alive, because we neutralize them all the time. If you would see the amount of poison that is being dropped on humanity, then you would understand how much work we are doing. We would suggest for humanity to start doing their part more intensively. Also, the light workers need to remember that going on vacation and living their lives is not a priority right now. The priority right now is to help humanity to ascend. We want you to remember that everyday and every minute of your day, that this your task here. This why you came here and volunteered to be here to help humanity, so please do what you promised to do and we will do what we promised to do.
We have been here on Earth for a long time, we are ready to move on to the next task, but we can’t. We need to finish this mission here. We are looking forward to 2020 as being the year of Ascension of Humanity and the year of Disclosure.
I will be back again soon to give more information on the progress of Ascension and the Galactic Disclosure. 
I am Ashtar, I was pleased to be here.
Thank you
Erena Velazquez

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 12:41
Quinta-feira, 13 / 02 / 20

We are waiting for the Golden Age of Gaia.

Ant Civilization.

Channeled by Erena Velazquez.

February 12, 2020.





We are Ant Civilization, we come in peace. We would like to introduce ourselves to humanity. We live in a far away galaxy, in a constellation of the star, on 9 planets. The nine planets are occupied by us, our homes are on the inside of the planet, not on the surface like here on Earth. We are a peaceful nation. We stay away from civilizations who like wars.

We are happy to be here and we would like to tell about ourselves. We look a little bit like your ants, but we are much taller. We are 15 feet tall and we walk on two feet like humans. Our head reminds a little bit of ant, not 100 percent of ant, but it has features of ant. We communicate with each other telepathically. We can also use our language when it’s needed, but most of the time we use telepathy. We understand that humanity started to learn on how to communicate telepathically, it will take them a while, but they eventually will able to communicate with every civilization telepathically. Most of the civilizations are peaceful like us, we don’t like noise. We concentrate on our work, creating new technology, living in peace and not interacting with civilizations who like wars. In our past we experienced some wars with other nations, this is why we stay away and not disclose our location. We don’t want to experience what we experienced many years ago.

We are a hard working civilization, very advanced one with a lot of advancement in technology. We are from 8th dimension and higher. We are very science oriented, we like to create. We are very happy to help humanity in the future. When humanity will be ready to interact with us and other civilizations, we will able to help them a lot in learning and doing new things, technologically in aircraft and in other advancement.

Right now, we are very pleased to be able to be channeled by this channel. We just like to say we are plant based, we eat plants. We don’t harm or kill other beings for food. We are a nation that likes to be peaceful. For now, we observe and watch Earth. We are waiting for the Golden Age of Gaia. We are just trying to observe and not to interact or do something to harm humanity. It always surprises us how dark Earth is at night time. We don’t have night or day, it’s always sunny on our planets. The temperature is always the same all year long. We don’t experience harsh environments like you. We are a very friendly and loving civilization, but we understand that you are still in the process of growth, because we are concerned for our well being, so for now we just watch humanity from far away. When time comes, we will be on our ships and land as soon as we can on this planet, then we will introduce ourselves in person.

As we mentioned before, we call ourselves ants but in our language it sounds a little different, We are 15 feet tall, some of us are taller, very hard working, always looking for new advancements, like creating new things. We are always looking and trying to bring to our civilization the best of everything. Our ships are very fast, we can fly from one galaxy to another in a split of second. Our ships are also very big, we you can fit a whole civilization on just one ship, that’s how big our ships are, but we don’t disclose our direct location for now. We keep our distance from negative civilizations, who still engage in wars.

This was a pleasant experience and made us very happy to be able to be channeled. We wish for humanity that the new Golden Age would come soon, and then we can introduce ourselves in person.

Thank you for transmission.

Erena Velazquez


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:23
Quarta-feira, 29 / 01 / 20

humanity needs to wake with daily meditation.

Quan Yin.

Channeled by Erena Velazquez.

January 28, 2020 .




Greetings, My beloved ones
I am Quan Yin and I am coming through a new channel, who I was waiting for a very long time to be channeled by. I am very pleased to be channeled and I would like to share few things. My preference is not to overwhelm my new channel, she is still in the process of becoming a much stronger channeler, so I would like to say few things today. One of them is that I am pleased to be here and to be able to channel. I would like to express my gratitude and my love to both of you for letting me come through, as I am not channeled a lot, as you know, so I am hoping this will become my permanent channel for now, and I will be able to share some messages.
My first message to humanity is that humanity needs to wake up and start to do their work. First of all, they need to meditate on a daily basis and to enlighten each other by sharing the knowledge and information they have with each other, and to encourage each other to go on the ascension path, because we can’t do the ascension work for them. We can only guide humanity, and humanity needs to understand and be prepared for all the obstacles they will need to overcome during the ascension process.
One of them is to admit and recognize that they need to let go of their ego and start living from the heart. A lot of people who channel during meditation use their heart mind. We call it heart because this one of most important chakras. A lot of people still don’t even feel their heart, they don’t know what that means to them. They always say that they are living from the heart, but most of the time they are not, because their emotions are so numbed that they don’t even know who they are. They are powerful beings who are asleep and need to wake up and start doing their work, because we can only guide them and we are not planning to do the work for them. This is why it’s so important to start doing small steps like getting together in small groups or sending messages to each other and enlighten each other, because it’s time. The year 2020 is going to be an important year, a lot of things will be happening in nature, politics and in galaxy too.
I would like to say that I am very please to be here, but I am starting to feel that my channel is getting tired, so for now I will be leaving, but I will be back with more. This is just my first time trial, trying this new channel and see how she can handle the channeling.
Greetings, my love to all of you and I will be back. I am Quan Yin and I was very happy to be here. Thank you.
Erena Velazquez


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:45
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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