A Chama da Ascensão


Segunda-feira, 18 / 05 / 20

Waves of Energy Coming from All Across the Galaxy

Waves of Energy Coming from All Across the Galaxy

The 9D Arcturian Council

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

May 18th, 2020.

waves of energy coming from all across the galaxy - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael.

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited to witness the tremendous leaps forward that many of you are making at this time. Now, often we speak to you as a collective. We speak about all of humanity and what you are experiencing as a group, but right now we are speaking to those of you who as individuals have been riding the waves that have been coming in from the far reaches of the Milky Way Galaxy. There are many amongst the awakened collective who have been able to take in the energies that the human collective has been summoning over these past several months.
You are able to connect more easily now because of the amplified desires of your fellow humans, and you are also able to heal more quickly, no matter what your ailment, because of the summoning that humankind has been doing. Now, you as the beneficiaries are now going to take what you are downloading, what you are receiving, and you are going to share those energies with the rest of the collective in all of the various ways that you have of doing so.
Now is the time to be sharing your wisdom, your practices, the different ways that you have of being grounded, being open, and being ready to receive from all of the various star systems in this galaxy. You are making very nice connections with your e.t. friends, and those connections will continue as the summoning, the asking, continues. And it will continue, as your fellow humans seek to feel safe, protected, and secure financially. Tell others about your success, and don’t be afraid to do so.
People need to understand that it is possible to thrive when you work with energy, and the more you thrive, the more curious they will be about your secrets, your approaches to living on planet Earth at this very peculiar time in human history. We have said it before, and we will say it again. You are the ones to lead humanity at this time, and we are here to support you, and of course, we will continue to do so.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

Daniel Scranton

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 14:49
Terça-feira, 05 / 05 / 20

Collective feelings and actions are generating a massive amount of light.

 Collective feelings and actions are generating a massive amount of light.

Message from Matthew Ward.

Channeled by Suzanne Ward.

May  4th, 2020 



With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. 
Always the purpose of our messages has been to offer spiritual guidance, enlightenment and encouragement during this unique era in the universe. You are being pummeled with unsettling information about the coronavirus, so let us look first at the encouraging aspects of this situation.
You are seeing and demonstrating the best qualities of humankind—love, compassion, empathy, cooperation, kindness, thoughtfulness, helpfulness, courage, perseverance to overcome obstacles.
You are observing and participating in the outpouring of gratitude to all who are caring for the sick and helping others in need.
You are using the slowed-down pace of life for introspection, connecting with your godself, your higher consciousness, and appreciating the abundance of goodness and beauty in your world.
You are innovating ways to work, school children, study training and college courses at home; and, via telephone and computer, you are keeping in closer touch with family and friends.
The unified spirit of people around the world is bridging the chasm of divisiveness and highlighting the need to end systemic prejudice and heal the wound it has caused.
Those collective feelings and actions are generating a massive amount of light, which is evoking heightened awareness along with desire for enlightenment about aspects of the coronavirus that aren’t being reported in “the news.”
The larger society is joining individuals who already were questioning how that virus suddenly popped up in China. Why did speculation that it originated in a bat—and how was it traced to that bat anyway?—switch to an accident in a laboratory in Wuhan province? Why did a virus that can cause such a contagious disease come to be in a laboratory in the first place?
The populace has been programmed to believe that information labeled “conspiracy theory” is worthless, merely ideas springing from addled minds. But this question is logical: Why is the possibility that the coronavirus was made in a laboratory in the United States and taken to China simply dismissed as conspiracy theory instead of being investigated?
Society is questioning why “experts” say most people won’t get COVID-19, most of those who do get it recover, most who die had preexisting health issues, and symptoms of the disease can be so mild that many people aren’t aware they have it or have had it; yet those same experts claim Earth’s entire population needs to be vaccinated.
That leads to this question: Why isn’t there the same interest in ending preventable deaths due to malnourishment, diseases caused by substandard living conditions, opioid addiction and suicide when the number of those fatalities greatly exceeds the number of deaths due to COVID-19?
Questioning minds also are “following the money.” Who benefits financially when millions of people around the world are being treated for a disease that requires purchasing tests, pharmaceuticals, hospital equipment and protective items for medical personnel?
The extent of that questioning is exactly the opposite of what was intended by the dark ones who designed and patented AIDS, SARS and all other viruses in a laboratory in the United States and several months ago released in China one called coronavirus. And its effects aren’t what the dark ones intended, either. They wanted an authentic global pandemic with billions of deaths. They need the energy of survivors’ grief and fear and a world in total chaos to produce the low vibrations they require for their very existence.
The failure to achieve that aim led to Plan B. That is why “experts” have been talking about the likelihood that a second wave of COVID-19 will come after the first ebbs, and that kind of rollercoaster can continue as long as three years or until every person in the world has been tested for antibodies and vaccinated.
Beyond enriching the companies that produce the tests and develop the vaccine, the intention—again—is a vaccine that will be lethal to most of the world’s population. But also, inoculation will insert a programmed microchip that will interact with 5G emissions to cause physical and emotional trauma, damage brain cells and enable the tracking of individuals who survive.
The society is right to question what is underlying this “global pandemic”!
We don’t see mandatory vaccinations materializing, but if it does, scientists in extraterrestrial special forces will reduce the vaccine’s potency and erase the chips’ programming. And, as vibratory rates on the planet rise, all viruses will lose viability. Nevertheless, please loudly protest vaccines until they are destroyed and protest 5G service until devices are modified so their frequencies are compatible with bodies’ electrical systems.
Now then, the economic aftermath of COVID-19 will be somewhat rocky, but far, far from what the dark ones want: a completely collapsed global economy, rampant impoverishment, hunger and desperation. Then they would pull together the fragments of their control and achieve their goal of world domination.
That will not happen. Their long reign is over.
Good will, cooperation, generosity and bartering—trading goods for services and vice versa—will serve you well until an honest global economic system replaces the corruption and greed that created the billionaires who are running and ruining everything on Earth. Dear ones, do not fear what is ahead—once past temporary confusion and brief hardship, the civilization will be on its way to justness and prosperity for all.
We have been asked to comment on the raft of information available on the Internet wherein researchers, medical professionals and other scientists are giving evidence of situations you described as “shocking,” “unconscionable,” “diabolical” or “atrocious.” Those descriptions do indeed fit the activities of the secret society known as the Illuminati, cabal, One World Order, shadow government or, more recently, Deep State.
The coronavirus scourge is their waterloo. A powerful light force behind the scenes is charging them with crimes against humanity. The people who keep trying to kill billions of you, conduct satanic rituals, control mainstream media and adversely impact all other aspects of life on Earth include widely known and admired individuals. Their arrests will come as a shock to most of the populace.
Those at the peak of darkness conceive heinous plans, others are eagerly complicit, most are minions who participate because of bribes, blackmail or threats against their families. In some cases, charges are based on fabricated information, photos and videos, but the truth about every person indicted will come forth in time.
As for spiritual guidance, dear family, we thank the reader whose question is, “What can lightworkers do other than ‘BE the light’ to help end all darkness on the planet?” Stay positive, calm, balanced and optimistic. Meditation imparts the peace of mind and heart that keeps your energy flowing smoothly and radiating the high vibrations that are manifesting benevolent change.
Visualization is powerful. Envision Earth revolving in golden white light. Envision people of all ages, colors and cultures smiling, laughing, hugging and dancing in the midst of animals, including those you call wild. Visualizing whatever gives you joy or lets you feel loved will send forth the high vibrations that literally are lighting up your world.
This question pertains to NESARA/GESARA. “How can we request help from the heavenly forces if there is no reasonable structure to install in replacement of what we have?” For readers who aren’t familiar with those acronyms, NESARA is the United States legislation National Economic Security and Reformation Act. GESARA is the same, but Global replaces National so the Act is applicable worldwide.
There has been “help from heavenly forces” from the onset. The very concept of NESARA came from the Highest Universal Council planners of Earth’s Golden Age, and St. Germaine was one of the principals who composed the Act, which was signed into law about 20 years ago.
It is a legal document, so its provisions can be only political and economic, but its purpose is no less than world transformation. As an indication of the Act’s vital significance, the Illuminati prevented its scheduled announcement September 12, 2001, by staging the terrorism you know as “9/11.”
Because subsequent efforts to announce NESARA also were futile, its aspects have been implemented incrementally thanks to the perseverance of volunteer lightworkers from other civilizations.
In short, the structure to replace malevolent control of your world has been in place from the beginning, and souls with spiritual and moral integrity will continue moving this divine plan forward. [Many messages archived on http://www.matthewbooks.com contain comprehensive information about the Act. Typing NESARA in the search blank on the menu will access those messages.]
Beloved brothers and sisters, we honor your steadfastness in helping Earth’s civilization manifest the Golden Age and we support you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love.

Suzanne Ward


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 20:19
Domingo, 19 / 04 / 20

Shifting the Ascension of Earth Into the Next Gear

Shifting the Ascension of Earth Into the Next Gear

The Latest Energy Update

Adama of Telos

Through Asara Adams.

April 18th 2020. 


Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
Dear Ones, the recent global unity meditation had a profound effect on Earth and the Cosmos.
It created a powerful energy grid and atmosphere around the planet.
It is an atmosphere of the higher dimensions that is shifting the ascension of Earth into the next gear.
Now, the call goes out to all the lightworkers to continue to add your love and light to it.
This will continue the momentum of your powerful collaboration.
Whenever you meditate, we invite you to do the following:
Breathe deeply…
Imagine a golden warm light in your heart center… (your I AM presence)
Imagine for this golden warm light to expand into your body…
Imagine for this golden warm light to expand into your aura…
Imagina for this golden warm light to expand into your room…
Now, imagine in the center of your heart a pink light of Divine Love…
Make it stronger…
Now, expand this pink light of Divine Love into your body, your aura, your room, into your world…
Then, connect this pink light to the new atmosphere of Earth and all the lightworkers around the Earth…
Imagine all the faces smiling in wellbeing…
Imagine the world in wellbeing…
Imagine the New Earth…
Feel it…
Hold this feeling for as long as you can.
When you feel complete, return back to this now moment.
Welcome back! 🙂
We champion your victory in the Light!
Welcome Home!
We send you all so much love…
You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.
Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos – and always will be.
Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure – always.
I am your brother Adama of Telos
Thank you, Adama

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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Alternatives to YouTube

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 21:40
Sexta-feira, 03 / 04 / 20

You have just sent forth an abundance of healing energy to your world.

 You have just sent forth an abundance of healing energy to your world.

Message from Matthew Ward.

Channeled by Suzanne Ward.

April 2nd, 2020 



With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Beloved brothers and sisters, please take a deep breath. Exhale slowly and let your hearts feel lighter. Now envision Earth glowing in golden-white light, then “see” people of all ages and skin colors joyously hugging each other and the animals in their midst.
You have just sent forth an abundance of healing energy to your world. 
We thank you and we love you!
Now then, media are reporting information about the coronavirus and continuously updating statistics of cases and death toll from its disease, Covid-19. Each death is a personal tragedy for affected family and friends, whose grief would be as profound if their beloved persons had died from any other cause. Every day many other causes are claiming the lives of many other persons who are dearly loved, many other families also are mourning their loss.
Compassion and empathy are inherent in the high vibrations at this station and sorrow is no stranger to Earth’s peoples. However, never before have there been heart-wrenching interviews with family whose dear ones died nor has isolation prevented goodbyes.
Never before have media aired films of medical teams in protective gear tirelessly working to save lives. Never before has the world heard sickness and death-number projections from infectious disease specialists or analysts speculate about a global economy in collapse.
While some of that is repeatedly emphasized to purposely evoke fear, factual information is being disseminated worldwide.
What is not publicized because it is known by only a few is that the intention of the coronavirus was to decrease the world’s population by billions. That will not happen because [galactic?] family members reduced the laboratory-designed virus’s potency to the greatest possible extent.
Now let us speak about something else that is not known, how soul contracts fit into this. Deaths of the elderly are in accordance with contract choices of longevity and cause of the physical body’s loss of viability.
Contracts have a degree of flexibility regarding exact life span as well as the terminal illness, and these souls fulfilled those provisions by contracting a disease to which they were particularly vulnerable due to prior health issues that themselves soon would have been lethal.
Some of the younger people who have succumbed also had fulfilled contract provisions and others amended their contracts in conjunction with all others in the pre-birth agreement. In the latter cases, it was known at soul level that the persons could more effectively help the world from Nirvana, where they can beam light to the planet more powerfully than they were in physical bodies.
By no means does that imply that light being generated on Earth is weak—it is stronger, more intense, than ever before!
The persons who chose to amend their contracts did so because it also was known at soul level that fear and depression had seriously dimmed their light. They were stuck in anxiety about loved ones who were dealing with some adversity, their own unemployment prior or due to the virus, current or looming financial straits, or preoccupation with dire “what ifs.” Not only did that mindset negatively affect their immune systems, but more so, by choosing to uplift life on Earth from your spirit world, these souls leaped forward in evolvement.
Younger people who did not leave via amended contracts will enjoy in Nirvana all positive experiences they missed; if any hardships had been chosen for the purpose of achieving balanced experiencing—the goal of every soul in every lifetime—credit will be given automatically. As the coronavirus continues to spread, those same contract provisions or soul evolvement will apply to all who transition due to the disease.
It is the same with all others who chose Earth lifetimes of any duration during this unprecedented era in the universe. Thus there is another factor in Earth’s overall death toll. Many souls have embodied, whether briefly or for many years, to complete third-density experiencing and evolve. Most chose to live in substandard conditions that severely compromise the body’s ability to withstand any disease, and, if not Covid-19, another malady would be fatal.
Now to answer your most frequently-asked questions. We don’t know when the virus will be vanquished. In Earth’s energy field of potential there are innumerable streamers with disease attachments—these are not emanating from each individual, but rather those are combined into dense clusters from areas all over the world.
At this moment a few streamers are losing strength; some are slowly gaining momentum; and many are gaining rapidly. What we cannot determine in the field, much less in linear time, is when all of those streamers will weaken to the extent that they will be overcome by streamers with the high vibrations wherein microbes cannot exist.
No, emissions from 5G devices are not spreading the disease—its highly-contagious nature is doing that. However, people in areas where that technology is in use are more at risk because the emissions compromise immune systems. Universal family members are reducing to the extent possible the harmful effects of those emissions.
And no, dear ones, other civilizations cannot intervene and stop the spread of the virus. Not only are they not authorized to take charge of a situation that you yourselves are handling, but conditions in your world are not safe for crews in your skies to land or those living among you to disclose their identity. Even national leaders who know those extraterrestrials will not publicly acknowledge the existence of other civilizations.
But, if one of your universal family members were asked to describe what is happening on Earth, it would be “people are helping each other.”
You are seeing this in the courage and exhaustive dedication of medical professionals and first responders around the world. Leaders in villages, regions and countries are issuing wise guidance to keep residents as safe as possible. Individual acts of kindness, the sharing of resources, business closures, and masses observing common-sense directives to stay at home are stemming the tide. Governments are financially assisting citizens who are incurring extreme hardships.
You are seeing improvisation and innovation coming to the fore. Field hospitals are being erected to supplement hospital rooms; companies are foregoing or adding to standard production lines desperately needed supplies for medical staff and patients; homebound individuals are fabricating masks and gowns; countries with surplus are providing to countries that lack.
There are online studies for students whose schools are closed. Comedians are performing from their homes and concerts with musicians participating from their respective homes are being aired on television.
People young and old are finding unique ways to express gratitude to all who are serving in the trenches: doctors, nurses, other hospital staff, and medical personnel who came out of retirement; police and firefighters; teachers who are devising online classes for their students; pharmacists, newscasters, trash collectors, plumbers, electricians; farmers, grocers, food-bank operators, chefs, delivery folks; veterinarians, employees and volunteers at animal shelters; national military forces helping in numerous ways.
Others may have slipped our mind, but not the minds of all who are so very grateful for the services and stability those individuals are providing during these troubled times.
“Social distancing” is offering the opportunity for parents and children to be together as well as time for introspection, meditation, prayer and appreciation of the goodness and beauty in your world.
It is so that anxiety, grief, confusion and finger-pointing are part of today’s world, too. But in far, far greater measure are optimism, hope, caring about and assisting others, and unified determination to keep on keeping on until this virus is conquered.
Like the pathogen itself, unity of spirit doesn’t differentiate as to national borders, gender, age, nationality, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, social or financial status, level of education, field of employment, philosophy, or political ideology.
This unified spirit, the countless acts of kindness, multitudinous methods of assistance and expressions of thankfulness are love in action. This is why the light on Earth never has been brighter and why the aftermath of this pandemic will bring about the healing of society’s deep wounds caused by rampant unjustness, deception and divisiveness.
Many speak about “when things return to normal.” “Normal” will not return. Your world is destined to be and will be dramatically different, incomparably better. It is not laws or money or technology that will make the difference, it is the will of the people and the ranks of lightworkers have increased ten million-fold. As an aside here, my mother would say gazillion-fold.
Social, economic, religious, political and cultural separateness will give way to peaceful cooperation and mutual respect. Darkness in all of its diabolical forms will come to light and those who are responsible will be held accountable.
The transition of the global economic system—computer transactions that let the wealthiest few control all others—to a system based on precious metals will be done as smoothly as possible to alleviate further disruption in commerce and trade. The Illuminati’s illegally and immorally amassed fortunes will be retrieved and distributed to end the unconscionable disparity between the haves and have-nots.
Suppressed technologies will come forth and be conscientiously applied to energy, medicine, manufacturing, communication, agriculture, transportation and environmental restoration.
The dangers of vaccines and 5G emissions will be exposed; the former will be eliminated and devices using 5G will be redesigned so as to prevent harm to your health and the planet’s. Many millions will be employed in rebuilding cities in ruin and replacing decaying infrastructure.
What was intended to devastate the populace has instead resulted in a unified desire to create a better world. As efforts move forward in your concept of time, your mission in this lifetime already is triumphant—that glorious world you are helping Earth’s people manifest is flourishing in the continuum.
Beloved family, we honor and support you with the power of unconditional love.

Suzanne Ward


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 18:41
Quarta-feira, 01 / 04 / 20



Emmanuel Dagher.


 APRIL 2020

April 1st, 2020.




Hi my friend,

Thank you for being an essential part of the awakening taking place within humanity right now. It’s because of all the personal growth, inner work, and healing you have been so diligently practicing, that the world is changing at an accelerated speed.

A Powerful Realignment

As we move through the current season of our personal and collective journey, the Earth, all of humanity, all Earthly systems, and everything in between are experiencing a core realignment.

This core realignment is bringing to the surface and allowing us to address all that is going on in our lives, including all that is no longer serving humanity as a whole.

A new timeline has begun that is bringing humanity together in ways that many way-showers, empaths, healers, and other spiritual seekers may have only gotten small glimpses of.

With everything going on in the world, it can be easy to get caught up in the noise and collective fear that feels to be front and center now.

Because this new expansion is also causing a great deal of confusion and chaos for many, it’s important to remember that this is absolutely a normal part of the awakening process.

Just as many who are already awakened had to go through their own journey to get to the expanded awareness they have today, it’s important to honor the journey of those who are just now beginning to awaken, no matter how challenging that may feel at times.

We are currently on a unique, once-in-a-lifetime timeline that is giving us the opportunity to create a completely different reality. A reality founded on principles that benefit all of humanity, instead of only a select few.

These principles include kindness, respect for all life and our Earth, compassion, peace, fairness, community, unity, and prosperity for all.

The key to helping the mind to be on board with this new reality, is to simply let it know that it’s not going to lose anything by embracing it—rather, that it will gain a great deal. 

The mind often finds comfort in reverting to learned habits of doubt, worry, and fear as forms of self-protection.

Because of this, whenever a new perspective is presented to the mind that asks it to move out of its comfort zone, it has the tendency to go into protection mode. 

Being gentle on the mind, and thanking it for trying to protect us in the best way it knows how, is a wonderful approach for helping the mind feel safe, acknowledged, and loved.

When the mind feels safe, honored, and loved, it is much more open and willing to embrace the new perspectives, insights, behaviors, and habits it once deemed uncomfortable.

Being gentle with the mind, when practiced long enough, will help us transcend any previous resistance to our mind’s reactions.

As we show up as a loving and compassionate presence for the mind, it will eventually show up in the same way for us. It just needs to learn how to do that first, and desires that we lead by example.

As we use this gentle approach of being loving, compassionate, and caring, the mind begins to get on board with new ideas, insights, habits, and ways of being that align with a new reality—one that flows easily with the most expanded version of ourselves.

A Time of Healing for Mother Earth

One of the bigger themes coming forward on this new timeline, is a greater focus on the well-being of Mother Earth.

Mother Earth is speaking loudly to us, leaving no room to second-guess her messages and feedback.

She is letting us, her children, know that forcing things that go against the natural rhythm and flow of life can no longer be tolerated.

As humanity gets off the hamster wheel of the survival-fueled life, Mother Earth is breathing a big sigh of relief, and is using this time for healing herself.

Those who are sensitive to energy are also mirroring the same sigh of relief, as we heal our own body and mental energies. As more and more of us relax into deep healing now, more and more of our sisters and brothers who were not yet fully aware of what’s happening will also awaken and enter states of deep healing, peace, and transformation.

It’s from this space of a deep and nourishing healing of the collective that new solutions, inventions, and holistic remedies for global unity, peace, and wholeness will emerge.

The world is waking up at a rate that can no longer be ignored or denied, even by the most cynical. This is the time that so many way-showers, and those dedicated to their spiritual paths, have been working so hard to bring forth into the collective experience.

The comfort we used to find by ignoring, hiding, and denying inner discomfort will now increasingly shift and dissolve.

There is a level of comfort that comes with looking the other way, when it comes to things that may compromise our preference for feeling safe and keeping the status quo.

Yet by looking the other way, we’ve allowed a select few to make decisions for us all regarding how we experience our lives.

This has GREATLY compromised our well-being, and there is no longer any false comfort to be found in our giving our power away.

What we are seeing right now in the world is a clear indicator that the old patriarchal systems—which are based on fear, control, separation, survival, and hierarchy—are no longer able to continue as they have in the past.

Here are just a few confirmations that this shift is occurring:

Humanity is awakening to the truth of who we really are, as we connect more with ourselves and one another on a heart-to-heart level.

Humanity is realizing that whatever background, culture, or social or economic class people come from, there really is no separation between us. That was just an illusion. The current situation we are in is highlighting this tremendously.

Industries and corporations operating from a lack of integrity are losing steam and influence, and will find they must either close or evolve.

Humanity is becoming more conscious of our unhealthy relationship with Mother Earth, and we are taking action towards healing that relationship.

Humanity is becoming more conscious of the state of our relationship with ourselves and with one another, and we are also taking action towards healing those relationships.

Humanity is becoming increasingly aware of where our food is sourced from, and we are taking action to bring that far more into alignment with the natural rhythms of our body, mind, and the Earth.

The power pendulum is swinging from the select few back to the collective masses.

Conscious businesses and alternative, integrity-based media are becoming increasingly popular and in-demand.

Alternative natural medicine and holistic healing therapies and practices are proving to be just as if not more effective than the Western medicine approach.

Humanity is realizing that obsessing over the material world is not as important as supporting and loving one another in ways only our distant ancestors may have known.

And much more!

A Time of Completion

Now is the time to release the belief that we are “just small Earth beings,” and to remember fully that we are vast, powerful Universal beings.

Over the next several months, we’ll notice that choosing to play “small” will begin to feel impossible.

This is our Spirit saying to us, “I can no longer be confined by the belief that I/You are anything less than holy, powerful, and the Universe Itself in physical form.”

Prior to entering the third dimensional experience, many of us signed up to help usher in the great shift that began decades ago.

Through this energy agreement, many of us took on specific obligations, to ensure that the great shift would come to fruition.

We knew that those agreements were not for the faint of heart. Yet out of love for Earth and her people, we volunteered to take them on, knowing we could handle them.

And we’re doing exactly that.

Now we have reached the expiration date on those agreements. They are becoming null and void in this new consciousness we have manifested.

We now have true freedom—the freedom to choose everything that aligns us with our deepest and most authentic joy!

Difficult conditions and limitations are no longer necessary. If you’ve felt that there was some type of resistant force at work in your life, even though you were diligently doing your inner spiritual and re-connective work, now you know why.

It was never personal; it was simply an old agreement that needed to run its course before it could be completed.

The Divine Pause

Since fear and worry are a projection into the future, and grief and suffering are a form of dwelling in the past, when we align with the Present, we are able to tap into the Divine Pause occurring all around the planet at this time.

A Divine Pause is a stillness that washes over all of humanity at the same time, opening up space in our heart and mind, so that higher wisdom, awareness, and healing can emerge.

This Divine Pause is also allowing the Earth to heal in ways that it could not before now, due to the old habits and behaviors of humans.

If we are present and still, we will notice the following showing up a bit more during this Divine Pause:

The occasional ringing in the ear that so many hear has reached an even higher pitch.

A sense of complete peace and ease is more readily available when we are fully present.

Our dream state has become more vivid and clear as that consciousness integrates with our waking state.

We think of and then hear from people who have not been in our lives for a while.

We feel waves of energy moving through us, sometimes feeling like electric currents running through our body.

Our senses feel more heightened, including the extra-sensory ones.

We notice synchronicity occurring more and more.We crave foods that nurture and support the vitality of our body.

We crave time with nature.

We receive clarity of purpose, and ways to align with and fulfill this purpose.

A Divine Pause like the one the collective is currently experiencing also allows the mind to hear and align with our Spirit more clearly. This leads us into a state of flow.

When our mind is aligned with our Spirit, mountains move, old worlds dissolve, and new realities are birthed.

As the mind and Spirit align, we have the ability to create Heaven on Earth.

This is an unprecedented time in our collective experience, in which creating a world that works well for everyone is achievable, realistic, and palpable.

As always, please take great care of yourself, my friend, and know that I am thinking of you and our global family at this time.

We are in extraordinary times, and it’s such an honor to be able to share this journey with you!

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,
©2009 – 2020 Emmanuel Dagher. All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com.

You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the name of the author and the source website link.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:23
Sexta-feira, 27 / 03 / 20



Kate Spreckley's Inspiration.

March 27th, 2020




This is a time of purification, regeneration, cleansing and rebirth as the intensity of the energy we are working with increases dramatically. The pressure is building impacting us on every level of our being. There is no turning back now and our transformation is no longer a choice. For many this is a difficult time as it feel like we are being thrown from one extreme state and into another without pause. It is important to see this time as a reset moment where the social, political, financial and environmental systems break down giving us the opportunity to begin establishing a new way of being in this world.

The highly charged energies are working deeply to align you with your soul. As a result, many internal and external shifts and changes are occurring compelling you to re-evaluate your life. You may find yourself feeling lost and confused with things not going according to plan. Pay special attention to these feelings as they reveal the shifts and changes you need to make. It is time for you to perceive the source of your limitations. Look at where you have compromised yourself or tried to control and manipulate situations. What have you refused to see? The truth may hurt but it will set you free.

Much Love.

Kate Spreckley




This article may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2019 Kate Spreckley http://www.spiritpathways.co.za


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About Kate Spreckley




As a coach, energy practitioner, speaker and facilitator Kate Spreckley allows her natural skills and abilities to guide and support those who are in search of awakening, healing, growth and transformation. Over the years Kate has allowed her inner guidance to shape the way in which she works. This enables her to now offer a creative mix of everything that she has found to be the most useful and effective..... Read more






Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Spirit Pathways <kate@spiritpathways.co.za




No religious or political creed is advocated here.


Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.


Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.


Discernment yes; judgement does not.

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 



Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

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publicado por achama às 17:13
Sexta-feira, 20 / 03 / 20




By Lisa Renee


Posted March 20, 2020



We’re going to set the space, and as we do we call upon our Guardian Teams, our Councils of Greater God self, the Evolution support teams for the Starseed Identity Matrix, those beloved defenders and families aligned to the Law of One mission, to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of God’s Infinite Light, Infinite Love and Infinite Power in Divine right order and harmony. As we set our space, individually, I ask that you put yourself in your own shield, those of you that work with the 12th dimensional shield, please fortify and activate that individually, and those that are not fully versed in the 12D shield, just see yourself completely immersed in a platinum field of light, circular, protecting your entire body, your entire aura and we’re going to again command, through the sovereign freedom, that which is connected to Unity consciousness…I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free…feel that shield protecting you, supporting you and connecting you into your infinite God Source.

Now as we open our group field, as we open our group consciousness field and we ask our beloveds, opening in our counterclockwise motion in to the full expansion of the Celestial Force of One Light. Beloveds grid this space entirely and at this time through the Aquaferion Matrix, that which is Unity consciousness, as One, we call Beloved God to anchor this space in perfect Divine Harmony and to open all channels of Light to be breathed as One through the breath of God itself. We command our space entirely in the Sovereign Freedom of One.

Beloveds, again as we contain within our group field, it’s very much like all of our group bodies are in a container and when we create a field like this many times we are able to accomplish many things that are very positive for our spiritual enlightenment, again that which is only resonant to the highest God purposes, and through that which you command through your inner being…I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free…all else will fall away, all that is unnecessary or unneeded.

As we are working with the improved health upgrade, this is like installing a new program and blueprint overlay upon your existing blueprint. That which is aligning to the God consciousness and purity of the divinity of the core that you are, the truth that you are. Allowing yourself to fully relax, and for the group we will hold the statement, as the objective of this instillation of this improved health upgrade and program to run in all multidimensional identities, in all parallel lives, when in alignment and appropriate. And we ask that each of the energies be fully completed within the trinitized form that we command here and now. We ask that the God Source, and the higher self spiritual councils automatically check each requested adjustment for each individual in our collective body this evening. As we state the command, you can repeat that command internally in your own mind, saying it in your own words either out loud or internally or you can just listen to my voice. Do what is guided and what feels right for you. We will begin now.

  • Improve my general vitality and all energies within all simultaneous dimensions
  • Increase the immunity of my local body, my local incarnation and improve my ability to resist infection
  • Eliminate all microbial infection throughout my body
  • Eliminate all toxin, poison, heavy metal, and drug from my physical body
  • Remove or transmute all negative imprints
  • Remove and transmute all implants
  • Remove these imprints at an appropriate pace that is most beneficial for my health and development
  • Increase the harmony and communication efficiency of all my body parts
  • I ask that every part of my body communicate with each other and I send gratitude to all of my body parts
  • Activate fully the Now state of mind and witness consciousness
  • Connect me directly to God’s vital life force required for my optimum health
  • Increase the energetic flow through my meridians, chakras, and pranic tube
  • Please perform Axiatonal Alignment of all of my meridians, chakras and pranic tube
  • Please synchronize my energy bodies to be optimally functioning and efficient
  • Allow the perfection of my Endocrine system’s ability to produce, distribute and assimilate hormones
  • Please seal all energy leaks or siphons, seal any harmful portals open in my body
  • Optimize the level of Oxygen within all my bodies parts
  • Optimize the level of Hydrogen within all my body parts
  • Optimize the level of Hydration held within my cells and all body parts
  • Clear and remove my addiction matrix
  • Optimize the mineral composition of my body systems, organs, and glands
  • Improve the cell salt balance of my body parts and the electrolytic efficiency in my cells
  • Optimize the electrolytic balance and increase the electrical efficiency of all metabolic systems
  • Improve my metabolic assimilation and the release and use of energy from consumed foods
  • Improve the conductive efficiency of beneficial chemical elements and compounds that transfer into my blood
  • Increase the efficiency of my body cellular computer and the current utilization of that computer
  • Increase my level of Spiritual intelligence the accumulated knowledge available for my earthly related activity
  • Eliminate inherited or self induced genetic deficiencies within all of my body systems
  • Improve the removal of genetic code for producing toxic compounds within my body
  • Increase the efficiency of my auric energy in creating conscious instructions
  • Improve my emotional stability within all incarnation, dimension, and realm
  • Increase my capability to outwardly extend love, compassion, and patience to all of creation
  • Increase the light flow quotient through all component parts of my body
  • Improve my well being – my wellness state – into good health and ecstatic feelings
  • Increase transmutation of free radical oxidative damage in my body
  • Increase the function of all oscillating biological blood filters in my body
  • Open my spiritual connection to Unity consciousness
  • Increase the efficiency of my Medulla Oblongata and Corpus Callosum
  • Increase the efficiency of my entire body, gland and organ structure
  • Install the new matrix for brain structural anatomical rejuvenation for my body
  • Remove the green screen of death from my body
  • Increase the efficiency of my nervous system’s involuntary actions
  • Increase the efficiency of my central and peripheral nervous system
  • Improve the structural completeness and functional efficiency of my body’s hologram, embryo and etheric bodies
  • Fully connect my God umbilical cord connection to all of my bodies
  • Optimize my brain function that transfers energy to all of my body parts
  • Activate the functional efficiency of all of my existing genetic codes on bodily functions
  • Activate my sensory ability with my Third Eye, Pineal, Pituitary and Hypothalamus
  • Add the appropriate number of Codons over the base 20 DNA code to my body
  • Fully install and improve the function of all 12 layers of DNA in my body
  • Improve the efficiency of my Mer-Ka-Ba Energy light body for protection and energy balance
  • Remove metabolic death phase – reverse physical degeneration in my body
  • Remove all discordant programs from my body
  • Replace the ego thought forms with heart guided thought forms
  • Activate the thinking heart
  • Activate the trinitized form with all of my energy bodies and systems

Activate, synchronize, and align all Energy bodies to be in perfect harmony, integration and balance
Anchor lock and seal through my hologram, anchor lock and seal through the time matrix and So It Is. We conclude our Health Upgrade program.

As we harmonize and hold our space in the name of One self-God self as witness to One we seal this into the light of union, wholeness and service to the One self. Please take this through the outer levels of the mind grid, DNA, karmic contract, core soul levels and beyond. Though all moments of self, through all dimensions, and realities, through each of the layers of the bodies, we take this through the instruction field of all levels and components of our being..fully, completely, totally and permanently.

Beloved family, beloved teams as we thank our beloved guardians and our evolution support, thank you for this opportunity. It is with great joy and reverence we are home in the light. Our infinite stream of love is with you in all ways.

As we seal and end our session, coming back into the now moment presence. Allowing yourself to fully come into waking consciousness, with your hand on your heart, feeling love, gratitude, knowing you are fully connected, you are fully supported, and you are fully protected in God’s eternal light.

Beloved family, thank you so much for joining us this evening. As usual with any meditation where we do etheric work such as this, make sure that you rest, you take care of yourself, and drink lots of water…it’s generally needed… and again until next, thank you so much for joining us, have a beautiful evening.

Lisa Renee


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:06
Quarta-feira, 18 / 03 / 20

Gifts of peace during these times

Gifts of peace during these times.

By Emmanuel Dagher.





My beautiful friend, 

If you're feeling at all like your peace has been disrupted in any way with all that is going on right now, I've created a sacred resource space for you to enrich yourself with gifts of peace, love and healing.

Please accept this gift care package from my heart. It includes a free 1 hour healing session titled The Worry Wash, an energy-infused prayer for pristine well-being titled Super Charged Prayer for Wholeness and Healing, a 528hz healing music session titled Liberation, a recent video that addresses how to move through all of the current changes going on with greater ease, and more! 

This healing resource space is created with the intention of bringing you a useful and effective support system that you can use to feel realigned with peace... in your mind, body, and Spirit. 

Click here to begin >>>  

Please feel free to bookmark this page and come back to it at any time you feel guided to. 

If you do find this healing resource space useful, please share it with anyone who you feel would benefit from the support it has to offer.

We are all in this together.

With a big energy hug and so much love, 



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
  • Emmanuel Dagher <admin@emmanueldagher.com>

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Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 00:31
Segunda-feira, 09 / 03 / 20





March 7th, 2020.

help arcturians repair the 5D crystalline grid - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael

We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been searching for a way in to the crystalline grid that you who are awake have been co-creating for quite some time. We would love to experience it ourselves, but as ninth dimensional beings, it is challenging for us to truly experience something that is fifth dimensional. We want to have the experience of it that you all do, and we want to help. And so, we have been in the process of recruiting many of you who are receiving this transmission.

We give our recruitment pitch to you when we meet in the astral plane, and the vast majority have accepted our proposal. Now, we understand that most of you do not remember your astral travels. That is why we are giving you this information and confirmation through the channel here that you have been recruited, and you have accepted our proposal.

Now, let us go over this offer while you are conscious and awake in your fourth dimensional bodies. What we have asked for are volunteers to raise your vibration high enough while in the conscious waking state, so that we can experience more of the fifth dimensional crystalline grid through you, and so we can help to make some repairs.

Repairs are needed at this time to reach the population that is still unawake and that relies upon this crystalline energy grid for the energies that will help them to awaken in the very near future. All we need from you is to sit while holding the intention to raise your vibration and open yourselves up to us and our consciousness, while also feeling your connection to the fifth dimensional crystalline grid that you have there on Earth.

The very few who have declined this invitation have done so because of a desire to work on that grid without assistance, without the help of higher dimensional beings. We know that you have access to all vibrations, all energies, all frequencies, and we applaud those who would like to take on the challenge of repairing the grid themselves. We also understand that for a select few of you, allowing the energies of any other beings in can trigger some trauma.

Now, you still have the option of accepting or declining this invitation, and again, we understand. We are not wanting to come across as pushy at all. We would never want to pressure anyone into doing anything. And so, the invitation will remain open, and those of you who are eager to work with us can start right away.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

Daniel Scranton

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 01:48
Sexta-feira, 06 / 03 / 20





March 5th, 2020.


Let our arcturian energy move through you - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael

We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been tuning in to the desires of humanity, and we are noticing that there are more and more of you who are asking for assistance in helping others. You have a desire to be of service, but you don’t know exactly how to do it. You’re not really sure what you have to give, and you’re also not so certain how to deliver what you do have to give to humanity. First of all, we want to let you know how important it is that you have the desire at all to help your fellow humans, and we also want you to understand how you are changing the consciousness of the human collective by putting that desire out into the universe.

We also want you to know that we, and others like us, are very happy to work through you in order to help all of humankind. We make ourselves available in every moment of every single one of your days, and you can attune yourselves to us by feeling for the vibration that you access when you are receiving these transmissions. You can rest assured that you are in fact tuning in to us, to our energy, and to our intention to be of service, and when you remember that feeling, you access it again. And when you access it, you access us. We are happy to work through you to help humanity raise the level of its consciousness.

All of the issues that you see around the world can be helped by the raising of the level of consciousness within the human collective. Therefore, the best thing that you can do for your fellow humans is to hold that vibration within you that is the desire to be of service, and then you can connect to beings like us, and all of the other beings in the higher realms, and we will run our energy through you, making our consciousness more available to each and every human within your collective.

And the most beautiful part of all of this is that you don’t have to ask and then wonder if we are available, or if we are willing, because we always are. We are always here for you, and we are very excited to work with all of you who want to be of service, but don’t know how exactly to go about helping your fellow humans. Leave that to us, open yourselves up to receive us, and then sit back and notice the changes that we can initiate together when we work as a team. We are on Team Humanity, and we know that you all are as well.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

Daniel Scranton

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 23:31
Quarta-feira, 04 / 03 / 20



Emmanuel Dagher.


 MARCH 2020

March 3rd, 2020.




Hi my friend,
It’s an honor for me to connect with your presence again. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!

The energy of March will feel very different from how the last four or five months have felt.

Layers of density have been dissolving for many of us in recent months.

In March, it will be quite clear that we have arrived at a completely new space in our awareness.

We will be entering the kind of reality we are now consciously choosing to create for ourselves.

This is exciting, because from this expanded space of new awareness, many of our previous choices will no longer feel to be in alignment with who we really are.

When that happens, the space opens up for us to make decisions from our most empowered and expanded selves.

Making decisions from the most empowered version of ourselves tremendously enhances the kind of people, places, and situations we bring into our experience.

Unexpected Surprises

The first half of March will bring lots of unexpected surprises into our personal and collective world.

The key to receiving the full blessings available in these surprises is to remain open and in the flow.

Being open and in the flow is one way of affirming that we are consciously choosing to be present, and to live in a vibration from which we are able to operate from our most empowered self.

When we are present, we are able to listen to the intuitive impulses that help guide us to our greatest blessings in life.

Being open and in the flow also helps us to not get caught up in the survival-oriented distractions the mind can get caught up in, simply because that is the approach it has always reverted to as a way of coping with life’s challenges.

Being open and in the flow will bring us great rewards, especially now.

From early to mid-March, we may also find that love and affection are on our mind a bit more than usual.

When this happens, the mind usually looks for love and affection from others, or from food, or from anything else it has become dependent on for receiving the feeling of being loved.

Right now is an excellent time to shift the focus of looking for love and affection from outside ourselves to inside ourselves.

When we commit to becoming a loving and affectionate presence for ourselves, all the distractions and behavioral misalignments that can occur when we search outside of ourselves for love, somehow resolve.

This can happen when much of the pressure, need, desperation, and expectation associated with personal and romantic love are no longer factors in the healthy new relationships we are choosing to bring into our lives.

When we show up for ourselves completely in every way, our cup is full.

When we operate from a full cup, we operate from the most empowered, joy-filled, vibrant, fulfilled version of ourselves.

From this space, we immediately know what we do or do not desire to create in our lives. The feedback we receive will be clear, and instant.

We also naturally show up in the world in a way that attracts us to others who are also loving and honoring themselves, in a similar way to how we have chosen to love and honor ourselves.

If we find ourselves getting caught up in some “needy” emotional energy in early March, let’s be gentle with ourselves and use it as feedback that encourages us to give ourselves extra love and affection.

This shift in approach will help us raise our standards, especially when it comes to the kind of relationships we’re choosing.

This is not the time to settle, simply because we are receiving any kind of attention from others.

We have so many new blessings to receive, and the old patterns of settling for any kind of attention only serve to distract us from actually receiving those blessings.

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A Season of Rewards

From March 9th  to July15th, we will be in a season of receiving many new rewards from all of the hard work we’ve put in in recent years towards our personal growth, healing, goals, and highest visions.

The more committed and consistent we have been in doing our inner personal work, the more rewarding this time will be. 

We will experience a jump-start to a “reward” season during the second half of March, because there will be a new wave of excitement, joy, and creativity in the air supporting us.

If we are someone who tends to be a procrastinator or lacking motivation, especially when it comes to being committed to loving and honoring ourselves in every way possible, this will be a time to refine and resolve this coping pattern.

By choosing to recognize procrastination as the mind’s way of creating a distraction (because it doesn’t like change), we can now have compassion for that response, without allowing it to hold us back anymore.

It also helps to realize that we have other choices.

We deserve to thrive and receive ALL of the blessings the Universe desires to shower upon us.

The only reason we may not fully receive them, is because of the limited coping methods we have chosen in the past.

There are many coping methods that are empowering and freeing. The more we love and honor ourselves, the clearer it becomes that this is what will set us free to fly beyond any limitation we bought into in the past.

Our being the most loving and compassionate presence for ourselves and our inner child is the greatest reward we could ever give and receive.

Everything else just becomes the delicious icing on the vegan organic cake.

Now is the time to nurture this kind of unconditionally loving relationship with ourselves.

This is one of the main reasons we have all decided to enter this Earthly experience.

This is what many of the masters and sages who preceded us, such as Buddha, Kwan Yin, Jesus, and many others, were able to tap into.

They were able to love and honor themselves to such a degree, that it naturally poured into the experience of all those around them—those who were open and willing to receive love.

This is why so many miracles were documented as a result of being around these sages. They elevated the space they entered, and brought others into that space of unconditional love.

Pure, unconditional love is the most powerful energy in all Universes.

Embody it, and one immediately becomes the most powerful energy in all Universes.

What these sages were showing us is that each one of us has the same exact capacity to do what they were able to do, and more!

Let’s work with the energetic doorways the Universe often provides us with, to strengthen our love and affection for ourselves, and especially our inner child.

We can then also be that unconditional love for others, in ways that heal, uplift, and inspire them to love themselves and the world in the same way.

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Patience is a Divine Virtue

We’ve often heard the quote “patience is a virtue.” Yet when most people think of the word “patience,” they think of having to wait for something.

In fact, patience actually has nothing to do with pausing or waiting for anything.

Patience is about becoming so present, as often as we can throughout our day, that we are able to easily listen to and honor the natural intuitive pulse that desires to express itself through us and as us.

That natural intuitive pulse is the way our Spirit speaks to us.

Our Spirit knows everything! So, when we are connected to the presence of our Spirit often throughout the day, we are connected to the part of us that knows everything.

This part of us will always communicate to us through insights, feelings, wisdom, messages, and opportunities, in ways that will always be aligned with our Highest and Greatest Good.

The last week of March will be an excellent time to practice patience in the sense of being fully present—being here now.

When we are patient, we are open.

By the last week of March, we will be given the opportunity to create a fresh start for ourselves. This will be a good time to begin new projects, or to resume old ones we haven’t tended to in a while.

When we are patient and open, it becomes much easier to put old insecurities and inhibitions to one side.

Let’s use this time to do just that. If we find any old insecurities coming up for us, let’s use it as feedback that the part of us that wants to identify with those old insecurities just desires to receive more love and affection from us.

The way we love ourselves is to honor all of the emotions we are noticing in our body and awareness. We allow ourselves to honor them by feeling where these emotions are being held in our body.

We feel these emotions in the area of the body until we notice a softening and a releasing of them. From this space, we express gratitude and love to our body and mind, for simply asking us to give them more love and affection.

Then we do things for ourselves that we most love doing. It could be meditating, singing, dancing, painting, receiving a massage, exercising, sitting under a tree, etc.

As always, please take great care of yourself, my friend.

We are in some extraordinary times, and it’s such an honor to be able to share this journey with you!

May this be a month that continues to bring you abundant blessings in every area of life!

Until next time,
Miraculously yours,
©2009 – 2020 Emmanuel Dagher. All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com.

You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the name of the author and the source website link.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:00
Terça-feira, 04 / 02 / 20

A fear-based world reduced the number of probable actions.

A fear-based world reduced the number of probable actions.

Brenda Hoffman.

Channeled Message,


on January 31st, 2020

posted February 4, 2020
Dear Ones,
Many of you are concerned you have a small role to play in the next act of your transition play. Such is not true. For even shining your beacon of love is beyond your original earth expectations in this lifetime. But then, you have been an overachiever throughout your Universal existence. For you were created to create, not merely to hold a place for others.

Of course, you wish for us to relay your new role in more specific words than finding your joy. You wish us to tell Jamie or Steve she/he is to be or do this. We, of the Universes, cannot for you are in an amorphous phase. You have not yet formed anything of substance that directs you to where you wish to be. So it is you are waiting for a current to curse through your veins, directing you to this or that. But until you fully know who you are, we of the Universes do not either.

Many of your guides and angels experienced life on the earth. Their words of wisdom were a result of their understanding of 3D earth. The same was true for you. So it was that crystal ball, Tarot, tea leaf readings, etc. were action plans based on past and current events.

But because your new love-based future continues to be formulated, no one, including you, has definite bearings about what you want to do in the next few months. The outcome is a given – a world of love and joy. The steps to that outcome have not yet been formalized.

In 3D, the need to claim territory, family, community, social mores, etc. combined with a personality type in a fear-based world significantly reduced the number of probable actions. Even though readings offered possibilities, those possibilities were a repeat of what had occurred for eons.

In this new earth, there are no givens, not even personality types, to formulate accurate action plans. Discovering your joy and negating fears has created unlimited possibilities.

So the question continues to be, “What and where is your joy?” For as you release your fears, your joys shift. What you loved yesterday is no longer. And what you will love tomorrow is not yet apparent. So it is you cannot yet determine who you are any more than can we of the Universes.

As you shift, your joys shift. And as your joys shift, those around you shift accordingly. For you have likely narrowed your action/companion base to a few. Those few are taking their cues from you. Not because you are their leader, but because you understand this amazing transition better than they do.

Your role seems to change daily, as do your interests and skills. Allow that to be. Just as you once allowed yourself to be an infant learning to shake a rattle and turn over.

Even though you might smile at the infant analogy, you are in a similar place in your joy tapestry thread. You know you want to be “over there,” but you do not yet have the skills to get there. So day by day, you test this and that joy to find those pieces that make you whole.

Some of you need to allow the phrase “make you whole” roll around a bit in your inner-being. For you know, you are a star creator, a god/goddess of the Universes. But just as it was when you were an earth infant, you are creating your interest areas. Do you wish to fly, walk, or merely be?

You are a new being in a new world. So you cannot determine who you are becoming any more than most toddlers know what their vocation/adult interest areas will be.

Perhaps such a thought seems overwhelming for you have wanted to know your role for months, if not years. All the while, believing this transition was merely a blip on your earth screen.

You are a wondrous creator being just beginning to understand your possibilities. For the next few weeks, you will be much like an infant quickly moving from shaking a rattle to stacking blocks to racing on a motorcycle. Yes, racing a motorcycle is the correct phrase. For you will not require years as do humans to shift from infant to adult. You will do so in the next few weeks.

Allow your interests to shift weekly, perhaps daily. For as you shed more and more of your 3D earth being, you will discover layer after layer of creativity and interests. Creative skills that will rebuild the earth in ways you cannot yet imagine. For you have increased your action base from helping 3D earth transition to dimensions beyond, to rebuilding that which now seems lost. Allow yourself to flow with this growth and seemingly constant shift from who you thought you were to your new action being.

You are in the processing stage of self-formulation.

You will discover you are not necessarily who you thought you would become based on your 3D reality, but instead someone more magnificent than you can imagine.

Perhaps you fear you will not become that new entity until it is too late. A bit like a teen who wants to date at age 13 even if he or she is not ready to do so.

You are at the beginning stages of your beyond 3D being. Not in terms of beaming your light, but in knowing who you wish to be in this new world. So do not fret if you have no definite direction within yourself – you are evolving minute by minute.

Allow yourself to follow your joy, and you will evolve rapidly. Continue to expect this action to be IT, and you will merely slow your progress – as that action might have felt right yesterday, but not necessarily tomorrow.

You are an essential participant in this shift from fear to love.  But no one including us, of the Universes, knows precisely what you will “bring to the table.” Your role is to follow your joy, for as you do so, your beacon shines. Worrying or contemplating a future that is not yet time for you to name or describe will merely slow this process.

It’s time to be you. Just as you allow infants to be who they need to be as they explore what they are interested in exploring.
So be it. Amen.

Brenda Hoffman

If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 18:09
Sexta-feira, 31 / 01 / 20



Emmanuel Dagher.



January 31, 2020.




Hi my friend,

It’s a blessing for me to connect with you in this way today. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!

Right from the beginning of this new decade, the energies have been nudging us to examine, refine, and heal our relationships.

This includes the relationship we have with ourselves, as well as with our family, friends, partners, and work colleagues.

February will serve as an excellent time to get clear on the dynamics of our current relationships—how we are contributing to them, and whether we desire to make some important personal shifts, to create greater balance in our relationships as we move forward.

There are some questions we may find helpful at this time, such as:

– Do our current relationships feel balanced, expansive, and enjoyable?

– Are we feeling free and open to fully be ourselves, in every way?

– What kind of relationships would we like to experience more of?

– Are the dynamics of our current relationships a result of us repeating the dynamics we saw as children, in the adults around us?

These types of questions can help us gain tremendous clarity on whether or not we are fully loving ourselves.

Our relationships are also a mirror of the relationship we have cultivated with ourselves.

We may have placed ourselves in situations where we often feel the need to accommodate others—a sign we have not established a balanced exchange of support, love, and respect in our relationships.

This happens as a result of us not loving ourselves and honoring our own needs.

This is the time, right here and now, to let all of our relationships be a reflection of us loving ourselves unconditionally.

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Transcending the People-Pleasing Pattern

Most of us were not taught how to love, and not shown the importance of making ourselves an equal if not top priority in our lives.

We were most likely taught to first please our parents, and others, before ourselves.

The relationship we had with our parents directly affects every relationship we experience as adults. (Until we do the inner healing work.)

The most important things a child needs from their parents are unconditional love, acceptance, and complete acknowledgement.

A child deserves to fully be seen, heard, and honored for who they really are, not for what they do or accomplish.

However, because of the times they grew up in and their own limited awareness, most parents just did not have the tools and capacity to teach us anything different from what they were taught during their own upbringing.

Our parents also came from an ancestral lineage that passed down to them unresolved traumas.

These traumas often take up so much inner space that they prevent parents from knowing how to manage their own emotions by using coping behaviors.

So of course, because these parents are unable to manage their own emotions, they have little or no idea how to support their children in managing their emotions.

This pattern has a great impact on us as children.

One of the biggest impacts, is that it teaches children to people-please in order to receive love and acknowledgement.

It makes the child contort themselves to fit into whatever their parents want them to be.

The child begins to do more of the things their parents deem as good, and starts to reject and hide the parts of themselves their parents deem as bad or useless.

Every person just wants love and acceptance, and wants to be viewed as a good human being. No one wants to disappoint their parents.

This is why most sensitive and in-tune children people-please.

As we do our inner healing work, we expand our awareness to understand that we don’t need to please people any more in order to be loved and accepted.

We become such a wellspring of unconditional love to ourselves, that we no longer need to contort ourselves to fit into what others think we should be.

We become so self-sustaining that we no longer need everyone to like, love, and accept us.

We become the emotionally mature parent—to our inner child, and that our own children so deserve and need.

This is us freeing ourselves from the people-pleasing pattern.

February will serve as an excellent month for us to untangle ourselves from this pattern, once and for all!

If you’re feeling that some of your relationships could use a bit of refining right now, the process below can help support you in that.

The Mirror Process

Step 1: Think of a current relationship in your life that you desire to improve or refine.

Step 2: Write down all of the ways in which you think that relationship could benefit from some refinement or improvement.

For example: Better communication, greater appreciation of one another, or a more balanced exchange of love and support.

Step 3: Look at what you have written, and ask yourself, Are the items I listed something I want the other person to change about themselves? Or are they something I would like to improve within myself?

If the answer is the latter, you now have clarity on what you can give to yourself in order to build a strong and nourishing relationship with yourself.

That is vital, because our relationship with our own inner self is the foundation from which we experience all relationships.

If you noticed that your mind wanted to make it about the other person, please continue to Step 4.

Step 4: Ask yourself: How does it serve me, to want to change or control how others treat me?

Usually the core answer to that question ends up being something about safety and self-protection.

The desire to change and control others is a survival pattern the mind has identified with, as a result of forgetting what our Spirit has always known: that It—our true essence—can never be controlled, because it is infinite and eternal.

It is everything!

At your core, you do not really desire to control anyone. That impulse is just the mind’s way of protecting itself.

Doesn’t it feel lighter to know that?

With this new awareness, you can then begin to understand that the relationship was just a mirror, reflecting back to you how you have been treating yourself.

These are patterns that exist on both a conscious and subconscious level, as a result of your upbringing, and personal experiences you‘ve accumulated throughout life.

Step 5: With the awareness that everything you wrote on your list was just what you desire to give to yourself, go back over the items on your list, and read them out loud in the following statement:

“I desire to give myself _______________ (fill in the blank), so I now choose to give myself this.”

Repeat the same statement for all of the items you wrote on your list.

Step 6: Thank the person you originally thought of, for being the mirror that showed you what you weren’t fully giving yourself.

Step 7: Thank yourself for being so open and willing to understand that the whole situation has only ever been about how you treat you.

Step 8: Make the decision to give yourself everything you ever thought others should be giving you, and give yourself that on a daily basis.

This is you, coming back into your power!

As you become the one who gives yourself everything you thought others should be giving you, you will find that your happiness and fulfillment quotients magnify Big Time!

You will begin noticing that the people who are unable to do these things for themselves, such as increased self-respect, will start to lovingly move into the background of your life, while those who can do that for themselves will increasingly begin to show up for you, in extraordinary ways.

Let the New Adventures Begin

The next few months—a period of time that started around the New Year—is a time for us to allow that deep fire within us to come out and play.

This is our time to connect with our free-spirited nature, and to live our lives to the fullest.

This is also the perfect time to begin new adventures!

One of the things that holds most people back from living their life to the fullest, is fear of the unknown.

The truth is, there is no such thing as the unknown, because that part of us known as the Spirit already knows everything.

Yes, our Spirit is a “know-it-all,” in a way that has absolutely nothing to do with the ego.

Let’s take comfort in the fact that our Spirit knows exactly what It needs to do to take the best care of us, and that our only job is to honor the guidance It offers us.

Imagine the extraordinary possibilities we instantly open ourselves up to, when we let go of our fear of the unknown!

Right now is the time to release any fear of the unknown, because while the energies of the Sun are in Leo, they will energize us to go beyond any of the previous limitations we have set for ourselves.

Now is the time to notice the amazing opportunities that begin to present themselves, to help us enrich our lives.

And when something feels good, let’s just go for it!

Whether it’s in the areas of relationships, environment, career, our health and well-being, creativity—now is the time to open ourselves up to the expected and unexpected blessings coming our way!

As we begin our new adventures, it’s important to be flexible and adaptable. Let’s allow our Spirit/Life to guide us on the journey It desires to take us on.

This can sometimes be a little challenging for the mind. And yet, if there was a perfect time to just let ourselves run free, this is it!

This is not a time to hibernate. This is a time to go out into the world and engage, and to share in the love, joyous laughter, and higher energies available to us now!

As always, may this month bless you in spectacular ways, and may you always know that we are all in this together.
Until next time,
Miraculously yours,
©2009 – 2020 Emmanuel Dagher. All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com.

You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the name of the author and the source website link.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:42
Terça-feira, 28 / 01 / 20

You function and think differently than before.

Brenda Hoffman.

Channeled Message,


on January 24th, 2020

posted January 28, 2020
Dear Ones,
You have read the words that all is well, that the world is now filled with joy, and that the light is dominant in your life and the world. But you have likely not yet experienced that light to the depth you thought probable a few days ago. For your life seems as it always has. You work. You eat. You sleep.

What you have not yet addressed within your belief system is that you function and think differently than before.

Perhaps you noted little indicators such as not worrying as much, perhaps not. But know without a doubt that you are different than a few weeks ago. But then, such a statement means little to you if you do not recognize your different approach to life and the resulting interactions.

You are comfortable with milestones that include celebrations from others – a birthday, wedding, graduation, new baby, new community, etc. But you do not yet understand that such celebrations are outer-directed indicators of your role in society instead of personal markers.

Your parents told you when you were born and how best to mark that occasion. And so it is for all other personal celebrations or changes. Society tells you when and how to celebrate. Pieces that are not a celebration – perhaps an earth death or trauma – are also be noted year after year. Not necessarily because you need to do so, but because others feel you should. Decorating gravestones or memorializing an event such as an earthquake or war.

You have essentially depended on society to determine when and how to mark events.

Such is no longer true. You are not the puppet of society you once were. So it is you completed the largest earth event ever conceived without trumpets or congratulations.

Even though you feel different, you do not trust those feelings, for no one is celebrating new you. So you wonder what you did wrong or did not do.

So we, of the Universes, will provide that celebration now. Hallelujah, Sparkles, Laughter, Joy, Fun!

Perhaps some of you are laughing. How silly. How can we, of the Universes, provide you with a celebration to prove you graduated from 3D, 4D, and are now mastering 5D? Ah, that is the rub, is it not? For only you can determine your level of completion. And if our words ring hollow, perhaps you might ask yourself why. Is it because you are waiting for society to tell you that you are right within yourself? Or is it because you do not trust yourself?

There is nothing more for you to chant or ask. You graduated far above your expectations. In truth, the past few days have been a rigorous final exam you created for yourself. You are done. You can move out of your dorm. That is, the dorm in your head as you say to yourself, “I can’t be ready for the world yet because I don’t know this or that.” And we respond, clean out your dorm room and apply for the Universal job that fills you with joy just thinking about it. Know that you are the only one applying for that job, and you are more than qualified.

You are no longer competing for a job, a community, or anything. You have shifted yourself from an earth social being to a unique Universal creator within the earth ethers. Even the sky is no longer your limit. Who are you? What gives you joy? That is your new and only path.

If you continue to believe that such a path is only possible in 3D terms of being SOMETHING or SOMEBODY, you have forgotten rule one of this new life – you are unique and, therefore, uniquely qualified for any role you fancy. You prepared for this role for eons.

You are no longer a social follower, you are a Universal leader. A leader the world now requires to rebuild broken structures and to shine brightly for those who wish to follow.

As we stated time after time, even though most of you have yet to fully believe that such is true – someone tending their small garden in joy is as valuable as anyone creating an environmental piece that shifts the thoughts or actions of millions.

This new tapestry of joy is not made up of gigantic gold and silver threads. Instead, it is a multi-colored piece that brings joy to all who view it or participate in its creation. The threads are not the same, even though each thread is of the same weight.

Please remember that Henry David Thoreau lived in isolation with a need to write his personal philosophy. Even though he was pitied and scorned because of his self-induced isolation, he did more to change the world than would have been probable had he devoted his life to his families’ prosperous pencil factory.

So it will be for you. What gives you joy? It does not matter what it is now that you are no longer of 3D or 4D. Your new joys have been honed to produce that which is necessary for you and therefore, the earth and the Universes. You have selected those segments from your past, present, and future to best create that skill, interest, or playtime. And you have done so within the confines of what you want to do and what the earth and the Universes need.

You cannot make a mistake. Nor can you take a wrong path. Follow your joy and all will be as you wished before you entered earth in this lifetime. Continue to wait for confirmation from society or anyone that you are the right person in the right place and you will remain frightened, bored, listless, angry, or any emotion that does not include the joy you pine for.
So be it. Amen.

Brenda Hoffman

If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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Alternative to Google

Alternative to YouTube

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 19:33
Terça-feira, 14 / 01 / 20

Tsunami of Change

Brenda Hoffman.

Channeled Message,


on January 10th, 2020

posted January 14, 2020
Dear Ones,
January 12, 2020, is a watershed date in your lives and that of all inhabiting earth at this time. For it is as if something clicked inside your hearts, your beings that shifted you from fear to love.
This shift will not be displayed immediately because many, perhaps including you, have to adjust to the new sensations this shift created. Even though you might have been prepared for something before January 12, this something has never been experienced by you or any earth being. It is as if a shaft of light pierced your tough earth shell.
Perhaps you think that such comments are a fairytale for how is it possible that one day can create such upheaval?
This shift will cause many to feel that what was up is now down, and what was down is now up. Because these new sensations will feel unnatural, frightening, it is likely something most will not discuss them. For they will believe that doing so makes them seem odd.
Those of you in the know will merely adjust as you have to every other burst of energy throughout your earth life. Others, feeling as if their life has been turned upside down, will be the most frightened.
Even though humans are familiar with the fear of change, this energy event is a tsunami of change. It will be as if someone woke up one night with a new emotional body and must do everything in the dark without understanding how to do so. There will be fear and anger. Not because this shift is bad or damaging, but because it will seem so foreign. So it is many will test these new feelings by doing the exact opposite of their intuitive directives. A confusing time for most.
You, the forerunners, will slip into your new being easily and effortlessly for you have prepared to do so since you began this transition.
Those not as open to transitioning beyond 3D as you will be confused and attempt to return to their former feelings only to discover they can not.
This is a mass transition of proportions you can not begin to envision. For anyone who has dreamt of moving beyond fear and angst will shift rapidly. Such does not mean that in two days all of the earth will be like you, but instead that everyone who wishes to will have their heart opened.
January 12, 2020, is not a day to take lightly. Allow yourself to move as you wish. And allow the same for all others. For their fear will be displayed long before their heart actions. Just as was true for you when you initiated your transition. The difference is, you have likely been in transition for decades or years. Those now at the beginning stages will shift within days or months.
You are their beacon – allowing those frightened to know that all is well.
You will also shift. But your shift will be polishing more facets of your diamond being. Those beginning their transition are discovering their diamond self in the rough.
Your role and only role is to continue a joy focus. For if you allow yourself to be in fear with those just beginning to transition, they will become more frightened, perhaps not even able to function.
You are the beacons of the world. Allow yourself to know and accept that.
All who wish are transitioning or beginning their transition as of January 12th, 2020. You have little to do other than to inform those who wish to know that all is well.
Those not wishing to transition will discover their lives become much more difficult. For you are the future, and those who do not want to transition are the past. Much like what happened when automobiles were introduced. At first, the majority of the earth’s population refused to accept automobile technology. Automobiles then became a status symbol. Now, automobiles are such an accepted part of earth life that only those living in total isolation do not know of or accept automobiles.
The same will happen to earth beings as those of the earth shift from fear to love. The difference is that such will occur within days or months instead of years. You initiated this amazing transition. And those following are rapidly becoming your co-creators of this new earth of love. 
So be it. Amen.

Brenda Hoffman

If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

A Trusty with Privacy Search 
Alternative to Google

Alternative to YouTube

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 20:47
Terça-feira, 07 / 01 / 20

3D fear needs to be processed a bit before it expires

Brenda Hoffman.

Channeled Message,


on December 27, 2019

posted January 7, 2020
Dear Ones,
Even though the earth is no longer in the throes of fear, the media continues to promote that it is. There will be no war – at least, in the form you now fear. For these final days of the earth’s fear are like the last gasps of a supervillain who can no longer do harm.
Despite that knowledge, that supervillain’s actions will likely radiate fear before relief and joy. For that 3D fear needs to be processed a bit before it expires. So for the first few minutes or even days, you crouch in fear whenever you hear an unusual noise and quiver when the telephone rings. Not because you know that supervillain is outside your door, but because you are so used to functioning in fear. It will take a bit of time for you to know, without an inner fear, that the war between heaviness and joy is over.
The same is not necessarily true for those who wish to continue with their 3D lives. Those of you who have crossed into the light are no longer of that fear grouping. So it is you have shades of fear when you hear the latest destructive view or action fearing the worst despite your inner knowledge that the worst is no longer part of your life, that the boogeyman is not hiding under your bed.
Listen to the media screams of fear and terror if you wish. But know that such information is no longer part of any earthly being who has decided to shift from 3D. It is over. Your life and that of the millions who no longer wish to be of 3D are turning to joy.
Again, we must reiterate that those who wish to be of 3D for whatever reason, will continue to live in fear. That is neither here nor there for you. Your fear days are behind you. Your fear door has slammed shut. Even if you try to revisit those fears, you will never again achieve the level of fear you lived day in and day out throughout your 3D lives.
You will soon begin to see and sense the divide between those opting for fear and you. Even though you will notice the media and political cries of fear and destruction, you will continue with your life, knowing that such destruction will not impact you as was once expected. For you have cleared those 3D fear pieces.
Every one of your earth lives added to your 3D fears until someone merely had to tap into one of your minor fears for you to blossom into 24-hours of fear. “If they do this, then this will happen to me because…” So it is you will note the fear of others. But because you are starting from fear ground zero, your thoughts will be something like, “This is so sad. I hope no one is injured or in fear, but it is no longer within me to feel fear.”
Perhaps such a concept seems cold-hearted. It is not. Before you transitioned into the light, you needed to erase those eons of fearful memories. The memories that encouraged, even forced you to remember how terrible earth life could be even when it did not impact you. Such was so because your past life memories reminded you of similar happenings to you or when you generated fear in others. So even when it happened to others, your memory experienced it over and over again.
Now that your memory bank is cleared, you might note the fear news, but you will not be sucked into your fear memories. Doing so only adds to the earth’s fear until all joy is removed, allowing fear after fear to blossom – either real or remembered.
Your role during this seeming time of crisis is not to worry or fear, but instead to imagine your world as one of peace, love, and joy. The earth does not need more fear thoughts. Thoughts that have innundated earth for eons. The earth shifted, and so have you – from fear to joy. So it is that thoughts of joy will not only radiate peace and love in your personal life, they will radiate throughout the earth.
Your joy road has been paved for an easy ride. How silly of any of you to ignore joy’s paved straight road for the rocky, cliff-hanging, trail of fear you have transversed for eons.
Take the easy road, and you will be in joy. Continue on the rocky road, and your being will stop any forward movement. For no matter how much you might want to consciously fear for the world or others, that is no longer your role. Allow others to find the easy path by following you.
Nothing will be gained by you or others traveling in fear.
In truth, you can no longer even travel in fear. That road, that world is no more for you and all those who no longer wish to be of 3D. 
So be it. Amen.

Brenda Hoffman

If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 17:08
Sábado, 04 / 01 / 20




(The Source)

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl.

English edition by crystalflow translations

January 2nd, 2020. 




I am GOD

No stone on earth will be left unturned, and everything will be shifted, renewed and returned into the unity of God, who I am: a wonderful time, a challenging time, and an exceedingly gracious time.

The positive and the negative, the dark and the light, are starting to materialize. Therefore pay attention to what you radiate and what you absorb.

Human bodies are energetic receptors and senders.
All that is generated in your mind, all that is spoken and heard, is crucial – crucial for you! Because through thoughts and emotions – which lead to the corresponding words and actions – you determine where your journey is taking you.

You yourself determine how you experience this highly energetic time! Because what you send out immediately returns to you – and if negativity and darkness try to enter your energy system, it can only succeed if you resonate with it, meaning if you are somehow open to it.

Therefore, clear your energy field and be vigilant of your thoughts and emotions, because that is how you create your reality and everything you want or don’t want for yourself.

The year 2020 carries the number 20 twice. This indicates the beginning of the time of divine grace and divine truth. In two respects the truth will be revealed now – and this will show in the fact that the individual can’t run away from their true self anymore, and that all actions taken will now lead to consequences on the world stage.

In 2020, the pillars of the godless world begin to tumble in a way that is evident to all human beings.

Dark intentions will unfold their destructive effects, and mankind will be confronted with the causes.

Conspicuously – obvious even to the blind eye – the divine light is starting to initiate the big purgation. This will bring great relief to all light human beings, and for all beings possessed by darkness this means the noticeable beginning of the end of their games here on earth.

JJK: Does this mean that this year, for the first time, we will experience great external shifts?

GOD: This highly energetic year 2020 bears circumstances that have long been waited for by SOME and feared by the OTHERS since the beginning of time.

Because even though everything is embedded in my grace, many beings don’t want to have any part in it. They chose their own path – often times detours and loop ways – and they remain in union with negative vibes and dark energy. Some will speak of a “tribunal” but this is a misinterpretation.

What will happen in this year of the two 20ies is that the potential for all that is full of light will continue to rise by the grace of God, and the opportunities for darkness will decrease.

The luminous reality will spread more and more on earth. This entails that light-deprived phenomena or beings must open themselves to the light or else will lose the right to further exist here on this earth. This is the time when heaven and earth – this world and the beyond – unite, and this will be achieved by the continuous elevation of the frequency of light in some human beings.

JJK: What can we expect?

GOD: Miracles and the work of God’s grace – it is the beginning and visible collapse of a system that is based on separation, suppression and injustice. This energetic abuse will be ended, and the year 2020 marks the visible beginning.

JJK: But resistance will most likely be significant?

GOD: The stronger individuals or groups resist this shift, the more painful it will be for them. But anyone who fully gives themselves over to my grace will experience a year full of miraculous coincidences and is under my protection.

I invite all human beings to give themselves over to me – to walk through this time with full faith in God.

Don’t allow the events that are about to come – because they must come – to cause you to stray from the path of light.

Any purgation must be preceded by the determination of the AS-IS STATE – and the state of humanity is the way it is. What matters is that as many human beings as possible awaken now, and this means that darkness must appear before it can be redeemed or dismissed.

The darker it seems to get on earth, the closer you are to the light!

Always be aware of that, because only then you can understand what presents itself and why it has to happen in this intensity.

Because everything that was thought and spoken is immediately echoed and creates the according resonance. What you send out comes right back to you, and only that can permeate and get to you which you are open to.

Therefore intensify your work on your divine energetic robe. I am omnipresent and always with you! What you can’t manage yourself falls to the grace of God, who I am, and which you are ordained to.

Carried by heaven you wander through this time, and in your heart, eternity is reflected.

I am GOD

Jahn J Kassl


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 07:58
Sexta-feira, 03 / 01 / 20


Emmanuel Dagher.


January 01, 2020.




Hi my friend,
Happy New Year, Happy New Decade, and Happy 11th Anniversary of our forecasts!
2020 will be a year like no other! A major turning point is birthing itself in each of our lives, and for humanity as a whole.
You’ve probably felt for a while now that something was up.
You may have noticed how powerful and intense the energies have been in recent years.
Paving the Way for the Next Golden Age
For the past 70-plus years, and especially recently, the veil of illusion on our planet has been dissolving.
To live behind the veil of illusion is an agreement most humans make before they enter this world.
This veil has been a part of each person’s personal commitment to learning about duality, through the process of forgetting who we are.
Forgetting who we are has allowed us to learn more about ourselves—as physical extensions of the Universe, of life, and of all our feedback experiences, whether they resonated with our core essence or not.
We agreed to this forgetting, because our Souls believed in us enough to know that we would eventually come back to remembering the magnificence of who we really are.
That era of forgetfulness lasted for thousands of years. 
We’ve been blessed by many way-showers (known and unknown) throughout history who have planted seeds of remembrance for all of humanity, to help us come home to ourselves when we were ready. 
The time for us to come home to our most authentic and expanded selves has finally arrived. 
The year 2020 will serve as the major turning point in our linear history (though linear time itself is an illusion).
It will allow us to witness expansion, healing, and change in our personal lives and in the world like never before.
The time for us to individually and collectively dissolve the veil of illusion is here. 
This is it, my friend! It’s the beginning of a completely new reality!
All of the chaos, fear, separation, corruption, and control we’re seeing in the world right now is a manifestation of the veils dissolving. 
We can choose to continue to allow ourselves to be attached to this veil, which will make things even more challenging for us. Or we can choose to let go of it, and enter a new paradigm of peace, wholeness, prosperity, freedom, and love for all. 
There’s a lot of fear, worry, and feelings of chaos going around right now, which is clouding many people’s vision. 
It’s keeping them from seeing the remarkable new blessings and changes now appearing on the horizon. 
If you’re finding yourself getting caught up in the fear, be extra kind and gentle with yourself, and know that you are not alone.
The way we resolve fear is to allow ourselves to fully honor it. We honor fear by allowing ourselves to acknowledge and feel what needs to be felt. 
We are sensitive energetic beings, and have been taught to store fear somewhere deep inside our body and mind, because we just don’t want to feel it. 
Yet as soon as we give our feelings the time and attention they need to be felt and acknowledged completely—those feelings no longer become a burden that control us. 
Instead, something extraordinary happens. 
The feelings soften, and bring us back to a state of grace and peace.
Imagine what life would be like for you, once you intentionally created/manifested from a space of ease, grace, and peace!
You’d instantly free yourself up to receive blessing upon blessing, because you’d no longer be operating from a space of need and desperation.
That is what’s possible for us now.
The purging of heavy, dense thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that we are seeing now in our own lives and in the world around us is absolutely a normal part of this process. 
The purging is necessary, because our personal and collective mind has been using every coping mechanism it acquired during the forgetfulness era to tightly hold onto the old structures.
The mind has long held onto old beliefs, habits, ideology, traditions, and other attachments it has identified with, so that it need never change the way it operates. 
The mind doesn’t like change, because it thinks it will lose something—itself—as a result.
Yet those who have been doing the inner work know this is absolutely not true! 
They know that, in fact, by retraining the mind to embrace and honor change, it will be able to gain and thrive more fully than it ever could have by remaining loyal to old patterns of chaos, fear, separation, lack, etc.
Those who have been doing the inner work understand that the only way to move through the old patterns now coming to the surface, is to first acknowledge and embrace whatever emotions need to be felt.
Especially in the body, because that’s where stagnant energy is held.
This helps the mind feel safe enough to allow old stuck emotions to come up to the surface, to be felt and acknowledged.
The old wounds and fear patterns can then allow themselves to be seen, heard, and honored by us. 
From this space, the mind is then able to understand that we are not trying to get rid of or “fix” any part of it.
It can then understand that we are simply allowing what needs to be seen to be acknowledged by us. 
This is us loving ourselves in such a way that we are able to heal ourselves through our own love and compassion. Which is what our mind has desired from us all along. 
Our mind, through all of its resistance, stories, judgments, and discomfort, was always trying to let us know in the best way it knew how, that it just desired our love and affection.
It’s time now to be the compassionate and loving presence to ourselves and to the world that our inner child has always desired to experience.
No adult ever taught us how to be this loving and compassionate presence for ourselves, because they themselves had never been taught that. 
But all of that is changing now. 
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The Next Age of Enlightenment Begins
2020 is the year we will clearly notice a sea change in the direction humanity is going in. 
The last time something this big happened was in the late medieval period of 1300 to 1600, when humanity transitioned into what became known as the Renaissance era.
The last 100 years have been preparing us for our next great Renaissance. We could also call it our next Age of Enlightenment.
From the global stage to our personal lives, all of us will be experiencing both an inner and outer transformation. 
The key to moving smoothly through this transitional timeline, is to become more flexible and open when it comes to embracing change. 
What’s coming up in the next decade has the potential to bless each and every one of us, our planet as a whole, and all of life as we know it, beyond measure.
The energies are ripe right now for a quantum leap in our consciousness. 
How will this show up in our personal lives and on the world stage?
We are already seeing glimpses of this, and will continue to see other developments, such as:
New inventions—technologies and discoveries that will serve to unite, awaken, and inspire us, bringing great healing to humanity and our planet in ways we’ve previously consigned to seemingly far-fetched” sci-fi films.
Big progressions in the areas of medicine, education, business, global money exchange, governments, and other institutions. These will be reformed, refined, and upgraded to serve everyone, not just a select few who think they have been running the show this whole time.
A movement away from beliefs in the old patriarchal structures to new ways of co-existing, allowing for a balance of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies in our co-creations.
The shift in how human structures will work in the near future will create changes to such a degree that they will be unrecognizable.
They will be founded on principles of integrity and transparency, and be of benefit to all people.
Anything else will simply not be able to continue as we move forward.
There’s an energy far greater than any of the old separation-based forms, that is and will continue to be at the forefront of the sea change we are about to embark on.
This energy is within every cell and fiber of every living being in the Universe. This energy is love.
We will continue to see social causes that ask us to honor every human, animal, and living thing, and to treat them all with love, dignity, and equality.
The holistic healing and creative arts will also take center stage this coming decade.
People are and will continue to choose outside-the-current-box forms of healing and creative expression that serve to uplift, empower, and remind them of their most Divine and extraordinary selves.
An energetic balancing of sorts will also occur that will help humanity experience greater states of love, peace, joy, well-being, creativity, fulfillment, prosperity, and more! 
This is the decade that will change everything! This is what our ancient ancestors spoke of (though their messages were misinterpreted by many religions and social structures).
Welcome to the next Golden Age, my friend! Your ancestors, your guides, and your I AM presence are so grateful you have arrived!
May we all be open and ready to anchor a new world that honors, loves, and supports every living being equally.
May we all allow peace, love, and compassion to be the default setting of our heart, so that all choices we make come from that space.
May we all prosper and never “want” for anything because we already feel so nourished and pampered by the Universe.
And may our beautiful planet and all her citizens be restored back to their most pristine states of health and well-being, so that heaven can fully be realized in ALL of our present reality.
We are so grateful for knowing this is now available to all of us, and we choose it now. This or something greater. And so it is!
We are in exciting times, and we have so much to look forward to.
And we are all in this together.
Until next time,
Miraculously yours,
©2009 – 2020 Emmanuel Dagher. All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com.

You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the name of the author and the source website link.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 07:28
Quarta-feira, 25 / 12 / 19

The World is Becoming as One

Brenda Hoffman.

Channeled Message,


on December 21, 2019

Dear Ones,
You no longer need to follow the directives of others, nor do you want to. Of course, there will be times when you ignore your inner-directives to create joy for others. Such is to be expected for you are becoming one. But mostly, you will not pretend you are who you are not.

You are entering the new year with a sense of rightness in your world despite perhaps some discomfort. For you are discovering your true inner-power beginning with your actions and sensations.

You know if you are in the right place by the sensations you feel. Exhaustion, heaviness, or any similar discomfort is your indication that you are not where you wish to be. In contrast, a sense of fun, laughter, or happiness means you are in your comfort/joy zone.

Perhaps you believe that you have always experienced such. We beg to differ. Most often, you ignored your feelings of discomfort for the sake of others. Now you will act on those uncomfortable feelings despite what others want.

So it is the world is becoming as one, despite the seeming belligerence of all. In the past, oneness or sameness was based on what society dictated. Now your inner-being is creating your oneness. Because all are tuned to self-love and love, this new oneness is much like the variety of songs birds produce. Each bird has a unique sound that seems not to mesh with another bird – until it does to create the most glorious harmony. You do not think, “I like that bird’s song, but not that bird’s song, so only one bird should create a sound.” Instead, you cherish the harmonies of different bird species creating a harmonious whole.

So it shall be for humanity. Unique individuals loving themselves enough to create their tapestry thread, knowing that their thread is as important and harmonious as any other.

No longer will you need to fit in, for you will relish your uniqueness.

Of course, there will be those trying to force you into their little box of rightness. You no longer fit. Nor are you willing to do so for the sake of others. You will be a loving individual, but not at the expense of yourself.

A question you might have is what will society look like, with all expressing a uniqueness that cannot yet be described. Your society will no longer be gray. Your new society will be multi-colored and vibrant, with each individual creating experiences that give them joy.

Which is more common to your earth being than you realize. For when you were infants, your expressions and actions were yours. As you become part of society, you tailored your joy to what was expected by others. Most likely, hitting the highest point of social expectations somewhere in your teen years. Of course, there were many other examples in 3D, including the workplace and family functions. But on the whole, as you aged, you decreased the amount of sameness you expected from yourself. So it is that new you is a combination of your infant knowingness and your senior wisdom.

Neither age bracket disrupted society. And so it will be for you from now on.

You are free. In the next few days, you will begin displaying your new you being. For unbeknownst to you, you have changed more rapidly than you anticipated. Even though there are a few more energy bursts before the end of 2019, you have already begun adapting to new you in ways that cannot be described. Just know you will be more belligerent than you anticipate when others try to force you back into your social box of rightness. Even though you will not necessarily discuss your new thoughts with others, your actions may surprise you.

Allow yourself to be. For you have finally found your true being despite the heaviness of 3D earth. You are initiating the harmonies that will be the new earth song heard by the Universes, by those now of the earth wishing to hear, and your inner-being. You are truly new.
So be it. Amen.

Brenda Hoffman

If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

A Trusty with Privacy Search 
Alternative to Google

Alternative to YouTube

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 20:29
Quarta-feira, 04 / 12 / 19


Emmanuel Dagher.


Your Monthly Spiritual Roadmap

December 01, 2019.




Hi my friend,

Happy Holidays! We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it.

In the last few months, many of us have noticed a lot of internal and external shifts in our lives, and in the world.

We may have even noticed that we’re being called to make big changes that weren’t on our radar until recently.

This is all leading to the foundational shifts that will take center stage in 2020, which will help reshape the landscape of our collective realities forever.

I am excited to share more on that, and will offer more details in the January 2020 Energy Forecast.

Resolutions and Dissolutions

As 2019 comes to completion, we have an opportunity to resolve old patterns and habits that have prevented us from living our best lives.

Some of these patterns and habits include:

Choosing to operate from fear, survival, and victim consciousness
Choosing to operate from judgment of ourselves and others
Choosing to need the approval of others (giving away our power)
Choosing to believe that our way is the only way
Choosing to believe that prosperity and spirituality are separate (which immediately creates a lack consciousness)
Choosing to believe that we must censor or hide some part of ourselves
Choosing to partake in competition and struggle
Choosing to believe that we are separate in any way from the Universe and all of Life
All of these examples are simply patterns and habits that have nothing to do with who we are at our core. The mind created these patterns and habits out of a need to be in control, and to feel safe.

We have the opportunity now to completely dissolve the limiting habits we have been attaching ourselves to.

We also have the opportunity to align with new patterns and habits that support us in being our freest, most authentic selves.

Whatever you have been allowing to cause you angst—a strain in an important relationship, or attachments to people, places, experiences, beliefs, or anything keeping you fearful and in lack—now is the time to address and resolve it!

When we are no longer distracted by patterns and habits that hold us back, we are free to be open and available to living our lives to the fullest, allowing all of life’s blessings to wash over every area of our lives. 

A Magical Time to Be Present

The holiday season is an excellent time to remind ourselves to be fully anchored in the present moment.

When we anchor ourselves in the present, we operate from our most expanded and empowered self.

Anchoring ourselves in the presents allows us to be open to miracles, insights, opportunities, synchronicities, and blessings that we may otherwise not have noticed.

Anchoring ourselves in the present moment allows us to transcend the illusions of time.

It’s from this space of no-time (a place of nonattachment) that our greatest, most desired intentions can manifest.

Here are some simple things we can do to anchor ourselves in the present:

Spend more time exploring and enjoying Nature, such as walking or standing on the Earth in shoes that are not rubber-soled
Expressing gratitude often throughout the day
Sing, dance, or find other ways to give ourselves a creative outlet that feels expansive
Be fully aware of our five senses—taking quiet moments to notice the sounds, shapes, colors, tastes, textures, and scents all around us
Have a big belly laugh daily
Look into the eyes of everyone we encounter throughout the day
It’s in the present moment that most of our freedom is experienced, because we are no longer bound to the illusions and habits of the past, or worries about the future.

Consciously choosing to ground ourselves in the present moment leads to a life lived from a state of grace, flow, and ease.

Support and Love

As this year comes to completion, this is an excellent time to reflect and get clear on what we’d like more of in our lives.

Here are some questions to ask ourselves, to get greater clarity on what we want to create more of:

“What does my life look like when I am at peace and happy?”
“What are some things I enjoyed doing as a child that I can integrate into my life now?”
“What actions or situations feel expansive and good to me?”
Answering these questions can help us get clear on what we really want to experience more of.

Once we have that clarity, it becomes easier to take action and to ask for support.

Most of us hesitate to ask for support from others, either because we’re unclear on the kind of support we desire, or because we were conditioned to believe that getting what we want takes something away from someone else, creating a burden for them.

There’s also the belief that, “If I ask for help from others, they’ll expect me to return the favor.”

Life is about sharing this human experience with our sisters and brothers. And an important aspect of the human experience is being part of a community.

We are here to share our blessings with one another. If you are surrounded by people who do not want to support or help you, it’s usually a reflection of how you’ve been treating yourself or others.

Are you generous with your support towards yourself and others? Do you offer support to others without expecting anything in return?

Does it feel easy and fun for you to share your blessings with the world?

When you can fully answer “yes” to these questions, you will notice that support is abundantly available in your life.

When we express what we desire with the Universe and those around us by asking for support, we open ourselves up to receiving opportunities we might not have had a chance to experience otherwise.

The Universe wants to give us everything we’ve ever desired for ourselves. It’s just a matter of how open we are to receiving it.

If you ever find yourself feeling unsupported, find an opportunity to support someone else, even if it’s someone you don’t know very well.

This act of kindness will shift the energies for you. It will open your mind, eyes, and heart to knowing that life is much more than hiding or separating ourselves from others.

It’s about living, loving, and sharing our gifts and our presence openly.

The Magic of the Season

More often than not, this time of year offers a unique glimpse into what direction we are moving in as a whole, in our collective consciousness.

This happens most easily this time of year, when most people are more open to the magic and wonder that is actually available to us at any time of year.

This often allows people to put aside their differences, while practicing more kindness, care, and compassion.

Because of this, each year during this season, we all move up another step on the ladder of consciousness. We begin to move further out of the world of separation, and into a world of peace, love, and respect for all life.

If you are someone who has closed yourself off from the extra magic available to us this time of year, don’t be too hard on yourself! Just know that if you desire it, it’s available to you.

During this holiday season, let’s love and adore the three-year-old child within us, and in every person we meet.

This is the part of us that just wants to be loved, accepted, and nurtured. We as adults now get to offer this love to our inner child, and the inner child of all those we encounter.

Happy Holidays!

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,
I want to let you know about something really special . . .

I'll be teaming up with my dear soul friends Anita MoorjaniSunny Dawn Johnston, and most importantly, YOU, for a healing experience in Sedona, Arizona from May 29 - 31, 2020.

I'll be teaming up with my dear soul friends Anita MoorjaniSunny Dawn Johnston, and most importantly, YOU, for a healing experience in Sedona, Arizona from May 29 - 31, 2020.
CLICK HERE or use this link to learn more: https://afterlifeprocesshealing.com/   

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:07
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

mais sobre mim

Agosto 2020


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  • Adoro este artigo. Já tinha conhecimento do assunt...

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Universidade de Aveiro