A Chama da Ascensão


Terça-feira, 05 / 05 / 20

Energies permeating the world now are of future plans.

Energies permeating the world now are of future plans.

Brenda Hoffman.

Channeled Message,

on May 1st, 2020

Dear Ones,

The future likely seems bleak and unrewarding. As if all of your fears are bundled into an image of sacrifice. That there is little more to look forward to than more sacrifice and fear.
Of course, such is not true. But despite the multitude of channeled prophecies to the contrary, you can only envision that which you have known.
That which you have known will not be again. But what will? That is your fear. For you cannot sense or see anything but despair.
Some sense an urge to move forward with new thoughts and beliefs. But they have not yet permeated the majority of the earth’s population. Such will happen – more rapidly than you can imagine, just as was true for this COVID-19 halt to 3D life. But because all that is happening in your world feels surreal, you do not yet have the energy to move beyond that pain.
You will have the need to do so in the near future. In truth, you will initiate that new belief/thought process in the next few days. For the energies permeating your world now are of future plans instead of former needs. It will be as if a switch has been turned on within you that knows, “Yes, that was uncomfortable but necessary for us to achieve this new life.”
In 3D, shifts of that magnitude required decades of processing. Such is no longer true. For just as this virus seemingly happened in an instant, so too will the world shift from 3D beliefs to beyond what is now known.
In a natural disaster, survival is the initial focus. Then the rebuilding begins. So it will be for you in the next few days. The difference is your need to rebuild will be more rapid than you now imagine, and unlike anything, you experienced in 3D.
You are a new being in a new world. So it is that what was is no more, including your thoughts and beliefs. It is the difference between believing an eclipse is the end of the world to a scientific review of why eclipses occur and when. The difference between fear and knowledge.
In the next few days, you will begin to have inklings of interest areas you have not yet imagined. And this virus downtime will seem perfect for your new thoughts and actions.
Until now, you have basically attempted to fit your 3D world into a new normal. Granted, you might have spent more time with family, friends, or work via your electronics or within your household. Time and energy exchanges that made you feel grateful for this new normal. But throughout this time, you have also been preparing to jump forward with no forward to jump to. Like a racehorse at a starting gate that never opens.
Your nervous energy that has been building for the past few weeks will finally feel appropriate as you discover a new dimension of yourself. A dimension that is about change – your new life in your new world. It will be as if a light switch has been turned on.
Indicators that such is so might include wide emotional swings, sleeplessness, overwhelming fear, and anger. For you are now so filled with the new energy that you are about to burst. Because you do not understand what this new energy is, you are reverting to 3D knowingness. Which is similar to a teenager taking their infant rattle on a date for security.
You are no longer the you of even one month ago. For the recent energies pummeling the earth, have shifted all. Perhaps it will help you envision the change that is starting this week if you think of someone in a deep sleep slowly awakening and not entirely certain if they are dreaming or awake. For even though your awakening will happen in the next few days, you will need to remove the sleep from your eyes before you see your new life.
For now, you see a world of masks and fear. By the end of this week, you will have a glimmer of possibilities that do not include anger and fear. Within a couple of weeks, you will be walking tall in your new being, knowing without a doubt that you are a new being in a new world surrounded by millions of like-minded people.
Such does not mean that all will think and act the same. There will be millions of different thoughts and actions. But your thoughts and actions will feel right, safe, and yes, fun. For this is the new world, and you are a new being in that new world.
Perhaps you wonder how those fully of 3D will respond as you move forward in your new world. We do not wish to promote an us and them barrier in your new world. But those, fully of 3D, will experience a great deal of fear as they realize they no longer have a pulse on the fears of the people. So it is those fully of 3D will remain enmeshed in fear as you move into your joy.

So be it. Amen.

Brenda Hoffman

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Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 19:50
Sexta-feira, 27 / 03 / 20

Codes, Energies and Upgrades in Response to Covid-19

Codes, Energies and Upgrades in Response to Covid-19

The 9D Arcturian Council

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

March 27th, 2020.


codes, energies & upgrades in response to covid-19 - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael.


Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are ready to take all of you to the next level in the evolution of your consciousness. We are very eager to deliver to you the codes, energies, and upgrades to take humanity further than you’ve ever been before there on planet Earth. We are very eager to meet with those of you who are ready to take this journey with us while you are asleep and your consciousness is traveling in the astral plane.

The meeting that we have with each of you who is ready and willing to take this journey will be one that you may or may not remember upon waking up. Know this, however. If you decide that you want to receive the codes, the energies, and the upgrades, you will. We are just answering the call that has been made and that has gotten stronger for more assistance from the higher realms.

You are the ones doing all of the hard work down there on Earth. You are the ones living through the hardships that are upon you at this time. Our job here is quite easy by comparison. We listen to your requests. We know then what it’s going to take to give you exactly what you need, and we figure out a way to deliver it.

We are here now to ride the wave with you that this covid-19 virus has brought into being, and we are ready to help you all gain greater access to your strength, your power, and your ability to care for yourselves physically. We are ready to assist you in becoming sovereign beings there on Earth. And as sovereign beings, you will still want and need help from those like us in the higher realms, and we will continue to deliver it.

Your sovereignty is from the reality that you are in right now, where you have unwittingly given so much of that power away. We are here now to help you take it back. We are here to help you claim your birthright as the awakened ones, as the small portion of the human collective that is ready to tip the scales for humanity, to bring the vibration of the collective to the highest heights. We have heard your requests, and we also know that you who are receiving this message are ready.

And so, we will be seeing you in the astral plane.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

Daniel Scranton

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:50
Quinta-feira, 27 / 02 / 20

The Divine Unification of Yin and Yang

The Divine Unification of Yin and Yang.

Angelic Collective Protective Military Division and Ascended Dragons

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

February 26, 2020.



Greetings friends of the light, of the way. We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division. 
We offer you the space of our frequency, of our light in this now moment. For the great destruction of the cities of the false matrix has begun in earnest in allowance for the grand rebirth of the new. We wish to offer words of comfort. You are the change makers, the way showers. You did not come to have a typical 3D life. You have already experienced this, most likely many thousands of times. For Earth was the grand space of learning the cosmic playground of energies and it was glorious until the fall. And it will be glorious once again. Do not be downtrodden. Do not be disheartened. Do not be dismayed for all is proceeding according to the perfect plan of Creator and you have many numerous hands behind the scenes protecting you, holding a sword for you.
We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division.
Victory to the light! Victory to love, to the Creator of all things made perfect in the new. New beginnings are to be embraced, emboldened by the joy of hope. Be in hope humanity, for the clouds are lifting, the sun is shining brighter than ever before and you have more help being readily made available to you than ever before. Truly you are most supported. Ground hope. Ground truth. Ground peace. Be the peaceful one in the eye of the storm that the other windswept ones can look to for an example of holding the light. You are making a tremendous difference in your work-spaces, in your home environments. Your vibrations are reverberating all across the globe and the multiverse. For that is what you do. You are light. Your vibrations travel at the speed of light. You are all that you see. We welcome the moment when you fully embrace the all that you are into the all that you are becoming. Find the peace in this sentiment and know that it is most true.
We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division. 
Every instrument of heaven is being made available to ensure the success of this mission. All hands on deck. All is operating at full throttle. And so when you feel shaken or throttled by these energies retreat deep within your heart space for rest. For the energies are only going to intensify, this is to be certain. And so your vibration, which is key, your vibration makes a tremendous effect. Protect it with inner peace, inner joys rediscovered, inner hopes rekindled. Smile. You are lighting up the night sky with a multitude of stars, your reverberations of hope and tenacity are felt by all.
We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division. 
We offer our combined force of insurmountable protection to our lighted ones, our Christed light bearers of the way. Be not afraid. Be emboldened by the you that you are becoming, by the you the you already are. We wish for you to feel the truth of this statement. You are that which you seek. You are the change that you crave. Be the change. Be the light. Be the voice to the voiceless. Spread your wings and fly. We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division. Peace. We love you.
Greetings, humans reading these words. We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
I Elthor, and I Alisheryia, are speaking. We represent the whole tonight, the balance of the the divine masculine and divine feminine energies that are to be fully made equal, lovingly balanced in this realm. But know that we are simply an example of many twins. Other ascended dragons have their mates. Others are also examples of our union. 
But tonight we represent this divine union, unification of yin and yang, of polarities becoming balanced in this realm. You all have energies of the divine masculine and divine feminine within you and it is time that they become balanced. It is time for you to do this work and to ask for further assistance should you require it, so that when you are faced with meeting your twin it will be like meeting yourself. You must be the one you have been waiting or. It is not trite, human. It is deprogramming. No more victimhood (Elthor is roaring). The time for you to become your own savior of rising up. Be the hands of the Christ which is what this moment is calling for. It will be your healing.
I Alisheryia, am speaking. My divine consort, Elthor, is very passionate. He is the divine fire. I am the divine water. And so we balance. You seek balance in your lives, but when it flows from inner balance, all else will flow, like a mighty river whose course is steady, unstoppable. Water finds a way. Fire finds away. Both are either healing or destructive. You have had lifetimes of healing and of destruction. We all come together now to heal Gaia’s damaged areas. Many hands and feet make this possible. Galactic technology will make this possible. Human vision and innovation will also make this possible. But you all must work together. And you shall.
I Alisheryia, and I Elthor, are speaking. You are in the moment of your own making. In every moment you choose the experience, you choose the outcome. No more victimhood. Humanity is awakening faster now. The energies are in great support of this. The ascended dragons have been working clearing, blazing, fighting the darkness with light.
I Alisheryia and I Elthor breathe and ignite your crown with the Christed flame. We are igniting your crown into further expansion to deprogram victimhood, apathy and self loathing. We see the restructuring occurring all around of the false ideologies that have constrained and confused. They are lifted. Humanity is rubbing its eyes. Little human what do you see? Do you see the light surrounding? Or do you see shadows? The shadows are of your mind. Change your mind. Choose to see the light. We are continuing our upgrade. (I feel continued heat on my head and am seeing glowing shapes and images, triangles with lines and a language of symbols I do not recognize.) You are seeing the ancient dragon languages of days long past, galaxygirl. 
We are turning on dormant DNA and reprogramming lies into truth. (I am feeling orange golden fire all around me in a circle. I am surrounded by codes). Invite these codes into your heart space, into Gaia’s crystal heart, into the hearts of your ancestral lineages that have been so wounded, so enmeshed in the pain of the experiment. (I see streams of fire sending out from all sides around me, like spokes in a wheel. I am seeing many faces along these fire streams. I am hearing screaming, seeing burning homes, death. I am feeling pain of past ancestors, perhaps). 
Now I, Alisheryia invite you to pour the royal blue, cool waters of the divine feminine to these lines of fire that have been touching your ancestry. See it flow like a calm cooling river, quenching the fire, quenching the thirst. Feel the steam and see the happy faces of your ancestors turn toward you in gratitude. (I feel tremendous peace and joy. I see thousands of happy faces). You have done a mighty deed. Now together we send the divine fire and the divine water into the heat of Gaia to balance, to heal, to calm, to soothe. We send healing we send grace, we send light.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
Be healed by these words the upcodings, the destructions of the false and be ignited and restored, refreshed in the new of the new beginnings that surround and nourish. Claim them as your reality and then they so shall be.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
Be at peace in the coming turbulence. Be the balanced human with the glowing embers of balanced fire and water within. Be ignited. We leave now. Peace.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:59
Domingo, 16 / 02 / 20

JRF Ascension and Liberation Tools for 2020 and beyond.

JRF Ascension and Liberation Tools for 2020 and beyond.

 Jill Renee Feeler.

February 15, 2020.




You have timeless layers, with secret and locked codes within you that allow for true Stargate transmission of the pure energies of your Source energy nature.
These layers of you will help you not only in this life to transcend the myth, lies and manipulation, these layers will also be essential for you in the afterlife so that you recognize the truth from the lies, the fact from the fiction, your whole self from a false fragmented/broken self.  You deserve to know, and to live, the truth that you (that no one) ever had to incarnate unless you wanted to…  Incarnation can be and is regularly a chosen experience, from the wholeness of what I call your Infinite Self, the You that is beyond space, beyond time, beyond age, that is truly omnipresent.  This Infinite Self is perpetually whole and complete, yet infinitely curious and therefore always growing, always from wholeness to further states of wholeness. Never unwhole. Never incomplete. Never not it’s One. Never separate from Source God, it’s true nature. 

If the words here are confusing or don’t make sense, I apologize. Human language can feel quite limiting on such deep matters. In that case, perhaps continue reading anyway, and let yourself feel the full written message, with an openness that there is more here than words, ok?
As your human, you may sometimes feel incomplete, lost, abandoned, broken and/or fragmented.  These sensations are common here, as a circumstance of our humanity. These sensations are not common as our Infinite Self awareness.  You do not need to feel incomplete, or broken or fragmented, even though you are here on Earth. This may be news to you ~ if so, it’s about to get really good!
You may not have claimed the wholeness, the purity, the grace that is always available as the inherent Source energy that you are. Maybe you didn’t know you could…
No amount of healing, clearing, past life investigation, prayer, worship, meditation, etc. can get you there and keep you there. You may have tried, and felt success and then felt right back where you had been. This is because the circumstances on Earth will include endless invitations into pain, anger, suffering, etc.
This isn’t personal; it’s a circumstance of being in this reality.  Your Infinite Self is not bothered by it. It knew those circumstances and it incarnated anyway. Not because it wanted a human, to make it suffer. Humanity is not a purpose of suffering.  Our Infinite Self incarnated to be the Light that it Is, in a human form.
Has no one told you this? That you are already light?  A light that you claim, as yours; not earn.
Attempts to feel whole and complete and permanently free from pain and distortion through healing, seeking, past life release/graduation, spiritual development (as if your Infinite Self is not whole and complete) ~ those are all what we call false portals into further distortion, further fragmentation that keep us separated from Source (God). Your whole self, true Holiness, your source energy cannot be earned and does not need human life experiences to become whole, complete, holy; it can only be claimed.  You are already whole and can begin feeling more so. One step is to not personalize the pain and suffering, as if you needed to experience it or that your Soul needs you to go through this. That is bullshit. Your Infinite Self is just as bummed about your pain and suffering as you are, knowing it isn’t necessary.
We love you enough, we respect you enough to tell you these truths.  We are telling them to you because we recognize there are soooo many false teachings that have made things far too confusing; justifying pain and suffering, rationalizing the perpetual student working with the oh so much more Godly teacher – yuck! Not true. It has all led to far too many seekers and even teachers and healers knowing themselves as somehow incomplete, unevolved, not there yet, but hoping to get it right in this lifetime so they don’t have to reincarnate again.
Instead, you could bypass all that nonsense, claiming yourself as wholly complete as the Source energy that you are, even while you are “here” as your human, regardless of what you’ve currently got right or not. Source grace covers all of it. Thank God.
Do you have the confidence, do you have the inner strength, do you have the will to bypass your teachers and all the spiritual protocols? Do you have the stomach for deciding for yourself that all the loving, caring, wise teachers are wrong when they tell you that you must learn from your past lives, or that you must heal all traumas, or that you must eat or dress a certain way? Are you bold enough to call a lie a lie, even when the liars don’t know they’re lying?  I know this part can be a stumbling block. It feels mean. It feels like we are calling someone else wrong. But, for heaven’s sakes, what if they are wrong? What kind of mind control is going on when we are hesitant to feel the authority within ourselves to say, to ourselves even, that something is wrong? Because, yes, things here can indeed be wrong.  Isn’t it ironic that there are spiritual teachings that dictate that everyone can be right at the same time, and that truth is personal to the individual… I’m sure you can think of some obvious things that are just wrong, under any circumstances. But when it comes to spiritual beliefs we become disempowered, leaving that authority for the people we sense are more advanced than we are. But what if they aren’t? What if they are leading, sometimes millions of people, further away from the true Source God nature that they are? Many reading this left organized religion for exactly that reason.
You may have formed relationships with your spiritual teachers, and even built your identity around your present spiritual beliefs. You may have pledged allegiance as a follower of their hard work and their dedication, believing they had a more direct connection to truth than you do.
Let me offer a way free from that: I sense your teachers (alive or passed on) would want nothing more than for you to know the inherent connection to Source energy that you are, as the Stargate technology you hold within you. They may have forgotten that. And it’s very likely they are delighted you discovered it, even if it means disregarding what they taught or teach.
Within self is the only true pathway to the wholeness, to the oneness, to the pure love, that you seek so earnestly.
Anything that is guiding you and your enlightenment goals outside of you, through another’s energy field, is misguided and will not deliver authentic ascension.
Another obstacle to this authentic ascension, are all the teachers riling up fear and panic, while conveniently leaving out the solutions of eternal strength of Source (God) light within. Such teachers are demonstrating that they are missing Source God’s true transcendent nature in the equation of life.  They are acting as if somehow God is infinite, but that God isn’t here, not on Earth, not in humanity.  So God is infinite, but not here? God is somehow not available to us personally, automatically, within self, while we are human?  That is a huge problem, doesn’t make sense, and is just wrong.  But, fear sells. Panic becomes captivating.  Compounding this unfortunate situation is that some humans feel most alive when they are afraid.  Fear inspires action, purchases, sign ups much more than feeling whole and complete.  Are you falling for it? Is fear leading you to feed this machine of lies, often called “ascension teachings?” Please don’t be fooled by false teachings and false teachers even if they are sitting on impressive panels at fancy events with glittering chandeliers and a crowd of followers on social media. They may make you feel smart, informed, strengthened by the ever growing level of doom in this reality, which can feel like empowerment.  But, do they help you feel Source God, within you? Do these teachers show you with their love and the truth that you are infinitely and eternally and inherently loved by Source and that with Source energy within, our life is transcended, even beyond this present life into death? Or are they too busy giving you the latest news on what to be afraid of, what to watch out for?  Is God as worried about 5G or AI? Really? Maybe they have the slightest hint of authenticity to at least include a small, anticlimactic ending reference that Source energy is strong enough to get you through anything. But I bet they left out that Source energy is the essential ingredients of all life, therefore it is within you, and within all life, and oh, let’s help you connect and live from those vibrations, right? They left that out? That’s because they forgot it themselves. Sigh and grrrr. I expected more out of my fellow bringers of light. And I love them anyway. Knowing that Earth is confusing and that all of us are doing the best we can with what know.
So let’s know better. Right now. I hope they get it, especially those with millions in their audience and all their fancy book deals and speaking events and channel panels. But I’ve got you here now so let’s do this.
You deserve your wholeness. You and everyone has the right to know this source energy is what you are, no matter what. We don’t need to analyze or study our past lives. We don’t need to be able to have discussions with our team/Infinite Self. We don’t need to clear genetic damage. We don’t need to reach a state of being fully clear. Source energy, God, is big enough, is everything enough, to love you and live comfortably within your you, accepting you exactly where you are, how you are, who you are, right. Now. It is that simple.
We are not God’s army here to heal our past, here to chase down genetic damage and heal it, here to save this world from itself, here to save the earth from humanity. Those challenges are not big enough to be in God’s way, or in our way. We are Bringers of Light here to reclaim our light as the human forms we presently embody, as the eternal light, as the Source energy, that we are infinitely, and here. We were born to do this.
We don’t seek light. We don’t chase light. We Are light. Infinitely. (Pro’s tip: Earth and humanity… are part of infinity.)
You are the light you seek. It’s in your love, even if your parents didn’t embody it like you deserved. It’s in your heart, even if you don’t always live from that vibration.
You are light. So, claim it. This may help:
“I am Light. Now and for ever. I claim it here, now. Even as I am also my human.
I claim my Stargate nature, as the true pathway, beyond time, transcending space, straight from me to the Source God energy that I also am.
I forgive and release my attachments to all teachers and to all teachings that have led me astray from the light that I am, further away my direct pathway to the source God energy that I am, infinitely and eternally. I forgive myself for thinking that a lie was the truth. The truth of my light and my love is my path. Any teaching that takes me away from this light that I am, is not worthy of my time, my energy, or my financial commitment.
I will stay present in my light when things spark fear, anxiety and panic within me, no matter how intriguing or captivating it may seem. No amount of Artificial Intelligence, 5G, GMO, trauma, pain, or anything else in this reality can truly get between me and the Source energy that I am.  I can feel, from my humanness, from here, like they are getting in the way, but that is just the sensation from here. No thing, nothing, can ever be between me and the Light that I am. It’s impossible. The light is not what I connect to…  The Light is what I am.
When guided into panic by a teacher or teaching, I will listen for who is using fear to try to sell me something, ready to tell me more lies to keep me in fear. No matter how loving and well intended they may seem, they are clearly not standing in their light of Source God and therefore clearly cannot guide me and support me in the light of Source God that I am.
I see the Light I am. I claim this. This clarity, this timeless truth, is the liberation I deserve. This love of God I’ve been seeking has been there all along. Right where I am. I am loved. By Source. By God. Right where I am. Wherever, and whatever I am. Always. And infinitely. This is true for all life. And this ever present love is my stem, root and refuge for all manner of chaos and pain that I may encounter in this world. Because the pain and chaos in this world is not and was never, personal to me.*  That was a lie: a lie that I will no longer live. A huge lie. A lie that made me feel separated from the light that I am and from the love Source (God) has for me. This world of my human-ness is not an accurate reflection of me and my light nor Source God and its light. This world is, what it is. And I am the infinite light of Source God that I am. I’m grateful to know that distinction. Finally, I am free to be the light I am. The light I bring with me. The light I brought here. To claim. And be.
And so it is. ”
How are you feeling? Clean? Whole? Complete? Loved by God? Loved by you? This is ascension. Congratulations. The true ascending of the light you are, within your humanness, into your human awareness, to be felt, lived, known, trusted, claimed, every day, as needed.
Now, you may still feel some pain, or some sensations that don’t feel like your light. That’s because you are on Earth. It doesn’t have to get in your way. Just like a car can be driven successfully, even with some dust on it, or even some bird poo on the windshield. It’s not really a problem. The car is built for such inconveniences. And your light is designed for everything it may encounter, even here.
So get or do a clearing if you feel a bit icky. Get a reading if it helps you feel the light you are. Take a course if it helps remind you of what Source God really is and your inherent connection to it.  Anything that supports this light you are is a healthy, worthy pursuit for activated lights, human stargate energy.  Just like you’d wash your car if you prefer it clean and shiny. But it doesn’t need to be clean, to drive. That has been the scam… can you imagine an army of car washers waving you down while you are out and about, screaming at you that you have some dirt on your car and that you better get it clean again or else?  Of course your car will get dirty while driving. Of course you will feel pain, disconnection, confusion while you are living as a human. Ok?  We are light, operating out in this world. And we can feel like our light gets dirty, but it’s still light and it still works. Perpetually light. Even here. Even with everything that has ever happened to you, in any lifetime. Perpetually Light.  You may be saying, “but what about when I did this?” or “what about when that happened to me?” – you were light even then!  It didn’t happen or you weren’t a jerk because you aren’t whole in your light. Shitty things happen here and we can be shitty because this reality has a structure that allows for us to be assholes to ourselves and to each other – we can forget that we are Source God energy while we are human. And it gets weird, a lot!  It feels like toddlers running with scissors here a lot of the time.
Most teachers here, no matter how loving or well-meaning don’t understand/believe/know that. So please don’t ask them to. They are caught in a web of lies, that are unknowingly separating humanity from the light it Is and confused about what Earth is, calling it a school and a place where unevolved Souls come to learn lessons and graduate to another level – a recipe for pain and perpetual seeking, creating a hugely profitable industry of distortions in the process. I choose to send such teachers love, hoping they eventually get it, like you just did.
I’m so happy for you! Millions are still caught in the nonsense of chasing light, seeking God’s love, healing their past, resolving supposed kharma from suppose past lives [Pro’s tip: they aren’t past, and this one wasn’t “next” and they were never pursued to check any boxes since your Infinite Self is perpetually whole and complete].
I wrote this down as a liberation tool. It worked for you (I hope!) and it may work for others. If you feel led to share, there are easy sharing icons on the screen for you to use. And thank you. My light, too, loves even more claimed light here on Earth.
God. Love. Here. Now.
Of course.
We brought it with us.

Everything we offer is to help you feel, know and live the Light that you Are. If this is new, pick anything on the website, try it out, feel the light you are, within you, and enjoy. We offer sessions, membership with crazy good online experiences each month to keep your light flowing within you, travel, weekend workshops, interviews, speaking gigs, podcasts, books, a youtube channel. Just look here on the website, on Amazon or search Jill Renee Feeler in any browser or wherever you enjoy spiritual teachings. If my name isn’t there, maybe you can help me put it there, so this liberation of light within is offered to all who are ready for it**
Hugs, love and smiles,

*Please repeat that as needed until it is clear to you, for it is 100% true
**Pro’s tip: everyone is ready for it – readiness to be the light they are is a pre-wired nature. Only false teachings would withhold the truth of one’s light, their root identity, from others. They can’t handle, the truth? Says who? Why not let them decide. Besides on Earth, anyone is able to continue to ignore, and carry on as they choose, according to their free will.  Offering truth is not forcing truth. Withholding truth, is not doing anyOne any favors.  Let the light, the truth, the love Flow. And land wherever it lands, further freeing us up to be the light we are, and to know there is Source energy/light in all life, whether it is acknowledged by that self, or not. Because we do not mistake experience with identity.  And light is the true identity of all life, no matter what it may end up looking like, or living as, on Earth.  It’s still light, perpetually.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 04:10
Segunda-feira, 10 / 02 / 20

Many of you feel the symptoms of the energies.

Many of you feel the symptoms of the energies.

Message from Sananda and OWS. 

Channeled by James McConnell.

 February 2nd, 2020. 

Posted February 10th, 2020

I am Sananda.  And as always, I appreciate these times that I can be with you and communicate with you in these ways.  For so much is in the process of change now.

Many of you are feeling the energies, the waves of energies that are coming in.  And they are coming in stronger and stronger.

And in this day now, today, a major gateway has opened up that is allowing for many more of these energies to come through, and for all of you, the Light Workers and Light Warriors across the planet, to be able to take these energies in and continue to acclimate to them as they continue to work on your central nervous system.

And many of you feel the symptoms of this, because your central nervous system is not quite ready in some cases for these energies.  Some of you it is.  But some are having difficulty with this.  It can be in stomach pains.  It can be in bodily pains.  It can be in heart fluctuations.  It can be in rather severe headaches at times.  Energy is either expanded or contracted in those times.  You may feel like you need to sleep for long periods of time.  You may also feel energetic and like you can conquer the world in these moments.  You may even begin to feel more of a blissful feeling come over you.  This again is acclimating to these energies.

For this day, this February 2, 2020 has not happened in this way for over a thousand years, the last time being January 1, 1010.  And the next would be March 3, 3030.  So this is an auspicious time that you are in now in these moments.

And all of you are being prepared, and are preparing, for this ascension, for your own personal ascension, as well as the collective ascension of mankind.  Because this is a collective venture.  You have a saying:  “no man or woman is left behind.”  And that is the case here.  For no one will be left behind that wants to continue on, that chooses to do so.

Yes, there are definitely things that you can do, processes that you can take, tools that you can utilize to help you in this ascension process.  But I tell you now, as Sananda, no one will be left behind that chooses to move on.

For it is destined for all of you, all of you the Light Warriors and Light Workers, the Way Showers, the Light Bearers, all of you are destined that you shall move on.  For these are your moments.  This is your time.  Times that you have been preparing for for many thousands of years and many, many lifetimes.  These are the moments that will be arriving, are arriving now.  You just simply need to sit back, watch the show, and look at it as a show, maybe even as a movie that is playing out in front of you.

When you watch a movie, you observe it.  You are not actually a part of it.  You are not one of the actors in the movie.  But this particular movie you are one of the actors.  You are the actors, you are the directors, you are the fans.  You are even the producer of this movie.  While all of this is going on around you, be aware of it, but not involved in it.

As some of you, and many across the planet are beginning to become frightened about this so-called pandemic that is spreading, it is yet but another attempt, or another ruse, by those of the dark forces to both take attention away from something that they do not want you to attend to, or to bring fear so that they can feed off this fear.  And where many of those now that are seeking to flee from the light are going is where there is much fear happening now in these moments on your planet.  That is in the Asian area.

But there is nothing to fear except fear itself.  Except the programming of fear.  For if you remain within the eye of the storm as the storm continues to rage around, and rage around it shall still, not for much longer.  For those that attempt to raise the storm are finding out that they do not have the power anymore to do so.  And as they realize this more and more, the storm will diminish.

And the storm then that is raised by the forces of Light shall take over.  You are that storm.  Each and every one of you.  You are storm that raises the Light, raises the love, raises the consciousness across the planet.  So continue to do so.  Every opportunity that you have.  But you do so by remaining neutral in all situations.

Find that neutral stance within you, that neutral state within you.  Because that, more than anything, my friends, is preparing you for your ascension.  Find the neutral point.  Find the zero point within you and remain there as much and as often as you can, and you will find then that the 3-D matrix, the illusion of the 3-D matrix, will dissipate right in front of your eyes.

I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness, that you might continue on each every day, each and every moment.  Find that neutral point within each of you.

ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum.   Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here.  Shoshanna is standing by, and we are ready to go.

Before we do, though, we wish to reiterate what Sananda has given here, and how important it is for you to continue to find that neutral point within yourself.  It is so important to not react in any situation.  To find that love connection within yourself, and listen to that love connection.

Listen to that wee whisper of love that comes deep within you, comes from the Source within you.  And as you do that, you will always, always, and in all ways, be directed in the way of love, in the way of Light.  And you will continue to move into those higher vibrations and remain in those higher vibrations longer and longer and longer.

And the more that you find yourselves in those higher dimensions, or higher vibrational frequencies, you will then find yourself also in the fifth dimension more and more.  And, as you are in the fifth dimension more and more, the 3-D world that you know of will dissipate more and more.  This is a promise to all of you.

Do this every day.  Find something in your life that you can change to change the programming in your life, anything.  Something small can begin to shift the programming.  Can begin to shift the programming for yourselves.

This is what you need to do more and more, here, and everything will take care of itself.  As we say many times, to ‘go with the flow,’ here.  And if you go with the flow, then you are going with your Higher Self directing you.  Okay?

Shoshanna, do you have anything you wish to share, here, before we start with questions?

Shoshanna (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell):

We will contribute when there is a question.

OWS:   Very good.  Then we are open for questions now.  You can unmute your phone.

We do have one question here, The James is sharing with us right now that came from your e-mail.  It is about the ones that are the non-carbon-based.  It has been said at times that they were attempting to take over the planet, take over humankind, and that type of thing.

Of course, it is a scare tactic.  It is fear.  But there was also some truth to what those forces of the darkness were attempting to do.  In many cases, their plan was to overtake the planet at some point in the future.  This was the earlier predictions of earth changes and all of these things that were going to happen, as well as a potential pandemic or a third world war with nuclear expression with it, all of these types of things were planned by those nefarious forces of the darkness.

But, as you know it, that has all been curtailed by the forces of Light.  And the forces of Light are much, much stronger than the forces of darkness.  And certainly now as the Source of all creation here in this universe has taken charge, you might say, has taken an interest in everything that is happening, here, and at one point finally said, “enough is enough!” and were going to allow for the Prime Directive, if you will, to be overturned here in some respects.

And this has happened greatly with all of the ones that we call The Galactics that have come here to assist the Earth here, the planet, here, to overcome the forces of darkness.  And this has certainly happened, and is happening now in this moment.  The Light shall prevail – there is no question about this.

Shoshanna, do you have anything to add, here?

Shoshanna:   We do not.

OWS:   Very good.  Then are there any questions from the ‘peanut gallery’ out there?

OWS:   Hello Dear One Who Serves and Shoshanna.  We were talking earlier about the distinction between emotion and feelings, and what to do with them and what is

the distinction between them.  I was wondering if you could say a little more on what you see is the distinctions between them, like the emotions of human beings and the feelings that we are speaking of in a higher sense, I guess, and also when we need to deal with those emotions so they don’t kind of get stuck in our body, and when we don’t.

OWS:   Very good.  Shoshanna, do you want to share?

Shoshanna:   No, I do not have anything at this point.

OWS:   Very good. Then we will share with you a distinction, you might say, between feelings and emotion.  In some ways, they are one and the same.  But your emotional content within yourselves can lead to many different things.  It can lead to hatred, it can lead to anger, judgment, fear, all of these types of things can be your emotions.

Your feelings, though, come from deeper within you.  So that is a distinction you can look at here.  Because your feelings are deep within you.  Your feelings can trigger emotion in different respects, as we are saying.  The emotions can be of the Light side, or they can be of the dark side as well, within your own nature we are speaking of, here.

Shoshanna:   We will share.

OWS:   Yes, please, yes.

Shoshanna:   We can share our perspective on this.  May we share?

Guest:   Please.

Shoshanna:   This is simple.  An emotion is a reaction to a program.  It is a reaction that is triggered by a program that the human has learned to react to.  A feeling is a present-moment instruction that guides, that shows the being what direction to move toward.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very well said.  Yes.

Guest:   Wow.  Thank you.

There was a second part to that, that I don’t know if you heard.

OWS:   Yes?

Guest:   When would you say, because I know that also with emotions sometimes they can get stuck inside of us if we don’t let them out.  So when would you say it is important to express emotions or let them out, as to where we are.  Maybe we don’t need to anymore. Maybe we are high enough of a vibration.  But is it still important?  Or when is it still important?

Shoshanna:   If you wish, may we share once more?

Guest:   Please do.

Shoshanna:   If you wish to express an emotion that you feel has been trapped, you may do this privately.  You must do this privately.  You can write about it.  You can talk about it into a recorder.  You can speak about it to yourself.  The challenge that we find is that when a being feels the need to emote, it is generally not a good thing.

And it victimizes them almost immediately, and victimizes the other that is listening.

So we will tell you that if you or any individual feels a need to emote, they must do it in writing or privately, not to another unless, let us say that you decide to go to a professional, and even then you will find that the emotion is a circular thin—it just goes round and round and round, and is never resolved, you see.  So please, if you feel that something is trapped, write about it.   Namaste.

OWS:   And we add here that as you move into the higher vibrational frequencies, the need to emote, as you are saying, will become less and less.  You will not have a desire or a need to do that, because the programming that created those emotions will be curtailed, will be gone in many respects.

Shoshanna:   And diminished.

OWS:  Diminished, yes.  Because all of that programming comes from your past.  And as you let go of the past, as we have said before, ‘forgive, forget, and move on,’ as you forget the past, if you forgive those that came before you, then everything will continue to take care of itself as you move into those higher vibrations, and you will never have this question again.  There will be no need for it.

Shoshanna:   We must share one more aspect of this.

OWS:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   May we share one more aspect, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Of course.  Thank you.

Shoshanna:   In your progressive culture, man developed a science that they called ‘psychoanalysis.’  And what this did for man is keep their brain in a loop.  You see, you can analyze things forever and ever and ever, and it will not diminish the program, it will keep you in the program.  So we would say that if an individual is the person that requires to analyze something, that they simply stop doing that.  You see, if something is occurring, it is not necessary to analyze it, it is necessary to move past it, you see.  And moving past it requires consciousness and an understanding of why you must move past it, not what it is.   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes.  And when you are analyzing something, you remain in the past.  But when you begin to let go of the analyzing, then you are in the moment.

Shoshanna:   In the moment, yes.

OWS:   When you are in the moment, then nothing else matters anymore.  You just continue to be in the moment.  Alright?

Shoshanna:   And we will add one more thing, if we may.  This is a very important question.  May we add one more thing?

Guest:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   There are many things that trigger emotions.  There are many programs that trigger emotions:  self-doubt, fear, lack of feeling loved.  All these things will trigger emotions, but have no basis in true reality.  We must truly understand these are reactions to programs that are false, that do not belong in the human heart.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  Do we have any other questions here, now?

No further questions?  You can feel free to ask, if you wish.

Remember, when you ask a question, even if you think it is not important, if you think others will think it is not important, it can be important to others.  Someone may be wanting to ask the same question, but afraid to do that.

Guest:   Well, if no one else is going to jump in, can I ask another?

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Mostly because I hate to have you guys go (laughs)!  No, I’m just kidding.

Shoshanna:   We rely on you, Dear Sister, we rely on you!  You get the ball rolling!

Guest:   Well I do, I hate it when I sit there and go, ‘get on there and ask a question, because I don’t want them to leave!’ (laughter).

But seriously, can you tell us a little more about entities, and how they and they are around, how we can recognize they might be around.  Not necessarily inside of ourselves, but inside of others, and what is a way to deal with that.

OWS:   We are glad that you have brought this up, because it is something that is of concern more and more to those of you that are of the Light and the Lightworkers, and certainly even more so, the Warriors, here.  But we can tell you that you have sufficient Light within all of you, each of you, that you have no concern about this for your own personal selves.

Only if you open up to it.  You open up to it by the use, or abuse rather, of drugs, or abuse of alcohol.  Or it can be a bad fall that opens up a certain area of your spine to this connection, here.  So it can be various things.  It can be if you turn all of a sudden to the dark side.  But certainly none of you are going to do that.  So again, you have no concern about this for yourselves.

Now for others, the way for you to be of assistance to others is to not necessarily to attempt to remove the entity, because you do not do that yourself.  You ask for help or guidance from those who are available to do this to help you out.  It can be your Higher Self.  But it can also be ones such as Hilarion or the Archangel Michael, certainly.  They can help in this instance at all times, here.

But again, not to be concerned for yourselves.  And the important thing about your ascension process, your own personal ascension process is that it is just that, it is personal to you.  So you cannot control what happens to others.  You can assist, but you can’t control it.  Shoshanna, anything to add?

Shoshanna:   Yes, we can share on this.  May we share?

Guest:   Please.

Shoshanna:   The attachment of a consciousness to your consciousness that you believe is negative can be transmuted through love.  You see, if you feel a consciousness is invading you, and it is hurting you, and steering you in a wrong direction, you can ignite your heart with Light and love, and it will be transmuted.  It will go into the Light.

If another is perhaps exhibiting an attachment, love is always the answer.  Light is always the answer.  To love, to feel compassion, to shine a light, your light, on that which is negative, and it will be transmuted.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  Would there be any other questions now before we release channel?

Guest:   I have a question.

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Are the suns the chakras of the universe?

OWS:   Are the suns the chakras of the universe?  Very intersecting that you have come to this idea, or this concept.  Because the reason you are coming to it is because it has come to you.  It is coming to you as a remembrance, an understanding that is beyond the three-dimensional conscious understanding.  So we congratulate you, Dear One, for coming to realize that there is so much more to the universe, and so much of a connection between the universe and the individual such as you are.  Because you have chakras, the galaxy has chakras, and the universe has chakras.  So in retrospect, you are correct.

Guest:   Wonderful.  Thank you.

OWS:   Yes.  Anything you want to add, Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   We do not have an answer.

OWS:   Very good.  Would there be any other questions?

Guest:  I have a question.

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Since I have been in my family supposedly experiencing a walk-in, I would like a definition of what is a walk-in.  I have a feeling that I know, but I don’t exactly know all the concepts of it.  And why are they walk-ins.  And I understand there are many walk-ins now coming in, and what is that purpose?

OWS:   You are correct.  There are many more that are occurring at this time.  But of course, many people around those of the walk-ins would not even realize that that one is a walk-in, as you are saying.

And for those of you that may not know, a walk-in is normally an agreement that has been made prior to the lifetime where at a certain point the one who is living the life, the personality that is living the life, will exit the body and exit it in a rather, we will say easy way, for the most part.  And that one that comes in as the walk-in will take over the body and have the memories and everything from that lifetime.  But oftentimes there is a change that happens, because this one coming in is there to carry out a mission now.  And in order to carry out the mission, it must be in a proper vehicle at the time.  In other words, if there was a disease of some type, say cancer or something of this nature, then the personality exits the body and the new one coming in heals the body immediately.  This often happens, here.  You do not hear about it very often.  But if you know someone, such as this one is speaking here that she has an indication of one that is a walk-in in her life, and she has received some guidance about how to work with this situation.  That is all we can say on this now.  It is happening more, and will continue to happen more, because many have made the choice before coming into this lifetime to exit the body at a certain point.  Okay?

Shoshanna:   May we share?

Guest:   Yes.  Oh yes, please do.

Shoshanna:   The soul consciousness that steps into to share a third-dimensional consciousness is for the purpose of advancing humanity.  It is for the purpose of showing us what we need to do to increase our own vibration and to raise in consciousness.  That is why they step in.   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   Yes.  You just answered the next question I was going to ask.  Thank you.

Something else I wanted to ask:  I had heard, or I think it was Ruth Montgomery’s book that sometimes the other soul does not have to leave.  Can there be two souls in the same body, the other one did not have to leave?

Shoshanna:   We will share on this.  We will share, Dear Sister.  One Who Serves, may we share?

OWS:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, may we share our perspective?

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   Yes.  This is correct.  Because the soul that enters the consciousness that another soul is occupying is for the purpose of uniting in consciousness and bringing forth a stronger understanding that is necessary for humanity to raise their consciousness and move forward in their lives, you see.  It is common.   Namaste.

Guest:   Another part of this, if I may take time, is okay now, we are saying a whole lot of new walk-ins are coming in.  Okay, so it must be to help us with this ascension, that they need to help the collective or society.  So what is the purpose, or is there one purpose, or is there just no answer?

Shoshanna:   We gave the purpose, Dear Sister.

OWS:   Yes.

Shoshanna:  We gave it twice.

Guest:   Okay, say it again, then (laughs).

Shoshanna:  To augment man’s consciousness.  To move man forward.  To propel him forward in consciousness and vibration.  That is the purpose.

OWS:   Yes.  To help the collective consciousness in ascension.

Guest:   Okay, I got ya.  Thank you.

OWS:   Yes.  Are there any further questions, now?

Guest:   Yes, I have a question, if I may.

OWS:   Yes.

Guest:   I know a person that for years and years and years has been in the loop of negative emotions.  She has been in that loop forever, for many, many years.  And now she is making a conscious effort to break this loop of many years, but it seems like she is incapable of doing this, even though she has a strong intention.  And she is using the tools that have been presented to her or she found, but very unsuccessful.  How can she be capable to break this, when she seems to be completely overpowered.  I want to understand that.

Shoshanna:   Can we share on this, One Who Serves?

OWS:   Yes.  Please do.

Shoshanna:   May we share, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   One of the things that keeps another in what you call a ‘loop’ is the way we see them.  You have described this individual in terms that are very low vibration.  You must begin now to see her differently.  That is the first thing you must do.

The second thing, if you wish to help her, is if she requests your help, then she will receive your help.  If you are attempting to help her and she is resisting that, then you must step away.  Because she must give you permission.  You must ask permission each time you have something to offer her.

And the third thing is we find that this individual that you are speaking of is steeped in her past.  She speaks of her past.  She continues to lament her past.  And as long as this one continues to speak in terms of her past, she will stay there.  She will continue to trigger those programs of trauma as she stays in the past.  She must change her story.  She must find a way to get past her past and be in the moment.

And the only way that one can assist another in this process is not to join in.  Do not join another who wishes to speak of their past.  You must help her if she wishes this to raise her vibration by asking her to speak in terms of the now moment, what she enjoys in this moment, what is she doing in this moment, and how she is paving her future in the moment.  That is the only way that another can break the program loop of emotions.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  Then we are needing to release channel, here, now.   Shoshanna, do you have anything you wish to add here at the end?

Guest:   Thank you.

Shoshanna:   We will share.  We find, well, JoAnna finds that she will listen to these messages.  Once they are given, she will go on the website and listen to the messages to reinforce the message.

Because many messages that are given are layered with greatness, layered with wisdom from the One Who Serves and from the higher aspects of JoAnna, ourselves, Shoshanna, and to truly allow this information to be received in its fullest form.  It is important for the human to listen again and again, because the human is deeply programmed.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  And we close with this:  because of this major gateway that has opened here on this day today (02/02/2020) you will experience much more light coming in, into the planet, into your bodies, your central nervous system, these waves of energy, to continue to raise the frequency across the planet.  And that is what this is all about.

And as the frequency continues to raise across the planet, then you will find that the 3-D illusionary matrix will begin to dissolve more and more and more.  And all of those things that you are seeing in the news, and these types of things, will become less and less important.

Just as you are seeing now where many across this country especially are not even paying attention to what is occurring by those so-called leaders in your government, here.  They are turning a deaf ear to it all in many respects, because it is more of the ‘same old,’ same old.’

Guest:   I would just like to say thank you to everybody.  There have been so many great and wonderful things discussed here today.
James McConnell 

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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 12:53
Sexta-feira, 01 / 11 / 19


Emmanuel Dagher.

A Whole New Reality

November 01, 2019.




Hi my friend,

We have a lot to catch up on, so let’s get right to it.

The energies of November will gently nudge us to continue moving out of our comfort zone, so we can welcome fresh new ways of living and showing up in our lives.

A Whole New Reality

We are currently moving through a potent timeline in which everything is changing at instantaneous speed.

Many people are feeling completely discombobulated and confused.

If you are feeling this way at times, know that you are not alone, and that everything will be okay.

A new heart-centered world has been waiting to birth itself for quite some time, and we’re now seeing glimpses of it everywhere.

This new world has been patiently giving humanity the time and space it needs to allow its karmic soul contracts to be resolved.

If we’ve been experiencing a rough time recently, it’s because our karmic soul contracts are being addressed and resolved.

A new way of living is now ready to be fully realized into our existence, and that’s why things are feeling a bit challenging and “all over the place” for so many.

This new world has been preparing itself for this, for a very long time.

It was set in motion hundreds of years ago, and has recently been anchoring itself by leaps and bounds, especially over the last 60 years.

This has happened as a result of the personal commitment and dedication of so many Way-Showers, Healers, Teachers, Empaths, Space-Holders, Indigenous Tribes, and Lightworkers, who have been anchoring great amounts of light into the Earth.

If you are someone who recently awakened spiritually, a big part of that has to do with all the lightwork done by those who came before you. They have been diligently contributing their light to help raise the consciousness of humanity.

Let’s just take a moment to express our gratitude to all those who have paved the way for all of us to be here now. What a blessing!

As we move into the next few months, we will experience a highly concentrated window of time.

Once utilized, that window’s energies will help us collectively materialize a giant leap forward in the consciousness of humanity.

This will also show up in ways that will bring us together with our Soul family. This Soul family will offer us a sense of “home” and “safety.”

It’s important to be mindful of the people entering our lives over the next few months, as many of them will be part of our Soul family, who are helping us continue to anchor higher light into this new reality.

Many of us have already aligned with many of our Soul family members, but of course, families can always expand to include new members

What is the new reality?

The new reality is the New Earth—a heart-centered reality based on love, transparency, compassion, kindness, Divine Wisdom, and equality for all.

How do we align with this new reality?

Although there are many ways to align with the New Earth, below are just a few suggestions that will help immeasurably.


One of the most effective things we can do to align with the New Earth, is to be completely honest—first and foremost with ourselves, then with the world around us.

The first step is to take a quick inventory of where in our lives we are already being completely authentic, honest, and transparent, and what other areas might benefit from having more of these qualities.

Being honest and authentic is not to be mistaken with being intentionally unkind, rude, or hurtful, especially in the way we deliver our truth. The latter behaviors have no room in our new Earth.

Some simple questions we can ask ourselves to help evoke greater authenticity are, “What are the things that matter the most to me in life?” and “Who am I, when I express myself freely and fully from the heart?”

Loving Unconditionally

For thousands of years, the idea of love has suffered many misinterpretations in most societies.

We’ve been taught through religious and philosophical doctrines, the media, and cultural traditions that in order to experience love, we must earn it.

Most of these ideologies also lead us to believe that we must suffer in order to experience love, or that we have to worry about it, search outside ourselves for it, sacrifice for it, experience pain and heartbreak over it, expect it to be conditional, and so on.

True and authentic love is always easy, unconditional, expansive, joyful, eternal, steadfast, and nonjudgmental. It’s simply the way people have misinterpreted love that has created the illusion that it’s anything less than that.

During the next few months, one of the most important things we can do to align with the New Earth, is to rediscover what love really is, and then begin loving completely. We begin by loving ourselves, then with the world around us.

For so many generations, most of humanity has been taught that it is wrong for us to love and honor ourselves in the same way we are supposed to love and honor others.

This tradition is actually one of the main reasons why humanity once moved away from knowing our Divinity, and who we really are.

We were taught to look outside of ourselves for the answer, when all along, it was within every fiber of our being.

Thank goodness those days are winding down quickly now, and that people are understanding more and more that in order to be the most expanded, open, happy, and loving version of ourselves, we must first start by truly loving ourselves.

To the mind, this may not come easily, simply because we have not been taught how to love ourselves.

So, we can ask ourselves some questions, such as, “How would unconditional love treat me, if it were embodied as a person? And how can I open up to being that person?”

I would invite you to make a list of all the ways an unconditionally loving person would treat you.

Are they generous, kind, nonjudgmental, fun, playful, respectful?

Do they make you feel seen, heard, appreciated?

Do they make you gifts, sing to you, take you on special nature walks? And of course, the list goes on.

It’s always wonderful to connect with a Soulmate from our Soul Tribe—someone who can mirror these qualities back to us.

Yet in order for that to happen the way we truly desire, it’s important for us to begin showing up as our own Soulmate first.

A Will to Heal

Unconditional love will bring up all within us that needs to be healed—all the inner imbalances and feelings of loss we carry with us.

Often when we heal from an imbalance, a large burden is lifted out of our energy.

Although the Spirit loves to travel light, the mind sometimes takes a bit longer to be convinced, simply because it has grown accustomed to the burdens it has carried.

There are different levels of willingness, especially when it comes to healing. For many people, it’s not until their thoughts feel increasingly uncomfortable that they are ready and willing to heal and let go of the stories they have identified with for so long.

These are the stories that the mind uses to reinforce the idea that we are broken or lacking in some way.

These are the stories that create victim/survival consciousness, which is actually the lowest aspect of humanity’s consciousness.

Yet in this unique time we are in, we no longer need to identify with or operate from victim consciousness.

We have the opportunity now to shift our personal and collective timelines, so that we can truly begin to operate from the most empowered and sovereign part of ourselves.

This is also known as the Spirit/Goddess/God/Higher Self aspect of ourselves. 

So then the question becomes, Are we truly willing and ready to heal?

Are we willing to let go of the dramatic emotional patterns, the insecurities, the stories, the fear, worry, lack, addictions, guilt, shame, self-sabotage, blame, and all other behaviors that affirm victim consciousness?

Once we get an inner “Yes,” we can begin asking questions like, “Who am I outside of the limiting stories my mind has identified with?” and “What steps am I willing to take to find that out?”

If you are finding that you are not healing as quickly as you would like–”healing” being just another word for remembering the wholeness, perfection, and abundance that has been in you all along—then invite your mind to see where it may still be identifying with the old victim consciousness.

The mind might immediately resist, and think something like, “I don’t want the old patterns! I really want to heal.” However, question it.

Ask, “Do you really want to heal? Because clearly, you are still finding comfort in the old discomfort.”

Once you begin questioning your mind in this way, it begins to light up parts of the brain that have been dormant.

These are the parts that allow for the highest wisdom and insight to come through, loud and clear.

Connecting with the Sacred Merkaba

A highly effective way to align with and anchor a new heart-centered reality for all of us, is to begin working with the sacred Merkaba.

What is the Mer-Ka-Ba?

The word Merkaba (Mer-Ka-Ba) comes from the ancient Egyptian term for Lightbody: Mer is Light, Ka is Spirit, and Ba is body. The Merkaba is an electromagnetic field, shaped as a unique pattern of sacred geometry.

This energy field is found in all living things in Creation. Its pattern is formed in the shape of a star tetrahedron—a three-dimensional, eight-pointed star in the shape of two pyramids, one inside the other.

One of the main roles of the Mer-Ka-Ba is to align the mind, body, and heart. This alignment then allows the Merkaba to serve as the vehicle that transports the Spirit and the body into higher states of existence and higher dimensions.

This usually manifests in several ways.

The Mer-Ka-Ba is often awakened through specific, dedicated meditative breathing methods and mindfulness-expanding practices.

It can also be awakened through consistent acts and thoughts of pure love, service, compassion, acceptance, integrity, and kindness. The Self would also be included as one of the recipients of these gifts.

The Merkaba is the manifestation of the Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine within all living things.

The Merkaba also balances the Feminine and Masculine energy within all living things, creating an environment for a peaceful existence, which then becomes each being’s default vibrational setting.

It enables us to experience expanded states of awareness, and restores the full remembering of who we are as Spiritual Beings.

Even though each living being has its own Merkaba, together we also have a collective Merkaba.

Humanity’s Merkaba

In the past, when the collective Merkaba was dormant, no matter how much of our time we dedicated to our spiritual practice, more often than not, inner growth would always feel challenging, as if we were climbing a tall mountain.

Now those days are long gone, because the consciousness of humanity has reached a point where this kind of struggle is no longer a necessary part of our path to greater growth and awareness.

We are in a time now when it is much easier for us to expand our own individual consciousness, remain steadfast in our spiritual practice, share our spiritual gifts openly, and feel more connected to our Higher Self than ever before.


This process will help you to connect with the Merkaba:

1. We begin by viewing a picture or an object that is in the shape of an actual Merkaba, to have a point of reference.

If you haven’t seen one before, simply type “Merkaba” into your search engine, and you’ll see lots of Merkaba images come up.

Here is one example:

2.Next, we close our eyes and visualize the Merkaba spinning clockwise in our third eye area (the space in between and slightly above eyebrow level).

We focus our attention on the spinning Merkaba for several minutes. If you prefer to see it in different colors, please feel free to do so.

3. Then we gently allow the Merkaba to move down through the body until it settles into our heart area, still spinning in the same direction that it was before.

From here, we can simply focus our attention on the spinning for a few minutes.

Now, with our right hand placed over our heart, we can affirm the following:

”Dear Humanity, I see you. I love you, and I know who you really are. On behalf of anyone who ever made you feel anything less than the wholeness and perfection that you truly are, I am so sorry.

Forgive them, because they just didn’t know any better at the time. Know that you are loved beyond measure now and always, and I will always be here to remind you of this. We are One family.

And so it is!”

4. Later, we envision ourselves lovingly holding a miniature Earth in our hands, the size of a soccer ball. These mini-Earths act as surrogates to our Earth.

5. Now we see these mini-Earths being showered with unconditional love and compassion from our heart-space.

We see this love from our heart represented by the Pink Light of the Divine Feminine, and the Emerald Green Light of the Divine Masculine.

6. We see these lights radiate from our hearts, braiding themselves together and saturating every cell, fiber, and molecule of the Earth in our hands.

7. Afterwards, we visualize all of humanity holding hands in a gigantic circle all around the world.

See each person singing and smiling hugely!

8. Finally, we express our deep gratitude to our body, mind, and I AM Presence for facilitating this personal and global healing activation.

If you would like to connect even more with the energies of the Merkaba, so that it can support your continued spiritual expansion, I recommend printing out a picture of one that you really enjoy. Look at it and meditate with it at least once a day.

Connecting with the Merkaba has so many healing benefits, including: youthening (instead of aging), developing your intuitive and extrasensory gifts, experiencing instant deliberate manifesting, having physical and mental vitality, developing a deep connection to Spirit, and of course, anchoring in a new heart-centered world where we can all thrive and prosper!

The next few months are going to play a pivotal role in helping us set the foundations of a new Earth, as we collectively materialize a giant leap forward in the consciousness of humanity.

Here’s to all of us entering a brighter new reality together with ease, grace, and joy!

And so it is!

Until next time,

Miraculously yours,
I want to let you know about something really special . . .

I'll be teaming up with my dear soul friends Anita MoorjaniSunny Dawn Johnston, and most importantly, YOU, for a healing experience in Sedona, Arizona from May 29 - 31, 2020.

I'll be teaming up with my dear soul friends Anita MoorjaniSunny Dawn Johnston, and most importantly, YOU, for a healing experience in Sedona, Arizona from May 29 - 31, 2020.
CLICK HERE or use this link to learn more: https://afterlifeprocesshealing.com/   

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
  • Emmanuel Dagher<emowave19@sbcglobal.net>

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 23:35
Sábado, 13 / 07 / 19

A Message to Lightworkers – July 12, 2019 ~ The Collective, Oceana Ryan.

A Message to Lightworkers 

@ July 12, 2019.

A Message to Lightworkers.

From the Collective of Guides,

via Caroline Oceana Ryan.

July 13, 2019.




This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, friends! We are happy to have this opportunity to speak with you today.
And we see that many of you are in a state of distress over world events—talk of war breaking out in some regions, as well as the state of perpetual war that exists in the Middle East and other regions, climate change, violence against women and children, the quality of your food, air and water, and many other issues that plague your subconscious with stress and upset even when you are more consciously attending to your everyday lives.
And we would say, we understand your upset and your unhappiness, and we empathize—those of us who have lived Earth lives well understand your reactions of concern.
Yet your upset is one great reason why these very disturbing events are taking place.
It is not that you have caused them with your kindness, your compassion, your awareness of the struggles and suffering of those both near and far from you.
It is that your own emotional distress only amplifies the effect of what these dear ones are feeling and experiencing—and that is one of the main reasons why these events are taking place.
Those who perpetuate war, who profit from human trafficking and weapons sales, who upend regimes in other countries so as to take over those countries by installing a puppet dictator in place of a democratic leader—they are aware that violence upsets the human condition, and that when the sensitivity of Light Bearers is triggered in a particular way, that dense emotion then creates more food for the systems that keep the perpetrators active and seemingly in control.
We do not suggest that because of this, you ought to stop caring about other human beings.
We understand that you have come here to extend warmth, kindness, caring, and support to many, particularly to those in need of aid and encouragement.
Photo by Jennifer Scalia
We would only ask that you remain as emotionally neutral as possible as you view these conditions.
Understand that though, for example, human trafficking has existed for thousands of years, one hears of it far more often now because of the emotional upset that comes of hearing about it.

Of course there is a degree to which that activity has increased over the past few decades, and you would be correct in pointing that out.
Though the motivation to end these crimes has increased, the rage and shock felt by those objecting to them has only served to undergird the overall aim of the old power structure.
And that objective is to keep your overall vibration as low as possible.
They take aim at your emotions, and as human emotion can be not only wide-ranging but unstable under certain circumstances, many situations are created then reported on widely in the media with the aim of discouraging, dividing, upsetting, or panicking the masses.
They work to sink your emotional vibration, in other words, because your emotions are a powerful mode of co-Creation.
And one of the easiest ways to keep your vibration low, is by throwing off your inner sense of balance by systematically showing examples of people suffering, while you stand unable to assist them in any way.
The old regime’s systems also feed off of the despair and fear energy of those who are put in a position of suffering.
Certainly, you can sign petitions and write letters to your representatives in government, and this actually goes much further to change things than simply stressing over a situation, unhappily discussing those situations with those you know, or swearing that you’ll “vote for the other party next time.”
Yet we can assure you, at present on the Earth, nearly all parties serve the same master, though not every member of every party does so.
And that master is the same one perpetuating war, slavery, technologically designed drought and flooding, and other situations that cause distress on many levels.
So that once again, we are asking you to step out of the role you have played for thousands of years.
Photo by Jennifer Scalia
We are asking you to set down the chains that have bound you—they are no longer locked in place, so put them down!—and accept your sovereignty.
Accept that with your positive feeling about life, your individual empowerment, and your vision of a far better world, you are shifting things far more quickly and more powerfully than any political movement or army on Earth could ever dream of.
Yes, you are that powerful.
You are able to envision Peace, calm, good health, well-being, Abundance, and freedom for every child, woman, and man on the Earth.
And you are able, by delighting each day in the feeling of that beautiful vision, to actually help create it. In those moments, you command it forth.
We are asking you, in other words, to cease dancing to someone else’s tune. 
It is not yours, and it is not the only one you know—not the music of the higher realms, or the music of the spheres, which you are increasingly attuned to.
What you are hearing on Earth in these last desperate days of the old regime is a cacophony; an accident falling forward into chaos.
It has nothing to do with who you are.
The passivity, hopelessness, and helplessness it is constantly working to anchor into you are also not Who you are.
You are a birther of new worlds, of planets and stars, of beauty and self-creating sustenance.
A building of bridges, and designer of cures and pathways—not a helpless bystander on a path they never created and have no influence over.
We are sure you can hear and feel the difference between the two!
We would suggest that you take time off from watching or reading the news several days each week, and take that time and invest it purely in what builds you up as a co-Creator.
Times of reading what encourages and inspires you, spending time in Nature, talking and laughing with a friend or enjoying a comedy, spending time with animals or children in ways that are enjoyable, being creative at something you can become absorbed in as if it were a kind of meditation.
And allow those times to assure you that All is Well.
Photo by Michelle Kidd
That there is no need for anger, for panic, for immediate action that appeals to the left-brain mind as the only way forward.
You are beyond the “reaction” mode of living now. You are releasing it for good.
You are moving forward into Joy, self-reliance, and knowing you are never alone.
Indeed, as we view the many millions of ships surrounding the Earth now, full of teams of healers, and experts at assisting in Earth’s cleansing and renewal, we see you working alongside them in your sleep state, full of purpose and the joyful realization that you are not stuck in the old times.
You are in a New Day, and it welcomes you with open arms, as do all of us.
Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always.

Caroline Oceana Ryan 

Copyright Caroline Oceana Ryan 2019.

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 


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publicado por achama às 23:59
Sábado, 08 / 06 / 19

The influx of the Upper Light is ending with the old cycles. ~ The Collective, Oceana Ryan.

The influx of the Upper Light is ending with the old cycles.

A Message to Lightworkers.

From the Collective of Guides,

via Caroline Oceana Ryan.

June 7th, 2019. 




This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.
And we see that among the many daily pressures and expectations you hold yourself accountable for, you are also dealing with powerful Light data flowing in from various parts of your Universe, including your own souls.
Understand that in these days of solar flares and solar winds, and astrological shifts that impact humankind in numerous ways–upending the old cycles and patterns that have been in place for millennia, and drawing in new and higher forms of experience—that your own souls are also answering to this influx of higher Light.
Their messages reach you on a cellular level, which you then download and decode as you sleep, as well as during your waking hours.
These inform you of the various aspects of your soul mission that have been ongoing, though unseen by you until this time in your Earth life.
Though mainly unseen, you and your fellow Light Bearers came in with rare and powerful Earth missions.
These energies are not trying to hide from you their deeper meanings and unknown languages.

They are beyond language as you know it, and are flowing into your every cell, to not only upgrade your Earth self into the New Human forms, but to enlighten your Earth consciousness.
We are aware that this can feel to be causing a bit of a cataclysm some days.
You are not only bearing up under the strain of this drastic shift, but dealing with the outer results of these energy shifts in your own life.
You will not now draw to you the same kinds of circumstances that you have created for so long in this and other Earth lives.
Your co-Creations will now take on a whole other shape—one that serves the Light on a higher level than previously.
And so at first, it may seem that you are in a sort of earthquake, where nothing is so stable as you once thought.
You may have recently faced or are facing a health or financial crisis, or lost your home, your job or your business.
You may be seeing either new or old relationships falling by the wayside, as if they never quite belonged to you.
Even your clothing may not feel right to you anymore—not the right styles or colors.
You may be having intuitive moments where you feel, almost for no known reason, that your entire economic system will have shifted by a particular time in the future.
Or that housing and energy sources will transform by a particular time in your life, even if you don’t see that happening yet as a mass movement.
You may also be wondering why, if your cells are holding more Light, you don’t seem to be getting younger or healthier.
Wondering why you seem to be more tired, sadder and more fatigued some days rather than less.
You may even be asking, “Why did I even come here at this time?” as one shift after another affects your entire being.
We would say, that this is entirely normal and understandable. Yet we would like you to move beyond that moment by offering yourself and your entire transformative process as much patience and support as possible.
You have been asking why Life seems so strange now, why things don’t fit or flow the way they used to, and why so much seems to be asked of you that it feels to be far too much some days.
And that is because you are correct—all has changed, and is continuing to change. 
Life is not at all as it was, and will never be again.
These are the shifts you have required, demanded, requested of your own souls and the Universe, not quite realizing that in shifting the Earth and your own resonance out of the lower frequencies, much would be required of you beyond what you were offering at the time.
As you view great corruption in religious, financial, governmental, and other institutions, and require that the Universal forces shift humanity out of that experience, understand that humanity itself must shift first, in order for that to happen.
Photo by Jennifer Scalia
For as you know, all that is experienced is called in by the overriding vibration of the one doing the creating.
So that in asking for no more corruption in “high” places, you were requiring a shift in Earth’s timeline that in turn, required a shift in your owntimelines—an upward swing in vibration.
Otherwise, the criminality, the violence, the ongoing humiliations, lies and degradations would only continue.
You may understandably be feeling that it was the vibrations of the old “power crowd” that needed to shift, not your own!
It may have left you wondering, what in the world is happening, that youare the one undergoing a series of shocks—rather than theybeing the ones to experience the shakeup?
We assure you, those perpetrating crimes upon the Earth and throughout the Universe are most assuredly feeling the results of the very shifts you yourselves came in to participate in.
You didn’t come in to simply observe these shifts—that would not be in keeping with your Light Bearer/Earth Changer roles.
You came in to raise the vibration you had sustained for so long on the Earth, to move it to higher levels, to higher octaves than what you had experienced in other lives while in a human body.
And in doing so, you have shifted all around you, including those areas of life that you send Light to daily—the darker, denser aspects of life that you have never understood, never wanted to even look at, let alone realize you may have supported in one Earth life or another.
You came for your own soul growth, undoubtedly.
Yet in a larger sense, you came to assist the soul growth of the planet.
Though you may think of Archangels, benevolent and highly evolved ETs, and Ascended Masters as being well ahead of you, you would not be here on the Earth now if you did not resonate with their reality, their outlook, their amazing gifts and wisdom.
There is an aspect of your spirit and soul that not only understand these beautifully Light-constructed ways, but sees through every Earth circumstance as an opportunity to Love more—to Love yourself, Love others, Love the Earth and all who aid Her now, more powerfully and in ways that heal and transmute.
That is a very different response than feeling let down by life—hampered or oppressed or denied what you need.
The Universe does not wish to take good things from you, and is not doing so.
You and your higher self are in the process of prying your grip off of what you have previously thought you needed yet which no longer suits your increasing vibration, till there is little left but what you really require—even if, for a while, that is only the breath in your body.
At that level, all is clear. You live in the Present moment, and see your true self, minus ego attachments and outer labels.
You view life as a moment-to-moment existence that can only bring you more Joy, more fulfillment, more beauty, more Love.
Not only because good things are headed for your doorstep, but because it is you yourself who are creating all of that, minus the veil set in place so long ago by a false self, created to be a minion in someone else’s empire.
Does the slave resent the losses experienced when the master disappears, or is imprisoned?
In that moment of realization of freedom, there is a fear that life is not as it was, that familiar sights and persons might not be there anymore, that regular meals might disappear, scant though they were.
Your ego-mind will most assuredly be alarmed at the release of old forms, energies, thoughts and manufactured belief systems that, though not terribly inspiring or fulfilling, have nevertheless been what you have expected and known for millennia.
And so as you travel this new territory—this newly created corner of the Universe—we ask that you release the need for things to be as they were.
That you flow with the stream of higher Light happening all around you.
Resistance to inner and outer Change—resistance to the shift of frequencies on the planet and within yourself—will only make this transformation all the more demanding, bringing on a feeling of energy drain and loss.
We would say, if you can image each day, particularly while in the shower or bath, or while swimming, that you are flowing down a river of Light, and that that river is flowing out to a beautiful, brilliant blue sea, full of higher Light and the energies that create new worlds—this will assist you in knowing that despite outer appearances and inner resistance at times, All Is Well.
Likewise, sitting, walking or lying up on the Earth each day and experiencing Her Love for you, and giving to Her all you can no longer carry, will also relieve you of the feelings of overwhelm or strangeness at this new life you are building.
Is this the simplest road to travel—the most cheerful and lightest you could have chosen?
No, dear ones. Yet it is the most astounding, most new-birth-oriented, and most miraculous one you knew of.
You have chosen this path, and it thanks you, as the Earth and all Her beings thank you.
You have come here with great purpose, and you shall not be held back from its completion.
Namaste, friends! We are with you, always.
Copyright Caroline Oceana Ryan 2019.

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 13:38
Quinta-feira, 30 / 05 / 19

The War on Human Consciousness ~ Rachel Horton White

The War on Human Consciousness.

By Rachel Horton White, 

Guest writer for Wake Up World.

May 31st, 2019. 



There is a war out there against the expansion of human consciousness. It has been escalating in recent years to the point where we must protect ourselves from the onslaught of this intervening frequency trying to turn us into stressed-out, sick automatons.
This is the same low-vibration energy that is responsible for the ravaging and disregard of the Earth herself along with all the plants and animals; responsible for the profit-driven, billion-dollar business of war and for the overly-medicated, misdiagnosed children raised on screens; responsible  for the greediness of the pharmaceutical industry “treating” illnesses that often make us even sicker – and obviously, responsible for the insanity that seems to run the U.S. government.
And most recently, the proposed 5G technology for cell phones is really the icing on the cake.

Awakening to Truth

Many of us wonder if we will ever feel better, if the Earth will ever heal. There are scares about climate change, about mass extinction of entire species and about the future of humanity itself.
But the greatest danger to the human race is our own unwillingness to pull the blinders off of our eyes. Smartphones have taken over many people’s consciousness to the point where they are numbing themselves to their loved ones and to their own souls. Our addiction to the news and to sources we think are telling us the truth have turned friends and family against each other just because they voted for a certain person for President.
It’s not fun to wake up to the fact that many of these institutions are harming us (although, as with everything, there are both good and bad elements in all). And many of us are still in denial about this, refusing to accept the enormity of the lies that we have been fed.
It’s too upsetting to believe so we try to go back into our shells and pretend it’s not real. But eventually we wake up to the Matrix (this movie, like many, has a message for us) and realize we are living in a version of the Truman Show.

Shifting Energies

Fortunately,  the energies are shifting to shake us out of our slumber. More and more people are experiencing spiritual awakening (are you seeing 11:11 everywhere? That’s a clear sign that you’re awakening. If not… you will – and this meditation might help).
Often, change does not occur until it is forced, or until it gets more difficult to avoid. It’s going to get harder and harder to avoid flowing with these new, expansive energies.
We have reached a point when people can choose the path of love, healing, forgiveness, kindness and freedom. It is a path that requires great courage, risk and overcoming fear. The alternative is the path of being afraid, of going along with the crowd and of making choices based on worry about worst-case scenario. We have free will as human souls. We can choose love, or we can choose fear. Often we choose a mixture of both.
Faced with so many choices, it’s natural to feel so overwhelmed that we do nothing. But it is this collective apathy that has led us to the state that we are in today.

Defeating Overwhelm: Start with One Small Thing

What do you care about? What one small thing can you do to make a positive change in the world today?
In the past, when I saw something that bothered me, I would have complained to someone, but then probably forgotten about it.
Let me give you an example. Recently, after visiting a local farm and dairy product company that claims to be free-range, we were dismayed to see that the cows were not free-range at all. My kids told me they did not want to go back there “until the cows’ chains were off their necks.”
Before, I would have felt that I could not really do anything to change the situation. But that excuse does not work for me anymore. I can no longer watch from the sidelines. And my children remind me of this.
So, one small thing. I emailed the company management and wrote a review of them, but they said they would do nothing. So I wrote a letter to the editor of our local newspaper (which was published). The next step, if needed, will be to contact the suppliers and restaurants to let them know about the problem so they can refuse to buy from this company if need be.
Humans for years have unconsciously eaten animals that have suffered or bought products that put chemicals in our bodies or on our lawnsThe power of the consumer to put the pressure on companies to do better with what we buy or do not buy cannot be underestimated.
What’s your one small thing, that you can do now, today, to make a difference?

Activate to Evolve

We are awakening to the truth of what has been done to us in our lives. It’s not our fault. Mostly. But we now know. So it’s up to us to now do something about it. This is our time to activate. Each and every one of us.
The solutions are simple when broken down. Here are 7 things that work for me and may also help you:
  • Quiet your mind every day. At least for 5 minutes, ideally for 15-20 minutes.
  • Connect with something beyond yourself – something based in light and love.
  • Put your phone down when you can. Just try it. Wait 5 seconds before picking it up next time. Ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?” and see if it feels good to you.
  • Get out in nature for no particular reason or purpose other than just to wander, explore and observe.
  • Connect with other people, in person if possible. Ask for Spirit to guide you to people that can lift you up and support you.
  • Do something to help the world. “Think globally, act locally.” Pick one cause you care about and take five minutes to do something – more than just signing a petition online. Make a phone call, write a letter to the editor, show up at a rally.
  • Think about what you buy, eat and put on your body and in your home and make a statement with your wallet. If it has chemicals in it, is made of an animal that has suffered, or is rooted in perpetuating harm to the Earth in some way, you may want to pause and really ask yourself if it’s worth it.
Consumers will ultimately revolutionize our world. When we refuse to give our money to companies that destroy the Earth and its beings, they will either change their ways or cease to exist.
We are now being asked to choose. The turning point has been reached. We are being asked to have courage. We are being asked to heal ourselves and find light in our hearts. Not everyone will answer this call. They may experience life in a completely different way than you do.  But the time has come for us to activate, to speak up for justice, to advocate for causes we believe in, and to help ourselves and others by connecting with our souls and with light all around us to help us do this.
 I do believe there is a lot of hope for change, as more people are choosing the path of expansion, freedom and love. And there are positive changes being made in some areas of government, companies, education and even the health care system. But more of us are needed to speak up from a place of love, compassion and forgiveness (even for those responsible for the suffering). The time is now for us to decide.
I believe that nature will eventually recover. Whether or not humans choose to do so is another story.
What will you choose?
Also by Rachel Horton White:
About the author:

Aiming to merge the spiritual with the real world, Rachel Horton White helps spiritually-open people release negative patterns in their lives, with practical tools like mindfulness, energy and intuition exercises, to connect with their true, inner selves.  Through her work in Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting, Rachel has written articles for worldwide publications such as Wake Up WorldOm Times and Elephant Journal and has a podcast called The Courageous Path. Rachel is a life coach, hypnotherapist, mindfulness teacher, intuitive reader, tree-hugger and angel enthusiast. With a Bachelor’s Degree in English from Wellesley College and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of Georgia, Rachel claims her true education came from studying abroad in Dakar, Senegal. Her greatest teachers these days are her two bright-eyed, energetic children in Portland, Maine.
Rachel can be found on:


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 16:46
Domingo, 26 / 05 / 19

We see you now powerfully working with Light and energy in your sleep state. ~ The Collective, Oceana Ryan.

We see you now powerfully working with Light and energy in your sleep state.

A Message to Lightworkers.

The Collective of Guides,

via Caroline Oceana Ryan.

May 24h, 2019. 




This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective [originally channeled live for the May 14, 2019 Ashtar Legacy Call]:
Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this chance to speak with you today.
And so, as you hear this beautiful piece of music [that had just been played on the call], just a bit of this piece titled “Trillium,” by the wonderful Tom Kenyon, who is a sound healer, there are aspects of your vibration which are coming forward, asking first to be acknowledged by you, asking to be fully integrated into your everyday thought and feeling and realization—into the body, into every cell.
And asking to reach higher into the Light. This is what you yourselves have been doing.
Now, we would like you to begin to look at your lives a little bit differently.
Because what we tend to see in most of the Light Bringers we work with and speak with, is this feeling that things haven’t changed very much.
That you are still existing day to day in a system that is a bit of a trap. That you don’t have much freedom of movement or much choice—you have to stick with the job you don’t like.
You have to stick with the partner you’re not very sure about, or can’t really stand anymore, because you’re raising children together or you have no other income, or you’re ill, etc.
And we see you, in many ways, now powerfully working with Light and energy in your sleep state, as well as sort of unconsciously during the day. And we see you becoming these very conscious, very powerful Light Beings who happen to be in the human body for a while.
Photo by Renee Turcotte
Meanwhile, your conscious mind is saying, “I still feel a bit weak and disempowered. I still feel unsure of myself . . . I still feel really fed up about this situation and that, too many bills to pay.”
Or “I don’t know what to make of this health situation.” Or, “I can’t believe I’m alone at my age,” or “I’m stuck with somebody I don’t really care for anymore.” Or “I can’t stand my co-workers!” Or “They’re OK, but the job is meaningless!”
And it goes on and on. And then it spreads further, to your view of the world.
We would suggest and request—can you just take a moment? Sit quietly in your body.
Ask your higher self, “What has changed lately, that I’m coming more and more into my power? What has shifted?
“What new level of Light, what higher vibration has integrated into my mind-body-spirit lately, that I’ve been so busy trying to just deal with this Earth life that I haven’t really noticed or given myself credit for that amazing integration?
“What’s new with me, in other words?” 
Just go ahead and ask that for a moment. [PAUSE]
So we’re picking up on a few things. An increased empowerment, is one term. We’re listening to different peoples’ higher selves.
Increased knowledge of the tools and processes to use, to create a higher vibrational life experience.
Wonderful! Increased awarenessthat you have choices. That you’re neverstuck, that only your imagination is the limit.
Perhaps the forms might be a bit different than you are expecting, but the Joy—there’s no end to it, the joy that awaits you!
The realization that you can work with life and energy consciously during the day as you do at night in your sleep state, when you are in your true form, traveling etherically, completing bits of your Earth mission that you really can’t do during the day.
All of this is crucial, all of it is important!
There’s not a person within the sound of our voice and beyond, who doesn’t have an Earth mission that’s invaluable and crucial.
Now, some are choosing to leave the planet. You might think, “Oh no, they didn’t get a chance to fulfill their Earth mission!”
We assure you, they’ll carry on with it from where they are, as dear Susan Leland is doing, and so many others.
There’s this wonderful fellow who used to be on The Carol Burnett Show, called Tim Conway.
That was his Earth name [in this latest incarnation]. And he specialized in making people laugh at the ridiculous.
And in that moment, as they were giggling and laughing joyfully, they forgot the heaviness in their life.
What a beautiful gift!  What an absolutely beautiful gift!
There are a lot of wonderful performers who have left recently. Some were in their 90s and older.
And the gifts they imparted, they’re still going to be sharing, just in a slightly more elevated way, in a slightly different way.
It won’t be lost; it can’t be lost! There’s nothing you’re transmitting that isn’t felt all the way around the world.
But let’s go back to your individual life for a moment. We’re going to ask the higher selves this time to impart—if you don’t hear words, that’s all right—[we’re asking them to] impart the energies of the realization of how far you’ve come, and Who you really are.
[To everyone’s higher self] Can you give each dear one listening, live or recorded, an image, a word, a feeling of who they really are?
[To listeners] Now, stay open! Stay very open. If you’re pulling back because you’re thinking. “I don’t want to end up being a green alien,” that’s all right! Let’s not trouble ourselves about that right now.
If you’re an Earth Angel, you should know it! If you’re an elven lord or a faery queen, you should know!
If you’re actually an Earth elemental who stepped into human form for a while to help purify the earth, wonderful! You should know that! Almost endless choices.
Photo by Lynne Newman
So some of you are being told your purpose or your role, such as “you’re a healer.”
And that’s an interesting term, because it doesn’t necessarily mean you put a hand on someone and their ulcer is healed, or their cancer is gone in an instant.
It can mean you’re assisting them in releasing whatever is holding them back. 
It can mean you’re assisting them in viewing themselves as incredibly empowered and blessed, and [that they are] here to let other people know that they are likewise incredibly empowered and blessed.
They just haven’t claimed it yet.
Too many of you, the vast majority we would say, have incredible riches, incredible blessings, incredible abilities you just haven’t claimed yet. 
Could you please do us a huge favor, and your higher selves a huge favor, and say right now—say it aloud if you can—if not, that’s OK—maybe write it down at some point:
“I hereby claim every gift, every blessing, every bit of empowerment I was sent to the Earth to enjoy—all of it! I claim all the beauty! I claim all the Joy! 
“I claim all the Love, including self-Love!”  
Just say something to that effect right now:
“All of the blessings, all of the beauty, all of the gifts, abilities, treasures and Abundance. I claim it all now! I accept it all now! I am receiving it all now, in perfect ways.”
Wonderful!  Now we would like you to claim your Divinity.
“I AM the Divine itself in human form. I claim and accept this joyfully now! I bless every gift. I bless every challenge. They birth within me a new strength, a new level of empowerment. I give thanks! So mote it be.”
So the energies we’re flowing to you, dear ones, really have to do with this claiming we’re talking about. This accepting, this receiving and allowing which we’ve been talking about on the Abundance Group calls as well.
Because too often, what a Light Bearer does, once in human form, is only believe what they see around them.
Because you’ve been carefully trained as human beings for many, many centuries—millennia—to only see what’s going on around you physically and feel that that’s the end, that’s the final word, that’s the (quote-unquote) “reality.”
So if you don’t claim these incredible gifts of empowerment, the sight that shows you the endless potential that they call the quantum field—the endless sea of energy waiting to be molded by you with your joy and your thoughts, your beliefs, your expectations—if you don’t see all that and claim it, move into it, and give thanks for it, and say, “Wow, I can’t wait! All this beautiful stuff is manifesting for me!”thenit tends not to come forward, because you haven’t called on it yet.
That’s how powerful you are!
You are the one to say when and where, sometimes even how.
And so you accidentally manifest by default, through that shortened sight and that expectation of “things can’t get much better.”
That goes on and on. And it puts you in a position to feel that “this is how it is, and this is how it’s always going to be.”
As we were saying to a dear one today in a channeling session, people think when they comment on the situation around them, that they’re just commenting on What Is, at that moment.
They don’t mean to exclude the possibility of things changing! And yet, bizarrely, they’ve accidently done just that.
There’s no such thing as past/present/future. There’s only NOW. RIGHT NOW!
So when you say, “I don’t have enough of this,” or “I haven’t got enough of that,” you’re laying a path for the days ahead of you, unless you shift that view and start proclaiming something else.
All the Universe is ever going to do is say Yes to what you say reality is.
It doesn’t know how to do any different. And all that each of us, and every higher being, is ever going to do, is allow you that freedom.

Because you were born on a free will planet.
Now, you can say, “Well, that free will has been usurped!” And we would say, “We understand. But you live in Transformative times. If there was ever a time to claim your power and your freedom, friends, it’s now. It’s right now!
So will you promise us that you will at least give it a try?
To wake up tomorrow morning and say, “I can’t wait to see all the phenomenal, beautiful things that are going to manifest for me today! They’re already coming into form—I can feel it!”
Can you promise us you’ll give it a try?
Say it right now, in fact, just to practice: “I can’t wait to see all the amazingly beautiful things that are manifesting for me right now! They’re already taking form—I can feel it! I’m fullof thanks and appreciation!”
Put your hand on your heart, and if you’ve had even one meal today, give thanks.
If you have more than three changes of clothing, give thanks.
If you have a roof over your head, if you have any form of income whatsoever, even if it’s just someone else’s kindness for the moment, give thanks.
All of these things are in scarce quantity in certain places in the world. So to someone else, you’re as rich as a king or a queen!
And that includes the self-esteem that helps you get up in the morning and get showered and dressed, and get on with your day, even if you’re not too sure how it’s going to turn out.
You have the inner strength to give it a try and, for that, we applaud you!
Because in this powerful life, this astounding Earth life, you’re cleansing, as we say often, not only the trauma and the shock and the grief you’ve experienced in this life, but in hundreds and hundreds of lives.

And you’re releasing every presence, every interference, every device or implant, every influence that isn’t you, and shouldn’t be there.
Say right now, “If you’re not for my higher good, leave now! Only that which belongs to Divine Love and Divine Light is welcome in my life and energies!”
Wonderful! So we’re going to just flow energies right now, dear ones, to assist each of you in your individual challenges.
And we would like you to turn to your biggest challenge right now, and say to it, “Thank you for the hidden gifts you are giving me now.”
Wonderful! Just open your heart to receive.
We’re opening the heart chakra, the third chakra, crown chakra—balancing, lifting, activating all the chakras, aligning them.
Wonderful! We’re going to continue flowing those energies, dear ones. Even just thinking of them will reactivate them powerfully. 
Beautiful. And so we send, as always, much Love and many blessings, dear ones. We are with you at all times.
You are never alone—your higher self, your guides, your Angels are with you at every moment.
And as always, we are honored to assist you on your path.

Channeled by Caroline Oceana Ryan on the
Ashtar Legacy Family Call – May 14, 2019
Copyright Caroline Oceana Ryan 2019
All Rights Reserved.


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publicado por achama às 21:04
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

Energies are coming in more and more into the planet. ~ Saint Germain, James McConnell.

Energies are coming in more and more into the planet.

Message from SAINT GERMAIN

Channeled by James McConnell.

January 27th, 2019. 


I am Saint Germain.   As always, it is a pleasure to be with you in this way in these moments, for so much is in flux now.
So much is shifting and changing.  Energies are coming in more and more into the planet.  More and more of you are feeling these energies.  So many of you who have awakened for some time now have been working with these energies more and more, and many, many more are beginning to awaken as a result of these energies coming into the planet as a result of collective consciousness rising.
Though you may not notice it, may not see it in the outward appearances, for in many respects it looks like very little has changed.  But I can assure you now that so much has not only changed, but is changing.
You find yourselves now in the moments, the moments prior, moments prior to the great changeover.  And everything is building toward it.  Celestial stars are moving in directions to bring about this great changeover.  The alignment of the stars, the alignment of the planets:  everything is coming in to be in that perfect instant when the signal is finally given and the changeover, the event, can begin.  These are those times now.
You will look back on your past, your past in this lifetime, and very, very little of it will continue to have meaning for you, because you will have moved beyond the past.
Your past lives, those memories that are necessary, will come back to you.  You will remember who you have been.  Because who you have been makes up the present NOW that you are.  Not that you need to know that now, but you do need to know all is coming back, all is coming back to remembrance.
Those of you, the Lightworkers, the warriors, the sharers, and bearers:  you are here now in these moments for a reason, to either begin or continue on with your missions.  I can assure you, as these times continue to move on and the changeover comes, that you will be in the right place at the right time to be able to begin to access those of us, the Ascended Masters, those of the Galactics and the Agarthans, to assist us in bringing about this incredible changeover to this planet, to this collective consciousness here.
It is time now to sit back, be in that perfect moment, be in the neutral state as much as you can.  Move out of fear.  Move out of judgment.  Move out of hate.  Move out of sadness.  And embrace the joyous reality that is all around you if you but look for it.  For it is trulybelieving is seeing.  It is time now to believe.  Believe in who you are, believe in the connection, the great Source of all.  As you continue to believe in that connection and feel that connection, and be that connection, you will be ready for your ascension.
I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace and love, and the Violet Flame burning within each and every one of you, so that all of the old can be burned away and the new sprout forth.

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publicado por achama às 22:32
Quarta-feira, 23 / 01 / 19

Christed light energies, holy fire of purification and renewal ~ Dragon Collective; Elthor, Galaxygirl

Christed light energies, holy fire of purification and renewal.

Elthor and the Ascended Dragon Collective.

Through Galaxygirl.

January 22nd, 2019.


We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 

We surround you in this time with our Christed light energies, our holy fire of purification and renewal. 

Bask in these energies of fire, of rebirth. For fire is how planets are born. 

Such it is now at this time in your surface world. We see, we hear, we know much about your current planetary inner workings. 

Much, much has changed, is changing, will change. You are the envisionaries, the way showers, the light-lifters and we bow our heads to you, saluting you with our dragon salute. 

Yes, it is this mutual bowing, of respect between species that must begin on your surface world. Mutual respect, mutual love, mutual regard. 

Source is in all things. All is energy of creation. Nothing is superior, perhaps just more advanced as we are all at different starting points from our original creation from the Mother’s breath. Crystal gleams, holds light codes. 

So too are you becoming, human. You are morphing. You are reaching. You are expanding. You are becoming more of what you already are but had forgotten for a while. It is time to remember.
I am Elthor! I come to you on the winds of time space, through wormholes of parallel words and possible realities. 
Humanity is at a time of great flux. The light influx is staggeringly bright, beautiful. We dragons see, we know. We assist, we guide. 
We offer our support, strength, wisdom. Bow young human and receive your crown and polish your sword. For the battle is not over quite yet and we are in the throes of it. 
Yes, the recent eclipse energies were mighty – mightier than anticipated as far as how we see the human collective being affected by them. 
Mighty Earth shattering changes are underway now as I speak. We see you as instigators of this great change, partnering with the Mother and her kingdoms, with Gaia, your planetary mother whom we regard with high esteem. 
Mother Gaia who has birthed creation an after creation of lower experiences so the others who wished to experience would have a platform to do so. It has been very dark. 
It is about to get very light. This is what we see. Dazzlingly bright futures await. Loved ones of shall shapes and sizes are near. We welcome you home.
I am Elthor! I have spoken! It is time to rise, human. It is time to rub your eyes, blink and see anew, to see that which you are in the folds of creating NOW. 
So create! Be the light! Wield your sword and shield as the darkness advances and is melted by your light in the process. You are stronger than you know, human. 
It is time to remember and to know in your bones that you are strong enough for this! This is why you came! To be the light the warrior of old that you ARE! (Roaring) And so jump on my back human and let us ride high and fast. 
Feel the wind against your skin and know that it is windy – very windy – in may parts of Gaia now for this reason! The dragons are soaring high and fast, clearing, cleansing, blasting away that which does not serve the Mother into smithereens. We welcome you to join us humans of the Mother. 
We welcome you back to the fold. We welcome you back to the tribe, to our tribe. Welcome to home. See? You are beginning to remember. That is good enough. Claim your power and claim your victory. 
To the light! I am Elthor. 
That is all.



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publicado por achama às 22:43
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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