A Chama da Ascensão


Domingo, 12 / 04 / 20

The great shift of massive awakening is coming.

The great shift of massive awakening is coming.

Ascended Dragon Collective.

Through Galaxygirl.

April 11, 2020.


Humans reading these words, we are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 

We are creating a vortex of the Christed energies spiraling down from your great central sun. Our great central sun is within us, for we are limitless in location. 

We exist in many realms in many forms. Your dragonflies are aspects of us appearing small for the human collective to accept our presence, but we are mighty even in these smallest of forms. 

Even as you are mighty, human, in your frail human bodies that bend and twist with age. No more aging. No more bending and twisting. 

We Ascended Dragons see new bodies in your future on your horizon. As Gaia births anew, so shall your bodies be renewed. Renewal comes in many forms. Not all renewed ones will rise, some will appear to fall, but their spirits rise and take on another project, another path. 

Do not grieve for them, for they are at peace in their own decision. To release the past may mean for some of you to release those whom you love into another form, another realm. Healing occurs in many layers. This wound to humanity has been a deep one and will require time for gentle healing. (I am seeing a deep gash wound slowly healing, cell layer by cell layer. The dragons are blowing fire into the wound, healing it with light). 

Yes, human. Would you like your own inner wounds healed as well? (Yes, please). We will assist with this but it is your job and duty to heal yourselves. We can only assist when called upon with respect. For too long humanity has relinquished their power. 

Humans, it is time to rise as one and claim your truth that you are able to heal yourselves in mighty ways. Assistance requested is granted, always. Assistance comes in many forms. Accept the form and you will never be disappointed. It is your beliefs that limit your expansion. Clam this lesson learned and claim mastery of your lessons.

Rise with us. Fly on your mighty dragon wings of light, of love. Feel how expanded you are – not our own presence – but your own presence of the Christ within. 

When you fly high you have another perspective. Perspective we have mentioned before and we shall mention again. Shift yours. 

The great shift of massive awakening is coming. Many will not want to shift their understandings of truths long hidden in plain sight. 

It is easier in many ways to stay asleep but then the great opportunity of blessing, of leap-frogging dimensions is missed, relinquished power once gain. Claim your truth. You are strong enough or embodied you would not be. 

Human, wipe away your tears and feel our love. We are mighty in form, we may look intimidating to those not of our vibration. (I am hearing dragon laughter and seeing the lower astral beings run from them, or try to). 

When you are of our dimension and higher we are friends, for we serve the common good of the All. We serve the One in all of our forms. (I am seeing dragonflies and mighty dragons, small hatchlings of rainbow hues, dragons of all colors and all sizes circling the sun). 

We see ourselves as one collective. We are all very different. Some are named by colors, others by strength – other attributes. It matters not. We are one. We are one. Humanity is one, is coming together, is becoming the massive collective unified that was prophesied in ages past. It is happening. We see the rainbow warriors rising, beautified, strong, glistening with rainbow light as the fractals spin and crystalline is solidified by the breath of the Mother. Humans. Rise. One. Be. Be clear in your purpose, in your knowing. Lead the others with gentle grace and quiet dignity.

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 

We breathe firelight of the highest order into your chakras, into your heart, blowing light for further deep healing to process, should you choose. We are pleased and delighted that the recent mass meditations have been so healing for your planetary mother, Gaia, whose heartbeat has become steady once again. It has been eons. (I am seeing Lumeria and Atlantis fall into the sea). 

Since the fall of her continents her heartbeat became thready, weak, like a wounded warrior on the battlefield, as she plunged into the depths for the great experiment. We feel her pulse now as strong as a young dragon warrior, ready to rise, strong, clean, new. She is to be revered, respected, deeply loved and appreciated. Humans, we feel the same for you. We deeply appreciate you. We see the Lightworkers as honorary dragon warriors for you fight alongside us in your dreams. 

In your astral states many of you have been joining us in clearing and cleaning out the dark recesses of the places we wish not to name. Their existence is becoming cloudy as their memories fade in the smoke of their destruction. New. Rise anew. Be renewed. Human, we are surrounding your world in a vortex of light. Join us with great intention and pull this vortex of the Christed flame into your weary hearts and be renewed like the warrior, heartbeats strong, eyes clear, vision keen.

Ground the light. Ground these codes. Feel renewed. (I am feeling burning through my feet as I ground to Gaia. I am feeling wind of the vortex all around me. I am cold and hot at the same time as the wind whips away the worry). 

No worry, human. Little human. Can you not feel and see how much you are cared for by so many? Fractals of Source, children of God, now warriors arising, masters in your own right and realm. Masters are humble for they know the burden they carry. Be light. 

This burden of planetary ascension is equally shared by many who wish to serve. Let your load be lightened. Allow the peace of the Christed flame to remove your fears. Trust. Warriors trust when they go into battle together. They trust that they are well covered, that they work as one unit. We are a mighty unit. You are not the lone warrior anymore. 

You never were. But now as the veil lifts and fades slowly, gently, perhaps you can see how you are surrounded by loved ones, by strong warriors such as ourselves and many others of many various forms. Might comes in all packages. Love comes in many forms. Be the mighty love being of the of the Christed flame that you are, that you were born to be, that you have always been. And be refreshed, be renewed, be at peace. We are the Ascended Dragon Colletive. We see that the words and codes have had their desired effect. 

Feel our love and be at peace. 

Peace, humankind. Peace.




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Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:15
Terça-feira, 07 / 04 / 20

Humans are being calibrated to the next inter-dimensional codex of light

Humans are being calibrated to the next inter-dimensional codex of light

Ascended Dragon Collective and White Winged Collective of Nine.

Through Galaxygirl.

April 6, 2020.


We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
We are surrounding your world with our dragon fire of the Christed flame. In this tumultuous time of change a rebirthing is occurring. Allow the fire of change to burn away all that no longer serves you. See this incubation period as a time of tremendous opportunity. We are joined with the White Winged Collective of Nine.
Yes friends, we are the White Winged Collective of Nine. We wish to encourage you as you dive deeply into the inner recesses of forgotten painful memories, as the inner ego is being swept clean. There is a deep cleansing on a soul level of the human collective in this most pregnant now as Gaia is rebirthing. 
Humans are being calibrated to the next inter-dimensional codex of light, of healing, of previously forgotten elevated frequencies that are going to bring you much joy as a result. We see, and we feel, much joy in your future on this current projected most probable timeline outcome and we see tremendous healing. 
You are now sitting with the wound, you are cleansing it. This is why it hurts. You will see many more wounds that the collective has withheld deep within the inner recesses of the ego mind. This will be painful to witness. But only then will the healing be true and complete. 
The bandage must be removed for the light to enter the wound. No more covering of the wounds will be allowed. (I am feeling this is another reason why we are in quarantine to allow a space for the healing, of deep inner work).
We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. 
We wish to bestow peace in this time of tumultuous change. We see we have used this word several times as have the dragons. It is a fitting word. But now that as the white waters rage and churn and froth, the river bottom is calm. The rocks do not move. 
The light of the Nova Gaia matrix is more fully anchored moment by moment. Like the rocks in the riverbed bottom that are immobile and firm, so is this grid of the higher light encodements immobile and firm, pulsing with light, sending this energy of golden light even to the white waters above. As they rage, they are soothed by this energy. 
We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. We see the light workers as many stones in a riverbed floor. Immobile, firm. Ground this light of the higher dimensional codex that will be a blessing to the All. We allow the dragons to speak now.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
There are many winged creatures and beings in the higher dimensional lights. It is our pleasure and honor to serve side by side with our friends who have another perspective. Perspective. Humans, you are regaining yours. You are beginning to see the truth with new perspective. Your lying sources of supposed truth are being switched out for the light. Be aware of hidden meanings and messages. Be open to new truths sprouting up. Be bold. Stretch your wings and fly in these moments of this new now!
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective joining with the White Winged Collective of Nine. 
We surround your planet with light and fire of the higher realms. Join us. Add your light and lend your fire. Feel the power of being united with the One and allow us to serve in this moment. This one is asking for a meditation for heart opening for the human collective. 
This is an appropriate request. We see this as an imminent need. The heart is a channel in itself, a portal to the higher heart where communication with the One is best heard, felt, achieved. It is where your inner joy resides. (I am seeing chains around a heart). 
Human, your hearts have been in chains for too long. We surround you, human light worker collective for this heart opening. We breathe on you now with our higher dimensional fire and light. 
State “I welcome these higher dimensional energies to further my own heart opening and the heart opening of the human collective of which I am currently a part. As a representative of my star nations I decree this is so, and so it shall be, and so it is. I allow, I welcome with deep joy and tremendous purpose, further heart expansion.”
"I am feeling I am surrounded by mighty wings of light and of dragon energy, forming a shell around me, like an egg. I am feeling light and heat and fire. I am crying. It feels wonderful." 
“I welcome this heart expansion to further multiply for my highest soul’s purpose so that I am fully aligned with my highest path and heart’s joy. I claim my healing and my reunion with Source . I am that I am. So be it.” 
Lightworkers, extend your hands towards Gaia’s heart and send this healing energy into her crystalline matrix, further supporting and building, creating, solidifying the New Earth template of the Golden Rose Galaxy, of which you are a part.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective and we are the White Winged Collective of Nine. You will feel different in the coming days. For more crystalline activity has been activated within you and your heart spaces are fuller, wider, deeper. Your portal channel access to Source has been solidified. 
Be bold. Be in joy. Be at peace. Be healed. Rest in this space for as long as desired. Know that it is always available for you. For you are able to access past moments in time. Simply call these energies of this now to your future now and bathe in this light of space of healing and reunion with Source, with yourself and be whole again.
You are loved beyond measure. Human, welcome home. Dear ones be at peace. We are with you always.




Main Site:

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Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:06
Quinta-feira, 05 / 03 / 20

We see green where deserts currently exist.

We see green where deserts currently exist.

Ascended Dragon Collective.  

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

March 3, 2020.



We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
We greet you humans with love and respect for we are quite aware that this work is arduous. We have been doing our work to assist clearing and cleaning the energies of the bowels of the earth. Much needed to be cleansed. We have been blasting our dragon light underneath just as you have been shining your human light on the surface. We see that this hall of mirrors is shattering. We see tremendous growth and change. We see green where deserts currently exist. We see fresh water abundant, bubbling up from the dry places. We see the animal kingdoms flourishing again, unafraid of mankind. We see mankind and womenkind treating each other with more respect and equality. We see the formation of the new from the crumbling of the old. We see many things.
We see you, human. We see your questions, your ponderings, your insecurities of what is and what is to come. Change this insecurity to security, to curiosity. We dragons find that curiosity leads often to bravery which leads to good deeds and tremendous acts of faith. Now is the time for great faith, little one. For now is the moment of your birthing. 5D is all around you in many ways. But the dross of the charade must be cleared and play out, crumbling into rubble for all eyes to see. 
We see this as happening imminently. Your money magic is on fire, the lie seen as truth in the ashes. Be not afraid. You are wealthy beyond words for you are the child of the Creator and you can create and manifest what you wish. This will be effortless and joyful for you in the higher dimensions. Your acts of heroism and bravery as you navigate the muck and mire of discordant energies is pleasing to see. We are delighted to partner with you, to blast our flame alongside your flame of faith, of light, for the sword or truth is a sharp sword and all is being cut down that is not of the purest light.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We see you with the golden eyes of Source. We see the dragon codes of light, of the ancient ones, spinning within your individual vortexes as you receive help from all sides, all higher dimensions. We see more light around you now, we see linear codes and fire descending from the heavens with fierce tenacity. You are warriors of heaven. You are much more than you think. 
It is time to shed the guise and be the warrior openly, but love is your weapon, truth and mercy are your friends and allies. Love. There is a time for war. There is a time for peace. You are in the end war of wars in a much battle hardened and wounded sector. (I am seeing a charred earth, ships that look like Death Stars, battles. I am seeing black dragons that are not ascended fighting the colorful ones in my visions that are ascended.) Yes, little human. Sit. Breathe. Breath in this fire. 
(I am feeling fire on my crown, heat through my body. I am seeing this charred planet being inundated with fire from heaven of the purest of light, of love. It is a loving fire, fierce in its ability to love. It is overwhelming. I am seeing the light turn everything into gold, into green glowing gold. I am seeing charred vines that are withered become green with light streams in each tendril and vine. I am seeing the light spread, creating green in its pathway. Gaia is reborn. I am seeing waterfalls of the purest of water, animals of the most brilliant vibrancy, healthy, strong in great numbers dotting the earth. I think I am seeing Nova Gaia).
Human, listen wisely, listen true. The light waits no more. The light is here. The truth is here in this now of the great birth of the old into the new. Nova Gaia is a vibrational reality that is within your reach. We are breathing fire of remembrance into your heart spaces. (I am feeling warmth in my heart and feeling it expand a bit more). Remember the vibration of Nova Gaia, of the green planet reborn within you. 
It is within the DNA codexes of remembrances that is activated by dragon light of the ascended ones with the intention of healing, of rebirth. You are programed to remember. Remember now). I feel wind as they fly around me, great wings flapping. I am cold from the breeze. They are flying in a vortex around me. I feel their power). Human, Rise. Arise in your power to love. The temptation to be in fear will be great. Do not succumb. 
You are a dragon warrior with us. You are a light bearer, keeper of the Christed flame. A mighty honor, indeed. We are privileged to serve alongside you in battle. The battle for the heart of humanity and for the resources of Gaia has been fierce and ugly. Now is the moment of her rebirth. The light is glowing. Feel the light within you. We have ignited that further aspect of your remembrances of working with us. 
We will work with you continually until we are called elsewhere to serve. But be assured, we are most eager to see Nova Gaia in all of her beauty as well. We too are eager for rest and relaxation. But not yet. Not yet. We will serve the Mother and the Father of All Things until our leave and rest is requested. We remain alert, on active duty, as should you, human friend of the way. 
You all have dragon aspects most likely, those reading these words. See through your own golden eyes of Source light and you shall see clearly. (I am sensing that we will be able to read energies and intentions of others more clearly now). You cannot fool a dragon. Only fools try this, once. Be alert. We wish to make ourselves more available for divine protection. We are nearby should you call. Do not be afraid. You have much help in the skies and below. 
We are the Ascended Dragons. 
We fly now.







Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:55
Domingo, 29 / 12 / 19

The Schumann resonance has been turning the Crystals on...


Crystal Kingdom and Ascended Dragon Collective.

Through Galaxygirl,

Posted December 28, 2019

img. source

Greetings from the most high realm of energies of light. 
We are the Crystal Kingdom. We pepper your world with light, with love. We can be trained, encoded, programmed. We are consciousness in solid form, as are you in your current human frame. We are the Crystal Kingdom. We come forth for we observe with great joy that many of you are utilizing us much more and we wish to be of service. Cleanse us in the moonlight, in the crystal clear air. Cleanse us on the belly of our mother, Gaia. We exist in many reams, in many worlds. We are an essential part of planet creation for we hold life force, we hold memories, we are libraries if we are to be encoded and programmed in this way. Many of you worked with us as ancient Lumerian and Atlantean priests and priestesses before the fall into the realm of murk. We held the light. We still continue to hold the light. We are excited for the Schumann resonance of late has been turning us on and igniting us in new ways that we thought had been long forgotten. Such has the prophecy for our kind been fulfilled for we are rising again with these new energies alongside Gaia and her peoples. We are eager – most eager and filled with joy – to share these up-codings with you, friends.
We are the Crystal Kingdom. We hold the light, as do you, dear friends of Gaia, light bearers in form. Be the you, the authentic you that you are. For if you do not, who will? We are ourselves. We are varied in form, in size, in strength, but not in wonder. We hold the wonderment of Mother God and of Mother Gaia. We sparkle with joy. We all hold the essence of great power and great love. Won’t you utilize our strengths? Adorn yourselves with us. Sprinkle us through your homes so that we may assist you with light holding. Place us around the outside of your homes, under your bed, at your desk. Allow us to serve you. Cleanse us with the violet fire and we shall dispel any discordant energies with grace and ease. For you are strong, we are strong. Together we were destined to be.
We are the Crystal Kingdom. We are joining consciousness with our brothers and sisters from all star systems. Together we help solidify the light into Gaia’s morphing frame. You are becoming crystalline, like us. You are becoming a higher vibratory rate of the you that you are. It is best that we take a break now and let the others come through. We are the Crystal Kingdom. We love you and embrace you in light.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
Come, human. Ride with us. For there is yet more cleansing to be done. Ride high and fast and free, unencumbered by the cares of the lower realm. It will be as it is. You are to rise above and shine your light. We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We wait not much longer. We lend our strength, our wings, our hearts, our light. We lend our mighty power of the flame of the Christed ways. We are able to see through all illusion with ease and grace. This strength you too shall have shortly, as you are developing it moment by moment.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. I Alisheryia, am speaking. I am this one’s higher self. You many have other aspects of yourselves in various ascended forms. It is not unique to this one. All have aspects that would be surprising. And so I say this to tell you that you are indeed strong enough. For you are already doing it. In a way it is already done in the higher realms. You must believe this to pull it you. You must be strong enough in these final moments of the great push to fully ignite the Christed flame within you. Burn it brightly in the darkest of places. Come. Allow me to assist.
I Alisheryia am surrounded by the company of the ascended dragons. We encircle you with light, with strength, with solidarity of purpose and with great love. For we remember our human incarnations. They were not easy ones, many of them ended badly from our previous unenlightened perspective. But from the higher perspective, all is experience. All can be learned from if one is wise and astute enough to do so. All is Source. All is light. All is experience being understood, being clearly seen. See yourselves clearly as the light beings that you are. As the fractals of Source that you are you cannot be dimmed. You cannot be eliminated. All is as it is. There is no death. There is rebirth. Continual rebirth we see on Gaia’s form in this moment of the now. We ignite you with our codes of the Christed flame, should you allow. We start with the top most chakra. Feel the heat. Feel the opening up within your crown. Feel the blocks being burned away. For none can truly block Source. They can try, but their time is over, they shall not succeed with their malicious ways. Their intentions are to be terminated and transformed into light and love. Light and love we send you precious humans of the way. (I am seeing great dragon crystal tears from her pretty blue dragon face). Yes, galaxygirl. We have seen much pain. Much heartbreak. Now is the time of the mending of the hearts into light. We baptize you with dragon tears of crystal power of light, of great deep joy, of hope for the new beginning. For the birthing of Nova Gaia is at hand. This is her final contraction. You are pushing through. You are seeing the light. You are being squeezed tightly, painfully through the birth canal and you shall emerge renewed, victorious on the other side. Feel our fire go through your entire form, igniting into further compression, further grace, further strength. You are warrior-ed. You are light-ed. You are ignited. You are ready. The time is now, human. The time is here. Hold hands with us. Humans of the light! We call you forth! Ignite the Ley lines! Ignite the crystal heart of Gaia with your light from Source as blazing fractals of the new. The dimmer switch is turned up to its fullest light, its greatest power. We are most excited to lend a wing, a tear, a fiery pulse.
We are the Ascended dragon Collective and we en-wrap you in light from the Mother whom we serve. Be wise enough to no longer be surprised. For the illusion is no more. You will see the ugliness beneath. You will transform it into light with us. For that is the job of a light bearer. You need not feel isolated. See? We are all around you. We breathe our fire of rejuvenation onto your crown. We advise that you let it in and let it transform you further.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. I Alisheryia have enjoyed my meeting with you again, friends of the way. Peace.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 06:06
Segunda-feira, 11 / 11 / 19

The inner higher hearts of humanity are in full bloom...


Flower Fairies and Alisheryia.

Through Galaxygirl,

Posted November 11th, 2019

Image result for flower fairies.
img. source

Hello friends of the light, of the way! We are the flower fairies of inner earth, for Nova Gaia awaits not much longer and we are so very excited to see her, to be with her, to nurture our mother’s physical form as it morphs into light. For yet more light is what we see in the near horizon of yet more light in the approaching of the new day.
We are the Flower Fairies of Nova Gaia bridging the realms with the flower fairies that surround you, that nurture your fields with loveliness. We tend the flowers of Mother Gaia in all of her dimensional realities and forms for we love her, we worship the love of the All that surrounds and so it gives us much joy and glee to do this.
We are the flower fairies of inner earth of the hidden places. We see the blossoms of the inner higher hearts of humanity in full bloom, and blossoming and somewhere in between. Yes, it is time to blossom, friends. You humans are so stodgy in your ways. No! Open up to the new so the bounties of heaven can overflow into your lap, into your open hands of blessing so that you can receive the gifts of the mother. For Gaia has spoken and we who serve her are listening. Are you listening? We see humans struggling with the new energies and we see others sailing through. Which are you?
Would you like to do a brief meditation with your fairy friends? Yes!? Oh good! For we know that many who come through this one so delight in little messages and meditations that uplift the reader. Come! Come with us to the heart of Nova Gaia held within the heart of Mother Gaia as she births herself anew. Come! Come into the crystal heart chambers of your Mother Gaia and be refreshed. See there are many flowers and you are in a lovely field of light, of meadows and flowers. Each flower is different and yet lovely. This is a field of your inner experiences blossoming into beauty that surrounds. Here is a new flower, your ascension flower hidden no longer within this vast field of loveliness. Here the fairies bustle and hustle about tending their flock of flowers. See? Come! Fly! Be! Come see your ascension flower. What beautiful colors do you envision? Is it sparkling or dripping with light reflecting dew? Does it smell like donuts? We hear humans like donuts. We fairies prefer sipping the nectar of the flowers with our hummingbird friends but we do think we would like to try donuts as well. Ummm! Something yummy and delicious, that is how this flower will smell just for YOU! This is your ascension flower! Reach out and feel it, touch it. Bring it into your heart and tuck it inside deep into your chest. It is filled with the ascension light of your mother Gaia, of Nova Gaia. Ah! Lovely! When you look around you and you see all of your pains that have been transformed into this field of flowers of memories, remember the beauty of them, see them for the bouquet of memories that they are.
There! Did you like the meditation? We are so hopeful that you do. We have been practicing. We are the flower fairies of Nova Gaia, of all around you! For Nova Gaia is here and see, you just tucked a lovely flower of her inside your hearts! The new is here! The new is within you! Shine the light! We are the flower fairies. We love you so much.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. Human, much change is a foot. Look closely at your feet now. How do they look to you? Do they look well traveled? Are they weather worn and calloused from the heavy lifting of transmutation and faithful service? Good. Then you have done your part. Come. Your feet need refreshment. We enjoy the fairies in fields such as these. We have many pleasant talks together. We ascended dragons enjoy the quiet, the light in the breeze, all of the ways that nature reminds us to be still. The fairies are so full of vim and vigor of life. Are you, human friend?
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. I Alisheryia am speaking. We wish for you to think about your feet, for wherever you walk, wherever you are, you are transmuting and transmitting light codes. You are walking transducers of the higher energies. Thank your feet. Care for your bodies. They are undergoing tremendous change. Feet come in all sizes and colors. (I am seeing giant blue dragon feet with long talons). You see clearly. These feet have served me well. These wings have served me well. I am well supported with my feet and with my wings. It is an interesting transmission we are giving you. For we wish for you to begin to expect the unexpected, human friend of the light. For you see, you are Source in a human body in this now and you are in the process of massive upgrades. Yet you are used to walking. You are used to trudging through the mud of tasks, of chores. You are used to hard labor. You have been surrounded and indoctrinated with it. (I am seeing all sorts of laboring humans in all fields of work). The wings of the human are coming online in this now. No longer are you to walk and feel like you are walking alone. You are surrounded by many who love you, many who are flying along right beside you as you trudge through your day. You are not alone. The wings of humanity are unfurling, flapping in the winds of the breezes of the new energies that are in great support for massive planetary change, growth. Much upheaval, much change. Such is magnificent flying weather. For from the higher view of your higher form you can see clearly.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. I Alisheryia, and I Elthor, am speaking. Now is the time to expand your perspective and see from the dragon’s viewpoint of way above, human. For you may feel that you are surrounded by smoke and fire but it is time to see from above. To see from the skies where all is clear and blue and to feel the caress of the Mother upon your form as you fly, feeling the support of her beneath you and all around you. You are safe. Now is the time for the ascended human to rise, to fly, to be, to become. Hatchlings no more, you are juveniles now. Your scales and your wings are strong. And you have the most magnificent feet, sturdy, strong. Transmit the light, transmit the codes. Fly above the chaos with vim and vigor as these flower fairies do, and fly with joy. We can learn much from our little friends. Their joy is contagious! Fly with joy, human friends of the light, and be most comforted.
I am Alisheryia. Peace. I am going to breathe on your back where your etheric wings are. You will feel the heat should you allow. Feel the burn of the fire.  Unfurl the wings. Stretch. Fly. 
I am Alisheryia!


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 18:14
Quarta-feira, 26 / 06 / 19

Live in this most sacred now as a new being of Christed light ~ Alisheryia and Elthor ~ Galaxygirl + video

Live in this most sacred now as a new being of Christed light.

Message from Alisheryia and Elthor.

Channeled by Galaxygirl.

June 24th, 2019.



Greetings human, living in these exciting times. I Elthor, and I Alisheryia, greet you now with the Christed flame. We are of the Ascended Dragon Collective. We are mighty, we are strong, as are you, human. You are not as frail as you have been conditioned to believe, it is most true. Indeed, you are powerful beyond measure, you have simply forgotten. For the matrix of this realm has been oppressive, brutal, dark. It is crumbling away as we speak, impotent, inert, but the memory of it lingers and this, friends, is what you are clearing to make way for the new ways.

I Alisheryia speak now. I encase you in the diamond flame. We send you the chrystalline diamond flame now from our hearts to yours, healing perhaps some old woundings that have been rearing their ugly heads for healing. Memories have no power over you unless you allow it. Do not allow. Live in this most sacred now as a new being of crystalline, of Christed light, for your encodements are coming online lovingly moment by moment, but you must allow them to do so. For they will not just burst in. You must allow the process of ascension, you must clean every corner of your many closets of memories and of past pains so that old woundings are cleared. Many of you are doing this and it has been arduous at best. And so my twin flame Elthor, and I Alisheryia, wish to assist, should you allow.

Invite the Christed flame into your cells. See them swish and spin in delight. See your inner workings begin to gleam, to shine, to become fractalized rainbows of joyous light beams. Repeat after me, “I am the Christed flame. I release the past, blessing it in love. I embrace my now with certainty of truth that I am love, and only love, and only and forever shall be love. For love is all there is. I invite my future self of the ascended most perfect now timeline to assist me. I invite my angels, my teams, my dragon friends, to assist me to become the most beautifully perfectly ascended me that I can possibly be, the me that I was born to be, the me that I already am. I allow the process. I now allow the healing. I now allow the light to sweep, clean and clear and burn away past memories with the violet flame. I couple the violet flame with the diamond flame encodements of pure lght and love into my past, parallel, present and future time streams and realities. I accept the healing of forgiveness. I give this freely to myself and to the others who have wounded me, for I know that I too have been ‘the wounder’. I now embrace all of me with the Christed flame. I call upon my higher self to assist, to bless, to guide this process.”

I Alisheryia, and I Elthor, breathe upon you. We ignite. We ignite you with our combined twin flame love of diamond encodements, of healing, of power, of strength, of bliss, of joy. Human, much joy awaits. Truly much healing is taking place in this most tumultuous but blessed now. For you are morphing as you slumber, as you speak, as you either choose to grow or choose stagnancy. Choose growth into the light. I Alisheryia, send you nurturing love as I do to my hatchlings. Be comforted. Shells feel fragile now for they are being tapped away, revealing the new tender you inside. Hearts have been broken. They will heal. Allow yourself the gift of the new, of the new healing, of the new experience of joy. Be healed. See the fire burn all around you. You are the fire. Be the fire. Spread your light!

I Alisheryia, and I Elthor, have spoken. We speak for the divine masculine and the divine feminine in perfect balance and unity. Be balanced. Be unified. Be emboldened by the new energies of the now, for they are streaming in fast and furiously. We support, we blaze your many pathways with light, but only you may tread, it is a sacred honor of divine choice. Will you choose healing or choose to continue to feel the pain of the past? That is your lesson. Rest awhile. Many encodements are coming in through these words. Should you be ready and allow the healing, sit awhile with this. I Alisheryia and I Elthor speak as one tonight, for we are one. Be healed and be comforted.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


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If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 21:07
Quarta-feira, 01 / 05 / 19

The majority of you is likely focused on this key embodiment ~ Elthor, Alisheryia, Dragon Collective ~ Galaxygirl.

The majority of you is likely focused on this key embodiment.

Message from Elthor, Alisheryia, and the Ascended Dragon Collective.

Channeled by Galaxygirl.

April 28, 2019. 

Greetings human. We are the Ascended Dragons. I Elthor, and I Alisheryia, breathe our fiery breaths of encodements, of light, of love, of bravery onto your crowns now. Feel them open up and spin like the spiral galaxy you are currently in. Oh, you are in many other places as well, but the majority of you is likely focused on this key embodiment, in this key time and place where the light rends the dark and transmutes it.
Victory to the light! Do not be timid! Be emboldened by these new energies of light, of love, of power. Surround yourselves within these energies like armor, and create your shield of pure intention. No matter what may slink your way you are ready. In your Hollywood movies you have not had an accurate depiction of a truly beautiful, loving dragon. You have had murderers and idiots. We are ascended. We wish to make our presence known in your realm and so we do so now with these encodements of pure dragon fire of love.
We transmute all things. I Alisheryia am speaking. It is time for the divine feminine to rise from the ashes like your phoenix tales. For that is what we see now. Through the eyes of Source, through our golden dragon eyes of all seeing Source light we see you in your resurrection, in your fire of the new resurrection embracing the change around you and becoming it. We see many wounds that have healed and those new ones that would be created by circumstance quickly transmuted away into light, retaining the lessons. Human friend, be not afraid of what is to come. Do try to enjoy the adventure of it. For this is a most glorious adventure on Gaia in this now and it behooves you to see with the eyes of a child, of purity, of joy and happiness. Trust that all is working out for you most beautifully. Feel your feminine strength, and this goes for the males as well. You must be in a state of balance and ease for these energies to not singe you a bit. Do you see? It is like flying high and strong, fast and free with equally balanced wings. If one wing is smaller you will fly in a circle. Rowing a boat, you must have equal oars or you will go in a circle. Do you see? The time of circles and reinventing problems to be solved is long past. No! Now you are to fly fast, straight and sure, powerful in your mastery. Now is your time to fly. To be in joy! To be in freedom! Embrace your freedom. Look around you, do you see who holds you down? No one. No one except yourself, the small tiny self of you that heeds to 3D concerns and deserves no more time. Blast it with your violet fire, thank it for its service and inform it that you are past, you are ascended and you are flying now. Gather the other wounded parts of you throughout all time-space and do the same. Inform them that the time of ascension and transmutation is upon them and they are complete. And be complete. You are a majestic being of glory, of love, of light, of pure joy. Command your reality to reflect this in perfect love. And fly straight fast and sure. I am Alisheryia. I breathe upon you into your sacral flame now, igniting balance within the carnal part of you. Balance. Freedom. Choice. Love. Feel the difference. Now invite that flame to extend all the way up your spine into your crown, and feel the balance within you grow.
I Elthor see with my golden eyes of Source light. There are many who do not believe that they are in need of balance. They are speaking and seeing from the ego. Balance is always something that may be improved upon, honed, polished, perfected. Balance of male and female power is not to be underestimated in its importance. Human, it is time to figure this out as a collective. And this is part of the process. The fires have been ignited. The divine feminine has spoken. There were many times in your history where it was the opposite, where the feminine abused, manipulated. Some of your women try to do this as well in this now. Those were the old ways. No, the divine feminine and the divine masculine must be in perfect balance. You are tight rope walkers with these new energies. Balance is key to keep you upright, strong, sure. No more manipulation. Power over others is complete. That which is out of balance will fall. Crash. Burn.
Nova Gaians are to be masters of harmony, of peace, of purity, of delight. Nova Gaian families are to be radiant examples of light, of joy, of procreation. Hatchlings are to be cared for with reverence, firm love and deep joy, gratitude to the All for the experience of parenting. One learns much balance from parenting. All flaws are exposed in parenting. True. To those shes who were not mothers in this lifetime there has been deep sadness and pain. Mothers-to-be, let me breathe my fire on you now. I Alisheryia join. Together, divine male and female, we ignite you. We help heal your pain. We transmute and ease, the pattern of the pain. We transform it into light. Your children are not lost. They are waiting for you on the other side or they are beside you as an angel, waiting for you.
The universe is vast, astounding in synchronicities and abounding in love, deep love. Feel Source’s breath, Source’s love. Feel Mother God’s arms about you. You are Christed. You have been always this but now you are remembering and the encodements are such that this will be best reflected in the outer. Those who want to be parents may be this in Nova Gaia. Bodies will work perfectly. You will be perfect in your physical perfection. Everything will work seamlessly. Pull this reality to you now. Declare it to be your truth now. Here. In this moment. Proclaim your health, your infinite beauty, your perfection of balance here and now. Life is tenacious. Life clings in this reality as if it is afraid of falling off. In higher dimensions, life and love hold hands. Life loves love, love lives life. All is one. There is nothing to cling to in that there is nothing to be lost. No clinging in fear.
Life is a dance. Life is a movement of love. Life is love in the higher ways of doing things. Such is to be your future, your reality. It is already so. And so mothers-to-be, as Mother’s Day approaches, fear not. Fathers-to-be, you have much to prepare for. For together you will be building a new reality with strong families of love and light as its backbone, its key skeletal foundation. The family unit will be strong, and yet not constricting. There is so much too unlearn. Hatchlings will be safe to swim and breathe underwater. Mendings will be easily figured out. No fear of death or disability. Humans, friends, you have much to look forward to. For now, see this future and claim it. It is enough, for it is an excellent start to manifesting. Should you require more energy work we are available to you. No appointment necessary. We are multidimensional after all, as are you.
I Elthor and I Alisheryia stand before you now. Do you see our many hatchlings running about? They were too eager to stay away any longer. You are surrounded by dragons of light and love, friends. Feel their whimsical, growing energy as they experiment with their power and light. In many ways they remind us of you. For they will be mighty creatures, they already are but they are unaware of their strength and beauty. For now they are simply love. And it is enough. I Elthor and I Alisheryia, representatives of the ascended dragon collective, send you our fiery breath of blessing this day. We are with you for as long as you require. Rest in this space for awhile. We love you. Peace.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 20:01
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

Much change is afoot human. Many leaders have been removed ~Ascended Dragon Collective, Galaxygirl

Much change is afoot human. 

Many leaders in your realm have been removed.

Message from The Ascended Dragon Collective. 

Through Galaxygirl.

February 12th, 2019.


We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
Much change is afoot human. Many leaders in your realm have been removed, replaced with a more benevolent being. All is not as it seems. Do not be dismayed by the changes rapidly coming forth on your horizon of the Now.
We dragons see with the all-seeing golden eyes of Source light and we see much:
We see many of you expanding nicely into your preordained roles as leaders of Nova Gaia.
We see many of you as the quiet servants – providing the backbone of support for the new.
We see Christed light codes encircling, cascading, bursting forth from within and without.
We see Gaia bathed in this light and subsequently all upon her.
We see much turmoil in many governments of the world with a strong undercurrent of massive change rushing just beneath – like rushing water.
Under a frozen river such change can not be stopped.
We see the light thawing this icy old layer and rushing forth into a glowing spring of change, of heat, of light, for the hearts of humanity are thawing with this light and this pleases us greatly for it is high time for it.
We are all eager to expand into the New with you and to bear witness to these massive changes.
Do not be weary. Be energized by this light of change.

We see unique and new partnerships / alliances forging across this galaxy.
We see unity in the skies to usher in this new time stream.
We dragons happily partner with our awakened ones to bring forth these rushing changes with the aid of our fire of change, of transmutation.
We welcome our awake and aware ones to heartily join with us, for we are one in our common purpose for serving the goddess Gaia in her resplendent transformation.

Be at peace human. Be at peace with these changes within and without and be restful in this knowing that the time you have coveted, prayed for, longed for so here is, is now, is you. And so what are you going to do with these massive upgrades? We suggest you find more ways to serve the Mother of All Things and her children, to serve Gaia in all of her realms and to most importantly cultivate peace. For in so doing, you will anchor peace into the new crystalline grid and into the human collective to bless the others.
Be at peace human. Rest in the Mother and be at peace. Feel the winds of change at your back, pushing you gently forward and skip onward on your path with confidence, with lightness of heart, knowing you are well loved and provided for.
We dragons bless you now ascending ones with our dragon flame of power, of purification.
Feel it burn.
Allow it into you
And be at peace.
Utterly transformed by this experience.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 19:20
Quarta-feira, 23 / 01 / 19

Christed light energies, holy fire of purification and renewal ~ Dragon Collective; Elthor, Galaxygirl

Christed light energies, holy fire of purification and renewal.

Elthor and the Ascended Dragon Collective.

Through Galaxygirl.

January 22nd, 2019.


We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 

We surround you in this time with our Christed light energies, our holy fire of purification and renewal. 

Bask in these energies of fire, of rebirth. For fire is how planets are born. 

Such it is now at this time in your surface world. We see, we hear, we know much about your current planetary inner workings. 

Much, much has changed, is changing, will change. You are the envisionaries, the way showers, the light-lifters and we bow our heads to you, saluting you with our dragon salute. 

Yes, it is this mutual bowing, of respect between species that must begin on your surface world. Mutual respect, mutual love, mutual regard. 

Source is in all things. All is energy of creation. Nothing is superior, perhaps just more advanced as we are all at different starting points from our original creation from the Mother’s breath. Crystal gleams, holds light codes. 

So too are you becoming, human. You are morphing. You are reaching. You are expanding. You are becoming more of what you already are but had forgotten for a while. It is time to remember.
I am Elthor! I come to you on the winds of time space, through wormholes of parallel words and possible realities. 
Humanity is at a time of great flux. The light influx is staggeringly bright, beautiful. We dragons see, we know. We assist, we guide. 
We offer our support, strength, wisdom. Bow young human and receive your crown and polish your sword. For the battle is not over quite yet and we are in the throes of it. 
Yes, the recent eclipse energies were mighty – mightier than anticipated as far as how we see the human collective being affected by them. 
Mighty Earth shattering changes are underway now as I speak. We see you as instigators of this great change, partnering with the Mother and her kingdoms, with Gaia, your planetary mother whom we regard with high esteem. 
Mother Gaia who has birthed creation an after creation of lower experiences so the others who wished to experience would have a platform to do so. It has been very dark. 
It is about to get very light. This is what we see. Dazzlingly bright futures await. Loved ones of shall shapes and sizes are near. We welcome you home.
I am Elthor! I have spoken! It is time to rise, human. It is time to rub your eyes, blink and see anew, to see that which you are in the folds of creating NOW. 
So create! Be the light! Wield your sword and shield as the darkness advances and is melted by your light in the process. You are stronger than you know, human. 
It is time to remember and to know in your bones that you are strong enough for this! This is why you came! To be the light the warrior of old that you ARE! (Roaring) And so jump on my back human and let us ride high and fast. 
Feel the wind against your skin and know that it is windy – very windy – in may parts of Gaia now for this reason! The dragons are soaring high and fast, clearing, cleansing, blasting away that which does not serve the Mother into smithereens. We welcome you to join us humans of the Mother. 
We welcome you back to the fold. We welcome you back to the tribe, to our tribe. Welcome to home. See? You are beginning to remember. That is good enough. Claim your power and claim your victory. 
To the light! I am Elthor. 
That is all.



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publicado por achama às 22:43
Terça-feira, 22 / 01 / 19

Things are not quite as the seem. ~ Ascended Dragon Collective, Galaxygirl.

Things are not quite as the seem.

The Ascended Dragon Collective.

Through Galaxygirl.

January 20th, 2019.


We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 

We wish to impart a word of wisdom, of caution, to you ascending ones at this Now. Things are not quite as the seem. For the matrix is collapsing all around you and if you are not attuned to it you will miss this, but not for much longer, it is true, as Mother God has said. We dragons serve the Mother of All Things with our whole hearts, our whole beings, our whole breaths. Our fire is the fire of her creative will. We purge for her. We soar through wormholes and timelines with grace and ease for we are masters of timespace. We are her hands and feet. That is our purpose. We carry out her divine will / bidding. And too, human, such is your joy, your purpose. 
To serve the Mother in All things provides deep joy / freedom. Service to self is small, ugly. It is nothing in comparison. That is why so many feel so lost in your matrix world of illusion, of smoke and mirrors. They serve themselves. And so they enshroud themselves with lies of self importance, greed, avarice, deception and eventually they so malign their spirit from their heart that their heart shrives into ashes and is lost to them. For they have ground it out. You have been immersed in dark times. We of the dragon kingdom have experienced such darkness but those of us who chose to experience the Mother’s grace / bounty ascended into her arms, her spirit of love and that is where we wish to remain. The dark dragons have remained dark and many sought sanctuary in your matrix reality. But they too are being purged away and many of you have assisted us Ascended Dragon Collective in their purging / recycling, for which we thank you. For we enjoy working with our humans. We see you as our pets (we say this with affection) and think it is hilarious that you think you could own us. This is a long standing joke, for we are both sovereign and free, no one can own another. Their presence offered is their gift, not demand.
Be light of heart but be strong of spirit. Be sturdy of stature, even though your bodies are small, your influence of thought and creative will is mighty, formidable. This is why, aside from us truly enjoying your company, we dragons enjoy partnering with an ascended awake human. Your intention creates mightily. It is one your greatest weapons. (Mother would say love is the greatest weapon and we would agree).
We ascended dragons embrace you with our loving Source gaze. For we see all things. We see you in your evolving state. We see you as molting a new skin, no longer as cracking out of the egg, for the egg shells have long been stomped beneath your growing / powerful feet. No. You are molting. You are ready for the new, for this new Now that beacons you / us into the bright future of glorious Nova Gaia, who awaits us. Yes, your twins, many of them, await you there or on the ships, it is true. Yes, we dragons have twins as well, although not always in the form that we would expect, for we meet them when we are truly ready, evolved enough to handle the union. You human are ready for this challenge of evolution, of expansion. But there is still yet much to do, although you will begin to find the joy in it more.
We see joy coming rapidly in your future. We say embrace it into you. Embrace the joy and more will come to you. Be powerful be strong. Remember that you are this. You are the breath, and off-shoot of the Mother, you are her heart fractal. Has she not told you this? And you are our friends. Have we not told you this? See? You are in good company. Nothing can waver your faith should you choose to understand your heritage. You are formidable warriors of old, embodied now, in this most auspicious time of crystal creation, forming a new reality. For this is what you / we do. We work together, should you allow this partnership. And we suggest that you do for it is a natural one, formed eons ago, for the betterment (to both) of our species.
Now, we have told you who you are. You must decide this is true for you. And you must act like it. When you see darkness approaching, laugh at it and blast it away. Laugh for the sheer audacity of it approaching you! And be confident in your power! There. We have said enough. It is you who must decide if it will be true for you, but we assure you that it is true. For we have seen you on the battle field. We have seen you forming worlds. We have seen the tenderness when you look into the eyes of your new creation (baby) with wonderment. We have seen the best of humanity over the eons of time, and we have seen the worst. Blast the worst with the violet flame and ask for those parts of you, of the collective, to be coated with the love of the Mother and meld them into light. For that is what light warrior means. And that is what you are. Now be the light in this most glorious day of ascension! And be free! We are the Ascended Dragon Collective and we hold you humanity, our friends, in high esteem. We are the Ascended Dragon Collective.



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publicado por achama às 03:31
Domingo, 06 / 01 / 19

We breathe fire codes of peace, melting away the dross... ~ Dragon Collective and Fairies, Galaxygirl.

We breathe fire codes of peace, melting away the dross...

Message from Ascended Dragon Collective and Fairies.

Through Galaxygirl.

December 4th, 2018.



We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
We breathe fire codes of peace, melting away the dross that has been so entwined within your reality. We melt it away. Join us now in this massive transmutative effort of love, of renewal, for the Mother of All Things and for your current planetary Mother Gaia.
We dragons see with the all seeing golden eyes of eternal Source light, who is love, always love. The twisting and entwining of lies must end. It ends here. It ends now. We dragons have no time for chit chat about such things. We do! We ride on the wings of time space effortlessly with great abandonment to the freedom that accompanies a sacred position of trust and of protection. 
For we ascended ones of the realm of fiery change protect, we guard. We protect and we guard our fellow light workers, light warriors, of truth and of massive perseverance. For you are mighty. We have seen this time and time again through fighting alongside with the dragons of old for many of us were they. We were partners then and we are partners now. But for now we reside in the unseen and have remained a secret long kept within the hearts burning bright by those who remember.
We remember you. The dragon wars were real. Many of you remember the time of the mighty ones in battle. For you were with us, fighting for the light, for your mettle, to prove your own worth and bravery to yourselves, only to yourselves. For your worth and mettle and value is priceless and to think otherwise is yet another vine of lies that intrudes and entrails. The dark dragons are leaving. Many of you have assisted in escorting them to the light for you are fierce, formidable and we make a great team. 
We dragons see you through our all seeing eyes of Source light. And this makes you shudder, wondering “What do they see when they look at me? Am I worthy?” The question of the ages. We see Source experiencing itself within a frail human form, contained within the wisdom of the All, the sheer immensity of the All, as a fractal, all self contained – a pinprick of the whole, self sustaining. And we look at you in wonder. 
We wonder when you will realize your majesty? Your true value? Your dreamtime is over human. It is time to awaken to your fullest potential of the All and slay the dragon demon of your fears, for they are but smoke and glass. They are nothing compared to the power of Christ within. Own it. Be it. Light it. Live it. Live your power and that power human, is your love. Your eternal ever burning, ever brilliant love. And when you all do this, time will stand still, for you will have turned it.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We ever stand by, ever support and offer our eternal services to the Light that burns ever brightly for you. We are your friends of the ancient days, returned. We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
Call on us. We are quite nearby (laughing).
We are the fairies, and oh yes, we see this, we agree with the sweet dragons, our friends of old and we are eager to reconnect with our human friends again for we too, the fairies, used to romp and play with our human friends and we still do try with the children before they forget, while they still remember, for they can see us; many of us make ourselves available to your children for laughter and comfort, kitties too can see us, which is why they tend to stare off in the distance, fascinated – do you ever wonder what they are staring at? 
We fairies are so excited to be in this place of planetary redemption and we are eager to offer our joy, our glee, our healing fairy powers to you sweet, tired, big human reading these words – you are so big to us yet you act so small – when will you rise up as the dragons foretell? 
Are you really ready to claim your power? 
We hope so for we are very tired at all of the waiting and the eye rolling at 
“When will they wake up?” 
“Why are they so sleepy? “ 
and all of the questions that our fairy children ask us over and over for they have lots to say too and we fairies are tired but excited and very pleased to be a part! We are the fairies we have spoken a bit too long as usual – we are sorry – please know we love you! 
We are the fairies and always here for you should you want to visit – we are the fairies 

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here.


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 


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publicado por achama às 20:17
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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Universidade de Aveiro