Rowena Kryder has made an awesome artistic contribution to all things related to Sacred Geometry, from temple design (she created the Heart of the Sun temple in Mount Shasta, among others) to films and books, to incredibly beautiful art work that literally sings the music of Creation. Rowena’s understanding is deep and magical. There is much that lies behind the words you will find written here, more than we could possibly report in the scope of one article. But she has books and other materials for those who wish to go further. And in the final analysis — as with so much that is being given to us at this time — this information is for those “who have eyes to see and ears to hear.” |
An interview with Julia Griffin:
Julia: How were you introduced to Sacred Geometry?
Rowena: I was never really introduced; it arose from within. The meanings of the twelve energy patterns, as well as other patterns, are really just an observation of what goes on in nature and design.
This doesn’t mean I’m not grateful for teachers. But I have learned most of it on my own.
Julia: Where should one start with understanding the patterns of Sacred Geometry?
Rowena: Let’s begin with the point. The point in Sacred Geometry is the location of the center — it is the point of the compass. This is the place of connection to the Prime Source, the Divine One, the Unity of All Things. And this central point is inherent in all of the patterns of Sacred Geometry. There is nothing without the point.
The point represents, in a way, focus and Divine origin. The Hindus have the Bindu, which is basically the same. The center of every flower or of every planet or every sun is this point. The focal point is inherent in all things.
Scientists don’t think this way. They observe the sun and the planet from the outside, and say, “It will burn out,” or “Life will disappear within a certain time.” They say this because there is only so much energy. They are measuring everything with the idea of only so much energy. Scientists believe in entropy — the running down of the universe.
The possibility that such diverse form as exists in our Universe could have been created by chance simply does not exist. This is an aside from Sacred Geometry that it nevertheless touches upon.
If one considers that there is a Divine Source in this point, in the center of every sun, planet, star, plant, or person, then we may realize that each from has its own eternal regenerator within it.
If one is always connected to Divine Source, then one doesn’t need to run down at all.
Order — the opposite of entropy — comes from within, from this life-giving point. That point represents the “central” part of everything.
There is a great deal that all of us could do if we only put our consciousness into this point. This knowledge and understanding is part of the value of Sacred Geometry.
Think what you could do with simple meditation by merely focusing on the symbol of the point. This is a real way, a practical way, to actually regenerate by tuning into Source. Focusing on our central point, we are linked with the Eternal, the Transcendent, the Divine, the Absolute. That is the point of all origin.
Julia: Could you explain codes and archetypes, and how they are involved in the way you work with Sacred Geometry?
Rowena: Patterns, or symbols and codes, are delineated tools for understanding that are given to use from Prime Source. When we understand how to unravel the code or pattern, we receive a gift or an understanding.
To understand Prime Source, then, we have to decode the symbols.
There is a genetic code, and a language code. We have to rise in consciousness to understand these codes, and then we become closer to the Prime Source.
Archetypal patterns deal with many worlds. There are the spiritual world, the cultural world, the natural world, and so on, with archetypical patterns for each of these. Also, at any given point in time, there are older and newer archetypes.
We can use archetypal patterns as an intermediary to help us move or transform energy.
For example, intensity is an old quality that could be negative or positive. Intensity came from duality, and it was a focus that helped us move through things.
Now, however, we are becoming “whole-hearted,” which is a different type of focus that involves all of us, our hearts, without the duality. This is part of the move into the fifth dimension — living through our hearts and staying centered, instead of focusing through the will.
We are learning to see the interconnectedness of all things, rather than looking at things from the standpoint of gratification.
Julia: You mentioned twelve major energy patterns. What are they and what do they mean?
Rowena: The astrological signs are a division of the 360-degree circle into twelve energies or patterns. Also within the circle are four triplicities of the division of energies: fire, earth, air, and water.
So the twelve basic symbols or patterns can be correlated with the zodiacal signs. I’m listing them in this order.
Pattern #1: Aries (Fire) Aries is the step. It is the way in which one preserves, through a step-by step process. Certain people from cultures like Mexico and the Middle America created a stepped pyramid form.
Pattern #2: Taurus (Earth) The step moves us into Taurus, which represents the maintaining of substance. Substance is a dense, preserving type of approach.
Pattern #3: Gemini (Air) Gemini relates to the branch. It has to do with choice points. And making a choice relates to duality, the binary code of “on” or “off” represented by the Twins. It also is about distribution of information or energy. We can see this in the body through the branching systems of the lungs and blood, or in the branches of trees. The beauty of trees is that in them, what normally falls — sap, blood, water, fluid — rises, and what normall rises — light — descends from the leaves. So the distribution or the branching represents alchemical change.
Pattern #4: Cancer (Water) The spiral or vortex correlates with Cancer. The vortex creates energy flow. It is a generator, and it could be symbolized as a spiral galaxy, generating everything — stars, planets, everything living. There are two types of vortexes: open and closed. A closed vortex has two points at each end and a circle in the center. An open vortex has the point in the center, with open circles at each end. The movement of the generating spiral in any vortex is connected with the Golden Mean spiral. The Golden Mean acts as a kind of arc between Prime Source and living beings. All spirals generate and create energy in a similar way.
Pattern #5: Leo (Fire) Leo is the radial, and its function is broadcasting. It is for maintaining codes. In the phenomenal world, it is just a star distinguished by its radiance. Flowers mirror Leo: They are little suns on Earth, and many of them have the radial form. They may be in diverse color, but there is meaning in the color.
Pattern #6: Virgo (Earth) Virgo is the loop, the tube torus or doughnut shape. It is turning inside out. It could be a knot, like the Celtic designs, or a link, folding in on itself. The tube torus is like that, it is turning inside out or around, looping inside out, and it has to do with the transformation of substance, or cycles, like the turning of day into night, or the turning of the seasons. The knot is the cycle. Also, the aspect of transformation of substance relates to the food chain and digestion — how all of the animals and plants interact. There is a hierarchy, here — for example, there are billions of grains and comparably a few lions. There is a pyramid. We will evolve to the point where we do not eat animals, and eventually eat very little at all. The more lightly we eat, the higher our consciousness, and this is definitely the direction to go in. Also, what nourishment we do take in should be very useful. So Virgo has to do with the purification of substance into body or consciousness.
Pattern #7: Libra (Air) : Libra relates to the column, the straight vertical line. It has to do with balance and strength. One must be centered to hold whatever is being created. The spine or the trunk of a tree are symbols of the balance and strength that holds creation. The column can actually be visualized for aligning or creating a connection between Heaven and Earth, between Light and Dark. It creates connection between things.
Pattern #8: Scorpio (Water) Scorpio is my favorite. It represents the wave, that which creates the energy flow. It is a matrix that distributes or transmits the flow of energy. It penetrates deep. Waves are the means by which Nature transmits the codes. Scorpio is symbolized by the Dragon, as well as waves of all kinds.
Pattern #9: Sagittarius (Fire) Sagittarius represents nesting: one form within another. In fractals, it is the principle of recursiveness. I like to think of Sagittarius as a diamond. In a way, it is the most allied with transforming codes. The transformation actually takes the energy to another level. It is the return of wisdom and life to the source, but it also is a “stepping up” of the energy. All of the forms have to do with changing energy, but this is a taking or restoring of the energy to a higher level.
Pattern #10: Capricorn (Earth) Capricorn is the circle or the sphere. Yet it is an Earth element. It is the circle that encases things, like a skull or the skin. It is protective, making a barrier that holds shapes and Creation. It holds the life force in the physical matrix.
Pattern #11: Aquarius (Air) Aquarius is the grid, any type of grid. It can be triangular, square, cubic, or hexagonal. It is the shape or grid-work or focus to which things attach. It is the interconnecting force that gives us our commonality. For instance, most of us have five fingers, not six. This “five” is a function of nature. It is found throughout space and within all phenomena. All things are created through the grid. All planets, auric fields, and Universes are created and permeated by the grid. There are also consciousness grids.
Pattern #12: Pisces (Water) Pisces is transformation. There is real chaos in this form. It is unpredictable. It is an ending energy form symbolized by death, diffusion, and decay. Darkness, confusion, and destructiveness are synonymous with this form. You could think of terrorists, their unpredictability, how they can’t really be stopped, bringing confusion and chaos. Pisces brings an end to order when things become too controlled, too fixed.
Julia: How would you use the geometric forms for healing or meditation?
Rowena: It makes sense to think about the triplicities. For instance, for an inflamed condition, you would probably want to use water or air, earth, and then water again. You wouldn’t treat an inflamation with a fire symbol.
For a particular consciousness or situation that you wanted to change, you might use water to transform, maintain, or create a new situation. You could dissolve an unwanted condition by focusing on the Pisces symbol, because it diffuses or transforms old situations by breaking them down.
A patient or person could visualize or draw the symbols. They could put the image on a particular point of the body for healing. Drawing these patterns, or any of the Sacred Geometries, activates the brain, heart, and lungs into a healing space. This practice actually brings life into the body.
Creating designs and patterns is very exciting. The indigenous people wore beautiful garments with incredible color and design. They understood that color and shape could bring about healing, balance, and peace. The shaman wore robes with particular energies brought into being by the ornaments and designs.
Symbols or shapes, like the branch, can be used to bring in energies in your home. For example, if you hvae a garden and you live in a dry environment, you would use the curvilinear wave. This would bring in the water energy to balance the dryness and heat. But if you lived in a swamp, you might want one of the fire signs, such as the star, to balance the dampness.
Julia: I know that you are interested in the education of children. What do you think needs to happen in the teaching of our children?
Rowena: Our children are a new race. So we are essentially the bricklayers of knowledge for a new race.
They cannot learn in the way that children have in the past. They won’t memorize facts without meaning. They need to be introduced to Universal Law so that everything has a meaning, a center, and interconnectedness.
Everything has a resonance or a harmonic system. So I consider harmonics as a parallel to Sacred Geometry. The different tones and colors are ratios. It is all a Universal language.
This is the language that the new race of children needs. We can assist by being the anchor points, with a promise of creating a new culture.
Julia: How would this look in practical terms?
Rowena: I envision a series of rooms in which children could learn music, Sacred Geometry, math, and art. I see a computer room where they may watch DVDs.
The teachers would not be so much instructors, or givers of information, as they would be people who could help the children move more deeply into whatever interested them.
I’m currently working on a DVD that shows life move from a cell to the center of the Universe. A child could go as deeply into this as he or she liked.
All consciousness goes through the process of motion from simple to multifaceted, then back to simple again. Consciousness at some point must always become simple, for it has to move both ways. I don’t mean “simple simple.” I mean “complex simple.” A place where complexity becomes integrated.
Everything is coded, nested. We need to teach the children about the nested patterns, like the code of the chromosome, the code of the Universe. When we teach them about the interrelatedness of life, they will not lose their connection with Divine Source. They will stay connected with Cosmic Law.
Julia: What would you like to add in closing?
Rowena: Sacred Geometry is about our connection to Divine Source. If we learn to work with Universal Law and Divine Source, then all of life is filled with abundance. When we live in this way, we are introduced to a multiplicity of worlds and choices.
The old way was about connection to cause-and-effect. You worked at a job because of the effect of earning money, then you retired. But there was nothing to retire to, because you had lost your connection to Divine Source.
We need to leave behind us this addiction to cause-and-effect that narrows both the result and possible incomes.
Security is not the answer. Fitting in is not the point. These addictions lead to seeking pleasure, not joy.
Pleasure is eating chocolates on the sofa because nothing is left in life. It is the hedonistic search for more pleasure, a cycle of pleasure and pain.
Joy is linking to the Source. True joy is moving through the pain and linking back to Source to receive true happiness.
Faith is not faith as we have known it. Faith is the decision of staying with the Divine Source for the answer.
Inspiration is the appropriate answer from the Divine Source. We can live our lives in a completely different way, linking to the Divine Source, receiving an abundance that which was not possible before.
I know that this works, because I have lived it.