A Chama da Ascensão


Quarta-feira, 11 / 03 / 20

You Are Almost There, Remember the Dark Can’t Defeat You.

You Are Almost There, Remember the Dark Can’t Defeat You.

Sanat Kumara.

Channeled by Erena Velazquez.

Marchh 117h, 2020 .




I am Sanat Kumara,

I am glad to be here today.

I want to give you my message to humanity. The Dark Forces had enslaved Humanity for thousand of years and kept them in fear by taking their power away from them. Their time is coming to the end, I am here today to remind you that. Their losing the battle with the Light, and all of you need to remember, who are and don’t let fear interrupt your path to Ascension.

The Negative Forces always tried all of their tricks to scare and keep everyone in fear. You need to let it go, it’s just an emotion, the emotion that doesn’t mean anything. You are much stronger than that and your winning the battle with our assistance from the Galactics, Ascended Masters and everyone else. You are almost there, you just need to remember that they can’t defeat you, and they can’t keep everyone in slavery anymore like they did for so many years. Their time is almost ending, you need to not react to all of the things that are happening in world, it’s all their tricks that they had in their sleeves, which they are now putting out. They always did and they will do that to their last moment.

Fear can freeze you and make you uncertain by making you forget that you are a spiritual and a powerful being. You just need to remember that and not to be afraid of anything. All of these energies that have been sent to Earth are helping you in your process to Ascension,
and the new thing that appeared on the horizon the Coronavirus is the last trick of the Dark Forces. Please don’t listen to the news, don’t pay attention to what the media and the rest of the world is telling you, because most of it is not true. They want you to be afraid, so you would not succeed in your mission of ascending. I am here to tell you and encourage you to be strong and not react to the lies, which have been told to you for thousand of years. You are who you are and you will soon remember, who you really are. You came here to this planet to have an experience and you end up being stuck here, but this will not continue anymore. You will be able to ascend to 5th dimension and you will live long and happy lives on new Mother Earth.

Everything that we have been telling you, I and the rest of Ascended Masters it’s only the truth. We would never say anything to you to discourage you or to tell you something that’s not true. I am here to let know you that your part of us, you are a spiritual being that forgot who he or she is. Very soon the whole humanity is going to get awake, and they will remember who they are, and then the New Golden Age will start with a new life for everyone. There will be no more suffering, no more hunger and no more poverty, everyone will be equal and everyone will live magical, happy and amazing lives. I am Sanat Kumara and I am here to encourage you not give up and trust us, trust the Galactics that your not alone, and we are here to help and assist you and bring you to the New Beginning.

I am Sanat Kumara and I was happy to be here today.

Thank You

Sanat Kumara

Erena Velazquez

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:23
Domingo, 10 / 11 / 19

Chaos is necessary...

by Teri Wade.


Posted November 9th, 2019.



We are witnessing chaos, hate and confusion in the United States and all over the world right now. President Trump has implemented many changes in his first few years that has brought about fear in many people and has made a major division that’s very apparent in our country.
But, what if all is going on is a good thing? What if it’s the beginning of a whole new way of living? A rebirth of a new Era?
So many say to me how can you support a guy that doesn’t give a shit about anybody, a guy that is dividing our country like never before. I hear people from other countries dissing him and his America first approach. But, these people are still seeing it from the 3-D human perspective.
What I mean is the human race is so programmed in living in duality that they don’t realize they have a third perspective. It’s either I don’t like him or you do you like him. What about looking at what Trump is doing with a neutral perspective?
We need to look at what he’s doing with an energetic perspective, a higher perspective, a Universal perspective. What we are experiencing now is an exact blueprint of a Spiritual Awakening of a nation. The United States is the first nation to go through this as a western society and will lead this process covering the whole planet.
We need to remember chaos is good because chaos is necessary to change a system. So, in order to get to chaos you first have to build fear on our 3rd dimensional level. Fear is not necessarily a bad thing, it’s just an energetic vibration that we experience with our 3rd dimensional bodies. It only gets dangerous when our ego interprets it as something bad and dark.
Really, what fear does is it accelerates action to immediately initiate change. What the fight or flight response was meant for is to build up energy quickly for survival to get a crystal clear outlook on what to do in a life and death situation. This is why some animals play dead to save themselves, really what they’re doing is changing the situation. So the energetic vibration of fear is a great catalyst to bring about change.
So instead of looking at this change that Trump is stirring up as fearful, we need to look at it as everything is being calibrated to a higher level. Meaning, fear is necessary for this change and remember fear is the lowest frequency so it’s only up from here on.
A rigid system cannot sustain itself forever. This rigid system of oppression, control and authority was always going to break down and we are in the cusp of that break down as we speak.
Many of us are realizing that fear and chaos is a catalyst to rise to a higher vibration. So, if we react to this change with fear we’re going to go thru the same spirals again and again and we’re going to have to go through the same lessons over and over. It’s wake up time!
We are now in what some call the “Change Curve” and everyone will go through this curve. Some will flow and some will resist it just depends on their ability to embrace uncertainty. Like the saying goes...”intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.”
When people are faced with change on such a massive scale such as what’s happening in the United States they go through stages and a big one is...
Denial - How can Trump be our President, how did this happen, omg our world is gonna end.
Anger - Realizing what happened is real and it cannot be denied any longer and oh boy are we seeing anger. They’re lashing out because they are being pushed out of their comfort zone.
Bargaining - Coming to the realization that they are going to have to bargain and come to a compromise
Depression - Sometimes called the “valley of despair.” Some people pull back not wanting to talk to anyone.
Acceptance - This phase happens when there is an undeniable realization of the facts and truth and an inevitable path towards the future. Coming to the acceptance of “I can’t fight it so I might as well prepare for it.”
I don’t think we are at this point yet in America. 🥴

So really what I just explained here is the path of a Spiritual Awakening... Denial, the shock of finding out the horror, ugliness and truth about the world we live in. We experience Anger because it just pisses us off what has been done to our species and the planet as a whole. We start then Bargaining with ourselves trying to make sense of what we are learning. Some go through a Depression “The Dark Night of the Soul.” We eventually get to Acceptance excepting what has been done to us and our world and we start wanting change. This is what’s happening in the United States and what’s happening in the United States will create a ripple effect throughout all creation.
Our planet is in extreme danger like no other time in our species history. We are seeing the clash of two Ages. Pisces (control and oppression) to Aquarius (enlightenment and liberation) it’s literally a conflict between the Light and the Dark. It's all vibrational.
All of you still stuck in any belief system, social and religious dogma need to wake up. The deception the church preaches has all been designed by the Archons. They are who you indirectly pray to in your Temples of Deception. Religion is all mind control. Period!
We are souls having a brief physical human experience in a low density Matrix created by the Dark, rebelling against Prime Creator. Catholicism is rooted in the Dark occult rituals.
The cross mocks a false satanic sacrifice of Jesus (Light) The Eucharist symbolizes cannibalism. The Eucharist... is the Christian ceremony commemorating the Last Supper, in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed. Bread being the flesh and wine being the blood of man. Gehenna (referred to as Hell) was a place of child sacrifice in Jerusalem, a destination of the wicked, a place of fiery torment.
We are in the time of the Apocalypse meaning the unveiling. Again, nothing is what we’ve been told, be prepared to be either completely amazed or shocked beyond comprehension because it’s coming. Jesus referred to this time as...”If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword and the meek shall inherit the Earth.” It’s time to clean house and that’s what’s happening.
There is a Universal Ascension process taking place and it’s up to you as an individual to ascend. You evolve from within at your soul level, your physical body is just a vessel to experience this reality. No one gets a free pass because you cannot lie to yourself.
Original Sin is a mind game the religions of the world play on our psyche. Making you feel less than and in need of guidance from an outside source. It’s all a brilliantly designed strategy to control the masses. All organized religions are forms of madness...



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 05:11
Quarta-feira, 12 / 06 / 19

5D Shift: Exposing the Myth of the “Critical Mass” Ascension ~ Open

5D Shift: Exposing the Myth of the “Critical Mass” Ascension.

By Open

Contributing writer for Wake Up World.

June 10th, 2019. 




Originally published at www.openhandweb.org and reproduced here with permission.
It’s fine that we have distortion in our philosophy. Everything is a perspective, there are no absolutes in relativistic reality. However, what can be severely limiting and derailing, is where a myth becomes an accepted norm within the group consciousness. Particularly one that might prevent people from empowering themselves by following their own path, their own trajectory, and in their own time. Such, I maintain, is the illusion of the idea that, ‘humanity will ascend when there is a critical mass of people to cause a collective shift into the New Paradigm’. The history of previous shifts through the aeons does NOT bear witness to this. So how do Shifts really work?
I should begin by saying, just like anyone else, I am only able to share a perspective on truth, not the ABSOLUTE truth, because that can only be experienced. However, I do call on a good deal of experience from similar shifts in other constellations. I invite you to keep an open mind and heart and find your own truth in relation to what I am about to share.

The Absolute Miracle of Relativity, of Life!

Ever since I’ve been exploring and sharing the current Shift phenomenon here on Earth, I’ve frequently come across, what seems to be, a widely held view that Humanity’s Ascension will happen all together, and when there is a ‘critical mass’ of consciousness to ‘swing the balance’ and ‘raise collective vibration’ into the New Paradigm. And that this will happen due to some major “Event”, such as plasma irradiation from the sun or the Pole Shift or the like. There are plenty of solid reasons why this is a myth, and I’ve personally witnessed in spiritual work how it derails and limits people. Not to say that these events won’t have essential roles to play in The Shift, I believe they will. Just not in the way they’re often spoken of in the spiritual mainstream.
For me, it all boils down to a basic phenomenon of the Universe, which is Realisation and Actualisation of The Self. Life appeared the moment that the singularity exploded into relativity of consciousness – ‘this’ and ‘that’, as waves of awareness that simply arose. This inevitable emergence (given the nature of infinite time, because there is no time) then cascaded outwards as the big bang and progressively condensed into the vast myriad of form we now witness in the known Universe. An absolute miracle!
Time is an illusion, because all is happening in one moment of now. The whole space-time-continuummoves together, which is why you can still have trajectory.  It’s why there is still a previous configuration of the entirety, which we call ‘the past’, and a future configuration that we are moving into – which we can call ‘future landing now’. It means you can get on the bus at point A, travel to work, and at a given amount of ‘time’ later, reasonably expect to be sitting at your desk. So the whole Universe is moving together and yet reconfiguring and morphing in the moment.

The Dynamic of Light and Dark

Within this dynamic ‘the light’, which we may call ‘Unity Consciousness‘ (the memory of the original condition of Oneness) is interweaving through the ‘dark’, what we might call ‘Separation Consciousness’ (‘light and dark are contained within parentheses so as to invite non judgment or polarity causing the limitation of identification with either). Collectively, this dynamic has taken the form of the Universal Torus of interweaving Unity and Separation consciousness. By carefully witnessing the dynamic in consciousness, within, you can clearly see there are places where the light gets stuck within the separation, which thereby causes a dimming – a ‘tightness’ – resulting in the sense of disconnect from The One, from the Source, what we might call ‘the original condition of oneness’.
These distortions or ‘blind spots’ create polarity by bending space time around them. Reality is created this way around the exploration of such ‘karma’. And souls as waves of light are drawn into the density by the Universal Law of Attraction in order to bring deeper awareness into the distortion. Thus, ‘shining the light’ unravels the distortion. But actually, what this really means, is that souls are drawn by their own unconsciousness, their own karma, which mirrors a blind spot contained within the collective karmic construct. By working their way through, and unravelling aligned truth within the distortion, light is now infused through that previously dim spot in consciousness.

All At Different Places of Realisation

Importantly all souls are all at different points in their journey – in their journey of remembering and realisation. Some will have been born very early (an earlier form) in the cascading universal dynamic. Others much later (a later form of the space time continuum). Some will have already worked through deep complexity of the relativistic dynamic, others will be reaching the point where they have become basically ‘awake‘. So throughout history you get souls that clearly stand out from the collective in terms of their awakeness, such as the Buddha, or Jesus for example (not to mention plenty of others). It is not that they are any more special than anyone else, simply that they have travelled through enough experience through the space-time-continuum to be able to shed light on what’s taking place around them, and others resonate with what they feel emanting from them.
And whichever ‘master’ you care to consider, they are all at unique points on their journey and all expressing uniquely, based on their own experience. Because each is at a different stage in their evolution. And this leads to the main point of my article:
The soul is on a progressive journey of realisation and actualisation of The One. Each is at a different stage of that emergence. Whilst we might come together into a collective construct, each one of us is in unique circumstances of their making with unique karma to unravel through. If one soul could realise your journey for you, if your journey was identical to the journey of another, then by the Law of Attraction, both souls would merge into one another and become one, with no separation. Life can only be sustained by the difference, by relativity, no matter how subtle. What this means is that a soul can only shift vibration into another vibrational frequency when it is ready to, when it has journied and realised enough to sustain the higher vibration.
Another soul may be able to reflect a resonant light, or particular collective circumstances may cause plenty to start activating, but each soul is embarked on a unique journey. Each soul is learning and evolving at its own speed. If another soul could realise for you, then that negates your own journey, your own reason for being. You simply wouldn’t exist!

Forging the Soul

For anyone whose been involved in intensive spiritual work, they will surely tell you that the journey is challenging and mysterious. That each step is crafted through the deep exploration and inquiry of consciousness. That true progress can often be a nitty gritty, painstaking phenomenon, of uncovering the veils of distortion through challenging circumstances and thereby progressively forging the soul. This is the majesty of self realisation. You determine your unique sovereignty by forging the soul in the crucible of life. To suggest that the shift by those around you can suddenly negate all of this painstaking work, all of this crafting and honing, all of this personal karma, all of this dedication, is not only naive, but also dishonouring of the journey of realisation that each soul is weaving.
How would the salmon ever become the miracle that it is, without its own majestic forging up the river of life, back to the source of its own essence?
What we can say however, is that one ‘salmon’ will inspire another. When Roger Bannister did the unthinkable in the 1950s and broke the 4 minute mile, it precipitated a plethora of others to do the same in the years that followed. BUT, each still had to do the work, still put in the miles, still forge muscles, expand heart and lung capacity in order to achieve the same. So it precipitated a wave of people who inspired each other. Collective events that inspire and resonate soul can do that, yes. But each person still has to do the necessary work.

A Clear Point of Divergence Has Begun

To me, what clearly defines our Ascension right now, is that a wave of people who have a sense of what is unfolding, can feel the inner calling driving them forwards into the light, who are prepared to put in the daily commitment of work to forge sovereignty of soul. In my observation, they are doing so because they realise the urgency of the current situation and the majesty of what is possible. At these times of great challenge and change, I ask you, what else is there truly worthwhile to do?
So what of some great ‘event’, such as the Pole Shift or Powerful Solar Transformation?
When the collective (those who are truly exploring) gets wind of the potential for dramatic change to our reality, then they pick up the impetus, they pick up the calling and motivation. As other ‘salmon’ begin the journey back to the source, so it inspires them to do the same. Hence you get a wave of souls moving forwards approximately ‘together’. And since there will be similar karmic lessons common to all, then people will be able to resonate amongst each other. And this is wonderful, it fosters tremendous sense of community and belonging – of the great adventure. BUT, nevertheless, each must work to run the ‘4 minute mile’ in their own unique way, by forging the ‘muscles’ in their own ‘legs’.
Do not be fooled, no one else, nor any particular ‘event’, can do that for you. Although yes, I agree, a strong wave of resonance can animate the soul and inspire other people around you.
Right now what I witness happening out their in society is the beginnings of a divergence. As I shared in my recent article about the Revelations of the Hopi Prophecy, there is clearly a vast body of people either unconsciously, or with a degree of awareness, heading into a high tech, ‘SMART’, synthetic reality. You can witness this progressively enfolding plenty around you, whether at the bus stop, the restaurant, at work, home, and even in the deepest countryside. Then there are others who see past the illusion of this mental captivation; that the smoke and mirrors point not to greater freedom of choice, but greater channeling and confinement – a swallowing of sovereignty.

Progressive Levels of Awakening

However, let’s also be clear about ‘awakening’. Awakening to the illusion of the matrix is NOT the same as awakening to the soul. And awakening to the soul, is NOT the same as following the soul. In other words, as Openhand shared in the 5GATEWAYS film, there are progressive levels of awakening. It is my clear contention that there are plenty out there ‘pointing at the moon’, but not digging deep enough within, to discover true ‘heaven’. I call the phenomenon because there’s a tremendous amount of distraction pointing to solutions ‘out there’ or fixing the external, when the causality is on the internal. Waiting for the ‘cabal’ to fall for example ‘so that freedom may truly happen’. Or waiting for ET disclosure ‘out there’, when the real influences are happening inside within the unconscious shadows.
So we’ve reached a determination point, a divergence is beginning to happen. As spiritually incorrect as this may seem for me to call it, nevertheless, it’s the truth that I clearly witness. A wave of souls is clearly beginning to move – I can feel it all around me in the ether. And I witness it in the small groups of quietly dedicated and committed people around the world. It’s happening beyond the hype, the surface fizz, the glitz and the glamour. What do you honestly witness?

Let’s Inspire and Motivate Each Other

My calling is for us to inspire each other, yes. Let us reflect the circumstances of our own journey so others may gain resonance for theirs. Let us engage in community and inspire each other in the great adventure. But at the same time, remember, this is a journey of realisation of your own unique soul. Only you can decide to take the steps necessary. Only you can shine the light through your particular circumstances in your own unique way. Only you can find the grace and the grit to push through the necessary layers that are yours alone.
That is your blessing. Your particular miracle that only you can realise. It’s what gives each meaning and purpose. Let us celebrate in the phenomenal diversity of life, this majesty created by the relativity, by our uniqueness, and inspire those to the left and right of you. Onwards and upwards!
“You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour.  And there are things to be considered . . .
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.”
Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, “This could be a good time!”
  “There is a river flowing now very fast.  It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.  They will try to hold on to the shore.   They will feel they are torn apart and will suffer greatly.
    “Know the river has its destination.  The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above water.   And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate.  At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, Least of all ourselves.  For the moment that we do,  our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.
   “The time for the lone wolf is over.  Gather yourselves!  Banish the word struggle from you attitude and your vocabulary.  All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. 
   “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”
— attributed to an unnamed Hopi elder
Hopi Nation
Oraibi, Arizona
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About the author:

Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.
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Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 01:41
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

Oh My Goodness! It’s Time to Be a Light in the Dark ~ Debra Gano

Oh My Goodness! 

It’s Time to Be a Light in the Dark.

Author: Debra Gano.

Posted February 13, 2019 by Megan Edwards. 

Pink graphic: It's time to be a light in the dark!.



Do you believe in goodness? Most people do, for it’s the essence of who we truly are. All you have to do is go in nature or watch a small child to know that goodness exists. Yet finding goodness can sometimes feel challenging, especially when much of what we see daily in today’s society (on TV, in movies, in the news, on social media, etc.) actually seems to promote the opposite of goodness, right?
But the good news is that we have a choice—a choice to see and experience the goodness, rather than the darkness so prevalent in our world. While you may not be able to control events around you, you can control YOU—how you live, how you think, how you act, what you say, and even how you feel. We have choices. We can avoid negative people and turn off TV shows/movies/music with disturbing themes.
We can be kind and generous rather than mean and self-serving. We can change a negative thought into a positive one, or even choose to get ourselves out of a bad mood! We can ALL take a proactive stance to seek out, and then BE… goodness.
graphic: earth surrounded by hearts
There is no doubt that our world needs more love and goodness at this time, and each and every one of us can do our part to shine more light into the world. Love and goodness are our true nature, and within you is a wellspring of both. Many people forget this, however, as our society has done a superb job to twist the concept of love in a way that we are meant to believe that we must look for love outside of ourselves.
This causes us to seek validation from external sources, such as other people or material things, so we can then feel complete, whole, valued, accepted, and loved.
Yet we are already all of these things—and more! When we remind ourselves of the divine being that we truly are—knowing that healthy, true love begins within—our own light shines bright enough so that we can then fully participate in the role we came here to do. And that role is to raise the vibration of our planet by spreading the love and goodness that is within us.

graphic: woman with hands over heart
We can dwell in the heart.

Fortunately, moving forward, we will now be able to fulfill these roles with more ease, as well as create and reach light in our own lives. The success of reaching critical mass during our January 20/21 “Return of Light” lunar eclipse global meditation shifted our reality into a new cosmic cycle, with more light than ever before now anchored irreversibly on our planet. It is important, however, to stay focused on this light. As was stated by Cobra in his Return of Light meditation report update, “Whenever you align with the Light, your life will be easier and easier. Whenever you focus on the old world falling apart, thing get worse again.”
So, the time is NOW for you to tap into the light, love, and goodness within. It’s time to BE a light in the dark. In every thought, word, and action towards yourself and others, ask, “What is the most loving thing I could do, say, or think right now? How can I shine my light?” Choose today to plant seeds of goodness and love in your life and in our world. If we all focus on what is good instead of what is bad or negative, we can steer our world in a positive direction. With enough light, there can be no dark … so shine the true goodness of who you are!
When you decide to shine your inner light, other people are inspired to do same.
graphic: BYOU Girls Empowerment Membership
Source:  Author Debra Gano is CEO and founder of Heartlight Girls Publications and BYOU, “Be Your Own You!”  a self-esteem publication and empowerment membership for teen and tween girls.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Cobra – Bubbles of Heaven Update – 6th Feb 2019
Get Ready For Upcoming Announcements & For Improvements to the PrepareForChange Website!

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Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 19:21
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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  • Obrigado pelas suas palavras. Fiquei a conhecer po...
  • Adoro este artigo. Já tinha conhecimento do assunt...

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Universidade de Aveiro