A Chama da Ascensão


Quarta-feira, 20 / 05 / 20

False Awakening in Regular and Lucid Dreams: Causes and Symptoms

False Awakening in Regular and Lucid Dreams: Causes and Symptoms

Janey Davies, B.A. (Hons)


May 20th, 2020.

Have you ever been convinced that you’d woken up from sleep, but in fact, you were still dreaming? If so you might have experienced a false awakening.
A false awakening happens when the dreamer wakes up during their dream only to realise they are still dreaming and wake up later on. While the dreamer believes they are awake, they might go through the motions of turning off an alarm, getting out of bed and eating breakfast. However, they will then suddenly find themselves waking up for real, still in bed.

How Does False Awakening Happen in Regular and Lucid Dreams?

False awakenings are a mix of sleeping and waking states of consciousness. Our brains are in a kind of semi-conscious state; not quite awake but not fully asleep either. Actually, many sleep disturbances happen during this mixed brain state, including lucid dreams and sleep paralysis.
During lucid dreams, the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. They can even influence the outcome of the dream. In sleep paralysis, the dreamer wakes, but their body is frozen as if paralysed. However, false awakenings are not the same as sleep paralysis or lucid dreaming. The dreamer might experience paralysis but only within the dream. Once they have actually woken up they can move as normal.
False awakenings occur during regular dreams and lucid dreaming. Sometimes, during a false awakening in a dream, the dreamer can become aware that something feels a little ‘off’ in the dream. They get a sense that all is not quite as it should be.
They can also occur several times within one dream. The dreamer can believe they have woken up many times while they are dreaming. They then wake up properly, only to discover that all the previous times they were still asleep. False awakenings that occur again and again within the same dream are ‘nested’ dreams.

2 Types of False Awakening

There are two types of false awakening:

Type I

Type 1 is the more common kind of false awakening. Type 1 false awakenings happen once or twice a year. Here the dreamer goes about their normal business of waking up. For instance, they might get out of bed, turn on the shower, prepare breakfast, wake their children up, etc.
During this type of awakening, the dreamer may or may not notice that their surroundings are a little strange. The environment might not be realistic to them. For instance, they might wake up somewhere other than their bedroom.
A typical type 1 false awakening occurs where the dreamer believes he or she has overslept and is late for work. They ‘wake up’ in their dream but in reality, are still asleep in bed. Only when they wake up properly do they understand what has happened. It is a surprise to the dreamer but not overly worrying.

Type 2

Type 2 is a rarer kind of false awakening. Type 2 false awakenings can occur several times in one night. Here the dreamer is aware of a sense of foreboding. They know something is wrong but can’t put their finger on it.
In these types of false awakenings, the dreamer wakes to an atmosphere of tension or stress. They are immediately apprehensive upon waking. They feel suspicious and uncomfortable. The environment feels weird although the dreamer can’t quite account for what’s wrong. They just know something isn’t right.

Causes of False Awakening in Dreams

False awakenings in dreams are associated with broken or disturbed sleep patterns.
For example:
  • Insomnia
  • Snoring
  • Frequent getting up to use the toilet
  • Teeth grinding
  • Daytime tiredness
  • Environmental noises
  • Restless leg syndrome
False awakening dreams are linked to mixed brain states and/or underlying anxiety. Mixed brain states are associated more with Type 1 awakenings, whereas anxiety is linked to Type 2 awakenings.

Mixed brain states

There is still much we don’t know about the brain and various levels of consciousness. In particular, the possibility that our brains can experience several states of consciousness at once.
So, in effect, we can be asleep and dreaming but also awake at the same time. It is during this mixed brain state that we become confused. Are we awake or still asleep? If our brain is in that grey area between two states of consciousness, it’s not surprising that we’re not sure whether we’re dreaming or have woken up.
Most people will experience false awakening dreams once or twice a year. In these cases, a specific event will trigger the awakening. For example, you might have an important job interview the next day and you dream that you’ve overslept and missed it.

Anxiety or worry

On the other hand, some people experience recurring and frequent false awakenings in their dreams. This is linked to underlying anxiety or worry in real-life that is not being addressed.
These awakenings are associated with the Type 2 dreams where you feel uneasy upon waking. You awake to an over-riding sense of foreboding. Experts believe that your subconscious is trying to tell you that you need to face up to the problem or worry in your life. In a sense, this is your subconscious giving you a wake-up call. Your brain is literally waking you up twice.

False Awakening in Lucid Dreams

lucid dreams
False awakenings occur in lucid dreaming. The lucid dreamer is aware of being in a dream. As such, to some extent, they can control what happens and what they do.
There are two separate elements of control within lucid dreaming;
  1. Manipulation of the environment or the characters within it
  2. Control over one’s own actions within the dream
False awakenings appear to be linked to the lucid dreamer exerting self-control, rather than manipulating their dream environment. In fact, lucid dreamers are more likely to experience false awakenings.

Symptoms of False Awakening in Dreams

In Type 1 and Type 2 false awakening dreams, there are clues that can signal you are not awake. These are usually a single thing that appears out of place. For example, a person you wouldn’t expect to see, or an object in your house that shouldn’t be there.
You will usually have a sense that something is not quite right. But there are ways you can test yourself. Look at your environment carefully; are the windows and doors straight and the right size? Does the clock face have the right numbers on it?
It is important to recognise what is out of place. This is for two reasons:
  • It is a clue that makes you aware that you are still dreaming.
  • It can lead to the underlying problem that’s worrying you.
Dream analyst Kari Hohn reminds us:
“We dream about what we’re not facing during the day. If we block something out of consciousness, it can appear in our dreams.”
Dreaming allows us to process the thoughts and experiences of the day. Even subconscious ones.

Is There a Treatment for False Awakenings?

Generally speaking, there is no treatment for this kind of sleep disorder. However, if you are suffering from frequent and upsetting false awakenings that are affecting you, it could be a sign of an underlying worry or general anxiety.
In this case, talking therapy might be sufficient to get to the root of your anxiety. Once the worry or stress has been dealt with, your sleep should return to normal. Only if the awakenings are causing you serious distress will you be offered some kind of sleep or dream therapy. Medication may be used to control the symptoms of disturbed sleep.

How to Wake Up from a False Awakening?

symbols in dreams
Those that are experienced in lucid dreaming will already know how to manipulate the environment in their dreams. However, for anyone who does not experience lucid dreaming, it can be more difficult.
For all the regular dreamers who are not expert lucid dreamers, there are ways to wake up properly from a dream.
  • Test your surroundings by focusing on one thing in your dream.
  • Ask yourself – does this seem real to me?
  • Try controlling what you’re doing, e.g. running or walking.
  • Pinch yourself in the dream; does it hurt?
  • Tell yourself to wake up right now.
  • Move your fingers or toes and continue from there.

How to Turn False Awakenings into Lucid Dreams

Establishing control allows us to feel better about ourselves and the situation we’re in. Turning false awakenings into lucid dreaming is a good way of getting back control. Try the following if you believe you are experiencing a false awakening:
  • Do the same thing every day upon waking up. This is your baseline of knowing whether you are still dreaming or not. For instance, always put your slippers on the left foot then right. Then, if this doesn’t happen, you’ll know you are still asleep.
  • Find a mirror and look at your reflection. In one study, a woman experienced multiple false awakenings only realised she was still asleep because she happened to glance at her reflection and there was nothing there.
  • Look at the clock face and see if you can tell the time. When we dream, our brains shut down the area in our brain responsible for language and numbers. As a result, we find it hard to read clocks and watches when we are dreaming.

Is False Awakening Dangerous?

It is important to remember that false awakenings, in themselves, are not harmful. However, recurrent and Type 2 awakenings do suggest that all is not well with the dreamer. It’s possible that some stress or worry is not being addressed. In this case, therapy to discover the underlying anxiety is the best way forward.
  1. www.verywellhealth.com
  2. www.psychologytoday.com
  3. www.refinery29.com
*Names changed.
Janey Davies

About the Author: Janey Davies.
Janey Davies has been published online for over 8 years. She is the head writer for Shoppersbase.com, she also writes for AvecAgnes.co.uk, Ewawigs.com and has contributed to inside3DP.com. She has an Honours Degree in Psychology and her passions include learning about the mind, popular science and politics. When she is relaxing she likes to walk her dog, read science fiction and listen to Muse.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 14:09
Segunda-feira, 18 / 05 / 20

Consciousness is Changing

Consciousness is Changing

The Arcturian Group 

via Marilyn Raffaele.

May 17th, 2020.



Welcome dear readers to the Arcturian Group message.
You are entering a new phase of the evolutionary process.  Present “down times” are allowing a quietness during which many for the first time are pondering, questioning, evaluating their lives, and the right way of doing things.   Every day more are allowing themselves to honestly examine aspects of their personal life as well as the world in general such as business, farming, religion, health, education, environment, and politics etc.
Much that has always been considered correct and appropriate is being recognized as inefficient, obsolete, and unfair to many and based in convenience and a resistance to change by those who benefit from the status quo.  This period of quiet is also allowing nature a respite from the ongoing barrage of pollution and  degradation she suffers.
All is proceeding according to plan.  You have been hoping, praying, and waiting for a world that more closely resonated with truth and it is coming but will be an unfolding process over the next few years because the third dimension functions in time and space.
Know that things will never go back to exactly as they were because consciousness is changing, and as we have said many times, the substance of the outer is the inner (consciousness).  Do not put effort and energy toward attempting to return everything to exactly as it was but rather be open to new and higher expressions of these same things.
Be prepared for change but also be prepared to hear things that will upset you.  Much is going to surface regarding the long standing negative activities of some individuals.  The denser energies must be exposed for what they are in order to be recognized and acknowledged.  There is an element that feeds from energies of fear, pain, suffering, and discord and in order to keep feeding, they promote words, activities, and false information that will serve to keep fear and discord alive.
When you become aware of these types of issues,  send these individuals  Light while recognizing that they too are Divine Beings who have lost their way.  They have chosen to close their hearts to Love energy and have no interest in or awareness of the fact that everything they sought is already fully present within them.
It is easy to get caught up in this type of information and spend a great deal of time and energy studying and researching  negative activities.  You have all experienced the heaviness of dense energy that comes from getting too involved in these types of issues.  As awakened individuals you are ready to move beyond duality and separation and live from the higher levels of consciousness you have attained.  Be aware of and informed about negative beliefs and actions, but then release them and align with Reality.
Activities of love are beginning to take place in the outer scene.  Although these activities flow from spiritual oneness they are generally understood as activities of kindness,  a looking out for neighbors, and the lending of a helping hand where needed.  These seemingly ordinary activities are three dimensional interpretations of spiritual Oneness, evolutionary steps that eventually lead to a state of consciousness that understand service to be service to SELF–Universal Oneness.
A sense of camaraderie not possible in the old energy is developing among people simply because all are experiencing the same issues (oneness).  Even the small sense of camaraderie you may feel towards a stranger as you walk by is in reality Oneness expressing through you.  However, not all are ready or willing to understand this and the loss of what is familiar is causing them to act out with fear and violence as they seek to protect and  perpetuate everything that has supported their false sense of empowerment.
Selflessness is beginning to penetrate collective consciousness on  a deeper level but selflessness has been misunderstood and falsely taught to mean that the sacrificing of ones’s self for some “grander” purpose is spiritual .   Sublimating and denying  one’s self/SELF by believing it to be of less value than another’s self  represents separation at its finest.
What can one possibly have to give another if they eliminate themselves  from the equation?   It is only an empowered person,  one who knows and accepts themselves to be a spiritual being, that is able to truly serve.  Sacrificing one’s identity, needs, and dreams  in the belief that it is spiritual is a denial of God for is not God every person’s true identity?
Never allow yourselves to be guilted, threatened, pushed, taught, or used by others into doing something. When you do this you are automatically surrendering your power.  Service must be a free will choice that flows from a place of love rather than an unwanted activity forced onto a someone for the benefit of another or others who appear more powerful and demanding, or are needy, disabled, and dependant.
We recognize that many are presently locked into some service that they did not consciously choose or want.  As a result they may feel angry, depleted, unhappy, and trapped seeing no way out. To these dear ones we say;  there are no accidents.  Every life is planned before incarnation with the help of Guides, to include those experiences deemed necessary for spiritual evolution.
These types of situations are usually karmic in nature and represent a person’s spiritual  readiness to address some old energy imbalance that may go back lifetimes but which can be balanced and completed through service in this lifetime.  The one needing service may have chosen to learn about patience, humility, and helplessness in this life having never expressed it to others in previously.  Frequently the server is a dear friend who volunteered to assist with this lesson.
Sometimes it is because the one needing service did the same for the server in a previous life allowing them both the experiences of giving and allowing.  Service can be the push a spiritually prepared person needs in order to move more deeply into the empowerment, love, patience, and awareness that they are ready for.
Do not let obsolete concepts of spiritual duty, and self- sacrifice to enter into your activities of love and service.  As universal consciousness shifts to new levels of awareness, service to others on all levels of need will become common, ordinary, backed by law, and simply the way life is lived because there will be a sense of oneness that was not present in third dimensional energy.
Realize that in and of yourself you have nothing to give another.  God alone is love, energy, appreciation, gratitude, service, cooperation etc. and God alone has these things to give.  To believe that self or some other person has spiritual qualities in and of themselves is the belief in a self separate and apart from God.  Only God is good, patient, loving, friendly, honest, cooperative, etc. etc.
Both human good and human bad are impersonal, never becoming or belonging to the person.  All there is,  is  God, Source, — perfect, whole, complete, harmonious, abundance, intelligent,  Self sustained and Self maintained Consciousness.
This is why looking or expecting  acceptance, companionship, friendship, forgiveness, cooperation etc. from a person is to look where these things do not exist unless they flow through the person.  Always seek these things from God, from within, allowing them to manifest as they will which can and often is where least expected.
True selflessness intuitively guides a person to acknowledge and honor their own needs.  It will also guide them as to whether their service is actually needed or simply wanted.  It is understanding  that what one does for another never comes from a personal  supply of love, energy, abundance, and ideas, but rather flows through them from an Infinite Source within–from a well that never runs dry.
Present times are calling  for more awareness,  deeper understanding,  and a serious contemplation of how one will continue living their life.  “Will I grudgingly go back to the same old, same old that I have outgrown or will I have the courage to pursue something that makes my heart sing?”
This  is where fear will jump in and say that you must go back to what you know or you will suffer lack and limitation, your family with starve, and you will be homeless.  It is fine to  return to what you are used to,  but never forget that you are creators.   Regardless of what others may tell you, do not allow your dreams to pass into oblivion in the belief that they are hopeless and could never happen.
Allow your dreams  to grow and mature silently and secretly within your heart until they ready to be birthed as your new world and identity.
You are creators, creating your world from the contents of your consciousness.
What do I hold as truth in my consciousness???
We are the Arcturian Group
Marilyn Raffaele 


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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All articles are of the respective authors or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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publicado por achama às 15:05
Terça-feira, 28 / 04 / 20

Physicist: Universe May Be a “Strange Loop” of Self-Simulating Consciousness.

Physicist: Universe May Be a “Strange Loop” of Self-Simulating Consciousness.

By Jake Anderson,

The Mind Unleashed.

April 28, 2020.





(TMU) — When it comes to cosmology, astronomy, and physics, there is no shortage of off-the-wall arguments and hypotheses. While new discoveries from the early moments of the Big Bang and quantum and particle physics continue to amaze us and fill in the gaps of our mysterious universe, there remains a stunning number of fundamental questions we still can’t answer.

The most fundamental of these questions revolve around “why anything” and “why consciousness.” Why is there anything here at all? What primal state of existence could have possibly birthed all that matter, energy, and time, all that everything? And how did consciousness arise—is it some fundamental proto-state of the universe itself, or an emergent phenomenon that is purely neurochemical and material in nature?

A new physics hypothesis attempts to answer both questions at the same time with a new spin on panpsychism that weds aspects of Nick Bostrom’s Simulation Argument with something called “timeless emergentism.” The hypothesis, outlined in a new paper by a team of researchers at the Quantum Gravity Research institute, is called the “panpsychic self-simulation model,” and while the authors certainly aren’t earning any points for intellectual modesty, their idea may just be capable of peacefully mapping some of the universe’s most wild conundrums.

The first pieces of this puzzle you may have already heard of: the Simulation Argument is a pop-culture staple now, most famously popularized when Elon Musk claimed it’s far more likely that we are living in a simulation created by an advanced intelligence. Then there is the age-old belief in panpsychism, which posits that the entire universe is a type of panconscious entity and that even ordinary matter is imbued with proto-consciousness.


The new argument gets rid of the middleman and suggests that panconsciousness itself is generating the simulations, not advanced aliens, and that the universe is one giant “mental self-simulation.”

The paper, titled “The Self-Simulation Hypothesis Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics,” says the physical universe is a “strange loop” that can self-generate new sub-realities in an almost infinite hierarchy of tiers in-laid with simulated realities of conscious experience, kind of like a psychic Matryoshka doll.

You’re still left with the mystery of the physical origins of this self-generating consciousness, to which the researchers reply that the answer is actually non-material. The paper argues that universal consciousness “self-actualizes” using a natural algorithm called “the principle of efficient language.”

In other words, the universe is creating itself through thought, willing itself into existence on a perpetual loop that efficiently uses all mathematics and fundamental particles at its disposal.

The universe, they say, was always here (timeless emergentism) and is like one grand thought that creates mini thoughts, called “code-steps or actions”), again like a Matryoshka doll.

Quantum Gravity physicist David Chester broke down some recent findings they feel bolster the argument: “While many scientists presume materialism to be true, we believe that quantum mechanics may provide hints that our reality is a mental construct. Recent advances in quantum gravity, such as seeing spacetime emergent via a hologram, also is a hint that spacetime is not fundamental. This is also compatible with ancient Hermetic and Indian philosophy. In a sense, the mental construct of reality creates spacetime to efficiently understand itself by creating a network of subconscious entities that can interact and explore the totality of possibilities.”

The paper also suggests that the purpose of this single looping, self-generating consciousness is to explore and develop meaning through information. They also discuss future prospects, such as studying lucid dreams to better understand simulations and the idea of developing consciousness that does not require matter at all.

By Jake Anderson | Creative Commons | TheMindUnleashed.com



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Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 16:24
Terça-feira, 14 / 04 / 20

3 Hidden Agendas Going on Right Now in The World.

3 Hidden Agendas Going on Right Now in The World.

 (and you don't even know it).

Strange Agendas are Going On Right Now behind closed doors and you don't even know it. This video I'll REVEAL 3 of these Agendas and show you EXACTLY what do do.

These things are going on behind the scenes, not where we can actually see it. Some of them are going to sound pretty weird to be honest with you. Nonetheless, I believe that these are the 3 hidden agendas going on right now that you need to know about. You don't need to, but you're going to want to know about it. In this video I'm going to show you exactly what those are. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron. I help people expand their consciousness and I make spiritual, practical videos that are relatable. That's what I do. So in this video I'm going to be sharing with you, we're going to be going down the rabbit hole a little bit. Um, I'm not somebody that just studies looks at certain things and go, yeah, that's a, that's a, a conspiracy theory. I really believe in that. I do a lot of research. Okay. And what I encourage you to do before I even get to the video is to do your own research, to start to see these own patterns, uh, and how things are, and to do that for yourself. So I'm not going to be telling you what to think, but I'm going to say I've known about a lot of this since 2012 and I went through my spiritual awakening. I kind of put it in the background and then now it just seems more relevant than ever. If you're a, maybe you've been quarantined at your house for a couple of weeks, maybe you've been questioning things, maybe even seeing these little patterns come up. I've been talking more and more about this and let me say as well, I talk about this in a positive way. I believe that a lot of positive things are happening. The energy dynamic is changing in the world. The way things had been done in the past are literally crumbling. The old ways that were very controlling and manipulative, they're starting to crumble and what happened, what is happening is the people, the people are starting to gain the power back. So let's go out and look at it like this. Okay? There's three hidden agendas going on right now that I want to talk about now. Right now you might be quarantined at your house, not able to leave. And what I think is, I think there's actually a lot more going on than on the surface of what we actually think. Now the first thing I want to talk about is the elite, the elite. So you see this pyramid right here, and this just kind of shows this is a way that I believe the energy has been on the planet for a long time behind the scenes, but the people haven't necessarily been aware of it. Now what I mean by the 1%, I'm not just talking about just the wealthy 1%, I'm talking about a certain number of people that have in a way kind of, they're like, Hey, you over there, let's let's all get together and let's get this, uh, let's get this thing going to where if we can keep people in a certain mentality, then what it's very easy to do is let's keep dim and let's control the way things are because then we retain the power and we can control what is going on. And then these other powerful people said yes. And then that's what happened. And what happened is you got the 1% at the top and then you've got a lot of people the dark that aren't aware of what is going on. Now some of these elite people, um, I think you'd be very, very, very surprised to hear that this is, this is what they do. See what it is, is it's actually people behind that of, of the people on the forefront that I guess could be their cheerleaders.  You've got some of these very well known celebrities that are a part of this, but really what they are is they were in a way, um, they're in a way, they have such huge audiences because they can influence so many people. So the idea is you've got certain number of people that then have these celebrities or these elite people, whatever you want to call it, that are then able to put out certain information to their audience, which then may plug things into their subconscious mind to get certain...

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 08:19
Quinta-feira, 26 / 03 / 20

Do not Fear the Coronavirus, do not Fear the Many Changes.

Do not Fear the Coronavirus, 

do not Fear the Many Changes.

White Winged Collective of Nine.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

March 25, 2020.


Much turmoil is presently being felt upon your surface world. It is akin to the tilling of the soil for preparation for planting. Consciousness has been seeded, ideas are sprouting. The garden is being planted. (I am seeing beautiful fields of tulips, I am seeing lush forests with young trees inter-mingling with the ancient trees). 

The consciousness that has been seeded is global, the changes are worldwide with lasting effects. Humanity can no longer dismiss the awakenings of spirit.

We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. 

Do not fear the Coronavirus, do not fear the many changes. Catalyst for change was needed. As fertilizer to the soil so that the young plants can thrive and survive, so this virus has been benevolently repurposed as an impetus for change, for humanity to band together, for the dark to show its ugly face to the light for healing. 

It is time to heal your world. Gaia is in desperate need. You were well aware of her cry for help, which is why you were brave enough to embody. We repeat this. You were brave enough to embody, therefore you are brave enough to still be embodied. Do not leave in this critical juncture of timelines, of light infusion. Now is when you are most needed. Hold the light. 

The heavens are watching, leading, guiding, comforting. Many such as this one has been beyond exhausted as you integrate these upgrades, these changes into your surface world. It is the true the light is intensifying with every moment, for the light reveals all. The light is seeded for the seedlings of truth that have been planted in the tilled soil to flourish. (I am seeing tilling machines, with blades deep into the soil in the clay). 

Some places of your world that have been inundated with the dark energies are experiencing more tilling, more soil breakup. More light, more fertilizer to these areas. Do not be afraid, for fear hardens the ‘clay’ of the lower energies and lowers your immunity. The light is your immunity. 

We are aware this may not be a popular post or idea, but we lovingly remind you that Source is in all things, the light is winning, has won, is simultaneously winning. The darkness that you are seeing play out are the weeds and the poisonings of the soil that has been there for eons, now is simply the time that it is being exposed. The cleansing of Gaia is to commence, is commencing. Be at peace.

We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. 

We wish to offer you a blessing of peace so that these words offer the intended vibratory effect, calming, soothing. May we lovingly gently remind that you are to anchor the light. You are not the farmer plowing the fields. You are not working the tilling machine. You are grounding the light, shining your light on the weeds, spreading your light into the earth so that all is healed. 

It is a joyful task when in the right vibratory codex, and so we wish to assist with upping your vibration a bit, for a moment, so that these moments of healing become Gaia’s moments of healing. The light workers are banding together in new, interesting, integrating and exciting ways. Your internet, your inter-web of consciousness is providing such new avenues of connection. Technology is also being repurposed as the light shines deeper, more fully.

We surround you with our white wings. See the energies of Alcyone above you shining deep into you, igniting further your own individuated Source light within. (I am seeing a pink ball of light glowing and expanding within me). Feel the divine feminine reemerging, healed, whole. (I am seeing rainbow light all through my body). 

Feel the rainbow bridge become activated once more within you. We say once more because many of you have already achieved the ascension experience many times in former human and other embodiments. This is Gaia’s moment, you are here for Gaia’s ascension, for you are well familiar with ascension in other ways. 

All is ascending in this moment; ideas, consciousness, your planetary mother. The light is also revealing all that has also chosen to not ascend. Send them light and release them from your field, from Gaia’s field. Be the light and anchor it. We are spinning around you now, creating a vortex of light igniting further your own angelic DNA. Be comforted. You are strong enough for this. It is your time to fly. 

The light has won, this is just becoming solidified in this now moment on your planetary surface world.

We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. 

Be at peace.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 16:50
Terça-feira, 24 / 03 / 20

Moving Us to Higher-Dimensional Consciousness?


Moving Us to Higher-Dimensional Consciousness?

Steve Beckow.

Golden Age of Gaia.

Posted March 23th, 2019 by Wes Annac.

The universe seems to be pushing us to be loving and flowing. That’s the life pattern of the higher dimensions. And that’s what CV-19 is calling out of us.
Flow is the structure, the process, the milieu, the pattern of life in the higher dimensions. That’s an assertion I make having spent time in them (Fifth to Seventh). (1)
Compared to them, we’re like statues. We don’t flow.
We proceed at a snail’s pace, checking in with our desires, assessing the situation, weighing the probabilities, etc., before we even take a step.
The amount of detail coming at us as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic is enough unto itself to keep us off-balance. The weight of the tragedies being visited on society – people dying, out of work, closing down their livelihoods – is also overwhelming. We cannot meet the challenge from an overwhelmed mind.
Covid-19 is bringing the necessity of flow to us if we’re to weather this state of overwhelm. That’s the first thing I want to point to.
Second thing. Everyone in the higher dimensions exists in a state of love. They’re bathed in love.
They’re blessed with an inner tsunami of love, in the face of which no negative thought could arise and no desire to harm could exist. Love of a kind like that I did not know at all beforehand.
Suppose you’re a seven-year-old kid and Mom asks you if you want a glass of freshly-squeezed Florida orange juice. You say “yes” and she serves you Tang or Kool-Aid.
Oh my Gawd. You’d wretch and say, “That’s not orange juice.”
Well, what we consider to be love is Tang compared to their freshly-squeezed Florida orange juice. It’s not on the Richter scale compared to what love is in the higher dimensions.
I’ve spent time … time? … in the Ocean of Love. There isn’t much I know in the universe. I can’t hammer a nail in straight. But I do know love.
The response that Covid-19 is calling out of us is compassion, which is a form of love.
What the Pandemic is Doing
A pandemic such as we’re going through is chaotic and overwhelming in its consequences. Many of us are thunderstruck at the changes asked of us.
Yet I maintain that the Coronavirus pandemic, as tragic as it is, has a cosmic meaning. That meaning is to have us be so taken aback that we’ll actually make the move from being structure-bound to being fluid and from being isolated to being lovingly connected.
No, not by doing something risky or dangerous. Prudence is always required. We’re in a pandemic after all. But when the way is clear – and you keep your social distance – to begin to love and flow with people.
Hey, this is Stickman calling. I’m going to have more trouble with this than any of us and I’m here till the end.
Be that as it may, we cannot meet this disaster from the mind. Nor from the intellect, memory, imagination, or any other Third- or Fourth-Dimensional source within ourselves.
This can only be successfully met with an opening of our hearts to ourselves and others, and that in itself will lead to love and flow.
Where love and flow come together is that love flows. I cannot tell love to go to Mary and not Bob. Love instantly disappears if I do.
Love needs to flow freely. I have to allow it to go from my heart and flow out to the world. (2)
We need to start loving and flowing, within ourselves but – the pandemic is helping us see – with each other.
Or we can shrink, hoard, not listen to the cries, and do nothing. But that will simply cause us to lose the opportunity that this lifetime is. And this is not a lifetime to lose an opportunity.
Houston, I repeat. The universe seems to be pushing us to be loving and flowing. That’s the life pattern of the higher dimensions. And it’s what CV-19 seems to be calling out of us.
(1) I’m no longer in those spaces. And, while we’re here, I am neither qualified to be nor do I wish to be a spiritual teacher. Just a writer.
(2) That’s why I chuckle when I hear the phrase “universal love.” Show me love that is not always, already universal.
Steve Beckow



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 01:06
Domingo, 22 / 03 / 20

Present events represent the dismantling of ancient and false creations.

Present events represent the dismantling of ancient and false creations.

We are the Arcturian Group 

via Marilyn Raffaele.

March 22, 2020.


Welcome dear readers.  
Know that we and all beings of Light assisting with earth’s ascension  are supporting you during this time of turmoil and confusion.  We understand the suffering that is happening as three dimensional structures dismantle and force many well beyond their comfort zone.
Present world events represent the energetic dismantling of ancient and false creations, dear ones.  The increase of higher resonating energy in world consciousness is forcing that which is out of alignment with it to surface.  Earth’s energy is quickly changing, lifting, and becoming Lighter (ascending) and as it does, it exposes layers of dense energy ready to surface and begin dissolving.  Human mind is interpreting these energies on the third dimensional level as disease and discord.
The inner (consciousness) will always express as the outer.  As mankind spiritually evolves and higher frequencies of Light and truth increase, it automatically exposes everything of a lower resonance. Today’s situation of disease is about imbalance.  Imbalances that have been in place on all levels for eons–financial, personal, global.  Imbalances created through the universal acceptance of self serving concepts based in separation–inequality and the non-value of certain individuals or groups.
You are going to witness a great deal of disruption and disturbance  before this is finished, but it will finish, for there are no laws other than belief to support, sustain, or maintain disease.  Place your reliance in the reality of your Divine nature, trusting that all is proceeding according to plan.
Rather than seeing yourself as needing protection against some outer evil, know that your conscious realization of Oneness with Source is your protection just as it is your safety and security, abundance, completeness, wholeness, intelligence etc.
Yes, many are and will continue to leave during these times, but know that when a person leaves it is always by choice, one made on a deeper level.  We have stated many times that there is no death nor could there ever be a death for the essence of your very being is infinite Divine Life.  This actually makes you more at home on the other side than on earth.
Never forget that as Divine Beings, you are creators, and what you hold in consciousness as truth will manifest outwardly for there is no un-expressed consciousness.  The issues at hand now are being promoted and further expanded through intense media coverage serving mainly to promote fear.  Ask yourselves; “What am I believing and holding as truth in consciousness?  In the light of spiritual awareness is it true?”
We are not saying to disregard  practical precautions that represent third dimensional wisdom, but we are saying to do these practical things from a place of empowerment rather than from a place of fear that assigns power to appearances.  Gad alone is power in spite of outer appearances to the contrary.
You are in the midst of the changes you have been hoping, praying, and looking for but didn’t expect to manifest in this way.  Everything happening is serving to  change the consciousness of the collective and lift mankind to new levels of awareness.
There is always discord and confusion during times of change for the majority gets comfortable with things being a certain way and comes to depend upon them remaining the same even if or when those ways are unfair, demeaning, or even dangerous to others.  This often happens in abusive relationships where one partner is willing to suffer physically, emotionally, and mentally simply because they are used to it.
When familiar structures begin to collapse, the human mind does not know how to interpret it and panics, drawing upon everything it can from the collective belief system in order to “solve” the problem and get everything back to what it sees as “normal”.  The human mind is no longer in control.  It is being superceded by Consciousness.   The human mind is  attempting to help through what it knows, but the time has come to let mind take the lesser role, identifying with and allowing the reality of who and what you are to take over.
Allow the process dear ones, allow the process.  You who are in alignment with these messages have the  awareness with which to meet these difficult times.  Take whatever practical methods you are guided to take with regard to your personal situation but resist the temptation to fall back into old programming out of the belief that you need to heal, change, or correct something.
Use each day to practice the truth you know.  Now is the time for trust; for holding to truth and living each day in conscious realization of your true identity as Source while remaining sensible on the three dimensional level.
Present conditions are serving to drive increasingly more individuals out of their old mind set and  into alignment with unconditional love and oneness.  Many who have always thought of themselves as separate from everyone they didn’t know personally or believed themselves to be better or less than others are beginning to experience a sense of camaraderie.
Unifying experiences are taking place because individual consciousness is expanding and becoming increasingly more receptive to truth,  This is causing the collective to expand and open to ideas based in oneness– greater tolerance, understanding, and awareness regarding community and issues that all face regardless of color, gender, country, religious belief, wealth, or politics.
Difficulties presently facing the world are forcing increasingly more individuals to examine their beliefs with regard to how everything must be in order to be right.   Many are beginning to disengage from long held concepts holding them in bondage and obligation to money, jobs they hated, relationships that were finished, and engaging only in what society deemed appropriate.
Present times are helping many to dismantle the layers of dense and ancient energy that have blocked their spiritual awareness.   Old energies long stored in cellular memory and carried from lifetime to lifetime were originally created through vows taken in other lifetimes,  guilt, obligation– lives of non-power lived through duty rather than free will choice.
As a majority becomes aware of itself as being one family, many of the inequalities and imbalances that up to now have been considered acceptable will be recognized for what they really represent.  This will help those still fully enmeshed in the third dimensional belief system to begin questioning exactly what they believe and if these beliefs are valid.
The increase of love and sense of oneness in world consciousness is going to lift and effect all species and all kingdoms–  plant , animal, devic, elemental, nature spirit kingdoms as well as humans which will result in a collective consciousness that respects mankind’s sacred obligation to love, protect, and care for all life upon Gaia who herself is a living breathing spiritual being.
It is long past time for the arrogant thinking and actions of humans who believe themselves above and separate from other life forms to cease.  All must come to accept that there is only One Life and that what is done to one form of this One Life effects all  including their own.  Animals, trees, plants, and even the rocks  have levels of consciousness and to continue believing otherwise is ego folly.  Animals evolve and re-incarnate.  Human beings were never given permission to harm, destroy, and devalue other forms of the ONE life.
Life,  in all of its infinite forms,  expresses the One and only life that exists–even the life of a virus.  Ponder this.
As personal and global consciousness  evolves into the higher frequencies of truth, the present form of many ordinary and universally accepted ideas and expressions (art, health, education, politics)  will dissolve.  The old denser energies that formed and held them in place cannot exist in the presence of higher lighter frequencies.
Those who insist on perpetuating the creations of a previous state of consciousness whether personal or global are going to meet with a great deal of struggle and resistance for you cannot make something out of nothing.  Evolution of mankind is taking place whether some like it or not.
Trust that all is as it should be.  We and all beings of Light assisting in earths’ ascension process are with you at all times.  You are loved and being guided at all times.
Trust…  Allow…   Be…
We are the Arcturian Group    
Marilyn Raffaele 


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:52
Sexta-feira, 20 / 03 / 20



Quential Report, March 18th, 2020





There is a power collapse of the dominant controllers of money and banking systems that forefronts the red herring of COVID 19. This has been set up to discharge mass hysteria. The bankers are being rounded up and all of their accounts and confidential information are being frozen and investigated. The investigations happening are unprecedented. When this chain of command is taken down then everything below it has no management.
There are international meetings behind closed doors for a new world order but not like the one you were headed for, not one world power but a reorganisation of the whole monetary system and economic reset. Vast amounts of money that were hoarded will be released to the public. This will soon be released in the form of government aid while the newly printed money will be based on gold and the whole world currency will be globally reset. This is why all businesses are being shut down so things can be recalibrated.
There will be viruses released that will be different from COVID-19 and not as lethal as part of a smokescreen. The leaders of the world are also facing the realization that the planet is heating up at its core that will create weather anomalies, volcanoes and earthquakes. There will also be meteorites and asteroids coming near to earth. The world can come to peace in the financial institutions when the banking industry and the cabal are disassembled in a peaceful manner. There has been a war happening for the last 8 years with the elite special forces and the factions of the ones that will have the welfare of mankind, and these are the ones winning.
The coronavirus is to get people prepared to have food and provisions without heightened social hysteria and madness. Be very careful with the news not to panic and to be programmed into the sensationalism in their last attempt to cause great havoc on the planet. The bullies are being taken down and society is headed for great healing. Never underestimate the power of great healing where the sanity rebuilds itself and the Phoenix shall rise. This transition will be smooth, but it needs every one of you to look after your brothers and sisters and do not hoard.
Now is not the time for violence, it is time to work together for the new dispensation and reset. The world is a stage, it is making a quantum leap from a society that has kept mankind from growing and evolving with the higher frequencies. The bankers in Vietnam are being executed for corruption. In Spain, they’re being arrested and bought to trial and this is just the beginning. The child traffickers, pedophiles, cannibals and men and women of evil are being rounded up and will face trial for crimes against humanity. This is why Donald Trump has so much opposition, because they control the media.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

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Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:26
Terça-feira, 10 / 03 / 20

Judgment Release: The Gateway to Unity Consciousness Snippet.

Judgment Release: 

The Gateway to Unity Consciousness Snippet.


By Sarah ElkhaldyWake Up World

March 10, 2020.




When we look at the world through a third dimensional perspective we are observing mainly through the lens of separation and hierarchy. This isn’t a wrong way to see the world considering the importance of being able to distinguish between benign and dangerous presences in our environment, truth from falsehood, healthy water from contaminated etc. However, this vital attention to our survival can be exploited by those in power to stunt our ability to recognize our innate oneness with all of life when this perception is over applied.
The amount of internal conflict in this human experience inherently comes with several judgments that limit our ability to directly experience higher states of consciousness.
In fact, not only do all our judgments hinder us from shifting into a higher state of consciousness such as Unity Consciousness, they also keep us in a divided mentality that perpetuates the Us vs. Them reality.
The lessons native to this dimension all revolve around becoming a sovereign being.
We do this by learning to distinguish between various grades of truth and love, fusing our feminine and masculine hemispheres and becoming our Higher Self.
However there is one thing that can easily block us from aligning with our Higher Self and that is our resistance to releasing judgments.  This is what everyone has in common no matter what side of the chessboard they find themselves on—everyone is mirroring back to each other judgment.
Judgment is what fuels denial and denial is a hell of a drug.
Denial is one of humanity’s collective blind spots; it’s what keeps unconsciousness firmly intact. Another way of saying this is, to keep a world unconscious is to keep them busy with judgments because judgments not only deter us from healing uncomfortable emotions and facing the fears held inside the judgments, but they also keep us from creating unity within ourselves.
This is why judgments are the primary block to expanding our awareness and experiencing Unity Consciousness.
It is important to keep in mind that when we are working with judgment release we are working with the internal polarity. If we try to be less judgmental of others without healing our own judgments toward Self, we will end up only suppressing ourselves, creating more internal conflict, holding more judgments for having judgments and the plot thickens without anyone becoming wiser. Healing our judgments of Self is how we create true unconditional love.
Being at peace within ourselves doesn’t mean we need to feel at peace, it means we can allow ourselves to have whatever experience we are having without the added pressure of reacting to it. When we are in judgment we are taken out of whatever experience we are in to point out how wrong we are for feeling the way we feel or being in the experience we are currently in. We can see that judgments are inherently tied to a perception of wrongness. So we can start healing our judgments by asking ourselves a simple question whenever we feel a way we wish we didn’t feel or get lost inside our most unwanted beliefs and thought patterns: “Why is this wrong?”
Although this sounds negatively worded as if we are focused on a belief or feeling being wrong, what this is actually doing is bringing us into a state of neutrality about whatever we are experiencing. When we are able to receive ourselves without the pressure that can come from either being positively or negatively inclined, we can just ask ourselves “why is this wrong?” in order to discover whatever judgments we are holding.
Spiritually speaking, this is a counter intuitive approach to healing because we are accustomed to practices that teach us to get beyond our feelings and negative perceptions, rather than relate with them. Getting above our judgments is a worthy aspiration; the only issue is that we have more than one aspect of our energy fields to accommodate and our feelings are interconnected to our other centers. In addition to our physical body, we also have an emotional body, a mental body, as well as other bodies. All of these bodies are affected when we distort our relationship with our emotions.
We may not intentionally mean to repress ourselves. Sometimes we evolve quicker than our emotions can keep up with and in instances where we want to balance the heart with the mind faster than the body is able to process, we attempt to distort our feelings, and in doing so, we are communicating to ourselves that we are wrong.
The reason it’s so important to reverse this process and begin to open ourselves up to our judgments through shadow work is because there’s no way to evolve if we are expending our energy in the direction of concealing the areas within us that need the most assistance. A lot of our spiritual journey can be spent trying to become masters at manifesting, while our higher guidance is far more interested in our clarity, rather than pulling us deeper into sleep. If we are able to clearly see ourselves, the world, our predicament in the world, our core issues, overarching themes, our talents, positive attributes, our blind spots and duality, we can move in the direction of our higher guidance while naturally manifesting positive results in our life as a result of our clarity and growth.
When we want to feel joy, but instead we feel confused or fearful of what the future will be like instead of happily rooted in this moment, we can surrender our preference by lovingly asking ourselves “Why is this wrong?” to uncover what judgments are lacking our loving acceptance. Doing this collapses any internal struggle for power we are having within and allows us to hold space for our emotions rather than compete with them.
When we are able to receive ourselves without fearing that the way we are is wrong, then we can start to soften into the oneness within ourselves that is neither overly identified with the mind nor disconnected from its emotions but is harmonized with both through our own compassion.
Unity Consciousness is the integration of the masculine and feminine energies into an expanded state of consciousness; this doesn’t mean becoming a doormat for the unconsciousness of others to walk all over or stepping out of our personal integrity. In Unity consciousness there is still differentiation but without the density that the illusion of separation comes with, just like there is still polarity but it is not near as crass, it’s complimentary.
Individuals committed to their healing is how large-scale shifts in consciousness are eventually made, they become imprinted like a blueprint into the ethers for others to access through the phenomenon of morphogenic fields:
A useful concept is Rupert Sheldrake’s notion of morphogenetic fields, or M-fields. These invisible organizing patterns act like energy templates to establish forms of various levels of life. It is because of the discreetness of M-fields that identical representations of a species are produced. The idea that M-fields assist learning has been verified by wide scale experimentation. When Roger Bannister broke the 4-minute mile he created a new M-field. The belief system prevailing in human consciousness had been that the 4-minute mile was a limit of human possibility. Once the new M-field was created, many runners suddenly began to break the 4-minute mile records. This occurs every time mankind breaks into a new paradigm. Whether it’s the capacity to fly, or the capacity to recover from alcoholism. Once an M-field is created, everyone who repeats the accomplishment reinforces the power of that M-field. We are all familiar with the fact that new ideas often seem to arise in the minds of several far-removed people at the same time. Somehow, the M-field acts as an organizing principle, like a sort of general magnetic attraction. An M-field does not have to move anywhere. It is a standing energy field that is present everywhere. Once it is created, it exists as a universally available pattern throughout the invisible universe.”
—David Hawkins
Morphogenetic fields explain the phenomenon of telepathic transference of information through the field of consciousness. What this means is that our journey to becoming conscious does not only stay with us, it ripples outward influencing and recalibrating the entire quantum field while creating new possibilities for reality. Through our own healing we free up the space necessary for true liberation and joy.
Recommended articles by Sarah Elkhaldy:
About the author:
Sarah Elkhaldy is an energy healer trained in shamanic and holistic healing modalities that address soul loss, trauma, supporting the body in detoxification of chronic stressors and regeneration.

 She is the administrator of the social media account: The Alchemist, where she shares esoteric knowledge to help humanity gracefully tap into our evolutionary potential. She considers it her work to connect the higher with the lower; the outer world with the inner world.
 Sarah hosts retreats and workshops in Los Angeles on Alchemy and Shadow Work.
You can get in touch with Sarah here:
  1. https://wakeup-world.com/

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 08:53
Segunda-feira, 09 / 03 / 20

What Is the Mind-Body Problem in the Philosophy of Mind?

What Is the Mind-Body Problem in the Philosophy of Mind?

Alexander Nyland


March 7th, 2020.


The mind-body problem is one of the most famous issues within philosophical discussion. It has been a point of argument and deep interest for philosophers throughout history. The mind-body problem was addressed by Buddhism and the ancient Greeks, all the way through to Rene Descartes and beyond.
But why is this a matter of interest and why is it important? Here we will look at the answers to these questions, how it can make us think deeper about our existence, but also how this issue concerns us on a more personal level. However, firstly we must understand what the mind-body problem is.
What is the mind-body problem?
The fundamental premise of this problem is the idea of whether the mind and body are two separate entities, or whether they are the same and interconnected in some way. Should we treat them as the same thing or is one in charge of the other? More generally, it is the discussion between the relationship of the mind and the body, or the affiliation between mental attributes and physical attributes.
This, in turn, leads to many other questions that build on this issue. These questions are an integral part of philosophical discussion and concerns about our existence.
For example, what is the self and how is it related to the mind and the body? Are our bodies just housing our minds? What does it mean for a body to belong to a certain subject? Do mental states affect physical states and vice versa? Is our being composed of mental facets and physical facets, or are we just consciousness and nothing else?
As you can see, the mind-body problem isn’t a simple matter. No wonder philosophers have grappled with it throughout history. Many strands of thought and theories have tried to make sense of the relationship between the mind and the body. They each give their take on it.
Hence, there are many different ideas about what makes up our existence as a whole. Two approaches are the most common among those: Dualism and Monism.
Dualism and Monism
The main difference between these two theoretical approaches to the mind-body problem is that dualism holds a clear distinction between the two – between mental and the physical, between the immaterial and the material. At the same time, monism holds the idea that there is only one single reality to which everything can be explained – the two are indistinguishable, they are one entity.
But what does this mean? It will help to look at each idea in more detail:
We can understand dualism when recognising humans being made up of two different parts: one nonphysical (the mind) and one physical (the body/brain). These two things exist separately. They are not one whole subject.
The theory posits that both the mental and physical realms exist. However, they cannot be integrated. They are two separate cogs in a machine. They can work together but nevertheless are two distinguishable, individual entities. Rene Descartes is among the most well-known to believe in such a position through what is called Cartesian dualism (but that’s for another time).
This is easy enough to understand. We can often recognise that our minds can act differently to our bodies.
This could be in an obvious sense where our bodies may be frail in old age, but our minds are still as sharp as they were many years ago. Our bodies may become ill, by no fault of our own, but our minds may be still healthy (and vice versa). Our body has its system that works on its own; it is involuntary, whereas our mind can initiate voluntary actions.
You get the idea. This hopefully demonstrates what the essence of dualism is. It is perhaps more concrete and black and white than its counterpart though, and it’s easy to see why.
Monism takes the opposite perspective. It tries to refute the existence and distinction of these two separate entities and treats them as one phenomenon. It is a concept of singleness. Mind and matter are not two different states; they are both part of one overriding form.
We can see this through two types of monism: materialism and idealism. Materialism expresses the belief that nothing exists except the physical world. This means nothing exists apart from physical matter (in this case the brain and the body). This also considers consciousness as simply something that the brain does (an action or a function).
Idealism says that nothing exists apart from the nonphysical world. Physical objects are derivable and are just a product of our mental capacities. Perhaps the most famous advocate of this is the philosopher George Berkley (or Bishop Berkley). He argued that everything we perceive in the physical world, including our bodies, is just a projection of our mind.
The distinction is clear enough. Either our minds and bodies are two separate things that act independently from one another, or they co-exist together in some capacity in one single entity(e.g. consciousness, if taking the monist stance). This demonstrates how varied philosophical thought is when arguing about the mind-body problem.
However, for those of us who aren’t philosophers, it perhaps isn’t the point to advocate a particular position or choose a certain side when considering this issue. Rather we should use it as a means to help us engage with philosophy and help us think about our existence on a deeper level.
Why is the mind-body problem important?
You might wonder what the importance of such an ambiguous concept might be, or what use it is to us to even ponder on a matter like this. It can do two things for us: help us generate discussion about our existence on a general level and can also affect how we judge ourselves on a personal level.
The mind-body problem can engage us with the most deeply held concerns within philosophy about what the nature of our existence is. Are we physical beings inhabiting a physical world? Or, do we exist on a mental level where our minds are the only true entities and everything else is just a projection of our consciousness?
This all may seem broad and convoluted. But at its root, it is a major pathway to trying to understand the reality and our place in it. Encouraging this endeavour can only be a positive thing for society and us.
Viewing this issue on a personal level can also put a different spin on the subject.
One of the major enigmas we face in life is the struggle to understand or handle the conflict between our minds and our bodies. Perhaps how people view us on the outside, by our appearance and our projected character, is starkly different from how we may feel inside our mind.
The way we look or how others perceive us may sadly and unwantedly become engrained in our identity. However, we are still unsettled in our psyche when we know this not to be true.
Should we view our minds and bodies as part of the same parcel? Or is it healthier to have the awareness that what is depicted in someone’s exterior may be false, with the true nature of our being lying in our minds and our thoughts?
These ideas are less of a theoretical approach to the issue and more of an emotional angle that concerns our well-being. Nevertheless, it just demonstrates further the different ways we can consider the mind-body problem. In whatever way or capacity we choose to do so, it can only be for the betterment and benefit of ourselves.

  1. https://plato.stanford.edu
  2. https://www.iep.utm.edu






About the Author: Alexander Nyland

Alexander Nyland is an avid writer, blogger and traveller with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature and Philosophy, graduating in 2018 from the University of Sheffield. His particular focus and interests in his studies included Film and Ancient Greek philosophy. Alex has always been fascinated by art, culture and philosophy and believes they are an integral and important part of all of our lives. He has his own blog, thefilmpheed.com, which discusses these subjects and their role in our lives and society in-depth.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 01:45
Segunda-feira, 02 / 03 / 20

The Next 22 Years.

The Next 22 Years.

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation by:

Alexandar Kosmos and Brenda Garcia.

February 28, 2020.

Our human world is comprised of sentient Beings learning to integrate their Higher Selves’ Consciousness within matter while –at the same time - discovering how our Soul’s Purpose is evolving in order to incorporate the Universal Mindset! 
The world we left behind on March 27, 2017 signaled that a New Reality was emerging into our sphere of power. The 3D Mindset is barraged with what seems to be a constant state of chaos and confusion as the 3D systems and structures fall apart. What will be the catalyst to nudge the collective 3D Mindset of humanity into the place of our emerging Fifth Dimensional Community of Sun-Stars?
The technological advancements of the past decades and centuries co-created by humanity have given humanity the opportunity to improve mankind’s experience on earth and to realize our awesome potential. 
Through humanity’s evolutionary process, have we – along the way - improved the connection to our Soul’s Purpose – or not? Have we come to understand the Knowledge needed, beyond the Earth Plane, to begin to understand our Universe – or not? The 3D Mindset functions with and for our human experience within Mother Earth’s 3rd Dimension. 
Fully embracing the Isness of that experience – whatever it may be – with no emotional charge whatsoever will result in our transition into the Universe’s 5th Dimension. 
March 3, 2020 to February 4, 2042 will be a critical span of time for humanity. Will we expand our Spiritual Knowledge – or, continue the decline into density.
For the next 22 Years – beginning on March 3, 2020 – Mother Earth’s Seven Chakra System will expand to 15 Chakras. Humanity will get the same upgrade. Our Chakras serve us with our Higher Self as Energy Vortex Centers within our Souls. 
To imagine our Soul is to understand our Soul as a spheroid – much like our Solar System’s Sun emitting Light to all points within our Solar System and beyond! Our human bodies are not shaped like a spheroid, Mother Earth, or our Sun. Nevertheless, to see the Soul as the center of our Beingness, is to see the body as a Soul in physical manifestation! 
The expansion to 15 Chakra Centers within the body of Mother Earth, as well as each individual human being on Earth, will be highlighted on September 17, 2025. An Event to expand and increase the 5th Dimension’s Harmonic Vibrational Energy for our Universal Heart Chakras will occur.
Most of humanity does not actually use all Seven of their Soul’s Chakras now. 
Will the expansion to 15 Chakras make humanity more responsive to our Universe’s Energy? 
No. Most of humanity will continue to use their 3 Primary Chakras (Root, Throat, Sacral) as they have. They will choose not to access the new energies.
Will humanity prosper within an increased 5th Dimensional Harmonic Frequency? 
Yes and no. Mother Earth - as well as the Universe’s increased 5th Dimensional Vibratory Frequency - will require humans to increase their own Vibration through the utilization of our own Energy Vortex Centers – all 15 Chakras!
The original Seven Chakra System will remain completely intact. In sequence, these are the Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras. 
The beginning of humanity’s transformation to the 15 Chakras will actually begin on December 9, 2028 - exactly when Mother Earth expands her own Chakra System with the initiation of her 8th Chakra - a secondary Heart Chakra! 
The 9th and 13th Chakras will serve as a Universal Soul Identity to further expand how we decree what we will co-Create with the Universe’s 5th Dimensional Vibration. 
The 10th and 14th Chakras will enable our powers to co-Create with Mother Earth’s 5th Dimension. 
The 11th and 15th Chakras will be used to enable our Universal Pathways and Purpose for Mother Earth’s 5th Dimension. 
And, finally the 12th Chakra will serve our manifesting Universal Heart!
The next 22 Years will see humanity either expanding and unifying through the use of our newly re-membered Spiritual Knowledge, or continue the decline into density.
Unity for humanity is the comprehensive solution. Unity will result in total and complete change in humanity’s Collective Destiny within the Universal Community! 
What could be better than a Unified Humanity actually fulfilling our Soul’s Purpose through Service to Others? Humanity knows enough about what occurs when the collective supports service to self in its human endeavors? 
The new beginning of humanity’s next Collective Expansion is emerging through Mother Earth’s New 15 Chakras structure. Humanity’s opportunity to expand to 15 Chakras is also emerging. Free Will choice of each individual Soul to become One with Mother Earth’s 5th Dimensional Vibratory Frequency!
Peace and blessings in Unity, Gratitude and Love. 
Alexandar Kosmos and Brenda Garcia

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 04:36
Terça-feira, 25 / 02 / 20

Study: The Human Body Responds To Sharp Changes In Solar and Geomagnetic Activity.

Study: The Human Body Responds To Sharp Changes In Solar and Geomagnetic Activity.

Authored by Arjun Walia.

collective-evolution.com Staff Writer

Posted February 6, 2020




The Facts:

Multiple studies have shown how changes In solar and geomagnetic activity correlate with human biology. This is usually measured by autonomic nervous system activity.
Reflect On:
How much of an influence do the cosmos have on human consciousness?

Over the past few years, a number of publications have emerged from scientists and researchers all over the world regarding the human magnetic field. Not only have they been studying the human magnetic field, they’ve also been studying the magnetic field of the planet, and how all these fields, including our own, can impact ourselves and the people around us. It’s similar to quantum entanglement, in that both show that everybody and every living thing is “connected” in ways we have yet to fully understand.

Leading the charge are the brilliant scientists over at the HearthMath Institute. An internationally recognized nonprofit research and education organization, it dedicates itself to helping people reduce stress, self-regulate emotions, and build energy and resilience for healthy, happy lives.

A large portion of their research has investigated heart and brain interaction. Researchers have examined how the heart and brain communicate with each other and how that affects our consciousness and the way in which we perceive our world. For example, when a person is feeling really positive emotions like gratitude, love, or appreciation, the heart beats out a certain message. Because the heart beats out the largest electromagnetic field produced in the body, it can yield significant data for researchers. You can read more about that here.

Now, the Institute has published new research which suggests that daily autonomic nervous system activity not only responds to changes in solar and geomagnetic activity, but also synchronizes with the time-varying magnetic fields associated with geomatic field-line resonances and Schumann resonances.

In 1952, German physicist and professor W.O. Schumann of the Technical University of Munich began attempting to answer whether or not the Earth itself has a frequency — a pulse. His assumption about the existence of this frequency came from his understanding that when a sphere exists inside of another sphere, an electrical tension is created. Since the negatively charged Earth exists inside the positively charged ionosphere, there must be tension between the two, giving the Earth a specific frequency. Following his assumptions, through a series of calculations he was able to land upon a frequency he believed was the pulse of the Earth. This frequency was 10hz.

It wasn’t until 1954 that Schumann teamed up with another scientist, Herbert König, and confirmed that the resonance of the Earth maintained a frequency of 7.83 Hz. This discovery was later tested out by several scientists and confirmed. Since then, the Schumann Resonance has been the accepted term to describe or measure the pulse or heartbeat of the earth.

You can read more about Schumann Resonance here.

“To follow up and confirm these profound findings, an international study with 104 participants in five countries was conducted. The preliminary findings have confirmed and extended the results of the first study and they indicate humanity’s heart rhythms are synchronized on a global scale. We are synchronized not only with each other, but also with the earth’s energetic systems.” (source)

The study was published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, and its results are consistent with other studies showing that changes in solar and geomagnetic activity correlate with changes in the human nervous system activity.

It’s long been known that all biological systems on Earth are exposed to invisible magnetic fields of all kinds, and at all range of frequencies, and that these fields can affect every cell and circuit to a greater or lesser degree. A number of physiological rhythms, as the study points out, have been shown to be synchronized with solar and geomagnetic activity. (source)(source)(source)(source)(source)(source)

As the study points out:

Human regulatory systems are designed to adapt to daily and seasonal climatic and geomagnetic variations; however, sharp changes in solar and geomagnetic activity and geomagnetic storms can stress these regulatory systems, resulting in alterations in melatonin/serotonin balance, blood pressure, immune system, reproductive, cardiac, and neurological processes. Disturbed geomagnetic activity is associated with the intensification of existing diseases, significant increases in myocardial infarction incidence and death, changes in blood flow, aggregation, and coagulation, increased blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, and seizures in epileptics.

Fascinating, isn’t it? it makes one wonder just how much we know about our health and what influences it.

The study outlines how, during periods of increased solar activity, which peaks every 10.5 to 11 years, “the sun emits increased ultraviolet (UV) energy and solar radio flub, which is measured by the 2.8 GHz signal” and “although the details of the physiological mechanisms in humans and animals are not yet fully understood, it is apparent that solar and magnetic influences affect a wide range of human health and behavioral processes, with the cardiovascular and nervous systems being the most clearly affected.”

The study goes on to outline several examples where the human autonomic nervous system seems to be responding to this type of activity.

For this specific study, ten healthy individuals from the ages of 34 to 65 years old participated, with an average age of 53. Their Heart Rate Variability (HRV) was recorded for 31 consecutive days. To see the methods and results, as well as the statistical analysis, limitations, and more, please refer to the actual study.

Based on their results, the authors concluded:

Overall, the study suggests that daily autonomic nervous system activity not only responds to changes in solar and geomagnetic activity, but is synchronized with the time-varying magnetic fields associated with geomagnetic field-line resonances and Schumann resonances. A likely explanation for how solar and geomagnetic fields can influence human nervous system activity is through a resonant coupling between our nervous systems and geomagnetic frequencies (Alfvén waves), or ultra low frequency standing waves in the earth-ionosphere resonant cavity (Schumann resonances) that overlap with physiological rhythms.

Findings like these, and many more, are exactly why the HeartMath institute began what’s known as the Global Coherence Initiative (GCI).

Others are working on identifying how these fields can be sensed.

A recent study published by Kirschvink in the journal Nature Communications suggests that a protein in the human retina, when placed into fruit flies, has the ability to detect magnetic fields. The research claims that it can serve as a magneto sensor, but it’s unknown whether or not humans use it in this way as well. (source)

The Global Coherence Initiative

The GCI in an international cooperative effort to help activate the heart of humanity and facilitate a shift in global consciousness. Its primary focus is to invite people to participate by actively adding more heart-coherent love, care, and compassion into the planetary field. It also aims to scientifically research how we are all energetically connected with each other and the planet, and how we can utilize this interconnectivity to raise our personal vibration to assist in creating a better world.

The hypotheses of the researchers and scientists behind this process are as follows:
The Earth’s magnetic fields are a carrier of biologically relevant information that connects all living systems
Every person affects this global information field. Large numbers of people creating heart-coherent states of love, appreciation, care, and compassion can generate a more coherent field environment that benefits others and helps off-set the current planetary discord and incoherence
There is a feedback loop between human beings and Earth’s energetic/magnetic systems
Earth has several sources of magnetic fields that affect us all. Two of them are the geomagnetic field that emanates from the core of the Earth, and the fields that exist between Earth and the ionosphere. These fields surround the entire planet and act as protective shields blocking out the harmful effects of solar radiation, cosmic rays, sand, and other forms of space weather. Without these fields, ice as we know it could not exist on Earth. They are part of the dynamic ecosystem of our planet.
The Earth and ionosphere generate frequencies that range from 0.01 hertz to 300 hertz, some of which are in the exact same frequency range as the one happening in our brain, cardiovascular system, and autonomic nervous system. This fact is one way to explain how fluctuations in the Earth’s and Sun’s magnetic fields can influence us. Changes in these fields have also been shown to affect our brain waves, heart rhythms, memory, athletics performance, and overall halth.Changes in the Earth’s fields from extreme solar activity have been linked to some of humanity’s greatest creations of art, as well as some of its most tragic events. (source)We know how these fields affect us, but what about how we affect these fields? That’s the real question here. GCI scientists believe that because brainwave and heart rhythm frequencies overlap the Earth’s field resonance, we are not just receivers of biologically relevant information, but also feed information into the global field, thus creating a feedback loop with the Earth’s magnetic fields:

Research is indicating that human emotions and consciousness encode information into the geomagnetic field and this encoded information is distributed globally. The Earth’s magnetic fields act as carrier waves for this information which influences all living systems and the collective consciousness. (source)

This research, which is still in its infancy, has great ramifications. It will further push along the fact that our attitudes, emotions, and intentions actually matter, a lot, and that these factors within the realm of non-material science can affect all life on Earth. Coherent, cooperative intention could impact global events and improve the quality of life on Earth. Practicing love, gratitude, and appreciation, and bettering ourselves as individuals, are just a few of many action steps we can take toward changing our planet for the better.
So What?

This research further reinforces the fact that we have a special kind of relationship with every living system around us, an energetic relationship where processes as described above affect our nervous system, health, emotions, and mood. Previous research on this topic shows just how important our emotions could be with regards to coding information into this field. Positive emotions can uplift our nervous system, while negative emotions can dampen it.

The best way, for now, to work with this information and incorporate it into our daily lives is through self observation.

So, the next time you feel upset, angry, or frustrated, try observing yourself and how you react. It’s great practice to identify and neutralize your buttons so they cannot be pushed, and work on your personal development. You have to do whatever you can to feel good, which could include exercise, eating healthy, minimizing electronics usage, spending time with friends and animals, and more. You could practice being less judgemental, and work on your intentions by figuring out if they are coming from a ‘good’ place. You could be more grateful, you could help others, and you could treat others how they want to be treated.

There are a number of tools you could use, like meditation, for example, to assist you with these action steps. The bottom line is, if you are at peace with yourself, and have control over your emotions, you are helping the planet and others around you. If you are constantly angry, harming others, or have negative intentions, you could be doing the exact opposite.

To further your research on this topic, an excellent place to start is the at the Institute of HeartMath. The Institute of HeartMath is an internationally recognized nonprofit research and education organization dedicated to helping people reduce stress, self-regulate emotions, and build energy and resilience for healthy, happy lives.

Collective Evolution III, The Shift

Some of what is discussed above is also covered in our third documentary that was released three years ago. The Collective Evolution III is a powerful documentary that explores a revolutionary shift affecting every aspect of our planet. As the shift hits the fan, people are becoming more aware of the control structures that prevent us from experiencing our full potential. CE3 uses a different level of consciousness and scientific facts to bring clarity about the shift while dispelling myths about our true nature. It offers practical steps that we can implement right now to transition out of survival mode and into our more natural state of peace and co-operation . CE3 includes fascinating interviews with revolutionary speakers and people who are already opting out of the current socioeconomic system. The film examines hidden technologies and exciting alternatives for a bright limitless future. This is the most exciting time in the history of our world.
So if you’re interested, you can watch it on CETV here.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 08:55
Domingo, 16 / 02 / 20

Consciousness is Booming!

Consciousness is Booming!


Through Dianne Robbins.

February 15th, 2020.




Every thought, feeling, and action, and the words you use determine your level of consciousness.
~ Adama

Consciousness is booming!
It’s the biggest commodity expansion on the stock market. Invest in it today—it will bring you great cosmic dividends in the future.
The more you invest, the more you will always have, for you always take it with you no matter what lifetime you are in—for its value exponentially increases. It is better than the gold you leave behind at the end of each lifetime. So take the time to invest now by meditating, by exploring, and by loving yourself.
Investing in your consciousness is FREE—it is the only free commodity available on the stock market today. No dollars out of your pocket—just your time and willingness to expand your perceptions—and voila, you have it! You will be able to perceive the deceptions going on around you through your media and by your governments. You’ll see how you’ve been duped to believe in the righteousness of wars and insane American government leaders leading your country and the world to the brink of disaster.
Energy is pouring onto the Earth plane in astronomical amounts now, and people are waking up by the millions. They are waking up to the divinity of all life and are beginning to see and sense beyond their physical five senses of taste, touch, smell, hearing, and seeing. They are becoming aware of forces that exist in higher states of consciousness, and this alone will save the Earth. When a critical mass of people worldwide reaches this higher state of awareness, everyone will suddenly wake up and the destruction will stop. We overcome environmental destruction not through the environment, but through ourselves. In the Hollow Earth and the other subterranean Cities of Light, we learned this long ago.
Yes, a higher consciousness is where you want to be. So invest now—it is more than an investment in your self. It is an investment in the continuance of the world.
I am Adama.
This formation of a Heart appeared on top of Mt. Shasta in California, February 8, 2020. This photo was taken just after sunset, when the Mountain glowed in pink and the Heart turned bright red.
Photo credit: Andrew Oser

Copyright © Dianne Robbins


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:50
Quinta-feira, 19 / 12 / 19

What is consciousness and how does it relate to the body?

Ivo of Vega

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted December 18th, 2019.



Me: Ivo, I realize I’m very fortunate to have this connection with you otherwise I’d be floundering, trying to understand like all the people I see trying to learn in Facebook groups. Seriously, they need to pick up a book and read about the nature of reality.

Ivo: Yes, you are fortunate, however you are in a position to help them.

Me: I did but putting down some comments isn’t the same thing as going into a detailed description.

Ivo: Sometimes putting down the correct next comment is the way to their understanding the truth.

Me: So let’s discuss the truth there. What is consciousness and how does it relate to the body?

Ivo: Arguably, it is all consciousness. You are all light bodies comprised of 12 dimensions. Each dimension vibrates at a faster frequency than the one below it. You have one chakra that aligns with each of these layers of consciousness. Each chakra is an energy center, which allows the energy to be absorbed into or to come out of, the light body.

Many people, as they try to move from their understanding of a one-dimensional physical reality, to a 12 dimensional physical and non-physical reality, struggle to understand. And this is understandable.

Me: I’m glad I had books to read and didn’t rely on Facebook posts.

Ivo: Yes, an author, who is earning money from their work will always attempt to be as integrous as possible. Because their reputation relies upon their work. However, Facebook groups have no such inclination. Although they should. Integrity is key to ascension.

Me: Yes.

Ivo: So, consciousness is what we are, as I have said. The body is a limiter. Consciousess is what we all are, we are all part of the whole, each powerful units within the central body of what you call God. In the same way that your physical body is comprised of its units, atoms, you are all atoms in the light body of the whole, the Creator.

However, consciousness is limited in its expression when it is just consciousness. It needs to relate to something in order to understand itself, so in the lower levels, it creates a physical body – yes, you all created your physical bodies within your mother’s wombs, the driving forces behind this creation were the energies of your father and your mother however you were present in this creation as well.

Me: So you ensure your body is created to your own specifications?

Ivo: Yes, it is your life to live and you choose to live it within certain parameters.

Consciousness, at this level, has 12 vibrational levels, or dimensions. And each dimension is “plugged into” your physical body by means of a chakra. When the chakras are running proficiently, the physical reality is expressed to its highest degree. When the chakras are imbalanced, reversed or rotating in an elliptical shape, then your expression of reality, your physical life, is dysfunctional. It affects the corresponding endocrine gland which align with your sympathetic (fight flight or flee) or your parasympathetic (relax and rejuvenate) systems.

Me: How would an elliptical third eye rotation affect me at the sixth dimension?

Ivo: It would affect your expression into the sixth dimension as well as affect your sixth dimensional expression of yourself in this fourth dimensional physical expression.

Me: So that tells people, if they want to open their third eye and do some awesome astral traveling, keep your chakras in balance.

Ivo: Yes. And stop believing in the illusion because lies and illusion shut down your higher chakras.

Me: Truth opens them, as in sets you free as is promised.

Ivo: Yes.

Your lower vibrational levels, the root to the solar plexus chakra, affect your upper chakras which affects those dimensions. Your upper chakras filter down energy into the lower chakras which affects your physical expression. It is all related. It goes both directions.

Me: So many people think the brain is the mind. Can you speak to that, Ivo?

Ivo: The brain is the central computer of your physical body – it is the CPU of the computer you call your physical body. It interprets your reality. That is why all the physical senses are connected to areas of your brain – this is all so that you can understand your physical reality. These senses all relate to the lower mind, the mind of the physical reality which is comprised within the energies of the root to the solar plexus chakra.

The higher mind is comprised of energies relating to the heart to the crown chakra and the 5 above them. And these relate to your non-physical bodies.

Your brain does not think. Thinking is carried out within the mental body – which relates to the third chakra. That level of dimension relates to your lower mind. Yes, those who believe that their body is everything will be shocked after their deaths when they realize they are completely whole, they just do not have their physical body anymore. They are capable of everything they did in their physical life, as a matter of fact more than, because they do not have the limiting physical body to keep them from astral travel or bi-location.

Me: Yeah, can you imagine?

Ivo: Your people must understand life in order to understand that death is only death of the physical body, nothing more.

Me: Imagine how odd it must be for people to realize their brain isn’t doing the thinking, it’s done more around their belly button? LMAO But then there are people who have a “gut feeling” and this is why, of course.

Ivo: That is the location of the chakra which relates to a third dimensional density. However there is always the higher mind which begins at the heart and above.

Me: Also I think people think their brain is doing the thinking because they relate to everything from their eyes and the eyes are in front of the brain.

Ivo: Yes, we should explain the chakra functions.

Me: Please do.

Ivo: The root chakra, the sacral chakra and the solar plexus chakra (the belly button) are the three levels of energy that make up your physical reality. Your body is simply a manifestation of energy that can perceive itself which considering the lower dimension it exists upon is most wonderful. And your eyes are able to perceive a section of the light spectrum that relates to your physicality – the range at which your body vibrates at is perceived by the physical senses. A cat’s however, perceives beyond the spectrum that the human can, that is why your cat behaves strangely whenever they are perceiving us from the higher dimensions.

Me: Or lower. Sometimes he cowers.

Ivo: Sometimes he sees Worf around you who tends to scare him.

Me: LOL.

Ivo: Or he will see the dark ones as well. Your animals see beyond your limited range of vision and hearing, so their perception is much greater than yours. Humans have been dumbed down and this is an example of this. When your DNA goes fully quantum, you will be able to perceive 12 dimensions from your physical body, and you will realize that you never left your beloved homes – the dimensions of light.

Yes, the physical body is the key manifestation of separation. It tells you that it is the power machine and it tells you that you are separate from others and from God. You are not. You never were, and for that matter, you have never left what you call heaven because you are connected to it through your upper chakras. What is more, although it is a magnificent creation, it is a creation that limits your whole expression in favour of relating to your physical dimension.

Changing one’s understanding from a physical perspective can be a challenge. You worked through it pretty readily, my love.

Me: I can remember a certain ET showing up in my kitchen because I was having a hard time understanding that things existed when I couldn’t see them. So you made sure I saw you so we could get over this impasse.

Ivo: Yes, I did. You had to see me in order to confirm I existed and so you did. You understand that I exist despite the fact that you do not see me every day and this has helped you move on in your multi-dimensionality.

The upper 4 chakras relate to the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh densities or dimensions. You co-create these densities as well. You have aspects of your soul living within them.

One whose heart is not open will not be able to vibrate at a fourth dimensional level. When one is fearful and keeps the heart closed, you will not be able to ascend to 4D. To achieve fourth dimensional vibration, the heart must be open and you must be of service to others.

Fifth dimensional vibration requires steady fourth dimensional awareness, plus an understanding of unity consciousness. The conditions of duality do not apply here and the mind that has learned the tenets of the dualistic system, now must embrace unity consciousness. The way to vibrate at the fifth dimension frequency is to transcend your life of duality and separation. The matrix is based on these things, particularly the negative aspect of duality. Being positive helps, but understanding the system that enslaves you is the way to transcend the matrix. I say being positive helps because unless you understand all that enslaves you you would simply be a happy slave to the system, not an angry slave.

All dimensions utilize universal law because that is how these dimensions are structured – according to universal law. Your physicality is structured contrarily to universal law – we have written about this in our book – how universal law is used against you in your physicality. This is how you become enslaved – because universal law, or love, will set you free.

Me: Ivo, I’m getting tired. Can you please do a recap and end?
Ivo: Yes, the energies are up with 12/12.

Me: They go up and I crash. So what’s up with that?

Ivo: All is being cleared from you, your lower chakras being rebalanced and your negative energies expunged from your systems.

The recap then: You are a light being comprised of the energies of 12 dimensions. (Actually much more, but for argument’s sake, we’ll say 12). Your physical body lives within the lowest of these dimensions and has manifested into what your brain perceives to be matter. Your physical mind, your lower mind, your ego aligns with the third dimensional densities – which align to your solar plexus chakra and your emotions align to the second dimensional densities, which is your sacral chakra. Although your physical body is a marvellous machine, it is simply a machine that helps you relate to your physical energies as solid matter. It can also perceive itself and all around it with the use of its 5 senses. The brain does not think – consciousness thinks and that consciousness is you. In your true state, you are an energy body, not a physical body.

To access one’s higher mind, the heart chakra must be open. To align with the higher consciousness within you, you must stop aligning with the lower consciousness life you are living. You must gain a higher perspective and accept that you are not just physical – you are quantum. You are an unlimited being of light in actuality, who has incarnated into a dense reality in order to experience itself within a certain limited set of parameters that are commonly called “separation.”

You already are all you need to be. The question is to lose that which tells you you are something you are not. The lie is within the physical and your physical lives are lying to you. You are not who you think you are and your life is about learning to understand who you truly are. This is transcendence.

Me: Thank you Ivo.

Ivo: My love, thank you for working with us when you are as tired as you are. We understand you are motivated to bring the truth to this world.

Me: So do a lot of others who try to stop me. LOL But I will prevail. I use universal law rather than earth’s systems to do my work; therefore I can’t fail.

Ivo: And so it is!
Sharon Stewart.
  1. http://www.sharonandivo.weebly.com

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 05:01
Segunda-feira, 16 / 12 / 19

What Is Soul Travel? 4 Safe Methods and Techniques to Induce This State

By Valerie Soleil.


Posted November 28th, 2019. 


What wouldn’t you give to travel without limits on any plane of existence? To feel your Soul become one with the universe? To be a shining beacon of Light? Soul travel requires only focus, high vibration frequencies and intentionality. With the right tools and techniques, you can live in a world with no borders and no limits.
What Is Soul Travel?
Let’s start with what it’s not. Soul Travel is often confused with Astral Projection, but the two are in fact very different. Astral Projection revolves around our Subtle Body, also called Astral Body or Energy Body. This is the vibrational refined refraction of our physical body, which connects the mind and the spirit.
In Astral Projection, the Subtle Body leaves the physical body and travels through the Astral Plane. However, you remain consciously and detachedly aware of your physical body. This can be achieved through lucid dreaming, mediation or even accidentally.
In Soul Travel, you travel with your Light Body. This body is more extensive than the Astral Body. It shines through it to encompass the Astral Body. As such, it is reached by attaining and maintaining a state of complete, unconditional Love.
By raising our vibrations through this state of Love, the Light Body reaches its highest refraction, the Rainbow Body. Now we find ourselves on the same frequency as the Source, the Universe, the Cosmos, the Creation. When we are open to Love, we can be anything and go anywhere.
In Soul Travel, we are not aware of our physical bodies, having reached the highest vibrations of ourselves. Being on the same frequency as the Source connects us with everything in the Universe, beyond time and place.
On this frequency, we are in all worlds and dimensions at once, so we don’t actually travel anywhere. We are already there and everywhere. As such, there is no need to be afraid of getting lost as we do not physically leave our bodies.
Some people do report a whooshing sound or a feeling of high speed when they Soul Travel. This is most likely the sensation resulting from two things:
  • Our Soul negotiating fixed states and conditions
  • Time and space adjusting to the Soul’s state of consciousness
  • Why It Is Important
The vital element of Soul Travel is understanding that, on this level, we work to uplift humanity. By fusing with the Source, we are empowered to take more responsibility for ourselves at all levels. Likewise, to use our natural gifts and abilities to raise the Earth’s vibration. We will often be guided via suggestion or intuition to where we need to be.
When Soul Travelling consciously or through meditation, we know we are where we need to be. In light of this, ask yourself and the Universe the following question when you arrive: Is there anything I need to heal, complete, receive or resolve here? Lean into Love, and you’ll know the answers.
How Can I Soul Travel?
The crucial element of Soul Travel is to know where you want to go. As you merge with the Source’s vibration frequency, focus on your destination to manifest it around you.
But how do you merge with the Source’s vibration frequency? As previously discussed, this is a path of Love. Only by embodying complete, unconditional Love on all levels can we raise our vibrations enough to become One.
There are a variety of techniques to achieve Soul Travel, each suited to different individuals and different personalities. Play around and experiment with them. Get creative with how you apply them to yourself. Most importantly, remain comfortable and avoid tension and struggle in your journey to Soul Travel.
Most techniques are based on visualisations and meditations. This is because intentionality and purpose are vital to Soul Travel. The aim is to fill yourself with such Love that it cannot be contained in your physical body.
4 Safe Methods and Techniques to Induce Soul Travel
Guiding Light
The Guiding Light is one such visualisation. Imagine yourself vibrating with so much Love, at such a high frequency, that you generate a warm, golden light, emanating from your Crown Chakra.
Visualise it passing down through your Chakras to your Root Chakra, activating and lighting them each in turn. Bring it back up through your Chakras. This time sparking such Love that they each start vibrating, then spinning.
As they continue spinning, the Love grows, and their Light shines further and further out until they become one Chakra of Light. Unconditional love continues to fuel this Light Chakra. As a result, it grows outwards, through all your bodies, towards the Source, which is everywhere. The culmination of its journey is your ecstasy.
Two Pyramids
Another visualisation method is the Two Pyramids. See yourself sitting inside a glowing, white pyramid. The base is resting on your hips and the tip projecting upwards. Add another pyramid, with the base at your heart and the tip pointing down into the Earth. Maintain this visualisation for a few normal breaths. When the sensation is stable and tangible, exhale powerfully from your stomach.
Then visualise a golden orb growing to encircle both pyramids. Exhale into this field around you, and maintain it steadily with all your senses. When you can sense all three elements without strain, set them spinning clockwise, first the pyramids, then the orb. Breathe with the physical sensations and the increasing frequency. Guide this Love to all the internal spaces that need healing and affirmation, and to others in your life.
Spiritual Eye
A more focused visualisation involves the Spiritual Eye. Close your eyes and focus your intention on your Third Eye, between your eyebrows. Whether through vocalisation, breathwork or meditation, let Love fill your mind, body and heart.
Now visualise your spiritual Guide in your Third Eye. Vocalise the following intention: I give you permission to take me to the best place for my spiritual good.
Use the same technique as you used to channel Love to visualise yourself somewhere familiar. Practice regularly and frequently. Consequently, you’ll find yourself in your mental picture, or somewhere else entirely!
Daily Practice
It’s a good idea to practice specific mental exercises throughout the day. As a result, you’ll build up an awareness of the different planes and of your movement through them.
One good practice is to regularly ask yourself if you are dreaming and check for indications of reality. Eventually, you’ll ask yourself this question in dreams as well. In fact, the minute you become aware that you are dreaming you enter a lucid dream state. This is a feature of the Astral Body and a stepping stone to the Light Body.
Another way to practice moving through planes is to regularly visualise a scene from your past. However, change some detail of the movement. If the wind was blowing, make the weather still. If people were sitting, make them run.
Final Thoughts
Keep practising, in tandem with meditations, visualisations and remembering to keep your vibrations high. With any luck, you’ll eventually find yourself somewhere else!
  1. jasonendfield.weebly.com
  2. www.researchgate.net
  3. exemplore.com

Valerie Soleil


About the Author: Valerie Soleil

Valerie Soleil is a writer with over 5 years of experience and holds a bachelor degree in law and a B.A. in Psychology. She is a physical & mental health enthusiast who constantly expands her knowledge about the mysteries of the human body and mind. Some of the activities Valerie is particularly passionate about are traveling and reading because they help her broaden her horizons.
Copyright © 2012-2019 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 01:58
Domingo, 24 / 11 / 19

Wim Hoff Breathing Method or How to Control Your Body’s Responses

Jamie Logie.

October 25th, 2019. 



Can the simple act of breathing actually have some incredibly powerful benefits you never knew of? If the Wim Hoff breathing method is something you haven’t heard of before, you’re about to learn all about it.
Most people are familiar with certain breathing techniques, especially with yoga and meditation. Wim Hoff is a more intense breathing method that can have some tremendous health benefits.
Many people are shallow breathers meaning they are not truly oxygenating their body and cells. With this style of breathing, you open up your body to the enhanced benefits that deep breathwork can provide.
What Is The Wim Hoff Breathing Method?
We mentioned how many people are shallow breathers and this doesn’t help manage all the stress that can impact the body. This can throw off the body’s chemistry and lead to potential issues.
Shallow breathing deregulates the body as far as stress is concerned and the Wim Hoff method of breathing helps to combat this. This is a form of deep breathing that helps us to avoid the issues that come from shallow, stressful breathing.
We’re trying to hijack the stress response by doing this deep breathing. Deep breathing produces a ‘hypometabolic’ state that controls your mental and autonomic arousal so they don’t become too stimulated.
This method of breathing helps create a resting, restorative state that combats anxiety and stress. It basically triggers relaxation in the body.
Who Is Wim Hoff?
You might have thought that the Wim Hoff method of breathing was a title, but Wim Hoff is actually a man. You might have seen or read about him before. He’s a man in his 60s that regularly runs marathons – barefoot. You may also have seen him running shirtless throughout the Arctic Circle.
He has dove under the ice in the North Pole and regularly takes ice baths that last up to 90 minutes. He was once able to swim 57 meters under the ice! And if all that doesn’t sound impressive, he once went 23,000 feet up Mount Everest in only shorts and shoes…
Hoff says that he can accomplish this because of his unique breathing method. He has the endurance to outlast people half his age and seems immune to inhospitable conditions.
He believes in the profound connection between mind and body. His approach is like that used by yoga and his goal for himself and others is to take control of one’s physiology.
How Does The Wim Hoff Breathing Method Work?
Here is the basic breakdown:
  1. Sitting in a comfortable position (while at home in a quiet spot like on the sofa, or in the bath), you will take 30 quick breaths. These are quick but deep breaths where you inhale through your nose and exhale out of your mouth.
  2. Then, you will take a deep breath and exhale where you will then hold it until you need to breathe in again.
  3. Next, inhale as deep as you can, hold it for ten seconds, then exhale.
  4. That is one full round, and you can repeat this for multiple rounds if you feel like it.
There needs to be a focus on the belly, chest, and head when breathing this way. The deep breath should extend out the belly, fill the lungs and then the head. It’s a rhythm that may take a while to master but it involves incorporating in the whole body.
Why Is Breathing This Way So Beneficial?
A big focus of the Wim Hoff method is breathing through your nose and out of your mouth. You may remember this from gym classes or sports where coaches would often say “in through the nose, out through the mouth”.
This is important as your sinuses are embedded with a compound called nitric oxide. It is stimulated by breathing through the nose and can spread through the body. Nitric oxide can better oxygenate the tissues and lungs, leading to better physical output and performance.
This may be one of the big reasons that make the Wim Hoff breathing method so successful. It’s important to breathe through the nose as this produces warm, moist air that helps in the physical benefits and can lower stress levels. When you breathe through the mouth, it creates cold dry air that can raise stress hormone levels.
Make it a point to focus on breathing through your nose as you go through various activities each day. You’d be surprised to find how often you may hold your breath, especially during stressful times – both physical and mental.
When you’re walking upstairs, carrying objects, or trying to focus on something, focus on breathing in through your nose.
What Benefits Can You Experience?
You may feel light-headed the first time, and the whole sensation might be a bit strange at first. Often this is because people rarely breathe deeply the way they are supposed to.
Years of shallow breathing have made us forget what it’s like to deeply oxygenate the lungs and body. Therefore, it’s important to be relaxed, comfortable, and even lying down when breathing this way.
These sensations are also you getting more in tune with your body. Hoff says that you need to focus on each breath and follow the flow of it. This breathing method can have the ability to:
  1. increase your energy
  2. boost the immune system
  3. lower stress
  4. increase endurance
  5. improve strength
Wim Hoff claims this breathing method is a way to stimulate adrenaline but also control it. This helps train it to work for you and not against you as adrenaline is spiked when stress goes up.
This is your fight-or-flight mechanism kicking in. A little of it is ok because it’s there for survival. But when it’s constantly elevated because of daily stress, it can lead to some chronic conditions including:
  1. Cardiovascular disease
  2. IBS
  3. Heart disease
  4. High blood pressure
  5. Heart attacks and stroke
  6. Final Thoughts
You can now see that the Wim Hoff breathing method is extreme but exciting. It is important for teaching you how to properly breathe again and also how to get your mind and body in tune.
It may be something you want to work up to at first though. Start with periods of deep breathing in through the nose to get your body familiar with it. Breathing seems like something we shouldn’t have to focus on, but paying attention to it can provide you with some tremendous health and wellness benefits.
Check out this video where Wim Hoff explains his method:
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About the Author: Jamie Logie
Jamie Logie is a personal trainer, nutritionist, and health and wellness specialist. Jamie also studied sociology and psychology at Western University and has a counseling diploma from Heritage Baptist College. He has run a blog and top-rated podcast on iTunes called "Regained Wellness". Jamie is also a contributing writer for places like the Huffington Post, Thrive Global, LifeHack and has an Amazon #1 book called "Taking Back Your Health".

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 15:33
Sábado, 23 / 11 / 19

The goal of Big Tech is to erase knowledge from your consciousness


By Mike Adams.


Mike Adams

Big Tech is no longer interested in sharing human knowledge for the benefit of humankind. 

Instead, they are now wholly focused on destroying human knowledge and suppressing human consciousness.  

We ended slavery. We defeated Hitler. We abolished Apartheid. Now we must dismantle Big Tech.


Image: Tech giants now MEMORY HOLING facts they want to erase from your consciousness.

Tech giants now MEMORY HOLING facts they want to erase from your consciousness.

(Natural News) If you use Google, Twitter, Facebook or YouTube, you are not living in the real world… you’re living in an artificially constructed psycho-fabrication that’s engineered by the tech giants to isolate you from actual knowledge.

The goal of the tech giants, simply stated, is to obliterate human knowledge and enslave humanity under endless layers of engineered disinformation and propaganda that makes humans easier to control (or kill, as the climate activists are now demanding with their depopulation agenda).

As an independent publisher, our goal has always been to uplift human consciousness and connect people with knowledge about natural health, nutrition, liberty, divinity and more. That’s why the tech giants are de-platforming anyone who promotes real human knowledge, since knowledge is the enemy of tyranny.

As Gary Barnett writes at Alt-Market.com:

The ruling class fully understands that the only way to control people, and to finally control the world, is to stifle individual excellence by creating a society that refuses to think…

The monopoly of power that is held by the few over the rest of society is all consuming, and the ultimate control sought by these elites is getting ever closer to fruition. It has been affected over long periods of time through incremental measures. It did not happen overnight, but over centuries, and at this point, the final objectives desired are within sight.

This is the most dangerous time for man as I see it, as the elite design for future economic decision-making for all is to be placed in the hands of so-called chosen experts, with power over the entire world economy. All economic decisions are to be based on a controlled allocation for society, which is simply centrally planned socialism, with a top-down hierarchy of control by the few. This ruling system is known as Technocracy, and when implemented, it will be the end of liberty.

This all helps explain why the tech giants have run coordinated memory-holing operations to eliminate from public consciousness all the following things (and much more):
The name of the so-called “whistleblower” who is actually part of a deep state coup plot against the President of the United States.
The fact that the CDC used to publish, on its own website, an admission that 98 million Americans were exposed to cancer viruses that were accidentally incubated in polio vaccines (or perhaps on purpose).
The admission of a top CDC scientist who publicly admitted to taking part in a coordinated cover-up to bury the scientific evidence that links vaccines to autism, especially in young black babies.
The fact that there were three buildings which fell on September 11, 2001 during the 9/11 attacks. The third building was called “WTC 7” and it was not hit by an airplane. It was actually brought down by controlled demolition, which means the entire “attack” was a planned false flag operation run by the same deep state that’s now trying to overthrow our elections.
The truth that FLIR footage exists, showing government agents gunning down innocent women and children during the Waco raids of 1993, which were used by the ATF to create a false flag operation to justify huge increases in future funding. (See video, below.)

I cover all this in great detail in this thought-provoking podcast, hosted on the H.R. Report channel on Brighteon.com:
Read more stories about human freedom, knowledge and consciousness at Freedom.news.

We ended slavery.

We defeated Hitler.

We abolished Apartheid.

Now we must DISMANTLE Big Tech.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 14:45
Domingo, 10 / 11 / 19

Milgram Obedience Study and What It Reveals about Human Nature

Lottie Miles.


Posted November 10th, 2019.

milgram obedience study.


Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted his famous series of experiments widely known as Obedience Study almost 60 years ago. The ethics of the experiment have since been subject to criticism. However, it raised important questions about the power of authority in achieving obedience.
In this article, we take a look at the Milgram Experiment and what it reveals about human nature. We will also look at the counter-arguments which criticize Milgram’s ethics and dispute his results.
What Is the Milgram Obedience Study?
The Obedience Study refers to a set of psychology experiments conducted by Milgram. It intended to investigate the relationship between obedience to authority and personal conscience.
Milgram’s interest in conducting this study was sparked by the trial of Adolph Eichmann, a Nazi war criminal who was one of the main organizers of the Holocaust. Milgram wanted to find out how humans are capable of committing atrocities that go so far beyond their personal conscience.
Participants for Milgram’s experiments were recruited by a newspaper advert and were all male. All participants were given the role of “teacher” and were put in control of an electroshock generator.
They were instructed by the “experimenter” to ask the “learner” questions. If they answered them incorrectly, they should deliver a shock to them. Moreover, they would increase this shock by 15 volts with each wrong answer (with the increase leading to shocks that could be fatal).
The electric shocks were, in fact, fake and the “learner” in each experiment was part of the research team. So they would act out sounds of pain and plead for the experiment to stop.
When participants asked the experimenter whether they should stop the shocks (which the majority did) they were told these commands:
  1. Please continue.
  2. The experiment requires that you continue.
  3. It is absolutely essential that you continue.
  4. You have no other choice, you must go on.
What did the Milgram Obedience Study reveal about human nature?
The results of the Milgram Obedience Study were that two-thirds of participants (62.5%) delivered the maximum electric shock (450 volts, a shock that could have killed), and a third of participants stopped at 300 volts.
The observations showed that participants displayed significant signs of stress during the experiment. All participants stopped to question the experiment and some even offered to return the money they were to be paid so that the experiment would stop.
Milgram summed up that the results of the experiment showed that obedience is instilled in us all from an early age due to the way we are raised. Suggesting that, the instruction received by an authority figure, which the individual has deemed to be legally or morally authorized to give such instruction, would lead to obedience.
In the case of the Milgram Obedience Study, the authority figure was the experimental scientist and the results of the experiment, Milgram suggested, revealed that stark authority won over a participant’s strong imperative against hurting others. For many, the study revealed an illuminating aspect of human nature.
What is wrong with Milgram’s research?
Milgram’s research is widely cited and referenced within the field of psychology. Still, both the ethics and the methodology of the study have received ample criticism. Ethically, critics of the study believe that the intense stress levels that Milgram’s participants went through were unacceptable.
In addition to this, audio recordings of Milgram’s experiments (which were discovered by psychologist Gina Perry) demonstrate that, in some experiments, the ‘experimenter’ broke away from the set script and used bullying and coercion to force the participants to continue delivering the electric shocks. Perry also found that the majority of participants were not thoroughly debriefed after the traumatic experiment.
Methodologically, Milgram’s research has also received much criticism. The 62.5% statistic was used to prove Milgram’s theory of the power of authority on obedience. However, this study was based on the results of just 40 participants. This is too low a number to draw any concrete conclusions.
Further experiments conducted by Milgram often had conflicting methodologies with different scenarios and a variance in the severity of the experimenter. The lack of standardization makes the experiments difficult to compare. However, when looking at the 23 experiments as a whole, the average rate of obedience falls to 43%. This is significantly lower than the widely cited statistic of 62.5%.
What do current obedience studies say?
Despite the criticisms of the Milgram Obedience Study, this pioneering study did pave the way for further research into the causes of destructive obedience and the impact of this on world events and individual lives.
Research from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland suggests that human obedience to destructive activities is not solely in response to authority, an individual must also have strong ideological links with that authority figure and agree with the orders being given to them.
This theory does not completely dispute the work of Milgram, however. It deters from the ‘banality of evil’ idea that ordinary people are capable of committing terrible atrocities purely through following the orders of an authority figure.
The Milgram Obedience Study raised important questions about what leads individuals to obey orders. It also paved the way for further investigations into the power of authority on human behavior.
  1. https://theconversation.com
  2. https://psycnet.apa.org
  3. Image credit: Yale University
Lottie Miles

About the Author: Lottie Miles

Lottie Miles is a professional researcher and writer with a passion for human rights. She has 4 years of experience working within the NGO sector and has a Masters Degree in Social Policy. She has a keen interest in exploring ways in which happiness habits can help to improve mental health and wellbeing. In her spare time, she likes doing crossword puzzles, painting and traveling.
Copyright © 2012-2019 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 23:06
Sábado, 09 / 11 / 19

4 Most Interesting Memory Theories That Explain How Our Brain Works

By Valerie Soleil.


Posted November 9th, 2019. 



Memory has long been a concept too difficult to describe by even the smartest scholars. We have become more knowledgeable over time. However, we still do not know enough about the complexities of the human mind when it comes to theories about memory.
Theories That Explain Memory Encoding, Storing and Forgetting
“Without memory, there is no culture. Without memory, there would be no civilization, no society, no future” Elie Wiesal
In order for information to become a memory, it needs to have a form. At present, there are three main types: Visual (picture), Acoustic (sound), and Semantic (meaning). So, a song, a beautiful sunset, or a poem has to be manipulated into a code that the brain understands for it to become a memory.
The Multi-Store Memory Model
Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) devised one of the first memory structures and theories. In order to become a memory, information has to pass through three stores.
The first of which is the sensory memory store.
This lasts up to a quarter of a second. This holds any and all sensory experience around an individual (what they see, hear, taste). Encoding in this specific store is sensory specific. Most of the information which passes through this store decays very quickly unless the individual pays attention to it.
Once an individual pays attention to a specific sensory input, it then enters the short-term memory store.
The duration in this store can be up to 30 seconds and it can only hold 7 (+ or – 2) items (Miller, 1956) depending on the individual. Encoding in this store is mainly auditory. But, this information cannot enter the longterm memory store until it has been rehearsed.
The long-term memory store is mainly unlimited in terms of duration and capacity.
As this store cannot be tested there is no limit to how long a memory can stay in it. The majority of information in the long-term memory store has to be rehearsed from the short-term memory store. The encoding of the memories is semantic, but can also take other forms.
The multi-store memory model has received support due to evidence backing up the idea of a respective short-term and long-term memory store. However, some argue that the model may be oversimplified and favour other theories such as the working memory model.
The Working-Memory Model
Baddley and Hitch (1974) developed an alternative memory theory slightly more advanced and complex than its predecessor. They replaced the idea of a short-term memory store. Instead, they proposed the idea of multiple separate stores within short-term memory. The “working memory”.
The first aspect of the working memory model compared to other memory theories is the central executive. This has several roles. The first of which drives the whole system of working memory.
Furthermore, it also allocates information to the other stores within the working memory system whilst tackling cognitive tasks such as problem-solving
The visuospatial sketchpad essentially deals with visual or spatial information. We use this for navigation. it allows us to move around, depending on where objects are in our environment.
The last store within the working memory system would be the phonological loop. This refers to any auditory information and holds speech-based information for up to two seconds.
The articulatory process (our inner voice) is located within the phonological loop. We repeat and rehearse information using the loop. As a result, we store this information for longer.
The working memory model is supported by dual-task studies. Results prove that individuals can complete two tasks at the same time where each task requires different working memory systems.
Furthermore, the working memory model does not over-rely on placing importance on the idea of rehearsal for the retention of memories.
How We Forget (Based on Memory Theories)
These two memory theories concentrate on how memories are stored. However, there is little information on how or why we forget.
Ebbinghaus (1885) tested his own memory. He found that retention at the time of learning is 100%. However, this drops very quickly a couple of days after learning. After a few weeks, forgetting slows down but there remains a decline in retention.
He proposed that there are a few ways to increase the likelihood of retaining information for a longer period of time without forgetting. The first was the representation of the memory (e.g. people might find it easier to remember information using mnemonic techniques). Additionally, spaced out repetition also helps speed up retention dramatically.
However, there are various factors which are dependent on how one’s rate of forgetting is affected. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • The meaningfulness of information (we are more likely to remember personal information).
  • Second of all, the representation of information (simple, shorter chunks of information are easier to remember).
  • Thirdly, physiological factors such as stress and sleep.
Flashbulb Memories
Flashbulb memories (Brown and Kulik (1977), refer to memories which do not need rehearsal in order to be remembered. This is one of the memory theories which suggests that there is some information which is so emotionally and biologically arousing it causes immediate retention.
One example may be that millions of people are able to give detailed accounts of their day on 9/11. Some may include extremely mundane and repetitive tasks. These would be usually unremarkable. However, they are remembered with vivid clarity due to the significance of the date.
Final Thoughts on Memory Theories
Overall, our memories are extremely complex. Current memory theories are placing us on the right track. But the question on many people’s minds is, will we ever know about the true nature of human memory?

Valerie Soleil


About the Author: Valerie Soleil

Valerie Soleil is a writer with over 5 years of experience and holds a bachelor degree in law and a B.A. in Psychology. She is a physical & mental health enthusiast who constantly expands her knowledge about the mysteries of the human body and mind. Some of the activities Valerie is particularly passionate about are traveling and reading because they help her broaden her horizons.
Copyright © 2012-2019 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 22:34
Sábado, 09 / 11 / 19


Francesca Forsythe.


November 8th, 2019.


We’ve all heard of Déjá Vu, meaning to have already seen, but déjá rêvè is an interesting phenomenon meaning already dreamed.
How Is Déjá Rêvè Different to Déjá Vu?
Déjá vu is a common phenomenon in which we think we have already lived a certain event. Usually, we experience déjá vu in situations we should have no familiarity with. This makes the feeling all the more bizarre because we know an experience entirely new to us.
Déjá vu is very common and has been said to regularly occur in 60-80% of all people. This can mean simple similarities, or it can be a play by play of the same moment. It can be smells, events, locations, and many other things.
Many researchers believe that déjá vu is a memory-based experience and assume that it is an associative phenomenon between what we experience at the moment and what we have experienced in the past.
Others believe there is a split-second delay between the transferal of into from one side of the brain to the other, meaning it is effectively processed twice. This causes the effect of experiencing something twice.
The random nature of déjá vu makes it difficult to study empirically. Much of the research is reliant on self-certification and individual testimony. Therefore, it cannot be induced or exposed to understand it fully.
Déjá Rêvè Means ‘Already Dreamed’
Déjá rêvè, on the other hand, is even more bizarre of an experience. It causes us to believe that we have already dreamed that we would be in a real-life situation, or that you somehow knew you were going to be in that situation.
The temporal scope of this phenomenon is endless. You may have had a recent dream, or even a dream years ago that you were going to be in a situation you then experience. However, in all cases of déjá rêvè, the subject believes they have somehow prophesized an event that happens.
What separates déjá rêvè from déjá vu is that the former feels inextricably linked to dreams. The latter, on the other hand, is a much more definitive feeling that experience has already been lived. Déjá vu makes us believe we have lived something before and are simply repeating the same experience.
Déjá rêvè is more of a premonition; a feeling that we dreamt this was going to happen or somehow envisaged the future. It is not simply repeating the same experience but predicting a new one.
Three Kinds of Déjá Rêvè
What is interesting about this phenomenon is that there are three different ways in which people experience it. Each way is unique, making déjá rêvè much more complex than déjá vu.
The first is in an episodic manner. Some believe that they can pinpoint the exact moment they had a prophetic dream that something was going to happen. These episodes feel much more like a prophecy, or the ability to see into the future.
The second is a familiarity-based manner. This is a hazy, dream-like memory that echoes current circumstances. This kind is easy to mix up with déjá vu because it is simply the experience of already seeing something.
The final kind is in a dream-like manner. This kind isn’t so much recalling a dream as much as feeling the experience itself was dream-like. This can be a strange and even nightmarish experience, almost like lucid dreaming except the subject knows they are awake.
Déjá Rêvè in Literature
Déjá rêvè has been a subject of much interest, legend and myth. In Greek mythology, Croesus, the Lydian King dreams that his son will die from a spear wound which happens later in the story.
In Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Caesar’s wife has a prophetic dream which accurately depicts his death, which happens the very same day. Even in modern literature, such as Harry Potter, prophetic dreams have a key role to play.
Who Suffers from This Phenomenon?
Research on déjá rêvè is not as extensive as déjá vu. However, it is highly common in epileptic patients as a common side effect of different kinds of therapies. These therapies include electro-therapy which induces activity in the brain. Subjects with epilepsy then report déjá rêvè as a side effect to their seizures.
However, it can also occur in perfectly healthy subjects. Yet, scientists have not found its cause in healthy patients.
Final Thoughts
We know enough about the human brain to know that there is still a lot we don’t know about the human brain. We have learned much in the past 50 years through new technologies, such as CT and MRI scanning.
Yet, there is still so much that we don’t know. We are still finding new types of neurons, particles with magnetic potential, and even a virus that could explain human consciousness.
All in all, the brain is still very much a mystery. It may take us a long time to figure out how and why the brain tricks us with experiences such as déjá vu and déjá rêvè. Yet, it is interesting to observe them when they happen, and even learn from them when they do.
Who knows, perhaps your prophetic dreams are trying to tell you something.

  1. www.inverse.com
  2. www.livescience.com
Francesca Forsythe


About the Author: Francesca Forsythe

Francesca is a freelance writer currently studying a degree in Law and Philosophy. She has written for several blogs in a range of subjects across Lifestyle, Relationships and Health and Fitness. Her main pursuits are learning new innovative ways of keeping fit and healthy, as well as broadening her knowledge in as many areas as possible in order to achieve success.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

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publicado por achama às 05:39
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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