A Chama da Ascensão


Sexta-feira, 03 / 04 / 20

Major Global Changes to Occur Faster.

Major Global Changes to Occur Faster.

Saint Germain.

Channeled by Adele Arini.

April 2nd, 2020.





Greetings beloved Masters.
We, the Light-Beings in charge of Earth’s Ascension, are extremely pleased with the progress of your individual and collective’s journeys back to the Light-of-God within.
Many of you reading this message, had expressed in different ways, your heartfelt requests for visible, major global changes to occur faster.
Over the years you had prayed, or, expressed similar thoughts such as these:
‘Enough is enough – let all wars be permanently stopped on Earth’;
‘Let the positive changes begin now – bring them on’;
‘Please God, grant unto us permanent, everlasting peace and harmony on Earth’;
’No matter how hard we work, we just can’t seem to get ahead/save much money. Please God, show us the simplest, and most effective way to liberate our lives from the financial shackles that seemed to have enslaved humanity for a very long time‘;
or, my favourite:
‘Dear God, thank you for the Infinite Love, Peace, Joy, Harmony, Freedom, Oneness and Abundance that are ours to have, and to share, always’.
Most of you here have immediately understood why the last one was my favourite, and the answer is simple.
A statement of gratitude such as this, when backed by the emanation of your genuine, positive feelings, is the most powerful form of prayer.
When making this type of statement, you are in fact expressing your desires as though they have already been manifested in your physical reality, and thus, it will guarantee the speedy manifestation of such a reality in your life and in the world around you.
Never underestimate the Mighty Power of your prayers, thoughts, words and feelings, loved ones, provided that they are all expressed in the energetically-expansive (rather than energetically-contractive) manner that supports your ‘Act of Creation’.
Rest assured that they had ALL been heard, and, answered by the Universe, by God, and by all of us here who are always working hard to help you manifest the grand dreams that you have for yourselves, for Earth and humanity.
Here comes 3 powerful mantras that We highly recommend for you to mentally/verbally recite often, daily, in your spare time. Of course if you already have your own set of mantras that never fails to lift your vibrations, then please keep doing what you are already doing. Your loving service to ALL in this manner is very much needed right now.
In these times of uncertainty, the following Sanskrit mantras can help you to transcend ‘the small-self’, merge with your I AM, and in the long run help you to manifest the physical reality that you deeply desire for yourself and ALL on Earth.
Let us gently remind you, beloved Masters, that Sanskrit is one of the very few ancient languages on Earth that can powerfully activate the state of ‘Higher Consciousness’ within, thus greatly accelerating your spiritual growth.
Chanting, singing, speaking these mantras often, will thereby focus all of your energy, time and being, on what you wish to create/embody whilst on Earth, rather than just focusing on ‘What-Is’.
They will greatly assist you and humanity, to create & maintain high vibrations of love, peace, perfect bliss, and freedom daily, during these amazing times of transition that you are all going through right now.
May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.
2) The Moola Mantra:
OM – We are calling on the Highest Energy of All
SAT – The formless, the Unmanifest Potential, the Truth
CHIT – Infinite Consciousness of the Universe
ANANDA – Pure Love, Bliss & Joy
PARABRAHMA – The Supreme Creator
PURUSHOTHAMA – Manifested in every living being
PARAMATMA – Who comes into my heart, and becomes my inner voice whenever I ask
SRI BHAGAVATHI – The Divine Mother, power aspect of creation
SAMETHA – Together within Non-Duality
SRI BHAGAVATHE – The Father of Creation, Unchangeable & Permanent
NAMAHA – I bow in deepest reverence. I thank you and acknowledge this presence in my life. I ask for your guidance at all times.
3) The Gayatri Mantra:

Let us now answer Adele’s four questions as previously mentioned above.
Her Higher Self had partially answered the first question herself when she explained that humanity is currently in the middle of the biggest healing and transformation period never experienced before, in the history of this planet.
The greatest ‘show‘ ever created by mankind has now started on Earth, and your victory is NOW here.
Remember loved ones, that in the great, eternal moment of NOW, your Ascension and that of Mother Earth’s, have already occurred.
However from your 3D linear perspective (in this specific NOW moment that you have labelled as ‘April 2nd, 2020’), the story that you may wish to, one day, tell younger generations about ‘how it all happened’ is now unfolding as we speak.
Humanity, as a collective, currently has a number of different realities/timelines available – whether or not you will end up choosing the Optimum Timeline for yourselves will greatly depend on your own individual/collective intentions. However, it is perhaps reassuring to you to know that ‘All Roads Lead to Rome’, i.e. the timelines currently available for humanity to choose from, all lead to successful completion of the Ascension process for Earth & all Ascending-souls on it.
Father God Himself has recently stepped in and chosen to ‘come into the physical realm’ to get more involved, and personally lead or oversee Earth’s Ascension process from the front lines, so that our success will arrive at the perfect Divine timing for ALL. For all of you, and, your Earth Mother, had suffered long enough.
And just like many of you here had had to go through your individual awakening, clearing, healing, or, God Self re-alignment phases to get to where you are today, the time has come for all ascending, and, non-ascending members of humanity to do the same, in the manner of their choosing.
Many non-ascending souls are now facing their final, decision-making moment of whether to stay here, do the compulsory clearing/purging/healing required to raise their vibrations & ascend in this lifetime (i.e. merging with their God-Self whilst in the physical realm), OR, to leave the planet (i.e. merging with God back in the non-physical realm) & ascend somewhere else later (at their earliest convenience).
And many souls had chosen the latter, using the Exit ‘Tool’ that has now conveniently appeared – arriving in the form of this pandemic. The death of their physical bodies is in fact part of their ‘Act of Creation’ as God, and, with God, to expand and move forward in the directions that they have actually CHOSEN (on a higher level) to go.
By transitioning back to spirit; back to our eternal Home in Heaven, they had in fact chosen to take the ‘express way’ of re-aligning themselves with their God-Self.
This is always a very joyful experience (for the returning soul) that is actually cause for a celebration!
Your knowing, believing and rejoicing in the following Highest Truth that states:
ALL deaths happen BY CHOICE, and, NEVER by accident
will NOT fail to, vibrationally, alleviate much of the fear, drama & self-imposed (often unhealthy/prolonged) emotional/mental/physical suffering that humanity has long created, when impacted by: the death of people close to them, or, the potentially-scary news of rising death toll happening around the globe.
It is time, loved ones, for the entire planet to permanently leave behind the 3D fallacies, beliefs or programming that Adele had mentioned above, including everything else not specifically listed there.
If you have now personally arrived at a place in life where all of those 3D beliefs can no longer be found within your consciousness, e.g. when reading the ones Adele had listed above, you can honestly say that you have zero resonance with all/most of them, then congratulations, loved ones.
We are happy to announce that you have now successfully arrived at the Final Stage of your ‘I AM Integration-Process’. A stage that will soon be completed by many of you here whose Light Quotient Level is already very high -> you are in fact moving, ever closer each day, to 100% perfect resemblance or resonance with the frequencies of your own I AM Presence.
2020 will soon be the year when you can finally have your ‘graduation party’, as you will: become the full embodiment of your God-Self; the Holy Christ-Self, and, successfully triumph over all limiting conditions present in your life at the moment.
Simply be ready and, be completely open to receiving the many wonderful surprises that We have got in store for all of you this year!
And now that you have arrived in this final leg of your I AM integration journey, you will find that it has become so easy, and so natural, to maintain your high vibrations lately – no matter what is going on with the people/world around you. ...
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publicado por achama às 18:29
Segunda-feira, 23 / 03 / 20

Reality Is A Choice.

Reality Is A Choice.

By Nancy DeYoung, 

Contributing Writer, In5D.com

March 23, 2020.



It was winter when my friend and I had an experience we will not forget. Sunny came from Ohio to visit me in South Dakota and the day before she was to leave, we knew we needed to go to Devil’s Tower, Wyoming, about 100 miles away.
It was snowing heavily and the weather forecast said to expect 8-10 inches, but we decided this was something we needed to do regardless of the weather. As we left town and drove onto Interstate 90, the snow was already piling up. We commented on how beautiful it was and quickly forgot the weather conditions, as we became absorbed in talking about why we were making this pilgrimage and what we would do when we reached the formation.
The journey went quickly and as we approached Sundance, Wyoming, we stopped at the rest area because no facilities would be open at Devil’s Tower. As I began slowing for the exit, I realized we hadn’t been driving in snow, but now all of a sudden, the snow was at least seven inches deep and still falling steadily. There had been no snow since we left Rapid City, yet here it was!
We discussed this anomaly and wondered if we had shifted out of one reality into another. We commented on it, thought it was cool and went on our way. When we drove back to Rapid City later that day, the snow had stopped falling but it was deep and the plows were busy clearing the roads. We had definitely entered another reality!
As we drove to Devil’s Tower, we were not in fear of the weather. Our focus was on the fun of having an adventure, and it kept us out of the snowstorm experience. Many realities exist side-by-side, and it is as easy to switch between them, as it is to step six inches to the right or left. The reality we entered was just as solid and real as the one we had been in, so much so we didn’t realize it had shifted.
Over the years, I have been reminded of this experience when similar events have happened. What I have come to realize as a result of this shifting from one reality into another is there are many levels of experience within the same event, and we choose the level at which we will have our experience. Is it a pleasant, fearful, painful, joyous, fun or monotonous experience? That depends on our focus at that moment. It is a choice!
If you see life as a painful struggle, you get pulled into that reality. It is very real to you and everyone around you will agree, “Yep, life is tough for you.” Take your attention off the “snowstorm” and place it on happy thoughts, which will raise your frequency. The scenery may look the same – for instance, you may still be working at McDonald’s, but the energy of it will be different. If you stay in that uplifted space, it won’t be long before you vibrate yourself right out of that job and into a situation that better suits your new vibration.
If there is something in your life that is causing you stress or unhappiness, remove all negative attention or worry from it and know that you are okay no matter what happens because all you encounter is carrying you to greater wisdom. Nothing can happen that does not serve your greatest good.
It also helps to focus on something that vibrates at a higher frequency. It doesn’t matter what that is, but gratitude is an excellent choice. Think of something that you feel blessed to have in your life and allow that feeling to grow. You can let go of that object or person, but continue to feel gratitude. Gratitude brings joy. Your frequency is greater in this vibration so you make better choices that bring desirable changes.
Find your happy thought and see what shifts in your life!
BIO: Nancy DeYoung, a pioneer in combining the modernized techniques of retrieval and releasement, uses these and other modalities in her etheric clearing work to bring balance and harmony to the client’s body, mind, and spirit. She shares her 30 years of experience in her books Modern Shamans and Shaman’s Vision. Her third book is underway. To reach Nancy click here. ndeyoung@juno.com
Image: Pixabay
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Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:57
Segunda-feira, 16 / 03 / 20

Remember When… ~ Choice

Remember When…

The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

March 16th, 2020



With the recent changes and new developments, you may feel a bit out of balance and looking to establish a ‘new normal’.  
One of the most important things to remember is to release the need to panic!  
Think of all the things you have been through, the challenges you have overcome.  
This is just a minuscule moment in time. (Smiling) 
You will come out the other side with a bit more knowledge and eventually, become one of the wise elders that say, “I remember when…”


March 15th, 2020
You have a choice; be a messenger of Fear or a messenger of Love.


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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Archangel Gabriel, Shanta Gabriel
publicado por achama às 19:18
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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