It’s getting biblical folks as Pope vanishes, Mecca shuts down for the first time in history.
Benjamin Fulford
Report Sample

The events that are now unfolding have gone beyond black swan and become biblical in their proportions.
In the Islamic world, Mecca has shut down for the first time in history.
Among the Christians, the pope has vanished and Queen Elizabeth has gone into hiding (see the very revealing letter to the editor following this report that may explain the real reason she is hiding).
Meanwhile, the Jews are being liberated for the first time in 5,780 years as they oust Satan-worshipping Benjamin Netanyahu from power.
The trigger for these events was a refusal by the Chinese people, on February 16th, 2020, to pay any further tribute to the ancient Satanic bloodline families. This happened when Chinese leaders told the United States Corporation they would not ship any more physical stuff unless they are paid with things that actually exist in the real world. In other words, they broke the ancient Satanic money magic illusion.
The so-called pandemic that ensued was a combination of a biological and electromagnetic warfare retaliatory attack on China. Although the attack apparently caused mass casualties in Wuhan, it failed to intimidate or bow the Chinese people.
Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian publicly asked:
“When did patient zero begin in the U.S.? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be the U.S. army that brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! The U.S. owes us an explanation!”
For a government spokesperson to say such things is tantamount to a declaration of war (See the late-breaking news below for the answer by the U.S. white hats).
What people are now witnessing is a desperate battle by the ancient ruling Satanic bloodlines to scare people back into submission with pandemic fear porn. For example, when I looked at the first 40 stories on the international news Reddit feed, 35 of them were about the so-called pandemic.
One Pentagon source observed:
“The extremely long list of celebrities and first ladies (Spain, Canada) all coming out to announce that they allegedly have Covid-19. So many in fact it’s absolutely ludicrous, considering that they never frequent the subway or mingle with the unwashed and the deplorable. The list included over 157 people, which doesn’t compute with the true statistics of non-celebrities diagnosed with it.”
Let’s stop for a minute to think rationally about this so-called pandemic. Every year about 15 million people die from respiratory ailments. Even conservative estimates say the flu kills over 300,000 people annually. And yet here we have extreme hysteria over a few thousand deaths of people whose average age is 80-years old.
What is really going on is a global slave revolt against ancient Satanic bloodline ruling families who are now being systematically hunted down by special forces, according to multiple sources.
Already, many of the ancient bloodline families are trying to negotiate surrender terms, P3 and WDS sources say. “Old black nobility families are ready to surrender,” confirms Vincenzo Mazzara of the P3. The Rothschilds and other families hiding in Switzerland and New Zealand are also negotiating surrender, WDS sources say.
We are also hearing tales from the Gnostic Illuminati and the P3 Freemasons of a war that has been raging for thousands of years. They say planet Earth was placed under quarantine thousands of years ago after a powerful entity…
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The full report (free) will be post here:
this Thursday.
this Thursday.
March 13, 2020
Polish TV Fukushima 9th anniversary talk in English and Japanese
Benjamin Fulford discusses the 2011 Fukushima disaster with Polish television
Part 1
Part 2
March 13, 2020
Emergency update with Robert David Steele
By Benjamin Fulford
Benjamin Fulford provides an update on the fake pandemic and martial law with Robert David Steele
March 16, 2020
Deathbed confession rewrites British WW2 history
By Benjamin Fulford
This is a statement from an old intelligence man on his deathbed. I wrote it down as he dictated.
Lord Rothschild sent his five sons to the world’s capitals to instigate wars and then loan the money to carry them out. Before a world war, the banks claw back every penny to then lend out at profit in the conflict.
The 1917 Russian revolution is sometimes called the Jewish revolution because the Jews used communism to seize the country and the Czar’s huge monetary assets in the London and Paris banks. The remit of communism was to take the wealth of the people, rich and poor, and consolidate it in the hands of a very few called the elite, but done in such a way that the people thought it was being done for them. Russia was robbed and thousands of churches were pillaged and burned, and millions of Christians murdered.
Rothschild then concentrated on Britain, clawing out the money where the Jarrow hunger marches were in protest over those dying of starvation. Lord Rothschild told his homosexual apostles that a communist government was coming to Britain, and he predicted it by the year 2000. He told them it may not be called that but that is what it would be.
Germany under Adolf Hitler broke free of the international bank scammers and declared its own currency and the amazing success of this made the bankers worry as other countries could follow suit, & many in England wanted to adopt the German economic system. Charles Lindberg wanted to introduce it to the USA. Lindberg was a hot favorite to run for political office, but the Jews took his baby son and in a Passover sacrifice of Rosh-Chodesh on March 1st ritually murdered the child. Lindberg had to retire from the election race, and a halfwit German national was charged with the crime and executed.
So New York and London became the main areas of the Jewish rebellion against the Germans who dared to throw out the Jewish bankers. Jewish led newspapers joined Hollywood and the BBC in issuing hate propaganda to initiate a war on Germany. This despite Neville Chamberlain’s four-year secret study into the aims and directives of the Third Reich, showing Germany had no intentions toward Britain, only to stop the constant threat of the Soviet communists.
Lord Rothschild from around 1933, but in particular in 1936, had bulletins read out in every synagogue across the UK saying Jewish people prepare for war, get into any manufacturing concern that will accommodate this. Herbert Morrison (Peter Mandelson’s grandfather) was posted by Winston Churchill as Home Office Procurement Minister who made sure all MOD contracts went to fellow Jews.
Jews were told especially from 1936 to buy up any small manufacturing concerns like making boots helmets shell cases uniforms weaponry etc. as war was coming.
The Home Office would send out the order for what it wanted to these firms who would then say how much in materials it needed to complete the task. They always ordered almost double the material needed and some of these Jewish firms found themselves very rich by the war’s end. These Jews would bribe members of parliament to demand the government order more uniforms, more Hillman staff cars, more rifles or more army shirts or whatever the Jewish owner wanted to sell more of.
It was only after the war when huge stocks of army surplus took 25 years to sell off that the penny dropped that the Jews had robbed the British people again.
I myself saw an East End button making firm’s wartime books, they made buttons for military tunics, and the profits were astronomical. Some firms were using sheets of non-ferrous metal, from wartime orders into the early 1960s. One firm had a contract to make so many million gas masks, and to complete that contract were still making them in 1968; they all lay rotting in a leaky warehouse.
This is why Jews were called ‘war profiteers’ and what they gained in this way, be it food for workers or whatever, was often sold for cash. And this was why Jews were called the ‘black marketeers.’
Churchill’s bodyguard Walter Thompson said Marks and Spencers dealt with all MOD food supplies, and Burton tailoring made all the uniforms and demob suits. Monetary kickbacks went to Herbert Morrison, Winston Churchill, and Lord Lendeman.
However, King George V was not happy with the Jews push for war, and began to speak openly that he had seen his country smashed in WW1 and would not allow it again. So Winston Churchill and Lord Rothschild spoke to the King’s doctor Bertrand Dawson who gave the King a fatal dose of morphine. However, the King realized what they had done and his last words were to Dawson ‘God damn you!‘
This murder was a state secret, but once I had been told of it, the official statement was then released that the King was dying and they just sped his death up to meet the morning papers’ deadline. Justice was later served, as Lord Dawson of Penn was himself silenced in March 1945.
King Edward VIII we are told had to abdicate to marry Wallace Simpson. This is a lie. He was forced out by Churchill because he kept trying to make peace with Germany.
Neville Chamberlain, listed as the most popular Prime Minister ever and one who wanted to keep Britain out of the war, died mysteriously in November 1940. His death certificate said, ‘causes unspecified.’ It’s such nonsense for the most important man in the land to have this written on his death certificate, so it was later changed to ‘bowel cancer.’
Churchill’s bodyguard Walter Thompson claimed before his death that the deaths of Chamberlain, King George V, Mahatma Ghandi and the intelligence chief Vernon Kell, were among a batch of murders ordered by Lord Rothschild for Churchill to oversee.
The Churchill gang killed FDR according to Stalin, too!
February 9, 1986 issue of the nationwide Sunday Supplement magazine “PARADE.”
The World War II Cairo conference between Pres. Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill, and Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek ended on Oct. 26, 1943. That evening I was given orders to fly a group of participants from Cairo to Tehran. Up to that time, I had not been aware that there was going to be a Big Four meeting of the Super-Powers in Tehran.
As I went out to the plane that morning to get it ready to go, two limousines came from the city. They were T. V. Soong’s Chinese delegates. I flew them to Tehran that day.
En route, I stopped at Habbaniyah in Iraq for refueling, and while on the ground an Air Force B-25 arrived with an old friend of mine flying it, and with L. Col. Elliott Roosevelt, the President’s son. I introduced him and Roosevelt to the Chinese, and vice versa.
I don’t know whether any of you ever realized this, but years later the fact that Elliott Roosevelt had gone to the Tehran conference brought up one of the most amazing untold facts in our history. I can only imagine why more had not been written about it.
Because Elliott had met Stalin in Tehran with his father in 1943, in late 1946, Gardner Cowless, publisher of LOOK magazine asked him to go to Moscow to interview Stalin.
Roosevelt accepted this offer and did interview Stalin there. At the end of a long interview, he turned to the Generalissimo and asked one more question, “Why is it that my mother has never been permitted to visit Moscow even though she has made three very formal applications for the trip?”
Stalin glared at Elliott and said, “You don’t know why?”
Elliott replied, “No!”
Quickly, Stalin responded, “Don’t you know who killed your father?”
Roosevelt-shocked-answered, “No.”
Stalin rising from his chair, continued, “Well, I’ll tell you why I have not invited her here. As soon as your father died, I asked my ambassador in Washington to go immediately to Georgia with a request to view the body.” Stalin believed that if Gromyko could see the body he would confirm that the cerebral hemorrhage that had caused his death had caused extensive discoloration and distortion.
Elliot responded that he knew nothing about that and then Stalin said, “Your mother refused to permit the lid of the coffin to be opened so that my ambassador could see the body.” Adding “I sent him there three times trying to impress upon your mother that it was very important for him to view the President’s body. She never accepted that. I have never forgiven her.”
This forced Elliott to ask this last question, “…but why?”
Stalin took a few steps around the office, and almost in a rage roared, “They poisoned your father, of course, just as they have tried repeatedly to poison me.”
“They, who are they,” Elliot asked
“The Churchill gang!” Stalin roared, “They poisoned your father, and they continue to try to poison me…the Churchill gang!”
I had heard, while in Tehran, that Roosevelt and Churchill had had a strenuous argument in front of Stalin and Chiang during the conference on the subject of decolonization of South East Asia. I have read it in a government publication of the time. Then, this account of Elliott’s visit to Moscow in 1946 was written and signed by him and appeared in the February 9, 1986 issue of the nationwide Sunday Supplement magazine “PARADE.”
(Ps Many of us ~ including several future billionaires ~ grew up as very close friends of Parades Magazine publisher’s brother & his wonderful family ~ who also worked for Parade Magazine back then in Edina, Minnesota
Reason? Just go to the B.I.S. (the granddaddy of Rothschild’s banking empire) history in Wikipedia & ‘they’ leave that info right there for EVERYONE to see
The 1944 Bretton Woods Conference recommended the “liquidation of the Bank for International Settlements at the earliest possible moment”. This resulted in the BIS being the subject of a disagreement between the U.S. and British delegations. The liquidation of the bank was supported by other European delegates, as well as Americans (including Harry Dexter White and Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau Jr.).[11]But it was opposed by John Maynard Keynes, head of the British delegation.
Keynes went to Morgenthau hoping to prevent or postpone the dissolution, but the next day it was approved. However, the liquidation of the bank was never actually undertaken.[12] In April 1945, the new U.S. president Harry S. Truman ended U.S. involvement in the scheme. The British government suspended the dissolution, and the decision to liquidate the BIS was officially reversed in 1948.[13]
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Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.
Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.
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If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind.
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone.
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