An International Criminal Conspiracy of Epic Proportions.
Posted February 16, 2020 by Edward Morgan.
The Most Premeditated and Highly Organized
Depopulation Scheme in World History
Wuhan coronavirus pandemic STAGED to cover-up the
public health crisis caused by the intensive 5G roll-out in Wuhan City in 2019
public health crisis caused by the intensive 5G roll-out in Wuhan City in 2019
SPECIAL NOTE: It’s of vital importance for every bioweapon expert, medical researcher, bioengineering scientist and investigative journalist to comprehend the true complexity of this global depopulation scheme and major move toward global governance. That’s why the following extensive report is a very long read indeed, which will get even longer with each successive update. The Wuhan coronavirus pandemic is actually an immense and convoluted series of black operations that are taking place on several levels each with multiple layers, in different dimensions and on every continent. This is not 5D chess, it’s 12D chess; and it’s been planned for many decades for this very moment in time. Only with this correct understanding will folks come to apprehend how various furtive operations, which appear to be working at cross purposes, are really overseen by the same plotters. Some of the most weighty explanations articulated below may even seem to be mutually exclusive—they aren’t. Some of the most radioactive info/data is only now being email to us as it will continue to be for the foreseeable future; after all, the more time that goes by, the more the hard truths will surface. Therefore, it’s the “Updates” posted at the bottom of this page that will contain the most current and sensitive intelligence. The final point here is that “staged” does NOT mean this is a hoax; only that many pieces of this op are choreographed and carried out to have maximum effect on the targeted populations.
QUESTION: Is the bioengineered coronavirus pandemic being purposefully propagated globally in order to further facilitate the military deployment of 5G worldwide?
The answer to that critical question is of paramount importance to every person on the planet because of how forcefully the 5G juggernaut is moving across the land.
We all knew they were going to do something big—VERY BIG!
But the rapidly unfolding depopulation scenario that utilizes the Wuhan coronavirus, 5G, forced vaccinations and chemtrails is quite ambitious by any standard.
5G Roll-out
There’s nothing more sacred to the implementation of the New World Order agenda — WORLDWIDE — than the meteoric military deployment of 5G and subsequent build-out of the Internet of Things (IoT).
Truly, this absurdly impossible project represents the capstone of the nefarious NWO conspiracy to stealthily inaugurate a One World Government.
Nonetheless, the NWO globalist cabal has gone completely mad and they will try whatever they can to set up their long-planned Global Control Matrix, which requires a fully operational 5G energy grid as a prerequisite to a fully functioning Internet of Things.
Wuhan City was established as an official 5G Demonstration Zone in 2019. The Chinese government planned on using that major metropolis as a showcase for all the ‘dazzling’ benefits that a 5G energy grid is supposed to offer wireless IT users. Then they planned on setting up Wuhan City as an urban flagship for the Internet of Things.
Wuhan City Was expected to have 10,000 5G base stations operating by the end of 2019
Make no mistake about it: The activation of a major 5G energy grid in a megalopolis like Wuhan City will inevitably have HUGE health and environmental impacts.
The second they flipped the switch on 5G in Wuhan, the entire populace was immediately exposed to extremely harmful electromagnetic frequencies and microwave radiation.
In point of fact, the specific radio-frequency signal ranges and microwave radiation output necessary to power up a working 5G power grid are well known to be inordinately unsafe and dangerous to human health. As follows:
MILITARY INTEL REPORT Proves Government Has Known 5G Radio-frequency Ranges & Microwave Radiation Are Harmful to Human Health
Not only has the U.S. Military scientifically documented the adverse health effects associated with 5G (as well as 4G and 3G), there is now hard evidence that proves the U.S. Federal Government has knowingly lied about those numerous health hazards for decades. As follows:
Hard evidence proves US gov’t lied about 5G. Navy research report confirms numerous health dangers.
Which brings us to the single most perilous aspect of the military deployment of 5G—KILL ZONES.
All the scientific evidence available in the public domain now indicates that wherever 5G infrastructure is located in the greatest concentration generating the most powerful EMF and microwaves, those 5G Super-Hotspots will effectively function as kill zones. As follows:
5G Super-Hotspots: You better know where the “kill zones” are located!
In order to fully grasp the highly destructive and deadly potential of these rapidly emerging 5G Super-Hotspots, the following video exposé presents a scenario where the most powerful “directed energy weapons” will be located within these 5G kill zones.
5G WEAPONRY: Microwave Radiation Technology Being Deployed as Depopulation Warfare, Full Spectrum Dominance & Total Human Control (Video)
ISRAEL: World Headquarters for the 5G Roll-out
Now, this is where the plot thickens.
The Zionist Government of Israel has made it a global mission to commandeer the military deployment of 5G throughout the world community of nations.
Because the future capital for the planned One World Government is Jerusalem, the ruling Zionists know that they must control the entire 5G roll-out, just as they are presently (and unlawfully) doing in the USA. There is no greater promoter of 5G than President Donald Trump, which is why he has even stated with great pride that he can’t wait for 6G in the United States!
All of this rabid 5G development and IoT build-out surreptitiously overseen by Tel Aviv demands an answer to why 5G is not permitted in Israel.
Answer: Here’s why 5G is NOT allowed in Israel where it was developed
There’s only one way to correctly comprehend the pivotal role that Israel plays in the emerging New World Order. The rogue, criminal, apartheid State of Israel was literally created as the global headquarters for the Khazarian Mafia high command. Which begs the question:
How, exactly, was Israel established and empowered over the course of the 20th century?
This is how!
By way of the
Armenian Genocide,
World War I,
Spanish Flu Genocide,
The Great Depression,
World War II,
The Holocaust,
9/11 Terrorist Attacks,
and the War on Terror
all have one thing in common.
Israeli Zionism
It’s entirely true that: “Each of the above-listed cataclysms was stealthily carried out to create the modern State of Israel and/or to greatly advance the clandestine Greater Israel project.” (Source: The Secret Agenda Behind the Trump Mideast Peace Plan)
When you follow the BIG money behind Huawei, it becomes clear that the largest Chinese multinational technology company is really owned and operated by the International Banking Cartel.
It’s crucial to understand that “Huawei has deployed its products and services in more than 170 countries. Huawei overtook Ericsson in 2012 as the largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer in the world, and overtook Apple in 2018 as the second-largest manufacturer of smartphones in the world, behind Samsung Electronics”.[1]
Publicly-traded corporations the size of Huawei are only permitted to acquire so much market share with the blessing of the International Banking Cartel (IBC). The IBC is in turn overseen by the Khazarian Mafia whose headquarters happens to be in Tel Aviv. This is precisely why China was awarded Israel’s Port of Haifa contract in 2019 which will actually force the U.S. Sixth Fleet to dock elsewhere. See: How did China ever win Israel’s Port of Haifa contract over the US?
The relatively hidden state of affairs between China and Israel has obscured the profound influence that Tel Aviv exerts over Beijing. That well-concealed relationship developed as a result of China being released from the throes of the Cultural Revolution that ended in 1976 when it was permitted by the to transition to a market-oriented economy by the International Banking Cartel.
“Since the introduction of economic reforms in 1978, China’s economy has been one of the world’s fastest-growing with annual growth rates consistently above 6 percent.”[2]
The deal that China made with its secret masters in London and New York City is quite similar to the one that President Boris Yeltsin made with the very same banksters (IBC) which covertly approved the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Both Presidents Gorbachev and Yeltsin were only able to facilitate the liberation of Russia from the Western-installed communist regime that ruled the Soviet Union by agreeing to a new form of “Rule by Oligarchs”—Western controlled oligarchs. Except that Vladimir Putin patriotically reneged on those plunderous agreements in the interest of “protecting Russia”. See: Secret History Revealed — Putin Played Critical Role After The Pre-Planned Collapse Of The USSR
However, in the case of China, what was imposed by the Western banksters was a novel form of predatory capitalist-imposed slavery after the yoke of communism was removed by the IBC. That’s why there are so many sweat shops all over China today. That’s also why 5G has been rolled out in some of the largest Chinese cities without even an iota of safety testing. Powerful transnational corporations (like Huawei) have been granted slaveowner power by the IBC to run corporate plantations all over China.
COMMUNISM: A Jewish Creation for World Takeover
The essential point here is that communism was first used by the banksters in China (and Russia) to establish an enormous archipelago of concentration camps for slave-workers nationwide, which were then converted into corporate plantations after the entirely staged ‘fall’ of communism. For example, Apple, Inc has been frequently blasted for running inhumane factory operations (aka sweatshops) which depict the corporate plantation conditions.
Why China?
Who can debate that the Trump administration has harassed China as much as they have tormented Iran? What follows is the short list of some of the worst transgressions the Neocon Zionists in the White House have committed against China.
In light of the US-staged Hong Kong protests, U.S. tariff regime against China, threat of economic sanctions against nations working with Huawei, CIA-inflamed Xinjiang conflict involving the Muslim Uyghurs, provocative sailing of US Navy warships through the Taiwan Strait, transparent political prosecution of Huawei’s CFO, ravaging of China’s pig farms by another DARPA-bioengineered animal virus, FedEx thwarted multiple sensitive deliveries to China in 2019, etc. the Chinese government has been under withering attack since 2018.(Source: OPERATION CORONA BIOTERROR)
All of this bellicose behavior was directed toward softening up the Chinese government. Not only does the Zio-Anglo-American Axis demand that Beijing submit to its will, they will not stop their provocations until they do. The West has always treated the great nations of the East worst than stepchildren, and that will likely never change. Which is precisely why everything points to China being used as the primary NWO laboratory for the furtive totalitarian technocracy before the new lab procedures are exported to California and elsewhere around the globe.
*The Chinese people are exceptionally computer literate, digitally connected and hooked into the wireless paradigm—to their great detriment. Many years of exposure to these destructive energies have addicted them to their various information technologies and devices. It has also rewired their brains in ways they are totally unaware and quite damaging. The same is true in every other nation on Earth where technology rules, but the Chinese are extreme in this regard.
The most precarious aspect about the smartphone culture is that many Chinese are susceptible to psychogenic disease and illness, injuries and imbalances. Of course, these are not limited to physical conditions; they are also being subjected to directed frequencies which will cause serious psychological disorders. This may be exactly what’s going on right now in Wuhan where many folks might be triggered via their smartphones, particularly after the city-wide PTSD resulting from so much coronavirus uncertainty and inevitable mass anxiety.
It should also be noted that the countless techies in this type of IT society have never lost control like this. In view of the double whammy of the coronavirus scare and 5G activation, many have been through an unparalleled “shock and awe” experience. The resulting trauma has put many on edge—LITERALLY. Hence, it now appears that many folks in places such as Wuhan can be triggered quite easily via their smartphones without even knowing what’s happening. They can be walking along and suddenly just hit the ground; some even dying on the spot.
The upshot of this discussion is that the NWO controllers are pushing the edge of the envelope with regard to experimenting with sophisticated psychotronic weaponry that is both harmful and deadly. In the present case, Wuhan is their laboratory and the Wuhanese are the lab rats. There are other cities in China which are also being exposed to their own unique set of laboratory conditions.
China is also the premier national testing site for the infamous social credit score system– yet another oppressive control mechanism that the globalists will roll out worldwide when it has been perfected there. The fact that the Chinese government has colluded with the globalist cabal and permitted the citizenry to be abused in this way greatly contributes to the notion that Israel owns China — lock stock and barrel — just as the Zionist banksters did during the days of Red China.
COMMUNIST CHINA: Established by Jewish Revolutionaries and Banksters
Wuhan: Ground Zero
Wuhan, China was specifically chosen to be ground zero for both the 5G roll-out and the coronavirus pandemic. No one can dispute that Wuhan City has been transformed into a desolate, dystopian 5G demonstration zone where the citizens are literally being used as guinea pigs. As far as the 5G scientists in Israel are concerned, all Chinese citizens are nothing but chattel and, therefore, usable (and expendable) in any 5G experiment they set up there.
Why is Huawei setting up 5G base stations all over Wuhan to help fight the coronavirus?
However, these cruel human experiments involve much more than 5G and the coronavirus; they also make use of chemtrails and specific types of industrial pollution generated throughout Hubei Province. China has a well established reputation for wanton environmental degradation, and Wuhan will surely become a post-apocalyptic wasteland when they are finished with it. See: What in the world are they spraying all over Wuhan City?
Known as “China’s Thoroughfare”, Wuhan occupies a very special place in Chinese history as well as in regard to the astonishing economic boom occurring since the mid-1970s. Whatever happens in Wuhan can deeply affect the rest of the nation as the coronavirus panic has graphically demonstrated. It’s as though the producers of this ‘disaster movie’ quite intentionally chose the capital of Hubei Province to be the epicenter of their NWO horror flick so that all of China would tune in. And so they have!
Wuhan today is considered the political, economic, financial, commercial, cultural and educational center of Central China.[17] It is a major transportation hub, with dozens of railways, roads and expressways passing through the city and connecting to other major cities.[23] Because of its key role in domestic transportation, Wuhan is sometimes referred to as “the Chicago of China” by foreign sources.[3][4][5] The “Golden Waterway” of the Yangtze River and its largest tributary, the Han River, traverse the urban area and divides Wuhan into the three districts of Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang. The Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge crosses the Yangtze in the city. The Three Gorges Dam, the world’s largest power station in terms of installed capacity, is located nearby.While Wuhan has been a traditional manufacturing hub for decades, it is also one of the areas promoting modern industrial changes in China. Wuhan consists of three national development zones, four scientific and technological development parks, over 350 research institutes, 1,656 hi-tech enterprises, numerous enterprise incubators, and investments from 230 Fortune Global 500 firms.[24] It produced GDP of US$224 billion in 2018. The Dongfeng Motor Corporation, an automobile manufacturer, is headquartered in Wuhan. Wuhan is home to multiple notable institutes of higher education, including Wuhan University, which was ranked third nationwide in 2017,[25] and the Huazhong University of Science and Technology.[3]
Into this Kafkaesque context, enter the fastidiously bioengineered Wuhan coronavirus. There are several high-integrity authorities, as well as scientific research studies, which have described what makes this unusually fatal virus a lab-produced bioweapon. As follows:
CORONAVIRUS BIOWEAPON UPDATE: Unique HIV-1 Signatures Confirmed by Team of Indian Scientists
WUHAN CORONAVIRUS BIOWEAPON: Bioengineered with Virulence Associated Protein (Video)
There’s no question that this bioweapon was purposefully bioengineered to target the indigenous Chinese people. In particular, individuals born from that traditional Asian gene pool and bloodline are affected much more profoundly by coronavirus infections. See: BIOWARFARE: Wuhan Coronavirus is likely another race-targeting bioweapon strategically unleashed throughout China by U.S. military labs
This deliberate racial targeting by the Zionist perps in Israel is being conducted with certain objectives which are well beyond the scope of this exposé. Suffice it to say that what the whole world is now witnessing in Wuhan is yet another depopulation event and citizen relocation exercise. Just like the Northern Levant, Israel’s preferred method of waging war is first, genocide, and secondly, forced removal or a coerced exodus.
The same Zionist warmongers will also not hesitate to use any type of terrorism necessary to get the job done. Just look at what they did on 9/11 in order to stampede the whole world into the utterly fake War on Terror. There is perhaps no act of terrorism or violent attack the Neocon Zionists would not carry out in order to advance their devastating Greater Israel project as delineated here: Nothing changes until those who secretly rule US are prosecuted for 9/11, JFK, OK City, 5G, Chemtrails, Vaccines….
Should the unparalleled crisis in the greater Wuhan area continue to deteriorate at the current alarming rate, there’s no telling what the government in Beijing will resort to. Of course, the current government will obey the dictates of their Zionist overlords, even if it means warehousing the citizenry, enforcing vaccinations, pervasive 5G activations, nonstop chemtrailing, etc. Therefore, how this situation develops over the course of the Winter and Spring of 2020 will reveal both the true purpose and perpetrators of this twisted plot.
Wuhan Coronavirus Bioterrorist Attack Is China’s 9/11, Same Perps