Warfare — Never an Excuse.
Aaron of Urantia.
Is The Teacher
Through George Barnard.
Illawarra District, Australia,
December 19, 2014.
Posted March 18, 2020

Aaron: “The mere thought, frequent deliberation and sometime worldwide teaching that some personality approaching the status of a god would wish for one tribe, race or nation to eliminate another is older than Caligastia’s arrival in ancient Mesopotamia. Much before the days of the Lanonandek Son, battles raged with little in the way of weapons other than stones and sharp sticks. In my days, the absolute myth that we were a superior people was the reason for our belligerence and wholesale slaughter. Little is recorded about those we enslaved.
“See it now clearly, my friend: the urge to attack and vanquish others is greed for their lands, their goods and their service as slaves — prestige, riches and control for the conquerors. Our excuse after our years of traveling in the wilds was that Jahweh’s Will demanded all to be punished. In reality we saw them as inferior, disorganized and small, whereas we had grown in numbers and would today be seen by you as marauders. We actually were the raiders of your bible, for the Creator has no favorites and truly does abhor all wars.
“In these inglorious, dangerous days of the 21st century nothing has changed. In these times of atomic weapons, endless spying and the sanctioning of weaker nations, you are ever at war. Simultaneously, you are fighting many, many wars. Currency wars are real; they are painful wars. Sanctioning of particular groups or nations affects all others in the end and everyone loses. Are you then the mythical lemmings that after a term of years so provide for your own demise?
(Here we have an unfortunate interruption of many hours).
Chief Bzutu: “This is Bzutu again with the remainder of Teacher Aaron’s message. It is short enough. The eminent Teacher states: “We in our celestial realm see a definite moral decline of your civilization. Many of you are sliding down a so-very-slippery slope of disorder, psychological disorder, histrionics, deviancy. It is hardly to be compared with sanity to invent new enemies by ‘throwing darts at a map of the world.’ Indeed it is insanity, but the appalling difficulties that may well result from your ever beckoning nuclear armaments might hopefully become the bitter truth drugs of your possible future recovery.”
Aaron states: “It is war and it is sin to tell lies about those you select to be your adversaries. It is war and it is a crime to broadcast your never-ending propaganda. It is war and it is an offense to turn the markets against your opponent. It is murder when you empty your guns at your adversaries, infanticide when a single child strays into the line of fire. There is no excuse! There is no such thing as collateral damage — a term invented by the disordered, the anarchists of this world.”
Lastly Aaron adds: “Perhaps it is not too late to not only turn just one brother from his insane justifications, but also to have him decide against a future crime. Perhaps my plea arrives in time for many of you to truly consider all others to be your direct kin and for you to heal your world. Our prayers are with you all.”
Chief Bzutu: “These are the words Teacher Aaron left in my care. I say good night. You are greatly loved by many."
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972
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