A Chama da Ascensão


Sexta-feira, 12 / 07 / 19

Benjamin Fulford FR 2019/07/08: Major victory as all three power obelisks fall: Washington, London and Rome

 Major victory as all three power obelisks fall: 

Washington, London and Rome.

Benjamin Fulford Full Report


Posted July 10, 2019 by Edward Morgan



Last week saw a major victory for humanity as the Khazarian mafia lost its grip on all three centers of Western power—Washington D.C., London, and Rome, according to Pentagon and other sources.  Each of these capitals has an obelisk, variously symbolizing military, financial, and religious power.
“Trump declared America’s independence from the Deep State on July 4, as Russian President Vladimir Putin meets the Pope and Boris Johnson becomes Prime Minister of the UK in a no-deal Brexit, giving white hats control over the three obelisks of global power,” was how Pentagon sources summed up the situation.
This means the undeclared civil war in the West is mostly over.  Now a unified West will negotiate with the rest of the world, especially Asia, on how to improve the way we run our planet, multiple sources agree.  Of course, this will take time, so don’t expect any sudden, dramatic announcement yet, the sources warn.
The battle that led to this victory in the undeclared Western civil war was seen in the news in the form of various seemingly unrelated news events.  These included the sinking of a Russian submarine, earthquakes at a U.S. naval base, the arrest of pedophile blackmailer Jeffrey Epstein, and more.
Let’s start with the Russian submarine.  Fourteen senior Russian naval officers, including seven admirals, were killed aboard a top-secret Russian submarine last week, according to news reports and official Russian government sources.

What is not being reported is that the submarine was attacked in revenge for the sinking of an Israeli submarine in the Persian Gulf, according to Russian and U.S. military sources.  Early reports, since deleted, on the Mossad-linked Debka site tried to blame the sinking of the Russian sub on the Americans, in yet another obvious Israeli attempt to start World War III.
Pentagon sources say, “The special-purpose nuclear Russian submarine Losharik may have been fried by a directed energy weapon that failed to trigger WW3, but its cabal controllers may have reaped instant karma with …

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… not just one but two quakes at China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station in Southern California.”  Seismographs of the California quakes bear the distinctive signs of being the result of explosions and not natural forces.  Please start at the 2:28 second mark on this video to confirm.

The Russian submarine controlled a Russian doomsday nuclear unmanned underwater drone, and the officers died preventing it from being launched, Russian sources say.  That’s why the families of the dead Russian soldiers were told their relatives averted a “planetary disaster.”

The base that was attacked was part of the Nazi Paperclip base complex that includes the notorious Area 51, Pentagon sources say.
It is interesting in this context that Nazi Jeb Bush put out the following Tweet just hours before Trump announced victory of the Deep State:
“It is a fact of American history that three of the five Founding Father Presidents died on the Independence Day anniversary.  But was it just a coincidence?”

Bush was undoubtedly angry and scared, since his parents Barbara and Herbert Walker Bush were executed and his brother George Bush Jr. arrested.  One can assume Jeb has also been arrested following this treasonous Tweet.
“The takedown of Israel, pedos, and Zionist blackmail operation began July 6 with Mossad agent Jeff Epstein arrested for the sex trafficking of minors, and this may lead to many more arrests,” Pentagon sources say.
A look at Epstein’s little black book reveals, among many others, the following names:  Tony Blair, Richard Branson, Edgar Bronfman, Bill Clinton, Prince Pierre d’Arrenberg, Steve Forbes, Dustin Hoffman, Mick Jagger, Michael Jackson, Senator Edward Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, Rupert Murdoch, Jessica and Hannah Rothschild (English side) and Evelyn and Edward de Rothschild (French side), Prince Salman Saud, Larry Summers, and Ivanka Trump.

While being in Epstein’s black book itself is not a crime, it is a good indicator that people in the book were tempted with underage sexual partners and subsequently filmed and blackmailed if they succumbed to this temptation.  Donald Trump was also a visitor to this island, and presumably time will tell if he resisted temptation or not.
Since Trump’s Russia investigator Robert Mueller was close to Epstein, and since fired FBI director James Comey’s daughter is part of the team that arrested Epstein, we can be sure Trump’s involvement (if any) will not be glossed over.

The fallout from the Epstein arrest is likely to continue for some time.  However, the fact that he was arrested and 2,000 pages of information related to his previous arrest and conviction have been made public means this will not be swept under the carpet.  Thus, it is a major victory against the cabal.
In any case, despite victory in the West, the battle for the planet as whole is far from over.  It now looks like the Khazarians are activating their Iranian sleeper cells to start World War III.  Remember, Marc Rich of Glencore Commodities (pardoned by Bill Clinton) was paying both Iranian and Israeli government officials from the profits of the “bomb Iran” oil futures manipulation scam for decades.
What this scandal has revealed is that there are Khazarian mafia fifth columnists at the highest level of the Iranian government.  That’s probably why certain Iranian government officials are now suddenly making nuclear threats in tandem with their Khazarian counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel.
The German Khazarian faction and their EUSSR are still probably going to try to stir up trouble in the Ukraine and other parts of Eastern Europe as well.  Last week they showed the whole world that the EU was not a democratic institution by ignoring the EU Parliament and imposing German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leven as President of the European Commission.

Meanwhile, last week the British chose to remind the Europeans that they still have the technical ability to shut off the Baltic and Mediterranean seas.  They did this by sending the largest UK naval squadron since World War I to the Baltic Sea along with ships from seven allied nations.

Around the same time, the British seized an Iranian tanker going through the Strait of Gibraltar.

Brittania may no longer rule the waves, but apparently they can still rule the Eastern Atlantic.  We assume this posturing is linked to ongoing Brexit negotiations.
The U.S. military, in contrast to the saber-rattling British, is forming a budding alliance with Russia.  Apparently, handing a U.S. F-35 fighter plane to the Russians helped seal the deal.  This is the Christian alliance they have long been asking of Russia.  That’s what was behind last week’s meeting between the Pope and Putin, say Pentagon sources.
This will be visible to the public in weapons deals.  “To shake up the military-industrial complex even further, Trump may not sanction Turkey, India, and China for buying Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missiles, and Egypt, Iraq, Qatar, Korea, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, and Morocco may follow,” the Pentagon sources explain.
Also, “In a G20-led boycott, 2020 host Saudi Arabia cancelled fifty 737 MAX planes in a major blow to Boeing,” the sources say.  “Many airlines and aircraft lessors like Korean Air, Air Canada, Malaysian Airlines, Lion Air, Aeromexico, Flydubai, GOL, Virgin Australia, TUI, Singapore Airlines, Turkish Airlines, SpiceJet, GE,  Mitsubishi (MUFG), Sumitomo (SMBC), Bank of China, and China Development Bank may follow suit,” they add.
There is also going to be Special Forces action taken against the major tech giants Google, Facebook, and PayPal, promise CIA and P2 Freemason sources.  This, combined with the above-mentioned attacks against the China Lake facility, are part of an ongoing offensive against the California-based satanic nexus, they say.
For some background on this, watch the following interview of a witness to satanic infiltration of the U.S. military in California.  It talks about a Colonel Michael A. Aquino, whose name we have frequently run across when investigating the link between high finance and satanism.

Speaking of satanists, we would like to inform readers that our website troubles last week were caused because our webmaster became, according to the technical/medical term, “crazy as a fruit bat.”  (Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against fruit bats;  some of my best friends are fruit bats, but… you know what I mean.)  Seriously, though, it appears he was poisoned with PCP or angel dust by a honey trap sent by Japanese gangsters subcontracting for the Khazarian mafia.  The PCP was apparently contained in a skin cream he was given.  He is recovering now.
This is not the first time this has happened.  Previously, the Gnostic Illuminati agent “Alexander Romanov” was poisoned with PCP-laced marijuana after contacting us.  In both cases, they suddenly became paranoid and megalomaniac.  They also started to see everyday objects, like playground equipment, as “Earth-destroying superweapons,” or “alien artifacts.”  Romanov also eventually recovered, but was involuntarily confined to mental hospitals three times in the meanwhile.
We know exactly who did this and what their chain of command is.  The trail leads to Zug, Switzerland via certain known agents like Leo Zagami, Rothschild lawyer Michael Greenberg of the CSIS, agent Michael Cottrell, certain members of the Sumiyoshi crime family, etc.  There are other names we are aware of but are withholding for now for operational reasons.
However, we would like to end our report this week on a more upbeat note by pointing out some good news items.  One was the launch of an African trade bloc uniting 55 nations and 1.3 billion people.

Demographics make it clear that, while the Asian age is beginning, India and Africa, with their much younger and growing populations, will be next.
Finally, we were encouraged by a report that identifies an area the size of China and the U.S. combined which is not being used for agriculture that could be easily reforested with native trees.  The report calls for the planting of 1.2 trillion trees in these areas as the cheapest way to stop environmental destruction.

This may seem like a lot, but this writer has personally planted over 300,000 trees (roughly 1,300 trees a day over four spring planting seasons totaling 240 days).  This means it would only take 4 million people less than a year to reforest 11% of the world’s land area.  It shows how easily we could solve the planet’s problems if we had competent leadership.
That’s why it’s so important to defeat the cabal of religious fanatics who are trying to start World War III.  That’s why we must fight until victory.

Benjamin's site:

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Benjamin Fulford Report 7/8/19: Major victory as all three power obelisks fall: Washington, London and Rome
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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 04:50
Quarta-feira, 10 / 07 / 19



Relatório completo de Benjamin Fulford,

8 de julho de 2019. 

Tradução: Candido Pedro Jorge


Na semana passada,  uma grande vitória da humanidade foi registrada quando a máfia khazariana perdeu o controle sobre os três centros de seu poder Ocidental – Washington D.C., Londres e Roma, segundo o Pentágono e outras fontes. Cada uma dessas capitais tem um obelisco, que variam em seus simbolismos que são: O poder militar, financeiro e religioso.
“Trump declarou a independência da América dos grilhões do Estado Profundo, em 04 de Julho, enquanto o Presidente Russo Vladimir Putin se encontrou com o Papa e Boris Johnson se torna Primeiro-Ministro do Reino Unido num Brexit sem acordo, dando aos chapéus brancos, controle sobre os três obeliscos do poder global”. Foi como as fontes do Pentágono resumiram a situação.
Isto significa que a guerra civil não declarada no Ocidente está quase terminada. Agora, um Ocidente unificado negociará com o resto do mundo, especialmente com a Ásia, sobre como melhorar a forma de administrarmos nosso planeta, concordam várias fontes. Naturalmente que isso vai levar algum tempo de modo que não esperem por nenhum anúncio dramático e repentino, advertem as fontes.
A batalha que levou a essa vitória, na guerra civil ocidental não declarada, foi vista nos meios de notícias sob a forma de vários eventos noticiosos aparentemente não relacionados. Estes incluiram o naufrágio de um submarino russo, terremotos em uma base naval dos EUA, a prisão do pedófilo chantagista Jeffrey Epstein e muito mais.
Vamos começar com o submarino russo. Na semana passada, quatorze oficiais navais russos, incluindo sete almirantes, foram mortos a bordo de um submarino russo, segundo reportagens e fontes oficiais do governo russo.
O que não está sendo relatado é que o submarino foi atacado como uma vingança pelo naufrágio de um submarino israelense no Golfo Pérsico, segundo fontes militares russas e norte-americanas. Os primeiros relatos, desde que suprimidos no site da Debka, no Mossad, tentaram culpar o naufrágio do submarino russo pelos americanos, em mais uma tentativa óbvia de Israel de iniciar uma Terceira Guerra Mundial.
Fontes do Pentágono dizem: “O submarino nuclear Losharik, de finalidade especial, pode ter sido frito por uma arma de energia dirigida que não conseguiu desencadear uma 3ª Guerra Mundial. No entanto, seus controladores cabalistas podem ter colhido um carma instantâneo com não apenas um, mas dois terremotos na Estação de Armas da Base Aeronaval do Lago China, no Sul da Califórnia”, uma vez que os sismógrafos dos terremotos da Califórnia registraram sinais característicos de serem resultados de explosões e não de forças naturais. Observem a segunda marca 2:28, neste vídeo para confirmar.
O submarino russo controlava um drone submarino não tripulado nuclear do doonsday russo e os oficiais morreram impedindo que este fosse lançado, dizem fontes russas. É por isso que as famílias dos soldados russos mortos foram informadas que seus parentes evitaram um “desastre planetário”.
A base que foi atacada fazia parte do complexo de base nazista Paperclip que inclui a famosa Área 51, dizem fontes do Pentágono.
Neste contexto, é interessante notar que o nazista Jeb Bush lançou o seguinte Tweet poucas horas antes de Trump anunciar a vitória sobre o Estado Profundo:
“É um fato da história americana que três dos cinco Presidentes Pais Fundadores morreram no aniversário do Dia da Independência. Seria apenas uma coincidência?”
Sem dúvida, Bush estava irritado e temeroso, uma vez que seus pais Barbara e Herbert Walker Bush foram executados e seu irmão George Bush Jr. preso. Pode-se presumir que Jeb, também, foi preso após este Tweet denotando sua traição.
“A queda de Israel, pedófilos e a chantagem sionista começaram em 06 de Julho, com o agente da Mossad, Jeff Epstein preso por tráfico sexual de menores e, isso pode levar a muitas outras prisões”, dizem fontes do Pentágono. 
Um olhar sobre o pequeno livro negro de Epstein revela, entre muitos outros, os seguintes nomes: Tony Blair, Richard Branson, Edgar Bronfman, Bill Clinton, Prince Pierre d’Arrenberg, Steve Forbes, Dustin Homan, Mick Jagger, Michael Jackson, Senador Edward Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, Rupert Murdoch, Jessica e Hannah Rothschild (lado inglês) e Evelyn e Edward de Rothschild (lado francês), Prince Salman Saud, Larry Summers e Ivanka Trump.
Embora constar no livro negro de Epstein em si não seja um crime, é um bom indicador de que as pessoas no livro foram assediadas com parceiros sexuais menores de idade e, posteriormente, filmados e chantageados caso sucumbissem a essa tentação. Donald Trump foi também um visitante desta ilha e, presumivelmente, o tempo dirá se resistiu à tentação ou não.
Desde que o investigador da questão  Russia/Trump, Robert Mueller estava próximo de Epstein e desde que foi demitida do FBI, a filha do Diretor James Comey faz parte da equipe que prendeu Epstein, podemos ter certeza que o envolvimento de Trump (se houver) não será encoberto.
Os respingos da prisão de Epstein é provável que continue por algum tempo. No entanto, o fato de ter sido detido e de 2.000 páginas de informação relacionadas com a sua detenção e condenação anteriores, terem sido tornadas públicas significa que não será varrido para debaixo do tapete. Assim, isso se constitui uma grande vitória contra a cabala.
De qualquer forma, apesar da vitória no Ocidente, a batalha pelo planeta como um todo está longe de acabar. Agora, parece que os khazarianos estão ativando as suas células iranianas adormecidas para iniciar uma Terceira Guerra Mundial. Lembre-se de que, Marc Rich, of Glencore Commodities (perdoado por Bill Clinton), estava pagando funcionários do governo iraniano e israelenses dos lucros do esquema de manipulação de futuros de petróleo do “Irã bomba” por décadas.
O que este escândalo revelou é que existem mafiosos khazarianos Quinta-coluna, infiltrados no mais alto nível do Governo Iraniano. Provavelmente, é por isso que certos oficiais do governo iraniano, repentinamente, agora estão fazendo ameaças nucleares em conjunto com seu homólogo khazariano, Benjamin Netanyahu, em Israel.
A facção khazariana alemã e o seu EUSSR, provavelmente, continuarão a tentar criar problemas na Ucrânia e noutras partes da Europa Oriental. Na semana passada, mostraram ao mundo inteiro que a UE não era uma instituição democrática, ignorando o Parlamento Europeu e impondo a Ministra da Defesa alemã, Ursula von der Leven, como Presidente da Comissão Europeia.
Enquanto isso, na semana passada, os britânicos decidiram lembrara aos europeus que ainda têm capacidade técnica para fechar os mares Báltico e Mediterrâneo. Fizeram isso, enviando o maior esquadrão naval do Reino Unido, desde a Primeira Guerra Mundial para o Mar Báltico, juntamente com navios de sete nações aliadas.
Ao mesmo tempo, os britânicos apreenderam um petroleiro iraniano que atravessava o Estreito de Gibraltar. 
A Grã-Bretnha pode já não dominar as ondas, mas aparentemente ainda pode dominar o Atlântico Oriental. Assumimos que esta postura esteja ligada às negociações em curso do Brexit.
Em contraste, os militares americanos, com os britânicos, estão formando uma aliança com a Rússia. Aparentemente, entregar um caça F-35 aos russos ajudou a selar o acordo. Esta é a aliança cristã que há muito pedem à Rússia. Isso foi o que esteve por trás do encontro da semana passada entre o Papa e Putin, dizem fontes do Pentágono.
Isto será visível para o público em negócios de armas. “Para agitar ainda mais o complexo militar-industrial, Trump não pode sancionar a Turquia, Índia e China por comprar mísseis antiaéreos S-400 russos e que, Egito, Iraque, Qatar, Coréia, Vietnã, Arábia Saudita e Marrocos poderão seguir”, explicam as fontes do Pentágono.
Também, num boicote liderado pelo G20, a Arábia Saudita, anfitriã do 2020, cancelou a encomenda de cinquenta aviões 737 MAX num duro golpe contra a Boeing, dizem as fontes. “Muitas companhias aéreas e locadoras de aeronaves como a Korean Air, Air Canada, Malaysian Airlines, Lion Air, Aeromexico, Flydubai, GOL, Virgin Australia, TUI, Singapore  Airlines, Turkish Airlines, SpiceJet, GE, Mitsubishi (MUFG), Sumitomo (SMBC), Bank of China e China Development Bank podem seguir o exemplo”, acrescentam.
Haverá também a ação das Forças Especiais contra os principais gigantes da tecnologia, Google, Facebook e PayPal, prometem fontes da CIA e Maçons P2. Isto, combinado com os ataques acima mencionados contra as instalações do Lago China, fazem parte de uma ofensiva contínua contra o nexo satânico baseado na Califórnia, dizem.
Como alguns antecedentes sobre isso, assista a seguinte entrevista de uma testemunha dos militares dos EUA,  infiltrada nas atividades satânicas na Califórnia. Fala de um Coronel Michael A. Aquino, cujo nome temos frequentemente encontrado, quando investigamos a ligação entre as altas finanças e o satanismo.
Falando em satanistas, gostaríamos de informar aos leitores que nossos problemas no site, na semana passada, foram causados porque nosso webmaster se tornou, de acordo o termo técnico/médico, “louco como um morcego de frutas”. (Não me interpretem mal, não tenho nada contra morcegos frugívoros; alguns dos meus melhores amigos são morcegos frugívoros, mas… vocês sabem o que quero dizer.)
Mas falando sério, parece que ele foi envenenado com PCP ou pó de anjo por uma doce armadilha enviada por gangsters japoneses subcontratados pela máfia khazariana. Aparentemente, o PCP estava contido num creme para pele que lhe fora presenteado. Agora, já está se recuperando.
Não é a primeira vez que isto acontece. Anteriormente, o agente Illuminati Gnóstico, “Alexander Romanov” foi envenenado com uma mistura de marijuana/PCP, depois de nos contactar. Repentinamente, em ambos os casos, as vítimas se tornaram paranoicas e megalômanas.
Eles, também, começaram a ver objetos cotidianos, como equipamentos de playground, como “superarmas destruidoras da Terra”, ou “artefatos alienígenas”. Romanov, finalmente, também se recuperou, todavia, esteve involuntariamente confinado em hospitais psiquiátricos por três vezes, nesse meio tempo.
Sabemos exatamente quem fez isto e qual é a sua cadeia de comando. A trilha leva a Zug, Suíça, através de alguns agentes conhecidos como Leo Zagami, o advogado de Rothschild, Michael Greenberg, do CSIS, o agente Michael Cottrell, alguns membros da família Sumiyoshi, etc. Há outros nomes de que temos conhecimento, mas que, por agora, por razões operacionais, estão mantidos em segredo.
No entanto, gostaríamos de terminar o nosso relatório desta semana com uma nota mais otimista, apontando algumas boas notícias. Uma delas foi o lançamento de um bloco comercial africano unindo 55 nações e 1,3 bilhão de pessoas.
Os dados demográficos deixam claro que, enquanto a era asiática está começando, a Índia e a África, com as suas populações muito mais jovens e em crescimento, serão as próximas.
Finalmente, fomos encorajados por um relatório que identifica uma área do tamanho da China e dos EUA combinadas que não está sendo usada para agricultura que poderia ser facilmente reflorestada com árvores nativas. O relatório apela para a plantação de 1,2 bilhão de árvores nestas zonas, como a forma mais barata de travar a destruição ambiental.
Isto pode parecer muito, no entanto, pessoalmente, este escritor já plantou mais de 300.000 árvores (cerca de 1.300 árvores por dia, durante, quatro estações de plantio de Primavera, totalizando 240 dias).
Isto significa que seriam necessários apenas 4 milhões de pessoas para, em menos de um ano para reflorestar 11% da superfície terrestre mundial, numa demonstração de como seria fácil resolver os problemas do planeta, se tivéssemos uma liderança competente.
É por isso que é tão importante derrotar a cabala dos fanáticos religiosos que estão tentando iniciar uma Terceira Guerra Mundial. É por isso que temos de lutar até a vitória.

Agradecimentos a: 
  1. Candido Pedro Jorge e a Sementes das Estrelas pela tradução, copilada de:
  2. https://www.sementesdasestrelas.com.br/2019/07/benjamin-fulford-atualizacao-semanal_9.html

Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.
A religião organizada é desnecessária à espiritualidade.
Excelentes ensinamentos dos mestres têm sido contaminados pelo controle dogmático dessas religiões.
Discernimento sim; julgamento não.
Com discernimento é possível alcansar o espírito da letra de qualquer escritura e é também bem mais fácil escutar a voz da alma que vem do coração.

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Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.



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publicado por achama às 03:59
Segunda-feira, 08 / 07 / 19

Benjamin Fulford Sample 2019/07/08: Major victory as all three power obelisks fall: Washington, London and Rome.

Major victory as all three power obelisks fall: 

Washington, London and Rome.

Benjamin Fulford Sample Report 


Last week saw a major victory for humanity as the Khazarian mafia lost its grip on all three centers of Western power—Washington D.C., London, and Rome, according to Pentagon and other sources.  Each of these capitals has an obelisk, variously symbolizing military, financial, and religious power.
“Trump declared America’s independence from the Deep State on July 4, as Russian President Vladimir Putin meets the Pope and Boris Johnson becomes Prime Minister of the UK in a no-deal Brexit, giving white hats control over the three obelisks of global power,” was how Pentagon sources summed up the situation.
This means the undeclared civil war in the West is mostly over.  Now a unified West will negotiate with the rest of the world, especially Asia, on how to improve the way we run our planet, multiple sources agree.  Of course, this will take time, so don’t expect any sudden, dramatic announcement yet, the sources warn.
The battle that led to this victory in the undeclared Western civil war was seen in the news in the form of various seemingly unrelated news events.  These included the sinking of a Russian submarine, earthquakes at a U.S. naval base, the arrest of pedophile blackmailer Jeffrey Epstein, and more.
Let’s start with the Russian submarine.  Fourteen senior Russian naval officers, including seven admirals, were killed aboard a top-secret Russian submarine last week, according to news reports and official Russian government sources.

What is not being reported is that the submarine was attacked in revenge for the sinking of an Israeli submarine in the Persian Gulf, according to Russian and U.S. military sources.  Early reports, since deleted, on the Mossad-linked Debka site tried to blame the sinking of the Russian sub on the Americans, in yet another obvious Israeli attempt to start World War III.
Pentagon sources say, “The special-purpose nuclear Russian submarine Losharik may have been fried by a directed energy weapon that failed to trigger WW3, but its cabal controllers may have reaped instant karma with …
The remainder of this article is only available to members of BenjaminFulford.net

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full report will be post here this Thursday


Notices and Letters to Benjamin

July 7, 2019

Bounty placed on PayPal heads

Special notice: A bounty of one ton of gold has been placed on Elon Musk and Peter Thiel of Paypal. The bounty has been placed because they are abusing their electronic payments system to suppress truth. This writer, along with many real-world journalists, has been a victim of their attacks. The gold can be collected in Hong Kong following completion of the mission.
Other bounties will be placed on other high-tech oligarchs over the coming days as part of the ongoing battle to liberate humanity.
Benjamin Fulford
White Dragon Society



Notice of website hack

Notice to readers:  This week our website got hacked and we had trouble getting the article up.  We believe we have solved the problem now and apologize for the inconvenience.


Benjamin Fulford Interview: G20, Pentagon Outranking Trump. False Flag Denied

In this episode of our long-running discussions with Benjamin Fulford recorded on the 27th June 2019. We discuss the Summer Solstice, which is usually a hot time for the dark to cause sacrificial events. Iran False Flag was thwarted and the military gave the stand down orders. The Big Tech companies like Facebook, Google, Amazon … Continue reading




Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 17:03
Sexta-feira, 05 / 07 / 19

Benjamin Fulford FR 2019/07/01: Pentagon takes over G20, will push for Middle East peace and world federation

Pentagon takes over G20, will push for Middle East peace and world federation.

Benjamin Fulford Full Report


Posted July 4, 2019 by Edward Morgan



Now that a peace deal has been reached in principle in the Korean Peninsula, the U.S. military, which just took over presidency of the G20, is going to push for a real Middle East peace deal, Pentagon sources say.  Peace is also breaking out in other trouble spots like the Ukraine and the India/Pakistan border.  All this is happening as the U.S. and China call a truce in their trade war and start negotiations to form what is, as the Chinese government puts it, “a new model for global cooperation.”

“The dialogue must be conducted on the basis of equality and mutual respect.  Legitimate concerns of both sides must be addressed,” is how the official Chinese Xinhua news site described the situation.
  1. http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-06/30/c_138186982.htm

The negotiations will include discussions on setting up a future planning agency to work in harmony with the multitrillion-dollar Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, say sources in the British royal family.
The other big event last week was the deal reached between the British and the Russians over how a post-EU Europe would be run, British and Russian sources agree.  This deal was reflected by the official return of Russia to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).  This group of 47 democracies is older and bigger than the 28-nation EU and includes major players like Turkey and Russia.

Also, since Russia was kicked out for annexing the Crimean Peninsula, this means a de facto recognition of the split-up of the Ukraine.
  1. https://www.rferl.org/a/pace-oks-russias-return/30018448.html

The fact that German Chancellor Angela Merkel was seen shaking mysteriously twice in public makes us wonder if she was not hit with some sort of electromagnetic weapon in order to force her to give up on the German-dominated EU.

What is certain is that Germany went along with the re-admission of Russia into PACE.  It will also probably agree to a no-deal Brexit.
Pentagon sources also say a financial black swan event is being engineered to … … put an end to the fiat-based financial system and replace it with a Quantum Financial System (QFS) backed by a basket of real-world goods.  “Trade wars, [problems with] Deutsche Bank, a no-deal Brexit, and Iran tensions are meant to cause a stock market crash and end fiat currency to launch the QFS,” the sources said.
You do not need to have a Pentagon insider source to realize that the current system is mathematically doomed.  For one thing, the amount of money traded daily on financial system computers is literally thousands of times greater than the underlying real-world assets they are supposed to be based on.  Right now, 80% of stock trading is done by computer programs, meaning AI is already controlling most of the future decision making processes of listed companies.  This has real-world effects.
First of all, it’s creating an asset inflation bubble of the sort that led to Japanese commercial real estate prices falling by 95% in value after their bubble burst.
U.S. pension funds, for example, assume their investments will have a year-on-year return of 7.15%.  However, even if the stock market increases in value by more than that percentage every year, the real economy is only growing at the most by 2%.  Since stock prices are not reflecting the underlying reality, this will mean that all pension funds are going bankrupt in the real world and people will suffer poverty in old age if the current system continues.  Asset inflation also means that in the U.S., for example, 74% of people cannot afford to buy a house.

The trigger for a new Lehman-style shock this time is likely to be a $3 trillion financial garbage heap called Collateralized Loan Obligations, according to the BIS, the central bank of central banks.  “What is good for today need not necessarily be good for tomorrow.  More fundamentally, monetary policy cannot be the engine of growth,” the BIS admits in its latest report.

In other words, even the BIS realises that something like a reality-based, meritocratically run future planning agency would do a better job of managing the economy than using AIs to distribute fiat money and create financial bubbles.
The admission of failure by the financial oligarchs is, of course, is why there is so much frantic real-world horse trading going on these days.
The biggest real-world commodity remains oil, and here is where the United States still has its strongest cards.  This tweet by U.S. President Donald Trump puts it nicely:  “China gets 91% of its oil from the Strait, Japan 62%, and many other countries likewise.  So why are we protecting the shipping lanes for other countries (many years) for zero compensation?  All of these countries should be protecting their own ships.”
Pentagon sources say this tweet has already caused China, Japan, and India to send submarines to “to patrol the [Persian] Gulf and hunt Israeli [submarines].”
Of course, it was the Pentagon that was behind the tweet.  “With Mark Esper as Secretary of Defense and Mark Milley as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, it appears the Army now runs the Pentagon after the Marines had their turn with [Generals Jim] Mattis and [John] Kelly,” the Pentagon sources note.  This means the Marines have established a secure beachhead against the Khazarian mafia and now the Army is taking over more mundane but important administrative tasks.
As we mentioned near the top of this article, the U.S. military now has leadership of the G20.  That’s because their Saudi American colony has taken over leadership of the G20 from Japan.  This means the U.S. military will coordinate the agenda via their script-reading fake Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS).
The Pentagon, of course, is furious at having been manipulated by radical Zionists into invading Iraq and is determined not to be manipulated into fighting a war with Iran.  The Pentagon sources note that “at the G20 there was no coalition against Iran, but India cancelled a $500 million deal to buy anti-tank missiles from Israel.”
The fact that Trump was positioned between MBS and Turkish President Recep Erdogan at the G20 group photo was meant to show that Turkey, together with Saudi Arabia were going to work together for peace in the region over the coming year,” the Pentagon sources say.
Russia will work with Turkey, Egypt, Saudi America, and Iran to force the Israelis to accept real peace, Russian FSB sources say.  Last week Israel was given a warning when its GPS systems were made dysfunctional by the Russians, rendering most of their weapons systems useless.

The people of Israel are also finally starting to wake up.  Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak announced his return to politics last week saying, “This is not time to be on the fence…  Netanyahu’s regime, with its radical messianic zealots and its corrupt leadership, must be toppled.”
  1. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-israel-politics-barak/ex-israeli-prime-minister-barak-announces-election-run-idUSKCN1TR2Q5

Since Barak used to be Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s military commander, he knows from personal experience what a dangerous zealot the man is.  By referring to “radical messianic zealots,” he was confirming what this writer has long asserted, which is that Israel is run by fanatics trying to start an artificial Armageddon.
Getting back to Asia, Chinese sources are saying the reunification of the Korean Peninsula will start with moves to deepen economic relations by linking railroads and roads, opening the Kaesong Industrial Complex, and allowing South Korean tourists to visit the North, among other things.
Also, in Indonesia, President Joko Widodo was officially confirmed as winner of that country’s election by securing 55.5 percent of total votes, ending Khazarian attempts to seize that country’s gold.  As the Red Dragon Ambassador famously predicted, “555 will beat 666.”
Of course, just because the Satanists are losing does not mean the war is by any means over.  The news from Italy of a mayor, doctors, and social workers selling children to sexual predators is just the tip of the iceberg.  In the U.S. alone, more than 40,000 children are disappearing each year.
  1. https://www.rt.com/news/463028-italy-children-abuse-mayor/

These people, concentrated at the top of the Western power structure, are literally fighting for their lives.  They know what will happen to them if the public at large finds out what they have been doing to their children.
They will also fight hard to protect their system of debt slavery.  Last week for example, newly elected Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev announced that instead of bailing out banks, he was going to write off people’s debts.  It was unlikely to be a coincidence that major explosions destroyed a military base there around the time of the announcement.  Imagine how they would react to a worldwide jubilee.
  1. https://www.aljazeera.com/ajimpact/kazakhstan-ends-bank-bailouts-writes-people-debts-190626093206083.html
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-EoMux0-RM

The battle against high-tech oligarchs running Google, Facebook, etc. will also be very tough.  To help win this one, a bounty will soon be announced on the heads of major high-tech shareholders and top management, secret society sources say.  This is because legal actions by individual governments will not be enough to bring these transnational criminal enterprises to heel.  They must be stopped from distorting the truth and replacing it with a fake AI-controlled reality.

Benjamin's site:

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

3 Ways Waking Up at 5:30 Every Morning Has Changed My Life
What are the 10 Basic Causes of Cancers?
Bosses pocket Trump tax windfall as workers see job promises vanish
9/11 first responder Luis Alvarez dies from Ground Zero-related cancer
Love is the Answer: What it Means, Feels Like, & Why it’s is the Key to Everything
Benjamin Fulford Report 7/1/19: Pentagon takes over G20, will push for Middle East peace and world federation
The American Dream Is Alive and Well—in China
History’s Dire Warning: Beware False-Flag Trigger for Long-Sought War with Iran
Andromedan Message To Humanity
10 Kefir Health Benefits That Will Inspire You To Include It In Your Diet
Here comes the Space Economy : Time for our Planet’s Quantum field technology upgrade
‘Deaths Of Despair’ In The U.S. Hit Record High – So How Bad Will Things Get When Society Starts To Completely Collapse?
Cobra Update 7/1/19: Flower of Life
Total Solar Eclipse Meditation on Tuesday, July 2nd at 7:22 PM UTC
These Off-Grid Summer Strategies Could Save Your Food Supply And Keep You Safe
Transgender Children to Receive Taxpayer-Funded Sex Change Surgery in Vermont
The Significance of Divine Sophia (Video)
The truth about sugar addiction
Leaked Documents From Google, Pinterest Reveal Censorship of Alternative Media


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 16:46
Segunda-feira, 01 / 07 / 19

Benjamin Fulford Sample 2019/07/01: Pentagon takes over G20, will push for Middle East peace and world federation.

Pentagon takes over G20, will push for Middle East peace and world federation.

Benjamin Fulford Sample Report 


Now that a peace deal has been reached (in principle) in the Korean Peninsula, the US military, who just took over presidency of the G20, are going to push for a real Middle East peace deal, Pentagon sources say. Peace is also breaking out in other trouble spots like the Ukraine and the India/Pakistan border. All this is happening as the US and China call a truce in their trade war and start negotiations to form, as the Chinese government puts it: “a new model for global cooperation.”
  1. http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-06/30/c_138186688.htm  

“The dialogue must be conducted on the basis of equality and mutual respect. Legitimate concerns of both sides must be addressed,” is how the official Chinese Xinhua news site described the situation.
  1. http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-06/30/c_138186982.htm

The negotiations will include discussions on setting up a future planning agency to work in harmony with the multi-trillion dollar Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, sources in the British royal family say.
The other big event last week was a deal reached between the British and the Russians over how a post EU Europe would be run, British and Russian sources agree. This deal was reflected by the official return of Russia to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). This group of 47 democracies is older and bigger than the 28 nation EU and includes major players like Turkey and Russia.
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliamentary_Assembly_of_the_Council_of_Europe

Also, since Russia was kicked out for annexing the Crimean Peninsula, this means a de facto recognition of the split up of the Ukraine.
  1. https://www.rferl.org/a/pace-oks-russias-return/30018448.html

The fact German Chancellor Angela Hitler was seen shaking mysteriously twice in public makes us wonder if she was not hit with some sort of electro-magnetic weapon in order to force her to give up on the German dominated EU.
  1. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-06-27/merkel-seen-shaking-second-time-less-two-weeks

What is certain is that Germany went along with the re-admission of Russia into PACE. It will also probably agree to a no deal Brexit.
Pentagon sources also say a financial black swan event is being engineered to …
The remainder of this article is only available to members of BenjaminFulford.net

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full report will be post here this Thursday


Letters to Benjamin


Article regarding the Rothschilds

Dear Mr Fulford:
I would be grateful if you could comment on this article which appeared in the British Jewish Chronicle.
As a Jew and particularly with the rise of anti-semitism, I find it very upsetting and worrying to read anything that could stoke the flames even more. What if the article below is correct and this family are innocent of all the accusations?
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Dear JS,
First of all, the article you sent me was missing the first several words of every sentence. If you can get me a link or a full copy, I will post it on my home page for the benefit of my readers.
However, please understand that as a journalist, I try always to get my information from primary sources. If a representative of the Rothschild family would like to do a public interview with me, I’m sure many people will watch it and judge for themselves. Too often the Rothschild name is used as shorthand for a group of interrelated families who exert enormous control over the privately owned central banks.
Also, years of research have led me to the conclusion there is a subgroup of the Jews who are not actually Jewish, but worship Satan, Ba’al, Molech, etc. They appear in the Book of Ruth and carry out human sacrifices. They hide behind the Jews and use them like a matador’s cape to distract people from them.
Also, there is a group that I call the Sabbateans who believe that it is up to the Jews to make the biblical prophecies come true and bring on the Messiah. This group was behind the creation of Israel. Members of my Jewish family were among those who believed God would do God’s work and wanted to stay in their European homeland. They were attacked and forced by Hitler (a member of the Saxe/Gotha/Rothschild/Habsburg family complex) to go to Israel.
If you check the history, you will see that Jews were only allowed to flee to Israel in the face of Nazi persecution. Canada has recently apologized for closing its borders to Jews fleeing the Nazis.
Anyway, the rabbit hole runs deep, but I would be happy to set the record straight for the Rothschilds.
Dear Mr Fulford:
Thank you for replying so promptly.
I hope the attached link works as I am not the most technical of people. If not, you can find the article in the Jewish Chronicle. I did a search and it is dated December 11, 2017 under Robert Philpot’s name. It was reprinted on June 21.
I do hope that you manage to obtain an interview with a Rothschild family member, especially if all that is written about them is untrue. I hope that it is, but one does not know what to believe any more.
Should you publish this article, it will be very interesting to read the responses to it.
I wish you well in your work and in your life. Thank you.



Benjamin Fulford Talks: Interview June 27, 2019 with Prepare for Change

Here is Benjamin Fulford’s June 27, 2019 interview with PrepareforChange.net:

Benjamin Fulford Interview: G20, Pentagon Outranking Trump. False Flag Denied

In this episode of our long-running discussions with Benjamin Fulford recorded on the 27th June 2019. We discuss the Summer Solstice, which is usually a hot time for the dark to cause sacrificial events. Iran False Flag was thwarted and the military gave the stand down orders. The Big Tech companies like Facebook, Google, Amazon … Continue reading




Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 14:58
Sexta-feira, 14 / 06 / 19

Benjamin Fulford FR, 2019/06/10: Anglo alliance cemented by Trump UK visit will lead to reversal of post-9/11 fascist trend

Anglo alliance cemented by Trump UK visit will lead to reversal of post-9/11 fascist trend.

Benjamin Fulford Full Report


Posted June 12, 2019 by Edward Morgan


The visit by U.S. President Donald Trump to the UK last week has healed rifts in the Anglo alliance and will make sure the post-9/11 fascist coup in the West will be reversed, according to Pentagon and British royal family sources.  “The visit to Great Britain was very much about the entente cordiale in the Anglo-America axis and all of the ongoing issues of which you are already aware.  Brexit is a very big deal.  I would say that the trip was a success and the bonds between both countries are now stronger,” was how a British royal summed it up.
This means there is a split between the Anglo-Americans and the European fascist Nazi aristocrats behind the Bilderberg Group.  A semi-official report from a Bilderberg participant confirms that there is a major split between the German-led EU faction and the Anglos, as well as the Italians.

Sources in French Intelligence, meanwhile, say they have found proof the recent EU Parliamentary elections were rigged by the German faction.  They point to articles which accurately announced the results of the elections that appeared before the elections took place.  The battle to liberate France continues, the sources say.

Dutch whistleblowers, meanwhile, have been putting out damning information on the Bilderberg founding by the Nazi Dutch royal family and their connection to the fascist American Rockefeller (Clinton), Bush, etc. faction.  Among other things, they report that Boeing manufactured bombers and sent them to Germany to bomb Americans during World War II.

This is important, because we now have a 30-year Boeing veteran, Patrick Shanahan, as “Acting Defense Secretary” in the United States, even as all genuine military veterans left the Trump administration at the beginning of this year.
Pentagon sources are telling us “the domino-like, sudden collapse of 26 telephone poles right along the main thoroughfare servicing Boeing’s many Seattle facilities along East Marginal Way” last week was “no coincidence.”
“This was a white-hat message to Boeing to cease and desist from the use of remote control override technology in its planes used in its ‘airplane accidents,’ as well as its other warmongering/war crimes/war technologies (that may use 5G), both public and secret,” the sources say.
There are also now more signs that a major financial event, likely bigger than the Lehman shock, is being prepared to finish off the Federal Reserve Board and the EU-central-bank-owning Nazi faction of the Khazarian mafia.
This means that the fiat “trading platforms,” created by Bilderberger Henry Kissinger for the Rockefeller family after the U.S. abandoned the gold standard in 1971, have been shut down and replaced with …
… a basket of currencies trading within a band relative to the price of gold.  This can be confirmed by looking at a chart of currency movements since 2012, when the Federal Reserve’s 100-year mandate expired.  This, combined with massive pumping of money into the stock markets, has led to relative financial stability.
However, as Russian President Vladimir Putin noted last week after meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, “The policy of quantitative easing and the other measures that were taken [after Lehman] did not solve the problems in essence, but only pushed them into the future.”

That future may have arrived.  Market participants are betting on a huge, seismic shock to the financial system.  The graph below shows how global trade has now collapsed in a manner identical to what happened at the time of the Lehman shock.  By the way, we encountered a systematic attempt to censor this graph from the English-language Internet and had to go to a Chinese site to relocate it.

The other graph that indicates something huge is coming is one showing how long-term interest rates in the eurodollar markets are even further below short-term rates than they were immediately before Lehman.  This happens because traders feel something huge is about to happen and try to lock in long-term, stable money before it is too late.

The G20 finance ministers meeting this past weekend in Japan did not help ease market fears when they issued a statement that read in part, “risks remain tilted to the downside” and that “trade and geopolitical tensions have intensified.”  As the usually bland and vague G20 official communiqués go, this is pretty radical stuff.
We asked our British royal family, Pentagon, CIA, and other sources about what this shock might be, but we have run into a very thorough news embargo.  The British royal hinted that nothing would happen before September, though.
The fact that most U.S. tariffs on China and sanctions against Huawei and other Chinese firms do not go into effect until September also hints that some sort of world-changing deal is going to be negotiated between now and then.
There are some signs of what the deal might involve.  Chinese Finance Ministry sources say China has offered to help rebuild U.S. domestic infrastructure and reintegrate U.S. manufacturing into global chains.  Pentagon sources meanwhile say they are ready to cut the waste out of the military-industrial complex and pay for rebuilding the U.S. economy with some high tech they have been keeping secret.
The other big issue that is going to be worked out over the coming months concerns the high-tech giants like Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Apple.  Here, the G20 have already agreed they are going to force them to pay taxes.

However, the real issue that needs to be addressed is the censorship and fake information that is proliferating thanks to these high-tech oligopolies.  We noticed, for example, that all photographs we could find on the Internet of King Salman have been replaced with photographs of his new and young body double.  I remember clearly, as do my colleagues, that this article below, talking about how King Salman is so senile he cannot remember what happened a minute ago, had a picture of a very aged and decrepit-looking king.  That picture has been replaced.

Newspapers and traditional media which actually have reporters in the real world reporting on real events are also saying these high-tech oligopolies are putting them out of business.  Even though subscription revenues are rising, high-tech theft has cut their ad revenue down to $16 billion in 2017 from around $50 billion in 2006.  This has forced them to cut newsroom employees to 39,000 from 74,000 over the same period.  For years, this newsletter too has suffered from Google pirating, Facebook censorship, etc.

Now, these oligopolies have started shutting down thousands of independent news channels in the name of “combating hate speech,” when it can often be shown this is pure censorship.
For example, this morning when we clicked on a link from Jimstonefreelance.com to an article in The New York Post about the murder of Hillary Clinton’s brother, we got a message saying the link had been censored.  Now it just says, “cannot find it.”
This intensified censorship by the Internet giants is coinciding with a new murder campaign.  Pentagon sources say Hillary Clinton had her brother Tony Rodham murdered to silence him.  Also, New York Deputy Police Chief Steven Silks and veteran detective Joe Calabrese were killed last week because they had possession of copies of the video of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin torturing and murdering a young girl, the sources say.  Also killed was former Arkansas State Senator Linda Collins-Smith.  Smith was working with a Department of Homeland Security insider to expose $27 million taken from Child Protective Services by the Clinton Foundation, Vatican P2 Freemason sources say.
This writer has also recently received death threats to himself and his family by Khazarian Nazis angry at our exposure of their crimes.  However, they are not going to be able to murder their way out of justice this time.  There are too many of us to kill, and we have truth and justice as well as the military and special forces on our side.  The fact that Clinton had to order the death of her own brother shows just how close investigators now are.  The wheels of justice grind slowly, but they grind to dust.
We will conclude our report this week with an update from Indonesia.  The banks and pawn shops have reopened now after being shut for 9 days, much to the relief of everybody, sources there say.  However, a White Dragon Society source there says:
“Something is definitely brewing here with the disputed presidential election results.
“My contact on the inside told me that the constitutional court (MK) is scheduled to give its opinion around the 22nd of June.  This is not over yet.  There are a few surprises yet to be played.  It seems that 17 million ‘ghost’ votes have been confirmed by independent analysis in Central and East Java.  All in favor of Jokowi.
“The MK has this information along with the proof, and the judges know it is authentic.  This can flip the results, and Prabowo turns out to be the winner.  I am informed by Indonesian Intel that the Constitutional Court (MK) will declare that a new vote will be held for Central and East Java.  They cannot ignore the hard facts.  Change is in the wind.”
This is part of the proxy war between the U.S. and China that will hopefully be settled by September.

Benjamin's site:

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

US-Iran: Inverted Reality, Real War. America’s Al Qaeda Mercenaries. Iran is Fighting the Largest State Sponsor of Terror
‘Unprecedented’: UN Finds US-Backed Forces Killed More Afghan Civilians Than Taliban and ISIS Did So Far in 2019
Robert David Steele: Q, ETs, Icke, Deep State & Adrenochrome – Prepare For Change
Anglo alliance cemented by Trump UK visit will lead to reversal of post-9/11 fascist trend
The Birth of the Spiritual Warrior
Are You “Spiritual But Not Religious?”
Fasting Prevents and Halts Diabetes
Elon Musk’s Company Launched 60 Satellites Into Space to Blast 5G at Us. More Planned Despite Telecoms Admitting There’s No Research That Proves 5G is Safe.
Ratings Collapse And Layoffs Are Making The Media Go Crazy
How Can You Become a True Friend to the Earth?
10 Health Benefits of Epsom Salt
Facebook bans Natural News; Health Ranger responds with message for humanity
What’s Behind the New Anti-Trust Movement around Google, Amazon and Facebook?
Live Life Claim
How to Start a Vegetable Garden
Tech giants now pushing ANTI-knowledge to keep humanity dumbed down and trapped in mental prisons
An Orthodox Group Releases Brave PSA Video About Sexual Abuse
Quantum Jumps/Mandela Effect and More with Cynthia Sue Larson
How CBD Can Ease Insomnia


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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 02:31
Segunda-feira, 10 / 06 / 19

Benjamin Fulford Sample 2019/06/10 ~ Anglo alliance cemented by Trump UK visit will lead to reversal of post-9/11 fascist trend

Anglo alliance cemented by Trump UK visit will lead to reversal of post-9/11 fascist trend.

Benjamin Fulford Sample Report 




The visit by U.S. President Donald Trump to the UK last week has healed rifts in the Anglo alliance and will make sure the post-9/11 fascist coup in the West will be reversed, according to Pentagon and British royal family sources.  “The visit to Great Britain was very much about the entente cordiale in the Anglo-America axis and all of the ongoing issues of which you are already aware.  Brexit is a very big deal.  I would say that the trip was a success and the bonds between both countries are now stronger,” was how a British royal summed it up.
This means there is a split between the Anglo-Americans and the European fascist Nazi aristocrats behind the Bilderberg Group.  A semi-official report from a Bilderberg participant confirms that there is a major split between the German-led EU faction and the Anglos, as well as the Italians.

Sources in French Intelligence, meanwhile, say they have found proof the recent EU Parliamentary elections were rigged by the German faction.  They point to articles which accurately announced the results of the elections that appeared before the elections took place.  The battle to liberate France continues, the sources say.

Dutch whistleblowers, meanwhile, have been putting out damning information on the Bilderberg founding by the Nazi Dutch royal family and their connection to the fascist American Rockefeller (Clinton), Bush, etc. faction.  Among other things, they report that Boeing manufactured bombers and sent them to Germany to bomb Americans during World War II.

This is important, because we now have a 30-year Boeing veteran, Patrick Shanahan, as “Acting Defense Secretary” in the United States, even as all genuine military veterans left the Trump administration at the beginning of this year.
Pentagon sources are telling us “the domino-like, sudden collapse of 26 telephone poles right along the main thoroughfare servicing Boeing’s many Seattle facilities along East Marginal Way” last week was “no coincidence.”
“This was a white-hat message to Boeing to cease and desist from the use of remote control override technology in its planes used in its ‘airplane accidents,’ as well as its other warmongering/war crimes/war technologies (that may use 5G), both public and secret,” the sources say.
There are also now more signs that a major financial event, likely bigger than the Lehman shock, is being prepared to finish off the Federal Reserve Board and the EU-central-bank-owning Nazi faction of the Khazarian mafia.
This means that the fiat “trading platforms,” created by Bilderberger Henry Kissinger for the Rockefeller family after the U.S. abandoned the gold standard in 1971, have been shut down and replaced with …
The remainder of this article is only available to members of BenjaminFulford.net

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full report will be post here this Thursday


2019-06-10French role in the Tokyo Metropolitan Water Privatization Plan

麻生彩子さんのご結婚相手は、フランス人のフレデリック・デホンDehon Frédéricという方です。
Japanese to English translation:
Ayako Aso, who married a French person in Paris (Taro Aso), is a married partner of Ayako Aso, who is a French Frederick Dehon (Dehon Frédéric). Although both Ayako and Frederick were managing art merchants, Mr. Dehon was taken up by the Paris business world and is currently an officer of the French high-tech economic organization of the infrastructure of the France Chamber of Commerce in Japan. So, Mr. Dehon, who has a relationship with Mr. Aso, advises French companies involved in the privatization of the Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks business, and even doing some kind of consulting business. It is said that the pollution treatment of the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident and the water business company of the Rothschild system will play a big role [for] France in the Tokyo Metropolitan Water Privatization plan, but Mr. Dehon is an amateur of the technology at all.
So thank you.
—Gojo Kiyotaka Project



Benjamin Fulford Talks: Interview June 6, 2019 with Prepare for Change and news about Assange

Hi Benjamin,
Just released this week’s interview:
Also, I’ve seen this video that’s going around on RT:
Looks like him, and if that’s a deep fake, I am impressed! I don’t doubt your position on him being missing. I actually think you’ve got a very valid point. He hasn’t been publicly seen for a very long time now, other than for small things recently which we’re skeptical of. Odd date, though; no idea why that’s even there.
With regards to the courts, I did read the legal proceedings by the Judge that are filed on a law website, so it looks as if the trials took place. However, like you, I am skeptical, as there is a lot of BS. The only real way to know would be to speak with someone who attended in the gallery. (Trial dates aren’t really displayed in advance, but anyone on that day could have walked in and watched.)
There’s a part of me that hopes he is okay. I see him being an integral witness for white hats. But I also can’t escape your position either. So time will tell, I suppose. If I find anything else noteworthy, I’ll forward it on. This is the site I got some of the files from:
Keep well,
Thanks; I will post the link to the interview. Time will tell about the Assange thing, but the original Assange vigorously denied things like 9/11, so it was all a limited hangout psy-op right from the beginning.


Relationship discovered between Sumerian/Nephilim and Albanian languages

Dear Mr. Fulford,
I want to introduce you to a new topic which is quite important in order to understand antiquity. There are some facts that the mainstream does not show, so I want to give you this information. If you will be so kind to publish these facts, it would be very fascinating.
Here is some information about the Albanian language.
Norbert Jokl: “The Albanian language serves as a fiber that keeps the trunk alive and connects the branches with roots. As you descend along this fiber to the wonders of history, strands can be affected. The Albanian language is a tool through which the seeker can illuminate the dawn of the Albanian people’s beginnings and immerse themselves in time that goes beyond the historical evidence.”
The presence of the Albanian language is in all parts of the material and spiritual culture written on many tablets, such as in astronomy and astrology, in names of the gods, a half dozen kings and leaders, the names of objects, devices, and fully visible in everyday words, including names, verbs, adverbs, knots, and so on. After examination using the generally accepted comparative methods, it turns out that the Albanian language has identity in Shumer, the oldest civilization in the world, existing between 13,000 and 2,300 BC.
Let’s analyze the above tests:
1. ” Nephimus” = “At the beginning”
We will talk more about this because it is known that it is used too often in everyday language. Note that Zechariah Sitchin translated from ancient Hebrew “Nephimus” = “those who fell.”
In fact, the discovery was not made by analyzing Sitchin’s studies or books, but by comparing the Albanian and English versions of the Bible published in 2005, which also agree with other publications.
Here are comparisons of the relevant sections of the Bible in Albanian and English with explanations:
5:32 Noah is five hundred years old. And Noah begat Sem, Cam, Hamath and Japheth. Now people began to grow on earth and daughters were born.
2. The sons of God (angels) noticed that the daughters of the people were beautiful. So they started to take all they chose …
4. The Nephilim were on earth in those days when the sons of God had relationships with the daughters of men and they were born as children. They were the powerful ones of antiquity (Hercules, etc.), the men of fame.
The same paragraphs of the English Bible reads as follows:
6.1 Now it happened, when people began to grow on the surface of the earth in large numbers and daughters were born of them.
2. Then the sons of God noticed that the daughters of men were good-looking; and they took their wives for themselves, that is, all those who have decided …
The Nephilim appeared on earth then, and later still, when the sons of God continued to relate to the daughters of men and gave them children, the mighty, the old, the men of fame.
Now read the following statement carefully:
It is known that in a script or note translated into another language, the names and spellings are not normally changed by the translator, but remain in the original language. To understand biblical stories, we should know that at that moment the “name” was a word or phrase that stated the qualities of the person or place he indicated.
One story speaks of the beginning of humanity, the time when angels (perhaps the children of “cosmic visitors” / gods) loved the women of the earth and the fruits of their marriage were giants or celebrities of the early days. If we look closely at this section of the Bible, we realize that the “Nephilim” are not really the Giants themselves, but the Nephilim were present before and after the Giants’ time on Earth.
According to Sitchin, the “Nefilim” were the first gods to come to planet Earth, who created today’s man, Homo sapiens, and taught him everything, perhaps even the basic human quality, language, in their language. Perhaps the “giants,” whose existence is proven by new archaeological discoveries in India, have served the Nephilim to build the pyramids of Egypt, which are believed to date at around 10,450 BC.
We mention here that even the ancient Egyptian script seems to be based on Albanian. The Egyptian letters are the first letters of the corresponding words of the Albanian language. These letters are symbolic drawings of objects whose unique names are identical to the first letter of the respective Egyptian alphabet, e.g. B: The letter “D” appears in the Egyptian alphabet with a palm, a hand, a D, and so on.
For their existence, there are new archaeological finds in India. They served the Nephilim for the construction of the pyramids of Egypt, which today were thought to have been built probably around 10,450 BC.
Finally, it seems that the term “Nephilim / First” is completely related to the underlying paragraph 6:4 of “Genesis” and is simply “SHQIP.” See the vocabulary of the Albanian language with the root “fil” (filiz, fill, start, genesis, etc.).
The above explanation is much more logical than that in the English translation of this passage of the Bible, which explains the word “Nephimus” from the Old Hebrew with the word “decay,” which has no relation to the interior of this paragraph nor with the rest of the biblical stories.
The word “at the beginning” was preserved in the original language—Albanese—because its connection to the paragraph interior was not understood so it remained untranslated.
“Malakhim” = mallkim, – to cap. 18:20, 19:12. The Master’s warning of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. This word could have been formed by the two Albanian words “times” and “ikim,” which explain the etymology of the word “curse,” meaning “to go up the mountain” away from evil, and it is known that “Mountain” and “go” or “hik” are simply “slippery.” This word has been translated as “warning” into various versions of the Bible. Zacharia Sitchin says the old Hebrew word “Malakhim” means “to send” (angels, messengers of God), but this seems to have no direct logical connection with the paragraphs, which the translators replaced with “word of warning” and many have even removed this word.
In the etymology “flees to the mountain,” the word “curse” helps us to bring the Sumerian movement “away from evil” to safer areas of the protected mountain, and also confirms the thesis of the Indo-European invasions. By this logic it can be confirmed that the etymology of the name “Pellazg” comes from “Pe Larg.” Pe-Far was a Paraillire population which came from Sumer after the destruction of the Sumerian culture around the middle of the third millennium BC.
So we come to the entire music palette:
Nephilim / Sumerian beginning, then Pelazgë / Pelargë, then Ilir Arber, now Albanian.
Below is the etymology of several words and expressions, with the most comprehensible being selected from the different cultural areas. The reading of the entire text and the processing according to the requirements of the comparative language methodology will be published shortly.
SUMER / SHUMER = High smell
KI = Ki = This, Earth, Planet Earth
KIENGIR = Ki Ngir = sloping land, sloping, prosperous land called Sumer
EDIN (Eden) = He knows he has knowledge. Remember the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden
NIBIRU / NIBIRA = Ni Bir a = The twelfth planet (Z. Sitchin translates as “a son”)
KINGU = Ki nguc = This inserted moon
ANNUNAKI = Arnun a ki = Ardhun a ki
ENGIZ = Freeze = eat, cook
KASHI = There’s rain, Shshsh … = beer
KUR = time, Gur
MA = Ma = Hold, means of transport
ME = Me = (with) gadget, tool
MAGUR = Ma Gur = Mineral transport ship (stone)
NARU = Remember, remember, Neron / Honors = Memorial
ESERU = E shee ru = Burgos
KASADU = How much time has arrived?
KURNUGIA = “Stone on the Bay” = mine
KURNUGIA = When do I never return?
KIINDAR = offset = e / split bottom, cracks
KAGAL / ABULLU = passed or closed = gate
EMUQA = E Muqa, E Mujta
DAKU = blood = blood, execute, kill (according to the Sumerian-English dictionaries)
HURASAM = MASARUH = mass of Rujt = Para, Lek
NISILIMZAKARU = Ni carpet Ru Ru = a sequence of words has rests = oath
DIMTU = Dimtu = damaged
KUNUKUM = Where not to (to lose) = hermetically sealed, sealed
IZZAKKARA = I Za ka ra = one word has come out = to say, they say
RIKISTU = New Kishtu = we do that = bargain
EPESU = I meditate = stretch, discuss, rate
MASK = Write today = writer, inspector
ISHTAR, ESHDAR, ASTARTE = era Ar, Esht Ar, Asht of Art = name of Aphrodite
BABBAR = Ba Bardh = god of justice, enlighten, enlighten, clarify, decide
EBABBAR = E Babbar = from Babbar-it (the temple, house) of Babardh
SIPPAR = As Par / Top = Capital (as before) in Shumer (Sumerer)
The above etymological divisions are made according to the standard dictionaries of Sumerian/English and are therefore generally accepted. Partly there are disaggregations with historical-logical support, which are not present in these dictionaries.
It is striking that the sovereignty of the world has never considered a connection between the Sumerian and the Albanian languages. I hope that from now on, more attention will be paid to this in Albania, because in fact, much work is needed to understand and accept these conclusions from foreign Sumerologists. This would lead to many changes in the languages of today’s world for the last 150-200 years.
Slander is really the source language, the language of the Nephilim.
Do you think you can publish this information on your blog? If you will publish, I would be really glad.
Okay, I will publish it as a letter to the editor, but please realize I am a journalist dealing with current events, not a biblical scholar.


Highway Diary Interview: Benjamin Fulford & Eric Hollerbach

Here is a link to an interview of me by a well-prepared interviewer who asked a lot of tough and personal questions. Plenty of new material here.
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David Webster
Benjamin, honestly why do you agree to do Prepare for Change and people who are not prepared or clearly not professional. Prepare for Change does what 90% of everyone is doing. USE TRUTH for cash returns instead of making it free.
You sir are providing data and should be paid really well in my opinion. True you have protection but the risks are still there for what you do. Some say you work for the other side, haha I have verified most everything you have said and why I subscribed here.
Thank you for your efforts. >:^)
2019-06-09 3:33 AM
David, you said that Prepare for Change is not free how is that so?
It is run by volunteers and donations. You do not have to pay for anything. No one profits from it financially.
You say they are not prepared, when Cobra, the Alliance and the Resistance Movement know exactly what is coming because they have technology that can see the future. They are making the effort and getting us onboard for the changes that are coming and Full Disclosure.
Ben started doing interviews with Prepare for Change when the first original Cobra stopped, when he died at the end of 2017.
Ben does not just ‘provide data’, he takes action, like manifesting the Future Planning Agency. He talks and negotiates for peace and taking care of the planet. He also doesn’t just provide information, but he is creating a record, it will be a history of all these changes we are going through for the future. That is why he is so grounded.
Ben does not do it for the money or for power. That is why he is not compromised and cannot be swayed. No one has anything on him. He is honest and transparent. He says in the interview if he finds out information that he has provided is later proved to be incorrect he admits it, apologises and explains, publically.
He has compassion, empathy, and integrity. He does all he can to liberate humanity, protect wildlife and nature, and for us to reach our full potential. His heart drives him and is motivated by love.
Thank you for sharing this interview Ben!
Victory of the Light




Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 15:30
Terça-feira, 04 / 06 / 19

Benjamin Fulford Interview: May is Done, Fourth Reich is Failing – Prepare For Change

May is Done, Fourth Reich is Failing.

Benjamin Fulford Interview – Prepare For Change.

Posted June 3, 2019 by Richard Small. 

Benjamin Fulford Interview Graphic 23rd May 2019.



In this episode recorded on the 23rd May 2019. We collectively discuss the impending document declassification that’s due in the US. From FISA to the IG much is on the cusp of being revealed in the #RussianHoax #SpyGate situation. The power struggle is becoming clearer to see for people and the mainstream news can’t continue to cover the corrupt elite. Their narrative is breaking down and exposing them. The Nazi Fourth Reich is failing and the playbook they keep rehashing is played out. Brexit Polls will speak loud and clear!
The old system IS collapsing and we’re seeing the death throes of the old guard. Until we’re finally fully liberated, we must keep applying pressure to the old system.
For previous releases in this long-running series of interviews:
Let’s take our cue from Benjamin Fulford and turn our world into a wonderful place!
As Benjamin says, don’t just sit on the sidelines, pick up the phone and call your elected officials and respectfully demand answers to these gross atrocities that have plagued our way of life for far too long. The stronger our collective voice, the quicker we affect change.
Please consider a donation
We are an all-volunteer organization. We do set aside a little money to support our website, but nearly all of your donations to PrepareForChange.net support about 460 children in an orphanage we funded in Malawi, Africa.
Think about donating to these children, who have lost their parents. You can donate here.
Prepare For Change would also like to thank Miss Merrilee for providing our interview announcements, such a gracious and wonderful lady! To see her own shows please check out themerrileeshow.com
Also, a big thank you to www.rays-portal.com for helping PFC with the Audio engineering.
As always try to raise your vibration and remain loving to one another, we’re all one, and we’re all going to bring about a new world!.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
Benjamin Fulford Interview: May is Done, Fourth Reich is Failing – Prepare For Change
Why Organic Food is Not Only Good for the Body, But the Mind and Soul Too
Part 2 of David Icke Book Review by Robert David Steele: Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told
Weaponizing 5G and Nanotechnology: How Do We Protect Ourselves?
Global Currency Reset (GCR) The Big Lie
7th Seal Summit – Activating The Divine Within
Moloch Says He May Rethink Presence In Georgia If Anti-Abortion Bill Goes Into Effect
Only Israel Benefits From US War in IRAN
Reversals Produce Loosh – Abuse of Power and Inverted Systems
Study Shows Chemotherapy Killing Many Cancer Patients Within 30 Days Of Starting Treatment
U.S. Birth Rate Plunges to All Time Low
18 Ways Julian Assange Changed the World
STDs Still Skyrocketing – and Becoming Untreatable
David Icke Book Review by Robert David Steele: Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told
THE DANCING ISRAELIS: Newly Released FBI Docs Shed Light on Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks
As Theresa May loses battle of Britain, West Coast oligarchs sue for peace
Confirmed: Secretive Bilderberg Meeting to be held in Switzerland from May 30th
Terrorists Targeting Iran
Breaking update interview with Kevin Annett and Dr. Katherine Horton


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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 17:51
Domingo, 21 / 04 / 19

Final Wakeup Call: Fake Economy,



Fake Economy

Beginning to understand the bigger picture
The Central Bank’s Economic Model
Interest rates are dictated by central banks
Capitalism operates through creative destruction
Central Banksters are the troublemakers
Change for the better is imminent
Brexit is a done deal

The Great Awakening

Change is coming, whether the cabal likes it or not

Markets don’t stop just because elite-insiders want them to stop; markets react to public demand, but they follow deeper currents too. Debts don’t shrink just because these cannot be paid, and an inevitable future doesn’t wait just because people aren’t ready for it. Change happens whether you want it or not. Sometime probably soon – the weight of the debt, lies, deceit, distortions, delusions, myths and chaos is going to cause the ground to give way.
The economy we are in is a Central Bank economy. The economy we are heading for is a Peoples’ economy, and that makes all the difference, but we aren’t there yet. So, for the time being, the world as we know it revolves around a central bank economy with incapable managers, that are only capable of being incapable.
Never before in modern history has the global financial structure been so irreparably weakened, so totally corrupted, so thoroughly undermined by control mechanisms, so intensely shielded from prosperity through manipulation, sanctions and even war. The entire global financial system has been set up and is about to erupt like a debt volcano with several epicentres, mostly located in the West.
All paper currencies are by definition artificial, and eventually they all become worthless. But worst of all to have one Eurocurrency for 19 countries with different cultures, different growth rates and productivity and vastly different inflation rates ensures an even greater disaster. Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal and many more EU countries are totally bankrupt. These countries have been forced to use a currency which has made them completely uncompetitive and unable to export or function. At the same time, Germany has benefitted from a weak Euro, which has made their export industries very successful.
The big Western banks are all tied to each other at the hip. The banksters cabal believed that the interconnectivity within their banking structure would make them all immune to the risk of failure. The reality is that the failure of any one major bank guarantees the systemic breakdown of all of them. When the collapse occurs, the only viable solution will finally be implemented. It is the solution they have purposely evaded for many years. The gold standard will be implemented.
Beginning to understand the bigger picture
People are awakening and are becoming aware of the many cracks in the system. They are realising that the world is changing. They are beginning to understand the bigger picture about what is happening and why. They want to be truthfully informed and prepared. They want the freedom to make their own educated choices, instead of being told what to do by the establishment and its puppets in government, with their corrupted MSM that constantly lies, deceives and pushes propaganda. People are discovering that they have intentionally been hoodwinked and herded into this terrible crisis, which will steer them into the arms of the New World Order.
People want the crisis to be over. Many are counting on it. But the markets are not showing any signs of recovery yet. People do not get what they want or what they expect from the markets; they get what they deserve and we have accumulated over a quarter century’s worth of mistakes, bad investments, business failures, and non-paying individuals globally.
The Central Bank’s Economic Model
Today’s economic model has facilitated more mistakes than ever before. It has encouraged people to spend, borrow, and speculate on an astronomic level and each time the market tried to make some corrections, central bankers came along with more printed money and even easier credit. Businesses that should have gone bust years ago kept digging themselves even deeper into debt. Homeowners kept running up more debt too. And speculators kept taking bigger and bigger gambles. The bubble in the financial sector – including subprime debt, housing prices, Wall Street bonuses, and derivatives – blew up in 2007/8. Remember:
“The force of a correction is equal and opposite to the deception that preceded it.”
The misconceptions and absurdities of the 2008 bubble era were monstrous. Accordingly, the correction has been huge. World stock markets were nearly cut in half post-2008. Property prices too, have been knocked down almost universally. The total loss of nominal wealth was estimated at $50 trillion. Could these losses have been prevented? Certainly, many of them could have, if authorities would not have distorted the mortgage market as much as they did.
Interest rates are dictated by central banks
Central Banks are literally messing with your mind. In an unhampered market, the market interest rate reflects peoples’ time preference. Nowadays, however, the market interest rate is no longer determined in an unhampered market. It is dictated by the central bank.
Central banks set short-term interest rates by providing commercial banks with credit. In doing so, they exert a strong influence on short-term interest rates. In more recent years, central banks have also been determining long-term interest rates through bond purchases.
The rather uncomfortable truth in this context is that central banks, in close cooperation with commercial banks, keep issuing new money produced through bank credit that is not backed by real savings.
The purpose of such a money-increase-scheme through credit creation, is to bring down the interest rate: deliberately suppressing it to a level that is lower than the level of the market interest rate which would otherwise be determined in a free market.
This has far-reaching consequences. The artificially lowered market interest rate tempts people to save less and consume more – compared to the situation in which the market interest rate had not been artificially lowered. As savings decline and consumption increases, the lowered market interest rate initiates new investment, resulting in an artificial economic bubble or upswing. However, such a boom is not sustainable, and at some point, it will morph into a bust, that will turn into a recession.
If in 2007 the punchbowl had been taken away before the party got out of control – the financial bubble would probably have been much more modest.
As the punchbowl of easy money and constant credit was refilled continuously, people drew all the wrong conclusions. They did realise that “capitalism had failed.” They saw the car driving off the cliff, but didn’t notice how government had twisted and bent the road signs. Instead of warning investors of the dangerous curves ahead, the Central Bank’s low lending rates suggested: ‘Step on the gas!’
Whoever was responsible for the mistakes, capitalism went about correcting them with its customary élan. It hit imprudent investors with trillions in losses. It knocked down mismanaged corporations. It whacked homeowners, and pounded housing-based derivatives to dust.
Capitalism operates through creative destruction
Capitalism operates through a process that the great economist Joseph Schumpeter called “creative destruction.” It destroys mistakes to make room for new innovations and new businesses. Unfortunately, this juxtaposes it with government, and what most people want. When people make mistakes, they generally maintain that they are blameless, not having the backbone to acknowledge their mistakes and learn from them. They generally deflect the blame, by for example stating “who could have ever seen this crisis coming?” In this way, they hope someone else will pay for the loss.
Instead of allowing the Free Market to run its course, the Central Banks, who had mismanaged their regulatory responsibilities during the Bubble Era, started bailing out mismanaged corporations in order to protect lenders who had mismanaged their money. They are determined to prevent capitalism from making major changes – and they will go to any lengths to stave off healthy market corrections which would not benefit them.
What lengths do they go to, to achieve their goals? 
They leave the Mismanagers in place. They keep the brain-dead companies alive – along with the zombie banks. They let the government take ownership of major sectors of the economy. And lumber a debt-ridden society with even more debt! The central banks are expected to borrow many more trillions. But from whom? And who is expected to repay all this money? You guessed it! We, the people, through higher taxation, more new taxes, the plundering of all our resources etc. etc.
Frequent readers already have a pretty good idea of who is expected to foot the bill of the disastrous effects of years of mismanagement of the global economy. Most are aware that they should not be taking this news sitting down. The only action which will guarantee true financial freedom, is to build your own back-up of resources with assets and commodities such as precious metals for your own personal bailout – and store them in an easily accessible, privately-controlled safety locker.
No one knows how this will play out, of course. None of us get to read the history books before they are written. People come to believe what they believe, when they believe it, all in their own due time. When an empire is new and fresh and growing, people believe in saving, hard work, and small frugality.
When an empire is old and decaying, they think the government should spend whatever it takes to take care of them. This attitude helps destroy the empire, thus making room for the next one.
But if a great country really wanted to protect its wealth, its power, and its position in the world, it should fight the depression in an entirely different way. Instead of bailing out failed businesses, it should allow them to go bust. Instead of coddling the executives who mismanaged their companies, it should fire them. Instead of shoring up reckless banks, it should help knock them down.
And instead of spending money on stimulus programs; it should give money back to the taxpayers, so that they can stimulate the economy, or not, as they choose. Taxes should be cut in line with government spending. This would boost savings, reduce debt, and more importantly, it would gradually increase investments and consumer spending too.
Of course, people want the downturn to soon be over. Many are counting on it. But Mr. Market doesn’t give a hoot. He’s got “Capitalism at Work”.
What’s he up to? He’s demolishing a quarter century’s worth of mistakes. There are always mistakes made. Investments go bad. Businesses go under. People go broke. When many mistakes are corrected at once, it’s called a ‘recession.’ And when an entire economic model goes bad, it’s called a ‘depression.’
The economic model of the last almost half a century, caused more mistakes than usual. It encouraged people to spend, borrow, and speculate. And each time Mr. Market tried to make some corrections, the authorities came along with more money and easier credit.
Businesses that should have gone under years ago kept digging themselves deeper into debt. Homeowners kept running up more debt. Speculators kept taking bigger and bigger gambles. Altogether, total debt – a measure of the bubble in the credit markets and all things associated with it – kept rising.
This is, in a nutshell what can be said about the consequences of the central banks’ status of meddling with the market interest rate. However, there is much more to be explained, but this would be too lengthy for the scope of a condensed essay. But readers may have a pretty good idea how the markets and we, the people have been and still are to this day, being manipulated by the Rothschild central banks to extract our wealth by transferring it into the coffers of their cronies.
Central Banksters are the troublemakers
There are sufficient examples around that prove how bad the Central Bank is for the people. Look for example at the minimum wage that always has to be increased to stay on par with inflation and yet, it never seems to solve anything as the wave of poverty spreads worldwide. Let’s go to the source of the problem and uncover that it is the CB which causes all our problems by continuously decreasing the value of the currency.
Since minimum wages were raised, large numbers of Small Businesses were forced to lay off workers in order to be able to service the demands of the laws, which obligate higher wages. So, businesses had to cut people’s hours, as they could not afford the higher costs. In the end, many went out of business and people lost their jobs. Every time government or the CB gets involved, businesses react in the opposite way to what they intended.
Government shouldn’t dictate rules for businesses, instead it should let them operate in a free market, doing what they do best, making profit and providing more people with jobs. Ultimately businesses are at the helm of increased prosperity for all, as more and more people earn ever-increasing wages as businesses prosper, essentially all adding to the success of the economy. This stands in stark contrast with what government says: ‘we don’t care if you prosper or not, you simply have to cough up this much money’. Our economic malaise always comes back to the CB, as they are not for the people. All the while, enterprises, the true drivers of economic growth, are going out of business. We are left with no other choice; we, the people have got to get rid of the Central Banks. Doing away with all Central Banks is the most important goal for humanity as a way out of our predicament of debt-enslavement.
Change for the better is on its way
The Central Bank economy is a debt-based slave economy. It’s a flagrant abuse of human rights. The recently drawn up Basel III, heralds the end of fractional reserve banking, and by Basel IV, this system should be all gone.
The City of London was the Cabal’s main financial hub which was being used to keep the “debt slavery system” alive. Major banking reforms are expected to begin, that will lead to a GESARA compliant financial system (Quantum Financial System).
GESARA is going to correct this treasonous, insidious misbehaviour of the Deep State’s puppet governments, as they were all initially appointed to govern their nations in an honest manner. Meanwhile, it has been revealed that they have extorted billions of our tax money for themselves and bribed politicians to the hilt to keep the deception going.
Basel III sets Gold Price Free
The introduction of gold-backing is necessary to avoid financial catastrophe for the populace at large. Alongside the existing currencies, the oldest form of money, which is gold, was set free on the 29th of March last when the Basel III accord was implemented. Basel III is intended to make sure that all countries are asset – Gold – backed, otherwise they will not be able to participate in the Global Currency Reset (GCR).
The BIS has now recognised gold as money. Digital credits of the GESARA compliant gold-backed US Dollar are set to activate later in April, when the Gold-standard was set to return officially. Italy is also moving to nationalise its Central Bank and seize its gold. Many other countries will follow. The Italians have made it crystal clear that the people own the Central Bank, disputing the fact that the Central Banks own the people.
President Xi Jinxing’s European visit resulted in an agreement between the BIS and China to recognise Asian gold as money. Asians control approximately 85% of the world’s known gold, but most of this gold has been blacklisted from the Western financial system, ever since the Nixon shock of 1971. Re-integrating that gold into the world’s financial system will result in a huge shift of financial power away from the Rothschilds, etc.
With the drawing up of Basel III, physical gold -not paper gold- will be on par with fiat money and other debt instruments. This signifies the end of the gold price manipulation which will result in a much higher gold price for the physical stuff. Gold will bring down the Central Bank economy, to facilitate the transfer into the people’s economy.
The only way to survive the looming debt crisis, is for nations to reflate their currency established on gold as a reserve, which will implicate a much higher gold price. This higher price is necessary to accumulate equity in line with their massive debt.
Think about the complications that are involved; because gold is going to bring down the private Central Banks, together with their fiat currencies. This confirms what Q has been stating all along, namely that gold will bring down the central banks.
As real, physical gold is going to rise in price, a window of a short period of time has been opened in which many of us can take advantage of this knowledge and buy gold and silver while it is still affordable. Since the gold price will continue to rise, it will eventually surpass and outshine the debt notes that are all paper currencies.
Moreover, as people start realising that the paper notes they are holding are absolutely worthless, they will want to change them for real money, i.e.; gold and silver. As the prices of gold and silver rise, the value of paper currencies will decline. This will ultimately result in the destruction of the private central banks.
Add to this the fact that the housing market is still on a deflation course, and it is spreading worldwide, while the central bank economy is breaking down at lightning speed. Factory orders are in decline, as the economy deteriorates at a record pace.
Brexit is a done deal
Brexit was legally passed as stipulated on March 29th. Any further Cabal efforts through the EU to extend Brexit are null and void. The City of London is now in the hands of the Earth Alliance. The people want the BREXIT, and are seeing through the EU and their government’s fear-mongering. The UK government is expected to proceed with GESARA compliance reforms very soon, although the Brexit charade continues.
Brexit has been offered a longer extension from the EU, hoping to delay the exit until 2020. The EU clowns don’t want the UK to leave, they will do everything in their power to keep the UK in limbo. Meanwhile, President Trump and the patriots are preparing for the no Brexit deal.
A visible sign of this is the fact that British passports issued after the 29th of March do not include any mention of the European Union. – Prime Minister Theresa May is still trying in vain to push a deal that would hand control of the British military intelligence apparatus to the Germans, it is rumoured.
Further, this implies the Vatican Bank, United State Inc., Queen Elizabeth and the Central Banks lost their money supply, as the world transitioned to a gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System. The necessary funds stay under control of a selected group of supervisors.
The Brexit deal meanwhile has been extended until October even though the country has legally exited the EU as of March 29. The purpose of Brexit was to cut off the EU’s funding via the City of London as well as to remove the corruption within the UK’s parliament.
The people of the UK will soon say loudly “we are done with this charade. Full speed ahead!” Nigel Farage is pushing this movement. The people are heading in that the direction anyway! The Central Bankers are in a panic. Once they lose one country, they will lose the rest too. And when they lose control, they will be exposed for all to see and that is what they fear most, as it will unleash the wrath of the people. They don’t want the world to know that every nation will be a lot better off without them.
The Yellow Vest Movement
Leaders of the French yellow vest movement have pointed out that French President Emmanuel Macron was an employee of the German Rothschild family and he is being protected by foreign bodyguards. They also noted that German armoured vehicles with EU stars are being used to repress the yellow vest protesters.
France’s government has become a copy of the Israeli regime, changing France in a kind of Gaza by fighting peaceful Yellow Vest (YV) protesters. A French female lawyer – Georgia Pouliquen exposes in a video the massive YV repression, and the imprisoning of innocent people without any legal reason, just as is ordered by their criminal president Macron. The video shows French snipers combating peaceful citizens at the order of Macron, who would like soon, to proceed with martial law on the French people without condition!
The Great Awakening
Every reader is invited to contribute with the awakening of the populace. The more people are brought up-to-date, about the malversation in their government and banking sector, the more rapidly we all will be liberated out of our debt slavery.
Many of the FWC articles have been and are still translated in a multitude of over ten different languages that are published on a wide range of interconnected national and international internet sites. This network is growing through re-publication of FWC-articles to facilitating a far wider range of readers. Every site is permitted to republish these articles, which is as simple as applying this permission by crediting the source publisher, http://finalwakeupcall.info/
A significant contribution every reader should make is sharing the information with their own contacts. Remember: Where we go one, we go all!

 * All Posts

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

  • https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/search?q=
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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 16:06
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

Matthew Ward via Suzanne Ward, February 14, 2019

Yellow Vest movement in France, Brexit complexities, political upheaval in Venezuela, effects of China’s economic slowdown on the global economy, effects of the United States government shutdown, cyberspace warfare, crisis in Yemen, continuing terrorism around the world, climate change denial, Russia’s intentions, nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea.

Message from Matthew Ward


Channeled by Suzanne Ward

February 14, 2019

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.

Let us begin by addressing your concerns as to how the following situations are affecting the progress of the light: Yellow Vest movement in France, Brexit complexities, political upheaval in Venezuela, effects of China’s economic slowdown on the global economy, effects of the United States government shutdown, cyberspace warfare, crisis in Yemen, continuing terrorism around the world, climate change denial, Russia’s intentions, nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea.
Those situations and all others in one degree of flux or another are the resistance to change clashing with the insistence upon it, and in no way is this deterring the light’s progress. A process as monumental as world transformation doesn’t happen in a straight line—it zigzags in accordance with billions of free will choices made daily.
The Illuminati, now commonly called Deep State, are resisting accepting that their efforts to retain their influence in your world are utterly futile. And, without knowing that the light’s unparalleled power is exposing and banishing darkness, the peoples are responding to light’s high vibrations by insisting upon justness and equality. What you are seeing is a civilization bringing to an end its ages-long trauma so healing can come.
Beloved sisters and brothers, we know your desire for all of Earth’s peoples to live in a peaceful, harmonious, benevolent world—you went there to help them awaken consciously and spiritually so they can manifest it! And, while we know this is happening with swiftness unique in this universe and we see that beautiful wondrous world flourishing in the continuum, we understand your impatience to see this in linear time.
When you volunteered to go to Earth, you knew that your journey would entail experiencing the emotions and hardships inherent in a third density civilization. You also knew that by divine design, all of that would be forgotten when you incarnated and you wouldn’t remember why you are where you are. Therefore, you would follow your intuition, tap into your spiritual strength and persevere with determination and ingenuity to surmount the many obstacles you would encounter—and you have been doing this nobly! Along with honoring your steadfastness in the light and your invaluable service to the peoples of Earth, we want to assure you that evidence of what you have helped them accomplish is on the near horizon.
“Please, ask Matthew how to deal with the need of Ego in the task of learning to serve in light and love.” First we say, ego gets a bad rap when it is limited to denoting egotism or pomposity, and it is more than your dictionary definition, the part of the psyche of which a person is consciously aware.
Ego can be considered a work in progress because it changes as you add to your conscious awareness through academic and religious teachings; observations; ideas; expanded circle of acquaintances; conformance with or rebellion against parental, peer and societal expectations; pursuit of interests; the honing of skills and talents; acquisition of “street smarts”; development of values and standards of conduct; success or failure in personal relationships and professional goals. In short, ego is the composite of everything you have experienced from infancy to date.
So, it is not an issue of the need of ego in learning how to serve in light and love or in any other capacity. Ego simply is. It is your concept of who you are, an intrinsic part of you that functions 24/7 as naturally as breathing. Ego goes to its composite of all the human traits and actions it has experienced or observed—its storage facility of supplies, so to say—and automatically chooses what it wants as you interact with others and react to circumstances.
Everything in the supply line available to ego emits vibrations. The high end of the line includes “godly ways”: kindness, empathy, compassion, humility, gentleness, thoughtfulness, helpfulness, gratitude, generosity, joy, honesty, forgiveness, trustworthiness, loyalty, dependability, hopefulness, and perseverance in times of adversity. The low end includes apathy, immorality and amorality, cruelty, deceptiveness, betrayal, bigotry, arrogance, fear, anger, stinginess, jealousy, envy, pessimism, resentment, guilt, egotism, hubris and vengefulness. That duality in third density humankind comes from the belief that each person is separate from all others and from God.
Now then, choosing traits and actions with high vibrations enables clarity in perceiving self and others and acting with sound judgment, whereas choices in low vibratory ranges produce deluded opinions of self, flawed assessment of others, and rash rather than reasoned behavior. And, what you think of as character, nature or personality are what the ego most frequently chooses from its spectrum of possible selections. In this, conscience—the province of the soul that nudges provisions chosen in the soul contract—is ego’s companion and ally; but if conscience is consistently ignored, it atrophies and becomes nonfunctional, thereby leaving ego out on a limb, in a manner of speaking.
To give an example of ego “in action,” let us say that four strangers have just been seated in the waiting area of a crowded restaurant. Their reactions are in consonance with what automatically comes to each: One thinks about the delicious dinner ahead, one worries about being late for an evening business appointment, one looks around the room and admires its décor, the fourth shows annoyance about having to wait for a table. Those four different perceptions of a shared situation enter the collective consciousness of Earth. As they wait, each person perceives self—self-image—and forms an impression of the other three, so 16 more perceptions exist within the group and those, like all the other thoughts and feelings that come to them, also become part of the collective consciousness.
Let us take this a step further. You see things as solid, but nothing is—everything is energy fluctuating within vastly varying degrees of frequency—and, like vision, everything that your other four senses tell you also is what you perceive it to be—what you perceive is what you believe and that is your reality. Now let us put into that perspective your questioning how various situations are affecting the light—those you mentioned and all others are reflecting the myriad perceptions of reality within the populace at any given moment.
Putting all of those into the context of today’s happenings produces two primary and opposing perceptions—a world ruled by the few who feel entitled to do what they want is one; the other is a peaceful, harmonious world with justness and abundance for everyone. The continuously increasing strength of the latter perception’s energy in the collective consciousness is manifesting that envisioned and desired world. And it doesn’t stop there. The energy of that perception flows into universal mass consciousness and on into cosmic consciousness—everything happening anywhere affects everything everywhere.
We digressed considerably, so let us bring ego back down to Earth and speak about persons who are serving in light and love, or lightworkers. They are acting upon ego’s natural selection from its supply facility the qualities that emit the highest vibrations. The same is true of people who are living in godly ways, but they haven’t heard the term lightworker so don’t think of themselves as such. The difference between you who know you are lightworkers and the many millions who don’t know they are is your knowledge.
You know you are multidimensional immortal souls inseparably connected with each other and God, and all souls are the pure love-light essence of Creator. You know about soul contracts and pre-birth agreements, universal laws and planetary and personal ascension. You know there are countless souls in other civilizations, many of which are highly evolved spiritually, consciously and technologically, and some are your ancestors. And you know that during this unprecedented era of change throughout this universe, love-light, the most powerful force in the cosmos, is vanquishing the vestiges of darkness on Earth.
Rejoice, dear family, in knowing these truths!
“I am a former member of the news media and must say I don’t believe all of the members of the news media are corrupt. Maybe their bosses and some very high-profile talent are. But most of the journalists I worked with in the 80s and 90s were honest, hardworking people. I’m sure this is still true today.” Yes, it is. Most press, radio and TV journalists don’t know that the information they report from wire services and other sources is what media’s dark controllers want the public to believe.
Few journalists know that often information they call “fake” news is, instead, the truth. For instance, when the pedophile ring came to light in the Washington, DC, area that is serving members of the US government and visiting dignitaries—this became known as “Pizzagate”—dark ones quickly labeled it fake news and unwitting reporters echoed that falsehood. A term of longstanding that was devised to hide the truth is conspiracy theory, and the public has been programmed to consign to the trash heap whatever media reports as such.
Although many still do believe that information to which either term is attached is lies or crazy ideas, others are realizing that issues are thusly labeled as cover-ups, and that is due to the efforts of journalists around the globe whose exhaustive research has exposed the pervasive corruption within their own industry; corporations; medical, entertainment and sports fields; governments and financial institutions.
We honor these men and women, whose soul contracts include not only writing talent, perseverance and courage, but the potential of professional discrediting, imprisonment or assassination because of their dedication to uncovering and publishing the truth. It should not be surprising that a large number of them are souls from other civilizations who volunteered to incarnate on Earth to serve in this capacity.
Although the history of St. Valentine has been discarded and the commercialization of February 14 has gone into hyperspace, who can fault celebrating love? There will be a universal celebration when love has permeated every heart in your world!
Beloved family, all light beings throughout this universe are supporting your mission on behalf of Earth with the unequaled power of unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 22:40
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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