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Quarta-feira, 25 / 03 / 20

7 Fun Things to Do at Home That Will Work for Extrovert


7 Fun Things to Do at Home That Will Work for Extroverts

Sherrie Hurd, A.A.


Posted March 24th, 2020.

Even when you can’t go out with friends, there are many fun things to do at home when you’re an extrovert.
I’m no extrovert, but I know many of them. They love going out and socializing, love shopping, and also love to attend large events as well. Right now, so many of us are confined to our homes due to various reasons.
In order to make this an evergreen post, I cannot only focus on the viral crisis at hand. There are many reasons why even extroverts sometimes end up stuck in their homes, and when this happens, they may struggle to find fun things to do.
It’s time to use a bit of imagination, I believe
As an introvert, I have no problem being happy at home. Sometimes, I can sit for hours and just think and be perfectly happy about that. For extroverts, however, being away from others can be painful. It’s because it goes completely against their character and personality.
And the truth is, there’s nothing wrong with either of us – the introvert and the extrovert are both normal characters. But, I want to help because if it was someone trying to help me get out and socialize more, I would want to return the favor by helping someone who is outgoing, be able to enjoy themselves in lockdown. So, let’s help.
Fun things to do at home for the extrovert
1. Spend time with those in your home
If you’re an extrovert but don’t live alone, you’re in luck. If you cannot go out and spend time with friends, you can find new ways to spend time with the people in your home.
Whether you live with family or roommates, you can enjoy all sorts of games, play music and dance, or create a home theatre environment. All you need is a selection of movies, popcorn, and refreshments. Feel free to pretend you are really at the theater and it can be loads of fun for many days.
2. Talk on the phone
What’s one substitution for socializing face to face? That’s right, talking on the phone. If you cannot go visit friends right now, you can call them and talk about whatever you want. It’s a given, really. And yes, over time, this might get old, and that’s why we have to do other things too.
But hey, call your friends, and talk about those events and shopping trips of the past. Then have a good laugh together.
3. Facetime, skype or other video chat options
If you cannot socialize in person, you can conduct a video call. You can even have a group video chat if you like. I haven’t done this in quite some time, and it was usually only for business, but from what I remember, there are a few options for group chat available. And you always have skype and facetime.
Use them and spend time being silly with your friends. It will help you stay in touch with your extroverted reality, and help ward off depression due to lack of socialization. Yes, this is a fun thing for extroverts to do when they are stuck at home.
4. Video or computer games
Considering the fact that extroverts enjoy social time so much, they usually enjoy online gaming as well, whether it’s using a video game console or by computer. Instead of just talking online, which can get old over time, extroverts can choose to play all sorts of interactive games to amuse themselves and hang out with friends.
I know many people who play online games almost every day. If you cannot get out, then you can use this experience to make you feel more like you are together with those you care about outside the home.
5. Go for a hike
Usually, extroverts love to hike with friends, but even when they can’t, enjoying this pastime alone can be refreshing. It breaks the monotony of staying inside. While hiking, you can enjoy the communion with nature as if the trees, the birds, and other elements are your human friends.
In fact, you probably should have been doing this all along. You may find yourself talking out loud to the elements and that’s okay too. As long as this process helps soothe your restless nature, it’s doing its job.
6. Enjoy performances from home
Many extroverts love attending concerts and festivals. But if you cannot leave your home, this will be impossible. There are a few fun ways you can enjoy this experience from home that would be almost good enough.
First of all, there are many televised musical performances and online concerts you can watch that will make you feel as though you really are attending a gathering.
7. Listen to music
If you cannot find entertainment of your choosing online or on television, then just drag out those records and CDS. Maybe you have a huge playlist on your phone or computer.
Either way, listening to music can be a great balm for missing friends and social events. Just close your eyes and think back on former events and listening to music with friends. Music is extremely therapeutic.
Making adjustments for the extrovert
As I said, I am an introvert, and I enjoy time at home alone. I get nervous in large crowds and prefer quiet most of the time. When I am outside this element of comfort, I get anxiety. I believe extroverts are prone to anxiety when they cannot socialize, so although I cannot relate, I do sympathize.
This is why I open the conversation for others who are extroverts during this time to offer other fun things they can do within the home. Please feel free to offer suggestions and ideas.
I hope everyone is staying safe in this turbulent time.
  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  2. https://www.verywellmind.com


Sherrie Hurd


Copyright © 2012-2020 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us. 




Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 22:10
Domingo, 15 / 03 / 20

What Is Status Quo Bias and How It Leads You to a Mediocre Life

What Is Status Quo Bias and How It Leads You to a Mediocre Life

Francesca Forsythe.


March 9th, 2020.

Status quo bias is a powerful cognitive bias that can affect you so severely that it leads you to live a mediocre life.
There are many different cognitive biases which can have a powerful impact on our psyches and our lives. One of the most common ones is status quo bias. It stops people from doing new things and can lead them to live very boring lives.
Luckily, as with all cognitive biases, there are ways of beating it so that you can make your life more exciting and much more fun.
What is status quo bias?
It is one of the many kinds of cognitive biases that affect our daily lives, thinking and decision making. This bias causes individuals to prefer things to remain the way they are or to maintain the current state of affairs. This can be in your everyday life, but it can even go as far as political decisions and huge life choices.
Status quo bias can result in people remaining in jobs or relationships that make them unhappy simply because they are too scared to make a change. It seems safer to maintain current situations that are known to use than facing the unknown of making a change.
How can status quo bias lead you to live a mediocre life?
You put your life on hold and miss opportunities
When you are suffering from status quo bias, you may feel scared of change or making big decisions. You feel comfortable in the here and now and would like things to remain that way.
As a result, you may not go for a promotion or pursue a new relationship because you don’t want things to change. By doing so, you leave yourself in a state of pause and life begins to become repetitive.
You don’t evolve
Status quo bias can also stop you from growing as a person. When you are afraid to try new things, you miss out on valuable experiences. Instead, those who suffer from status quo bias may simply choose to do nothing. They may not try a different meal or travel to different places and this means you will miss out.
Your life gets boring and predictable
By only experiencing the same things over and over, you will begin to get bored. By allowing status quo bias to control your life in this way, you may find that your life begins to turn stale.
Not only will you get bored, but you may get frustrated by the constant predictability. You may find that time moves faster than you would like it to and you aren’t really living.
How to beat status quo bias?
If you feel like you are suffering from status quo bias and want to learn how to beat it, don’t worry. It is entirely possible to beat the bias and really start living.
Be aware
Like all cognitive biases, being aware of it can change how you address different situations. If you understand that you may be afraid of making changes or approaching new challenges, then you have already made the first step. By recognizing what scares you, you can try to challenge yourself to make little changes.
Start small
Don’t feel like you have to throw a grenade into the middle of your job or relationship to shake things up. If you feel out of your comfort zone, that’s a good enough start. Try a new food or take a trip, just do something new and something that interests you.
If it’s something you never imagined yourself doing, even better. You could even try a different skill. Take up painting or try a sport. You may find that you have a secret talent you didn’t know you had.
What to do if you are bored at work
If you are bored at work, ask for more responsibility or consider looking for other employment opportunities. If you don’t enjoy your career, consider taking some night classes or going back to school to change your career path.
What to do if you are stuck in a relationship
If your relationship is growing a little stale, try to inject the spark back into it. Go on a date to somewhere new, go on holiday together or simply do something you haven’t done in a while. Relationships take work to maintain. Start trying to do things together and you’ll soon remember all of the reasons you fell in love.
Decide how you want your life to be
The best part about beating status quo bias is that it is completely up to you just how exciting you want to be. Making little changes is a great first step.
However, if you are truly unhappy in the mundane, then don’t be afraid to change things. It might be scary to step into the unknown, but it is always better than living a mundane life you are unhappy with.
Final thoughts
Status quo bias can keep us in a state of pause. We may not even notice that life is passing us by and we end up wasting a lot of time. If you really want to start living your life, start recognizing the problem and take steps to change it.
Your life is completely within your control, so don’t let cognitive biases stand in your way. Start making small changes and trying new things. You might just find that you really enjoy some of them!

  1. https://sites.hks.harvard.edu


Francesca Forsythe


About the Author: Francesca Forsythe

Francesca is a freelance writer currently studying a degree in Law and Philosophy. She has written for several blogs in a range of subjects across Lifestyle, Relationships and Health and Fitness. Her main pursuits are learning new innovative ways of keeping fit and healthy, as well as broadening her knowledge in as many areas as possible in order to achieve success.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

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publicado por achama às 20:18
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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