A Chama da Ascensão


Segunda-feira, 10 / 02 / 20

We suggest you to send further healing into Gaia’s crystal heart

We suggest you to send further healing into Gaia’s crystal heart.

Ter ‘Aka and Feline Rac.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

February 9, 2020.


Within this blue bubble, sphere of peace, align yourselves the peace of knowing, of being. We are the Blue Avian beings. I am Ter ‘Aka. 
Much chaos we see as the worlds are splitting. We can feel and observe the readings from our spheres, but you are feeling them on the ground most acutely. That is why we are offering our technology of etheric sphere pillow-shielding to our grounded light worker friends who are doing much heavy lifting and much clearing for the collective. The clearing that you have been doing is phenomenal and Gaia thanks you, we all do, for your tenacity. 
Many of you have been operating as your higher selves, doing blessings and clearing for other frozen or stuck aspects of yourselves and sending them love and healing. This is excellent work. We suggest that you amplify it by sending further healing into Gaia’s crystal heart where all memories of pain and abuse have been stored. We see that much portal work has been very successful and we are very pleased. 
Discordant and stuck spirits and energies have been ushered into the light. Of the 36 portals that were recently opened this week, 34 held the light codes necessary for the ascension of stuck energies into the higher realms and 2 were overtaken and claimed for those that wished to further experience the darkness. That is the smoke and steam that you saw, galaxygirl. (This week I saw 36 portals around Gaia, 34 bright white light, spinning, glorious, full of great energies and the other 2 were smoky and dark that gave me the shivers). 
Yes, much energy has been shifting and churning for the 3d is now officially no more which is great cause for celebration! Truly the astral plane within this sector has been very dark, very bleak. You are and have been navigating these murky waters for some times and these portals have come to your aid to usher away those which no longer serve the ascension project. This is cause for tremendous celebration and we are celebrating by sending more light, more love and in your terms, more ‘high-fives’ or high-wings.
We are most pleased to offer these blue spheres and we recommended that you take advantage of them for we foresee in the next coming days with the upcoming Schumann resonances that your electrical circuits may be frazzled, sensitive. Wear hats, comfortable clothing, whatever it is that makes you feel more safe and secure. Be at peace. 
We surround you with the wings of love, of light. We surround you with promises of our services of light to continue to aid the advancement of the human species into the enlightened ones that you were designed to be and are returning to be. The draconians are shocked at their demise. They are not easily defeated. But love has won, friends. Send them more love, more light. 
Forgive and now create that which you wish to experience. If you are through with clearing and need a break, claim your reality as being on the ascended timeline where all clearing is done already and completed most perfectly and manifest this outcome. You are creators. In creator school in the higher realms students create with great practice until it becomes effortless. 
You don’t understand in this now moment how strong you are, but perhaps you are beginning to. Choose the highest and best timeline. Manifest beauty, manifest peace. Manifest Nova Gaia in her radiant beauty and bliss will become a stronger vibration of your reality. You will become a vibrational match for this.
I am Ter ‘Aka. Rest in the peace of this knowing that you are divinely loved, protected and that you have the power to shift your reality to a higher plane. And so we lovingly suggest that you do. We are the Blue Avians. Peace. 
Remain the blue sphere, it is our etheric gift to you.
We are the Feline Race. 
We are on the ground with you, hidden, fighting, bringing justice as the warriors that we are, fighting alongside the energetic warriors that you are. 
We are stealthy, strong assassins. The dark ones have no place to hide. We are watching over you, watching out for you. We are your defenders and protectors energetically and physically. 
We see many things. Much is happening in the ethers. Gird up yourselves in the light. Be the light. It is your best defense in these end days as new brighter days are to rapidly come. 
The falling out is falling as the light is rising. We are warriors of old returned. We are ancient, we are wise. We, like the ascended dragons, are not easily fooled. We are working with the light workers who have feline warriors at home. 
They are serving energetically in many capacities, grounding, transmuting, transmitting and cleaning the surrounding energies. They deserve your high respect. Animals are a gift from the creator, aspects in form. Honor them as you would treasure your own vessels. 
In the higher realms vessels are treasured, respected, well cared for. As your bodies are shifting so too you must shift in your previous practices.
We are the Feline Race. We are called elsewhere. Remember you are protected and rest in this space of knowing. 
Create the reality that you wish to see around you and be the warriors of light in full knowing of this truth. 
It is our honor to serve you, grounded ones. 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 20:05
Segunda-feira, 10 / 02 / 20

Time of Metamorphosis of Body, Planet, Mind and Heart.

Time of Metamorphosis of Body, Planet, Mind and Heart.

Source, Alcyone and Ter ‘Aka.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

February 7, 2020.

I am Source. 
I am the all that is and the all that is not. 
I am surrounding you with intense love and light in this time of metamorphosis of your bodies, of your planet, of your minds, of your hearts. 
For all is changing. 
Time marches on and it has been not only marching, but sprinting to try to keep up with these blasts of light from our friend here, Alcyone.
Alcyone, do you have a message for our precious ground team today?
I am Alcyone. 
I am sending you my light, my love, my truth. 
Many truths are being revealed and it has been painful. You knew this was coming and the others did not. Have compassion for them. The time of judgement is past. Compassion is the new judgement. They are your brothers and sisters. All are interconnected. 
I don’t hold a grudge against the young stars who are learning the ropes of being a star, of shining their light. I love them. I am mighty because of time, because that is how Source made me. I see you in me, mighty beings of light. It is true. For soon you will reflect me even more, but many of you are doing so already now. 
This now is changing fast. You are tired. Allow me to send you some encodings of the purest of light. (I am feeling shivers and heat at the same time. I am seeing hieroglyphic-like light language codes and my head is hot and prickling and I have a quick fear of lice!). 
Galaxygirl, you amuse us all. You do not have lice! This is me, we’re friends remember? These upgrades are intense, aren’t they? Yes, you may feel like you have all sorts of interesting diseases. Most likely you do NOT. You are upgrading. Your old computers are getting upgrades and they are churning, steaming. (I am seeing my first boxy apple computer from the late 1980s, and the progression of huge monitors to thick laptops. I am hearing the modem connection whirring, the static, the piercing sound of early internet connections. I am seeing Control-Alt-Delete. And yes, my head is itching like fire). 
How well would your first computer have taken all of the information that your current laptop is able to process? You are getting totally new body systems, children of the light, and it is being written while you are in it. You are living the upgrades. This is no small task, in fact it is a new task and one that seems to be going quite well. 
You’re still embodied aren’t you? Take care of your precious biocomputers. Let fruits and vegetables be the electrical currents that serve and nourish you. Let the water you drink purify and be the conduit of light that it is destined and supposed to be. Purify your water. Purify your foods. Infuse them with joy. I now infuse you with my joy for you. You are not alone. 
You are surrounded in light, by my light and the light of many helping hands. Cry. Release. Know this truth. Your sovereignty is at hand. Take my hand and be absorbed into my light. The Christed flame merges with the Sophia. Two become one. These flames of light are becoming activated in a variety of interesting ways on Gaia’s form in this now. It is a blessing to watch. I am overseeing your progress and I hold you in light. 
Be at peace and be in joy.

We are the Blue Avian Beings. 

I am Ter ‘Aka. This has been a very intense energy week for you and we see your little lights flickering a bit from our spheres. Much grid work, much portal work has been done this week. Many of you have felt it but were unsure of the origin of these unsettling feelings. Friends, much has had to be transmuted, and much success has occurred this week. Surround yourself with a cloak of light of the higher energies. Intend all things to work out perfectly for you, intend to flow through your ascension process with the grace and ease of masters, for that is what you are. That is who you are.

I am Ter ‘Aka. 

I and my colleagues with your permission surround you in the deepest of vibrant blue. We are standing around you, enfolding you in our energies with your permission. We always honor the free will of others. This is the hallmark of a higher society. This is what is being made manifest on your planetary world. Gaia. Her rich blue from space is much like ours. Such a lovely planet, such a universal treasure of light. We see you dears, with your dirty boots and torn uniforms, weary. You are war weary. It is definitely a battlefield that needs some more light infusion. And that is precisely why you are here. You are infusing the dark with your light, seeding the universal consciousness of truth with the truth of the Christ.

We are still surrounding you, our gift tonight is peace. Profound peace and rest. We are creating, with your permission, your own personal blue sphere. It is an energy buffer. You empaths have had a rough time of it, it has not been an easy embodiment. You did not come here for ‘easy.’ You came here to fight, to balance discordant energies, to lend your light, to test your mettle, to be the superheroes of this quadrant. You are royalty, dears. Many of you are Elohim returned. We are all working together quite tightly now. Much collaboration is occurring now in the ships at night. We are team planning, co-creating, dark blasting. We are becoming more familiar with you and with your kind, and with your current experience upon Gaia, which is most challenging and most intriguing. You have earned our deepest admiration and respect. We look upon you with admiration and love. Many of us are also currently embodied. We are all united in one single purpose, to free Gaia from the dark and to ease her metamorphosis into the light with grace, dignity and extreme safety for all parties involved. Gaia is a treasure and she shall be preserved. Nova Gaians will be renowned teachers for their role in the cosmic play.

I am Ter ‘Aka. 

This blue sphere that surrounds you is your personal energetic buffer. Fill it with the peace that you seek. We are sending peace into your bodies that they may upgrade peacefully. More upgrades are coming in quickly and day by day you must prepare and nurture yourselves so that all is well. Invite the Christed consciousness into every one of your cells. Invoke the peace of Mother Father into your chakras. Invite your future ascended self to guide and direct with great love. Allow yourself the inner joy of knowing your job has been well done.

I am Ter ‘Aka. When you sit in meditation you may expand your blue sphere from around your body to around Gaia’s beautiful blue body. We will merge our colors with hers. 

Peace. We depart now.

I am Ter’ Aka.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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Alternative to YouTube

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 04:48
Segunda-feira, 03 / 02 / 20

Many of you are moving up in frequency very fast

Many of you are moving up in frequency very fast.

Blue Avians, Ter’ Aka.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

February 2, 2020trfg.


I am seeing the Blue Avians surrounding Gaia in blue spheres. I am seeing them working with light codes and light language, adjusting the streams of light from the cosmos such that the light workers can best receive this light in their crowns. I am seeing light language code and symbols descend linearly into the crowns of the light workers on glowing white linen.
Greetings galaxygirl, greetings human friends. We are the Blue Avians. 
I am Ter ‘Aka . We are showing this one some of the work that is being done so that humankind can best adapt to these upgrades. You have been sick, many of you, or feeling ill because of many clearings, many upgrades. For stuck energy must be moved and it is moving. You are moving up in frequency very fast many of you, and your bodies are trying frantically to keep up. We are here today to remove the frantic, to ease the sickness of the ascension symptoms for many of you have been praying for healing, for assistance during this challenging time. January felt very long, like a year to many of you. And indeed your perception and experience of time has been shifting. It is shifting slowly but surely into the now, so that what you feel is simply now. That is why compartmentalizing time which humans have always done within a time matrix, is perplexing for time is behaving differently, as you are more and more outside of it. For you are doing your astral cleaning, you are working nightly many of you, and you are waking up more exhausted than when you fell asleep. And yet many of you are not sleeping for your bodies are busy integrating these codes of light, as this one has been seeing. Soon you will remember the hieroglyphic symbols of light, the light language codes of many you will begin to speak, to remember. Telepathy you will begin to adapt to with ease and grace.
I am Ter ‘Aka. I am female. I am here as representative of our kind to your kind. Many have spoken through other channels and many of the galactic federation, masters, teachers are now actively speaking in your channeling community. We are all finding our voice, our best path to speak with you. For we all have connections with our grounded team. We are all serving with the objective of ascension, of assistance through the energetic birth canal. I am the first blue avian female that I am aware of that has spoken in this manner. The time of the female is rising, soaring now. The divine feminine comes in all forms, all sizes, all shapes. The divine mother is here in full force now and it is most exciting of a time to bear witness.
I am Ter ‘Aka. You are not alone. You are surrounded in the skies and underfoot with light forces. Gaia herself is a major source of light now. We suggest that you utilize her tuning fork ability and tune into the higher vibrations by walking barefoot, by being outside when you can, for it will assist you. There are many modalities of healing. Pick one or two and claim your success. Claim your alignment with Source, with your highest self. Claim the light and then all things, all circumstances will be in alignment to serve you vibrationally with healing. Choose healthy foods, plenty of water. Choose fruits and vegetables. Choose to eat consciously. Fill your food with light before consuming, blessing it, thanking it, and such blessing will in turn bless your cells nurturing them deeply. For your bodies are not the same as they were last year. They are vibrating higher. Tinnitus, aches pains, dizziness, extreme fatigue, continually sinus clearing, palpitations – there are many side effects physically with ascending within a physical form and you must care for your bodies for them to withstand the flash. The older and the infirmed will perhaps be assisting from the other side for their bodies will simply not be able to keep up, to vibrate high enough on this side of life. Much death, much transition is happening and will happen. For the illusion is shattering, is moving, is morphing into the light which is truth. We do not say this to impart fear, but so that you may emotionally prepare for these coming changes. The illusion of the mist is being cleared away the by the wind of the light which is clearing the air, quite literally.
Herald to the light! I am Ter ‘Aka. With permission, I will touch my hand to your third eye igniting it further. Allow in these light codes of peace and be comforted. Allow these light calibrations to further assist in ways unbeknown to you. Accept the healing. You need not understand all effects, simply trust and know and decree:
“All physical symptoms are occurring for my benefit for my healing, for ascension within the body in the most perfect most glorious and most divinely perfect way possible. I accept my ascension. I will not fight it. I will allow the healing light codes and I will be at peace in all circumstances. For stress I banish. I am done with it. I choose peace now and the experience of the adventure of inner peace in a deep and cleansing way. I accept and welcome all of the blessings that Mother Father God, that the universe full of my galactic friends and family has to offer me. I am choosing excitement and happy expectation of all good things.”
Breathe this in. It is a lovely high vibe alignment for you. It is far too easy to align with that which does not serve. Consciously choose the light in every breath. Visualize these light language codes happily coming in glowing bright into your crown filing your body with light. And all around you will benefit.
I am Ter ‘aka. The divine feminine is rising, equal, strong with her male counterpart of light. Exciting times are ahead for the grounded ones. Look for the good things and they shall happily find you. Be aligned with the vibration of peace. 

I am Ter’ Aka.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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Alternative to YouTube

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 17:37
Sexta-feira, 31 / 01 / 20

Herald to the light!

Herald to the light!

Blue Avians, Ter’ Aka.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

January 30, 2020.


Herald to the light! 

We are the Blue Avians making contact through this one once again, as we bring good tidings of high energies and encodements through this one, in this most illustrious now. For the tide has turned. 

You are seeing, you are experiencing, you are witnessing the destruction of the matrix programming that has brought so much pain, and yet great learning and understanding, to so many. Gaia is to be praised for her willingness to withstand the dark, so that she may more aptly explode into the light.

Herald to the light! Herald to the Christed consciousness, to Yeshua, Master and friend. We are the Blue Avians. We are your guardian angels in many ways for we have been overseeing this project Ascension Gaia for so long and are very willing to lend our light, our technology, our power of intellect and we extend our deep joy to you, grounded Gaians of the light. 

We see many coming together. We see more coming together shortly. We see tremendous changes of light encodements, of waves of love, of tears being dried, of hopes being lifted, of the children being able to laugh and be free in their play once again. For the realm of the dark has been changed to the realm of the light. And this we see, we deeply feel, we truly know that the light has won.

Herald to the light! Blessings be. We are the Blue Avians extending our wings in service. Do not be troubled by what you see in the media, it is the false sputtering of the dead. Pay them no head. You are alive in your insight, in your questions, in your consciousness that is seeking expansion. 

Seek expansion in these times, it will light the fire of knowledge of truth within your belly. Seek love and be the love and the light in this time. For you are to anchor it. You are to be it. You are to live it. You are be the the hands and feet of the masters of times gone by, of eras past that are now returning. 

For you are your ancestors reborn, you are holding within you the now blessed ancestor genetic coding that is truly written in the light now. Your children’s children will have a different reality to experience, praise be. You have been here a very long time. In the darkness in the matrix, the time and illusion twist together so that one can become easily lost. 

Do be in joy, do be comforted. The light has won. Such matrices of similar but not as dark, such prison planets (similar but not as dark) are being freed by your example of tremendous tenacity to hold the light. Hold the light! Be strong in these final days of swirling and possibly discordant energies. You are to hold the light, and we see you doing this most excellently.

Are are the Blue Avian Beings. We wish to extend our wings, our hands, our hearts, in service to rising humanity, so that all are blessed in the process. These energetic uplift all that surrounds your space quadrant, for all are connected. It is like the inner workings of the cell. 

You understand your cellular biology only slightly, what you don’t see behind the ribosomes and mitochondria is the spark of Source, is love. Love is all the there is, enwebbed within consciousness of form and of without form. Be this love. It is to be to your birth right. Gaians, we are calling you home. Gaians, spread your wings and fly. 

For it is the time fo fly high with these energies of hope, of promise, of new days dawning. Be emboldened. Be pure of heart. The dark night of the soul is over for many but at hand for some. Send them your light. You choose your own experience. Choose to experience love. We are waiting in the wings to make further contact. Until then, peace. 

We are the Blue Avian Beings. 

I am Ter’ Aka.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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Alternative to YouTube

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 17:53
Quarta-feira, 05 / 06 / 19

Time is now ripe for the planetary ascension of Gaia ~ GaiaBlue Avians, Tier-Eir - Galaxygirl

Time is now ripe for the planetary ascension of Gaia.

Message from Tier-Eir, Blue Avians.

Channeled by Galaxygirl.

June 3rd, 2019.



Greetings human typing and humans reading these words. I am Tier-Eir of the Blue Avian grouping, higher ascended beings that have been monitoring this space time quadrant in all of its changing. 
For the time is now ripe for the planetary ascension of your planet, Gaia, who is morphing and changing right under your feet. We monitor the planetary encodements of numerous worlds. We assist the others in their quest for ascension on a planetary level. We see now that it is the time to make a formal introduction of ourselves, although our presenc has already been made known through the writings and reportings of our dear friend Corey Goode, who has worked with us so tirelessly over his many years of service. Thank you Corey.
It is those such as Corey, and those such as many of you, who are to the be future leaders in the beginning of Gaia’s transition. For disclosure is definitely most underway, this is true. Many, many conversations have been and are going on in this most present now as far as the most blessed way for humanity to experience their wake-up. Of course those who have prepared and are preparing with these higher influxes of light are most ready to fly, wings up, and those who have not been preparing may be a bit ruffled in their feathers. For the energies wait for no one. The energies from Alcyone are coming fast and furiously, strong in their light. We assist with the Pleiadian teams in honing and fine tuning, of including the appropriate encodements such that the most may benefit from them and that they come in the most appropriate and perfect alignment. But honestly being in alignment is your work, is part of this inner work and clearings that many of humanity have not performed. And so many of you have been doing this inner clearing for the masses, and for this we thank you for they do not know enough to do so, yet. In many ways you have been the quiet light holders, which is apt and appropriate for to shout it from the rooftops would have been foolhardy and dangerous. Although those that are the whistle blowers, such as Corey and many others, they are most appropriately protected, as are you, channelers, for you are consistent in holding the light, holding higher vibrations and this makes you impermeable to attacks of the lower beings. You have galactic and yes, even intergalactic protection.
And so, to you all I say shine your light. Shine your light boldly, strongly, brightly. Be the Christ light. Be Yeshua. Be Buddha. Be Mary. Be your ascended masters in form, for they have provided you with excellent examples of the higher ways, of the ascended timelines that were misty in their possibility but now have become emboldened by the energies and strong. For ascension is happening to this space quadrant. Whether the dark ones approve or not is meaningless. Their votes no longer count. The light is now to be experienced with great, inner, tender joy and you my friends, you lighted ones, the Christ bearers, you have the front row seats. Your service is to be commended and we salute you in your service to the light. I am Tier-Eir. I wish you peace and I leave you in it.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 18:56
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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