Chinese threat to dump U.S. treasuries is elephant in room of U.S./China trade war.
Benjamin Fulford Sample Report

The U.S./Chinese trade war that took most pundits by surprise is actually the result of an agreement between Eastern and Western secret societies to permanently rid the world of the Zionist menace, multiple sources agree. The other thing to note is that Western, especially American, media are ignoring the trade war elephant in the room—the threat by China and the rest of the world to dump U.S. Treasury holdings and thus formally bankrupt the U.S. Corporation.
Let’s step back a minute and look at why the world wants to bankrupt the corporate U.S. government and force a regime change there.
Ever since George Bush Jr.’s handlers stole the election in the year 2000 and staged 9/11, the Zionist (Khazarian) mafia-controlled U.S. regime has spent trillions of dollars on never-ending war. This same regime, and its evil twin Israel, have created terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda and Daesh to perpetuate this war. This same regime has been actively trying to kill 90% of the world’s population with bioweapons, starvation, nuclear war, and now 5G microwave technology. The latest sign of how antisocial this regime is came last week when 187 countries, with the sole exception of the U.S., agreed to stop dumping toxic plastic into the oceans.
The Chinese used to support this endless warmongering and murder by buying U.S. Treasury bonds, until they realized they were paying the Americans to kill them. They thus decided to take their dollars elsewhere and spend them on helping the planet, and the multi-trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative is an example. Now suddenly the Zionist controllers of the Washington, D.C. regime are realizing their US$800 billion dollar per year trade deficit and US$ trillion dollar per year budget deficit are endangering the survival of their regime.
The budget deficit is being covered up by accounting tricks (such as the Feds using proxies to buy their own bonds), but the trade deficit is another matter. It is based on real stuff in the real world and cannot be covered up with accounting tricks forever. As the saying goes, “You can avoid reality for a certain amount of time, but eventually it has a way of catching up with you.”
In an attempt to fix the problem, U.S. President Donald Trump asked the Chinese to buy a “trillion dollars” worth of American stuff. The Chinese rationally responded that the U.S. does not have that amount of “stuff” to sell even if they wanted to. Now, the Trump plan to use tariffs to fix the trade deficit is going to be a tax on U.S. consumers and will not help the U.S. economy become competitive. That’s because the so-called U.S. dollar is too expensive, but the Americans cannot devalue it in order to make their exports competitive because the “U.S. dollar” is not an American currency. It is owned by European and Asian royals, together with international oligarchs, who do not want it to lose value.
On the other hand, if the U.S. government started issuing its own currency, say worth half what a U.S. dollar is now worth, U.S. consumers would still pay more for Chinese imports just as they would with tariffs, but this time U.S. exports would be competitive. The U.S. government could then spend as many trillion of, let’s say, greenbacks, as it wanted to in order to fix its domestic infrastructure, etc.
The main drawback is that the U.S. military could no longer afford to be guarding corporate interests at its 800 or so locations around the world. That’s why the White Dragon Society (WDS), Asian secret societies, the British Commonwealth, and others are proposing an alternative. This would involve replacing the entire political structure in Washington, D.C. with competent new people. The current system is so corrupt with its fake elections and bribed and blackmailed politicians that it is beyond reform.
However, the U.S. is full of competent and honest people who ran into a glass ceiling in the current system because they were immune to Zionist bribery and blackmail. These are the people who would rebuild a debt-free Republic of the United States of America. In such a scenario, the multi-polar world would pool its resources to transform the U.S. military-industrial complex into a benevolent force for planetary protection and space exploration.
Okay, now let’s finally get to the breaking news of the past week. The biggest news from last week is that newly installed Japanese Emperor Naruhito issued coded calls for help, according to British royal family sources. The cry for help was conveyed through “neuro-linguistic programming” in a brief speech the Emperor made, the sources say. He used “a certain combination of words written in a certain style and embedded with wordings and other devices” to let the world know the Imperial Family was being attacked, the sources say. The attacks were carried out by …
full report will be post here this Thursday
Note: Last Friday, May 3, 2019, I had an interesting discussion with Sean Stone.
It can be seen here:
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