A Chama da Ascensão


Segunda-feira, 01 / 07 / 19

BIG CHANGES – JULY 2019 ENERGIES ~ Emmanuel Dagher.


July 2019.

Energy Forecast

Your Monthly Spiritual Roadmap

By Emmanuel Dagher.

July 1, 2019

Hi my friend,

It’s an honor for me to connect with your beautiful presence in this way. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it . . .

The Gifts of This Solar Eclipse

July will begin on a highly active, super-exciting note, as the new moon on Tuesday, July 2, 2019 brings in a total solar eclipse.

This particular total solar eclipse will feel like a breath of fresh air with its joyful, light, unifying, and inspirational qualities.

If we’ve been on the fence about starting a new project, signing a contract, moving to a new location, traveling, or beginning something new, it will become very clear to us over time what actions to take going forward to align with the people, places, and experiences that will support our higher vision.

The first week of July will also serve as an excellent time to bring resolution to situations in our lives that have been disrupting our inner peace.

Whether it’s in the area of personal or professional relationships, this is the time to clear the air and create a healthy environment for ourselves to thrive and flourish in.

If we are someone who tends to be shy and hide from the world when things don’t go our way, this is the time to address, heal, and move beyond that pattern.

Hiding had its place in the past. Especially for empaths, because it allowed us to keep a temporary, illusory sense of peace and safety.

Yet hiding only perpetuates the idea that we as empaths must please everyone around us in order to be happy and at peace. That places a great deal of pressure on us to ensure that our environment is just right, in order to feel any sense of peace.

Can you see how not peaceful and exhausting that pattern is?

Obeying the mind’s need to be in control of everything at all times is a sure way to exhaust ourselves.

Ultimately, hiding is one of the main reasons why so many empaths are unable to fully experience peace in the now, because they are people-pleasing—always moving out of the way to cater to others.

That pattern very precariously places their peace in the hands of other people and the environment around them. 

If we are still following the need to hide and blend in, many opportunities will begin showing up over the next few weeks to help us move beyond this coping pattern (not always in the most comfortable way, if the mind is still resisting change).

The main thing is to understand that hiding, though it may offer us a quick fix short term, is something that moves us away from our most authentic self, when our true self is where our peace, ease, love, creativity, joy, grace, abundance, and well-being reside.

Eventually, we are all moving in the direction of coming back to our truest, most authentic selves, and there’s no right or wrong way for how we get there.

There’s also no timeline better than the next one. We will always have opportunities and openings that help us realign.

If we usually find ourselves exhausted and overwhelmed as a result of choosing to hide and people-please, the time we are in now can serve as an excellent motivator to help us choose something that’s more aligned, freeing, and enjoyable.

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A Time to Gather and Prosper!

The first half of July ushers in pleasant wonders and inspiring encounters with others. It will also be a great time try something different—something outside our usual box.  

Gathering with friends, family, and colleagues in a social setting will offer us some fruitful blessings and outcomes.

The only thing asked of us, is to remain open-hearted and open-minded. Being fixed or set in our ways will not serve us in any way at this time.

By honoring different cultures, traditions, and backgrounds, we’ll see ourselves expand beautifully in different ways.

Another area of our lives where we will receive an extra boost during the first half of July, is the area of our prosperity and material gain. This will especially be the case if our motivation to prosper is coming from a conscious, genuine, spiritually motivated place.  

The ability to materialize our highest visions and dreams will receive a powerful boost as we welcome the realization that we are the Source of our blessings.

Waiting for someone or something to give us what we want will not serve us as we move forward.

The current landscape of our society has most of humanity believing they must give up their power by relying on systems outside of what’s true and natural for them, in order for them to experience true happiness and prosperity.

This is most definitely changing more quickly now, especially with new generations coming into their own, and having an abundance of outside-the-box ways of thinking and creating in which they are not conforming to the status quo.

With daily practice, consistency, and a grounded approach, we now have the opportunity to rely less on what we’ve been taught by society as being the way to peace, happiness, and prosperity, and more on cultivating a deep and meaningful relationship with ourselves.

This is coming forward now to such a degree that when we do receive the inner guidance, wisdom, and outside-the-box ideas that will align us with a freer, more empowered, more prosperous reality—we will be ready to receive it!

We’ll also then be inspiring others to be more self-empowered.



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Emotional Alchemy

On July 16, 2019 we will move through a partial lunar eclipse.

This partial lunar eclipse will bring to the surface any emotions we may not have fully addressed when it comes to the relationship we have with ourselves, our friends, our family, personal and professional partners, our home, and our environment.

When deeply rooted emotions come to the surface to be addressed, it can often feel uncomfortable, and catch us off guard.

Whatever comes up, rather than be in judgment of ourselves, know that it’s just coming up to be seen, heard, felt, and honored by us.

We often want from others what we ultimately desire from ourselves.

So if we feel that we ”need” an apology from someone, we can know it’s really us desiring to forgive ourselves. If we feel we “need” attention and love from someone, we can know that it’s really us desiring to give it to ourselves, and so on.

Our emotions are an excellent feedback system that tell us how well we are taking care of ourselves.

Emotions that don’t feel good to us are signals that there’s room for us to take even better care of ourselves.

When we feel at peace with the world around us, it means we are at peace within ourselves. It also means we are taking very good care of ourselves.

The mind often resists this kind of responsibility—admitting that we ourselves are the source of our happiness and peace—because it either doesn’t see the value and benefit of that, or it thinks it’s going to lose something (attention and love from others, etc.) if it takes full responsibility.

Our job is to make a daily practice of showing the mind how to recognize the value of being responsible for our own peace and happiness, and reminding it of how much more it will gain, grow, and receive as a result of embracing this.

Over time, the mind will begin to shift in the direction of accepting that we ourselves are solely responsible for our own peace and happiness, because it will notice the tremendous blessings and freedom it will gain as result. 

The mind just wants to keep us safe, in the best way it knows how.

Imagine a 3-year-old child, with the limited awareness he or she has, trying to keep a grown adult safe and protected, and tell them what to do all the time.

That’s exactly what we’ve been allowing the mind to do!

Now imagine having an unconditionally loving and compassionate mother and father taking care of us and keeping us safe. Without judgment, they always allow us to be ourselves fully, taking an expanded, wise, gentle approach while keeping us safe, loved, and protected.

Does that feel different?

We get to be that wise, loving, compassionate parent to ourselves!

During the second half of July, we will have the opportunity to learn how to be the loving presence for ourselves we’ve always been seeking.

Whatever thoughts come up during this time, simply honor, be with, and observe them, without trying to fix or change them. 

The moment we try to fix and change our thoughts is the moment we start ”believing” them.

When we believe our thoughts, we start to activate the emotions from our past that are associated with them.

This is a great indicator that something within us desires to receive extra attention and love from us.

Rather than be in judgment about it, we can offer love and attention to ourselves by allowing our emotions and thoughts to fully be seen, heard, and honored exactly as they are.

Releasing the habit of fixing, controlling, or trying to change our thoughts and reactions is one of the greatest forms of self-love we can express.

With practice, and when the mind is ready, this allows the mind to feel and receive love from the unconditionally loving parent you had or desired to have as a child.

The mind can then soften its resistance towards us, and begin to be a team player rather than trying to do everything on its own.

Imagine what life will look like when our mind receives love from us, understanding that we don’t always have to believe what it’s saying in order for it to receive our love!

I’d say there’s lots of fun, freedom, play, ease, prosperity, happiness, creativity, and so many other magical blessings available there for us!

As always, please take great care of yourself, my friend.

May July be a month that brings you abundant blessings in every area of life!

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,
Emmanuel Dagher

©2009-2018 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved for emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 20:40
Domingo, 02 / 06 / 19

A FRESH START ~ Energy Forecast, June 2019 ~ Emmanuel Dagher


June 2019.

Energy Forecast

Your Monthly Spiritual Roadmap

By Emmanuel Dagher.

June 1, 2019

Hi my friend,

The month of June is filled with wondrous opportunities that have the potential to completely change the landscape of our lives for the better.

We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!

Healing the Past

The first half of June will offer us the gift of healing our past in ways we may not have been able to experience until now.

As part of the human experience, we have been given the opportunity to repeat and bring into our present reality the challenging past experiences that may still be unresolved.

We are often given this opportunity of repeating the past, so that we can eventually learn from it, and move on.

An example of this can be seen in the kinds of relationships we are choosing to have. We could be attracting partners into our lives who are not treating us with kindness, love, honor, and respect.

This same pattern keeps showing up with each new partner, almost as though it were happening with the same person each time.

This is a confirmation that there is a lesson and a blessing present that desires to be fully learned and received.

In the case of the above example, the lesson is often directly related to the pattern of how we learned to treat ourselves as a child. We may have seen our parents and other family members mistreat us or each other in a similar way, so that on some level, the little child we were decided to believe that this is how she or he should treat themselves.

Once we realize this, we can see that we have been repeating the past in our present reality.

From there, we can learn to change the way we’ve been treating ourselves.

Most often, it never has anything to do with anyone or anything outside of ourselves.  It’s always about the relationship we are choosing to have with ourselves.

It can be freeing and empowering to understand that all of the experiences we’re having in our lives are a direct reflection of how we are treating ourselves.

Yet to the mind, it can also be challenging, because we realize that we alone are responsible for how we shape our reality.

If you find that the mind resists the deep inner knowing that you already have, that you are responsible for how your life is shaped … just know that your mind is trying to protect you the best way it knows how.

See the mind as the little child you once were, and let it know that you love and honor it immensely.

Let your mind know that there’s nothing it can do that would have you stop loving it unconditionally.

When your mind starts to realize that you are seeing, hearing, and honoring it in this way, it will begin to soften its approach and be more open to allowing you (as the Spirit that you are) to guide the way.

There’s an opening now that offers us the gift of learning the lessons of our past in ways we have not been able to receive till now.

This empowers us to evolve, grow, and begin creating a reality anchored in the present.

When we learn the lessons of our past, we also heal and reshape it.

As multidimensional beings, we are here, there, and everywhere at the same time, because we are the Universe itself, fully realized in physical and energetic form.

So as a multidimensional being, we’re able to heal and reshape our past. From there we can transform our present reality in ways that inspire, empower, and awaken us in extraordinary ways.

For example, you as the loving and compassionate adult you are today can envision yourself holding and embracing your inner child, letting them know through words, actions, and feelings that you embrace and love them unconditionally, and that they can be, choose, do, and have anything they desire to experience in life.

And that they are whole and perfect, exactly as they are.

You are changing the course for that little child you once were, so that they can have a totally different experience from the timeline they’ve experienced so far.

This is what is meant by “Love heals everything.” It really does!

Love transcends all logic, time, and space. From that perspective, healing is instant.

Now, imagine what would happen if we were able to offer that same Love to the world we live in, including every government, person, place, and experience that has ever taken place, since the beginning of time?

The mind may come up with a story, asking ”why” it should immerse itself in this kind of healing Love.

Yet our Spirit knows the power of what can happen when the mind recognizes the value and benefit of doing so.

The reason why so much of what we’re seeing in the world now seems so turbulent and imbalanced, is because this world is starving for our Love.

Each of us is the Universe incarnate. It only takes one person to shower the world with a Love that heals and moves Universes instantly.

Of course, there are millions of people in the world who are doing this every day, and it’s shifting and healing our world tremendously. (Even though on the surface, the media may not be covering this new reality.)

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A Fresh Start

When we are able to learn from and heal our past, we realign with the most powerful version of ourselves. Anything and everything becomes possible.

Things that once seemed out of reach are now available to us with ease.

The second half of June will mark a fresh start in our lives, especially if we allow ourselves to learn from and receive the precious gifts of our past. Many of us are already seeing glimpses of this, because this process started towards the end of May.

With this fresh start, it will feel as though the weight we have been carrying on our shoulders and chest will soften and dissolve.

You may notice yourself desiring to dance, sing, play, meditate, spend time in nature, and be creative more often.

Surrounding ourselves with beauty and Love will be something we crave more of, so things like smelling floral and citrus essential oils, tasting delicious natural foods in different colors fresh from the Earth, listening to classical music, and swimming or bathing in water often, will open us up to receiving the peace and ease that come with a deep renewal like the one we’re in now, and are about to experience more of.



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The Icing on the Organic Gluten-Free Vegan Cake 😊

The icing on the cake this June is that we will be moving through the celestial alignment known as the solstice.

On June 21st 2019 we will experience the peak healing frequencies of the solstice, followed by a total solar eclipse on July 2nd 2019.

The upcoming solstice will help to enhance our fresh start by opening us up to even greater magic, healing, abundance, expansion, and beauty.

During the solstice doorway (June 19th to 23rd) you may notice yourself receiving higher wisdom, insights, and “downloads.”

These are gifts from the Universe, and it’s often recommended to write them down, and to reflect upon them often, to integrate them into our lives.

These “downloads” have the power to bless all areas of our lives, including business expansion, enhancing our relationships with ourselves and others, and much more.

This solstice is also going to serve as a loving nudge forward, to help us become more organized and motivated when it comes to taking divinely guided action.

The weeks and months following the solstice are not a time to sit and do nothing.

So it’s important that when we feel the inner nudge to act and move on an idea, inspiration, or opportunity, we pay attention, and do so!

June is an amazing month, with opportunities for great expansion to occur within and around us.

What a gift it is to be here at this time, and to share this journey with one another!

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,
Emmanuel Dagher

©2009-2018 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved for emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 05:12
Sábado, 01 / 06 / 19

A FRESH START ~ Energy Forecast, June 2019 ~ Emmanuel Dagher


Energy Forecast, June 2019

Emmanuel Dagher

A FRESH START.June 2019.Energy Forecast*Your Monthly Spiritual Roadmap*
By Emmanuel Dagher.
June 1, 2019
Hi my friend, The month of June is filled with wondrous opportunities that have the potential to completely change the landscape of our lives for the better. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it! Healing the Past The first half of June will offer us the gift of healing our past in ways we may not have been able to experience until now. As part of the human experience, we have been given the opportunity to repeat... more »
publicado por achama às 23:13
Sexta-feira, 01 / 02 / 19

A TIME OF RELIEF. – Energy Forecast, February 2019 ~ Emmanuel Dagher


February 2019 

Energy Forecast

Your Monthly Spiritual Roadmap

By Emmanuel Dagher

January 31, 2019

My friend,
It’s always an honor for me to connect with your beautiful Spirit in this way. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it.
A Great Relief
February will bring with it a great deal of relief for everyone, especially when it comes to our physical and emotional well-being.
It’s becoming more apparent now than ever that what we focus on is being amplified.
This amplification is working in two different ways:
For those who operate from a primal, survival-based awareness, things are becoming much more challenging and intense.
For those who operate from a compassionate, loving, and awakened awareness, opportunities to expand, heal, and evolve in joyful ways are showing up everywhere.
February will offer everyone a time of relief, especially when it comes to any challenges we’re experiencing.
This opening in the energies is designed to help us easily experience what it’s like to operate outside of auto-pilot mode.
It offers us a clear reference point for how it feels to be present and clear enough to recognize the personal patterns, behaviors, routines, and actions we have outgrown, and are ready to let go of.
This energetic opening is also designed to help us learn about which new patterns, behaviors, routines, and actions can help us align with the purest, most abundant, most empowered aspects of ourselves.
If we are able to learn the lessons and integrate into our lives the new blessings this time of relief has to offer, we will find life to be much more enjoyable and fulfilling, and will have a far smoother experience in the coming months and years.
Familiar, Yet New
In February, as we move through a time of relief, many of us will feel like ourselves again.
Feeling like ourselves is a relaxing experience that allows us to feel at home and settled in our body, mind, and energy. It brings us feelings of safety and comfort.
When we operate in auto-pilot mode, this feeling often feels to be missing, because we are not present enough in our beingness to notice it.
February will allow us to feel like ourselves again, in a way that is fresh and new.
In the January Forecast, we touched on the idea that in 2019, many of us will feel as if we’ve awakened from a dream in which we had been hibernating.
This will begin in February, and continue to grow throughout the rest of the year.
Light and Bright
Over the next few weeks, we will find ourselves desiring to laugh, play, and nurture our inner child even more. It will feel natural and easy to express ourselves in this way, even if we haven’t allowed that in the past.
Laughter, fun, and play are a reflection of who we are at our core, before many of us decided to put them aside and let life harden us.
Laughing, having fun, and playing are all keys to becoming enlightened.
Often, enlightenment is thought of as a “quest” or something we have to be serious about. However, it couldn’t be further from this.
Enlightenment is not about spending our whole life sitting on top of a mountain and meditating. Although if that brings us joy and fulfillment, it could very well lead to it.
Enlightenment is about giving ourselves permission to simplify our lives and “to lighten up.”
Can you imagine what life would look like if we made it a top priority to laugh, play, and lighten up every day?
The rational (left-brain) part of the mind would create stories such as, “It’s silly and childish to behave this way!” Yet that is just a coping method the mind uses to fend off change, not a Universal truth.
So, recognizing that that’s just the mind’s way of perpetuating survival-based thinking to carry on the best way it knows how, helps us realize that we don’t have to believe the thoughts the mind is having,
We can choose to laugh and play, and allow ourselves to lighten up instead.
As we move forward, let’s give ourselves permission to laugh, play, and lighten up. This will open us up to new people, places, experiences, blessings, and opportunities that reflect the magic inside of us.
Being Proactive
February is an excellent time for us to be proactive when it comes to creating the highest vision we have for our lives.
Being proactive can show up in different ways for each of us.
Here are just a few examples of how we may be called to take action right now:
Start a project
Invest in something new (a business, our well-being, etc.)
Tie up loose ends from the past (personal, financial, etc.)
Move to a new location
Begin a new job
Change our diet and wellness protocol
Start new relationships or rekindle a current or previous one
Begin a new class or course
Whatever inspirations, ideas, and insights you receive, write them down and reflect on them often. This will help the mind, because it loves organizing things.
Then, when guided by your intuition, allow yourself to be proactive in allowing these inspirations, ideas, and insights to be expanded upon in ways that support expressing your creativity.
With the energetic relief February will bring, we have the opportunity of receiving abundant new blessings that may have felt closed off to us before now.
May the month of February shower all of us with abundant laughter, play, joy, and all of life’s most wonderful blessings!
Until next time,
Miraculously yours,
Emmanuel Dagher

©2009-2018 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved for emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 19:39
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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