A Chama da Ascensão


Domingo, 26 / 04 / 20

What CoVid-19 is Showing you

What CoVid-19 is Showing you


Via Sharon Stewart

Posted April 26, 2020



I am Ashtar Sheran and again, I have a message for those of the Light.
In these trying times of change, there is more afoot than you may realize. You hear of changes being made at the political level, and you see the power shifting away from the Cabal to that of the White Hats. With such a leader as Trump, who steadfastly holds his course despite many threats to his well being and that of his family, yes, he receives them even from the general public. Despite these threats, he stays his course.
We of the Light have sworn to protect his family from harm in return for his work to set your world straight. Many of you know it was end game as the New world order was to implement its final stages in order to enslave you.
You see the power struggle being played out in front of you. Dr Faucci has gone into hiding now that his connection between Covid 19 and Bill Gates has been made public. What prompted his disappearance was the release of the Wikileaks papers which will implicate him to the public and expose his diabolical plot to innoculate all humans with controlling technology. The cabal are well aware that the public sentiment towards them will change, and they fear it.
This is about power for your world, and particularly for North America as the power holders shift from dark to Light. This is being carried out in front of you, the public, in order that your power too may swing and it has. Many more are awakening to the truth and they realize that all was not as it was professed to be.
In other parts of the world, world leaders are subjected to change as well. Kim Jong has been proclaimed to be dead but this is not the truth. In fact he is alive, however that it was indicated in the press that he was dead is a threat to him and you must realize that this is what is going on in your media – threats are being printed in American newspapers, knowing that they will be seen by the ones who the threat is directed towards. And the threateners were indeed the Rockefeller faction of the Illuminati.
Any ally of the white hats is a threat to the illuminati and will be threatened in turn, if not taken out. That is the politics that is going on on your planet and has been for years. It is up to the people to be aware of this.
A few years ago, a missile was launched appearing to be from North Korea, aimed at Hawaii in an attempt to break off friendship between the White Hats and Kim Jong. It was not successful. Now this threat is another attempt at threatening Jong-un off. They don’t want to see Korea re-united as their prototype society would then be released to freedom. In the same way that Germany was re-united in 1990, fascism would take another hit. But it is due to happen.
As for CoVid 19, hardest hit areas are quarantined and measures are sufficient now to isolate them. The spread is minimal at this point. New measures are being sought and spoken of for the first time by the president. Why? To shift the power away from the pharmaceutical industry towards healing modalities that actually work. With the lockdown being so severe, people are now willing to embrace new ideas. They are seeing the old didn’t work and new measures are being embraced as they are being introduced by your leaders.
This will be one win at a time. We would love to see a grand wave of new awareness sweep over your planet but it won’t be like this. It will be one issue with new solutions, over and over until finally the cabal are powerless and the world has turned away from the old regime. This will take time and patience.
Relief funding is being issued to those who are not working and have lost income. This same network will be used in issuing the St Germaine funds when the time is ready. Were so much money to be issued to your people now, they would not understand. So it is being introduced slowly as relief money at a time when they are in need of it. It is about getting your people to accept and embrace the changes.
With more payments comes also the ensuing upset to your society as people no longer need to work. Again, this is a large change and needs to be introduced slowly. There is also the suspicion that the government is attempting to control, and so these funds have to be introduced at a pallatable rate when the timing indicates otherwise. We are attempting to quell any rioting or revolt against measures to liberate your planet.
People on the planet are ready to rebel to the imposed control over their lives, not understanding that working for a living is more controlling of their lives than requiring them to stay home and relax. To change the status quo that has been in place for so long takes small steps, and then observation of the result. Correction may be required. Your people will be asked to tolerate frequent small changes rather than fewer larger changes. We believe this is the way to acclimate them to the new GESARA based system that is coming in.
Again, We Are Here With You, Always.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:09
Domingo, 19 / 04 / 20

New System Will Overtake the Mainstream Media; Will Be Real News.

New System Will Overtake the Mainstream Media;

Will Be Real News.


Via Sharon Stewart

Posted April 18, 2020



I am Ashtar Sheran, Master of this Universe, here to be of service to you.
Yes, you are in times of great change. Until now, the truth of activities that had been undertaken to prepare your world for its new incarnation as Eden, had been kept from your view. Now we require your participation in greater numbers as the changes to be made affect your daily lives.
Those who have been awake and aware for years have been prepared for the news that is literally coming to the surface now, and you in turn are there to help to convince the others who don’t believe this news, that it is in fact true. Everything adds up. It makes sense, it’s logical, it’s reasonable to view the evidence that’s surfaced, even in small amounts, and to create the bigger picture from it.
We have leaked, if you want to call it, this information to the Light forces here on the surface – and by this I mean you – the new communications system that will overtake the main stream media eventually to provide the real news to the rest of the world. We have trained you, we have watched you as you gallantly took on the forces that sought to oppress you, we have watched you increase your numbers as you shared the Truth with the world. You have fought for the Light, for the Truth to be revealed to your planet, seeking out clues and details, speaking with information givers who work on the classified projects that you need to know about. Your group digs to reveal the secrets being kept from you and in so doing, you are changing the fortunes of your planet. By providing this information to others, you allow them as well, to hold that Light of Truth with you.
And now, one by one, the numbers are increasing daily as the light snaps on in the minds of those who begin to question their reality.
You are creating a human web of Truth and Light. This grid is already shining brightly.
Your reality is changing. What you called “normal” before is now a thing of the past. You have to be prepared to embrace change because that’s what your world is currently immersed in.
The comforts you knew of the past will be taken away, released back to you, and then perhaps removed again. Freedom, as you define it, will change. Events will come about, sometimes large, sometimes small events, that will modify your lives and change your realities.
9/11 was the first of these. People began to question the sanity of their lifestyles when, believing what they saw on television, they realized their lives could be snuffed out in a matter of seconds, and that they were sharing their space with others who did not revere life as they did. The actors who portrayed the skyjackers of 9/11 were in fact depictions of your true reality – they portrayed the Illuminati to those upon your planet. Energies were such at that time that allowed for a mass wake up and it indeed did happen. Some of you are here with this movement now.
9/11 tore away the safety blanket that so many people lived under in the western world. Never having lived through an attack on their home turf, many were cast into the truth of your current reality overnight. Of course, this act was perpetrated by your deep state and the goal of it was not to disturb you as much as it was to send a message to the white hats of the day, who lost their lives in their attempt to release you from this oppression. And so we forged on, with new members stepping in where those who had died had left opportunity. We grew in numbers, and so now we have presidential representation, and higher levels of power.
Now it is time for the people to join us, and to step into their power as well, and these coming events will be opportunities for you to rise to the occasion.
Change is not always comfortable. But you must weigh the pain of change versus the pain of having remained as you were. Had change not taken place already you would have been in a compromised state at this time. Humanity on earth has been saved, and you are now working to continue to save yourselves. We ask for your patience. All will come to good for you. We hear your cries. We understand there are shortages of food, and other necessities being experienced. Please help each other out as much as possible. This is temporary. The financial system is due to change over to the QFS before the end of this year.
The lower astral is all but cleared up. DUMBs are proceeding well. We are eliminating the extraterrestrial population in your lower earth quickly now. Indictments are being formulated, and arrests are already underway. Try as they may to hide it, your main stream media is no match for the sleuths your team has proven to be.
We are working with your leaders, your businesses and your financial establishments to bring about GESARA law and humanitarian aid for you all.
We Are Here With You.
Take comfort.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 21:01
Segunda-feira, 30 / 03 / 20


The News Are Elites Propaganda.


Via Sharon Stewart

Posted March 29, 2020



This is Ashtar Sheran with a message for all on planet Earth.
We are deep into this process of liberating your people. The Storm has begun, as you’ve noticed, and military is being engaged in order to help protect you from deep state retaliation. They still have their own allegiants who back them; remember there are military forces who are not human and are completely controlled by the deep state. These forces have no compunction and will harm anyone who enters their path. Although they may appear human, they are anything but that.
I am pointing out to you that this war has now landed upon your soil and in your cities and it could be an ugly war if not dealt with quickly and efficiently by your Alliance forces. Your light militaries are skilled at what they do, but outsmarting a machine with no moral character is something they may not have experience with.
These battles will be staged within your city limits. Being the last strongholds of the elite, your cities will be vulnerable to battles. This is why you’ve been asked to stay home – most do not live within the inner cities because your inner cities are the homes of the rich. The center of your cities have been structured to be safe havens for the elite but they are no more as your tanks approach their homes.
Remember there are underground tunnels that link all these homes together and it is easy for their forces to move under the surface where they won’t be seen by curious eyes. At the moment, they are guarding elite homes in the inner cities. Remember, rumours of elite arrests can be exaggerated.
We are also ferreting out elites from their outposts in New Zealand. They have gone underground as they have bunkers there and there is battle ongoing as well. Most are on the run, attempting to escape capture. We have your world surrounded; there will be no egress available to them.
We appreciate the work of those who spread the messages provided to you by channelers. However we ask that you have consideration and name your sources so that they too, can benefit from the hard work that they do. Those who are high of Light are shadow banned by your social media and although they work tirelessly, never seem to gain the popularity of others who are less targeted. Having the skillset of channeler, with connection to the beings who are sworn enemies of your dark controllers, is a very targeted position for a Lightworker to hold. We guard our channelers carefully so that they are not murdered, harassed or hit with DEWs as has been the case with Sharon. Attempts have been made on her life and she has prevailed to be available to do this work for us.
Now for those who live upon your surface, who are afraid of the virus as this news continues to be put in your view, please turn off your television sets and limit your exposure to the news. Your news is propaganda, which tells you that which the elites want you to believe, not the truth. They are telling you because they want you to believe in it so that it is in fact the reality that will be created. Your news is lies and your media are liars. We are overtaking the media but you have a large system that, unless we block all transmissions through our QFS, is hard to regulate. We are also cognizant of the non-interference clause on our contract with the dark. We of the Light have sworn not to interfere with their surface operations in order to help keep you alive. That was the trade-off we made. That’s why it’s important for all to wake up. Until the elite is locked up and the dark ones are halted in their reign of terror, we of the Light are still limited in what we can do to help you lest retaliation be provoked.
On that note, this current leg of the collective liberation process has been about learning to take responsibility. Your governments bore much of the responsibility for your lives as they were controlling you,. Now as this control is beginning to relinquish, you will gain more of your responsibilities back, and this must be taken in steps. Many were not able to secure food rations and many hoarded too many rations. Collectively you must work out your responsibility to self and to others and you’ll have more opportunities to do so in the coming months. Many still respond with fear, some are more level-headed and some are not aware at all of the crisis that is looming on your planet, but I am warning you now: There will be hard times coming for you as you take your collective responsibility back from the deep state, as you face battles in your inner cities, and as more viruses may be unleashed upon you. Any retribution on the part of the deep state/the dark ones will be directed at you and you need to prepare for this as best you can. We of the Light will always be here to help to the utmost extent that we can.
I have said it before, and will repeat myself here: There is a war on. It was a war on your minds and this is lessening, but there may be retaliation and you need to prepare for this. Listen to anything that is asked of you by government agents and do not fear a governmental take-over. There is no take-over by anyone – this is a process of releasing you to your eventual freedom.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 16:58
Quinta-feira, 05 / 03 / 20

Stop Attacking Others

Stop Attacking Others 

Ashtar Sheran

Via Sharon Stewart

March 4th, 2020 



You can’t have peace with a war raging on in your own mind! – Sharon Stewart
This is Ashtar Sheran with a message for all upon planet Earth.
In order to change your earth into an Eden again, you have to do one thing, and that is to put down your weapons. The greatest weapon you have is your own mind.
Jesus says in the Course in Miracles, that all comes from the energy of your mind. You are the director, you are the actor and you are the sufferer or the winner in all that you produce. What you are producing by angering yourself at the behaviour of others is an internal war within your own mind, however since all are connected, this war is being fought between aspects of the whole mind of humanity on earth – you and another or other parties you attack with your thoughts.
Put down your weapons and create peace upon your earth. Teach yourself not to get angry at others for what they do as everyone is doing their part at any given time of the day or night to rebalance your world into one of the Light again. It seems like cold comfort to say that “everyone is trying their best” when their best never seems to be good enough for you, but they are trying their best. Others are doing their best to anger you, to show you where you require change. Don’t anger yourself at the other victims; love them and keep working to remove the perpetrators in your Now.
You’ve been taught to deal with life incorrectly. The fact is, life is always about love. It’s your misuse of it to hate and to fear that makes your life difficult.
Those who hunt animals are still enjoying primal instinctive pleasures from long ago, when your people did that, and they are not to be hated but an attitude of understanding is to be offered: they are of lower consciousness, responding to instinct and eventually they will stop hunting as they won’t need to anymore.
Understand your world now is comprised of two different types of humans: homo divinicus and homo sapiens and homo sapiens is slated for extinction as your souls evolve.
Understanding, not attacking, is the way to evolve. Others will attack, they will even attack you. They will do things to you that you don’t like. Have as little to do with them as possible, surround yourself with like-minded others and evolve together in love. However, forgive those who do what you call wrong. Nothing is wrong. It is all for the love of Ascension.
Your world is so dark right now and we can only remove as many of the dark ones as you can hold the opposing Light. We are moving you forward, holding off the higher energies that you can’t align with; this is a delicate process and keeping an unbalanced world from destroying itself is our priority now. You require the dark now in order to be able to ascend. With no dark ones, there would be no incentive to ascend in frequency.
Lay down your weapons. Your minds that attack others in futility. Understand that it’s not human to attack another human – it’s more reptilian, and you have been programmed in their ways.
I love you as always,
Ashtar Sheran

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:42
Segunda-feira, 10 / 02 / 20

Donald Trump’s Acquittal.


Donald Trump’s Acquittal. 

Ashtar Sheran,

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted February 9th, 2020 by Staffan.


I am Ashtar and I have a message for those of the Light on Planet Eden.

It was I that joked, Sharon, calling Donald Trump the new “Teflon Don.” He was acquitted on all charges in his attempted impeachment and is free to carry on in his service to the Light.

Like him or not, he is the President of the most crime-infested country, with its otherworldly leaders, who are attempting to bring you all to your knees in servitude to them. He works with a team of on and off-world humans who implement strategies to bring your world to GESARA compliance, the White Hats or the Alliance as they are commonly referred to.

The battle is between the Light and the dark. By siding with your political party, you are empowering the two party system of the dark regime. This battle has been carried on in other parts of this galaxy for many millenia so this is not a localized war and has nothing to do with your politics. Your political systems are simply a vehicle with which to control you and this control is now being arrested.

Your world is undergoing profound changes right now as it turns to finally see the Light that has been obscured from you by the pathological rulers of your planet, for so long. The new Russian government is evidence of this. BREXIT is evidence of this. And Trump’s acquittal is evidence of this. The dark, the Cabal, is losing power over you!

The Light has never left your side, aiding you as you reincarnated time and time again into the depths of depravity, misery and suffering. We heard your cries and we have worked along with you to liberate your planet from the dark menace that is now losing power. The sun is on the horizon and is showing its new self to you, so that you may rejoice in the new times coming to planet Eden.

You are at the beginning. This is only the start. Please be patient. Your planet and your people are releasing the dark energies that they have held and reincarnated into time and time again and this will create some madness and chaos. We see this in the news as people riot for their freedom. We see it in the weather as your captors attempt to destroy you and what’s left of your civility in order to put their evil agenda into high gear.

The Light has won. Know that in your hearts. It is not up to one man to change your world – it is up to you all. That is why you incarnated at this time of great change – to help in Gaia’s ascension. To begin to return your planet to the Eden it once was. Know that it is not just up to the President or your other leaders – it is up to you. Focus on doing your daily work and know that every release of negativity is a contribution to the growing Light on your planet. It is a group effort, not just the task of your White Hats.

We have more in store for your world leaders. Be prepared for many shocks but some welcome changes.

Be at peace.


Ashtar Sheran

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
  • https://sananda.website/ashtar-sheran-via-sharon-stewart-february-8th-2020/
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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 03:53
Domingo, 02 / 02 / 20

The Truth of the Light.



Archangel Michael

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted February 2nd, 2020 by Staffan.

Ashtar Sheran: “It was difficult to ask some to go to be the energy holders on a dying planet, however you volunteered and the universe and all within her thank you.”

I am Archangel Michael, Divine Warrior of the Light, at your service.

Yes, we must keep restating this over and over: you are not doing your work alone. We are always with you, by your side, helping you walk through the lower densities until you rise again to see the Truth of the Light.

We stand by you, we watch over you, we protect you until you can protect yourselves. We are your guardians, your servants and your guides, those forces of the LIght that have come to earth with you to love and protect you as you walk your difficult paths.

I was with Sharon and have been all her life, fending off the dark as it attacked her again and again, while she was aware of who she is and while she wasn’t. I was there, Hieronymous and Jerimul, her principality and her throne, were there for her. Always holding her hand as she walked towards the Light and out of the darkness.

The dark had plans for her, as it does for all of you, to descend her into the depths of its hell and yet she has persevered and has triumphed over the dark in her life. I came to her one night, as she worked through her dark night of the soul, and stood watch over her and kept the demons of Hell away from her, allowing her to transmute her pain. She didn’t know who I was, but I knew who she is, and that is all that’s important to we, the servants of God.

We love you as our own children. We love you for the work that you do and the goodness that you are.

We care for you as we care for ourselves. No harm will come to you. This is not God’s plan – to have you harmed. That is the plan of the dark. Align with the Light and the dark cannot touch you.

Your world is turning now, turning around to face the Light of the sun, not the darkness of your moon. You will rise up and rebalance this planet as it has never known. The heavens will sing songs of glory as we do now at your triumphs.

Do not fear. Fear is the enemy. Find a reason to love all and send a message to them. Love is all there is. There is nothing else.

I remain, Archangel Michael

I love you all. Call on me and my forces when you are in need of us.

Sharon Stewart

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 21:01
Sexta-feira, 24 / 01 / 20

The Rays Are Returning to Earth

Ashtar Sheran

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted January 22, 2020 by Staffan.



I am Ashtar and I wish to speak on a phenomena that has been seen around your planet.
This is in regard to the sighting of coloured skies without any particular reason known to you for these colours being displayed.
Your chemtrailing and weather seeding technology is being used to keep the truth from being revealed to you, and that is that the 7 rays are coming back through your Matrix shielding which is diminishing and allowing the colours of Love to embrace your world again. Your matrix shielding has been powerful enough to block these rays from reaching you, and they now, again are breaking through the artificial barrier put up in order to shield you from our Light.
You will begin to see spots of colours throughout your skies. This indicates the holes in the Matrix barrier that have formed that are now allowing the 7 rays to shine through again. As it once was.
The Lightworkers have been the main bearers of the rays until now. While the barrier was up and impenetrable by the Light, your people have been shrouded in negativity.
At these peak energetic times, you will begin to see your skies changing colour. Welcome these loving energies, and bask in them. They are the energies of love.
I am Ashtar, and I remain at your service.
Sharon: I am still shocked sometimes at the things you guys tell me, Ashtar. I just didn’t think it was this bad.
Ashtar: It was. You were close to death. You all were. Lightworkers were sent to hold the energies which are now breaking through your Matrix shield. It was difficult to ask some to go to be the energy holders on a dying planet, however you volunteered and the universe and all within her thank you.
When you don’t believe it was this bad the reason is that you were taught that what you were experiencing was life on earth, and this is your denial breaking away to make room for the Truth.
Me: Thank you Ashtar.
Ashtar: You’re most welcome.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:30
Quinta-feira, 02 / 01 / 20

2020 New Year’s Message

Ashtar Sheran

Via Sharon Stewart

December 31st, 2019.



Please note: This is part one. There is further clarification of this message on our website: https://sharonandIvo.weebly.com, link below in the details.
I am Ashtar Sheran and I am here to pass a message on to all on Planet Eden.
It is now in your time, the end of the second decade of the new millenium 2000. So many are looking backwards to what was when in fact there is so much to be looked forward to if you would only turn your heads to look at the bright future that lay ahead.
When I say you are looking backwards, you are looking into your pasts to see what the future might hold for you. Release the past. As your collective vibration increases your planet’s collective past and your own individual past is being altered to a higher frequency. It is as if it never existed. Your past will seem surreal to some of you as you embrace your exciting multi-dimensional now. You will seem like a different person, and you are. The chances of you re-creating your past now, with your newly awakened DNA and your higher vibrational frequency, are quite remote.
The future will be grand for you and all who have decided to partake of it. You see our ships moving closer to your planet, embracing your world in our loving vibration more and more, while you see the buck has stopped for those thieves who sought to steal this glorious future from you all. The first indictment to be opened is that of Hillary Clinton, who once was chosen to step up for leadership in your world. That chance was whisked away in the flash of a moment by divine decree and she and her other cohorts will now stand trial for their unspeakable crimes against the people.
The people are rising. They are awakening to realize they are living in a new world. Many lie asleep still but this is of their own choosing. They have taken the slower route and this is their decision. Bless them and love them as they are, for you know that you can.
As for rumors of the end of days, I say to you, this is the beginning of a new time; the only end of days is the end for the old regime, the dark regime that sought to drive your planet into destruction for many many millenia. That is what is coming to an end. Those who see it as the end of times are unaware, they will see it as they see it but there are so many awakened who know better now. You know you will have a wonderful future as the divine beings that Terrans were meant to be – you know the future is one of love and that all fear will be cast off your planet.
Be strong in your knowledge as you undergo your own changes, light beings. Be strong. You know that the death of the old brings forth the birth of the new humanitarian system that your people have longed for for so long. It is decreed by the one himself that you too, will stop suffering and join your brethren out in the galaxy as superb divine beings of love, the holders of the knowledge and the guard of the Light. This was the role Terrans were to play in the galaxy so many millenia ago, that of the Edens, before your planet was overthrown and cast into darkness.
You can see when you look at the description of the end of days, that all of its distinctive traits have been fulfilled upon your planet now. There has been much suffering in this last age of darkness, much deterioration, famine, war, pestilence, disease, apathy and now ridicule of those who are the bringers of this new dawn. Your planet has known fear and this fear is to be no more. Your planet will be restored to the Eden it was in its tender beginning, and those christed ones upon your planet now are the first seeds of Eden’s future.
You are the changers. You are the ones who seek out divine guidance and who will bring the divine to Earth again. You are the ones whose hearts are full of love, for the peoples of the planet, for the world upon which you walk, and for the universe you gaze upon in your night time.
You are the blessed ones who are put upon earth, who have volunteered to endure pain and suffering like no other has experienced, in order to help those there. You are the ones, the highest of the highest of this universe and more, who came to help when Terra was in such a terrible way. You, the guardians of the galaxy, who stepped into roles that no other would enact, will have your day yet. You will see the fruits of your labors, you will bring to fruition your divine projects, you will serve as you have longed to for so long.
The time is here. It is here now. All will be revealed to those who have waited so long; the grand plan will unfold and you will begin to sow the seeds of a new world of love, the Eden you have waited for all your lives.
You are in a period of transition from the dark to the light and there will be battles, bombing, and impeachment attempts….. however remember nobody upseats the creator, nobody. He holds the strings – the timelines you are now in, are held gently in his hands with love and care, never to allow what has transpired on your planet to happen again.
It is not the end of times. It is a new dawn. You have brought it forth, all of you, and for this we celebrate you. You are our team upon the earth, you are part of the divine plan whether you are aware of this or not, and for this we salute you.
We watch you all with care. We are always with you, guiding you, helping you, holding you close while you sleep.
I am Ashtar and I stand upon our promise to you and all those upon your planet – there will be victory of the Light, and love will reign supreme again.

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 07:06
Terça-feira, 17 / 12 / 13


recebida por Ariel DeAngelis  

em 13 de dezembro de 2013 





 A Message from Archangel Michael/Ashtar Sheran13 dez 2013

Amados iluminados  irmãos e irmãs da Terra:

Há uma verdade que vocês sempre souberam;  que não há "EVENTO" maior do que  “o presente” que é este momento AGORA.  O presente” é  que vocês continuamente ignoram em favor daquilo que vocês "percebem" que há de vir. Onde  estão
 "VOCÊS" dentro disso ...?

EU SOU Arcanjo Miguel, encarnado AGORA, como o  Sheran de Ashtar





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Sábado, 14 / 07 / 12

Shenya da Federação Galática

Shenya, 07 Jul 2012


 Shenya da Federação Galática
Através de Orion
Olá Querido , sou Shenya (Xênia) e após uma pausa, voltamos com maiores informações sobre seu mundo e as mudanças em curso neste período.

É com imenso prazer e alegria que informamos que os tempos terminaram. Muito do que dissemos se desenrola agora sob forma oculta e desejamos que se felicitem por isso.

Nos últimos dias muita ansiedade se criou com relação ao chamado Sinal Verde. Este sinal ainda não foi dado, pois ele se refere à liberação completa de todos os nossos planos contra a Cabala escura. De qualquer, forma queremos dizer que mesmo que nossas intervenções...

Tags: orion, shenya

Posted at: 03:35 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us

SaLuSa, 12 JUL 2012


Através de Gabriel
12:07: 2012

SaLuSa – É comum que muitos se interroguem para onde vão e com quem estarão neste tempo final, que antecede a nossa chegada. Dizemos que é comum e pedimos que se mantenham confiantes nos Planos do Criador, que levamos a cabo humildemente e com Amor. Nenhum dos que queiram vir connosco ficará sem receber essa bênção que é o vosso regresso ao lar.
Mesmo perante muitas mensagens nossas que muitas vezes vos deixam ansiosos, sabemos que tudo irá correr bem. Pedimos que confiem e que se entreguem a essa corrente de Luz que está a envolver-vos neste momento tão especial para o vosso...

Tags: gabriel, salusa

Posted at: 02:40 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us

Ashtar Sheran, 08 JUL 2012


Mensagem de Ashtar Sheran
(Astar Cheram)
Através de Orion, 08:07:2012
Que a Paz do Altíssimo se faça presente, queridos irmãos da Terra.

 Sou Ashtar Sheran, comandante das Forças  Intergaláticas da Luz, e presto honra a vós, que sois nossos irmãos.

Queridos amigos, os tempos finais são chegados. Derrubamos a Cabala Escura como era previsto. Afirmo a todos vós que tudo está terminado. Restam apenas as formalidades para que tudo possa ser posto em seus lugares. Vencemos!  Ao Pai rendamos Glória por este momento inigualável na História deste quadrante universal.

Durante éons estivemos ao vosso lado. Nos últimos anos incrementamos a nossa presença e mostramos que estávamos muito próximos. Aos...

Tags: ashtar sheran, astar cheram, orion

Posted at: 02:24 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us

SaLuSa, 13 Jul 2012


 Através de Mike Quinsey


1. Como podeis ver, há demoras, mas muita coisa está a acontecer no vosso mundo. O conhecimento e visão total indicam que o fim dos tempos está a chegar. Os recursos imensos, prontos a ser usados, irão assegurar que ele seja tão bem sucedido como foi planeado, e com os relatos de algumas fontes credíveis, dentro em breve, sereis sabedores que as detenções estão a espalhar-se. Será o primeiro passo notório em para abrir caminho a tudo que tem de acontecer. O ponto principal é que começou e que se irá propagar rapidamente em larga escala. Terá um tal impacto que, de modo algum pode...


Tags: federacao galatica, mike quinsey, salusa, sirio

Posted at: 02:12 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us

Os Arcturianos, 10 JUL2012


 (Duas Mensagens: My-Ya e Suzanne Lie)

Canalizado por My-Ya
Em 12 de julho de 2012

Nós somos os Arcturianos e observamos a aflição que muitos de vocês sentem a nível de dissidência e confusão na comunidade dos Trabalhadores da Luz.
Isto está muito claro para nós no caso das Sementes Estelares que estão impacientemente esperando por eventos tais como divulgação e desativação da chamada "cabala".
Nós vemos as palavras ásperas e os sentimentos negativos expressados em seus blogs e newsletters e devemos chamar sua atenção para o efeito que isto está tendo em toda a missão de...

Tags: a busca, arcturianos, arturianos, my-ya, os arcturianos, suzanne lie

Posted at: 22:51 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us

Arcanjo Miguel, 01-15 JUL 2012


(Seis Mensagens)
Canalizado por Ron Head
Em 12 de julho de 2012

Nosso assunto para hoje é a necessidade de responsabilidade e a disposição para agir.

Estas duas coisas eram muito necessárias antes que qualquer mudança real pudesse acontecer. Estamos felizes por lhes dizer que quando surgiu a necessidade, vocês estavam à altura da tarefa. Aqueles que tinham meios e oportunidade para agir significantemente o fizeram, e então nós pudemos ver que o resultado foi o esperado e necessário.

Agora as coisas estão bem encaminhadas e os começos do final estão à vista.

Apesar de que a informação de sua mídia...

Tags: arcanjo miguel, miguel, ron head

Posted at: 22:36 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us

Os Pleiadianos, 12 JUL 2012


Canalização: Mizrah
Em 12 de julho de 2012

Nós gostaríamos de conversar hoje com vocês sobre algo que vemos ocorrendo com muitos da Comunidade de Trabalhadores da Luz/Sementes Estelares, algo que está distraindo e desviando muitos de seu propósito superior e de sua missão.

Muitos dos sites em sua internet que parecem ter praticamente uma "visão truncada" mantêm o foco naquilo que se tornou conhecido em seu mundo como o elemento "cabala criminosa", nas prisões iminentes de banqueiros, membros da cabala/illuminati, quando ou se estas prisões irão ou não ocorrer, se suas irmãs e irmãos galácticos/estelares vão ou não intervir a favor da humanidade.

Nós vemos muita...

Tags: mensagem dos pleiadianos, mizrah, os pleiadianos

Posted at: 08:20 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us

John Smallman, 01-15 JUL 2012


 (Seis Mensagens)
Mensagem de Saul

Por John Smallman
Em 11 de julho de 2012

Aqui nos reinos espirituais - seu verdadeiro lar - com a divina orientação e incentivo do Criador, nós estamos intensificando e fortalecendo a assistência que lhes oferecemos em todos os momentos, porque o momento de seu despertar está muito próximo e vocês necessitam de nossa ajuda. E essa ajuda está disponível em grande abundância - peçam e a receberão.

Todos são Um, e isto significa que essa ajuda abundante sempre está livremente disponível para todos que a procuram; pois todos estão permanentemente conectados, mas o...

Tags: jesus, john smallman, saul

Posted at: 08:12 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us

Arcanjo Gabriel, 01-15 JUL 2012


 (Nove Mensagens)



Canalizadas por Shelley Young


DE 12 DE JULHO DE 2012 

Apenas ser você, autenticamente você, é um dos meios mais poderosos de apoiar a si e ao planeta. 

Nós entendemos que apenas ser não lhes parece muito, mas normalmente as coisas mais simples têm o maior poder e esta é a verdade nesta circunstância.

Não tornem as coisas mais complicadas do que elas precisam ser.

Abracem sua clareza energética, emanem sua luz mais brilhante e seu estado de ser, e saibam que isto não é somente mais do que suficiente: é estar em sua forma mais pura de serviço.



Tags: arcanjo gabriel, shelley young

Posted at: 08:08 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us

Saida Khatoon, 01-15 JUL 2012


(Quatro Mensagens)
Mensagem da Mestra Ascendida Saida Khatoon 
Canalizada por Shazi
Em 10 de julho de 2012

Olá, Filho,
A Energia das Crianças.

Conforme nós vamos ficando mais velhos, aumentam os desafios vindos da família, do trabalho e dos amigos. Parece existir uma esteira transportadora de experiências desafiando cada passo com as decisões que tomamos. Porém, essas ideias são o meio de avaliarmos nossa vida, enquanto o outro meio é permanecermos positivos e aceitarmos os pequenos obstáculos da vida.

Dependendo das circunstâncias, nossas mentes ficam sobrecarregadas agitando os pensamentos preocupantes, o que muitas vezes aumenta nossa ansiedade. Até o nosso olhar muda e...

Tags: saida khatoon, shazi

Posted at: 06:58 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us

SaLuSa, 11 Jul 2012


 Através de Mike Quinsey
1. Não há melhor tempo que o presente para rever as vossas relações com os amigos e a família. Frequentemente, ao reencarnarem, sois colocados junto de almas que conhecestes em vidas anteriores, provavelmente por haver problemas a resolver entre vós, precisando de os enfrentar novamente. Havendo um forte bloqueio entre vós, ele é transportado através de cada vida até ser resolvido. Quando sois de novo colocados juntos numa família, não sabeis porquê, mas pode haver antagonismo entre uns e outros. Porque se espera dos membros de uma família que procurem entender-se, seria de esperar que as diferenças fossem ultrapassadas mais facilmente. Contudo, nem sempre...

Tags: federacao galatica, mike quinsey, salusa, sirio

Posted at: 02:07 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us

Kuverner, 06 JUL 2012


 Mensagem de Kuverner
Através de Gabriel

Há uma grande possibilidade de entrarmos  em contacto nos dias que estão a chegar. Esperamos que compreendam a situação, pois alguns dos nossos membros estão em corpos físicos a auxiliar o exército da Luz, que está encarregado de deter a cabala.

A nossa ausência momentânea deve-se ao facto de estarmos a segui-los de perto, sendo a maneira de lhes dar cobertura.

 Pressentimos que isso será o estopim (a causa imediata) para eles tentarem jogar a sua última cartada, quando pretendiam e, na verdade, ainda pretendem, envenenar a Humanidade através da vossa água potável. Avisamo-los que tal não seria permitido e que se...

Tags: gabriel, kuverner

Posted at: 22:51 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us

Sheldan Nidle, 10 Jul 2012


Dratzo! Viemos com muito a dizer!

Atualmente, nossos associados estão se preparando para os eventos que temos estado a descrever para você. A cabala escura está se debatendo com algumas acusações graves que estão atingindo os principais meios de comunicação em vários países europeus. Estas estórias de irregularidades incluem a fraude diária envolvida na definição das taxas de juros para a maioria de seu mundo. E ainda essas revelações são apenas o começo do que vem a seguir. Seu mundo está envolvido em uma maré de dívida sempre crescente, que é o resultado dessas atividades de auto-serviço, e é por essa e muitas outras razões que as trevas chegaram ao...


Tags: federacao galactica, federacao galatica, herarquia espiritual, sheldan nidle

Posted at: 19:23 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us

Sananda, 09 JUL 2012


Como canalizado através de Fran Zepeda
Em 09 de julho de 2012

Amados, hoje me apresento a vocês para falar sobre Confiança. 

Há muita conversa nestes dias sobre este conceito e questão. Muitos se perguntam em que e no que eles podem confiar e muitos estão ficando desiludidos com as questões de Confiança.

Não desanimem, pois é experimentando isto que vocês estão chegando a um maior entendimento do que é realmente verdade. Entretanto, o assunto de Confiança sempre foi um assunto de emoção e senso de estabilidade e pode, normalmente, abalar profundamente as pessoas quando descobrem que sentem uma falta de confiança ou deslealdade.

Queridos, eu...

Tags: fran zepeda, sananda

Posted at: 10:38 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us

SaLuSa, 09 Jul 2012


 Através de Mike Quinsey


1. Seja o que for que vejam ou ouçam a ocorrer no exterior, saibam que está a acontecer muito mais do que aquilo que sois sabedores. Estamos constantemente a ajudar os nossos aliados a alcançar os seus objectivos, e até que a ocasião se torne urgente, evitamos intervir directamente. Claro que estaremos a observar, a fim de assegurar que os nossos aliados estejam em segurança, porque embora saibamos que os que pertencem às trevas estão cientes que o seu tempo findou, eles continuam a representar uma ameaça. Sejam quais forem as demoras que tenham existido, tende a certeza que não faremos mudanças dos nossos planos,...


Tags: federacao galactica, federacao galatica, mike quinsey, salusa, sirio

Posted at: 19:16 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us

Os Arcturianos, 08 JUL 2012


Mensagem dos Arcturianos

Por Suzanne Lie PhD
Em 08 de julho de 2012

Saudações, Queridos em Ascensão.

Nós, os Arcturianos, estamos aqui para assisti-los durante sua ascensão.
Ao olharmos em sua aura, nós vemos que seu ego está diminuindo mais a cada dia.
Enquanto que o ego já foi um componente dominante de sua capacidade de sobreviver no corpo físico, agora ele está se tornando um modo de operar numa realidade que está chegando à conclusão.

Sintam como seu ego, que já foi dominante, com suas muitas feridas e dispositivos de proteção, está se tornando um "modo obsoleto de lidar com a vida diária"...

Tags: nova terra, os arcturianos, suzanne lie

Posted at: 19:06 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us

SaLuSa, 06 JUN 2012


Através de Mike Quinsey


1. Não deixem enfraquecer a vossa vigilância depois de tanto tempo a elevar-vos para a Luz. Actualmente, há muita desinformação a ser propagada, mas nem sempre de modo deliberado e por vezes até por pessoas bem intencionadas, que simplesmente estão mal informadas. Também as crenças fortes são difíceis de mudar, quando frequentemente são implantadas no vosso espírito em tenra idade. Os que procuraram induzir-vos em erro demonstraram ser espertos, chegando mesmo a alterar a vossa História, a fim de vos persuadir que os seus ensinamentos eram correctos. Teremos uma tarefa importante para rectificar muito do que vos foi inculcado como sendo factos, quando eram apenas...


Tags: federacao galactica, federacao galatica, mike quinsey, salusa, sirio

Posted at: 20:19 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us




Mensagem transmitida por UTE
Em 08 de julho de 2012

A Mãe Divina:

EU SOU sua Mãe, sua Deusa Mãe Divina, o Tudo-Que-É, EU SOU tudo e Mais.

Meus filhos, como EU SOU sua Mãe, vocês entendem que toda sua existência depende de Mim, porque EU SOU o Um, a Substância de que vocês são criados.

Portanto, EU SOU seu corpo e todos os seus processos físicos; EU SOU seus pensamentos e suas emoções; EU SOU sua inteligência e EU SOU seu sono e esquecimento, e EU SOU seu despertar.

EU SOU Amor, e EU SOU Consciência baseada no cérebro e além do cérebro, EU...

Tags: a deus fala, ute, ute posegga-rudel

Posted at: 20:06 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us





Por Grão 3

Até bem pouco tempo atrás, nós desenvolvíamos nosso trabalho com muito respeito.

Assim era possível aproveitar o que de melhor havia para prover aqueles que necessitavam de uma orientação espiritual.

Não nos intitulávamos como Mensageiros de Deus, éramos apenas médiuns e repassávamos mensagens que recebíamos nunca diretamente de nosso Pai Supremo, mas de Espíritos Evoluídos que transmitiam mensagens de Amor, Paz e Harmonia, que nos ensinavam a escolher o melhor caminho e a como proceder para sobrevivermos com dignidade e cumprirmos as nossas obrigações; pois é ao cumprir nossas obrigações que teremos crédito para exigir nossos direitos.

A nossa assistência era...

Tags: ben kalil, grao 3, grao 3 abre o verbo, opiniao

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Adrial e Bren-Ton, 06 JUN 2012


Mensagem de Adrial e Bren-Ton
Através de Mark Kimmel
Em 06 de julho de 2012

Saudações: Eu sou Adrial, Celestial deste universo e eu sou Bren-Ton de Andrômeda.

É um grande prazer estarmos nos comunicando com vocês hoje.

Por vários anos agora nós temos lhes dito que a hora da escolha chegaria.

Agora é essa hora.

Nós temos lhes dito que a Terra estaria se transformando para uma densidade mais leve.

Nós temos lhes dito que todos que permaneceriam com a Terra precisariam elevar suas vibrações para combinar com a vibração dela.

Neste momento há três escolhas na sua frente.

Primeira: vocês podem elevar...

Tags: adrial, adrial e bren-ton, bren-ton, mark kimmel

Posted at: 14:11 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | | del.icio.us


publicado por achama às 09:59
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

mais sobre mim

Agosto 2020


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