A Chama da Ascensão


Segunda-feira, 18 / 11 / 19

We see more of you choosing the light, choosing love, choosing peace.


Flower Fairies and Alisheryia.

Through Galaxygirl,

November 13th, 2019

Posted November 17th, 2019


Greetings, family and friends of the light. This is Ashtar on board the New Jerusalem. 
We are patrolling your skies with love, with tender care, asserting our presence with love and the power of it. For we are here on divine mission, as are you. We are here to ground and guard the light, as are you, light bearers of the way. And so we offer you encouragement this day. Numerous earthquakes have been witnessed and experienced upon Gaia in this time, for her actions are an outward expression of the inner quaking of humanity’s rise and fall of the dimensions. Gratefully we can say that now you are rising, which we see, moment by moment. We see more of you choosing the light, choosing love, choosing peace. For you are here to ground the peace, the light, the love of the Mother and Father of All Things. Be comforted.
I am Ashtar speaking from the deck of the New Jerusalem. 
Many of you have children and family members on this ship. You are indeed our family from the stars and we are here to gather you home. But there is much work to be done in this most intimate of nows, when the world, the pressures seem to be squeezing you tight from all sides. You feel as if you are in a pressure cooker but truly you are being birthed into the new. For the old ways must be squeezed away, removed, left behind, as a snake sheds its skin, as a grasshopper molts out of its old shell to expand into the new. You are molting into the new, my friends. You are gloriously beautiful once again. Although we have always seen you as beautiful, for many of you who remember more intimately your galactic body, you have missed it, and this we see and respect. You will be able to have control over your aging process with ease and grace. With great beauty and power you will be able to lovingly direct and command your cells to do your bidding. This is why your thoughts, your habits are so very important, as is the fuel that you put inside your precious bodies. May we suggest you open yourselves up to yet more light. Create your own special meditations and ask us to join in with you. Joint other meditations around the globe and become one of solidarity of purpose. We stand united. We see you, we love you. 
I am Ashtar of the New Jerusalem. Over and out.
Hello friends! 
I am your Yeshi, here with Ashtar standing at the bridge. 
What a stunning view. Gaia is gleaming.  Yes, we are joking and laughing, for there is much joy here in the ships and soon there will be more reasons to be joyful on the ground as more of the unveiling occurs. But remember friends that joy is a choice. It is a constant state of wonderment, of being, of feeling intimately loved and cared for in all situations by your heavenly Mother and Father. That is why we can say we are one. For we are all lovingly made, crafted, formed and adored by the same Source of all things. You are heaven’s treasure, embodied. Just as my life was lived as a gift to the others so too is your body, your energy, your life a gift to the ascension process to benefit the others.
I am your Yeshua. Just as in the days of my time Jerusalem remains troubled. Let us send it light. Let us send the 33rd parallel tremendous light and love and heal Gaia once and for all. For the light within beckons to expand, and Gaia’s light is expanding. Humanity must catch up and is catching up. You will see many troubled souls during your days who will be soothed by your light. Your presence is a balm to this world and such a joy to behold. I am your Yeshua. Be at peace, brothers and sisters. Be one in me and in each other. Ground the light, weave the codes, dance the dance. Become the  awakened Christ. 
I am your Yeshua. Peace.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:54
Domingo, 23 / 06 / 19





Ashtar Command

Channeled through Gabriel RL.

Published on June 21, 2019.

Translated from Portuguese. 

In the last three days, there has been a lot of movement in space around the Earth and throughout the Solar System, when non-Confederate forces have been trying to "threaten" in some way, "throwing themselves/kamicazes" against the more physical ships of the Federation and cause disharmony. Useless, Ashtar Command Forces, Central Race, and one of the latest Light Armies that came to the Solar System, called "The Spherical Guardians." (I am channeling on them, they have been gradually giving me information, as soon as I finish it, I will publish) are controlling and harmonizing the whole situation.

This movement began when a large Draco Mother Ship started approaching the first magnetic protection barrier near the Kuiper Belt and was trying to enter the Solar System and was prevented by the Ashtar Command and the magnetic belt. This non-confederated Draconian ship attempted to enter after a desperate call from Earth of those who served them, as well as from the Draconians who are within the protective barriers. Non-confederate Draconians, as well as Reptilians and other non-confederate races that are "trapped" within the magnetic barrier raised by the High Commands are trying to escape somehow, trying to cause some confusion.

For now, nobody leaves the Solar System. It is a protection barrier of the High Commands until all non-confederates are brought to Council. This barrier is divided into three layers: The First, it can be said that is beyond the Kuiper Belt, involving all of it and has a certain thickness. The Second involves more the Solar System, in a thicker layer from Jupiter, (that already involves Jupiter). And the Third and strongest and thickest surrounds the Earth, the Moon and the Sun completely. The drawing below can exemplify better:

All this agitation has been causing movements within the Solar System and great energetic agitation, because the Confederates on Earth, you who are reading this note,are being called by the High Commands to take your vibrations to the heights and, at the same time, incorporating more of your galactic personalities into the surface. Part of this aggressive non-Confederate movement is due to the fact that many on Earth are beginning to realize, directly or indirectly receiving information of who they are on agalactic level, and by receiving this information they are anchoring a lot of Light and causing disruptions in the Matrix. When an incarnate confederate does not know who he is, where he came from or where he is going, but suddenly starts being istructed by intuition, dream, meditation, or receiving information from another already conscious confederate, this causes very powerful Light discharges into the Matrix, causing severe disruptions and it has been leaving the negative forces desperate, because the Matrix is being rapidly broken and the non-confederated are running out of energy sources.

In short, incorporating your galactic identity into physicality is a major problem for negative forces and they have been sending signals beyond the first barrier, trying to get help somehow. Although these signals are not being directly interrupted by the High Commands, since everything has a motive, it is useless to try and to believe that the help will arrive and to overcome the barriers. This will not happen. Negative forces within these barriers need to make do with themselves. No external reinforcements will come to rescue them or support them in any way. Thus, the Ashtar Command Forces is also sending Confederate Draconian and Reptilian Fleets, who operate within the Command, to try to "negotiate" with the non-confederated. Although they belong directly to the same race, the Dracos and Reptilians have not been receiving with open arms their brothers of the same race. Anyway, everything is under control.

Meanwhile, as long as the galactic identities are being recognized and reverberated on the surface, ensuring that the High Commands continue to harmonize in space, until the Central Flash Special Moment. While all this movement occurs, many may have dreams in space and flashes even during the day of what is happening up there. With all due respect for the negative forces, nothing will stop the awakening of Earth's humanity to its origins and potentials.

For now, that's what Ashtar Command asks me to communicate.

For the Truth, nothing but the Truth,

In Love and Blessings,

Neva / 
Gabriel RL

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 05:33
Domingo, 06 / 01 / 19

A Call To Action! ~ The Ashtar Command and Jupiter Command, Ria Gilliani.

A Call To Action!

The Ashtar Command and Jupiter Command

Via Ria Gilliani.

January 4th, 2019. 



A Call To Action !! 
Return To Light Mass Meditation 
21st January Lunar Eclipse & 5D Portals Are Open & And the 7 Incarnations of planet Earth . 
By The Ashtar Command & Jupiter Command &  Pleiadian Delta Forces Of Light.  
( Ney ‘ Am ‘Aaa ) – It is Light Language  Meaning…..   
Blessings Greetings.
Beloved Avatars of Earth , you our beloved Light workers,  Wish tell you that The 5th dimensional portals are open , Yes beloveds you can now simply shift your consciousness from
4th to 5th – and step over the rainbow bridge into  higher consciousness,  The gateway portals have been open now – And many of our beloveds star seeds light warriors have now shifted in higher levels of consciousness , You have shifted your reality into higher realms of your planets 5th incarnation.
What do you mean by this ;
We here ‘ many light workers saying ??
Why am I still here living with humans who are 3/4th Dimensional….
Let us explain beloveds :
You dear ones who have shifted , still move your conscious awareness between the realms as you coexist at the same time
As There are levels of dimensional awareness or planes of existence of Consciousness …,
For Example
Each planet has seven incarnations , that means each physical planet has 6 other body’s or incarnations that are more & more suttle , they’re called globes, and these 7 Globes are referred to as a chain –
Humanity’s consciousness or dimensional awareness ‘ operates within the 7 Earth planes of existence forming a chain
The current globe that a Planetary civilisation is inhabiting would be called (round or globe or realm ) –
So Earth or Gaia its self is in its fourth incarnation …..
the Ending Of The Kali Yuga or globe or Realm ‘ moving  shifting & preparing to move into the 5th Golden Age …. world ‘globe ‘realm or Dimensions …. all are  levels of consciousness ,
Remember The chain of
7  incarnations  of
7 planetary incarnations.
So for example :
This is what we call Planetary Ascension & Individual Ascension!!!
So the ‘  5th 6th 7th Incarnations of a planetary body are more high ‘ are more  spiritual ….. at the 7th realm , you are one complete with the consciousness creator.
So beloveds, the portals are open for you awakened ones to step over the threshold into the higher incarnation of this planet.
However’ Tho ,  many of your Earth brothers and sisters are still in the matrix programming of the 3rd/4th dimensional realm or should we say ‘ The third fourth incarnation of Gaia’s chain …. there are many Beings on your planet that still operate from their 3 Lower Chakras And have not fully opened their high hearts to this Consciousness shift.
This lower consciousness in these individuals will fully change for them at the Time of The Grand Event !!! Or The Great breath of Brahma …,
Remember beloveds This Final Wave or push of Photonic love light ‘ is Coming-
However We do not give times  & Dates when the creator will fully manifest this – as we live in the ever eternal Now ….
So there is still ‘ a need for you warriors of light ‘ for you star seeds who are now awake for your consciousness and light body’s that have shifted to the fifth dimension or 5th incarnation of this planet,  – May we say here  :
( Still with your human feet standing on your planetary soil).
You beloveds still need to anchor in more light for your Brothers and sisters who are just needing that programming and Vale to be lifted.
As you our beloveds are High frequency conduits – you act as an antenna ‘ Receiving transmissions of energy & light Codes – That travel through your Auric Fields and absorb down through your chakras and out into your being , As The energy of the universe exists in a wave form or a particle form.
Making …. energy a component that perm’ me ‘ ates  all of reality.
energy may be infinitesimally small at any particular location, Energy ‘ nevertheless exists everywhere ….
And you beloveds are made up of light particle energy that has localized itself into a given form at any given point.
So your body beloveds is that localised energy that transmutes
light emissions emanating from your DNA, that is the core reactor from which you are broadcasting your  personal energy signature out to the planets realms  …
So dear hearts ‘ you have within you a mighty power, anxious and willing to serve you, a power capable of giving all that you earnestly desire & manifest ,”
So think now , about the power of Mass Meditation- Think ….. If you are all transmitting your localised energy from the universe into your beings and out to humanity at the same time ‘ And on the same intent….. Think then about how powerful you creators you conduters are …. if you are all manifesting at the same ‘ the same desires the same intent ‘ Thus Creating a chain-reaction shift  …..
That is why beloveds – There is still a need for
( A call to action)
We wish for you beloveds to meditate on the astronomical alignment and Luna alignment that will be manifesting on what you call – 21st January 2019 Luna eclipse….  at 00°51 Leo  .
The Moon will be a super moon
A blue Moon …. The moon will be square with Uranus , As Uranus is the major influence which makes this a challenging lunar eclipse.
As this is a astrological time Multiple planets in this chart come into opposition ….
into full alignment with each other …. making numerous powerful conjunctions with the Galactic Center, Pleiades and Sirius Star  …. Systems
Thus … creating a powerful configuration of Photonic energy that then creates a point of maximum tension which is released into a big cosmic breakthrough.
The Grand MotherFather God Force …. Cosmic Central Sun will send a huge pulse of Light throughout the whole Creation Aligning with all the great central suns in the multi-verse.
Shifting the remaining programming .
So imagine the power of human consciousness off you beloved Ones – With your Human 5th dimensional feet that are anchored into this planet if you all were meditating to this alignment at this precise equinox……
So beloveds
We wish to “Now “ –
Take you all through a meditation where you can use this visualisation intent and technique on this special day the 21st of January lunar Eclipse – And in your Daily meditations daily meditations
To Create a portal in which you can unify your consciousness to increase the existing energy field around your planet … grounding light into Gaia’s new 5th incarnational core .
We wish to take you through this meditation where you can use your antennas to anchoring light you to close your human eyes and open your 3rd eye and breath … breath… in the breath of the creator into your being …. relax your shoulders … open your high heart…. and …. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to bring the Light to the surface of the planet.
Now Visualize a pillar of brilliant white / Blue Photonic Light emanating from the Universal Cosmic Central Sun That is the MotherFather God Core , see this light then being distributed to All Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe.
Then visualize this light entering through the Your Galactic Central Sun, then going through A powerful Stargate ‘ The Alcyone Pleiadian stargate, then moving through .. Another’  powerful Stargate ‘ The Sirius stargate, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light We your Galactic Family inside your  Solar System Now –
Then visualise this light entering into all our fleet ships where we will contribute to this light on our fleet ships and our motherships …
Then anchor the light through your (SoulStar Chakra )
Located six inches above the Crown chakra, The Soul Star Chakra is the “stellar pathway.” And  “Seat of the Soul,” it is your 9th Chakra – ….. So see this Phonic light entering through the 9th Chakra  down into your body through all your Chakras into the core of the planet Gaias heart and soul
And then project this light out into humanity to all life on Earth.
Now see beloveds !!!
The manifestation that you beloveds have created … can manifest heaven on Earth and the compression breakthrough you as co-creators have created
and be the change …..
now as We deliver this light Encoded Channelled message to you , There are many Delta Operations still taking place on and ‘ around your planet , The Messages have been broadcasted by many of our Earth ambassadors …..
As there are many devisions within our Command And Sister Federation fleets That have Many operations taking place, To usher in the New Energy’s , and As you say in your human tongue we are conducting many  operations of light for the final push to your collective .
So beloveds Be the change , You have free will beloveds , So go within into your hearts and feel this inner knowing and if you feel compelled to take action ….. then anchor in the light with the meditation given by our Channel on the 21st January Lunar Eclipse, that many of you wonderful ground Crew Warriors are transmuting on a daily basis ,
We of the Ashtar Command & Jupiter Command with All our Air Born Divisions & Forces Of Light Take our leave with love and blessings, We love you with all our hearts,
We are with you always ❤️
Channelled Message By

Ria Aurora Athena Ash

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


~ Ria Gilliani.


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 19:18
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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