A Chama da Ascensão


Sexta-feira, 24 / 04 / 20

Witnessing Our Progress: Self-Reflection Tools.

Witnessing Our Progress:

Self-Reflection Tools.

Sandra Walter.

April 24th, 2020.


Content is light-encoded to assist your journey

Blessings Beloveds,
The very different quality of light since last week is aimed at shifting consciousness and dimensional awareness; amplifying zero point dynamics. It assists the photonic higher positive order: Divine Love, Divine Light, Divine Will.

This means all of our thoughts, emotions and actions are amplified - across the board, positive or negative. The new light bolsters the sorting out of realities; amplifying the Source request for a brand new harmonic to be the norm. It shakes apart (literally a quantum vibration) anything which does not harmonize with the new light level, hence the dismantling of realities currently in progress.
Yes, it’s quite the show. It is also a powerful opportunity to review responsible creation: who is comprehending and resonating with the new light, and who is getting torn apart. Responsible Creation is key to accessing Golden Race DNA codes. More on that soon.
Embodiment of higher DNA codes, and these new frequencies of the Higher realms of Self, dissolves the illusion of lower self. We lose the old identity as the Christed/Crystalline/Unified Self steps forth. Not in an instant (that would destroy the body.) Slow enough to observe it falling away, slow enough to recalibrate the ego, slow enough to experience Ascension as a collective, slow enough to witness every moment of Divine transformation.
Witnessing our Progress in the Shift
With many weeks of global stay-at-home life experience behind us, and a few more ahead, it is a good moment to inventory our personal journeys. Grab your journal, be wildly honest with yourself, and keep your answers private. As predicted, hindsight is 20/20 in this year of 2020, and a tremendous gift during this phase of global change. There is much sleight-of-hand in the end game. Best to self-evaluate your narrative, intentions and reactions as it intensifies.
Light-grounding the experience through journaling assists the collective journey. Let us take inventory of our response to the situation so far, so we may consciously make the highest choices moving forward. No blame, shame or judgment or what you did/are doing with this challenging phase.
Be direct, truthful and enjoy this exercise. Make it physical (write the answers down, or speak them out loud) to light-ground into these realms. Here we glow:
What has been my response to lockdown and social distancing? How do I feel about my response?
What fears, anxieties or challenges arose? How did I/am I dealing with them?
What emotional, mental, physical and spiritual tools are helping me through this?
What personal narratives are challenged, believed/amplified or broken apart? Are they my own, or collective narratives from outside sources? How do I feel about them?
We are in a magnetic shift that is changing the polarity of our fields, DNA and duality itself. Am I engaging with choosing sides, or allowing the collective good vs bad narratives to penetrate my personal creations, relationships or service to Ascension?
How has the collective distancing/slow down influenced my activities?
Am I changing, creating, or looping with anxiety, fear, or repetitive behavior in order to feel safe? Any unhealthy or uncomplimentary behavior that needs to shift?
How often do I pause to feel what I need, and how my emotions, mind and body are handling this?
What actions do I take to feel better, grounded or expand into Higher awareness?
What has been my response to others’ reaction to this situation?
What have I created during this passage that I like? Don’t like?
Have I cleared or reorganized my space to support a clearer new self/new expression?
Any reevaluation of priorities? Lessons? Revelations? Any previously processed fears re-presenting?
What is spirit showing me about myself and my Ascension path in this passage?
How may I assist the collective as we move forward into the unknown? New skills to learn? Do I want to help?
As I feel the truth of my heart - not the mind - do I feel forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude for what is unfolding?
How much of the collective fear and programming is affecting my heart, thoughts, spirit, actions, words or creations? What am I doing to neutralize it, or stay balanced?
What fears, doubts or anxieties have presented? Are they mine or the collective narrative?
Any delaying, procrastinating or waiting games presenting (when this happens, then I can move forward, etc.)? Any desire for things to be as they were? Disappointment if they go back?
How often do I expand into the higher light perspective, New Earth Now mode, and experience the higher parallel reality which is amplifying?
In what areas do I need more support, skills or tools to deal with this predicted phase of the unknown?
Embodier Specific Questions:
How do I feel about witnessing this deep transformation of Self while the lower reality dismantles in such a vivid way? Anything feel out of balance, or polarized?
What revelations are presenting which surprise me, what beliefs are dropping away?
How am I dealing with the simultaneous awareness of my multidimensional self becoming my primary reality?
What tools am I using for emotional, mental, spiritual and physical balance?
What do I need that only I can provide for myself during this phase?
What have I learned so far in 2020, and what would I love to experience with the upcoming collective Embodiment activations?
These energies paired with the collective dissolving of regular schedule can make us feel spacey or ungrounded. Recalibrate the compass if needed throughout the day. Use an Intention alarm (4 times a day) to check in and reset. Pause and tap into how you feel, what you need to raise your vibration, shift a mood, make a higher choice, feel good, move the body, create peace or support the awakening.
Another Strong Stargate Adjustment
April 23 - 29 is yet another amplification of the higher harmonics. Distorted lower timelines are dropping, akashic distortions continue to clear.
Those of you hearing the much higher frequencies or embodying them may feel like a Divine HUman tuning fork (because we are). Gaia is consistently present in our fields, revealing the higher realms and the Divine state of consciousness needed to experience the higher realms. Many of these frequencies are coming from her, as we reconnect the organic stargate system.
Crystals and water are broadcasting these frequencies at the moment, right in our bodies and DNA. Much is happening in our bodies with the amplification. this is a radically different reality-shattering quality of light. Deep rest may be required. Many of you are working upstairs in the higher realms which can bring on the tired-and-wired sensations. You feel the simultaneous activity of the multidimensional Self when awake, however deep lengthy sleep is widespread at the moment.
Surrender in nature as often as possible to the amplification of Zero Point awareness. How easy it is to achieve this pure state right now! Allow the moments of this pure Source stillness to lengthen and expand. Gaia is utilizing us as pure conduits to reveal her new realms this year. I have spent many hours blending with her, the kingdoms and elementals, merging with the New Gaia consciousness. Open-eyed meditation is a wonderful way to integrate these consistent downloads and DNA upleveling. Gaze at nature, still the mind and BE. Natural bodies of water also help; use them if you have access.
For those who can get out, share your experience telepathically with those who are stuck inside. I have shared more nature photos and videos on social media during this passage, light-encoded for quantum distribution, for those who cannot get outside.
We have four years of weekly practice in seeing, feeling and connecting energetically through our heart-based SUNday unity meditations. Unified meditations on peace have many positive multidimensional effects; practice manifests spiritual strength. This distancing is amplifying our higher consciousness and wireless abilities. Share your peaceful and expansive experiences with the Ascending HUman heart grid, for any willing heart who needs it. Freedom codes are collective as well as individual, as is our unified DNA and Ascension.
Kindwhile, we are on track for the May Solar activity and some very strong June Embodiment activations. All is well.
SUNday Unity Meditations
Participate and share our global SUNday Unity Meditations at 5:11AM, 8:11AM and 11:11AM Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -7). Offline, wherever you are. Details, guided meditation downloads and time converters at http:/www.sandrawalter.com/unity
On a personal note

I AM in Sedona and have been blessed with a lovely space for the rest of the year. Of course everything can change in a blink, however I AM excited to have a home base during this transformational phase. New creations are aligning, and I AM enjoying some much-needed restorative rest.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site:

Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 16:53
Domingo, 22 / 03 / 20

SUNday Global Meditations: New Light Now.

SUNday Global Meditations:

New Light Now.

Sandra Walter.

March 22, 2020.
Blessings Beloveds 
Perhaps you have felt the new light infusions since Equinox. Seven new massive Diamond octahedrons were installed over major node points, including Mount Shasta, to support the transformative energies now permeating the Crystalline grids and New Stargates.
The larger unfoldment is stepping up; we have some beautiful support for Embodiers flowing in this Now moment. Stay focused on the higher unveiling, and fine-tune your practices if you have been distracted by the external diversions.
We focus on the revelation of New Earth realms and Ascension happening in this moment. Living, breathing, creating from the Unified Heart.
Starseeds, Lightworker, Embodiers; remember your Divine Service. Light up your home, communities, and Beloved Gaia in this Divinely Transformational moment. We override and overwrite all distortions by collective agreement and the ACTION of Meditating as One.
Join us on SUNday in Unified and Responsible Co-Creation of highest timelines, outcomes and peace.⁠
This phase is a clear example of why we connect each week, without wires or web links, for the last four years. It trained us how to feel the unified heart grid, to feel the New Earth vibration permeating the lower realms, to practice our telepathic and heart-based unity in this Now.
To those who have consistently held this space for the last four years, We thank you for consistently showing up as your Higher Self. We have one of the longest-running weekly global meditations.
As the global collective calls for more prayer, more meditations, and more healing, we hold this space with integrity, purity, patience and the higher perspective.
SUNday Global Unity Meditation synchronized infusions of Pure Light and Peace:⁠
5:11AM PDT/6:11AM MDT/7:11AM CDT/8:11AM EDT⁠
8:11AM PDT/9:11AM MDT/10:11 CDT/11:11AM EDT⁠
11:11AM PDT/12:11PM MDT/1:11PM CDT/2:11PM EDT⁠
PDT = Pacific Daylight Time = UTC -7⁠
Where: Get offline, in nature when possible. Invite everyone to participate.
How: Center yourself, breathe and set your intention to connect with all Unity Meditators. ⁠
Open to serve as a pure conduit for peace, harmony, LoveLight and the acceleration of the Ascension. ⁠
Meditate in your preferred method for 33 minutes.
Time Zone Converter, graphics for sharing, guided meditation and details at http://www.sandrawalter.com/unity
Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!⁠
In Love, Light and Service,

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
  • Sandra Walter, Ascension Guide <newsletter@sandrawalter.com>

Main Site:

Alternative to Google

Alternatives to YouTube
Jordan Sather's 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:20
Sábado, 07 / 03 / 20

Equinox Prep, Divine Protection and Singing to the Stones.

Equinox Prep, Divine Protection and Singing to the Stones.

By Sandra Walter, Ascension Guide.





Blessings Beloveds

Gaia has shared that she would reveal the new realms this year, with our ability to focus on the higher expression and learn to be Divine Creator beings again. The Golden Race DNA codes which have been dormant since post-Atlantis are getting activated in Embodiers. Our Higher levels repeat this message for the last five years: Show that you can be a responsible Creator, and the codes will reactivate the Creator State.

Embodiment requires a pure field of highest intent. Shift your focus to fine-tuning your expression if you desire this activation. Gaia reveals the next steps through the quantum effect of our DNA; revealing what is already created and recorded on our future/higher timeline.

Place your hands on the ground and ask her to reveal your highest trajectory. You might receive this gift from her, or feel the new cosmic stargate system. Same with the SUN and the solar flashing activity already in progress; connect your heart to Solaris and ask. These activations feel like THE event is happening in your cells, as if your cells and light body expand outward into effervescent diamond stardust.

Singing to the Stones: A Reminder to Utilize Sound

A few years back, the Pleiadians reminded us to Sing to the Stones and open the field with Sound. This is a frequent practice for Gatekeepers/Gridworkers, using sound in our activations and Gatework.

The use of our light signature via our own voice becomes a powerful tool during this passage. We notice this in gatherings; the harmonics and tones produced when we tone, chant and speak light language or Sanskrit together creates an altered space. We did this on the 12-12 in Sedona, creating a palpable field for DNA activation and a direct experience of an open Gateway to the Higher realms. The more we practice this skill together, the more we activate the NEW skills of altering the physical with unified intent - and sound.

Use toning, chanting, light language, singing and decrees in your personal journey to operate as your Higher Self. Become comfortable with the vibrations as they shift and purify your fields. For me, the open conduit has become louder and clearer with practice over the years, and can be a strong veil-piercing activation.

Most importantly, when we sing to the stones, elementals, plants, animals, mountains, or any aspect of Gaia with the intention to call forth the Crystalline expression, they respond as if they were awaiting our permission. Keep that in heart and request for the Crystalline/Christed/New Earth version to express right through that tree, crystal, rock, stream, animal, moon, or whatever you cross paths with. Ask to see it, they will show you.

Use your light signature through your voice, open your heart, and interact as we do in the higher realms. Reunify with the cosmic fabric of Oneness;  dispel the distortions of the old Earth - all is one in peace, harmony and Ascension. We recognize that all of Gaia is going through Embodiment, and we may assist in speeding up the process of revealing the higher expression in this Now.

Decrees for the Now

I AM still sharing DNA Decrees on Social Media, right through the early June Gateway. You may view them even if you don't have an account.

Here are a few decrees for Interacting with the New Stargates, and protection from the fearful thought forms getting amplified and physicalized by the dismantling energies. (Note: All is amplified/physicalized to sort out timelines and choice of experience. Direct your thoughts, words and choice of reality wisely. Shut down or shift the irresponsible creation conversations.)

Take a breath. Feel the sacred gateway of the heart. Unify all levels and layers of Self in this now moment.

Infinite Creator, Pure Source consciousness; witness this. Feel this. Divine DNA within me, unlock the Cosmic Stargate activity which unifies me with the Divine Cosmic light of the pure organic Ascension Stargates. Amplify this activity in Divine Unity with my heart center and Higher Levels. Align, align, align.

I call forth the transmutation of all duality into Divine trinitized perfection. I send pure Love to the Higher realms, merge with them, and call forth the Cosmic Christ ascended white flames, the Diamond shining light, into all Sacred Gateways and New Earth Crystalline grid systems now.  Divinitize and activate the Divine Freedom codes for peace, harmony, unity, divinity, unconditional love and the pure and true organic Ascension to the maximum amount allowed by Cosmic Law in this now.

I call forth the highest levels of love, light, Divine harmonics and Ascension activations to pour through the Christed stargates, flow through the stargates within me, amplifying my Divine DNA as an interface for the great raising activity and the revelation of the pure and true organic Ascension. I offer myself as a conduit for this Divine activity in this now.

Beloved stargates of Ascension within and without, I send you my heartfelt gratitude, love, and Divine service and open myself as pure conduit of Source consciousness through these realms, shining as a beacon of light, amplifying the frequencies of pure Divine love, through every thought, word, deed, action as my Divine Presence in this now.

Infinite Creator, Divine Mother, Heavenly Father, Paradise SUNs of God, Great Central SUN's purity and power, seal me in the Cosmic Armour of Divine Diamond Light. Surround my Ascension Column and BEingness in this pillar of Sacred Fire Love. I walk in these realms protected, empowered, and surrounded by the illuminating cloak of Sacred protection. I AM an immortal Divine BEing of the Light, and I ordain all of my realities to reflect this.

Diamond Shining Rays of Christed Mastery, blaze into every timeline, parallel reality, and realms of Gaia seen and unseen. Remove any remaining discord, limitation, disharmony or distortion which has ever registered in these realms or my beingness. Surround and seal Beloved Gaia and all of her Life in the Cosmic Christ Blue Lightning and the Diamond Rays of Protection. Reveal the New Earth and Ascended realms to all willing hearts with ease and grace.

I ordain this under all graces, forces and pure source of consciousness. So be it. And so it is.

SUNday Unity Meditations and Equinox Prep

As a collective, we consciously receive influxes and produce outfluxes of this new level of Diamond-Christ light. We have some powerful passages coming up for Embodiment and Ascension, triggered by Equinox Gateway. Pay attention to where you are called March - June. This is an intense year of change, empowerment and freedom. Visualize and feel freedom, take any small physical action to light-ground that freedom for your journey and the global Ascending collective.

The March Equinox Gate is already in our field, and that Solar connection is open. The new stargate system consistently amplifies the New Earth Crystalline grid. The upticks in Solar activity and crystalline amplification in April and May pave the way for the Divine Gift of June transformation for Embodiers.

Join us on SUNday March 8 at 5:11AM, 8:11AM and 11:11AM PDT for our #SUNday UnityMeditations [Note: Pacific Time changes this weekend. Use the time converters to match the synchronized global meditations.] Details HERE.

The Crystalline Convergence is a month away! Tickets for Saturday, April 11 are still available. Easter SUNrise meditation is free. See the event site for updated details and housing suggestions.

View and share the above article online HERE.

Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

Sandra Walter, 

Ascension Guide 


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 13:18
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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