A Chama da Ascensão


Sábado, 21 / 03 / 20

The Great Fear Magnification.

The Great Fear Magnification.

Archangel Metatron.

Through Natalie Glasson.

Marh 20th, 2020


Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 
Video below

Greetings and love to all beings connecting into my energy now. 

I Am Archangel Metatron; it is an honour to be in your presence. 

I come in response to your call for help personally and for the world. A great shift is taking place within the consciousness of humanity, many from the inner planes are supporting the Earth, sharing their truth to empower and inspire humanity. Please know that many light beings from the inner planes are stepping forth to be of assistance and in response to your request, there is simply a need for you and all beings to hold the intention of being open to receive this assistance.

‘I gratefully receive all the assistance and support I need and require from the inner planes and the Creator.’

The Blaze of Light and the Fear Magnification

I, Archangel Metatron, wish to speak simply and plainly. Clarity is required by many now to bring forth peace, trust, and truth. In 2020, the Creator delivered a blaze of light into the entire Universe of the Creator, including the Earth. This was known as the 2020 Blaze of Light. Its purpose was to magnify the light within all beings, creations, and situations to bring forth a greater connection with the Creator and deeper experiences of fulfilment. The 2020 Blaze of Light continues to flow with power and consistency into the Earth and all beings, magnifying the light. This will continue for the foreseeable future. The 2020 Blaze of Light is available for any being to connect with and receive. You will discover the healing, inspiration, and wisdom you seek within the 2020 Blaze of Light, as it will continue to hold for humanity everything they need to navigate this stage of ascension on the Earth.

When light is present it is challenging for negativity to also remain present, therefore much is coming to the surface to be healed and released in order to make space for the light to expand. Fear is one of the greatest controllers of humanity. Fear lowers vibrations and creates the appearance of separation with the Creator. Fear has been empowered and magnified so much that it may feel as if it is a natural part of your existence and reality on the Earth. However, fear was not intended to control or paralyze you, offer wisdom and guidance on how to live your life. The presence of fear was intended to alert you to danger and ensure you care for yourself while remaining in a space of centring your focus and trust within.

Currently, on the Earth, a magnification of fear is taking place, thus many people are experiencing greater fear than they have previously experienced. The magnification of fear is being caused by fear born from previous and present generations rising to the surface to be released. The energy of fear as a source is being wielded by others upon the Earth to create control, separation, and distrust in self and everyone around you. The Fear Magnification is an activation and empowerment of fear taking place upon the Earth in order to encourage separation with the Creator. This activation has already been created by some people within humanity. Remember the energising and anchoring of fear can assist in the creation of anything on the Earth, including illness, chaos, panic and much more.  It is how you respond to the activation which is the key. Do you choose to use the Fear Magnification of this time to create more fear and suppression for yourself and other? Or do you choose to create liberation, a reconnection with your truth and a balancing of fear and light?

The Fear Magnification can be seen as a release or surfacing of fear, an activation of fear to manifest separation with the Creator, and yet it is also an opportunity for humanity to awaken into a new consciousness and dimension of truth. It is important to realise as the energy of fear is magnified it gives people the opportunity to understand, explore and investigate fear within their beings, creations, those around them and reality. Anxieties, worries, concerns, apprehensions, panic, dread and so much more, loses its power and hold over you as you see, sense and acknowledge the truth that has always been available to you. The Fear Magnification offers an opportunity to master the energy of fear, raising your vibration to embody the truth of the Creator.

Reassess What You Value

As you begin to recognise fear within your situations, creations and even within your being, so you begin to reassess what holds the greatest value in your reality and existence on the Earth. Gazing within your being, contemplating your beliefs, dreams, and aspirations allows you to move away from the confusion created by fear to a space of clarity and self-understanding. You will be invited to reassess the way you live your life, your creations, the way you treat yourself and others, as well as what holds the most value to you. From this space of clarity and new understanding, you will be able to create a reality for yourself and with others that are aligned with your soul and truth, offering a greater experience of fulfilment. It is only when you look into the presence of fear, recognising the control and impact fear creates that you move through the smokescreen into a space of deeper connection with the Creator.

Realign to a New Dimension

The release and activation of fear is encouraging many to raise their vibration, to accept more light, creating peace and contentment. As the controlling nature of fear loosens its grip upon humanity so a new dimension of light/ the Universe of Creator dawns and is accessed within the consciousness of each person. This new dimension is of a higher frequency with a greater Creator radiance. It offers an experience of liberation, fulfilment , and clarity. It is the dimension of light magnification, the dimension where the 2020 Blaze of Light resides. Humanity is being invited to realign their focus and vibration from a dimension where fear is magnified to a dimension where light is magnified.  This is a vibrational and awareness shift which will impact and change the way your mind, body, and emotions operate. You will know when you are releasing the control of fear and aligning with the new dimension of light magnification that is being made available to all because you will experience a continuous downpour of light flooding your being. You may feel as if you have shed the heaviness of the world and are able to recognise the presence of the Creator within everything around and within you.

The Call to Return Home

Some souls are choosing this period of the Earth’s evolution as an appropriate time to leave their physical bodies and transition onto the inner planes within the Universe of the Creator. This is not a choice made by the personality, it is instead a contract made by the soul. Many souls are leaving the Earth to return home as their spiritual skills are needed on the inner planes to be of service to the divine plan unfolding for the Earth and the Universe of the Creator. It is important to honour the souls choosing to return to the inner planes as they are accepting a role in service to the ascension of all. The call to return home is also projected to humanity as a request to go within and reconnect with the presence of the Creator within, thus emanating the Creator vibrations and wisdom into the world.

Transition of Refocusing

As you receive the light of the Creator flowing through your being, align with the New Dimension of Light Magnification so you will discover a transition process taking place within you. For a few moments or even days, you may feel that you do not know yourself as you did. A refocusing is taking place. You embody and express all that is the Creator. This means there is a wealth of energy, wisdom, light, and skills for you to access and bring into your awareness. You can refocus your attention onto new and different aspects of your being, thus discovering yourself anew. You may discover that new interests, skills, talents, abilities, understandings or aspirations arise. Your attention is transitioning to realign with your truth, light, and soul.

What will you choose to create and where will you choose to allow your focus to rest?


In times of tremendous shifts, transformations and transitions, I, Archangel Metatron, wish to offer to you a list of beings who you may call upon to assist in any form of healing you wish for your self personally or for the world.

  • The Map Healing Team – Light and Star Beings who travel through the Universe of the Creator offering healing.
  • The Universal Medical Healing Team – Beings from the Universal Level of the Creator’s Universe especially focused on supporting radiant health in the physical and energetic bodies.
  • The Multi – Dimensional Violet Flame of Transmutation – A Violet Flame of Light which dissolves negativity on all levels of your being.
  • The Solar Level Soul Grounding and Magnification Team – Operated by Helios and Vesta the Solar Level Logos, this team supports a deepening in connection with your soul, thus allowing the perfection of your soul to download into your being.
  • The Fear Removal Program – Overseen by the Second Ray of Light this program uses light to remove stagnant fear within all bodies of your being.
  • The Light Rods of Illumination and Clarity – Offered by the Elohims of Truth.

Until we speak again,

My love is eternally yours,

Archangel Metatron



Natalie Glasson
Natalie Glasson from Sacred School of OmNa
A Trusty with Privacy Search 
Alternative to Google

Alternative to YouTube

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 02:28
Sexta-feira, 31 / 01 / 20

The Sequence of Your Existence Activation

The Sequence of Your Existence Activation

Archangel Metatron.

Through Natalie Glasson.

January 31st, 2020

with video below

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

Angelic greetings of expansion and awakening, I am Archangel Metatron. It is an honour to bring forth the expansion and awakening energies of the Creator and the Angelic Kingdom to you, in order to inspire a greater recognition of the same within you. Expansion and awakening may appear to be similar qualities and energies when embodied, however, the expansion allows you to become and embody while awakening supports a reflection deeper into yourself. Coupled together, you can dive deep into your inner truth embodying the Creator’s truth into infinity. It is this journey I bring to you and inspire from within you into manifestation. Take a moment to contemplate yourself and your journey with the presence of expansion and awakening.
I, Archangel Metatron, ignite within you the presence of expansion and awakening in order to activate the sequence of your existence. This energy is very sacred, it holds the purity of your being, the mission of your soul and accounts of every experience of your soul and soul group. Thus, it is the story of your existence, offering you the remembrance of past, present and that which you have yet to experience. The story of your soul has already been experienced by you fully and yet it hasn’t even begun! In truth, you are already the entire and complete story or experiences of your soul and soul group, which means that all memories, wisdom and information are ready for you to grasp, download and use now. Can you imagine you already know and have experienced your soul and soul groups mission on the Earth and the inner planes? You have already merged completely with the Creator and you have already been created or birthed from the Creator. You are able to experience and embody everything between these two landmarks as well in your current embodiment.
  • Contemplate for a moment the volume of wisdom available for you to grasp.
  • Contemplate the realisation you are already your soul and soul groups mission, everything they wish to embody and learn. This means that everything you could ever possibly need and require is ready and available to you.
  • Contemplate that you are already a part of the divine plan and have already played your sacred role. You have already completed all the missions your soul set out to engage with, embody and experience. Can you imagine you are already everything you could possibly dream of for yourself and spiritual evolution, as well as so much more that is difficult to contemplate at this moment?

When you begin to focus in this way you enter into a space of deep knowingness, nothingness and unlimited abundance within you, which further illuminated and activates your being. You move beyond a sense of yourself into an awareness of all that is possible and already created.
Everything has already been created, nothing is new. You may wish to take time to ponder this sentence, allowing awakenings to dawn within you. You may find yourself asking the question, can this always be the case? Yes, it can.
Can you imagine that within you is the understanding of the creation of the Universe and each moment of creation of your being?

It is time to shift your perspective through expansion and awakening to realise an activation is taking place within you which is allowing you to glimpse the truth of your being on all dimensions of the Creator’s Universe and beyond.

The Sequence

The truth is that there is no sequence to the existence and experiences of your soul, even when in embodiment on the Earth. Your everyday life feels like it is a series of events which have an order and cycle, yet your soul’s existence and events are occurring simultaneously. Thus, the sequence of your existence is the presence of everything you are being as one, simultaneously. The mind finds this difficult to accept as it is often programmed to accept time and the linear presence of everything. If you can gaze beyond the programming of the mind you begin to open to new understandings of your own truth and that of the Creator. This means your entire existence can be experienced in a moment or explored for a lifetime and still not fully revealed. Thus, the sequence of your existence is your simultaneous embodiment of everything that is the Creator.

You are a library of everything that is the Creator

Trust and courage are required in order to examine within you the truth of the Creator to the capacity that is available to and through you. The evaluation and embodiment of expansion and awakening support the evolution of knowingness of the truth of the Creator within you. Please invite, me, Archangel Metatron, forth to empower and amplify the qualities of trust, courage, expansion and awakening within you. As you focus upon the blossoming of these four energies within you, notice how you delve and rest deeper within your being and truth, entering a space which is deeply familiar to you and yet unknown.
I, Archangel Metatron, then invite you to request me to begin and reveal to you the Sequence of Your Existence Activation. I will do so as I invite you to focus on your breathing with your attention directed inwards. Be ready for anything which requires to be revealed to you. I, Archangel Metatron, will work with your energies to create the necessary shifts and synthesis required, especially in your perceptions of yourself. Let the activation be revealed to you in the most unique, beautiful and necessary way for you.
I, Archangel Metatron, invite you to ask me to assist you in your embodiment of all that is revealed to you now and in every given moment. It is through embodiment you will recognise the true benefits of this activation.
While this activation brings numerous blessings, its greatest miracle is the growing understanding of who you are, your purpose, your mission and why you exist. Questions that often go unanswered and yet you have the capacity to bring great illumination to your being and awareness. Thus, bringing the Creator more fully into manifestation within your being, reality and the world around you. This activation brings self-awareness to a whole new level. The activation I speak of may not download fully and completely into your being instant. It is a gift that you can take time to digest, awakening your inner knowingness to the truth of All That Is. Due to the current linear programming of your mind, you may discover yourself at the birth of your existence or even the completion of your existence, able to grasp the knowledge that is needed to assist your current lifetime. There is much to explore and become aware of once more. It is important to remember that you have access to the knowledge and wisdom of the entire Universe of the Creator, this doesn’t mean you will receive everything that is available. You have the ability to connect with all that is the Creator, however, you will only grasp and understand that which is required and serves you to know and embody.
There is much to explore, I am present to serve, guide, reconnect and inspire you,


Archangel Metatron


Natalie Glasson
Natalie Glasson from Sacred School of OmNa
A Trusty with Privacy Search 
Alternative to Google

Alternative to YouTube

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:09
Sexta-feira, 03 / 01 / 20

Golden Elixir of Life

Archangel Metatron.

Through Natalie Glasson.

January 3rd, 2019

with video below

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

Greetings and welcome to the energies of 2020, I am Archangel Metatron. Into this year we bring forth the presence of the Creator’s light in abundance to anchor into your being, reality and the Earth. The Blaze of Light as it is known is the answers to your prayers and requests of help for the Earth as well as all beings. The wave of light travelling through the inner planes from the Creator with the purpose of touching every soul wishes to amplify the light already present. As a magnification of light takes place so the vibration of the planet will rise. People will create more light as they are able to see, sense and acknowledge the presence of light within themselves and others. With the growing presence of light so negativity and fear will both try to battle against the light and dissolve allowing many to see the power of light.
Where to Place Your Focus in 2020

In the presence of the Blaze of Light you will be invited to:

  • Contemplate the existence and reality of your own inner light, how you can best radiate and express your light.
  • Contemplate what you wish to create as you and your reality is magnified positively by light.
  • Recognising the light within you will support your awareness of the light now anchoring from the Creator, supporting a strengthening and synthesis of light within you.
  • It is time to recognise the power of the Creator’s light and most importantly its purpose within your being and the world.
  • Light can be wielded through your being to create all that is the Creator, this is something that requires to be understood and mastered. With the presence of light so each person can recognise their own abilities of creation in their reality as well as their inner power.
  • A sense of responsibility for self and others will dawn which has never been accessed and understood in this way. Thus, a deeper acceptance of the oneness and unity of the Creator will be accessed and put into motion upon the Earth.
  • New vibrations, frequency and wisdom is threaded within the Blaze of Light which is available for you to access and download. This holds the purpose of reawakening old sacred information, skills and abilities, while also returning the presence, experience, and awareness of the divine to the Earth.

Simply stating your intention or making a request to your guides and/or soul will enable you to open your being and awareness to any of my shared insights into the shifts possible within you. Taking time to be with the light within you, accepting and acknowledging the presence of the light within you will offer much illumination. It is also valuable to hold the intention in meditation to receive and download the Blaze of light, in doing so you will open yourself up to accessing its purpose for you and the enlightenment it wishes to ignite.

All You Need Within the Blaze of Light 2020

I, Archangel Metatron, wish to make you aware of a purpose held within the 2020 Blaze of Light. It is a gift from the Creator that has been intertwined into the light frequency so all can access and receive it. The gift I wish to share and alert you to is known as the, ‘Golden Elixir of Life.’ The energy is known as an elixir because when synthesised with the physical reality it has the ability of grounding all you need and require to support you. This is not necessarily what your mind believes you need; it is what your soul and higher self believe will support you. To receive support is valuable especially when it can bring into manifestation all you need and require. However, it is good to contemplate and try to bring understanding to how you will be or experience yourself when you are fulfilled, and all that you need is grounded into your being and reality. In doing so you will begin to connect into the powerful gift in existence within the 2020 Light Blaze.
How would you feel within, if you experienced, embodied and grounded all you need? What shifts, activations and transformations would take place for you, those around you and the world? There is no need to understand this mentally, I, Archangel Metatron, am simply inviting you to feel into this aspect of yourself which is already present within you. Can you imagine there is already an aspect of yourself which is fulfilled and has all you need? Can you imagine that this aspect simply needs grounding into your embodiment? Can you imagine that this aspect of yourself would shift and transform the way you feel, think, act and react? This is what the, ‘Golden Elixir of Life,’ wishes to awaken and ground within you.
When you access and embody all you need it is not necessarily that you will suddenly receive all you desire physically or within your reality. Instead a way of being will emerge from within you, a feeling of being whole, complete, healed and at peace. This sacred feeling will fill and ground into your entire being, gradually impacting, influencing and creating new pathways and experiences in your life that match the awakening occurring within your being. Gradually old ways of thinking, feeling, being, acting and creating will fall away. You will attract new energies, people and experiences that match the vibration you have become and embodied. This may be a gradual process for some, or it may be swift awakening, the embodiment will take place at a pace which most serves you.

Accessing the Golden Elixir of Life

• Call forth your guides, soul and any other being you feel connected with to download and ground the 2020 Blaze of Light into your being. Allow yourself to experience the light boosting the light already present within you, while anchoring new light frequencies. Bathe in the light for as long as you feel guided.
• ‘Archangel Metatron, I invite you to assist me in accessing the Golden Elixir of Life from the 2020 Blaze of Light. Support me in connecting with this light frequency now so I may feel its presence with me. Archangel Metatron, please support a flow of the Golden Elixir of Life into my being to encourage its awakening, grounding and embodiment within me. Ensure I am open to fully receive now. Thank you.’
• As you sit or lie down receiving the light of the Golden Elixir of Life, I, Archangel Metatron, invite you to repeat silently;

‘I embody and ground the Golden Elixir of Life for all I need.’

This statement is so sacred and precious, it has the power to create so much transformation and healing within your being, if you fully engage with it, allowing it to fill your entire being. Repeat the statement as many times as you feel guided, as you allow or imagine the flow of light down through your being, as if grounding, filling your entire being. Experience this as often as you can, allowing the statement and experience to grace each day with its presence.
• To complete the process simply focus upon grounding yourself into the Earth in a way that feels most appropriate for you. In doing so you are gifting light, your new awareness and embodiment to the Earth and all beings as a service and blessing.
I, Archangel Metatron, hope you will take advantage of this most precious gift and notice how it empowers you to support the ascension process of the world.
With the deepest love,

Archangel Metatron



Natalie Glasson
Natalie Glasson from Sacred School of OmNa
A Trusty with Privacy Search 
Alternative to Google

Alternative to YouTube

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 07:35
Sexta-feira, 08 / 11 / 19

I Am as I Am, a reflection and expression of the Creator...

Archangel Metatron.

Through Natalie Glasson.

Posted November 8th, 2019. 

Natalie Glasson from Sacred School of OmNa
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa https://www.omna.org/



I AM a gift to myself and in the world,

I AM a channel of myself and in the world,

As myself I AM all that is the Creator,

All that is the Creator flows through me,

I AM a gift, a channel, and the flow of the Creator,

I invite all aspects of my cells and energy to hear me now.

This confirmation is directed into the depths of my being for awakening, rather than into the world around me for all to see and hear,

I Am as I Am, a reflection and expression of the Creator and all who express the Creator.

Please accept my invocation and awakening confirmation, designed to focus your energies deep within your being, so you may seek your truth and the beauty within. I, Archangel Metatron, wish to remind you of the beauty existing within your being. As well as the beauty which extends through your being into the Creator. The beauty within you is the infinite, glowing, magnificence of the Creator. Something that is unfathomable, yet you live and breath it every day, often without even realising it.

I AM a Gift
Can you imagine you are already everything you seek; you are already the magnificence that is the Creator, you are already connected to and an expression of the Creator? If you are willing to recognise this, you are ready to recognise yourself beyond your personality, your physical body, your circumstances, and even beyond the energy of the Creator you believe to be within you. In doing so, you are ready to seek the beauty of the Creator within you, allowing it to blossom and unfold with ease and perfection. Focusing deep within your being, means that you to some extent let go of your attachment to all you know yourself to be as a physical being living on the Earth, instead you begin to identify with yourself in a new way, which is unique to you. You may recognise yourself as an expression of the Creator, as a gift to yourself and the world. The challenge is to recognise yourself as a gift and uniquely valuable from a space of love and truth within you, rather than from the ego. When your ego is involved your understanding of the oneness becomes askew; you believe you are the one and only, rather than a part of a larger puzzle where everyone is a gift. Recognising yourself as a gift is to recognise the presence of the Creator within you, this is an aspect of your mastery and inner awakening. It encourages you to shift between the energy of oneness and the ego, bringing both into unification, serving their appropriate roles. During this lesson of mastery, you may find yourself lost in illusion of being the Creator’s gift to humanity, then the extreme of experiencing the humbleness of expressing the Creator as an essence through you. When you reach a state of balance within you, your knowingness of yourself as a gift will truly blossom, and your understanding of this will be beyond anything I, Archangel Metatron, can describe to you. By using my invocation and confirmation, repeating it gently, you can begin to seek and explore within you, allowing yourself to study deeper than ever before.

I AM a Channel
If you are willing to explore the magnificent nature of your being, the presence of the Creator within you and your infinite connection to all that is the Creator, you will naturally recognise yourself as a channel. To channel is to be an expression of the Creator, expressing the Creator through all you are as an essence of the Creator living a physical, emotional and mental existence on the Earth. To channel is to distribute what is needed at the most appropriate and divine timing. This is different to channeling when your mind feels it is appropriate or when you feel others need to experience your truth because they need to make changes in their life. To channel is to allow the essence of the Creator to flow through you, while you remain in your power.

It has been said by many that certain souls will come to the Earth as gifts to humanity, channeling the Creator, destined to transform the Earth and life for many. Many people are waiting for these special ones to emerge to make the changes that are needed to the world and bring the healing which is essential. I, Archangel Metatron, wish to share that you are that gift, channel, and special soul that the Earth and humanity has been waiting for to bring transformation and healing. Can you imagine this, can you connect with this, does it feel remotely real? I, Archangel Metatron, also wish to say that your neighbours, loved ones, those in other countries and everyone across the world are also gifts, channels and special souls present to heal and transform the world. Even those who seems to be creating chaos in the world at this time. Can you imagine and connect with this? Could you recognise you are all?

You are all gifts, channels and special souls ready to work in unison as guided to achieve more than is imaginable in the world.

You are a channel for the world; to aid and assist healing and transformation in the world. This is true for everyone, even if you feel you do not know how to channel and have no gifts to share. If you do believe you can’t channel and have no gifts to share, now is the time to seek within you, once you recognise that you are a gift, an essence and expression of the Creator, everything else will unfold. There is simply a need to connect with the presence of the Creator within you. In doing so, you will connect with your truth. Beliefs and fears about not being good enough, not having skills or abilities, not knowing where to start and so forth, will fall away as the truth emerges.

You are a channel for the world, the unique way you bring forth the Creator will heal and transform yourself and many souls on the Earth. This is not a reality only for the select few, it is your reality. I, Archangel Metatron, invite you to contemplate the word and concept of channeling. Let go of everything you know channeling to be and ask within you what channeling is for you, in your reality. Through this discovery, you will affirm to yourself your natural existence as a spiritual being and a physical being on the Earth. Through the invocation and confirmation, I shared with you at the beginning of my communication, I wish to encourage you to recognise yourself anew and to realise yourself in a new light within your reality. You are a channel for the world, what does the Creator wish to express through you? What is blossoming and emerging within you to be delivered into the world? All the questions I, Archangel Metatron, put to you and you seek are all within you. There is simply a need to first recognise yourself as a gift in the purest and more humble way. In doing so you will awaken the truth of the Creator within you, understanding the purpose of the Creator as it flows through your being, connecting with you and so many souls upon the Earth.

Why is it Important Now to Seek Within?
Your own inner power in many ways is so fragile, it can seem as if it is so easily taken from you or given away. To hold onto your power in a world with so many opinions, rules and judgments can be challenging. Rejecting your power can also be easily experienced because of wounds, pain and suffering. Yet you only really know yourself and are yourself when you allow yourself to exist in the centre of your power. Now is the time to do so. When you are in your power you are a gift, a channel and transformational person for yourself and all. You empower others to be the same, you unite the presence of the Creator within you, around you and within all beings. It is time to claim your power and claim all you seek. Thus, you will assist the ascension, healing and transformation of all.

Your constant loving companion,

Archangel Metatron.

Natalie Glasson.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 21:42
Sexta-feira, 28 / 06 / 19

Shedding the Fear of the Planet ~ Archangel Metatron, Natalie Glasson.


Shedding the Fear of the Planet.

by: Archangel Metatron.

Through Natalie Glasson.

June 28th, 2019

Natalie Glasson from Sacred School of OmNa

Posted June 28, 2019


Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

I am Archangel Metatron, I extend the most sacred angelic energies, vibration and consciousness to you now, drawing from the abundant generosity, love and devotion of the angelic kingdom. We, angelic beings, are the loving heart of the Creator and we encapsulate you now in the immense purity and love that we hold. We are a symbol to you of the sacred wealth of love that you hold within your being, which is your essence and truth. Allow yourself to open your heart to us and the symbol of love that we exist as, know that as you do so you are awakening to the powerful love that you naturally manifest as.
The Impact of Fear
When you allow yourself to become unbalanced or out of alignment with the Creator you see that an additional energy or existence manifests, this is the energy of fear which brings forth a mind of or concentration on illusions and false impressions. It is almost as if you create a reality for yourself that is a complete illusion as it does not hold the truth of the Creator. This reality feels so real and can mean that you question the existence and will of the Creator, because through fear you blame external sources for any pain or misfortune you experience. The false reality that humanity creates is one that offers numerous lessons and realisations of growth that lead the individual away from their false reality born from fear to the truth of their being and the Creator.
It can be a terrifying experience when you realise that the reality you experience and have created for yourself through your mind and thought processes holds so many illusions and fears. This notion can cause a period of disturbance, in this time it is essential to request the truth and purity of the Creator to flood into your being and reality bringing forth a mind of truth, balance and perfection. When you are aligned to and embody the light and consciousness of the Creator it is as if you are viewing a crystal-clear lake; everything has a reason and a purpose in your reality and being.
After experiencing a reality and state of mind that is crowded with fear and illusions to exist as the truth of the Creator with clear thoughts of love and clarity within your reality can be somewhat overwhelming as if you are standing naked within a reality that is bare, but once this is overcome you begin to see the immense wealth of love that is available to you and within you. In my opinion, Archangel Metatron, this is the greatest journey of all; the shedding of fear and the reality of illusion, because it allows the truth of your being to be shown and examined, with the opportunity to gain a complete oneness with the Creator.
Through my communication today I wish to assist in the shedding of fear and illusion within your reality and from the planet Earth also. This has the possibility to create such a transformation within your being and on the Earth, allowing tremendous healing light and divine consciousness to anchor.
Please be aware that the delusions that I am speaking of within your reality are the delusional beliefs of the mind, it is these that need to be examined in order to manifest a reality that is born from the truth of the Creator.
The Process of Shedding Fear for Yourself and Humanity
I Archangel Metatron and the Angelic Kingdom stand before you as the truth and purity of the Creator, allow yourself to feel and acknowledge our presence as we blend our energies into the atmosphere around you, creating a haven that is protective, calming and healing for your entire being.
         Allow yourself to affirm, ‘I am open and receptive to the truth of the Creator.’
Feel as if all your channels and senses are opening and activating allowing our sacred angelic light to pour from all directions into your being, flooding to the centre of your heart chakra and soul. The angelic beings gather around you to share their light and loving vibration with you now. Allow yourself to trust in your ability to accept the purity of our love and support, bathe in our light completely as it encapsulates your being in a light that conceives liberation and freedom from all limitations that fear and false beliefs manifest. We are raising your vibration, anchoring greater light into your being and lifting you from the lower vibrations and any addictive thoughts of fear. Allow yourself to be elevated through the power of the love that we share with you, feel a significant rise and shift occurring in your entire being.
We now invoke the truth of the Creator to descend from the core of the Creator into your being. Allow this pearlescent and translucent light to shine so brightly into your crown chakra at the top of your head. The light so vibrant and powerful instantly brings forth the perspective of truth and begins to dissolve fears.
         Affirm, ‘With every thought that I generate I am creating my reality and embodying the truth of the Creator and my soul.’
Feel, sense or acknowledge that with our support the pearlescent and translucent light shines deeply and powerfully into your third eye chakra and bathes your mind in a light that is simultaneously powerful and soothing. Feel that fears and false beliefs are being shed or are falling away from your mind guided by the will of the Creator and your soul. The light is so powerful, you are aware of the Creator’s presence and truth alone.
         Affirm, ‘With every word I speak I express the truth of the Creator and my soul.’
The pearlescent and translucent light of truth flows into your throat chakra and clears all fears and false beliefs that you have spoken in your current life time and past life times, guided by the will of the Creator and your soul. Feel or acknowledge your throat chakra opening up to the truth of the Creator and projecting truth into your reality.
         Affirm, ‘Within my heart chakra the truth of the Creator exists, from my heart chakra the truth of the Creator flows, positively influencing my reality with a pure love.’
Let the light of the Creator to flow into your heart chakra dissolving and allowing all fears and false beliefs to be shed, guided by the will of the Creator and your soul. Let all attachments to fear be severed and healed with the power of the angelic kingdom’s love, let your heart chakra open with an abundance of love and purity pouring in all directions.
         Affirm, ‘My solar plexus chakra and emotional body now hold the purity of the Creator’s truth, a deep cleansing has now occurred.’
The pearlescent and translucent light of truth will now flow into your solar plexus chakra just above your waist, let the light assist in the shedding of all fears and false beliefs held in this area as well as those linked to your emotional body, guided by the will of the Creator and your soul. Let all emotional attachments to fear be severed and healed with the power of the angelic kingdom’s love.
         Affirm, ‘My sacral chakra is the truth of the Creator; I am the truth of the Creator.’
The light of truth pours into your sacral chakra below your waist, let the peace and tranquillity of truth anchor into your sacral chakra, guided by the will of the Creator and your soul.
         Affirm, ‘My root chakra holds the truth of the Creator which manifests with love into my entire reality.’
Finally, allow the Creator’s light of truth to flow into your root chakra at the base of your spine, many fears can be held in this area or anchored into your physical reality. As we allow the pearlescent and translucent light of truth to flow into your root chakra, we allow all fears and false beliefs to be shed with ease, guided by the will of the Creator and your soul. We ask that the root chakra assists in anchoring the truth of the Creator into your reality in the most appropriate way and with the most divine timing.
         Affirm, ‘The Earth and its humanity now exist as a beacon of Creator truth, all fears and false beliefs have been shed guided by the will of the Creator.’
Let the light of truth flow from your root chakra down into the Earth, feel this pearlescent and translucent light of truth blend with the energies of the Earth, sinking through the layers of the Earth’s physical and spiritual of energy. The light of truth from the Creator links into the soul ofMother Earth. Allow yourself to take a moment and visualise yourself existing as the truthful light of the Creator and then Mother Earth existing as the truthful light of the Creator, emanating and radiating pearlescent and translucent light.
Let your light and the light of Mother Earth radiate to surround the entire planet. Acknowledge that this sacred light is dissolving fear and false beliefs held within the many energy levels of the Earth. The light is assisting humanity in reaching a state of mind and existence where they are ready to shed their fears and false beliefs guided by the will of the Creator and their souls. You may wish to imagine or acknowledge that every soul on the Earth is existing as you are now; as a beacon of truthful light on the Earth. Due to this every person’s reality is gradually transforming from a reality of delusion to a reality of truth and oneness with the Creator.
Allow yourself to comprehend the impact that this would have on your reality and the realities of humanity. This is a practice that you can achieve as often as you wish.
When you wish to return to your existence on the Earth imagine your energy flowing in all directions from your being especially into the Earth and know that the energy of truth and love is in abundance within your reality.
This is a blissful service to all, thank you,

I am Archangel Metatron.

Natalie Glasson


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 20:43
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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