A Chama da Ascensão


Domingo, 24 / 11 / 19

The truth cannot be held back indefinitely.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

November 22nd, 2019


Immediately after the 21st Century commenced the world appeared about ready to make a dramatic leap forward, with the announcement that ET’s were intending to show themselves as part of First Contact, and it was planned to make numerous fly-overs all over the world with their craft. That event never took place and in accordance with instructions from the higher command of the Galactic Federation, it was seen that it would not have been an appropriate time for such an event. Consequently although First Contact remains to be officially carried out, naturally other events have continued to unfold, and in general terms you are clearly much more informed and aware than previously. The fact that the dark Forces have since developed their own technology sufficiently to have their own interstellar craft causes confusion, so sightings are generally looked upon as being off world.

Many years have since passed, yet First Contact remains strong and is still to be part of your evolution. Meeting your brothers and sisters from other worlds and dimensions will be a prelude to learning the truth of your history and your future. You are so near to the “Event” and already there are early changes taking place that will eventually lead to your ascension. You are all greater souls than you have been led to believe, but the truth cannot be held back indefinitely. It was long, long ago that the Annunaki were your Masters when you were not much more than slaves to them and worked accordingly. However, that phase has long passed and you have gradually evolved and become more aware of your true selves. In truth in time you are to be fully returned to your angelic state that you were before you elected to drop down into the lower vibrations for a greater experience.

Understand that at no time have you been left without help or guidance, and every opportunity is taken to ensure that you progress in accordance with your agreed life plan. Guidance is most important at this time as in real terms there is little time left before things start to take off, and we do want you to be totally prepared. There are certainly many distractions at this time as the changes do not come easily, but come they must and as matters settle down you will be that much nearer the final events that lead to your ascension. You of course knew beforehand what was coming if not necessarily exactly how it would take place. Knowing that it would be the first time ever that souls would ascend in their physical bodies, and it was considered by you as a most exciting prospect that you did not want to miss.

Meantime you try to understand what is happening upon Earth, as it is the most chaotic time since the last wars. The changes are being led by the young people who understand what is needed to move mankind forward. It is a painful process because those in authority have little or no idea what powers the movement for change. Change will come and clear the way for a greater future and the fulfillment of predictions made for this period. Heaven stands with those who know what is required to move on and strengthens their hand. The destiny of Man is written in stone with God’s blessing and no mortal shall be able to change it.

Meantime, keep a level headed approach to whatever you may do, and all will work out to your liking in the end. The future is planned because of Ascension. but it is up to you which path you take to reach it. From a personal point of view work towards your own goal and remember that at this particular time it is most important to you. As time passes you will find that things will become easier for you, as the vibrations lift you past the point of challenges that may come your way. You are living the chance of a lifetime that is not to be missed. Indeed all will become clear in good time as your consciousness continues to expand.

You have come so far in your present incarnation and have been given every opportunity to make fast progress. Do not worry if you wander of course, and simply adjust and carry on with your determination to be successful on your path to a higher level of evolution. Everything you need is within your reach, and we are cheering you on knowing that you do have the ability and experience to succeed. Enjoy those quiet moments when you can contemplate your future and decide what you want from life. Many opportunities are being opened for you and very soon you will get much assistance and advice to ensure your success.

Your evolution has been tied in with the animal kingdom who over a very long period have provided for you even to the extent of giving up their lives. They too are evolving and progressing because of their close link with humanity, and have often suffered extreme treatment at their hands. They are aware of the sacrifices that they had to experience but through them have also evolved as a species that agreed to help you. Although they have experienced abuse and cruelty, through it have earned the reward of better lives ahead.

Animals have a group soul except for those that have become domesticated through contact with you, and become individual souls. Things no doubt seem at times without any plan for their evolution, yet all sentient life forms have the potential to make progress. When you think of the love, trust and affection that some animals have for humans it is obvious that they have had prior contact with them. Love is the answer and the energy that can move mountains, heal the unwell and bring peace all around. When all else is removed all you have left is the great love of the Supreme Creator, the Fountainhead of All That Is.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. Every day you move nearer to the completion of this particular period, and as they pass your consciousness also grows. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same internal connection with God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:






No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 01:24
Quinta-feira, 07 / 02 / 19

The Extraordinary Diversity of ET Star Souls On and Around the Earth. By Open

The Extraordinary Diversity of ET Star Souls On and Around the Earth.

By Open

Contributing writer for Wake Up World.

February 7th, 2019. 




I still find it somewhat amusing that we’re waiting for “Disclosure” — that some report or particular evidence would hit the mainstream to convince us of what we already know.
Ever felt like you didn’t belong here or didn’t fully fit in? Or that somehow your home was somewhere else? In the work that we do here at Openhand, travelling the world connecting with evolving people, I can tell you it’s a very common story. There are countless ET Star Souls and groups ALREADY on and around the Earth, either incarnated or else influencing the show through the ether.
Understanding the general diversity and what the underlying agendas are can greatly help you find peace with your journey here…

Intervention on Earth

I should begin by saying what I’m sharing is from direct first-hand experience. That said, our experience of reality is subject to our own relativistic perspective, the accuracy of which depends on the degree to which we’ve focused our lens. What’s essential therefore, is that you evolve your own perspective, and so take only that which resonates, but do maintain an open mind and heart so that your truth may continually evolve.
The circumstances are complex, so please excuse me if I abbreviate the diversity of the situation (I’ve given greater insight in my book DIVINICUS, rise of the divine human). Essentially the Earth has suffered an alien intervention that goes back millions of years, where DNA from the constellation Draco found its way here via panspermia (travelling on meteorites). This was the first intervention, which led to the rise of the Reptilian souls on Earth. But they were not the only ones travelling here to exploit the richness of resources and genetics.
The Annunaki, with Greys from Orion in tow, travelled here too, much later, and then eventually formed an alliance with the Reptilians to exploit the Earth, resulting in the engineering of modern day Homo Sapiens DNA, way back during the times of Atlantis around 250,000 years ago. The evidence is clear, from the sudden explosion of the human genetic code to the chromosome count (the mysterious contraction from 48 chromosomes in hominids to the 46 in humanity, engineered to create speciation). Also consider some of the megaliths around the world, such as the great pyramids, which could only have been constructed from advanced technology. For me though, the most compelling evidence is that from past-life-regression therapy that I’ve been involved with, where countless people are now recounting experiences of the Intervention and life times in other constellations, such as the Pleiades, Andromeda and Arcturus.
Indeed it was known that the Intervention would try to engineer the Earth’s environment and life here so as to exploit it. Alien souls have disconnected from the usual cycle of reincarnation within the greater toroidal flow of the Universe in an attempt to control it. Why so?

The Sirius Shift

Whilst miraculous in its multiplicity of spectacular form, the Universe can also be tremendously calamitous, as the light seeks to break through into all the darkened recesses. Entire star systems come and go within the blink of an eye. Take Sirius for example. There are plenty among us who recall being dispatched there to support the civilisation as the star system destabilised some 120 million years ago in its White Dwarf Ascension. The resultant shift was sudden and catastrophic — the civilisation being literally torn apart and souls ejected into space. It’s taken all this time to connect with, and reclaim, many of the lost souls, who’ve now incarnated here on Earth to continue their journey.
The Annunaki were the ruling elite across the Sirius constellation, originating from the planet Nibiru orbiting around Sirius C. As their home was obliterated they felt “abandoned by God” (their expression shared with me in past life regression journeying), and then sought to apply their tremendous knowledge of energy manipulation (free energy, for example) to reconstruct their home civilisation, but now here on Earth. Hence the dramatic changes to the Earth’s natural environment. So this group, the Annunaki with the Orion Greys together allied with the Reptilians on Earth, are essentially disconnected from the usual cycle of reincarnation, and now acting from different vibrations beyond the visible — they have been in the ether all around us influencing and controlling the energetic environment in which we live. They do this through thought implantation, emotional manipulation, energy implants and genetic modification — essentially addicting human souls to the system in which we live; that which disconnects from the usual cycle of reincarnation. Their purpose is to create a synthetic reality here commensurate with their needs. Which has been largely achieved.
Here’s a Meditation Download on removing implants and entities from your field.
The complexity of their agenda is morphing and shifting all the time. From GeoengineeringGenetic Modification (GMO)Transhumanism and the integration of AI, the system is constantly reshaping but with the same general agenda of exploiting human genetics so as to recreate the civilisation they lost. Even the space program (both overt and covert) is intended to propagate their purpose throughout the solar system.
We might also ask why is it that the vast majority don’t feel this influence? In actual fact they do — the disconnect from the natural flow, the obsessive addiction to consumption, the disregard for the wellbeing of all sentient life. These are frequencies of alien consciousness here that feed into the psyche. It’s only when you truly follow the path of the soul through the deep inner inquiry, that you start to separate out the Intervention Agenda from the natural flow of your own soul and it’s loving interconnection with the whole of life.

The Benevolent Mission on Earth

It was known that this Intervention would likely sweep across the Earth. Benevolent souls from many constellations have seen it happen elsewhere time and again. The benevolent mission here has been to support the emergent human consciousness and encourage the Original Humans to find their authenticity and deeper connection to the natural flow of the Universe. And so benevolence supported the emergence of Original Humans around 6-1 million years ago, before the Intervention from Nibiru and Orion.
The collective human soul was ready for separation into individualised souls. And so by gentle encouragement through the field, during the Lemurian epoch, Pleiadian DNA frequencies were resonated to support this emergence. It’s why the human genome consists of 223 genes that appear nowhere else on Earth’s tree of life. The Pleiadians were tasked to support the emergence of Original Humans from the surrounding field, but also through direct incarnation — hence there are plenty of Pleiadian souls naturally incarnated in human form here and now. Plenty still recall their vibrational connection to the Pleiades star system. For others, they simply know it as a subtle vibration of unconditional love, joy and an innocence with life.
The general idea was to encourage a custodian of the Earth, one whose emergence might help eventually realign the intervening souls by expressing frequencies of compassion, unconditional love, trust in the divine and respect for all sentient life. It was always going to be a tough mission, but so is the challenge where wayward souls have gotten lost within the density of life. Nevertheless, no matter how long it takes, the light always finds a way.

The Complex Dynamic of ET Souls on Earth Right Now

What we have now is a very complex dynamic of ET souls on and around the Earth. In summary there exists these types of configurations…
  1. Original Human souls, who’ve only existed here on Earth
  2. Pleiadian souls existing in human form who’ve had incarnations both here and elsewhere
  3. Arcturian and Andromedan souls also incarnated in human form providing technological expertise and deeper metaphysical understanding of the cosmos
  4. Sirian souls naturally incarnated in Human form who were brought here from the angelic realm after recovery from the Sirius Shift
  5. Realigning Reptilian, Annunaki, Orion and Sirian souls, incarnated in human form, who’ve been lost in the intervention, disconnected from the usual cycle of reincarnation, but are now reconnecting
  6. Reptilian, Annunaki, Orion and Sirian souls still disconnected and acting through the ether around the Earth who are still manipulating society
  7. A wide diversity of other minority soul groups from further afield in the cosmos, come to explore this complex shift of the Earth back to the light.
Clearly it’s a very complex situation. Even the star souls here will have travelled through different constellations and so have different ‘homes’ in the Universe. The field around us is teeming with groups working to resonate Star Soul frequencies that can come alive in people to remind them of who they truly are in terms of their soul resonance. Hence the great value of meditation to expand out into the field and pick up these resonant frequencies that make you feel more whole, complete and aligned.
Even if you don’t know your own star soul origins, it matters not, just feeling the frequencies that bring you alive, simply feel ‘right’ and connect you to that sense of ‘home’ is really all that’s required to support your journey and purpose here. The emergence of these aligned star soul frequencies is greatly helping unravel the Intervention.
One aspect of the Openhand Facilitator Work involves creating portals and fields of consciousness to help people form bridges into their particular soul family frequency. It’s tremendously rewarding watching souls reconnect with their true origins and feel their authentic vibration come alive!
Sample this Openhand Meditation for expanding your multidimensionality, activating Kundalini and bringing you into the Universal Toroidal Flow.

Earth Shift into 5D/6D/7D

What benevolence is working to do now, is to support the realignment of the various groups either into the New Paradigm in higher vibrations on Earth, or else back to constellations that are more commensurate with their vibration. This is being initiated through a comprehensive Earth Shift into the middle realm of the 5D/6D/7D. It will strip off the old karmic construct in the 4D to restore purity of vibration and rejuvenate Earth’s natural eco-systems. It will be populated by an evolved form of Original Humans (what I’m given to call the divine being DIVINICUS), but with a wide and diverse blend of incarnated star souls too — those that can hold the vibration of love, trust, compassion and respect for all sentient life.
Thus over millions of years the Earth will be rejuvenated and restored.
Here is an overview of the general process of the Earth Shift from 3D to 5D.

The Great Realignment

So we’re engaged in a complex realignment of the Earth’s frequencies here, which will strip off the old reality by a breakdown of the 3D biosphere (through abrupt climate changes and the pole shift). Souls that are not ready for the New Paradigm in the higher vibrations will be relocated elsewhere to realities more commensurate with their vibration and journey. Ultimately, it’s about bringing ALL souls back into the natural cycle of reincarnation, where we are interconnected and all working towards a natural flow within the Universal Torus of life.
It’s Alignment with the Torus that restores harmony and brings light throughout the Universe. To be clear, we’re not polarising or demonising those that have become wayward and exploited others, for that only ever perpetuates division. Yes, it’s been a convoluted past, in which many have suffered. And yet each of us is playing out the greater macrocosm of light working its way through all the grey areas in the vast cosmos.
Although at times intensely challenging, personally I’m greatly heartened by humanity’s growing ability to accept diversity of form and expression. We are are each unique, with widely diverse backgrounds from across the cosmos, yet all united by the collective invitation to co-create a way of living and existing here that respects all sentient life and honours their individuality. In these turbulent times, such is the tremendous opportunity for the forging of the soul that exists for us here. It’s a message contained within Openhand’s Paradigm Shift Documentary, “We’ll fill the sky with love!”
If you resonate with my sharing, consider getting involved with the Openhand Work.
In loving support,
Open HeartPraying Emoji
About the author:

Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.
Join us… Openhandweb • Openhand Facebook • Openhand TV
Recommended articles by Open:

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 20:04
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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