A Chama da Ascensão


Domingo, 14 / 07 / 19

Hypertension: What You Need to Know About Your Blood Pressure ~ Anna Kucirkova

Hypertension: What You Need to Know About Your Blood Pressure.

By Anna Kucirkova.

Posted July 13, 2019 by Edward Morgan. 



When was the last time you checked your blood pressure?
Or visited a doctor with concerns about your weight, stress levels, or family history of poor health?
If your answer to either question is far too long, then it might be time to make that call. It also would be smart to familiarize yourself with one of the most common, potentially harmful and yet very preventable diseases today – hypertension.

What is Hypertension?

Hypertension is better known to most Americans as high blood pressure.
All too common, hypertension is the most prevalent cardiovascular disease. Roughly 30% or 75 million US adults have high blood pressure and the older you get, the risk increases, even if many don’t know it.
Often referred to as a silent killer, the biggest threat of hypertension is that, whether it be from lifestyle or heredity, many Americans may not realize they suffer from it.

Types and Symptoms of Hypertension

On its surface, blood pressure is one of the more mundane functions within our bodies. Our hearts pump blood and the blood, in turn, flows through our arteries.
Blood pressure is the measure of how much blood your heart pumps and the resistance the blood faces as it passes through arteries. The combination of more blood being pumped while encountering greater resistance results in hypertension.
If left unchecked, this increased pressure and stress on your arteries is anything but mundane.
The most immediate impact of hypertension is damage to blood vessels. Vessels can weaken to the point of forming an aneurysm, which can be deadly.
Equally catastrophic is the impact hypertension has on your organs.
Kidney failure and eye disease are the most common outcomes of unchecked high blood pressure, but blocked arteries also limit blood flow to other vital systems, including the brain, resulting is vascular dementia.
The most widely known medical conditions that stem from unhealthy blood pressure levels are heart disease and stroke – both of which can cause death.
In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control, heart disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women.

Types of Hypertension

blood pressure check
High blood pressure can be classed into two types: primary or essential hypertension or secondary hypertension.
Primary hypertension develops over time – in many cases over the course of years or decades. In many cases, there is no direct cause or source for the increase in blood pressure.
When speaking to the silent killer aspect of high blood pressure, primary hypertension is most often the type referenced.
Secondary hypertension, however, develops from a preexisting or underlying condition. Far more sudden, secondary hypertension also results in higher blood pressure versus the primary form.
Secondary hypertension can usually be traced back to one of the following:
  • Defects in blood vessels (which typically occurs at birth)
  • Obesity or resultant diabetes
  • Problems with adrenal glands, the kidneys, or the thyroid
  • Sleep apnea
  • Use of both over the counter and prescription drugs such as birth control, cold and flu medicines, decongestants, and pain relievers
  • Use of illegal drugs, including amphetamines and cocaine


As we’ve noted, high blood pressure may develop over the course of many years without an individual even realizing it. As such, symptoms can be scarce, with some early indicators mistaken for non-specific ailments or other maladies – things like headaches, nosebleeds or shortness of breath.
Should your blood pressure reaches critical levels or becomes excessively high, one of the following could be a clear indicator of the rapid increase:
  • Abnormal or irregular heartbeat
  • Blood in urine
  • Chest pain (or if pounding sensation occurs in chest, ears or neck)
  • Confusion
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue (especially if severe, or occurs without prior physical exertion)
  • Severe headache
  • Vision becomes blurred
With such a small list of identifiable symptoms, which again could indicate a different medical concern altogether, regular visits to the doctor coupled with ongoing monitoring of blood pressure are critical to early hypertension diagnosis.

Who’s at Risk for Hypertension?

In a word, everybody.
Regardless of the current state of your health – good or bad – every individual is susceptible to high blood pressure.
Very healthy individuals who exercise regularly and watch what they eat could have family histories that make them more prone to hypertension.
Conversely, people with no family history that smoke or are overweight leave themselves open to developing hypertension.
But it’s more than just heredity or weight. Here are ten major factors that play a crucial role in determining whether you’re at an elevated risk for hypertension:
  • Age: The older you are, the greater your chance for hypertension. Gender does play a role as men are more likely to see high blood pressure up to age 64. After age 65, it becomes more common in women.
  • Alcohol: Alcohol can possess some healthy attributes, but if consumed in excess it can negatively affect your blood pressure.
  • Heredity: If your family has a history of high blood pressure make it known to your physician and ensure regular monitoring is part of your lifestyle.
  • Inactivity: Those who avoid physical activity, whether it’s exercise or any other form of general exertion, are more prone to weight gain and obesity. They also typically have higher heart rates, meaning the heart has to work harder which can damage arteries.
  • Obesity: If you are obese or overweight, you will require more blood to be pumped to meet your body’s needs for nutrients and oxygen. This not only increases the blood pumping through your body, but it also increases the stress on the arteries carrying it.
  • Pre Existing Conditions: As we covered with secondary hypertension, the presence of certain conditions may increase the likelihood of hypertension – sleep apnea, diabetes, or kidney disease among them.
  • Stress: For many, increased stress may lead to elevated blood pressure, which can be harmful even if the increase is brief.
  • Tobacco Use: Among the laundry list of health-related items that tobacco use negatively impacts is a temporary increase in blood pressure and damage to your arteries. This includes chewing tobacco and secondhand smoke.
  • Too Much Sodium or Too Little Potassium: Although salt may add plenty of flavor to your food, it also increases your blood pressure. For its part, potassium helps to regulate the sodium levels in your body and too little potassium will increase your sodium levels.

How to Treat or Avoid Hypertension

doctor visitTo be sure, hypertension is a serious condition that will eventually deteriorate an individual’s health if left untreated.
It’s not all bleak, however.
Better control of your blood pressure results in far lower risks of heart disease, stroke, and other potentially harmful outcomes. Even if diagnosed, there are plenty of ways an individual can control their hypertension.
First, an increasingly common method for managing hypertension is through prescription medication.
Of course, concerns exist over prescribed controls, including potentially harmful side effects and the need to be tied to a regular, artificial means of management. For many who suffer from high blood pressure, there is a better solution.
Many medical professionals agree that perhaps the best way to treat hypertension and to keep blood pressure levels within healthy ranges is through a patient’s lifestyle.
Here are seven main factors in helping to keep hypertension at bay:
  • Maintain a Healthy Weight: Nobody expects you have a perfectly toned physique, but fewer overall pounds directly relates to lower blood pressure. Keeping your waistline slimmer will also help as too much weight around your midsection increases your risk for hypertension.
  • Maintain a Healthy Diet: Part of keeping a healthy weight means eating a healthy diet. More than that though, consuming the right foods for heart health – fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and dairy products low in fat – and avoiding the wrong ones – saturated fat and cholesterol – can drastically reduce your risk for hypertension.
  • Cut Back on Salt: In addition to being mindful of your overall diet, cutting back on salt, even if just a little, will have a considerable impact on lowering blood pressure. Opt for non-processed foods and flavor your meals with herbs and spices.
  • Reduce Your Alcohol Consumption: A drink or two a day has been shown to carry some positive outcomes for an individual’s health. Excessive drinking, however, can have the opposite effect including increasing your blood pressure and reducing the effectiveness of blood pressure medications.
  • Quit Smoking: It should go without saying at this point, but steering clear of all tobacco products will add years to your life and keep your blood pressure down while you live them.
  • Become More Active: Not just exercise, but regular, consistent activity will keep your blood pressure levels within an acceptable range and your hypertension risk low. While all forms of exercise will positively impact your health, something as simple as a brisk daily walk will do wonders for your heart health.
  • Relax: Finally, keep your stress levels low. Chronic, consistent stress doesn’t just increase your risk of hypertension. It can lead you toward other unhealthy habits that may further complicate your heart health. Be mindful of your particular stress triggers, keep your expectations for both personal and professional endeavors realistic, and make time for yourself to decompress and pursue activities you enjoy to take your mind off the daily grind.

Final Thoughts

Individuals both healthy and unhealthy can have high blood pressure. So regardless of your current health, specific regimen, or potential risk factors you should take the threat of hypertension seriously.
It’s essential to meet with a physician and monitor your blood pressure regularly to stay on top of any changes in your body’s natural rhythms. Doing so will not only keep your blood pressure low and hypertension at bay, but it could potentially save your life.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
Hypertension: What You Need to Know About Your Blood Pressure
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publicado por achama às 16:12
Sábado, 11 / 05 / 19

The Power of Magnesium For Your Body ~ Anna Kucirkova

The Power of Magnesium For Your Body.

Anna Kucirkova.

Posted May 10, 2019. 

magnesium capsules.


Ah, magnificent magnesium! It’s often referred to as the “neglected mineral you cannot live without.” More fascinating health benefits of magnesium are being discovered each year, along with uncovering the many adverse body conditions for lack of magnesium.
It’s crucial to maintain a certain level of magnesium in the body since this naturally-occurring element is vital for scores of functions related to human health. Magnesium deficiency can be a source of health issues ranging from mild to severe. 
Among other things, magnesium helps control blood pressure. It maintains a steady heart rhythm and aids in keeping the bones strong. In blood sugar management, magnesium is a regulating mineral. Magnesium also helps preserve healthy muscle and nerve function. Some people find they get more restful sleep because of magnesium.

How Magnesium Works

Compelling data has been discovered in recent years highlighting connections between physiological pathways and magnesium. Research reveals as many as 300 functions of magnesium as an important cofactor for enzymes - to create cellular energy, regulate concentrations of other minerals, and to repair and protect proteins and DNA. 

The energy-storage molecules in our bodies called ATP (adenosine triphosphate) can’t function without magnesium! One professor of medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center explains that magnesium deficiency shuts down the Vitamin D synthesis and metabolism pathway. 

Magnesium’s Link to Our Diet, Habits, and Diseases

Given the popularity of avocados, dark chocolate, and almonds in today’s menus, you would think that everyone should have plenty of magnesium in their diet. But the National Institutes of Health reports that “Dietary surveys of people in the United States consistently show that intakes of magnesium are lower than recommended amounts.”
While it is possible to eat enough foods rich in magnesium to stay healthy, the majority of people do not. What are the most common reasons for widespread magnesium deficiency? A dietary intake of magnesium that’s too low is obvious, and that’s often due to poor eating habits. But a poor diet is only one consideration.
In addition to eating too little magnesium, there are particular conditions or diseases that increase the possibility of magnesium deficiency. Alcohol use, too much sugar or caffeine, lack of sleep, excessive sweating, chronic diarrhea, conditions related to diabetes or acute kidney failure, high blood calcium level, celiac, IBS, malnutrition, and certain medications - any of these could lead to low magnesium levels.

What Happens When Magnesium is Too Low?

magnesium doctor
A genuine deficiency may not become obvious until magnesium levels are very low. Some signs that you may be deficient in magnesium include:The medical condition is technically called hypomagnesemia. The number of people who definitely have this ailment is actually quite low (less than 2% of Americans), but studies indicate that half to three-quarters of the US population isn’t reaching the amount of daily magnesium from food that’s recommended for optimum health.

  • Muscle twitches and cramps
  • Mental disorders
  • Anxiety
  • Osteoporosis
  • Fatigue
  • High blood pressure
  • Asthma
  • Kidney problems
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Muscle weakness
  • Muscle twitches, tremors, and cramps
  • In worst case scenarios, seizures or convulsions
Unfortunately, magnesium deficiency is often misdiagnosed since the symptoms can mimic a plethora of other medical problems. If you suspect magnesium may be part of the health issues you have, you should bring it up with your physician. Your doctor can order a simple blood test, similar to other blood tests, to determine your current magnesium level.
You definitely don’t want to consume too much magnesium (since that’s also unhealthy), but it’s well worth investigating the lack of magnesium signs and symptoms you may have experienced. A shortage of magnesium could be to blame for other physical symptoms that aren’t on this list.

How Much is Enough?

useful chart from the Linus Pauling Institute (a research institute with a focus on health maintenance) helps spell out daily magnesium recommended intakes for adults, based on their age and sex.
As a general rule, it’s a little over 300 mg per day for women and about 400 mg per day for men. The need for magnesium rises somewhat as we age. Children require far less magnesium than adults, but their need for it begins to increase at puberty.  

Best Foods for Magnesium Intake

magnesium foods
Similar to other minerals and vitamins, it’s best to acquire the bulk of your magnesium in the diet by making good food choices, and then add supplements if it’s medically determined to be necessary for your health. The chart mentioned above clearly indicates that no one should be getting more than 350 mg of magnesium per day just from supplements, as that amount is considered the upper limit the human body can safely tolerate.
It comes as no surprise that the foods naturally rich in magnesium are already promoted for their excellent health properties. You could probably venture a guess as to which foods are on this list! Dark leafy greens, whole grains, bananas, legumes (which includes beans of all varieties, lentils, chickpeas, etc.), dark chocolate, seeds, nuts, avocados, and certain types of fatty fish like salmon, halibut and mackerel are among the best choices for providing dietary magnesium.

What if Dietary Magnesium Isn’t Enough?

Magnesium supplements, when you need them, come in various forms. The absorption of magnesium from different types of supplements varies, and there are also some distinctions in what they are best for treating. Ones that dissolve well in liquid are more completely absorbed in the digestive tract.
Dr. Laurie Steelsmith, a naturopathic physician who has appeared on CNN’s “HealthWatch”, Fox and NBC news affiliates, describes the popular types of magnesium supplements:
  1. Magnesium chloride - Perhaps the most popular magnesium supplement on the market, is argued to be the most effective form.  It organically encourages sleep, digestion, bone health and a sense of calm (both mental and physical). That said, supplementing with this form of magnesium may cause diarrhea.
  1. Magnesium sulfate - Otherwise known as Epsom salts, magnesium sulfate has long been a boon for athletes - or, really, anyone with sore muscles; it’s also widely known for its laxative effects.
  1. Magnesium citrate - derived from citric acid. With excellent bioavailability (the efficacy with which a substance is absorbed and used by the body) it’s one of the most highly recommended magnesium supplements. Often used to naturally support digestion, it’s also easy on the wallet. However, it may lead to dehydration (and imbalance of minerals that arrives with this) in that it pulls water into the intestines.
  1. Magnesium oxide - With lower levels of bioavailability, it scores only 4 percent, while magnesium citrate has a bioavailability of 90 percent. It’s found in Milk of Magnesia and similar products, and, as such, organically encourages improved digestion.
  1. Magnesium glycinate - Feeling stressed? This may be the form for you. While magnesium in its many different forms has been shown to naturally support muscle relaxation, magnesium glycinate might just take the cake (note: the amino acid glycine is known for the calming impact it can have on the mind and body). Additionally, it has optimum bioavailability and, unlike some of its kin, isn’t known for its laxative properties.
  1. Magnesium orotate - Those searching for supplements that may organically encourage heart health might give this type a try. With its inclusion of orotic acid (formerly known as B13), it’s also a favorite among athletes, given that it may naturally support the repair of tissues, as well as enhanced stamina and performance. Magnesium orotate often comes with a heftier price tag.
  1. Magnesium L-threonate - Dubbed a “breakthrough” supplement, magnesium L-threonate possesses good bioavailability but also the potential to improve cognitive functions, with the National Institutes of Health reporting that memory deficits - particularly short term memory loss caused by chronic pain - may be just one of the potential benefits of this form of magnesium.

Magnesium Oil as an Alternative

If you’re among those people who have difficulty absorbing magnesium internally, you might find that applying magnesium topically (on the skin) is more effective, or you could alternate between topical and internal approaches.
Although described as an oil, magnesium oil is actually a mixture of magnesium chloride flakes and water. When combined, the liquid that results has an oily feel, but isn’t technically an oil. When this is applied or sprayed onto the skin, it may be able to raise magnesium levels within the body. Some stand by this method to treat magnesium deficiency, promote relaxation, relieve muscle aches and as a remedy for headaches.
Searching the internet for a magnesium oil spray recipe yields thousands of results. It’s a very simple blend. You can order a bottle online, or better yet, make it yourself using this recipe from wellnessmama.com:
DIY Magnesium Oil Spray Recipe
1/2 cup magnesium chloride flakes
1/2 cup distilled water
a glass bowl or glass measuring cup
a glass spray bottle (this is the one in the picture above)
Boil the distilled water. It is important to use distilled to extend the shelf life of the mixture.
Place the magnesium chloride flakes in the glass bowl or measuring cup and the pour the boiling water over it.
Stir well until completely dissolved. Let cool completely and store in the spray bottle. Can be stored at room temperature for at least six months.
Note: Wellnessmama uses magnesium oil before bedtime and often adds 10 drops of lavender essential oil to the mixture for scent and relaxation.

Give it a Shot

If you'd like to try Magnesium but are unsure which type to try we recommend our Magnesium L-Threonate, which provides all of the benefits of other magnesium supplements while being the only one shown to improve cognitive function.

So whether you’re investigating new approaches with your doctor to pressing health problems like the use of magnesium for hypertension or Type 2 diabetes, seeking relief from anxiety, hoping to eliminate muscle cramps, or simply need nights of more restful sleep, upping your intake of magnificent magnesium could be a significant part of improving your overall health.
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If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 08:26
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