A Chama da Ascensão


Quarta-feira, 01 / 04 / 20

Love is Letting Go of the Fear!

Love is Letting Go of the Fear!

Mastering the matrix-like mutation, collective consciousness virus. 

From ... the Soul and Spirit of the Maya, and the Star Elders.

through Aluna Joy

Villahermosa, Mexico. 2020/03/17.

A message you might have missed, as it was only posted on FB
(More frequent energy reports and insights and comments are posted on Facebook here:
It has been 20 years, a Mayan Katun cycle, since the last collective fear virus has engulfed your world and tried to attack your spiritual growth. This was the Y2K event that was feared would stop your world in an instant. Some panicked and filled their bunkers with supplies to sustain life. Others could see through the illusions and filled their hearts with love and celebrated. But now you all know that this fear of instant and total collapse of your world, that was implanted into the collective field of humanity’s consciousness, was an illusion all along. You became much stronger within yourself from this test. 
Now you have reached another Katun cycle of 20 years. You are ready to grow much further now. The same level of testing as before would not challenge your Spirit enough to shift you or bend you into realization to hold a wider range of reality that is beyond linear time and space. 
At the beginning of your year 2020, a new test began in your collective human field of consciousness. This is a multi-layered, matrix-like mutation, collective consciousness virus that has been put into place. Thus, it is to test you on much deeper levels, and it comes with multiple perspectives and no clear one truth. 
This 20 year Katun will teach you to trust the way of truth within you; not the “truth” outside you. This test is using cosmic shock therapy. Jolts to the system break free old patterns and will clear old ancestral wounds. This time it IS a shock to the system like no other. Truth will no longer be a point in time that is clear. Truth will be like a moving target in which you will need to adjust your perspectives according to the quickly evolution of the truth you seek. There will be many sides ... all which are moving in definition, and truth will be relative. 
Again, some will fear and others will celebrate. But which side you are on will be blurry and out of focus, and you will doubt yourself often, and feel you are missing the point. There are right and wrong choices on all spectrums of this matrix. Yet these are either from the consciousness of love, or from the consciousness of fear. You might feel like you are missing the lesson in this trial. All we can say is that this will become clearer in time.
Lessons will be learned. This is a fact. Many will heal very ancient issues coming from your genetic ancestral lineages. You will see many things resurface in this slowing down process of lockdown and isolation. You might feel the extremes of heightened intuition vs heightened fear. You might feel that you are on the edge of madness inside and then suddenly be washed over with peace.
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You might feel the ancient echo of soul-breaking abandonment and then feel deeply connected. You might feel tragic, unimaginable losses and find new avenues of abundance. You might feel total desolation and then feel so full of spirit that you can’t contain it all, and you are not meant to anyway. Most of all, you might face the memory of unfathomable human suffering; then move past it and find true bliss. Once you slow down and face the fears that are rising up in you and greet them with open arms with love, knowing that these things can no longer hurt you, you transform it, not only for you and your genetic family, but you also give help and hope to the entire human race. 
No doubt these tests are coming hard and fast. They will come in multi layers and from shocking and surprising directions. Stay open and know that you are safe and that this is a a great healing.
Mother Earth is celebrating. The gift of your slow down. Her atmosphere is clearing and the waters are purifying. This is a much needed reboot for Mother Earth as well as for humanity. Energy ley lines on earth are being released, set free, and are in an exploding expansion cycle all over the Earth. 
This process is cleaning and clearing out what is left of the old Earth template and human consciousness programs to create a new chalice-like vessel and Earth template in which to pour in new energy, strength and vitality, like a pure river of creative intention that will be the foundation for the world and awakened consciousness that you can not imagine in this moment. 
By 2040, the next Katun, you will have assimilated, merged and mastered fear completely, and fear will never affect your ability to access your truth ever again. 
Aluna’s side note ... Please be respectful as much as possible during this time, and be conscious of yourself as not to spread or cause harm to another. It is not coming from fear to isolate or do personal distancing in these challenging times. Love your neighbors as yourself no matter what their belief system is. We are all in this together.
Radiant Blessings ~ Aluna Joy
www.AlunaJoy.com  -  Copyrighted 2020
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Please offer any comments or sharings at this link, as your insights do add to a larger perspective.  
... and we simply can not answer all your emails, but we sure do want to.
Copyright Aluna Joy Yaxkin © 2020 www.alunajoy.com 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 08:22
Sábado, 04 / 01 / 20


Aluna Joy Yaxk'in and the Star Elders.

January 3, 2020.

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in - www.AlunaJoy.com - Ⓒ 1995-2020.




Finally all the bumpy clues I have been collecting are starting to fall into place. At least I can hope. (fingers crossed) The energy surges that blasted us to our very limit, and the last few weeks in 2019, were a real mind-bending, roller coaster. Hey, if the Queen said it was a bumpy ride, then you know it was truly a shake up of global portions. We just could not stay calm and carry on! But we were warned, just as predicted by the Star Elders, that no one was exempt from these energy waves. And that is a good thing folks.

On and off, this past year left me feeling beyond overwhelmed and thoroughly cooked down to my very core. Giant tidal waves rocked humanity and the collective consciousness with little time to recover. Many times it showed up as huge, ego shattering, energy blasts. It was hard to hold any level of self, or self esteem, during those times. It was easy to take a lot of these waves very personally, and times we just felt lost. We blamed ourselves for not being positive or for not holding a high enough frequency. We were left questioning nearly every thing and every truth in our lives. But it wasn't until just after Christmas that I could see the beginning of a broader picture forming. All of this brutal transformation was necessary for the rise of clarity coming in 2020. It has been training us all to contain a broader more encompassing energy and a much wider reality and multi-dimensionality. In these dark depths, that we fell into so uncontrollably, is the very place where a new and higher frequency is being birthed. We were in labor in 2019, and 2020 is the arrival! 
All this really started for me around Thanksgiving and continued through Christmas. I was obsessed with driving up Oak Creek Canyon just outside of Sedona. We made the drive after each fresh snow fall and any other time spirit said GO! The roads were nearly free of other cars due to the weather. I kept having little magical moments with the Earth, trees and nature between West Fork Trail Head and Cave Springs. Then 12/28/19 was a game changer for me. We were driving down Oak Creek Canyon once again, and we reached this magical spot on the road. I had opened my window to smell the wonderfully, clean air that comes after a really good snow fall. I was looking at the snow covered branches and the beautiful ice fractals formations that the sun was hitting. It was like I had heightened super vision. Just then, a huge and sudden transformational surge overtook me. I hit a moment of the most absolute, other-worldly bliss. I had never felt anything close to this ever. It was so powerful that I felt like it might sweep me right out of my body, and I think it did. It was a seriously ethereal intoxication. Simultaneously though, I felt so very, very sick . . . like the worst full body vertigo and nausea that I had ever felt. It happened so quick, and it was so deeply terrifying. It passed as quickly as it arrived. But this was a bizarre moment even for me, and it left me questioning, "What in the world was that?"
In the middle of the bliss and the hell, I saw a huge energy wall . . . like an energy block that was keeping me from going forward. In my heart I knew, because I could now see the block / wall, I could also go through it. I was free from all the constraints of the past. The little child in me felt quite smug, as I looked back at my past and said "So there. I see the wall, and you can't stop me from going through now". This was a big victory moment for me and for my soul. But I didn't really understand it all in that moment. I just knew that something big had happened in a very short minute, and it was huge. And because I felt this, I am sure others did to. Did you?
It wasn't until I began to write about this that I remembered another piece that was linked to the vision that I had of this wall. In 1990, I was spending the night in Palenque, Mexico. I had an all night meditation atop Temple of the Sun. It was on this night that I saw ecstatic, limitless, creative energy. At that time, when I asked if I could learn how to merge with it, or work with it, the Star Elders told me that this energy, that I was seeing, was on a great cosmic, time clock. I was seeing what was on the other side of the wall. They said no matter how hard I worked on myself spiritually, this energy would not be released until it was time. Well . . . after 30 years, I think it is time, and this energy has just been released! This surge of energy has already circumnavigated the Earth to YOU if you know it or not. Somewhere inside of you, you have felt it! 
P.S. Remember that Palenque is on a huge, Earth energy grid line called the Plumed Serpent Ley Line (The Plumed Serpent Ley Line is one of two major Earth ley lines. The other is the Rainbow Serpent Ley Line.) The Plumed Serpent Ley Line covers the sacred sites of Palenque, Mexico - Sedona, Arizona - Mt. Shasta, California - Mt. Fuji, Japan - the 4 mountains of Bali - Lake Titacaca, Peru - and then circumnavigates back to Palenque. But any energy activity on either Ley Line affects both lines, as they cross over each other, harmonizing energy all over the Earth. 

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Because this year has been so self leveling, ego transfiguring and metamorphosing, it has taken us longer to understand what in the world is going on. The new energies are so far beyond our past understanding of reality, that it takes a huge and exhausting stretch of consciousness, and an even deeper level of letting go, to make any sense of it. All our current crazy, energy ascension symptoms are so far beyond what we have been use to, that we simply thought we were doing something wrong, so we hunkered down even further and thus took a lot of things personally. As the Star Elders teach . . . "Always ask, What is me, and what is not me?" If what you are experiencing is yours personally, then take responsibility for it. Simple. If it is part of the collective consciousness and it is not yours personally, then purposely draw your energy away from it, and do not feed the monster. Simple again. 
Then, when I thought I might not understand the whole story of what happened on December 28th, a friend sent me a little update from Celia Fenn who also acknowledged that she felt the power surge on 12/28. She felt the Earth moved from the 5th into the 6th and even the 7th dimension on that day. Celia was also clear that it wasn't just in consciousness, like in the past, but it was in the physical also. I feel this was the same concept as what I experienced; the extraordinary bliss, alarming vertigo, and the block/ wall that I saw myself cross over! She went on to say that those who have worked on their light body were part of this "test run" of the energy surge. And that the Earth and certain sacred sites will now be accessible at these much higher levels, to those who know how to work in their light bodies. I would guess that all major sacred sites, including some of my favorite sites like Palenque Mexico, Glastonbury England, and Giza Egypt, to name a very few, are now radiating at new higher frequencies. Considering how powerful this 12/28 surge was, I wonder if we can now reach these new higher levels and dimensions with our physical bodies that have been metamorphosized. Have our physical bodies merged with our light bodies? Have they merged with our higher selves? And if so, have we just entered a whole new reality? 
Then a few days later, I had a lucid dream. I saw what looked like a human form merged with a tree of life. I could see many dimensions or alternate realities connected to this human form by long, tubular threads. And at the end of these threads, there were spheres of realities. This had nothing to do with meridians or our chakras . . . these dimensions were connected to something new within us, like a whole, brand new, energy system. These realities had crystalline fractal patterns around them that looked much like the ice fractals that I saw on the 28th during my confusing energy surge. It was then that I knew that I had actually left my body for a short time. This is why I could remember close ups of the ice fractals that I could not have possibly seen while driving in the car. Once I was out my physical body, I could reboot and upload new programs. Then I was slam dunked back into my body causing the extreme vertigo. 
And it is not over yet. Many people are expecting a huge surge that is going to impact the Rainbow Serpent Ley Line and the earths Solar Plexus on Jan 12, 2020. It is prophesied that it will be bigger than we have ever experienced on this planet in recorded history. Uluru has already been gearing up with an epic lightning storm on December 30th. Uluru will get switched on by the local indigenous custodians on January 12th. It is said that this will send a blast of new energy throughout the song lines of the planet, connecting all of the Earth Chakras together by using the Rainbow Serpent Ley Line. According to Robert Coon, the ley line starts from Uluru (Solar Plexus) and travels through Bali (World Purification Centre), to Glastonbury (Heart & Third Eye Chakras), to Lake Titicaca (Sacral Chakra) and then back around and through to Uluru. There are many more details on this that we won't write about here. Do a quick search on "1/12/2020 Robert Coon", you will find more details quickly.
We can only guess what we will experience with this next surge, but I think we have a little idea how this might feel in our physical body. I can speculate with my intuition that with both ley lines profoundly elevated, nearly simultaneously in time, and our physical and light bodies merged, our light body absorbing our physical human space suit, well . . . I have a good imagination to what might come next. But I expect most sacred sites will be radiating from a higher octave now. This makes this sacred site junkie very very happy. 
So hang on. Keep your Earth suit grounded, your peepers open, and your brightest lights on, and do the work you are called to do, because you don't want to miss this one. 

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*** Please POST, RESPOND or COMMENT on this article on our post on FACEBOOK HERE THANK YOU! This saves me so much time. I simply cannot answer all your emails, but the fact is that I really want to ;) ALSO, your unique, insightful comments benefit everyone else and helps us paint a larger picture of what is evolving on Earth and Humanity. REMEMBER ~ PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE on our Public Facebook page, because Facebook limits the number of people who can see our updates that they have asked to see. If you want to experience more of this type of message, LIKE IT!

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. She is well known for her down to earth, accepting attitude that makes each one feel like they have come home. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to the Creator. "Our groups are family, and each one is a teacher and also a student. We work together as a team to unravel the sacred mysteries of life." Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England and Scotland) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: www.AlunaJoy.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/alunajoyyaxkin YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/feelthelove2012

Copyright Guidelines: Aluna Joy Yaxk'in - www.AlunaJoy.com - Ⓒ 1995-2019 - Unauthorized publication and/or duplication of any material on our web site without permission from its author and/or owner is prohibited.
RE-POSTING SHARING GUIDELINES: We allow SHARING freely, only if shared through Aluna's Public Facebook Page SHARE LINK, or the original WEBSITE LINK and NOT used for self promotion. This way there is no confusion to who the author is for this information, and no confusion to who the author is connected to or who she supports. Thank you everyone for understanding. Just make sure the original LINK to the posts is added to your sharing. Thank you for your great support. We would not be able to continue this work if it were not for you. We send you awesome radiant blessings today and for the beautiful future that we are co-creating together.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 08:13
Segunda-feira, 11 / 02 / 19

A rare word for word transmission from The Star Elders ~ Aluna Joy

A rare word for word

Transmission from  The Star Elders

Aluna Joy Yaxkin


No photo description available.
A rare word for word transmission from The Star Elders



You have outlived your programming for this incarnation.
An earth year now offers you the growth of a lifetime.
You have never attempted this process before. 
You are racing to catch up, but you are being supported. 
The rules of nature are now upgraded into the current cycle.
Re-harmonization is in process.

Your entire life experience is being measured to a new standard.
You are being held accountable for everything,
even for those things you mis-created before you awakened.
You are being re-aligned for all actions that can not go further.
But you have a choice...
To stay your course that is what you already know...
Or open to the possibility that everything is about to change.

A rare word for word transmission from 
The Star Elders

*** My thoughts and insights...
We are reaching a critical point between what seems to be super sensitivity to feelings vs a growing lack of empathy. Neither is right or wrong, but it is part of the harmonization process the Star Elders speak about.
Older generations grew up in the previous cycle’s programming. This old programming taught us to ignore or devalue our feelings and to give our power away. This is how our world mis-created so much. We were not taught to listen to our hearts and, most of all, our higher-selves. We might be viewed as insensitive during this time. This is why humanity now needs to back track, and clean up the past.
Younger generations are now growing up in the new cycle frequencies, and because of this, they are valuing each and every feeling. We might call them snow flakes, but are they? If we are to clean up the unconscious mess our world is in right now, we need to listen and feel each and every feeling, and then have the self-worth, and empowerment to act on them.
This process is challenging and may cause anxiety to older generations, because they are not use to allowing themselves to feel so much, and in such detail . . . and most of all, to feel the support to act on this inner truth.
This process is challenging to younger ones as well. It may cause confusion, lack of commitment, and they might often become ungrounded. They can deal with all the heightened feelings, but they do not have the gift of wisdom that living many decades brings.
I think we can help each other through this harmonization process if we can go beyond our personal perspectives that we grew up with, and build a bridge between the younger, super consciousness and elder wisdom!
Regarding the last line, where the Star Elders are saying that “everything is about to change”, we have to remember that Star Elder consciousness comes from a much bigger timeline than we do. With my lifetime experience of working with the Star Elders, when they say things with a time line imprint on it, that sounds like it could happen right now; this could mean tomorrow, but most likely it means many months or even years from now. So breathe. This change will most likely not come in a flash. It is to hard on the survival of our human spacesuit. The universe will give us time to adjust to the many layers of change coming.
I hope this makes sense. 
With love and support to all. 
Aluna Joy
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/alunajoyyaxkin 
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/feelthelove2012

Copyright Guidelines: Aluna Joy Yaxk'in - www.AlunaJoy.com - Ⓒ 1995-201 - Unauthorized publication and/or duplication of any material on our web site without permission from its author and/or owner is prohibited.
RE-POSTING SHARING GUIDELINES: We allow SHARING freely, only if shared through Aluna's Public Facebook Page SHARE LINK, or the original WEBSITE LINK and NOT used for self promotion. This way there is no confusion to who the author is for this information, and no confusion to who the author is connected to or who she supports. Thank you everyone for understanding. Just make sure the original LINK to the posts is added to your sharing. Thank you for your great support. We would not be able to continue this work if it were not for you. We send you awesome radiant blessings today and for the beautiful future that we are co-creating together.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 15:44
Terça-feira, 22 / 01 / 19



Aluna Joy Yaxkin.

Received on Thanksgiving and full moon eve - 11-21-2018.

Posted 2019/01/21 

(More frequent energy reports and comments are posted on Facebook here: (https://www.facebook.com/alunajoyyaxkin)


I know many of you are feeling this out there ... A strange need for a disconnect from our current world, and the observation of a challenging 50/50 split of humanity.
I am finding the 3D world increasingly more difficult to deal with. I just don't want to be a part of it anymore... and maybe this is a clue for me and those feeling this, to give some deep attention to. I find our world oddly antiquated, out of date, and immensely over complicated to the point of threatening implosion. Something deep inside my soul says all this complication is completely unnecessary. This triggers a superficial angst... and a deep soul-knowing ... in the possibility of being totally free. None of these feelings make any sense at this time, but it is the way I am continuing to feel. Are you feeling this? So these insights are triggering major questions. Are we in the process of bailing out of a mind-based, highly complicated world? Are we bailing out on a huge system that evolved into something corrupt, that we didn't envision, that harvests our divine energy in uncountable ways? Are we being set free from the constraints of human programming so we can be our authentic selves? Maybe it is time for this to happen at this point in our evolution. This is something I am watching and pondering at this point in time.
I also wonder how this could play out in our physical world. We are in a "wait and see" mode right now, while staying fluid and flexible. And as the Star Elders have said, what will unfold will be a big surprise (sounds nice), or what I call life unexpectedly coming out of left field (a little more ominous). I know what is now manifesting is not what most of us had envisioned over many years... but I think there is a bigger picture emerging now. Our eyes have been opened further, and now we can see this bigger picture, at least part of it.
"An authentic life well lived should never be weighed down by the mind." (The Star Elders)
I was having a conversation with a good friend Melody the other day. We begin talking about the great split in humanity that we were seeing. We joked about how humanity has separated now into two very distinct and nearly equal races. This has nothing to do with genetics, social status, popularity, wealth etc....
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After this conversation, I starting thinking about the many things that the Star Elders have shared over the years. So I want to share this... particularly today... as we enter into the holy-days, and in the USA, we celebrate Thanksgiving. You will see my reasoning further down. So hang on, because this might get a little "out there", especially if you are new to my messages.
Many years ago the Star Elders shared that, by their calculations, 50% of humanity had extra-terrestrial (holy family) DNA. Somewhere in the distance past, there was divine intervention from our cosmic family. Humanity was given a huge boost in our evolution. This could be an explanation for the missing link in anthropology, and also the birth of what we call the holy family linages that mirror in most religions on Earth. Could this divine intervention event in the ancient past be causing the massive split that we are seeing in humanity right now? Because those, with eyes opened wider these days, can see that humanity is separating in to a nearly equal 50/50 split!
Are the ones with the extra-terrestrial DNA going in one direction, while the others are going another way? Please hear this point... The Star Elders are VERY clear that either direction that humanity takes is neither right nor wrong ... they are just different paths. There are no judgments to either side. But there is obviously a split happening. We can all see this in our current society.
How this spilt will play out in humanity, in our physical world, I feel is the surprise the Star Elders speak about. We do not know how this is going to manifest and play out because it is a unknown. So how do we navigate without a compass? Well you have a compass! It is called your heart. And for years we have said to follow it. But now the callings of our hearts are asking us not to make comfortable baby steps, but to make multiple, challenging huge leaps! Each day we are called not to do what we have always known to do but do what we have never done before. Certainly we are out of our comfort zone, everyone is, no matter what side of the spilt you are living in.
So as we gather with family in these holiday-days, understand that you and others might be on one side or the other. We are past the age where we judge anyone's life choices. We are past the age where we try to convert another to our belief system. Let everyone BE just who they are and love them. Use your energy to love one another, not to judge or try to fix, because the choices have been made. This is a better use of your energy. Being in acceptance, compassion, and love is the only way that we will anchor peace as this process plays out.
With that said...
May Peace fill your hearts as you navigate these exciting times. 
P.S. Be flexible for the unexpected "surprises" ahead, and just be who you are... LOVE.

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*** Please POST, RESPOND or COMMENT on this article on our post on FACEBOOK HERE THANK YOU! This saves me so much time. I simply cannot answer all your emails, but the fact is that I really want to ;) ALSO, your unique, insightful comments benefit everyone else and helps us paint a larger picture of what is evolving on Earth and Humanity. REMEMBER ~ PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE on our Public Facebook page, because Facebook limits the number of people who can see our updates that they have asked to see. If you want to experience more of this type of message, LIKE IT!

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. She is well known for her down to earth, accepting attitude that makes each one feel like they have come home. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to the Creator. "Our groups are family, and each one is a teacher and also a student. We work together as a team to unravel the sacred mysteries of life." Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England and Scotland) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: www.AlunaJoy.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/alunajoyyaxkin YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/feelthelove2012

Copyright Guidelines: Aluna Joy Yaxk'in - www.AlunaJoy.com - Ⓒ 1995-201 - Unauthorized publication and/or duplication of any material on our web site without permission from its author and/or owner is prohibited.
RE-POSTING SHARING GUIDELINES: We allow SHARING freely, only if shared through Aluna's Public Facebook Page SHARE LINK, or the original WEBSITE LINK and NOT used for self promotion. This way there is no confusion to who the author is for this information, and no confusion to who the author is connected to or who she supports. Thank you everyone for understanding. Just make sure the original LINK to the posts is added to your sharing. Thank you for your great support. We would not be able to continue this work if it were not for you. We send you awesome radiant blessings today and for the beautiful future that we are co-creating together.

We do accept donations if you feel abundant... or you can shop everyday on Amazon through our unique link, and we get a little kickback for everything you purchase. Either way you go, it helps keep us going here. 

Thank you! http://www.alunajoy.com/heartdonation.html

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 02:39
Segunda-feira, 21 / 01 / 19

THE RE-ENTRY PROTOCOL ~ Aluna Joy, Star Elders


Aluna Joy with the Star Elders.

Received on 11/14/2018.

Posted 2019/01/20 

(More frequent energy reports and comments are posted on Facebook here: (https://www.facebook.com/alunajoyyaxkin)


This year has been about huge closures and finishing contracts on issues that were long over due. Some outcomes were not what we had envisioned, but our eyes have been PRIED OPEN to finally see the truth clearly. Some of what we had hoped would heal or change has not, and this is because it is no longer supported by the current energies. There is no running away from what is left to finish or let go of.
As we navigate these big closures, we are fully entering new energies. This has been interesting to say the least. So, if you do not feel like yourself, this it part of the process. We might question if we know who we are, or where we are, or even when we are. We might feel a bit lost, unsure, vulnerable or even feel like the current reality is sort of in a dream-like state. Passion is returning, but it is still challenging to commit to anything. We are in a huge flux period in creation.
As we let go of old programming, belief systems and operating systems that we have subconsciously identified with, we will lose our familiar sense of self, along with feeling normal in time and space. As we let go of core programming that anchored us into the past world, this makes room for our new, higher frequency self to upload, re-anchor and re-create in a new format. As the Star Elders have said many times this year, by 2020 we will look back and not recognize our old selves. But I did not expect it to feel so darn wonkie. But here we are. We are not lost. We are just in a massive re-entry protocol.
The old 3D paradigm is signing out, and the new one is moving in!
What is helping with this transition...
Lots of personal time.
Socializing with like-minded community.
Living in a positive, supportive environment.
Avoiding drama as much as possible. Stay high when others go low. 
Love Donations for our messages click here. http://www.alunajoy.com/heartdonation.html

Support our work wit a Heart Donation OR shop everyday with our unique AMAZON link and support us for free. Thank You
*** Please POST, RESPOND or COMMENT on this article on our post on FACEBOOK HERE THANK YOU! This saves me so much time. I simply cannot answer all your emails, but the fact is that I really want to ;) ALSO, your unique, insightful comments benefit everyone else and helps us paint a larger picture of what is evolving on Earth and Humanity. REMEMBER ~ PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE on our Public Facebook page, because Facebook limits the number of people who can see our updates that they have asked to see. If you want to experience more of this type of message, LIKE IT!

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. She is well known for her down to earth, accepting attitude that makes each one feel like they have come home. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to the Creator. "Our groups are family, and each one is a teacher and also a student. We work together as a team to unravel the sacred mysteries of life." Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England and Scotland) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: www.AlunaJoy.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/alunajoyyaxkin YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/feelthelove2012
Copyright Guidelines: Aluna Joy Yaxk'in - www.AlunaJoy.com - Ⓒ 1995-201 - Unauthorized publication and/or duplication of any material on our web site without permission from its author and/or owner is prohibited. 
RE-POSTING SHARING GUIDELINES: We allow SHARING freely, only if shared through Aluna's Public Facebook Page SHARE LINK, or the original WEBSITE LINK and NOT used for self promotion. This way there is no confusion to who the author is for this information, and no confusion to who the author is connected to or who she supports. Thank you everyone for understanding. Just make sure the original LINK to the posts is added to your sharing. Thank you for your great support. We would not be able to continue this work if it were not for you. We send you awesome radiant blessings today and for the beautiful future that we are co-creating together.


We do accept donations if you feel abundant... or you can shop everyday on Amazon through our unique link, and we get a little kickback for everything you purchase. Either way you go, it helps keep us going here. 

Thank you! http://www.alunajoy.com/heartdonation.html

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 02:28
Domingo, 20 / 01 / 19

WELCOME TO THE BEGINNING ~ Aluna Joy with the Star Elders


Aluna Joy with the Star Elders.

Received on 11/5/2018.

Posted 2019/01/20 

(More frequent energy reports and comments are posted on Facebook here: (https://www.facebook.com/alunajoyyaxkin)


I know you can feel it. Something new is brewing in you. Everything is beginning to change. You can feel that your life will never be the same. And it won't. We are beginning to land into our future. We have moved past ethereal awareness and consciousness raising into the new reality being anchored in the physical world ... and it is tangible!

The past is moving behind us now. Old energy drains and our personal demons have voiced their last roars. Old karmic contracts have been burned in the purifying fire of new energies. Past, unhealthy creations will no longer be supported by the new frequencies. Belief systems including fear, guilt, shame, regret, doubt, etc... will no longer be supported. As a friend Howard said "Belief System = BS". The past will simply fade away like an old shadow in our memory, or like a dream that you forget when you wake up.

Yes... for those reading this, we are the way-showers now, as the out of date, past, miss-created history, and old belief systems lose their tight grip on humanity, and slip away into the cosmic recycle bin. We are being set free. The concept of karma is over. We have finished paying our debts. We will only experience life in instantaneous, real time cause and effect. We are beginning a new life on a much higher wave length, just as we had planned. The global reboot is a success.

We have been in a much needed void, rebooting, recalibration cycle since December 22nd, 2012. This void is all but over, and I hear that we will really feel this by the end of January 2019 ... and be fully free by 2020. So get ready, the passion is coming back. Break free from your inertia that we have become lost in. We have passed a huge pivotal point, and the wave we are surfing is going to be a welcomed rush.

Love Donations for our messages click here. http://www.alunajoy.com/heartdonation.html

The void was expected and needed to help our bodies gently adjust to the influx of new energies. I know many of us didn't think it was all that gentle, me included. But looking back at these last few years, I am glad that we had this somewhat frustrating recalibration time, as what is in front of us now might have been too much to physically bear back in 2013. We have grown so much. More outdated layers than we care to remember we have been pealed away from our old self to reveal our bright, new, human space suits. There were many challenges with health, relationship and any outdated creations as our bodies readjusted to new frequencies.

We can feel the new cycle energies awakening in sacred sites now. Energy is returning, but at a much higher bandwidth. We could really feel this new energy in England this last July. The sacred sites, stone circles and Michael and Mary ley lines were pumping very strong and new energy. It was hard to maintain balance as we worked there. We had to clear a lot of old emotions that belonged to us, and much more that was part of the collective consciences.

In Egypt, this past month, it felt completely unreal. We all kept saying, "I don't feel like we are here". It felt surreal and ethereal, almost like we had landed into another reality altogether. We first thought it was jet lag ... then later we realized that we were being bathed in brand new frequencies, unknown to humanity's consciousness. We had no reference point for these new frequencies. I always say that it always happens in Egypt first. The mother country Egypt gives birth to new frequencies, and then they wash across the matrix of ley lines right into your sacred work across the globe.

You can feel the flow returning and new doors opening now. All the work that we have done to break away from the past has worked. You are now setting intentions for the future. Be mindful to what you accept into your energy field. Don't let anything rent space in your soul that is not a good tenant. What you set your intentions on now will set you on a new, and maybe radically different trajectory. Welcome to the beginning. Welcome to your new home.

A suggested I AM Decree... but please feel free to make it personal for you.

Releasing the past and creating a positive future.
I fully except the GIFT of freedom from old karmic contracts.
Thank you Great Creator.
I AM free from feeling responsible for other people's wounds.
Thank you Great Creator.
I AM free from apologizing, defending or justifying my existence.
Thank you Great Creator.
I AM free from past events that drained me of my life force.
Thank you Great Creator.
I AM choosing what is right for me without guilt, shame or regret.
Thank you Great Creator.
I AM no longer feeding past creations with my attention.
Thank you Great Creator.
I AM free from anything that does not support my God-ness.
Thank you Great Creator.
I AM filling my future with self respect, peace, love and kindness.
Thank you Great Creator.
I AM focusing on what will fulfill my soul's purpose.
Thank you Great Creator.
When we move beyond our past wounds, and miss-creations in history, we also heal our ancestral lineages and, ultimately, all of humanity! This is part of your path as a way-shower.
(See below for a print out of the Release-Recreate decree)

Support our work wit a Heart Donation OR shop everyday with our unique AMAZON link and support us for free. Thank You
*** Please POST, RESPOND or COMMENT on this article on our post on FACEBOOK HERE THANK YOU! This saves me so much time. I simply cannot answer all your emails, but the fact is that I really want to ;) ALSO, your unique, insightful comments benefit everyone else and helps us paint a larger picture of what is evolving on Earth and Humanity. REMEMBER ~ PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE on our Public Facebook page, because Facebook limits the number of people who can see our updates that they have asked to see. If you want to experience more of this type of message, LIKE IT!

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. She is well known for her down to earth, accepting attitude that makes each one feel like they have come home. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to the Creator. "Our groups are family, and each one is a teacher and also a student. We work together as a team to unravel the sacred mysteries of life." Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England and Scotland) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: www.AlunaJoy.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/alunajoyyaxkin YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/feelthelove2012

Copyright Guidelines: Aluna Joy Yaxk'in - www.AlunaJoy.com - Ⓒ 1995-201 - Unauthorized publication and/or duplication of any material on our web site without permission from its author and/or owner is prohibited. 
RE-POSTING SHARING GUIDELINES: We allow SHARING freely, only if shared through Aluna's Public Facebook Page SHARE LINK, or the original WEBSITE LINK and NOT used for self promotion. This way there is no confusion to who the author is for this information, and no confusion to who the author is connected to or who she supports. Thank you everyone for understanding. Just make sure the original LINK to the posts is added to your sharing. Thank you for your great support. We would not be able to continue this work if it were not for you. We send you awesome radiant blessings today and for the beautiful future that we are co-creating together.


We do accept donations if you feel abundant... or you can shop everyday on Amazon through our unique link, and we get a little kickback for everything you purchase. Either way you go, it helps keep us going here. 

Thank you! http://www.alunajoy.com/heartdonation.html

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 02:18
Segunda-feira, 23 / 01 / 12

Inspiração de Ano Novo

SaLuSa, 23 Jan 2012


 Através de Mike Quinsey

 Tradução: Maria Luisa de Vasconcellos


1.  A nossa observação é que estais a proceder muito bem ao trazer a Luz para a Terra, que está a aumentar exponencial e rapidamente, fazendo-vos seguir em frente para a Ascensão. Portanto, estais numa grande corrida para a vitória sobre as trevas e nunca houve qualquer dúvida sobre isso, dado que tendes uma intenção e vontade forte de consegui-lo. Considerando que, como trabalhadores da Luz, essa foi a razão da vossa vinda à Terra nesta época tão importante, sabendo perfeitamente qual era a vossa tarefa e tendo...


Tags: federacao galactica, federacao galatica, mike quinsey, salusa, sirio

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Inspiracao de Ano Novo


Inspiração de Ano Novo


Mensagem de Aluna Joy Yaxk’in,

6 de janeiro de 2012

Tradução: Ana Tavares Belo


Feliz 2012 a todos! Não consigo acreditar. 2012 está aqui… e muitos esperámos tanto tempo por isto. Queria enviar-vos alguma inspiração enquanto começamos este novo e muito aguardado ano. Este é um ano de grande potencial em que podemos e iremos mudar o mundo e a nós mesmos também. Assim, neste momento mais auspicioso… queria oferecer-lhes algumas palavras de sabedoria de outros que me ajudaram a continuar. Espero que estas palavras nos deem criatividade inspirada e coragem coletiva para...


Tags: aluna joy, aluna joy yaxkin, ana belo, inspiracao de ano novo

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Federacao Galactica, 02 Jan 2012


Mensagem da Federação Galática
Um dos Principais Problemas da Terra 3D é o Baixo Nível de Oxigênio Contido no Ar que Respiram


Greg, estamos felizes que você está escolhendo continuar em serviço como um canal de inteligências superiores, como está acontecendo com muitos, aqui na superfície da Terra.

Com o tempo, os seus serviços como um canal deixará de ser utilizado por nós, da Federação Galáctica, pois estaremos livres para nos comunicar diretamente com o povo da Terra. Vocês ainda são bastante necessários na sua ‘casa’ (planeta Terra) para ajudar nas tarefas da sua reconstrução.

Hoje nós...

Tags: federacao galatica, greg giles, luz das estrelas

Posted at: 05:01 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! | del.icio.usdel.icio.us

Arcanjo Uriel, 22 Jan 2012


com Sharon Taphorn
22 de Janeiro de 2012
Preste atenção aos pensamentos e idéias que chegam até você, pois eles são respostas as suas preces. Você suplicou por respostas, e elas vieram até você na forma de pensamentos repetitivos, dizendo-lhe para tomar medidas e fazer mudanças saudáveis. Não despreze os seus pensamentos, ou ache que eles são apenas sonhos ou conhecimento comum. Seus pensamentos estão agora em sintonia com as elevadas frequências, e são inspirações de confiança. Todas as Grandes invenções, novos negócios e ensinamentos se originam desta mesma fonte de sabedoria universal. Você...

Tags: sabedoria dos anjos, sharon taphorn

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Jesus (Issa), 22 Jan 2012


Jesus através de John Smallman
em 22 de janeiro de 2012
Enquanto vocês assistem às dramáticas mudanças evolucionárias no comportamento das pessoas ocorrendo por todo o mundo, vocês não podem deixar de estar cônscios dos efeitos que essas mudanças estão provocando.

Já por algumas décadas, muitos de vocês têm procurado a paz, tendo esperança na paz, orando pela paz. E por causa disso, suas próprias atitudes e comportamentos tornam-se mais pacíficos.

Isto tem deixado espaço disponível para vocês saírem do julgamento espontâneo em suas...

Tags: jesus, john smallman

Posted at: 19:28 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! | del.icio.usdel.icio.us

Saul, 22 Jan 2012


Mensagem de Saul por John Smallman
em 22 de janeiro de 201
As enormes e vitais mudanças de atitudes e comportamentos ocorrendo por todo o mundo estão levando muito positivamente todos para uma consciência jamais vista antes de como cada um de vocês afeta todos os outros.

Este é um passo gigante à frente para a humanidade, maior do que qualquer outro aumento de sua consciência e o primeiro de muitos que virão.

Este é um tempo de se estar orgulhoso do progresso que vocês têm feito...

Tags: john smallman, saul

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Em Um Tempo Anterior


William LePar - O Conselho
19 de janeiro de 2012
Espero que este trecho de informação provinda da fonte espiritual de William LePar, O Conselho, dê uma imagem de nossa existência original antes de nos envolvermos no plano terreno e no ciclo de reencarnação.

O Conselho:

Em um tempo anterior à manifestação material, todos vocês existiam com e nesta Essência Divina, porque sua existência suprema seria ter a qualidade desta Fonte Divina, não a quantidade, mas a qualidade.

Foi lhes dado o livre arbítrio absoluto.
Esta é a expressão do amor total provindo desta Fonte Divina.


Tags: em um tempo anterior, o conselho, william lepar

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Lady Quan Yin, 15 Jan 2012



por Lady Quan Yin

Canalizado através de Natalie Glasson

15 de Janeiro de 2012 (atualizado)

Expresso em abundância o meu amor e a minha graça a vocês, a partir de cada vibração que associa e cria o meu ser. Eu sou Lady Quan Yin e venho como uma voz, com a vibração feminina do coração do Criador, que mantém o poder, a bondade e a ternura. É a minha missão avançar para vocês hoje, para compartilhar um pouco de sabedoria importante e ser útil neste momento muito sagrado.

Eu lhes digo que o amor já...


Tags: lady quan yin, mae terra, natalie glasson

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Saul, 18 Jan 2012


Mensagem de Saul - Por John Smallman
em 18 de janeiro de 2012
O modo como os humanos experimentam a vida está para mudar dramaticamente para melhor em um futuro muito próximo.

Por éons, conflito, desconfiança e traição são os modos padrões de comportamento para a grande maioria daqueles que vivem no Planeta Terra e para essa grande maioria é praticamente impossível conceber qualquer outro modo porque ele parece ser padrão e normal e confiar realmente em alguém pareceria convidar a traição e, portanto, seria insano.

Ao invés de confiar,...

Tags: john smallman, saul

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Isis, 18 Jan 2012


Mensagem de Ísis Através de Petra Margolis
em 18 de janeiro de 2012
Como já dissemos muitas vezes, a verdade está dentro de vocês.

A verdade é para ser encontrada em muitos níveis interiores diferentes e a verdade é diferente em muitos níveis interiores diferentes.

Neste momento em que estamos nos aproximando da Ascensão da Terra mais verdade é revelada e mais inverdade é revelada também.

Como na Terra, outros planetas têm suas próprias verdades e algumas delas são verdadeiras e algumas não são.

Conforme nos aproximamos do ciclo de ascensão,...


Tags: isis, petra margolis


publicado por achama às 16:19
Quarta-feira, 07 / 12 / 11

Ancorando O Campo Base (Parte I)

Mensagem de Aluna Joy Yaxk’in

e os Mestres Andinos,

21 de novembro de 2011


A Montanha Sagrada de Apu Pitu Siray


A seguinte é a 4ª mensagem que recebemos no Peru. Podem encontrar outras mensagens nossas na nossa página em www.alunajoy.com, no item “Artigos para a Transformação Pessoal e Planetária”. Pode ser boa ideia lê-las por ordem visto que cada mensagem se baseia na anterior. Partilhamos esta mensagem aqui convosco, tal como a recebemos, no tempo presente, muito pouco editada. Fazemo-lo por uma razão muito importante. Sabemos que as mensagens que recebemos não são só para os nossos grupos, mas também para os outros. Os Mestres Andinos e as Estrelas Anciãs garantem que esta mensagem e a energia correspondente serão transmitidas para vocês. Então, à medida que as leem, podem imaginar que estão connosco. Da mesma forma, vejam as fotos no site que partilhamos, estas também mantêm alguma energia dos lugares.

Gostaríamos de aproveitar este momento e enviar agradecimentos ao sagrado espírito de Apu Pitu Suray pela bênção de estarmos aqui neste vale sagrado. Esta montanha é uma das montanhas sagradas. Esta pequena fazenda é uma dos poucos lugares onde podemos conseguir estar no campo de energia de uma montanha sagrada enquanto dormimos, comemos, etc… É uma grande bênção.


Ontem, quando estive em Moray, voltei a um sítio que chamo Campo Base. Não pude partilhá-lo ontem porque não estava cá. Estava por aí (Aluna aponta para cima). Mas hoje quero partilhar o que aprendi. Aprendi uma forma de toda a gente encontrar essa Base dentro de si mesmo. A Base é quem verdadeiramente são e onde vivem realmente. É a verdade e não a ilusão da 3d em que vivemos agora. O Campo Base é um pouco diferente para cada um… tal como cada um de nós é um pouco diferente dos outros. É o lugar a partir do qual criamos mundos novos inteiros. Isto oferece-nos uma oportunidade única e rara para a evolução das nossas almas.


Lembrem-se… No primeiro dia no Peru, recebemos um cálice vazio (ler as mensagens anteriores em www.alunajoy.com). Quando descemos para o vale sagrado conseguimos sentir o amor e as bênçãos de Apus e dos Mestres Andinos a inundarem-nos. Nunca os tinha sentido a saudarem-nos de forma tão poderosa como nesta peregrinação. Os lugares sagrados por todo o mundo estão a vibrar com estas novas frequências. Isto vai ficar mais forte à medida que entrarmos em 2012. Nunca os tinha visto a trabalhar connosco com tanta energia e entusiasmo como nesta visita. Estamos no meio de energias imensas, sempre em mudança, oscilantes e intensas. As coisas irão mudar de um momento para o outro. Os nossos desejos sobre o que queremos criar começam e acabam de um momento para o outro. Começam e acabam tão depressa que é realmente difícil mantermo-nos concentrados em criar qualquer coisa. Penso que estamos agora no momento em que estamos a cozinhar ideias de forma a que, quando finalmente colocarmos os pés num mundo novo, sejamos capazes de manifestar todas as nossas visões do paraíso, embora, neste exato momento, pareça fisicamente impossível fazer tudo o que sentimos dentro de nós.


A Base é um lugar dentro de nós em que a única coisa que interessa é o acordo que fizemos com o Criador quando consentimos em vir para esta vida. Este acordo é a única coisa que importa. Tudo o mais é uma ilusão deste mundo. Tudo o mais é somente ruído… e bla, bla, bla. Entrámos neste corpo e nesta dimensão do tempo devido a este contrato. Este é de alguma forma diferente para cada um de nós, mas leva-nos ao mesmo destino. Quando voltei ao Campo Base, o que vi foi que eles afastaram tudo e todos de mim. Tudo o que aprendi, tudo o que eu tinha programado, todas as formas que pensava como este mundo funciona, a densidade da Terra, a gravidade, tudo tinha desaparecido. Era apenas eu e o Criador. Neste espaço, percebi que a única coisa que importa é o que concordámos quando viemos para cá. A única coisa com que Deus se preocupa é se somos felizes, se prosperamos e estamos cheios de luz. Não importa se não fizermos nada ou criarmos nada. Se cada única pessoa no planeta estivesse apenas contente, podem imaginar como é que seria o nosso mundo neste mundo? Não haveria ninguém a tentar tirar nada de ninguém, por sentirem falta. Não haveria guerra. Não haveria doença. Seríamos naturalmente felizes. Todos nós temos esta Base dentro de nós. Cada um tem este lugar para onde pode voltar e estar com o Criador e deixar que esta dimensão se dissolva de forma a poder ficar limpo e a recarregar-se.


Outro ponto que eu percebi é que todas as coisas que fazemos cá que nos mantêm no processo de estarmos sempre a processar coisas, é o próprio processo em si mesmo. Processar vem da mente e do nosso mundo habitual. O simples facto é que, onde quer que seja que coloquemos a nossa atenção, é o que vamos conseguir obter. O universo está cá para nos apoiar, não para nos desafiar. O universo não está cá para nos complicar as coisas ou criar um professar interminável, mas para nos dar o que queremos. Esta não é uma escola de dar cabeçadas a menos que a tornemos uma escola. Se o que queremos é continuar a processar as nossas questões, iremos fazê-lo. Se queremos felicidade e amor, vamos ter isso da mesma maneira. De cada vez que colocamos a nossa atenção em algo, o universo diz! “Oh, está bem. Isto é o que tu queres.” O universo é compelido por leis naturais para nos dar isso. Isto nunca foi mais verdadeiro do que agora.


Há vinte, trinta anos atrás havia uma zona de amortecimento suave em relação a manifestar o que queríamos. Foi um período de graça divina. Foi-nos oferecido porque ainda éramos novos nesta energia e não tão evoluídos como agora. O universo concedeu-nos tempo para aprendermos sobre esta nova energia. Da mesma forma, também não estávamos no lugar certo, então. Precisávamos de ser protegidos desta força potente, criativa para nossa própria segurança. Mas agora, o mundo está a ser bombardeado com esta poderosa força criativa. Sentimo-nos, literalmente, assoberbados com esta aceleração e estamos a dançar uma dança requintadamente afinada entre o que vamos permitir na nossa vida e o que não vamos. As portas que abrimos são as que o universo nos vai dar porque são as que estamos a pedir agora.

O que manifestamos não vem das nossas cabeças… das nossas mentes. Na nossa mente, dizemos sempre que queremos ser abundantes, felizes e saudáveis. Há uma imensidade de coisas que se passam na nossa cabeça. Temos também muito conhecimento e sabedoria na nossa cabeça. São programas do velho mundo. Mas o que o universo ouve é isto (Aluna aponta o seu coração) e o que realmente acreditamos sobre nós mesmos.


Estamos ainda a sentir-nos como vítimas, ou estamos a sentir-nos necessitados, ou ainda a lutar com a nossa ganância, luxúria, gulodice e outros egos? Quando temos esses sentimentos e crenças dentro de nós, isto é o que o universo vai continuar a dar-nos. Ele tem que o fazer! O universo escuta o nosso pacote inteiro, não apenas o que as nossas mentes querem. É por isso que estamos a aprender a tornar-nos conscientes.


Não existe absolutamente nenhum fim para a felicidade e para a luz e para o amor e a saúde perfeita que possamos vivenciar. Não existe fim para isso. Também não existe fim para buscar, sofrer e processar. Podemos processar as nossas coisas pelo resto da vida e nunca encontrarmos o seu fim. Porque o universo vai continuar a dar-nos mais coisas para processarmos. De facto, estamos a procura-lo! Pensamos “Oh, não posso ser ainda um ser iluminado, por isso devo descobrir alguma coisa para corrigir.” Pensamos que podemos ganhar o nosso caminho de volta para a graça do Criador que EU SOU/Nós Somos. Deus fez-nos perfeitos, mas não acreditamos nisso. Somos rápidos a acreditar nas mentiras em vez da verdade. Trata-se de um mistério para todos nós. Não há nada que precisemos de provar a Deus. Agora é a hora em que precisamos de ocupar as nossas cabeças com isto! Assim, não fiquem presos na necessidade de processar ilusões. No entanto… estamos ainda num mundo de dualidade e algumas questões vão surgir. Mas testemunhem-nas e deixem-nas ir. Não fiquem atolados na necessidade do processo. O facto é que quando as deixamos ir e apagamos da nossa cabeça todas as questões que são energia desqualificada (por nós, a propósito), elas morrem de fome e desaparecem lentamente.


Há muitas escolas de pensamento por aí que acreditam em processar continuamente ou então não estamos a crescer. Em breve percebemos que isto é um poço sem fundo. MAS… existe um poço sem fundo não importa de que lado se olhe. Desde as coisas bem-aventuradas às coisas infernais. Mas em que poço queremos estar? Podemos escolher ser felizes e plenos de amor e de luz e ser abundantes e saudáveis ou podemos ir pelo outro caminho. Ainda estamos a trabalhar nisto. Não vamos poder aperfeiçoar este conceito agora porque ainda estamos no mundo da dualidade e o Campo Base não fica na dualidade. Quando dominarmos as nossas mentes mudaremos este mundo num piscar de olhos. Mas por agora estamos ainda a aprender como libertar o mundo material e a programação anexada baseada no ego. Mas podemos criar coisas ligando à Base. É uma simples entrega. Quantas vezes ouvimos isto, mas ainda não conseguimos chegar aos 100%. Estamos num trabalho em curso. Então, sejam meigos convosco.

Encontrar e Ancorar a Base – A Ativação…


Devem dar permissão aos Mestres Andinos, às Estrelas Anciãs e ao Arcanjo Miguel para os ajudar neste processo de descobrirem o Campo Base. Eles nunca farão nada sem a vossa permissão ou contra a vossa livre vontade.




Vamos chamar todos os Guias, Guardiões e Anjos da LUZ que fazem parte deste grupo (e dos que leem isto), todos os Seres Ascensos da LUZ que estão aqui para nos elevarem, nos erguerem para um lugar onde podemos ser Mestres Vivos. Pedimos-lhes para nos ajudarem a acomodar-nos no centro de nós mesmos… a nossa Base.


A primeira coisa que fazemos neste processo é deixarmos ir tudo o que conhecemos e com que nos identificamos nesta dimensão. Isto é um deixar ir temporário só para este processo. Fazemo-lo simplesmente para ajudá-los a encontrarem o vosso centro…a Base.


Por favor, aproveitem um momento e criem uma bolha de luz à vossa volta. A única coisa que está nessa bolha são vocês…100%...nem mais, nem menos. Todas as coisas que vocês afastaram voltaram agora para vocês. Todas as coisas que não são originais para o vosso eu verdadeiro estão agora a ser removidas. Esta bolha vai ficar enquanto este processo durar e será retirada quando ele tiver acabado. Podem fazer este processo uma e outra vez até sentirem que ancoraram solidamente dentro de vocês.


Por favor, tirem agora um momento para soltarem o que consideram que é o vosso local, a vossa casa física. Eliminem simplesmente este local da vossa memória. Agora, eles pedem que removam o vosso país e o coloquem fora de vocês. Vejam-no apenas a ser puxado de vocês como uma memória. Agora vejam o planeta todo e empurrem-no para fora da bolha. Vocês não são este planeta, país ou cidade. Nunca o foram.


Agora, todas s pessoas na vossa vida…empurrem-nas para fora da vossa bolha por este momento. Não há pais, filhos, família alargada, amigos da alma e nem mesmo animais de estimação dentro da vossa bolha. Lembrem-se…estão a fazer isto apenas durante um curto período para os ajudar a lembrar a vossa Base. Depois, os vossos amados voltam para vocês inalterados.


Agora, pedimos ao Arcanjo Miguel para recalibrar esta bolha para uma de maior clareza que está agora a ser formada à volta dos vossos corpos físicos, mentais e espirituais.


Dentro, o vosso mantra é…

Tudo o que EU SOU é entre MIM e Deus.”

Tudo o que EU SOU é entre MIM e Deus.”

Tudo o que EU SOU é entre MIM e Deus.”

Excluam esta dimensão inteira e afastem-na de vós, então é entre VOCÊS e o CRIADOR. Todas as coisas que os vossos pais vos ensinaram, todas as coisas que aprenderam na escola, todas as coisas que aprenderam de outras formas, boas ou más, lições duras, lições boas, tudo… afastem-nas todas para fora. Vocês não são a vossa genética, a cor do vosso cabelo, a vossa educação, a vossa idade. Empurrem tudo para fora. Empurrem para longe tudo em que estão assentes agora… as vossas preocupações, problemas, responsabilidades, crenças de que não são bons o suficiente ou de que não tentam o suficiente ou de que perderam o barco. Deixem ir. Deixem ir. Deixem ir.


Tudo o que EU SOU é entre MIM e Deus.”

Tudo o que EU SOU é entre MIM e Deus.”

Tudo o que EU SOU é entre MIM e Deus.”


Precisam também de empurrar este processo para fora. Da mesma forma, não estou aqui convosco. Trata-se apenas de VOCÊS, o CRIADOR e o vosso acordo sagrado. Isso é tudo. Não há mais nada.


Convidamo-los a concentrarem-se no som da vossa respiração e no pulsar do vosso coração. Se taparem os ouvidos, conseguem ouvir o pulsar do coração dentro de vocês. Este pulsar está sincronizado com o núcleo do Criador. A cada respiração permitem agora que os Mestres Andinos retirem todas as coisas que pensavam que eram ou que acreditavam acerca de vocês mesmos que não são verdadeiras. Permitam que estas coisas sejam lavadas como uma memória antiga ou um sonho mau.


A única coisa que está dentro desta bolha AGORA são VOCÊS e o CRIADOR e a força criativa do universo, que é a energia que vos dá o poder para decidirem e alimentarem o que vai ser criado. Sentem-se simplesmente por um momento… apenas VOCÊS e o CRIADOR. Tudo o que importa é entre VOCÊS e o CRIADOR, e isso é tudo. Não há mais NADA. É um espaço que é preenchido com cristal, pureza clara e cheio de luz e preenchido com potencial ilimitado.


Agora, enquanto estão com Deus/Criador, permitam-se lembrar-se do centro, o coração dos vossos acordos relativamente ao que vieram aqui fazer, ou não fazer, ou ser, ou não ser. Sintam o vosso próprio Campo Base pessoal… aquele lugar que ERA antes da vossa encarnação, e SERÁ, mais uma vez, depois desta encarnação. Isto é o que vocês verdadeiramente são, antes de assumirem uma vida num mundo dualista que os julgou ou os glorificou. Não são nada disso. Apenas SÃO. LUZ… Um aspeto do Criador… Sem ego e puros.


Agora pedimos que os Metres Andinos ancorem este Campo Base dentro de vocês para todos os tempos, espaços e dimensões…passado, presente e futuro… em corpo, mente e espírito… Sete dias por semana, 24 horas por dia e 365 dias por ano… isto se desejarem que assim seja.

Agora…Sintam isto… Lembrem-se como é. Lembrem-se como se sentem enquanto estão aqui. Isto é o que vocês são. É de onde vem a vossa verdade. É como o Criador os vê… Puros, intocados e impecáveis.

Quando sabem que ancoraram um lugar em que o Campo Base está dentro da vossa realidade física 3D, voltem para a sala em que estão e permitam-se re-entrar no mundo. Respirem…

Quando ficam confusos ou não sabem por que caminho ir, ou não parece ser claro ou capaz de se manifestar, por favor voltem para este ponto, o vosso Campo Base, onde a única coisa que importa é o que é entre vocês e Deus, e isso é tudo. É tão simples como é suposto ser. A VERDADE é SIMPLES e une! As mentiras são complicadas, confundem e separam-nos do Criador e uns dos outros.




Este novo Campo Base vai alinhar este mundo para uma perceção mais clara… apesar de todas as complicações, desvios e ilusões entre as energias variáveis, isoladoras e vacilantes, esta dimensão está a servir neste momento. Quanto ancoram no lugar em que vocês e o Criador são UM, é um lugar onde podem viver não importa o que se esteja a passar no mundo. Vocês estão agora no mundo, mas não são dele. São a bonança na tempestade. O olho da agulha.



Parte 2 … Ancorar um Coração Novo no Campo Base … em breve.


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Tradução: Ana Tavares Belo – anatbelo@hotmail.com





email: nai@violetflame.biz.ly




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publicado por achama às 15:40
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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