A Chama da Ascensão


Segunda-feira, 20 / 04 / 20

Are You Ready for Eternal Freedom? - 1

Are You Ready for Eternal Freedom?

(Part 1)

Goddess of Liberty and Saint Germain.

Channeled by Adele Arini.

April 19th, 2020.



Thank you beloved I AM, St Germain & Goddess of Liberty for being with us here today.
In today’s message, I would love for us to focus more on a subject that is very dear to my heart: Eternal Freedom (in all of its forms), and how to achieve this state of being permanently free from ALL fears, limitations, restrictions or oppression coming from within & without.
In our great desire to claim and experience this Divine Birthright, what message would...



publicado por achama às 16:47
Sexta-feira, 03 / 04 / 20

Major Global Changes to Occur Faster.

Major Global Changes to Occur Faster.

Saint Germain.

Channeled by Adele Arini.

April 2nd, 2020.





Greetings beloved Masters.
We, the Light-Beings in charge of Earth’s Ascension, are extremely pleased with the progress of your individual and collective’s journeys back to the Light-of-God within.
Many of you reading this message, had expressed in different ways, your heartfelt requests for visible, major global changes to occur faster.
Over the years you had prayed, or, expressed similar thoughts such as these:
‘Enough is enough – let all wars be permanently stopped on Earth’;
‘Let the positive changes begin now – bring them on’;
‘Please God, grant unto us permanent, everlasting peace and harmony on Earth’;
’No matter how hard we work, we just can’t seem to get ahead/save much money. Please God, show us the simplest, and most effective way to liberate our lives from the financial shackles that seemed to have enslaved humanity for a very long time‘;
or, my favourite:
‘Dear God, thank you for the Infinite Love, Peace, Joy, Harmony, Freedom, Oneness and Abundance that are ours to have, and to share, always’.
Most of you here have immediately understood why the last one was my favourite, and the answer is simple.
A statement of gratitude such as this, when backed by the emanation of your genuine, positive feelings, is the most powerful form of prayer.
When making this type of statement, you are in fact expressing your desires as though they have already been manifested in your physical reality, and thus, it will guarantee the speedy manifestation of such a reality in your life and in the world around you.
Never underestimate the Mighty Power of your prayers, thoughts, words and feelings, loved ones, provided that they are all expressed in the energetically-expansive (rather than energetically-contractive) manner that supports your ‘Act of Creation’.
Rest assured that they had ALL been heard, and, answered by the Universe, by God, and by all of us here who are always working hard to help you manifest the grand dreams that you have for yourselves, for Earth and humanity.
Here comes 3 powerful mantras that We highly recommend for you to mentally/verbally recite often, daily, in your spare time. Of course if you already have your own set of mantras that never fails to lift your vibrations, then please keep doing what you are already doing. Your loving service to ALL in this manner is very much needed right now.
In these times of uncertainty, the following Sanskrit mantras can help you to transcend ‘the small-self’, merge with your I AM, and in the long run help you to manifest the physical reality that you deeply desire for yourself and ALL on Earth.
Let us gently remind you, beloved Masters, that Sanskrit is one of the very few ancient languages on Earth that can powerfully activate the state of ‘Higher Consciousness’ within, thus greatly accelerating your spiritual growth.
Chanting, singing, speaking these mantras often, will thereby focus all of your energy, time and being, on what you wish to create/embody whilst on Earth, rather than just focusing on ‘What-Is’.
They will greatly assist you and humanity, to create & maintain high vibrations of love, peace, perfect bliss, and freedom daily, during these amazing times of transition that you are all going through right now.
May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.
2) The Moola Mantra:
OM – We are calling on the Highest Energy of All
SAT – The formless, the Unmanifest Potential, the Truth
CHIT – Infinite Consciousness of the Universe
ANANDA – Pure Love, Bliss & Joy
PARABRAHMA – The Supreme Creator
PURUSHOTHAMA – Manifested in every living being
PARAMATMA – Who comes into my heart, and becomes my inner voice whenever I ask
SRI BHAGAVATHI – The Divine Mother, power aspect of creation
SAMETHA – Together within Non-Duality
SRI BHAGAVATHE – The Father of Creation, Unchangeable & Permanent
NAMAHA – I bow in deepest reverence. I thank you and acknowledge this presence in my life. I ask for your guidance at all times.
3) The Gayatri Mantra:

Let us now answer Adele’s four questions as previously mentioned above.
Her Higher Self had partially answered the first question herself when she explained that humanity is currently in the middle of the biggest healing and transformation period never experienced before, in the history of this planet.
The greatest ‘show‘ ever created by mankind has now started on Earth, and your victory is NOW here.
Remember loved ones, that in the great, eternal moment of NOW, your Ascension and that of Mother Earth’s, have already occurred.
However from your 3D linear perspective (in this specific NOW moment that you have labelled as ‘April 2nd, 2020’), the story that you may wish to, one day, tell younger generations about ‘how it all happened’ is now unfolding as we speak.
Humanity, as a collective, currently has a number of different realities/timelines available – whether or not you will end up choosing the Optimum Timeline for yourselves will greatly depend on your own individual/collective intentions. However, it is perhaps reassuring to you to know that ‘All Roads Lead to Rome’, i.e. the timelines currently available for humanity to choose from, all lead to successful completion of the Ascension process for Earth & all Ascending-souls on it.
Father God Himself has recently stepped in and chosen to ‘come into the physical realm’ to get more involved, and personally lead or oversee Earth’s Ascension process from the front lines, so that our success will arrive at the perfect Divine timing for ALL. For all of you, and, your Earth Mother, had suffered long enough.
And just like many of you here had had to go through your individual awakening, clearing, healing, or, God Self re-alignment phases to get to where you are today, the time has come for all ascending, and, non-ascending members of humanity to do the same, in the manner of their choosing.
Many non-ascending souls are now facing their final, decision-making moment of whether to stay here, do the compulsory clearing/purging/healing required to raise their vibrations & ascend in this lifetime (i.e. merging with their God-Self whilst in the physical realm), OR, to leave the planet (i.e. merging with God back in the non-physical realm) & ascend somewhere else later (at their earliest convenience).
And many souls had chosen the latter, using the Exit ‘Tool’ that has now conveniently appeared – arriving in the form of this pandemic. The death of their physical bodies is in fact part of their ‘Act of Creation’ as God, and, with God, to expand and move forward in the directions that they have actually CHOSEN (on a higher level) to go.
By transitioning back to spirit; back to our eternal Home in Heaven, they had in fact chosen to take the ‘express way’ of re-aligning themselves with their God-Self.
This is always a very joyful experience (for the returning soul) that is actually cause for a celebration!
Your knowing, believing and rejoicing in the following Highest Truth that states:
ALL deaths happen BY CHOICE, and, NEVER by accident
will NOT fail to, vibrationally, alleviate much of the fear, drama & self-imposed (often unhealthy/prolonged) emotional/mental/physical suffering that humanity has long created, when impacted by: the death of people close to them, or, the potentially-scary news of rising death toll happening around the globe.
It is time, loved ones, for the entire planet to permanently leave behind the 3D fallacies, beliefs or programming that Adele had mentioned above, including everything else not specifically listed there.
If you have now personally arrived at a place in life where all of those 3D beliefs can no longer be found within your consciousness, e.g. when reading the ones Adele had listed above, you can honestly say that you have zero resonance with all/most of them, then congratulations, loved ones.
We are happy to announce that you have now successfully arrived at the Final Stage of your ‘I AM Integration-Process’. A stage that will soon be completed by many of you here whose Light Quotient Level is already very high -> you are in fact moving, ever closer each day, to 100% perfect resemblance or resonance with the frequencies of your own I AM Presence.
2020 will soon be the year when you can finally have your ‘graduation party’, as you will: become the full embodiment of your God-Self; the Holy Christ-Self, and, successfully triumph over all limiting conditions present in your life at the moment.
Simply be ready and, be completely open to receiving the many wonderful surprises that We have got in store for all of you this year!
And now that you have arrived in this final leg of your I AM integration journey, you will find that it has become so easy, and so natural, to maintain your high vibrations lately – no matter what is going on with the people/world around you. ...
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publicado por achama às 18:29
Domingo, 22 / 03 / 20

Trusting The Universe.

Trusting The Universe.

Kwan Yin, Goddess of Mercy and Compassion.

Channeled by Adele Arini.

March 15th, 2020.



Beloved brothers and sisters,
This is, Kwan Yin, your Sister in Love.
Adele is channeling for & communicating with me for the very first time in this particular lifetime and we are in the middle of getting wonderfully reconnected once more.
For those of you here who do not know who I am, I am known by many in the spiritual circle as an Ascended Master who represents the Divine Feminine; a soul who represents the following benevolent, loving, God-virtues of: Mercy and Compassion.
With the last powerful message from Sananda (titled: ‘How to create miracles – Part 1’), there is a need to balance His Divine Masculine energies, with my own – so that Harmony is achieved once more.

Members of Adele’s previous groups had learnt that I am a member of the Karmic Board; in charge of overseeing the evolutionary developments of ALL embodied souls currently on Earth. And as such, there are many things that I would like to share with all of you here today.
Now that Earth has recently crossed the threshold of the 5th Dimension, it is important for all of you to learn, right now, how to operate in the new ‘operating system’ your planet has adopted. Complete adherence to Divine Cosmic Laws is therefore a must, for chelas who are serious and committed to successfully Ascending in this lifetime.
Much of what is currently happening on planet Earth right now, is caused by a greater movement that we, your higher-dimensional friends, would classify as the ‘Re-balancing of Karma’. The world is in for many big surprises, loved ones.
Shocking revelations will soon be the norm, and, there will be many breakdowns of long-established organizations, groups, beliefs/programmings, power structures, that may potentially create chaos, confusion, fear or unease.
It is time for all of you to ‘hold on to your seats’ and prepare yourselves even more thoroughly, as things are going to get ‘interesting’.
You need to look at these future events, never from the perspective of fear, instead, simply adopt the naturally Harmonious/Calm/Peaceful attitude that is your Higher Self.
There is a magnificent, God-Spark within your Higher Heart chakra, that is (secretly perhaps, *laughed) completely enjoying & loving every single minute of this thrilling journey you are on!
Your I AM Presence perfectly knows, that you are in for a very fun roller-coaster ride!
Is there anyone here who has never been on a real roller-coaster ride before?
When you have chosen to go on this ride (perhaps to tag along with your friends/loved ones) to experience how it feels, how the ride will go, will completely depend on your attitude going into it.
If you go into it filled with excitement and anticipation – fully knowing the course that lies ahead will be full of ups and downs, sometimes you will be veering to the left, sometimes the right; all done in frighteningly high speed – the ride will truly become a very thrilling, amazing ride of your life! You will know without a doubt, although at times it can be a bit scary, it is also a completely safe experience that will be over soon enough, and there is nothing left to do except for you to focus on simply: enjoying the experience!
However loved ones, if you were to go into the ride, filled with overwhelming fear or dread – trust me when I say that every single moment of that ride will feel excruciating to you. Whilst you are riding the roller coaster, the entire journey will feel as though it is never-ending.
Your senses will be giving you all sorts of alarms (physical, mental and emotional), coming from the adrenaline rush secreted by your stress hormones – when you are in the middle of this nerve-racking ride. The people around you who had chosen to go on the same ride will often be screaming loudly; adding to your stress and elevating your blood pressure to potentially dangerous levels.
During the ride, you may even question your sanity, for having chosen to go on this ride in the first place, and you may even come to regret having made this decision.
And when the ride is over, we often observed that this second group of people would usually feel extremely ill from the entire experience. They would usually suffer from adverse physical side effects that no one ever wished to have. These people were not ready to have a roller-coaster life experience, and yet, they had forced themselves to do so, completely ignoring their initial instincts.
You have to realize dear friends, that people do not (normally) choose to ride on roller coasters all the time, every day, 365 days a year. Most adults may go on it, on average, maybe just once in a lifetime (from our observation coming from the entire human collective). They would go on a roller coaster ride just for the thrill; the rush, and once it was experienced, most would choose not to go on it again.
And in much the same way, living on an Ascending planet will soon feel similar to going on this roller coaster ride.
You are already here. That means pre-birth you had chosen to be here, precisely because you wished to go on this amazing ride.
Your attitude and perspective when the ride is about to start, will determine whether or not this adventure will be a thrilling, enjoyable ride that you will always treasure the memory of, or, a scary, completely terrifying ride that will leave you feeling so misaligned with your Higher Self, during the entire experience.
Younger souls now embodied on planet, who are ascending (from lower to higher dimensions) for the very first time, make up approximately 50% of the ascending Human Collective. The other 50% are highly-evolved souls who have gone through the process of descending and ascending for too many times to count, as part of their loving service to Source; to ALL in existence.
However, in general, once a soul has successfully experienced Ascension, this soul will usually proceed to choose higher dimensional existences, more often than not – evolving even higher up the dimensional ladder.
This means loved ones, the majority of members of higher dimensional civilizations out there in this Universe, had gone through the thrill; the rush of Ascension process (from lower to higher dimensions) only once. And once they did, most would not choose to do it again, as once was challenging enough.
All of you here reading this message today, came from the group of souls who had felt highly excited and completely ready about participating in this thrilling Ascension ride.
You came into your physical body, with great anticipation of everything that you are about to experience from this rare opportunity that had been granted to you! You are all here to bring about greater soul expansion and growth for Self, and many came equipped with individual missions to help a great number of embodied souls so they can successfully ascend.
This means beloved friends, whenever things are getting too challenging and the world may even feel like it is going completely out of control, you need to simply tune in to the ever-peaceful, ever-serene, all confident, all powerful God-Self that lives within you to successfully ‘tune out’ all the fears; all the stress and anxiety engulfing the entire planet.
This is a simple matter of energetic frequency, beloved hearts.
Tuning in to the energy of Peace vs. tuning in to the energy of Fear/Chaos, is as simple as grabbing a remote control, and changing the channel on your TV, or on your radio.
Do you wish to tune in to the super-loud, broadcast of Fear on the 3D ‘TV’ channel, or, the super peaceful, amazing, enjoyable, fun, memorable broadcast of Love, Magic, Miracles and Mastery on the 5D ‘TV’ channel?
For when you are watching the Fear-based TV channel, you cannot be simultaneously watching the Love-based TV channel as well, in your ways of Be-ing.
In much the same way, when you choose to adopt a higher consciousness of Love, Light, Harmony, Mastery, Magic & Miracles, you are perfectly blocking out your ‘TV channel ‘to everything that is of the polar opposite energetic frequencies.
All that is lower vibrational will be naturally, automatically repelled off of you as you only attract people, circumstances, events, that mirror your attained, higher vibrational nature.
Adele and many members of her previous groups had done very fun exercises together.
Back then, she was teaching her members how to channel.
Adele provided them with 10 exercises where they needed to access their intuition and open up their communication channels with their Higher Selves/spirit teams. As most of her members were, at that moment, still in the process of mastering their natural channeling abilities, all of them got most of their answers wrong.
However, there was a powerful realization to be had, from this very much successful experience!
The members had personally felt and experienced (remember, that true learning can only come about through firsthand, real-life experiences) how powerful the thoughts, the emotions, and the actions were, coming from the groups’ collective!
Within the small setting of Adele’s groups, everyone observed that most of the time, the answers they got were wrong, however, the key to remember here is: the majority actually got the same wrong answers. This means that everyone in the groups participating in these exercises, was energetically tuning into each other’s vibrations, subconsciously influencing each other’s choices, that then resulted in them choosing mostly the same wrong answers.
Everyone learned through direct experience how powerful the vibrations coming from the Collective truly are, in influencing their own decision-making processes.
If a group of approximately only 10 people could powerfully affect each other that much, imagine how a massive group of approximately 7 bilions people on Planet Earth are constantly influencing your vibrations, every day.
And if the entire Human Collective were to undergo massive, even shocking, life-changing experiences that will change the life of ALL in existence, (such as the current pandemic), how are you going to successfully handle that with grace and ease?
What are your plans, so that you don’t get swept up in the ‘craze’; in the possible chaos, panic or disorder, that the Ascension process may soon bring?
We are not trying to scare you here, loved ones.
We (your higher dimensional friends) will of course be doing our very best to ensure that the future timeline the Human Collective will end up choosing will be the safest, the least rocky, the most peaceful, and the brightest path filled wit ease and grace.
However, our well-meaning and caring intentions alone are definitely not enough.
We need your active collaboration, since we are not the ones in physicality, going through this ascension process right now. We need you to choose this most favorable future timeline, and thus, we need you to actively, and consistently act as our powerful Light-Love, Love-Light agents on the ground.
Thus effectively creating and manifesting this most favorable timeline for yourselves!
We need you, our Light-workers – leaders of the Ascension movement – to powerfully, and continuously broadcast Love, Peace, Light, Miracles, Magic, Mastery & Oneness on your own individual 5D Channel, 24/7!
So that more and more ascending souls, within the Human Collective, can easily tune in to your powerful 5D Channel, instead of the other one!
For there is nothing more powerful than the energies of Love, Peace, Harmony & Oneness combined.
Beloved Adele had just created and manifested her first two miracles today. She had successfully gone over from just thinking and believing with all her heart that she is God, to actually: be-ing the God I AM. This breakthrough came after walking past a certain invisible threshold where all the hard work she had done thus far, had borne a set of two fruits, in her Cornucopia basket! And with this proof of real-life success, her confidence levels in being able to easily create miracles had now shot through the roof!
She had come to a profound realization that everything Sananda had taught all of you here, in that last message about creating miracles, was nothing but the highest Truth – perfect, golden information; Light-coded only for those who are ready to devotedly apply the 5 Fundamental Rules consistently in their lives!
Nothing will hold her back now. Just like nothing will be holding you back after you also arrive at the state of realisation/higher consciousness required, to successfully create and manifest your own miracles!
We have said often recently that the very air you are breathing in right now, is currently magnificently ‘charged’ with the energy of miracles, and, with the overflowing abundance of every good thing physical life on Earth has to offer.
The question now becomes, ‘are you now tuned in to this Abundance Channel, loved ones, or, its polar-opposite Channel?’
Full comprehension, thorough understanding and, easy practical application of the 5 rules Sananda had mentioned, will soon come easily enough for all of you here.
Practice makes perfect.
Adele’s miraculous manifestation experiences, can be likened to the following parable:
There once lived a blind man. He had been blind since birth and had never lived to see the sky, sun, trees, ocean or flowers. He was always surrounded by people who tried their best to describe to him, all the glorious beauty of Mother Earth that he had never gotten to see.
And then, one day, he encountered a wise guru. This guru, with his overflowing love and compassion, decided to grant the blind man’s request and helped to perfectly heal his eyes.
Now that this blind man could finally see for himself all the majestic splendor of Nature, he came to a powerful realization that everything that people had previously told him about Gaia’s bounty was true!
Now that the heavy frustration of not being able to see was permanently gone, he realized that his blindness i.e. his lack of sight, and, his lack of real-life experiences of being able to see the beauty himself, had rendered him completely unable to fully trust, nor fully comprehend, the words and descriptions of Gaia’s splendor those people had kindly shared with him in their stories.
After all, seeing is believing isn’t it?
Or more accurately, personally experiencing such splendor himself, is believing.
Such is the case for all of you here reading this today. You need to personally experience a ‘breakthrough’ in your understanding. You are now fully equipped & ready for such a breakthrough yourself – if you had read Sananda’s last message – to then truly be the God I AM that you already are, experientially.
Ask your Higher Self to guide and help you in understanding what pieces of your jigsaw puzzles are still missing. Sometimes the Truth can be staring right at you, in full view of someone else and you maybe completely missing it, due to any existing blinders still set in place; ultimately blocking you from ever seeing the Truth.
Loved ones, it is time for you to trust your Higher Self – the God I AM within – all the more fully.
Trusting your Higher Self is equivalent to trusting the Universe to always provide you with all that you need.
As the Universe is simply a vast playground, within the Kingdom of Heaven, that your own I AM knows inside out.
Earth has always been in Heaven, and Heaven has always been on Earth, but the majority of Human Collective had been blind to this Higher Truth that has always been staring at them in the face.
The very first step to mastering the Art of Creating Miracles is: to learn how to relax and be constantly at peace, and, in constant harmony with ALL in existence.
You must be able to feel the Cosmic Peace that passeth the understanding of the human mind – the Peace that can only be felt in your heart and in every part of your body. Even, or, most especially when life (i.e. the people/world around you) is very determined to bring you down to a lower-vibrational state of being, on a daily basis.
Isn’t now the perfect, literally Heaven-sent, opportunity for all of you to display your mastery, dear ones?
Only in times of great chaos/adversity, the heroes in many of your fictional/real-life stories, were then ‘forced’ by circumstances to display their great strength, valour and wisdom -> to ‘win the game’ and, come out victorious over all of the limiting conditions they had found themselves in.
When the energies of Cosmic Peace & Harmony are permanently attained within you; when complete trust and acceptance of your Divine Birthright become second nature to you; when Love has become your Way of Life, that is when your Cornucopia will be overflowing with God’s miraculous gifts that are perfect just for you.
Remain calm, loving, joyful, patient, and always be compassionate, beloved Masters.
For most of you here reading this, maintaining this higher-vibrational state of being has now become so easy and effortless; so second-nature.
You, loved ones, are the ones currently holding the space; allowing for humanity’s great Awakening & Purification phase to occur with greater ease and grace.
You are our living & breathing 5D portals – vibrationally guiding ALL ascending souls on Earth so that they can successfully complete their own journeys back Home.
Home to the God-Self, and, the Heaven within.
With all our love & devotion,
Kwan Yin
Adele Arini. 
Copyright 2019.
If you re-post, please retain article in its entirety, and provide the link below. Thank you for respecting this request. Namaste. 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 14:09
Quinta-feira, 13 / 02 / 20

The state-of-being as ONE with your I AM Presence.

The state-of-being as ONE with your I AM Presence.

A message from Mother God.

Channeled by Adele Arini.

February 12th, 2020.



Masters of Light,

The time has come.

Those of you here today, reading this particular transmission of Light, are our Chosen Ones.

Chosen to do what, you may ask? Chosen to lead the world and the people around you, and show them the path to Love. The path to Unity. The path to Compassion and Forgiveness. The path to Freedom, Abundance and Equality for ALL.

Remember, Chosen Ones, you are NOT here to further spread the energies of Fear, Separation or Lack – by your projected vibrations every moment of your day.

And thus, if/when your state-of-being has fallen from ’High’ to ‘Low’ on the vibrational scale, it is important for you not to beat yourself up. Remember not to say any unloving words towards yourself dear ones, for everyone has their good and bad days.

All you have to do, just as soon as you have caught yourself doing any inner or outer activity that radiates/transmits lower-vibrational energies, is to CHOOSE to stop immediately.

Take as many deep breaths as necessary. Close your eyes. Look for, and feel the powerful, blazing sun that shines from your Higher Heart chakra, and let your entire body be entirely cocooned within its threefold flame. Immediately declare your intention that you will be walking around the entire day in this state-of-being.

The state-of-being as ONE with your I AM Presence. The state of be-ing your I AM Presence wherever you are and no matter what you are facing. Visualise this happening at once and give thanks to your beloved I AM, for your wish will be immediately granted.

Every small or big action that you take, or not take, matters.

It matters to you personally, and it matters to ALL around you. Your individual vibrations; your personal energies, heavily influence the entire world around you in ways that humanity cannot yet measure.

You really should not underestimate how much personal power you have, in influencing the Collective Energy Matrix of planet Earth. Do not walk around with the belief that you are easily defeated by the negative, or, heavy Collective energies rampant on the planet right now. This is especially important for those of you who are empaths and/or highly sensitive to energy to hear.

All of you here reading this, have chosen to do so because you have decided to walk the path of Spiritual and Life Mastery, and thus, you can no longer afford to waste any more time by walking around completely believing in this fallacy.

What fallacy exactly, you may ask?

The fallacy that there is something ‘out there’ stronger than you.

And thus, We are reminding all of you here today, that from now on, before doing any inner or outer activity, please carefully check with your inner guidance to see whether the activity you are wanting to take, can be classified as Divinely-Inspired, OR, Fear-inspired.

Simply speak out loud the following simple word three times, to help you gain clarity:


By taking such action, or, by doing such activity, what is your intention here? Is this action completely aligned with your primary intention of wanting to be of loving service to the world? Is it a perfect vibrational match to your calling as a Light-worker – i.e. to be spreading the energies of Love, Light, Peace and Unity? Or, are you perhaps demonstrating and expressing their polar opposite, low-vibrational energies instead?

For example, Adele recently saw quite a large number of people were wearing masks, when she walked around in a popular, suburban Melbourne shopping mall. It made her wonder, whether these people did so out of fear of being infected, or, because they might actually know/have someone close to them who had been personally impacted by whatever it was that they were afraid of getting the most.

Do you think that these people were Divinely-Inspired to wear masks for their individual health, safety/protection, or, were they Fear-inspired instead (perhaps by believing that prevention is better than cure)?

Don’t get us wrong loved ones, we are not being judgmental in any way towards people who had chosen to wear those masks.

We are simply here to remind you, beloved Masters, that your every single thought, word, feeling and action is constantly telling a story about who you are and whom you have chosen to be.

These people’s chosen course of action (e.g. wearing a mask) in that moment, was in fact telling their cells, their DNA, and broadcasting into their individual Energy Matrix, and into the planet’s Collective Energy Matrix, the following lower-vibrational beliefs: that it is not safe to be here. It is not safe to be on planet Earth right now. The world is a dangerous place. People’s health and safety depend on luck, and that their lives remain completely out of their control.

Humanity has been living in a perpetual state of fear for so long, they cannot help but to react in the way that they have been so conditioned to react.

We call upon you, our beloved Light-workers, to show them the way on how to live differently. Not just through your words, but mostly, through your examples. Actions speak louder than words. Now, more than ever, we need you to shine your Light so powerfully, like the Suns you truly are and have now become again.

It is time for all of you, to believe in your own power. Believe in your magnificence.

Believe in the Mighty, always victorious, I AM Presence blazing within you and know without a doubt, that you are always enveloped within the loving embrace of God.

Remain anchored in Love always; anchored in your Soul Power and Divine Sovereignty, and stand strong with the belief that nothing ever happens to you, unless you have (vibrationally) chosen, allowed, or, given permission for it to happen to you.

Declare, and then, demonstrate your belief in your Omnipotence; in your own Greatness.

A belief that is not outwardly demonstrated is NOT an attained belief at all.

It is nothing but a wish/dream; a fantasy; a make-believe.

If you truly believe that you are God, then it is time to act like God or, as God, always, no matter what.

In other words loved ones, unless the belief that you are God is constantly demonstrated through every single inner and outer activity that you do daily, your sacred goal of Spiritual/Life Mastery and, Ascension into 5D will remain forever out of reach.

For example, if you truly believe that you are God, will you be walking around so afraid that you may not remain healthy and safe wherever you happen to be?

Can you successfully imagine Jesus, walking around on Earth, feeling afraid that his health may perhaps be in danger due to the recent declaration of global health emergency? Are you able to successfully imagine him feeling afraid that he may not have enough money to pay his bills? Or any other type of fear that you may still have, that has been negatively affecting your life thus far.

Some of you here may perhaps immediately think or respond by saying, that you are not at Jesus’ level of Spiritual/Life Mastery just yet. It is unfair for you to be compared to Jesus. He is way up there, above on the mountaintop so high, whilst you are either just beginning your journey up the mountain (i.e. back to the God within) or, that you are still somewhere in between and haven’t reached your destination yet.

Beloved Masters, it is time for you to completely abandon the third-dimensional belief that states: Time exists. There is absolutely zero gap between Past, Present and Future.

Meditate on this Highest Truth often, and ask your I AM Presence to integrate this Truth into all levels of your being, so that you can always take action from a place of complete understanding of your multidimensional nature.

If you believe that it will take time for you to get to that mountaintop where Jesus is already standing, then lo and behold, it will.

On the other hand, if you believe so strongly that the higher-vibrational frequency where Jesus can be found, is where you (or your Higher Self) have always been (i.e. you have never left), then guess what, this belief will manifest itself into your physical reality in wondrous, magical ways.

If, on the other hand, you continue to choose to walk around completely immersed in the vibrations of fear: e.g. fear of staying/becoming unhealthy, fear of living in a dangerous planet where natural disasters often strike, fear of not having enough money, fear of being around Chinese people right now, fear of not being loved or accepted by the people around you, etc. -> what you are in fact doing is, you are continuously re-creating and re-manifesting the same stories of suffering, scarcity, or separation for: yourself, AND, for the entire Human Collective.

As what you do for yourself, you do for the world, and what you do for the world, you do for yourself.

The entire planet is in the state that it is in right now, due to these false stories humanity has continued to believe in and thus create for yourselves. The state of the emotional body of the Human Collective has often been neglected, as many people have completely forgotten that Love is stronger and mightier than fear.

The entire world and the many Kingdoms of Gaia are crying out for love right now, in many different ways.

And you, our light-workers, have chosen to be here, to be the Love that you have (perhaps in the past) been seeking for, externally. It is time for all of you here, to consistently become a representative of Divine Love wherever you go.

Call upon the entire Angelic and Ascended Host. Request for the Mighty Flames of God’s Love to blaze into every single aspect of your life that is not working out right now.

Do this as often as inspired; visualise it happening in great detail, and then simply watch/observe how the energy of Fear gets easily dissolved. And if you truly believe in God’s powers of Love, in a short amount of time, you will find your situation improving in magical ways.

Let us tell you one important piece of news, loved ones.


The entire Company of Heaven is watching over you attentively; watching over Planet Earth with great love and care. There is absolutely nothing to fear.

The Ascension process for the entire human collective and Mother Earth is going quite well right now and We are always in perfect control.

As usual, you can choose to believe or not to believe in these announcements.

You are more than welcome to believe the media instead. They, as usual, are still beating the ’Drums of Fear’ and, if that is the ‘TV/Radio’ channel or frequency that you wish to tune into, then by all means, We are not going to stop you.

Once again, it all comes down to: Choice, and, Intention.

Loved ones, what will you choose for yourself? What is your intention?

Stand strong, by always believing in your Self and by demonstrating your Mastery.

And that is all We are asking you to do everyday.

You are needed, and you are enough.

We are in this together, and failure is impossible. We are in the middle of creating a new, glorious painting called ‘Heaven on Earth’ on a gigantic blank canvas right now, and all of you are the Master-Level Artists We have sent down to assist in completing this Masterpiece.

For those of you here reading this, you have assisted in this manner many times before. You already know what you have come here to do.

It is time.

Loving you always,

Mother God.

Adele Arini. 
Copyright 2019.
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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 20:37
Quarta-feira, 13 / 11 / 19

Money, Spirituality and the Law of Divine Love, Part 1

A message from my Higher Self.

Channeled by Adele Arini.





Beloved I AM, the time has now come for us to have this important conversation. I have sensed a shift in the Collective energy recently and believe that Divine Timing has finally arrived. Many of us are finally ready for this message.
In my years being of service to the divine, I had met and assisted so many light-workers, whose hearts and intentions are pure. Their biggest wish is to be of loving service to the world, doing only what they love to do, but they often find it challenging to make ends meet or pay the bills.
Oftentimes, what they are feeling guided to do is not what they are currently doing (for a living), and thus they feel anxious/apprehensive/fearful about making the transition.
After all, we are living in a planet where money is still a hot commodity that can impact the quality of our lives, and we cannot afford to ‘burn our bridges’ and make the transition (to follow our hearts) without detailed/backup plans in place.
Let me first begin by asking the following 3 important questions about money:
1) Is it ‘unspiritual’ or ‘wrong’ to want money, to love money, or, to have lots of money?
2) As an Ascension candidate, or, as a devoted chela to the Ascended Masters, what should be our standpoint/viewpoint about money? Should we just have enough to get by, or, be moderately wealthy, or, is it ‘okay‘ to prosper even more and actually have millions of dollars in our bank accounts?
For example, can a person – who is now driving around in several expensive cars (each one perhaps costs as much as a standard house) and living in a big seaside mansion – be considered spiritual or, a true light-worker? There are so many taboos, 3D programming and outdated belief systems within the human collective’s consciousness about: Money, Spirituality and Loving Service that need to be cleared out, transmuted into higher light right now. Lack/scarcity consciousness has dominated this planet long enough, and it is high time for this to change.
3) I had met many light-workers who subconsciously believe that to provide a loving, selfless service devoted to God/to the Light, is by living without having/earning much income. These people are very much focused on providing either free or, highly affordable services for those in need. And then, at the opposite end of the scale, I have also observed that there is a second group of light-workers out there right now who have no qualms about charging quite a lot of money for their services.
I hope you will all realise, with all the questions asked here in this message, I was not being judgmental/critical towards those in the above two groups, nor was I trying to determine which group is in the right/wrong – as that is completely unnecessary and will only further perpetuate the old, 3D Separation consciousness.
My goal today is to help myself and all of you here to learn, understand and gain crystal-clear clarity as to which way is the higher dimensional way to follow, so that if we wish, if necessary and, only if/when the time is right, we may wish to adjust our perspectives and patterns of behaviour, to better reflect our all-loving & all-abundant Higher Self.
After all, that is the primary goal of my writing & sharing these higher dimensional messages with you all – so that we can successfully achieve our Ascension and be the living embodiment of our I AM.
Beloved Higher Self, as light-workers, how do we determine the most reasonable and fair prices to charge the people who come to us for assistance? For example, is it actually okay to charge hundreds of dollars for a short (2 hrs or less) session? I had seen people charging over USD 300 for a short session.
Do we perhaps need to reduce the prices that we charge people to make it more affordable to those who need our services? And then for the people here who are currently not earning enough, do they need to increase the prices of their services, by successfully instilling the belief that they are deserving of so much more?
What about when facilitating online/on-site: meetings, classes, workshops, seminars, webinars etc. – how do we figure out the fair price for each course/event that we may create one day, when following our heart’s guidance?
Of course, as someone who had majored in Business and Commerce, I know and understand the basic principles of economics: demand, supply, cost, and price.
What I wish to know is: besides following these basic economic principles, is there anything else that we, as light-workers/Ascension aspirants/chelas, need to know when determining our prices (from your higher perspectives)?
To qualify as/to be called a light-worker, is it ‘better’ to start operating our services for free, or, by using a donations-based system instead? This is perhaps done with the full understanding that eventually, money will be abolished and become completely irrelevant as all our future needs/supplies on 5D Earth will be provided for free.
Furthermore, I have sensed the presence of a deep, subconscious belief embedded within humanity’s consciousness, that anything that the majority has classified as ‘spiritual’ work must, or, should be made available for: cheap, free, or at very affordable prices for the world. Is this a higher-dimensional belief, or, a lower one that we must strive to permanently eliminate once and for all?
Is it important for us to nail our pricing strategy – in order to be successful and have a flourishing business/service? After all, when we followed our hearts’ guidance, by resigning from our ‘normal’, stable and cushy jobs, we didn’t do it just to get by. If we were to decide on an unsuitable pricing strategy, we may end up having an expensive, or, a very exhausting hobby rather than operating a long-term, enjoyable and profitable loving service that creates a win/win situation for ourselves and the world.
Higher Self:
Beloved Adele, this is indeed going to be an important discourse that will empower and raise the vibrations and consciousness of many light-workers as well as the entire planet. It truly does not matter how many people will: come across/be reading this particular channeled message – the Light Codes, or Higher Light Energies embedded within this particular transmission (now that it has become physically manifested through you) will continuously create a powerful Abundance-For-ALL momentum that will permanently banish poverty consciousness from Earth in the near future.
We recommend that all of you here read this message as often as possible, to benefit from the energies, and, to fully integrate with the higher dimensional teachings contained here. And if there is anything within this message that you disagree with/do not quite understand, simply commune with your I AM and ask for further clarification.
Afterwards, you then need to apply all the information here daily in your own life so that prosperity and abundance become your way-of-being, always.
Practical application is the key to change.
Your life will begin to take off to greater heights, once you are:
1) determined to change and permanently eliminate all your limiting habits/programming/belief systems about money,
2) completely focused on creating wealth/prosperity the easy, higher dimensional way
3) ready to take action.
Let us now begin by addressing your first question.
To answer this question, we need to first explain what being spiritual really means.
From our higher dimensional perspective, someone is spiritual when he is living his life every day with a deeper meaning and purpose; walking through life/living a joyful life feeling completely aligned and connected with his ‘true, inner self’. She knows that life is an honour, gift or blessing, and thus she sanctifies her life by: taking full responsibility for it, and, by not spending/wasting too much time on unimportant inner and outer activities (e.g. activities that inhibits her growth and expansion as an ascending soul).
One does NOT have to be in the meditation, yoga, spiritual, new age, ascension-related, or religious fields of work (e.g. as a priest, or monk), to be spiritual. As long as your work involves being of service to another (and thus, all existing jobs ever created on this planet meet this criteria), then your work is definitely holy and sacred – provided that your heart is the one actively leading the way (whenever you are at work).
In other words loved ones, you can be living a simple, ‘normal’ life, working as a cleaner, a waiter, a bus driver, a construction worker, a cashier, a sales person, a call centre consultant, etc. and still be considered as someone who works in the ‘spiritual’ field. Since any of the jobs mentioned above ultimately results in helping to improve the quality of life of the individuals that you come across every day.
For example, if you are at the moment working as a cleaner, you might have secretly been holding the belief that cleaning is a low-paying, exhausting and non-respectable job. You might even have tried to hide the fact that you are a cleaner, from the people you just met/from those you wished to impress.
It is time for all of you, loved ones, to switch your perspective to higher levels, about any job that you are currently doing right now.
In the above scenario, as someone who is playing the role of a cleaner, what you are in fact doing everyday is: performing a sacred, loving, and very important service, by helping a lot of people to live/work in a healthy and very clean environment.
There are a lot of people out there who are walking around with 3D consciousness and thus, they may not think that being a cleaner is a job deserving of the highest of respect, gratitude or love (unlike many other prestigious, high-class jobs such as being: a doctor, lawyer, teacher, CEO, etc.), however, all of you here, Ascension aspirants who have been following our messages for awhile, should know by now that if you are still holding on to these types of beliefs, it is high time to let them go.
If you are perhaps someone who is currently ’playing’ the role of a cleaner (or any other supposedly undesirable role e.g. garbage truck driver, pizza deliveryman etc.), why do you care about what other people think? Is now perhaps the time to stop letting the people/world around you to dictate how you feel about yourself, your role, your job? Provided that you are actually happy with what you are currently doing – if it is a job that is immensely rewarding and gives you a lot of fulfilment.
If it is not a job that gives you the feelings of joy and fulfilment, is there something that you can do right now to improve how you feel until such time you find/receive an offer for a better, more suitable job? Loved ones, please remember that you open up the door to a better situation/greater abundance, not by feeling miserable, hopeless, angry, depressed, or stuck about where you are right now.
You open up the door to a brighter, happier and more abundant future, by tuning in to those higher vibrations, being ready for more, whilst at the same time already feeling happy, abundant and grateful for what you have right here, right now.
And for those of you here who are engaged in all ‘other roles’, the next time you meet people who are currently ’playing’ a cleaner (or any other not-so-desirable) role, please take the time to always greet them with a friendly smile; spend a little time to chat with them whenever you can, and then, in your heart, please send them a lot of love, blessings of abundance and gratitude – in full awareness that you are One with them, and, that you are able to enjoy the experience of having spotless-clean facilities/work/home because of their hard work and dedication to their jobs.
Remember, loved ones, that everyone is equal in front of God. No one is better or worse in the eyes of God due to earthly, lower-dimensional standards such as: how much money you had, how educated were you, what job you used to do, how successful/respected were you in the eyes of your fellowmen, how many titles you had, etc. These are all human standards that are based on 3D illusions.
When you, one day, sit in that meeting room with the Karmic Board at the end of your physical embodiment, the following are some of the things the Lords of Karma will look at, when reviewing your life:
* How much love, light, compassion, patience, forgiveness and joy did you give yourself, the people and the world around you?
* How constructively did you qualify/utilise the life energies given to you every day? Did you use your life, to accelerate your spiritual growth and expansion, or, did you mostly squander your life by focusing on worldly pleasures, personal riches – totally forgetting your oneness with All-That-Is?
* How close were you to be the living embodiment of your I AM Presence – expressing all the divine virtues of God in all of their beauty and perfection?
* How much suffering or, misqualified energies did you create in your own life and other people’s, and thus, how much karma do you need to balance in your next physical embodiment?
* Have you achieved all that you had set out to do, i.e. your life missions/goals for that embodiment?
If you are one of those people who deeply realize the importance of imbuing the energies of LOVE in every minor/major activity that you do daily for yourself and others; if you have always brought a powerful mindset focused only on loving service every morning before your work begins, you loved ones, are the ones who truly deserve to be called spiritual. To these individuals, their life paths will mostly be filled with joy, love, success and abundance.
In other words, if you are the type to ‘give it your all’ when helping others; if you are truly heart-based in everything that you do (big and small), in whatever task/job that you are doing in each moment – you have fully met all of our higher dimensional criteria of being a spiritual person.
Loved ones, you are a spiritual person if LOVE is often your primary reason for thinking/saying/doing anything in life. You are a spiritual person if you always treat others the way that you wish to be treated – in complete Oneness & Unity. You are a spiritual person if compassion, patience and forgiveness have become your way of being – knowing that the people that you encounter daily are on various levels of spiritual evolution, and thus, there is never any need to get angry, upset or unhappy at what someone said or did to you.
If, on the other hand, every day you arrive at work with the following mindset -> that you are only there to ‘earn a living’, pay the bills, or support your family, you will often find that just the act of showing up to work is: hard work. Many people in the workforce around the world often ‘suffer’ from the Mondayitis syndrome, because they haven’t learnt how to use the energies of Divine Love wisely – to support them in their career and personal lives. In this scenario, you have divine love for yourself (by working hard to support yourself and family) but, the divine love for the people you are helping every day and for the work that you do are not equal to your love of self – creating an imbalance that should be addressed if, your goal is for your career to take off to greater heights.
In the above scenario, a person who feels ‘obligated’ to be at work; who feels like he ‘must‘ or, ‘needs to’ do something, is a person who is still walking around with the same 3D mentality as many other sleeping, unawakened souls across this planet.
Remember loved ones, when higher dimensional beings have agreed to do any inner/outer activity, those activities are always done out of joy and love – never out of obligation or, need.
This also means, that one can be a light-worker/highly spiritual, even if this person does not know what being a light-worker means, or, what being a spiritual person actually means. We are sure that all of you here, at one point or another in life, had met people before who belonged to this category – those who did not know of their light-worker identity. You had perhaps met these earth-angels in the shops, serving at cafes, or at many other places, and they could always be identified by their loving kindness, compassion, patience and generosity, as they often took a lot of their time to: focus on you, help to solve your dilemmas and/or, address your immediate needs/questions.
And instead of treating these people as if their loving service to you was rightfully deserved, or, completely yours for the taking (especially if/when money had been used in exchange for the services you received), you might want to take the higher road of gratitude wherever you go. Those people could have chosen to do other things, be at other places, or, not give you much of their: love/attention/time/patience/kindness by doing just what they were paid to do – no more, no less (without caring much, nor feeling the need to go the extra miles for you).
We had said all that needed to be said, to lay the groundwork for the rest of this message, and, to help all of you here to better understand what it means to live a highly spiritual life.
In summary, ALL jobs are spiritual since they are (in essence) about providing a product or service that will improve the quality of life of many individuals.
However, for you to qualify being called ’a spiritual person’ or, for you to live a highly spiritual life, you must always have Love, Harmony, Oneness and Compassion as the underlying reasons for all of your daily, inner and outer activities.
Now that you have come to deeply understand what it means to be spiritual, let us answer Adele’s first question:
Is it ‘unspiritual’ or ‘wrong’ to want money, to love money, or, to have lots of money?
No, it is not wrong to want money. You are God, always expressing yourself as God the Creator. If your life experiences have brought you to a point where you have decided to become more abundant and have more money in your bank accounts, what is wrong with that? You simply need to put your powerful ‘Creator’ thinking cap on, tune in to the vibrations of financial abundance and create a completely different reality where money is abundantly flowing your life. There is nothing wrong, or unspiritual about wanting to create, manifest or experience more money in your life.
There is nothing wrong with loving money either. It is not unspiritual to love money. In fact, we have just revealed above that whenever the energies of Love are present, it will turn out to be a spiritual inner, or, outer activity.
And thus, it is very spiritual to love money.
However, It is important for you to note here, loved ones, that our definition of ‘loving money’ is the higher-dimensional definition, and not a lower one. If you have truly become the kind of person who is in love with everything and the world around you (e.g. every person, animal, rock, tree, every element, every animate/inanimate object), then that energy of Divine Love will naturally expand to include the love of money.
There is nowhere where God is not, and there is no-thing that God is not.
After all, money is also made up of Energy – the same Electronic Light Substance that is God/Source, that can also be found in your own physical bodies. Saying the following simple sentence: ‘I love you money‘ should feel as natural, and as right, as saying these sentences: ‘I love you mom’, ‘I love you dear husband/wife/partner’ or, ’I love you my friend’.
And if you find it difficult to say words of love towards money then perhaps now is the time for you to dig deep into your subconscious – to find out why is it challenging for you to love money and to release these aspects of yourself that have been blocking your path to greater abundance. Growing up, have you perhaps been exposed, or conditioned by the people around you, to many false beliefs such as ‘money is the root of all evil’, or, ‘people who have plenty of money are all greedy, ungodly or unspiritual’?
Beloved, you need to be loving and good friends with money, to attract and have more of them in your life. Just like whenever you take the time/spare no efforts to create a loving relationship with the people around you, you will undoubtedly enjoy a life filled with many wonderful, lifelong friends -> whenever you have a loving and respectful relationship with money, your life will take off to greater heights and infinite abundance will continue to flow your way. Is this not the kind of life that you prefer to have?
Or, would you truly be happy with a life where you are always: just getting by (i.e. living paycheck to paycheck), needing to count every penny, and so careful to ensure you do not live beyond your means?
Lastly, there is nothing wrong or unspiritual about having lots of money. God wants you to enjoy your life on Earth and create a happy future for yourself. So, why would it be wrong to have lots of money? Well-being is your Divine Birthright and thus, having all of your needs fulfilled is important in order for you to experience this well-being. And since money is still an important factor in helping you experience this state of well-being, having a lot of money is definitely a good thing. There is nothing unspiritual about you having lots of money in your bank accounts right now.
However, what you do with the money that has been gifted to you, will define who you are as a person -> whether you are a spiritual person (with love as the basis of your action towards self and others), or, a non-spiritual person (who continues to operate out of fear, lack, scarcity, or ‘power over others’ mode).
Those of you here who are currently enjoying financial freedom, please know that the freedom you have is a precious spiritual gift that your I AM has bestowed upon you. What you do with this gift; with this power, will either help to create: ‘an accumulated good’ for yourself, or, a karmic debt that you will one day be held accountable for.
If you use this Financial Power for your own higher good and the higher good of everyone/the world around you, then you are completely aligned with the Laws of Divine Love and Use of Energy. If on the other hand you use your wealth as a power play; to manipulate the people around you and bend them to your will; to show off your wealth or, squander it unwisely on things that do not really matter – in this scenario, you are exhibiting behaviours that are non-compliant to the following Cosmic Laws: the Law of Harmony, the Law of Love, the Law of Karma and the Law of Conservation of Energy.
Divine Cosmic Laws are always operational in all aspects of physical life on planet Earth, which means, how you use the money given to you will determine how your life will turn out. There are two types of Karma, loved ones. The karma of: commission and omission. You create a karma of commission when you use the energies given to you in a discordant manner towards all-in-existence. You create a karma of omission when you omit (fail or, neglect to do) something that you really should be doing.
Those of you here who do not have financial freedom right now, one day had enjoyed so much wealth, riches and abundance of every good thing, to contribute to God’s plan – but you had chosen to withhold your wealth, or used it freely only for personal gains and pleasures.
Remember loved ones, you will have to render an account, for all energies given or loaned to you (in whatever form) – the Cosmic Laws of God are always mathematically precise, accurate and no soul is ever given immunity over them (i.e. even the Ascended Masters and the Lords of Karma must adhere to these laws).
Understanding and obeying these laws will ultimately help you to create a life that is joyful, fulfilling and overflowing in abundance of every good thing. When you/mankind have mastered the art of living in perfect adherence or, obedience to God’s Laws, your life will begin to thrive, and everyone on the planet will be able to enjoy: an infinite flow of abundance as well as a life of perfect ease and grace.
Let us now move on to Adele’s next set of questions:
As an Ascension candidate, or, as a devoted chela to the Ascended Masters, what should be our standpoint/viewpoint about money? Should we just have enough to get by, or, be moderately wealthy, or, is it ‘okay‘ to prosper even more and actually have millions of dollars in our bank accounts? For example, can a person – who is now driving around in several expensive cars (each one perhaps costs as much as a standard house) and living in a big, seaside mansion – be considered spiritual or, a true light-worker?
It is safe to say that some of these questions here had already been addressed in the previous section.
Loved ones, most of you here reading this, now stand at the gate of Mastery and Ascension. The people who have been reading and following our messages through Adele for awhile, you are (by the Law of Attraction) all the kind of people who are at a similar phase/stage of spiritual evolution. You are ready to raise your understanding about anything in life to higher levels and permanently eliminate everything that is no longer serving you -> everything that is not aligned with your God-Self.
This means that most of you here have already gotten your priorities ‘sorted out’ and realigned with your Higher Self. Your heart has been activated and fully opened, and is now leading the way – influencing every single moment of your life and every single decision that you have to make in life. This makes most of you here the perfect: vessels, leaders or, channels of God’s infinite abundance in the future, for all mankind.
Your hearts have often been proven to be strong and your motives pure.
For those of you here who have remained faithful and have become beloved servants of Love; servants of Light, the time has come for you to declare and claim the limitless abundance that has always been your Divine Birthright, and then, once you have received it, it will be time to practice using and sharing it wisely (by always following your inner guidance), to contribute to God’s plans for New Earth.
As an Ascension aspirant and beloved chela, it is time for all of you to declare and demonstrate your mastery, by successfully creating limitless abundance for yourself and the world. Do not just sit on your laurels and not contribute/not actively take part in the creation of a world where financial freedom is a fact of life.
The time has come for you to create and manifest great sums of money the easy way; the effortless way, and then to teach/share your knowledge and experience with the people/world around you. So that everyone will one day know how to create limitless abundance for themselves!
You all already know how to do it. All of you reading this message in the NOW moment – you already know how to create and manifest Great Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance the easy way. You had done so countless times before, in many of your past, present-parallel, and future lives, and now, all you need to do to manifest the same in your life is to tune in to the Great Wisdom within you – coming straight from your Mighty, All-Powerful I AM Presence.
We want you, our beloved chelas, to believe in your own Immense Soul Powers, that are always available to use at your immediate command -> to create and manifest limitless sums of money, to be joyfully and lovingly used as per your own Divine, Higher Will.
As God; as a limitless being, the amount of money that is available at your disposal is equally as limitless. This means, loved ones, the limits on how much money you can create and manifest in your life will ultimately depend on you! Remember what we had said in our previous message through Adele:
You can not see, live, or experience outside of your own attained beliefs, i.e. beyond the vibrational limits of where you are currently standing – the limits that are set by yourself.
If you believe you should just have enough money to get by, then lo and behold, this will be your manifested reality! If you believe that you are deserving of great wealth and prosperity, and, if you are completely sure/ready for the experience of having millions/billions of dollars in your bank accounts (and ready to wisely manage/shoulder all the responsibilities that come along with this great spiritual gift) -> this will eventually be manifested in your life as well!
Once again we would like to remind you, that there is nothing wrong with wanting/having, or, it is not unspiritual to want/have: great wealth, prosperity and abundance in your life. Having said this, let us now address the scenario that you had given above, Adele, of a man living in a seaside mansion and driving around in several expensive cars.
In this limited-information scenario, you will have no way of knowing how spiritually evolved this person is, unless if you know the man personally and have built a close relationship with him. In other words, whether this man is spiritual or non-spiritual, or, whether this man is a Light-worker or not a Light-worker, will be determined on a case by case basis. We will need to see if Love, Compassion, Oneness have become his way of being – with his heart always leading the way.
We will also need to see how wisely this man is currently using his wealth, as one’s actions oftentimes better reflect the level of one’s spiritual evolution more than words can do. This man’s actions will show clearly whether or not he is living in full compliance/adherence to Divine Cosmic Laws. We will need to observe (without being judgmental) what he is using his assets for; whether it is for pure personal enjoyment only, and/or, for the higher good of many people around him.
In general, loves ones, the more spiritually evolved a person is, the less he would want to attach or surround himself with many worldly assets. The closer someone gets to becoming the full embodiment of his I AM presence, the less interested he becomes in possessing material wealth and the more he prefers to live a simpler life. This person will often be feeling so detached with the many luxurious possessions that a lot of people enjoy having in their lives, as his strong desire to become fully integrated with his I AM has surpassed anything that can be found on this planet. Of course, this is not a ‘fixed rule’ as everything depends on the higher plan of each embodied soul.
If you do not know the man (in the above scenario) personally, then our advice to you is to send this man many blessings of Light and Love, especially if your goal is to one day enjoy the same Financial Freedom this man is currently enjoying. You should aim to become master of your thoughts and feelings so that only Divine Perfection is inwardly and outwardly expressed. Any thought or feeling based on: envy, jealousy, anger, impatience or, unworthiness, should always be avoided. Or, just simply tune in to your I AM and let Him/Her take over control of your thought and feeling worlds, always.
If you‘d had a close encounter with this man, this encounter will serve as proof; as evidence that the Universe is listening to your Command and will soon deliver the abundance that you richly deserve, by first sending your way this wealthy man to learn from. You can only learn how to be wealthy by surrounding yourself with wealthy people; by learning their spending/investing/lifestyle habits and then, by emulating their behaviours. Just like you learn how to be an expert in any field, by becoming a student of an established expert in the field that you are interested in.
Remember loved ones, the Ascended Masters having become Cosmic Laws in action, never have clutter in their worlds and activities. They have direct access to the limitless amount of God’s Light Energies and yet, they are very conservative in their use of these life energies given to them. They do not permit the wasting of a single electron that can be found in any form, and as their chela, you must also learn not to squander the precious life/light energies given to you – by ensuring that you spend it only on things that really matter; things that will improve the quality of your life, and the life of people/world around you.
Let us now move on to Adele’s last question about pricing.
Beloveds, we have been observing that there is much confusion right now within many light-workers across the planet, on how to transition their businesses or services so that they operate them the higher dimensional way and still remaining profitable. It is high time for all of you to learn how to create a heart-based, profitable business/service that consistently provides a win/win situation for all the parties involved (i.e. for you, your employees, your suppliers and your clients/customers).
The Key to finding the most suitable prices for your services is actually very very simple.
Love for yourself must always be present.
Love for the people you are helping must always be present.
Love for the work that you do must always be present.
ALL of the above 3 types of Love must be present (in equal amounts) within you, in order for you to come up with the right solution; with the perfect price for any service that you wish to offer the world.
Let us now explain what we meant by the above.
If you love yourself but not have much love for the people you are helping, nor for the work that you do, you may develop a tendency to choose a price that is more on the expensive end of the scale. Not that there is anything wrong with this, as your free will is always respected. In this scenario, there might even be important, undisclosed reasons why people had set an expensive price to charge their clients such as: to make sure the people who come to these light-workers for assistance are people who are truly ready and willing to commit to changing their lives. The money then becomes an important proof showing the clients’ readiness and deep commitment to positively change.
Or, if you love yourself slightly less than your love for the people you are helping/the work that you do, you may have a growing tendency to burn yourself out, or, to not receiving a fair amount of monetary compensation in exchange for your time and services.
In the past, Adele, you perfectly fit into this latter category. We had observed with growing concern, about the love and dedication you had given past members of your spiritual groups. You loved them all so much, and, you deeply loved the work that you were doing – when facilitating lengthy monthly group meetings; answering everyone’s questions with great patience, love and joy. However during those 12 months you were facilitating these group meetings, you continued to charge a small amount that was only a fraction of what many other Light-workers were charging, for a similar type of service that had taken anywhere between 5 – 8 hours of your time.
It is time for you to deeply understand that by doing so, you had created a huge energetic imbalance, an unhealthy dependency (for all parties involved including yourself), and, you had also inadvertently created karmic debts that one day must be fully paid for. It did not come as a surprise to us, when you, in the end, decided to follow your instincts and disband your groups. For if they were to continue the same way it was operated, it would not be serving your higher good, nor the higher good of your past members. And if you were wondering why we didn’t stop you sooner, nor advised you not to facilitate your groups in that manner, our reason was quite simple.
It was all part of your learning experience and, as usual, we are sharing your experiences here so that it can benefit everyone reading this message.
We only hoped that every past member of your groups deeply understood and appreciated the priceless gifts of love that they had been given, so that one day, they may decide to follow their own inner guidance and pay forward the love and light they had received to the people/world around them.
There is another important factor that is worth reminding, when deciding your prices. Remember the saying above: ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do‘. It is pointless to compare your service with a similar service given in a different country. Different countries will have different standards of living. For example, Australia and the U.S. have much higher costs of living when compared to India, Brazil and many other countries. Choose a price that is highly appropriate for your geographical location – as we want our light-workers to thrive and flourish in all of your endeavours.
And whenever you are in doubt, loved ones, simply do a ‘gut-instinct‘ exercise to check whether you should increase or decrease your prices. Your heart and inner voice within, will always be your compass in making the right decisions for all aspects of your life. Of course, the decisions on price should only be made after you had calculated your figures accurately – with full awareness and application of the basic Economic Principles Adele had previously mentioned.
It is important that you have the most suitable pricing strategy for all of your goals, e.g. your financial goals, your higher Mission and Vision, and the focus of your business. As always, your I AM Presence and members of your highly-capable spirit team stand ready to assist you whenever you need their wise & loving guidance.
Let us now address Adele’s last important question:
Is it the higher dimensional way to start operating our services for free, or, by using a donations-based system instead?
Loved ones, many of you here have become so higher dimensional in your ways of being; in the ways that you operate, so much so that your heart is already pointing true north – towards what you should be doing, to create a higher dimensional society that will be based on the Law of Abundance-for-ALL.
One day, when your society is fully ready and equipped to operate without money; when everyone is feeling infinitely abundant (with every need they have always provided for) and, when everyone is operating from the same level of higher consciousness, only then you can fully start: operating your services for free and, expecting to receive the same from others, in equal measure.
All higher dimensional civilisations/societies indeed operate using the free-for-all system. Members of these civilisations need not pay to get anything that they need, however, they also dedicate a portion of their days to provide loving service for their communities, in the field that they are interested in.
For this time period that you are now living in, it is time for all of you here to master the art of creating wealth, abundance and prosperity by remaining open to all possible avenues of abundance. This may include being open to receiving: gifts/donations of every good thing that you can think of and, many other opportunities for greater abundance that your I AM and spirit team are preparing for all of you here.
Creating and manifesting infinite abundance is part of the Mastery and Ascension tests for many light-workers across the planet right now. We are confident that if you are one of these souls who had chosen to undertake this Abundance challenge, you will soon be passing this test with flying colours! Your victory over the old, 3D Lack, Scarcity or Poverty consciousness is guaranteed, and for many of you here reading this, your triumphant moment has almost arrived.
Rejoice and be glad, loved ones, for your prayers and hard work have now been answered. Declare, command and claim the Infinite Abundance that is your Birthright, and expect it to be fully manifested in your reality – and it will!
The timing of your victory will be determined by how close you are right now, to embodying your I AM Presence fully.
We are all loving you beyond measure,
Adele’s Higher Self & All in the Company of Heaven.
Adele Arini. 
Copyright 2019.
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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 10:52
Sexta-feira, 28 / 06 / 19

HOW TO CREATE MIRACLES ~ Sananda, Adele Arini.



Part 2.

Father Mother God via Adele Arini.

June 24, 2019

Sananda speaks:
“Greetings beloved friends,
The time has come for us to continue our higher dimensional teaching series, designed to help you master your Mastery. All the 7 Precepts we had discussed in Part 1 (the 5th Precept encompassed the following three attributes: Acceptance, Gratitude and Joy) are essential in your ascension journey to fully become Master and Architect of the Matrix.
Humanity had used many different labels to describe souls who had successfully attained this Christ-Creator Level.
Those in the spiritual circle called these souls: Ascended Masters; others called them Master Alchemists, Master Magicians/Wizards/Witches. Those in the religious communities called them: Saints/Prophets/Gurus.
In the ancient past, these evolved souls were often called Gods/Goddesses by people who worshiped them, i.e. by those who had forgotten their own Sovereignty/Divinity. Some of these higher-dimensional beings (who happened to appear/disappear whenever necessary, whilst on a mission to assist humanity) were also called angels.
This tendency; this third dimensional habit of using those labels to put highly-evolved, higher dimensional beings on a pedestal, or, in a ‘special’ category, to indicate their seemingly higher status above yourselves must stop now. This type of supplicant behavior, is a clear denial of your powerful God-Selves; your Sovereignty as someone who is equally capable of creating any miracle that you can think of, without limits. And when you label/point at a specific Light-Being as God, and not label/point towards yourself as the same God, you are actually sending a powerful, crystal-clear message to your Matrix.
What kind of powerful message you might ask? You are practically telling yourself; telling the powerful Matrix that surrounds ALL who inhabit the physical universe, that you are not powerful. That you are often a helpless victim, to those who are seemingly ‘higher’ or, better than you. That you are weaker than them; less capable than them. That life is not under your control – i.e. life happens To you, instead of, created By you.
This powerful denial/false belief will then provide you with plenty of leeway to then blame those ‘higher-ups’ whenever something happens in your life that is not to your liking. After all, it is a lot easier to blame God; to blame your spirit team, Higher Self, the people around you or the world, if something ‘wrong’ happens to you, or, if what you wish for has not appeared in your life.
We have heard many similar prayers such as this, for eons:
‘I have been praying for a miracle for a long time now, why is it still not appearing in my life? What’s causing the hold up? God, my Higher Self, my team, do you not love me enough to give me what I have greatly desired? Why did you let that happen to me?‘
Many of you here who have been on this ascension journey for quite awhile are well on your way to permanently eliminate this dis-empowering 3D habit, once and for all. But once in awhile, it can be more comfortable to walk around as your 3D-self, rather than as your uncomfortable 5D-Self. Sometimes it feels cozier to wear old, worn-out clothes more often than shiny, brand new clothes which at the moment, you feel they don’t fit quite well, or that you are not used to wearing just yet.
As a result of your discomfort, many of you have continued up to this day, to send mixed signals to: your matrix/the Universe. The signals sometimes said: ‘Yes, I know and believe that I am as powerful as God/Source is’. At other times, (especially when you were feeling: low/powerless/impatient/desperate), you might have completely forgotten to think/say/feel/act like the powerful, loving and harmonious God that you truly are.
And in that moment when you had forgotten who you truly are, you were very effectively sending signals to your Matrix/the Universe that contradicted your inner knowing/belief in your: Divinity and Infinite Power (that is yours to command by birthright as God). You were back to (habitually perhaps) programming your Matrix once again with the 3D language of: fear, scarcity, disharmony, separation and dis-ease.
Loved ones, how much longer are you going to let your circumstances dictate what you think/say/feel/do to yourself or to others? It is now past time for all of you to learn how to be accountable for your day-to-day vibrations.
If mastery is your goal, then you should actively choose Peace/Harmony in all of your interactions with the world around you – so as not to create more Karma for yourself that will then become obstacles to your path of Life/Self Mastery. (Remember the channeled message ‘Right Vs. Wrong – Who Decides?’ from Portia & Pallas Athena, stating the importance of complete adherence to Divine Cosmic Laws, in order for all chelas to successfully ascend to higher dimensional playgrounds).
Therefore if Mastery is your goal, you must learn to always choose the higher vibrations of: Love, Joy, Harmony and Gratitude, until they become second nature to you.  Until you proactively choose only these higher vibrations, instead of constantly being reactive/feeling triggered by the many challenges you face in life.
Let us now use a car as metaphor for your life. This motor vehicle (that symbolized your physical body; the vessel and sacred temple of your God-Self) is none other than you. You are (hopefully) sitting at the driver’s seat with the steering wheel at the ready – symbolizing the car is under your control.
How long you and your car will take to reach your desired destinations (i.e. how fast your goals/dreams are manifested) will depend on several factors:
1) Who is driving your car (i.e. your life)?
Is it truly you doing the driving, or, are you feeling as though you had oftentimes lost control of your life? Are your parents, your loved ones, your finances or the world, currently dictating where you are headed – by driving your car for you?
2) What is the condition of your car/your physical body?
How often is it serviced and how well is it lovingly maintained? Do you fuel your car with premium petrol (i.e. do you give your physical body high vibrational foods/drinks to keep it at optimum condition?) or, do you always give your car junk, cheap/old fuels with zero vitality? Do you habitually push your car/physical body to the limits often, by driving non-stop without regular maintenance? Or, do you take the time to have plenty of rest at regular intervals, for check-ups and recharging activities?
Remember loved ones, just like many of you here looked after your cars really well (since your life depends on it when driving), you now also need to learn to love your physical body as well. When you powerfully use love as the fuel to run the ‘engines’ of your physical body, vitality, perfect health and even immortality are easy to achieve.
Your car’s parts will eventually malfunction without regular, loving automotive maintenance.
In much the same way, the original design; the Divine blueprint God has created for the human body is for it to last forever and never decay/age. If someone were to die from illness, disease, or old age, suffice it to say that (most of the time) it was due to non-adherence to the Cosmic Laws of Harmony, Karma, Love and Energy – the Divine Laws that govern all physically-embodied souls. This person’s consciousness had adopted lower-vibrational beliefs foreign to the God-Self personality within him/herself, which then led to eventual decay and death of the physical body.
3) How expertly are you driving your car/your life?
For example, do you follow the directions coming from a 3D-GPS that represents the voice of your old, fearful, little-self, or, do you follow the directions coming from a 5D-GPS? The voice coming from this 5D-GPS will be that of your Higher Self’s. Your Higher Self will choose routes/life paths aimed to assist in your growth and expansion; encouraging you to go outside all comfort zones and all 3D-prisons of your own making; always creating yourself anew whilst at the same time integrating all Past, Present & Future aspects of yourself – with Ascension as the Ultimate Goal.
Dear friends, would you consider yourself to be an expert driver? Do you drive fairly smoothly – by faithfully trusting your 5D-GPS? Or, are you constantly self-sabotaging your journey by often applying the brakes unnecessarily (perhaps out of fear/low confidence in your driving abilities, i.e. in your natural, God-given manifestation abilities)?
Whenever you are loudly broadcasting the 3D programming language of: fear, lack and separation, you are in fact putting your foot on the brake – stopping your car’s journey; i.e. stopping the momentum of the physical manifestations of your dreams/desires. If you keep applying the brakes (or, if the pendulum of your daily vibrations kept swinging back & forth from 3D to 5D often) when are you ever going to reach your destination, loved ones? No one but yourself, is stopping/slowing down the manifestations of your desires.
Prolonged broadcast of negative signals coming from your thoughts, words, feelings and actions will ultimately produce in your reality (in your car’s journey) that which you do not wish to have/experience in life. Your cells are always listening. Your own DNA acts like powerful radio receivers/transmitters; constantly broadcasting signals to the Matrix/Universe that consist of: all positive and negative thoughts, words, feelings.
The signals that you send out will soon become the life experiences that you receive, with precise, mathematical accuracy.
The physical Universe has been perfectly designed to obey the precise commands coming from all Source-Beings living in it; coming from the energetic signals that you/everyone transmits externally, out into the world at large. In other words dear friends, all you have to do now, to be able to create any miracle, is to practice broadcasting only positive signals that are completely focused on what you want.
Simple, isn’t it?
It is perhaps easier for you to imagine the entire Universe is listening to you, just like an impartial Genie would. Always obeying all of your commands, giving you everything that you had asked for, according to your most dominant(positive/negative) vibrations.
Remember that accountability is the key here. For you to be: a powerful Creator; a Manifestor of the highest level; God-in-action, you must have a powerful desire to release ALL resistance to the God-Self within.
In other words, from now on you have to be fully responsible and accountable for your daily vibrations; for your ways of Be-ing, no matter what triggers/provocations/challenges you may encounter in the future.
It is time to choose to express harmonious, peaceful and loving thoughts, words, feelings and actions – that demonstrate your Unity/Oneness with the collective energies of ALL-THAT-IS in existence. Decide right now, loved ones, to choose whether to react: as God, or, as a hapless victim, in the face of all present/future life challenges that you have consciously/subconsciously created for yourselves – to help you master your mastery.
The depth of your passion and desire to permanently be the God that you have always been within, will be the deciding factors that will influence the speed of your I AM-integration process.
If your desire to: outwardly express your Godliness and truly be the living God in embodiment, is lukewarm, then your integration process will be equally as lukewarm/slow in its manifestation.
However, if you are passionate about becoming your God-Self now and are completely devoted in this sacred cause by staying highly disciplined with your daily practices (e.g. using Invocations, Decrees, Mantras, Meditation etc. to purify your consciousness from the inside out), then you will soon return to be the blazing, bright Light of God you have always been, before false 3D consciousness took over, interfered and covered your Light (just like clouds in the sky can temporarily block out the powerful sun).
Why do you think saints, angels, or ascended masters are often depicted in images surrounded by Light (eg. with a halo around their heads)? During their lifetimes, oftentimes the Light of God-Self within them became easily visible for all to see; usually after years of daily devotional, higher-vibrational practices.
When your desire to be and act as our loving, benevolent Father/Mother God is strong, the Universe will orchestrate behind the scenes many things/people/circumstances to give you plenty of opportunities to rise above all challenges; to practise being your God-Self in action. Think of these Mastery tests as fun, no matter how difficult it is to accept such a concept – because what you think and believe, you instantly become. If you think those challenges are fun, they are. If you think they are too hard, and so they are.
Many teachers we had sent among you, to teach humanity the concept of: You become what you think, believe and feel about. No more needs to be said about this concept here; as a small reminder is all that is needed in this moment.
And if you ever wonder why we make the final phase of your I-AM integration process so highly challenging, the answer is quite simple. For you to be able to act like God – i.e. enjoying full access to the presently incomprehensible, immense powers at your disposal – first you need to become someone who can be completely trusted with these Godlike-powers.
You need to genuinely and permanently become a person with a pure, loving and compassionate heart; someone who has the higher good of ALL as their only focus and top priority; someone who has successfully passed all the mastery tests we send their way. In other words, to be able to completely master Source Energy, master the Universe, and master the Matrix, you first need to successfully demonstrate your Godlike attributes/characteristics whenever challenges arise.
This is to prevent younger, immature, negatively-polarized, or, service-to-self souls from possessing complete command/control over all of Creation – to the detriment of many embodied souls.
When you have consistently proven that you have become someone who always acts in loving Oneness and Harmony with ALL-THAT-IS, that is when you will find that you have the entire Universe at your command.
The ever-present raw energies of Source, infinitely abundant in the Universe, are constantly at the ready to shape themselves into whatever forms, the ‘I AM’ desires to create next.
4) How well do you know your road rules?
The laws and regulations of the land; the environment in which you have found yourself in? For example, if you live in one country and you intend to drive all the way to a different country (for over there lies your final destination) – do the 2 countries have the same, or, different driving laws/regulations? If different, what do you need to do, to adhere to the laws of both countries? Do you need a new, international driving permit, or, do you perhaps need to gain more driving experiences/upgrade your skills (e.g. by learning to drive on both the left & right sides of the road)?
In much the same way, for you to master the fifth-dimensional environment your planet has now become, you first need to learn the ‘lay of the land’. Adjust your modus operandi to the Laws of the 5D-OS (operating system) so that you can easily thrive within this ‘new’ higher-vibrational playground you have found yourselves in. Those who refuse to do so, and stubbornly cling onto their old, 3D ways of serving self rather than serving ALL, will soon find themselves in ‘hot water’.
The world is changing, loved ones. Non heart-based actions/activities that used to be acceptable to society will soon become completely unacceptable – as many awakened souls are now recognizing the Love & Harmony that are their True Nature (successfully found within themselves) and have no problem expressing these externally, for the Higher Good of All.
‘For the Higher Good of All‘ will be the motto; the only rule to live by, on 5D-Earth. The time has now come for you to make a strong intention to abide by Divine Cosmic Laws, in all of your interactions with the world. When you are always harmonious with those Laws, you are undoubtedly serving the higher good of all in your ways of be-ing – thus demonstrating your Mastery.
And when your Higher Self can see many evidences of you having mastered your Mastery – by always choosing to react with Peace, Love, Joy, Unity and Abundance no matter what – your I AM will reward you with ‘hard’-earned God powers by granting you permanent access to the Zero Point Field; the vortex of co-creation with God, and, as God.
Inside this vortex, just like Neo (Matrix Trilogy movies), you will become Master and Architect of your Matrix. Just like the master potter can expertly shape his clay to assume any form he wants – the clay remaining compliant and pliable to the image/vision the Master has in mind for it – so will you have the infinite, Electron-ic Light Substance of Source at your disposal. To be wielded, shaped into whatever form you wish; and used for whatever purpose as set by you.
The fantasy, magical genre in your books/movies is a popular one on your planet due to one reason alone. Think how popular the Harry Potter series was, during its heyday. At the core of your Collective and Individual Consciousness, stored within everyone’s God-DNA, (often labeled as ‘junk’ DNA by many scientists in the not-so-distant past) therein lies the memory codes; the inner-knowing, of the immense powers you hold within.
Children are naturally more attracted to all things magical, since they are closest (in terms of age) to Source. They can more readily believe in their ‘magical powers’ before the world ‘beats it out of them’ figuratively speaking. For as soon as the children grow up, 3D mainstream-conditioning coming from society states that ‘magic is pure fantasy’. It is only useful for entertainment purposes and nothing else.
Let us now compare this to the education of children within higher dimensional civilizations such as the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Venusians, etc. in your galaxy alone. The children from these races of beings are trained and highly conditioned to believe in their own greatness; in the magnificent power of their thoughts, words and emotions as tools of Creation – ever since the day they were born. These children are also taught how to put into practical application, the seemingly abstract concepts of: Oneness, Freedom, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, Abundance and Harmony, straight from the ‘kindergarten phase, primary and secondary school all the way to college/university phase’ – to use Earth-based educational expressions to express these children’s coming of age; their graduation into society as adults.
Your galactic family will soon render assistance (led by your Lemurian brothers and sisters in Telos) to share their knowledge/experience only with those who genuinely wish to learn how to transform all aspects of your society into a fifth dimensional society – one with Love, Harmony, Abundance and Unity at its Core.
Let us now return to the topic of how to master your Creation/Manifestation process, to the Ascended Master, Christ-Creator Level.
First and foremost, it is time for all of you to realize that the phrase ‘creating miracles’ is actually oxymoronic. There is no such activity in higher dimensional civilizations. The word ‘miracle’ itself, is in fact often: non-existent, foreign, or archaic (rarely used) in their native languages. To them, miracles are simply natural byproducts of their higher ways of being. What many of you would consider as miracles here on present-day Earth, are in fact their regular, day-to-day, ‘normal’ activities.
And thus, the two words: ‘creating‘ and ‘miracles‘ are vibrationally, or, energetically contradicting one another.
For one cannot actually create something when one fully believes and feels that it cannot be created easily, or, that it doesn’t happen often in life.
Extraordinary events are often categorized as miracles, because they are usually considered difficult to create/obtain/experience in life (i.e. these phenomena have not become the norm). For example, when a person is sick with a life-threatening disease, their loved ones often pray for a miracle to occur. Or, when a person is heavily drowning in debts, he often prays for a financial miracle of any kind to help him out of that challenging situation.
A dictionary defines the word ‘miracle‘ as follows: an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.
It is crucial for all of you to change your perspectives; your beliefs and ways of thinking now. You need to believe in your own magic; in your own powers and majesty. Neo became Master of the Matrix because he finally believed. At first he was in denial that he was ‘The One’ but when push came to shove, he simply decided to abandon all that he used to be. Once and for all, he surrendered to become all that he was meant to be, by believing in himself and by believing in his own powers and abilities. In other words, he fully embraced his destiny.
Are you now ready to embrace your destiny and once again feel free to express your true, divine nature as a powerful God/Goddess – loved ones?
You are now facing another crossroad; about to decide which life path to choose from, out of the 2 available routes as shown below. The path to the left, labeled as ‘God’ definitely is an accelerated path that will assist you to become your God-Self in action, sooner rather than later. The path to the right, labeled with a question mark, symbolizes the ‘scenic’ route; the longer, slower path that will eventually take you to the same destination, some day, in a more distant future.
The majority of you reading Our messages here belong to a group of souls who would eagerly choose the path to the left; the one labeled as God. You are passionate about life mastery and Ascension, and are willing to do whatever it takes, each day, to fully integrate with your God-Self within. You possess a strong desire to shine your Light brightly and strive to lead by personal example.
To all our chelas in this group of souls, the following is Our Collective message for you:
Your wishes have been heard, loved ones. The challenges you are facing right now are nothing when compared with the magnificence of your Higher Self – they are but pebbles in the road; ones that you can easily remove. Stay aligned to us always and be receptive to our guidance. For we are constantly monitoring your progress; ensuring that you will have/experience everything that you need to have/experience for soul growth and mastery; these will always be arriving at the perfect, divine timing – at a (faster) pace that you have set for yourselves.
Adele had recently expressed a prayer of gratitude to God. She gave us her thanks, for everything that we had arranged/orchestrated to assist her in mastering her mastery. She also expressed her strong desire to once again be completely free, to be the living embodiment of the Christ within her – sooner rather than later. Not long after we heard that request, we sent her several life challenges; giving her ample opportunities to act as the loving, benevolent God/Goddess that she is within. How do you think she reacted?
Not well, dear friends. She had made the request; which we then answered and fulfilled. Then not long after, she got annoyed with us (*laughed) for sending her those difficult tests. We are not sharing this with you all here to criticize our beloved Adele; far from it, dear friends. We are sharing this, as a reminder to all of you here, to be careful about what you ask for, from the Universe/God/your Higher Self.  For we take and consider all of your heartfelt requests, very seriously.
Be sure that you are ready for the accelerated life path towards your God-Self; ready for all the ‘tests’ and challenges such a path will bring you. Choosing this particular path may sound scary and exhausting, however, once you have started walking the path you will find that your easy success will depend upon your willingness and readiness to completely: surrender your old, fearful, ego-based 3D-self, and eliminate all negative 3D habits that you are perhaps still stubbornly clinging onto right now.
Let go and let God. Your complete surrender will then be richly rewarded with many powers and positive abundance in all aspects of your life.
For those of you who are our devoted chelas, walking the accelerated path of mastery-over-self, the time has come for us to reveal the next steps to assist you in becoming Master of Source Energy; Master of the Matrix.
The precepts in Part 1 are all about your ways of being.
For you to successfully be a powerful Creator at the highest, Ascended-Master Level, you have to consistentlyachieve a score of 100% for all 7 precepts; 100% of the time without fail.
If you are satisfied with being a 3D-standard Master Creator (manifesting all the usual things people love to have in abundance, e.g. Prosperity/Wealth, Health, wonderful friendships, romantic love, amazing career, expensive assets, etc.), all you have to do is to: consistently maintain a high score (for most/all of the 7 precepts) at least 70% of the time. 70% of the time is enough for you to be viewed as a successful person – from the human collective’s 3D-standard.
If however, your goal is to eventually become a: ‘5D-standard’ Master Creator, (mastering your magical: Precipitation/Etherealization abilities and other spiritual abilities e.g. clairvoyance, telekinesis, healing, traveling in your Merkaba, etc.), just like all the Ascended Masters who had once lived on this planet successfully achieved in their lifetimes, then you need to permanently embody ALL the 7 precepts, 100% of the time.
All of you reading this message had lived in the Golden Age of Atlantis and Lemuria in one (or many) past lives. The people living during this great age, were naturally walking around as their Christ-Selves. They were the personifications of God in the physical body. They lived and breathed the 7 precepts, naturally. And as such, the ‘magical’, or ‘miraculous’ acts of Precipitation and Etherealization came very easily to all of them. For example, whenever they needed to build a house, they would work together in a group to precipitate said house, out of thin air; using nothing but the combined powers of their will, third eye and mental strength.
Let us begin by providing you with the simplest explanation of the two terms above.
When you precipitate an object, you are essentially drawing upon the raw, electron-ic light substance/energy that is Source. By the power of your focus/intention, you are shaping/moulding these raw energies to create any object that you desire, into physical materialization. In other words, you are transforming the pure, light energy that is God, into any solid matter/object of your desire.
When you etherealize an object that you have previously precipitated, you are technically transforming solid matter/the object back into the raw, electron-ic light substance/energy that is Source. This is in accordance of the Law of the Use of Energy that states: all Light-energies loaned to mankind, must one day be returned to the Universal Light-substance that is Source.
Once all 7 Precepts are fully demonstrated in your ways of Be-ing, 24/7, the process of Precipitation will be as follows:
  1. Clearly visualize the desired item/outcome. Place the image clearly in front of you; in your mind’s eye.  You need to be as specific as possible so that the item you are creating will materialize exactly as designed. The more complex the item, the better it is to write down all the important properties/characteristics of the object. It is recommended that you begin your precipitation training, by having a drawing (of the object) ready on a piece of paper in front of you. It is important for you to make a strong intention to imbue the object with any specific quality that you wish to enjoy/experience, when using the item later on.
  2. Focus on your feelings -> how you would feel once this item you are in the process of creating, physically materializes in your reality. Feel those feelings now. For example, if you are precipitating a glass of water out of the Universal Light substance, imagine how drinking that refreshing glass of water would feel for your thirsty body. Imagine and feel the weight of the glass/cup in your hand.
  3. Merge with the magnificent spark of Light; the Golden Sun within your heart chakra that symbolizes the God Presence within. Feel your intimate connection; your constant Oneness with your Higher Self.
  4. As the Creator of All-That-Is in existence, make a simple but deeply profound declaration: ‘Thank you God for this gift of Light.’
  5. And then, as Source Itself, feel the existence of the Raw Energies/Raw Powers of God – contained in the Universal, Electron-ic Light Substance available throughout the Universe. Mentally ‘reach out’ to these raw energies and simply make the intention to send/direct these energies into the image of your desire (step 1). Fully aware that by doing so, in that moment you are acting as God; you are using the powers of God, and, you are collaborating with God to create the object of your desire.
  6. You don’t have to know which colored flames/what elements/energies should be the ones sent first to the image, or, in what order. Simply believe that your God-Self will automatically do that for you, because by the time you have reached this 5D Master Level of Creation, the process will have become so automatic.
We are talking about the specific energies/elements that make-up the chemical composition of your object; the building blocks/sacred geometries of the item you are in the process of precipitating. There is an original, divine blueprint for everything that is already created anywhere within the physical universe. And your God-Self will have access to ALL of these blueprints of Creation.
For example, for you to create the glass of water (see step 2) that you so desired, you need to be able to combine hydrogen with oxygen (H2O) to precipitate water, out of the Universal light substance. The glass itself will be made from several substances, the most common ingredient being: silicon dioxide (SiO2).
Once again, we remind you that you do not need to know exactly what is contained within the item you wish to precipitate. Your job, is to be as clear and specific as possible, about how the item will be like, look like, feel like, or taste like, once it is fully precipitated into a physical form.
  1. Keep your focus on continuously sending these raw energies; the Universal Light Substance of Source, into the image of your desire – fully expecting the object to physically materialize in front of you. Adjusting the speed and the intensity of the Light accordingly, as instinctively guided by your Higher Self. Do not let fear, worry or doubt to enter your mental, emotional bodies when you are precipitating. For in that moment, thou are acting as God, the Creator. You are One with the energies of Source; ever present in the Universe. During the act of precipitation, you are acting in your natural capacity as Master Wizard, Master Alchemist, Master Creator, and, Master of All the Elements.
  2. Once the object has physically materialized, simply tweak it in any way you please (with the powers of your mind) until it fully fits your requirements. Give thanks.
When you are finished with using the item you had previously precipitated, it then becomes your responsibility to etherealize said item, so that it can once again return to the state of pure light energy, from whence it came.
The process of Etherealization:
  1. Clearly state your intention (out loud, or via mind) that you wish to etherealize, or, to make an object completely disintegrate. So that the energies that make up that specific item can return back to the Raw Energies of Source to be recycled/used for something else, by you/by someone else.
  2. Merge with your God-Self within.
  3. As God/as the Creator of All That Is, simply say: ‘Thank you God for the gift of this item, which I now no longer need. I now return this, back unto you.’
  4. As Source Itself, simply send Light into the Core of the item (that contains the Threefold Flame), with the intention to disintegrate it. Bear in mind, for every living (animate) or, non-living (inanimate) object, there exists the Threefold Flame that lies in the center of said object. Simply use your inner eye to find out the location of your object’s Core. For when you send laser-focused Light into this core, the etherealization process will be completed faster.
  5. Keep sending the Light; adjusting the speed and intensity accordingly, until you can feel/see that the item has fully disintegrated into nothingness. Give thanks.
Just like when a beginner driver may feel awkward/unsure about what steps to do next, when getting his car ready for a drive (e.g. adjust the rear view mirror, put the foot on the brake, release handbrake, etc.), at first you may be feeling out of your depth during your first few attempts of precipitation/etherealization. The entire process will one day become automatic, the more you become fully integrated with your Higher Self. There is nothing to worry. All is well. You will come to remember how easy and natural, precipitation and etherealization truly are, to your God-Self. You will find yourself gifted with ‘inner knowing’, or easy downloads of information from within. You will definitely know what to do when the time comes.
A member within one of Adele’s groups recently asked, how long would it take her to reach the 5D Master Creator Level? The true answer to this question is: it depends on you; on your commitment and motivation. Your ascension journey is as unique as your DNA. For those of you reading this channeled message (in the Now moment), you may take anywhere between 20 to 80 years to re-master your Precipitation and Etherealization abilities. This forecast is based on our observations of your past behavior/habits, and your past dedication to the ascension process. We deliberately highlighted the word ‘past’ to indicate that your future can change anytime, whenever you decide to adopt new, positive habits that will align you more with your powerful Higher Self.
Harry Potter was born with the magical potential of a wizard, however, it took him 6+ years of thorough study and practice at Hogwarts, for him and his friends to successfully wield higher, more complex magic. In other words, he left his home and stayed at Hogwarts to give his utmost focus to his magical studies.
Since it took Harry many years of devoted studies and practice to train his magic, how long do you think it will take you, to master your ‘magical’ God-like abilities? Especially when you take into account the many, seemingly unending distractions you often have around you – coming from work, family, friends, the challenges you are facing now. In light of these distractions, perhaps our above forecast was a little bit too optimistic.
Simply tune in to your Higher Self to get an individualized answer to this ‘how long‘ question (if you wish to know), and ask us to guide you, so that every day you are walking closer and closer to your desired ‘future’ reality where you are Master of all the Elements; Master of Source Energy; Master and Architect of the Matrix.
Today’s message is designed to empower you, and to expand/broaden your definition of Mastery. So that you can from now on set the bar really high, in your goal of full integration with your God-Self. There are plenty of wondrous, amazing self-discoveries for you to look forward to; in the not-so-distant future!
As Yeshua ben Yosef, I had made the following promise to my disciples back then:
“Verily, verily, I say unto you. He that believeth in me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” (John 14: 12-14)
With today’s message, I have once again fulfilled my promise to all of you here (some of you reading this were my past and present disciples) to share with you all the keys to the Magical Kingdom of God.
Call upon me, your Higher Self, or members of your own spirit team, anytime, for personalized assistance and guidance, so that the way forward is crystal-clear for those of you who are strongly interested in becoming a 5D-standard Master Creator sooner rather than later.”
With all my Love and Devotion,
Your brother in Light, Sananda.
Adele Arini
Channeled by Adele Arini. 
Copyright 2019.
If you re-post, please retain article in its entirety, and provide the link below. Thank you and Namaste. 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 14:27
Quinta-feira, 07 / 02 / 19

THE WINDS OF CHANGE ~ Lady Gaia, Adele Arini


Lady Gaia via Adele Arini.

5 Feb 2019.




Greetings beloved children.
I have happily nominated, or, volunteered myself to give you all with this energy/ascension update today.
It is with great joy for me to reveal to you that February will be a month of massive movements. Each and every one of you will be moving, more rapidly, down the unique ascension path that has been especially prepared for you. Doors will be opened, paths revealed, clarity readily provided – as we need our light-workers to start positioning themselves at the front lines; as leaders and not as followers.
Please do not misunderstand this by thinking that you no longer need the support of your fellow light-workers, or, that it is time to ‘walk the path’ alone. That is not what we are saying here. Staying in the company of like-minded souls strengthens your path, resolution, motivation and of course, it is also fun to do!
Just how people gather together within groups to ‘talk shop’, e.g. doctors with other fellow doctors, writers with other writers, artists with other artists, etc., you staying together with fellow travelers will help you, especially during the times when the going gets tough. The saying ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’ is very true, in many ways. Sometimes you just simply need a listening ear, or two, from people who can deeply understand the things you are going through.
2019 will be the year when we need you more than ever, loved ones.
We need your Light; we need your courage; your willingness and readiness to step up into the roles that you were born to do.All of you are holding unique Ascension ‘Codes of Light’. Ascension ‘Keys’ that will activate different doors/portals to Creation.
Different people will be ‘triggered’ or ‘activated’ by different light-workers – due to the similarities of past lives/current life’s challenges that they, and you, had gone through. And thus, you will be uniquely situated to help these people because of what you had learnt/experienced. The people who will come to you for assistance, will be those who know (instinctively, on a higher level) that you are the best person to help them move forward.
You are all perfectly stationed around the world right now, wherever you are is exactly where you are meant to be, in this NOW moment in time. Each one of you holds different frequencies of God; signature frequencies that cannot be duplicated by any other light-worker, or any other living being. You are each as unique as your DNA, and as such, your contributions to the world and to the entire Ascension process, will be equally as unique. Equally as important & crucial to the whole.
Father Mother God is in the middle of drawing a grand, massive-sized, beautiful, amazing painting titled: ‘Heaven on Earth’. And now, imagine this painting split into many different pieces. The number of pieces will be an exact match to the number of light-workers currently physically embodied on-planet.
Each one of you here is a super precious, important, and extremely valuable ‘jigsaw puzzle piece’ of this painting.
Knowing how precious you are, please start to recognize the value that you bring into the world. You don’t even have to specifically ‘do something’ to be contributing to the whole ascension process. The process is automatic. When your overall LQL (Light Quotient Level) is at a high enough level – coming from a high level of integration of your four bodies: physical, emotional, mental & etheric, with Higher Self – this is when you will be called into greater service. A service like what most of you have been called to do, subconsciously, especially in the last 12 months.
This service to the Light that you have been doing includes the following, but not exclusively just this: your Higher Self has been ‘using’ your physical body as a powerful receiver and transmitter of the Purest, Highest Frequencies of Light. Christ Consciousness Energies. Mahatma Energies. Omega Light Energies. Pure Source Energies the scale that I (your Mother Earth) and you have never experienced before.
Your physical bodies can be compared to a huge, powerful satellite dish; or more accurately, to a crystal-based energy transmitter/receiver. Yes, this means that your body is a living, breathing, vibrating crystalline transmitter and receiver of the highest degree.
A spiritually awakened person who is very close to full integration with Higher Self, is operating as this ‘satellite dish’ at the highest, most powerful capacity. This person – like a sponge dipped in water –  ‘absorbs’ these higher-dimensional energies into his four-body-system;  keeps some of the energies for his own individual transformation into a 5D Light Being, and then proceeds to distribute/disperse the remainder, for myself (Mother Earth) and for all members of the Human Collective. This is automatically done, every single second of every single day, ever since you have reached the required LQL.
If you are wondering why I am sharing all this information with you, my children, the reason is quite simple. As the average LQL of all of you here, have reached 70% and above, you will be called into greater service now, more than ever. And if you are wondering how, dear one, it is also quite simple.
Simply take the time to tune in every morning, before you begin your day, to your Higher Self and to Me, and simply ask us this question:
How may I be of service for us all today?‘ Here, the word ‘us’ refers to yourself, to myself Gaia, and to all within the Kingdom of God, especially those currently on Earth. And we will give you the answers to that question with something that only you can do for us that day. And that something will be unique; it will be related to your soul’s purpose, mission and contribution to the creation of new Earth.
Now let’s go back to the topic at hand.
In February you will all be in the middle of building momentum. Every moment you are creating anew; every day we will be sending you the perfect inspiration and guidance to help you, help us, create new Earth in a way that is perfectly suited to your innate abilities.
For those of you who are energetically sensitive, please be aware that February will be the beginning of The New. We have all passed a marker, at the end of last month.
Your sensitivity will remain the same for some of you, whilst for others, it will be on the rise. And this is all happening by design. The spiritual gifts that some of you have been praying for, will soon be activated.
Spiritual gifts such as clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentience, these and many more, are on their way to you right now, as we speak.
And now in terms of Ascension physical symptoms, most of you here will not be as heavily affected as you had been last month. Things are getting better, loved ones. Ascension is getting easier in terms of how the higher energies you have been absorbing, are actually affecting your bodies – the physical vessels of your spirit.
This is now the time for all of you to expand; it is time for all of you to embrace your creativity and actually start creating.
And obviously, for you to be able to start creating, you need to be able to daily function with a high degree of ease and grace. There may still be days, for example closer to the new moon/full moon cycles, when you may be feeling slightly under the weather, however it will not be as physically or emotionally, as demanding/consuming like what had regularly occurred in the last 6 to 7 months.
It is time for you to celebrate loved ones. It is time for you to start your co-creation process with me; with your Higher Self and spirit team; with Father Mother God, to bring about the kind of world that you want to be living in – the kind of world that you want your children to live in.
Anything Is Possible.
You are an unlimited being with unlimited powers.
It is time for you to start discovering what those powers are.
It is time for you to go beyond your normal boundaries, to test your limits, and stretch your wings. You are no longer 5th dimensional newborns. In fact you are no longer 5th dimensional teenagers.
Where you are right now can perhaps be compared to a young adult turning 21; a young adult who has just received the keys to his first car. The young adult who received this birthday gift from his parents to celebrate his adulthood. The car represents his new found freedom in life.
The freedom to do as he pleases with life; the freedom to go wherever he wants to go; the freedom to decide how fast or, how slow, he wants to get to his destination. This freedom is essentially the freedom to create what he wants to create with his life. The freedom to do what he wants to do for a living; the freedom to look after his own finances, and the freedom to have what he wants when he wants it. Without strict parental controls continuously limiting his choices in life.
And this is exactly what is happening to you as well, my beloved.
You have learnt everything that you are meant to learn with your many lifetimes here on planet Earth, dear Old Soul, and you have successfully healed, released and purged many discordant memories/experiences stored in the gigantic warehouse of your DNA. Discordant to your Higher Self’s True Nature.
If we were to compare your clearing and purging process to the removal of the many different layers of an onion, then most of you here have reached the inner core of your onion.
And that inner core is where your Higher Self can be found. This is the powerful aspect of your Self that is God-like in nature.
Now that you have been given the keys to your car, i.e. to Unlimited Freedom, it is time for you to set your GPS with the coordinates of where you wish to go from now on.
The options are endless. For those of you who have ever driven a car with the GPS on, whenever you press ‘start’, you will see that your car’s GPS will automatically create a route to take you to your destination. And when you follow that route,  there is not a single doubt in your mind that you will reach your destination by following the mostly-verbal instructions coming from the GPS of your car.
And in much the same way my beloved, you need to start trusting your higher self, your heart, your spirit team, absolutely. Without any fear or doubt interfering in the process of your creation and manifestation. Trust us, like you would, the GPS of your own car. The more often you do this; the more practice you do, the better you get at doing this.
Your expansion and growth will move along at an exponential rate, especially within the next six months, so much so that by the end of the year when you look back to what has been happening in 2019, you will be filled with so much joy, awe, wonder and gratitude for everything that has come to pass.
This is our promise to you loved ones. However we do need your cooperation; your collaboration in order for us to help you, to turn your life around.
Do not spend a second more staying in the vibrations of fear, no matter what is happening around you. Simply focus, always, on where you wish to go, and have the mindset that you will not fail to get there.
Just like the GPS in your car will not fail to guide your way, whenever you are constantly in tune with with your feelings, with your Higher Self, with God, then the route/way/path to get to your destination will constantly be revealed just at the perfect timing. Always when you are ready for the next lane, the next street, the next road, the next express freeway.
We love you so much, beloved friends. All of us here in the company of Heaven, we thank you for your service to me, Gaia, and to the Human Collective. And we wish to do everything we can, to help you achieve what you want to achieve.
Trusting us, and trusting your Higher Self, also means: to trust your heart, your feelings, your intuition a lot more than what you have been doing so far. Start listening more to the guidance coming from Within.
The answers to all of your questions; to all of your problems; to all your dilemmas/challenges that you are currently facing in life, are all within you.
And the moment you realize that, is the moment when you have become full partners in this Divine Act of Co-Creation.
God is creating Itself anew, through you, and this is exactly how it is meant to be.
Once again we would like to remind you that, you are God and God is you.
The moment you understand and fully believe in the meaning of that statement, without doubts, fears or feelings of unworthiness interfering in this co-creative process, is the moment when you will finally discover how easy it is to create and manifest everything that you hold dear.
It will be the moment, you will know yourself, experientially, As God.
Love is truly the only thing that matters. It is the driving engine of Creation. 
Feel yourself up with so much love; imagine your car is filled up with love as its only fuel.
When you fill up your car with Divine Love energies as its gasoline, you are in fact filling up your car (your life) with THE most powerful driving force; able to propel you into unimaginable heights. Whenever your car runs out of energy/fuel, all you have to do is recharge; do a little TLC, and reconnect with the Bright Flame of Love shining within the inner GPS that is your heart. And when you set the intention to do this often, you will be able to get your car/life to move at greater speed as it will always be in constant alignment with the creative energies of Source.
We are here with you every step of the way,  as you venture out into the world as a fifth dimensional adult who are now ready to be our 5D leaders; creating a new generation.
A generation of super-humans who will no longer behave the way a 3D human behaves.
As you break out of your self-imposed third dimensional prison that you have been living in for so long, you will find that the world out there, outside of that prison, is wondrous beyond your current imaginations.
You are our pioneers, our 3D Rule-Breakers. You are at the front lines of change.
You are those who are bringing, creating and easily riding the Winds of Change.
Staying completely unafraid; unwavering in your faith. Trust that the winds of change will carry you to magnificent places filled with everything that you have ever wanted in life. Never fear change, my beloved. Change is the only constant in life.
Change is the name of God. Change is God, and God is change. And since God is in a constant state of expansion, always creating Itself anew, then Its name is synonymous with Change.
You only need to spend more time outdoors; breathing in fresh air; connecting with Nature – with the trees, flowers and the animals around you – for you to easily reconnect with your Inner, Higher Self. The more often you do this, the better your life gets.
We hope that this message has served to help you in an empowering way; to encourage and reassure you, that all is well.
Things will continue to be well this month and in the many months ahead.
Yes, change is definitely in the air, but it is the type of change of your own choosing; one that will truly be for your higher good and the higher good of ALL.
Call upon me whenever you need my assistance, whenever you are perhaps feeling out of balance. Dizzy, perhaps even fearful with the many changes happening to you and to all around you.
I will hold you tight in my arms and infuse you with the energies of unconditional love, calm and peace; giving you the assurances you need and the tidings of all good things to come.
We are loving you beyond measure.
Your Mother Earth
Channeled by Adele Arini. Copyright 2019.
If you re-post, please retain this channeled message in its entirety, and provide the link below. Much love & gratitude. www.raphaelshealingspace.com.au
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Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 19:46
Terça-feira, 05 / 02 / 19

THE CORNUCOPIA ~ Ariel and Uriell, Adele Arini.


Archangels Ariel and Uriel.

via Adele Arini.

February 3, 2019




Greetings dearly beloved,
Today we, Ariel and Uriel, your sisters of Light, are both here to bring you wonderful news about what is in the works, waiting in the wings, for all of you reading this today.
As you may have already known, the theme of this new year 2019, is all about Expansion, Growth, Creativity and massive awakening of Soul Powers – it will be a powerful year of Manifestation and Transformation.
The often-physically painful and emotional phase of clearing, purging and ‘healing’ all things 3D have now been successfully completed for the majority of light-workers across the planet. We now feel the need to clarify the term ‘light-workers’ to avoid any misunderstanding.
Every living being (including those whom you had perhaps in the past considered to be completely devoid of Divine Love) belongs to the same faction. You, they, and all of us are, in our own way, serving the Kingdom of God. We are ONE, in every sense of the word. And by expansion, since we are all One, even those people who ‘seemingly’ belong within the Dark faction, are in fact also working for the Light – working for their own soul expansion and evolution. They too, can be called a light-worker.
Dark vs. light, lower-vibrational vs. higher-vibrational, positive vs. negative, the past vs. the future, Democrats vs. Republicans, Catholics vs. Muslims, the rich vs. the poor, the educated vs. the uneducated – the  endless labels that humans use to perpetuate Separation; this long list continues. Humanity have been ‘playing’ these physical life-games on Earth for thousands of years, and by now, you have all truly mastered the art of extreme Separation, Duality and Polarization.
However, for all intents and purposes, today we will be using the term, light-workers, to refer only to those: whose hearts are pure. They may not even know that such a term exists, however, the way they live their lives are already so caring, loving, and compassionate in every way.
And that is, in essence, what a light-worker is.
Someone who possesses a pure, loving desire to be of service to the world and God – in a way that suits his/her own innate abilities. He/she is likely to be a sensitive soul, whom people usually go to, for advice and assistance.
If you are a light-worker who have chosen to be awakened earlier than the Human Collective, you, our beloved, are someone with an important mission/role to play especially within the next 20 years. You are here to show others what it means to be 5th dimensional.
And that was probably your cue to then ask us this question, “Ariel & Uriel, we do not know how to be 5th dimensional. I have not yet recovered the memories my higher dimensional lifetimes, so where/how do I even begin?” Our answer is simple, loved ones.
Begin with yourself; begin with your life.
The best way to change the world, is NOT by changing others. 
This principle has often been demonstrated throughout your many life experiences with the people around you, every day. Telling people what to do, criticizing them, nagging them, using sarcasm or any other negative behavior will only serve to ‘add extra fuel to the raging fire’.
For example, let’s say that Mrs. C is on a mission to get her husband to quit smoking. She has been nagging him for years; ‘lecturing’ him on the dangers; reminding him of the hefty financial burden his buying a month’s supply of cigarettes had created on their limited budget. Her lectures occurred quite regularly, until one day he finally ‘exploded’ and yelled to her ‘to leave him alone’.
Do you see what has happened here? Mr. C has no WILL to change. Zero desire to change. Without the will to change, then well…, nothing will change. The cigarettes, no matter how bad they are, are currently satisfying Mr. C’s needs on some level.
All addictions are a form of emotional escape, from the root cause of the issue.
When people are Not ready to deal with the real reason as to why they keep doing/buying things that they ‘know’ (deep inside) are bad for them, then the problem will continue to persist.
All true change must begin with oneself. 
And, here comes the main point of our little story:
Emotional Integration is the ‘KEY’ to CHANGE. 
We realize that light-workers around the world are at different stages of their spiritual awakening journey. However, the group of powerful light-workers who happened to be reading this particular energetic transmission (and yes, we know exactly who you are), most of you have completed your emotional integration process.
In other words, you have stopped running away from your emotions and have released the previously embedded toxicity within your emotional body. And because of that, you are now primed and ready to move on to the next phase of your evolution: to master your Mastery over life.
How do you become a master of Life when you have, seemingly, failed to master one or more aspects of your life, over and over again in this lifetime?
Let us tell you now dear friends, whatever is the greatest life challenge that you have right now, that challenge is THE biggest test; the final exam – lovingly prepared by your Higher Self, before you can successfully graduate.
For some people it can be about the state of their health. For most light-workers, it is about their lack/scarcity consciousness. For others, it can be about love, forgiveness, loneliness or relationships.
Knowing this, how you react from now on, in the face of your biggest life challenges, is THE game-changer here. 
You can choose to continue to focus on your problems, and react with fear, distress, anxiety, anger, depression, guilt, OR, you can choose to raise your awareness/perspective – i.e. SHIFT your inner programming, to match the programming ‘language’ that your Higher Self speaks in.
Your Higher Self speaks the language of Love – to Self, and to All.
Your Higher Self speaks the language of Peace – for Self and for All.
Your Higher Self speaks the language of Joy/Happiness – to Self and to All.
Your Higher Self speaks the language of Wisdom & Power – to Self and to  All.
Your Higher Self speaks the language of Abundance – to Self and to All.
The term ‘abundance’ that we use here, represents all the good things in life, e.g. perfect health, an immortal (non-decaying) physical body, plenty of money, great friendships, fulfilling career and relationships, fun life experiences, etc.
It is time, our brothers and sisters, to ‘speak’ the Language of your Higher Self – the Language of God.
God is supremely powerful. And by extension, that means, you too, are supremely powerful.
So why do you keep forgetting this, whenever you were faced with the final tests your Higher Selves have been sending you lately?
God is Love. This also means, that you too, are a Being of Divine Love.
So why do you (occasionally) behave so unlike your True, Most Loving Self?
God is Unlimited – and so are you.
So why do you keep limiting yourself to the 3D ‘language programming’ that can no longer function in this brand new, higher-dimensional arena/playground you have recently found yourself to be in?
A few days ago, on January 30th, Adele had posted a message in her Raphael’s Healing Space Facebook page, to share the good news with everyone that she had sensed all heavier densities associated with life on a 3D planet, were well and truly gone.
Duality, Polarity, Separation are the scaffolding, the framework and the foundation of a lower-dimensional existence in a 3D Universe. And with these three now permanently gone from Planet Earth, this can only mean one thing.
Humanity has recently crossed over another important milestone.
You, our beloved, are now truly living on 5D Earth as we speak. At the end of January 2019, humanity & Gaia had in fact, ‘jumped several timelines’ together. And what had prompted this to occur?
In the most recent conclave above Planet Earth, which many of you had attended in your sleep, the majority of you had expressed a strong desire for undeniable, visible changes to begin Now.
The ‘Old Souls’ physically embodied on-planet right now (i.e. the movers and shakers who are the true powers behind the story of New Earth’s Creation) had truly had enough of the old paradigm of Fear, Lack & Separation.
You wanted all necessary reforms to be fully expedited and although temporary chaos may ensue, you had all expressed unshakable confidence that you will all be able to go through those challenges with grace and ease. We truly have tremendous respect and admiration for all of you, our beloved.
However, because of this, things may temporarily look as though they are getting worse instead of getting better – both on the micro and macro levels. It is important to keep in mind, that these are all happening BY DESIGN.
As a Collective, you have deliberately chosen to intensify all 3D energetic remnants within yourselves, and within the psyche/consciousness of all embodied souls on Earth, to force you to choose a better way NOW.
This is to help you to permanently break free; to get yourselves out of the automated, 3D pattern-programming you have been using for thousands of years. You have been using the lower dimensional operating system of fear, lack and separation for eons.
The time has now arrived for you to re-set and re-program the super computer that is your life.
And the True Work must start WITHIN.
Your operating system must now be constantly speaking the programming language of God. Only when you have permanently attained a higher dimensional perspective (no matter what is happening around you), your life will begin to change in magical, wondrous ways.
With the eradication of lower densities and their frameworks of existence, speaking in the programming language of your Higher Self has never been easier. It has now become so natural. This ultimately means that your efforts, to align your frequencies to match that of your Higher Self’s, need not be as taxing as before. It will be perfectly simple, like riding a bike, after many years of not riding it. You may be out of practice, but it doesn’t mean you have to start learning from scratch.
You will soon find that your thoughts, words, feelings and actions now naturally gravitate towards ‘higher density’ instead of the opposite. This is because the scaffolding/framework that supports the opposite, is now permanently and completely gone. This natural movement towards ‘lighter, higher’ density thoughts/words/emotions can only be stopped by you. If you provide zero resistance to this natural ‘re-set’, to this re-programming process you are in the midst of doing, then you will soon find yourself be thinking, saying, feeling and acting like your Divine Higher Self.
This is 100% guaranteed.
So in other words, just ‘go with the flow’ and surrender to your natural inclinations to feel happy, to feel at peace, to be loving – and soon, your life will change to reflect this change coming from within.
Our God is Supreme Creator of ALL THAT IS. And by extension, Creativity is the only way your Soul expresses itself. This year, now that you are very naturally, well on your way to perfect alignment with your God-Self, you will want to grow, expand and express your creativity, your unique contribution to New Earth in a big way. Some of you have already started. Those who haven’t, never worry, everything has been planned perfectly for you.
I, Archangel Ariel, am here to help open the ‘floodgates’ of your inner creative genius. Call upon me to help you release all unexplored areas of self-expression within yourself. I can assist you to broaden your way of thinking, expand your limits, and discover many of your hidden talents. It is time to unleash all your talents and display your Magnificence for all the world to see. And when you do this, without the energies of arrogance nor conceit, you give others the space, the courage and bravery to come out of their ‘shell’ and shine brightly as well!
Open yourselves up to all ideas, and always say ‘YES’ to everything that life offers you – only when your inner guidance is in perfect agreement! Your feelings are the inbuilt, powerful inner GPS; the barometer of your Truth that must always be used, to pave the path to your Graduation Party!
And I, Archangel Uriel, am always ready to happily assist all souls who call upon me. I will help to provide free-flowing channel of information and inspiration relevant to your individualized mission/role on New Earth. The next stepping stone, and the next, and the next will continue to be revealed, one by one, and because of this, you will feel so blissfully content; joyfully swimming in the river flow of your creations.
Today’s third card, the Cornucopia, is our gift to you. Father/Mother God, Creator of ALL THAT IS, has now bestowed upon you this horn-shaped, glowing basket of Light that is filled with all the things you have ever desired to have/experience on Planet Earth. The cornucopia is an ancient symbol of Abundant Harvest and Great Blessings. In the olden days, when someone receives a cornucopia, it is a sign that all their hard work is about to pay off in significant ways.
We would like to invite all of you to now close your eyes, and imagine your Higher Self, and spirit team are standing around you. Father and Mother God are both stepping forward, to get closer to you. They smiled, and handed over this beautiful, glowing gift whilst at the same time saying,
“With this gift, We are now giving you all that which you have long desired. Your wishes, beloved children, are now fulfilled. Go and start creating all that your heart dearly desires to do, as this process is the key that opens the gates of: Unlimited Freedom. The freedom to be God; the freedom with your time to do as you wish; the financial freedom many of you have long been seeking for. You deserve this, loved ones. The hard part is already over, and it is time to celebrate! We are loving you beyond measure”.
– All in the Company of HEAVEN –
Channeled by Adele Arini. Copyright 2019.
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Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 18:37
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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