A Chama da Ascensão


Sexta-feira, 14 / 06 / 19

Benjamin Fulford FR, 2019/06/10: Anglo alliance cemented by Trump UK visit will lead to reversal of post-9/11 fascist trend

Anglo alliance cemented by Trump UK visit will lead to reversal of post-9/11 fascist trend.

Benjamin Fulford Full Report


Posted June 12, 2019 by Edward Morgan


The visit by U.S. President Donald Trump to the UK last week has healed rifts in the Anglo alliance and will make sure the post-9/11 fascist coup in the West will be reversed, according to Pentagon and British royal family sources.  “The visit to Great Britain was very much about the entente cordiale in the Anglo-America axis and all of the ongoing issues of which you are already aware.  Brexit is a very big deal.  I would say that the trip was a success and the bonds between both countries are now stronger,” was how a British royal summed it up.
This means there is a split between the Anglo-Americans and the European fascist Nazi aristocrats behind the Bilderberg Group.  A semi-official report from a Bilderberg participant confirms that there is a major split between the German-led EU faction and the Anglos, as well as the Italians.

Sources in French Intelligence, meanwhile, say they have found proof the recent EU Parliamentary elections were rigged by the German faction.  They point to articles which accurately announced the results of the elections that appeared before the elections took place.  The battle to liberate France continues, the sources say.

Dutch whistleblowers, meanwhile, have been putting out damning information on the Bilderberg founding by the Nazi Dutch royal family and their connection to the fascist American Rockefeller (Clinton), Bush, etc. faction.  Among other things, they report that Boeing manufactured bombers and sent them to Germany to bomb Americans during World War II.

This is important, because we now have a 30-year Boeing veteran, Patrick Shanahan, as “Acting Defense Secretary” in the United States, even as all genuine military veterans left the Trump administration at the beginning of this year.
Pentagon sources are telling us “the domino-like, sudden collapse of 26 telephone poles right along the main thoroughfare servicing Boeing’s many Seattle facilities along East Marginal Way” last week was “no coincidence.”
“This was a white-hat message to Boeing to cease and desist from the use of remote control override technology in its planes used in its ‘airplane accidents,’ as well as its other warmongering/war crimes/war technologies (that may use 5G), both public and secret,” the sources say.
There are also now more signs that a major financial event, likely bigger than the Lehman shock, is being prepared to finish off the Federal Reserve Board and the EU-central-bank-owning Nazi faction of the Khazarian mafia.
This means that the fiat “trading platforms,” created by Bilderberger Henry Kissinger for the Rockefeller family after the U.S. abandoned the gold standard in 1971, have been shut down and replaced with …
… a basket of currencies trading within a band relative to the price of gold.  This can be confirmed by looking at a chart of currency movements since 2012, when the Federal Reserve’s 100-year mandate expired.  This, combined with massive pumping of money into the stock markets, has led to relative financial stability.
However, as Russian President Vladimir Putin noted last week after meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, “The policy of quantitative easing and the other measures that were taken [after Lehman] did not solve the problems in essence, but only pushed them into the future.”

That future may have arrived.  Market participants are betting on a huge, seismic shock to the financial system.  The graph below shows how global trade has now collapsed in a manner identical to what happened at the time of the Lehman shock.  By the way, we encountered a systematic attempt to censor this graph from the English-language Internet and had to go to a Chinese site to relocate it.

The other graph that indicates something huge is coming is one showing how long-term interest rates in the eurodollar markets are even further below short-term rates than they were immediately before Lehman.  This happens because traders feel something huge is about to happen and try to lock in long-term, stable money before it is too late.

The G20 finance ministers meeting this past weekend in Japan did not help ease market fears when they issued a statement that read in part, “risks remain tilted to the downside” and that “trade and geopolitical tensions have intensified.”  As the usually bland and vague G20 official communiqués go, this is pretty radical stuff.
We asked our British royal family, Pentagon, CIA, and other sources about what this shock might be, but we have run into a very thorough news embargo.  The British royal hinted that nothing would happen before September, though.
The fact that most U.S. tariffs on China and sanctions against Huawei and other Chinese firms do not go into effect until September also hints that some sort of world-changing deal is going to be negotiated between now and then.
There are some signs of what the deal might involve.  Chinese Finance Ministry sources say China has offered to help rebuild U.S. domestic infrastructure and reintegrate U.S. manufacturing into global chains.  Pentagon sources meanwhile say they are ready to cut the waste out of the military-industrial complex and pay for rebuilding the U.S. economy with some high tech they have been keeping secret.
The other big issue that is going to be worked out over the coming months concerns the high-tech giants like Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Apple.  Here, the G20 have already agreed they are going to force them to pay taxes.

However, the real issue that needs to be addressed is the censorship and fake information that is proliferating thanks to these high-tech oligopolies.  We noticed, for example, that all photographs we could find on the Internet of King Salman have been replaced with photographs of his new and young body double.  I remember clearly, as do my colleagues, that this article below, talking about how King Salman is so senile he cannot remember what happened a minute ago, had a picture of a very aged and decrepit-looking king.  That picture has been replaced.

Newspapers and traditional media which actually have reporters in the real world reporting on real events are also saying these high-tech oligopolies are putting them out of business.  Even though subscription revenues are rising, high-tech theft has cut their ad revenue down to $16 billion in 2017 from around $50 billion in 2006.  This has forced them to cut newsroom employees to 39,000 from 74,000 over the same period.  For years, this newsletter too has suffered from Google pirating, Facebook censorship, etc.

Now, these oligopolies have started shutting down thousands of independent news channels in the name of “combating hate speech,” when it can often be shown this is pure censorship.
For example, this morning when we clicked on a link from Jimstonefreelance.com to an article in The New York Post about the murder of Hillary Clinton’s brother, we got a message saying the link had been censored.  Now it just says, “cannot find it.”
This intensified censorship by the Internet giants is coinciding with a new murder campaign.  Pentagon sources say Hillary Clinton had her brother Tony Rodham murdered to silence him.  Also, New York Deputy Police Chief Steven Silks and veteran detective Joe Calabrese were killed last week because they had possession of copies of the video of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin torturing and murdering a young girl, the sources say.  Also killed was former Arkansas State Senator Linda Collins-Smith.  Smith was working with a Department of Homeland Security insider to expose $27 million taken from Child Protective Services by the Clinton Foundation, Vatican P2 Freemason sources say.
This writer has also recently received death threats to himself and his family by Khazarian Nazis angry at our exposure of their crimes.  However, they are not going to be able to murder their way out of justice this time.  There are too many of us to kill, and we have truth and justice as well as the military and special forces on our side.  The fact that Clinton had to order the death of her own brother shows just how close investigators now are.  The wheels of justice grind slowly, but they grind to dust.
We will conclude our report this week with an update from Indonesia.  The banks and pawn shops have reopened now after being shut for 9 days, much to the relief of everybody, sources there say.  However, a White Dragon Society source there says:
“Something is definitely brewing here with the disputed presidential election results.
“My contact on the inside told me that the constitutional court (MK) is scheduled to give its opinion around the 22nd of June.  This is not over yet.  There are a few surprises yet to be played.  It seems that 17 million ‘ghost’ votes have been confirmed by independent analysis in Central and East Java.  All in favor of Jokowi.
“The MK has this information along with the proof, and the judges know it is authentic.  This can flip the results, and Prabowo turns out to be the winner.  I am informed by Indonesian Intel that the Constitutional Court (MK) will declare that a new vote will be held for Central and East Java.  They cannot ignore the hard facts.  Change is in the wind.”
This is part of the proxy war between the U.S. and China that will hopefully be settled by September.

Benjamin's site:

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

US-Iran: Inverted Reality, Real War. America’s Al Qaeda Mercenaries. Iran is Fighting the Largest State Sponsor of Terror
‘Unprecedented’: UN Finds US-Backed Forces Killed More Afghan Civilians Than Taliban and ISIS Did So Far in 2019
Robert David Steele: Q, ETs, Icke, Deep State & Adrenochrome – Prepare For Change
Anglo alliance cemented by Trump UK visit will lead to reversal of post-9/11 fascist trend
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Elon Musk’s Company Launched 60 Satellites Into Space to Blast 5G at Us. More Planned Despite Telecoms Admitting There’s No Research That Proves 5G is Safe.
Ratings Collapse And Layoffs Are Making The Media Go Crazy
How Can You Become a True Friend to the Earth?
10 Health Benefits of Epsom Salt
Facebook bans Natural News; Health Ranger responds with message for humanity
What’s Behind the New Anti-Trust Movement around Google, Amazon and Facebook?
Live Life Claim
How to Start a Vegetable Garden
Tech giants now pushing ANTI-knowledge to keep humanity dumbed down and trapped in mental prisons
An Orthodox Group Releases Brave PSA Video About Sexual Abuse
Quantum Jumps/Mandela Effect and More with Cynthia Sue Larson
How CBD Can Ease Insomnia


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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 02:31
Segunda-feira, 10 / 06 / 19

Benjamin Fulford Sample 2019/06/10 ~ Anglo alliance cemented by Trump UK visit will lead to reversal of post-9/11 fascist trend

Anglo alliance cemented by Trump UK visit will lead to reversal of post-9/11 fascist trend.

Benjamin Fulford Sample Report 




The visit by U.S. President Donald Trump to the UK last week has healed rifts in the Anglo alliance and will make sure the post-9/11 fascist coup in the West will be reversed, according to Pentagon and British royal family sources.  “The visit to Great Britain was very much about the entente cordiale in the Anglo-America axis and all of the ongoing issues of which you are already aware.  Brexit is a very big deal.  I would say that the trip was a success and the bonds between both countries are now stronger,” was how a British royal summed it up.
This means there is a split between the Anglo-Americans and the European fascist Nazi aristocrats behind the Bilderberg Group.  A semi-official report from a Bilderberg participant confirms that there is a major split between the German-led EU faction and the Anglos, as well as the Italians.

Sources in French Intelligence, meanwhile, say they have found proof the recent EU Parliamentary elections were rigged by the German faction.  They point to articles which accurately announced the results of the elections that appeared before the elections took place.  The battle to liberate France continues, the sources say.

Dutch whistleblowers, meanwhile, have been putting out damning information on the Bilderberg founding by the Nazi Dutch royal family and their connection to the fascist American Rockefeller (Clinton), Bush, etc. faction.  Among other things, they report that Boeing manufactured bombers and sent them to Germany to bomb Americans during World War II.

This is important, because we now have a 30-year Boeing veteran, Patrick Shanahan, as “Acting Defense Secretary” in the United States, even as all genuine military veterans left the Trump administration at the beginning of this year.
Pentagon sources are telling us “the domino-like, sudden collapse of 26 telephone poles right along the main thoroughfare servicing Boeing’s many Seattle facilities along East Marginal Way” last week was “no coincidence.”
“This was a white-hat message to Boeing to cease and desist from the use of remote control override technology in its planes used in its ‘airplane accidents,’ as well as its other warmongering/war crimes/war technologies (that may use 5G), both public and secret,” the sources say.
There are also now more signs that a major financial event, likely bigger than the Lehman shock, is being prepared to finish off the Federal Reserve Board and the EU-central-bank-owning Nazi faction of the Khazarian mafia.
This means that the fiat “trading platforms,” created by Bilderberger Henry Kissinger for the Rockefeller family after the U.S. abandoned the gold standard in 1971, have been shut down and replaced with …
The remainder of this article is only available to members of BenjaminFulford.net

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full report will be post here this Thursday


2019-06-10French role in the Tokyo Metropolitan Water Privatization Plan

麻生彩子さんのご結婚相手は、フランス人のフレデリック・デホンDehon Frédéricという方です。
Japanese to English translation:
Ayako Aso, who married a French person in Paris (Taro Aso), is a married partner of Ayako Aso, who is a French Frederick Dehon (Dehon Frédéric). Although both Ayako and Frederick were managing art merchants, Mr. Dehon was taken up by the Paris business world and is currently an officer of the French high-tech economic organization of the infrastructure of the France Chamber of Commerce in Japan. So, Mr. Dehon, who has a relationship with Mr. Aso, advises French companies involved in the privatization of the Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks business, and even doing some kind of consulting business. It is said that the pollution treatment of the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident and the water business company of the Rothschild system will play a big role [for] France in the Tokyo Metropolitan Water Privatization plan, but Mr. Dehon is an amateur of the technology at all.
So thank you.
—Gojo Kiyotaka Project



Benjamin Fulford Talks: Interview June 6, 2019 with Prepare for Change and news about Assange

Hi Benjamin,
Just released this week’s interview:
Also, I’ve seen this video that’s going around on RT:
Looks like him, and if that’s a deep fake, I am impressed! I don’t doubt your position on him being missing. I actually think you’ve got a very valid point. He hasn’t been publicly seen for a very long time now, other than for small things recently which we’re skeptical of. Odd date, though; no idea why that’s even there.
With regards to the courts, I did read the legal proceedings by the Judge that are filed on a law website, so it looks as if the trials took place. However, like you, I am skeptical, as there is a lot of BS. The only real way to know would be to speak with someone who attended in the gallery. (Trial dates aren’t really displayed in advance, but anyone on that day could have walked in and watched.)
There’s a part of me that hopes he is okay. I see him being an integral witness for white hats. But I also can’t escape your position either. So time will tell, I suppose. If I find anything else noteworthy, I’ll forward it on. This is the site I got some of the files from:
Keep well,
Thanks; I will post the link to the interview. Time will tell about the Assange thing, but the original Assange vigorously denied things like 9/11, so it was all a limited hangout psy-op right from the beginning.


Relationship discovered between Sumerian/Nephilim and Albanian languages

Dear Mr. Fulford,
I want to introduce you to a new topic which is quite important in order to understand antiquity. There are some facts that the mainstream does not show, so I want to give you this information. If you will be so kind to publish these facts, it would be very fascinating.
Here is some information about the Albanian language.
Norbert Jokl: “The Albanian language serves as a fiber that keeps the trunk alive and connects the branches with roots. As you descend along this fiber to the wonders of history, strands can be affected. The Albanian language is a tool through which the seeker can illuminate the dawn of the Albanian people’s beginnings and immerse themselves in time that goes beyond the historical evidence.”
The presence of the Albanian language is in all parts of the material and spiritual culture written on many tablets, such as in astronomy and astrology, in names of the gods, a half dozen kings and leaders, the names of objects, devices, and fully visible in everyday words, including names, verbs, adverbs, knots, and so on. After examination using the generally accepted comparative methods, it turns out that the Albanian language has identity in Shumer, the oldest civilization in the world, existing between 13,000 and 2,300 BC.
Let’s analyze the above tests:
1. ” Nephimus” = “At the beginning”
We will talk more about this because it is known that it is used too often in everyday language. Note that Zechariah Sitchin translated from ancient Hebrew “Nephimus” = “those who fell.”
In fact, the discovery was not made by analyzing Sitchin’s studies or books, but by comparing the Albanian and English versions of the Bible published in 2005, which also agree with other publications.
Here are comparisons of the relevant sections of the Bible in Albanian and English with explanations:
5:32 Noah is five hundred years old. And Noah begat Sem, Cam, Hamath and Japheth. Now people began to grow on earth and daughters were born.
2. The sons of God (angels) noticed that the daughters of the people were beautiful. So they started to take all they chose …
4. The Nephilim were on earth in those days when the sons of God had relationships with the daughters of men and they were born as children. They were the powerful ones of antiquity (Hercules, etc.), the men of fame.
The same paragraphs of the English Bible reads as follows:
6.1 Now it happened, when people began to grow on the surface of the earth in large numbers and daughters were born of them.
2. Then the sons of God noticed that the daughters of men were good-looking; and they took their wives for themselves, that is, all those who have decided …
The Nephilim appeared on earth then, and later still, when the sons of God continued to relate to the daughters of men and gave them children, the mighty, the old, the men of fame.
Now read the following statement carefully:
It is known that in a script or note translated into another language, the names and spellings are not normally changed by the translator, but remain in the original language. To understand biblical stories, we should know that at that moment the “name” was a word or phrase that stated the qualities of the person or place he indicated.
One story speaks of the beginning of humanity, the time when angels (perhaps the children of “cosmic visitors” / gods) loved the women of the earth and the fruits of their marriage were giants or celebrities of the early days. If we look closely at this section of the Bible, we realize that the “Nephilim” are not really the Giants themselves, but the Nephilim were present before and after the Giants’ time on Earth.
According to Sitchin, the “Nefilim” were the first gods to come to planet Earth, who created today’s man, Homo sapiens, and taught him everything, perhaps even the basic human quality, language, in their language. Perhaps the “giants,” whose existence is proven by new archaeological discoveries in India, have served the Nephilim to build the pyramids of Egypt, which are believed to date at around 10,450 BC.
We mention here that even the ancient Egyptian script seems to be based on Albanian. The Egyptian letters are the first letters of the corresponding words of the Albanian language. These letters are symbolic drawings of objects whose unique names are identical to the first letter of the respective Egyptian alphabet, e.g. B: The letter “D” appears in the Egyptian alphabet with a palm, a hand, a D, and so on.
For their existence, there are new archaeological finds in India. They served the Nephilim for the construction of the pyramids of Egypt, which today were thought to have been built probably around 10,450 BC.
Finally, it seems that the term “Nephilim / First” is completely related to the underlying paragraph 6:4 of “Genesis” and is simply “SHQIP.” See the vocabulary of the Albanian language with the root “fil” (filiz, fill, start, genesis, etc.).
The above explanation is much more logical than that in the English translation of this passage of the Bible, which explains the word “Nephimus” from the Old Hebrew with the word “decay,” which has no relation to the interior of this paragraph nor with the rest of the biblical stories.
The word “at the beginning” was preserved in the original language—Albanese—because its connection to the paragraph interior was not understood so it remained untranslated.
“Malakhim” = mallkim, – to cap. 18:20, 19:12. The Master’s warning of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. This word could have been formed by the two Albanian words “times” and “ikim,” which explain the etymology of the word “curse,” meaning “to go up the mountain” away from evil, and it is known that “Mountain” and “go” or “hik” are simply “slippery.” This word has been translated as “warning” into various versions of the Bible. Zacharia Sitchin says the old Hebrew word “Malakhim” means “to send” (angels, messengers of God), but this seems to have no direct logical connection with the paragraphs, which the translators replaced with “word of warning” and many have even removed this word.
In the etymology “flees to the mountain,” the word “curse” helps us to bring the Sumerian movement “away from evil” to safer areas of the protected mountain, and also confirms the thesis of the Indo-European invasions. By this logic it can be confirmed that the etymology of the name “Pellazg” comes from “Pe Larg.” Pe-Far was a Paraillire population which came from Sumer after the destruction of the Sumerian culture around the middle of the third millennium BC.
So we come to the entire music palette:
Nephilim / Sumerian beginning, then Pelazgë / Pelargë, then Ilir Arber, now Albanian.
Below is the etymology of several words and expressions, with the most comprehensible being selected from the different cultural areas. The reading of the entire text and the processing according to the requirements of the comparative language methodology will be published shortly.
SUMER / SHUMER = High smell
KI = Ki = This, Earth, Planet Earth
KIENGIR = Ki Ngir = sloping land, sloping, prosperous land called Sumer
EDIN (Eden) = He knows he has knowledge. Remember the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden
NIBIRU / NIBIRA = Ni Bir a = The twelfth planet (Z. Sitchin translates as “a son”)
KINGU = Ki nguc = This inserted moon
ANNUNAKI = Arnun a ki = Ardhun a ki
ENGIZ = Freeze = eat, cook
KASHI = There’s rain, Shshsh … = beer
KUR = time, Gur
MA = Ma = Hold, means of transport
ME = Me = (with) gadget, tool
MAGUR = Ma Gur = Mineral transport ship (stone)
NARU = Remember, remember, Neron / Honors = Memorial
ESERU = E shee ru = Burgos
KASADU = How much time has arrived?
KURNUGIA = “Stone on the Bay” = mine
KURNUGIA = When do I never return?
KIINDAR = offset = e / split bottom, cracks
KAGAL / ABULLU = passed or closed = gate
EMUQA = E Muqa, E Mujta
DAKU = blood = blood, execute, kill (according to the Sumerian-English dictionaries)
HURASAM = MASARUH = mass of Rujt = Para, Lek
NISILIMZAKARU = Ni carpet Ru Ru = a sequence of words has rests = oath
DIMTU = Dimtu = damaged
KUNUKUM = Where not to (to lose) = hermetically sealed, sealed
IZZAKKARA = I Za ka ra = one word has come out = to say, they say
RIKISTU = New Kishtu = we do that = bargain
EPESU = I meditate = stretch, discuss, rate
MASK = Write today = writer, inspector
ISHTAR, ESHDAR, ASTARTE = era Ar, Esht Ar, Asht of Art = name of Aphrodite
BABBAR = Ba Bardh = god of justice, enlighten, enlighten, clarify, decide
EBABBAR = E Babbar = from Babbar-it (the temple, house) of Babardh
SIPPAR = As Par / Top = Capital (as before) in Shumer (Sumerer)
The above etymological divisions are made according to the standard dictionaries of Sumerian/English and are therefore generally accepted. Partly there are disaggregations with historical-logical support, which are not present in these dictionaries.
It is striking that the sovereignty of the world has never considered a connection between the Sumerian and the Albanian languages. I hope that from now on, more attention will be paid to this in Albania, because in fact, much work is needed to understand and accept these conclusions from foreign Sumerologists. This would lead to many changes in the languages of today’s world for the last 150-200 years.
Slander is really the source language, the language of the Nephilim.
Do you think you can publish this information on your blog? If you will publish, I would be really glad.
Okay, I will publish it as a letter to the editor, but please realize I am a journalist dealing with current events, not a biblical scholar.


Highway Diary Interview: Benjamin Fulford & Eric Hollerbach

Here is a link to an interview of me by a well-prepared interviewer who asked a lot of tough and personal questions. Plenty of new material here.
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David Webster
Benjamin, honestly why do you agree to do Prepare for Change and people who are not prepared or clearly not professional. Prepare for Change does what 90% of everyone is doing. USE TRUTH for cash returns instead of making it free.
You sir are providing data and should be paid really well in my opinion. True you have protection but the risks are still there for what you do. Some say you work for the other side, haha I have verified most everything you have said and why I subscribed here.
Thank you for your efforts. >:^)
2019-06-09 3:33 AM
David, you said that Prepare for Change is not free how is that so?
It is run by volunteers and donations. You do not have to pay for anything. No one profits from it financially.
You say they are not prepared, when Cobra, the Alliance and the Resistance Movement know exactly what is coming because they have technology that can see the future. They are making the effort and getting us onboard for the changes that are coming and Full Disclosure.
Ben started doing interviews with Prepare for Change when the first original Cobra stopped, when he died at the end of 2017.
Ben does not just ‘provide data’, he takes action, like manifesting the Future Planning Agency. He talks and negotiates for peace and taking care of the planet. He also doesn’t just provide information, but he is creating a record, it will be a history of all these changes we are going through for the future. That is why he is so grounded.
Ben does not do it for the money or for power. That is why he is not compromised and cannot be swayed. No one has anything on him. He is honest and transparent. He says in the interview if he finds out information that he has provided is later proved to be incorrect he admits it, apologises and explains, publically.
He has compassion, empathy, and integrity. He does all he can to liberate humanity, protect wildlife and nature, and for us to reach our full potential. His heart drives him and is motivated by love.
Thank you for sharing this interview Ben!
Victory of the Light




Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 15:30
Quinta-feira, 06 / 06 / 19

Benjamin Fulford Full Report 2019/06/03: Currency reset buzz as Indonesia shuts all banks, pawn shops for 9 days while Malaysia calls for international gold-backed currency

Currency reset buzz as Indonesia shuts all banks, pawn shops for 9 days while Malaysia calls for international gold-backed currency.

Benjamin Fulford Full Report 




People with real-world intelligence contacts are all buzzing with the feeling that something big is coming down.  “My gut feeling is that we are very close to the end of the U.S. Corporation.  I can say this, as what is happening here in the region is connected.  There is change in the air.  The corrupt governments are being exposed and will either step down or be removed by ‘the people,’” was how a CIA source in Asia described the mood.  Many apparently disconnected events all point to this.
Let’s start with the situation in East Asia, where Indonesia has shut down all of its banks and pawn shops for 9 days starting this week.  This move to shut down all gold trading and international banking came immediately after Malaysian Prime Minister Mahatir called for replacing the U.S. dollar with a gold-backed trading currency.
Papua, New Guinea, home to some of the world’s largest gold reserves, just selected James Marape as Prime Minister.  Marape wants to effectively nationalize his nation’s mineral and energy resources.  [Copy and paste the following URL]

King David Peii II of the Twin Kingdoms of Papaala and Me’ekamui (Bougainville), the de factocontroller of Panguna, the world’s largest gold mine, told the White Dragon Society he was close to Marape:
“Interestingly, he happens to be my own schoolmate, friend, and U-Vistract client [referring to the gold-backed currency which King David created].  I just sent him my congratulatory message.  When the appointed time comes, God opens all doors.”
The shutdown of Indonesian banks and the gold-related moves follow an unprecedented ten-day shutdown of the entire Japanese banking system from April 27th to May 7th.  This unprecedented shutdown also led to speculation (including by this writer) that it would lead to some sort of financial announcement, but nothing happened in a manner that was visible to us common people.  However, we are now hearing from British royals that the shutdown was needed for IT work related to the Quantum Financial System.  It is also related to the announcement on April 9th that Japan would be issuing new currency starting in 2024, the sources say.
These moves all began to be implemented in March 2019 after Cardinal George Pell, the head of the Vatican Bank, was found guilty of molesting young boys, P2 Freemason sources confirm.
These moves will also have a major effect on the Dutch royals’ Bilderberg group and its members, since …
…it means the petrodollar system set up by Bilderberg point man Henry Kissinger is being systematically dismantled, the P2 and British sources say.
The Dutch royal family is also now facing an existential crisis, as their involvement in the Malaysian Air Flight 370/17 is facing public, official, criminal scrutiny.  Prime Minister Mahatir of Malaysia, speaking at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan last week, publicly acknowledged that Malaysian Air Flight 370 which vanished in March of 2014, and Flight 17 which was shot down in July 2014, were the same airplane.  He said the Dutch refused to hand over the black box from the plane to Malaysia, even though the flight originated in Malaysia and had a Malaysian pilot.  Mahatir also made it clear there was a politically motivated attempt right from the beginning to blame Russia for downing the airplane.  His comments can be seen here starting at the 40:35 mark.

In fact, Dutch whistleblowers and others have already thoroughly exposed this entire murderous incident.  This link here tells the real story:

The reason this incident is being brought up now is because public statements by a sitting head of state mean this entire sordid episode can no longer be swept under the carpet.  The investigative trail will surely lead to the Nazi Dutch royal family.
A letter to the editor posted on this site by a Dutch whistleblower has a lot of interesting information on the relationship between the Dutch royals, the Nazis, the Bilderbergers, and the EU. Some highlights include:
  1. News that a Dutch submarine was deliberately sunk by the British to silence it because it had spotted the Japanese fleet on its way to Pearl Harbor.
  2. Holland has remained secretly under Nazi rule since 1945.
  3. Adolf Eichmann was killed because he was planning to blow the whistle on the Nazis.
  4. The Hitler Cabinet has continued silently since 5 May 1945 under the leadership of the succeeding Dutch heads of state Wilhelmina, Juliana, and Beatrix… and now the Belgian Étienne Davignon, whereby the Nazi regime was taken over by the European Union.
There are many other signs apart from the goings-on in Asia to show that this neo-Nazi power structure really is falling apart now.  First of all, we note that German Chancellor Angela Merkel (Hitler)’s government is in danger of collapse after “the surprise resignation of her coalition partner the Social Democrat leader.”

As this was going on, Merkel told visiting Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan that she was willing “to improve global governance systems jointly with China.”

The neo-Nazi regime in the Ukraine is also in trouble.  Starting this week, Russia is cutting off supplies of coal, oil, and petroleum products.  They have also cut off gas transit through that country.

In this context, one wonders if outgoing Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko removed all the computers from the presidential office to hide evidence before an expected regime collapse.

Another Nazi regime, that of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, is also wobbling as his attempt to form a new government collapsed last week.  British royal family sources confirm that it is only a matter of time before he is formally charged for war crimes.
Pentagon sources note that Israel got “double-teamed by the U.S. and Russia” at this past weekend’s security summit in Singapore.  Furthermore, it is “also squeezed by the UN and EU to give up its claims to 860 sq km of Lebanese waters which are now under Russian protection as France, Italy, and Russia drill for gas.”
We can also see the U.S. military is in open defiance of Zionist attempts to manipulate them, as top General Joseph Dunford said publicly that he would not be fooled by false flags, in what was clearly a reference to Israeli attempts to start a U.S. war on Iran.


The U.S. Navy also refused orders to send the USS Abraham Lincoln carrier task force to Iran, according to Gordon Duff of Veterans Today.
Pentagon sources say there is a big push by the Americans and the Russians to create “a grand peace deal for the Middle East” which will force Israel to give up its nuclear weapons, in exchange for Saudi Arabia and Iran to promise not to acquire weapons of mass destruction.
It is interesting to note that a radically rejuvenated “King Salman” presided over an emergency Islamic summit last week.  It looks like the body-double filling in for his assassinated nephew Mohammed Bin Salman has been fired and replaced with a fake king instead.  This Saudi regime change is probably the reason why Softbank has suddenly run out of money.

The fact that Softbank has suddenly hired Cantor Fitzgerald (CF) to try to get investors for a $100 billion tech fund is also very interesting, because CF is a primary bond dealer with the Federal Reserve Board and not a normal securities company.

In other words, this could be a sign that Softbank is trying to use them to contact the new controllers of the Fed now, because his former Saudi (Kissinger) backers can no longer create billions of dollars out of thin air.
This of course brings us to the big kahuna—the United States of America Corporation.  Here the signs are that President Donald Trump is losing the trade war he is waging on China and just about everybody else, too.
The official Chinese Xinhua news agency notes as follows:
“The 200 billion U.S. dollars’ worth of Chinese goods on which the United States imposed additional tariffs accounts for 41.8 percent of China’s exports to the country, but only 8 percent of China’s total exports,” said Wang Zhijun, vice minister of industry and information technology.  “Moreover, about half of the affected enterprises are foreign-funded enterprises, including many American companies,” said Wang.
Trump’s predicted exodus of manufacturers from China is also not happening, says Xinhua, noting that “Official statistics showed that from January to April, actual foreign investment in China’s manufacturing sector jumped 11.4 percent year on year.”

By contrast, U.S. imports and exports in April fell by 2.7% and 4.2% year on year, showing both a shrinking economy and a growing trade deficit.

That is probably the real reason Trump suddenly dumped his much-ballyhooed revised trade deal with Mexico and Canada by imposing tariffs on Mexico.  He is also lashing out at India, the UK, Australia, Japan, and other trading partners.  It sounds like he is desperately trying to drum up money wherever he can in order to stave off bankruptcy.
In this context, it is also interesting to note that the U.S. families who own (or used to own?) the Federal Reserve Board are also trying to hit up Poland for the ridiculous sum of $300 billion.
Pentagon sources, for their part, did not seem worried about any imminent bankruptcy of the U.S. corporate government and were instead more focused on restoring the competitiveness of the real U.S. economy.  “Department of Justice and FTC antitrust actions against Google, Amazon, and Facebook will force more competition,” the sources note.  These high-tech companies are also now being forced by the G20 to pay taxes like everybody else, they add.

“The technology/trade war with China may end with the Quantum Financial System superseding fiat currency, the global currency reset, and the release of suppressed and ET technologies,” the Pentagon predicts.
Benjamin Fulford.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Currency reset buzz as Indonesia shuts all banks, pawn shops for 9 days while Malaysia calls for international gold-backed currency
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Only Israel Benefits From US War in IRAN
Reversals Produce Loosh – Abuse of Power and Inverted Systems
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publicado por achama às 17:21
Segunda-feira, 03 / 06 / 19

Benjamin Fulford Sample 2019/06/03 ~ Currency reset buzz as Indonesia shuts all banks, pawn shops for 9 days while Malaysia calls for international gold-backed currency

Currency reset buzz as Indonesia shuts all banks, pawn shops for 9 days while Malaysia calls for international gold-backed currency.

Benjamin Fulford Sample Report 




People with real-world intelligence contacts are all buzzing with the feeling that something big is coming down.  “My gut feeling is that we are very close to the end of the U.S. Corporation.  I can say this, as what is happening here in the region is connected.  There is change in the air.  The corrupt governments are being exposed and will either step down or be removed by ‘the people,’” was how a CIA source in Asia described the mood.  Many apparently disconnected events all point to this.
Let’s start with the situation in East Asia, where Indonesia has shut down all of its banks and pawn shops for 9 days starting this week.  This move to shut down all gold trading and international banking came immediately after Malaysian Prime Minister Mahatir called for replacing the U.S. dollar with a gold-backed trading currency.
Papua, New Guinea, home to some of the world’s largest gold reserves, just selected James Marape as Prime Minister.  Marape wants to effectively nationalize his nation’s mineral and energy resources.  [Copy and paste the following URL]

King David Peii II of the Twin Kingdoms of Papaala and Me’ekamui (Bougainville), the de facto controller of Panguna, the world’s largest gold mine, told the White Dragon Society he was close to Marape:
“Interestingly, he happens to be my own schoolmate, friend, and U-Vistract client [referring to the gold-backed currency which King David created].  I just sent him my congratulatory message.  When the appointed time comes, God opens all doors.”
The shutdown of Indonesian banks and the gold-related moves follow an unprecedented ten-day shutdown of the entire Japanese banking system from April 27th to May 7th.  This unprecedented shutdown also led to speculation (including by this writer) that it would lead to some sort of financial announcement, but nothing happened in a manner that was visible to us common people. However, we are now hearing from British royals that the shutdown was needed for IT work related to the Quantum Financial System.  It is also related to the announcement on April 9th that Japan would be issuing new currency starting in 2024, the sources say.
These moves all began to be implemented in March 2019 after Cardinal George Pell, the head of the Vatican Bank, was found guilty of molesting young boys, P2 Freemason sources confirm.
These moves will also have a major effect on the Dutch royals’ Bilderberg group and its members, since …
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publicado por achama às 16:25
Sábado, 24 / 01 / 15

Confissões de um “Assassino Econômico”


Grupo Bilderberg

Confissões de um “Assassino Econômico”

Posted by Thoth3126 on 23/01/2015



“Dê-me o controle do dinheiro de uma Nação e pouco me importa quem faça suas leis.” Meyer Amschel Bauer ( ROTHSCHILD)

Esta é a autobiografia de um homem cujo trabalho era atrair líderes de países subdesenvolvidos de terceiro mundo a aceitarem empréstimos do FMI e do Banco Mundial.

O argumento era de que o dinheiro seria usado para expandir a infra-estrutura das estradas, ferrovias, centrais de geração de energia elétrica, as telecomunicações, o que, portanto, traria prosperidade a esses países . . .

Edição e imagens: Thoth3126@gmail.com

Uma análise de G. Edward Griffin (da Freedom Force International) Comentário e análise do Livro: Confissões de um Assassino Econômico – Autor: John Perkins – Editora Cultrix, 272 páginas


. . . Ele fazia isso como um economista corporativo que deliberadamente exagerava o potencial de retorno econômico desses investimentos. Embora seus projetos sempre fossem descritos como humanitários, os objetivos reais eram geralmente contratos lucrativos para as firmas multinacionais de construção e atrair os países a contrair empréstimos que eles nunca conseguiriam pagar. Ele sabia que alguns políticos e famílias bem conectadas dentro desses países se tornariam muito ricos enquanto o padrão de vida da maior parte da população declinaria.

Capa da edição em português do livro.

Quando o pagamento dos empréstimos se tornava impossível, as agências de empréstimos internacionais e as grandes empresas então agiam para tomar o controle dos recursos naturais (petróleo, minerais, etc…) do governo do país, o que também era parte do plano. Em outras palavras, no mundo moderno, a conquista pela espada deu lugar à conquista pelos empréstimos. Perkins era um estrategista-chave no alto comando das forças de conquista.

A “Corporatocracia”

Perkins é um homem com problemas na consciência. Ele se arrepende de ter vendido sua alma à “corporatocracia”, o nome que ele criou para a rede (a elite internacional, BILDERBERGs, Illuminatis, Majestic-12, Council on Foreign Relations-CFR, etc …) de interesses empresariais e governamentais que agora condena. Ele lutou com essa culpa por muitos anos até finalmente decidir romper com tudo. Foi uma decisão difícil, porque ele queria acreditar que, de alguma forma, a despeito de toda a desonestidade e exploração, algum bem poderia eventualmente escoar e chegar ao homem comum.

Além disso, havia o fato que ele era muito bem remunerado pelo seu trabalho. Portanto, não é surpresa que o rompimento não tenha sido total. Sua primeira ação foi deixar o emprego, mas isso não significou encerrar o trabalho. Ele continuou a prestar serviços como consultor e testemunha especializada, fazendo quase a mesma coisa que fazia antes, mas recebendo até mais dinheiro em honorários de consultor do que recebia anteriormente na forma de salário.

Sua penitência final foi escrever esse livro como um ato de confissão pública, mas isso só aconteceu após ele ter ganho muito dinheiro e adquirido segurança financeira. Não há razão para questionar a sinceridade de sua consciência, mas não devemos negligenciar o fato que ela precisou de muitos anos para amadurecer. Precisamos perceber que o autor é um ótimo exemplo do fator cobiça (e ganância) que condena em seu livro. Mas ele mesmo prontamente admite isso e o leitor não pode deixar de sentir a sinceridade de seu remorso.
Esse é um dos livros mais valiosos e também um dos mais perigosos dos nossos tempos. É perigoso porque metade dele é propaganda. É valioso porque a outra metade é verdade, e é uma verdade importante e que precisa ser melhor conhecida. Vamos começar com a propaganda.
Veja o vídeo com depoimento do próprio John Perkins: Confissões de um Assassino Econômico (Parte 1)

A Essência do Coletivismo

Perkins provavelmente não se classificaria como um marxista (esse termo atualmente não está mais em voga), mas sabemos por seus escritos que ele é um coletivista, que é um termo mais genérico para a mesma coisa, de modo que vamos usar essa palavra para descrevê-lo. (Para uma análise do coletivismo, leia o artigo “O Abismo Entre Individualismo e Coletivismo”, que é a Parte 1 da série “O Futuro Está Chamando”.)

Como sabemos que ele é um coletivista? Porque ele mesmo nos diz isso em seu livro. Um dos chavões do coletivismo é “De cada um de acordo com sua capacidade; a cada um de acordo com sua necessidade.” Na verdade, não há nada de errado com esse sentimento. É a base da compaixão e da caridade. Entretanto, os coletivistas não estão dispostos a deixar a matéria para a caridade ou para a liberdade de escolha. O credo deles é que, se algo vale a pena ser feito, então vale a pena fazer por qualquer meio, desde uso da força, corrupção e a coerção.

O modo mais fácil de identificar um coletivista é observar como ele se propõe a ajudar os necessitados. Se ele defender a verdadeira caridade (alguém dar do seu próprio dinheiro) e a liberdade de escolha de dar ou não dar, ele é um individualista. Se ele advogar a pseudocaridade (dar o dinheiro dos outros) e o uso da tributação para coagir todos a participarem, queiram ou não, então ele é um coletivista. Perkins aceita o modelo coletivista. Ele escreve: “Países como o meu deveriam assumir ações decisivas para ajudar os doentes e os famintos do mundo” [pág. 72]

Isso significa que os líderes políticos em países como os EUA deveriam ter o poder de confiscar os rendimentos de uma classe de cidadãos e dar esse dinheiro às pessoas de outras classes sociais ou até mesmo para cidadãos de outros países. Basta dizer que isso supostamente é para algum propósito humanitário, como ajudar os doentes e os famintos do mundo. O uso da coerção para a redistribuição da riqueza é a base do socialismo, do comunismo, do nazismo, do fascismo e de todas as demais variantes de coletivismo.

Outro dogma do coletivismo é a crença que os cidadãos devem ser tratados de formas diferentes, dependendo de quem eles são e que classe representam, novamente, algo sempre justificado pela afirmação que algum propósito humanitário está sendo alcançado. Essa é a lógica que está por trás das leis que discriminam com base em coisas como raça, gênero, idade, geografia, religião, ocupação, nível de renda e tipo de indústria. Em todos os casos, alguém é beneficiado à custa dos outros. No tratamento dos cidadãos, o coletivismo institucionaliza a desigualdade e apresenta-a como uma virtude.

Perkins não vê nada de errado com esse modelo e está contente em ser beneficiário dele. Em 1982, ele fundou a Independent Power Systems, uma empresa voltada à produção de energia elétrica de formas não prejudiciais ao meio ambiente. O objetivo era louvável, mas a realidade é que esses sistemas ainda não eram economicamente viáveis. Entretanto, o desenvolvimento de novas fontes de energia era visto como benéfico à sociedade, de modo que os coletivistas no Congresso americano aprovaram leis concedendo tratamento tributário privilegiado às empresas desse setor industrial.

Supostamente, era uma coisa humanitária a fazer. Isso significa que essas empresas receberam uma vantagem econômica sobre seus concorrentes que usavam a tecnologia tradicional. A IPS foi além disso e fez lobby para obter favores adicionais. Perkins se vangloria: “Recebemos apoio até do Congresso americano, que excluiu a IPS de um determinado imposto, que depois nos deu uma vantagem significativa sobre a concorrência.” [pág. 194].

Não há um sinal de remorso aqui, nenhum sentimento de culpa, nenhum apelo para a confissão pública. Para um coletivista, usar a influência política para obter vantagens sobre seus concorrentes é algo totalmente aceitável. Desde que haja um propósito humanitário, é parte do credo coletivista. Como George Orwell expressou em seu livro A Revolução dos Bichos: “Todos os animais são iguais, mas alguns são mais iguais do que os outros.”

Modelos Marxistas

Perkins revela sua afinidade com o coletivismo de muitas formas. Os dois grandes modelos em sua vida eram marxistas: o general Omar Torrijos, presidente do Panamá, e Jaime Roldós, presidente do Equador. Ambos defendiam o controle estatal sobre a indústria, educação, bem-estar social, emprego, comunicações, transportes, e todas as outras esferas importantes da atividade nacional. A competição no livre mercado não seria uma opção. Ambos os homens tinham afinidades com Fidel Castro e com o bloco soviético.

Perkins escreve: “No dia de ano novo de 1980, tomei uma resolução… Resolvi que durante o ano seguinte faria a maior mudança da minha vida e que no futuro tentaria me moldar tomando como exemplo heróis modernos como Jaime Roldós e Omar Torrijos.” [pág. 175].

Como todos os coletivistas, especialmente aqueles com afinidades com a variedade marxista, Perkins odeia o capitalismo. Ele descreve a corporatocracia a quem serviu como “o império global, que tem suas raízes no capitalismo”. [pág. 170]

Essa atitude pode ser rastreada aos seus professores marxistas na faculdade. Ele escreve: “Promover o capitalismo freqüentemente resulta em um sistema que lembra as sociedades feudais medievais… [pág. 51].

“Eu me lembrei de um professor de Economia nos meus tempos de faculdade de administração, um homem do norte da Índia, que falava sobre os recursos limitados, sobre a necessidade humana de crescer continuamente e sobre o princípio do trabalho escravo. De acordo com esse professor, todos os sistemas capitalistas bem-sucedidos envolvem hierarquias com cadeias de comando rígidas, incluindo umas poucas pessoas, que do alto controlam as ordens decrescentes de subordinados, e um exército enorme de trabalhadores na base, que em termos econômicos relativos podem na verdade ser caracterizados como escravos.” [pág. 81].

O que o professor de Perkins deixou de lhe dizer, e que ele não descobriu por sua própria conta, é que o sistema que ele detesta não é o capitalismo, mas o coletivismo. Simplesmente porque aqueles que estão no topo são ricos, isso não os torna capitalistas — ou qualquer outra coisa. Os homens mais ricos do mundo hoje são coletivistas que buscam parcerias (ou a compra da consciência dos) com os políticos. Eles conquistam riquezas, não pela excelência na eficiência produtiva e pelo marketing brilhante, mas por serem excelentes em fazerem lobby e exercerem influência política — exatamente aquilo que Perkins fez com sua firma IPS.

Eles não gostam da competição no livre mercado. Eles querem leis que eliminem a concorrência por meio da criação de monopólios e cartéis apoiados pela força do governo. O que Perkins não compreende é que ele foi preso em uma cilada de palavras. Aquilo que chama de capitalismo é na verdade o coletivismo, a coisa exata com a qual ele ainda está comprometido. Parece que Perkins nunca conheceu um marxista do qual ele não tenha gostado. Ele descreve muitos deles em seu livro e, sem exceção, todos são pessoas maravilhosas, que lutam para melhorar a sorte da humanidade contra a oposição dos capitalistas sem coração que se preocupam apenas com seus lucros.

Quando Mao Tse-tung levou o comunismo à China, os coletivistas nos Estados Unidos, tanto no governo quanto na mídia, asseguraram ao povo americano que Mao não era comunista, mas apenas um reformador agrário que estava tentando fazer o que era melhor para o sofrido povo chinês. Quando Fidel Castro levou a revolução a Cuba, os coletivistas asseguraram ao povo americano que Fidel não era comunista, mas apenas um reformador agrário que estava tentando fazer o que era melhor para o sofrido povo cubano.

Agora ouvimos a mesma canção ser cantada nas páginas desse livro. Perkins usa a personagem de uma mulher colombiana chamada Paula para entregar o recado: “Vou ser franca”, disse Paula um dia, enquanto estávamos sentados em um café. “Os índios e todos os fazendeiros que vivem ao longo do rio que vocês estão represando os odeiam. Até mesmo as pessoas das cidades, que não são diretamente afetadas, simpatizam com os guerrilheiros que atacam o seu canteiro de obras. O seu governo chama essa gente de comunistas, terroristas e narcotraficantes, mas a verdade é que eles são apenas pessoas com famílias que vivem em terras que a sua empresa está destruindo.” [pág. 154].

“Sei que alguns dos guerrilheiros receberam treinamento na Rússia e na China… O que mais eles poderiam fazer? Eles precisavam aprender um pouco sobre armamento moderno e sobre como enfrentar os soldados que entram nas escolas deles. Às vezes eles vendem cocaína para levantar dinheiro para os suprimentos. De que outra maneira poderiam comprar armas?” [pág. 156].

Não é necessário ser um especialista em política internacional para identificar esse tipo descarado de propaganda. A propaganda marxista pode ser facilmente identificada se você conhecer a fórmula. O primeiro estágio é enfocar a atenção nas injustiças que possam ser encontradas dentro do atual sistema (que são muitas). O segundo estágio é apresentar as questões de tal forma a criar simpatia pelas “vítimas” e ódio contra os “exploradores”. O terceiro estágio é afirmar que o problema nunca poderá ser solucionado até que o atual sistema seja substituído por um sistema totalmente novo que ofereça justiça e respeito ao homem comum.

Que sistema seria esse? Nos dias mais antigos, seria descrito como socialismo ou comunismo. Nos tempos recentes, palavras mais enganosas são usadas, como democracia. Os nomes são irrelevantes. Em todos os casos, as reformas propostas envolvem a expansão do poder do governo em nome do bem maior da sociedade.

Eles são todos irmãos do marxismo (o totalitarismo que a NWO-Nova Ordem Mundial/Illuminatis, Bilderbergs querem implantar no planeta), e o DNA comum a eles é o coletivismo.

A ironia é que, nos últimos cinqüenta anos, quase todas as injustiças que os marxistas e leninistas usaram para justificar a expansão do governo foram elas próprias causadas pela expansão prévia do governo.

Em outras palavras, eles advogam mais daquilo que causou originalmente o problema. Para sermos justos com Perkins, é preciso dizer que o livro dele realmente não inclui a solução “revolucionária” tipicamente encontrada em propaganda marxista. Ele acredita que é possível produzir mudanças dentro do sistema existente como resultado de aumentar a conscientização do público, uma onda maciça de indignação e uma decisão de modificar a ética pela qual nossas instituições existentes são governadas.

Concordo com essa avaliação, embora discorde com o que essas éticas deveriam ser. Mas o fato que Perkins não advoga uma mudança do sistema é evidência convincente que ele não está seguindo uma agenda oculta. Claramente, ele é um coletivista com uma afinidade pelos marxistas e leninistas; mas, deixando isso de lado, acredito que ele é exatamente aquilo que afirma ser: um homem com um sentimento de culpa na consciência.

O Plano Mestre

É a consciência de Perkins que torna esse livro uma leitura essencial, porque isso é o que o motivou a expor o funcionamento interno da corporatocracia a qual ele serviu. Somente quem esteve dentro poderia contar essa história. Se um pesquisador ou jornalista independente escrevesse essas coisas, o público nunca acreditaria. Entretanto, vindo de um dissidente com credibilidade, elas assumem uma crua realidade que não pode ser facilmente ignorada. “Claudine me disse que havia dois objetivos básicos no meu trabalho.

Primeiro, eu devia justificar os enormes empréstimos internacionais que canalizariam rios de dinheiro de volta para a Main [a empresa para a qual Perkins trabalhava] e outras companhias americanas (como a Bechtel, Halliburton, Stone & Webster e a Brown & Root) por meio de gigantescos projetos de engenharia e construção.

Segundo, eu trabalharia para a falência dos países que recebiam esses empréstimos (depois de terem pago à Main e às outras contratadas americanas, é claro) de modo que eles seriam dependentes para sempre de seus credores e assim representariam alvos fáceis quando precisássemos de favores, incluindo bases militares, votos na ONU, ou acesso a petróleo e outros recursos naturais.” [pág. 38].

“O aspecto velado de cada um desses projetos era que eles pretendiam criar grandes lucros para os contratantes, e fazer a felicidade de um punhado de famílias ricas e influentes nos países recebedores, enquanto assegurava a dependência financeira a longo prazo e, portanto, a lealdade política de governos ao redor do mundo. Quanto maior o empréstimo, melhor. O fato de que a carga da dívida colocada sobre um país privaria os seus cidadãos mais pobres da saúde, educação e de outros serviços sociais por décadas no futuro não era levado em consideração.” [pág. 39].

“A sutileza da construção desse império moderno faria os centuriões romanos, os conquistadores espanhóis e as forças colonizadoras européias dos séculos XVII e XIX se envergonharem. Nós, os Assassinos Econômicos, somos astutos; aprendemos com a história. Hoje nós não usamos espadas. Não envergamos armaduras ou roupas especiais para nos proteger. Em países como o Equador, a Nigéria e a Indonésia, nós nos vestimos como professores e donos de lojas. Em Washington e Paris, parecemos burocratas do governo e banqueiros. Parecemos humildes, normais. Visitamos os locais do projeto e passeamos pelas aldeias empobrecidas. Professamos o altruísmo, falamos oficialmente sobre as maravilhosas coisas humanitárias que estamos fazendo.

Cobrimos as mesas de conferências das comissões dos governos com as nossas planilhas eletrônicas e projeções financeiras, e proferimos palestras na Harvard Business School sobre os milagres da macroeconomia. Somos conhecidos, acessíveis. Ou nos apresentamos como tais e somos aceitos. É assim que o sistema funciona. Raramente recorremos a alguma coisa ilegal porque o próprio sistema é construído sobre subterfúgios, e o sistema por definição é legítimo (mas extremamente corrupto).”

“Entretanto — e esse é um grande empecilho — se falharmos, uns tipos ainda mais sinistros entram em ação, os quais nós, os Assassinos Econômicos, chamamos de CHACAIS, homens cuja linhagem remonta diretamente aos impérios primitivos. Os chacais estão sempre presentes, espreitando nas sombras. Quando eles aparecem, os chefes de Estado são derrubados ou mortos em violentos ‘acidentes’. Se por acaso os chacais falham, como falharam no Afeganistão e no Iraque, então os antigos modelos ressurgem. Quando os chacais falham, jovens americanos são enviados para matar e morrer.” [pág. 22].

Agora você sabe por que incentivo todos a lerem esse livro. Apesar do viés coletivista do autor, não há dúvida que ele conhece bem o assunto. Ele esteve ali, viu a ação e a fez acontecer. Ele dá os nomes, datas e os detalhes íntimos que somente poderiam vir de quem fez parte do esquema.

Se essas informações são novas para você, sua visão dos eventos mundiais mudará para sempre. O perigo é que leitores sem qualquer conhecimento do coletivismo não serão capazes de lidar com as informações. Eles ficarão indecisos, vacilando entre a corporatocracia e as guerrilhas anticorporatocracia que afirmam estarem meramente defendendo seu hábitat nativo contra o desenvolvimento industrial predatório.

Os leitores não terão como saber que essas forças opostas são meramente manifestações diferentes da mesma coisa. Eles estarão preocupados com uma única questão: Qual grupo eles mais odeiam? Se odiarem os coletivistas empresariais, provavelmente serão simpáticos aos marxistas coletivistas. Se não gostarem dos marxistas, serão levados a apoiar a corporatocracia. O coletivismo ganha em ambos os casos. Sem essa compreensão, aqueles que apóiam as preocupações ambientalistas dos povos nativos facilmente poderão ser levados a acreditar que esse é um livro apenas sobre cobiça e capitalismo decadente.

Eles serão atraídos ao chamado da sirene por mais controle do governo para restringir essas grandes e más empresas e para capacitar mais as agências internacionais a introduzirem infindáveis regulamentações gerenciadas por um exército global de burocratas humanitários que certamente colocarão as coisas em ordem. E, ao fazerem isso, eles tornarão as coisas muito piores do que são atualmente. É por isso que separei um tempo no início desta análise para abrir a porta para uma compreensão mais profunda das questões ideológicas.

Se pudermos subir acima do viés coletivista do autor e se também reconhecermos que a corporatocracia está baseada no coletivismo, e não no capitalismo, então essa obra pode servir como um livro-texto sobre a realidade dos planos financeiros ocultos dos tempos modernos.

Análise elaborada por G. Edward Griffin — Freedom Force International)

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publicado por achama às 09:20
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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