By Ailia Mira.

Posted November 6t, 2019. 



So many of you, dear ones, wait for signs. Feel uncertain more often than you’d like.

You look for validation. Seek echoes of your own inner knowing. Ask other people "what you should do…"

And in your experience we are not questioning the joy of sharing your process, the fun of the non-physical communicating with you and lighting the way, or any other aspect of your unfolding. But we do wish to highlight one essential aspect of the experience of how you live and how you decide what to do, what you can have, what you can’t do, what you can’t have and it is this: permission for your choices comes from within.

You alone can give yourself permission to answer the inner calls to more life. You alone know what feels true for you, now, what’s current with who you are, what’s open for you.

As you receive guidance, insight, nudges, a sense of how your life would be better for you, feel better, in essence, or be more what you'd like to experience and feel, only you can give yourself permission to step into this new vision of life.

So many of you actually have very clear knowing about what you would like to create in your experience. About the vision of your life which is fuller then you experience it now and yet, you hold back. You wait.

You want more details about what it will take. You want to know all the steps and then be able to decide, “Hmmmm…do I want to do that?” Since you don’t have all the steps - only the first one, or the idea, you think this means what you want is far off. Maybe, maybe not.

Often, you focus on the vision - creating more and more energy around it, but also introducing resistance to it because you are afraid to claim what you know. You feel you can’t really have it. You don’t yet have the inner thought-patterns of the version of you that is living that life - you have to build that resonance, and you’ve not done it. Yet.

You are afraid it's not possible. You're afraid you don't deserve it. You're afraid it cannot happen as good as you dream it. You're afraid it won't fit with what your life is like currently and you don't know how to make that work. You're afraid to let go of what's standing between you and this. You're afraid of what people will think, what they will say. You're afraid of what happens if you fail, of what happens if your guidance is wrong, of what happens even if you GET IT ALL and how people will look at you and what it all means.

This is all simply part of being human and living in a reality experience in full knowing is available for the present and often, not beyond that. Never-mind the joy of form and presence in physicality! And so you have to work with all this. All of the things that stand between you and your vision of life as you'd love to know it, are invitations to your own capacity and wholeness and your trusting relationship with YOU, being claimed, that's how this works.

Visions of life expand you into more fullness. As a result new visions arise. You are eternally extending more and more into form and creating more and more experiences and connections, situations and outcomes from your focus and this combined with the energetic standards or preferences of your being.

And so you summon, summon, summon and when you are opening to it and stepping into what opens, then life can be a pretty graceful. The flow feels natural - it’s an amazing thing.

When you hesitate, or welcome some part but not another, then you start to muck it up. You start controlling it because you’re nervous, or unsure you can actually have what you want. Because you still think about the part you did not welcome, you split your energy. Presence-wise, you do not step into it, but you do not let it go either. And herein lies the rub as they say, for in doing so you confuse yourself - the split energy generates doubt and conflicting ideas come into your thoughts.

What comes to you as knowing is part of a complex web of synchronicity and beauty and which answers your call to your own fullness. If you do not feel inclined or able to step into something, then truly let it go. If it arises again, then the opening and the alignment is again an option. If not, another variation on the theme will show up if you continue to summon it.

There are endless options for creating the experience you seek, not one, not just one, there is not one true love, not one perfect job, not one perfect home, and yet in any moment there is an exact arrangement of openings in alignment with the energy you are summoning and so as you step into some and not others, or walk through all you further the creation of the situations which speak to the new harmonies you are embodying now.

Each now is a present created and existing as certain harmonies and frequencies and amplification and standards through presence and it calls forth particular openings and presents you with certain situations that meet you where you are in focus and form.

So dear ones, it is up to you to say YES! To answer the call, when and if you are ready. But to also make these answers definitive. Not ambivalent.

Make decisions. Trust yourself. Go all in with what feels right. Change your mind when you want. Be in complete and total alignment with what feels right to you now and give yourself absolute freedom to change at a moment's notice if something else becomes more beautiful, alluring, attractive or of interest to you to experience. stop editing your joy by being so careful about each and every step. Take more steps and have more joy, experiment more! Be playful. Let life flow with more freedom and you will experience more and more of the abundance, in all forms, that you know really is the true nature of your being.

In knowing yourself by feeling within you for what calls to you, you are current. In this relationship to life you are always looking forward, always feeling the flow. Always tuning to the possibilities for more joy. And you know - you feel clear.

There are specific ideas which arise within you. When you're hungry you think specifically of mushroom pizza, while another person feel specifically “tuna sushi.” Even in this small details the specificity of your energy presence is summoning the situations and openings which align with you, NOW! And there is great freedom in this if you allow it.

Of course and most naturally one of the implications of living with this abundant flow and ease and grace and joy is that there will be, most naturally and most beautifully a lot of dynamic changes and situations which open and present to you!

You will have many of those kinds of things happen to you for which people will say, "Wow -- you're so LUCKY!" and you will clarify if you feel like it that actually it's just about creating intentionally with your presence. Or not, you could say nothing and just smile.

And inside you might feel doubt, like "How did I do this? Will it last?"

This happens often until you really learn to trust yourself. So when it does, we encourage you in this moment to smile at yourself and say reassuring things. This is the time to activate and call forth your inner cheerleader who says, "rah! rah! you're awesome! You did this! you can do more! Get used to it! Life is going to rock and it's not going to stop! And you can take it at your own pace lovely! And how amazing that for so long you felt afraid when something good happened, but that is all going to gradually go away as you claim your new capacity and in this new capacity your relationship to change is going to change.

This has been happening in your world for some time now, already, that people are allowing more change -- in marriages and relationships, in careers, in location. Much more so then in the past, if you reflect, but we're talking about WAY more acceleration than that.

And it's not that you need to live an experience of dramatic, perpetual change in all ways, and it's not that you cannot have things that you live with and build upon and enjoy, it's just that within your life there will be a lighter touch toward it all, a sense of openness to living it as it's meaningful and always being available to the leading edge of YOU which is calling you to extend more into form and evolve and create and expand and be increasingly more present and more fulfilled. Life is trying to exalt you, beloved. Do you hear that - exalt.

So this is already happening to one degree or another within your life and each of you really already know what is right for you next in so many ways and the thing is simply this: permission comes from within your heart. And you can give it to yourself without knowing all the details, in fact it's easier if you leave those up to all that is and your own higher levels.

Just say yes to what feels good or right or true to you now and MOVE! Merge with the flow. Feel for it.

Move into the newness living what you can right now of how you are going to allow yourself to come forth.

Embrace and live whatever part of it is available now and just say yes, letting the rest present and occur to you as ideas and situations that you can step into and create from. And please let yourself do this knowing its natural for you and it's a gift from All That You Are, and All That is to the presence that is here which is making all of this possible and now which increasingly is containing the fulness of your being and making this expression increasingly joy-filled and knowing.

We love you! We encourage you to love yourself enough to say YES to what you want, love and what calls to you, now.

We are the Council of Radiant Light

Ailia Mira

Compiled by from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 22:14