Step into your SELF to find the LIGHT
The Galactics.
Through Suzanne Lie
Posted January 29th, 2020.

The most difficult component of our Galactics ones taking an Earth Vessel is the “illusion of “being alone.” On the Ship we are in constant contact with everyone all the time. On the Ship we are in constant contact with anyone and every on the Ship. We recognize each other by their aura and intermingle our auras to share our experiences and have conversations via our Heart Chakra.
The leaders are chosen by the expressions of their aura and the unconditional love of their aura. Every one one always remember to give service to others. In fact, these “others” includes our Star Ship.
The Ship holds the fifth dimensional blueprint for Earth and for all of you those, including you, who choose to visit the ship on a regular basis. The Ship holds the 5D Blueprint for Earth and all of you who visit the Ship on a regular bases to “merge with you own fifth dimensional SELF, as well as with the fifth dimensional Blueprint for Gaia.
It is this merging that allows you to carry at least some part of your fifth dimensional visit in some part of your memory. Many of you will forget about this “merging” for many years, or even for many lifetimes on Earth before you “remember your true Fifth Dimensional SELF.
The return of your “Interdimensional memory” is because the Ship holds the 5D blueprint for Earth and all of you who visit the ship on a regular basis in order to “merge again” with you’re the collective fifth dimensional blueprint of reality.
When you return to your third dimensional earth vessel on third dimensional Earth, you will hold the memory of your 5D blueprint of SELF deep within your Heart and Mind. However, the fifth dimensional information can only be accessed while your consciousness is resonating to the fifth dimension and beyond.
Therefore, any instructions or experiences that you have on the fifth dimensional Ship will be stored in the area of your brain and consciousness that has the ability to return to your fifth dimensional awareness when you are back on the Ship.
Fortunately, there are sometimes experiences, dreams, and perceptions that suddenly remind you that there is something very important about your own self that you cannot quite remember—YET!
You see, there is a Third Dimensional Matrix that contain Gaia within the frequency of the third, and sometimes the fourth dimensions. It is the gradual, or sometimes swift, remembering of your fifth dimensional reality, that assists you to remember that there is much, much more to your self and your reality than you experience in your daily third dimensional reality.
It is for this reason that we have “Overview Schools” which those who have newly returned from Earth to assist them to remember their own higher dimensional expressions of SELF. It is within that NOW that you are able to remember BOTH your fifth dimensional reality on the Star Ship and your third/fourth dimensional human self on Gaia’s physical, third dimensional, planet.
Fortunately, both your human SELF, as well as Gaia’s Planetary SELF, work in unity to assist the humans to remember their many excursions into the fifth dimension.
It is through the combination of your Unity Consciousness with Gaia, you Unity Consciousness with your fourth and fifth dimensional selves that you meet on the ship, as well as your remembering your unity with your Star Ship, as well as your self on the Ship, that allows you to remain “awake” in a world based on denial.
Therefore, today, within this hour, within this NOW, we ask you to free yourself from the illusions of your third dimensional brain, and allow your thoughts and emotions to float up into your Higher Dimensional SELF who is ALWAYS with you—whether or not you are aware of it.
Within the connection between your third/fourth self there is also a quite nudge from your fifth dimensional SELF. We ask you that today, within this hour, within this NOW, to release the third dimensional Matrix from your mind, from your brain, and from your daily thoughts and reflections!
Today within this hour, within this moment and within this NOW, free your mind to return to it’s natural state of you’re your innate Multidimensional Consciousness! Today, within this hour, within minute, within this NOW, free your mind to return to it’s natural state of your innate “Multidimensional SELF!”
In fact, within this NOW, relax your earthly desires, and remember your higher dimensional experiences so that you can return to your innate state of “Multidimensional Consciousness.”
Today, within this hour, within this minute, within the NOW, fully open your Mind to your “INTER-DIMENISONAL CONSCIOUSNESS!” As you release the lower frequencies of your consciousness and embrace your Higher Dimensional Frequencies of SELF, You will feel the 3D Matrix begin to slip away to release your third dimensional thoughts, feelings and illusions.
At first there is a deep silence, this silence is within the chatter, the duties, the guilt, and the unwanted obligations. As the silence settles into your core, you can feel the great release “letting go” of that which is over!
Slowly you begin to feel the 3D Matrix dropping away from your many thoughts feelings and illusions. At first there is a deep silence, which is deep within this now SELF that you are revealing. We say revealing as it has always been “hidden” deep inside.
At first there is a deep silence, the silence within in the chatter, the duties, the guilt and the unwanted obligations fall from your awareness like leaves falling from a tree in the Fall. However, this “fall” is not a season. This “fall” has a reason but it is “YOUR reason!”
But, what is “YOUR reason” and why do you wish to release that which is complete and embrace that which is new? First, you will ask your self, “What is complete and how do I release it? You ponder that question, as your answer lies deep within and high above.
“What is complete, and how do I release it?” your ponder these questions, as you know that the answer lies deep within and high above. “What parts of my behavior, emotions, thoughts, actives and relationships are ready to be released?
What parts of my behavior, emotions, activities, job, relationships are ready to be released? You ponder that questions and find that before you can receive your answer, you must look at what you do NOT want to loose.
Then you find that, first you must honor, morn and release that which is over, in order to find that which you do not which to release. First you must go through the grief of loss, accept that loss, and see what awaits to take it’s place.
You find that only after releasing that which is over can you find that which is new and you are ready to accept. You may find that you will need to go through leaving the old before you can claim the new.
The above process has many faces, such as a new job, a new home, new friends, as well as the loss of some of the old that you did NOT want to release. But what ever you release, your Core SELF is that which you will NOT leave!
You cannot leave your Core SELF because it is the ONE that you chose to BE before you took this important, transitional lifetime. This is not just a “life time” of personal transitions. This is a lifetime of PLANETARY TRANSITION!
What will these personal and planetary transitions bring into your reality? You cannot answer that question while you are in the NOW!
While you are in the NOW you know. you remember, that within this hour, within this now, to some degree, all of us are feeling a sudden and/or slow releasing of the 3D Matrix from our mind and our thoughts.
This 3D Matrix is being replaced with the New Version of—of what?? We do not know what will replace that which is changing, ending, getting worse, and/or improving? But, we cannot leave our Core Self because we took tis important, transitional lifetime.
This NOW is not just a lifetime of personal transition. It is also a lifetime of Planetary Transition! What will these personal and planetary transitions bring into our reality? We cannot answer that question while we are in the NOW of living the question.
However, while we are in this NOW, there are more and more of us that are remember to remember that within this hour, within this minute, within this NOW, we are releasing the limitations of the 3D Matrix from our mind, from our thoughts, and from our daily life.
But, what if our mind was no longer limited to the third dimension?
What if we could free our minds of fear and strife so that we could return to our innate Multidimensional Consciousness?
What if we tried to make this transition and failed? Would we have the courage to love ourselves and to try again and again and as many times as it takes to remember that:
We are Multidimensional Beings who came to Gaia within this NOW to assist
Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension!
“But, what if we failed?” cry the thoughts of many. Would we have the courage and love of our self to try again and again and as many times as it takes to remember that”
WE are Multidimensional Beings who came to Gaia within this NOW
to assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension!
If we look at the lifetimes of all the Ascended Masters who chose to take Earth Bodies in order to assist dear Gaia with Her planetary ascension, we can see that they had many, many challenges to face before they could fulfill their Mission.
In fact, many of these brave ones worked hard and died young, often under terrifying situations, so that they could assist Gaia and all Her many inhabitants to move through “The Darkest Night that is Just before Dawn!”
Within this hour, Within this Minute, Within this NOW,
We ARE releasing the 3D Matrix from our minds,
From our thoughts,
And from our fears!
What if within this hour, within this minute, and within this NOW, we could free our mind to return to it’s natural state of Multidimensional Consciousness?
What if we tried and failed? Would we have the courage to love our selves enough to try, try, again and again, and as many times as it takes to remember that:
I AM a Multidimensional Being
Who cam to Gaia within this NOW
To assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension!
If we could remember this decree:
While we are driving to work
While we are changing the baby
While we are paying our bills
And while we are taking a “quick break”
If we can remember to say:
Today, within this hour
Within this minute
Within this NOW:
Today I AM releasing the limitations of the 3D Matrix
From my brain, from my thoughts, and from my mind!
Today, within this Hour
Within this MINUTE
Within this NOW
I am releasing the limitations of the 3D Matrix
From my brain
From my mind
From my thoughts
Today, within this Hour, within this minute, within this NOW
I am releasing the limitations of the 3D Matrix from my mind, from my brain and from my Multidimensional Consciousness to free my mind to return to it’s natural state of Multidimensional Consciousness!
The leaders are chosen by the expressions of their aura and the unconditional love of their aura. Every one one always remember to give service to others. In fact, these “others” includes our Star Ship.
The Ship holds the fifth dimensional blueprint for Earth and for all of you those, including you, who choose to visit the ship on a regular basis. The Ship holds the 5D Blueprint for Earth and all of you who visit the Ship on a regular bases to “merge with you own fifth dimensional SELF, as well as with the fifth dimensional Blueprint for Gaia.
It is this merging that allows you to carry at least some part of your fifth dimensional visit in some part of your memory. Many of you will forget about this “merging” for many years, or even for many lifetimes on Earth before you “remember your true Fifth Dimensional SELF.
The return of your “Interdimensional memory” is because the Ship holds the 5D blueprint for Earth and all of you who visit the ship on a regular basis in order to “merge again” with you’re the collective fifth dimensional blueprint of reality.
When you return to your third dimensional earth vessel on third dimensional Earth, you will hold the memory of your 5D blueprint of SELF deep within your Heart and Mind. However, the fifth dimensional information can only be accessed while your consciousness is resonating to the fifth dimension and beyond.
Therefore, any instructions or experiences that you have on the fifth dimensional Ship will be stored in the area of your brain and consciousness that has the ability to return to your fifth dimensional awareness when you are back on the Ship.
Fortunately, there are sometimes experiences, dreams, and perceptions that suddenly remind you that there is something very important about your own self that you cannot quite remember—YET!
You see, there is a Third Dimensional Matrix that contain Gaia within the frequency of the third, and sometimes the fourth dimensions. It is the gradual, or sometimes swift, remembering of your fifth dimensional reality, that assists you to remember that there is much, much more to your self and your reality than you experience in your daily third dimensional reality.
It is for this reason that we have “Overview Schools” which those who have newly returned from Earth to assist them to remember their own higher dimensional expressions of SELF. It is within that NOW that you are able to remember BOTH your fifth dimensional reality on the Star Ship and your third/fourth dimensional human self on Gaia’s physical, third dimensional, planet.
Fortunately, both your human SELF, as well as Gaia’s Planetary SELF, work in unity to assist the humans to remember their many excursions into the fifth dimension.
It is through the combination of your Unity Consciousness with Gaia, you Unity Consciousness with your fourth and fifth dimensional selves that you meet on the ship, as well as your remembering your unity with your Star Ship, as well as your self on the Ship, that allows you to remain “awake” in a world based on denial.
Therefore, today, within this hour, within this NOW, we ask you to free yourself from the illusions of your third dimensional brain, and allow your thoughts and emotions to float up into your Higher Dimensional SELF who is ALWAYS with you—whether or not you are aware of it.
Within the connection between your third/fourth self there is also a quite nudge from your fifth dimensional SELF. We ask you that today, within this hour, within this NOW, to release the third dimensional Matrix from your mind, from your brain, and from your daily thoughts and reflections!
Today within this hour, within this moment and within this NOW, free your mind to return to it’s natural state of you’re your innate Multidimensional Consciousness! Today, within this hour, within minute, within this NOW, free your mind to return to it’s natural state of your innate “Multidimensional SELF!”
In fact, within this NOW, relax your earthly desires, and remember your higher dimensional experiences so that you can return to your innate state of “Multidimensional Consciousness.”
Today, within this hour, within this minute, within the NOW, fully open your Mind to your “INTER-DIMENISONAL CONSCIOUSNESS!” As you release the lower frequencies of your consciousness and embrace your Higher Dimensional Frequencies of SELF, You will feel the 3D Matrix begin to slip away to release your third dimensional thoughts, feelings and illusions.
At first there is a deep silence, this silence is within the chatter, the duties, the guilt, and the unwanted obligations. As the silence settles into your core, you can feel the great release “letting go” of that which is over!
Slowly you begin to feel the 3D Matrix dropping away from your many thoughts feelings and illusions. At first there is a deep silence, which is deep within this now SELF that you are revealing. We say revealing as it has always been “hidden” deep inside.
At first there is a deep silence, the silence within in the chatter, the duties, the guilt and the unwanted obligations fall from your awareness like leaves falling from a tree in the Fall. However, this “fall” is not a season. This “fall” has a reason but it is “YOUR reason!”
But, what is “YOUR reason” and why do you wish to release that which is complete and embrace that which is new? First, you will ask your self, “What is complete and how do I release it? You ponder that question, as your answer lies deep within and high above.
“What is complete, and how do I release it?” your ponder these questions, as you know that the answer lies deep within and high above. “What parts of my behavior, emotions, thoughts, actives and relationships are ready to be released?
What parts of my behavior, emotions, activities, job, relationships are ready to be released? You ponder that questions and find that before you can receive your answer, you must look at what you do NOT want to loose.
Then you find that, first you must honor, morn and release that which is over, in order to find that which you do not which to release. First you must go through the grief of loss, accept that loss, and see what awaits to take it’s place.
You find that only after releasing that which is over can you find that which is new and you are ready to accept. You may find that you will need to go through leaving the old before you can claim the new.
The above process has many faces, such as a new job, a new home, new friends, as well as the loss of some of the old that you did NOT want to release. But what ever you release, your Core SELF is that which you will NOT leave!
You cannot leave your Core SELF because it is the ONE that you chose to BE before you took this important, transitional lifetime. This is not just a “life time” of personal transitions. This is a lifetime of PLANETARY TRANSITION!
What will these personal and planetary transitions bring into your reality? You cannot answer that question while you are in the NOW!
While you are in the NOW you know. you remember, that within this hour, within this now, to some degree, all of us are feeling a sudden and/or slow releasing of the 3D Matrix from our mind and our thoughts.
This 3D Matrix is being replaced with the New Version of—of what?? We do not know what will replace that which is changing, ending, getting worse, and/or improving? But, we cannot leave our Core Self because we took tis important, transitional lifetime.
This NOW is not just a lifetime of personal transition. It is also a lifetime of Planetary Transition! What will these personal and planetary transitions bring into our reality? We cannot answer that question while we are in the NOW of living the question.
However, while we are in this NOW, there are more and more of us that are remember to remember that within this hour, within this minute, within this NOW, we are releasing the limitations of the 3D Matrix from our mind, from our thoughts, and from our daily life.
But, what if our mind was no longer limited to the third dimension?
What if we could free our minds of fear and strife so that we could return to our innate Multidimensional Consciousness?
What if we tried to make this transition and failed? Would we have the courage to love ourselves and to try again and again and as many times as it takes to remember that:
We are Multidimensional Beings who came to Gaia within this NOW to assist
Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension!
“But, what if we failed?” cry the thoughts of many. Would we have the courage and love of our self to try again and again and as many times as it takes to remember that”
WE are Multidimensional Beings who came to Gaia within this NOW
to assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension!
If we look at the lifetimes of all the Ascended Masters who chose to take Earth Bodies in order to assist dear Gaia with Her planetary ascension, we can see that they had many, many challenges to face before they could fulfill their Mission.
In fact, many of these brave ones worked hard and died young, often under terrifying situations, so that they could assist Gaia and all Her many inhabitants to move through “The Darkest Night that is Just before Dawn!”
Within this hour, Within this Minute, Within this NOW,
We ARE releasing the 3D Matrix from our minds,
From our thoughts,
And from our fears!
What if within this hour, within this minute, and within this NOW, we could free our mind to return to it’s natural state of Multidimensional Consciousness?
What if we tried and failed? Would we have the courage to love our selves enough to try, try, again and again, and as many times as it takes to remember that:
I AM a Multidimensional Being
Who cam to Gaia within this NOW
To assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension!
If we could remember this decree:
While we are driving to work
While we are changing the baby
While we are paying our bills
And while we are taking a “quick break”
If we can remember to say:
Today, within this hour
Within this minute
Within this NOW:
Today I AM releasing the limitations of the 3D Matrix
From my brain, from my thoughts, and from my mind!
Today, within this Hour
Within this MINUTE
Within this NOW
I am releasing the limitations of the 3D Matrix
From my brain
From my mind
From my thoughts
Today, within this Hour, within this minute, within this NOW
I am releasing the limitations of the 3D Matrix from my mind, from my brain and from my Multidimensional Consciousness to free my mind to return to it’s natural state of Multidimensional Consciousness!
Suzanne Lie

Suzanne Lie
Compiled by from:
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No religious or political creed is advocated here.
Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.
Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.
Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind.
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone.
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