Only pure white light flour remains...
Message from Mother and Father God.
Channeled by Galaxygirl.
June 1st, 2019.
Children dears, this is your Mother God speaking, and oh, I see how tired you are. For there has been such a tremendous shift as the light permeates, shifts and moves away all that is not love such that only love remains. The darkness is being sifted, removed. Remember sifting the grains as you used to in the olden days where impurities were sifted out of the flour sack? Such is what is happening now, so that only pure white light flour remains that can then be used for nourishment for the all. The impurities are cleansed out, removed. The light streams from our dear friend Alcyone are being extraordinary helpful in this process.

Welcome the rays of the Christed light into your hearts, dear children. Yes, currently much is again coming up for a recleansing, a re-purifying, for you have all have may traumatic experiences in this earthen plane of loss and darkness – of experience – and this time is now concluded dear ones. Oh, there will be some rocks and sticks in the flour that suddenly seem to appear but they were there all along at the bottom of the flour sacks, dear children. It is simply time for these impurities to be removed with love, with light. You are currently removing many past pains, past experiences of other fallen realms of Atlantis, of Lumeria. Much trauma has been cleared and the remnants are now coming for the final purging of the violet fire.
Rejoice! Wipe away your tears on the hem of my garment, and nestle into my warm embrace. Feel my heartbeat beat with your own. We are one, dear one. It has been far too long since you last embraced me fully, has it not? Be at peace. See the nebulas dance and spin, hear my lullaby sung just for you. I love all of my children equally. You are all precious to me. It is the time of the great purging of worlds, of realms. It is the time of the great rending of the veil, of the past pain, such that all is now transmuted into bliss, into light, into joy. Joy! Children, that is my charge to you today. Be in joy. Be at peace. Find the joyful moments all around you – I assure you they are there, waiting to be discovered. The gentle breezes, the children laughing, warm clean clothes from the dryer – there are many many simple joys that are the heartbeat of this earth experience. So experience them. Experience the simple joys of butter on warm toast, of the adoring glaze of your beloved pet. I assure you I am all around you. Let us experience these joys together. Feel my loving embrace all around you. Look up. See my rose petals of joy, of light, of the pink ray of the divine feminine en-coat you now, surround you and become a delightful cyclone of light and rose petals all around your form. Now push this deep into the heart of Gaia, such that all may benefit. Joy! That is the word of the day, children. Be in my presence, and be in joy! All is most well. I am your Mother God. I love you.
And I am your Father God! There she goes again, saying everything perfectly. The checks have been written and signed. (I’m seeing that our bodies are the “check” and our soul the “signature”. We are buying ourselves, owning our decisions and choices, our past, present and future). Your inheritance awaits. Be in great joy. But don’t lose sight of the fact that you are my inheritance. You are my greatest treasure (crying). You are the light and love-beat of my own heart of light that pulses and spins in time with Source.
Children, we have done this great and wonderful experiment, but let us conclude it now, shall we? Let us have a lighter adventure now with more love and light this time. The darkness has been experienced. Let us have no more of that. Children it is time to come home. Come home to my embrace. Sit on my knee for awhile and let me tell you some ridiculous dad jokes, for I am especially good at those (laughing). Spread my joy children there on the surface today, and every day! Be at peace and be in my joy. I have plenty of it to go around! Ah! Such excitement! We are all routing for you up here! Go Team Gaia!

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