Initiating Oneness 

Everything lies within.

A Message from Quan Yin and Ashira

with the Council of Radiant Light

Through Ailia Mira.

Posted April 24, 2020. 


initiating oneness ailia mira

Dear Friends, 
We greet you in love.

All connections in your world take place within the quality of love, for your world, is energetically structured in the quality of love.

What this means is that the fundamental quality of light, is expressing as love, in everything you know as your world and this is, in fact, true for your entire universe. Love is the most powerful energy in your world because love is the basis of your world.

Love is made of light. It is an expression of light; the fundamental. The Oneness that is All.

Each of you are here as an emanation of this fundamental light. Your light emanates into forms and your soul is the builder of forms. Your soul brings forth everything into your experience.

This is why going within and building your own direct relationship within yourself is so powerful.

Many humans have a more difficult relationship with themselves and because of that, they don't trust or like themselves very much. This is not how you naturally feel about yourself, it is something you learn to think and then feel, because to how other people reflected yourself to you, using limitation and separation thought-forms. Patterns of living that are based in judgement, in morality, in right/wrong and most of all, in ideas of accomplishing worthiness, all tend to make one judge another. Many people live their lives in tremendous co-dependence, giving energy to others as a way of receiving love in return.

Although this feels very good in some ways, it is also a way of not-knowing who you truly are. For within you is the pure and perfect love you seek and in looking outside of you for it, you are often let down. When you are let down by one another, you then often stop trusting other people or even more problematic, you stop trusting yourself.

So the very beginning of living wholeness, of coming into the truth of your being, begins by going within and discovering the gentleness, the love, the immense welcoming party that is there for you. You can do this at any time. And the more you do this, the more you will know who you truly are and feel connected, supported and loved, from within.

Deep within you is pure light. The energy within you is unchanging. Perpetual. Eternal light. This is who you truly are. But we want you to know this through your own direct experience, not as concept but as a feeling within, that comes from familiarity with your inner realms.

Let us offer to you a simple approach to this, which you might begin today. Right now, even:

First, find a comfortable position for your body. One in which you are seated or lying and feel truly comfortable. Take a few minutes to adjust your body to make sure you are really able to relax and feel supported.

Then take a few deep breaths, letting your belly expand as you breathe in, and exhaling through your mouth. Do this a few times, then let your breathing be natural and easy.

Next, close your eyes. As you close your eyes, scan your body. See if there is tension anywhere, or any part of your body that you sense could be even more at ease. Put your attention anywhere that could possibly relax more and simply intend to relax more fully and allow yourself to be supported.

Once you feel as comfortable as you can be, then call light to you. You do this simply by intention. If you want to verbalize something you could say, "I call light to me. Please surround me with light, please flood my body and my energy field with beautiful white light." Then imagine, sense or feel the light growing brighter within you and all around you.

Then, simply be still and ask: Soul, Divine Self, all that I am - please draw me close to you. Give me the peace, the love, the understanding, the feeling of connection with you. Help me to know that you are here with me and here for me. Open up my relationship to you and help me to trust that everything I need is within me. Within us. Is here for me already.

Then rest in this connection, in silence. Let whatever occurs, occur.

You don't need to stay here for very long. Even two or three minutes can be wonderful. Then, do this again, another time during the day. As often as you wish, pause, stand still, close your eyes, go within and invite conscious connection.

In the realm in which you are focused, you must call your Soul, your Divine Self, and light to you. For you are free to choose. Nothing asserts into your experience, you invite it in. With attention, with focus. The more you do this - initiating Oneness by going within and calling upon your own wholeness, the more alive your inner world will become.

This inner world is the true source of everything you experience what you think of as the "outer world," the "manifest world." As you begin to orient to the Source within you, the Light of the Oneness that is All, feelings of security, love, abundance, happiness, inner peace, well-being will arise more and more. You will start to love the silence and realize that by simply calming down, letting go, relaxing and inviting connection, you are immediately met, and fulfilled.

We encourage you to do this often and to make the focus of this inner connecting one of being in greater unity with your true Self.

The possibilities of this connection, and in this state of inner openness and awareness, are infinite. The choice to go within, to orient within, and open to who you truly are, is the doorway to everything. Everything lies within.


Compiled by from: 




No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 04:41