Big Dreams or Big Disappointments?
Astrology Forecast June 9th – June 16th 2019.
By Lorna Bevan,
Guest writer for Wake Up World.
June 9th, 2019.
Originally published at and reproduced here with permission.
Without sugar coating it, the astrological weather is stormy. For many, it is going to be a week of challenges, roadblocks and delays. For others, opportunities to dream large, to be extra creative and to make a personal breakthrough. It all depends on which time-line you’ve chosen. The seismic window to Monday June 17th’s doozy of a Full Moon opens on Thursday, suggesting that feelings of pressure and stress will build.
There are multiple Sun/Mercury/Mars contacts with Neptune/Pluto/Saturn and the Nodes of Fate, so events will play out in your personal life as well as in the collective. The real volatility arises from both Mars and Mercury – both at maximum impact – conjuncting the Node of Fate and opposing Saturn/Pluto/karmic South Node of Fate right on the midpoint of the July 2 + 16th eclipses. This is a preview of coming “attractions” so pay attention to the issues that arise for you – they will intensify in the next 3 weeks to the eclipses.
In Monday’s chart there are two big aspect patterns. The Sun forms a Grand Cross with Jupiter, Neptune and the Moon as Venus/Moon/Pluto dance together in a flowing Grand Trine. Translated, it suggests that if you listen to your own guidance, refuse to sit and watch the old world burn and take action towards a better future, you will be surprised at the insights, downloads and inspiration you receive.
Chandra Symbol for Gemini 19:
Strange Creatures peeking Out from behind Trees
“Surprises, destiny shocks, stunning events present a way to evolve rapidly for the daring and the wild. Whatever you assume and prepare for, the moment shall be different. Nothing is meant to be straightforward here. Your greater self finds ways to get at your little self who wants to hide in safe places, when instead a much larger destiny is in the works–which insists upon knocking at your door, preferably a back door or side door, to jump right in, scare the living daylights out of you, and wake you up for the next scintillating adventure along a vast and unlimited spectrum.” From Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale.
Aries Week Ahead Forecast: June 9-16, 2019
As a sign whose personal ruler is Mars, you know all about warrior spirit. However, this week when you have to negotiate a potential minefield, you are better off taking avoiding action rather than going for confrontation. With Mars and Mercury challenging Saturn and Pluto across the work/life axis of your chart on a sensitive eclipse point, something’s got to give. You may hear news connected with your career or events at home may upset your plans and need your attention. Whatever arises, it’s reality check time and you can’t hide your head in the sand. Frame it as an opportunity to devise a more balanced and authentic life, rather than a derailment.
A calculated retreat is better than burning bridges.
Taurus Week Ahead Forecast: June 9-16, 2019
With the most confrontative astrology playing out across your angle of communication, expect setbacks, delays or reversals to derail your plans. Others will be challenging, slow to respond or just plain awkward. However, knowing that this will peak at June 17th’s Full Moon and be sorted by July 2nd’s eclipse ,gives you the perspective you need to stay calm, centred and reasonable. Your finances are supported by the Sun, Venus and Jupiter so if an unwelcome reality check arrives, make the necessary changes then move forward to new opportunities. There are ways to increase your income streams available but first you have to be open for business
As Michelle Obama said:” When they go low, you go high”.
Gemini Week Ahead Forecast: June 9-16, 2019
The good news is that Venus moves into Gemini, drawing others towards you and generally smoothing your path. This is all to the good as your ruler Mercury in cahoots with Mars is facing off with hardnosed Saturn and Pluto in your financial zone. Given that they are right on the sensitive midpoint of July’s eclipses and this is a week building to a Full Moon, pay attention to any challenges to do with money, deal with them immediately and keep a close eye on the bottom line. The Sun aligned with expansive Jupiter may be persuading to spend, spend, spend but right now, that’s definitely not a good idea.
Money represents choices and freedom so grow it instead of scattering it.
Cancer Week Ahead Forecast: June 9-16, 2019
Of all the signs, apart from Capricorn, you are feeling the winds of change blowing most strongly. Not only are we in a week building to a doozy of a Full Moon but Mars and Mercury are in Cancer-both at maximum disruptive impact- and are at odds with reality planets Saturn and Pluto. Knowing this in advance, if you expect others to be difficult, awkward or challenging you’ll be able to draw on your inner resources of calmness amidst the storm and tell yourself this is just a blip on the radar. The upside of this astrology is the gift of rocket fuelled momentum and motivation to follow your own agenda wherever it leads.
You are the sky, everything else is just weather.
Leo Week Ahead Forecast: June 9-16, 2019
Remember the saying:” It’s not what happens, but how you respond”? Well it’s a week to make it your mantra. With Mercury and Mars at odds with reality planets Saturn and Pluto, something’s got to give. In your case, friends, allies and groups may be facing challenges of their own and have little time for yours. If so, cut both them and you some slack and offer your input and support. Keep looking at what is working and do more of it. With all this activity happening in your hidden 12th House, there is some important information yet to emerge, probably at the July 2 and 16th eclipses. When it does, it will make all the difference.
Take nothing personally.
Virgo Week Ahead Forecast: June 9-16, 2019
Of all the signs, you have the greatest planetary support this week. A Grand Cross across fellow mutable signs is activating all 4 angles of your solar chart. With the Sun in your career zone aligned with expansive Jupiter and limitless Neptune, all your relationships-personal and professional- are forefront and centre stage. No matter what challenges arise, no matter how stressed or difficult some people seem to be, offer your support, smooth things over and watch as your generosity comes back to you tenfold .Next Monday’s Full Moon will end a long phase of relationship disappointments so keep your eyes on where you want to go, not on where you have been.
Think of the Dalai Lama’s words:” My religion is kindness”.
Libra Week Ahead Forecast: June 9-16, 2019
With all four angles-the support structures-of your chart under pressure this week, you may feel like taking off and leaving it all behind. And that’s the best possible thing you could do, even if it’s just grabbing some brief time out or planning an exciting trip .You have the backing of the Sun lighting up your zone of far horizons with expansive Jupiter, nudging you to think bigger, create a wider platform and see beyond the confines of your comfort zone. And when you can see the forest for the trees, you can far more easily put any challenges, delays or disruptions into perspective. In the last couple of years, you’ve been focused on firefighting, now it’s time to concentrate on creating a better, more satisfying future.
Let yourself of the hook and treat yourself gently.
Scorpio Week Ahead Forecast: June 9-16, 2019
Under such challenging astrology, you need to know your priorities and stick to them, instead of allowing yourself to be derailed by other people’s agendas. For you as a Scorpio, from now until after July’s eclipses, the focus needs to be on your finances, your resources and your security. Keep in mind that we are heading towards a Full Moon on Monday July 17th and that the seismic window opens on Thursday. Others will be difficult, awkward or just plain immovable and that includes partners of all kinds and longstanding contracts. If you receive a reality check, take it on board straightaway and change direction. Sun and Jupiter could either deliver you a money gift or encourage you to spend, spend, spend.
Keep your eyes on the prize.
Sagittarius Week Ahead Forecast: June 9-16, 2019
For you as a Sagittarian, June is one of the most pivotal months of 2019.This means that you need to be alert for both opportunity and derailment. With your expansive ruler Jupiter in your own sign opposite the Sun and aligned with slippery Neptune, you might be tempted to go too far or over the top in your enthusiasm for one exciting new project. Take a step back and make sure that those closest to you feel involved, loved and part of your journey. When roadblocks, challenges or reality checks arrive this week in the build up to a tense Full Moon, keep calm and tell yourself silence is better than hoof in mouth syndrome.
A deep inbreath.
Capricorn Week Ahead Forecast: June 9-16, 2019
Both June and July are set to be pivotal months for solar Capricorns. Knowing this should enable you to play a long game, instead of getting caught up in each event as it happens. Opposing reality planets Saturn and Pluto in your own sign are Mercury and Mars-both at maximum impact. Not only that but they are right on the hyper-sensitive midpoint of the Cancer/Capricorn eclipses arriving in less than three weeks and in the volatile seismic window of June 17th’s Full Moon. This makes relationships of all kinds-personal and professional-more challenging than usual. Others with their own agenda may be resistant, deliberately awkward or challenging. Rather than confront them, leave them to their own devices and stick to your plans. This is a blip on the radar, not a total derailment.
A bigger perspective.
Aquarius Week Ahead Forecast: June 9-16, 2019
You might find it difficult to focus on the positive this week, especially as people around you may be challenging, volatile or facing their own problems. The trick is not to take any of it personally and see it as a period of unsettled planetary weather. Your angle of retreat and adaptation is feeling the strain as Mercury and Mars battle it out with Saturn and Pluto. This is a time to fix what can be fixed and surrender to what you can’t control. Rather than keeping on keeping on and then burning out, make some beneficial changes to your health and wellbeing routines, building in more downtime and lots more rest. Be extra kind and gentle with yourself-the world won’t grind to a halt if you stop pushing yourself.
Rebalancing mind, body and soul.
Pisces Week Ahead Forecast: June 9-16, 2019
June -especially this week and next-is tough going for everyone. Keep that in mind if you’re feeling off colour, drained or demoralised. This is a week when the seismic window opens ahead of a doozy of a Full Moon next Monday 17th right at the base of your chart. On top of that, Mercury and Mars are at odds with heavy hitters Saturn and Pluto, giving you a preview of next month’s eclipse issues. Jupiter is halfway through his trip through your career zone, so by now you should have proof of being either perfectly on track or wildly off course. Channel these alignments by taking a long hard look at your trajectory and making any course corrections that are needed.
Remove your rose- tinted glasses.
About Lorna Bevan M.A., MAPAI:
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can pick up my e-book “Bringing Your Astrology into the 21st Century: The 5D Planets” here.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
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Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility.
No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind.
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