China poised to seize Daimler Benz, Deutsche Bank as German 4th Reich collapses.
Benjamin Fulford Sample Report
Germany and its EU 4th Reich regime are under siege and facing collapse due to a massive debt load and popular resistance in occupied states like France and Italy. As a result, Germany may be forced to sell its crown jewels—the Daimler Benz Corporation and Deutsche Bank—to the Chinese, according to Japanese military intelligence and other sources.
The sacrificial burning of Notre Dame Cathedral to Molech (Ba’al, Set, Satan) was a desperate attempt by superstitious EU Khazarian satanists to somehow reverse their fortunes, P2 Freemason sources say.
It’s difficult for normal people to understand the superstitious mindset of these satanists, but essentially they seem to think they are in a battle against a goddess. That is why they chose to burn “Notre Dame” or “Our Lady,” because this refers to Mary. Mary, of course, is the Christian name for the Goddess Isis, who raised an infant until he could defeat Set or Satan. It is for this same superstitious reason that these satanists created a horrific terror organization and tried to call in ISIS in order to weaken support for the Goddess in the minds of humanity.
The hope in sacrificing Notre Dame was to unify European and world sentiment around German Rothschild-slave President Emmanuel Macron, just like Americans rallied around George Bush Jr. after 9/11, the sources say. Instead, according to multiple sources in the French Yellow Vest resistance, the burning of the Cathedral is being blamed on Macron and his German puppet masters.
“The desecrations of European Catholic churches and the Notre Dame arson in France may have a silver lining and lead to the firing of Pope Francis and the defrocking of French Cardinal Philippe Barbarin,” was how Pentagon sources saw the situation. “The satanic global Jewish mafia may have signed their own death warrant with anti-Christian terrorisms in France, the Easter massacre in Sri Lanka (in which no Israelis were killed), and elsewhere,” the sources added.
Certainly a critical mass of aware people, especially in the world’s military and intelligence agencies, know that the “Islamic State” really refers to the Satanic State, i.e. Israel. So when the “Islamic State” takes credit for the massacre of Christians in Sri Lanka and elsewhere, the real culprit, Israel, is pinpointed.
“A 21st century holy war or crusade against the Jews [Khazarian Mafia] will be led by Russia, the EU, and the USA to defend Christendom, aided by Muslims,” the Pentagon sources predict. A group of moderate Muslims supports this statement with its move to get advisory status with the UN in order to fight against efforts to start a Muslim/Christian holy war.
The Muslims are fully aware that an attempt to burn the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem at the same time as Notre Dame was burned was the work of Khazarian satanists, not Christians.
As these events show, the battle against the satanic Khazarian mafia is raging in a way that transcends traditional political, religious, and geographic boundaries.
Another example of this is the disappearance of a Japanese F-35 fighter plane off the coast of Japan on April 9th.
Japanese underworld sources are saying this plane was actually “sold to …
full report will be post here this Thursday
Question about QFS implementation
Hi Benjamin,
Thank you for your work. I have a question about your note this morning about the implementation of the Quantum Financial System (QFS).
I’ve seen in other articles that you’ve written about the implementation of GESARA and a likely jubilee as it relates to the QFS. Do you expect that GESARA (and a jubilee) will be implemented during this same time window, or will those take longer to implement (if they happen at all)?
Thanks again!
Hello CJ,
Unfortunately, there is no indication yet of a jubilee or GESARA. Instead, what seems to be going on is that an instant and free global payment system using mobile devices is being implemented. Also, there is talk of a top-down campaign to try to fix up the planet.
We will keep fighting for a jubilee, but unless the world’s military move big time to make it happen, it is not in the cards yet.
SOS Alert: Genocide against the Khoi People has started
Dear Mr. Fulford:
This is an urgent appeal to the White Dragon Society, the White Hats, and the rest of the International Community.
Our people are seriously under attack by agents of the Khazarian Mafia. In the Western Cape, in a place called Strand near Gorden Bay in Cape Town, the governing party broke down black people’s shacks in order to anger them. Now these very people are running into peace-loving Khoi people’s houses with weapons and going on a rampage, killing our people and burning down our houses. This started yesterday, Friday, 12/04/2019. The Khoi people are unable to defend themselves and the Police, Government, Army all are ignoring our pleas for help.
This is a obvious sign that they are pushing to start a civil war. As mentioned in our previous article, the same players are again involved and using false Kings. The Khoi-San have five Kings and they are represented by a National Khoisan Council, which then speaks on behalf of the Khoi Nation. No one King can claim any authority to claim any land without consultation with these bodies. We humbly ask anyone who reads this article to please put pressure on the world’s governments and powers to intervene and save our people. This must be investigated and the leaders who are found guilty must be tried for genocide before the International Courts.
The situation in South Africa is at a knife point because of land and housing. The current government had more than 20 years to sort out this mess, but now fingers are pointed at everyone else accept themselves. The Khoi people are of the opinion that no one should divide any land at this stage, because it will cause a lot of chaos. We need to call for a National Land Summit and invite the international community to see that a fair and transparent system is used in order to share this land amongst all South Africans.
Please do not let the same thing happen in South Africa that happened in Rwanda.
We will publish your letter. Please get videos of the violence and the attacks to show to the world. Also give us specific names of high-level criminals who need to be dealt with.
Benjamin Fulford Talks: Interview Apr 11, 2019 with Prepare for Change
Here is Benjamin Fulford’s April 11, 2019 interview with, which was cut off unexpectedly at a sensitive point:
Compiled by from:
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