A Message for Someone Deeply Troubled.
The Damascus Scribe.
Is The Teacher
Through George Barnard.
Illawarra District, Australia,
June 5, 2004.
Posted January 30, 2020
I thought the Scribe to be an old Egyptian man of great knowledge by the way he sounded, but he looked rather young when he spoke to me about a deeply troubled young man who had suddenly lost his even younger wife. I would later find out The Scribe was never human, but the now personalized Adjuster of Jesus the Christ (Sananda).
The Scribe: “We are here, and we are connected in more ways than you can realize. And we are also connected much more often than you can imagine. So many times in what we communicate, there is a blurring of the input of one or another in the purely spiritual realm we occupy. We may well express ourselves simultaneously, in fact, as if we were one, because our mindedness does converge.
“My dear friend, so frequently do you wonder about whether a permanent liaison is established in your every-day busying. Rest assured that you are well cared for in everything you do. This is the Scribe, and I am here with you now, and I am far from alone. I want to briefly communicate with you about the ups and downs of human existence.
“Many of you on this world experience severe ups and downs, much more so than (those) on most worlds, and your short lives on this earth can be extreme learning experiences during which the question is often asked, “Am I then also set back in a spiritual sense? When I might be troubled, when I might despair, when I am depressed or traumatized, am I then also less of a spiritual reality? Am I less vibrant? Am I less real? Am I less of a spiritual being?”
“But, no! The troubles that come your way, the hurdles placed on your path and the difficulties that you may experience, may temporarily place your soul growth on hold should you allow your focusing on the problem to take all your energy. There may be no great soul progress at these times, and yet, should you roll up your sleeves and tackle the adversity, the more credit to you. And that is why these troubled worlds produce the most persistent and enduring of His servants.
“However, should you place yourself on a path of self-pity and self-destruction, and do so willfully, it may well be said that you will become a diminishing personality, and that your soul self could be seen as depleted, dim, anorexic, or less real. And yet, as you bear up to the burdens so placed upon your shoulders, as you retain your trust in the Creator of All, you become more authentic.
“As you endeavor to discern the lesson you are being taught and carry forth these burdens (that) you are allocated, you will experience the circumstances under which you become more vibrant. As you happily brush the hurdles away from the narrow spiritual paths you walk into eternity, we, your ever-present comrades in your trials, successes and failures, discern you for the bright lights you emit.
“This is the end of my short lesson. This is the Scribe. Wherever I may travel, and whatever task I take on during this time-space sojourn, you and I are linked by an umbilical cord of love, and light and pre-knowledge of glorious times to come. You may (now) scribe this lesson.”
George: “Thank you dear Scribe.”
The Scribe: “Another will speak with you now.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972
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11:11 Progress Group <list@1111spiritguardians.com>
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No religious or political creed is advocated here.
Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.
Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.
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If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind.
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone.
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