A Chama da Ascensão


Domingo, 14 / 07 / 19

Mankind's vibrations have increased considerably from 2013 ~ Mike Quinsey's Higher Self

Mankind's vibrations have increased considerably from 2013. Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

By Mike Quinsey.

July 12th, 2019


There is no doubt that the vibrations of Mankind have increased considerably within the years that followed 2012, when the New Age officially commenced. It is notable amongst the younger generations who had a head start because they had already lifted up their vibrations prior to their incarnation. Their influence has helped many individuals reach new levels of Light, enabling them to achieve their objectives in a much quicker time. Much of their good work is acknowledged but goes unpublicised, yet in fact they do not seek recognition for it. Generally evolved Lightworkers do not seek a reward for what they do, and it is the satisfaction of doing work for the good of humanity that is their first concern. Nevertheless, should your work be acknowledged it is a credit to your efficiency and dedication to your tasks.

Every soul that takes an incarnation upon Earth comes equipped with the means to successfully complete their task. That includes advice and guidance to set you upon your right path, and at different times during your life souls will help you with your tasks to ensure your success. Inevitably sacrifices have to be made, but you will have agreed to them prior to your incarnation. Yet having freewill you could easily defer your work or ignore it in full and it would not bring any recriminations, but a similar task may follow on to test your intent to carry out your work as planned.

Some souls ask why Lightworkers do not always identify themselves when working for the Light, and it is because it is often best way to ward off unwanted attention to enable them to complete their work satisfactorily. The dark Ones will go to great lengths to interfere with your work, as their motives are to cause as much confusion as possible. Naturally in some circumstances you cannot avoid publicity but you would be protected in your work. The secret to your safety is your vibrations as high as possible at all times, and the Light will protect you from the lower energies.

Whatever effort you put into uplifting your Light, it will be rewarded as you will have expressed your intent and it will benefit you. What you focus upon will be attracted to you in the course of time, which is why it is wise at all times to guard your thoughts. Following the same line of approach you can for example help those souls who need help, by sending them healing bands of colour according to their needs, and the purer the colours the more potent they are. However with the new way of expressing things in the New Age, you do not need to send specific healing energies repeatedly, as once you have sent them to do their work it should be sufficient.

You are currently in a great stage of change as the new ways and methods that are available are waiting to be introduced. It will take time but ultimately they will be successful, as it is in accordance with your wishes to move on from a period of slow changes and growth because advancements have been deliberately held back. Know that there has always been a plan for your evolution, and those who oversee your progress will ensure that it is followed. It is your right to benefit from the advances made over many years, and whilst some have filtered through in areas such as medicine and electronics many have been deliberately denied you. That position cannot remain for much longer as more and more people are demanding that the information is released for the benefit of all mankind. When you become aware for example that the surgeon’s knife will no longer be needed, and that “operations” could be carried out without the use of it you realise how far behind you are in medical matters. You may question why such a situation is still allowed and it is because we must respect your freewill to arrange your own destiny.

You could say that the Earth is a pictorial of “Life through the Ages” as examples of it can still be found all over the world. It was not through design but inevitable as various groups of souls at different levels have incarnated upon Earth. They were at very contrasting levels of evolution and kept apart so as to allow their advancement to suit their needs. Through the passing of time such souls have evolved but are not necessarily ready to take a major step forward. Again those who have advanced are often further ahead of younger groups than ever before, and in some instances there has been a deliberate policy of keeping them in ignorance so that they could be used as virtual slaves. Clearly those souls being held back must be helped to advance, just the same way as in the very near future you will also be given an opportunity to ascend to a higher level.

You have been kept in the dark for many Ages and suffered many unpleasant experiences, yet you have come through them to be much stronger and have emerged as souls capable of expressing yourself in love and joy as one that has “Seen the Light”. By your example others will follow in your footsteps having seen the peace and light that you radiate around you. Even now by doing so some of you are radiating your Light to all and helping to uplift the vibrations. In general terms evolved spiritual Beings have an instinctive feeling and desire to help other souls lift up, and when you are ready to do so you may be sure that your talents will be used accordingly to help them.

Whatever your role in this lifetime you may be certain that at some stage you will be called upon to help others to evolve. It is a matter of using your knowledge and experience to help a soul who may benefit from your experience. Taken a stage further you may desire to become a teacher of spiritual matters yourself, and that can happen either inside or outside of the organised religions. You will have already reached a stage of understanding in which you know that you only give a soul as much as they are ready for and can comprehend, as too much may confuse them.

I leave you in love and blessings and may your dreams be fulfilled and the Light brighten your days. This message comes through my Higher Self my Godself.
In Love and Light.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 00:12
Sexta-feira, 05 / 07 / 19

O tumulto da mudança continua ~ Eu superior, Mike Quinsey.

O tumulto da mudança continua.

Mensagem do Eu superior,

Recebida por Mike Quinsey.

Tradução: Candido Pedro Jorge

a 5 de junho de 2019

O tumulto da mudança continua, uma vez que claramente continua  provocando confrontos entre vocês, na medida em que certos grupos lutam contra mudanças, não querendo passar para uma vida mais pacífica e deixar para trás todas as armadilhas da guerra. 

É claro que as pessoas já tiveram o suficiente de experiências bélicas contínuas e estão cansadas delas. Mesmo aquelas gerações mais jovens que tiveram pouca ou nenhuma experiência de qualquer tipo de guerra, buscam um futuro pacífico, uma vez que já têm uma consciência mais intensificada e, intuitivamente, sabem o que é melhor para a Humanidade. 

Não há dúvida de que uma paz lenta, mas segura, sendo intermediada por toda a Terra e, até mesmo os que estão nos pontos quentes estão começando a ver a futilidade de continuarem com atividades bélicas. Na Terra, existe um movimento crescente, que busca novas maneiras de promover a paz mundial, ao mesmo tempo em que, ainda, permite a livre escolha das pessoas. E virá porque foi ordenado para que aqueles da Luz possam evoluir sem interferência ou atraso. 

Estou incluindo este pequeno extrato [de Kryon] que explicita claramente a função do Inato em relação ao cérebro e que, com o passar do tempo aparecerá cada vez mais em nossas vidas cotidianas.


O Inato é o responsável pela remissão espontânea, uma vez que ele pode entrar e extrair as coisas de seus Akáshicos e colocá-las em suas estruturas celulares – o que demonstra sua inteligência. Tornando cada um de vocês seus próprios médicos intuitivo sobre suas estruturas celulares.

O cérebro contém a caixa de crenças em vocês estão baseados na experiência e memória. Já, o Inato conhece toda a verdade. É o segundo cérebro. Um dos atributos do futuro Ser Humano é construir pontes entre a sua consciência e o seu Inato, de modo que não precise mais fazer o “Teste Muscular”. 

O Inato é o seu segundo cérebro. É a conexão dos corações. Baseado nisso, tornam-se seus próprios e intuitivos médicos.

Como seu segundo cérebro, o Inato não funciona como o primeiro, no entanto, é esperto e inteligente e sabe o que cada um de vocês precisa. É o governador que impede que façam as coisas erradas, assim como seus cérebros estão em algum diferente tipo de caminho.

É o Inato que cria emoções, ajudam a se apaixonarem. Aquilo que lhes dá a energia que não podem explicar. Sei tudo sobre isso, é aquele que muda todas as células de seus corpos – isso é verdadeiro. O Inato sempre irá servi-los. Está sempre com vocês, embora, não seja uma entidade dentro de vocês.

São entidades que são originárias do Grande Sol Central, de onde Kryon também é, que são Eternos. Que me conhecem e que viveram mais de uma vida.


Quando passam por alguma experiência fora do corpo resultante de algum acidente ou intencionalmente, seus pensamentos ainda são perfeitamente normais. Nada parece ter mudado dramaticamente, quando verão que mesmo sem seus corpos físicos possuem total liberdade de movimento e que seus pensamentos são muito mais poderosos em manifestarem seus desejos. 

Isso, certamente, prova que cada um de vocês não são apenas seus corpos físicos, mas entidades nascidas com almas. Também descobrirão que seus poderes de pensamento são fortalecidos no grau em que podem criar o que desejam.

Quando escrevo, de acordo, com minha própria intuição, sei que meu Eu Superior ainda supervisiona meus pensamentos e ações, não para interferir em minhas intenções, mas para me transmitir ideias como uma forma de orientação. 

Nem todos estão conscientes de que existe, mas quando seus Eus Superiores são aceitos, eles se aproximam, tornam-se mais capazes de fazerem muito mais por vocês. Ao permitirem que seus Eus Superiores tenham algum espaço para trabalhar em vocês, descobrirão que mais eventos em suas vidas se tornam sincronizados e fluem mais facilmente. 

Lembrem-se de que ele sabe mais sobre vocês do que vocês mesmos, incluindo seus planos de vida e que, portanto, estão em melhor posição para serem seus guias.

É evidente que o que chamam de “velha guarda”, não é adequado às necessidades de hoje, uma vez que mudanças estão sendo organizadas de modo a introduzir novos conceitos e maneiras  muito mais eficientes e propositais do que as antigas. 

Agora, o que passou deve ser deixado para trás, já que foi superado pelas vibrações mais elevadas que não têm lugar no antigo esquema das coisas. O novo já está aqui, esperando para ser despertado e inclui muitas grandes almas que são os antepassados da Nova Era, que pacientemente, estão esperando pelo despertar da Humanidade, para as oportunidades que estão diante dela.

Cada vez mais, está se tornando evidente que sua história é muito diferente daquela registrada. Tornou-se óbvio que existiram civilizações passadas, capazes de construírem suas próprias naves e usaram tecnologias avançadas muito antes do que imaginávamos que fossem capazes. 

A evidência está aqui, agora e chega até ao uso de dispositivos nucleares. Parece que tudo acontece em ciclos, incluindo nossa própria evolução. Independentemente do que estiver acontecendo na Terra, ela continuará seu trajeto, através, do Cinturão de Fótons no curso da Ascensão, uma vez que, afinal, a Mãe Terra deseja completar este ciclo ao adentrar num novo nível de vibrações. 

Chegou a hora de permanecerem firmes e focados em seus objetivos. Existem muitas distrações por causa das mudanças pelas quais estão passando. Todavia, muitas almas já elevaram suas vibrações e estabeleceram seus cursos, firmemente, em suas ascensões. Estamos recebendo muita ajuda e encorajamento para termos certeza do sucesso, com seus Eus Superiores a guiá-los, de acordo com seus planos de vida.

A simples resposta para o que tenham que fazer para garantirem seus sucessos é tratarem todas as almas com Amor e bondade, independentemente, de suas aparências exteriores. Não avaliem as pessoas por suas características corporais, uma vez que o corpo físico é simplesmente um meio para um fim, para servi-los adequadamente em suas experiências físicas. Na Realidade, todas as almas são iguais e guardam a centelha de Deus dentro de si.

Deixo a todos com Amor e bênçãos e que seus sonhos sejam realizados.

Em Amor e Luz.

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Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.
A religião organizada é desnecessária à espiritualidade.
Excelentes ensinamentos dos mestres têm sido contaminados pelo controle dogmático dessas religiões.
Discernimento sim; julgamento não.
Com discernimento é possível alcansar o espírito da letra de qualquer escritura e é também bem mais fácil escutar a voz da alma que vem do coração.

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publicado por achama às 21:48
Domingo, 30 / 06 / 19

The turmoil of change continues... ~ Mike Quinsey, Higher Self

The turmoil of change continues... Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

By Mike Quinsey.

June 29th, 2019




The turmoil of change continues as it clearly causes confrontation amongst you, as certain groups fight change not wishing to move on to more peaceful lives and leave behind all the trappings of war. It is clear that the people have had enough of continual warlike experiences and are tired of them. Even those younger generations who have had little or no experience whatsoever of wars seek a peaceful future, as they have a more heightened awareness and intuitively know what is best for Humanity. There is no doubt that slow but sure peace is being brokered all over the Earth, and even those in the hotspots are beginning to see the futility of continuing with warlike activities. There is a movement that is growing upon the Earth that seeks new ways of bringing about world peace, whilst at the same time still allowing the freewill choice of the people. It will come because it has been ordained so that those of the Light can evolve without interference or delay.
I include this short extract because it clearly spells out the function of Innate in relation to the brain, and it will figure more and more in our everyday life as time passes.
The Innate is responsible for spontaneous remission, for it can go in and pull out the things in your Akash and place them into your cellular structure – that is how smart it is. You can be your own medical intuitive about your cellular structure.
It is the brain that has the box of beliefs that has who you are based on experience and memory. It is Innate that knows the truth, it is your second brain. One of the attributes of the future Human Being is to build bridge between your consciousness and your Innate, so that you would not need to “Muscle Test”. Innate is your second brain, it is the hearts connection. Become your own medical intuitive. 
Innate as your second brain does not function like the first one at all, but it is smart and intelligent and it knows what you need. It is the governor to stop you picking up the wrong things, just like your brain is in a different kind of way.
Innate is what creates emotions, helps you fall in love. It gives you the energy you cannot explain. I know all about it and it changes every cell in your body – it is able to ring true. Innate will serve you, it is you with you, but it is not an entity inside you.
You are from the Great Central Sun, it is where Kryon is from. You will know that you are Eternal, you will know that you know me. You have had more than one life.
When you have an out of the body experience such as when you have been knocked out through some accident or through intent, your thoughts are still perfectly normal. Nothing appears to have dramatically changed except you find that without your physical body you have complete freedom of movement, and your thoughts are much more powerful in manifesting your desires. It surely proves beyond doubt, that you are not your physical body but a free born entity with a soul. You may also find that your power of thought is empowered to the degree that you can create what you desire.
When I write according to my own intuition I know that my Higher Self still oversees my thoughts and actions, not to interfere with my intentions but to impart ideas to me as a form of guidance. Not everyone is aware that it exists but when your Higher Self is accepted it will come closer to you and is able to do much more for you. By allowing your Higher Self some space to work in you will find more events in your life become synchronised and flow more easily. Remember that it knows more about you than you do including your life plan, and is therefore better placed to be of guidance to you.
It is apparent that what you call the “old guard” is not suited to today’s needs, as the changes are being arranged so as to introduce new concepts and ways that are far more efficient and purposeful than the old ones. What has passed should now be left to rest as it has been surpassed by the higher vibrations that have no place in the old scheme of things. The new is here already waiting to be awakened and includes many great souls who are the forefathers of the New Age, who are patiently waiting for Mankind to awaken to the opportunities that are before them.
It is becoming more and more apparent that your history is far different from that which is recorded. It has become obvious that there were past civilisations who were able to fly their own craft, and had used technology far in advance of what we imagined they were capable of. The evidence is here now and even goes as far as the use of nuclear devices. It appears that everything goes in cycles including our own evolution. 
Regardless of whatever is taking place on Earth it will carry on through the Photon Belt on course for Ascension, as after all Mother Earth desires to complete this cycle by entering the new level of vibrations. The time has come to remain steadfast and focussed upon your goal. There are many distractions because of the changes you are going through, yet many souls have already raised their vibrations and set their course firmly on ascending. We are getting much help and encouragement so be assured of success, and your Higher Self is guiding you according to your life plan.
The simple answer as to what you have to do to ensure your success is to treat all souls with love and kindness regardless of their outer appearance. Do not be put off by a person’s bodily features as the physical body is simply a means to an end, to adequately serve you for your physical experience. All souls are equal in reality and all have the God spark within.
I leave you in love and blessings and may your dreams be fulfilled.
In Love and Light.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 23:17
Domingo, 23 / 06 / 19

The dark Ones have lost the battle but not the fight ~ Mike Quinsey, Higher Self

The dark Ones have lost the battle but not the fight...

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

By Mike Quinsey.

June 21st, 2019




The dark Ones have lost the battle but not the fight and their presence is still noticeable. However, the low vibrations that their kind carry around, can only influence those souls that are of a similar vibration, and it is apparent in many of the younger members of humanity. Nevertheless, it will not have any effect on those who have evolved beyond that stage. The dark Ones are no longer the power that they were, and their aims to take over the world have dismally failed following many centuries of growth. It means that the shackles that have been holding you back have been removed and you are becoming free souls able to take charge of your own evolution. It is entirely expected in the present times and you should now make much quicker progress.

It will be some time before you can fully understand the truth of your being, but it will come to you in all good time. As you journey towards Ascension you will be given much information about your past, present and future. You are breaking out of your cocoon of forgetfulness and it is necessary for your spiritual growth. In the past you dropped to such a low level it was feared that you would never wake up to the truth, but somehow sufficient of you were able to lift your vibrations up and reach the higher level. You could say that the few have helped the many get past the 2012 marker and it is helping others to do the same. As we have mentioned many times, once a soul awakens to the Light many helping hands assist you in making further progress. The purpose of life is to gain spiritual knowledge through experience and live accordingly, so that you increase your vibrations and become more of a Being of Light.

With the many challenges that seem to always crop up, understand that some are important to your evolution and should be carefully noted. Few experiences are without some lesson at the root of them so it is wise to question what that meaning is by looking within. Cleary if a lesson is to be learnt it is wise to try and understand what is meant by your experience. For those of you who personally passed the marker, you should by now be advancing spiritually and incurring little if any adverse reactions. Your experience can be put to good use by helping others who may come to you by being attracted to your Light. Some may personally know about you and your work but others may have been guided to you, so do not be surprised if that happens.

When the Earth and its population have settled down and peace has become the normal state, you will be open to visits from other ET’s who will help you speed up the evolutionary changes. You will learn much from them having been held back for so long. The first hints of growth and understanding must come from you and then you will get help to implement your ideas and desires. You will make progress quickly as you are destined to live on your “New Earth” that shall be of pristine beauty. There are really no adequate words to describe the changes from the old Earth to the new one. It will be a paradise unlike anything you have come across so far, and you will be thrilled by the life energy that exists in everything.

So you have much to look forward to and at long last it is within your sights. It must be so as decreed by the Supreme Creator. You are part way along the path to completion of this phase when you will be rewarded with existence in the higher vibrations of tranquillity and total peace, that cannot be disturbed by those of a lesser vibration. For such souls their time will come when they have accepted God and look for the pathway home, and each one eventually leads back to the Godhead. Since time does not exist in the higher realms as everything is in the now, there is no pressure placed upon those who need to go through another series of trials and challenges to evolve. However, as always help is on hand when a soul becomes enlightened and it will stay with them until that journey is completed. We know that many of you will already be aware of the situation, but may not realise that the present end times are special, inasmuch that every soul is offered the same opportunity to be part of a mass Ascension.

Your many lives have taken you a long way and today you are a versatile soul with many skills that can be called upon to help you through this particular lifetime. Realise that you draw upon your experiences to get the best results, as clearly you need to specifically benefit from those aspects that can help you get through your life plan. Through such arrangements it gets the best out of each generation because progress is “tailored” so that it occurs in increments that carry you another step in the right direction. Obviously in the early stages the dark Ones do all they can to stop you succeeding, but at all times progress is inevitable.

You are emerging from unsettling times so keep your sights on your goal and do not be distracted by outer happenings. There are still pitfalls on your path but if you keep to the straight and narrow you will sail straight past them. Indeed, depending on just how far you have progressed will determine how soon matters settle down for you, so keep yourself in the Light and do not succumb to temptations that will be placed upon your path. Bear in mind that you will occasionally still be tested but at your point of evolution you should be able to deal with it with ease.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 


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publicado por achama às 05:30
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

Political views and opinions are being shaken up and down ~ Higher Self, Mike Quinsey

Political views and opinions are being shaken up and down.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

By Mike Quinsey.

June 14th, 2019




Political views and opinions are being shaken up and down all over the world, and that should not be surprising in view of the effect the new energies are having. As we have stated on more than one occasion, you are in rapidly changing times that will eventually take you fully into the New Age. In most instances the higher vibrations that you are experiencing have brought about what you call the grass roots of a new way of living that will be far more acceptable and in accordance with the wishes of the people.
It takes time for needed changes to take place as there will always be some objection to them and attempts made to stop them occurring. However, that will be to no avail as the seeds of change are well developed and cannot be stopped. It is amazing how quickly the mood of the people can change, and evidence of it is illustrated by the largely organised peaceful protests that are taking place. They are more informed than any earlier generations, and will not stand for any attempts to continue perpetuating the old ways. Change with a capital “C” is about you and in some ways it will be unavoidably disruptive, but if led by those who support democracy it will soon pass much to the peoples delight.
These are times when you must allow for new ways of thinking, indeed they should be encouraged so that solutions can be found for the new challenges that face you. The answers are already known and those empowered with the knowledge will be eager to step forward when the right circumstances prevail. Again we say look to the younger generations to make progress, as they have birthed with the knowledge and ability to provide you with the answers you seek. We support and help those working for the betterment of mankind, which is allowed, and in those circumstances not considered to be interference with your freewill, but quite the opposite.
What may at first not seem too welcome is that your life span is on the increase, and it is another effect of the rise in vibrations. Aging is slowing down and may already be evidenced by the increasing number of older people who are in relatively good health. There are more and more people in their 80’s and 90’s, and it is not entirely due to better health facilities, although it is a factor. Illness is sometimes self-inflicted by bad habits such as eating the wrong foods that do not sustain your body, or for habits such as smoking that can lead to all manner of illnesses including a shortened life span. However, you are waking up to the idea of healthy living and it has resulted in a change from food preferences that are lacking in the nutrients that you need. We mention these things not to admonish you but simply draw it to your attention.
Since we are on the subject of your well-being it must not be forgotten that adequate exercise also helps to ensure a long healthy life. Fresh air and a general limbering up keep’s your body in good shape and able to overcome the ravages of time. Of course much of this depends on your age but there is generally something you can do that will be beneficial for you. We do not propose that everyone should be rabbits, but the intake of raw food stuffs does carry much more good and can help you have a balanced diet. To some extent your own body will “tell” you what it wants, and conversely what it does not want. Listen to your intuition in such matters and do not eat for sake of it, as over eating is not necessary. We do not preach to you about such matters, but simply remind you as to what may be in your best interests and result in a happy healthy life.
Not all of you have gardens but what a lovely healthy way to spend your time, and you have the bonus of enjoying the results of your labour. In the course of it you bring yourself closer to nature and if you “love” your garden it responds to those higher vibrations. So you see, successful gardening is a labour of love that returns to you every bit as much as you give it, if not more. The energy of love is the Mothers touch that soothes a young baby or child and it illustrates how powerful it is. Can you then imagine the power of the Creator and understand how miracles can take place. Your destiny is to follow such a path, as you really are Gods in the making, but do not let the thought frighten you as you have quite a long way to go yet, indeed a very long way. It is why each soul is revered because their potential is known.
Do not ever doubt your potential as regardless of how you view it now, you have lives ahead of you that will gradually raise your vibrations, so that level by level you gradually become a Being of Light. Once in your Light Body you will no longer need a physical body, but do not be alarmed as at any time you will be able to lower your vibrations and self-create one by pure thought. It is as well that you have at least an idea of where your evolution is taking you so that you are not misled by false stories. However, sometimes the wrong information becomes embedded in your mind, but with the help of your Guides and perhaps suitable experiences you will succeed in finding your true self.
Dear Ones you should by now be well aware that you are a powerful soul and that your thoughts can manifest into reality. So be careful what you wish for and indeed for other souls. You are a healer if you did but know it and by the same token you can harm others with your thoughts if you were so inclined. So as time passes it is incumbent upon you to take care with the spoken word, as harmful words directed towards someone who is of a high vibration, will so to say bounce off them and back to you. If you find it difficult to bring the changes to mind, be sure to ask your Guides to prompt you, as they can often plant things in your mind that are helpful.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 


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publicado por achama às 05:15
Sexta-feira, 07 / 06 / 19

Nothing can prepare you for the future except expect the best of everything. ~ Mike Quinsey.

Nothing can prepare you for the future except expect the best of everything.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

By Mike Quinsey.

June 7th, 2019





Nothing can prepare you for the future except that you expect the best of everything. Be assured that you are already on a path to great changes that will be more than welcome, and fulfil your dreams of having everything that you ever needed and more than you can presently imagine. Already different groups are receiving promptings to advance mankind, but for peaceful purposes and to set up societies that work for the betterment of all without any exclusion. It clearly will take much time to reach the ultimate stages but everything has to have a beginning at some time and that time has already commenced. The goal that will be achieved is to promote more group plans, and as you would say ”small is beautiful” and that will be the challenge to arrange things accordingly. Already you have been finding that smaller set-ups operate more efficiently and you are being guided in that direction.
As you are entering a new period that will of necessity involve many changes in the way societies are formed, you may be certain that many souls that have recently come to Earth are here to give you the advantage of their experience that will help you advance in leaps and bounds. You will also have the benefit of new inventions that will be given to you as soon as it is safe to do so, without them being stolen or misused. As you will realise it cannot take place until the dark Ones and their cohorts are moved out of the way. They have been carefully monitored for a long time and their intentions have been known. Eventually they will be incapable of interfering with your progress that will then go speeding ahead.
Your Inner Earth is home to many E.T.’s that reside at depths that are not usually probed, but with the changes many will have no option but leave. They certainly will not go forward with the new Earth that will be your ultimate home. However, some of the E.T.’s that are positive and evolved are part of your evolution, and will openly work with you well before Ascension. In the long run you will find that all experiences help you to evolve, and it is because every soul has a life plan that is calculated to help their evolution, and would have been agreed by them beforehand. Planning your evolution is a complicated matter as it relies on many other souls playing their part with the help of your Guides and without interfering with your freewill.
Death is subject that some people avoid having to discuss and it often comes from not understanding the information they are given. There are a number of explanations that mainly come through religious sources but none are completely accurate. The main fact is that immediately upon death of the body – when your heart stops beating, you leave your body and are usually attracted to another level of Light where you will be met by family or friends who have obviously been waiting for your arrival. Because of religious teachings some will find a different reception upon arrival, but you will all be in your etheric body that is of a much higher vibration than your old physical body. If you can accept this much about life after death, you will understand that you have nothing at all to fear.
To stay on the path of Ascension bear in mind that there is a need to empower yourselves with the new energies. Do not look back and know that there is a sound reason for this advice as the old ways will no longer advance your evolution. The ultimate would be to live in the “now” and not try to pre-determine how your path would work out. Clearly there are many pathways to Ascension, but as a collective you are all treading a personal path that has been especially designated for you. Allow things to flow and what you need to evolve will come to you. We know it is difficult to suddenly change your approach and understanding of your evolutionary path, but you have entered a new paradigm that calls for a different reaction. Try it and see for yourself how your life progresses if you simply take it as it comes. You can then rely more on your intuition, and be assured that should you make a mistaken decision your Guides will do their best to redirect you to your correct pathway.
At this stage nothing should be able to put you off your goal to ascend, as you are now too advanced to fail. You have done all of the hard work by getting through the lower dimensions, and have established your selves as being worthy of continuing in the higher dimensions. You will never have to go back to the lower vibrations as they are unsuitable for the level you are at now. It is “fast speed ahead” and very soon the new innovations will start to be released having been well prepared in advance, knowing the inevitability of a grand increase in your vibrations. Not every soul is interested in moving out of their present dimension, as instinctively they know that they are not ready and they should therefore be allowed to progress at a rate that suits them. Nothing is to be gained from rushing them before they are prepared and ready to make a great leap forward in their evolution.
Dear Ones you are so loved for your dedication and determination to succeed in the tasks you have undertaken. You were so positive that you could be cut off from the Godhead and still find your way back in spite of the darkness that would engulf you as you plummeted through the depths. You have little if any idea as to how long you have been travelling the road back to the Light, yet it has been for many thousands of years, but you have finally made it. Your consciousness levels are now moving quickly forwards, and with it will come a greater level of awareness and recollection of your real selves as mighty Beings of Light. No wonder you are revered by those who have followed your exploits and given you every encouragement to keep going, regardless of the obstacles in your way. You have completed all of the hard work and experiences to move into a period of release from karma into joy and freedom.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 


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publicado por achama às 23:12
Domingo, 02 / 06 / 19

The time for making important decisions has arrived ~ Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

The time for making important decisions has arrived.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

By Mike Quinsey.

May 31st, 2019




From our standpoint we see a world that is struggling to come to terms with problems that do not respond to the old way of working. It is clear that you are not going to solve them until you are prepared to look at them from a new perspective. The people as a collective are beginning to realise that a new pathway must be opened up and due consideration given to changes that need to be introduced if you are going to overcome your present problems. The answers are awaiting you immediately you show willingness to move into the new paradigm without any preconceived ideas, and are open to solving your problems in ways not considered before. As always your Guides are ready to assist as they are already aware of the answers to the problems you face.
The time for making important decisions has arrived as you must find your way out of the mess that you are in as a Human Race. There are new people ready to assume positions of importance with the foresight to set you upon the right path. It should be an easy transition as the help you need is awaiting your presence, and will put you on the path to the fulfillment of your needs whilst at the same time linking you with other souls that will also assist you. These are the times that so many souls have been waiting for as they are already primed for the work to be carried out. Realise that age is not an important factor in this present time, and that the souls making up the “New forces for good” are those of more recent incarnations. They are those Light working on your behalf who have been preparing you for this time that is the most important period yet, as it leads to your fulfillment directly to Ascension.
Progress is speeding up and already pointing the way to a future of the most exciting changes. What has been held back from you will soon come into being, and in fact has already made a start that involves moving on from the old ways of living. The net result will be a fairer way of distributing the wealth of the world so that living standards are raised and poverty eradicated. It may take time to become apparent but the seeds have already been sown. The wealth of the world is such that no one needs any longer to suffer hunger or deprivation.
The weather has been changing for some time now and will continue to have its ups and downs, but with modern methods of forecasting it should be possible to anticipate what problems are coming, and deal with them satisfactorily. Whilst the dark Ones continue with their aim to control other life forms within your solar system, humankind can progress in its own way to achieve a peaceful existence that will be supported by the higher powers. Freewill is at its best when sympathy and caring are supported by Universal Love, and Humanity is just beginning to realise that it is the only way forward. You are all brothers and sisters regardless of colour or creed and should support each other in their times of need.
In the rising vibrations more people are becoming extra sensitive to each other’s feelings and needs, resulting in more compassionate help being given. It is going to grow and in consequence it will bring people together in higher levels of companionship and understanding and will overcome any previous difficulty in accepting each other for what they are. You must have realised by now that all souls are equal on one level, and in essence are the same as you and because they are of a different colour or of religious beliefs, does not alter their relationship to all souls. It might be as well to remember that for experience and growth, all souls move around in their many incarnations so you should not look upon them as really being different to yourself.
The biggest currency changes that are coming are hovering in the background and still await the “right” time to go ahead. There are many factors involved and the most pressing is in respect of the false value that some currencies carry. There are moves to get the currencies to reflect their true values and the main reason is because some are greatly overvalued. In time your need for money in its present form will change, and become less and less needed. It is not new to you as in bygone times barter and exchange were the means of doing business. The money markets are often manipulated and false values shown by those speculators who operate it for personal gain. You have an expression “that money is the root of all evil” and that is very much the case, so a change for the better in the way it is used would help those who are poor and many who live in poverty.
Matters in general will change for the betterment of mankind when it is recognised that every soul is deserving of having sufficient of the Earths wealth to enjoy a comfortable standard of living. Education has gone a long way towards improving matters and reducing the gap between the “haves” and the “have nots”. People should now expect an upliftment in their living standards, and it should continue to progress until poverty is completely eliminated. Bear in mind that all situations are of value inasmuch they offer experience that helps a soul evolve, and with a succession of incarnations gain from many different levels of living.
The Blue Avians continue to monitor Earth and ensure that your experiences are not unnecessarily interrupted, as every soul has a life plan that when fully played out will contribute to their evolution. It is not given to other souls to know the reasons for another ones incarnation, and it means that matters can progress normally in accordance with each souls freewill. Know that many Higher Beings are present who will ensure that the change goes according to the greater plan for Humanity, They are ever present and sending waves of love and blessings to see you through this period of turmoil so that you can rise up again.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 


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publicado por achama às 03:29
Domingo, 26 / 05 / 19

EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE NEGATIVITY IN 2020. ~ Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.


Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

By Mike Quinsey.

May 24th, 2019




The long wait goes on and matters seem to keep coming up that look as though important changes are about to occur, without there being a conclusion. Yet there are outcomes that suggest what is happening is all part of the slow process to move away from the old paradigm, allowing the new one ample time to take effect. It is clear much of the old ways that still remain must make way for the new to come into being, and in part that means removing those who stand in the way of progress. Changes at the top are essential if no time is to be lost in getting the changes started. The world has suddenly been seen for the state it is in largely due to man’s belligerence, a state that cannot be ignored at your peril. Public opinion is not a force to be overlooked and its demands for action must be heeded.


Your future is often seen as a repeat of the past, but if you have a paradigm shift, none of the principles, the actions or interfaces, or the expectation of what has happened in the past can be applied to the future, and since none of you have been there yet, or experienced its changes you do not appreciate, like or understand them. The profundity of this goes further than just a paradigm shift for you. If you really understand the elements of physics that talk about time, you would know that is in a circle and in it you tend to run over the same energies you created in the past, then creating that episode that you will call “repeating history” and I told you nobody has been there yet, so some of you are way ahead of me and then you would say “What happened to the circle” and the answer is you broke it. You are on another path, call it “dimension shift” if you wish, call it anything you want to which says this – “you are beginning something new that has never happened on this planet ever before” and the thing that is driving it is not that outside source that some of you all fear, it is you. It is the consciousness of individuals starting to have a coherence together, a confluence of energy that will start to guide the planet.

Look at the timing, you never had social media before, you have never had the ability to be alone in a closet and contact a million people, and you can today. You never had the ability to form a consensus of what you are thinking, and you do today. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of Human Beings collectively can do something they never could before, they can do things that would make politicians shake in their boots, because they are in such control, and you do not know it yet but you will. Perfect timing for a paradigm shift that was predicted thousands of years ago way before modern religion, the ancients were involved for thousands of years it said from the stars. There will come a day measured by the precession of the equinox, a 26,000 year wobble on the Earth. There will come a day when Humanity will end the time it was in and start another time. Profoundly the Mayans called it the calendar that ended in 2012. It was not a mistake because that calendar was 5,125 years long. It is time for a shift and you are in it. A time change, a paradigm shift, a dimensionality and the biggest will occur with the futurists.

The track is now different, you cannot take what was and apply it to what will be based on the same principles and paradigms. What has taken place is systemic, you must have another track record you must go for a while before you can start to see the signs that measure differently than they used to. Even the most profound studies are based upon the past, not the future, so it gets in the way of logical thinking of what might happen next. Do not make up your mind that it will be this one, or that one based on the past, or even that which you believe in is analytically accurate in the past. Human nature itself will change and how in the world do you track that. When you mix the old with the new you have problems, moving into the new energy is difficult and some will see it as frightening and scary because the rudder that you counted upon in the past is gone. The rudder is missing, a new one is being built called the paradigm of how new Humans think and what they want and can collectively do in a new time in an age where coherence is being measured between the consciousness of countries.

The old souls are the ones singularly one by one, perhaps by the millions who will change that coherence of the planet, that confluence of thought of the planet, and when that begins you are going to see something. It is catchy and we have said this before, indeed the ones with the old energy will eventually die out, they will carry it to their graves, they will try to do this and that and for it and you will see the last of the old guard, the last of the Illuminati that you have known forever controlled Humanity, and in its place things you did not expect, and that is why you have got to make things up with your intuition not logically but based upon human nature. Some of the things that are not measurable at all are already inside of you, given to you as a futurist, where you can project things without data and then they will happen. You are moving from a darker place to a lighter place that the magnetic grid has changed for you to accomplish it. It is the place in Space you are as a solar system. It is difficult to accomplish it but the stars align for it to accomplish this, right place at the right time. Do not fear what you signed up for.


Nothing can stop the advancement of Humanity that has been ordained by those who oversee your destiny. You have a mighty following that are urging you on and sending you their love, so that you know you are not alone in your fight against those who would try to halt your progress. Never give up your resolve to overcome all obstacles placed in your way, as you always have unseen helpers giving you encouragement. The energy for good is growing day by day and aiding your positive actions to carry on moving in the right direction You attract such energies because “like attracts like” and soon you will realise that you are receiving help.

Keep looking to the future, it is golden, everything you ever thought it could be. It is what you have been heading towards for eons of time so never look back, all is well.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 


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publicado por achama às 20:37
Segunda-feira, 13 / 05 / 19

Changes: PREPARE FOR DNA BATTLE ~ Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Time is not constant.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

By Mike Quinsey.

May 10th, 2019


There is no doubt that as time passes we are able to see many changes taking place, they go from the weather to the function of big business that is finding that what served them in the past is no longer fit for the purpose. Fortunately progress is being made through new ideas and methods, that will pull people into a new era where advantage can be taken of advanced techniques and methods that will quickly leave the old ways behind. For too long you have been denied much that would have made life so much easier for all of you. That time is now past and new ideas and inventions are gradually coming to light, and they cannot be stopped.
Everything that is inside you that makes you – you, is operating at less than half that it could. It is something you developed over years of free choice of duality, you selected how much dark and Light to put in and where to put it. You have selected how well you think, and how much your societies are going to absorb the idea that compassionate thought will heal the planet. The primary test and basic one has now shifted – you have graduated so profoundly. We have told you in the past that you will see the growth in human intelligence and compassion, and you are going to see it the corporeal level as well because as a human being starts to work at a better efficiency it is going to be obvious, and we have given you those channels and you can look for them. The last one was titled “Conceptual DNA” and we talked about the corporeal human being who stopped having what we would call “linear immune reaction” it is when the white cells of the body see a problem and race to it and fight it. That is as smart as it gets, and the problem may be beyond their ability to fight because the white cells corporeally do not have the intelligence to see the concept of the invaders.
Viruses notoriously seem intelligent for they have what you call a plan, whereas the white blood cells only know defence. It does not see the bigger picture, it does not know anything about cancers or how they operate, how they defend, or how they are immune to white blood cells. Basically Conceptual DNA becomes corporeal systems that know concepts, and that creates a human being who can fight any virus and any disease, because that part of the immune system is as smart as anything that can invade it is conceptual. This is an advancement of human DNA past 30% moving more toward 35% and 40%. How many masters on the planet do you know that died of a virus – most of them died at the hands of human beings. Masters of the planet had DNA that operated far better than yours, even some recently having the ability to create and manifest things in their hands – mind consciousness over matter. Human beings mind can control things and that was the design, consciousness over physics is the plan, always has been.
What do you think about spontaneous remission, what is it how does it work, does it require outside influence or was it created internally. This is DNA working at 100% for a moment and it is unexplainable but you can see it and you can recognise it, and document it, but the human can clean themselves from almost any disease almost overnight.
Through personal experience I can vouch for spontaneous remission. About 12 years ago I was suffering from bad knees, so much so that it was painful to bend my legs as it felt as though there was gravel behind the knee caps, and I had to stand up rather than sit down. One evening I went to bed as normal and when I woke up the following morning I noticed to my surprise that my knees no longer troubled me at all, and that I had been healed – overnight. I am pleased to say that I have not experienced any further problems with them since that time. Some people will no doubt say that they have prayed for a miracle, and they have had no relief from their painful condition and I must put that down to karma, and for whatever reason they have had to bear their pain. However, as some souls do, never become negative and stay positive because that is the only path to release you from your condition. Obviously try self-healing and imagine yourself healed, and your body will respond.
The power of thought will come up very frequently in the future, as every soul that has evolved to a higher level will acquire such powers and cause “miracles” through it.Think of the biblical miracles and whereas those writing about them did not understand how they were brought about, today we are more aware. It is important to have belief in yourself, but be ready to remain steadfast whilst you are trying and never give up. Sometimes results are not always immediate so be prepared for results occurring well into the future. The ultimate “miracle” is the raising of the dead and it suggests a body is restored to what it was when it was healthy. The bottom line is of course that as time passes, because of the rising vibrations there will come a point when the body will maintain its healthy condition, never to require healing again. The future is full of pleasant surprises and the problems of the past will gradually disappear.
The more you are told of your true potential will surely lift you up, to have the confidence to express yourself more fully and without any doubt. How do you imagine for example how solid objects are produced seemingly out of fresh air, and the answer is through the power of thought. The Masters can do it at will but do not do it simply for showmanship. The ego has long gone and there is no desire to “show off” or aggrandisement simply to get acclaim. Being highly evolved will be a new way of life for you, and you will gradually slot into it with ease, because it is quite a natural development.
Once again we have touched upon what your future holds for you, as it is important that you know where life is leading to and you are prepared. To have some of these changes thrust upon you without prior warning could overwhelm you, and harm your chances of calmly taking hold of new experiences. As usual we will add that as with any other period of learning there is always help on hand. But please remember that they will not do things for you, but give you every encouragement to ensure your success. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. It is certainly still needed as the lashing out of the dark is causing so many problems in these closing days of their reign.
This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 


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publicado por achama às 04:42
Domingo, 05 / 05 / 19

Time is not constant ~ Mike Quinsey's Higher Self

Time is not constant.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

By Mike Quinsey.

May 4th, 2019



Who said time flies because they were correct and it seems to be going faster than ever. It certainly proves that time is not constant and I do not think anyone would dispute that. Then move forward to a coming period when the vibrations will have become so high that everything will be spoken of as being in the now. You may ponder whether everything remains forever and there is every reason to believe it does. You can travel back in time, so somewhere out there you can view history as things really happened. Much of it goes unrecorded in your history books and in any event is often incorrectly recorded. The Akashic records are your main source of information and are such that you can actually be a spectator at an event as though you were really there.

What you will find is that history repeats itself. Civilisations tend to go through the same challenges time and time again, until they have experienced sufficient to have learnt their lessons and move on. You never stop learning, moving from being a single soul onto group souls that grow larger and larger. Your Human experience has been more of a test of your resolve to face whatever has confronted you, and many of you have overcome the difficulties and risen up to now have two feet upon the path to Ascension. You have had help but it is open to anyone who takes up the challenge and shows the determination to succeed. Be assured that every soul has the potential to rise up, but many have not recognised the opportunity being given.

There is no urgency expressed where your evolution is concerned, in fact each life you have is planned to suit your ability to learn from your experiences. So no one is pushing you hard except yourself and that means you are never given more than you can handle. When the “Human” experience commenced eons of time ago, progress was deliberately held back to give souls ample time to benefit from them and slowly evolve. After many, many lives there came a period where your evolution was speeded up, and so it has continued until Homo Sapiens were introduced as another step towards growth and completion. Your history clearly shows such progress in recent times that coincided with your ability to become more of a Being of Light. As with every phase of your evolution, many other souls of great experience have been on hand to assist you.

Your history is being re-evaluated and it is becoming very apparent that not only have you had help from evolved beings, often they have been other species such as the Avians that presently surround and guard you against any possible interference. Cave drawings also clearly show that there has been visitations by the Ant Beings and even the Mantis Beings. You may find some of them scary but understand they are loving beings who have reached a high point of evolution, and they give their services to help younger souls to evolve. In their presence you would find their energies to be of a loving nature and in no way threatening or unpleasant. There are of course other kinds of beings that are well evolved but in service to self, and these are mainly the reptilians but we hasten to add that not all are negative. In general they are kept away from you but occasionally in the past, a single being has been able to make contact with you. Do not let this worry you as you are protected by the higher beings of Light.

We are aware that there are large numbers of people that just do not want to know about other forms of life, and clearly they are not ready for such revelations, and you can be assured that no one will be forcing the issue. However, disclosure must go ahead for the benefit of those souls who are ready to expand their level of consciousness. Evolution is a very personal matter and you are being encouraged to make your own pathway, to your liking. What could be better than gently easing you along at a pace that suits you and does not put you under any pressure.

In between lives you make plans for your next incarnation with the help of your Guides, whose advice is respected because of their vast experience and knowledge. With few exceptions all of you chose your own times to incarnate on Earth based upon what you have learnt about your needs. You do not necessarily incarnate into the same country or religion and that depends on the lessons you need to evolve. Each life is arranged to give you the maximum amount of opportunities to have a successful experience. Chances missed will come around again, as your progress must proceed in an orderly manner.

Naturally there are times when the outworking of experiences includes other people, and the working out of situations becomes quite intricate. Often it includes other souls who have played a part in your previous lives, and you may for example “owe” them a favour in return for help you have been given by them, or vice versa. Life may seem full of random happenings and many are, but in the main important events are set up to allow certain experiences that may help all souls involved. The most difficult scenario you are likely to face, is when of necessity you are born into a family where there is a need to get on with each other, and where previous opportunities have failed.

When each life is completed there is always a review of it with Beings who understood your life plan and can help you overcome the problems you may have encountered. In that event you may not necessarily have to go through the same ones again. What you may view as chance happenings are still likely to have been planned as unlikely as it may seem. Take note of any event in your life that seems intentional, and try to determine the meaning behind it as nothing really happens by chance. Sometimes the most difficult experiences to understand are those that call for some form of generosity from you, yet you cannot always respond in that way. Clearly if you are being urged intuitively to help, it is possibly likely that you are being “urged” by your Guides to do so. Certainly follow your intuition and you will not go far wrong. It is worth reminding yourself that every soul that incarnates on Earth has a purpose and a plan, and are equipped with whatever they need to ensure that their experience is rewarding.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.

This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 


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publicado por achama às 07:13
Domingo, 28 / 04 / 19

Most of the changes mentioned cannot take place until after Ascension ~ Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Most of the changes mentioned cannot take place until after Ascension.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

By Mike Quinsey.

April 26th, 20199



I am back feeling all the better for a nice break and renewing links with my family. Generally matters seem to be getting out of hand again, but they should be viewed as the last efforts of the dark Ones to prevent us from achieving our goal. Much is progressing in spite of outer appearances, and it is notable that the young people are well organised and able to demonstrate peacefully to achieve their aims. It was anticipated as those souls incarnating upon Earth are far more informed, sensible and organised, to help Humanity advance on the path to Ascension. Bear in mind that most of the changes mentioned cannot take place until after Ascension.
On the 1st November 2013 Elizabeth Trutwin sent out a message that suggested Ascension was very near to occurring. Obviously that was not the case but in the light of events that have since taken place, and given the changes that now loom large it seems that we are nearer than ever to Ascension. The merge to Oneness “As above – So below” is Zero Point, and as we approach it we help bring the Golden Age into physicality on Ascended Earth. I feel that in the circumstances it is appropriate to give a full version of that section of Lord Ashtar’s message that covers the most welcome changes that await us in the very near future. The complete message was in fact six pages long.
All of the Arcturian Light Technologies including surgeries will be available free to all. Nutritional deficiencies, blood diseases, those who are paraplegics, chronic illness and cancer will be wiped away in a very short time. Also advanced technologies and the ET’s who run them, like the Sirian Temple Workers and their advanced forms of Acupuncture will be available. Simple things like eyesight problems and obesity will be corrected very quickly.
All forms of reverse aging, DNA telomere repair, skin and beauty treatments will be had by all. The elderly and children will be helped with ailments they are subject to. There will be counsellors to help with psychological conditions of the mind. There will be new solutions for children in foster homes, and the current care system will end and evolve into a solution that is right for children, their natural parents and their mentors helping them. Those living in group homes, orphanages and Old Folks homes will be cared for in new ways not possible before.
Everyone will be free, free to experience life in a way that is meaningful to them, on their terms. Each one will have help making a plan for their next step in life. These Healing Centres will be in the Light Cities that will be visible, and revealed at Disclosure. Many “believers” have yet to integrate the information about the Light Cities. It should be understood that these Light Cities are an extension of the Mother ships. One will go to these appointments or work in the Light Cities, either by flying car or beaming up. At the end of the day people will go back home.
Within a couple of years Earth will be a planet without disease of any kind. Injuries will be handled with advanced care, and the need for Healing Centres will diminish greatly. After the healers who will have been working in the Light Centres have finished healing the population, they will evolve into new work that is not “work” but creativity helping, in new ways not available before, but for example creating self-governance and implementing the new laws and new ways of World Peace.
Consider your personal dream and upgrade it based on new information coming through. Allow your imagination to take you beyond what was assumed to be true. After the Event all survival requirements will be wiped away with Free Energy, Abundant Healthy Food, Clean Water, Pollution Clean-Up, Mentors and the Light Cities will provide free healing to all. Animals and Magical Creatures will have the abundance they need and will be free to come and go as they like.
Marginalized people will be cared for and all non-violent prisoners will be released, because the majority were incarcerated on false charges. The politicians will all resign, and criminals will be dealt with in speedy trials. New elections will be held months later. Packages with NESARA funds will begin to be delivered and expected to take 18 months to make it to everyone. When it happens it has to do with meeting the requirements prior to the window of opportunity.
The parting of the ways is taking place as the dark Ones fall deeper into the mire they have created for themselves. Whilst they continue to drop into the lower vibrations, those who are of the Light are going higher and higher as their vibrations rise up. They have never looked back since they passed the marker in 2012 in grand style. By focussing on all that is positive a protection is created around you that is safe and secure from any attempts made to upset it.
A short extract from the “Open Hand Website” follows that probably sums up the opinion of many people’s feelings right now. “With Brexit in mind it seems that the EU is clearly a key fulcrum within the New World Order. It neatly packages and sanitises exploitation of the Earth, its people and resources based on the engine of ever escalating consumption. Whilst people may feel more financially abundant in the short term, the effect on the natural ecosystems going forward is catastrophic”
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. We are going through a testing period that calls for calmness and full focus on the future. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 


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publicado por achama às 06:20
Sexta-feira, 15 / 02 / 19

You are pearl inside the oyster ~ Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

You are pearl inside the oyster.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

By Mike Quinsey.

February 15, 2019


You have an expression that the world is your oyster and it is true, and the pearl inside is you. After so many lives of struggle and a multitude of challenges you stand today on the steps of Ascension. You have held your heads up high and always risen up after the more trying experiences. In some ways it is as well you cannot remember all of your earlier experiences as they would weigh heavy on your mind. Of course they were interspersed with lives that were not so demanding, but the whole time the emphasis was on your evolution. Always the degree of challenge you were given was with your approval, and we never try to advance you too quickly. In fact it is you who are often so keen to push yourselves ahead and we warn you against going for too much, as even with our support it is you who have to perform. There would be no gain for you if we did more than help you along with our advice.
At this time you really do not grasp what a great achievement you have made in passing the marker. We are still rejoicing and full of admiration for your fortitude and intent to keep going regardless of the tasks ahead. You were chosen for the opportunity to prepare yourselves for Ascension, because we rightly believed you had the tenacity and strength of character to be successful. With freewill some souls have not applied themselves to their tasks, and sometimes lacked the determination to succeed, perhaps having tired of the demands upon them. Never mind there is always another opportunity coming your way, there is no urgency but we do try to push you along as you are on the verge of Ascension. We want you to be a success as so much now awaits you that is a total change from what you have been used to experiencing. The good times are soon to begin and the chaos that abounds on Earth right now will end. Follow through the logic of stopping nuclear wars and realise that it is the beginning of the end for violent confrontations. You may rest assured that the weapons of war will be silenced, and it can be easily achieved.
We tell you these things realising that some souls have the expectation of things changing too quickly for the degree of negativity that has to be cleared from Earth. You get help from many sources of which you are unaware. Know that your Galactic family oversee your progress and are never far away. If needed, they could arrive on Earth in an instant so you are perfectly safe from any outside interference. The beautiful Avians watch over you and their presence ensures that no outside interference can take place. They have an extra interest in your wellbeing and help mankind in ways you are never aware of, and very much like the Pleiadians are close to you. You owe much to them for their lasting love for Humanity and the Pleiadians in particular are your family.
Do not limit your visions for the future, as you will be pleasantly surprised at how much happens to you that is uplifting, and place your sights firmly on your path to becoming a Galactic Being. It may be well into the future but is your destiny and you aim high in all you do. As you sometimes say “The best is yet to come” and how true that is so keep your focus strongly on your chosen path, knowing that at every turn you will be getting help and direction from those who have such love for you. Remember that now is the time you can drop your karma as you are in charge and choose the path you wish to take.
As you lift up spare a thought for those souls who volunteered to play the roles of the dark Ones. Just like you they are birthed with all they need that allows the outworking of their life plan. Each has a role to play and they show you the extent to which they can challenge the Light, and they have been quite successful. Your role has been to rise up above such negative energies, and maintain your Light and act accordingly. Stand on the outside and look in and you surely must agree that you have at times been tested to the limit. The old ways and days are all but finished and you will no doubt admit that your experiences have made you all the stronger. Think of plays in the theatre, they finish and when the curtain drops and re-opens the cast line up together, and often link arms as they bow to the audience to take their applause. Of course life on Earth is for real, but bear in mind that each soul’s life plan is organised in such a way that karma is cleared, although sometimes there are dear souls who make sacrifices simply out of their great love for you. The most obvious one was Jesus who willingly gave his life, to help Humans find the love, and understanding that was missing from their lives on Earth.
What a wonderful arrangement exists in Spirit that allows for more experienced and evolved souls to help those following in their footsteps. It follows on as you rise up into even higher vibrations and you can always call upon highly evolved souls for help. The system is well tried and tested because as you may realise it has been operating for a long, long time. The souls that have gone before you have much experience to call upon and can very accurately predict what you will do as you evolve. You must have heard the expression that there is nothing new in the world, and now you can perhaps understand why that is so. All combinations of circumstances have been tried time and time again and of course in the higher dimensions all is in the present and you can experience just as you choose. For example you can go back in time to any period you wish and re-live experiences there again.
Dear Ones, accepting that “all is in the now” is probably too much for you to absorb and recall every detail of your experiences. Yet as your consciousness expands so your memory becomes expansive, so much so you can tune into any experience that you wish to recall. As you move out of the lower vibrations so your recollection of events will improve. Everything that has happened in your current cycle is still recorded in the ethers, and you could go back and put something right that lives in your memory. Fortunately you will progress at a pace that suits you, so you should not be overwhelmed by the responsibilities that you carry.
Let your vision of the future hold fast and as you do so you will be helping it to manifest at the earliest time by raising the vibrations. The Photon Belt is also part of your upliftment and you are well on the way to your goal, and in the not too distant future great Beings will again appear on Earth to guide you.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 


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publicado por achama às 22:28
Quinta-feira, 14 / 02 / 19

Perspective on the new reality ~ Ascended Masters and more.

Perspective on the new reality.

Channeled messages come via many channels and sources.

Posted February 12, 2019 by Edward Morgan. 




Channeled messages come via many channels and sources, for instance via Mike Quinsey (a channel for SaLuSa from Sirius), Sheldan Nidle, and other extraterrestrials from the Arcturian and Pleiadian star systems. 
It is necessary to have a certain knowledge regarding the reality they are speaking from, and which will be ours, for those who so wish. These extraterrestrials represent and are part of the Galactic Federation of Light. In addition channeled messages are forthcoming from our Ascended Masters, such as Sananda (Jesus) and Saint Germain, plus many Archangels. These Ascended Masters reside primarily on ships belonging to the Galactic Federation of Light.
We want to start by saying that the disclosure of the existence of loving and supportive extraterrestrials is very close in time. The exact date is not given and is dependent on developments.
Let us first put together the context from a broader perspective. Our solar system itself circulate around the Central Sun – Alcyone. Alcyone is the central sun in the Pleiadian Star system and our solar system could also be considered as part of the Pleiadian system. The time to orbit is about 25860 years, which is one cycle. Alcyone and all Suns circulating around Alcyone also circulate around the Milky Way Galaxy, with an orbit of around 220 million years.
During the passage around Alcyone our solar system goes through the photon belt during certain periods of the full 25860-year cycle. We have recently started our entry into the photon belt, which is one reason for the heightened energies of Love and Light that Earth is experiencing.
Officially, our latest cycle ended on December 21, 2012, and we are now in the new cycle. The new cycle is often referred to as the Golden Age. The date is confirmed by the Mayan Calendar, which ended at this date. The calendar has always said it was the end of a cycle and the start of a new, which some have misinterpreted as meaning the end of the world. The Hindu calendar, according to many scholars, also puts an end to the dark Kali Yuga cycle at this time and the entry into the Satya Yuga. Similarly many indigenous spiritual belief systems have 2012 as the end of an era and the official start of a new one.
The human species was seeded on Earth the last time about 800,000 years ago on the continent Lemuria, formerly located in the Pacific Ocean. Before this human root races had also been seeded on Earth, but were removed from Earth by other Galactic races. The Human race originally evolved in the Vega Star system from aquatic roots about 7 million years ago.
The human colony on Lemuria thrived for a long time, but went under about 26000 years ago, due to among other things unbalanced energies – with a surplus of feminine energies. Many of the inhabitants managed to escape the sinking continent to reach Inner Earth – Agartha – where they continued to evolve and have reached a higher level of consciousness (5th dimensional consciousness).
Part of the demise of Lemuria was also the conflict with the Atlantis continent, which suffered under an unbalanced surplus of male energies. In the latter years of this continent, which went under 13000 years ago, the Atlanteans pursued dark agendas, which included reducing our forefathers to a status of limited consciousness, which we have suffered under since then. This dark agenda also led to the very physical demise of the continent, which was located largely in what we today call the Bermuda triangle. The Atlantis society used very advanced crystal technologies. As the continent sank under the waves very large crystals ended up on the ocean floor. These crystals are today responsible for many unexplained disappearances of ships and airplanes, due to opening up of portals thanks to interaction between sunlight and the crystals.
The Inner Earth or Agartha might be a very surprising aspect for some. According to the description of reality in messages posted on this site Earth is hollow. The shell is proportionally as thick as the peel of an orange or about 800 miles. Other planets in this solar system, such as Mars and Venus, and other planets around other stars are also hollow. This is the norm in the Universe.
There are wide entrances to Inner Earth at both the South Pole and the North Pole. American Admiral Byrd describes his airplane flight via the North Pole into the Inner Earth and back in 1947. In addition there exist tunnel systems at other latitudes to Inner Earth, particularly in Tibet. The fables from Tibet of Shangri-La describe life in Inner Earth and the city Shambala that lies directly underneath the Himalayan mountain complex. Also, the city of Telos in Inner Earth is located underneath Mount Shasta in the United States and it is connected via systems of secret tunnels to Earth surface.
Gravity functions in such a way that it is reversed (180 degrees) in Inner Earth compared to the surface world. About four hundred miles down in the crust of Earth there is a neutral zone with zero gravity, before it reverses direction as you move yet deeper and reach Inner Earth. Inner Earth also has an Inner Sun, which on the shores of the Inner Earth appears roughly the same size as our Sun Sol, the latter is located at a much larger distance. The Inner Sun has a more diffuse light and is also sometimes referred to as the Core or Seed of the Earth.
Before the demise of Atlantis (and also Lemuria) mankind had a higher level of consciousness. The dark Atlanteans engineered a reduction in consciousness in the human race, to what we now call the third dimension or duality or just simply limited consciousness. The term living in the illusion also refers to this level. This traumatic experience of moving down to this lower level of consciousness still lingers in our sub-conscious minds, expressed as the fear of the end of the world. However, the end of this cycle will not coincide with a new catastrophic development, as did previous ends of cycles, – quite the revers.
Some people from Atlantis managed to escape the sinking of Atlantis in physical form. They fled to for instance Guatemala and these people come to be known as the Mayans. In fact, Maya was the name of the priesthood at Atlantis. The Hopi Indians are also direct descendants from the Mayas and Atlantis. Other people fled to Ireland and on to Egypt. This started the Egyptian civilization.
Pyramids are a central form from Atlantis, with a unique spiritual meaning. Pyramids also exist in Guatemala, Egypt, Bosnia and other parts of the world. The three large pyramids in Egypt, for instance the Cheops pyramid, and the Sphinx were however constructed by extraterrestrials about 40,000 years ago. They are located in line with the Sirius star system (The North Star) on a very important node or chakra in the Earth energy field.
The concepts of reincarnation and that the soul is immortal are central among these messages and a fact, in spite of the fact that many do not believe so. Many of us who are now incarnate on Earth were also incarnate during the times of Atlantis and Lemuria. Some other souls who now are here and incarnate came from other planets in other solar systems and they are called Starseeds. Regardless of the recent origin of the souls the common focus is now to lift the human consciousness level – Ascension. This time it will not be a failure, as at the end times of Atlantis and Lemuria. The male and female energies will be balanced. An uplifting of consciousness will take place that moves the consciousness level quickly through the fourth level to the fifth dimensional level, which is also referred to as full consciousness. Our spiritual and physical abilities will quickly and dramatically change. We will consciously start to remember previous lives and communicate more and more telepathically. Aging, which we now experience, will first slow down and then be reversed and the rejuvenation process will commence.
Ascension is optional and will not be forced on anybody. Those that chose the way towards Ascension will follow Mother Earth to a higher vibrational level in the fifth dimension. Those souls who prefer to continue their experiences in the third dimension (3D) will end this life and start new lives on other 3D planets very similar to Earth. One such planet is called Herculobus and is being prepared specially for souls from Earth. These souls will continue their development on these planets and will eventually be ready to Ascend to the fifth dimension. However, the next opportunity to Ascend in large numbers might take a long time.
The Ascension of large number of souls all at once and in their bodies, which is taking place on Earth is unique and many extraterrestrials in higher dimensions are here to witness the process and help. Normally souls attain a higher level of existence as part of their next life and do not take the body they are in with them. This, our Ascension process en masse and in our bodies, has not previously taken place in this Universe. The Ascension taking place here on Earth takes center stage in more than one way, and it is key to the Ascension that also is taking place in other solar systems in this galaxy.
The extraterrestrials that are here can generally not be seen. They use cloaking technologies for their ships, which make them invisible unless they turn it off and show themselves. This happens more and more often and is the reason for some of the UFO observations.
The extraterrestrials that are here are for the most part friendly and full of love. They belong to the Galactic Federation of Light and reside in the fifth dimension or higher. They also protect us from unfriendly introducers from dark civilizations. In the Galactic Federation of Light there are a majority of human extraterrestrials from Pleiadian star system, from Sirius A, Arcturians, Herculians, Andromedans, Alfa Centurians, Ummites, Procyons, Tau Centians, Lyrians and many more. Lyrians are especially interesting, since it has been said they represent the original human race that developed in the Vega system. The others represent later developed human colonies, which also we are. Members of the Galactic Federation of Light are mostly of human origin, but not completely.
There is also an extraterrestrial dark side, which was allowed by the Creator. The dark side was allowed to infiltrate and cause the destruction of the civilizations on both Lemuria and Atlantis. Many galactic wars were fought with the dark galactic federation called The Anchara Alliance. They had their central locations in the star systems of the belt of Orion.
Members of the Anchara Alliance have more often than not reptilian genetics. For instance the demons and gargoyles that adorn many churches in Europe from the Middle Ages – for instance Notre Dame in Paris – represent extraterrestrials with a reptilian genetic form. One of the most important races is Dracos. It is a powerful reptilian race, both physically and mentally. While most Dracos belong to the dark side there are exceptions.
The extraterrestrials that are most often depicted in our media, as small, grey and with large black cold eyes are not the main players. They are called the Greys or Zeta Reticulians. They do belong to the dark side and are subordinate to the Dracos’ empire. They have been allowed to visit Earth during the last 70 years and have formed agreements with governments during this time. Their goal has been to form a new hybrid race with a mix of their genetics and human genes. Their race has been threatened by extinction and this is their way to save their species. They are the ones who were responsible for fetus abductions, which then were used for creating the new hybrid race. They have also been allowed to have underground bases on Earth. In exchange they have shared aspects of their advance technology, which primarily the American military has had access to. In reality many UFO sightings are the result of ships made by the American military using technology obtained from the Greys. However, this technology does not come close to what the Galactic Federation of Light possesses. ‘
The true power in the dark alliance has a more pure reptilian background. This includes the Dracos and its royal race – the Ciakar. The latter are formidable reptilian individuals with wings. They can possibly correspond to our “myths” about dragons.
Galactic wars have taken place with the Anchara Alliance as the main actor during millions of years. This has, among other things, led to the destruction of the surfaces of Mars and Venus. Our solar system initially had four beautiful water planets, similar to Earth. The fourth planet Maldek was the largest, and was completely destroyed in these wars and all that remains is what we call the asteroid belt. In other words the asteroids are pieces of the former planet. All four planets will be restored to their pristine conditions, via a process called terra-forming, and be part of our new Solar system. The name of Maldek will then be changed to Pax.
For those interested in astronomy it can be mentioned that our current moon previously was a satellite or moon around Maldek and it is not natural. It has an inner construction made out of Titanium. When our current artificial moon was put into orbit around Earth a long time ago the two natural moons that then existed were removed. These two moons will be recreated via terra-forming and the current artificial moon will be removed.
Yet one more planet will be recreated. In it is the innermost planet, inside the orbit of Mercury, called Vulcan. It is small, but was observed from Earth around 1840-1850, but can currently not be seen.
Further, some sources state that Earth has a most unique position in this galaxy. A certain singularity source exists within Earth, from which the whole Milky Way Galaxy grew. This makes Earth a very special and sought after planet, over which many wars have been fought. It can possibly also explain why Earth was not destroyed to the extent that the other water plants were in this solar system. It has further been stated that our solar system will approach and move closer to that of the Sirius system and become a part of it, and its existing suns; Sirius A, B and C.
As we discuss astronomical or geo-physical changes it is also interesting to note that at the time before Atlantis went under Earth had two Firmaments surrounding it. They were two spherical layers of ice crystals in the atmosphere surrounding Earth, which were held in place via the earlier mentioned advanced crystal technologies that existed on Atlantis. The Firmaments served the function of providing a protected and temperate climate around all Earth. When Atlantis went under and the crystals disappeared to the bottom of the ocean the Firmaments could no longer be held in place and the ice crystals fell down to earth. This created the basis for what was retold in the Bible as the Deluge due to the Fall of Man and the anger of the Gods. Recall that as Atlantis went under Humanity fell from full consciousness to limited consciousness.
Atlantis and Lemuria will once again be raised to the surface once the transformation of the surface of Mother Earth starts in earnest. The Firmaments will then also be restored together with the two original moons. This will be part of creating a balanced and temperate climate on Earth.
Let us return again to the fall of Atlantis 13000 years ago, but from a different angle. The remaining and now in capacity reduced human race managed to establish a primitive existence on other continents. Shortly after the fall of Atlantis the Anunnaki extraterrestrial race entered the scene and approached Earth. Their home base is on the planet Nibiru, or sometimes called Planet X, or Planet of the Crossing. It is a planet that goes in an elliptical orbit between Sirius and our Sun. The Anunnaki are sometimes called the Nephilim and were very large in stature – giants. It was a hybrid race with human genetics from Sirius B and reptilian genes from the Orion system. The Anunnaki people worked together with their rulers the Dracos.
As the human race had digressed in development and moved backwards to limited consciousness with its lower vibrations it become easy for the Anunnaki people to land on Earth and set themselves up as gods in the eyes of humanity. The Anunnaki people were not only large in size they had special technologies and abilities as well. The Anunnaki did introduce certain technologies and knowledge, which led to flourishing cultures such as the Sumerians. They built step pyramids, Ziggurats, in Mesopotamia and elsewhere. They functioned as holy places where the Anunnaki showed themselves. Also it was a place for the male Anunnaki to sire offspring with female humans. The offspring was called half-gods. The half-gods had special abilities, such as long lives, stemming from the father’s lineage. These half-gods and their offspring in turn became the founders of the tradition of kingships, under the tutelage of the Anunnaki. During subsequent centuries and millennia Kings were selected from offspring of the original half-gods. They carry a certain special bloodline, which is sometimes referred to as blue blood in nobility and royal families. This has led to attempts to keep royal families marrying within themselves to preserve this bloodline. This same bloodline is also important for the Freemasons. In order to reach the top 33d level within the Freemasons today blood tests are performed and this particular bloodline is required.
The Light did not leave Humanity all together in the hands of the Anunnaki after the fall of Atlantis. Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mohammed came to spread the Light. However, the religions that were formed following the departure of such Masters were infiltrated by the dark led by the Anunnaki. The Christian religion went through a major directional change starting with gathering in Nicea in 325 a.d., under the Roman Emperor Konstantin. Before this date the Christian faith contained the concept of reincarnation, but not the concept of sin, and Jesus was seen as somebody who set an example that could be followed and not the Son of God, which nobody else could achieve. Around this time the concept of sin was introduced and a system of going to church to beg, pray for and buy the absolution of your sins. This made the Catholic Church very wealthy over the centuries.
After the time of Jesus Christ the control over mankind became less overt and was achieved by the Anunnaki and their minions through more subtle means. Many secret organizations were formed and some not so secret, such as the Freemasons. Much of the focus was on creating fear and suffering among the populations, which advanced the agenda of the Anunnaki and their overlords.
Lets move quickly forward to the time of the French revolution. Around this time various dark groups supported by secret organizations and the Anunnaki started to use the name Illuminati – the illuminated. However, they are not of the Light, but quite dark. Today the Illuminati consists of about 13 leading families, included here are the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and a range of European dark nobility families.
At around the time of the French revolution and the American Revolution Count Saint Germain was active and incarnated in France. This soul was also incarnated as Joseph, father of Jesus, at that time. He was also Christopher Columbus and Merlin at King Arthur’s court. He and Sananda (Jesus) work very closely today and will come back together. So, at around this time St Germain established what is called the Saint Germain World Trust. It is a fund that has been accruing in value since this time, thanks to his financial genius. Also, at this time Saint Germain was key to assisting the Founding Fathers with writing the American Constitution. As the Founding Fathers hesitated in signing the document they had created – fearing for their lives – he appeared in front of them, a stranger, and gave a speech that gave them courage to sign the document.
Since this period in history the dark, mainly the Illuminati, have dominated our world and since 1913 they have used the American Central Bank as a key instrument for this. The 13 Illuminati families own Federal Reserve Bank. The dark have had a very sinister agenda of depopulation on Earth via a range of catastrophes, while at the same time building underground bases to which they would retire and survive the catastrophes in.
As part of the depopulation program the dark designed a plan for three World Wars. The Third World War was intended to be a conflict between the Moslem world and the Western Christian civilizations. The Illuminati’s creation of Israel was part of this plan at the end of World War Two. The state of Israel was created in 1948 based on The Balfour Declaration from 1917, a letter from the then British prime minister to Lord Rothschild – a banker. Attempts are still made to create a Third World War, but it will not be successful.
Also, at the end of World War Two when the first nuclear bombs were detonated it attracted much attention among extraterrestrials. They realized that we were not a sufficiently mature society to handle such powerful weapons. The result became that large number of ships from a number of planetary systems came to our shores to observe and protect. In fact, many sources have stated on numerous occasions that they would interfere if a nuclear war were to develop, and make our nuclear devices non-operable.
While the Anunnaki dark minions, Illuminati and others, have sought to both depopulate Earth and to establish slave like control of the remaining population they have not been successful. Their luck has turned. Around 1995 the Anunnaki decided to abandon their old dark habits at the same time as the Anchara Alliance entered a Peace Treaty with the Galactic Federation of Light. The result became that the dark minions on Earth no longer had the support of the Anunnaki. However, they did not decide to follow the example of the Anunnaki, to join the Light, in spite of encouragement to do so.
However, the Creator and Heaven (non-physical spiritual beings in the seventh dimension or higher) have declared that Humanity on Earth will end its sojourn in the dark – a fact that the dark is trying to ignore. In fact, the Creator intended the dark period for Humanity after the fall of Atlantis to be a period of soul development and growth for Humanity, and from which Humanity would come back. It was never intended to be permanent. Souls volunteered to be part of this experience for their own benefit.
As we transition towards a new Reality of Love and Full Consciousness a battle of the souls and minds of humanity is taking place. It is a battle that the Light will win. It is made possible and fueled by the inner developments among Lightworkers, which makes outer changes and developments possible.
The Galactic Federation of Light will soon be formally introduced by certain Light oriented major governments to the people of Earth. This is where we currently are in the spring of 2015. As the Galactic Federation is introduced our Ascended Masters will also return. This will include Sananda, Saint Germain, Buddha, Mohammed, Hilarion, Mitreya and many more. Also at this time we will be introduced to our cousins in Inner Earth (Agartha).
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publicado por achama às 10:05
Segunda-feira, 04 / 02 / 19

The door is open wide to those who seek more information ~ Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

The door is open wide to those who seek more information.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

By Mike Quinsey.

February 1, 2019


The door is open wide to those who seek more information, and it is being given in a way that allows for a greater understanding. It is all in preparation for your advancement into the higher vibrations and eventual Ascension. Hitherto we have only given out that which has been sufficient to answer your questions, but now your understanding is such that you are able to expand it. It is time for you to take a great step forward, and there is no limit to the gains you will be able to make. Between now and Ascension you have much to learn, but by the time you are ready for it you will have become Masters in your own rights. At last there is nothing to hold you back and your Guides are ready to help you and able to satisfy your needs.
The period immediately ahead will be fast track to enable advancements to be brought into existence that have been deliberately held back largely by the Illuminati. The fact that they already exist means that although you are more than fifty years or more behind the times, their introduction will be quite quick and your quality of life will be lifted up. What you will notice, is that the large conglomerates will be forced to down size as “large” is no longer beautiful or necessary. Independent units will abound and you will find yourselves part of small communities that are largely self-serving. Naturally, these changes cannot happen overnight but you can be prepared for such far reaching changes. The old ways will no longer adequately serve their original purpose, and changes will come of necessity..
Your achievements are such that they have gained universal acknowledgment and praise, as when you volunteered to experience separation from your God you had no idea how hard the challenge would be. Knowing that help would never be far away you confidently went ahead and quickly become without memory of your true selves. In fact in the course of time you have had so many lives, you touched the depths of low vibrations and experienced the most traumatic times, yet still retained your innermost feeling of belonging to the Light. Your experiences have made you stronger and more able to stand up to those Beings of the lower vibrations. I do not wish to sound too dramatic, but some souls have been strengthened in the Fires of Hell. Truly Hell as such does not exist, but experiences in the lowest of the low vibrations are no doubt responsible for such a description. Be assured that no such experiences await you now as you follow your path to Ascension, as you are already in the realms of Light that continue to lift up as you make your way within the Photon Belt.
There is something of a battle going on between the Light and dark, as the Light is now the dominant force for good, and the dark Ones will not let up while they mistakenly believe they still have a chance of turning the tide. Their days are numbered yet they carry on playing their games even if it is obvious they are losing ground and power. Those of you who have lifted up your vibrations need have no fear from them as they cannot touch you whilst you remain strong in the higher vibrations. Their fate is sealed but freewill still allows them to act out their desires. Very soon more of the dark Ones will be arrested as part of the cleansing that will clear the way for beneficial changes to take place. They are certainly poised to commence, but as we have often told you things must be exactly right for major changes to take place.
The higher energies unsettle those who are of the lower vibrations leading some of them to become so unsettled they act irrationally and lose control of themselves. It is when they are at their most dangerous, and as you have already experienced just one person can cause so much mayhem, damage and loss of life. Such happenings result in more extensive safety precautions, and eventually they will stop such happenings before they can get started. Such acts do however allow karma to be cleared and will be set up with that in mind. Understand that sometimes all parties involved in negative acts are learning lessons that they need to be able to move forward into the Light.
Looking on the brighter side of life more and more souls are awakening, and realising that what you may well call the normal way of life is lacking in many ways, and they are seeking a new and more acceptable approach to life on Earth. The younger generations in particular are absolutely against the idea of wars between nations, and see it as a certain way of destroying your civilisation. They want peace for everyone, and have their own ideas as to how it can be best achieved. It will come and much sooner than you may anticipate, so think positively and contribute to the rising vibrations, and world peace will come all the quicker.
There are times coming in the not too distant future when your thoughts will be able to manifest things instantly. In a similar way in your present time, what you wish for will most likely come into being and depends on your individual power to focus on what it is. It means that you will have to learn to control your thoughts inasmuch that simply “thinking” about something, is vastly different to giving it the necessary energy to create form. We have already mentioned this previously because you need to start now in thought control, being aware of your potential power. Those of you who have been or still are healers, know what is meant by it, as for example when the energy is of a negative nature you may lose control of it because of your temper and send out such powerful energies they are harmful. Be aware that when directed to someone who is protected they will “bounce” back to you with a result that you have brought upon yourself.
In time it will also be possible to self-heal through the power of thought or the spoken word. So to say you are in charge and when you command your body to heal it will respond as you are the boss. Some of you no doubt are no doubt already in touch with your Higher Self and working together you can achieve so much more. Speak regularly with your Higher Self so that it becomes a perfectly natural thing to do, and extend it to your Innate that is always waiting for contact with you, and with success speak with your DNA. It may sound odd to some of you, but it is the natural thing to communicate with parts of “yourself” and beneficial to you.
The changes are being brought forward and as the dark Ones are brought more and more under control, so their influence and ability to interfere with your work will cease. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to the God inside.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind.


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publicado por achama às 02:47
Sábado, 26 / 01 / 19

THE EVENT - Sananda ~ Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.


Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

By Mike Quinsey.

January 25th, 2019



Following the interest shown in the “Event” extract in a recent message, I am now including a longer extract that is very informative and well detailed. It certainly reads better in the present day, bearing in mind that the original message as per the extract below went out on the 22nd November 2013.
“THE EVENT” a Lord Sananda message extract through Elizabeth Trutwin.
Aout 2000 years ago Sananda Kumara was incarnate on Earth as Jesus with the Master Plan in place to Ascend Earth. The Plan failed then as Caesar of Rome created Maritime Law making slavery the Law of the Land. 
A new Plan had to be made because the dark cabal had taken the Grand experiment beyond intentions. 
About 500 years ago the Rothchild’s in England hid the fact that Sir Francis Bacon was St. Germain incarnate on Earth. 
They had dark dealings with money and crimes which denied Sir Francis Bacon the throne. He would have been next in line as King of England and from that position able to make changes to heal the Planet and end Duality. 
In recent years the dark Cabal continued to wage worldwide war for their benefit, and have attempted multiple times to create World War III and have failed. 
Mass starvation, nuclear threats, land grabs, insider trading, mass psychological attacks like 9/11 and Banks too big to fail have led to a moment when the Galactic’s could intervene, because the one caveat in the Prime Directive has been violated beyond what is allowed.
What is new is that the Archangels led by Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron, initiated a Super Portal on 11.11.13. This is a special dispensation that will allow for the requirements to be met to bring on the “Event.’ 
Earth is a Trinary Star System with Sirius A, Sirius B and Sol our Sun. 
Jupiter will be the next Sun in our Solar System. Earth is in the Photon Belt and moving into the Pleiades through the Central Sun Alcyone. 
A Super Portal has opened near Jupiter and it is a portal which operates like a wormhole and opens into the Light Matter Universe of On. 
This Multidimensional Portal allows in Super Charged Magnetic Light from On to enter into this Solar System and to Earth. 
Earth has raised an entire Octave since the Equinox in September 2013, and the new energy will make it possible for Earth to enter Zero Point.
What is new about this Portal is a decision was made by the Council of Gods that Earth required this special dispensation as the best way to bring in changes. It carries with it a heavy reality. 
All has been done to allow as many Souls as possible to go on to New Earth. Since Earth is a Planet with Free Will, some have refused to make the necessary changes to remain on Earth beyond Earth’s Ascension into the Higher Realms. 
More Souls will be leaving than was anticipated. This is what Ashtar spoke of in a channel. 
The Super Portal is pouring in Higher Vibrational energies that act to buoy Earth into the Higher Dimensions. 
In these Higher Dimensions all living on Earth are able to access their Etheric Bodies and travel in their Merkaba Bodies and truly live multidimensional lives. In this High Energy the Light Cities will be accessible. 
Those not moving on to the New Earth will experience it as a vibration they cannot sustain within their 3D body. These darker denser energies will remain on 3D Earth and continue there. 
Their physical body will be projected on to 3D Earth and as far as they know no change has taken place. They will continue to deny the Higher Teachings and in their perception nothing will change. Those timelines will continue for now in duality.
Meanwhile 5D Earth will be raised by the Cosmic Builders as a Space Ship rises away from its take off point and flies out of its atmosphere into deep space. Each of the Planets are firmly anchored in place by their energy Grids in orbit and relation to the Planets around them. 
This Super Portal will have the effect of Earth moving Higher in the Dimensions in the same way we move a bead up a string. It will drop the old Timelines and become Lighter and will exist Higher in the Cosmic Grid, it will bubble up.
Much has been said by us about right timing. Divine Timing for the Event is one of the requirements. Ashtar always says No Dates, No Nukes, No Flukes. The truth is that there are windows of opportunity which come up only a couple of times a year in which the “Event’ can take place. 
This Super Portal speeds the changes in energy to make it possible for the “Event’ to take place. The likelihood that it will happen soon have been greatly raised since 11.11.13 with the Super Portal. 
If you are reading this and you repeatedly chosen to not take action and return to love, we will have to draw the line. If you have not been successful in raising your vibration to the minimum needed to sustain love you are invited to remain in duality awhile longer and rejoin Higher Dimensional Earth when you have prepared accordingly. There are no short cuts. Still there are No Dates, No Nukes, No Flukes. Nothing can stop Earth from Ascending.
All of the minimum needed requirements for survival will be freely given to all on Earth. All is prepared and ready to go and has been for some time. Homes for the Homeless, clean water, abundant food, replicators and healing technologies, free energy and more. This will be accomplished by millions of Galactic’s, and by their ships and the technologies they have brought here. This has been planned a very long time.
I feel that as more information comes out it will need circulating to reach as many people as possible. In accordance with the Prime Directive because Earth is a planet of freewill, each soul will have to make a choice as to whether they are ready to incorporate the new energies to ascend, and enter the Golden Age. It would seem that there is ample time to make up your minds, but if you have chosen to ascend the sooner you concentrate on your evolution the better it will be.
This message comes with the guidance of my Higher Self. Let your Light shine out and touch the hearts of those around you. Your presence has a much greater effect than you could possibly imagine.
In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 




Please respect all credits.
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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 


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publicado por achama às 22:11
Domingo, 20 / 01 / 19

Time is passing quicker proving that you are well on the way to Ascension. ~ Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Time is passing quicker proving that you are well on the way to Ascension.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

January 18th, 2019



Time is passing by quicker than ever and that fact alone is proof that you are well on the way to Ascension. Much help is being given to you who have already set your path on ascending, and short of changing your mind you are assured of success. As your Guides can now come closer to you, they will be able to directly influence you thus helping to keep you to your life plan. In the midst of all of the turmoil occurring on Earth, it is necessary if not vital that you keep looking straight ahead never losing sight of your goal. At your level there are still hurdles to overcome, but they should be relatively easy for you to deal with at your advanced stage of evolution. Temptations still abound but you will have successfully handled it so far and there is no reason why you should not continue to do so in the future.
The changes taking place on Earth are necessary to move on those who are unable to lift themselves up, or who are sometimes held back by the dark Ones. As enlightened souls move into positions of power and importance, you shall begin to see the changes have a positive effect. With the authority bestowed upon them and the intent to bring all into the Light, they will make important changes that will be noticed and felt. Many of them are to get the right people into power so that there can be a collective move to bring Humanity out of the dark realms and into the Light. However, many people are of good heart, and seek a way to express their willingness to help other souls looking for a way forward, but find difficulty in locating an outlet for their desires. They need not worry as their Guides will be well aware of their intentions and will lead them forward so that the opportunities come their way.
Understand that your Guides know you better than you know yourself, and are also aware of your life plan and intentions. So if you feel urged to take a certain path give it serious consideration as they may be trying to “push” you in the right direction to serve your needs. Unless you are in a karmic situation where a certain experience is due, you have total freewill but use it wisely. In fact, as so many have moved with the changes you are finding that life is running more smoothly and that is to be expected. Some karma may have been held over but in principle it is now dealt with straight away. In fact, now that you have long passed the marker progress should be exciting and fulfilling. The “pot of gold” at the end of the rainbow may be elusive but you are getting nearer to the peace and calm that awaits you.
Peace is being enforced where possible and necessary because many still harbour visions of “blood and glory” although modern warfare and weaponry is becoming so deadly it is a path to a quick death. The realisation has come to many that wars are pointless and heart breaking, often causing immense trauma for those that survive who suffer mentally for a long time afterwards. Humans are becoming more sensitive to the taking of life of another human Being, and their reluctance to do so is starting to show. These are the beginnings of a great change with regards to how others are viewed, who are in essence exactly the same as you and simply want a good happy life where all can live in complete harmony. It is not a pipe dream and will happen and must come, and bring peace to Mother Earth and all life that lives upon her.
Peace starts with the people who only want to express love for each other, and you could say that it is catching as when others see your calmness and happiness in all circumstances, they want to know your secret. It is happening now but like all major changes takes time to really impose itself upon the people. Does anyone really want to live with the uncertainty of life that war and strife cause, of course not, and in times of war people are conscripted into the services and are given no other choice. Be assured it will change, it has to as there will be no place for such energies in the near future. Those that maintain such urges for war and all connected with it will eventually find themselves with like kind, whilst those who are at peace will ascend.
Many of you have a reasonable idea of the changes that are coming and since they bring peace are eager for them to come into being. On Earth how quickly it happens is largely down to the people themselves, so we encourage you to move yourselves into the higher vibrations and live your life accordingly. Such changes are coming as you enter deeper into a new area of Space. It is all associated with the upliftment that will eventually lead to Ascension. You live in a society where people are at all different levels of evolution and some are totally unprepared for the changes. Nevertheless there is time for them to lift up, but they must have the desire to do so and many literally have no such interest in the future. Their position and desire to stay in their present situation is respected, as when they feel the urge to move on they will seek the knowledge that will enable them to do so.
You who we call the “old souls” have been through many cycles to reach this turning point, and you are to be congratulated in having done so. We know that through the experiences you have had you will not fail to reach the ultimate change – that of Ascension. By your example you will attract others and be able to help them on their way. They will ask “what do I have to do to be as successful” and the simple answer is live your life in Universal Love for all life treating them equally regardless of their beliefs. If some are still held by older beliefs they will learn from you and the way you conduct your life. However, you cannot be all things to all people but you can help them to express themselves with a love that knows no boundaries. For example Jesus was one who treated all with love and kindness and showed absolutely no bias at all with anyone. There are of course others, but he is one whose life is recorded in much detail as an example of the power of Unconditional Love.
The Grand Experiment is coming to an end and all participating are due great praise and love for their undying resolve, to prove that souls can rise up even when subjected to the most severe tests. You knew in advance that you were going to be tried in the most extreme circumstances, with the assurance that Spirit would always be on hand to see you through the more difficult times. It has een a most lonely experience far removed from the higher realms where you normally reside, and have enjoyed a most harmonious existence, without the presence of lifeforms of the lower vibrations. Be assured that you have never been given or undertaken responsibilities that have been beyond your capabilities. Your gain has been to grow more experienced so that you can help others that follow in your footsteps.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. It is certainly needed to uplift you in such difficult times.
This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 




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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 


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publicado por achama às 06:16
Domingo, 06 / 01 / 19

We can see the full potential that beckons but not the exact time certain events will take place ~ Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

We can see the full potential that beckons but not the exact time certain events will take place.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

January 4th, 2019


We can see the full potential that beckons but not the exact time certain events will take place. However, you are at last almost certain to soon see a number of predictions fulfilled, including the changes in politics that will bring you a new order and the curtailment of the power of the Illuminati to dictate your future. Instead a new order should be established that will speed up your advancement into the New Age and the benefits that come with it. As people realise that what is happening will be to their benefit, it will commence to bring the countries together in peace and they will start cooperating with each other. The times of conflict are ending and will be helped by those who will take up positions of authority, and have the power to lead people in the right direction to achieve their aims.
Sooner rather than later your monetary systems will be addressed as they have long been the source of inequality, and have kept those who have struggled to exist in such a permanent state. The wealth of the world is more than ample to ensure that all have a satisfactory standard of living, and only kept back by those who have taken such wealth to line their own pockets. The dark Ones are undoubtedly the main culprits, who have stolen funds for their advancement and world control. It will take time to bring matters back into balance again, but no longer will negative forces be able hold the rest of the world captive to their greed, and ambitions for world power.
Where major decisions are concerned and where your future has already been determined nothing will be able to change that which has been decreed. Your future entitlement will place you firmly on the path to world peace, and it will fully descend when you are uplifted into the new vibrations through the “Event”. It cannot be otherwise so try to keep apart from happenings associated with the dark Ones, as even in their dying moments they will try everything to hold you back. Realise that your safety and progress is assured providing you keep up your higher vibrations, and nothing can then interfere with your destiny to ascend. There will come a time when you will know beyond doubt that you are well onto that path, when events in your life start to become synchronised and it could be summed up as “living in the moment”.
Taking things as they come to you is possibly a new perception, as in normal situations humans like to plan well ahead, and even feel lost seemingly without control of their life. Understand that there are many souls and energies accompanying you all through your life, and intent on helping and directing you in such a way that you progress in accordance with your life plan. With each incarnation the focus is on your continuing evolvement and therefore planned to ensure that you get the opportunities that you need. Life may at times seem to be a series of unconnected events but if you could see how you progressed through earlier lives you would find the connection.
Little is left to chance and always remember that you came into life with a life-plan that you had already agreed to accept. You will no doubt realise that it is best that you are unaware in advance of the challenges that await you, yet in some lifetimes you become aware of your destiny at a very early stage and already know what you wish to do with your life, and apply yourself to it with complete dedication. Either way you are led along a path that gives you the opportunities that you need to fulfil your agreed life plan, but you still have the gift of free choice. However you will almost certainly follow it as you will know intuitively what is right for you.
Your Earth continues on its path into an area of space where the vibrations are becoming faster. It is to your advantage and part of a long held plan to quickly advance you into the higher vibrations. The changes will be noticeable on an individual basis and the more you progress, the easier it will be to disregard what is going on around you. It partly comes from understanding the time that you are in and the way to ensure satisfactory progress. It is staying centred and keeping a focus on your goal at all times. The time has long arrived when you should be giving more of your attention to your own needs, and understand that every soul has had an equal opportunity to rise up. Many have been unable to do so having ill prepared themselves for what is coming.
Even at your lowest points of experience you are still helped, and often more help and guidance is given in an attempt to help you onto a path that will lead to your enlightenment. It is not a question of intelligence, but the inner response to understanding that you need to firmly place your feet onto your spiritual path if you are to raise your vibrations. Some might ask how they would know if they were progressing, and the answer is through a greater peace of mind and a distinct feeling of purpose in your life. So many souls feel lost and without direction and wonder what the purpose of their life is, and know that first and foremost it is to clear karmic responsibilities. It is to give you more time for uplifting activities that will bring more Light and understanding into your life.
Souls are drawn together through their love for each other and that bond will remain and likely to see them spending many lifetimes together. Often these are in different roles to those they have previously experienced, but will always further their spiritual progress along their chosen paths. It is quite likely that your group of souls have lived through a number of incarnations that have given you quite different experiences. So when members of your spiritual family move on, celebrate their achievements knowing that you will meet again. Death of the human body is not the death of the soul because it is immortal due to the God Self within. So much sadness and grief would be unnecessary if only you understood and accepted the truth. Those who have already departed wait to greet you with joy and love and celebrate your homecoming.
Dear Ones, the times have arrived when the truth will stand out and false and misunderstood facts or teachings will be swept aside. So many souls have reached a level of understanding meaning that they are ready to learn greater truths and they shall be given, and they will become more enlightened than any previous period. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. It is certainly needed in the middle of so much confusion.
This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 




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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/


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publicado por achama às 18:26
Terça-feira, 18 / 12 / 18

Mike Quinsey, 2018/12/14 ~ Os russos podem provar que a destruição das torres gêmeas foi com uma pequena bomba nuclear

Os russos podem provar que a destruição das torres gêmeas foi com uma pequena bomba nuclear.

Mensagem do Eu superior,

Recebida por Mike Quinsey,

14 de dezembro de 2018

Tradução: Candido Pedro Jorge

a 17 de dezembro de 2018

“Neste período de festas de final de ano farei uma pausa para ter mais tempo para a família e  amigos. Envio a todos as saudações da temporada, para que aproveitem as comemorações que possam ter, esperando ansiosos por um excitante Ano Novo. Minha próxima mensagem será na sexta-feira, 04 de Janeiro de 2019”.

David Wilcock, sem dúvida, é uma das fontes de informação mais confiáveis, assim como seu vídeo de 03h a 01m e 30s de duração, cobrindo algumas das mudanças que temos pela frente, que acredito que serão de muito interesse para muitos de vocês. Os extratos foram condensados, todavia, para aqueles que desejarem ouvir/ler a versão completa, a parte interessante da seção está entre 01h51m54s a 02h30m00 s do contador do vídeo.

"David Wilcock 12.12. 2016. Nova Exposição ao Vivo.

Quarenta grupos ETs têm bases na Lua e no interior da Terra e que chamam a Terra de – O Experimento. Os Seres das Esferas apareceram pela primeira vez na década de 1980, quando uma gigantesca esfera do tamanho de Netuno foi localizada em nosso Sistema Solar rumando para o nosso planeta e, por sua vez, fazendo uma volta completa numa órbita externa a todos os planetas. 

Por volta de 1999-2001, várias esferas adentraram em nosso Sistema Solar, nele permanecendo desde então. Em Novembro de 2015, na Austrália, a bordo do novo Porta-aviões Aegis, possuindo uma enorme arma Draco Super Beam, efetuando um disparo numa dessas esferas, fazendo com que ela brilhasse num vermelho vivo que, então redirecionou de volta o feixe de partículas para o porta-aviões explodindo toda a base, em Pine Gap. Depois disso, uma zona de “exclusão aeroespacial” foi criada ao redor da Terra.

Os Illuminati planejaram os ataques da Torre Gêmea para dia 09 de Novembro de 2001, por ser a data do nascimento de Cristo, exatamente 2000 anos antes. As Torres Gêmeas cairam num intervalo de dez minutos. (1).

Os Illuminati achavam que as Esferas eram o retorno dos Deuses Annunaki que os salvariam. Então,   tentaram compensar o poder da mensagem na Bíblia, uma vez que afirmou que Jesus voltaria depois de 2000 anos.

Os russos podem provar que a destruição das torres gêmeas, em 11 de Setembro de 2001 foi provocada pelo uso de uma pequena bomba nuclear colocada pela cabala. Se necessário, Putin está pronto para revelar detalhes das operações de falsa bandeira. Os russos possuem um avançado sistema de mísseis chamado “Anexxe”, que não pode ser rastreado por radar, tornando a tecnologia militar Ocidental inútil. David Wilcock comentou que, por causa disso, nunca haveria outra guerra.

A data final do Calendário Maia, em 2012, foi quando 100 Esferas muito grandes com tecnologia avançada entraram no nosso Sistema Solar – elas eram de três tamanhos diferentes, tão grandes quanto a Lua, Netuno e Júpiter. Os Seres das Esferas são Avianos Azuis da Aliança (Blue Avians of the Alliance) que não responderam aos sinais de contato tentados.

Estes seres possuem um corpo humanoide, com uma estatura de 2,40 m (8 pés), coberto de penas azuis, algumas das quais são violeta e púrpura. O rosto se assemelha a um pássaro, seus olhos estão mais voltados para frente e um bico flexível, comunicando-se telepaticamente.
Se parecem com os mesmos seres do grupo identificado no livro “A Lei do Um” como Ra e, nele se descrevem como Irmãos e Irmãs de Soros e que vieram aqui para nos ajudar. Os Avianos Azuis (Blue Avians) fizeram um acordo ou tratado com o pessoal do Sentinela Solar (Solar Warden) para que fosse esclarecida o tumulto que suas presenças criaram.

Eles possuem tecnologia para expandir o metal, impedindo que armamentos sejam usados e, quando desligados, voltam ao tamanho e formas originais. Forneceram essa tecnologia avançada e energia para o Sentinela Solar (2), incluindo um dispositivo PEM – indestrutível muito pequeno que pode ser colocado e usado num done, por exemplo, para voar sobre e ao redor de um navio podendo desabilitar e desligar todos os sistemas de backup.

Os Avianos Azuis construíram uma barreira ao redor do Sistema Solar, incluindo, portais estelares, bloqueando a frota escura. Então, ninguém pode entrar ou sair, nem mesmo comunicações.

Já dispomos da tecnologia para extrair água potável da água salgada do mar e bombear essa água para os reservatórios, gerar energia livre, criar qualquer elemento da Tabela Periódica, tudo ao mesmo tempo. Também, temos a tecnologia para imprimir em 3D nossas necessidades, por exemplo, preparar qualquer refeição que desejarmos.

O “Evento” energético, que é a Ascensão é o nosso destino que ainda está por vir e que transformará a raça humana e que será uma experiência espiritual. Nossa realidade está indo para a 4ª Densidade e uma nova Terra, com tudo o que, agora, temos ainda estará lá nos esperando. No entanto, as almas numa linha de tempo negativa separada, experimentarão o Armagedom e, através dele, obterão crescimento espiritual.

Todas as principais raças da Terra estão representada na Liga Galáctica Global das Nações, tendo seus encontros num planeta fora do nosso Sistema Solar. Surpreendentemente, os ETs estão na Lua há milhares de anos."

Nesta a minha última mensagem deste ano, diria que o ponto notável foi o impacto que os Avianos Azuis exerceram sobre a Cabala, que efetivamente foi impedida de iniciar a Terceira Guerra Mundial, coisa que sempre foi seu objetivo. Os Illuminati tentaram muitas vezes iniciá-la, todavia, sempre falharam, devido ao fato da Sentinela Solar ter recebido tecnologia superior, fornecida pelos Avianos Azuis.

Deve ser salientado que essas tecnologias não seriam usadas num primeiro ataque, já que aqueles que trabalham para a Luz, somente usam suas armas para autodefesa e, em nenhuma circunstância iniciariam uma ofensiva. Não apenas isso, eles também nos deram uma maior independência e proteção, mantendo suas naves espaciais em posições que lhes permitem monitorar o nosso Sistema Solar, garantindo que nenhuma interferência seja permitida que possa afetar nossas escolhas de livre-arbítrio.

O Ano Novo será algo que trará muitas mudanças, sendo que a reavaliação das moedas deve ser realizada por último. Em algum lugar, entre esses acontecimentos, mudanças políticas parecem estar em suspense em muitos países. Parece haver uma tentativa genuína de elevar o nível daqueles nomeados e substituir aqueles que não têm em mente os interesses do povo.
Certamente, parece haver movimento para mudanças dessa natureza, onde até mesmo grandes empresas estão sendo obrigadas a reverem suas políticas. As necessidades do povo não podem mais ser postas de lado e, por seus números absolutos, exigirão e terão sucesso em suas reivindicações.

Desejo a todos um agradável Natal e um Feliz Ano Novo e que mantenham a fé naqueles que silenciosamente colocam em movimento as mudanças que serão benéficas para todas as pessoas. Todos podem contribuir elevando suas vibrações e pensando positivamente, não permitindo que pensamentos ou ações negativas entrem em suas mentes. Lembrem-se de que apenas algumas pessoas trabalhando juntas criam uma grande quantidade de energia positiva dessa maneira. A batalha está quase vencida, uma vez que as trevas não podem mais ditar o rumo dos acontecimentos.

Deixo a todos com Amor e bênçãos e que a Luz ilumine seus dias e caminhos, até a conclusão de suas jornadas, certamente necessárias no meio de tanta confusão.

Esta mensagem vem através do meu Eu Superior.

Em Amor e Luz.


Recomenda-se o discernimento.


Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade do respetivos autores ou editores.

Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.

Individualmete pode-se ser ajudado a encontrar a própria Verdade que é diferente a cada um de nós.

Atualização diária.


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publicado por achama às 17:05
Segunda-feira, 13 / 08 / 18

Mike Quinsey, 2018/08/10 ~ A velha energia está morta e já não estais limitados pelas suas regras

A velha energia está morta e já não estais limitados pelas suas regras.

Mensagem do Eu superior,

Recebida por Mike Quinsey,

10 de agosto de 2018

Tradução: Lúcia



Vocês têm muito por diante e nós já vos demos uma ampla indicação com foto, de para onde se estão a dirigir. Informamos-vos em repetidas ocasiões, de que a velha energia está morta e que já não estão limitados pelas suas regras, que são donos de uma relativa liberdade para escolher o vosso próprio caminho para a Ascensão.
Segue-se, portanto, que as questões se desenvolvem de acordo com as atividades que ocorrem na Terra, embora vos seja dada a coragem para vos manter na direção certa. Apesar do aparente caos e incerteza que existem atualmente, estão a ocorrer mudanças que criam uma base para uma nova forma de ver as coisas, com o propósito de alcançar a paz permanente na Terra.
A paz total não pode ser alcançada da noite para o dia já que havia e ainda há, muito que precisa ser elevado. No entanto, tenham a certeza de que, embora tenha sido difícil desalojar os sombrios e os seus lacaios, está-se a fazer um bom progresso e as coisas devem começar a encaixar, realmente, a partir do momento da reavaliação das moedas.
Essa continua a ser a chave para o início de muitas mudanças vantajosas e muito desejadas, que estão prontas para ser introduzidas. Muito acontece fora da vista e por muitos motivos é mantido em segredo por razões de segurança, pois as trevas estão em todos os lados, mas nem todas elas representam um perigo para os planos da vossa liberdade.
Para surpresa de muita gente, o presidente Trump ainda está no cargo e isso é porque ele está a fazer mudanças que são necessárias para o futuro, não só dos EUA, mas do mundo. Pode não parecer e algumas das suas decisões causaram muita preocupação. Mas chegará um momento em que as pessoas olharão para o seu mandato e estarão de acordo em que ele ajudou a trazer as mudanças necessárias que beneficiaram o mundo.
Algumas não foram bem recebidas, mas devem dar-lhes tempo suficiente para que os seus benefícios sejam apreciados. As mudanças importantes quase sempre causam muitas objeções e sempre será assim, até que todos os efeitos possam ser julgados com justiça.
Entendam que as nomeações daqueles que lidam com imenso poder e riqueza agora são “ajudadas” pelos invisíveis que têm uma visão completa do futuro e usam a sua influência para orientar a humanidade. Como sempre, a decisão final é vossa, portanto assegurem-se de que as pessoas certas estejam no poder e que tenham o vosso bem-estar no coração em lugar do engrandecimento próprio.
Na última Era, muitas nomeações recentes foram feitas, simplesmente, para promover a ganância própria e poder pessoal. Esse tempo já passou e as melhores pessoas serão as que estarão nos cargos, capazes de vos levar a uma nova era de alegria e felicidade. O futuro é brilhante e planeado para vos dar um estilo de vida ao qual têm direito, sem a ameaça da guerra.
Tenham a certeza de que todas as almas têm um certo grau de influência no futuro. Há uma energia coletiva que tem um efeito muito maior do que podem imaginar e está a tornar-se mais positiva com o passar do tempo.
A influência da “guerra”, já foi ultrapassada, embora aqueles que têm interesse em vender armas, normalmente a ambos lados, ainda estejam à espera da Terceira Guerra Mundial. Tenham a certeza, queridos, que foi decretado pelos Antigos que supervisionam o vosso progresso, que isso não será permitido.
Vocês só têm que olhar um pouco para trás, para saber que quando os silos estavam em alerta vermelho e prontos para libertar as suas armas nucleares, todos ficaram inoperantes. Isso aconteceu mais de uma vez e esperamos que a mensagem tenha sido assimilada, que a guerra nuclear não será permitida - nunca mais.
Os seres humanos têm o hábito de olhar para fora de si próprios, quando as coisas dão errado e evidentemente nem todos os problemas estão necessariamente relacionados às suas acções. No entanto, alguns chegam-lhes devido a acções anteriores que resultaram numa resposta kármica. Então, quando se perguntarem o que fizeram para merecer esses problemas, entendam que nada que tenha alguma importância para vós, acontece por acaso.
As circunstâncias assim o podem parecer, mas aqueles que organizam o karma têm que aproveitar as oportunidades à medida que elas surgem. Muitas vezes envolve outras pessoas e nem sempre é fácil conseguir que elas se juntem para esse fim. Algumas situações são tão complicadas que vos parece difícil acreditar que sejam pré-arranjadas.
No entanto, assim é, ao ponto em que, até o próprio resultado destina-se a cumprir as lições a ser aprendidas. Poderia dizer-se que os vossos Guias trabalham horas extras para garantir que o karma seja libertado. A vossa evolução depende das lições que estão a ser aprendidas, que são repetidas se falharem da primeira vez, até que o façam bem. Entendam que o karma pode ser levado de uma vida para outra e às vezes é porque vocês são mais capazes de lidar com ele.
Uma questão delicada seria o rompimento de um relacionamento e mesmo isso é planeado com antecedência, onde as lições são aprendidas por todos os envolvidos. Portanto, a mensagem é levarem a sério as vossas experiências de vida e fazerem o melhor para aprender com elas, para não terem que as experienciar, novamente.
Embora tenham sido seriamente retidos, a longo prazo, não terão perdido nada, pois dado que as trevas não podem continuar a interferir na vossa evolução, as invenções e avanços retidos, serão libertados. Isso será feito de forma a que vocês não sejam dominados e se possam familiarizar com as mudanças mais pessoais.
Evidentemente, em breve irão implementar formas de viajar mais fáceis e rápidas, além da disponibilidade constante de todas as coisas que precisam para a sobrevivência do dia a dia. Além disso, chegará um momento em que serão suficientemente poderosos e sábios para criar tudo o que necessitam, com poder do pensamento.
As viagens tornar-se-ão quase instantâneas, quase como entrar num armário programado com o destino e ao sair, terão chegado. A menção desses avanços é para permitir que saibam que os velhos problemas, serão deixados para trás. Com vida prolongada e a capacidade de manter o corpo jovem, terão o tempo suficiente para desfrutar plenamente das vibrações mais elevadas.
Não menos importante que todas as outras, as viagens fora do Sistema Solar também serão possíveis. Todas as coisas acontecem a seu tempo e nada poderá interferir no vosso progresso e desenvolvimento.
Mantendo o foco no que o futuro trará, vocês estarão a ajudar a torná-lo mais próximo da sua concretização. Isso também irá desviar a vossa atenção da última Era e fazer-vos esquecer as dificuldades e problemas que enfrentaram durante milênios. Não há vantagem nenhuma no apego às experiências anteriores. O importante é que tenham aprendido com elas e não as necessitem mais.
Deixo-vos com amor e bênçãos e que a Luz ilumine os vossos dias e o vosso caminho até ao seu final. Esta mensagem vem do meu Eu Superior, o meu Eu Divino e todas as almas têm a mesma interligação com Deus.
Em Amor e Luz.


Recomenda-se o discernimento.


Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade do respetivos autores ou editores.

Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.

Individualmete pode-se ser ajudado a encontrar a própria Verdade que é diferente a cada um de nós.

Atualização diária.


Porque o Google está censurando alguns artigos, estamos a mudar para:

Nossas desculpas pelo incidente.

Se se lembrar do nome do autor ou a palavra-chave, tente o elo abaixo em letras minúsculas.
  • http://achama.biz.ly/cgi-bin/blog?tags=

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publicado por achama às 16:50
Quarta-feira, 27 / 06 / 18

Mike Quinsey, 2018/06/22 ~ A Paz precisa de mudanças e as vibrações continuam se elevando.

A Paz precisa de mudanças e as vibrações continuam se elevando.

Mensagem do Eu superior,

Recebida por Mike Quinsey,

22 de junho de 2018

Tradução: Candido Pedro Jorge



Em todo mundo, as incertezas no mundo ainda continua sem fim aparente à vista. No entanto, aqueles que estão trabalhando pela paz e que precisam dessas mudanças, estão trabalhando duro para encaminhar a Humanidade para uma era que deve vir, na medida em que e as vibrações continuam se elevando. 

Essas mudanças essenciais são em relação àqueles que estão prontos para assumirem seus importantes papéis em diferentes países. 

Alguns, ainda são controlados por aqueles tiranos que não estão permitindo que uma governança democrática possa ser estabelecida. Governança que virá, porque é necessário que os déspotas e seus afins abram caminho para aqueles que têm uma abordagem mais liberal de uma política orientada às pessoas, em primeiro lugar.

Já passaram há muito tempo do marcador e uma nova abordagem da vida deve se manifestar muito em breve, para colocá-los no caminho certo para alcançarem a paz mundial. Os primeiros passos foram dados com o cerceamento do uso de armas nucleares. 

Na Terra, o clima mudou consideravelmente e existe uma elevação em direção à paz global. Como devem perceber, a Humanidade não pode desfazer séculos de antagonismo e enganos de uma só vez, sendo preciso uma mudança de liderança com aqueles que veem o quadro maior e se importam com a Raça Humana. 

Candidatos adequados estão prontos para emergir e sempre guiá-los e  manifestar os benefícios de novas invenções que anunciam a chegada de uma Nova Era.

Em todo planeta, as pessoas começaram a falar com uma só voz, exigindo mudanças para melhor, não mais preparadas para receberem negações em muitas áreas da tecnologia, deliberadamente retidas. Nos níveis superiores, as ideias são projetadas para aqueles que podem desenvolvê-las, todavia, até agora muito poucas foram autorizadas a verem a luz do dia. 

Aqueles com interesses em manter as velhas formas lucrativas para si estão começando a achar mais difícil frustrar as tentativas de introdução desses avanços na tecnologia e torná-los disponíveis para todos. O progresso não pode ser interrompido para sempre e, dos níveis mais elevados estamos ajudando e protegendo aqueles destemidos que continuam com seus esforços para levar adiante os avanços da Humanidade.

A Terra continua sua jornada em direção às novas áreas do espaço e, novas vibrações estão desempenhando seu papel em produzirem mudanças em escala global. Tudo faz parte das mudanças que vocês trouxeram, elevando suas vibrações que os tiraram do velho paradigma colocando-os no caminho de muitas mudanças que ainda estão por vir, mas que estão em progresso. 

Tenham a certeza de que muitas almas estão trabalhando para seus progressos e com autoridade para tomarem as medidas necessárias para que sucesso seja alcançado. 

Então, perceberão que nunca estiveram sozinhos na luta para afastar as trevas, que, no entanto, usarão de quaisquer artifícios, independentemente do resultado, para impedirem seus sucessos, mas que não alcançarão seus objetivos. Numa escala Galáctica, os Aves Azuis (Blue Avians), ainda estão monitorando sua Terra, silenciosamente observando todos os eventos em seus arredores.

Um futuro que está muito ligado aos jovens, que encarnaram com o único propósito de acelerarem as mudanças, que estabelecerão o padrão para o futuro. Estes, já possuem uma abordagem diferente e veem os problemas que estão sendo atualmente experimentados, estando extremamente confiantes de que possam superá-los. 

Suas presenças já estão sendo sentidas e encontrando caminhos que acabarão por colocá-los em primeiro plano. Alguns perguntam o que tais jovens possam saber que nos ajudaria com nossos atuais problemas e a resposta é: Que suas atuais idades não têm nenhuma importância, já que são antigas almas com muita experiência de trabalho com a Luz e que estão ansiosos para aplicarem seus conhecimentos e habilidades para levarem a humanidade adiante. Logo serão vistos chegando, com suas notáveis realizações e que, logo, se tornarão públicas.

Invariavelmente, as más notícias fazem as manchetes de primeira página dos jornais e as notícias da televisão. No entanto, em pouco tempo, haverá menos interesse nas notícias sensacionalistas que, muitas vezes, são exageradas. Já podem notar que alguns desses jornais estão perdendo seus leitores que, agora, buscam notícias reais e, também, estão mais interessados em atividades globais. 

O ambiente está mudando e a verdade está sendo exigida, considerando que, por muito tempo, foram alimentados com uma dieta de novelas e eventos sempre  sensacionalistas. Tenham certeza de que seus editores, apenas, estão interessados  em vendas e que logo mudarão suas políticas, quando o volume de negócios for seriamente afetado. 

Notícias e artigos foram assumidos pela Internet e, cada vez menos, as pessoas estão comprando jornais que, com o passar do tempo, praticamente desaparecerão, devido à falta de demanda. Na verdade, um bom número de coisas que tomam por certa irá mudar, ao mesmo tempo em que estarão caminhando para a Nova Era. 

Por exemplo, o motor de combustão está condenado, juntamente com as muitas indústrias cujas atividades giravam em torno dele. O progresso não pode ser parado e aquilo que vocês farão será melhor antecipá-lo e aproveitá-lo ao máximo, para que não sejam pegos de surpresa.

Em vista do sucesso de disponibilização da primeira mensagem completa para aqueles que a solicitaram. Vou transcrever todos as futuras que considero mais especiais e, como antes, primeiramente  enviarei um extrato e, quando solicitado, enviar uma cópia completa. 

Isso significa que "apenas os extratos" de uma mensagem completa que digitei, como abaixo, por exemplo, serão claramente indicados como tal. De vez em quando, estarei incluindo o extrato de alguma mensagem com minhas mensagens semanais, como aquelas que possuem o título da gravação do vídeo de Kryon, como abaixo, para que possam ouvi-la na íntegra pela Internet. 

Continuo com a inclusão de um extrato de uma mensagem de Kryon como abaixo. Um curto extrato que, certamente, é relevante para a época em que estamos vivendo. 

Vocês estão mudando este planeta que parece estar em apuros. Aqueles que estão criando problemas neste mundo irão e virão. A luz está começando a fazer diferença em sua ação sobre as trevas que estão reagindo. Aqueles que não evoluírem ou avançarem, desaparecerão. Numa sociedade livre e civilizada, serão deixados sozinhos, em termos de consciência, para decidirem. 
Existe uma barreira de isolamento e, como gostaríamos de alcançar e ligar a Luz, foram informados de que a Luz está começando a fazer uma diferença sobre a escuridão, que está reagindo e que continua reagindo para  sobreviver e se salvar. Sabem que, quando observarem algo mudam suas realidades/atributos. Foram programados para estarem aqui, existe uma benevolência de Deus. Vocês estão no limite da mudança.

Para a mensagem completa basta digitar o título na sua janela da Internet. Ocasionalmente haverá mais de uma gravação do assunto sob o mesmo título. 
Deixo a todos com Amor e bênçãos e que a Luz ilumine seus dias e caminhos, até a conclusão de suas jornadas. Essa mensagem vem através do meu Eu Superior, meu Eu Divino, onde toda alma tem a mesma conexão com Deus.

Em Amor e Luz.


Recomenda-se o discernimento.


Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade do respetivos autores ou editores.

Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.

Individualmete pode-se ser ajudado a encontrar a própria Verdade que é diferente a cada um de nós.

Atualização diária.

publicado por achama às 17:31
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

mais sobre mim

Agosto 2020


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