A Chama da Ascensão


Sábado, 06 / 07 / 19

Change: One Thing You Can Rely On and Use to Your Advantage ~ Cherie Roe Dirksen.

Change: One Thing You Can Rely On and Use to Your Advantage.

By Cherie Roe Dirksen, Conscious Life News.

July 5th, 2019. 




“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” — Winston Churchill
You guessed it, the only constant thing is this mortal coil is change. It’s the definitive dichotomy of our existence.
Now — seeing it’s the only thing you most certainly CAN rely on — let’s look at how we can use change to our benefit:
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” — Wayne Dyer
1. Perspective
When the earth around you shakes, the only thing you can do to keep your head above water is to adapt. When you allow yourself to see change as a prelude to something greater, you can learn how to cope with it more easily.
Changing the way you look at something will ultimately give you a bigger picture and more coping skills. Staying stuck in rigidity will only make you less flexible and fearful.
“Without a struggle, there can be no progress.”  — Frederick Douglass
2. Progress
When the earth was terraforming, it must have been an awesome sight to behold. Continents shifting, mountains being pushed up from the depths of the ocean and molten lava spewing out of the earths core to create new land. It must have been sheer chaos but without the changes the earth experienced, we would not have the beautiful planet we experience today.

Sometimes things seem harsh but, in the long run, can be leading to a more exquisite conclusion — something you couldn’t have expected in your dizziest daydreams.
Exercise your mind to embrace reformation and to expect the world around you to keep evolving to an even better state of existence than what you are experiencing now. When you do this, you are always laying seeds for a positive outcome.
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” — George Bernard Shaw
And, finally:
“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” — Alan Watts
3. Prepare
Play with reshaping your environment — gracefully accept the dance and move with redirective flow. You can take small steps today to train yourself in accepting change such as:
  • Rearrange your home decor periodically,
  • experiment with your wardrobe,
  • shuffle things about on your office desk,
  • plan a new jogging route,
  • attempt a new zesty meal plan for the week or test out a different restaurant,
  • try something new this weekend instead of doing the same old same old — inject change into your daily life and break up stringent regimes.
The human race is fixated on routine and stability and, although those qualities sometimes have their place, we could do with learning to accept and even instigate transformation once in a while to build that flexibility muscle.

Be the master of change and see how life becomes easier and more joyful.
“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.” — Jim Rohn
Read related articles:
You can now hear Cherie Roe Dirksen on Big Indie Giant radio as she reads out select articles on air.
She also gives weekly news headline updates taken directly from the Conscious Life News site, so be sure to tune in.

Cherie Roe Dirksen is a self-empowerment author/columnist/radio presenter, multi-media artist and musician from South Africa.
To date, she has published 3 self-help and motivational books and brings out weekly inspirational blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.com. Get stuck into finding your passion, purpose and joy by downloading some of those books gratis when you click HERE.
Her ambition is to help you to connect with your innate gift of creativity and living the life you came here to experience by taking responsibility for your actions and becoming the co-creator of your reality. You can follow Cherie on Facebook(The Art of Empowerment — for article updates). She has an official art Facebook page (Cherie Roe Dirksen – for new art updates). You can also check out her Facebook band page at Templeton Universe.
Cherie posts a new article on CLN every Thursday. To view her articles, click HERE.
This article (Got Blocks? This May Be Why…) was originally written for and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author Cherie Roe Dirksen and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
They Couldn’t Ban Kratom, So Now the Feds Are Trying to Stop the Source
Marijuana and the Agenda
Change: One Thing You Can Rely On and Use to Your Advantage
Pediatricians Release Migrant Children’s Drawings of Their Time Spent in US Border Prisons
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Welcome to the Third Dimension


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 15:29
Sábado, 08 / 06 / 19

Here’s the current state of play, change IS finally happening! ~ Benjamin Fulford Interview, Prepare for Change.

Here’s the current state of play, change IS finally happening!

Benjamin Fulford Interview

By Prepare for Change.


Posted June 7, 2019 by Richard Small


In this episode recorded on the 6th June 2019, we discuss what’s happening currently, what can we see changing especially at the top! FISA is due, but this will only implicate the lower level lackeys. Therefore it’s the changes like Cardinal Pell being arrested, he was in charge of the Vatican bank, the worlds corrupt purse strings of world leaders. Banks are being shut down for extended periods of time against BIS rules in Asia. Clearly, there is a sea change going on at the tippy top, which is positive indications that we’ll see change for us!
Also, Benjamin is hearing from the intelligence communities that something big is likely to happen either this month or possibly later in September.
The old system IS collapsing and we’re seeing the death throes of the old guard. Until we’re finally fully liberated, we must keep applying pressure to the old system.
For previous releases in this long-running series of interviews:
Let’s take our cue from Benjamin Fulford and turn our world into a wonderful place!
As Benjamin says, don’t just sit on the sidelines, pick up the phone and call your elected officials and respectfully demand answers to these gross atrocities that have plagued our way of life for far too long. The stronger our collective voice, the quicker we affect change.
Please consider a donation
We are an all-volunteer organization. We do set aside a little money to support our website, but nearly all of your donations to PrepareForChange.net support about 460 children in an orphanage we funded in Malawi, Africa.
Think about donating to these children, who have lost their parents. You can donate here.
Prepare For Change would also like to thank Miss Merrilee for providing our interview announcements, such a gracious and wonderful lady! To see her own shows please check out themerrileeshow.com
As always try to raise your vibration and remain loving to one another, we’re all one, and we’re all going to bring about a new world!

Benjamin's site:

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Benjamin Fulford Interview: Here’s the current state of play, change IS finally happening!
Magnetic Pole Shift Extinction Events Confirmed – What You Need To Know!
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While you’re sleeping, your iPhone stays busy — snooping on you
Mindfulness And Meditation Will Now Be Part Of The Curriculum In 370 Schools In England
After Reading This Article About The Danger Of GMOs, You Will Probably Never Want To Eat Genetically-Modified Food Again
Why You Should Ditch Sugar In Favor of Honey
Israel and the Unholy City of Jerusalem
Currency reset buzz as Indonesia shuts all banks, pawn shops for 9 days while Malaysia calls for international gold-backed currency
Why is the history of Jacob and Esau so Important? (Video)
‘It’s a miracle’: Helsinki’s radical solution to homelessness
Los Angeles homelessness rises sharply as housing crisis deepens
Canada Court: Doctors Must Euthanize, Abort, or Refer
Signs and symptoms of diabetes (type 1 and 2)
How to Create a Home that Supports your Well-Being
Equal Value Payment System
Pompeo Admits Kushner Peace Plan Likely Unworkable as Trump’s Son-in-Law Openly Dehumanizes Palestinian People
Benjamin Fulford Interview: May is Done, Fourth Reich is Failing – Prepare For Change
Why Organic Food is Not Only Good for the Body, But the Mind and Soul Too
Part 2 of David Icke Book Review by Robert David Steele: Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 13:59
Quinta-feira, 06 / 06 / 19

Benjamin Fulford Full Report 2019/06/03: Currency reset buzz as Indonesia shuts all banks, pawn shops for 9 days while Malaysia calls for international gold-backed currency

Currency reset buzz as Indonesia shuts all banks, pawn shops for 9 days while Malaysia calls for international gold-backed currency.

Benjamin Fulford Full Report 




People with real-world intelligence contacts are all buzzing with the feeling that something big is coming down.  “My gut feeling is that we are very close to the end of the U.S. Corporation.  I can say this, as what is happening here in the region is connected.  There is change in the air.  The corrupt governments are being exposed and will either step down or be removed by ‘the people,’” was how a CIA source in Asia described the mood.  Many apparently disconnected events all point to this.
Let’s start with the situation in East Asia, where Indonesia has shut down all of its banks and pawn shops for 9 days starting this week.  This move to shut down all gold trading and international banking came immediately after Malaysian Prime Minister Mahatir called for replacing the U.S. dollar with a gold-backed trading currency.
Papua, New Guinea, home to some of the world’s largest gold reserves, just selected James Marape as Prime Minister.  Marape wants to effectively nationalize his nation’s mineral and energy resources.  [Copy and paste the following URL]

King David Peii II of the Twin Kingdoms of Papaala and Me’ekamui (Bougainville), the de factocontroller of Panguna, the world’s largest gold mine, told the White Dragon Society he was close to Marape:
“Interestingly, he happens to be my own schoolmate, friend, and U-Vistract client [referring to the gold-backed currency which King David created].  I just sent him my congratulatory message.  When the appointed time comes, God opens all doors.”
The shutdown of Indonesian banks and the gold-related moves follow an unprecedented ten-day shutdown of the entire Japanese banking system from April 27th to May 7th.  This unprecedented shutdown also led to speculation (including by this writer) that it would lead to some sort of financial announcement, but nothing happened in a manner that was visible to us common people.  However, we are now hearing from British royals that the shutdown was needed for IT work related to the Quantum Financial System.  It is also related to the announcement on April 9th that Japan would be issuing new currency starting in 2024, the sources say.
These moves all began to be implemented in March 2019 after Cardinal George Pell, the head of the Vatican Bank, was found guilty of molesting young boys, P2 Freemason sources confirm.
These moves will also have a major effect on the Dutch royals’ Bilderberg group and its members, since …
…it means the petrodollar system set up by Bilderberg point man Henry Kissinger is being systematically dismantled, the P2 and British sources say.
The Dutch royal family is also now facing an existential crisis, as their involvement in the Malaysian Air Flight 370/17 is facing public, official, criminal scrutiny.  Prime Minister Mahatir of Malaysia, speaking at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan last week, publicly acknowledged that Malaysian Air Flight 370 which vanished in March of 2014, and Flight 17 which was shot down in July 2014, were the same airplane.  He said the Dutch refused to hand over the black box from the plane to Malaysia, even though the flight originated in Malaysia and had a Malaysian pilot.  Mahatir also made it clear there was a politically motivated attempt right from the beginning to blame Russia for downing the airplane.  His comments can be seen here starting at the 40:35 mark.

In fact, Dutch whistleblowers and others have already thoroughly exposed this entire murderous incident.  This link here tells the real story:

The reason this incident is being brought up now is because public statements by a sitting head of state mean this entire sordid episode can no longer be swept under the carpet.  The investigative trail will surely lead to the Nazi Dutch royal family.
A letter to the editor posted on this site by a Dutch whistleblower has a lot of interesting information on the relationship between the Dutch royals, the Nazis, the Bilderbergers, and the EU. Some highlights include:
  1. News that a Dutch submarine was deliberately sunk by the British to silence it because it had spotted the Japanese fleet on its way to Pearl Harbor.
  2. Holland has remained secretly under Nazi rule since 1945.
  3. Adolf Eichmann was killed because he was planning to blow the whistle on the Nazis.
  4. The Hitler Cabinet has continued silently since 5 May 1945 under the leadership of the succeeding Dutch heads of state Wilhelmina, Juliana, and Beatrix… and now the Belgian Étienne Davignon, whereby the Nazi regime was taken over by the European Union.
There are many other signs apart from the goings-on in Asia to show that this neo-Nazi power structure really is falling apart now.  First of all, we note that German Chancellor Angela Merkel (Hitler)’s government is in danger of collapse after “the surprise resignation of her coalition partner the Social Democrat leader.”

As this was going on, Merkel told visiting Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan that she was willing “to improve global governance systems jointly with China.”

The neo-Nazi regime in the Ukraine is also in trouble.  Starting this week, Russia is cutting off supplies of coal, oil, and petroleum products.  They have also cut off gas transit through that country.

In this context, one wonders if outgoing Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko removed all the computers from the presidential office to hide evidence before an expected regime collapse.

Another Nazi regime, that of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, is also wobbling as his attempt to form a new government collapsed last week.  British royal family sources confirm that it is only a matter of time before he is formally charged for war crimes.
Pentagon sources note that Israel got “double-teamed by the U.S. and Russia” at this past weekend’s security summit in Singapore.  Furthermore, it is “also squeezed by the UN and EU to give up its claims to 860 sq km of Lebanese waters which are now under Russian protection as France, Italy, and Russia drill for gas.”
We can also see the U.S. military is in open defiance of Zionist attempts to manipulate them, as top General Joseph Dunford said publicly that he would not be fooled by false flags, in what was clearly a reference to Israeli attempts to start a U.S. war on Iran.


The U.S. Navy also refused orders to send the USS Abraham Lincoln carrier task force to Iran, according to Gordon Duff of Veterans Today.
Pentagon sources say there is a big push by the Americans and the Russians to create “a grand peace deal for the Middle East” which will force Israel to give up its nuclear weapons, in exchange for Saudi Arabia and Iran to promise not to acquire weapons of mass destruction.
It is interesting to note that a radically rejuvenated “King Salman” presided over an emergency Islamic summit last week.  It looks like the body-double filling in for his assassinated nephew Mohammed Bin Salman has been fired and replaced with a fake king instead.  This Saudi regime change is probably the reason why Softbank has suddenly run out of money.

The fact that Softbank has suddenly hired Cantor Fitzgerald (CF) to try to get investors for a $100 billion tech fund is also very interesting, because CF is a primary bond dealer with the Federal Reserve Board and not a normal securities company.

In other words, this could be a sign that Softbank is trying to use them to contact the new controllers of the Fed now, because his former Saudi (Kissinger) backers can no longer create billions of dollars out of thin air.
This of course brings us to the big kahuna—the United States of America Corporation.  Here the signs are that President Donald Trump is losing the trade war he is waging on China and just about everybody else, too.
The official Chinese Xinhua news agency notes as follows:
“The 200 billion U.S. dollars’ worth of Chinese goods on which the United States imposed additional tariffs accounts for 41.8 percent of China’s exports to the country, but only 8 percent of China’s total exports,” said Wang Zhijun, vice minister of industry and information technology.  “Moreover, about half of the affected enterprises are foreign-funded enterprises, including many American companies,” said Wang.
Trump’s predicted exodus of manufacturers from China is also not happening, says Xinhua, noting that “Official statistics showed that from January to April, actual foreign investment in China’s manufacturing sector jumped 11.4 percent year on year.”

By contrast, U.S. imports and exports in April fell by 2.7% and 4.2% year on year, showing both a shrinking economy and a growing trade deficit.

That is probably the real reason Trump suddenly dumped his much-ballyhooed revised trade deal with Mexico and Canada by imposing tariffs on Mexico.  He is also lashing out at India, the UK, Australia, Japan, and other trading partners.  It sounds like he is desperately trying to drum up money wherever he can in order to stave off bankruptcy.
In this context, it is also interesting to note that the U.S. families who own (or used to own?) the Federal Reserve Board are also trying to hit up Poland for the ridiculous sum of $300 billion.
Pentagon sources, for their part, did not seem worried about any imminent bankruptcy of the U.S. corporate government and were instead more focused on restoring the competitiveness of the real U.S. economy.  “Department of Justice and FTC antitrust actions against Google, Amazon, and Facebook will force more competition,” the sources note.  These high-tech companies are also now being forced by the G20 to pay taxes like everybody else, they add.

“The technology/trade war with China may end with the Quantum Financial System superseding fiat currency, the global currency reset, and the release of suppressed and ET technologies,” the Pentagon predicts.
Benjamin Fulford.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Currency reset buzz as Indonesia shuts all banks, pawn shops for 9 days while Malaysia calls for international gold-backed currency
Why is the history of Jacob and Esau so Important? (Video)
‘It’s a miracle’: Helsinki’s radical solution to homelessness
Los Angeles homelessness rises sharply as housing crisis deepens
Canada Court: Doctors Must Euthanize, Abort, or Refer
Signs and symptoms of diabetes (type 1 and 2)
How to Create a Home that Supports your Well-Being
Equal Value Payment System
Pompeo Admits Kushner Peace Plan Likely Unworkable as Trump’s Son-in-Law Openly Dehumanizes Palestinian People
Benjamin Fulford Interview: May is Done, Fourth Reich is Failing – Prepare For Change
Why Organic Food is Not Only Good for the Body, But the Mind and Soul Too
Part 2 of David Icke Book Review by Robert David Steele: Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told
Weaponizing 5G and Nanotechnology: How Do We Protect Ourselves?
Global Currency Reset (GCR) The Big Lie
7th Seal Summit – Activating The Divine Within
Moloch Says He May Rethink Presence In Georgia If Anti-Abortion Bill Goes Into Effect
Only Israel Benefits From US War in IRAN
Reversals Produce Loosh – Abuse of Power and Inverted Systems
Study Shows Chemotherapy Killing Many Cancer Patients Within 30 Days Of Starting Treatment


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 17:21
Segunda-feira, 03 / 06 / 19

Benjamin Fulford Sample 2019/06/03 ~ Currency reset buzz as Indonesia shuts all banks, pawn shops for 9 days while Malaysia calls for international gold-backed currency

Currency reset buzz as Indonesia shuts all banks, pawn shops for 9 days while Malaysia calls for international gold-backed currency.

Benjamin Fulford Sample Report 




People with real-world intelligence contacts are all buzzing with the feeling that something big is coming down.  “My gut feeling is that we are very close to the end of the U.S. Corporation.  I can say this, as what is happening here in the region is connected.  There is change in the air.  The corrupt governments are being exposed and will either step down or be removed by ‘the people,’” was how a CIA source in Asia described the mood.  Many apparently disconnected events all point to this.
Let’s start with the situation in East Asia, where Indonesia has shut down all of its banks and pawn shops for 9 days starting this week.  This move to shut down all gold trading and international banking came immediately after Malaysian Prime Minister Mahatir called for replacing the U.S. dollar with a gold-backed trading currency.
Papua, New Guinea, home to some of the world’s largest gold reserves, just selected James Marape as Prime Minister.  Marape wants to effectively nationalize his nation’s mineral and energy resources.  [Copy and paste the following URL]

King David Peii II of the Twin Kingdoms of Papaala and Me’ekamui (Bougainville), the de facto controller of Panguna, the world’s largest gold mine, told the White Dragon Society he was close to Marape:
“Interestingly, he happens to be my own schoolmate, friend, and U-Vistract client [referring to the gold-backed currency which King David created].  I just sent him my congratulatory message.  When the appointed time comes, God opens all doors.”
The shutdown of Indonesian banks and the gold-related moves follow an unprecedented ten-day shutdown of the entire Japanese banking system from April 27th to May 7th.  This unprecedented shutdown also led to speculation (including by this writer) that it would lead to some sort of financial announcement, but nothing happened in a manner that was visible to us common people. However, we are now hearing from British royals that the shutdown was needed for IT work related to the Quantum Financial System.  It is also related to the announcement on April 9th that Japan would be issuing new currency starting in 2024, the sources say.
These moves all began to be implemented in March 2019 after Cardinal George Pell, the head of the Vatican Bank, was found guilty of molesting young boys, P2 Freemason sources confirm.
These moves will also have a major effect on the Dutch royals’ Bilderberg group and its members, since …
The remainder of this article is only available to members of BenjaminFulford.net

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full report will be post here this Thursday


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 16:25
Domingo, 21 / 04 / 19

Final Wakeup Call: Fake Economy,



Fake Economy

Beginning to understand the bigger picture
The Central Bank’s Economic Model
Interest rates are dictated by central banks
Capitalism operates through creative destruction
Central Banksters are the troublemakers
Change for the better is imminent
Brexit is a done deal

The Great Awakening

Change is coming, whether the cabal likes it or not

Markets don’t stop just because elite-insiders want them to stop; markets react to public demand, but they follow deeper currents too. Debts don’t shrink just because these cannot be paid, and an inevitable future doesn’t wait just because people aren’t ready for it. Change happens whether you want it or not. Sometime probably soon – the weight of the debt, lies, deceit, distortions, delusions, myths and chaos is going to cause the ground to give way.
The economy we are in is a Central Bank economy. The economy we are heading for is a Peoples’ economy, and that makes all the difference, but we aren’t there yet. So, for the time being, the world as we know it revolves around a central bank economy with incapable managers, that are only capable of being incapable.
Never before in modern history has the global financial structure been so irreparably weakened, so totally corrupted, so thoroughly undermined by control mechanisms, so intensely shielded from prosperity through manipulation, sanctions and even war. The entire global financial system has been set up and is about to erupt like a debt volcano with several epicentres, mostly located in the West.
All paper currencies are by definition artificial, and eventually they all become worthless. But worst of all to have one Eurocurrency for 19 countries with different cultures, different growth rates and productivity and vastly different inflation rates ensures an even greater disaster. Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal and many more EU countries are totally bankrupt. These countries have been forced to use a currency which has made them completely uncompetitive and unable to export or function. At the same time, Germany has benefitted from a weak Euro, which has made their export industries very successful.
The big Western banks are all tied to each other at the hip. The banksters cabal believed that the interconnectivity within their banking structure would make them all immune to the risk of failure. The reality is that the failure of any one major bank guarantees the systemic breakdown of all of them. When the collapse occurs, the only viable solution will finally be implemented. It is the solution they have purposely evaded for many years. The gold standard will be implemented.
Beginning to understand the bigger picture
People are awakening and are becoming aware of the many cracks in the system. They are realising that the world is changing. They are beginning to understand the bigger picture about what is happening and why. They want to be truthfully informed and prepared. They want the freedom to make their own educated choices, instead of being told what to do by the establishment and its puppets in government, with their corrupted MSM that constantly lies, deceives and pushes propaganda. People are discovering that they have intentionally been hoodwinked and herded into this terrible crisis, which will steer them into the arms of the New World Order.
People want the crisis to be over. Many are counting on it. But the markets are not showing any signs of recovery yet. People do not get what they want or what they expect from the markets; they get what they deserve and we have accumulated over a quarter century’s worth of mistakes, bad investments, business failures, and non-paying individuals globally.
The Central Bank’s Economic Model
Today’s economic model has facilitated more mistakes than ever before. It has encouraged people to spend, borrow, and speculate on an astronomic level and each time the market tried to make some corrections, central bankers came along with more printed money and even easier credit. Businesses that should have gone bust years ago kept digging themselves even deeper into debt. Homeowners kept running up more debt too. And speculators kept taking bigger and bigger gambles. The bubble in the financial sector – including subprime debt, housing prices, Wall Street bonuses, and derivatives – blew up in 2007/8. Remember:
“The force of a correction is equal and opposite to the deception that preceded it.”
The misconceptions and absurdities of the 2008 bubble era were monstrous. Accordingly, the correction has been huge. World stock markets were nearly cut in half post-2008. Property prices too, have been knocked down almost universally. The total loss of nominal wealth was estimated at $50 trillion. Could these losses have been prevented? Certainly, many of them could have, if authorities would not have distorted the mortgage market as much as they did.
Interest rates are dictated by central banks
Central Banks are literally messing with your mind. In an unhampered market, the market interest rate reflects peoples’ time preference. Nowadays, however, the market interest rate is no longer determined in an unhampered market. It is dictated by the central bank.
Central banks set short-term interest rates by providing commercial banks with credit. In doing so, they exert a strong influence on short-term interest rates. In more recent years, central banks have also been determining long-term interest rates through bond purchases.
The rather uncomfortable truth in this context is that central banks, in close cooperation with commercial banks, keep issuing new money produced through bank credit that is not backed by real savings.
The purpose of such a money-increase-scheme through credit creation, is to bring down the interest rate: deliberately suppressing it to a level that is lower than the level of the market interest rate which would otherwise be determined in a free market.
This has far-reaching consequences. The artificially lowered market interest rate tempts people to save less and consume more – compared to the situation in which the market interest rate had not been artificially lowered. As savings decline and consumption increases, the lowered market interest rate initiates new investment, resulting in an artificial economic bubble or upswing. However, such a boom is not sustainable, and at some point, it will morph into a bust, that will turn into a recession.
If in 2007 the punchbowl had been taken away before the party got out of control – the financial bubble would probably have been much more modest.
As the punchbowl of easy money and constant credit was refilled continuously, people drew all the wrong conclusions. They did realise that “capitalism had failed.” They saw the car driving off the cliff, but didn’t notice how government had twisted and bent the road signs. Instead of warning investors of the dangerous curves ahead, the Central Bank’s low lending rates suggested: ‘Step on the gas!’
Whoever was responsible for the mistakes, capitalism went about correcting them with its customary élan. It hit imprudent investors with trillions in losses. It knocked down mismanaged corporations. It whacked homeowners, and pounded housing-based derivatives to dust.
Capitalism operates through creative destruction
Capitalism operates through a process that the great economist Joseph Schumpeter called “creative destruction.” It destroys mistakes to make room for new innovations and new businesses. Unfortunately, this juxtaposes it with government, and what most people want. When people make mistakes, they generally maintain that they are blameless, not having the backbone to acknowledge their mistakes and learn from them. They generally deflect the blame, by for example stating “who could have ever seen this crisis coming?” In this way, they hope someone else will pay for the loss.
Instead of allowing the Free Market to run its course, the Central Banks, who had mismanaged their regulatory responsibilities during the Bubble Era, started bailing out mismanaged corporations in order to protect lenders who had mismanaged their money. They are determined to prevent capitalism from making major changes – and they will go to any lengths to stave off healthy market corrections which would not benefit them.
What lengths do they go to, to achieve their goals? 
They leave the Mismanagers in place. They keep the brain-dead companies alive – along with the zombie banks. They let the government take ownership of major sectors of the economy. And lumber a debt-ridden society with even more debt! The central banks are expected to borrow many more trillions. But from whom? And who is expected to repay all this money? You guessed it! We, the people, through higher taxation, more new taxes, the plundering of all our resources etc. etc.
Frequent readers already have a pretty good idea of who is expected to foot the bill of the disastrous effects of years of mismanagement of the global economy. Most are aware that they should not be taking this news sitting down. The only action which will guarantee true financial freedom, is to build your own back-up of resources with assets and commodities such as precious metals for your own personal bailout – and store them in an easily accessible, privately-controlled safety locker.
No one knows how this will play out, of course. None of us get to read the history books before they are written. People come to believe what they believe, when they believe it, all in their own due time. When an empire is new and fresh and growing, people believe in saving, hard work, and small frugality.
When an empire is old and decaying, they think the government should spend whatever it takes to take care of them. This attitude helps destroy the empire, thus making room for the next one.
But if a great country really wanted to protect its wealth, its power, and its position in the world, it should fight the depression in an entirely different way. Instead of bailing out failed businesses, it should allow them to go bust. Instead of coddling the executives who mismanaged their companies, it should fire them. Instead of shoring up reckless banks, it should help knock them down.
And instead of spending money on stimulus programs; it should give money back to the taxpayers, so that they can stimulate the economy, or not, as they choose. Taxes should be cut in line with government spending. This would boost savings, reduce debt, and more importantly, it would gradually increase investments and consumer spending too.
Of course, people want the downturn to soon be over. Many are counting on it. But Mr. Market doesn’t give a hoot. He’s got “Capitalism at Work”.
What’s he up to? He’s demolishing a quarter century’s worth of mistakes. There are always mistakes made. Investments go bad. Businesses go under. People go broke. When many mistakes are corrected at once, it’s called a ‘recession.’ And when an entire economic model goes bad, it’s called a ‘depression.’
The economic model of the last almost half a century, caused more mistakes than usual. It encouraged people to spend, borrow, and speculate. And each time Mr. Market tried to make some corrections, the authorities came along with more money and easier credit.
Businesses that should have gone under years ago kept digging themselves deeper into debt. Homeowners kept running up more debt. Speculators kept taking bigger and bigger gambles. Altogether, total debt – a measure of the bubble in the credit markets and all things associated with it – kept rising.
This is, in a nutshell what can be said about the consequences of the central banks’ status of meddling with the market interest rate. However, there is much more to be explained, but this would be too lengthy for the scope of a condensed essay. But readers may have a pretty good idea how the markets and we, the people have been and still are to this day, being manipulated by the Rothschild central banks to extract our wealth by transferring it into the coffers of their cronies.
Central Banksters are the troublemakers
There are sufficient examples around that prove how bad the Central Bank is for the people. Look for example at the minimum wage that always has to be increased to stay on par with inflation and yet, it never seems to solve anything as the wave of poverty spreads worldwide. Let’s go to the source of the problem and uncover that it is the CB which causes all our problems by continuously decreasing the value of the currency.
Since minimum wages were raised, large numbers of Small Businesses were forced to lay off workers in order to be able to service the demands of the laws, which obligate higher wages. So, businesses had to cut people’s hours, as they could not afford the higher costs. In the end, many went out of business and people lost their jobs. Every time government or the CB gets involved, businesses react in the opposite way to what they intended.
Government shouldn’t dictate rules for businesses, instead it should let them operate in a free market, doing what they do best, making profit and providing more people with jobs. Ultimately businesses are at the helm of increased prosperity for all, as more and more people earn ever-increasing wages as businesses prosper, essentially all adding to the success of the economy. This stands in stark contrast with what government says: ‘we don’t care if you prosper or not, you simply have to cough up this much money’. Our economic malaise always comes back to the CB, as they are not for the people. All the while, enterprises, the true drivers of economic growth, are going out of business. We are left with no other choice; we, the people have got to get rid of the Central Banks. Doing away with all Central Banks is the most important goal for humanity as a way out of our predicament of debt-enslavement.
Change for the better is on its way
The Central Bank economy is a debt-based slave economy. It’s a flagrant abuse of human rights. The recently drawn up Basel III, heralds the end of fractional reserve banking, and by Basel IV, this system should be all gone.
The City of London was the Cabal’s main financial hub which was being used to keep the “debt slavery system” alive. Major banking reforms are expected to begin, that will lead to a GESARA compliant financial system (Quantum Financial System).
GESARA is going to correct this treasonous, insidious misbehaviour of the Deep State’s puppet governments, as they were all initially appointed to govern their nations in an honest manner. Meanwhile, it has been revealed that they have extorted billions of our tax money for themselves and bribed politicians to the hilt to keep the deception going.
Basel III sets Gold Price Free
The introduction of gold-backing is necessary to avoid financial catastrophe for the populace at large. Alongside the existing currencies, the oldest form of money, which is gold, was set free on the 29th of March last when the Basel III accord was implemented. Basel III is intended to make sure that all countries are asset – Gold – backed, otherwise they will not be able to participate in the Global Currency Reset (GCR).
The BIS has now recognised gold as money. Digital credits of the GESARA compliant gold-backed US Dollar are set to activate later in April, when the Gold-standard was set to return officially. Italy is also moving to nationalise its Central Bank and seize its gold. Many other countries will follow. The Italians have made it crystal clear that the people own the Central Bank, disputing the fact that the Central Banks own the people.
President Xi Jinxing’s European visit resulted in an agreement between the BIS and China to recognise Asian gold as money. Asians control approximately 85% of the world’s known gold, but most of this gold has been blacklisted from the Western financial system, ever since the Nixon shock of 1971. Re-integrating that gold into the world’s financial system will result in a huge shift of financial power away from the Rothschilds, etc.
With the drawing up of Basel III, physical gold -not paper gold- will be on par with fiat money and other debt instruments. This signifies the end of the gold price manipulation which will result in a much higher gold price for the physical stuff. Gold will bring down the Central Bank economy, to facilitate the transfer into the people’s economy.
The only way to survive the looming debt crisis, is for nations to reflate their currency established on gold as a reserve, which will implicate a much higher gold price. This higher price is necessary to accumulate equity in line with their massive debt.
Think about the complications that are involved; because gold is going to bring down the private Central Banks, together with their fiat currencies. This confirms what Q has been stating all along, namely that gold will bring down the central banks.
As real, physical gold is going to rise in price, a window of a short period of time has been opened in which many of us can take advantage of this knowledge and buy gold and silver while it is still affordable. Since the gold price will continue to rise, it will eventually surpass and outshine the debt notes that are all paper currencies.
Moreover, as people start realising that the paper notes they are holding are absolutely worthless, they will want to change them for real money, i.e.; gold and silver. As the prices of gold and silver rise, the value of paper currencies will decline. This will ultimately result in the destruction of the private central banks.
Add to this the fact that the housing market is still on a deflation course, and it is spreading worldwide, while the central bank economy is breaking down at lightning speed. Factory orders are in decline, as the economy deteriorates at a record pace.
Brexit is a done deal
Brexit was legally passed as stipulated on March 29th. Any further Cabal efforts through the EU to extend Brexit are null and void. The City of London is now in the hands of the Earth Alliance. The people want the BREXIT, and are seeing through the EU and their government’s fear-mongering. The UK government is expected to proceed with GESARA compliance reforms very soon, although the Brexit charade continues.
Brexit has been offered a longer extension from the EU, hoping to delay the exit until 2020. The EU clowns don’t want the UK to leave, they will do everything in their power to keep the UK in limbo. Meanwhile, President Trump and the patriots are preparing for the no Brexit deal.
A visible sign of this is the fact that British passports issued after the 29th of March do not include any mention of the European Union. – Prime Minister Theresa May is still trying in vain to push a deal that would hand control of the British military intelligence apparatus to the Germans, it is rumoured.
Further, this implies the Vatican Bank, United State Inc., Queen Elizabeth and the Central Banks lost their money supply, as the world transitioned to a gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System. The necessary funds stay under control of a selected group of supervisors.
The Brexit deal meanwhile has been extended until October even though the country has legally exited the EU as of March 29. The purpose of Brexit was to cut off the EU’s funding via the City of London as well as to remove the corruption within the UK’s parliament.
The people of the UK will soon say loudly “we are done with this charade. Full speed ahead!” Nigel Farage is pushing this movement. The people are heading in that the direction anyway! The Central Bankers are in a panic. Once they lose one country, they will lose the rest too. And when they lose control, they will be exposed for all to see and that is what they fear most, as it will unleash the wrath of the people. They don’t want the world to know that every nation will be a lot better off without them.
The Yellow Vest Movement
Leaders of the French yellow vest movement have pointed out that French President Emmanuel Macron was an employee of the German Rothschild family and he is being protected by foreign bodyguards. They also noted that German armoured vehicles with EU stars are being used to repress the yellow vest protesters.
France’s government has become a copy of the Israeli regime, changing France in a kind of Gaza by fighting peaceful Yellow Vest (YV) protesters. A French female lawyer – Georgia Pouliquen exposes in a video the massive YV repression, and the imprisoning of innocent people without any legal reason, just as is ordered by their criminal president Macron. The video shows French snipers combating peaceful citizens at the order of Macron, who would like soon, to proceed with martial law on the French people without condition!
The Great Awakening
Every reader is invited to contribute with the awakening of the populace. The more people are brought up-to-date, about the malversation in their government and banking sector, the more rapidly we all will be liberated out of our debt slavery.
Many of the FWC articles have been and are still translated in a multitude of over ten different languages that are published on a wide range of interconnected national and international internet sites. This network is growing through re-publication of FWC-articles to facilitating a far wider range of readers. Every site is permitted to republish these articles, which is as simple as applying this permission by crediting the source publisher, http://finalwakeupcall.info/
A significant contribution every reader should make is sharing the information with their own contacts. Remember: Where we go one, we go all!

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publicado por achama às 16:06
Terça-feira, 12 / 02 / 19

Gaia is currently in the midst of great change. ~ Pleiadian Collective, Galaxygirl.

Gaia is currently in the midst of great change.

Message from the Pleiadian Collective 

Through Galaxygirl.

February 9th, 2019.


Greetings friends, we are the Pleiadian Collective. 
We see Gaia in her many forms of beauty, currently in the midst of great change. We wish to welcome and send a special greeting to our many grounded ones, our precious ground team, that have been holding the light so steadfastly, so faithfully. Your work has not gone unnoticed. In fact, we cheer you on daily as you hold the light, the love frequencies amidst the tornadoes of emotions.
Perhaps you have seen us of late? Perhaps you will see more of us soon. For we are in the midst of the great intermingling and some of us are better at it than others. We see you by your energy signatures, we know you, precious ground team. You are well known and well loved. And so, we wish to alert you to our presences as we adjust in our human suits to these rocky energies. Although you are ascending, it is still a drop to experience your current energy, and it comes as a shock to many of us. For we feel the turmoil, the unrest and we too struggle a bit to hold the light. You are masters at this we see, and we hold you with high respect. We have much friendship, technology, information, love, to offer you and in return we wish to partner with you for the betterment of humanity, for Gaia’s healing. Much change is about to “get real”, as you say. It is true that we are the in the final push, that the dark is being vanquished, that the light has won and that you are just about to see all of this as you so wish.
Many of you are experiencing the intense energies with a variety of physical symptoms / ailments that we wish to address:
Sleeplessness: is a main one. Your circadian rhythms are jumping all over the place as you adjust to these higher frequencies, which we see. This makes it most interesting when you are meeting with us in your astral state and popping in and out of our reality as you go in and out of your dream state. It is quite funny and we always look forward to your visits. We know that on your end of it it, the physical part of you that is beyond exhausted, it may not seem funny, which we respect, and we thank you for your service and we assure you this is not a forever step.
Increased beauty: Such is a lovely side effect of time in the higher realms, it is true. Bathe in these higher frequencies and your bodies will respond glowingly. We Pleiadians do not age unless we choose that experience / appearance. And so we do not see it is a necessary experience. We enjoy our bodies, we enjoy feeling young and fit. We see humanity too will be enjoying this pleasant side effect in the near future.
Increased laughter: For many of you, increased joy levels, increased mirth, increased pleasure awareness, whether it be admiring the beauty of the sunset or feeling “slap happy” as you say – these lovely bubbly energies may make you feel fizzy, with glee. We do laugh a lot. It is not always so serious with us Pleiadians. But we have been in the midst of a pretty intense energy war for your planet for a very long time. We enjoy a good laugh and are pleased when we feel your laughter up in the ships. Laughing, we assure you, is a high vibe experience.
Love: Increased capacity to love is yet another lovely adventurous side effect from these incoming energy gamma waves from the great central sun. The crust around your hearts from eons of solitude, forgetfulness and programming is melting away. Enjoy feeling an expansion of love, and expansion of your true self. For remember Love is who you truly are. There is only love.
Wisdom: Many of you will feel more honed in, more tuned in to your inner knowing, your gut feeling and you will just know something is true without needing to back it up or substantiate it with hard facts from other source. Your innate knowing will be enough because you are becoming more confident with your abilities. This is showing us that you are ready for the higher dimensions as well.
Telepathy: This is coming online friends. We speak telepathically as well – as you know – and soon this will become the norm for you. You may hear us speaking to you in a crowded store or street, sending you love, appreciation for your presence on the ground.
There is much yet for you to learn and to discover. But these are nuggets that we hope you will find encouraging on your journey into the higher dimensions and as you abilities continue to develop, be sure that you nurture them and joyfully acknowledge them. See how far you have come and celebrate your many successes! We do!
We are the Pleiadian Collective, sending you much love on this joyous day of ascension. We embrace you with the white light of peace. Trust your inner knowing and “know” that all of this will turn out just right in the end. Remember you are the one writing your story, with your intentions. Intend, may we suggest lovingly, to ascend with the grace, ease and joy of masters who have done this many times before. And we assure you that you have done this many times before, but never en masse in the physical and never from a planet that sank so low, as dear sweet Gaia allowed herself to sink, vibrationally. And so you have much to rise up from, and we see you as dusting off the dirt and muck from your knees, your clothing and shining like the sun. And so enjoy -soak up! – these lovely high vibe energies from your sun portal and be transformed by them.
We are the Pleiadian Collective. We have enjoyed this conversation. Be ready for the change. It is here. It is you. You are changed daily, moment by moment. Enjoy this. It is an experience like none other. Blessings and be at peace in the midst of it.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 09:55
Quinta-feira, 07 / 02 / 19

THE WINDS OF CHANGE ~ Lady Gaia, Adele Arini


Lady Gaia via Adele Arini.

5 Feb 2019.




Greetings beloved children.
I have happily nominated, or, volunteered myself to give you all with this energy/ascension update today.
It is with great joy for me to reveal to you that February will be a month of massive movements. Each and every one of you will be moving, more rapidly, down the unique ascension path that has been especially prepared for you. Doors will be opened, paths revealed, clarity readily provided – as we need our light-workers to start positioning themselves at the front lines; as leaders and not as followers.
Please do not misunderstand this by thinking that you no longer need the support of your fellow light-workers, or, that it is time to ‘walk the path’ alone. That is not what we are saying here. Staying in the company of like-minded souls strengthens your path, resolution, motivation and of course, it is also fun to do!
Just how people gather together within groups to ‘talk shop’, e.g. doctors with other fellow doctors, writers with other writers, artists with other artists, etc., you staying together with fellow travelers will help you, especially during the times when the going gets tough. The saying ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’ is very true, in many ways. Sometimes you just simply need a listening ear, or two, from people who can deeply understand the things you are going through.
2019 will be the year when we need you more than ever, loved ones.
We need your Light; we need your courage; your willingness and readiness to step up into the roles that you were born to do.All of you are holding unique Ascension ‘Codes of Light’. Ascension ‘Keys’ that will activate different doors/portals to Creation.
Different people will be ‘triggered’ or ‘activated’ by different light-workers – due to the similarities of past lives/current life’s challenges that they, and you, had gone through. And thus, you will be uniquely situated to help these people because of what you had learnt/experienced. The people who will come to you for assistance, will be those who know (instinctively, on a higher level) that you are the best person to help them move forward.
You are all perfectly stationed around the world right now, wherever you are is exactly where you are meant to be, in this NOW moment in time. Each one of you holds different frequencies of God; signature frequencies that cannot be duplicated by any other light-worker, or any other living being. You are each as unique as your DNA, and as such, your contributions to the world and to the entire Ascension process, will be equally as unique. Equally as important & crucial to the whole.
Father Mother God is in the middle of drawing a grand, massive-sized, beautiful, amazing painting titled: ‘Heaven on Earth’. And now, imagine this painting split into many different pieces. The number of pieces will be an exact match to the number of light-workers currently physically embodied on-planet.
Each one of you here is a super precious, important, and extremely valuable ‘jigsaw puzzle piece’ of this painting.
Knowing how precious you are, please start to recognize the value that you bring into the world. You don’t even have to specifically ‘do something’ to be contributing to the whole ascension process. The process is automatic. When your overall LQL (Light Quotient Level) is at a high enough level – coming from a high level of integration of your four bodies: physical, emotional, mental & etheric, with Higher Self – this is when you will be called into greater service. A service like what most of you have been called to do, subconsciously, especially in the last 12 months.
This service to the Light that you have been doing includes the following, but not exclusively just this: your Higher Self has been ‘using’ your physical body as a powerful receiver and transmitter of the Purest, Highest Frequencies of Light. Christ Consciousness Energies. Mahatma Energies. Omega Light Energies. Pure Source Energies the scale that I (your Mother Earth) and you have never experienced before.
Your physical bodies can be compared to a huge, powerful satellite dish; or more accurately, to a crystal-based energy transmitter/receiver. Yes, this means that your body is a living, breathing, vibrating crystalline transmitter and receiver of the highest degree.
A spiritually awakened person who is very close to full integration with Higher Self, is operating as this ‘satellite dish’ at the highest, most powerful capacity. This person – like a sponge dipped in water –  ‘absorbs’ these higher-dimensional energies into his four-body-system;  keeps some of the energies for his own individual transformation into a 5D Light Being, and then proceeds to distribute/disperse the remainder, for myself (Mother Earth) and for all members of the Human Collective. This is automatically done, every single second of every single day, ever since you have reached the required LQL.
If you are wondering why I am sharing all this information with you, my children, the reason is quite simple. As the average LQL of all of you here, have reached 70% and above, you will be called into greater service now, more than ever. And if you are wondering how, dear one, it is also quite simple.
Simply take the time to tune in every morning, before you begin your day, to your Higher Self and to Me, and simply ask us this question:
How may I be of service for us all today?‘ Here, the word ‘us’ refers to yourself, to myself Gaia, and to all within the Kingdom of God, especially those currently on Earth. And we will give you the answers to that question with something that only you can do for us that day. And that something will be unique; it will be related to your soul’s purpose, mission and contribution to the creation of new Earth.
Now let’s go back to the topic at hand.
In February you will all be in the middle of building momentum. Every moment you are creating anew; every day we will be sending you the perfect inspiration and guidance to help you, help us, create new Earth in a way that is perfectly suited to your innate abilities.
For those of you who are energetically sensitive, please be aware that February will be the beginning of The New. We have all passed a marker, at the end of last month.
Your sensitivity will remain the same for some of you, whilst for others, it will be on the rise. And this is all happening by design. The spiritual gifts that some of you have been praying for, will soon be activated.
Spiritual gifts such as clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentience, these and many more, are on their way to you right now, as we speak.
And now in terms of Ascension physical symptoms, most of you here will not be as heavily affected as you had been last month. Things are getting better, loved ones. Ascension is getting easier in terms of how the higher energies you have been absorbing, are actually affecting your bodies – the physical vessels of your spirit.
This is now the time for all of you to expand; it is time for all of you to embrace your creativity and actually start creating.
And obviously, for you to be able to start creating, you need to be able to daily function with a high degree of ease and grace. There may still be days, for example closer to the new moon/full moon cycles, when you may be feeling slightly under the weather, however it will not be as physically or emotionally, as demanding/consuming like what had regularly occurred in the last 6 to 7 months.
It is time for you to celebrate loved ones. It is time for you to start your co-creation process with me; with your Higher Self and spirit team; with Father Mother God, to bring about the kind of world that you want to be living in – the kind of world that you want your children to live in.
Anything Is Possible.
You are an unlimited being with unlimited powers.
It is time for you to start discovering what those powers are.
It is time for you to go beyond your normal boundaries, to test your limits, and stretch your wings. You are no longer 5th dimensional newborns. In fact you are no longer 5th dimensional teenagers.
Where you are right now can perhaps be compared to a young adult turning 21; a young adult who has just received the keys to his first car. The young adult who received this birthday gift from his parents to celebrate his adulthood. The car represents his new found freedom in life.
The freedom to do as he pleases with life; the freedom to go wherever he wants to go; the freedom to decide how fast or, how slow, he wants to get to his destination. This freedom is essentially the freedom to create what he wants to create with his life. The freedom to do what he wants to do for a living; the freedom to look after his own finances, and the freedom to have what he wants when he wants it. Without strict parental controls continuously limiting his choices in life.
And this is exactly what is happening to you as well, my beloved.
You have learnt everything that you are meant to learn with your many lifetimes here on planet Earth, dear Old Soul, and you have successfully healed, released and purged many discordant memories/experiences stored in the gigantic warehouse of your DNA. Discordant to your Higher Self’s True Nature.
If we were to compare your clearing and purging process to the removal of the many different layers of an onion, then most of you here have reached the inner core of your onion.
And that inner core is where your Higher Self can be found. This is the powerful aspect of your Self that is God-like in nature.
Now that you have been given the keys to your car, i.e. to Unlimited Freedom, it is time for you to set your GPS with the coordinates of where you wish to go from now on.
The options are endless. For those of you who have ever driven a car with the GPS on, whenever you press ‘start’, you will see that your car’s GPS will automatically create a route to take you to your destination. And when you follow that route,  there is not a single doubt in your mind that you will reach your destination by following the mostly-verbal instructions coming from the GPS of your car.
And in much the same way my beloved, you need to start trusting your higher self, your heart, your spirit team, absolutely. Without any fear or doubt interfering in the process of your creation and manifestation. Trust us, like you would, the GPS of your own car. The more often you do this; the more practice you do, the better you get at doing this.
Your expansion and growth will move along at an exponential rate, especially within the next six months, so much so that by the end of the year when you look back to what has been happening in 2019, you will be filled with so much joy, awe, wonder and gratitude for everything that has come to pass.
This is our promise to you loved ones. However we do need your cooperation; your collaboration in order for us to help you, to turn your life around.
Do not spend a second more staying in the vibrations of fear, no matter what is happening around you. Simply focus, always, on where you wish to go, and have the mindset that you will not fail to get there.
Just like the GPS in your car will not fail to guide your way, whenever you are constantly in tune with with your feelings, with your Higher Self, with God, then the route/way/path to get to your destination will constantly be revealed just at the perfect timing. Always when you are ready for the next lane, the next street, the next road, the next express freeway.
We love you so much, beloved friends. All of us here in the company of Heaven, we thank you for your service to me, Gaia, and to the Human Collective. And we wish to do everything we can, to help you achieve what you want to achieve.
Trusting us, and trusting your Higher Self, also means: to trust your heart, your feelings, your intuition a lot more than what you have been doing so far. Start listening more to the guidance coming from Within.
The answers to all of your questions; to all of your problems; to all your dilemmas/challenges that you are currently facing in life, are all within you.
And the moment you realize that, is the moment when you have become full partners in this Divine Act of Co-Creation.
God is creating Itself anew, through you, and this is exactly how it is meant to be.
Once again we would like to remind you that, you are God and God is you.
The moment you understand and fully believe in the meaning of that statement, without doubts, fears or feelings of unworthiness interfering in this co-creative process, is the moment when you will finally discover how easy it is to create and manifest everything that you hold dear.
It will be the moment, you will know yourself, experientially, As God.
Love is truly the only thing that matters. It is the driving engine of Creation. 
Feel yourself up with so much love; imagine your car is filled up with love as its only fuel.
When you fill up your car with Divine Love energies as its gasoline, you are in fact filling up your car (your life) with THE most powerful driving force; able to propel you into unimaginable heights. Whenever your car runs out of energy/fuel, all you have to do is recharge; do a little TLC, and reconnect with the Bright Flame of Love shining within the inner GPS that is your heart. And when you set the intention to do this often, you will be able to get your car/life to move at greater speed as it will always be in constant alignment with the creative energies of Source.
We are here with you every step of the way,  as you venture out into the world as a fifth dimensional adult who are now ready to be our 5D leaders; creating a new generation.
A generation of super-humans who will no longer behave the way a 3D human behaves.
As you break out of your self-imposed third dimensional prison that you have been living in for so long, you will find that the world out there, outside of that prison, is wondrous beyond your current imaginations.
You are our pioneers, our 3D Rule-Breakers. You are at the front lines of change.
You are those who are bringing, creating and easily riding the Winds of Change.
Staying completely unafraid; unwavering in your faith. Trust that the winds of change will carry you to magnificent places filled with everything that you have ever wanted in life. Never fear change, my beloved. Change is the only constant in life.
Change is the name of God. Change is God, and God is change. And since God is in a constant state of expansion, always creating Itself anew, then Its name is synonymous with Change.
You only need to spend more time outdoors; breathing in fresh air; connecting with Nature – with the trees, flowers and the animals around you – for you to easily reconnect with your Inner, Higher Self. The more often you do this, the better your life gets.
We hope that this message has served to help you in an empowering way; to encourage and reassure you, that all is well.
Things will continue to be well this month and in the many months ahead.
Yes, change is definitely in the air, but it is the type of change of your own choosing; one that will truly be for your higher good and the higher good of ALL.
Call upon me whenever you need my assistance, whenever you are perhaps feeling out of balance. Dizzy, perhaps even fearful with the many changes happening to you and to all around you.
I will hold you tight in my arms and infuse you with the energies of unconditional love, calm and peace; giving you the assurances you need and the tidings of all good things to come.
We are loving you beyond measure.
Your Mother Earth
Channeled by Adele Arini. Copyright 2019.
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publicado por achama às 19:46
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

mais sobre mim

Agosto 2020


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