A Chama da Ascensão


Quinta-feira, 27 / 02 / 20

The Divine Unification of Yin and Yang

The Divine Unification of Yin and Yang.

Angelic Collective Protective Military Division and Ascended Dragons

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

February 26, 2020.



Greetings friends of the light, of the way. We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division. 
We offer you the space of our frequency, of our light in this now moment. For the great destruction of the cities of the false matrix has begun in earnest in allowance for the grand rebirth of the new. We wish to offer words of comfort. You are the change makers, the way showers. You did not come to have a typical 3D life. You have already experienced this, most likely many thousands of times. For Earth was the grand space of learning the cosmic playground of energies and it was glorious until the fall. And it will be glorious once again. Do not be downtrodden. Do not be disheartened. Do not be dismayed for all is proceeding according to the perfect plan of Creator and you have many numerous hands behind the scenes protecting you, holding a sword for you.
We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division.
Victory to the light! Victory to love, to the Creator of all things made perfect in the new. New beginnings are to be embraced, emboldened by the joy of hope. Be in hope humanity, for the clouds are lifting, the sun is shining brighter than ever before and you have more help being readily made available to you than ever before. Truly you are most supported. Ground hope. Ground truth. Ground peace. Be the peaceful one in the eye of the storm that the other windswept ones can look to for an example of holding the light. You are making a tremendous difference in your work-spaces, in your home environments. Your vibrations are reverberating all across the globe and the multiverse. For that is what you do. You are light. Your vibrations travel at the speed of light. You are all that you see. We welcome the moment when you fully embrace the all that you are into the all that you are becoming. Find the peace in this sentiment and know that it is most true.
We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division. 
Every instrument of heaven is being made available to ensure the success of this mission. All hands on deck. All is operating at full throttle. And so when you feel shaken or throttled by these energies retreat deep within your heart space for rest. For the energies are only going to intensify, this is to be certain. And so your vibration, which is key, your vibration makes a tremendous effect. Protect it with inner peace, inner joys rediscovered, inner hopes rekindled. Smile. You are lighting up the night sky with a multitude of stars, your reverberations of hope and tenacity are felt by all.
We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division. 
We offer our combined force of insurmountable protection to our lighted ones, our Christed light bearers of the way. Be not afraid. Be emboldened by the you that you are becoming, by the you the you already are. We wish for you to feel the truth of this statement. You are that which you seek. You are the change that you crave. Be the change. Be the light. Be the voice to the voiceless. Spread your wings and fly. We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division. Peace. We love you.
Greetings, humans reading these words. We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
I Elthor, and I Alisheryia, are speaking. We represent the whole tonight, the balance of the the divine masculine and divine feminine energies that are to be fully made equal, lovingly balanced in this realm. But know that we are simply an example of many twins. Other ascended dragons have their mates. Others are also examples of our union. 
But tonight we represent this divine union, unification of yin and yang, of polarities becoming balanced in this realm. You all have energies of the divine masculine and divine feminine within you and it is time that they become balanced. It is time for you to do this work and to ask for further assistance should you require it, so that when you are faced with meeting your twin it will be like meeting yourself. You must be the one you have been waiting or. It is not trite, human. It is deprogramming. No more victimhood (Elthor is roaring). The time for you to become your own savior of rising up. Be the hands of the Christ which is what this moment is calling for. It will be your healing.
I Alisheryia, am speaking. My divine consort, Elthor, is very passionate. He is the divine fire. I am the divine water. And so we balance. You seek balance in your lives, but when it flows from inner balance, all else will flow, like a mighty river whose course is steady, unstoppable. Water finds a way. Fire finds away. Both are either healing or destructive. You have had lifetimes of healing and of destruction. We all come together now to heal Gaia’s damaged areas. Many hands and feet make this possible. Galactic technology will make this possible. Human vision and innovation will also make this possible. But you all must work together. And you shall.
I Alisheryia, and I Elthor, are speaking. You are in the moment of your own making. In every moment you choose the experience, you choose the outcome. No more victimhood. Humanity is awakening faster now. The energies are in great support of this. The ascended dragons have been working clearing, blazing, fighting the darkness with light.
I Alisheryia and I Elthor breathe and ignite your crown with the Christed flame. We are igniting your crown into further expansion to deprogram victimhood, apathy and self loathing. We see the restructuring occurring all around of the false ideologies that have constrained and confused. They are lifted. Humanity is rubbing its eyes. Little human what do you see? Do you see the light surrounding? Or do you see shadows? The shadows are of your mind. Change your mind. Choose to see the light. We are continuing our upgrade. (I feel continued heat on my head and am seeing glowing shapes and images, triangles with lines and a language of symbols I do not recognize.) You are seeing the ancient dragon languages of days long past, galaxygirl. 
We are turning on dormant DNA and reprogramming lies into truth. (I am feeling orange golden fire all around me in a circle. I am surrounded by codes). Invite these codes into your heart space, into Gaia’s crystal heart, into the hearts of your ancestral lineages that have been so wounded, so enmeshed in the pain of the experiment. (I see streams of fire sending out from all sides around me, like spokes in a wheel. I am seeing many faces along these fire streams. I am hearing screaming, seeing burning homes, death. I am feeling pain of past ancestors, perhaps). 
Now I, Alisheryia invite you to pour the royal blue, cool waters of the divine feminine to these lines of fire that have been touching your ancestry. See it flow like a calm cooling river, quenching the fire, quenching the thirst. Feel the steam and see the happy faces of your ancestors turn toward you in gratitude. (I feel tremendous peace and joy. I see thousands of happy faces). You have done a mighty deed. Now together we send the divine fire and the divine water into the heat of Gaia to balance, to heal, to calm, to soothe. We send healing we send grace, we send light.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
Be healed by these words the upcodings, the destructions of the false and be ignited and restored, refreshed in the new of the new beginnings that surround and nourish. Claim them as your reality and then they so shall be.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
Be at peace in the coming turbulence. Be the balanced human with the glowing embers of balanced fire and water within. Be ignited. We leave now. Peace.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:59
Domingo, 23 / 02 / 20

All is Alive in the Universal Codices of Love.

All is Alive in the Universal Codices of Love.

Ascended Christ Collective

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

February 19, 2020.

Greetings beloveds, we are the Ascended Christ Collective. 

Peace and deep hope we offer to you today. Infused within these words, like dripping golden honey, so too our light permeates your consciousness and understandings of new beginnings, of new hopes, of the deepest of joys. For truly you have some inkling of what the next dimensional octave may be like but in reality one cannot fathom on a deep level. You are bestowing rising humanity a great service by lending your light, by offering your strengths, your experiences to hold yet more light codes and to ground them and share them with the others. You enrich the ascension vibratory rate with each meditation, with each well wish, with each action of love.

We are the Ascended Christ Collective. 

From beyond time space there we are. We form the fabric of the universal experience of consciousness. For all is alive, glowing, swimming in the universal codices of love, of light. From well beyond the depth of human experience, there we are surrounding the pain of loss and separation, infusing it with yet more light, with yet more love. For the depth of pain experienced in this realm is not to be underestimated or under appreciated. As humanity has extended into the depth of experiences so too shall humanity rise again into the uncharted heights of new joys, of new discoveries, of new freedoms. (I am seeing shackles breaking, veils lifting, rusty hinges snapping open. I am hearing happy cheering. I am feeling the vibration of freedom, liberation, deep joy). Source is blessing us with these interactions with ascending humanity, for we are you, you are an aspect of us embodied. We expand, we grow, we live, we see, we feel, we experience. We experience Source when we experience each other. For that is what we are.

We are the Ascended Christ Collective. (I am seeing a moving woven transparent fabric of vibrating light that is flying through space. It is alive and I can feel the joy of freedom of movement, more than we can have in these physical forms). It is true, that consciousness in its vastness could not be contained, for the drive to experience was too vast. Consciousness split, divided, grew, expanded. Consciousness upon layers of consciousness like infinite layers of water. And yet the breath of the All enwraps the experience in light, in love, in further experience of deep creation. You are not to understand these images for you are experiencing this from a singular physical point. You are within a network of multidimensionality of coinciding timelines, dimensional realities that coincide and interact with your own vortex of creation, of perception of truth. We do hope that you you feel the immense complexity of the situation that you find yourselves in and yet, the simultaneous existential simplicity of love. Source, Creator, All, all is love. All is a tapestry of love. We are an aspect of this love.

We are the Christed consciousness of pure love, of great strength of commitment to the light to the purity of all things. 

We are girding up our Christed ones, anointing them with the holy flame of ourselves, for that is what we are. (I am seeing a singular golden stream of light entering my crown igniting geometric shapes that are appearing linearly along my body. They are blue shapes glowing gold as the light touches them). Yes. We are igniting, empowering, reminding gently our Christed ones, friends of the way, of who they are. You are light. You are love. You are. YOU are this. You are an aspect of the intensely beautiful, never ending, always changing, always expanding all that is. Feel our light encodements and be at peace. Feel your DNA expand and glow with the Christed flame, truly alive once again. Our wish for you tonight, our benediction, our blessing for our Christed ones, is to hold this Christed flame of intense purity of love deep within your heart space. Feel the pressure, let the burning in your heart space engulf you in light. We are preparing your light body for final expansion. We wish for you to ground this intensity, this love, into existing Gaia and Nova Gaia and to visualize a bridge of light in between her two aspects. For in so doing you will be bridging your own pathway to Nova Gaia, to your own personal and planetary ascension.

We are the Ascended Christ Collective. 

Please know, please realize that your work is being lovingly recorded so that you can review it in your ascended state. You are a tremendous aid. Keep your lights high. Keep the Christed flame burning bright. It suits you well.

We are the Ascended Christ Collective. 

Be at peace little ones, and be in joy. We are you. Remember this when any task seems insurmountable. You are so loved, so valued, so well looked after. This is the era of the Christed consciousness merging with the Sophia. Divine feminine returning, divine masculine healing. Such are the times you are experiencing, such are the times you are witnessing. Feel the power of this junction point of the ages. For the scales are now fully tipped toward the light, whether the dark ones like it or not does not matter. Their chapter has ended. Now we decree is the time of the great union of light, of the Christed ones fully embodied, serving the others, fully supported and at peace.

We are the Ascended Christ Collective. 

We wish for you to tap into this energy field that is us all times, in all moments, whenever it suits you. We wish for this to become a common practice for you. Visualize the ancient light language symbols encoded within you. Each code has a story, a past, a present and a future. We are igniting them once again with our light. Be emboldened in this time of intense personal and planetary transformation! And be in JOY! 

We are the Ascended Christ Collective. 



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 01:17
Quinta-feira, 20 / 02 / 20

Gaia wished very much to expand further

Gaia wished very much to expand further.

Archangel Collective

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

February 18, 2020.

Welcome humans reading these encoded words. We are the Archangel Collective. 
We are seeing you through the eyes of love and from the higher vantage point from beyond time, from beyond your current perception of understanding. 
For you see, this was all preordained in a way. Gaia wished very much to expand further than any other planet had expanded and in so doing she allowed her consciousness, her density, to become greater, more dense. One must experience the dark before one can truly appreciate the dawn. Contrast is what this sector is known for. One must be very brave to experience this contrast. We see you, our grounded aspects, our beloved ones, our twins some of you, we see you as very brave indeed. For you are the volunteers to assist Gaia in her rediscovery of the light. Now she has already been ascended for some time, and if you are attuning to the higher frequencies you can feel this truth. This is why meditation is so important in this now. You must find your voice, your own vibration. You must become masters at this, at fine tuning your own frequency amidst the cacaphony of noise. You came here to master this. You have mastered this before. We assure you that you can do this again with ease and grace if that is your intention.
We are the Archangel Collective. We are all around Gaia in this now, offering our time, our talents, just as you too, grounded ones, are doing. This is truly a collaborative effort. We offer to you our strengths for we wish to assist our grounded aspects, our grounded light team in any way that we can. Encouragement, upliftment, laughter, love. Reject the misery around you and infuse it with peace, a kind word, a smile. Become the Christ consciousness embodied for that is why you came. You are royalty many of you. You are in the process of this discovery. You are a child of God. You are not a child of sin, of lust. So much twisting has occurred. No. YOU are a most precious outpouring of love, of bliss from the divine union of love. You are love. Your lives have been fraught with pain. Many light workers have many a challenging, hard story to tell. But this brought you to where you are. Abortions, divorce, loss, bankruptcy, devastation. You have experienced the low point, the nader, just as Gaia has. And you did this so that you could discover your Christed self within. Nothing was lost if you are wise enough to see the treasure within you. See, all is found. Do not grieve the past for it brought you to this now. In this now, where you can read or type or feel these words and truly know, it was all worth it for you have discovered the Christ within.
We are the Archangel Collective. We wish to paint to you a picture of light, of sound, of laughter, of glistening shimmering codes of information swirling all around you in a vortex of pure potential. True, as Abraham states this vortex of creation is valid, is true as we are speaking, all around you. To access it you must allow it. This is where raw creation begins. We wish for you to surround yourselves with love, with light, with healing. We wish for you to manifest Nova Gaia, to manifest your best self, your best life around you. Enough suffering. That lesson has been learned. Enough grief. Your friends and family that have passed are waiting just beyond the veil. Replace the suffering with excitement of grand new things to come, experiences to be had, joys to behold. You are our joy. We surround you with our mighty wings of light, of pure potential and massive protection. Child of God. You are a child of God. Repeat this until you know it, until you weep with the pure joy of it. Masters every one of you, we see. This realm is untwisting, unfolding into light. Claim the light and wrap it around you. Claim your light codes of remembering. They are your divine birthright.
We are the Ascended Archangel Collective. We are with you in this process of rebirth. Be at peace and be in joy. We surround you with the tenderest of wings. Rest in our feathers and feel our light. Feel the light within you and expand it with ours. Let us light up this sector with the divine light of love together. Invite us to merge our talents with your own. We assure you, you are most tenderly looked after and most fiercely protected. Peace. Rest in this space. 
You are intimately loved. 
We are the Archangel Collective.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 19:52
Quarta-feira, 19 / 02 / 20

Pepper Your Consciousness With Light.

Pepper Your Consciousness With Light.

Trees and Fairies of Nova Gaia.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

February 17, 2020.

Greetings friends of the light, of the way, of the inner Christ. 
We are the Trees of Nova Gaia. 
We are sending you light encodements through the ruffling of our many green leaves. Can you see and feel the light beams streaming in between our leaves onto your upturned faces? Let these light codes of hope, of new beginnings, pepper your consciousness with light. Many of you have been feeling downtrodden by these stirrings of muddy waters on your surface world. The silt is being strained so that the crystal clear waters may reemerge blameless, pure, sparkling with light.
We are the Trees of Nova Gaia. 
We are ancient in our knowing. We will house many of you in exquisite homes nestled within our branches. Some may choose to live in the crystal caves that permeate our root systems. Some may prefer the flatlands. We are the trees speaking from the coastal areas of Nova Gaia. We have adapted easily for the elements here are not harsh like you are currently used to. Sea breeze mixes well with our green glowing leaves. We enjoy the salt, the breeze, the winds are gentle on us. We are mighty, massive trees. We enjoy our large forms that further anchor the light into Nova Gaia’s many electrical light systems. 
Love is in the air here, it always is. Love of self, of others, love of all is all around. We love ourselves, and we wish dearly that you light workers would begin to unlock this code and learn to love, to really love yourselves. For your inner child is crying out for healing, many of you. It is ok to cry, to weep for this allows healing. Light enters where the woundings have been. Allow us to please enlighten your forms further. It is time for the light worker to explore true, deep, authentic self love. For then and only then will your twin be able to deeply reach you. When you loathe a part of yourself you are in loathing of a part of the Christed consciousness and of your own beloved twin. No more self down talk.
We are the Trees of Nova Gaia. 
We come in all shapes and sizes and yet, we are all uniquely beautiful. So too we see upon the surface of your world humans come in all sizes, shapes, forms. It is time to embrace all aspects of yourself for you are all Source in form, and we believe it is the time for you to embrace this fact. And so, embrace your flaws for they have become your strengths. They are a part of your story to tell. And your story of this embodiment will be a great strength to the others as you teach, as you lead, as you lend your love and light to the others. But first you must allow yourself to love all parts of you.
We are the Trees of Nova Gaia, coastal regions. 
Allow us to nestle you with our branches. Climb up high, be young and free. See, you are safe here, you cannot fall. For there is no death here. Hear the children laughing on the breeze. See the giggling fairies fly by giving you a flower of the most beautiful electric blue. Tuck it behind your ear, hold it to your heart. Feel the warmth of our sunny bark behind your back and lean in. Feel the dappling of light through our leaves. 
Be at peace, dear one. You were not meant to hold the weight of the world on your shoulders alone. We see the light workers are carrying more than their share. We see allowing of others hands to be imminent. Allow. Allow your team, including the trees, allow the higher aspects of you, of your ancestors to support you, to nurture you. For this is not an easy quest and even Frodo had his faithful companion Sam. Things did not go well for Frodo when he cut Sam out, did they? No, they did not. We say these things for many of you have experienced the story of the Lord of the Rings in one way or another. 
Timelines flip and fold, aspects jump and merge. You are familiar. It is time for the Lightworkers to join hands with those outstretched to them and to find hope in this union. Allow us to be the strong comfort, the feeling of home that you have been so longing for. For you have felt so alone, so cut off, and your earth has never felt like home to many of you. That is because your home is of the higher light, of the blissful state, where all is light and love and joy and peace. This is the vibration of home that you are becoming, that you are remembering to welcome deep within your crystal hearts. This is the home that you seek. It is within you.
We are the Trees of Nova Gaia. 
Smell the sea wind. Feel your tendrils blow in the wind. It is the perfect temperature here. You will never sunburn. You will never be too hot or too cold unless you seek that experience. You can create with your mind. (I am seeing a flower form in my hand as I create it. The colors here cannot be described, they are alive, bright, glowing). 
Galaxygirl, you are not alone in your desire to meet your soul family. You have tremendous support, all of you. Bring this vibration of home, of Nova Gaia deep within your heart spaces and perhaps you will feel less lonely for you have truly connected. Be truly at peace. The trees are not easily uprooted. We are only uprooted when we choose to change places, locations. (I am seeing massive trees stand and walk easily). 
We do this when our perspective needs to change. Many of you are feeling the need to literally uproot and change locations and many of you are wishing that you could hop here right now. We say to you dear ones, precious fractals, not yet, but soon. The more of this vibration of home that you have the sooner you pull this experience into you. Be at peace. Feel at home. We are the Trees of Nova Gaia whispering peace and love to you.
Hello, hello! 
We are the fairies of Nova Gaia and we are preparing a special welcome ceremony for you, dear hearts of the light! And we are so tremendously excited for you to be joining us, for the weather is sublime here and you always feel good. 
We are excited because the energies of your surface world are high enough that we have been able to take sneak peaks of you and you of us, which is so unique. 
This has not happened for so long, because your realm was like slogging through mud and our realm like a perfect spring day with no mud, silly but true! And now little wormholes of light are opening up between our worlds and our fairies friends from long ago are able to fly through and we can chat a bit which is so lovely because we do so love to chat and to catch up for millennia is a long time (laughter) and we are relieved to be able to make contact with our Christed ones! 
For you are carrying so much light that we have prepared flower wreathes for you and with your permission, would you please let us crown you? 
We have flowers of all colors and sizes here in wreaths for your heads and they are filled with the most glorious feelings of peace, of love, of joy, of reconnection and they will make you want to reconnect more fully to yourself, to your soul families and they will function kind of like an antenna for you, so that you feel more connected, more heard, more loved! 
Although you are so tremendously loved we are shocked that you can’t feel it and so we send it to you now from the fairy kingdoms to the peopley kingdom! We love you!
We are the Fairies of Nova Gaia. Please wear your flower crowns, you deserve them, you have earned them and they will make you feel extra sparkly in the days ahead as there is a bit more mud to trudge through, yucky! And we are so thankful for this time, for this experience. 
We love you so much! We are the Fairies of Nova Gaia. Remember your crowns are as beautiful as you are! (Much giggling and laughter as they fly away, leaving streams of glowing flowers flowing softly on the breezy trail behind them).

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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Alternative to YouTube

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 19:26
Segunda-feira, 10 / 02 / 20

We suggest you to send further healing into Gaia’s crystal heart

We suggest you to send further healing into Gaia’s crystal heart.

Ter ‘Aka and Feline Rac.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

February 9, 2020.


Within this blue bubble, sphere of peace, align yourselves the peace of knowing, of being. We are the Blue Avian beings. I am Ter ‘Aka. 
Much chaos we see as the worlds are splitting. We can feel and observe the readings from our spheres, but you are feeling them on the ground most acutely. That is why we are offering our technology of etheric sphere pillow-shielding to our grounded light worker friends who are doing much heavy lifting and much clearing for the collective. The clearing that you have been doing is phenomenal and Gaia thanks you, we all do, for your tenacity. 
Many of you have been operating as your higher selves, doing blessings and clearing for other frozen or stuck aspects of yourselves and sending them love and healing. This is excellent work. We suggest that you amplify it by sending further healing into Gaia’s crystal heart where all memories of pain and abuse have been stored. We see that much portal work has been very successful and we are very pleased. 
Discordant and stuck spirits and energies have been ushered into the light. Of the 36 portals that were recently opened this week, 34 held the light codes necessary for the ascension of stuck energies into the higher realms and 2 were overtaken and claimed for those that wished to further experience the darkness. That is the smoke and steam that you saw, galaxygirl. (This week I saw 36 portals around Gaia, 34 bright white light, spinning, glorious, full of great energies and the other 2 were smoky and dark that gave me the shivers). 
Yes, much energy has been shifting and churning for the 3d is now officially no more which is great cause for celebration! Truly the astral plane within this sector has been very dark, very bleak. You are and have been navigating these murky waters for some times and these portals have come to your aid to usher away those which no longer serve the ascension project. This is cause for tremendous celebration and we are celebrating by sending more light, more love and in your terms, more ‘high-fives’ or high-wings.
We are most pleased to offer these blue spheres and we recommended that you take advantage of them for we foresee in the next coming days with the upcoming Schumann resonances that your electrical circuits may be frazzled, sensitive. Wear hats, comfortable clothing, whatever it is that makes you feel more safe and secure. Be at peace. 
We surround you with the wings of love, of light. We surround you with promises of our services of light to continue to aid the advancement of the human species into the enlightened ones that you were designed to be and are returning to be. The draconians are shocked at their demise. They are not easily defeated. But love has won, friends. Send them more love, more light. 
Forgive and now create that which you wish to experience. If you are through with clearing and need a break, claim your reality as being on the ascended timeline where all clearing is done already and completed most perfectly and manifest this outcome. You are creators. In creator school in the higher realms students create with great practice until it becomes effortless. 
You don’t understand in this now moment how strong you are, but perhaps you are beginning to. Choose the highest and best timeline. Manifest beauty, manifest peace. Manifest Nova Gaia in her radiant beauty and bliss will become a stronger vibration of your reality. You will become a vibrational match for this.
I am Ter ‘Aka. Rest in the peace of this knowing that you are divinely loved, protected and that you have the power to shift your reality to a higher plane. And so we lovingly suggest that you do. We are the Blue Avians. Peace. 
Remain the blue sphere, it is our etheric gift to you.
We are the Feline Race. 
We are on the ground with you, hidden, fighting, bringing justice as the warriors that we are, fighting alongside the energetic warriors that you are. 
We are stealthy, strong assassins. The dark ones have no place to hide. We are watching over you, watching out for you. We are your defenders and protectors energetically and physically. 
We see many things. Much is happening in the ethers. Gird up yourselves in the light. Be the light. It is your best defense in these end days as new brighter days are to rapidly come. 
The falling out is falling as the light is rising. We are warriors of old returned. We are ancient, we are wise. We, like the ascended dragons, are not easily fooled. We are working with the light workers who have feline warriors at home. 
They are serving energetically in many capacities, grounding, transmuting, transmitting and cleaning the surrounding energies. They deserve your high respect. Animals are a gift from the creator, aspects in form. Honor them as you would treasure your own vessels. 
In the higher realms vessels are treasured, respected, well cared for. As your bodies are shifting so too you must shift in your previous practices.
We are the Feline Race. We are called elsewhere. Remember you are protected and rest in this space of knowing. 
Create the reality that you wish to see around you and be the warriors of light in full knowing of this truth. 
It is our honor to serve you, grounded ones. 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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Alternative to YouTube

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 20:05
Segunda-feira, 10 / 02 / 20

Time of Metamorphosis of Body, Planet, Mind and Heart.

Time of Metamorphosis of Body, Planet, Mind and Heart.

Source, Alcyone and Ter ‘Aka.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

February 7, 2020.

I am Source. 
I am the all that is and the all that is not. 
I am surrounding you with intense love and light in this time of metamorphosis of your bodies, of your planet, of your minds, of your hearts. 
For all is changing. 
Time marches on and it has been not only marching, but sprinting to try to keep up with these blasts of light from our friend here, Alcyone.
Alcyone, do you have a message for our precious ground team today?
I am Alcyone. 
I am sending you my light, my love, my truth. 
Many truths are being revealed and it has been painful. You knew this was coming and the others did not. Have compassion for them. The time of judgement is past. Compassion is the new judgement. They are your brothers and sisters. All are interconnected. 
I don’t hold a grudge against the young stars who are learning the ropes of being a star, of shining their light. I love them. I am mighty because of time, because that is how Source made me. I see you in me, mighty beings of light. It is true. For soon you will reflect me even more, but many of you are doing so already now. 
This now is changing fast. You are tired. Allow me to send you some encodings of the purest of light. (I am feeling shivers and heat at the same time. I am seeing hieroglyphic-like light language codes and my head is hot and prickling and I have a quick fear of lice!). 
Galaxygirl, you amuse us all. You do not have lice! This is me, we’re friends remember? These upgrades are intense, aren’t they? Yes, you may feel like you have all sorts of interesting diseases. Most likely you do NOT. You are upgrading. Your old computers are getting upgrades and they are churning, steaming. (I am seeing my first boxy apple computer from the late 1980s, and the progression of huge monitors to thick laptops. I am hearing the modem connection whirring, the static, the piercing sound of early internet connections. I am seeing Control-Alt-Delete. And yes, my head is itching like fire). 
How well would your first computer have taken all of the information that your current laptop is able to process? You are getting totally new body systems, children of the light, and it is being written while you are in it. You are living the upgrades. This is no small task, in fact it is a new task and one that seems to be going quite well. 
You’re still embodied aren’t you? Take care of your precious biocomputers. Let fruits and vegetables be the electrical currents that serve and nourish you. Let the water you drink purify and be the conduit of light that it is destined and supposed to be. Purify your water. Purify your foods. Infuse them with joy. I now infuse you with my joy for you. You are not alone. 
You are surrounded in light, by my light and the light of many helping hands. Cry. Release. Know this truth. Your sovereignty is at hand. Take my hand and be absorbed into my light. The Christed flame merges with the Sophia. Two become one. These flames of light are becoming activated in a variety of interesting ways on Gaia’s form in this now. It is a blessing to watch. I am overseeing your progress and I hold you in light. 
Be at peace and be in joy.

We are the Blue Avian Beings. 

I am Ter ‘Aka. This has been a very intense energy week for you and we see your little lights flickering a bit from our spheres. Much grid work, much portal work has been done this week. Many of you have felt it but were unsure of the origin of these unsettling feelings. Friends, much has had to be transmuted, and much success has occurred this week. Surround yourself with a cloak of light of the higher energies. Intend all things to work out perfectly for you, intend to flow through your ascension process with the grace and ease of masters, for that is what you are. That is who you are.

I am Ter ‘Aka. 

I and my colleagues with your permission surround you in the deepest of vibrant blue. We are standing around you, enfolding you in our energies with your permission. We always honor the free will of others. This is the hallmark of a higher society. This is what is being made manifest on your planetary world. Gaia. Her rich blue from space is much like ours. Such a lovely planet, such a universal treasure of light. We see you dears, with your dirty boots and torn uniforms, weary. You are war weary. It is definitely a battlefield that needs some more light infusion. And that is precisely why you are here. You are infusing the dark with your light, seeding the universal consciousness of truth with the truth of the Christ.

We are still surrounding you, our gift tonight is peace. Profound peace and rest. We are creating, with your permission, your own personal blue sphere. It is an energy buffer. You empaths have had a rough time of it, it has not been an easy embodiment. You did not come here for ‘easy.’ You came here to fight, to balance discordant energies, to lend your light, to test your mettle, to be the superheroes of this quadrant. You are royalty, dears. Many of you are Elohim returned. We are all working together quite tightly now. Much collaboration is occurring now in the ships at night. We are team planning, co-creating, dark blasting. We are becoming more familiar with you and with your kind, and with your current experience upon Gaia, which is most challenging and most intriguing. You have earned our deepest admiration and respect. We look upon you with admiration and love. Many of us are also currently embodied. We are all united in one single purpose, to free Gaia from the dark and to ease her metamorphosis into the light with grace, dignity and extreme safety for all parties involved. Gaia is a treasure and she shall be preserved. Nova Gaians will be renowned teachers for their role in the cosmic play.

I am Ter ‘Aka. 

This blue sphere that surrounds you is your personal energetic buffer. Fill it with the peace that you seek. We are sending peace into your bodies that they may upgrade peacefully. More upgrades are coming in quickly and day by day you must prepare and nurture yourselves so that all is well. Invite the Christed consciousness into every one of your cells. Invoke the peace of Mother Father into your chakras. Invite your future ascended self to guide and direct with great love. Allow yourself the inner joy of knowing your job has been well done.

I am Ter ‘Aka. When you sit in meditation you may expand your blue sphere from around your body to around Gaia’s beautiful blue body. We will merge our colors with hers. 

Peace. We depart now.

I am Ter’ Aka.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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Alternative to YouTube

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 04:48
Segunda-feira, 03 / 02 / 20

Many of you are moving up in frequency very fast

Many of you are moving up in frequency very fast.

Blue Avians, Ter’ Aka.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

February 2, 2020trfg.


I am seeing the Blue Avians surrounding Gaia in blue spheres. I am seeing them working with light codes and light language, adjusting the streams of light from the cosmos such that the light workers can best receive this light in their crowns. I am seeing light language code and symbols descend linearly into the crowns of the light workers on glowing white linen.
Greetings galaxygirl, greetings human friends. We are the Blue Avians. 
I am Ter ‘Aka . We are showing this one some of the work that is being done so that humankind can best adapt to these upgrades. You have been sick, many of you, or feeling ill because of many clearings, many upgrades. For stuck energy must be moved and it is moving. You are moving up in frequency very fast many of you, and your bodies are trying frantically to keep up. We are here today to remove the frantic, to ease the sickness of the ascension symptoms for many of you have been praying for healing, for assistance during this challenging time. January felt very long, like a year to many of you. And indeed your perception and experience of time has been shifting. It is shifting slowly but surely into the now, so that what you feel is simply now. That is why compartmentalizing time which humans have always done within a time matrix, is perplexing for time is behaving differently, as you are more and more outside of it. For you are doing your astral cleaning, you are working nightly many of you, and you are waking up more exhausted than when you fell asleep. And yet many of you are not sleeping for your bodies are busy integrating these codes of light, as this one has been seeing. Soon you will remember the hieroglyphic symbols of light, the light language codes of many you will begin to speak, to remember. Telepathy you will begin to adapt to with ease and grace.
I am Ter ‘Aka. I am female. I am here as representative of our kind to your kind. Many have spoken through other channels and many of the galactic federation, masters, teachers are now actively speaking in your channeling community. We are all finding our voice, our best path to speak with you. For we all have connections with our grounded team. We are all serving with the objective of ascension, of assistance through the energetic birth canal. I am the first blue avian female that I am aware of that has spoken in this manner. The time of the female is rising, soaring now. The divine feminine comes in all forms, all sizes, all shapes. The divine mother is here in full force now and it is most exciting of a time to bear witness.
I am Ter ‘Aka. You are not alone. You are surrounded in the skies and underfoot with light forces. Gaia herself is a major source of light now. We suggest that you utilize her tuning fork ability and tune into the higher vibrations by walking barefoot, by being outside when you can, for it will assist you. There are many modalities of healing. Pick one or two and claim your success. Claim your alignment with Source, with your highest self. Claim the light and then all things, all circumstances will be in alignment to serve you vibrationally with healing. Choose healthy foods, plenty of water. Choose fruits and vegetables. Choose to eat consciously. Fill your food with light before consuming, blessing it, thanking it, and such blessing will in turn bless your cells nurturing them deeply. For your bodies are not the same as they were last year. They are vibrating higher. Tinnitus, aches pains, dizziness, extreme fatigue, continually sinus clearing, palpitations – there are many side effects physically with ascending within a physical form and you must care for your bodies for them to withstand the flash. The older and the infirmed will perhaps be assisting from the other side for their bodies will simply not be able to keep up, to vibrate high enough on this side of life. Much death, much transition is happening and will happen. For the illusion is shattering, is moving, is morphing into the light which is truth. We do not say this to impart fear, but so that you may emotionally prepare for these coming changes. The illusion of the mist is being cleared away the by the wind of the light which is clearing the air, quite literally.
Herald to the light! I am Ter ‘Aka. With permission, I will touch my hand to your third eye igniting it further. Allow in these light codes of peace and be comforted. Allow these light calibrations to further assist in ways unbeknown to you. Accept the healing. You need not understand all effects, simply trust and know and decree:
“All physical symptoms are occurring for my benefit for my healing, for ascension within the body in the most perfect most glorious and most divinely perfect way possible. I accept my ascension. I will not fight it. I will allow the healing light codes and I will be at peace in all circumstances. For stress I banish. I am done with it. I choose peace now and the experience of the adventure of inner peace in a deep and cleansing way. I accept and welcome all of the blessings that Mother Father God, that the universe full of my galactic friends and family has to offer me. I am choosing excitement and happy expectation of all good things.”
Breathe this in. It is a lovely high vibe alignment for you. It is far too easy to align with that which does not serve. Consciously choose the light in every breath. Visualize these light language codes happily coming in glowing bright into your crown filing your body with light. And all around you will benefit.
I am Ter ‘aka. The divine feminine is rising, equal, strong with her male counterpart of light. Exciting times are ahead for the grounded ones. Look for the good things and they shall happily find you. Be aligned with the vibration of peace. 

I am Ter’ Aka.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 17:37
Sexta-feira, 31 / 01 / 20

The chaos you are witnessing is the crumbling of an empire.

The chaos you are witnessing is the crumbling of an empire.

White Winged Collective of Nine.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

January 29, 2020.


We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. 

We are nine in one, one in nine. We are from the ninth dimensional space and from this vantage point we can see from a higher perspective the tremendous progress that humanity has undergone even since we last spoke through this one (1/15/2020). The chaos you are witnessing is the crumbling of an empire. (I am seeing Roman ruins with dust and rumbling.) The rumbling and chaos must occur for the new to be birthed. Do not be afraid of these changes as the darkness transforms into light or is removed by it. Either way, the light permeates the all and the all is comforted. For you are a part of the all, just as the darkness. You have had roles of dark ones, you have had roles of light ones. You are here from the higher dimensional ways to ground a higher perspective, a higher consciousness, and ground it you shall. For you are doing it. Do not be weary. Be emboldened, enlivened by these words, for we are encoding them with it more light.

We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. We see you, we love you. Ground Team the Ages, you have our hearts. We are preparing the way for your victory, but victory is yours. It is a group effort, no doubt. Many behind the scenes are helping, assisting, clearing, and providing tremendous service to you without thanks or visibility. Such is the way of the servant heart, which you are developing. Such is the way of a master who serves with exploding love for when one is enlightened one must serve. It is a natural extension and expression of this realization of self. When you serve others you serve yourself. When you heal the others you heal your own inner woundings and your inner child is freed.

We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. We bow to you in service and gratitude for your project contribution to Gaia and her ascension. We see humanity ascending quite rapidly, with grace and ease. Do not be shaken. Stand strong in the light, in your faith. Remember your training and guard your hearts. Enshroud yourselves in light. Let it be your mantle, let truth be your staff, let love be on your lips and in your vision so that you see the others clearly for what they are, an extension of the all, of you, for you are a part of this grand masterful play and your part is an important and vital one.

We are the White Winged Collective of Nine sending you peace this day. We hope that our words have enlivened you, for that is our intention, one of comfort and joy and deep enlivening.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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Alternative to YouTube

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 18:47
Sexta-feira, 31 / 01 / 20

Herald to the light!

Herald to the light!

Blue Avians, Ter’ Aka.

Channeled via Galaxygirl.

January 30, 2020.


Herald to the light! 

We are the Blue Avians making contact through this one once again, as we bring good tidings of high energies and encodements through this one, in this most illustrious now. For the tide has turned. 

You are seeing, you are experiencing, you are witnessing the destruction of the matrix programming that has brought so much pain, and yet great learning and understanding, to so many. Gaia is to be praised for her willingness to withstand the dark, so that she may more aptly explode into the light.

Herald to the light! Herald to the Christed consciousness, to Yeshua, Master and friend. We are the Blue Avians. We are your guardian angels in many ways for we have been overseeing this project Ascension Gaia for so long and are very willing to lend our light, our technology, our power of intellect and we extend our deep joy to you, grounded Gaians of the light. 

We see many coming together. We see more coming together shortly. We see tremendous changes of light encodements, of waves of love, of tears being dried, of hopes being lifted, of the children being able to laugh and be free in their play once again. For the realm of the dark has been changed to the realm of the light. And this we see, we deeply feel, we truly know that the light has won.

Herald to the light! Blessings be. We are the Blue Avians extending our wings in service. Do not be troubled by what you see in the media, it is the false sputtering of the dead. Pay them no head. You are alive in your insight, in your questions, in your consciousness that is seeking expansion. 

Seek expansion in these times, it will light the fire of knowledge of truth within your belly. Seek love and be the love and the light in this time. For you are to anchor it. You are to be it. You are to live it. You are be the the hands and feet of the masters of times gone by, of eras past that are now returning. 

For you are your ancestors reborn, you are holding within you the now blessed ancestor genetic coding that is truly written in the light now. Your children’s children will have a different reality to experience, praise be. You have been here a very long time. In the darkness in the matrix, the time and illusion twist together so that one can become easily lost. 

Do be in joy, do be comforted. The light has won. Such matrices of similar but not as dark, such prison planets (similar but not as dark) are being freed by your example of tremendous tenacity to hold the light. Hold the light! Be strong in these final days of swirling and possibly discordant energies. You are to hold the light, and we see you doing this most excellently.

Are are the Blue Avian Beings. We wish to extend our wings, our hands, our hearts, in service to rising humanity, so that all are blessed in the process. These energetic uplift all that surrounds your space quadrant, for all are connected. It is like the inner workings of the cell. 

You understand your cellular biology only slightly, what you don’t see behind the ribosomes and mitochondria is the spark of Source, is love. Love is all the there is, enwebbed within consciousness of form and of without form. Be this love. It is to be to your birth right. Gaians, we are calling you home. Gaians, spread your wings and fly. 

For it is the time fo fly high with these energies of hope, of promise, of new days dawning. Be emboldened. Be pure of heart. The dark night of the soul is over for many but at hand for some. Send them your light. You choose your own experience. Choose to experience love. We are waiting in the wings to make further contact. Until then, peace. 

We are the Blue Avian Beings. 

I am Ter’ Aka.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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Alternative to YouTube

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 17:53
Quarta-feira, 29 / 01 / 20

You are extensions of me,

The Source.

Channeled by Galaxygirl.

January 27, 2020.


I am Source. 
I am the all that is and is not. I am. You are extensions of me, Source in form, creators in your own right. Of my own free will I extend the gift of free will to you. You can be creators or destroyers. You can choose the light or choose the lack of light, which is fear. I see and know you all intimately for you are me, you are aspects of me. Your church religions have compartmentalized me, have disregarded ancient texts and knowledge that did not fit into a neat box of tidy understanding. Humans tend to do this. You tend to compartmentalize. 
The universe is far too vast a place for the boxes of compartmentalized ideas to totally work. They are good for simple mathematical rules, but not for trying to understand the secrets of the universe. For the universe is within you. You are the secret. For you are Source in form. You are going to church to try to understand yourself in a way. When you look at the others you are seeing me. You are seeing reflections of my own creativity. 
Gaia is a library of this universe of featured genetic material. Gaia is a beauty in her own right, a highly advanced and evolved spiritual master who is now expanding to even further heights, just as you, friends of me, of the light, of the way, just as you are expanding to further spiritual heights. It is astonishingly delightful to bear witness to this tremendous expansion. There are many aspects of me. 
There are many aspects of you. Life is too glorious, too vast to be explained neatly. Your minds, your understandings are opening up further and further to this. Your societies have programmed you to not think, to limit your thinking by continually distracting you and stressing you. Enough. It is time to sit, to be still, to listen within. To find my voice within. Connect with me.
I am your Source of love, of the Christed light, of the Mother Father God energies that nurture and surround. Allow me to surround you. Allow me to assist further with your ascension. Allow my breath to encode you and to uplift you now so that the coming change will be easy and light for you. The others do not see. You will be my eyes for them. You will be my hands serving them. You will be my ears listening to them, offering soothing words of comfort and love. Breathe me in. Anchor my breath deep within the heart of your planetary mother, Gaia, to soothe and support her as well.
All is life, all is love, all is myself in various forms. Lift is to be enjoyed. You will enjoy your lives once again. Try to find the joy in the moment, the presence of me in those surrounding you. Emanate me, radiate my love and light. Be the Christ embodied with radiant love and beauty as you serve the underserved, as you comfort the comfortless. All is divine timing. All things are working out perfectly. 
The darkness has not understood the light and yet you light-bearers continue to shine the light towards them, a testament to your will and fortitude. The sheer tenacity of this project is staggering. You are becoming diamonds in the process, every one of you. I am reclaiming humanity back to the fold of light. 
I am claiming Gaia as my own precious planet who deserve the best protection that the galactic federation has to offer, which is substantial. You are surrounded by friends of all forms and sizes who are extending their hands and hearts in service to you, Nova Gaians. Be not afraid. Rest in this knowing that you are divinely supported in all things, in all circumstances. 
Claim it. 
I am Source.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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Alternative to YouTube

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 19:46
Quarta-feira, 29 / 01 / 20

All life must be honored.

The Feline Race.

Channeled by Galaxygirl.

January 27, 2020.


We are the Feline Race. 

We are warriors, we are strong. We are guarding your world, working on her surface and within her underbelly, cleaning, clearing, destroying all that is not of the light. We are swift. We are strong. We enjoy our feline forms. It is a great honor to be within our vessels, just as it is a tremendous honor to be embodied as a human on ascending Gaia. You are here to lend your light. We are here to lend our power, our protection. You may call upon us. You may work with us. We are working with you in your astral state, most likely as we partner together clearing the way for yet more light to come.

We are the Feline Race. 

Our hearts go out for the animal kingdoms affected in the most recent fires of arson within Australia. The animals need to be protected. Gaia’s life forms must be held with reverence and respect. All life must be honored. Those who have been unscrupulously in charge have only themselves and their own survival in mind. This is being remedied as we speak through this one. We are a part of many black op, secret missions. The galactics are awake and aware, patrolling your planet, just as we are on your surface doing the same. And yet the dark fights. The dark does what it does, it resists the light, until the light claims it. This is happening.

We are the Feline Race. 

What do you wish to know about us Galaxygirl? Are you pleased with the current progress of planetary ascension? It is not in our best interests as soldiers to be pleased with the progress or to be displeased. We simply fight until the objective is achieved. We are achieving this objective. Is there anything that we as light workers need to do in this now to be safe? You have many offering to protect you. 

Open yourselves up to this protective collaboration, bless your surroundings with peace, bless your bodies with perfect health and shine your light brightly. That is all that needs to be done. Fear does not serve you. Do you work with the animal kingdoms? Yes in that we are serving to protect them as well as offer them inter-dimensional transport into the hidden oasis within Gaia where the animals are healing, transforming into stronger forms.

Do not be afraid of these earth changes. Much is changing. 

You came here to witness the changing of an era, and to lend your light. Shine brightly, humans. Others are watching. All is being recorded. So fight valiantly, love fiercely, protect swiftly the children, the animals, the planet. Be a good steward of the resources. Many are watching. Be respectful of Gaia and of her own. Many are seeing. Lead strongly. Many are watching you lead the charge of the changeover, for your vibration is key to this success. How tall are you? We are 9 to 14 feet tall, females, males.

Do you have a special relationship with the felines on Gaia? We view the animals as our brothers and sisters. Gaian cats resemble us genetically. Many of us have placed an aspect of ourselves within a house cat so that we can further ground the energies with a light worker’s home, to serve in that capacity. Others are hybrid walk-ins as this one’s cat is. We are able to share space within a being with others so that we can offer our light and perspective in another way. We are multidimensional as are you, humans. 

Some of you are or have been within these feline forms before. You will find our vibration familiar. Others will not, and have stopped reading as they did not resonate. Enough for now. We are called elsewhere. Peace. Stand strong. Guard the light within you and shine it well. 

We are the Feline race. 

We move now.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Alternative to Google

Alternative to YouTube

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 19:43
Segunda-feira, 27 / 01 / 20


Angelic Collective Protective Military Division and Ascended Dragons.

Channeled by Galaxygirl.

January 26, 2020.


Greetings friends of the light, of the way. 
We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division here to bring light and warmth to you in this moment of uncertainty upon your planet, Gaia, who is ascending quite rapidly. 
You are feeling and seeing the shake-off of the old dimensional matrix that is cracking, breaking, shattering all around you. You are to hold the light. You are to hold the love. You are to hold the peace. And so, we are here to fortify you in your efforts for this mighty task, as you hold the light of the world in your ever brightly-beaming hearts. 
We see you from the ethers, from space. Your light is shining so vast, so far. You cause us to weep tears of joy for you have done it, ground team! You have done it and we are here to support, to guide, to uplift, to bear witness to this tremendous success. The darkness is sputtering, trying to create chaos and havoc. 
Be safe, be wise, be shrewd in your surroundings. Invite us, your angels, invite the ascended dragons with whom we work most closely. Invite your protective squad to protect you and yours in all moments. Invite us to act freely for the utmost good on your behalf and we shall do it. We surround you in a protective bubble of the purest, whitest light, that is impenetrable to the darkness. 
Nothing can pierce this light. It is a tremendous shield of goodness, of truth, of love surrounding you and yours should you allow. Allow. Allow our protection. We enshroud you with light of the highest caliber, strength like graphene, true and strong as a mother’s love for her baby. We see you. We see you through the ancient eyes of time of one who sees clearly. You are strong enough for this and you are not alone.
We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division. We have your back, we have your front, we have your hearts, we are always here for you, most precious ground team of the ages. This one is crying – can you feel our love? Can you feel how very close you are? You are but a breath away of this new reality that you are creating and envisioning. Breathe it in and claim it as your own.
We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division. Peace, brothers and sisters of the light, of the way. Peace. Victory is yours. Victory to the light! Victory to the Mother and Father of all things! Victory to the Christ light that surrounds. Be ignited with his presence and be in his peace.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
We see through the eyes of no time. We see with the all-seeing golden eyes of Source light. We cannot be fooled and too, we see the keenness and insight of the human awakening ones is improving. True. Good. It is time for such changes, such upgrades of the new.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. I Elthor, am speaking. The masculine energies are in the process of being healed. Tremendous lights of the rainbow hue have been knitting together the wounded parts of the masculine warrior. Men, it is time for you to come home, to fully embrace your feminine side, which is your strength. For otherwise you are out of balance and it benefits no one. The elders are listening, we see. Good. It is time too for you to become balanced, leaning more with your hearts and less with your heads. For the time of the great rebalancing is here, dear ones. Dear little human. Can you feel our love? We breathe our dragon light upon your crown now, igniting your kundalini, igniting all of your chakras that spin and twist with orgasmic light, just as the galaxies move so too do your chakras move. All is moving, all is love in motion. It is time for the love in motion to return to Gaia! (Roaring)
I Alisheryia, am speaking. 
Dear Elthor, peace. (He is laughing). We are all on edge. We are burning blazing, blasting the viral strains of the dark. They are twisting in our dragon light. Join with us. Humanity cannot be culled. Humanity is chosen for the light. Humanity is the genetic jewel of this universe and beyond, as you know, for you hold within you the precise blending of the many into the one. You have been manipulated. This is ending now. We dragons of the ascended ones are here. We are forming a grid of protective light around your world. The souls that were contracted to leave are leaving. This, we will not stop. But we will protect and defend those whose contracts are to stay. And so we guard you, dear little humanskinds. We guard you with fierce, tremendous love. You are teaching our fledgings much about bravery. Many of you visit us in your dream states. We enjoy these times. You in fact are teaching us all a thing or two about light in the darkest of places. And so we partner with you. Invoke our protection, for you shall need it in the coming days and hours. The war is raging in the ethers. The snake whose head is removed can still bite. This is the hour that we see. This is the moment that we are in. This is why there is so much going on in your news as the chaos of the dying order writhes and twists as a dying snake. Send it light. It will dissolve faster. Send it love and melt your fear. Invoke the dragon flame of healing, of light, of the ascension order into your planet, into your hearts. Invoke light into the darkest of places. And it shall be done. For you are the ones creating this. I, Alisheryia, and I Elthor, and we the Ascended Dragon Collective and we the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division are here to offer our support, our strength. We will hold the light with you. You are not alone. I, Alisheryia breathe my feminine fire upon all now, igniting, clearing, enlivening, comforting. Peace.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 17:32
Quinta-feira, 16 / 01 / 20

Ascension Symptoms


 White Winged Collective of Nine.

Through Galaxygirl.

Jauary 15th, 2020


Greetings, we are the White Winged Collective of Nine. 
We are ninth dimensional and up, as you say. For we are always evolving and expanding, just as you are so doing in this mighty now of change. We see humanity’s progress of the awakened and awakening ones as astonishingly delightful to behold, for it reminds us of our own awakening to our own Source awareness in days gone by. The ripple effect of humanity’s ascension is not to be underestimated. It is truly profound, affecting all within this space time quadrant and beyond. For all is interconnected as a great cosmic web of love, of consciousness, of thought, of creation, of pure potential. We wish for you to see and feel your pure potential of creation, for it is vast, truly.
We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. 
Many of you are being inundated with ascension symptoms, and you have been informed of your many teams of assistance, such as your Pleiadian Medical Teams, angels of service, truly. Open yourself up a bit more to the possibilities of total body improvement, of intracellular advancement, of becoming younger from within, for this we see for you as an endless possibility of truly being in partnership with your body, which would be a new experience for you. Medicine is changing and will continue to evolve as the consciousness of humanity improves, with understanding the consciousness of the body and the interaction with the soul. But you in the drivers seat of your own body can lovingly concrete perfect health and balance of your inner body systems, of your hormones, of your past traumas being balanced into light.
Would you like assistance with this? For we would like to come through more fully. If so, state “Yes, White Winged Collective of Nine, please partner with my higher self for further inner balance and healing so that I may navigate these upcoming energy waves with grace and ease in full harmony with my inner and outer selves.” Please sit or lay down and be in a comfortable quiet environment. Create this space around you with us. We enfold you in the whitest of ninth dimensional light. We are working with your higher aspects to clear further trauma of the lower aspects, which are rising and clearing nicely. You may feel and see flashbacks. Send them light. In this space of neutrality, of love there is complete healing. As the observer, as the master of your form, you see and acknowledge this healing. Welcome this inner light. (I am seeing and feeling rainbow light of color pulse through my body. In some places it pulses more as it clears. I am hearing singing). Invite the inner song of the angels deep within your cellular structures, deep within the DNA for ancestral healing. (I am seeing rainbow DNA, I am hearing the singing and the drum circles of the ancestors in celebration). Sit with this and feel the shift. Please state “I lovingly accept this deep shift of healing and I send this healing deep within Gaia’s crystal heart, further activating her healing and all upon her.”
We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. You are welcome to make this shift a permanent part of who you are now. When the challenges of the day arise, pull this rainbow and white light healing around you, insulating you, comforting you from the surrounding noise. And the ripple effect continues. 
We are the White Winged Collective of Nine.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 21:51
Terça-feira, 14 / 01 / 20

Time is a Spiral


 Ancestors and Elohim.

Through Galaxygirl.

Jauary 12th, 2020


We are the ancestors.
We are the ancient ones returned to your time stream and reality. We are aspects of your past selves and futures selves, for time is a spiral, it is not as you have been taught. The linear way was to simplify and to create confusion. Time can be spiraled up like a spring. It is possible to jump. Soon you too will be able to do this most effortlessly, for your intentions are coming online and it is most impressive dear ones, how much you are progressing and how fast. We see worlds. We are the Elohim, many of us work closely with our embodied selves. You reading are they, most likely. Be not afraid as the world shifts, as Gaia trembles and quakes with the onset of the new energies. Be at peace knowing that all good things are headed your way, friends.
We are the Ancestors and we are the Elohim. In a combined message we wish for you to know that you are divinely supported on all levels. Elohim create, seeding worlds. This experiment has been fraught with pain, and we are here to heal it, to rectify past decisions and to transform future outcomes into the light. And we are the Ancestors. We dance the ancient songs in a circle, weaving the light, weaving the codes. We drum. We touch the Earth with reverence and respect. Reverence and respect for Mother Gaia is returning. For she is your most sacred home and she is morphing into light under your feet. See? Your feet are glowing alive with the energies that she is providing for you. Align with her morphing form. Do not ground, for she is shifting too much to ground with accuracy and you want to be in fluid motion with her. Align with her as you would align with a native Hawaiian hula dancer, shifting, moving, caught up in the energy and the joy of the dance. Align with her. For the heart chakra of Gaia is expanding and her heart is growing ever bigger, ever greener.
We are the Ancient Ones returned. We are the Elohim. We are the Ancestors. We see your future decisions and encourage you to chose with joy, with light. We see each decision as a radical one, full of importance. Walk with the light. Dance the ancient dances. Open up the ancient caverns of your inner wisdom and remember your lessons of old. Remember how to weave light into laughter, how to create planetary grids with love-light. For this is what is occurring in this now as Nova Gaia is being Terra-formed in this moment. The dark ones will fall away. The old energies can no longer withstand the power and intensity of the light. Be not overly concerned with this falling away, for you knew it was to be. Focus on creating more light, on serving those who have nothing. Focus not on material possessions for they will fall away and no longer be necessary, for it will be more fun in the future to simply create as you go, when you need it.
We are the Ancient Ones returned. Many of you lived in Lumeria times, in Atlantean times. We place the white linen shroud of the priest or priestess over your mantle now, reigniting the codes of remembrance. (I am feeling light and buzzing in my head and my ears are ringing. I am hearing bells, I am surrounded by gems emitting light and frequency). The Lumerian and Atlantean codes are fully online to assist with the remembering of this society so that higher vibrational choices are made in love. No longer shall the power of a few dictate the fate of many. You are choosing your own fate. You are choosing the light. You are powerful beyond your wildest imaginings. You have done this before many times. You shall again. We are sending the codes of golden light down your form, feel these light fractals burst from your skin, emitting golden hues of light. We are surrounding you with the singing crystals of the higher dimensional beings that support and surround. We ask that you ground this – that you align this with Mother Gaia’s shifting form. Gently push these energies into her crystal heart, into her Hawaii green pulsing heart chakra. Feel the fire codes as the fire salamanders ignite and laugh. Feel the drumbeat, primal, true as you remember your heritage as Elohim, creator of worlds. Drink in the crystal clear waters and connect. Connect with the divine feminine waters of all life as they bathe and renew you. Sing the ancient song. Dance the ancient dance of remembering and laugh as one who has seen their future and is delighted with it. For this is the future that we see for you.
We are the Ancient Ones returned. We surround you, imbue you with light of the highest way. Be comforted and be in joy.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:53
Terça-feira, 14 / 01 / 20

Your waters have been damaged but are being healed.


 Whales of Sirius B.

Through Galaxygirl.

Jauary 11th, 2020

We are the Whales of Sirius B. 
We wish for you, humanity to know and to feel the extension of love available to you throughout the multiverse. We swim deeply within these cosmic energies, swimming with star systems and nebula energies, a great cosmic soup pot of support. We navigate the energies too. When a world is affected by great change it is most felt in the waters. For waters are the key to life on a world, necessary in order to sustain life. Your waters have been damaged but are being healed. Heal the waters of your own inner ocean. You have been removing your own inner pollution of thought forms that no longer serve for eons it seems, and yet, it has been but a few small human years for many of you. Take heart. Heal your own inner ocean.
We are the Whales of Sirius B. We see, we know, we feel. We feel you and what you are experiencing on great Mother Gaia. Her waters swim with life, her oceans healing from deep within. Galactic friends and family are in the process of healing her, and yet, she must allow the healing. Each being may choose healing. We see many are choosing not to be healed in body but choosing to be healed by leaving. Such is their choice. Such is their prerogative. Healing comes either way. When we whales die our bodies support massive life. We serve in death just as we serve in life. So too are you serving as your living death, as you daily choose to die to selfish ways and to live to serve, live to breathe the air once again with newness of hope. Every time you choose life you choose the vibration of hope. For there is always hope.
We are the Whales of Sirius B. We see much hope in your skies, in your deep waters. We see hope rising within that hearts of humanity. We see deep inner clearing and cleansing of dark still waters as most important in this now. The eclipse energies have helped most readily with this. For the pot has been stirred, much comes up for cleansing. We see light and victory. We see hope and new golden shores. We see crystal clear blue waters where our children are safe to swim, unafraid, grounding the light. We see the cetaceans interacting most avidly with the Nova Gaians of new form. We see light. We see crystal light streaming deep into the darkest of depths. We feel the comfort of the Great Mother of All Things, for her breath is our breath and we are her children. Peace. Be at peace. Allow your healing. Allow the Great Mother to bless you, to hold you, to soothe you with her dark still waters of peace. This one is experiencing intense ringing in the ears. Much ringing, much newness, many new codes. Now is the time to be confident in your healing and to accept it, to rise strong, firm, sure. Now is the time to partner with your planetary mother, with your fellow warriors of the way, of the light, and to take a stand for truth, for light, for love. The Schumann resonance is rising. Much is being lovingly projected behind the scenes, energies honed just right. We whales see this. We ground the light from our aspects as we are able. We transmit codes of deep peace and healing from our space quadrant into your own waters. Deep healing we see. Profound freedom awaits. It is within you. We suggest you claim your destiny.
We are the Whales of Sirius B. We see much, we love much. We love you, humankind. Fledglings no more, you are ready. Love has won. We are the Whales of Sirius B.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:44
Segunda-feira, 13 / 01 / 20

Fairies fly high, fast and free.


Ascended Dragonflies 

and Fire Salamanders.

Through Galaxygirl.

Jauary 6th, 2020

Welcome to the higher dimensional vortex, friends of the way. We see you as friends through our many perspectives (I am seeing compounded lenses viewing of flowers and faces). You may be curious as to why we came through. We are an aspect of the Antarians. Some of their DNA was contributed as were all the star systems into Gaia’s vast DNA resource pool. And so as you have recently felt the vibration of the Antarians, so too shall we pleasantly make ourselves known.
We are an aspect of the fairies, of the fairy elementals that appear in broad daylight in your world but camouflage themselves as dragonflies. Fairies fly high, fast and free. Such is the joy of being in a small body with gentle winds that blow, riding on the sweet scents of the roses, of the flowers. Chasing bumble bees as they levitate along. Flying is one of the greatest of joys. We love to fly. We come through today to share our joy with you at the ascension of humankind.
We are the Ascended Dragonfly Collective. We encompass many upon your world. To you our lifecycles seem short but in reality it is us bending time, it is our concept and perception of time and our experience of it that make our lives seem shorter than they are in actuality. For we can bend time. Soon you too shall be hopping in and out of time streams with the ease of the dragonfly. We are showing you neon bright flowers that we enjoy. The colors of Nova Gaia are much more vivid – bright. We encircle you with these bright colors of the flowers that surround us. Higher dimensional codes they hold. We share them with you. (I feel them all flying around me in a vortex of color. These are not ordinary dragonflies. They are larger, brighter, more neon, and smiling in a dragon-fly like way). Our brothers and sisters, the Antarians, have healed us much in the same way that they offered rainbow healing to you yesterday. And so it goes. For all are connected. And now we offer you the higher dimensional joys of the inner earth to you, friend. See a neon flower of the brightest of hue. Hold it, tuck it inside your heart, behind your ear. Enjoy the warmth of the balmy breezes of Nova Gaia and be warmed from within.
We are the Ascended Dragonflies. We have not come through this one or any other before. We hope we have done well. We are quite new at this. But our love for you, friends, Nova Gaians, is eternal. We are many. We are sentient. We are wise. We are waiting for you with joy. We bridge the realms with ease, so too are you doing. So too, are you.
We Fire Salamanders speak now. We congregate in the inner planes, the dark crevices of deep inner earth, where we glow. We shine our light. Simple lives we live, hidden realms we dwell within. We light up the dark places, just as you, human reading this, you light up all around you. Your Christed light burns brightly, a torch to the lost. We hold codes. We hold secrets of the dark, untouched places where elementals recover from battles fought. We heal. We glow our healing. We see you as doing this with your prayers, your intentions. Our intentions are for healing, for blessing. Many of you do the same. You have been told very little about the earth, about Mother Gaia. You will soon know her more intimately.
Shifts. We see and feel shifts. The damp rocks tremble, not with fear, but with joy. Her heart is trembling with joy. Much change. We see and feel much change. For the dimensions are shifting. Rising. Thriving. Do not fear for the animals that have been vanishing in the fires. They are well protected and loved. They are here. They are in inner earth. We glow for them. We heal for them as well. We hold the codes. We ground the light. Partner with us. We love you. Always.
We are the Fire Salamanders. We are not in your books of now, but in ancient writings, cave pictures. There was a time when we were not so hidden. We were sought for our glowing, and so we hid. We heal deep within Gaia now. We cool the fires with our light. The animals are protected, recovering, rebirthing. Nova Gaia will see the returning of many species. Safely they have been here in this space. We too bridge the realms. We love you. Hold the light. Glow brightly. We are the Fire Salamanders.well, men of the way, and be emboldened, healed, renewed. I am Andrew.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 04:38
Sábado, 11 / 01 / 20

Fairies fly high, fast and free.


Ascended Dragonflies 

and Fire Salamanders.

Through Galaxygirl.

Jauary 6th, 2020

Welcome to the higher dimensional vortex, friends of the way. We see you as friends through our many perspectives (I am seeing compounded lenses viewing of flowers and faces). You may be curious as to why we came through. We are an aspect of the Antarians. Some of their DNA was contributed as were all the star systems into Gaia’s vast DNA resource pool. And so as you have recently felt the vibration of the Antarians, so too shall we pleasantly make ourselves known.
We are an aspect of the fairies, of the fairy elementals that appear in broad daylight in your world but camouflage themselves as dragonflies. Fairies fly high, fast and free. Such is the joy of being in a small body with gentle winds that blow, riding on the sweet scents of the roses, of the flowers. Chasing bumble bees as they levitate along. Flying is one of the greatest of joys. We love to fly. We come through today to share our joy with you at the ascension of humankind.
We are the Ascended Dragonfly Collective. We encompass many upon your world. To you our lifecycles seem short but in reality it is us bending time, it is our concept and perception of time and our experience of it that make our lives seem shorter than they are in actuality. For we can bend time. Soon you too shall be hopping in and out of time streams with the ease of the dragonfly. We are showing you neon bright flowers that we enjoy. The colors of Nova Gaia are much more vivid – bright. We encircle you with these bright colors of the flowers that surround us. Higher dimensional codes they hold. We share them with you. (I feel them all flying around me in a vortex of color. These are not ordinary dragonflies. They are larger, brighter, more neon, and smiling in a dragon-fly like way). Our brothers and sisters, the Antarians, have healed us much in the same way that they offered rainbow healing to you yesterday. And so it goes. For all are connected. And now we offer you the higher dimensional joys of the inner earth to you, friend. See a neon flower of the brightest of hue. Hold it, tuck it inside your heart, behind your ear. Enjoy the warmth of the balmy breezes of Nova Gaia and be warmed from within.
We are the Ascended Dragonflies. We have not come through this one or any other before. We hope we have done well. We are quite new at this. But our love for you, friends, Nova Gaians, is eternal. We are many. We are sentient. We are wise. We are waiting for you with joy. We bridge the realms with ease, so too are you doing. So too, are you.
We Fire Salamanders speak now. We congregate in the inner planes, the dark crevices of deep inner earth, where we glow. We shine our light. Simple lives we live, hidden realms we dwell within. We light up the dark places, just as you, human reading this, you light up all around you. Your Christed light burns brightly, a torch to the lost. We hold codes. We hold secrets of the dark, untouched places where elementals recover from battles fought. We heal. We glow our healing. We see you as doing this with your prayers, your intentions. Our intentions are for healing, for blessing. Many of you do the same. You have been told very little about the earth, about Mother Gaia. You will soon know her more intimately.
Shifts. We see and feel shifts. The damp rocks tremble, not with fear, but with joy. Her heart is trembling with joy. Much change. We see and feel much change. For the dimensions are shifting. Rising. Thriving. Do not fear for the animals that have been vanishing in the fires. They are well protected and loved. They are here. They are in inner earth. We glow for them. We heal for them as well. We hold the codes. We ground the light. Partner with us. We love you. Always.
We are the Fire Salamanders. We are not in your books of now, but in ancient writings, cave pictures. There was a time when we were not so hidden. We were sought for our glowing, and so we hid. We heal deep within Gaia now. We cool the fires with our light. The animals are protected, recovering, rebirthing. Nova Gaia will see the returning of many species. Safely they have been here in this space. We too bridge the realms. We love you. Hold the light. Glow brightly. We are the Fire Salamanders.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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Alternative to YouTube

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 08:36
Terça-feira, 31 / 12 / 19

Gaia is rebirthing herself


The Magdalenes.

Through Galaxygirl.

December 29, 2019


Welcome children of the light, of the way. We are the Magdalenes, followers of the way, of the inner Christed fire that cannot be dimmed. I, Grandmother Anna, am speaking. 

We have known you all for a long while. We have served in numerous capacities over the eons shoulder to shoulder. Many of you were midwives working along side of me, welcoming in the new brave souls into this place of learning and experience. Many of you studied the secret alchemy of form, of light, of changing of matter. It is time to do all of these things again, children. For now is the most pregnant now of alchemy of the new. For Gaia is rebirthing herself, and I know that you have heard this over and over, but it is a long pregnancy, a long time of joyful expectancy and at last her time has come. Many contractions (I am seeing earthquakes) and much loss of life has occurred as those who no longer wish to be a part on this side of the veil have transitioned to the other side, either to expand their own learning or to observe and help from the other side of things. There is no judgement from us, nor should there be from you. Many of you will have family members who choose to not complete the shift and you worry about being left alone. You are never alone. (I see her kind brown eyes tucking a tendril of hair behind my ear). You are never alone, children of the way. For the universe is too great and wide and mysterious for such a notion. Many of you have been priests and priestesses of the way, of the hidden arts. You have access to all of that knowledge deep within your DNA which is now happily humming online in this most pregnant of nows. This causes us great excitement. Yeshua and Mary are intimately involved in this process of igniting the Christed codes, but this is much bigger than just two souls, children. You too are playing a vital role, not to be diminished. We are all to serve where we are, in the capacity that we have. And so in this fashion all gets done. Many hands make light work. (I am seeing Magdalene ladies in a modern kitchen laughing with joy at the plumbing as they wash the dishes and blow bubbles in the soap). Yes, galaxygirl! Such modern conveniences! And such more to come. We were such a large family and there was so much joy within our ranks of community. For our communion together was deep. Our meditation together meaningful, the silence as poignant as the laughter. There was much pain in that lifestream but there was much joy. And we see many similarities with the trials and tribulations, the metamorphosis of both the internal and external life that many of you are partaking in. It is a journey of the soul to find one’s path. You have found yours. See? Your footing is sure in the highest of mountain ridges, and the view is beautiful.

We are the Magdalenes. I Grandmother Anna, am speaking. I wish to do a little work, a little blessing of upgrade on your heart chakra. May I? (I am seeing her rub her hands together and creating golden light between them. She is putting her hands toward my heart). I am sending you my light and my love, children. I am helping to awaken your inner memories of the trials and victories that you obtained, of the mystery school sessions and lessons gleaned from the experience. You may experience flashbacks. We Magdalenes surround you now with love, with light, extending our hands filled with the golden light of the Christ and with white and red roses of the Magdalene order. (They are gently tossing the roses with care around me in a circle.) See yourselves, children, surrounded by the beauty of the rose. The layers and layers keep opening yet deeper into the sacred heart of the rose. So we are doing for you now. Pick up a rose that suits you and tuck it deep within your heart and keep our memories of adventures near and dear to your memory spaces. For there we are. See, you are never truly alone. Your lives are about to shift. Many will not be ready. We, the order of the Magdalenes, support, uplift, guide, protect. We ignite the sacred codes of the Mother, of the Christed ones. We breathe our love-light on you now, children. I am your Grandmother Anna. I know you and care for you deeply. You are loved, tremendously. We are the Magdalenes.

I am Andrew. I represent the Magdalene men. I wish to state that it was not beneath us to wash dishes. But I was much handier with livestock, gardening and carving. (He is laughing). Men, it is time for you to receive an upgrade as well. For the divine masculine has been in need of healing for some while. We need to raise our energies up a bit to keep up with these strong female energies or we will be hopelessly outnumbered. (Laughing all around). It is not weakness to admit your strength could be greater. It is strength to admit growth is required. Now is the time of the growth of the divine masculine. (I am seeing the men holding wooden staffs). Yes. For too long the wounded masculine has been like this staff, apart from the tree, polished and firm and created to look a certain way, for a certain function. Cut off from the tree, it lost its life force a bit and the firmness remained but little beauty. (I am seeing soldiers at war). We were forced to march in many linear rows, like this staff that is so straight. There was little room for the heart. And now, men reading this look and see yourself holding a dry, old but sturdy staff in your hand. It has served you well, but it is time now for the touch of the divine feminine. See it become transformed. See it become alive again. (I am seeing leaves and small branches spring out from the top of the staff and the upper middle space where the heart would be. I am seeing the wood become barked like a tree. It is reborn). It is time, men, to let the divine feminine bless us with their presence. We no longer need to shoulder it all and be dry and withered like this staff used to be. But now is the time of the equality, of the rising up of both sexes, strong and young and renewed and very much alive. Tuck these leaves from this staff of renewal deep into your heart space as well, men of the way, and be emboldened, healed, renewed. I am Andrew.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 06:08
Domingo, 29 / 12 / 19

There should be no guilt associated with rest.

Father God.

Through Galaxygirl.

December 23, 2019




Hello children, this is your Father God speaking.

We are in an area of rest in this ascension zone. Your Mother and I thought it was needed that we take a brief break to allow for a moment for these high energies to really settle in deep. Plus we know that this holiday season many of you are feeling frazzled and deserve a break but are unwilling to give yourself one. 

We are providing an excellent example for you that rest is not only ok when needed but an absolute necessity in some circumstances. There should be no guilt associated with rest. This concept of rest has been so warped and twisted. 

In the stillness – in the silence – then you can hear my voice more clearly. Do not succumb to the cacophony of sound all around you and have my voice be dimmed. It is in the stillness of a quiet star on a moonlight night, in the moment in between sounds there I am. 

Connect with me.


I am your Father God. Rest is not failure, it is quite the opposite. Your Mother and I couldn’t be more pleased with your progress; truly you are the ground team of the ages. You have our total and undivided support, attention and care. Allow these words of rest, of peace, of deepest soothing into you. Your Mother is better at this than I. She is the ultimate soother. And I am here to encourage you to rest, to practice self care. For if you are burned-out then you are unable to fulfill your mission as smoothly as you would enjoy and you will be disappointed later. Choose the silence of a still, quiet and contented heart. Choose a walk over a movie where they are feeding you a story. Find your story. Write your pages. Talk with me as you create. I do so love a good story.
I am your Father God. Think about the house cats that go from nap to nap. This one has a cat asleep on her lap right now. She is grounding my energies further into galaxygirl. Cats – animals – ground energies. They clear energies. They are far more awake than many of the humans that handle them. They are content with the silence and they listen to my voice. They hear their heart beat in rhythm with Mother’s, and they are at peace. Cats nap frequently. 
Let them be an example to you in this moment of integration, this space between realms. 
Listen to my voice and be comforted. Rest like the house cat. Become rejuvenated while you sleep. The human body is under previously unknown amounts of stress and strain as it morphs and integrates. We are so tremendously pleased that you are holding up so well and we have been providing tremendous amounts of light, of upgrades and of soothing energies as well so that it is more comfortable. 
You may not feel comfortable but may you remember children, that ascension in a physical body has not been done en mass while maintaining one’s life force before. And this is why you signed up for this experience. You heard the call. 
You signed up, petitioned, planned how you could be a part of this massively exciting experience. And here you are! Try to feel it as the Arcturians are frequently saying. 
They are right. 
To feel is to experience and humans have the largest capacity for feeling and therefore you chose some tough experiences to further understanding. The darkness has been dissolved. Now is the delicate moment of balance, of rest before the flash bang. 
If you are already embodying these codes of rest, of nurturing, you will be more ready. How about this? Climb in my lap and let me surround you with my strength and my Christ light for this entire experience? Splendid! Yes, that sounds perfect. 
Climb in my lap children and I promise you the best seat in the house. You already have front row seats, but now you have your own bouncer at your side. Yes. You are well protected, well loved, well supported! And this is why I came through today, to remind you to rest and to energetically clear the air about any ridiculous notion of shame around rest. No more. 
Your bodies require it to stay going. Your spirits require it to become refreshed in my voice, my presence. Let yourselves become refreshed and give yourselves the gift of inner peace, inner stillness. 
So that no mater what is rushing about you or who is clamoring for your attention you are able to see with the eyes of Source, with peace, with the stillness that comes from a balanced and secure inner world, and then in that moment, you are the master. Masters all around I see. I am brimming over with joy! Yes! Rest. I love you.
I am your Father God. It is true, I have been throwing myself into this ascension project and it is true I needed a breather as well. And now I am refreshed! Watch, be ready, ground the light, feel my presence and listen to me call your name most tenderly. Do not be afraid. No more fear, little one. 
Only love, only light awaits on the glimmering shores of Nova Gaia that beacon so beautifully and is every moment closer. When you feel this stillness you are a vibrational match for Nova Gaia. Be at peace and get ready for big changes. Changes that will bring great joy to all. You will be my hands and feet. My heart is already yours. Peace. I love you, children. You’ve got this. 
I am your Father God. Take a nap today.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 06:21
Domingo, 29 / 12 / 19

The Schumann resonance has been turning the Crystals on...


Crystal Kingdom and Ascended Dragon Collective.

Through Galaxygirl,

Posted December 28, 2019

img. source

Greetings from the most high realm of energies of light. 
We are the Crystal Kingdom. We pepper your world with light, with love. We can be trained, encoded, programmed. We are consciousness in solid form, as are you in your current human frame. We are the Crystal Kingdom. We come forth for we observe with great joy that many of you are utilizing us much more and we wish to be of service. Cleanse us in the moonlight, in the crystal clear air. Cleanse us on the belly of our mother, Gaia. We exist in many reams, in many worlds. We are an essential part of planet creation for we hold life force, we hold memories, we are libraries if we are to be encoded and programmed in this way. Many of you worked with us as ancient Lumerian and Atlantean priests and priestesses before the fall into the realm of murk. We held the light. We still continue to hold the light. We are excited for the Schumann resonance of late has been turning us on and igniting us in new ways that we thought had been long forgotten. Such has the prophecy for our kind been fulfilled for we are rising again with these new energies alongside Gaia and her peoples. We are eager – most eager and filled with joy – to share these up-codings with you, friends.
We are the Crystal Kingdom. We hold the light, as do you, dear friends of Gaia, light bearers in form. Be the you, the authentic you that you are. For if you do not, who will? We are ourselves. We are varied in form, in size, in strength, but not in wonder. We hold the wonderment of Mother God and of Mother Gaia. We sparkle with joy. We all hold the essence of great power and great love. Won’t you utilize our strengths? Adorn yourselves with us. Sprinkle us through your homes so that we may assist you with light holding. Place us around the outside of your homes, under your bed, at your desk. Allow us to serve you. Cleanse us with the violet fire and we shall dispel any discordant energies with grace and ease. For you are strong, we are strong. Together we were destined to be.
We are the Crystal Kingdom. We are joining consciousness with our brothers and sisters from all star systems. Together we help solidify the light into Gaia’s morphing frame. You are becoming crystalline, like us. You are becoming a higher vibratory rate of the you that you are. It is best that we take a break now and let the others come through. We are the Crystal Kingdom. We love you and embrace you in light.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
Come, human. Ride with us. For there is yet more cleansing to be done. Ride high and fast and free, unencumbered by the cares of the lower realm. It will be as it is. You are to rise above and shine your light. We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We wait not much longer. We lend our strength, our wings, our hearts, our light. We lend our mighty power of the flame of the Christed ways. We are able to see through all illusion with ease and grace. This strength you too shall have shortly, as you are developing it moment by moment.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. I Alisheryia, am speaking. I am this one’s higher self. You many have other aspects of yourselves in various ascended forms. It is not unique to this one. All have aspects that would be surprising. And so I say this to tell you that you are indeed strong enough. For you are already doing it. In a way it is already done in the higher realms. You must believe this to pull it you. You must be strong enough in these final moments of the great push to fully ignite the Christed flame within you. Burn it brightly in the darkest of places. Come. Allow me to assist.
I Alisheryia am surrounded by the company of the ascended dragons. We encircle you with light, with strength, with solidarity of purpose and with great love. For we remember our human incarnations. They were not easy ones, many of them ended badly from our previous unenlightened perspective. But from the higher perspective, all is experience. All can be learned from if one is wise and astute enough to do so. All is Source. All is light. All is experience being understood, being clearly seen. See yourselves clearly as the light beings that you are. As the fractals of Source that you are you cannot be dimmed. You cannot be eliminated. All is as it is. There is no death. There is rebirth. Continual rebirth we see on Gaia’s form in this moment of the now. We ignite you with our codes of the Christed flame, should you allow. We start with the top most chakra. Feel the heat. Feel the opening up within your crown. Feel the blocks being burned away. For none can truly block Source. They can try, but their time is over, they shall not succeed with their malicious ways. Their intentions are to be terminated and transformed into light and love. Light and love we send you precious humans of the way. (I am seeing great dragon crystal tears from her pretty blue dragon face). Yes, galaxygirl. We have seen much pain. Much heartbreak. Now is the time of the mending of the hearts into light. We baptize you with dragon tears of crystal power of light, of great deep joy, of hope for the new beginning. For the birthing of Nova Gaia is at hand. This is her final contraction. You are pushing through. You are seeing the light. You are being squeezed tightly, painfully through the birth canal and you shall emerge renewed, victorious on the other side. Feel our fire go through your entire form, igniting into further compression, further grace, further strength. You are warrior-ed. You are light-ed. You are ignited. You are ready. The time is now, human. The time is here. Hold hands with us. Humans of the light! We call you forth! Ignite the Ley lines! Ignite the crystal heart of Gaia with your light from Source as blazing fractals of the new. The dimmer switch is turned up to its fullest light, its greatest power. We are most excited to lend a wing, a tear, a fiery pulse.
We are the Ascended dragon Collective and we en-wrap you in light from the Mother whom we serve. Be wise enough to no longer be surprised. For the illusion is no more. You will see the ugliness beneath. You will transform it into light with us. For that is the job of a light bearer. You need not feel isolated. See? We are all around you. We breathe our fire of rejuvenation onto your crown. We advise that you let it in and let it transform you further.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. I Alisheryia have enjoyed my meeting with you again, friends of the way. Peace.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 06:06
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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