A Chama da Ascensão


Terça-feira, 03 / 12 / 19

It is difficult for many to accept...

Brenda Hoffman.

Channeled Message,


on November 28th, 2019

Dear Ones,
You likely feel you are right about certain issues – and others are wrong. You have decided such because you believe others are mean, lack integrity or your cause is more worthy. All of which make you feel righteous, but not necessarily light and airy.
Deciding you are right and others are wrong is a heavy burden to carry.
You probably believe others could be good people if only they would function as do you. But expressing such verbally or within yourself merely pulls you into the fray.
This week’s message is perhaps difficult for many to accept, much less understand. For how is it possible that the Universes (or your society’s 3D parental God) would allow inhumanity or the destruction of the earth to continue day after day? You believe that if those people creating that pain and chaos would go away or slink into a corner, all would be well in your world.
What you do not yet understand is that ‘those’ people are exposing the underbelly of niceness, of all that has been hidden on the earth for eons. For if those people went away, another and another and another would stand up to rally the troops of those who elected to show discrimination and fear to those who do not wish to know about it.
Is it not true, that even though you have noted for eons the inequity of social groups and the neglect of your home, the earth, you have opted not to rally against social mores?
You are finally contemplating doing so because the disharmony is so obviously displayed – and it makes you uncomfortable. But your techniques for redirecting society’s inequities are of 3D instead of actions that change your new earth.
Continuing your anger, distrust, and verbal hatred will not change anything other than creating a more distinct separation than was true in the past.
The new way to shift society is with love instead of fear.
As William Shakespeare so aptly wrote: “Thou doth protest too much.” So it is you are filled with rage at those highlighting issues of your 3D society. The same issues that have been part of your society, with some shifts in discomfort levels, throughout the 3D eons. So why do you now believe you can dramatically shift society with the same rallying cries that were previously unsuccessful?
As a society, you are trying to make the unpleasant news go away using anger, punishment, banishment, and death. Only to have the same issues return lifetime after lifetime – and now – moment after moment.
There is a reason for your discomfort, your fears. It is not to rally for a day of anger, but instead to find new solutions to very old inequities. Even so, many of you continue your anger only to discover that you have more to be angry about daily.
You are being pushed into a corner of fear and rage, so you either create new results or allow those who will. This social chaos is not to replay the same song of, “Oh, how terrible.” but instead to realize 3D methods no longer apply.
So what does that mean for you?
Quite frankly, if your only conclusion is anger and fear, please drop out of the 5D solution equation. But if you have a loving solution, act on that idea. The old 3D ways are no more, including that which merely puts a band-aid on issues. This is a time of total destruction of any and all things 3D – including social fear and anger.
Some of you are gasping, thinking we are telling you to drop out, to be quiet, to be in love, when all you feel is rage. Instead, we are informing you that if you look within your heart, your pain and fear will ease.  And by doing so, you will also intuitively know if you have something to contribute to the solution or if you have other issues to address.
If you cannot find anything constructive within, it is highly unlikely that you are part of the fear solution. But know within every fiber of your being, that others are. And that your role is to create something new instead of addressing that which is no longer part of your new world.
If you dislike a group or a person, that is your starting point. For you will most certainly not create resolutions for your fears if you cannot address or shift your dislike of an individual or group.
Of course, you respond that without that person or group, your life would be pleasant. And it might be. But what about the issues that person or group is highlighting? Will those inequities continue without their spotlight? Or do you have a solution?
If you do not have a solution, such is not your role or direction. For continuing on that road of fear or anger, merely escalates an issue.
So it is once again we urge you to look within to find your light, the light the earth now needs desperately. Not because you do not feel the pain or anger of the total chaos that is now earth, but because doing what you have done for eons will not change anything other than delaying your love and joy. 
So be it. Amen.

Brenda Hoffman

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Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 19:37
Sexta-feira, 29 / 11 / 19

he 144 Healing System

The Council of 144

Through Natalie Glasson.

Posted November 29th, 2019. 

Natalie Glasson from Sacred School of OmNa
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa https://www.omna.org/



Greetings, we are the Council of 144, as a collective we represent every member of the Universe of the Creator. We exist at the cosmic level and yet are often recognised as the Council of 12 (the 12 core energies that are first expressed from the Creator, of which each of you pass through and are an expression of.) As the Council of 144, our purpose is to maintain the energy, frequency and vibration of creation as born from the Creator. The frequency we emanate as the 144 synthesises into many dimensions and even civilisations upon the Earth. During major ascension shifts the 144 frequency is present to support the necessary manifestations. When the 144 frequency is present in whichever form it manifests, you can be sure a powerful shift and transformation is presenting itself for all to experience. The frequency of 144 at a cosmic level is the vibration of manifestation and creation of the purest nature. It is with this vibration we greet you, activating the same within you. As we connect with each other and through each other, so we recognise the purest vibration of the Creator.
Our purpose in coming forth to you today is to share an insight from the Universe of the Creator and our conscious awareness. We wish to share with you a vibration and frequency known as the 144 Healing System. This is the healing frequency present within our vibration, known as the 144 frequency, born from the cosmic level. Our frequency represents the wholeness, completeness and oneness of the Creator. Therefore, our healing frequency represents and promotes the same. It is labelled the 144 Healing System because calling upon this energy and attunement begins a cycle of attuning your entire being on all levels to the wholeness, completeness and oneness of the Creator. The result is that gradually, although at an accelerated rate, you shift your energy vibration to exist in harmony with the 144 frequency with special focus upon healing and transforming that which separates and withdraws your energy from the Creator. Your harmonisation with the 144 frequency will support a process of discovering your inner truth, dissolving inner wounds, rediscovering the Creator within you and accepting liberation throughout your entire being. Energies that seem to be stagnating will have the opportunity to blossom into the beautiful and blissful energy of the Creator. The 144 Healing System supports your own special journey of rejoicing with the Creator while allowing you to remain in your power, at the forefront of your internal healing and awakening process. The journey is different for each soul that connects with the 144 Healing System, making it difficult to describe the full presence and purpose of this powerful vibration.
The 144 Healing System holds 144 stands of healing energy, each stand or energy wave was created by the Council of 12. When each strand of healing energy is combined it creates a complete and the ultimate healing shift which impacts all levels of your being. Calling on just some of these healing stands of light could support the healing you desire in your life, reality and being now. However, when you anchor the 144 stands of healing energy you create a vow with yourself and the Creator of seeking unity with the Creator, beyond the current experiences of your existence on the Earth. A unity that sings to every aspect of your being and re-establishes your intimate relationship with the Creator. Within the 144 Healing System are codes and divine imprints which represent and emanate the purest vibration of the Creator and the Universe of the Creator. Each code and divine imprint promote oneness and harmonisation with the Creator, supporting you in bringing the same into creation within your reality upon the Earth and the inner planes.
Souls throughout the Universe of the Creator, such as Star Beings and Ascended Masters, download and emanate the 144 Healing System, recognising it as a transformational pathway to remembrance of the Creator on all levels of their being. This is not a new energy, it is a frequency at the very core of your own being and at the foundation of the entire universe of the Creator, as well as the Earth.
Within the Ascended Master Schools on the inner planes, there is an opportunity to access and reactivate the 144 Healing System at which every dimension you are vibrating. Many choose to decipher and express teachings and healing techniques from the 144 Healing System and yet at a cosmic level it is simply light which shifts your being into complete harmonisation with the Creator.
We, the Council of 144 wished to make you aware of the 144 Healing System now so you may be conscious of this energy within your being, thus beginning a unique healing journey for yourself in co-creation with the Creator. It is essential now due to the Blaze of Light anchoring in 2020 from the Creator with the purpose of creating more light and the magnification of light. If the frequency and energy of the 144 Healing System is recognised within your being and activated, then it will be magnified and further distributed throughout your being by the Blaze of Light.
It is important to recognise that the 144 Healing System manifests the completeness, wholeness and oneness of the Creator for all aspects of your being, reality, creations and existence on the Earth and the inner planes. Take a moment to connect with and embody this understanding:
  • Imagine the presence of wholeness within your being and reality that the 144 Healing System creates.
  • Imagine the transformations the presence of wholeness on all levels of your being would create within you and for your reality.
  • Contemplate your presence and existence in the world with the vibration of wholeness.

Reactivating the 144 Healing System

‘I call forth the frequency and vibration of the Council of 144 to be present with me and ground into my being. I invite the 144 frequency to penetrate my being with the purpose of activating the energy and presence of the 144 Healing System within me. Let the frequency of the 144 Healing System blossom into my entire being, transforming all that I am and create. Support me in accessing and emanating the wholeness, completeness and oneness of the Creator. Let this activation begin now. Thank you.’
The activation will create whatever is needed and appropriate within your being now, thus encouraging your intimate relationship with the Creator.

Magnifying the 144 Healing System with the Light Blaze of 2020

This activation can be achieved now or at any time during 2020.
‘I call forth the frequency and vibration of the Council of 144 to be present with me and ground into my being. I invite the 144 frequency to penetrate my being with the purpose of activating the energy and presence of the 144 Healing System within me.
I open my entire being to receive the appropriate vibrations of the 2020 Light Blaze to magnify all that is the light of the Creator. I invite the 2020 Light Blaze to touch every cell of my being, my energy vibration and reality, bathing me in the most supreme light.
I invite a synthesis and reconnection to take place within my being. May the Creator’s 2020 Light Blaze ignite, amplify and reactivate the presence of the 144 Healing System within my being now. I allow the presence, sacred codes, divine influence and guidance of the 144 Healing System to radiate from the core of my being. I am an embodiment of the 144 frequency and healing vibration; the presence of the wholeness, completeness and oneness of the Creator. I open my mind and heart to recognise truly and purely how the 144 frequency will serve me now in my life and journey of expressing the Creator. Thank you.’
Allow and hold the intention of a synthesis taking place within your being, rest and enjoy the presence of the energy.
Infinite love,

Council of 144
Natalie Glasson.

Related Book by Natalie Glasson
The Twelve Rays of Light
A Guide to the Rays of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 21:34
Sexta-feira, 22 / 11 / 19

Globe of Creation

The Council of 144

Through Natalie Glasson.

Posted November 22nd, 2019. 

Natalie Glasson from Sacred School of OmNa
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa https://www.omna.org/



Our Definition of Creation: An energy at the core of the Creator which entwines into and through all that is the Creator, supporting the expression and manifestation of the Creator in numerous forms.
I Am the Source of Creation,
Into life I Am born,
With truth from the nucleus of the Creator I give birth to all,
I Am the Creator of all civilisations, the planets, stars and beyond,
I Am the deliverance of new dimensions, creations, healing and fulfilment,
When you work in harmony with me, I will deliver all that is needed,
What is needed now is your trust in me for I have the tools to transform all.
I Am the Globe of Creation; I Am the Creator in manifestation.
If you can see me then you can appreciate and guide all of creation.
Let our threads intertwine, for our purpose is to be one,
I Am the Globe of Creation and you are the source of one/om.
Let us breath in harmony, our combined activation creates the whole.
Greetings, we are the Council of 144, as a collective we represent every member of the Universe of the Creator. We exist at the cosmic level and yet are often recognised as the Council of 12 (the 12 core energies that are first expressed from the Creator, of which each of you pass through and are an expression of.) As the Council of 144, our purpose is to maintain the energy, frequency and vibration of creation as born from the Creator. The frequency we emanate as the 144 synthesises into many dimensions and even civilisations upon the Earth. During major ascension shifts the 144 frequency is present to support the necessary manifestations. When the 144 frequency is present in whichever form it manifests, you can be sure a powerful shift and transformation is presenting itself for all to experience. The frequency of 144 at a cosmic level is the vibration of manifestation and creation of the purest nature.
We the Council of 144 of the Cosmic Level created and gifted into the Universe of the Creator a source of light known as the Globe of Creation. This is a tool for souls to work with in order to:
  • Further understand the laws of the Universe of the Creator
  • To perfect the accuracy of manifesting from whichever dimension of the Universe of the Creator you exist at, as each dimension requires a different process
  • Download the light codes of Creation and the light DNA strands missing that support co-creation with the Creator
  • The manifestation of the Divine Plan of the Creator to continue the journey and quest of truth all are embarking upon now.
The Globe of Creation born from the source of the 144 vibration at a cosmic level is available in its energetic form for all souls to connect and work with. On first connection it will begin a deep and full reconnection and cleansing of the presence of creation within your being. Then it will magnify the energy and frequency of the Creator’s energy of creation within your entire being. Following this, the Globe of Creation will empower the presence of the Divine Plan within your being and even heal any fragmentation which may have occurred. Thus, aligning you more fully with the Divine Plan allowing it to become a powerful guiding light within your life and existence, whether you are on the Earth or the inner planes. The Globe will download the light codes of Creation and the light DNA strands missing to support your natural ability of co-creation with the Creator as well as improving your skills of manifestation and Creation. The results will be that you feel a deeper connection and intimacy with the Creator with a greater understanding of the Laws of the Universe of the Creator. You will perfect the process of creation, manifestation, expression and materialisation of the Creator at the dimensional frequency you currently reside and others as well. An understanding of the link between ascension and creation will dawn, opening up a blossoming of service to all that is the Creator.
It is enormous that the Globe is making an appearance energetically to those who are ready at accept its presence, influence and wisdom. The Globe of Creation has not energetically appeared to light workers since the fall of Atlantis.

Why has the Globe of Creation appeared now?

Humanity has now reached the light frequency necessary. In 2020 a light blaze will manifest which will enhance the light frequency of all beings, the Globe of Creation needs to be energetically present in order for the energy of creation within all souls to be magnified precisely and perfectly. A powerful synthesis will take place between the Light Blaze and the Globe of Creation, opening up a new manifestation of the Creator for all to realise and accept within themselves.
It is important to mention that you do not focus upon that which you wish to manifest or create when connecting energetically with the Globe of Creation. Instead it refines and opens your being to finetune your natural and Creator given abilities of manifestation and co-creation with the Creator. Thus, once the process is complete or integrated, that which is Creator guided will manifest with your focus and intention.

Steps for Connecting with the Globe of Creation

  1. Call upon the 144 Frequency of the Cosmic Level to download into your being with the purpose of cleansing and purifying all of your energetic systems.
  2. In your own words ask the 144 Frequency to prepare your entire being for an ascension shift, awakening and blossoming.
  3. Ask the 144 Frequency to download their energy of Creation from the Cosmic Level into your being.
  4. ‘With the support of my guides and the 144 frequency of the Cosmic Level I wish to connect from the purest essence of my being with the Globe of Creation, an energetic source gifted by the 144 Frequency to the Universe of the Creator. If it is divinely appropriate and guided by my soul, I wish to download the necessary energy from the Globe of Creation into my being to support the perfection and awakening of my creation skills and co-creation with the Creator. May I now receive all that is appropriate and guided. Thank you.’
Allow yourself to receive and experience for as long as is necessary.
  1. Ask within your being how many more times you need to connect with the energetic Globe of Creation in order for the process to be complete within you.
  2. Call for the 144 Frequency to perfect any ascension shifts that may have taken place, to ground any downloads and to synthesis the energies you have experienced with your physical being and reality. (Give yourself time to return fully into awareness and your reality.)
We, the 144 Frequency give this gift of an activation with the Globe of Creation in trust and respect of your truth,
Infinite love,

Council of 144

Natalie Glasson.

Related Book by Natalie Glasson
The Twelve Rays of Light
A Guide to the Rays of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:09
Terça-feira, 05 / 11 / 19

Ascension recap...

by Teri Wade.


Posted November 4th, 2019.


In this Universe everything is energy and that is a fact. It means we are living in a timeless and space-less energy that manifests itself as you, me, trees, birds, every soul, the stars, the planet and all that exists in the Multiverse. Everything is one and EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED!
Everything is interdependent because nothing can exist in an isolated state without a purpose, a reason to be there. We need food to grow, but the food needs us for it to be grown etc. Living in this third dimensional existence is tough. If our planet was too close to the sun it would be too hot, if our planet was too far from the sun it would be too cold either way life could not sustain itself. But, we can say that everything is as it should be and everyone is placed where they are meant to be, where they choose to be. Everything is in divine order even if it appears incredibly chaotic.
Out of chaos exists a level of order to give birth to necessary events. Think about the death of a star into a Supernova. A gigantic explosion of pieces of gas, molecules and matter thrown into the cosmos with no apparent order. Meaning, a new generation of stars can be created by the same bricks, shall we say, composed by the original star and those same bricks are the bricks that make up the atoms of our bodies. So, was that explosion chaos or was it divine order? On one level it was chaos but on the highest level it was order.
Everything is designed under mathematical rules, everything is perfect in its individual expression. We give labels and names because we experience life through a 3-D reality. We separate the individual from the oneness, the interconnectedness we all are.
This happens because when we incarnate on a 3-D planet such as Earth meaning its denseness and duality we have to lower our frequency so much in order to exist in such a physical environment. We are multi-dimensional beings whether we are aware of it or not!
We exist on many dimensions at the same time and we operate in each one of them under specific rules. Our “higher self” which is pure energy would disintegrate our human vessel because our human vessel could not sustain that extremely high frequency. So, what I’m getting at here is the Ascension process our physical bodies are going through are feeling these physical symptoms brought on by these higher Ascension energies.
We are raising our frequency higher and higher and as a consequence we are making the impossible possible because now with this Ascension process our physical bodies are being able to sustain these higher frequencies which are bringing in incredible abilities, awareness and insight. We can now operate in a wider spectrum of reality.
As you raise your vibration you can access new portions of reality. This is why the third eye is so emphasized throughout our world and the spiritual community. Two eyes = symbol of duality, right and left brain hemispheres, male and female, the third eye is unification, perception beyond duality, higher awareness and divine wisdom.
Our DNA is morphing being brought on by these higher energies we are receiving from our Central Sun. A fully functioning human being as originally designed and created had 12 fully functioning strands of DNA. We were once a being that was one with Light, God in our ancient times.
Through DNA manipulation we were made into an unconscious race easy to control by a very sinister and service to self Dark agenda. This being called “God” by organized religions is divine pure Light and of the highest frequency which is love. The human race is an emotional race and as this Ascension process ramps up we as a species cannot be controlled any longer. God or Light is not only all that exists but it also is everything that doesn’t exist.
Religion preaches separation meaning you’re separate from this “Light” and that’s all an illusion. This is how they control the human species. They have you looking outward when it’s always been inside. Once you receive this higher light the unconscious becomes conscious, the asleep becomes awake.
Remember, darkness is just the absence of light. Once these energies start flowing and our awareness starts to heighten darkness remembers itself as Light hence, our Awakening. We will all eventually become one with the Light.
Completion of Evolution! 🙌🏼

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:04
Sábado, 02 / 11 / 19


Your Galactic Family

Through Suzanne Lie.

October 31, 2019.

The Journey of remembering your Higher SELF is one that will be occurring more and more as your “Pleiadian/human disguise" reminds you that the Portals to the Fifth Dimensional frequency of reality are increasingly opening.

These portals will connect Gaia with Her own fifth dimensional Planetary SELF. However, only those beings who can calibrate their consciousness to the higher fourth and fifth dimensional frequency of resonance will be able to have any awareness of this higher frequency of reality. 

The challenge for humanity is to remember that “The Portals to the Fifth Dimension” are starting to open NOW in a manner that is different then it ever was before. Therefore, those whose consciousness resonates to the higher fourth and beginning fifth dimensional consciousness are perceiving a “feeling!” 

What is this “feeling” or is it a “knowing” or even a “remembering?” There is still NO shape, as the fifth dimensional energy fields can usually only be perceived by ones Highest States of Consciousness, such as deep meditation or prayer.

This experience of perceiving that which you usually cannot see or hear during your daily physical life, occurs when you are consciously, or unconsciously, focusing on expanding the energy field of your Heart, your Mind and what is often called, your “Heart/Mind,” which combines the energy of your heart and your mind. 

The expansion of your Hearth/Mind/Energy Field is the beginning of the process of remembering your innate fifth-dimensional frequency of Light Being SELF. When your Heart and Mind merge, you will more deeply understand the higher dimensional energy fields that you remind you of your innate KNOWING. 

The reason for this consciousness expansion is because your Multidimensional SELF (the YOU who resonates to fifth dimensional and beyond frequencies of reality), has opened the inner portal to the higher frequencies of reality. 

This Portal was actually opened by your own Higher SELF. Your Higher SELF will assist you to FIND and FOLLOW the Path that you will hear as an “inner call” and a “deep knowing” that you have always had, but FORGOT. 

On the other hand, you cannot perceive any of these fifth dimensional perceptions via your third dimensional brain. Fortunately, more and more grounded humans, as well as Gaia’s many other life forms, are beginning to be, or have always been, in alignment with Gaia’s energy fields. 

When a human is in alignment with Gaia, they can send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire of Transmutation into Gaia’s Core Crystals. Then, as more and more humans merge with their own Higher SELF, their fifth dimensional consciousness will greatly assist the healing and transmutation of Gaia. 

Yes, Gaia wishes to transmute into Her fifth dimensional Planetary SELF, just as more and more humans wish to transmute into their fifth dimensional Galactic SELF. It is best if the humans also merge with dear Mother Gaia.  

Most of Gaia’s life forms are already connected to Gaia via Her Water, Earth, Air, Spirit and Fire/sunlight. When humans were “natives” they still remembered that Earth was a Living Being, and those humans volunteered to assist and protect Gaia during her “rebirth” into a higher frequency of reality. 

The ancients understood the concept of “rebirth” into a higher frequency of reality,” but as humanity “grew up” many of them forgot to honor dear Gaia, as their Mother Planet. Worse yet, as the humans became more “civilized” they often forgot that Planet Gaia was a living being, and not just a planetary orb on which humans could live, pillage, burn, bomb, flood, and fight over. 

In fact, too often it was only “their land” because they stole it from other humans, or stole it from Gaia by destroying the area. “Why were the humans like that?” you may ask. In fact, you could even ask, “Why are humans STILL like that?”

When the humans first came to the body of dear Gaia, they did so in order to assist Her with Her Planetary Ascension into the fifth dimension and beyond! Unfortunately, too many humans got LOST! 

They got lost in their own selfish power over others, and they got lost in their “greed,” which led humanity to take too much away from Earth, and give too little back! Worst of all, the Galactic Beings who chose to take a human form in order to assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension, also got lost. 

In fact, many humans got lost in their SEARCH for “Personal Ascension!” Would it be fair to take too much away from a friend, or family member, or, to demand too much of them, and try to rule over them? Would the taking from others, and the giving too little back a sign that that human was becoming a “Lost One.”  

A Lost One is one who has lost their ability to remember their own Higher Dimensional SELF, their reason for taking an Earth Body, and most sadly, they lost the ability to have, give and/or receive Unconditional LOVE.

“Unconditional Love” is LOVE WITH OUT CONDITIONS. Unconditional Love is the key to ascension. However, this key can only open one’s Heart to love themselves, when they can open their heart to others as well. 

“Unconditional Love” does NOT have a scoreboard. Unconditional Love does not need their gift of love to be returned in the same amount or action. This is because “Unconditional Love” is UNCONDITIONAL!  

In other words, it is NOT a trade, or a bargain. You do not need to Love, Control, or Follow a person in order to receive that Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love is UNCONDITIONAL. One does not need to earn it, as it is already a component of their own fifth dimensional SELF. 

More people have realized that the more they “give away” Unconditional Love, the more higher dimensional love they can accept. This Unconditional Love can be accepted from the higher dimensional energy fields that have ALWAYS circled Gaia, and from the unconditional love that Gaia constantly shares with ALL Her human, plant, animal, and all Her planetary beings. 

However, this Unconditional Love was too often invisible to those who sought to find it. Those who sought Unconditional Love for themselves, often had too many conditions in their life to even understand Unconditional Love, much less be able to give it or even receive it. 

Unconditional Love is infectious in that it naturally travels from person to person. In fact, the core of the Unconditional love is within every one, but they usually do NOT know that. Ascended Masters found their core of Unconditional Love and freely shared it with others. The had no reason to want something back because that love was unconditional!

There are so few “unconditional things, persons and situations” that most humans expect that if they want something, they will need pay for it in some way. But those who have experienced someone loving them “unconditionally,” which is “no matter what, where, when or why,” that love is free to give and beloved to receive.

However, there are so VERY many conditions in your third dimensional reality that it is often difficult to recognize, and especially to believe, that one would give you love, just because they want to share their love with you. 

When this free sharing of love occurs, the consciousness of both the giver and the receiver expands. By “expansion of consciousness” we Arcturians mean that one’s third and fourth dimensional self rules, regulations, challenges and obligations can be more easily transmuted into fifth dimensional consciousness.

It is within one’s fifth dimensional consciousness that the opportunities for expansion of one’s consciousness can come into the heart and mind of the giver, as well as the heart and mind of the receiver. 

Unconditional Love is love WITH OUT condition. Unconditional Love is the key to ascension. However, this key will only open one’s Heart to love themselves, as well as others, unconditionally.

Unconditional love does NOT have scoreboard. Love does not need to send back what was received in the same amount or action. That is because “Unconditional Love” is UNCONDITIONAL!  

In other words, it is NOT a trade or a bargain. You do not need to LOVE, Control, or Follow a person to have Unconditional Love, because that love it is UNCONDITIONAL. The Ascended Masters were able to hold, share and give away Unconditional LOVE, which showed humanity how to love UNCONDITIONALLY.  

What was often a surprise to the humans who followed the Ascended Masters and/or their works and contributions, was that these Masters could give away everything. The Journey into remembering your Higher SELF is one that will be occurring more and more as your “Pleiadian human disguise" reminds that:

YOU ARE that the Portals to the Fifth Dimensional frequency of reality.

It is YOU that is opening these portals by remembering that YOU chose to be a “Portal of Light” before you took this incarnation. These portals are opened with YOUR Faith inside your own SELF, and your remembrance that YOU are able to open these Portals with your innate power of Unconditional Love and Violet Fire.

These Portals, which connect Gaia with Her own fifth dimensional Planetary SELF, open the Hearts and Minds of those who can remember their own fifth dimensional ability to Unconditionally Love.

 However, only those beings who can calibrate their consciousness to the fifth dimensional frequency of resonance will be able to have any awareness of this higher frequency of reality. The challenge for humanity is to remember that:

 “The Portals to the Fifth Dimension” are starting to open NOW in a manner that is different then it ever was before. Hence, those whose consciousness resonates to the higher fourth and beginning fifth dimensional consciousness are beginning to perceive a “feeling!” 

What is this “feeling?”  Or is it a “knowing?” Or is it a “remembering?” There is still NO shape, as the fifth dimensional energy fields can usually only be perceived via ones Highest States of Consciousness, such as deep meditation or prayer.

This experience of perceiving the higher frequencies which you usually cannot see or hear during your daily physical life, occurs when you consciously, or unconsciously, focus on expanding the energy field of your Heart and your Mind into what is often called, your “Heart/Mind.”

Your Heart/Mind is the combined energy field of your heart and your mind. The expansion of your Hearth/Mind Energy Field is the beginning of the process of remembering your innate fifth-dimensional frequency of Light/SELF. 

When your Heart and Mind merge, you will more deeply understand the higher dimensional energy fields in which you FEEL what you are KNOWING. The reason for this consciousness expansion is because your Multidimensional SELF (the YOU who resonates to many frequencies of reality), has opened the inner portal to your higher frequencies of reality. 

This Portal was actually opened by your own Higher SELF, who will assist you to FIND and FOLLOW the Path that you will hear as an inner call, and a deep knowing that you always had, but often FORGOT.  On the other hand, you cannot perceive any of these fifth dimensional perceptions via your third dimensional brain. 

Fortunately, more and more grounded humans, as well as Gaia’s many other life forms, are beginning to be, or have always been, in alignment with Gaia’s energy fields. When a human is in alignment with Gaia, they can send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire of Transmutation into Gaia’s Core Crystals.

As more and more humans merge with their own Higher SELF, the Unity Consciousness of those humans will greatly assist the healing and transmutation of Gaia. Yes, Gaia wishes to transmute into Her fifth dimensional Planetary SELF, just as humans wish to transmute into their fifth dimensional SELF.

What is best is that we humans merge with our fifth dimensional SELF, who is able to merge with Gaia’s multidimensional planet. Most of Gaia’s life forms are already connected to Gaia via Her Water, Earth, Air, Spirit or Fire/sunlight.

When humans were “natives,” they still remembered that Earth was a Living Being, and the humans volunteered to assist and protect Gaia during her “rebirth” into a higher frequency of reality. The ancients understood the concept of “rebirth” into a higher frequency of reality.” but as humanity “grew up” many of them forgot to honor dear Gaia, as their Mother Planet. 

Worse yet, as the humans became more “civilized” they often forgot that Planet Gaia was a living being and not just a planet on which humans could live, pillage, burn, bomb, flood, and fight over the possession of what they saw as “Their Land.” Too often it was only “their land” because they stole it from other humans, or stole it from Gaia by destroying the area. 

“Why were the humans like that?” you may ask. In fact, you could even ask “why are humans STILL like that?”

It is because they came to the body of dear Gaia to assist Her with Her Planetary Ascension into the fifth dimension and beyond—but they got LOST!  They got lost in their own selfish “power over others,” and their greed, which led humanity to take too much away from Earth, and give too little back!

Would it be fair to take too much away from a human friend or family member or, to demand too much of them, or to try to rule over them? This taking from others, and the giving too little is a sign of the human “Lost Ones.”  

A Lost Ones are the ones who have lost their ability to remember their Higher Dimensional SELF, their reason for taking an Earth Body, and most sadly, they lost the ability to have, give or receive Unconditional LOVE.

Unconditional Love is love WITHOUT condition. Unconditional Love is the key to ascension. However, this key will only open one’s Heart to love themselves, as well as others, Unconditionally!

Unconditional love does NOT have a scoreboard. Unconditional above does not need to sent back in the same amount or action. That is because “Unconditional Love” is UNCONDITIONAL!  In other words, it is NOT a trade or a bargain. One does not need to Control, or Follow a person to have Unconditional Love, because their love is UNCONDITIONAL.

The Ascended Masters were able to hold, share, and give away, Unconditional LOVE, which showed humanity how to love UNCONDITIONALLY.  What was often a surprise to the humans who followed the Masters and/or their works and contributions was that these Masters could give away everything, but still have all they needed.

This is because they did NOT NEED to receive Love UNCONDITIONALLY, 
but they DID NEED  to give Love UNCONDITIONALLY. 

The Masters knew that energy out was energy back. BUT they also knew that if you gave out in order to get back, you have put a condition on your gift. Therefore, it is not filled with Unconditional Love.

So how do you know the difference between Unconditional Love and Conditional Love?
The answer is to ask your self if you can Love Yourself Unconditionally!

Blessings from your Galactic Family
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life. She continues to regularly share her experiences and Arcturian teachings on her blog, Awakening with Suzanne Lie, and she wishes to help awakening ones come out of hiding and allow the glory of their highest expression of SELF into their everyday life.
Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 00:56
Domingo, 07 / 07 / 19

You are one! There is One Love, One Light, and One Energy ~ The Angels, Ann Albers.

You are one! There is One Love, One Light, and One Energy.

Message from the Angels via Ann Albers. 

July 6th, 2019.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Each one of you is an integral and important part of the puzzle of life. Each one of you contributes on a daily basis to the whole of humanity. Your love, your care, your prayers, and your good deeds ripple into the fabric of the cosmos just as clearly as pleasurable and healthy sensations in the body ripple through the entire nervous system.

You are one! There is One love, one light, and one energy operating in and through each and every one of you.

When you listen to your heart and allow love to come to the surface – through a kind word, a good deed, or even a loving thought – that love is registered by the entirety of the human race and all of creation. When you do something you feel guided to do, it helps the entire human race evolve.

When you share a loving thought with another you plant or nurture seeds of goodness and wisdom within their soul. You never know how these seeds will grow. You will never, upon this earth, see the true and magnificent effects of even your smallest actions.

Your love – no matter how great or “small” the expression – is a mighty force.

So when you feel compelled to say something kind, loving, or wise to someone, say it! When you feel compelled to do something good for someone (as long as it also feels good for you!) do so. When you feel compelled to say a prayer for someone – stranger or friend – do so.

If you bite into an apple and toss the seeds on the ground, then under the right conditions you have planted an orchard for future generations to enjoy! Likewise, the seeds of goodness you sow upon this earth can grow into beautiful fields of wildflowers in the hearts of humanity.

You may never know the entirety of the good you do with even the simplest action. Trust that when your heart guides you, you may be seeding great gardens of love.

No act of love is every truly “small” dear ones. You are allowing God to touch the world through your own act of free will, and by so doing, you too will feel the marvelous flow and reflection of that power running in you, through you and to you. That is your deepest desire.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.

The Angels.

Ann Albers.

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 23:42
Segunda-feira, 01 / 07 / 19

BIG CHANGES – JULY 2019 ENERGIES ~ Emmanuel Dagher.


July 2019.

Energy Forecast

Your Monthly Spiritual Roadmap

By Emmanuel Dagher.

July 1, 2019

Hi my friend,

It’s an honor for me to connect with your beautiful presence in this way. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it . . .

The Gifts of This Solar Eclipse

July will begin on a highly active, super-exciting note, as the new moon on Tuesday, July 2, 2019 brings in a total solar eclipse.

This particular total solar eclipse will feel like a breath of fresh air with its joyful, light, unifying, and inspirational qualities.

If we’ve been on the fence about starting a new project, signing a contract, moving to a new location, traveling, or beginning something new, it will become very clear to us over time what actions to take going forward to align with the people, places, and experiences that will support our higher vision.

The first week of July will also serve as an excellent time to bring resolution to situations in our lives that have been disrupting our inner peace.

Whether it’s in the area of personal or professional relationships, this is the time to clear the air and create a healthy environment for ourselves to thrive and flourish in.

If we are someone who tends to be shy and hide from the world when things don’t go our way, this is the time to address, heal, and move beyond that pattern.

Hiding had its place in the past. Especially for empaths, because it allowed us to keep a temporary, illusory sense of peace and safety.

Yet hiding only perpetuates the idea that we as empaths must please everyone around us in order to be happy and at peace. That places a great deal of pressure on us to ensure that our environment is just right, in order to feel any sense of peace.

Can you see how not peaceful and exhausting that pattern is?

Obeying the mind’s need to be in control of everything at all times is a sure way to exhaust ourselves.

Ultimately, hiding is one of the main reasons why so many empaths are unable to fully experience peace in the now, because they are people-pleasing—always moving out of the way to cater to others.

That pattern very precariously places their peace in the hands of other people and the environment around them. 

If we are still following the need to hide and blend in, many opportunities will begin showing up over the next few weeks to help us move beyond this coping pattern (not always in the most comfortable way, if the mind is still resisting change).

The main thing is to understand that hiding, though it may offer us a quick fix short term, is something that moves us away from our most authentic self, when our true self is where our peace, ease, love, creativity, joy, grace, abundance, and well-being reside.

Eventually, we are all moving in the direction of coming back to our truest, most authentic selves, and there’s no right or wrong way for how we get there.

There’s also no timeline better than the next one. We will always have opportunities and openings that help us realign.

If we usually find ourselves exhausted and overwhelmed as a result of choosing to hide and people-please, the time we are in now can serve as an excellent motivator to help us choose something that’s more aligned, freeing, and enjoyable.

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A Time to Gather and Prosper!

The first half of July ushers in pleasant wonders and inspiring encounters with others. It will also be a great time try something different—something outside our usual box.  

Gathering with friends, family, and colleagues in a social setting will offer us some fruitful blessings and outcomes.

The only thing asked of us, is to remain open-hearted and open-minded. Being fixed or set in our ways will not serve us in any way at this time.

By honoring different cultures, traditions, and backgrounds, we’ll see ourselves expand beautifully in different ways.

Another area of our lives where we will receive an extra boost during the first half of July, is the area of our prosperity and material gain. This will especially be the case if our motivation to prosper is coming from a conscious, genuine, spiritually motivated place.  

The ability to materialize our highest visions and dreams will receive a powerful boost as we welcome the realization that we are the Source of our blessings.

Waiting for someone or something to give us what we want will not serve us as we move forward.

The current landscape of our society has most of humanity believing they must give up their power by relying on systems outside of what’s true and natural for them, in order for them to experience true happiness and prosperity.

This is most definitely changing more quickly now, especially with new generations coming into their own, and having an abundance of outside-the-box ways of thinking and creating in which they are not conforming to the status quo.

With daily practice, consistency, and a grounded approach, we now have the opportunity to rely less on what we’ve been taught by society as being the way to peace, happiness, and prosperity, and more on cultivating a deep and meaningful relationship with ourselves.

This is coming forward now to such a degree that when we do receive the inner guidance, wisdom, and outside-the-box ideas that will align us with a freer, more empowered, more prosperous reality—we will be ready to receive it!

We’ll also then be inspiring others to be more self-empowered.



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Emotional Alchemy

On July 16, 2019 we will move through a partial lunar eclipse.

This partial lunar eclipse will bring to the surface any emotions we may not have fully addressed when it comes to the relationship we have with ourselves, our friends, our family, personal and professional partners, our home, and our environment.

When deeply rooted emotions come to the surface to be addressed, it can often feel uncomfortable, and catch us off guard.

Whatever comes up, rather than be in judgment of ourselves, know that it’s just coming up to be seen, heard, felt, and honored by us.

We often want from others what we ultimately desire from ourselves.

So if we feel that we ”need” an apology from someone, we can know it’s really us desiring to forgive ourselves. If we feel we “need” attention and love from someone, we can know that it’s really us desiring to give it to ourselves, and so on.

Our emotions are an excellent feedback system that tell us how well we are taking care of ourselves.

Emotions that don’t feel good to us are signals that there’s room for us to take even better care of ourselves.

When we feel at peace with the world around us, it means we are at peace within ourselves. It also means we are taking very good care of ourselves.

The mind often resists this kind of responsibility—admitting that we ourselves are the source of our happiness and peace—because it either doesn’t see the value and benefit of that, or it thinks it’s going to lose something (attention and love from others, etc.) if it takes full responsibility.

Our job is to make a daily practice of showing the mind how to recognize the value of being responsible for our own peace and happiness, and reminding it of how much more it will gain, grow, and receive as a result of embracing this.

Over time, the mind will begin to shift in the direction of accepting that we ourselves are solely responsible for our own peace and happiness, because it will notice the tremendous blessings and freedom it will gain as result. 

The mind just wants to keep us safe, in the best way it knows how.

Imagine a 3-year-old child, with the limited awareness he or she has, trying to keep a grown adult safe and protected, and tell them what to do all the time.

That’s exactly what we’ve been allowing the mind to do!

Now imagine having an unconditionally loving and compassionate mother and father taking care of us and keeping us safe. Without judgment, they always allow us to be ourselves fully, taking an expanded, wise, gentle approach while keeping us safe, loved, and protected.

Does that feel different?

We get to be that wise, loving, compassionate parent to ourselves!

During the second half of July, we will have the opportunity to learn how to be the loving presence for ourselves we’ve always been seeking.

Whatever thoughts come up during this time, simply honor, be with, and observe them, without trying to fix or change them. 

The moment we try to fix and change our thoughts is the moment we start ”believing” them.

When we believe our thoughts, we start to activate the emotions from our past that are associated with them.

This is a great indicator that something within us desires to receive extra attention and love from us.

Rather than be in judgment about it, we can offer love and attention to ourselves by allowing our emotions and thoughts to fully be seen, heard, and honored exactly as they are.

Releasing the habit of fixing, controlling, or trying to change our thoughts and reactions is one of the greatest forms of self-love we can express.

With practice, and when the mind is ready, this allows the mind to feel and receive love from the unconditionally loving parent you had or desired to have as a child.

The mind can then soften its resistance towards us, and begin to be a team player rather than trying to do everything on its own.

Imagine what life will look like when our mind receives love from us, understanding that we don’t always have to believe what it’s saying in order for it to receive our love!

I’d say there’s lots of fun, freedom, play, ease, prosperity, happiness, creativity, and so many other magical blessings available there for us!

As always, please take great care of yourself, my friend.

May July be a month that brings you abundant blessings in every area of life!

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,
Emmanuel Dagher

©2009-2018 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved for emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 20:40
Quinta-feira, 06 / 06 / 19

The Energy of the Divine Masculine ~ Ethan Indigo Smith

The Energy of the Divine Masculine.

By Ethan Indigo Smith.

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

June 6th, 2019

Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.” ~The Kybalion
You’ve probably heard of the divine feminine, but what do you know about the divine masculine?
Many people can conceptualize the idea of toxic masculinity as opposed to divine masculinity and most are against its perversions, but understanding how to head towards divine masculinity is a much harder concept to grasp.
To get to grips with the concept let’s start by defining the energy of masculinity and femininity in contrast. The philosophy of the Duality of Polarity assists in revealing mutual oppositional energies of the feminine and masculine. Understanding the primal energies to simplify enabling feminine and masculine concepts to emerge clearly, unhindered by national, traditional, and even sexual constructs. We are made up of feminine and masculine energy formed in contrast of our physical female or male bodies, and via our inner anima and animus natures.
The Geometry of Energy effectively illustrates the divine feminine and the divine masculine energies. The four dimensions of geometry, when applied to measuring energies, can greatly aid our understanding of the internal, spiritual and psychological world. The four dimensions of geometry are points, lines, planes, and solids. Points and lines symbolize linear of masculine energy, whereas planes and solids symbolize the curvature of feminine energy.
The energy of the divine feminine is both receptive and creative.  
The energy of the divine masculine is both reflective and projective.
There is creativity in masculinity just as there is reflectivity in femininity. The idea of inner feminine in man and inner masculine in woman is commonly understood as the anima and animus; essentially defined as inner nature containing elements of mutually dependent opposites. The Yin Yang illustrates this with the circles in the swirls.
 “The Dao is also the way in the following sense – nothing exists except as a relation with other similarly postulated ideas. Nothing can be known in itself, but only as one of the participants in a series of events.” ~A. Crowley
The Dao is made up of feminine and masculine energies, each codependent, mutually arising within the other, and each potentiating the each other. The story of one without the other is fruitless and lacking. The same goes for the story of individuals seeking self-development and divinity as opposed to basic modality. If we want to truly achieve our potential, we need this combination and contrast of energies.

Contrasting the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine

The divine feminine, although as rare a character in the world as the divine masculine, is better understood than the divine masculine.  The feminine energy is caring in an all-encompassing manner, receptive to all, adopting and taking in all energy. The divine feminine embraces everything in a caring, receptive, motherly circle and is capable of creating a whole other being.
The divine masculine on the other hand embodies reflective and projective energies. Instead of being receptive to energy the divine masculine reflects it, like a shield or a mirror. Instead of being creative of volume onto itself the divine masculine is projective of will, projecting  energy like a sword with a singular focus on the task at hand.

The Difference Between the Divine Masculine and the Perverse Masculine

The divine masculine idea is of a peaceful warrior. This archetype has led to the masculine perversion where warriors are turned into institutionalized soldiers, where the righteousness of self-defense is obscured by war-minded perversions and abusive behavior. This perversion of masculine will is so commonly accepted as normal that  women seeking equality among men will do so by adopting this militaristic mode of behavior.  Consider the saying  ‘all is fair in love and war.’
So, what can we do to draw out the divine masculine and to inhibit expression of the perverted masculine?
There is an expression in martial arts that embodies the divine masculine or at least presents a notion or rule that is preventative of the perverted masculine. The notion is to never attack in anger.
If we think about this, we can see that the difference between the divine masculine and the perverse masculine is the difference between a martial artist and a soldier. The most basic principle of martial arts is to never attack firstwhereas a soldier is paid to follow orders, including the order to attack first. The divine masculine differs from the perverse masculine by being helpful or at the very least in not hindering.
Basic and perverse masculinity clashes – with everything. The reflective energy of mirrors however reveals the potential of reflective masculine energy. Whatever is shown in the mirror is shined directly back. If the divine masculine is shown quality and caring energy it is reflected in return. If the divine masculine is attacked, with aikido like redirection, the attack is reflected and redirected. If two or more mirrors are reflecting quality, helpful projected energy, then the reflections magnify.
The divine masculine also projects energy, as a direct manifestation of will into the collective.  The divine feminine is creative of whole other beings but the divine masculine wills its own being. Of course, the creation of the divine feminine requires at least the energy of the masculine. In the same manner the projection of the divine masculine also requires aspects of the divine feminine, namely the circular inclusion of care and caring.
These energies are theoretic but have real life application as a helpful self-understanding tool. If at any given moment you are unsure as to what action would embody divinity, simply seek to act with care.  Self-defense and the defense of others requires care whereas bullying and attacking contain no care. The more you push forward compassion and care the more your divinity unfolds.
If you are a man, think about adding receptivity and creativity to your form and flow to engage balance. If you are a woman, contemplate adding reflectivity and projectivity to your own form and flow.
Above all, remember: the divine masculine never attacks first.
“In Aikido we never attack. An attack is proof that one is out of control. Never run away from any kind of challenge, but do not try to suppress or control an opponent unnaturally. Let attackers come any way they like and then blend with them. Never chase after opponents. Redirect each attack and get firmly behind it.” ~Morihei Ueshiba

The Geometry of Energy: How to Meditate

By author Ethan Indigo Smith:
The Geometry of Energy - How To Meditate - Ethan Indigo Smith
The Geometry of Energy: How to Meditate’ explores meditation and meditative energies through the sacred dimensions of geometry. Simple and profound, it is an empowering four-step meditation designed to lead to individuation, self-development, and an enhanced understanding of energy and vibration.
Useful to meditation newcomers and longtime practitioners alike, ‘The Geometry of Energy’ provides insights into a variety of meditative processes for psychological and spiritual cleansing and enhancement.
‘The Geometry Of Energy: How To Meditate’ is available here on Amazon.
Recommended articles by Ethan Indigo Smith:
About the author:
Activist, author and Tai Chi teacher Ethan Indigo Smith was born on a farm in Maine and lived in Manhattan for a number of years before migrating west to Mendocino, California. Ethan’s work is both deeply connected and extremely insightful, blending philosophy, politics, activism, spirituality, meditation and a unique sense of humor.
You can connect with Ethan on Facebook, check out his author page on Amazon, or visit his new websites, Geometry Of Energy and Meditation 108, where Ethan offers lessons on individuation, meditation, the conceptualization of energy, and the metaphysical significance of 108.
Ethan’s books include:


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 16:47
Domingo, 02 / 06 / 19

A FRESH START ~ Energy Forecast, June 2019 ~ Emmanuel Dagher


June 2019.

Energy Forecast

Your Monthly Spiritual Roadmap

By Emmanuel Dagher.

June 1, 2019

Hi my friend,

The month of June is filled with wondrous opportunities that have the potential to completely change the landscape of our lives for the better.

We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!

Healing the Past

The first half of June will offer us the gift of healing our past in ways we may not have been able to experience until now.

As part of the human experience, we have been given the opportunity to repeat and bring into our present reality the challenging past experiences that may still be unresolved.

We are often given this opportunity of repeating the past, so that we can eventually learn from it, and move on.

An example of this can be seen in the kinds of relationships we are choosing to have. We could be attracting partners into our lives who are not treating us with kindness, love, honor, and respect.

This same pattern keeps showing up with each new partner, almost as though it were happening with the same person each time.

This is a confirmation that there is a lesson and a blessing present that desires to be fully learned and received.

In the case of the above example, the lesson is often directly related to the pattern of how we learned to treat ourselves as a child. We may have seen our parents and other family members mistreat us or each other in a similar way, so that on some level, the little child we were decided to believe that this is how she or he should treat themselves.

Once we realize this, we can see that we have been repeating the past in our present reality.

From there, we can learn to change the way we’ve been treating ourselves.

Most often, it never has anything to do with anyone or anything outside of ourselves.  It’s always about the relationship we are choosing to have with ourselves.

It can be freeing and empowering to understand that all of the experiences we’re having in our lives are a direct reflection of how we are treating ourselves.

Yet to the mind, it can also be challenging, because we realize that we alone are responsible for how we shape our reality.

If you find that the mind resists the deep inner knowing that you already have, that you are responsible for how your life is shaped … just know that your mind is trying to protect you the best way it knows how.

See the mind as the little child you once were, and let it know that you love and honor it immensely.

Let your mind know that there’s nothing it can do that would have you stop loving it unconditionally.

When your mind starts to realize that you are seeing, hearing, and honoring it in this way, it will begin to soften its approach and be more open to allowing you (as the Spirit that you are) to guide the way.

There’s an opening now that offers us the gift of learning the lessons of our past in ways we have not been able to receive till now.

This empowers us to evolve, grow, and begin creating a reality anchored in the present.

When we learn the lessons of our past, we also heal and reshape it.

As multidimensional beings, we are here, there, and everywhere at the same time, because we are the Universe itself, fully realized in physical and energetic form.

So as a multidimensional being, we’re able to heal and reshape our past. From there we can transform our present reality in ways that inspire, empower, and awaken us in extraordinary ways.

For example, you as the loving and compassionate adult you are today can envision yourself holding and embracing your inner child, letting them know through words, actions, and feelings that you embrace and love them unconditionally, and that they can be, choose, do, and have anything they desire to experience in life.

And that they are whole and perfect, exactly as they are.

You are changing the course for that little child you once were, so that they can have a totally different experience from the timeline they’ve experienced so far.

This is what is meant by “Love heals everything.” It really does!

Love transcends all logic, time, and space. From that perspective, healing is instant.

Now, imagine what would happen if we were able to offer that same Love to the world we live in, including every government, person, place, and experience that has ever taken place, since the beginning of time?

The mind may come up with a story, asking ”why” it should immerse itself in this kind of healing Love.

Yet our Spirit knows the power of what can happen when the mind recognizes the value and benefit of doing so.

The reason why so much of what we’re seeing in the world now seems so turbulent and imbalanced, is because this world is starving for our Love.

Each of us is the Universe incarnate. It only takes one person to shower the world with a Love that heals and moves Universes instantly.

Of course, there are millions of people in the world who are doing this every day, and it’s shifting and healing our world tremendously. (Even though on the surface, the media may not be covering this new reality.)

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A Fresh Start

When we are able to learn from and heal our past, we realign with the most powerful version of ourselves. Anything and everything becomes possible.

Things that once seemed out of reach are now available to us with ease.

The second half of June will mark a fresh start in our lives, especially if we allow ourselves to learn from and receive the precious gifts of our past. Many of us are already seeing glimpses of this, because this process started towards the end of May.

With this fresh start, it will feel as though the weight we have been carrying on our shoulders and chest will soften and dissolve.

You may notice yourself desiring to dance, sing, play, meditate, spend time in nature, and be creative more often.

Surrounding ourselves with beauty and Love will be something we crave more of, so things like smelling floral and citrus essential oils, tasting delicious natural foods in different colors fresh from the Earth, listening to classical music, and swimming or bathing in water often, will open us up to receiving the peace and ease that come with a deep renewal like the one we’re in now, and are about to experience more of.



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The Icing on the Organic Gluten-Free Vegan Cake 😊

The icing on the cake this June is that we will be moving through the celestial alignment known as the solstice.

On June 21st 2019 we will experience the peak healing frequencies of the solstice, followed by a total solar eclipse on July 2nd 2019.

The upcoming solstice will help to enhance our fresh start by opening us up to even greater magic, healing, abundance, expansion, and beauty.

During the solstice doorway (June 19th to 23rd) you may notice yourself receiving higher wisdom, insights, and “downloads.”

These are gifts from the Universe, and it’s often recommended to write them down, and to reflect upon them often, to integrate them into our lives.

These “downloads” have the power to bless all areas of our lives, including business expansion, enhancing our relationships with ourselves and others, and much more.

This solstice is also going to serve as a loving nudge forward, to help us become more organized and motivated when it comes to taking divinely guided action.

The weeks and months following the solstice are not a time to sit and do nothing.

So it’s important that when we feel the inner nudge to act and move on an idea, inspiration, or opportunity, we pay attention, and do so!

June is an amazing month, with opportunities for great expansion to occur within and around us.

What a gift it is to be here at this time, and to share this journey with one another!

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,
Emmanuel Dagher

©2009-2018 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved for emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.

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publicado por achama às 05:12
Sábado, 01 / 06 / 19

A FRESH START ~ Energy Forecast, June 2019 ~ Emmanuel Dagher


Energy Forecast, June 2019

Emmanuel Dagher

A FRESH START.June 2019.Energy Forecast*Your Monthly Spiritual Roadmap*
By Emmanuel Dagher.
June 1, 2019
Hi my friend, The month of June is filled with wondrous opportunities that have the potential to completely change the landscape of our lives for the better. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it! Healing the Past The first half of June will offer us the gift of healing our past in ways we may not have been able to experience until now. As part of the human experience, we have been given the opportunity to repeat... more »
publicado por achama às 23:13
Quinta-feira, 30 / 05 / 19

The War on Human Consciousness ~ Rachel Horton White

The War on Human Consciousness.

By Rachel Horton White, 

Guest writer for Wake Up World.

May 31st, 2019. 



There is a war out there against the expansion of human consciousness. It has been escalating in recent years to the point where we must protect ourselves from the onslaught of this intervening frequency trying to turn us into stressed-out, sick automatons.
This is the same low-vibration energy that is responsible for the ravaging and disregard of the Earth herself along with all the plants and animals; responsible for the profit-driven, billion-dollar business of war and for the overly-medicated, misdiagnosed children raised on screens; responsible  for the greediness of the pharmaceutical industry “treating” illnesses that often make us even sicker – and obviously, responsible for the insanity that seems to run the U.S. government.
And most recently, the proposed 5G technology for cell phones is really the icing on the cake.

Awakening to Truth

Many of us wonder if we will ever feel better, if the Earth will ever heal. There are scares about climate change, about mass extinction of entire species and about the future of humanity itself.
But the greatest danger to the human race is our own unwillingness to pull the blinders off of our eyes. Smartphones have taken over many people’s consciousness to the point where they are numbing themselves to their loved ones and to their own souls. Our addiction to the news and to sources we think are telling us the truth have turned friends and family against each other just because they voted for a certain person for President.
It’s not fun to wake up to the fact that many of these institutions are harming us (although, as with everything, there are both good and bad elements in all). And many of us are still in denial about this, refusing to accept the enormity of the lies that we have been fed.
It’s too upsetting to believe so we try to go back into our shells and pretend it’s not real. But eventually we wake up to the Matrix (this movie, like many, has a message for us) and realize we are living in a version of the Truman Show.

Shifting Energies

Fortunately,  the energies are shifting to shake us out of our slumber. More and more people are experiencing spiritual awakening (are you seeing 11:11 everywhere? That’s a clear sign that you’re awakening. If not… you will – and this meditation might help).
Often, change does not occur until it is forced, or until it gets more difficult to avoid. It’s going to get harder and harder to avoid flowing with these new, expansive energies.
We have reached a point when people can choose the path of love, healing, forgiveness, kindness and freedom. It is a path that requires great courage, risk and overcoming fear. The alternative is the path of being afraid, of going along with the crowd and of making choices based on worry about worst-case scenario. We have free will as human souls. We can choose love, or we can choose fear. Often we choose a mixture of both.
Faced with so many choices, it’s natural to feel so overwhelmed that we do nothing. But it is this collective apathy that has led us to the state that we are in today.

Defeating Overwhelm: Start with One Small Thing

What do you care about? What one small thing can you do to make a positive change in the world today?
In the past, when I saw something that bothered me, I would have complained to someone, but then probably forgotten about it.
Let me give you an example. Recently, after visiting a local farm and dairy product company that claims to be free-range, we were dismayed to see that the cows were not free-range at all. My kids told me they did not want to go back there “until the cows’ chains were off their necks.”
Before, I would have felt that I could not really do anything to change the situation. But that excuse does not work for me anymore. I can no longer watch from the sidelines. And my children remind me of this.
So, one small thing. I emailed the company management and wrote a review of them, but they said they would do nothing. So I wrote a letter to the editor of our local newspaper (which was published). The next step, if needed, will be to contact the suppliers and restaurants to let them know about the problem so they can refuse to buy from this company if need be.
Humans for years have unconsciously eaten animals that have suffered or bought products that put chemicals in our bodies or on our lawnsThe power of the consumer to put the pressure on companies to do better with what we buy or do not buy cannot be underestimated.
What’s your one small thing, that you can do now, today, to make a difference?

Activate to Evolve

We are awakening to the truth of what has been done to us in our lives. It’s not our fault. Mostly. But we now know. So it’s up to us to now do something about it. This is our time to activate. Each and every one of us.
The solutions are simple when broken down. Here are 7 things that work for me and may also help you:
  • Quiet your mind every day. At least for 5 minutes, ideally for 15-20 minutes.
  • Connect with something beyond yourself – something based in light and love.
  • Put your phone down when you can. Just try it. Wait 5 seconds before picking it up next time. Ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?” and see if it feels good to you.
  • Get out in nature for no particular reason or purpose other than just to wander, explore and observe.
  • Connect with other people, in person if possible. Ask for Spirit to guide you to people that can lift you up and support you.
  • Do something to help the world. “Think globally, act locally.” Pick one cause you care about and take five minutes to do something – more than just signing a petition online. Make a phone call, write a letter to the editor, show up at a rally.
  • Think about what you buy, eat and put on your body and in your home and make a statement with your wallet. If it has chemicals in it, is made of an animal that has suffered, or is rooted in perpetuating harm to the Earth in some way, you may want to pause and really ask yourself if it’s worth it.
Consumers will ultimately revolutionize our world. When we refuse to give our money to companies that destroy the Earth and its beings, they will either change their ways or cease to exist.
We are now being asked to choose. The turning point has been reached. We are being asked to have courage. We are being asked to heal ourselves and find light in our hearts. Not everyone will answer this call. They may experience life in a completely different way than you do.  But the time has come for us to activate, to speak up for justice, to advocate for causes we believe in, and to help ourselves and others by connecting with our souls and with light all around us to help us do this.
 I do believe there is a lot of hope for change, as more people are choosing the path of expansion, freedom and love. And there are positive changes being made in some areas of government, companies, education and even the health care system. But more of us are needed to speak up from a place of love, compassion and forgiveness (even for those responsible for the suffering). The time is now for us to decide.
I believe that nature will eventually recover. Whether or not humans choose to do so is another story.
What will you choose?
Also by Rachel Horton White:
About the author:

Aiming to merge the spiritual with the real world, Rachel Horton White helps spiritually-open people release negative patterns in their lives, with practical tools like mindfulness, energy and intuition exercises, to connect with their true, inner selves.  Through her work in Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting, Rachel has written articles for worldwide publications such as Wake Up WorldOm Times and Elephant Journal and has a podcast called The Courageous Path. Rachel is a life coach, hypnotherapist, mindfulness teacher, intuitive reader, tree-hugger and angel enthusiast. With a Bachelor’s Degree in English from Wellesley College and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of Georgia, Rachel claims her true education came from studying abroad in Dakar, Senegal. Her greatest teachers these days are her two bright-eyed, energetic children in Portland, Maine.
Rachel can be found on:


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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 16:46
Sexta-feira, 10 / 05 / 19

Love is contagious as an energy. Imagine a planet where the most contagious energy is love... ~ Lee Harris

Love is contagious as an energy. Imagine a planet where the most contagious energy is love... 

By Lee Harris

May 9, 2019

Photo by Tanya Mallot
That’s right people - it does! (Which also means you should rest and recover when you need to...never forget that bit!)

I was recently part of the Energy Medicine Summit, and many of you took part and commented how useful you found the interview. I am so grateful to Dondi Dahlin and the Energy Medicine Summit for allowing me to freely share the whole video interview with you below. It’s all about HOW TO FIND YOUR POWER AS A SENSITIVE, which we all know is a journey, so I share this in the hope you will find something useful or helpful in it today. Plus, Dondi is a lovely soul and interviewer (and daughter of Donna Eden who is a true pioneer in the Energy Healing world).

Thanks too for all you who posted feedback on ‘Your Self-Love Toolkit’. I’m so happy to see it is helping you! I realized this year that I wanted to create more user friendly MP3 energy guides and teachings, each divided into bite sized chunks, so they are easy to use and apply. ‘How to Channel and Why’ was the first, and this newest release centers on Self-Love and how to apply and practice it on a daily basis. It is too often mystified or seen as elusive and in my experience, it’s a very practical and repetitive habit for each of us to develop. For me, repetition has been the breakthrough in so many areas of Self-Love - as to create a new pattern in our life, we have to practice a new pattern. All Portal Members received it as part of their membership this month (so check the members area if you are part of our Portal Family) or you can listen to some audio samples over at YourSelfLoveToolkit.com.

Big love everyone and thank you for being here!

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from:

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOTO7KBjHfo&feature=youtu.be
  2. Lee Harris Energy <support@leeharrisenergy.com>




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Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 08:26
Quinta-feira, 07 / 02 / 19

Unprecedented waves of energy passing through the solar ~ECETI ~ James Gilliland.

There are unprecedented waves of energy passing through the solar system.

ECETI State of The Galaxy Address.

 via James Gilliland.

February 5th, 2019.





ECETI State of The Galaxy Address

If you have not sensed the exponentially increasing changes on every level God help you.
There are unprecedented waves of energy passing through the solar system. These waves of energy are measured, all bands within the electromagnetic light spectrum have increased and this is creating change on all levels. A spiritual awakening, processing wounds and traumas from past experience, “emotional outbursts”, severe weather, and an increase in earthquake and volcanic eruptions are the byproducts of these waves. The Earth is expanding as it absorbs these new energies. Everything that cannot adjust or match the new frequencies will eventually come to an end. There will be no energetic support for institutions and empires which do not adjust to and align with Universal Law. Everything that is based on the old draconian grid will fail but not before it surfaces and rears its ugly head for all to see.
If you want a perfect example look at your political system. Other than a few it is a spiritually and morally bankrupt world of opposites with true agendas being exposed daily. Universal Law is pressing hard in this arena. It is fueling the light workers, “white hats”, to do what is necessary to expose and remove those who have chosen self-service, acting against the higher good. Beware of double speak. A man’s/woman’s character is established by their actions. This applies to all races, religions or cultures.
The base or limited emotions and mental concepts will give way to the higher vibrational consciousness and ways. Universal Law will be the law of the land. Universal Law is written in the heart of hearts of all humanity. It is the core essence buried under layers of wounds, traumas, and false programming. In its simplest form it is Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for all. A Cherokee saying is, “If it isn’t good for everyone, it isn’t good”.
This process is not a purge by a wrathful god it is a healing. It is infinite tough love and the flow is ever increasing. It involves legions of higher evolved beings all the way back to source. Yes this includes the spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders some of which are our ancient ancestors. They are cleaning up the malevolent beings plaguing humanity for thousands of years. Many of the light workers and sensitives are feeling as though they are being attacked. You are! It is directly proportional to how much light you are accessing. Unseen negative influences, lower dimensional entities, black magic, dark sorcery do exist. Do not fall into spiritual ego and think you are above all this. Do not shrink in fear or be a victim either. Your Godself has this. If you are not being attacked you are not doing your work. In other words, you missed the red pill and not a threat. In India there is a saying, “The closer you get to nirvana the more the demons rear their ugly heads”. The more you step out of an unsustainable herd consciousness the more the masses will shun you. This is where love of self, loving detachment is in order. The sustainable path is to align oneself with Universal Law in thought, feeling and action.
There is a solution. Denial is not a solution. Casting out demons is a temporary solution. Aligning with the status quo is also not a solution, it is unsustainable on every level. There are tools and techniques to heal and clear unseen negative influences. Imagine if everyone had access to these tools and used them? Humans have the ability to connect to the ultimate power in the Universe. That power is love and you can connect through the heart to that love and allow the full power of God/Creator/Great Spirit to flow through you into any situation. Your soul sits right next to the heart and your soul is connected to the source itself in every increasing expansion of awareness. Knowing this and making accessing this a part of everyday life will create immense changes in tour live and those around you. Here is the method to heal unseen negative influences and a world and personal healing meditation. It is non-denominational and can be used no matter what faith or culture.
Disease, accidents, mood swings, negative thoughts even thoughts of suicide are often indicators of influence by unseen negative influences. I would look into ascension symptoms as well. Headaches, dizziness, walking sideways, body aches and pains are also side effects to the ascension process. Don’t forget to ground, recalibrate to the new Earth energies, take your shoes off walk on the grass or the beach, get on all fours in your garden. Best advice is to lose the fear.
​Healing is a must for all those who desire to operate in other realms of consciousness. You must have self-authority and maintain control. If you are experiencing negative vibrations, they are either thought forms, limiting mental concepts, psychic bonds or discarnate entities (lost souls) in need of healing. They are bound to the earth vibration due to lower vibration attitudes and emotions. Some are coercive and desire to manipulate and control. Love heals. Casting out only sends them to another place, another person. In all healing, remember that God is love. It is the power of love that heals and lifts.
1. Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.
2. Call upon your chosen cultural representative of God, be it Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, Mary, White Eagle or another one of the Beautiful Many Christed Ones.
3. Tell the entities they are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened.
4. Tell them they are healed and surrounded with the Christ light and the Christ love.
5. Ask your chosen representative to take them to their perfect place.
6. Ask that all negative thought forms and limiting mental concepts be dissolved and lifted in the light of truth.
7. Ask that all psychic bonds be severed, and close their auras to all but spirit of the highest vibration.
Repeat this process until you feel clear. There may be more than one healing to do. Remember your word is very powerful, and what is spoken on their level manifests instantly. Many enlightened ones use this process before opening.
It creates a clear and safe environment, and it also lifts the one who is doing the healing. Intent is nine-tenths of the law. If you intend to serve and heal, you will draw to you entities of like mind. If you intend to coerce or manipulate, again you will draw entities of like mind. It is the law of attraction.
At times, discarnate spirits will come to your light like a moth to a flame. Do not judge yourself, simply heal them. They are the ones in trouble, not you. They are seeking your help.
Link to World and Personal Healing Meditation.
These two practices can change the world. Permission granted to copy and share, let it go viral.

The Latest From ECETI and James Gilliland @



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publicado por achama às 19:50
Sexta-feira, 01 / 02 / 19

A TIME OF RELIEF. – Energy Forecast, February 2019 ~ Emmanuel Dagher


February 2019 

Energy Forecast

Your Monthly Spiritual Roadmap

By Emmanuel Dagher

January 31, 2019

My friend,
It’s always an honor for me to connect with your beautiful Spirit in this way. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it.
A Great Relief
February will bring with it a great deal of relief for everyone, especially when it comes to our physical and emotional well-being.
It’s becoming more apparent now than ever that what we focus on is being amplified.
This amplification is working in two different ways:
For those who operate from a primal, survival-based awareness, things are becoming much more challenging and intense.
For those who operate from a compassionate, loving, and awakened awareness, opportunities to expand, heal, and evolve in joyful ways are showing up everywhere.
February will offer everyone a time of relief, especially when it comes to any challenges we’re experiencing.
This opening in the energies is designed to help us easily experience what it’s like to operate outside of auto-pilot mode.
It offers us a clear reference point for how it feels to be present and clear enough to recognize the personal patterns, behaviors, routines, and actions we have outgrown, and are ready to let go of.
This energetic opening is also designed to help us learn about which new patterns, behaviors, routines, and actions can help us align with the purest, most abundant, most empowered aspects of ourselves.
If we are able to learn the lessons and integrate into our lives the new blessings this time of relief has to offer, we will find life to be much more enjoyable and fulfilling, and will have a far smoother experience in the coming months and years.
Familiar, Yet New
In February, as we move through a time of relief, many of us will feel like ourselves again.
Feeling like ourselves is a relaxing experience that allows us to feel at home and settled in our body, mind, and energy. It brings us feelings of safety and comfort.
When we operate in auto-pilot mode, this feeling often feels to be missing, because we are not present enough in our beingness to notice it.
February will allow us to feel like ourselves again, in a way that is fresh and new.
In the January Forecast, we touched on the idea that in 2019, many of us will feel as if we’ve awakened from a dream in which we had been hibernating.
This will begin in February, and continue to grow throughout the rest of the year.
Light and Bright
Over the next few weeks, we will find ourselves desiring to laugh, play, and nurture our inner child even more. It will feel natural and easy to express ourselves in this way, even if we haven’t allowed that in the past.
Laughter, fun, and play are a reflection of who we are at our core, before many of us decided to put them aside and let life harden us.
Laughing, having fun, and playing are all keys to becoming enlightened.
Often, enlightenment is thought of as a “quest” or something we have to be serious about. However, it couldn’t be further from this.
Enlightenment is not about spending our whole life sitting on top of a mountain and meditating. Although if that brings us joy and fulfillment, it could very well lead to it.
Enlightenment is about giving ourselves permission to simplify our lives and “to lighten up.”
Can you imagine what life would look like if we made it a top priority to laugh, play, and lighten up every day?
The rational (left-brain) part of the mind would create stories such as, “It’s silly and childish to behave this way!” Yet that is just a coping method the mind uses to fend off change, not a Universal truth.
So, recognizing that that’s just the mind’s way of perpetuating survival-based thinking to carry on the best way it knows how, helps us realize that we don’t have to believe the thoughts the mind is having,
We can choose to laugh and play, and allow ourselves to lighten up instead.
As we move forward, let’s give ourselves permission to laugh, play, and lighten up. This will open us up to new people, places, experiences, blessings, and opportunities that reflect the magic inside of us.
Being Proactive
February is an excellent time for us to be proactive when it comes to creating the highest vision we have for our lives.
Being proactive can show up in different ways for each of us.
Here are just a few examples of how we may be called to take action right now:
Start a project
Invest in something new (a business, our well-being, etc.)
Tie up loose ends from the past (personal, financial, etc.)
Move to a new location
Begin a new job
Change our diet and wellness protocol
Start new relationships or rekindle a current or previous one
Begin a new class or course
Whatever inspirations, ideas, and insights you receive, write them down and reflect on them often. This will help the mind, because it loves organizing things.
Then, when guided by your intuition, allow yourself to be proactive in allowing these inspirations, ideas, and insights to be expanded upon in ways that support expressing your creativity.
With the energetic relief February will bring, we have the opportunity of receiving abundant new blessings that may have felt closed off to us before now.
May the month of February shower all of us with abundant laughter, play, joy, and all of life’s most wonderful blessings!
Until next time,
Miraculously yours,
Emmanuel Dagher

©2009-2018 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved for emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.

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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 19:39
Domingo, 06 / 01 / 19

We are going to interact with each other as much as we can ~ One Who Serves, James McConnell.

We are going to interact with each other as much as we can.

 One Who Serves via James McConnell,

December 30th, 2018

Shoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self
These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group based in Payson, AZ on December 31, 2018. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

OWS I  and  OWS 2  (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani padme, hum; om, mani padme, hum; hum, hum.   (Group om chanting.) Wonderful!  We love that you do that with us here!   Not many people do the om, mani padme, hum along with us here, but that was wonderful!  And it sounded good too, did it not? You all do very well here!  Very good!
We promised the James we would not sing tonight, so there will not be any singing here.  But we are going to open this up to expression from all of you.  This is not a one man show, here, you might say, or a one collective show, in this case.  It is all of us together, that we are going to interact with each other as much as we can here.  Okay?
So what we were going to start off with here is how was this last year for those of you?  What would you have to say about this year that has just past, or has just finished tonight, here.  What would you say about it?
Guests:   Lots of personal growth.
OWS:   Great expansion.  Personal growth.  Keep going.
Guest:   Challenging.
OWS:   Challenging, challenging year, okay.
Guest:   Painful, and letting go of attachments.
OWS:   Painful and letting go of attachments.  Very good.  Any others:
Guest:   Exploration.
OWS:   Exploration:  what do you mean by exploration?
Guest:  Exploring the realms that lead into the higher dimensions—wonderful!  Very good. Any others?
OWS:  There’s a party going on out there somewhere, and that is wonderful that you have gathered together, but we would need to ask you if you unmute your phone, then everybody needs to be somewhat quiet in the background.  Though that is tough when you are drinking the spirits, but do the best you can, okay?   Would there be any others that would say what this past year was for them?
Guest:   Victorious.
OWS:  Glorious.  Glorious year.
Guest:   Intense emotional personal relationships.
OWS:   Personal relationships.  Lots of changes.
Guest:  Challenging.
OWS:  What many of you are describing is from your own personal point of view.  You are seeing it from your eyes only, and not from the larger picture.  And that is where we are going, here.  We are going to look more at the larger picture, not the small one, not the one is just between your ears, here, in your head, and also your heart too, as well.  But we are not going to look at it from that standpoint, but what has occurred in the larger picture.  Now, let’s look at it in that respect.
A couple of your answers would fit in terms of the larger picture, here.  So what has happened, from the beginning of your 2018 to the end, here.  What kinds of things have happened, again, in the larger picture.
Guest:  If you look at what has taken place since the beginning of the year in the world, I would say it has been an amazing dump.  It’s spectacular.  What you see what President Trump is doing, and how he is moving that train along, we can almost see the finish line.
OWS:   Very good, yes.   Major jump here.
Guest:   More freedom.
Guest:  More love, more peace, more harmony, and more joy.
OWS:   More harmony and joy.  Now you are getting the picture, here.  Now you are getting it.  For there have been very many changes that have happened.  But of course you could look back at each year and say well, that year had a lot of changes too.  And you could go back and back and continue to do that.
But what is happening now, is the changes that are coming about are about the bigger picture, about The Plan.  And it is all about the plan working out, here.  We can tell you certainly that the plan is working out—it is coming together.  We have said many times you are on the cusp of a great many changes.
But what are the changes that have already occurred.  You have had some arrests, have you not?  You have had some of this.  What else have you had?
Guest:   The portals open.
Guest:   Ships coming closer.
OWS:   Closer, yes.  We have talked about that.  Ashtar has talked about that, and Aromda many times, that the ships are coming closer.  Also you have heard from other sources as well where they speak about this also, that the ships are coming closer and you are going to see them more.  And that has happened.
Many of you in your Sunday discussions have shared those experiences where you are seeing so much more than what you did before.  Not only the ships, but many of you are seeing interdimentionally.  You are seeing what was previously not able to be seen with the physical eyes.  But now, because your third eye is opening more and more, that is allowing you to be able to open your physical eyes to the other dimensions, you see? Through the third eye.  And that is very important what is occurring there.
Now, you would say yes, but that is just those of us, the Lightworkers.  There are so many out there that have no idea of any of this.  And yet that is true, and we have said that many times.  There are so many out there that have no idea of what we are speaking about now.  And they would hear this and they would go, “that is of the devil,”  or “you need to not listen to those types of things,” and all of that, because they are not where you are now.  But where are they?  They themselves, even those that have not, what you would call, “awakened” yet, they have raised their consciousness as well as a whole now.  We do not speak of everyone, of course, but across the planet it has happened a great deal more.
Consciousness is spreading.  There are changes that are happening within each individual.  Whether they know it not, their DNA is being worked on.  Whether they know it or not, their cellular system is becoming more and more crystallized.  They are even beginning to hold more and more light, even though they do not even know what light is other than you turn on a switch on a lamp.  You see?
So, so many things are happening and changing, and yes it does seem like it is all yet behind the scenes and in the background, and you have heard this and heard this.  And then when we say changes are imminent and all of this, and you say,  “yeah, but when is it gonna be?” And we’re saying this, One Who Serves and Sananda and Ashtar and St. Germain and so on and so on, but when is it actually going to happen?
Now, the when part is interesting.  We are not going to say “soon,” of course.  We are not going to say “imminent. ”  Though, we are going to say, and you may want to write this down in your brains here as a memory that you heard it here, we are going to say that your 2019 is going to be something special in many respects.
You are going to have those arrests you have been waiting for.  That is just around the corner, here.  And they are going to begin en mass.  And you are going to have changes in your political structure.  That is going to happen.
You are going to have many situations where there will be more and more and more sightings of ships, and it will become as commonplace for people to look up into the sky and begin to see many things that they could not see before because, and I will tell you now, we will tell you this now, the ships are going to begin more and more to uncloak themselves, or decloak themselves.  That will result in mass sightings across the planet.  Is it going to happen this month?  Is it going to happen next month or the month after?  We cannot say that.  But it is going to happen over a period of time, over this year, here, you are coming into.  Many will see this.  Even those of you who attend the next Advance:  get ready, because there is something wonderful that is planned for this, and it is entirely in the respect that we are speaking now.
So get ready for that.  There are many things that are coming.  You are going to hear various announcements that are going to come forward.
We are not going to say that your financial system is going to completely change over, but the changeover is coming as well.  First you might see a raise in prices and things of this nature, and it may seem like everything is going wrong.  But those of you will know that as these things are occurring, everything is actually going right.  Because in order to have a complete breakthrough into a new golden age, you first have to break the old age down.  The old ways, the old system, they have to be reduced.  They have to be diminished greatly, and even completely expired here, we would say.  So that is all coming to you.
And you are going to experience so many shifts in consciousness.  Now, we would ask you:  how many shifts in consciousness those of you that are listening here, how many shifts of consciousness did you have over this past year?
Guest:   Lots!
OWS:   Lots!  Yes, that is the answer here.  That is what we’re looking for.  We did not want you to say one, or two, or three.  We wanted you to say lots!  Because that is what has happened.
Many of you—most of you—have had many different changes of consciousness over the near.  You have had energies coming into you and bombarding you at times, they were so powerful, and you could not handle them, or at least you thought you could not.   But guess what?  You’re here!  You handled them!  You got through it!  You see?
And you will continue to get through it.  Because, we are going to tell you now, the energies are going to get even stronger.  But, as these energies get stronger, you also are stronger.  You also are able to hold and anchor much more light than you could before.  And if you can anchor the light, then your vibrations can continue to rise.  And, as we have said many times, if your vibrations continue to rise, so too go away the various symptoms.  What you call the “ascension symptoms” will also go away.  You will not need to have them anymore because your central nervous system is being worked with.  And it is being changed and altered and reconfigured even, you might say.  So those of you that have difficulties with your central nervous system and your spinal column and all of these things where you tend to have a situation where you have various pains in your spine, all of this is going to disappear.
Now, along with that, that is wonderful to hear, but you may be saying, “but yes, we need some proof, we need some things to actually happen.” And what is coming are various devices that are going to be released.  Very possibly, very probably, they are going to be released this year coming up.
You are going to have many new medical advances that are going to be released because the cabal, those dark forces, are going to be either eliminated completely or very greatly curtailed, so they will not be holding things back anymore.  And the release of the technologies will come forward such as that which is called your “med beds.”  You already have the Tachyon Chambers, which are growing in number all over the planet now.  And they will continue to grow.  You have other devices which are going to be introduced as well.  So, so many things there.
 You have energy that is going to be released in terms of more closer to the free energy.  It will not come directly as free energy because you cannot go from what the James is fond of saying “zero to sixty in two seconds,” but you will experience a changeover in this respect in that your energy that you use now, your electricity and all of these things, many devices are already coming out that are going to preclude the need for your electrical services as they come out, you see?  You are going to find that a small box can power your entire home.  This is all coming, here.  This is all spoken of by the President Trump when he gave his inaugural address when he spoke about the energies, and space, and all of these things.  Any many people across the country when they heard that could notbelieve that he would say things like that, but he did, and it is coming true.  These things are all coming.
You have so many things to look forward to.  We could go on and on, because there are so many different shifts, we will say, that are coming as a result of the higher energies that are coming into the planet.
My goodness, when this wave of energy (now we do not speak of THE Event right now), but when this wave of energy, this galactic wave that is approaching the planet now, when this wave hits, it is a precursor to the event, and it is going to create, even in that time, a great consciousness shift in that moment.  It is building up.  This is all about building up to the “crescendo” that Sananda is fond of saying, here.  And that crescendo is coming, very possibly you will find that toward the end of this next year, here.
Now, to understand those things which are coming up immediately in your first or second month of this next year, you are going to have a number of things, we will say, that are coming out of the shadows.  They are no longer going to be in the shadows.  Now we speak of those of the dark forces that are no longer going to be in the shadows, as well as those things that are being brought forth in terms of announcements and all of this.  For the truth must be revealed.  The truth must come forward.  Those of you and, in fact, the entire world now is ready for the truth.  Enough is enough.  You have gone through subterfuge and cover-ups and all of these things long enough, have you not?
Guests:   Yes.
OWS:   Isn’t it time now for the truth to come out?
Guests:   Yes.
OWS:   Well, if you want the truth, you must demand the truth.  Now that can come in terms of demanding it outright and outward from yourself, but you can simply demand it within yourself as well.  Talk to the forces at large, here, what you would call the Galactics, what you would call the Company of Heaven, the Ascended Masters, the Agarthans.  Talk to them.  Tell them, “We are ready now– we want the truth, we want it all to come out; we want disclosure.”  You don’t want a partial disclosure, do you?
Guests:   No.
OWS:   You want a full disclosure.
Guests:   Yes.
OWS:   Well, make it happen!  Ashtar said this before.  Aramda said this before.  St. Germain said this to those of you.  They said if you want it, create it.  It is in your creative power, here, to bring all of this about.
And those of you, this group, you may think you are a tiny group, a small group of people come together again, a family if you will.  But you are so much more powerful than that.
Many of you, (now we are not wanting to build egos here or build up the heads or anything of this nature) but many of you are going to begin to remember various things that are going to come to you as far as who you may have been in the past, where you came from, what you have done before—these types of things.  They will come in snippets at first, and then they will become flooding more and more into you.  Because as these energies continue to come in, it is going to then bring about this shift of consciousness within each and every one of you that is going to bring these memories forward.  And as these memories come to you, it will not be as a cascade or an avalanche coming over you, it will come in spurts and it will come as you are able to handle it.
You see, each and every one of you has a mentor or more than one mentor, and they are already working with you, even though you cannot yet see them, and I pronounced that word more here, “yet” see them.  That is coming as well.  And they are working diligently with you.  Whether they are Ascended Masters that are working with you, or Galactics, or Agarthans, or whoever they might be, you each and every one have a mentor or more than one mentor already.  And they are working with you.  Many of you already know who they are, and you can call on them.
And we would say to you, yes, call on them.  Don’t attempt to do it all yourself.  You have done that for lifetime after lifetime after lifetime.  That is why you have struggled and had pain and suffering and all this, because you did everything relying on yourself.  Now it is time to rely on yourself, yes, but also your Higher Self, certainly.  That connection, that integration, has been developed within each and every one of you, especially those of you that attended the last two Advances here.  And you are going to continue to feel more and more and more of that integration coming over you and in you.  And you will feel like your higher God self and you are certainly one.  So, get ready for that, because that is coming.
You see, all these things are coming.  And you might say, “Yes, but again, One Who Serves, you keep saying they’re coming, they’re coming, you’ve been saying this for year after year after year, and when is it going to actually be?”
Guest:   Now!
OWS:   Yes, thank you!  (Laughter)  Now!  It is going to be NOW!  Because now is the only thing that matters.  The future matters not.  The past certainly no longer matters.  The NOW that you are in right this moment:  this is what matters.
And incidentally, as we have given some of these predictions, please understand that they are strictly based on probability and possibility in this moment right now.  In the next moment, collective consciousness changes all the time, and collective consciousness can change these predictions as well.  So you have a saying, take these predictions with a grain of salt, okay?
It is important for you to know that everything is being orchestrated.  Please always continue to remember that.  Everything is being orchestrated.  Everything is coming together to bring this entire new Golden Age upon the earth.
 And Gaia herself is ready for this.  She has had a enough.  She is saying, “enough is enough!  We are moving on now, and we are moving on with or without you!”  Not you, not those of you here, but without you meaning the rest of the consciousness here on the planet that is not ready for this.  You see?  She can only wait so long to hold this three-dimensional space, here.  And when that time is up, it is up.  And whenever those who are not ready for it, or have chosen not to move on, then their time is up here as well.
But also understand that everything is going exactly as it needs to, so wherever one is in their choice process, whatever it is that they want, that will come about.  You see?  No one will be forced to do anything that they do not want to do.  That time of being forced, of having your choices taken away from you, is going to be passed.  It is already passed now.
You just need to continue to open up to the possibilities and the probabilities of everything happening and create it, as we said earlier.  Create it.  You want NESARA?  Create it.  You want full disclosure?  Create it.  You see?  We said full disclosure here, because partial disclosure is already happening.  You are already in that process now.  But for full disclosure, you  need  to  create  it.  You want the mass arrests to happen without any prolonged discomfort as a result of this in terms of to society?  If you want that, then create it. Visualize it.  See it happening.  Know it is already happening.
Know as you visualize it and you create it, it is already done.  That is what is missing from all of you that ask for things in your lives.  You ask for them in terms of supplication to another to bring those to you.  When in fact all you have to do is ask and know that it has already been given you because it is a part of you that is coming to you, you see?  It is all part of your higher self, your higher God self, and all of the aspects of your multidimensional selves.  Okay?
That was quite a mouthful, was it not?
Guests:   Yes.  Powerful.
OWS:   We are trying to take questions now if you have questions.  Any questions here from those of you?
And Shoshanna, are you going to be involved here, or not able to?
SHOSHANNA  (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell) :   Shoshanna will share.
OWS:   Very good.   Actually before we take questions (we are making this up on the fly, in case you haven’t already figured that out):  Shoshanna, do you have anything you would like to say at this point before we start the questions?
Shoshanna:   Shoshanna has had many thoughts, and much reflection on what has been said here, and we wish to simplify everything for all beloved beings.  We wish to simplify the formula that creates your life.  It is so very simple.
There is an internal life that we all live.  And the internal life becomes a reflection of the external life.  As we expand and grow in our own beingness and in our own power, the external is expanded.  You can see all the changes around you because you are changing.  It is as if there is something glorious occurring external to you, yet that gloriousness is because you have changed internally.  As you change, as you grow, as you know your power, as you know who you are and remember who you are, Gaia herself will cleave to you, will change with you, will move with you, as you are one, and she is one with you.  That is my message today.
OWS:   Wonderful.
Guests:   Beautiful.  Thank you.  Wonderful.
Shoshanna:   Namaste.
OWS:   Would there be any questions, now?   No?  All questioned out?
Guest:   Hi.
OWS:   You are the one with the party!
Guest:   No.
OWS:   No, oh.  Someone opened their line up and there was a party detected.
Guest:   I have a question One Who Serves.  I think I am the one with the party.  Can you hear me?
OWS:   Hold please, we are listening first to the one before, here.
Guest:   All right.
Guest:   Hi.  I was re-listening to the April Advance where you, One Who Serves, Moses, had said next Advance we might reveal other One Who Serves mentors of the six you mentioned.  So I got really excited and thought I’d ask about that, and, you know, maybe we are not ready to hear all that or maybe shouldn’t hear who is who.
OWS:   What we did is we gave it to the James, but have decided to hold off for now.  Now you may disagree with this, but we are finding that it is unimportant here at this time.  When there is a need for it, then we will come through with that.  We did it purposefully for the one here, the one known as Moses, and we did that for a reason, and you will find that reason more as we go along here as we do that.
And we will, from time to time, as this year continues on, we do intend to share more.  Because we are going to get more and more personal with all of you.  Not only we, the One Who Serves and the collective of us, but those of Sananda, and Yeshua, and Ashtar, and St. Germain, and even more personal than they have been up to this point, if you can understand that.  Think in terms of what occurred at the last Advance in terms of Yeshua and you will begin to understand what is in the works here for this group.  Okay?
Guest:   Okay.  Thank you.  And I recommend, folks, you listening to Advances—they are awesome.
OWS:   Very good.  There was a question here from another?
Guest:   Yes, this is me.  I am the one having the party.  We are having a good time here, enjoying the time.  This year has been kind of inspiring.  I am actually outdoors right now and there are some fireworks going on in my neighborhood, so I apologize for the noise that is coming through.
My question is basically more of a guidance:  how can I use the power within myself to maybe confront the challenges of the low vibration energies at my work?
OWS:   Ah.  You wish to begin, Shoshanna?
Shoshanna:  Beloved brother, it is good to hear from you.
Guest:   Thank you.
Shoshanna:   It is difficult.  As our vibrations rise, it is difficult to participate in that which is seemingly a lower vibration and those you feel they wish to bring you down to their level.  What we would ask you to do is shine your light, dear brother.  Shine your light as brightly as you can.  Dismiss the judgments that you have of those that are not so much awake.  Dismiss those judgments.  Be happy and joyous around those that seem to have a lower vibration, and you will see immediate results.  You will see people laughing and smiling as you introduce your joy and your love, and your light in the midst of those that wish not to feel that.  You, brother, are responsible for raising your vibration and those along with you, and you will see great changes in yourself and in those around you.  Namaste.
OWS:   And with that understanding and looking at the larger picture here in terms of not only this one who has asked this question, but for many who are in what you would call jobs that they do not like or they do not think are important, or whatever it might be, they feel a dreariness when they go each day.  We are not saying it is you, we are just looking at in terms again, the larger picture here, for there are many such as this that feel they are in what are called dead-end jobs going nowhere.   And they are going to become more and more dissatisfied with that type of situation because it does not feed their higher vibratory selves any longer.  It may have done okay before, but as your vibrations continue to raise, you will want to be more and more around those others that also have high vibrations.
This is what is coming in terms of, we do not like to use this terminology, but it is the only thing that comes at this point, more of a division in terms of vibration where those that are of high vibration will seek those others of high vibration, and those of low vibration will feel more comfortable with others of low vibration, you see?  And that will create more of a division.  But this is necessary as the event comes, because at that time consciousness will be raised across the entire planet, but there will be still those that will decide, you might say, choose to remain in the lower vibrations, and that will be their choice at the time.  Okay?  Does this answer your question?
Guest:   Absolutely.  I got 200% more information than I was expecting.  Thank you very much, and I love you all.
OWS:   Very good.  Would there be any other questions, here?  Nothing else?  Everybody ready to go and party, hah?  Ready open those bottles of champagne and all these things?
By the way, just so you know:   St. Germain and others as well, not just St. Germain, he is one, he is kind of a lush, (group laughter) but there are others that also imbibe and some of us like champagne too; of course, not in great amounts, and wine, and these types of things.  And we celebrate.  We enjoy.  We are not necessarily celebrating a new year, because this in most cases does not have any meaning to us.  But we have our times during the years that we celebrate.
But what we are really celebrating, anybody know?  What are we really celebrating?
Guest:   Mankind awakening.
OWS:   Yes, everybody is awakening.  That is what we are celebrating.  And those up on the ships, my goodness are they celebrating!  Because they know that finally, finally after all these many, many lifetimes, many thousands and thousands of years, in terms of ions of time, are coming back together again with their loved ones, those ones that left so long ago, or that you left them so long ago, and that you are coming back together, and that in itself—what more could you want to celebrate than that, you see?  That is something very much to look forward to.
Shoshanna wishes to share something.  Yes, Shoshanna.
Shoshanna:   I wish to share the importance of remaining in a high vibration state.  I wish to share the importance of raising mankind’s vibrations by raising your own.  To stay in an awakened state, one must try very, very hard to live in the NOW moment.  The nowmoment is where the vibration is the highest.  This is difficult for most.  Human beings love to lament the past, and human beings love to forecast the future.  We would admonish you in this time of expansion and awakening to live in the present, to be in the now, to feel the joy of the now moment.  As your awakening expands, that will expand others.   That is my message.    Namaste.
OWS:   Very good.  One more time, would there be any other questions here?
Guest:   Could you talk about maybe any earth changes upcoming in the next year?  I live on the California coast and it seems like my higher self has been nudging me quite a bit to get out of here.  I am curious if they are related, but I would like to here if there is anything we can expect with Gaia.
Shoshanna:   May I address this one?
OWS:   Yes, please do.
Shoshanna:   Dear brother, Shoshanna wishes to share with you.  Would that be appropriate?
Guest:   Absolutely.  Thank you so much.
Shoshanna:   My dear brother, please listen to your higher self.  If you are being given messages, if you are being nudged in a particular direction and you are aware of this, you must listen.  It does not matter whether California goes right into the ocean.  What matters here is that you understand that your higher self is speaking to you.  I would greatly advise for all beloved beings that hear the message to follow it.   Namaste.
OWS:   Please understand that we are not saying that California is going to drop into the ocean, okay?  Don’t think in terms of that, but Shoshanna is completely correct in terms of following the higher guidance, and if that is what you want to do, it could very well be possible here that your higher guidance is telling you to leave the area where you live because it is no longer conducive to your vibrations.  So that is one thing.
We know that there are many Lightworkers and –warriors that are moving away from various areas where they have lived for quite some time, and they are moving to new areas where their vibrations are more of a match for them.  That is happening, and will continue to happen.
As to whether there will be your actual question about earth changes, we cannot say that directly because, again, it is all based on probability and possibility.  Will there be various cataclysms throughout the planet?  Yes.  That has always been, and will continue for a little bit longer, because Gaia is continuing to clean herself up, you might say, continuing to let out the steam of negative consciousness that has resided within her for some time.  So that is all being let out in terms of volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, all of these types of things.
Now, some of these things, though, as you have heard in the past, are man-made.  Not just consciousness-made, but directly made by those of the dark cabal.  They have had an influence here in some of these things.  But that is being greatly curtailed at this point, and you will likely not see any more, or very little of that, in the next few months, here, and then no more after that.  So that is coming to a close.
Also coming to a close is what you call that chem.-trail program.  That will be coming to a close also sometime during this year, as we are finding it now.  So the announcements are going to come forward as to what that was about and why it can no longer be continued.
Okay.  Does this answer your question:
Guest:  Yes, thank you very much.
Another guest:  My question is, you have said, if you want this, you create it.  Right?  If I want to go back to my galactic family, I need to create that to go back?  How does that work, if I am here on the earth?
OWS:   You create it in your mind, you create it in your heart, you crystallize it within yourself, you visualize it happening, see yourself up on a ship or another planet or whatever it is, whatever you would call home, visualize it, create it, and then let it go.  Do not be concerned with the results.  Because if you are concerned with the results, you will block the results from happening.  Okay?
Guest:   Okay.  Thank you.
Shoshanna:   May I share with you dear sister?
Guest:   Go ahead, Shoshanna.
Shoshanna:   My dear sister, we often forget in the human life that we have made some agreements, and we have made agreements to live a life, and often that may not include moving forward to another planet.  It may include it, and it may not include it.  What is really difficult here is the creation process.  It is truly a creation process, and humans have the power to create their life.  But behind that power and behind that desire is a plan that you made long ago.  You may have to examine that look to see what you need to do here and now before you move forward to a galactic life.  I hope that makes sense to you my dear sister, and we love you so much.   Namaste.
Guest:   Thank you, Shoshanna.  I love you too.  Thank you, One Who Serves.
OWS:   Yes.  Would there be any other questions here?
Guest:   I just had a question about the political atmosphere, the current events of the shutdown, and then the seating of the next Congress coming in.  If you could just give a little bit more detail about what might be happening in that way.  Thank you.
OWS:   We hesitate to get into your political arena, here, because so much is in flux.  So much again is based on probability and possibility based in the moment right now.  And as you look at those things which are occurring right now, there will be a great changeover in your political structure in terms of those that are corrupt, those that have done everything they can to serve themselves rather than the people that elected them, that will create them no longer being in their position, and that is going to come.  It will not take an election process to have that happen.  There are just simply going to be many arrests based on those many indictments that have occurred already.  So that is part of it.  We cannot say directly about who is going to be in your Congress or anything, nor would we even if we could here now.  But just know that there are many changes developing there.  Okay?
Guest:  Yes, thank you.
Another guest:   Can I ask something?
OWS:   Yes.
Guest:   Trump recently treated that he ended the Federal Reserve, and I also believe that the IRS was also on its way out too.
OWS:   That is correct in terms of both of them being what you would call on their way out.  That is correct.  Whether you will see it directly in your next month or so, we cannot say, but it is all coming together.  Again, everything is being orchestrated.  Not only from your political scene and President Trump and all of those around him, but the Alliance around them, the Galactics, the Agarthans, the Company of Heaven, all the Ascended Masters, all of us are working together to bring these changes about.  So you are certainly not alone, here.
Now, can we do it for you?  No.  Will we do it for you?  No.  That is not what we are here for.   But we will do it with you.
Shoshanna:  And Shoshanna wishes to share on this.
OWS:  Yes, please.
Shoshanna:  Dear brother, as you know, and as all those who are listening on this call, that there is a great movement taking place.  We feel it in our hearts, we know it in our minds.  It does not matter the details, it does not matter an example here, an example there of these outcomes.  What must remain in the hearts of man is the desire for truth, the desire for power, desire for domain, for the desire for autonomy, for the desire of truth as difficult as that is for many, and the desire in man’s heart will bring forth all that is necessary to create the great change that this movement is about.  Do not look for particulars.  Keep the desire in your heart.   Namaste.
Guest:   Thank you.
OWS:   We are going to move on here.  No more questions.  We want to say something here to you as you begin to celebrate your new year, as you do with opening your bottles of champagne and doing your toasts and things of this nature.  And when you do that, think about especially many of you in terms of your connection or your heritage with those of those times in Lemuria and Atlantis after that, and how you have all come back together again.
It is the Auld Lang Syne—old coming back together again, you see?  That song, some of you already know, some of you do not, but that song came from thousands and thousands and thousands of years ago and has come all the way into this time, and it is a celebration of moving on, moving on in terms of great distress in terms of an ending of the old.  So in that case back then, it was the ending of the old Lemuria, the continent of Mu, knowing that it was going down.  In fact, they were singing it as it was going down. They were singing that song—not directly as it is now, of course, but the translation relates to that.
And as you celebrate this new year, know that it is the same thing—the old is going away, the new is being born right here and now.  Okay?
Guests:   Yes.  Good.
OWS:  We want to release here just for a moment to another one of our group here, you might say.  He just wants to pop in and give his, you know, whatever he does give, okay?
ONE WHO SERVES 2 (Channeled by James McConnell) :
Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani padme, hum.  Greetings to you!   Wonderful being back here with you!  I have not been with you for some time.  We have been very busy.  We do do things here, you know!  We don’t just sit around and meditate all day long.  That is what the James thought some time ago, but no we don’t do that.  We do many different things.  We actually do do service to others, you know that?  We actually do go out and help people.  We actually do go out and spread the light, just everything that we have been telling you to do, we do also, and we do it with LOVE, we do it with love in our hearts.  We are so looking forward to those times when we get to sit across from you and pat you on the back and shake hands, and give great bit hugs, and yes, share that bottle of champagne or wine.  You know what, though?  They have really amazing drinks up there in those ships!  You can’t imagine what is up there.  You think you have good food and drinks down here?  You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, people!  It is going to be amazing!
Guest:   Well, beam us up!
OWS 2:   Beam you up!  We would love to do that!  They would love to do that!  But you cannot do that yet, because you are needed here.  And what if that were to happen?  Just think for a moment, dear brother.  If you were to be beamed up, and you were up on a ship,  and you saw how wonderful it is, you would say, “I ain’t goin’ back down there, no way!”  You see?  We say the same thing.  We have been there, done that, and we’re not  going to do it again either!  We have been right where you are, and we’re not doing it, so why would we expect you to go back down and do it if you didn’t have to, you see?
So it is not time yet.  You are not quite at the vibration yet in terms of collective consciousness, but that is coming.  You are almost there.  Really!  Really, seriously!  You are almost there.  Okay?
Guest:  Good.  Yes.
OWS 2:   Just know that as this year continues on, you are going to receive so many new higher levels of energies.  They are going to blow you away at times—not in a bad way, but in a good way.  Those times of wrecking havoc with your central nervous system are nearly gone.  Okay?  So you will not have that as much anymore.  The energies are acclimating in your bodies here now.  Okay?
Guest:   Thank you.
OWS 2:   Well, I just wanted to jump in, step in.   By the way, one of your friends, one of your soul mates, Robin [Williams], gives his regards, and he says, “Happy New Year!”
Guests:   All right!   Nanu Nanu!
OWS 2:  Yes, Nanu, Nanu!  And he says, “Have a wonderful New Year!”  He is also saying, he is yelling it out now, he is saying that he will be with us more in this coming year, here.
Guests:   All right!  Good!  We love him!
OWS 2:   Yes.  Very good.  Now we are going to release channel, unless Shoshanna do you have anything to add here?
Shoshanna:   I wish to say my gratitude to all these beloved beings that have surrounded us and have moved so courageously into the next year.  I, Shoshanna, wish to congratulate all these beloved beings for their courage, for their compassion, and for their love to move themselves into this great new earth.   Namaste, dear ones.
OWS 2:   Very good.  And the other One Who Serves promised James there would be no singing, but I did not do that.  So we need to end this with a song, do we not?
Guests:  (Laughter)  Oh yes!  Good!
OWS 2:   Does anyone know (we are finding this within the James), and this seems quite apropos in terms of a song here, does anyone know “So this is Christmas”?  Does anyone know that song and happy new year in that?
Group singing “And So This Is Christmas:”
And so this is Christmas, and happy new year. 
We hope it’s a good one to last out the year. 
And Merry Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. 
Let’s hope it’s a good one, without any fear.
OWS 2:   And we pronounce that very strongly without any fear!  Fear needs to go away completely, completely!  No more fear!
Guests:  No fear.  Gone.  It is going away.  It is already going away.  It is gone.  Bye-bye.  Ciao,  baby, ciao!
OWS 2:   Now, does anyone know the “Auld Lang Syne” song?
Guest:   Yes.
OWS 2:  Dear brother, please lead us in that:
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne.
For auld lang syne, my jo,
For auld lang syne.
We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.
And surely ye’ll be your pint-stowp!
And surely I’ll be mine!
And we’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.
OWS 2:   Wonderful.  Now if you could just picture as you’re singing that, picture those that were singing this as the continent was going down.  They were doing everything they could to keep the spirits of those around them up, the vibrations up, and keep the fear away.  You do not have to deal with anything like that, these times!  But again, it is about the old going away, and the new coming on.
Shanti.  Peace be with you.
James McConnell.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
publicado por achama às 12:06
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Agosto 2020


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