A Chama da Ascensão


Sexta-feira, 01 / 05 / 20

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of 1 May, 2020

Restored Republic via a GCR.

Update as of 1 May, 2020.

Dinar Chronicles.



Compiled 1 May 2020 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”
Divide They Try, Fail They Will, WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan
Let us fast and pray for the thousands of traumatized children who were being rescued from underground torture chambers of the Cabal. And, for the Military Troops who were risking their lives to save them. An ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark: 

* Must Watch Video: “The Fall of the Cabal Parts 1-10” 

Judy Note: As of this writing at 12:01 am EDT 1 May the 800#s had not yet arrived, though were expected soon.
1. The morning of Thurs. 30 April President Trump entered in the RV/GCR release codes.
2. The gold-backed US Note was recognized by every bank in the world by 3 am EDT Thurs. 30 April.
3. Trump has signed an Executive order for Martial Law effective Thurs. 30 April. 

4. Mass arrests continued with prominent political elites notified of their indictments.
5. There were indications that GESARA and NESARA were happening.
A. April 30 1:18 pm EDT Fleming: I was just told that as of 3:00 am EDT 30 April the gold-backed US Note was recognized by every bank in the world.
B. April 30 11:40 am EDT Fleming: The impression our military Intel contact gave us last night Wed. 29 April was that he had to go silent because it was coming overnight. That would fit your other Pentagon source about today Thurs. 30 April at 2 pm EDT, since your other Pentagon source said that it also implied that Trump did enter the authorization code(s).
C. Political Elites Under Indictment being arrested: Loretta Lynch, Sally Yeats, John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Bruce Orr, James Baker, Peter Struck, Lisa Page, Rod Rosenstein, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett and several unnamed CIA Operatives have been served indictments, with charges ranging from Conspiracy to Commit Treason and Conspiracy to Overthrow the Government to Falsifying Government Documents, Obstruction of Justice, Perjury, Lying to Congress, Lying to Investigators and Illegal Use of Government Systems.
D. April 30 2020 High Level US Government Officials Revealed in Criminal Indictments: 

Today Thurs. 30 April a reliable source in the Department of Justice verified that a variety of government elites from the Obama Administration have been indicted and were in the process of being arrested and charged. Those named were Loretta Lynch, Sally Yeates, John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Bruce Orr, James Baker, Peter Struck, Lisa Page, Rod Rosenstein, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett and several unnamed CIA Operatives.
While many faced further Grand Jury investigations, present multiple charges on their indictments ranged from Conspiracy to Commit Treason and Conspiracy to Overthrow the Government to Falsifying Government Documents, Obstruction of Justice, Perjury, Lying to Congress, Lying to Investigators and Illegal Use of Government Systems.
E. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) Tweeted: “The only thing we got wrong is that it was even worse (the corruption) than we thought.” 

F. April 30 2020 Operation Disclosure Intel Alert (4-30-20): “Silent War”Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for April 30, 2020 (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)
​1. All signs are pointing to the global economic system getting ready to burst like a bubble.
2. According to usdebtclock.org, the total amount of US Unfunded Liabilities has surpassed the US Total National Assets. Therefore, a global currency reset or global financial reset and forgiveness of debt is required to save the US and the rest of the world.
3. The United Nations is already calling for a debt jubilee for poor countries. 

4. GESARA is discretely happening.
5. The George Soros’ Foundation was recently hacked. Expect more information in the coming days from the Soros hack and the Wikileaks dump. 

6. Just recently Anna Von Reitz disclosed the existence of a Galactic Council. 

7. A conspicuous “Q” can be seen in the movie I am Legend featuring Will Smith, which is a movie from 2007 (Thanks to Mesaville for pointing this out). 

The image was not edited as you can find the same scene in the video below (timestamp: 1:23).

8. Before thoughts start running wild, the large white Q with an orange background appears to be the logo poster for a play called “Avenue Q”. 

However, the Avenue Q logo just so happens to be placed right next to the American flag by the editors of the movie.
9. The movie is about a virus that wiped out most of mankind. 

10. Coincidence or not?

G. April 30 2020 6:34 am EDT Babylon has Fallen, Fulford: “Babylon has Fallen” – Fulford Report – 4.27.20 Benjamin Fulford 

1. The fall of Babylonian debt slavery in the United States is fully underway. A critical mass of about 30% of Americans are not paying auto loans, student loans, rent, mortgages, corporate loans, etc. This makes it a mathematical certainty that the Babylonian debt slavery system is insolvent and collapsing. 

2. The fact that the U.S. Treasury has started handing out money – not debt certificates – directly to the people is another sign the regime of debt slavery is ending.
3. There has also been a massive takedown of pedophiles. Pentagon sources say: “It appears that the final batch of Adrenochrome may have been spiked with potent Corona Virus to kill the bloodthirsty cabal who drink this stuff, while the source, namely children trafficked, tortured, or bred for this evil purpose, have been liberated from tunnels.”
4. Here is what Mark Zuckerberg (Rockefeller) had to say about this:“Although many humans find participating in and observing sexual congress to be both pleasurable and fulfilling I sometimes find it challenging to observe the subsequent removal of Adrenochrome from the smaller participants as illustrated in the photograph below. Ingesting the Adrenochrome, however, is as enjoyable a human activity as any I have yet engaged in.” IMAGE
5. Notice he uses phrases like “many humans find” and “a human activity,” as if he himself is not human. These monsters are all being hunted down and killed and, if you pay attention, a huge swath of celebrities, billionaires, and politicians, etc. have vanished from public view and will never be seen again. If Zuckerberg and his ilk are still alive, they will not be for much longer.
6. Pentagon sources say the USNS hospital ship Comfort is leaving New York City as arrests of the Satanists there are ending. However, “its sister ship USNS Mercy may take longer in LA because of the large number of ‘pedovores’ in Hollywood.”
7. We are now starting to get photographs of the abused children from white hat sources in LA and New York. We cannot verify when these pictures were taken but multiple, credible sources confirm thousands of children were rescued from cages at underground bases.
8. The first disturbing picture is of an infant boy rescued in New York. The black eyes are the result of the trauma of being raped, and celebrities sometimes make fun of this phenomenon by making themselves up with “Panda eyes.” IMAGE

9. Here are two photographs of unknown date and origin of children in cages who our sources say have now been rescued. IMAGE
10. The takedown of the oligarchs who presided over this system continues “as Zionist vultures in public companies, hedge funds and private equity are denied stimulus money by [U.S. President Donald] Trump, including the elite Ivy League schools,” the Pentagon sources say.
11. The American people would face temporary hardship just as the Russian people did after the Soviet Union went bankrupt. When the Russian Republic replaced the USSR there was a huge restructuring of an economy that had been run for 50 years on a cold war basis. This meant giant factories were shut down in remote, uneconomic far eastern regions, for example. The result was the temporary displacement and unemployment of many people.
H. April 30 2020 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net: 712-770-4016 pin123456#
1. There were no taxes on exchanges, only taxes on interest earned over your long term payout.
2. At 12:01 EDT tomorrow morning 1 May 2020 the green light would turn on.
3. At 4 am EDT yesterday Wed. 29 April the go ahead was given, but there were audits to do in order to prevent people who should not be able to exchange.
4. At 12:01 am 1 May we revert back to Constitutional Law – sanctuary states and cities will no longer be acceptable. All federal funding will be withheld from those states until they become compliant.
5. At 12:01 am 1 May all debts of African nations would be excused – the beginning of GESARA.
6. At 12:01 am 1 May we would have a digitalized gold-backed US Note.
7. Tier 4b would start to go by Tues. 5 May.
I. CV-19 Huge Hoax Perpetrated by New World Order

Dr. Shiva: partner to Bill Gate’s Microsoft – pushing universal mandatory vaccination and injection of microchips to tag human beings for monitoring vaccine records. Shiva owns a major pharmaceutical company and made his fortune running email operations for the Clintons.
Inaccurate Statistics on Covid 19 Deaths: 

A Respiratory Therapist discussed scare tactics used by the CDC and World Health Organization to force misdiagnosis of CV-19.
April 26 2020 ER Doctors NUKED Fauci’s Pandemic Fraud: 

Mon. April 27 2020 Arrest Warrants Issued on Gates, Fauci, Birx, Santa Surfing: 

Charges were said to include Genocide, Health Care Fraud, Human Trafficking and Crimes Against Humanity.
J. International Child Sex Trafficking:
Known Names Connected to Satanic Cults, Pedophilia and Child Trafficking in America: 

Some Hollywood Elites named in sealed indictments, likely for Crimes Against Children:
Seth Green, James Gunn, Dan Scheinder, Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, Steven Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Ashton Kutcher, Kevin Spacey, Kathy Griffin, Oprah Winfrey, Shawn Carter, Beyonce Knowles, Anthony Kiedis, John Legend, Chrissy Teigen, Jim Carrey, Steven Tyler, Ben Affleck, Stephen Collins, Will Ferrell, Aliaune Damala Badara Thiam (Akon), Marshall Matthers III, Jeffrey Jones, Victor Salva, Marc Collins Rector, Charlie Sheen, Tyler Grasham, Madonna Ciccone, Katheryn Hudson, Gwen Stefani, Stefani Germanotta, James Franco, Will Smith, Justin Roiland, John Cusack, Demi Moore, Brian Affleck, Meryl Streep, Wanda Sykes, Chelsea Handler, Michelle Wolf, David Yarovesky, Pharrell Williams, Quentin Tarantino, Robert Downey Jr, Courtney Love, Alec Baldwin, Johnny Depp, Brian Warner, Asia Argento


K. Elites named in sealed indictments:

L. Some Political Elites named in sealed indictments:
Joe Biden, John McCain, Bob Menendez, John Podesta, Tony Podesta, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Jeff Flake, Bob Corker, Jacob Schwartz, Ed Murray, Barney Frank, Brock Adams, Mel Reynolds, Neil Goldschmidt, David Wu, Tony Mendoza, Anthony Weiner, Peter Strzok, Adam Schiff, Charles Windsor, John Kerry, Joe Scarboroug, Andrew Cuomo, Justin Trudeau, Brian Stelter, Jake Tapper, Chris Cuomo, Pope Francis, Bill Richardson, Peter Soros, Prince Andrew, Barack Obama, Anderson Cooper, Sheila Jackson-Lee
Many of the over 170,000 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since President Trump took office were now being served. Most contained charges of pedophilia. It was rumored that Billionaire George Soros and former US Presidents George Bush Jr. and Barak Obama were arrested and presently in, or headed for GITMO, where they faced Military Tribunals for Treason and other serious crimes.
List by state where the sealed indictments were filed: 

M. Must-Watch Videos:
“The Fall of the Cabal Parts 1-10”: 

“The Storm: Saving the Children from the Hands of Evil”: THE STORM: Saving the Children From The Hands of Evil 

Since last October and under direction of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force, US Military and Marines have brought out of underground tunnels, over 50,000 tortured children, babies and teens, some deceased.
“Cabal Tunnels”: run throughout the US from Mexico to Canada and California to New York. 

“ITNJ Judicial Commission Inquiry into Child Trafficking,” Robert David Steele: 

“Trump vs. the Deep State”: 

“Epstein Network Map Published”: https://3speak.online/watch
“Satanic Pedophilia Network Exposed,” Fiona Barnett: 

“Pedogate 2020 an in-depth Exploration”: 

“Out of Shadows, Official”: 

How the Mainstream Media and Hollywood manipulate and control the masses using CIA Mind Control propaganda.
“Adrenochrome”: Secret super drug obtained by drinking blood of tortured children. 

The “The Storm is Here”: 

The Illuminati started the world pandemic for a New World Order, while White Hats used it to rescue over 50,000 tortured children and arrest their perpetrators.
N. Currency Exchange/Bond Redemption: Please treat the below as my guess. Official instructions would be available upon RV liquidity and 800# release.
WARNING: DO NOT give your foreign currency or Zim Bonds to anyone else to exchange or redeem for you. If a Group Leader was telling you that they could obtain better rates for you, or if they were saying not to go to your appointment at an Exchange Center or bank, they were not telling the truth. Anyone could exchange and redeem their own currencies and would have the same ability to obtain the higher Contract Rates as anyone else, as long as they did it at a licensed Exchange Center or bank.
I am not aware of how someone outside the US could redeem Zim Bonds. That question should be asked to the person who set your appointment.
An hour or so prior to 800# release, Wells Fargo and HSBC Banks would send out over 508,000 emails to currency and Zim Bond holders worldwide, along with instructions on how to exchange and redeem within your own country. Those emails would include links to a secured website. Clicking on that website with your computer or phone would automatically generate a code that identified your individual exchange/redemption as you set your appointment.
Exchange information would also be available on certain websites as below:

O. Currency and Zim Bond Redemption: This information applied to redeemers in the US. Different countries would have their own regulations and rules. Please treat as my opinion only:
1. Fleming: They wanted currency holders, especially ZIM holders, to go in as quickly as possible to the first appointment that would last 20-25 minutes.
The Elders wanted currency and Zim holders to get the highest rates for doing humanitarian projects. Every currency holder would get an equal chance at the highest Contract Rates for their project presentations. It would be a level playing field.
First Appointment: You would receive a debit/credit card with millions on it to draw on between the first and second appointments. Over the first ten days after your first appointment your assigned Wealth Manager would help you choose one of the six vetted US Treasury-sanctioned trust companies (Abbott Downing & equivalent trust companies).
Second Appointment: The Wealth Manager and private banking team you choose would assist you going forward with your humanitarian and job creation project outlines. They would be happy to take your project presentation to the US Treasury to get the higher rates for your ZIM and/or the highest Contract Rates for your currencies. They would have six months (180 days) after redeeming / exchanging to seek the higher rates for your project outlines from the US Treasury.
2. MarkZ: The redemption process would be done in two parts. The banks already had one part of your package. The second part would be delivered to you. You then go to the bank to finish your redemption process. I have spoken to bankers that claim they have physically seen the banking part of the packages.
3. On the appointment at a Redemption Center you would exchange currencies at Contract Rates and redeem Zim at the default rate. Those monies would be put in your account.
4. We have been told that the default ZIM rate of $11 million per 100 T Zim Note would be offered at that first appointment. You could negotiate for higher rates in a second appointment with your Wealth Manager and private banking team.
5. President Trump has given US banks a list of 250 humanitarian and job creation projects to invest in. Your Wealth Manager and banking team could explain the details at your appointment with them.
6. If you wanted higher rates than offered at the Redemption Center, at your appointment with your Wealth Manager and banking team they would explain the international humanitarian projects you could invest in and you could present your reasons and/or your Humanitarian Project and ask for those higher rates. It was recommended that you go for those higher rates at your second appointment so you could help those in need.
7. If you had any amount of Zim Bonds up to 9 100T Notes, didn’t have a Humanitarian Project and wanted a higher than default rate, then at your second appointment, your Wealth Manager and team would be happy to show you the list of 250 humanitarian and job creation projects to invest in for higher-than-default rates on the ZIM.
8. If you had any amount of Zim Bonds up to 9 100T Notes and had a humanitarian project, and/or if you wanted to invest in the sanctioned international projects, then at your second appointment, your Wealth Manager and team would help you obtain a higher Zim rate.
9. Many ZIM holders had 10 or more 100T ZIM Notes, so the default rate would be considered adequate without being awarded higher Contract or Zim rates.
P. “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,” Judy Byington
WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description of being raped, tortured and forced to view a Child Sacrifice at the tender age of five – not unlike sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Such perpetrator-followers of Satan were organized from the US Inc’s CIA, Queen Elizabeth’s, Vatican’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They appeared funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset. It’s no wonder that President Trump has stated, “These people are sick.”

Q. Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society. To inquire about our International Child Abuse Recovery, Trauma Survivors (CARTS) Humanitarian Program, email: info@22faces.com
The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. A Thank You to those dedicated and brave intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to humble Wildfirelady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Martha who works around the clock to discern what is real in the fake news; to Brad who does great research and Ken who uncovers almost unlimited intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
Divide They Try, Fail They Will, WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan
Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.
Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. Judy
  1. Updates for the Week Prior:
  2. Restored Republic via a GCR: Special Report as of April 30, 2020
  3. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 30, 2020
  4. Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 29, 2020
  5. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 29, 2020
  6. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 28, 2020
  7. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 27, 2020
  8. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 26, 2020
  9. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 25, 2020
  10. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 24, 2020
  11. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 22, 2020
  12. Extra Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 22, 2020
  13. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 22, 2020


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Copyright © 2020 Dinar Chronicles.


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publicado por achama às 10:49
Sexta-feira, 01 / 05 / 20

6 Types of Toxic People Who Become Involuntary Manipulators

6 Types of Toxic People Who Become Involuntary Manipulators

By Anna LeMind, B.A.

April 30th, 2020

passive aggression.

Passive aggression is a favorite tactic for negative, secretly jealous, and insecure personalities. So almost all of the above types of toxic people can use it, especially the approval seekers and the enviers.
They lack the emotional toughness to speak their mind openly and face conflict. Thus, they throw out sneaky comments and wistful statements that make you feel bad and bring them temporary emotional satisfaction.

An example situation:

Your friend Bob tells you about his financial difficulties. He has lost his job and doesn’t know how to pay his bills the next month. You are comforting him and give him advice. At some point, the conversation turns to you and you tell Bob about the detention your unruly son received at school. Bob has an absent expression on his face and says, “I wish I had your problems”.
The result? You are feeling guilty for worrying about such trivial issues while your friend is going through a really difficult time in life. In reality, though, Bob didn’t mean to cause you discomfort or guilt. He is just overly self-absorbed right now because of the hardships he is facing, so anyone else’s problems look like a joke to him.

2. Guilt trips

The needers often use guilt trips to get what they want. In fact, needy people are natural manipulators and may not even know how toxic they can become. Since they are used to relying on others and hanging their happiness on people and external circumstances, they are intrinsically skillful in evoking guilt in those around them.

An example situation:

Ian proposes to Melissa while they’ve been in a relationship for just three months. She is not ready yet and not sure whether Ian is the one, so she takes some time to think it over. One day, Ian tells Melissa about his past heartbreaking relationship and throws out a comment like, “That breakup was a real disaster. It was a struggle to get over it. If our relationship doesn’t work out either, I’m not sure if I can handle it”. As a result, Melissa feels sorry for him and accepts his proposal.
This may sound deviously manipulative at first, but Ian is not a bad person. He is just prone to black-and-white thinking and gets too enthusiastic about people. He also has an intense fear of loneliness and gets emotionally attached to women too easily. So he meant every single word of what he said to Melissa.

3. Playing the victim

Some people genuinely believe that they never did anything wrong and all their failures are due to the outside circumstances. They may blame the unkind people who took advantage of them or the unfair society that ruined their chances to succeed. Maybe they were born in the wrong time or had a too underprivileged family background to achieve anything significant in life. They may even go on to believe that all their misery stems from a generational curse or God’s will.
The core reason for this toxic attitude is that people with a victim mentality are afraid of responsibility. There is always someone or something else to blame for all the adversities life throws their way. So, they have a natural talent for playing the victim and distorting every situation accordingly.
They don’t do it because they are evil manipulators, however. In reality, they are simply too mentally weak to accept their faults and deal with their responsibilities. Many types of toxic people use the manipulation tactic of playing the victim. In our list, the misunderstood genius, the needer, and the complainer will do it more often than others.

An example situation:

Elliot’s business has failed, which totally ruined his motivation. He now stays at home, watching TV all day long and doing nothing. His wife Ashley has a good job and is the only person who is supporting the family now. After a few months, Elliot still doesn’t look for a new job or business idea.
Ashley is tired of supporting the family on her own and at some point, she insistently asks her husband to get a job. Elliot says, “How can you be so heartless? Don’t you see that I’m depressed? These people took from me everything I had worked for so hard and you are suggesting I should just forget about it and work for someone else now?”
Elliot is clearly playing the victim to avoid responsibility and make Ashley feel sorry for him. Still, this is unintended because he is convinced that it’s not his fault that his business failed. Also, he thinks that he is too gifted for a regular 9-5 job, so even suggesting him to get one causes annoyance.

4. Criticism

Negative and controlling types of people are sometimes so critical of everyone and everything that they become truly toxic. It’s not easy to be around a person who always has to say something critical, unkind, or disproving. Thus, critical people become involuntary manipulators because they make those around them feel worthless and often start conflict out of nothing. Sometimes they do it to feel better about themselves or because they really believe that they are always right.

An example situation:

Jane just got a promotion at work and shares the exciting news with her elderly mother, who happens to be an overly critical person. She gives her daughter an indifferent look and says, “Good for you. Too bad that you still haven’t started a family at this age that you are though. Your younger sister has two children already, and you are still single”.
With this kind of remark, Jane’s mother makes her feel inadequate despite her career achievement. She downplays her daughter’s success and shifts focus to her relationship failures, which is a sensitive topic for her. As a result, Jane starts to doubt herself and feels miserable. She forgets about the promotion and begins to think that her life is a failure.

5. They become parasitic

Some types of toxic people become emotionally or financially parasitic to those around them. Parasitic individuals make their partners, friends, or family members feel responsible for their life. This manipulation tactic can be a combination of guilt-tripping and a victim mentality and is often used by needy people as well as the misunderstood geniuses.

An example situation:

Two adult siblings live entirely different lives. The younger brother Tom has become a successful lawyer while the older brother Jack fails one business after another. Jack has already borrowed a great deal of money from his brother and never paid him back. He is now asking him for a new loan.
Tom has had enough of supporting Jack and denies it to him. Jack says that in this case, the bank will take his house and he will have nowhere to live. Moreover, he feels heartbroken and betrayed by his brother. He accuses Tom of being ungrateful for all the good things he did to him. Jack even goes on to remind him how he babysat him and helped him with homework when they were children.
The situation now looks like Jack is a victim and Tom is a villain. This makes the younger brother feel guilty and ironically, responsible for his older brother’s life. As a result, once again, he decides to give Jack the money he is asking for.
As you can see in this example, Jack is inducing unjustified guilt in Tom. In reality, he is just exploiting his brother as it’s much easier to borrow money from a wealthy family member than to find a job to pay off your debt. But Jack is doing this unconsciously. He may genuinely believe that he has done too much for his brother, so Tom owes him.

The Involuntary Manipulators Are Those Types of Toxic People Who Don’t Mean to Do Harm

In the end, the individuals we discussed above have no ill intent. These unconscious manipulators are usually pretty good folks at their core but just lack mental strength, which makes them use unhealthy coping mechanisms.
So the bottom line here is that these types of toxic people tend to be deeply unhappy and discontented with themselves, hence their manipulative tendencies.
This means that they are more likely to change and stop their toxic behavior than devious manipulators like psychopaths or narcissists, who have the power to make you question your sanity. Establishing firm personal boundaries is often enough to stop their toxic influence.
Does any type of these toxic people sound like someone in your life? Please feel free to share your experiences with us.

Anna LeMind







About the Author: Anna LeMind

Anna is the founder and lead editor of the website Learning-mind.com. She is passionate about learning new things and reflecting on thought-provoking ideas. She writes about science, psychology and other related topics. She is particularly interested in topics regarding introversion, consciousness and subconscious, perception, human mind's potential, as well as the nature of reality and the universe.

Copyright © 2012-2020 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Main Site: violetflame.biz.ly


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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publicado por achama às 02:11
Sexta-feira, 01 / 05 / 20

Letting Vasanas Arise


Letting Vasanas Arise

Steve Beckow.

Golden Age of Gaia.

Posted April 30th, 2019 by Wes Annac.



Heck, I’m not going to let a rich occasion like this get away from me without exploring it.
In a similar situation, most company heads would deny that anything’s wrong and spin the news. But vasanas (or core issues) are my field of specialization. No, sir. Let’s dig in.
The events of the last few days, with Kauila’s site being taken down and us getting a second red screen (not like we know what caused it), have triggered a whole library of vasanas going off in me.
OK, I exaggerate. But there have been vasanas going off connected with loss, with acting stupid, with making a fool of myself, with being caught with my hand in the cookie jar, with having my doctoral thesis turned down as “unhistorical” (“cultural history” having not been invented in Canada yet), from having my request years later to write a Sociology thesis on enlightenment be turned down, on and on the reactivation went.
I have (1) never felt so many vasanas go off at once and (2) never been as aware of the process as I am now.
When so many vasanas go off simultaneously, it’s very difficult to keep them all straight.  This may be why many people find a situation like this to be “crazy-making.”

What I do is I allow one vasana the microphone at a time and listen to it until it’s done and then the next one. That simplifies everything.
I DON’T have a vasana!
Approached individually, the experience is bearable. When they’re all competing for my attention (which can only focus on one thing at a time), then I begin to panic and feel I’m going insane.
This is a time when most corporate executives would “go on vacation.”
I opened myself to the next vasana going off and felt immense sadness. But it was overlaid with so many other emotions and issues that I had to simply be with it, rather than inquire into it, (1) but just experience it for it to be completed.

My sadness was tidal and very deep. It swelled and faded away but was like a vast body of water that only the wind can stir. My breathing was sad.

I didn’t need to inquire into it. This vasana was born upon the death of my Mother in a housefire.

When I see the origin of it, it lifts.

I’m ready for the next one.

Up come vasanas connected to catastrophic losses as the loss of all this literature would be for me, if I allowed it to be. I don’t have those feelings in me but I could. I obviously have had traumatic experiences of loss in the past.
Why do I need to know about vasanas?

Now here is a case where two feelings overlap. Sadness and loss both originate with my Mother.

Now, both sadness and loss fade into the background. I’m ready on Mike One for the next vasana.

Feeling foolish comes up. All the times I’ve done foolish things with girlfriends. I cringe. And here I’m convicting myself of doing something foolish that could result in the closure of the blog. (That’s how my mind is working.)
So I experience foolishness and immediately see tons of photos of early girlfriends and awkwardness, gaffes, bricks dropped on my own foot…. I remember them one by one.
I don’t need to drag you through them all but you get the picture….
This is the alternative to shouting at someone, hitting them, destroying a piece of furniture, and other projections of our vasanas onto the external world.
Doing it this way we don’t shout at anyone or kick the dog. AND the upset gradually lifts. Not so with the other choice.
Let me turn from narrating the completion of the vasanas to a little of the theory behind it.

Alice in Wonderland is all about vasanas

In my view, we have vasanas (or lingering core issues) because we refuse to re-experience an emotion or thought that was traumatic for us when something happened to us, usually in early childhood.

If we allow ourselves to re-experience the trauma, the vasana begins to lose its grip.

Unfortunately, the more common response is to say, “You made me mad,” which is not true, and let fly at the other person.
As I said above, that’s projecting our vasana onto someone else and all it succeeds in doing is energizing the vasana which then recedes back into the sea of forgetfulness or unconsciousness, to rise again when triggered.
So here with this one-two punch, vasanas are going off right and left – feeling challenged, feeling tested, thinking I’ve let the team down, on and on the memories go and the traumatic feelings arise.
I re-experience them and let them depart according to their own timetable. That way they’re not energized and gradually begin to lift.
I notice that I really don’t like to feel the feelings that arise. My natural tendency is to run from them, divert myself, pick a fight with someone, etc.  It’s counter-intuitive just to sit with them and observe.
This process goes hand in hand with telling the truth because when we know the truth of the vasana, it tends to lift. Not only will the truth set us free, but the more truth we unconceal, the more our release.
We can use this fact to guide ourselves. Do I experience increasing relief? If so, I’m headed in the right direction. No relief? Better go another way.

The awareness of how to complete a vasana, to the best of my knowledge, is not being taught in school. Nor in university, as far as I know.

It was being taught (and still may be in some; is in others) in workshops such as est and spiritual traditions like Buddhism and Hinduism. I hope that one day it’ll be second nature to people and our long history of being a prisoner to our reactions ends.
(1) On inquiring into a vasana, see  “How to Handle Unwanted Feelings: The Upset Clearing Process,” December 29, 2018, at 

  • http://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/12/29/how-to-handle-unwanted-feelings-the-upset-clearing-process-2/

Here are some articles on vasanas:



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 02:01
Sexta-feira, 01 / 05 / 20

Christ Michael’s Light Knowledge.


Christ Michael’s Light Knowledge.


Is the Trinity Teacher

Received by Chris Maurus.

Asheville, NC, USA, April 5, 2020.


Akashic Construct - 11:11 Spirit Guardians

Posted April 30, 2020.

Teacher Uteah: My dear Students,
I ask that you now connect with the Father’s Presence within and find solace in the intimate relationship you have nurtured. Please take time every day to make a conscious effort to connect in this way and know that by doing this, you are connected to not only your God Fragment, but you are also connected to Christ Michael’s Light Knowledge — the Creator Son of Nebadon’s all-pervading consciousness that fills the domain of His local universe. It is by His Light Knowledge that your Thought Adjuster abides in His guidance and communications with you. It is the very fabric and foundation by which the layers of your soul do form as you grow and become more real in the development of your morontia mind. It is this fabric that identifies you and your origin as a child of Michael — all the way to Paradise.

Michael said in his life as Jesus, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life — no one comes to the Father except through me...” These words did not define the exclusivity of any religion, but it did define His claim as the Creator Son of your local universe — that his children would grow in His Light Knowledge as they passed through the many mansions, training spheres, and celestial tarrying places of His local universe before leaving for the greater super universe and beyond — to Havona and to the Finality of Paradise where you shall stand before the Universal Father Himself.

Why is this important for you to know? Because it gives you the understanding that you are a part of a family — Michael’s family, and with that you are afforded the gift of His Light Knowledge that is always available to you when you enter into prayer, stillness, and in any communication with his other celestial children — including the administrators of this local universe. Your Thought Adjuster abides in the authority of Michael and by all his mandates to guide you while you pass through the domains of Nebadon. No one comes to the Father except by Michael’s blessing — your last stop on Salvington as you stand before Michael in your final farewell before leaving for the greater super universe as a first stage spirit.

Having passed through all the training spheres of Nebadon, you leave this local universe as an ambassador of Christ Michael — a representative spirit of one of the most merciful Creator Sons in the whole of the Seventh Super Universe of Orvonton. Not only will others know you by your local origin, but they shall revere the name of Christ Michael and those who began their careers on that famed troubled sphere called Urantia — a true badge of honor.

Though you may not appreciate it now, as you struggle to live on a world emerging from rebellion, you shall one day understand how blessed you are for the experience and the contrast of your endeavors here. Take solace, my dear students, that you belong to a family and that you shall never be alone. As a member of Christ Michael’s family, please feel the unity with all of us — the children of Michael and those that serve this great universe of Nebadon. His great love, compassion, and mercy surrounds us always and we love Him dearly.

You are our brothers and sisters,
I AM Uteah.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.

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Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 01:41
Sexta-feira, 01 / 05 / 20



Kate Spreckley's Inspiration.

April 30th, 2020


day 38 on the big mother planet.


We are most certainly living through some very volatile times. The impact of this great planetary shift is most definitely being felt by everyone. We are all being faced with numerous healing and awakening opportunities which are creating a time of great inner conflict and chaos. As a result, life is becoming even more unpredictable and volatile intensifying the need for both internal and external change. The very framework of our life and to maintain some sense of stability we must learn to be flexible, adaptable and to establish within us a new sense of balance.
Waves of powerful cosmic energy are constantly flooding through the planet dramatically increasing your awakening and transformational process. Deeper levels of the illusions and constraints by which you have lived are swiftly dissolving and whatever is in need of healing is being brought to the fore of your awareness and human experience. As you move further away from the old fear based patriarchal systems of the past a new sensitivity will awaken within you heightening your intuitive and creative abilities. You will find yourself more inspired and better able to intuitively sense the next step on your path. Remember that all that is occurring now is supporting and encouraging the birth of new life.
Much Love.

Kate Spreckley


This article may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2019 Kate Spreckley


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About Kate Spreckley




As a coach, energy practitioner, speaker and facilitator Kate Spreckley allows her natural skills and abilities to guide and support those who are in search of awakening, healing, growth and transformation. Over the years Kate has allowed her inner guidance to shape the way in which she works. This enables her to now offer a creative mix of everything that she has found to be the most useful and effective..... Read more






Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Spirit Pathways <kate@spiritpathways.co.za




No religious or political creed is advocated here.


Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.


Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.


Discernment yes; judgement does not.

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 



Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

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publicado por achama às 01:31
Sexta-feira, 01 / 05 / 20

5 Signs a Lack of Self-Awareness Is Hindering Your Growth

5 Signs a Lack of Self-Awareness Is Hindering Your Growth

Becky Storey.


April 29th, 2020


When you have a lack of self-awareness, you might feel a sense of inner chaos. You won’t know why you do the things you do, or what motivates you to do them. You just flow through life with no real direction.
Self-awareness is all about knowing yourself. If you are self-aware, then you’re in touch with your wants and needs. A self-aware person understands their own personality and what makes them tick. You would know yourself like you know a friend and accept their strengths and weaknesses all the same. With self-awareness comes a sort of calmness. You’re aware of your true inner self and are able to make changes or accept what you have to.
If you lack self-awareness, you’re hindering your personal growth. You can only work on your flaws if you can identify what they are and why you have them. Similarly, you can only play to your strengths if you know what they are.
Understanding if you are suffering from a lack of self-awareness is the first step to take when you’re hoping to achieve some personal growth.

5 Signs of a Lack of Self-Awareness

1. You’re Defensive

Being able to accept flaws and failures is a skill that very self-aware people have. If you lack self-awareness, then you’re likely to be unable to process and understand criticisms well. Without a genuine and balanced view of your inner self, it’s going to be easy to rock you with slight complaints.
Some people who have a lack of self-awareness will be defensive of themselves when someone gives them a critique. Instead of seeing themselves in a realistic light, they see what they want to see. This means everything they believe is rocked when someone has a complaint.
Rather than listening to the feedback you’ve been given and taking the information on board; you go straight to the defensive. You’d rather argue for hours about your shortcomings than accept that you’re flawed. This is because of a lack of connection with yourself. If you don’t know how to communicate with yourself, even the smallest criticism will feel like an attack.
Surprisingly, this could also apply to compliments. If you’re lacking in self-awareness, you might only notice your flaws. Instead of being in touch with yourself in a balanced way, you can only see one side. You might be defensive when receiving compliments, assuming it’s a joke or that the offering was just plain wrong. You could find yourself arguing back, giving defensive reasons why you shouldn’t accept the compliment.

2. You Have No Control Over Your Emotions

Knowing yourself means knowing your emotions. If you can’t identify the emotions you’re feeling or the triggers that caused them, then you’re likely to have a lack of self-awareness. People who have no control over their emotions tend to fly off the handle regularly because they aren’t able to settle themselves. When you have a good sense of self-awareness, you become able to not only identify your triggers but identify what you need to do to solve them.
Having no emotional control means often avoiding situations that might be emotionally arousing. If you’re used to being unable to handle how you feel, then you probably choose not to experience emotions at all. This sounds smart at surface level, but living means embracing emotions – good and bad.
Having a lack of self-awareness with little emotional control will put your friendships, relationships, and career at risk. No one enjoys being around a person who spirals out often with no real understanding of why. You might get angry too easily or be too quick to become hysterical at minor negative moments.

3. You Never Take the Blame

Similar to being defensive, making excuses is a way of rejecting your flaws. There is always a reason for your behavior or decisions that don’t even involve your own shortcomings.
For example, being late for an event. Instead of admitting that you should have done better, you’ll find a hundred excuses. There was traffic, your alarm didn’t go off, your dog ate your shoes. Self-aware people are much better at saying sorry, and that they’ll simply try harder next time.
Your excuses may be totally valid at times. The difference between having or lacking self-awareness is the ability to take on board what you might have learned (for example, to set an extra alarm next time) and admitting a failure this time. A sign of personal growth is being able to accept a mistake without anger or embarrassment.
People who lack good self-awareness also consider themselves to be innocent bystanders in life. They acknowledge that something isn’t right, but they are convinced that they aren’t to blame. Everyone else is. Group projects fail because of the others, right?
If you don’t see the connection between your actions and the outcome, then you’ll never grow as a person. No more excuses, no more shifting the blame. By developing a connection with your inner self, you’ll be better able to accept that you haven’t been at your best and allow that to help you grow.

4. You Are Never Satisfied

If you don’t truly know yourself, you won’t know what you really want from life. If you have a lack of self-awareness, you won’t be truly aware of your hopes and dreams. This means you’ll just be floating through life, doing what feels right for the time being, but isn’t given you that feeling of fulfillment.
Without that inner connection, you’re destined to lead a boring life. You’ll simply feel stagnant. Stuck in a “just alright” life because you never got in touch with your true self. When you get to know yourself as a friend, you’ll know where you want to be. Knowing what motivates you to get up each day will propel you forward.
Similarly, in your relationships, lacking self-awareness will mean you accept treatment and a lifestyle that doesn’t make you feel satisfied.

5. You Have Beliefs You Do Not Understand

Perhaps the most obvious sign of having a lack of self-awareness is having beliefs you can’t explain. These might be religious or political, or just morals and values you navigate your life by. Instead of having self-awareness that causes you to connect with your inner self, you’ve just taken on the beliefs of the crowd. This crowd might be the people you spend your time with now or the way you were taught to believe as a child.
If you can’t fight for your beliefs and answer the question “why do you feel that way?”, then you might be lacking in self-awareness. You’ve taken on ideas at a superficial level because it’s what you’re used to. You haven’t developed the thought and meaning behind these beliefs as people with self-awareness do.
When you look inwards and get to know yourself, you might realize some of those beliefs don’t sit well with you anymore. You might even see you have important values that you never knew you had.

A lack of self-awareness forces you to live a surface level life.

Your career, relationships, and friendships may never feel meaningful enough because you don’t know what you genuinely want. Being self-aware could have the power to change your life. When you give yourself time to become self-aware, your personal growth will take off, and you’ll begin truly living your best life.
  1. https://www.psychologytoday.com
  2. https://www.inc.com


Becky Storey



About the Author: Becky Storey

Becky Storey is a professional writer who has been passionate about the way we think and the human mind since she developed chronic anxiety many years ago. Now she loves to write and educate people on mental health and wellbeing. When Becky is not writing, you’ll find her outside with her Labrador, sitting behind a jigsaw puzzle, or baking something with too much sugar.
Copyright © 2012-2020 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 01:22
Sexta-feira, 01 / 05 / 20

When you see a cloud that looks like a ship...


When you see a cloud that looks like a ship,

it just might be a Ship that looks like a cloud.




April 29, 2020


We, the Arcturians, wish to remind you that you are NOT just a third dimensional person, living a “normal” third dimensional life. More and more of the humans who have chosen to take an earth vessel within this now are beginning to remember that there is another, higher dimensional version of their third dimensional self who resonates to the fourth, fifth and even higher dimensional realities.
Unfortunately, within your physical, human life you have been trained to “turn off” your higher frequency perceptions and connections, as these “weird” concepts, dreams and memories could only be “just your imagination.” We, your Galactic Family, are happy to tell those who can hear and believe, YOU all are only using a small portion of your total brainpower.
Therefore, you have limited your perceptual field (the field of reality which you have learned to think of as your “physical reality.”) We, the members of your Galactic Family are here to remind you that many of your imaginations, dreams, and “fantasy stories” are, indeed, your own personal experiences that you have been able to remember. 
However, it can be such a long stretch between your daily life and your imaginary life, that you may have forgotten that your “imagination” is quite often your own fifth dimensional truths. By “fifth dimensional truths” we mean the truths that you can receive from your own Higher Dimensional Expression of SELF. In fact, that which you may think of as your 3D self may also encompass your fourth and fifth dimensional self. 
Just as you learn many things in your third dimensional life, you also learn many things from your fourth and fifth dimensional lives.  You know what your third dimensional life is, but you may not yet be totally aware of your fourth and fifth dimensional lives.
Your fourth dimensional life is the you who yearns for a form of inner and/or outer creativity. You know that is true for many humans as they seem to enjoy making things such as new clothes, finding a new job, learning and enjoying a new hobby, watching sports events, and/or getting more and more deeply in touch with your own inner, creative expressions of your self.
Your fourth dimensional consciousness guides you to find out more about that new venture you would like to take, or new thing you would like to make, or new thoughts, that are seeming to flow into your heart and mind within this NOW. 
Yes, there are many bothersome, uncomfortable and totally new experiences that many of our dear, brave warriors are facing within this NOW. New experiences are often challenging and sometimes are difficult life experiences that we would have NEVER had any idea would ever occur within this lifetime. 
However, more and more, humanity is “learning the hard way” that it is the NOW to balance your body, open your heart, clear your mind and remember your fourth and fifth dimensional expressions of your human self within this present incarnation.
You are a brave bunch who have taken the challenging and exciting experience of the well known third dimensional reality expanding more and more to encompass the fourth and fifth dimensions of reality. 
Your third dimensional self is your daily life in the physical world self, but your fourth dimensional aspect of self craves to be creative in some manner and to try new things and discover that which you have known. Your fourth dimensional self enjoys being creative and finding out new things about their everyday world. 
Then, as you feel grounded and secure in the new challenges that you have volunteered to accept into your life, you find that you want more and more of this creativity that you can bring into your ever expanding reality.
Once you have taken the leap to expand your third dimensional life to include the creativity of your fourth dimensional life, you are, or will, begin to hear that soft voice that has always been with you, but you likely were often “too busy” to allow your self to deeply explore your SELF!
Your SELF, as in your fifth dimensional SELF, has an ever-growing need to feel more, see more, hear more and remember more. The remembering part of your process is the easiest AND the most difficult part of your journey. 
Your fifth dimensional self is the YOU who can remember the YOU that you are before you took your present earth vessel and the reason why you chose to take on your own inner journey into a higher dimensional version of reality.
Your fifth dimensional self is the YOU who REMEMBERS!  And what does this YOU remember? One thing is to remember that there is a higher dimensional expression of your SELF that is VERY creative, which is in fact the foundation of your fifth dimensional self. 
Please remember that there are many, many ways in which you, and all humanity, can express the inner yearning that reminds you that there is another reality that flows into your dreams and your creative endeavors. There is also this fifth dimensional YOU, if you are brave enough to meet with and accept this higher version of your present self.  
This higher version of your self—your fifth dimensional self—can remember the YOU that you are in the fifth dimensional reality that likely appears to be far, far, beyond your third dimensional life.  
In fact, your fifth dimensional reality will likely guide you to remember other incarnations on Earth and memories of the you that resonates to and enjoys the Interdimensional world that Gaia has always been – but you forgot this while wearing your third dimensional vessel.  
We, the members of your Galactic Family, are HERE in this NOW to remind you that:
It is the NOW to remember your true Multidimensional SELF!
Your Multidimensional SELF encompasses your third dimensional physical body, your fourth dimensional memories of other lifetimes and the many adventures that you have had throughout your many incarnations, AND your fifth dimensional SELF who remembers your lives on the Starships, in the higher dimensions of reality and your lives in which you have awakened to the memories of Life on your Starship.
You might think, “Oh, life on a Starship, that cannot be real! That life is “just my imagination!” Well, that is true in that your OWN imagination is what will guide you to your Higher Dimensional Guides. You Higher Dimensional Guides may have just joined you for this incarnation and/or they could have been with you for all your earthly incarnations. 
Either way, your “Guides” are YOU in a higher frequency of reality. It is often your Guides who send you Love and Purpose so that you can remember to forget the games of your third dimensional life and to allow yourself to remember you lives on a Starship and/or your lives on Gaia’s Earth. 
There are many “Galactics” (which is the name we use for your higher dimensional family) that have been with you since you first took an earth vessel, as well as your higher dimensional family that takes you to your Ship while you sleep and/or on another adventure that assists you to remember the rich multidimensional heritage that you have always had on your fifth dimensional and beyond worlds.
How many of you played games as children in which you were on other worlds, space ships, or having other adventures that made you feel connected to this higher part of you, while you were also connected with your Mother Planet—Gaia? Some of you have become Gaia’s protector, but far too many human became Gaia’s tormentors.  
Yes, planets are alive. Could all of these millions of humans live on a planet that was NOT alive?  The “primitive” people all knew that Gaia was alive and they treated Her with the respect and dedication that they hopefully gave to their families and friends.
It is interesting that so many humans are becoming very ill now because of “the virus.” But were did this virus come from, and why did this virus come to Gaia? Fortunately, Gaia’s earth body of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, seems to be OK within this now, but what about the humans?
Now, because of the virus, the humans have been told to “stay home,” and hopefully they do stay home to protect themselves from the “virus.”  Meanwhile, the plants are growing, the sky is clearer, the birds are flying and Mother Nature is happy to be back in control of Her planet Gaia. 
Many times, too many times to remember, the humans were NOT good protectors for their planet Gaia.  But now the humans must “stay home” so that they do not get “the virus.”  When the humans sit in their homes and look out the window, are WE noticing that Gaia has been doing fine? 
Today, we looked out our window and watched the many birds who were happily flying and interacting with each other in the clear sky and the healthy trees. But the sky was not too healthy when all the humans were driving cars, truck, trains, and boats. Gaia’s animal family is indeed enjoying the cleaner water and the clearer sky.
In fact, the humans would love to have clean water and clear skies, but the humans would need to change. The humans will need to put Gaia FIRST. The many cars, boats, trains, traffic that made Gaia sick, are stopped now. NOW it is Gaia’s turn.  
When this “pandemic” is over, will the humans remember how they made dear Gaia sick? Will the humans remember that they were meant to be Gaia’s protector? Will humans change and take more loving care of their planet?  
Will you?


Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life. She continues to regularly share her experiences and Arcturian teachings on her blog, Awakening with Suzanne Lie, and she wishes to help awakening ones come out of hiding and allow the glory of their highest expression of SELF into their everyday life.
Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 01:02
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Maio 2020


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