A Chama da Ascensão


Terça-feira, 14 / 04 / 20

You are Competent and Free to Create without Restriction or Constriction


 You are Competent and Free to Create without Restriction or Constriction

Archangel Gabrielle. 

Through Linda Dilon.

April 13th, 2020.


When individuals – and hence communities – are choosing what they are passionate about in terms of pursuing how they contribute, then you have healthy communities… then you have Cities of Light… then you have Global Peace.
This deeply inspiring gem is shared with us by Roxanne from her personal reading with Linda Dillon.

Archangel Gabrielle ~ You Are Competent & Free To Create Without Restriction or Constriction
Roxanne: More and more people are awakening. Are there some core things upon their awakening that they need to know and that I [we] can help teach them?
Archangel Gabrielle: The biggest thing that the humans need to know is that they are competent – that they literally do have the power to create and to bring forth for themselves and for their communities (whether it is a community of two or two million); that they have the ability to bring forth, not through just sitting back and wishful thinking, but through planful approaches; that they have the ability esoterically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically to do what they need to do.
Now, the red flag in this… and this is what they need… this is an excellent question, child… is that they need to know – and we are talking directly to your heart – that there are no restrictions; that that sense of limitation is gone.
Now, there are two reasons why this sense of restriction/constriction has been very present in the human collective:
One has been the issue of abuse, control, abuse of power, etc. which restricted and constricted the greater part of the collective’s ability to actually birth, bring forth and create what they wanted. That is going by the wayside.
The other has been self-imposed restriction/constriction in not wanting, not only because they feel limited, but not wanting to do harm – not wanting to stray too far and become abusive or controlling or cruel or hardened.
So what you are doing is reminding people of their competencies and that the restrictions/constrictions are removed, but that the boundaries of a heart-intelligent individual and community are those that are respectful and kind and considerate… all those words that we have used.
And then the next thing… and this is, again, very representative of your experience… is this idea and the practice of freedom, again for much the same reasons. What people think of particularly as personal freedom, let alone collective freedom, has been quite limited – and we do not mean in terms of civil rights, although when you expand it, it becomes that – but it is the freedom to choose what people truly want to pursue, how they really want to live.
Now, you have seen the opening of massive floodgates in terms of these freedoms, but there is still much further to go. For example, you have said, “I would like to do X, but I know I have to pay the bills.”
So what you are participating in and what you are teaching the humans is that, in fact, it is not the either/or; that through their freedoms and the exercise of their freedoms – not in lazy ways, not in ways of non-involvement – they are free to create pathways, whether traditional, standard or alternative; that they are free to create their pathways.
And in that, what they are doing is creating communities, nations, planets which encourage, because when individuals – and hence communities – are choosing what they are passionate about in terms of pursuing how they contribute, then you have healthy communities… then you have Cities of Light… then you have Global Peace.
This is what they need to know; this is what they need to be reminded of, both in a very particular [way]. And you will find, particularly as you work with individuals and very small groups (or individual healings or small healing groups), is that this practice, this introduction of the practice of freedom, of independence, is very often a singular choice-by-choice-by-choice process that you will guide them through.
R: I know not how. I’m teaching self-care to a group of 35 leaders right now, who don’t even know how to put themselves first in terms of taking care of themselves, so I’m struggling to find ways to help them incorporate that into their very busy lives. So I’m really unsure how to do what you just said, which was powerful and beautiful, but I’m not quite sure how to pull that one off, to be honest.
AAG: Because you start with the principles – and you start with the principle that they can intellectually agree with and emotionally desire – and then you translate it quite literally into a practical to-do list.
For example, this group that you work with… highly proficient offerings that they give each and every day… but there is something very ‘inadequate’, let us put it that way, about [being] inauthentic – about the individual who preaches and believes in the efficient running of an organisation, about communities becoming healthy, about caring for families, children, adults, elders, but are not willing to lead by example. No!
Be very clear, this is not about shaming and guilt, for those are the old ways. But it is incongruent if you are not willing to give yourself 15 minutes – start small – 15 minutes a day, or an hour a week, or two hours a week, oh, a day a month. So that is how you start. It is by highlighting and making them realise that they are not practicing what they are preaching.
There are a million excuses and there is only one excuse: “I am not worth it!” So what you are doing, sweet one, is truly bringing them to that core issue – and there’s no way around it.
R: No, there really isn’t.
AAG: So this is the bridge between what you know within your spiritual work and the practicality of a community. It does come back to self-worth. And if you are not worthy of it, then you are not giving your best because it is incongruent.
This issue of congruency, this issue of balance, and this issue of worth are going to be front and centre in your future endeavours, sweet one. And that is why you have walked through this process and you know how hard it is, you know the lump in your throat, you know the terror.
Many of these beings are terrified of giving themselves even 15 minutes because they’re terrified of what they might find. They want to think of themselves as good, worthy people, but underneath is the terror of what they might find.
And the truth of it is: what they will find is the brilliance, the shining light, of who they really are! (1)

So your watchwords in this, dearest heart, are what the Mother has been saying, which is heart speaking and heart listening. And if they are not heart listening and heart speaking to themselves, then they cannot be doing it elsewhere; there is a disconnect.
Channeled by Linda Dillon

©2020 Council of Love, Inc.

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Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

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Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:06
Terça-feira, 14 / 04 / 20



Brenda Hoffman.

Channeled Message,

on April 10th, 2020

posted April 14, 2020
Dear Ones,

This is a new day, for you no longer have a need to follow the dictates or even interests of others. The result is belligerence that surprises even you.

Your need to please others seems to have evaporated. When you return to that posture, that clinging need to be accepted, you discover a painful internal discomfort. As if a wire loop is tightening in your chest when you move outside your self-love boundaries.

Such is so for several reasons, including the need for you to travel your path instead of paths selected by others. But it is more profound than mere social acceptance. That tightening tells you – and others once they discover the same for themselves – that you are no longer the malleable being others expect.

You have declared your independence. Not only within yourself but to your outer-world.

Some people you interact with during this tumultuous time might easily accept, even applaud your independence. Others, who do not yet understand this new you, will attempt to push you into who they want you to be.

You are not willing to step gingerly through the 3D potholes of acceptance, for you no longer care. You have perhaps felt something similar before. The difference now is your lack of concern about letting others go.

Your inner-being is sending louder and more direct information to you. Before, your inner-being whispered thoughts and actions. Now it is shouting.

The time to dance between two worlds is over.

Perhaps you wish to continue some relationships despite receiving those loud messages. So you attempt to function in this or that milieu only to have physical reactions that might even frighten you. This is a new world. Yet, many pretend that such is not so.

Those of you at a reduced interaction level because of COVID-19 are discovering some you interact with are not who you believed they were. Perhaps you are discovering heart-warming qualities that negate irritating features. In a sense, falling in love with their personality and actions once again. Or that they have a hard edge that does not compute with your new heart-opening. That the two of you have diverged to such an extent, you are not compatible.

All of this forces you to process bits and pieces with new sensations. For your heart is opening in ways you could not have imagined before the imposed isolation of this pandemic and the Easter, Passover, and Ramadam seasons.

You have become you.

So it is you are experiencing a different flow of action and reaction. That which mildly disturbed you before is now almost painful. And that which you hoped to feel months ago is now your daily reaction.

You are a new being in a new world.

Others have not opened as deeply or as quickly as you. So it is that some who feel wrong now might feel different in the future. But in all likelihood, you have created a new being that is ready to initiate new relationships and actions.

This shift is similar to what was true for you once you left your earth home of origin. Perhaps you had a group of friends you outgrew – or your family of origin values.

You have become an independent soul with independent thoughts.

Your independence ensures you will build new norms and societies. Such was not possible when everyone’s values were attached to 3D. You have broken the 3D societal molds. The indicator that such is true is your extreme discomfort when you ignore your inner voice.

You are not who you were even two months ago. Granted, you will continue to evolve, as is true for 3D adults. The difference is your new thoughts and actions will rebuild society from the bottom up.

Very few of you reading this material are of the 3D leadership class. Such is so for a reason. The current leadership base was designed by you en masse to be so uncompromisingly 3D you could no longer justify following their lead. You are the mavericks of society now – but will be followed by millions within weeks. In a sense, you are the starting volley.

Many of you have experienced something similar – the thoughts and actions of the 1960s young adults. The difference is that this new spurt of inner-directed energy will not die out or end. It will grow and expand until freedom to the people is the norm.

Perhaps you believe that such was always so. But if you explore 3D history, you will discover 3D humans required a leader at the top of the pyramid. No more – as more and more of you declare your freedom from such leadership.

So it is there will be a group over here developing this. And another group over there developing that. Projects that will be team efforts. And those who want or need a leader will discover that the majority does not.

Perhaps this discourse sounds unbelievable, for you have never experienced such in 3D. Even those times when a 3D group project felt wonderful, a closer review informs you that one or two persons were responsible for leading that group.

You merely need to follow your inner voice to discover new actions and new groups. For you have completed the difficult and necessary step of removing yourself from those who wish you to be as you were in 3D.

Even though you have not been of 3D for months or even years, you felt the need, until now, to play the 3D game so you would not be lonely. The pandemic isolation many of you are experiencing has hardened your inner voice actions to who you are instead of who others want you to be.
So be it. Amen.

Brenda Hoffman

If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 19:56
Terça-feira, 14 / 04 / 20



Kate Spreckley's Inspiration.

April 14th, 2020

day 22 on the big mother planet.


There is a profound purging and clearing occurring which is initiating many life change events and transformations. Layers and layers of energetic patterning is being released and healed preparing us for a totally new cycle that is pregnant with the possibilities of a whole new life. This new life begins to unfold when we learn to be fully conscious and fully present within our human physical form.

Currently, you are reclaiming and integrating your soul essence within your human form which will align you with a new energy matrix for your life. This new energy matrix is vastly different to what you have been accustomed to in the past. It is a matrix of light energy that will facilitate you consciously experiencing oneness while in human form. You have a responsibility to heal, transform and evolve; to recognise that everything you do, feel and think affects everything and everyone else. Events are pushing you to resolve deep and critical matters. Do not waste this opportunity. Your soul is gifting you with the ability to create a new life based on the internal authority of who you truly are.
Much Love.

Kate Spreckley




This article may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2019 Kate Spreckley http://www.spiritpathways.co.za


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About Kate Spreckley




As a coach, energy practitioner, speaker and facilitator Kate Spreckley allows her natural skills and abilities to guide and support those who are in search of awakening, healing, growth and transformation. Over the years Kate has allowed her inner guidance to shape the way in which she works. This enables her to now offer a creative mix of everything that she has found to be the most useful and effective..... Read more






Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Spirit Pathways <kate@spiritpathways.co.za




No religious or political creed is advocated here.


Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.


Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.


Discernment yes; judgement does not.

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 



Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

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publicado por achama às 19:16
Terça-feira, 14 / 04 / 20



The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

April 14th, 2020




Feelings are feelings……… ..just notice, honor and release. 

Holding onto any one emotion will eventually make it a part of who you are, a static creature of your own invention. 

It is far better to be free flowing as The Universe intended you to be.



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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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Archangel Gabriel, Shanta Gabriel
publicado por achama às 18:58
Terça-feira, 14 / 04 / 20

In your next days and weeks to come, there is so much change.

In your next days and weeks to come, there is so much change.

Message from Sananda and OWS. 

Channeled by James McConnell.

 April 12th, 2020. 

Posted April 14th, 2020


I am Sananda.   It was going to be one of my aspects, that one known as Yeshua, that was going to be with you today, because of this time, these moments that you are in now, this special day that you call ‘Easter.’  But it was determined by many that I should come in his stead, I should be the one to bring this momentous news to you.
And that is, as you know, many things are in flux now.  Many things are in the changing process.  And you have heard many, many times previously that “the truth shall set you free.”  That the truth shall be revealed.  And you are beginning to see the aspect of that coming true more and more.  For those of you that look.  For those of you that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.  For those of you that have awakened, or in that awakening process.
But I tell you now, that in your next days and weeks to come, there is so much change that is about to befall mankind.  Not only here in this country, your America, but throughout the planet itself.  For things have been set in motion that have been foretold for many thousands and thousands of years, and those things that have been spoken of by many of the sages, many of the prophets of old, are now coming to pass.
This is certainly not the end of your world.  But it is the beginning of a new world.  The ‘New Age,’ as you have come to know it.  The ‘Age of Aquarius.’  And it is a new beginning, now.  You are at the point, the culmination, the point where you are at the top crescendo just prior to this great changeover that is about to come upon you.
There are things that are coming forward to be revealed.  Some truths that have not been shared before, or that you have only had but an inkling of previously.  They are going to come into the Light.  For it cannot be held back much longer.  Those forces of darkness, those ones that continue to fight against the very stream of thought that is running now, that of the Light winning.  As they continue to fight against this as you have heard at various times as if an animal has been cornered.  They are fighting back with everything that they have.  These forces of the dark are doing exactly that.
But they only have a certain playbook, if you will, that they continue to follow.  That playbook is antiquated.  It does not fit the new vibrations at all.  They are fast, now, finding that out, learning that their time is up.  But do they surrender?  Do they give up?  Do they turn to the Light?  No.  Most of them do not, and have not, and likely will not.
But it is up to you, our Very Dear Ones, all of you that volunteered to come here and to be a part of this new great changeover.  It is up to all of you to continue to hold the Light, now, hold it, share it when you can.  But most importantly, be the Light.  Because each and every one of you are, already, Light.  You have a saying, you are all in this together, and that is certainly true.  You—we–are all in this together.
There is a certain connection that is going to come forth and be revealed, having to do with your political scene, and the one that is the President.  His connection with those of the Forces of Light that is going to be revealed, and very much more as well.
But I am not here to spoil the surprise.  I am only here to assist and help to prepare you, and for each and every one of you to know that all of this shall pass.
You will find yourselves out of the storm and into the new beautiful calmness, the new Golden Age.
I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace and love.   And implore you, each and every one of you, to continue to remain within the calm.  And also to continue to go about your mission of spreading the Light wherever you find it possible.  To help those to awaken, that are reaching out to you, to show them the way.
Peace and love be with all of you.
ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)
Om, mani, padme, hum;  om, mani, padme, hum;  om, mani, padme, hum;  hum, hum, hum.   Greetings to you!
One Who Serves here.  Shoshanna is here.  We are ready to move forward with your questions if you have any.  We know there are several from your e-mail, and we are ready for this.
Guest:   Yes, thank you.  The first question is from a gentleman who experiences numbness or tingling around the naval and the solar plexus.  And then at times feels a hollowness within him.  And at times his arms become numb when he is doing his meditation.  He is looking for insight and answers as to why this occurs.
OWS:   We can answer this, but we will answer this in a way that is directly affecting all.  Not only this one who asked this question, but how it is influenced by many at this time.  Because what is occurring, of course, as many of you know as the Kundalini energy is rising and is becoming more and more important, we will say, to each individual.  And the idea that it is in the naval area, or the solar plexus area, of course, is the third chakra.  And what are you predominantly operating within, many at least at this time, are operating within that third chakra, which is the center of fear and all of this.  And that is what is being brought up, here, in that third chakra area.  So you are feeling the numbness.  Not only you that is asking this, but many may be feeling, or a sense of energy there that they have not felt before, or something, even stomachaches, and things like this can come into the picture, here, as well.
But this is the changeover.  This is the movement from the third chakra area, which is the adrenal glands and all of this, the fight or flight syndrome, and the idea of fear, just a we say, here.  And you are moving into the fourth chakra, into the love center.  And that is what is actually occurring as a race, here, not only as individuals, but as a race.  You are moving more and more into that fourth chakra love connection, we will say here.  So that is what is occurring and bringing the numbness, and all of this type of thing.  Shoshanna, do you have anything to share?
Shoshanna:   (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell)
We do not.
OWS:   Nothing further, then.  Next question?
Guest:   Yes, thank you.  This one is in regard to the mass meditation on April 4.  Since we have reached the critical mass, what are the implications from that achievement?
OWS:   Oh, my goodness!  The critical mass, yes, has been reached.  But beyond that, much beyond that, we will say.  And everything that is coming as a result of this, because this is man’s consciousness, this is the mass consciousness.  And this is the quantum field, the universal consciousness, here, which is being affected by this.
If you think about this, when you do that mass meditation, and all of these feelings of love and oneness and all of this goes up into the collective consciousness, the universal mind, and it is being felt across the planet, you see, this tends to overcome all of the fear, and the hypnosis, and everything that is going on, as has been said in your discussion earlier.  So it is having a grand effect.  And it has been shown in your previous times that even a small contingent that comes together and meditates, just moving in one direction together, can create many changes across the planet.  And this is what happened when you had well over a million that came together at that time in that moment.  You can imagine how that could have reverberations across the entire planet in raising the vibrations in those moments.  Does it last?  Maybe not so much, but it has had a permanent effect, we will say, at this point, even though it does not seem like it at all times.  But it permanently altered the course of events that are coming here, we will say.  Shoshanna?
Shoshanna:   We agree.
OWS:   No other further?
Shoshanna:   We do not.  You have explained this perfectly.
OWS:   Very good.  Then we move on to the next question.
Guest:   Yes.  The last question is in regard to what is our connection between the COVID virus and 5G technology, and what are the Galactics doing to help mitigate the 5G technology, here?  Thank you.
OWS:   First of all, we would say here that the connection between this 5G technology and that of your virus was meant to be much, much worse than what it has been.  It was meant to augment the virus and make it so much more dastardly than what it has turned out to be.  Because those Forces of Light, those Galactics, all of them have done much to mitigate this entire process, both the virus itself and the use of this 5G technology.
But as we have said many times previously, the use of technology can go both ways.  It can go for the use of Light, or it can go for the use of the dark forces.  And in this case, it is being co-opted, we will say, to move for the use of the Light Forces.  And also know that as you move up in vibration and continue to remain in those higher vibrations, anything of low vibration, which is what the 5G technology was meant to be, as it was designed by those of the dark forces, anything that is of those lower vibrations cannot affect those at the higher vibrations, you see?  Shoshanna?
Shoshanna:   We can say just one thing about this.  What you fear will come upon you.  That is all.  Do not fear.
OWS:   Yes.  Very good.  Then we are done with those questions.  Are there any other questions from the rest of you?
Guest:   I have one.
OWS:   Yes?
Guest:   Speaking about the virus itself, how much of what we’ve heard about the number of people that have contracted it is actually true?  I have heard multiple reports about how we are being lied to of everything we have been hearing, and I am just wondering if you can tell us how many people are actually dying from this, and how big of a deal it actually is.
OWS:   We will say here, comparatively, very little in terms of what is the original intent of this entire viral project, here, and to what is actually occurring.  Much of what you are reading about in your news and hearing from your mainstream news broadcasts and all of this is, we will not say they are lies, but many of them are fake.
It is fake news in many respects, and they are doing everything they can to hold the public in fear as much as they can.
Because they, of course, you must understand, those ones who bring the news to you are being controlled by those who are above them, and who control their lives, even maybe their family’s lives, and they feel like they need to tow the line, here.
That is going to change, though. That is part of—Sananda did not come right out and say that, but that is part of the revealing that is coming forward.  That the ones that are in that mainstream news are going to begin to turn to the truth more and more.  Because they are finding that they are losing their readership and their listenership.  They are losing all of this.
Those ones that are at the top, those ones that have been in control, are going out be taken out of the picture, here.  You will find that as we go along further and further, here.  And everything that will begin to come forward from your news stations will become more and more of the truth.
So do not become ensconced within this whole hypnosis that is going on, that the forces of darkness are continuing to attempt to hold the public in their black magic, we will say here, come right out and say it.  It is black magic that they are using, here.  And the use of white magic is turning this around.  Okay?  Shoshanna?
Shoshanna:   We can share on this briefly.  We must say that tens of thousands of people on your planet die every day.  Tens of thousands!  They die from everything!  There are many viruses!  Viruses are everywhere!  What has happened here is the idea of death, which is a very fearful subject for your culture, is being played upon.  Yes, people have died.  They have died of many things.  It is being shown as, what The James calls a ‘false flag’ because the truth is, many people have died, but they have died because they were going to die!  They were going to die anyway.  They were going to die of cancer.  They were going to die of heart disease.  They were going to die of the worst flu case that they’ve ever had.  People will die. But you see, your news is focused on that because it is a great way to cause fear in your culture.  In fact, it is such as fearful subject, people are covering themselves in plastic bags, and plastic, and face masks, and gloves, terrified that they may be next!  This is mass hypnosis at its finest!  Do not succumb to this.  Do not believe most of what you are hearing, you see.  Most of it has been contrived.  But, the masses have ‘drank the Cool-Aid.’  Do not drink the Cool-Aid.   Namaste.
OWS:   Yes.  And we have one more thing to say.  Sananda used the term, the ‘playbook.’  Those of the dark forces have been using a certain playbook.  And they continue to utilize the plays from that book, not realizing that they will no longer work, that the public is becoming more savvy to it, even though you are seeing the hypnosis running rampant around the planet because of fear.  It is because they are attempting to bring fear into this whole thing.
What does fear do?  It holds the vibrations down.  And if they feel like they can continue to hold the vibrations down, then they can continue to postpone the ascension process.
Shoshanna:   Absolutely.
OWS:   Don’t be fooled.  They know all about ascension.  They have known about it for thousands and thousands of years, here.  It is not something new.  And it is only new to those of you who have awakened. But they have been awakened for a long time in many respects.  So, it is not going to work.
It is not working, and it is up to those of you, the Workers and Warriors of Light, to continue to hold onto that Light, share it when you can as you hear, and bring this fear down.  You did it in the mass meditation, and you can do it each and every day as well.
Just within yourself.  Know that everything that you within yourself reverberates out to the public, to the mass consciousness.  Okay?
Guest:   May I ask.  I know you can’t tell times or time lines, but it is sort of on the same topic.  I am wondering if there is any way, with the collective consciousness as it is right now–many of us are awake, some are still hypnotized—is there any way of knowing how many more months, how many more weeks, how much longer could this go before the shift happens and we don’t have to be in quarantine any longer.  Is there any way of knowing how close we are?
OWS:   First of all, the shift is already happening.  You are in the shift right now.  Now it depends on how you quantify or qualify that shift, what it is exactly that you are speaking of.  If you are talking about The Event itself, and the shift that comes from that, then that is a different story.
Guest:   No.
OWS:   Then what you are speaking about as far as this particular viral event that is going on at this point.
Guest:   Yes.
OWS:   That in itself is running its course.  You are going to find, as you look at your Bell curve, that it is all coming down, now, or beginning the process of coming down.  That, we can say, is all across the planet, as we are finding it, here.  So, the mass hypnosis that they are using is only doing so much, and people are going to become wizened up to it.  And that is because of your leadership, at least here in this country your leadership.  Actually in other countries as well, Russia and China, and other countries also, the leadership is taking control as far as the leaders of the Light, here, those that work within the Light.  And they are making sure that you do not return back to the darkness, here.  Okay?  Anything to add, Shoshanna?
Guest:   Okay.
Shoshanna:   We can share.  May we share?
Guest:   Yes, Sister.
Shoshanna:   Our Beloved One, you have expressed that which is on everyone’s mind, and we will tell you to be of good cheer.  For the keys to your freedom have been handed to you.  The key to freeing the mind, freeing the aspect of the human that has not been freed before, is being given, you see.  It is a frightful event.  We agree with that.
That what you are seeing does not look like the keys to freedom.  But it is.  The door has been securely locked.  Yet, there is a continuing knocking at that door, and jiggling of that key, so that this door is going to swing wide open.  You must continue to watch, look, and see all the clues that are being given.  Man is about to receive total and complete freedom!  This is what we would like you to focus on.   Namaste.
OWS:   Very good.
Guest:   Beautiful!  Thank you!
OWS:   Very good.  Are there any further questions, here?
Guest:   Yeah.  Hi, One Who Serves and Shoshanna.  I welcome input from both of you.  I couldn’t help but notice that the one thing I’ve definitely learned is what is very significant is to watch what what’s going on in the heavens, and the movement of the planets, and everything.
So I couldn’t help but notice that we have a COVID-19 virus which is known as the C-19 virus.  And we have a C-19 comet that is passing by the earth at this time.  So what I’m really interested in is what you can tell me about the comet, and what effect it will have on us here on the Earth.
OWS:   What we can tell you is whenever there are these celestial events, and we will call it this, there is a connection, certainly.  You are connected to the stars and have been for eons and eons of time.
And everything that occurs there at that level is having an effect here as well, whether it is affecting just the tides of the ocean to raise them, or bring storms, or whatever it might be, there is effect, here.
And what you are speaking of is an effect on the frequency.  The frequency is being affected, here.  So that will continue.  And the frequency will continue to rise as a result of not only this that you are speaking of, but many, many other things that are also occurring.  That those of your Galactic friends are dong much to intercede whenever they can and to assist in continuing to both raise the vibrations here of the planet and also to harness the energy that is coming from the Great Central Source of this universe, to harness it and to mitigate it enough so that it can be withstood in these waves of energy that have been coming in.
So there is much connection between the celestial events that occur as your planets come into alignment, and all of these things that you hear about, it is all connected.  And, of course, as your position in your photon belt as well at this point is also very greatly affecting everything here.  Okay?  Shoshanna?
Shoshanna:   We can share our perspective on this.  May we share?
Guest:   Yes, please.
Shoshanna:   This comet that you speak of is a messenger, is a harbinger.  It is that which brings on all the other events that will take place.  It has taken its place as that which begins the process of the next thing, you see, if that makes sense to you.  But you must understand that this little comet is a beautiful harbinger of what is to come.   Namaste.
OWS:   Very good.
Guest:   Thank you.  That’s very exciting news.  Thank you both.
OWS:   Would there be any other questions, here?
Guest:   On Tuesday, March 24, 2020 I had the most wonderful big event in my life, and that was that I was able to bring one of my galactic friends up to my window.  It was very, very exciting.  I drew it.  We have been listening to public radio, and he said that what I had drawn they were talking about it also.  So I wondered who of my galactic friends have I finally been able to have a meeting with.
OWS:   First of all, you know that we never answer in terms of who.  We will not tell you who it is.  We’ll just tell you, though, that you are making connection with those of your, as you are saying, galactic friends.  And they are certainly exactly that.  They are your friends.  And they have been aware of you for a long time, here.  Not only this lifetime, but many lifetimes they have followed your travels and your travails as well, as you continued your journey.  But know that it is all part of the journey that you are on.  And you will continue to make these connections even more and more as you continue to believe that they are really there for you.  Okay?  Shoshanna?
Shoshanna:   We can share on this.  May we share?
Guest:   Absolutely.  Yes.
Shoshanna:   Our Dear Sister, this is your puzzle to solve.  And we will tell you that if you ask. You will receive more details.  But you must trust what you are receiving.  You can find these details in your dreams or in your waking state, or in your meditation you can find these details.  This one that you speak of, we have an understanding, but we have been told we cannot share this.  So we must ask you, as all must understand, that the discovery is yours to discover.  And when you embrace that discovery, all the information that you seek will be given to you.  Embrace the discovery!   Namaste.
Guest:   Thank you.
OWS:   We would add here that there are so many times that we, the One Who Serves, and many others we are sure, would like to be able to share so much more with each of you because of our so close connection with you all.  But we cannot.  We are not allowed.  As Shoshanna said, we are not allowed to.  We are kept to the code, or the codex, here, and we must continue to hold to that.  We cannot, as we say many times, spoil the surprise, even though we would like to.  We would love to spoil the surprise for you every once in a while.  But we cannot.  We are forbidden to do that.  It is your journey, and you must travel it, with help along the way.  Okay?   Any other further questions.  We take one more question and then release channel, here.
Guest:   We have been told that there are many children being rescued from these horrific happenings that have been occurring to them.  The level of what I am understanding is it would be pretty scarring in terms of causing alter-egos and dissociative stuff, and some terrible beliefs about themselves.  Is there a way that they are going to be fast-tracked helped?  Because the most fast transformational processes I know would still take a good amount of time.  So what’s the situation for these little ones?
OWS:   These ones that you are speaking of are going to, and are being taken care of.  We will just say that.  They will have access to much technology that at this point you do not yet have.  That is all we can say on it right now.  They are being cared for.  Even now as we speak, many of them that have been rescued, as you are saying, are being cared for.
Guest:   Thank you so much.
OWS:   Anything you want to add, Shoshanna?
Shoshanna:   We can share on this.  May we share, Dear Sister?
Guest:   Yes, please.
Shoshanna:   What the One Who Serves has given you is accurate.  You can not know the techniques that are being used to bring these little ones to a state of joy, to a state of purity, to a state of consciousness.  There are many tools that your Galactic Brothers and Sisters are giving, they are providing at this moment to the beings that are caring for these.  There are discoveries being made as we speak on how to care for these ones.  There are advanced methods.  Do not worry.  Do not be concerned, as this is being taken care of, and this is a great triumph for humanity!   Namaste.
OWS:   Yes.  And we will add here that even loss of limbs and eyesight and all of these things can be restored in a matter of moments, here.  No concerns here.
Guest:   Wow, thank you so much for that information.
OWS:   Yes.   We need to release channel here.  Before we do, Shoshanna, do you have anything you wish to share, here?
Shoshanna:   We wish to share.  We wish to say to all, to be of good cheer!  You see, what is occurring is a mass awakening.  Yes, it looks like hypnosis.  It looks like people have gone berserk.  But in the end this will be the mass awakening that is necessary to move humanity to a higher level of consciousness as a collective.  This is occurring.
What is painful for most is the wait.  The time that it seems to take to have this occur has been very frustrating for many.
But what we will tell you is that do not focus on the time that it is taking, because time is completely irrelevant.  Focus on the energy, the incredible miracles that are occurring, and what is being given to humanity at this point to raise consciousness and to achieve what you all have been desiring, and that is ascension.   Namaste.
OWS:   And we would just simply add here to continue to be who you are.  Do not become anything different than who you are and who you have become and are continuing to become.  Just be yourself.
Shoshanna:   Stay on your path.
OWS:   Stay on your path.  Be the rebel, as The James said, here.  Be the System Buster, which you all are.  And whenever you have the opportunity, if it is within your legal means here, bust the system wide open.  Okay?
Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the one.
Shoshanna:   Namaste.
James McConnell 

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publicado por achama às 13:27
Terça-feira, 14 / 04 / 20

3 Hidden Agendas Going on Right Now in The World.

3 Hidden Agendas Going on Right Now in The World.

 (and you don't even know it).

Strange Agendas are Going On Right Now behind closed doors and you don't even know it. This video I'll REVEAL 3 of these Agendas and show you EXACTLY what do do.

These things are going on behind the scenes, not where we can actually see it. Some of them are going to sound pretty weird to be honest with you. Nonetheless, I believe that these are the 3 hidden agendas going on right now that you need to know about. You don't need to, but you're going to want to know about it. In this video I'm going to show you exactly what those are. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron. I help people expand their consciousness and I make spiritual, practical videos that are relatable. That's what I do. So in this video I'm going to be sharing with you, we're going to be going down the rabbit hole a little bit. Um, I'm not somebody that just studies looks at certain things and go, yeah, that's a, that's a, a conspiracy theory. I really believe in that. I do a lot of research. Okay. And what I encourage you to do before I even get to the video is to do your own research, to start to see these own patterns, uh, and how things are, and to do that for yourself. So I'm not going to be telling you what to think, but I'm going to say I've known about a lot of this since 2012 and I went through my spiritual awakening. I kind of put it in the background and then now it just seems more relevant than ever. If you're a, maybe you've been quarantined at your house for a couple of weeks, maybe you've been questioning things, maybe even seeing these little patterns come up. I've been talking more and more about this and let me say as well, I talk about this in a positive way. I believe that a lot of positive things are happening. The energy dynamic is changing in the world. The way things had been done in the past are literally crumbling. The old ways that were very controlling and manipulative, they're starting to crumble and what happened, what is happening is the people, the people are starting to gain the power back. So let's go out and look at it like this. Okay? There's three hidden agendas going on right now that I want to talk about now. Right now you might be quarantined at your house, not able to leave. And what I think is, I think there's actually a lot more going on than on the surface of what we actually think. Now the first thing I want to talk about is the elite, the elite. So you see this pyramid right here, and this just kind of shows this is a way that I believe the energy has been on the planet for a long time behind the scenes, but the people haven't necessarily been aware of it. Now what I mean by the 1%, I'm not just talking about just the wealthy 1%, I'm talking about a certain number of people that have in a way kind of, they're like, Hey, you over there, let's let's all get together and let's get this, uh, let's get this thing going to where if we can keep people in a certain mentality, then what it's very easy to do is let's keep dim and let's control the way things are because then we retain the power and we can control what is going on. And then these other powerful people said yes. And then that's what happened. And what happened is you got the 1% at the top and then you've got a lot of people the dark that aren't aware of what is going on. Now some of these elite people, um, I think you'd be very, very, very surprised to hear that this is, this is what they do. See what it is, is it's actually people behind that of, of the people on the forefront that I guess could be their cheerleaders.  You've got some of these very well known celebrities that are a part of this, but really what they are is they were in a way, um, they're in a way, they have such huge audiences because they can influence so many people. So the idea is you've got certain number of people that then have these celebrities or these elite people, whatever you want to call it, that are then able to put out certain information to their audience, which then may plug things into their subconscious mind to get certain...

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With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
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publicado por achama às 08:19
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Abril 2020


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