A Chama da Ascensão


Sexta-feira, 03 / 04 / 20




Os Anjos querem que saiba...

Sabedoria dos Anjos.

Canalizada por Sharon Taphorn.


Tradução: Regina Drumond

a 3 de ABRIL de 2019


É hora de abandonar os sistemas de crenças que não estão mais funcionando para você ou sua vida.

Importante: muitas vezes eventos que mudam a vida trazem a necessidade de liberar e deixar que as coisas se revelem ao seu redor.

Sim, às vezes isso parece como um vidro estilhaçado. No entanto, em outros momentos, é um pôr-do-sol glorioso para o qual caminhar.

Independentemente disso, deixe ir e saiba que o que você vê acontecendo ao seu redor nem sempre é o que parece ser.

Então, por enquanto, concentre-se em você e em seu próprio caminho e deixe que os pedaços da vida caiam onde podem, por causa do trabalho que você faz, não apesar dele. Pensamento de hoje:
Veja, espere e sinta-se feliz; as mudanças desejadas estão acontecendo.
Permita as coisas boas da vida e celebre cada momento do seu agora
E assim é!
Você é amado e apoiado sempre,
Sharon, Arcanjo Rafael e Os Anjos e Arcanjos
Sharon Taphorn

A permissão é concedida para cópia e redistribuição da Sabedoria dos Anjos sob a condição de que o conteúdo permaneça completo, que todos os créditos sejam dados à autora e que seja distribuído gratuitamente.




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  • Regina Drumond – reginamadrumond@yahoo.com.br.


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publicado por achama às 22:52
Sexta-feira, 03 / 04 / 20



Mensagem de Kate Spreckley.

Tradução de Regina Drumond

a 3 de Abril de 2020.


Passar pelas atuais mudanças e transformações nos leva para além dos enormes padrões de crença da consciência coletiva e para a consciência cósmica. Essa consciência cósmica é o que nos expande e nos reconecta com os níveis mais elevados do potencial da nossa alma. Nossa tarefa agora é evoluir e expandir para esse potencial, para que possamos criar uma força unificada através da qual uma nova realidade de amor, harmonia, equilíbrio e paz possa emergir. Surgem medos ocultos e você pode se apegar a velhos confortos. É importante lembrar que não há como voltar atrás agora. A trajetória em que você está é muito forte. Seu dever é continuar o seu caminho de crescimento pessoal e desenvolvimento espiritual, para que você possa acessar a verdade de sua alma antiga e sábia. Tome as medidas apropriadas. Concentre sua consciência e aprenda a processar e a liberar os padrões discordantes de energia do passado. Pratique a disciplina emocional e mental e procure se tornar um mestre de si mesmo. Encare a vida de frente, mas se esforce para ver a grande cena e você verá como está conectado e cheio de propósito neste momento.

Kate Spreckley
Como coach, a praticante de energia, palestrante e facilitadora Kate Spreckley permite que suas habilidades e habilidades naturais guiem e apoiem aqueles que estão em busca de despertar, cura, crescimento e transformação. Ao longo dos anos, Kate permitiu que sua orientação interior formasse o modo como ela trabalha. Isso permite que ela agora ofereça uma mistura criativa de tudo o que ela descobriu ser o mais útil e eficaz ... Leia mais em inglês.

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Nestes tempos de profunda cura e transformação, somos chamados a reexaminar e revisar nossos caminhos. Como resultado, está sendo acessada uma nova maneira de ser, de consciência e de percepção expandidas, transformando-nos individual e coletivamente em um novo paradigma. Para muitos, isso está resultando em caos e confusão, pois o que funcionou no passado não tem mais relevância. No entanto, podemos ter certeza de que, após esse período de escuridão, haverá a luz. Não é fácil entrar nos espaços internos calmos e sombrios e enfrentar as relíquias de sua sombra para transformar seus medos mais terríveis em seus aliados. É preciso muita coragem para permitir que a luz ilumine sua verdade e descubra seu destino. Mas, ao resolver todas as situações internas, você é capaz de tecer a sabedoria e a verdade de sua alma em sua vida. Intuição, inspiração e criatividade surgem, revelando as muitas oportunidades novas e inesperadas que esperam por você.
publicado por achama às 22:22
Sexta-feira, 03 / 04 / 20

Humanity Forgot Who They Are and I Don’t Accept That...

Humanity Forgot Who They Are and I Don’t Accept That...

Mother Gaia.

Channeled by Erena Velazquez.

April 3, 2020


I am Mother Gaia,
I am here to deliver a message to humanity. I want to tell humanity to calm down and try to use their time they are spending at home wisely by meditating or by doing something that brings good to everyone.
This is going to be my last incarnation as a planet. I have been other beings in the past, and I chose to become a planet to have an experience, on what it means to be a planet, being the hostess to all other beings on Earth. It’s quite an experience, there are good and bad sides to it. I am not complaining, I just wanted to say to humans that they need to respect life in any form, they need to learn that. All of the beings on Earth didn’t come here to be tortured, killed and be eaten. They came here to have an experience, like I have the experience of being a planet.
Unfortunately, humanity forgot who they are and I don’t accept that they forgot who they are, because they never tried to figure out who they are. They just went along with everything that was going on here on the planet, instead of questioning and looking to find out the answers, on why things are the way they are here. Now, I am hoping because they are tied up to their homes, can’t work, need to stay and not leave their residence, that they will start questioning everything about this world, why things are the way they are here on Gaia, like why this virus arrived here.
Like everything in this universe things happen for a reason, so this is why there is panic, turmoil and chaos right now, because it’s suppose to happen in order to teach humankind a lesson on becoming more compassionate and loving to each other. Please understand, whatever is taking place right now around the globe, it’s only temporarily. The order of natural things will be restored and everything will come down and will go, where it’s suppose to go.
One thing, I need to tell you that this world will never be same, it will never go back to the old ways the way it has always been. It’s going to need to change. I am Mother Gaia and I am already in 5th dimension, and if humanity decides they don’t want to move to 5th dimension, they will be left behind. Its not because I don’t want them to be where I am, it will be, because they are not doing the work they are suppose to. They need to raise their vibrations, it’s a very simple thing to do by doing daily meditation starting from 5 to 10 minutes and up.
I didn’t come here to give humanity a lecture, I just wanted to say that I am happy to move and be in 5D. It’s so much better and nicer to be there than being in this 3D reality, where nature is being constantly destroyed and animals are being slaughtered and killed for different reasons, like to be eaten or just for fun. Like the famous Lion who was killed by a human, who just wanted to have the lion in his trophy collection.
I am giving everyone here a home, I never tried to purposely destroy or kill anyone. Please, remember, that we are all one, there is no separation between us, we are all energy. I enjoy being Mother Gaia this is what I wanted to be, I chose to be a planet, but I never expected that humanity, nature and animals would need to go through so much suffering and pain. It was suppose to be Heaven on Earth. I am looking forward to, when humanity will catches up vibrationally to 5th dimension by doing their work. Then they will come and join me and stay in 5D, and enjoy all of the blessings 5D has to offer. There is no killing, no competition on who will get first place or who makes more money, there only exists peace, serenity and harmony.
I am Mother Gaia, you call me Earth, some know me as Terra Christa, I am happy to be channeled today, this is my opportunity to express myself on how I feel. I feel for humanity, I have a lot of love and compassion for them. I just want people to understand that anything you have, you need to respect and treasure. People on Earth need to respect and not to destroy or torture living beings, it needs to be a mutual respect and appreciation for what has been given to you and not to take it for granted, as people have done. They always took a lot of things for granted and didn’t appreciate the little things. Now look at the oceans, lakes and rivers suddenly they became cleaner, the water is clear, you would ask why, because humanity is staying at home and can’t pollute. The same thing with big cities around the globe, pollution suddenly disappeared, you will ask again why, because no more cars or less cars, they don’t pollute.
Your the ones who created this reality, your the ones who were destroying your own surroundings and your the ones who need to take responsibility for what you have done and understand, you can’t be guided by a few people on the top and being told what to do. You need to think for yourselves and you need to lead yourselves. You can’t be just a marionette who is being constantly manipulated and told what to do. You have a lot of power in yourselves, you can do anything and you can create anything. Just look at me, I wanted to be a planet and I became a planet. I enjoyed other lives too, but this is the most challenging one I have experienced so far, carrying all of the inhabitants on me, inside the Earth and on top of Earth. I am only one planet from few planets in galaxy who actually has inhabitants on the surface. Most of the civilizations live on the inside of the planet. You don’t realize how fortunate you are that you can be outside instead of being inside. I understand, it has pluses and minuses living on top of Earth, because of the weather, which has been manipulated by humans a lot times and sometimes by mother nature, me trying to tell you something, sending you a message that you need to stop destroying the planet.
I am glad and happy to be able to say how I feel, and I feel a lot of love for everyone. I know all of this turmoils will pass and we will move to a New Age, if you want to and if you do your work, because no matter what you will decide as an individual, I will be in 5th dimension. You will be left behind or you will move forward, it’s up to you. I am here to let you know that I was always happy to have you living in my home. I am happy to continue to support everyone whose living and breathing.
Remember, I love you all, I am your Mother Gaia and I was so happy to be channeled today.
Thank you.

Erena Velazquez

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:56
Sexta-feira, 03 / 04 / 20

You have just sent forth an abundance of healing energy to your world.

 You have just sent forth an abundance of healing energy to your world.

Message from Matthew Ward.

Channeled by Suzanne Ward.

April 2nd, 2020 



With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Beloved brothers and sisters, please take a deep breath. Exhale slowly and let your hearts feel lighter. Now envision Earth glowing in golden-white light, then “see” people of all ages and skin colors joyously hugging each other and the animals in their midst.
You have just sent forth an abundance of healing energy to your world. 
We thank you and we love you!
Now then, media are reporting information about the coronavirus and continuously updating statistics of cases and death toll from its disease, Covid-19. Each death is a personal tragedy for affected family and friends, whose grief would be as profound if their beloved persons had died from any other cause. Every day many other causes are claiming the lives of many other persons who are dearly loved, many other families also are mourning their loss.
Compassion and empathy are inherent in the high vibrations at this station and sorrow is no stranger to Earth’s peoples. However, never before have there been heart-wrenching interviews with family whose dear ones died nor has isolation prevented goodbyes.
Never before have media aired films of medical teams in protective gear tirelessly working to save lives. Never before has the world heard sickness and death-number projections from infectious disease specialists or analysts speculate about a global economy in collapse.
While some of that is repeatedly emphasized to purposely evoke fear, factual information is being disseminated worldwide.
What is not publicized because it is known by only a few is that the intention of the coronavirus was to decrease the world’s population by billions. That will not happen because [galactic?] family members reduced the laboratory-designed virus’s potency to the greatest possible extent.
Now let us speak about something else that is not known, how soul contracts fit into this. Deaths of the elderly are in accordance with contract choices of longevity and cause of the physical body’s loss of viability.
Contracts have a degree of flexibility regarding exact life span as well as the terminal illness, and these souls fulfilled those provisions by contracting a disease to which they were particularly vulnerable due to prior health issues that themselves soon would have been lethal.
Some of the younger people who have succumbed also had fulfilled contract provisions and others amended their contracts in conjunction with all others in the pre-birth agreement. In the latter cases, it was known at soul level that the persons could more effectively help the world from Nirvana, where they can beam light to the planet more powerfully than they were in physical bodies.
By no means does that imply that light being generated on Earth is weak—it is stronger, more intense, than ever before!
The persons who chose to amend their contracts did so because it also was known at soul level that fear and depression had seriously dimmed their light. They were stuck in anxiety about loved ones who were dealing with some adversity, their own unemployment prior or due to the virus, current or looming financial straits, or preoccupation with dire “what ifs.” Not only did that mindset negatively affect their immune systems, but more so, by choosing to uplift life on Earth from your spirit world, these souls leaped forward in evolvement.
Younger people who did not leave via amended contracts will enjoy in Nirvana all positive experiences they missed; if any hardships had been chosen for the purpose of achieving balanced experiencing—the goal of every soul in every lifetime—credit will be given automatically. As the coronavirus continues to spread, those same contract provisions or soul evolvement will apply to all who transition due to the disease.
It is the same with all others who chose Earth lifetimes of any duration during this unprecedented era in the universe. Thus there is another factor in Earth’s overall death toll. Many souls have embodied, whether briefly or for many years, to complete third-density experiencing and evolve. Most chose to live in substandard conditions that severely compromise the body’s ability to withstand any disease, and, if not Covid-19, another malady would be fatal.
Now to answer your most frequently-asked questions. We don’t know when the virus will be vanquished. In Earth’s energy field of potential there are innumerable streamers with disease attachments—these are not emanating from each individual, but rather those are combined into dense clusters from areas all over the world.
At this moment a few streamers are losing strength; some are slowly gaining momentum; and many are gaining rapidly. What we cannot determine in the field, much less in linear time, is when all of those streamers will weaken to the extent that they will be overcome by streamers with the high vibrations wherein microbes cannot exist.
No, emissions from 5G devices are not spreading the disease—its highly-contagious nature is doing that. However, people in areas where that technology is in use are more at risk because the emissions compromise immune systems. Universal family members are reducing to the extent possible the harmful effects of those emissions.
And no, dear ones, other civilizations cannot intervene and stop the spread of the virus. Not only are they not authorized to take charge of a situation that you yourselves are handling, but conditions in your world are not safe for crews in your skies to land or those living among you to disclose their identity. Even national leaders who know those extraterrestrials will not publicly acknowledge the existence of other civilizations.
But, if one of your universal family members were asked to describe what is happening on Earth, it would be “people are helping each other.”
You are seeing this in the courage and exhaustive dedication of medical professionals and first responders around the world. Leaders in villages, regions and countries are issuing wise guidance to keep residents as safe as possible. Individual acts of kindness, the sharing of resources, business closures, and masses observing common-sense directives to stay at home are stemming the tide. Governments are financially assisting citizens who are incurring extreme hardships.
You are seeing improvisation and innovation coming to the fore. Field hospitals are being erected to supplement hospital rooms; companies are foregoing or adding to standard production lines desperately needed supplies for medical staff and patients; homebound individuals are fabricating masks and gowns; countries with surplus are providing to countries that lack.
There are online studies for students whose schools are closed. Comedians are performing from their homes and concerts with musicians participating from their respective homes are being aired on television.
People young and old are finding unique ways to express gratitude to all who are serving in the trenches: doctors, nurses, other hospital staff, and medical personnel who came out of retirement; police and firefighters; teachers who are devising online classes for their students; pharmacists, newscasters, trash collectors, plumbers, electricians; farmers, grocers, food-bank operators, chefs, delivery folks; veterinarians, employees and volunteers at animal shelters; national military forces helping in numerous ways.
Others may have slipped our mind, but not the minds of all who are so very grateful for the services and stability those individuals are providing during these troubled times.
“Social distancing” is offering the opportunity for parents and children to be together as well as time for introspection, meditation, prayer and appreciation of the goodness and beauty in your world.
It is so that anxiety, grief, confusion and finger-pointing are part of today’s world, too. But in far, far greater measure are optimism, hope, caring about and assisting others, and unified determination to keep on keeping on until this virus is conquered.
Like the pathogen itself, unity of spirit doesn’t differentiate as to national borders, gender, age, nationality, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, social or financial status, level of education, field of employment, philosophy, or political ideology.
This unified spirit, the countless acts of kindness, multitudinous methods of assistance and expressions of thankfulness are love in action. This is why the light on Earth never has been brighter and why the aftermath of this pandemic will bring about the healing of society’s deep wounds caused by rampant unjustness, deception and divisiveness.
Many speak about “when things return to normal.” “Normal” will not return. Your world is destined to be and will be dramatically different, incomparably better. It is not laws or money or technology that will make the difference, it is the will of the people and the ranks of lightworkers have increased ten million-fold. As an aside here, my mother would say gazillion-fold.
Social, economic, religious, political and cultural separateness will give way to peaceful cooperation and mutual respect. Darkness in all of its diabolical forms will come to light and those who are responsible will be held accountable.
The transition of the global economic system—computer transactions that let the wealthiest few control all others—to a system based on precious metals will be done as smoothly as possible to alleviate further disruption in commerce and trade. The Illuminati’s illegally and immorally amassed fortunes will be retrieved and distributed to end the unconscionable disparity between the haves and have-nots.
Suppressed technologies will come forth and be conscientiously applied to energy, medicine, manufacturing, communication, agriculture, transportation and environmental restoration.
The dangers of vaccines and 5G emissions will be exposed; the former will be eliminated and devices using 5G will be redesigned so as to prevent harm to your health and the planet’s. Many millions will be employed in rebuilding cities in ruin and replacing decaying infrastructure.
What was intended to devastate the populace has instead resulted in a unified desire to create a better world. As efforts move forward in your concept of time, your mission in this lifetime already is triumphant—that glorious world you are helping Earth’s people manifest is flourishing in the continuum.
Beloved family, we honor and support you with the power of unconditional love.

Suzanne Ward


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 18:41
Sexta-feira, 03 / 04 / 20

Major Global Changes to Occur Faster.

Major Global Changes to Occur Faster.

Saint Germain.

Channeled by Adele Arini.

April 2nd, 2020.





Greetings beloved Masters.
We, the Light-Beings in charge of Earth’s Ascension, are extremely pleased with the progress of your individual and collective’s journeys back to the Light-of-God within.
Many of you reading this message, had expressed in different ways, your heartfelt requests for visible, major global changes to occur faster.
Over the years you had prayed, or, expressed similar thoughts such as these:
‘Enough is enough – let all wars be permanently stopped on Earth’;
‘Let the positive changes begin now – bring them on’;
‘Please God, grant unto us permanent, everlasting peace and harmony on Earth’;
’No matter how hard we work, we just can’t seem to get ahead/save much money. Please God, show us the simplest, and most effective way to liberate our lives from the financial shackles that seemed to have enslaved humanity for a very long time‘;
or, my favourite:
‘Dear God, thank you for the Infinite Love, Peace, Joy, Harmony, Freedom, Oneness and Abundance that are ours to have, and to share, always’.
Most of you here have immediately understood why the last one was my favourite, and the answer is simple.
A statement of gratitude such as this, when backed by the emanation of your genuine, positive feelings, is the most powerful form of prayer.
When making this type of statement, you are in fact expressing your desires as though they have already been manifested in your physical reality, and thus, it will guarantee the speedy manifestation of such a reality in your life and in the world around you.
Never underestimate the Mighty Power of your prayers, thoughts, words and feelings, loved ones, provided that they are all expressed in the energetically-expansive (rather than energetically-contractive) manner that supports your ‘Act of Creation’.
Rest assured that they had ALL been heard, and, answered by the Universe, by God, and by all of us here who are always working hard to help you manifest the grand dreams that you have for yourselves, for Earth and humanity.
Here comes 3 powerful mantras that We highly recommend for you to mentally/verbally recite often, daily, in your spare time. Of course if you already have your own set of mantras that never fails to lift your vibrations, then please keep doing what you are already doing. Your loving service to ALL in this manner is very much needed right now.
In these times of uncertainty, the following Sanskrit mantras can help you to transcend ‘the small-self’, merge with your I AM, and in the long run help you to manifest the physical reality that you deeply desire for yourself and ALL on Earth.
Let us gently remind you, beloved Masters, that Sanskrit is one of the very few ancient languages on Earth that can powerfully activate the state of ‘Higher Consciousness’ within, thus greatly accelerating your spiritual growth.
Chanting, singing, speaking these mantras often, will thereby focus all of your energy, time and being, on what you wish to create/embody whilst on Earth, rather than just focusing on ‘What-Is’.
They will greatly assist you and humanity, to create & maintain high vibrations of love, peace, perfect bliss, and freedom daily, during these amazing times of transition that you are all going through right now.
May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.
2) The Moola Mantra:
OM – We are calling on the Highest Energy of All
SAT – The formless, the Unmanifest Potential, the Truth
CHIT – Infinite Consciousness of the Universe
ANANDA – Pure Love, Bliss & Joy
PARABRAHMA – The Supreme Creator
PURUSHOTHAMA – Manifested in every living being
PARAMATMA – Who comes into my heart, and becomes my inner voice whenever I ask
SRI BHAGAVATHI – The Divine Mother, power aspect of creation
SAMETHA – Together within Non-Duality
SRI BHAGAVATHE – The Father of Creation, Unchangeable & Permanent
NAMAHA – I bow in deepest reverence. I thank you and acknowledge this presence in my life. I ask for your guidance at all times.
3) The Gayatri Mantra:

Let us now answer Adele’s four questions as previously mentioned above.
Her Higher Self had partially answered the first question herself when she explained that humanity is currently in the middle of the biggest healing and transformation period never experienced before, in the history of this planet.
The greatest ‘show‘ ever created by mankind has now started on Earth, and your victory is NOW here.
Remember loved ones, that in the great, eternal moment of NOW, your Ascension and that of Mother Earth’s, have already occurred.
However from your 3D linear perspective (in this specific NOW moment that you have labelled as ‘April 2nd, 2020’), the story that you may wish to, one day, tell younger generations about ‘how it all happened’ is now unfolding as we speak.
Humanity, as a collective, currently has a number of different realities/timelines available – whether or not you will end up choosing the Optimum Timeline for yourselves will greatly depend on your own individual/collective intentions. However, it is perhaps reassuring to you to know that ‘All Roads Lead to Rome’, i.e. the timelines currently available for humanity to choose from, all lead to successful completion of the Ascension process for Earth & all Ascending-souls on it.
Father God Himself has recently stepped in and chosen to ‘come into the physical realm’ to get more involved, and personally lead or oversee Earth’s Ascension process from the front lines, so that our success will arrive at the perfect Divine timing for ALL. For all of you, and, your Earth Mother, had suffered long enough.
And just like many of you here had had to go through your individual awakening, clearing, healing, or, God Self re-alignment phases to get to where you are today, the time has come for all ascending, and, non-ascending members of humanity to do the same, in the manner of their choosing.
Many non-ascending souls are now facing their final, decision-making moment of whether to stay here, do the compulsory clearing/purging/healing required to raise their vibrations & ascend in this lifetime (i.e. merging with their God-Self whilst in the physical realm), OR, to leave the planet (i.e. merging with God back in the non-physical realm) & ascend somewhere else later (at their earliest convenience).
And many souls had chosen the latter, using the Exit ‘Tool’ that has now conveniently appeared – arriving in the form of this pandemic. The death of their physical bodies is in fact part of their ‘Act of Creation’ as God, and, with God, to expand and move forward in the directions that they have actually CHOSEN (on a higher level) to go.
By transitioning back to spirit; back to our eternal Home in Heaven, they had in fact chosen to take the ‘express way’ of re-aligning themselves with their God-Self.
This is always a very joyful experience (for the returning soul) that is actually cause for a celebration!
Your knowing, believing and rejoicing in the following Highest Truth that states:
ALL deaths happen BY CHOICE, and, NEVER by accident
will NOT fail to, vibrationally, alleviate much of the fear, drama & self-imposed (often unhealthy/prolonged) emotional/mental/physical suffering that humanity has long created, when impacted by: the death of people close to them, or, the potentially-scary news of rising death toll happening around the globe.
It is time, loved ones, for the entire planet to permanently leave behind the 3D fallacies, beliefs or programming that Adele had mentioned above, including everything else not specifically listed there.
If you have now personally arrived at a place in life where all of those 3D beliefs can no longer be found within your consciousness, e.g. when reading the ones Adele had listed above, you can honestly say that you have zero resonance with all/most of them, then congratulations, loved ones.
We are happy to announce that you have now successfully arrived at the Final Stage of your ‘I AM Integration-Process’. A stage that will soon be completed by many of you here whose Light Quotient Level is already very high -> you are in fact moving, ever closer each day, to 100% perfect resemblance or resonance with the frequencies of your own I AM Presence.
2020 will soon be the year when you can finally have your ‘graduation party’, as you will: become the full embodiment of your God-Self; the Holy Christ-Self, and, successfully triumph over all limiting conditions present in your life at the moment.
Simply be ready and, be completely open to receiving the many wonderful surprises that We have got in store for all of you this year!
And now that you have arrived in this final leg of your I AM integration journey, you will find that it has become so easy, and so natural, to maintain your high vibrations lately – no matter what is going on with the people/world around you. ...
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publicado por achama às 18:29
Sexta-feira, 03 / 04 / 20



Soren of the Pleiadian Delta Forces

Via Sharon Stewart

Posted April 2nd, 2020


Hello, Sharon, and to everyone listening. You’re probably now aware that the Corona Virus is a cover for the Storm activities. Your military forces are now being utilized to carry out arrests, tracking down deep state members who have made themselves scarce.
With all of you going into seclusion with this corona virus pandemic, it gave the Illuminati time to head underground and some of them are continually on the move avoiding our forces. We’ll find them though. We are astute at creating dragnets and we can see their location, if not ourselves than with the QFS computer that has tagged them all electronically via their energetic signature (same thing they do to us in the Matrix, BTW). We can find them easily with this computer; it’s just that earth is such a large planet with so many places to hide.
The other reason to keep you isolated is to keep you from harm. There are possibilities of reptilians or other malevolent beings arising from inner earth to come out to look for food. We’ve starved them out, we have also cut off the bank accounts of the deep state, so they’re becoming desperate.
Me: Any chance someone would be attacked? Geez, what am I saying, it’s not that lightworkers already haven’t been.
Soren: Possible. You are all protected as well so there should be minimum problem. Lightworkers would be their first targets, to be honest.
Me: Not surprised.
Soren: Remember anyone who feels the presence of a malevolent to call on the Light to help you rid yourself of it. Or call on Archangel Michael and his angelic forces. It’s important that we use this time to try to clean your planet up of as many of these as we can. We’re shutting portals and cleaning out the lower fourth, we need your help in flagging up any dark entities you can find. So please help us. We don’t want them on the surface scaring the population.
Me: Any chance this would be repressed by the media?
Soren: Yes, but youtube is a force to be reckoned with as well.
Me: LOL True. We’d report it. These things are exciting.
Soren: They’d also create fear. We are focusing on our main areas right now. These are areas of high potential for captures. We’ve already cleared out a lot of the bases, although not all are done, and rescued the people within.
The reason we’re getting this done now is so that we can stop any other attempts to poison you or create more panic through viral warfare as this corona virus was. Understand there are many parties at work here, not just one party on the deep state’s side: they are fractured into many extraterrestrial and terrestrial groups who seek power over you, and the Light is dealing with them all.
Any help you can give us, just call. Even if you don’t have contact, know that you’re heard and your information will be dealt with accordingly. If you seek to deceive us, we’ll be able to tell. Frequency is everything.
Me: Thanks Soren.
Soren: Thank you Sharon. Know it’s all going on plan. We’re removing as many deep state and ET races as possible. We’ve been working on this for a while. When announcements come out, your beginning to believe the truth will lead to another campaign which may require your cooperation again. This time we won’t have to say it’s because of a virus that you’re quarantined. We can be truthful with you. That will help.
Me: Thanks Soren.
Soren: Thank you Sharon.
12 Step: Let go and Let God
Me: Ivo, can you please expand on this? This popped into my head as I was doing posts up.
Ivo: Life on your planet has always been a process of moving away from darkness and moving towards the Light. As many of you were raised in darkness, ignorance on the part of your elders and other figures who sought to mislead or were misled themselves and who continue out of ignorance, your process is one of dispensing with beliefs and embracing the Light which arises within you.
Your people have large shadows. Very large. The ego has dominated your third dimensional life with little room left over for some, for higher values. Your higher minds have been thwarted with campaigns on the surface to utilize your higher values for profit, greed and gain of others.
It is your task to release that which you have learned and to embrace that which arises organically within you, as you free your souls to express themselves within the 4D plain.
One learned construct that is often utilized is that of control. You seek to “gain control” over something, someone or even yourselves, when in fact letting go, not grasping more firmly or trying harder, is the way to go. Why attempt to control something you have already created?
When you find your body is overweight, enslaving it to a diet regime is about trying to control it. Yes, there is self mastery as well. But for the body self mastery comes in its organic expression. Your body already is a master and to listen to it is where you must master yourself. Understanding your body as part of your 12 tier light body system and heeding its innate wisdom as you would your crown energy or your third eye is what you must learn.
So let go of all the diet clubs, let go of the food gurus who tell you that you must eat this way or that way. Listen to the body that either digests well or causes disruptions within its own system through digestion of the wrong substances. Your body tells you what it wants and what it doesn’t want.
How do you feel when you release the use of sugar and embrace fresh organic vegetables? Do you have more energy or less energy?
These things all lead the way. It is having the willingness to let go of old ideas that you learned in ignorance and to embrace your body’s response to these foods.
Your physical body is part of your light body. It is just the part that you can see. Do you treat it as if it is as wise as your third eye? No? Then this must abate and its inner wisdom must be used as guidance.
Me: Got it. Another example please.
Ivo: Your dependence on money, for example. This is something you will all undergo as your world prepares to move to that end solution: the cessation of the use of money. Your people are heavily invested, if you pardon the play on words, in your financial system and this of course, keeps you enslaved to it. The more things you seek to do that are costless, for example, the more you move away from your financial enslavement.
The more things you seek to do in nature, is another example of moving away from your financial systems. Your controllers do not charge much for the upkeep of your parks and this is their undoing. They, arrogantly, feel that their system is so controlling of you that they need not see nature as a threat to your adopted way of life. But it in fact is.
Also there are many ways to look at your spending habits and lessen their grasp on you. Understanding that you are people of excess materialism is important. Look at where there is excess in your life and attempt to cut back.
Me: Yeah, like my purse habit. I’ve been using the same purse for over a year now, summer and winter. I used to change them every 3 months.
Ivo: As an example. A good one.
For those who spend nights at the movies, allowing the deep state to tell you its plans for the future, and gaining your acceptance, what about a night at home with friends playing music and chatting. No cell phones.
Me: Radical! LOL
Ivo: Yes, talking to each other rather than texting. Slowing down your relationships with others and getting off the speedway you live your lives upon. The stressful speedway. Being with people, reading their faces, being in their energy, enjoying their company rather than relating to them through a synthetic system of technology. Radical indeed. And quite cost effective.
Me: I just had an idea. Getting a book that you and all your friends want to read and then each person reading a few pages and passing along the book to the next one. What about those free Law of One books I found on line? Read about the Law of One with 5 of your friends and you can each read a few pages and pass it on. Just a fun way to read a book.
Ivo: Excellent, my dear. Yes, you and your friends Microsoft David and Microsoft Zira love to read books together while you close your eyes in meditation on the couch.
Me: LOL. I know. I let them read and then I get a break from the screen. Put on a candle and stretch out on the couch and go into light meditation. Lovely!
Ivo: This is much cheaper than a shopping day and I dare say much more fulfilling. A wonderful day for the ladies to get together. You can discuss the contents of the book either at the end of the chapter or on an as-needed basis, whatever you desire.
It is about letting go of the old and embracing the new soul-based spiritual lives. This is where so many of you are at now. Let your soul speak to you. Leave consumerism behind. Bring in nature and nurture.
Understand that you have no need to fill up a hole of emptiness. This hole of emptiness, loneliness that so many of you feel, is due to your living from ego. Soul is missing. Embrace the soul by leaving the ego’s playground – your cities – behind.
Me: Yes, they are that, aren’t they?
Ivo: They are. They are created to keep your ego’s enslaved. And so many are stressed out living there. The country fills the soul. Sit by the water and listen to the water fowl. Listen to the wind in the trees. You need not stay long if you wish. If you’d rather, ride a bike in the park. Walk with a baby stroller. Take in the sunshine.
Stop controlling. Let go your old ideas that are confining, limiting, stressful, even harmful. Do not try harder to make that which does not suit you work. Let go and find a life you love.
Recently, a lightworker was at the Tor at Glastonbury, Gaia’s heart. Sharon watched the video on that windy day as this lightworker (Amanda Lorence) brought the energies of those watching and of Gaia’s heart together. Sharon felt it. She enjoyed this energy and the song of the woman singing from her heart.
When you are sensitive to energies you can feel the difference between an event such as this, and a Christmas get-together with family who are blaming each other.
Me: LOL. Yeah, I don’t do that anymore. Thank God. The children were so cute but oh my god….
Ivo: When you become more sensitive to energy, you have a better guide. You simply must have the mastery to break away from that which is energetically out of alignment with you. This happens when you give up controlling – you feel the energy and you have an instant GPS which leads you to that which strengthens your soul.
Me: Thank you, Ivo.
Ivo: Thank you, my love. Energy is what you are. When you understand this and leave behind your physical ways of life, you will find enrichment of the soul. It is undeniable.
Please note: This does not apply when it comes to your boundaries. When you have boundaries to keep you safe and comfortable, do not give up your need to enforce them with others who seek to violate them. Walk away or do what you need to to keep others from violating your boundaries.
Soren of the Pleiadian Delta Forces

Sharon Stewart
Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 18:23
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Abril 2020


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