A Chama da Ascensão


Segunda-feira, 27 / 01 / 20

ICC judges dash hopes for swift probe of Israeli war crimes

By Maureen Clare Murphy,


January 26, 2020 by Edward Morgan.

Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged to annex all West Bank settlements to Israel if he wins the next elections. (Ryan Rodrick Beiler /Active Stills)


Judges at the International Criminal Court have just knocked back any hopes for an expeditious investigation of war crimes in Palestine.
Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is using a Holocaust forum in Jerusalem this week to recruit world leaders in his campaign against the court.
A pre-trial chamber on Tuesday issued a decision admonishing chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda for exceeding the page limit in her request for a ruling on court jurisdiction in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Israel, which effectively controls those territories, is not a signatory to the Rome Statute and thus not a member of the International Criminal Court. The state vehemently rejects ICC jurisdiction in the West Bank and Gaza.
The State of Palestine, which petitioned the ICC to investigate Israel, is a signatory to the Rome Statute but does not have sovereignty over the West Bank and Gaza, which are occupied by Israel.
Bensouda’s request for a ruling on jurisdiction was filed on 20 December, when the chief prosecutor announced the conclusion of her preliminary examination into the situation in Palestine, which began in January 2015.
That filing totaled 112 pages, though court regulations limit such requests to 30 pages. On 23 December, Bensouda filed supplementary material – legal arguments published by the Israeli government rejecting court jurisdiction – tacking on an additional 50 pages.
Tuesday’s decision issued by the pre-trial chamber accepts Bensouda’s request to extend the number of pages she’s permitted to submit to 110, given the “nature, novelty and complexity” regarding the issue of court jurisdiction in Palestine.
But the judges are requiring that Bensouda resubmit her request for a ruling on jurisdiction, further delaying the launch of any war crimes investigation.
The same pre-trial chamber will determine whether the court has jurisdiction to prosecute war crimes in the West Bank and Gaza. Though an investigation has been recommended by Bensouda, the judges could prevent one from happening.

Netanyahu campaigns against court

This uncertainty has not stopped Israel from going on the offensive against the court, with its leaders accusing it of anti-Semitism.
Netanyahu called for an uprising against the court during an interview with a major evangelical Christian television network aired in the US this week.
Netanyahu urged viewers to call for sanctions against the court.
“They’re basically on a full-frontal attack on the democracies, both on the democracies’ right to defend themselves, and on Israel’s right, the Jewish people’s right, to live in their ancestral homeland,” Netanyahu said.
He invoked the Holocaust and said that “attempts to destroy the Jewish people have not disappeared. Iran openly declares every day that it wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.”
Netanyahu is also using the Fifth World Holocaust Forum in Jerusalem on Thursday to push world leaders to publicly back Israel’s position against International Criminal Court jurisdiction.
Dozens of world leaders are expected to participate in the forum commemorating the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.
The Tel Aviv daily Haaretz described it as “the largest diplomatic delegation ever to visit Israel, except for the funerals of former prime ministers Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres.”
The paper reported that “in recent months, Israel has been carrying out a campaign to garner political support for its stance” against International Criminal Court jurisdiction in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
“Netanyahu has contacted several world leaders, but only a few have accepted his request or indicated that they might,” Haaretz added.
The US has long opposed any investigation of Israel, or American forces in Afghanistan, threatening court figures with sanctions. Early last year it revoked Bensouda’s entry visa.
Australia said it was “concerned” over Bensouda’s recommendation for a war crimes investigation and that it does not recognize the State of Palestine.
The government of Hungary stated that Israel’s “position with regard to the lack of jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in the given case is justified.”
Germany was more circumspect, deferring to court process, while Canada said that “there is no Palestinian state and therefore we do not recognize its joining international treaties.”
No other states have responded to Netanyahu’s request, according to Haaretz.

Netanyahu doubles down on war crimes

Netanyahu vowed on Tuesday to unilaterally annex all Israeli settlements in the West Bank if he wins upcoming elections.
The promise was made by the prime minister after his rival Benny Gantz pledged to annex the Jordan Valley of the West Bank with the agreement of the international community.
Netanyahu’s previous pledges to annex swathes of the West Bank, including the Jordan Valley, are highlighted in the International Criminal Court’s request for a ruling on jurisdiction.
“Despite the clear and enduring calls that Israel cease activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory deemed contrary to international law, there is no indication that they will end,” she states.
“To the contrary, there are indications that they may not only continue, but that Israel may seek to annex those territories,” Bensouda adds.
“In August and September 2019, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to annex large parts of the West Bank if re-elected.”


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 19:58
Segunda-feira, 27 / 01 / 20



Kate Spreckley's Inspiration.

January 27, 2020


day 16.



This is a time when everything is being revealed, where the incoming energies are activating and igniting every aspect of our being. As we move forward into 2020 we will become more and more aware of the needs of our soul and what must be done to fully align with its purpose. The more we awaken and heal the more we illuminate our path and the sacred destiny of our soul.

Only when you liberate your soul from the trappings of the past can you begin to fulfil your destiny and anchor in its perfect, infinite and eternal essence. A new chapter in your life is unfolding and you can no longer ignore nor deny what is being asked of you. As you continue to break free from the patterns of the past the insights you are seeking will come. Pay attention. Take time to tune inward and bear witness to what is emerging. Trust the process and remain open to the unexpected.

Much Love

Kate Spreckley




This article may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2019 Kate Spreckley http://www.spiritpathways.co.za


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About Kate Spreckley




As a coach, energy practitioner, speaker and facilitator Kate Spreckley allows her natural skills and abilities to guide and support those who are in search of awakening, healing, growth and transformation. Over the years Kate has allowed her inner guidance to shape the way in which she works. This enables her to now offer a creative mix of everything that she has found to be the most useful and effective..... Read more






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No religious or political creed is advocated here.


Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.


Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.


Discernment yes; judgement does not.

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 



Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

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publicado por achama às 19:46
Segunda-feira, 27 / 01 / 20

Focus On Your Path

The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

Posted January 27, 2020



As challenging as it can be to watch others walk their owns paths, it is important to remember and understand it is not yours.  

Cringe-worthy moments will happen and you may say to yourself, “Oh boy, I’m glad that’s not me!” but, having a conscious awareness and the empathy to offer support if asked will always be a positive.  

Release the need to be lulled into distraction by those moments.  

Sometimes, it can be easier to look and point away from rather than at yourself.  

Your focus should always be on your path and how you relate to the world.  This is when great growth occurs. 



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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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Archangel Gabriel, Shanta Gabriel
publicado por achama às 19:37
Segunda-feira, 27 / 01 / 20


The Angels want you to know...

Angel Wisdom

with Sharon Taphorn.

Posted January 27, 2020. 




f you could see the power you hold in your mind and your heart, you would see how those very thoughts and feelings shape the fabric of your World. 

You would then want to clean up your thoughts and feelings. 

Becoming more aware of how these ripple out and affect everything around you and in you leads to the understanding and awareness that everything you hold has the power to change the World around you. 

That’s Powerful!

Thought for today: 
Thoughts and Words are the Spells you cast! Become more aware of what vibration you are putting out into the World!.


And so it is
You are dearly looved and supported always, the angels
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji

Universal Copyright ©2019 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.

Please share as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 17:35
Segunda-feira, 27 / 01 / 20

Khazarian mob using virus fear porn in desperate attempt to keep control over its 200-plus “nation states”

Benjamin Fulford 

Report Sample 






The Khazarian mob is fighting for its life and stoking pandemic fear porn in a desperate attempt to keep its control grid over humanity, multiple sources say.  This is happening because they cannot meet a payments deadline (temporarily extended into February) for the United States of America Corporation, the sources involved in the negotiations say.  One of the aims of the negotiations is to restore sovereignty to the people and the Republic of the United States of America.  This will also result in the unveiling of the secret space program, they add.
We will talk more about this later, but first, let us look at the cabal’s pandemic survival gambit.  As most of our readers are probably already aware, it is highly unlikely the “Coronavirus” outbreak in China was a naturally occurring event.  There are many signs this pandemic was planned in advance in an attempt to extort money from China for the U.S. Corporation.
First of all, there was a systematic attack on all Internet sites that provide news suppressed by the corporate propaganda media.  For example, Natural News, with its long history of exposing vaccine-related scandals, was shut down.  Jimstone Freelance was also hit harder than usual.  Other journalists are being hit with bogus criminal charges.

This site too has come under severe attack.  Our former webmaster suddenly lost his mind and displayed signs of severe PCP poisoning.  Now he has “committed suicide.”  Following this, we were locked out of our own site until white hats in the NSA helped restore it.  We are also under serious financial attack.
These attacks came just before the coronavirus pandemic emerged and was given sensational fear-mongering and saturation coverage in the corporate media.  In addition to being blackmail, this appears to be an attempt to reinsert fear and hate as the controlling narrative of our public discourse.
It looks like they had a rehearsal on October 18, 2019, when a huge exercise was held in the U.S. simulating a pandemic and the resulting economic collapse.  The sponsors of this event were the World Economic Forum (Davos), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Bloomberg School of Public Health at John Hopkins University.  In other words, Cabal Central.  Then just as the World Economic Forum was having its annual meeting in Davos on January 21-24, 2020, a real pandemic broke out and was given saturation publicity.

However, this plot, if it is one, is blowing up in their faces, because alternative news sites like Prepare for Change put out some of the massive evidence that exists showing that the U.S. Corporate government has been manufacturing and spreading bio-weapons ever since George Bush Jr. stole the election in 2000.  Remember, these are the guys who said an ethnic-specific bio-weapon would be a “useful political tool.”

Here, for example, is a U.S. government patent on coronaviruses:

British intelligence are reporting to us that they are hearing it is a “pneumonia virus which arose out of a poorly managed bio-site.”
The following statement was put out by the Asian secret societies, including the 55-million-member Hongmen and the Blue Dragon Society with their many millions of members:
“If this virus was artificial or released as part of an attack plot and is not a natural virus, then we, Hongmen, the largest secret society in Asia, together with the iron-bound secret Blue Society, vow that we will for sure hunt down the enemy, chase them to the ends of the earth, and make sure that not even a single one of their hairs remain on this planet.”
Now there is a huge campaign to spread the message that this was a naturally occurring virus or that it was spread by the Chinese.

For sure, viruses do emerge naturally, especially in the Chinese countryside where ducks, pigs, and humans live in close proximity.  Here is what the chief doctor of a large university hospital who specializes in animal-to-human disease transmission had to say about the outbreak:
“It’s the unfortunate result of those horrendous animal markets, with animals that would normally never be in such close proximity with other animals or with humans.  It’s the perfect doomsday scenario for a new virus to emerge.  We saw it with SARS, we’re seeing it now, and we’ll see other similar infections emerge again in the future.
“Many of the viruses that infect humans are of animal origin.  What is different now is the size of our population and modern transportation which allows for much faster spread of new diseases.”
The cabal had better hope she is right and the disease was natural.  In any case, it’s clear that the Chinese are not telling us the whole truth about how far it has spread.  The official Xinhua News Agency is saying the province of Hubei at the epicenter is reporting “1,052 cumulative confirmed cases of pneumonia, with 52 deaths and 129 cases in severe condition.”
If that’s true, then why is it that “More than half a million medical staff have joined the epidemic prevention, control, and treatment of patients in Hubei”?

Also, if there are only a few more than a thousand patients, why in Wuhan, a “mega-city that hosts a number of nationally renowned mega-hospitals,” are people “working around the clock to build two makeshift hospitals in suburban Wuhan”?

Just as this newsletter was about to go public, a high-level CIA-connected whistleblower contacted us to say:
“This is not a coronavirus.  It is …


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this Thursday morning or late Wednesday evening EST.

Letters to the Editor

January 26, 2020

Faked Soros video?


Is this a faked video?
WATCH:  George Soros speaks at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Watch live:


As with the last time, the only source appears to be Bloomberg.  If he was speaking in public, then each news agency would have their own exclusive footage.  When I saw Soros speak at the Foreign Correspondents Club, there were about 50 cameras in the room.  There’s no way they would have all used Bloomberg’s video.  My advice is to have Bloomberg raided and forced to admit they were fabricating news.


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:34
Segunda-feira, 27 / 01 / 20


Angelic Collective Protective Military Division and Ascended Dragons.

Channeled by Galaxygirl.

January 26, 2020.


Greetings friends of the light, of the way. 
We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division here to bring light and warmth to you in this moment of uncertainty upon your planet, Gaia, who is ascending quite rapidly. 
You are feeling and seeing the shake-off of the old dimensional matrix that is cracking, breaking, shattering all around you. You are to hold the light. You are to hold the love. You are to hold the peace. And so, we are here to fortify you in your efforts for this mighty task, as you hold the light of the world in your ever brightly-beaming hearts. 
We see you from the ethers, from space. Your light is shining so vast, so far. You cause us to weep tears of joy for you have done it, ground team! You have done it and we are here to support, to guide, to uplift, to bear witness to this tremendous success. The darkness is sputtering, trying to create chaos and havoc. 
Be safe, be wise, be shrewd in your surroundings. Invite us, your angels, invite the ascended dragons with whom we work most closely. Invite your protective squad to protect you and yours in all moments. Invite us to act freely for the utmost good on your behalf and we shall do it. We surround you in a protective bubble of the purest, whitest light, that is impenetrable to the darkness. 
Nothing can pierce this light. It is a tremendous shield of goodness, of truth, of love surrounding you and yours should you allow. Allow. Allow our protection. We enshroud you with light of the highest caliber, strength like graphene, true and strong as a mother’s love for her baby. We see you. We see you through the ancient eyes of time of one who sees clearly. You are strong enough for this and you are not alone.
We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division. We have your back, we have your front, we have your hearts, we are always here for you, most precious ground team of the ages. This one is crying – can you feel our love? Can you feel how very close you are? You are but a breath away of this new reality that you are creating and envisioning. Breathe it in and claim it as your own.
We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division. Peace, brothers and sisters of the light, of the way. Peace. Victory is yours. Victory to the light! Victory to the Mother and Father of all things! Victory to the Christ light that surrounds. Be ignited with his presence and be in his peace.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. 
We see through the eyes of no time. We see with the all-seeing golden eyes of Source light. We cannot be fooled and too, we see the keenness and insight of the human awakening ones is improving. True. Good. It is time for such changes, such upgrades of the new.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. I Elthor, am speaking. The masculine energies are in the process of being healed. Tremendous lights of the rainbow hue have been knitting together the wounded parts of the masculine warrior. Men, it is time for you to come home, to fully embrace your feminine side, which is your strength. For otherwise you are out of balance and it benefits no one. The elders are listening, we see. Good. It is time too for you to become balanced, leaning more with your hearts and less with your heads. For the time of the great rebalancing is here, dear ones. Dear little human. Can you feel our love? We breathe our dragon light upon your crown now, igniting your kundalini, igniting all of your chakras that spin and twist with orgasmic light, just as the galaxies move so too do your chakras move. All is moving, all is love in motion. It is time for the love in motion to return to Gaia! (Roaring)
I Alisheryia, am speaking. 
Dear Elthor, peace. (He is laughing). We are all on edge. We are burning blazing, blasting the viral strains of the dark. They are twisting in our dragon light. Join with us. Humanity cannot be culled. Humanity is chosen for the light. Humanity is the genetic jewel of this universe and beyond, as you know, for you hold within you the precise blending of the many into the one. You have been manipulated. This is ending now. We dragons of the ascended ones are here. We are forming a grid of protective light around your world. The souls that were contracted to leave are leaving. This, we will not stop. But we will protect and defend those whose contracts are to stay. And so we guard you, dear little humanskinds. We guard you with fierce, tremendous love. You are teaching our fledgings much about bravery. Many of you visit us in your dream states. We enjoy these times. You in fact are teaching us all a thing or two about light in the darkest of places. And so we partner with you. Invoke our protection, for you shall need it in the coming days and hours. The war is raging in the ethers. The snake whose head is removed can still bite. This is the hour that we see. This is the moment that we are in. This is why there is so much going on in your news as the chaos of the dying order writhes and twists as a dying snake. Send it light. It will dissolve faster. Send it love and melt your fear. Invoke the dragon flame of healing, of light, of the ascension order into your planet, into your hearts. Invoke light into the darkest of places. And it shall be done. For you are the ones creating this. I, Alisheryia, and I Elthor, and we the Ascended Dragon Collective and we the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division are here to offer our support, our strength. We will hold the light with you. You are not alone. I, Alisheryia breathe my feminine fire upon all now, igniting, clearing, enlivening, comforting. Peace.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 17:32
Segunda-feira, 27 / 01 / 20


The Arcturian Group.

Through Marilyn Raffaele


Posted January 26th, 2020



Dear Readers, welcome to our message of hope and guidance.  Much is soon to manifest that will cause many to question personal beliefs and those of the world in general.  Allow your spiritual journey to unfold without limitations that consist of nothing more than concepts and beliefs based on the experiences of others for every person’s inner journey is individual and authentic.

Allow, by truly accepting that you are not the person you believed yourself to be, but are a Divine Being, an expression of Source Consciousness who formed for yourself a physical body in order to work and live in the denser energies of earth–a three dimensional interpretation of the real body, one of energy and Light.

You are more than ready to identify with the reality of who and what you are–Self sustained, Self maintained Divine Consciousness.   Within “Self-sustained and Self-maintained” exists every Divine Reality, everything ever believed to be lacking– abundance, harmony, wholeness, safety, security,  peace, completeness, intelligence, companionship–ad infinitum–just awaiting conscious  recognition. This is the secret of life, the holy grail, hidden in plain sight where most never think to look–within.

Divine qualities have always been and can only be fully present within every individual simply because Divine Consciousness is all that exists, manifesting ITself in infinite forms.  Beliefs of duality and separation have created a collective consciousness that believes itself separate from other people, animals, plants and all living things as well as from God.   The ups and downs, good and bad experiences of daily living are simply duality in expression for there is no unexpressed consciousness.

                   This is the work–“What am I holding as truth in my consciousness?”

The three dimensional experience is like someone having a large bank account that they are unaware of and so live in poverty and need.  However, each day more people are waking up to realize that much they have always accepted as true regarding every facet of daily life is simply not true.  It is at this point that food, entertainment, activities, and desires,  begin to lose their appeal and he/she begins his/her journey toward their as of yet unknown “bank account”.

Never attempt to reclaim the past dear ones, for once the lesson of some experience is complete, it is no longer needed.  As you shift into ever higher states of awareness,  you are no longer in alignment with much of your past.

Some attempt to re-create the past, clinging to nostalgia for the “good old days” in the belief that these times were better  but which in reality held the same dense and negative issues the world is witnessing today.  In general, the unawakened majority of earlier times surrendered their personal power to others, thus allowing the same dense and negative issues of today to be ignored, denied, or covered up.

Struggling to achieve, or attain some long held goal simply because you once set it for yourself can be wasted effort.  The chosen lesson may very well have been about the journey itself and  not in achieving the goal.  This does not mean that guidance from within toward some goal never happens, but rather means that if its attainment is fraught with continual roadblocks and negativity, the goal may be based in concepts rather than inner guidance.

Goals are usually based in some concept of success or happiness that must be attained in order to feel fulfilled or worthy of acceptance, love, respect etc.   Many, once realizing that they have not and will  not attain some personal goal, experience a sense of failure.  Others who have actually attained some goal are discovering that it did not bring them the fulfillment they expected.

The evolutionary journey is about growing through experiences until one reaches the point of being able to access learning from within.  Once an individual is willing to honestly examine their belief system, they begin to understand that successes and failures are tools that allow one to recognize and re-examine their beliefs regarding success, value, and worthiness.

Many committed suicide during the great depression, especially those who lost a great deal of money.  They did not understand that the same Infinite Source that manifested it in the first place could do it again.  They believed that their money came from themselves and was thus limited. These dear ones in their next life will be more aware of the deeper truths of abundance by virtue of having been helped and taught between lives about their experiences.  This is how the evolutionary process works.

Frequently someone who is extremely talented at art, science, or some other talent will completely lose interest in it, to the dismay of those around them.  This happens because they have attained this particular goal and it is complete.  Every person continues to seek fulfillment on and through all levels awareness throughout lifetimes  until finally they are ready for true fulfillment and the experiences of conscious oneness with Source

Every dream and desire no matter what it is or how ordinary, mundane, or even negative it may seem to others (relationships, money, education, power etc.)  is in reality the inner pull that every individual  has to once again experience their innate ONEness with Source.  The Divine is always and can only ever be Itself within every individual which is felt as desire for what one believes will bring happiness.

Every human  feels this Divine presence but does not understand what it is.  This deep yearning for Oneness is interpreted by three dimensional consciousness as the perpetual seeking for fulfillment in the outer scene–goals and desires that one believes will bring wholeness according to the state of consciousness of the individual.  Even a murderer believes his goals are valid and will make things better for him/her.

Every person chooses their earth experiences pre-birth according to what they believe will help them spiritually grow beyond their old belief system. The homeless person, may very well be a very evolved soul who pre-birth recognized the need for a deeper understanding of issues that surround lack and limitation.

The transsexual person that so many label immoral, wrong, or disgusting  is a person who has lived many lifetimes as one gender, and recognized the need to learn and experience the energies of the other gender in order to bring their masculine/feminine into balance.  However, once on earth, they forgot this and began to identify with their dominant energy.  Because they are unaware that they are consciousness rather than just a physical body they believe that somehow they are in the wrong body,  become confused, despondent,  and spend their lives attempting to once again be the energy they more closely resonate with.

None of these issues are right or wrong. They simply represent the learning process of every individual.  Judging, criticizing, or humiliating others with regard to the experiences of their journey,  are the actions of an un-awakened consciousness.

As more come to understand the reality of consciousness versus physical, judgement and criticism lessens and is replaced by more receptivity to giving and receiving  assistance in the form of practical advice,  guidance, and acceptance for those struggling with some issue on any level.  As individuals come to know who they really are, they can be shown how to release and clear old energies holding them in bondage.

Know that judgement and criticism can only take place if this energy is already present.  It is usually held unknowingly in cellular memory about self and then projected outwardly onto another. As a person is able to love and forgive themselves, they find that the judgement and criticism they have held for others begins to simply fade away.

Some are very young souls that  have not been on earth enough times to accumulate wisdom or personal power.  They live in fear believing themselves vulnerable to every three dimensional concept they learn about.  They need the structure of rules and laws in order not to harm others or themselves.

Others have been on earth many times, but need  more three dimensional experiences  in order to grow beyond their need for them.  These are people who are kindly but who usually hold rigid concepts about what they have been taught and as of yet are ignorant of deeper truth.

Then there are the  “old souls”, those who have lived hundreds of lifetimes on earth during which they have experienced almost every good or bad that could be experienced.  They have lived as all skin colors, in all societies,  and as each gender many times resulting in a state of consciousness that is wise and compassionate toward all people and life forms.

They are you.  You who understand and seek to always live from your highest level of awareness are the “old souls”, the way-showers.  You have the ability to carry light for those who wander through the dark maze of third dimensional creation seeking a path out of it.  Let your Light shine dear ones, you have earned the right to shine.  No more “I am not worthy.  I am not there yet.  I need more time.”  These are third dimensional games dear ones, and you have moved beyond the need for games at any level.  You are ready.

Shine your attained Light silently and secretly wherever you are in each now moment be it simply petting a lonely dog or speaking a kind word to a stranger.  See, hear, taste, touch, and smell the reality of everything for no one thing is more “holy” or spiritual than another.  Recognize all experiences, the good and the bad, to be sign posts directing you to more deeply understand that what you may still be holding in consciousness as  power.

Allow the awareness you have earned through lifetimes of dedication and hard work to come into fruition as your everyday world.  See through your awakened eyes and allow your every word to flow out on an energy of unconditional love even if those words occasionally need to be firm.

Allow…not in the sense of giving up, but in the sense of trusting that there is something greater taking place beyond what human appearances testify to.  Allowing is natural for a  consciousness able to rest in the reality of I AM.

It is knowing without question that IT will and can only function as ITself manifesting  ITs ever present harmony even in the midst of pain, chaos, and suffering.  IT is who you are, now claim it, live it, be it.


We are the Arcturian Group.
Marilyn Raffaele


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 17:30
Segunda-feira, 27 / 01 / 20


The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

Posted January 26, 2020



It is not you that is responsible for another’s personal, spiritual or physical growth. 

You have been placed here as a guide and beacon to which others, if they are ready, can look to for assistance. Taking credit for another’s growth is ego. 

Instead, joyously embrace your role as teacher and student to yourself in your Earth-plane existence. 



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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Archangel Gabriel, Shanta Gabriel
publicado por achama às 03:34
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Janeiro 2020


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