A Chama da Ascensão


Quinta-feira, 19 / 12 / 19



Kate Spreckley's Inspiration.

December 18th, 2019


day 176.


December marks the culmination of a very significant year. It has been a year of intense transformation which has resulted in the choice of very two clear and distinctive paths - the path of the ego or the path of the soul. The powerful energies we have encountered month after month have initiated many opportunities for us to make this choice.

The scale and scope of change has been vast and the resulting intensity and urgency has created challenge and difficulty in some form or another for almost everyone on the planet. There are those who have welcomed in these changes and the choices they have made as it is the culmination of years of hard work and effort. And yet there are others who have resisted their choices with the result that their changes have come as a sudden and swift shock. Wherever you stand embrace the uncertainty of change and ready yourself for the new year. Recognise what is dying away but also recognise that new opportunities await you. You really have nothing left to fear.

Much Love

Kate Spreckley




This article may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2019 Kate Spreckley http://www.spiritpathways.co.za


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About Kate Spreckley




As a coach, energy practitioner, speaker and facilitator Kate Spreckley allows her natural skills and abilities to guide and support those who are in search of awakening, healing, growth and transformation. Over the years Kate has allowed her inner guidance to shape the way in which she works. This enables her to now offer a creative mix of everything that she has found to be the most useful and effective..... Read more






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No religious or political creed is advocated here.


Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.


Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.


Discernment yes; judgement does not.

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 



Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

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publicado por achama às 00:36
Quarta-feira, 18 / 12 / 19

Your ‘Now’

The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

Posted December 16th, 2019





Living in your ‘now’ does not mean forgetting your past, nor does it mean stopping the planning for your future. 

Enjoy the fullness of every moment knowing there is always a more beautiful one coming your way. 



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 03:44
Quarta-feira, 18 / 12 / 19

A Vision for Peace


The Vision Alignment Project


We see a world where peace is everywhere, where humanity has risen up and out of our old defensive mindset; where we all see, ever-so-clearly, that every time we bought into the idea that we needed to take a defensive stance or felt we had to defend ourselves against foreign enemies, unfriendly neighbors, dangerous criminals, the local militia, or anyone who appeared to threaten us, we were actually attracting an attack upon ourselves because we were holding the thought of being attacked - a thought which will manifest as easily as any other.

By the same token, we envision a world where where mankind has risen up and out of our need to be in opposition to others because we have seen, ever-so-clearly, that when we oppose another, we become just like them.

With these two thought patterns having gone by the wayside, we now see a world where we no longer support anyone or any institution that advocates aggression, destruction, or harming others in any way. Now, we envision a world where people walk the sidewalks and roads of all lands freely and openly, where we smile at one another easily, work together in cooperation, and want only for the well-being and goodwill of everyone else; where all weapons are gone and we solve our challenges by negotiating, by compromising, and by helping one another to realize our dreams in an atmosphere of peace and unbridled creativity.

It is in this environment - an environment where everyone feels completely and utterly safe - that the peace in our hearts and minds has worked its way outward into our world as well; where all people enjoy their lives because peace - true peace - is both inside and outside of us at the same time.


If this vision was sent to you from a friend, you can go to www.visionalignmentproject.com to sign up free for The Vision Alignment Project.

The Vision Alignment Project is sponsored by The Intenders of the Highest Good. If you have a Vision you would like to share with the world, please email it to [office@intenders.com]. Your Vision may be published here!


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 03:35
Quarta-feira, 18 / 12 / 19



Kate Spreckley's Inspiration.

December 17th, 2019


day 174.


We are in what is being termed the Shift of Ages where the prophecies of the ages find fulfilment, where the cosmic cycles of the universe merge to birth a collective integration of awaken consciousness. As a result, powerful waves of cosmic energy are constantly flooding our planet and colliding with our energy fields to dramatically expand our consciousness. Deeper levels of the illusions and constraints by which we have lived are being swiftly dissolved bringing whatever is in need of healing to the fore of our awareness and human experience.

Remember that you are here at this time to anchor in a new wisdom and a new way of being upon the Earth. You are here to assist in the expansion of consciousness. You have worked long and hard to get to this stage and over the next few weeks you will experience a profound inner transformation that will stimulate your intuition and your creativity. It is essential that you make time to rest and allow your being to fully integrate what is occurring a the core of your being.

Much Love

Kate Spreckley




This article may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2019 Kate Spreckley http://www.spiritpathways.co.za


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About Kate Spreckley




As a coach, energy practitioner, speaker and facilitator Kate Spreckley allows her natural skills and abilities to guide and support those who are in search of awakening, healing, growth and transformation. Over the years Kate has allowed her inner guidance to shape the way in which she works. This enables her to now offer a creative mix of everything that she has found to be the most useful and effective..... Read more






Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Spirit Pathways <kate@spiritpathways.co.za




No religious or political creed is advocated here.


Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.


Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.


Discernment yes; judgement does not.

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 



Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

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publicado por achama às 03:28
Quarta-feira, 18 / 12 / 19

How to Master Self-Discipline in Your Life with 7 Tips


By Selenha Tomas 

Guest Authorlearning-mind.com

December 16th, 2019



Self-discipline is one thing we all struggle with. From eating “just one more” doughnut to waking up late every morning. It is all a matter of how self-disciplined we are, and it can be applied to all fields of life.

Some people like to live their lives by the book, and they are natural talents when it comes to self-discipline. But for the rest of us, it is like a skill. As such, it is something that we can learn and strive to master from early childhood.

Why Do We Need Self-Discipline?
The problem is, even though we have been introduced to the concept of self-discipline from early childhood, if you are not ready to fully commit to it, it does not get much easier with age. When we were kids, our mothers did not allow us to eat sweets before lunch. As adults, we can eat whatever we want whenever, but that does not mean we should. So instead of having a parent who will hide all the candies, now we have to hide them from ourselves.

Power of will, self-control, you can call it whatever you like, it is one of the key features of every successful person. The good news is that it can be taught. Even if you were not so great with it as a child or teen, it is never too late. Not only can you take over control of your life, but you can also learn how to be, and stay, self-disciplined.

We gathered here some of the most useful tips for becoming a true master. So, if you feel ready to make a change, keep on reading.
Tips on Mastering Self-Discipline
1. Set Your Goals

What are your goals? Do you want to eat better, sleep more, study harder, run faster, or be more productive at work? You have to know where you are going and what you want first. Only then can you create a list of things you need to do in order to reach your goal. It is all based on practice and developing healthy habits.

In the beginning, it is never going to be easy. However, after a while, your established routine is not going to be so annoying. In fact, it is going to become something you will do without thinking too much about it. Start writing a weekly planner and make a schedule which you will follow.
2. Acknowledge Your Weaknesses
Whether it is a slice of pizza at 11 PM, binge-watching, or procrastinating your work tasks, keep it real and be aware of your weaknesses. This is the only way to overcome them. Stop making excuses and start spending your time more wisely.

Bad habits are so tempting, and it is so easy to cheat. But think about the time and energy you are wasting. Instead of ordering fast food, put that money away and save it for travelling. Find something good to replace your unhealthy cravings.

3. Baby Steps
Many people tend to start some big changes from Monday or next week. But the thing is, you should not introduce all the changes at once. This is because you can not successfully turn your entire life upside down in one day.

Start with those changes that are doable. Slowly, make adjustments without putting too much pressure on yourself. Then gradually introduce new rituals or tasks. Eventually, you will get the result you wanted. There are no shortcuts. Self-discipline is like a learning process. Therefore, if you want to pass it, you have to go through all the stages.
4. Healthy Habits

Regardless of what your goals are, you should not forget about two essential things, sleeping and eating well. These two are the base, the core of self-discipline. So if you are not eating healthy or sleeping enough, you cannot consider yourself for a self-disciplined person.

These two are especially important for people who are trying to lose weight. But also in general, poor sleeping habits can trigger an eating disorder, insomnia, REM sleep behaviour disorder, and plenty of other things that will get on your way.
5. The Power of Will
It is all in your head. You are your biggest competitor. Likewise, the only boundaries that exist are the ones in your head. If you believe that you can not do this or that, then you probably are not going to be able to do it.

This willpower is based on our beliefs. As a result, it can either hinder our success or enhance it, depending on our inner beliefs. This can be tricky. For start, it has a lot to do with self-esteem, rational thinking, and personal subconscious obstacles.

6. Plan “B”
In general, it is always good to have a backup plan. But in situations like this, when you are trying so hard to change yourself, any small failure can be discouraging. That is why it is always good to have a plan B.

If you know that you are going to be in a tempting situation, think in advance. Put together ideas on how to stay in your lane, without breaking your rules. This type of strategy is something that psychologists like to call implementation intentions.
7. Treat Yourself
It is good to have small milestones and to reward yourself to boost your motivation. But that reward should not consist of things you are fighting against. For example, junk food, or playing video games the entire night. An idea of a reward waiting for you will give you the strength to continue. This is because a reward system is a powerful tool for success, and it will keep you focused on your goal.
Final Thoughts
People are creatures of habit, and somehow we tend to love the bad ones, especially. However, we should not allow our habits to control us. Our guide contains some general steps and tips that can be applied to any life situation which requires self-discipline. We hope it will help many of you. All those things you already know, but you never actually tried them.

Remember, all good things take time. So instead of rushing into changes, and then giving up on everything even quicker, take some time, be patient, be stubborn, and do it right. Don’t forget that once you establish your self-discipline, you need to nourish and maintain it because it will always depend on your mindset.



Selena Thomas is a content writer from Counting Sheep who loves sharing tips on healthy lifestyles. A writer by day and a reader by night, she’s fond of writing articles that can help people in improving both physical and mental health. Also, she loves travelling and inspires people on her blogs.







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Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 03:16
Quarta-feira, 18 / 12 / 19

Ask The Masters, 2019/12/17

The Celestial Voices.

Through Toni and Sonia.

Posted December 17th, 2019. 



A preview of the Masters’ Tuesdays Teachings:

A Brazilian health professional seeks the Masters’ teachings on suicide. Their explanation is clear and helpful.

Is this Australian woman handling her selfish, adult kids in the way that benefits her? The Masters applaud her efforts.

A spiritual therapist in Portugal balks at the seemingly extreme protective measures recommended by her teacher. The Masters offer their take on the issue.
You may read these questions and answers on the Messages page of the Masters' website: http://www.mastersofthespiritworld.com/.
For translations of The Masters' Reincarnation Handbook, click on this link: http://celestialvoicesinc.com/?page_id=24 - or the Bookstore tab on the Masters' website.
Download your free handbook from the Masters in the new French translation or any of the other ELEVEN (so far) languages listed.

Love, Light and Laughter,
Toni and Sonia.
Celestial Voices, Inc 




The Questions:

Suicide and society

QUESTION: Masters I want to know your teachings about suicide. I am a health professional and our background support the life defense paradigm. So, we work to prevent and intervene in situations of ideation, attempted suicide and consummate suicide, being considered a public health problem. What teachings can clarify about free will and the health intervention? ~Duda, Brazil.

ANSWER: Every soul has the freedom of choice to determine what they wish to learn when they have incarnated on Earth. One valid lesson is suicide. They may have agreed with some other souls to be the subject so that all can experience the trauma. Or they may be overwhelmed from trying to do more than they are capable of completing in one lifetime, and they want to exit this existence and come back later with fewer challenges.

Some souls even choose it as a lesson to deal with the societal feelings about suicide – the very things with which you deal in your work. Society doesn’t want to lose any of its potential citizens, so it seeks, through therapists, to discourage suicide by counseling those who are considering it as an alternative to remaining.

In the case of those souls who have chosen to work with suicide as a life lesson, you are assisting them with their understanding about it. Regardless of your therapies, they still have the freedom to listen and comprehend your position or to deny that they wish to change their opinions and future actions.

To truly learn a lesson, a soul has to explore all aspects of it and the implications of the various choices connected to it. You are providing them a list of choices in dealing with their lesson – options they may never have considered. You really don’t have a choice to exercise if you are unaware of what the options are.

Of course, these are not issues dealt with in a professional school, unless it has a spiritual basis. Continue doing your job as it has been taught to you, understanding that it is still up to each soul to make their own choices once they know what they are, and what you do cannot influence them unless they allow it to do so.

When is enough, enough?

QUESTION: Masters over ten years ago when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, my two children announced, “Dad told us we didn’t have to take care of a parent.” I got over my shock, hurt, respected their right of choice and moved on. I embraced your teachings to be true to my soul’s lesson plan first, doing whatever makes me happy. After a full recovery, I remarried a lovely man, and we are now traveling the world. I have focused on being kind, compassionate, loving wherever I go. My kids,
now age 27 and 30, recently issued an email ultimatum that I return “home” and behave like a “normal mother” or I am not welcome as their mother anymore. I am flourishing, healthy and living my life to the fullest without them. Is cutting off ALL further contact with my kids now in the Highest and Greatest Good for all concerned? ~Mary Anne, Australia.

ANSWER: Your children are very selfish and manipulative and want to have you available to assist them with their lives when they deem it necessary. Ignore them as they ignored your needs so many years ago. Just as then, the only thing that is important to you should be your own journey and what you have learned along the way. You have done a marvelous job learning that lesson – each soul has responsibility only for learning about themselves.

Your response to them should be that you don’t have to take care of adult children. To them, a normal mother is one who is at the beck and call of the children to run errands, babysit, and help get things ready for their entertaining. You do not need to have their title and definition of mother in your vocabulary.

They are also a little jealous of the life you and your husband have made after all you went through. Your ex, as well, has conveyed to them his disquiet that your life is so much better than his. They harbor a good deal of guilt for the way they treated you and think it will all be excused if you “join” into their lives now. You still have freedom of choice.

If they wish to make demands of you “as their mother,” they have to understand that it is a two-way street: you have no need for them now, and they chose to stay away when there was a need. If they wish to create a gulf between you if you fail to meet their demands, then so be it.

Cutting the apron strings was done a long time ago, but disconnecting the communication line is up to you. What is for your highest and greatest good is what feels right to you. Your desire to be kind, compassionate, and loving can come with a huge price tag – losing yourself for the benefit of another. Remember your lessons.

Preparation for dealing with energy

QUESTION: Masters I am an aura reading therapist, and there is an issue that prevents me from reading more often. what was transmitted to me is that to do the readings I would have to do a meditation and self-cleaning for 45 minutes., to be protected and clean. And I’m fighting with this issue for a long time, because that’s not what I feel.  What is your opinion is that true I should do that specific meditation Or a simple one? What should I do? What is the best solution? ~Tania, Portugal.

ANSWER: There are no absolutes in the spiritual realm. What works for one practitioner will not work, or is not even necessary, for another to consider. Your teacher finds that what they told you is what is necessary for them to be cleansed and protected when they work. They have a larger amount of negative energy clinging to them than you have ever had.

It is important to protect oneself from the negative energies that abound. They are always drawn to lightworkers to try and absorb the positive energy that is used in assisting people with the help of spiritual energy. Reading the aura of another opens up all their negativity as well as the unconditional loving energy. It is vital to deflect this negativity from being transferred to yourself.

Grounding your own energy prior to working with another will make it easier to prevent contamination from your client. This does not take 45 minutes if you do it regularly. Also, if you ask your guides and the universal healing guides to be present and assist in keeping away discarnates, you will not have to worry as much about attack.

You are very sensitive to energy. Just be open to your sensations whenever working and you will be fantastic. You should not refrain from doing your work because of the fears and erroneous conceptions of another. Do what feels right for you; only you know how strong your protections are.




Reincarnation Guide




Adriana from Brazil asks the Masters: I really need your guidance. My professional and financial life practically does not exist today, I say this because despite my age I still depend financially on my parents. I have no money for anything, I cannot job because I have no experience. I went to college and I still can't find a job in the area and I don't even have the money to put my own office. I get very sad, discouraged and sometimes I had suicidal ideations because of it. Sometimes I wonder if I didn't choose the wrong profession, if I wasn't born to do it and be something else, but I don't come to any conclusion. Please give me guidance on what is happening to me, what I should do to start things changing for the better in my life.

Answer: You need to find a degree of self-love for the challenges you chose for this life. You set specific expectations of what you think should be possible without having the correct information to back it up. There is employment out there but you have convinced yourself it does not exist. You have never had to work that hard for what you have accomplished in the past, and now you are going to have to if you want to succeed. Your parents are perfectly willing to have you remain beholden to them and under their control. The choice is up to you.


Amanda from Brazil asks the Masters: Why have I been feeling a deep sadness? Why can't I focus on my work tasks? I've been thinking a lot about opening a vegan food delivery, because I think I'll be happier than I am today. Is this new business connected with my soul mission?

Answer: Souls do not plan on specific missions before coming. They have the ability to bring to themselves what they wish to experience – if they have the faith that they can. Explore all possibilities, make sure you know all the things that will affect your decisions, and then proceed with what feels right to you.


Maria from Argentina asks the Masters: I am trapped in an awful relationship with my mother. Daily, she belittles me, abuses me emotionally, treats me as if I was five years old, intrudes in everything and makes me feel as if I’m worth nothing. Even studying a career which I dislike to get more money so I can leave home, I’ve tried everything to break free, but it seems I’m unable to no matter what. It’s like a curse. I’ve taken the path of Ascension a while ago, and this relationship is like a distillate of everything I’m trying to leave behind. What am I supposed to learn from this? Am I supposed to break free or heal this relationship, and if so, how?

Answer: All souls create their own reality and bring to themselves that which they wanted to experience so they could learn from it. You see all this as a negative instead of examining your feelings about each event and seeing why it affects you the way it does. You have sabotaged yourself by giving her the power to control you and your education. Explore ways to use your training. Get a job and get out from under her.


CD from Romania asks the Masters: What should I do to return to a peaceful life? There is one person (boss) who seek to destroy me. Don't understand why so much hatred against me. Is this situation without an exit? Should I change the job? I simply don't get it...what is to be learn from it?

Answer: Your boss does not like your attitude and the fact that you strive to be happy instead of miserable as the boss is constantly. This is a lesson about honoring yourself and making decisions that will allow you to be who you wish in an environment you desire. Do what feels right to you.



Luciana from Brazil asks the Masters: I had a friend whom I was very attached to. I am a lonely person that's why I think we were close friends however with years I noticed that this attachment was bad to me. I was leaving behind who I wanted to be - a happy person, free from problems and dramas because we argued so much. Four months ago, I got to stop talking to her and we aren't friends anymore but it has been hard for me because I am not getting to forget her even knowing she is not good for me and my life. Is there something related to past lives between us? How can I live my own life without this feeling that hurts so much?

Answer: This has nothing to do with any past lives. You are so desperate to have friends that you were doing everything you thought she wanted you to do without any concern for whether or not you wanted to do it. That was why it was so destructive to you because you were becoming a copy of her negative energy. She wanted only to manipulate and control you for her own benefit. This was a lesson in learning to love yourself and honor your own journey.

A.V. from Brazil asks the Masters: With time my intuition started to improve a lot. I utilize it to help some friends by giving them advice and sharing my insights. The thing is that some have said that I should study psychology because I have such a good talent for that, but I don't know if I want to make it a career. How can I pursue this in a way to help more people? Am I actually helping them or just saying what I think that they want to hear?

Answer: You are very sensitive to the feelings of others and have the ability to make suggestions that will help them through difficult situations. That is what most psychologists do. You are doing it from a spiritual awareness of the energy everyone carries instead of from book learning. This would fit you well for a career if you are so inclined. You could also open more to your intuition and do readings for people. You are providing insights for those you assist. How far you want to take this ability, and in what direction, is part of your freedom of choice.
Gabriele from Brazil asks the Masters: I would like to understand about the end up of the relationship I had with a man called Jonas, that occurred 10 years ago. I never have stopped loving him and, from time to time, I dream about him and all the feelings returns intensely as if it was yesterday. I never have known about the reason for the breakup and, in that epoch, I tried to commit suicide.

Answer: For you the relationship was a fantasy of your creation. He did not like the fact that you had your own sense of reality, which did not go well with his. You have always wanted to reconstruct what you thought you had, and that is why it can be so intense when you think about it. You have the choice to remain in this state of imagination or find someone with whom you will be truthful.
M.S.D. from Finland asks the Masters: I am wondering whether My husband’s soul is disbelieving of My love for him because our baby died two weeks before he was supposed to have been born? I know our son made this agreement with us before our birth, and it aligns very well with some past life of mine that I am not proud of. However, I think My husband is beginning to think this was a sign from God that I do not love him, or that marrying me is not his final destiny. I do not know if it is possible to fully communicate My love for him? Have we made an agreement with a soul to become our child in this life, whom we will bring up?

Answer: Your husband is superstitious and very religious because of organizations that tell him what to think and feel. His thoughts are all being programmed by others who have convinced him that you two are not to be, as witnessed by your tragedy. Mentioning that your baby was in on its return Home, has made him think you are crazy. He is not even considering the amount of love you have for him. It does not matter to him. What to do now must be influenced by your feelings in the matter – to stay or to go.

Allan from Brazil asks the Masters: Why can't I be happy at my job? What could I do to find something that could make me happy while not disturbing me financially?

Answer: Sadness, happiness, or satisfaction is determined by each person. If you do not think you should be happy, you will not be. If you have unreasonable expectations, you will never be satisfied. If you are judgmental, you will lean toward negativity and unfulfillment. The right connection is available to you if you make the effort to find it. Look for something for which you are qualified and then give it time to conform to your desires.

Leila from Brazil asks the Masters: It’s been 3 years since I’ve separated from my ex husband and I’m having a hard time to get involved with somebody else again. I’m ready and willing to have a new relationship. Why this is not happening?
Answer: You still are spending too much time thinking about your ex and that is blocking the energy of others to come to you. Don’t compare everyone you meet with him. Be very open in your communications. Tell only the truth of your own feelings, not what you think they want to hear – that is where things started to go wrong before.
Maru from Finland asks the Masters: Could you please tell me, why I have nightly visits by beings whose "treatments" hurt me so much. I wake up to that pain. Why I don't get any information about what's happening. Are they malevolent beings? How I could protect myself? Could I have conversation with them, how?

Answer: Your soul is traveling while your human body is resting. You have the ability to speak with these beings. All you have to do is open the conversation. You are attending a healing school where the students both learn and treat each other. The bodies are not that similar to human bodies so that is why you have such a reaction. After speaking with them you can decide not to return even though you have plenty to learn from them.
Raquel from Portugal asks the Masters: My husband suffers from chronic pelvic pain that no doctor can figure out the cause. What can we do to make him feel no more pain and cure him?
[In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Their observations are spirit-based and concern life lessons. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.]
Answer: He is re-experiencing an injury from a prior life, and he will continue feeling it until he resolves all the anxiety over his death in that life. A past-life regression or visiting it while in a deep meditation will allow him to explore and understand.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from links below.
  1. <contact@mastersofthespiritworld.com>
  2. http://www.mastersofthespiritworld.com/?page_id=587
  3. https://www.facebook.com/Reincarnation-Guide-137191392985848/


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

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publicado por achama às 02:25
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

mais sobre mim

Dezembro 2019


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