A Chama da Ascensão


Quarta-feira, 04 / 12 / 19


Emmanuel Dagher.


Your Monthly Spiritual Roadmap

December 01, 2019.




Hi my friend,

Happy Holidays! We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it.

In the last few months, many of us have noticed a lot of internal and external shifts in our lives, and in the world.

We may have even noticed that we’re being called to make big changes that weren’t on our radar until recently.

This is all leading to the foundational shifts that will take center stage in 2020, which will help reshape the landscape of our collective realities forever.

I am excited to share more on that, and will offer more details in the January 2020 Energy Forecast.

Resolutions and Dissolutions

As 2019 comes to completion, we have an opportunity to resolve old patterns and habits that have prevented us from living our best lives.

Some of these patterns and habits include:

Choosing to operate from fear, survival, and victim consciousness
Choosing to operate from judgment of ourselves and others
Choosing to need the approval of others (giving away our power)
Choosing to believe that our way is the only way
Choosing to believe that prosperity and spirituality are separate (which immediately creates a lack consciousness)
Choosing to believe that we must censor or hide some part of ourselves
Choosing to partake in competition and struggle
Choosing to believe that we are separate in any way from the Universe and all of Life
All of these examples are simply patterns and habits that have nothing to do with who we are at our core. The mind created these patterns and habits out of a need to be in control, and to feel safe.

We have the opportunity now to completely dissolve the limiting habits we have been attaching ourselves to.

We also have the opportunity to align with new patterns and habits that support us in being our freest, most authentic selves.

Whatever you have been allowing to cause you angst—a strain in an important relationship, or attachments to people, places, experiences, beliefs, or anything keeping you fearful and in lack—now is the time to address and resolve it!

When we are no longer distracted by patterns and habits that hold us back, we are free to be open and available to living our lives to the fullest, allowing all of life’s blessings to wash over every area of our lives. 

A Magical Time to Be Present

The holiday season is an excellent time to remind ourselves to be fully anchored in the present moment.

When we anchor ourselves in the present, we operate from our most expanded and empowered self.

Anchoring ourselves in the presents allows us to be open to miracles, insights, opportunities, synchronicities, and blessings that we may otherwise not have noticed.

Anchoring ourselves in the present moment allows us to transcend the illusions of time.

It’s from this space of no-time (a place of nonattachment) that our greatest, most desired intentions can manifest.

Here are some simple things we can do to anchor ourselves in the present:

Spend more time exploring and enjoying Nature, such as walking or standing on the Earth in shoes that are not rubber-soled
Expressing gratitude often throughout the day
Sing, dance, or find other ways to give ourselves a creative outlet that feels expansive
Be fully aware of our five senses—taking quiet moments to notice the sounds, shapes, colors, tastes, textures, and scents all around us
Have a big belly laugh daily
Look into the eyes of everyone we encounter throughout the day
It’s in the present moment that most of our freedom is experienced, because we are no longer bound to the illusions and habits of the past, or worries about the future.

Consciously choosing to ground ourselves in the present moment leads to a life lived from a state of grace, flow, and ease.

Support and Love

As this year comes to completion, this is an excellent time to reflect and get clear on what we’d like more of in our lives.

Here are some questions to ask ourselves, to get greater clarity on what we want to create more of:

“What does my life look like when I am at peace and happy?”
“What are some things I enjoyed doing as a child that I can integrate into my life now?”
“What actions or situations feel expansive and good to me?”
Answering these questions can help us get clear on what we really want to experience more of.

Once we have that clarity, it becomes easier to take action and to ask for support.

Most of us hesitate to ask for support from others, either because we’re unclear on the kind of support we desire, or because we were conditioned to believe that getting what we want takes something away from someone else, creating a burden for them.

There’s also the belief that, “If I ask for help from others, they’ll expect me to return the favor.”

Life is about sharing this human experience with our sisters and brothers. And an important aspect of the human experience is being part of a community.

We are here to share our blessings with one another. If you are surrounded by people who do not want to support or help you, it’s usually a reflection of how you’ve been treating yourself or others.

Are you generous with your support towards yourself and others? Do you offer support to others without expecting anything in return?

Does it feel easy and fun for you to share your blessings with the world?

When you can fully answer “yes” to these questions, you will notice that support is abundantly available in your life.

When we express what we desire with the Universe and those around us by asking for support, we open ourselves up to receiving opportunities we might not have had a chance to experience otherwise.

The Universe wants to give us everything we’ve ever desired for ourselves. It’s just a matter of how open we are to receiving it.

If you ever find yourself feeling unsupported, find an opportunity to support someone else, even if it’s someone you don’t know very well.

This act of kindness will shift the energies for you. It will open your mind, eyes, and heart to knowing that life is much more than hiding or separating ourselves from others.

It’s about living, loving, and sharing our gifts and our presence openly.

The Magic of the Season

More often than not, this time of year offers a unique glimpse into what direction we are moving in as a whole, in our collective consciousness.

This happens most easily this time of year, when most people are more open to the magic and wonder that is actually available to us at any time of year.

This often allows people to put aside their differences, while practicing more kindness, care, and compassion.

Because of this, each year during this season, we all move up another step on the ladder of consciousness. We begin to move further out of the world of separation, and into a world of peace, love, and respect for all life.

If you are someone who has closed yourself off from the extra magic available to us this time of year, don’t be too hard on yourself! Just know that if you desire it, it’s available to you.

During this holiday season, let’s love and adore the three-year-old child within us, and in every person we meet.

This is the part of us that just wants to be loved, accepted, and nurtured. We as adults now get to offer this love to our inner child, and the inner child of all those we encounter.

Happy Holidays!

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,
I want to let you know about something really special . . .

I'll be teaming up with my dear soul friends Anita MoorjaniSunny Dawn Johnston, and most importantly, YOU, for a healing experience in Sedona, Arizona from May 29 - 31, 2020.

I'll be teaming up with my dear soul friends Anita MoorjaniSunny Dawn Johnston, and most importantly, YOU, for a healing experience in Sedona, Arizona from May 29 - 31, 2020.
CLICK HERE or use this link to learn more: https://afterlifeprocesshealing.com/   

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:07
Quarta-feira, 04 / 12 / 19

Love: The Keystone in the Ascension Arch


Steve Beckow.

Golden Age of Gaia.

Posted December 4, 2019 by Wes Annac.


We’ve looked a little bit at Oneness as a foundation for building Nova Earth.

My inner guide is steering me now towards the discussion of what we may consider the keystone of the arch of Ascension – love.

When I talk about love, peace, bliss, etc., I’m assuming that you know that I’m not talking about what we ordinarily experience as those states.

If you’ve ever had a peak experience, an “Aha!” moment, or a realization, you’ll remember that that state was ever so much deeper (I’m reluctant now to say “higher,” but, since we think in terms of “higher,” I’ll continue to use that metaphor) than our ordinary consciousness.

Similarly when I say love, peace, or bliss, I’m referring to a state that is ever so much higher (or deeper) than what we normally experience.


I think we all agree that love is all there is. That may not make complete sense to us, but it’s the truth regardless. It’s more evident at the higher (or deeper) levels of existence than it is here.

Here, we’re slogging through the mud of lower-dimensionality. Thoughts and experiences of love are few and far between. We’re often tired from the daily struggle and grind (compared to how we’d feel higher-dimensionally).

Let me offer a metaphor. When I add maple syrup to my morning oatmeal (I’ve come to love porridge since my hospital stay), it pours into my bowl. But some of it crystalizes around the top. It’s still maple syrup but hardened. And I love chipping it off and eating it.

Similarly love crystalizes, so to speak, at these lower dimensions, but it flows not only freely but copiously at the higher dimensions.

But metaphors are difficult to apply. If I say “flow,” we may think of a river, overflowing its banks and washing everything away in its path. Love’s flow – the inner tsunami – isn’t like that. Yes, it sweeps all our concerns from us, but it doesn’t sweep us off our feet.

It’s a flow but not an intrusive one, which is why, I imagine, higher-dimensional beings can carry on normally although anchored in its flow.

The touch of this river of love is totally transformative. And this again is a difference between it and ordinary “love.” When I experience ordinary love and you say something that annoys me, I abandon my loving state and become irritated.

Not so with the higher form of love. It transforms all lower feelings rather than being overwhelmed by them. I remain unperturbed and, well, loving. Big difference.

So with that as introduction, let me in my next article bring in what some of our sources say about love. There is no subject more important.




Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 19:53
Quarta-feira, 04 / 12 / 19

Cisco Wheeler Claims She Was Born Into a Illuminati Family, Subjected to Mind Control, and Used as a Child Sex Slave to Political “Elites”, Including US Presidents

Producer/ Interviewer 

Wayne Morris


Posted December 3, 2019 by Edward Morgan.

Painting by Akiane Kramarik.


CKLN 88.1 FM Ryerson Polytechnical University Toronto, Ontario
Mind Control Series
Producer/ Interviewer Wayne Morris:
Good morning, and welcome to The International Connection. We are in week #40 in our radio series on mind control, and today we begin an interview with Cisco Wheeler, co-author of “The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Mind Controlled Slave” and other books about trauma-based conditioning.
Cisco is a mind control victim of one of the Illuminati families. She is a descendant of Ulysses S. Grant and has managed to gain a certain amount of freedom from her family’s control.
She is currently working with Fritz Springmeier to help other victims of mind control heal. Cisco rarely does interviews, so we are very fortunate to be able to bring you this interview with Cisco Wheeler.
I would like to start off by asking you what your background is and how you first became involved in trauma-based conditioning mind control.
Cisco Wheeler:
I was first involved as an infant. My father came from a transgenerational satanic family. My life was planned according to a particular structure, from the beginning, as my father was a programmer for the Illuminati and the U.S. government.
Wayne Morris:
What political/military connections did your family have that you are aware of?
Cisco Wheeler:
We had a very strong political background. My father had political connections; my Great Uncle was General Earl Grant Wheeler, he was a direct descendant of Ulysses Grant. General Earl Wheeler was the head of the American military in the Vietnam War. He was the Joint Chief of Staff so we had a very strong political background. My father was also a Grand Master within the Illuminati.
He worked on the west coast during the Vietnam War with his uncle who headed the military, to run drugs into this country to create a drug culture. The purpose of that was to destroy the structure within the family unit. The drug culture was the real purpose behind the Vietnam War. My father was also with the USO shows in the military as he was a musician; he was also involved with the CIA; and he was a 33rd degree Mason.
Because of his being a Grand Master within the Illuminati, he was very strongly connected to America’s political sturcture. Because of the generational ties within the Illuminati, from the planned time of my conception, I entered into a world that was well structured, and well planned. And as a structured slave within the Illuminati, I too became connected to America’s political structure. As a small child I was groomed to sexually service the so-called elite within this political structure.
Wayne Morris:
Are you talking people in the White House?
Cisco Wheeler:
Yes. President Eisenhower is the first president that I remember. He befriended me as a small child. I would sit on his lap, sang to him, there were sexual gestures back and forth. I was being trained. I entertained governors, mayors, ministers. I was trained in sexual activity there, and I was part of the Illuminati function within the British Royal Family during elite meetings.
Wayne Morris:
How young do you remember when you started being subjected to trauma conditioning … from birth?
Cisco Wheeler:
I was traumatized in the womb.
Wayne Morris:
How did you first realize that your family was connected with the Illuminati?
Cisco Wheeler:
If you understand multliplicity, you understand there are many layers in the system. Because there are many layers, parts of ourself knew, and had many memories of certain things happening in our life, but the front part of our system that faced the outside world, they had no recall or memory at all that associated them to Illuminati programming or trauma based mind control. So if I speak for the front part of our mind, they knew nothing was wrong at all, outside of knowing they had a very abusive childhood.
They didn’t really know anything was wrong until my father died. When he died, that freed our mind to be able to retrieve memory, and at that point, they understood something was wrong. They started hearing voices and having flashbacks and having information that was retrieved, that they knew they didn’t have a “history” of and they couldn’t figure out what happened.
Where did this come from? This isn’t the way I think. Why would I be thinking about sexual issues when I have no recall of ever being sexually abused or why do I remember that I was in a certain place but yet I don’t remember … it’s all second hand. Do you understand what I am saying?
So, it wasn’t until after my father died that they started breaking down the hypnotic walls within the mind that protected me from knowing what happened. Over a period of time, because of memory retrieval and flashbacks, and the trauma it was causing, they became extremely suicidal and they didn’t believe in suicide, they sought help. They went into a hospital for nine weeks and started working with a therapist, and after a time period they realized it wasn’t normal to want to die when your father died, and we found out there was a real deep problem.
Wayne Morris:

Did these initial therapists that you worked with have knowledge of mind control or trauma based conditioning techniques at the time?
Cisco Wheeler:
Very vaguely. We were one of the first multiples diagnosed in this area and we basically worked with our therapist and she learned. She made a commitment to us, and what she didn’t know, she found out.
Wayne Morris:
Your father was your main handler and programmer, and how old were you when he died?
Cisco Wheeler:

My father was my handler and programmer, and I was forty years old when he died.
Wayne Morris:
How did you manage to break free of your family’s control of your life at that time? Did other people step in …
Cisco Wheeler:

When the Master dies, generally the slave also dies, but because of our determination to fight the programming and to get to the bottom of what was happening within our mind, we were able to fight the suicide programming. From there we started a journey into understanding that we were a structured multiple which we didn’t even know what that was … that we had a long road ahead of us, a hard road to travel.
Wayne Morris:
Did you have to travel that alone or did other people help you?
Cisco Wheeler:
No. I had a very strong support team. Several people in my support team were also victims of mind control.
Wayne Morris:

The people that weren’t, they had an understanding of the mind control techniques?
Cisco Wheeler:

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 13:26
Quarta-feira, 04 / 12 / 19

Ask The Masters, 2019/12/03

The Celestial Voices.

Through Toni and Sonia.

Posted December 3rd, 2019. 


A preview of the Masters’ Tuesdays Teachings:

The Masters have advice and encouragement for a woman in the USA whose childhood experience of abuse motivates her to want to help others dealing with this trauma.

The dreams of a Brazilian woman seem out of reach. The Masters provide a reality check along with suggestions.

A UK woman wonders about manifestation, predestination, and ability to create. The Masters clarify.
You may read these questions and answers on the Messages page of the Masters' website: http://www.mastersofthespiritworld.com/.
For translations of The Masters' Reincarnation Handbook, click on this link: http://celestialvoicesinc.com/?page_id=24 - or the Bookstore tab on the Masters' website.
Download your free handbook from the Masters in the new French translation or any of the other ELEVEN (so far) languages listed.

Love, Light and Laughter,
Toni and Sonia.
Celestial Voices, Inc 




The Questions:


Will it help others to tell of my abuse?

QUESTION: Masters I was sexually abused by a trusted adult for many years as a child. I am healing and learning about how this ties into my lessons for this lifetime. I have felt the urge to help people who have suffered this type of abuse. I want to write and speak publicly about my experience, resilience, and healing. However, childhood sexual abuse is a very heavy topic. I have been reading teachings that encourage people to move away from thoughts that don’t feel good. Naturally, it doesn’t feel good to dwell on abuse, but I know how prevalent this type of abuse is, and I believe I have the power to help others. I also feel compelled to shine a light on this epidemic of abuse. I know only I can decide to do from here, but a nudge in the right direction would be helpful. Am I meant to help others through this work? ~Shauna, United States.

[In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Their observations are spirit-based and concern life lessons. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.]

ANSWER: Most of the readings where people are told to step away from their unpleasant sensations have to do with one of two things. The first is standard psychology where the therapist tells the person to assume coping mechanisms that cover up the sadness and don’t do anything to heal or understand the causes.

The second is the spiritual principle of manifestation where the soul chooses between negative and positive energies. These choices are most easily accomplished by going into the cause and removing the trigger that is coming out as discomfort. It is in this second category that the work you suggest would benefit so many people.

Sexual abuse is a hot button issue everywhere these days, and the “me too” movement has allowed some women to speak out for the first time because judgment is set aside and their experiences are being dealt with as a stumbling block to mental health.

You fully understand the spiritual growth to awareness as to why you have chosen to experience this abuse. You may not be able to talk to everyone in spiritual terms, such as freedom of choice, but you can allow them to see that the guilt, lack of self-worth, and hiding from their trauma can be reversed.

As you have said, the choice is yours. Be assured that the path will not be easy but the benefits can be substantial. Letting others know they have a voice and can change the way they see themselves is monumental. Know that your first target group will be women’s safe houses and clubs. Start slowly and the demand for your words will continue to rise.

Where is my money?

QUESTION: Masters I have worked all my life, (almost retiring) but I’ve never had enough money to make my dreams come true. Why I don’t have enough money to buy a house, travel abroad with my children? All doors are locked to my dreams. Why? I pray for understanding and to be happy when other people are happy and their dreams are coming true (when mine are not). What am I doing wrongly? How can I go on? Help me please. I want wisdom to live my life! This planet is so beautiful, I’d like to travel and learn other cultures. I also want wisdom to guide my children as good human beings. ~Simone, Brazil.

ANSWER: Where do you get the idea that you had planned to have a life anything different than you have experienced? Not everyone will be able to attain everything that they can possibly imagine within their lifetime. The important thing is that you have learned the lessons you came for and understand who you are as a soul.

Dreams can be totally unreasonable, and what happens for someone else may have been done merely for you to observe and learn from the observation. You chose the situation in which you find yourself. Making the best of what you have will bring you happiness if you allow it to.

Wisdom is the result of understanding what something is and why it has occurred. It is not just a knowing of the possibilities but the probabilities existing within your environment. It is an examination of the results of your choices and what you have learned from understanding them.

Your present situation does not have to continue unless you keep seeing it as the extent to which you can grow. When you consistently tell yourself you don’t have what you desire, the universe thinks that is the way you want to live, so it accommodates you.

When you retire, explore the possibility of volunteering in other lands. Study up on customs in places you would like to visit so you will fit right in. Express to your children that they do create their own realities but they have to have the building blocks before they can build it.


QUESTION: Masters, would you share with us your thoughts on manifesting, where thoughts create physical realities into 3D form? Are some events and things pre-destined already? And can we create whatever we desire to experience from a state of love and non-resistance? ~Kerry, UK.

ANSWER: All souls are pieces of Source energy and therefore have the same powers and abilities that Source contains. That is your essence when in energetic form and carries over into an incarnation only to the extent that it does not interfere with the choices made for learning in that life.

For instance, you could theoretically heal or regrow an injured appendage if your lesson did not consist of learning to deal with the limitations imposed by that condition. But it could be done after the lessons of dependency and flexibility were achieved.

Manifestation is the method by which a soul creates their own reality in a human plane. The purpose of it is to promote the educational process by producing the ideal environment for the chosen lessons.

Since the purpose a soul incarnates is to learn about using the powers they have and the tests they chose, enlightenment comes only through unconditional love, faith, and trust in who you are. Every time you learn something and incorporate it into your human existence, you are manifesting your future for that lifetime.

Nothing is absolute in the learning process, so nothing is wholly predestined or predetermined. Loose goals are chosen for the direction of your existence, and your freedom of choice decides how they will progress.

The idea of manifestation has many envisioning successes and riches. That can be a part of your life, but it is not the ultimate destination. Use it to complete your chosen life lessons and then move on to the enjoyment phase that is left over before you return Home.




Reincarnation Guide



Italo from Brazil asks the Masters: I recently lost my uncle, I would like to know about his transition, why he suffered so much and if he has anything to tell us?

Answer: He fought his transition out of fear of where he was going – he didn’t need to worry. He took a while to acclimate to the unconditional love, but now he is laughing about all the trouble he caused himself. What happened to him was part of the lessons both for himself and for those who observed what was going on. Examine what you learned so you don’t have to duplicate anything.



M. from India asks the Masters: I am experiencing difficulty in expressing my thoughts in language other than native. Why it is so? All these years I still not comfortable. Did I choose this? Also I am not able to adjust in society and can't survive in glamour, fake, materialistic environment at work. If Coworkers are productive, humble and spiritual then I am comfortable. What should I do?

Answer: Not all humans have an ability to learn languages other than the one with which they are raised and are constantly using. You did not think it would be very important to you and you have spent more time on other talents. You need to stop judging others by the expectations you have for yourself. Everyone is learning different lessons and you don’t need to involve yourself in their studies. Just do your own work and ignore what others are doing.



Theus from Brazil asks the Masters: I usually have many new beginnings in my life, and I feel during these processes, as if something inside me is almost dead and then reborn, I don't know if they are signs of the awakening of consciousness, because in this process I feel deep but not physical internal pains. after one try passes, but I come to see life with other values, and feel more connected and connected to spiritual belief!

Answer: Not only are you going through the process of enlightenment, it is accompanied by the changing of belief systems that end one set of rules and open to another. This has no physical pain because it is all energetic. The deepness is the emotional change that also takes place. All is as you desired it to be, so keep going.



Lígia from Brazil asks the Masters: For some time now, I realized that my relationships no longer make sense, either my loving relationship, some family members and others of friendship. but I feel bad about it. Looks like I'm doing it wrong. I'm very sleepy when I'm with these people, I really wish I could be living more in nature. but I know I have some things to do yet. But I'm very tired

Answer: You are an energetic being who has been a source of nutrition for others who are constantly siphoning off your energy for their own use. Most of the contact you have with these people is because they want to take from you. You do not need to have any continued interaction with them. Step back and examine your feelings about everything around you, and then spend time until you understand why they are present. You are the only one who can understand yourself.


Meire from Brazil asks the Masters: I've met a wonderful person, I've actually known him for years, but we got involved in about two and a half months, we had a giant vibration, a lot of chemistry and a lot of love, but he's been separated for many years, but the ex is crazy and He has no courage to take on any relationship, afraid of the damage that may cause the daughter's head, he told me that with me, he thought he would have strength, but cannot. I told him that he can't spend his life, alone in an apartment, waiting for his daughter to call and looking at the ceiling, I've tried everything to make him open an option, but I don't want to be in this impasse, as if I had something with a committed man, What do I do? I wait, try again, or keep the good memories and follow my life? I need answers, this is troubling my heart too much.

Answer: Your answers are inside of you. What are you willing to put up with? He is not going to change for two reasons. First, he is truly afraid of his ex, and second, he is too lazy. He would have to give up his way of being able to spend time with women such as yourself without repercussions and having no need to commit. If you think he will change, then stick around. If you want to have something permanent, it will not be with him.

Regina from Brazil asks the Masters: Why, even acting so lovingly in my professional work since always, I have not achieved financial prosperity to this day?

Answer: There is a limit to what degree of success you can reach in your current situation. You must make a leap of faith and go in a different direction that has prospects for more money.

Jrr from the US asks the Masters: What does my most recent ex think of himself now, as well as what does he think of me, now that so much has changed between us, how does he truly feel about where he is in life now?

Answer: Your ex is flustered that things never seem to work out the way he wants them to. He is a control freak and doesn’t like you standing up for yourself. He fears anything he cannot manipulate. He is confused that so much has changed and he has lost so much control over his world.
Laurel from the US asks the Masters: Why do I have such a need to be alone and away from people? Why does being around people cause me so much anxiety?

Answer: You have always had trust issues since you have been betrayed, abandoned, and abused in the past. You feel safer when you don’t have to deal with anyone else and their ideas of who and what you should be and do. Spending time alone removes all the stress of dealing with your issues and theirs. There is nothing wrong with this, and it makes your life a lot easier. You have freedom of choice to exist as you please. But when you want, don’t be afraid to venture forth

Matheus from Brazil asks the Masters: I have tried many energetic therapies like Reiki, Reconnective Healing, and many others, but I don’t feel anything. I tried learning dowsing(radiesthesia), but the pendulum does not move. I feel like my energetic channels are closed. How can I be more open to feel these energies?

Answer: You are sabotaging everything you are trying because you start out with a preconceived notion of what you will see happen. Clear your mind, get rid of expectations, relax, and open your senses to maximum. Try the things you have tried before, or see if you can sense the energy (life force) in an animal, the pulsations of a tree, or the stored energy in a crystal. You have to relax, be open, and practice.
L. from Brazil asks the Masters: A few years ago I met a boy we had a relationship in which I was very happy. We mismatched and now we meet again. I feel a deep connection with this boy, does he belong to my soul group?

Answer: He is not a part of your soul group. He likes you but is not in a mood to commit to anything permanent. Do only what you really want to do; don’t be lulled by the past.
Piia from Finland asks the Masters: My mother passed away nearly 10 months ago. Something happened between my siblings - what is this? I feel calm and almost happy for my mother but almost everything else in my life is messed up. I feel like being in the end of an era. Will this turn to good again?

Answer: You create how you feel. Want to be happy? Think happy thoughts. Remember the best times of your life. Your siblings are not handling your mother’s death very well because they are blaming themselves and each other for not being there more for her. It is all a mirroring of how they sense they would feel in the same circumstances. Send them unconditional love that they might understand it is all part of a life lesson.
Cheryl from the US asks the Masters: my 8 year old daughter seems sensitive with a much deeper spiritual connection or aura. What is it? Is it something related to a past life, or does she see or sense spirit?
Answer: Your daughter does not have total amnesia of her prior lives and remains connected to some nonphysical souls. She senses energy and can tell when someone is near. She can do what she wishes with this in the future as long as she learns the difference between the negative and positive energies. Her guides will assist her.
Maggie from the US asks the Masters: I recently have discovered that I’m part witch and have empath abilities. I was wondering how can I enhance both the witch and my empath abilities?
Answer: With your connections to the Earth and the energy of the planet, you need to always be conscious of what is around you. Empathic energy can become overwhelming if you just take it in and never ground it. Sample it, see what you can do to assist the person and then release it to the Earth. What some people call a witch, we call a person who is accepting of the fact that they are a piece of Source energy with all the attendant powers and abilities. Practicing the use of your latent abilities is the best way to strengthen them.
Lu from Brazil asks the Masters: Could you at this stage tell me something that could contribute to my evolution?
Answer: Stop trying to find easy answers or ways to escape taking responsibility for your decisions. Be aware of everything that comes near you, because you draw to yourself that which you wish to experience.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from links below.
  1. <contact@mastersofthespiritworld.com>
  2. http://www.mastersofthespiritworld.com/?page_id=587
  3. https://www.facebook.com/Reincarnation-Guide-137191392985848/


Tanks to Celestial Voices, Inc



No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 10:03
Quarta-feira, 04 / 12 / 19

Showing Compassion

The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

Posted December 3rd, 2019





If you do not have compassion for one other thing, have compassion for those who are static and stale in their thinking. 

The sleeping, unwavering mind needs your love far more than any other.  



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 09:31
Quarta-feira, 04 / 12 / 19

We, The Arcturians and Pleiadians, Come to YOU!

The Arcturians,

Through Suzanne Lie.

Posted December 3rd, 2019.




We havecome to Earth to remind all our 

"Volunteers to assist Gaia,"

That the fifth dimensional versions of Planet EARTH is moving towards :The Now of the ONE" 

Of YOUR experiences of REALITY IN THE 



In other words, we, 
the members of your Galactic Family, 
have come to assist you to remember your
Fifth dimensional Expression of SELF, as well as, 

all your third, fourth, and, fifth 
third, fourth, and, fifth dimensional expressions of SELF, 
to adjust your personal frequencies of reality 
to the upper fourth and fifth dimensional 
frequencies of Gaia's Planetary Body!
These frequencies of reality are being visited,  more and more
  by the:

"Ones who have remembered the fifth dimensional 
Versions of Gaia's Planet Earth!

We thank you for your great assistance so far 
and look forward to meeting you all again
in the Fifth Dimension of Reality


Chakra and Chakra--Breathe by Breath

you will begin to remember your 

YOU will RETURN to the NOW of the ONE
of the Fifth Dimension and Beyond
We, your Galactic Family ask that you share your experiences with others
and please remember that WE, your own  Higher Dimensional Expressions of your SELF are ALWAY WITH YOU!
as well as all the members of your true GALACTIC SELF.

Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life. She continues to regularly share her experiences and Arcturian teachings on her blog, Awakening with Suzanne Lie, and she wishes to help awakening ones come out of hiding and allow the glory of their highest expression of SELF into their everyday life.
Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 09:24
Quarta-feira, 04 / 12 / 19

5G brain damage explains why so many people in cities are going mental


By Mike Adams.


Mike Adams

If you've ever wondered why the high population density cities seem to be experiencing an acceleration of mass mental illness, 5G telecomm towers may provide the answer.

According to recent research, 5G radiation causes behavioral and even personality changes in human beings exposed to the electromagnetic pollution.

5G towers are, in essence, driving people insane. And now we're seeing it happen in cities across America.


Image: 5G radiation causes BEHAVIOR changes in humans, causes ion potentiation poisoning of brain cells, leading to mass insanity.


5G radiation causes BEHAVIOR changes in humans, causes ion potentiation poisoning of brain cells, leading to mass insanity.

(Natural News

If you’re wondering why people who live in 5G rollout areas seem to be going insane, it’s not your imagination. 5G radiation causes “neuropsychiatric” effects through a mechanism described as ion potentiation poisoning of brain cells, according to research published in Environmental Research.
This results in behavioral changes and even personality changes among those who are routinely exposed, researchers found. In other words, 5G is a weapon system that doubles as a telecommunications infrastructure, but the real impact is to damage human brain function and destroy rationality, reason and civility, especially among those who live in high population cities where 5G towers are becoming ubiquitous. That’s why you may have noticed increased insanity and widespread mental derangement in those areas.
I’ve published an important podcast that details the mass mental illness now being caused by 5G exposure. Watch it on Brighteon.com, the free speech alternative to YouTube (you can create your own account there for free and post your own videos, too).
See all my podcasts and special reports at the H.R.R. channel on Brighteon, and click “subscribe” under any video to subscribe to the channel. Create your own free account on Brighteon.com to subscribe to any channel you like. There is zero shadowbanning on Brighteon.com. You get to see every video from every channel you follow.

More news on 5g

  1. 5G radiation causes BEHAVIOR changes in humans, causes ion potentiation poisoning of brain cells, leading to mass insanity
  2. Big Tech is now banning ALL “unauthorized comments” about vaccines, including vaccine ingredients, side effects, autism, etc. – censorship is about way more than just politics!
  3. BOMBSHELL: 5G devices exposed as actual beam weapon systems by man who disassembles them on camera and finds weaponized electronics inside
  4. America is flying blind into a potentially disastrous health catastrophe: The ‘5G revolution’ could bring the ‘5G apocalypse’
  5. WiFi and EMF exposure causes DNA damage through peroxynitrite production in the body; antioxidants can shield the body from chemical oxidation
  6. WiFi, 5G and EMF pollution can cause PSYCHIATRIC effects in humans, plus spontaneous abortions, infertility and cellular DNA damage
  7. Even Scientific American admits that 5G could devastate public health
  8. Will “small government” Republicans let the telecom industry take over your local government and fast track 5G?
  9. Thousands of new satellites to carpet bomb the planet with 5G radiation… and there’s nowhere you can hide
  10. 5G drones to blanket the nation, beaming down cancer-causing radiation from the skies… and there’s nowhere they can’t find you

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 09:23
Quarta-feira, 04 / 12 / 19

Foreign Accent Syndrome: a Curious and Extremely Rare Brain Condition

Lottie Miles.


Posted December 3rd, 2019.

Foreign Accent Syndrome.


Foreign Accent Syndrome (FAS) is a rare speech disorder that can happen after a head injury, stroke, or some other form of damage to the brain and sees you suddenly start speaking with a different accent beyond your control.
This condition is extremely rare, with only around 100 people known to have been diagnosed since the first recorded case in 1907. But what causes this little known condition that causes the adoption of a new accent and the loss of part of a person’s identity in the process?
In this post, we will look at what the different explanations for Foreign Accent Syndrome are, its symptoms, how it gets diagnosed, and what treatment options you have if FAS strikes.
What Is Foreign Accent Syndrome?
FAS is characterized by the patient taking on a new accent to their native language, with examples more common amongst speakers of English as a native language but not restricted to English speakers.
FAS can involve changes in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary as well as changes in phonological intonation. It is important to note that the person’s voice sounds foreign both to themselves and the person they are speaking to.
What Are the Causes?
As already mentioned, FAS is usually caused by some form of stress caused to the brain causing a brain lesion. Specifically, when there is damage to the left-hand side of the brain in the Broca’s area which is linked to speech production, there is a heightened risk of FAS.
However, more recently, a study by McWhirtner et al. for the BMJ found there may also be a psychological component to the disorder. Indeed, even when there has been structural damage to the brain, this study found that psychology could also be involved.
The medical literature breaks FAS down into 3 main types which each have unique characteristics:
  1. Neurogenic (eg. linked to structural damage caused to the brain from things like a stroke, brain injury, aneurysms, etc.)
  2. Psychogenic (eg. where there is no apparent structural damage to the brain but where the person may have suffered emotional or mental stress or psychological or psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia)
  3. Mixed (where there is structural damage to the brain but there seems to be a psychogenic component).
What Are the Symptoms of Foreign Accent Syndrome?
Examples of FAS include a British lady called Julia Matthias who started speaking with an accent somewhere between French and Chinese after she was involved in a car accident. An American woman suffered a headache one night and woke up speaking in a combination of British, Irish and Australian accents.
However, cases have also been reported of a 44-year-old Japanese lady speaking with a Korean accent and a Spanish person taking on a Hungarian one.
Other common symptoms include things like:
  • Difficulty pronouncing certain sound clusters, particularly consonant clusters, such as S-P-L in words like “Splash”
  • Vowels and consonants may be reduced, made simpler, or appear unarticulated or broken.
  • Intonation and stress on words may become more frequent, ie. rather than highlighting some words through stress or tone, someone with FAS may highlight every word
  • Sounds requiring the tongue to tap against the roof of your mouth can become problematic
  • The “uh” sound can frequently be added within words
Can This Syndrome Be Medically Diagnosed?
If you notice symptoms like the ones above or any other changes in your normal speech, it is a good idea to seek medical help. Changes in the way you speak can be a sign of more serious issues so you should not put off seeing a doctor when you notice a change. Doctors can diagnose FAS using a variety of tools, such as SPECT, PET, MRI or CT scans which provide detailed images of activity inside your brain.
As mentioned, FAS is incredibly rare. For this reason, if you do present with symptoms, you will need to see a variety of specialists to confirm a diagnosis. A speech and language pathologist can record your new accent and look into where the changes have occurred in order to rule out other types of speaking disorder.
A neurologist can interpret the CT and MRI scans, whilst a psychologist can help you deal with the potential emotional stress caused by the changes and seek to explore any psychological causes of FAS.
Going to sleep and waking up with a new accent can have a profound effect on people’s sense of self and make it feel like they have lost a vital part of their own identity. Indeed, the accent can sound strange and be unconnected to our class, educational level, and where we come from so it is easy to see how challenging this can be.
Can Foreign Accent Syndrome Be Treated?
Given the 3 different variants of FAS, there is a range of treatment options that people can try. In terms of targeting psychogenic causes and effects, these include speaking to a speech and language therapist who can give you targeted exercises targeting past pronunciation, counseling, and therapy to help you deal with your new identity.
You can also practice things like Psychological First Aid and positive affirmation to help you cope with the challenges thrown up by FAS.
On the neurogenic side, medication to prevent strokes, anti-seizure medication, and even surgery may be suitable treatment options. However, because the condition is so rare, more work needs to be done to understand the various treatment options and the causes of the condition itself.
Foreign Accent Syndrome is a very rare condition that can cause those who suffer it serious emotional distress due to the loss of identity associated with a change of accent.
It is important to seek medical advice if you notice any of the symptoms even if you are unaware that you may have suffered physical damage to the brain. Treatment is possible, as is a full recovery, however, more research needs to be done to better understand both the causes and treatments for FAS.

  1. https://www.utdallas.edu
  2. https://www.bbc.com
  3. https://www.healthline.com
  4. https://www.discovermagazine.com


Lottie Miles


About the Author: Lottie Miles

Lottie Miles is a professional researcher and writer with a passion for human rights. She has 4 years of experience working within the NGO sector and has a Masters Degree in Social Policy. She has a keen interest in exploring ways in which happiness habits can help to improve mental health and wellbeing. In her spare time, she likes doing crossword puzzles, painting and traveling.
Copyright © 2012-2019 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 09:20
Quarta-feira, 04 / 12 / 19

Could You Be Dating a Psychopath? 9 Signs to Watch out for

Sherrie Hurd.


Posted December 3, 2019.

Dating a Psychopath.


Yes, all relationships have problems, but some are far worse. Although rare, you could be dating a psychopath.

Dating has its own challenges, but when you start calling each other names, like psychopath or Maniac, it gets rough. Yes, it is possible that you could be dating a psychopathic person, but you really don’t know until you’ve researched the illness. In fact, the psychopath has physical differences which can be seen when looking at the brain. Of course, only a doctor can do this. As for the outer signs…

Are you dating a psychopath?
Let’s be honest, people throw around titles for others just because of a few strange characteristics. We often hear someone say, “He’s a narcissist”, or “She’s so bipolar”. You should never call each other derogatory names, especially if those names are real conditions. Those are serious personality issues and the person doing this could be just as sick as the other. So, how do we know the truth about these things?
Signs of the psychopath:
1. They have charisma…at first

A psychopath will not come over as a rude or uncaring person, well, not at first. In fact, they will be the most amazing person to be around, with their charm and social magnetism.

Everyone who encounters the psychopath on a friendship level will think they are one of the best people around, and they will continue to think this until they cross into certain areas of the psychopath’s life where truths emerge. A psychopath can hold this charismatic personality well for long periods of time, even years.
2. They make rash decisions

You may pick up on the true character of the psychopath when you pay attention to how they make decisions. This type of person is usually impulsive, giving little thought to the things they want to do. You may notice they don’t ask your opinion about much of anything. They just tell you what they’re about to do, or even do it before you even know what’s happened.
3. Manipulation

One of the most common attributes of the psychopath is manipulation. If they want something, they will do almost anything to get it, but most of all, they will use manipulative tactics. They will tell you that giving in to something makes you love them more, or truly love them, and if you don’t, then…you don’t love them at all.

They play upon your feelings this way, making it incredibly hard to deny them, and if you do, they will make sure you feel their passive-aggressive wrath. You see, not all psychopaths are killers, like from the movies. Some of them kill you emotionally by ignoring you or doing things intentionally to hurt you. All of this comes by the weapon of, you guessed it, manipulation.
4. They are always bored

The psychopath needs constant stimulation. If they don’t receive it, they will be looking for something or someone else to stimulate them. Unlike some of us who can be content with doing nothing sometimes, this is impossible for them.

They always have to be playing games, going out, being active, getting attention – you name it. It’s really hard to keep the psychopath interested for long before they’re whining about how bored they are or they are off and running with impulsive behavior again.

5. They disobey authority

That impulsivity that I mentioned above, yes, that can lead to disobeying the law, which is another sign you could be dating a psychopath. They usually disregard the speed limit and they usually play on their phones while driving. They may be drug users or alcoholics even.

But if you pay attention, you will notice, they break the law in some way if they are psychotic. It’s a combination of being bored, ego, and other aspects of their personality disorder.
6. They are pathological liars

Accuse a psychopath of lying and they will deny it, all the time. They hardly ever admit to being deceitful, and they are good at covering up the things they do with even more lies.

At first, you may even think you’re going crazy for accusing them of lies, but eventually, you will see the depth of their deception, and it will astound you. If you’re dating a pathological liar, there is a good chance that this person is also a psychopath.
7. They’re usually cheaters too

Most psychopaths find it extremely hard to be faithful, and when they cheat, they usually don’t care either. In fact, they will be unfaithful to one partner and also be unfaithful to the one they’re cheating with, which goes back to the boredom and impulsive aspect of their character.

There’s nothing wrong with you, never think that it’s just who they are. The sooner you realize the truth, the better. Their unfaithfulness may not only cost your feelings, but their promiscuity can also cost your life if they are having unsafe sex…which they probably will be.
8. Irresponsibility

The psychopath holds no responsibility for anything. They are the type of person who, when confronted, denies everything. No matter what they’ve done, even if it’s just leaving a towel on the floor, they will try and either deny it, blame it on someone else or justify how it was someone else’s fault that they left it there.

I’ve seen this behavior before and it’s both horrifying and strangely funny. If it wasn’t so sad, I would probably laugh and walk away. They can actually wipe their conscious away just so easily.
9. Arrogant

A psychopath is an arrogant person. After they initially sweep you off your feet, you will start to realize this arrogant attribute a little more every day. Eventually, they will be so arrogant that nothing can stand in their way. If you’re not careful, this will erode your self-esteem. You have to try and remain a strong and stable person to withstand their arrogance and survive the psychopath.
Dating a psychopath? You have choices to make…fast

If you are dating such a person, chances are, they will not change. I’m sorry. You see, it’s not just about generational teachings or the environment with this one. The psychopath really does have a different brain than the normal person, as I mentioned above.

Where you or I might have a physical and mental reaction to violence, the psychopath can remain calm. And yes, this fact can be terrifying. It’s the answer to so many of their personality traits like constant boredom, impulsive behavior, and cheating. There usually is no remorse.

I hate to say that there is no hope at all with the psychopath simply because I never like giving up on anyone, but you might seriously consider your future with someone like this. If you feel threatened at all, then leaving is a priority. Also, if you do leave, be careful because the psychopath doesn’t easily let go. Just a fair warning.

So, in a nutshell, and as always, check the signs, get support, and do what’s best for YOU.

I wish you well.
  1. https://research.unt.edu
  2. https://www.webmd.com

Sherrie Hurd



Copyright © 2012-2019 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us. 




Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 09:17
Quarta-feira, 04 / 12 / 19

I Will be Back by Tomorrow.





George Barnard.

Illawarra District, Australia, November 16, 2019.

Posted December 3rd, 2019.

Akashic Construct - 11:11 Spirit Guardians

There was a time, around 2003 or 2004 when I was living by myself and I used to do some of my shopping at the strip – a few blocks of ‘essential’ shops on a busy nearby highway. I often ordered fish and french fries, paid for it and quickly went on to empty my post box and maybe buy some bread and cheese. 

The East-Asia man in the fish shop, named Harry, would ask me every time when I would be back for the meal. Pretty soon he knew I would take just a few minutes. After some weeks I told him, “I’ll be back before tomorrow.” Later it became, “I’ll be back by tomorrow,” or he would say, “Tomollow?” and laugh. It made his day, our fooling around. 
One late morning I walked into his empty shop. There was no one waiting for their order. Harry was behind the counter and just before I handed him his money I suddenly noticed someone had appeared right behind me, just eight feet away, beautifully dressed, a little girl smiling at me. I turned back to Harry, gave him a five dollar bill and said, “For sure by tomorrow!” Then I turned back to the well-dressed little moppet and looked at her for a half second longer. She was smiling an ear-to-ear smile at me, angelic-looking, seemingly knowing just what my words to Harry meant. Spooky! 
I winked and smiled back at her and quickly moved out of there for the post office, but in the open doorway I looked back at her, still puzzled. She was gone! Swallowed up by the wide tiled floor? Dissolved into the oily smell of the fish shop? There was nowhere for her to go, no time for her to go anywhere and Harry, likely, could not have seen her. He still had his nose pointed at the cash register. It happened so quickly! I imagined she could have been four or five years old at most, maybe the child of some german tourists, judging by her striking little outfit. She was dressed far too warm for the Aussie weather, but where were her parents? 
I looked up and down the street but there was no one that could possibly belong to that charming child – a mystery. 
Memories of that unusual meeting drifted in and out of my mind for some weeks beyond that momentary encounter. Then, at last, the memories of little ones just like her got through to my misty childhood recollection of “children” whose little feet left no footprints on soft sand. 
And it’s just a small thought from George Barnard.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972


Tanks to
11:11 Progress Group <list@1111spiritguardians.com>

No religious or political creed is advocated here.


Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.


Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.


Discernment yes; judgement does not.

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 



Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 09:14
Quarta-feira, 04 / 12 / 19



Kate Spreckley's Inspiration.

on December 3rd, 2019


day 159.




In the second half of this year humanity's process of evolutionary growth has dramatically accelerated. The intense energy we have experienced over the last few moths has radically quickened our processes to create deep and lasting change and transformation. We have been pushed to align with the flow of evolutionary energies so that we may all participate in this great shift in consciousness.

Today marks the first of three 3:3:3 gateways. You can expect these gateways to contain some mental, emotional and physical adjustments as you complete a particular cycle of your healing and growth. Within the fullness of this moment allow yourself to see how long and how hard you have worked to get to this point. You have cleansed, purified and exhausted yourself on every level and you now stand poised to enter into a new time, a new era. Allow the old to dissolve and its energy to be released.



Mutch Love

Kate Spreckley




This article may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2019 Kate Spreckley http://www.spiritpathways.co.za


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About Kate Spreckley




As a coach, energy practitioner, speaker and facilitator Kate Spreckley allows her natural skills and abilities to guide and support those who are in search of awakening, healing, growth and transformation. Over the years Kate has allowed her inner guidance to shape the way in which she works. This enables her to now offer a creative mix of everything that she has found to be the most useful and effective..... Read more






Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Spirit Pathways <kate@spiritpathways.co.za




No religious or political creed is advocated here.


Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.


Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.


Discernment yes; judgement does not.

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 



Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

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publicado por achama às 09:09
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

mais sobre mim

Dezembro 2019


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  • fale alguma coisa,de mim sou poliana miguel
  • Você fala com anjos ,pede um deles mandar uma mens...
  • A "vida real" é uma ilusão Toda a matéria é formad...
  • Bom dia,reparámos que o seu blog faz uso de textos...
  • O Amor é tudo o que existe e na sua mais pura exên...
  • usando uma metafora descrevendo a vida real, e nao...
  • o odio deve-se à permissao do mal andar entre nós,...
  • Obrigado pelas suas palavras. Fiquei a conhecer po...
  • Adoro este artigo. Já tinha conhecimento do assunt...

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Universidade de Aveiro