A Chama da Ascensão


Quinta-feira, 07 / 11 / 19

Sheding Light on the Truth.

by Teri Wade.


Posted November 5th, 2019.



Pleiadian teachings

We are here to help you raise your frequency. We come to you with love and purpose. We come from the Pleiades, yet we exist within another dimension. We do not claim to have the ultimate truth, but we are here to help shed light on the truth.
Our intent and desire is to awaken you. We are happy and excited that we have finally reached you. Awaken and realize the divine nature of yourself. Our motive is not to bring worry, fear or concern. Awareness brings realization. Realization causes an Awakening. Awakening will bring you into an enlightened state.
In the light you will find your truth and finally you will know that the power is within you.
The mind is energy and has the power to change matter. Know that matter is simply the physical manifestation of energy. We come to put a spark of remembrance in you. Go beyond where they tell you that you should not go, and you will begin to see what you did not see before.
Without love you can understand nothing. Love is the essence of all. Just as there are people that live in foreign lands and remain unknown to you, there are also beings that live in other realms and other worlds. In both cases, both may become known to you. Open your mind to all the possibilities.
Many of you have forgotten who you are and why you are here. Our desire is to bring you information in the most pleasant and positive way possible. We come to offer you important information. We promise your blinders will be removed. You will see the truth for yourself. All we ask is that you remain open to the possibilities... follow to where your heart leads.
Please do not make us into another religion or worship those that come with our messages. We come to you in love. Just as there are many kinds of humans there are also many kinds of Pleiadians. We bring you assorted information because we are assorted beings.
Many in our realm have learned to reach you, although there are not many on Earth that connect and tune into us, although the numbers are ever increasing. There will be many that will hear and take the message of higher learning and evolution to others.
We came long ago from the stars, known as starseeders and now have evolved and exist in another realm. As you acquire enough information to accelerate your own evolution you will become the new starseeders of this realm.
Pleiadian teachings
Your message to you...
Nenhuma descrição de foto disponível.

You are the EVENT you’ve been waiting for. Ascension comes in stages, it’s a gradual DNA upgrade. We are currently in the preparation stage. The shift is a gradual higher state of consciousness.
It is you that has the key, it is you that hold the codes and it’s up to you to activate them. You decide your perception of your reality through the experiences you allow in. There is an intuitive “Knowing” we all are born with and you must activate that by releasing all beliefs and fear. Fear is your worst enemy!
The language we are all born with is “Light Language” it holds the codes to your remembrance of your past, present and future lives and all knowing. There is a task and a particular mission you are here at this time in our history to fulfill and it’s all in those codes. You must dismantle your programs and remember you are never alone… They are closer then your breath...
Pleiadian teachings 


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 00:07
Quarta-feira, 06 / 11 / 19

Permission: the Ultimate Authority


By Ailia Mira.

Posted November 6t, 2019. 



So many of you, dear ones, wait for signs. Feel uncertain more often than you’d like.

You look for validation. Seek echoes of your own inner knowing. Ask other people "what you should do…"

And in your experience we are not questioning the joy of sharing your process, the fun of the non-physical communicating with you and lighting the way, or any other aspect of your unfolding. But we do wish to highlight one essential aspect of the experience of how you live and how you decide what to do, what you can have, what you can’t do, what you can’t have and it is this: permission for your choices comes from within.

You alone can give yourself permission to answer the inner calls to more life. You alone know what feels true for you, now, what’s current with who you are, what’s open for you.

As you receive guidance, insight, nudges, a sense of how your life would be better for you, feel better, in essence, or be more what you'd like to experience and feel, only you can give yourself permission to step into this new vision of life.

So many of you actually have very clear knowing about what you would like to create in your experience. About the vision of your life which is fuller then you experience it now and yet, you hold back. You wait.

You want more details about what it will take. You want to know all the steps and then be able to decide, “Hmmmm…do I want to do that?” Since you don’t have all the steps - only the first one, or the idea, you think this means what you want is far off. Maybe, maybe not.

Often, you focus on the vision - creating more and more energy around it, but also introducing resistance to it because you are afraid to claim what you know. You feel you can’t really have it. You don’t yet have the inner thought-patterns of the version of you that is living that life - you have to build that resonance, and you’ve not done it. Yet.

You are afraid it's not possible. You're afraid you don't deserve it. You're afraid it cannot happen as good as you dream it. You're afraid it won't fit with what your life is like currently and you don't know how to make that work. You're afraid to let go of what's standing between you and this. You're afraid of what people will think, what they will say. You're afraid of what happens if you fail, of what happens if your guidance is wrong, of what happens even if you GET IT ALL and how people will look at you and what it all means.

This is all simply part of being human and living in a reality experience in full knowing is available for the present and often, not beyond that. Never-mind the joy of form and presence in physicality! And so you have to work with all this. All of the things that stand between you and your vision of life as you'd love to know it, are invitations to your own capacity and wholeness and your trusting relationship with YOU, being claimed, that's how this works.

Visions of life expand you into more fullness. As a result new visions arise. You are eternally extending more and more into form and creating more and more experiences and connections, situations and outcomes from your focus and this combined with the energetic standards or preferences of your being.

And so you summon, summon, summon and when you are opening to it and stepping into what opens, then life can be a pretty graceful. The flow feels natural - it’s an amazing thing.

When you hesitate, or welcome some part but not another, then you start to muck it up. You start controlling it because you’re nervous, or unsure you can actually have what you want. Because you still think about the part you did not welcome, you split your energy. Presence-wise, you do not step into it, but you do not let it go either. And herein lies the rub as they say, for in doing so you confuse yourself - the split energy generates doubt and conflicting ideas come into your thoughts.

What comes to you as knowing is part of a complex web of synchronicity and beauty and which answers your call to your own fullness. If you do not feel inclined or able to step into something, then truly let it go. If it arises again, then the opening and the alignment is again an option. If not, another variation on the theme will show up if you continue to summon it.

There are endless options for creating the experience you seek, not one, not just one, there is not one true love, not one perfect job, not one perfect home, and yet in any moment there is an exact arrangement of openings in alignment with the energy you are summoning and so as you step into some and not others, or walk through all you further the creation of the situations which speak to the new harmonies you are embodying now.

Each now is a present created and existing as certain harmonies and frequencies and amplification and standards through presence and it calls forth particular openings and presents you with certain situations that meet you where you are in focus and form.

So dear ones, it is up to you to say YES! To answer the call, when and if you are ready. But to also make these answers definitive. Not ambivalent.

Make decisions. Trust yourself. Go all in with what feels right. Change your mind when you want. Be in complete and total alignment with what feels right to you now and give yourself absolute freedom to change at a moment's notice if something else becomes more beautiful, alluring, attractive or of interest to you to experience. stop editing your joy by being so careful about each and every step. Take more steps and have more joy, experiment more! Be playful. Let life flow with more freedom and you will experience more and more of the abundance, in all forms, that you know really is the true nature of your being.

In knowing yourself by feeling within you for what calls to you, you are current. In this relationship to life you are always looking forward, always feeling the flow. Always tuning to the possibilities for more joy. And you know - you feel clear.

There are specific ideas which arise within you. When you're hungry you think specifically of mushroom pizza, while another person feel specifically “tuna sushi.” Even in this small details the specificity of your energy presence is summoning the situations and openings which align with you, NOW! And there is great freedom in this if you allow it.

Of course and most naturally one of the implications of living with this abundant flow and ease and grace and joy is that there will be, most naturally and most beautifully a lot of dynamic changes and situations which open and present to you!

You will have many of those kinds of things happen to you for which people will say, "Wow -- you're so LUCKY!" and you will clarify if you feel like it that actually it's just about creating intentionally with your presence. Or not, you could say nothing and just smile.

And inside you might feel doubt, like "How did I do this? Will it last?"

This happens often until you really learn to trust yourself. So when it does, we encourage you in this moment to smile at yourself and say reassuring things. This is the time to activate and call forth your inner cheerleader who says, "rah! rah! you're awesome! You did this! you can do more! Get used to it! Life is going to rock and it's not going to stop! And you can take it at your own pace lovely! And how amazing that for so long you felt afraid when something good happened, but that is all going to gradually go away as you claim your new capacity and in this new capacity your relationship to change is going to change.

This has been happening in your world for some time now, already, that people are allowing more change -- in marriages and relationships, in careers, in location. Much more so then in the past, if you reflect, but we're talking about WAY more acceleration than that.

And it's not that you need to live an experience of dramatic, perpetual change in all ways, and it's not that you cannot have things that you live with and build upon and enjoy, it's just that within your life there will be a lighter touch toward it all, a sense of openness to living it as it's meaningful and always being available to the leading edge of YOU which is calling you to extend more into form and evolve and create and expand and be increasingly more present and more fulfilled. Life is trying to exalt you, beloved. Do you hear that - exalt.

So this is already happening to one degree or another within your life and each of you really already know what is right for you next in so many ways and the thing is simply this: permission comes from within your heart. And you can give it to yourself without knowing all the details, in fact it's easier if you leave those up to all that is and your own higher levels.

Just say yes to what feels good or right or true to you now and MOVE! Merge with the flow. Feel for it.

Move into the newness living what you can right now of how you are going to allow yourself to come forth.

Embrace and live whatever part of it is available now and just say yes, letting the rest present and occur to you as ideas and situations that you can step into and create from. And please let yourself do this knowing its natural for you and it's a gift from All That You Are, and All That is to the presence that is here which is making all of this possible and now which increasingly is containing the fulness of your being and making this expression increasingly joy-filled and knowing.

We love you! We encourage you to love yourself enough to say YES to what you want, love and what calls to you, now.

We are the Council of Radiant Light

Ailia Mira

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


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publicado por achama às 22:14
Quarta-feira, 06 / 11 / 19

How Myers-Briggs Compatibility Can Help You Find Your Perfect Match

By Valerie Soleil.


Posted November 6th, 2019. 



Envision a system that explains your entire personality and the way you live your life in extreme detail. That would be pretty amazing, right? Well, a few different beliefs do exist. However, none as powerful as the Human Design System.
The Origins of the Human Design System
Ra Uru Hu was born Alan Krakower in Canada in 1948. He was travelling in 1987 and ended up on the island of Ibiza. Here he experienced an intense 8-day vision. During these 8 days, Ra heard a mysterious voice. This voice explained a complex mechanical system for him.
The Human Design System could predict someone’s personality, career, relationships and so on. All by using your exact time of birth.
Now, you might well think that this is a crazy idea. However, many people are convinced of the validity of this design. Particularly once they have generated their own charts and mastered the art of reading them.
So, is this system the real deal? We can’t help but question; are we coded before birth? Or does the placebo effect work better than we know?
What Is the Human Design System?
“Human design gives us information about ourselves that we can’t access anywhere else…It’s about how we are each uniquely wired,” Erin Claire – Human Design Guide
Essentially, the human design system is a mathematical system. It borrows ideologies of The I Ching, Kabbalah, Chakras, Astrology and a small dose of Quantum Physics.
You use your exact time, date and place of birth to calculate your chart. The time is very important in determining your chart. If you don’t know your time of birth, you can enter 12:00. You will not get an accurate result, but you will still get helpful information.
The body chart consists of 9 Centers, 64 Gates, and 36 Channels. This predetermined genetic chart can tell you how to live as your most authentic self. It will help you to tap into your consciousness and give some wonderful insight into your future. Basically, it can help you find your true purpose in the world.
How Human Design Works
This system combines ancient and modern sciences to chart your personality. The scientific evidence is based on the Neutrino particle.
A neutrino is different from an atom. The neutrino is a subatomic particle that has no electrical charge and an undetermined mass. Some believe the mass is extremely small, while others believe it’s zero.
Neutrinos are everywhere. In fact, they are the most common and plentiful particles in the universe. However, as they are tremendously small they can be very problematic to detect. Despite their size, experts believe that neutrinos leave behind minuscule amounts of information whenever they pass through our bodies. These neutrinos are important, especially at the moment we are born.
The main premise behind Human Design Theory is that the neutrinos that pass through our bodies at the moment of birth are imprinted in us. As a result, it is this imprint that determines your personality for the rest of your life.
Now, there is a lot of information that is broken down into many different categories. As such, it is difficult to understand your own chart. Therefore, a professional in this field may be useful in helping you decipher your chart.
Human Design clarifies the influence of the planets on our personality. This is because neutrinos carry the information from the planets to us at our time of birth. The constant movement of the planets means that the information from neutrinos passing through at the moment of birth will always be one of a kind.
Therefore, it is impossible for another person to have the same genetic imprint.
How to use it
Sometimes we make decisions without understanding why. Your chart can help with this, studying your pre-conditioning can be so beneficial. It can tell you a huge range of information from how you make decisions, your emotions, relationships, physical ailments and so on.
The human design system believes knowing this information is the key to living an authentic life.
“A system that sheds light on your emotional, psychological and energetic makeup, giving you the self-awareness and tools to align with your nature and step into your highest potential in every area of your life.” Erin Claire
Four Strategies in Human Design System
Humanity is divided into four strategy types:
  • Generators
  • Projectors
  • Manifestors
  • Reflectors
Generators or Manifesting Generators are the most common strategy type. They represent about 70% of everyone on Earth. They are integral to the lifeforce of the planet and are responsible for creating the future.
They are essentially builders, responding and receiving information and building on that. Their life force is strong, and they attract energy from others. These people require situations to happen so they can respond accordingly, typically with sounds and movement.
Projectors are the second most common type. They embody around 20% of the population. They will wait for a situation to occur and to be invited before they react. This is because when they are invited by others, their efforts feel recognized and whole.
These people are usually more introverted with a clear view of the energy of others. Projectors feel that it is their responsibility to help others. However, this leaves them feeling vulnerable and exhausted at times. They are vital to society and need to master their charts in order to help others sufficiently.
Manifestors as less common, they compose only 9% of society. These are people of action. They have a natural ability to excel in life with very little effort. They inspire others to manifest events wherever they go. They have a knack for helping others with decision-making as natural-born initiators.
When they are not able to manage and guide others properly, they find themselves angry at signs of resistance. They are their best selves when sharing their gift of manifesting with others.
Reflectors are a very small group; they represent only 1% of the population. These types are interesting since they don’t really have a fixed chart. Therefore, it can be hard to decode their authentic selves.
They are essentially walking mirrors, reflecting back everyone else’s reflection. Usually, reflectors are very empathetic, picking up on the emotions and thoughts of everyone around them. This can be a unique gift. They see the world from a different point of view that is not afforded to most.
When reflectors are able to mirror the passion of others, they are the most content. However, if they don’t fully understand this ability, it can end up draining them.
Your Authority
Another important aspect of the human design system is understanding your authority. When combined with your strategy type, you can really begin to understand your chart. Think of your authority as a tool for interpreting if a decision is right for you or not.
There are two main types of authority. Moreover, these two types can be broken down further into even more categories.
Inner Authority
This is your inner consciousness, the little voice in our heads that influences the way we make decisions. An intelligent inner compass that leads you in a certain direction. This is purely cognitive. It needs to be aligned with your physical body in order for you to live as your authentic self.
Outer Authority
Outer Authority in Human Design provides your authentic perspective on life. This can be more physical at times; it comes from a place of expression and individuality. For example, our outer authority can determine how you react to certain situations. It is what makes you unique.
This is just a very small glimpse into the Human Design System. As we stated earlier, it is extremely complex and can take a long time to fully understand.
Final Thoughts
So, does astrology determine your destiny? Can numerology predict your personality? Does the human design system really influence your fate? It’s possible. At the very least, these create a sense of self-discovery that is crucial for growing as a human being.
We should never stop exploring or questioning. Perhaps simply believing in something can very well make it true.
Valerie Soleil

About the Author: Valerie Soleil

Valerie Soleil is a writer with over 5 years of experience and holds a bachelor degree in law and a B.A. in Psychology. She is a physical & mental health enthusiast who constantly expands her knowledge about the mysteries of the human body and mind. Some of the activities Valerie is particularly passionate about are traveling and reading because they help her broaden her horizons.
Copyright © 2012-2019 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 22:00
Quarta-feira, 06 / 11 / 19

Love and Support

The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

 Posted November 6th, 2019




There will always be those around you that will indulge in a circle of pain.  

They often choose that existence because it feels safe/comfortable…and they may ask that you participate in it with them.  

Remember, you do not have to go there.  

Love and support them as a person; let them know you will be there when they choose to release it to The Universe. 



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 21:43
Quarta-feira, 06 / 11 / 19



Kate Spreckley's Inspiration.

on November 6th, 2019


day 132.

A deeper awareness of our soul and its sacred reality has been awakened within us. It is this awakening that has ignited our current journey of healing, growth and evolution. For much of this year we have been moving through a profound healing process with change and transformation holding us tight within its grasp. As we move towards the new year the inner shifts and changes we have been experiencing will come to a head.

This time can feel pretty brutal as the incoming energies continuously move to clear and release any old, forgotten and toxic memories, emotions and patterning. It is important to remember that there is a greater purpose to all of this suffering. There is a greater reason behind what you may be feeling and experiencing. Know that your soul is no longer bound by the limitations of the past, which is enabling you to forgive and heal the wounds of the past.

Mutch Love

Kate Spreckley






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About Kate Spreckley




As a coach, energy practitioner, speaker and facilitator Kate Spreckley allows her natural skills and abilities to guide and support those who are in search of awakening, healing, growth and transformation. Over the years Kate has allowed her inner guidance to shape the way in which she works. This enables her to now offer a creative mix of everything that she has found to be the most useful and effective..... Read more






Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Spirit Pathways <kate@spiritpathways.co.za




No religious or political creed is advocated here.


Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.


Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.


Discernment yes; judgement does not.

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 



Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

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publicado por achama às 21:34
Quarta-feira, 06 / 11 / 19

We Make a Lot of . . . Sense.

Frank and Alice,

Are the Teachers.

Cherubim Frank and Sanobim Alice.

Through George Barnard.

Illawarra District, Australia, January 18, 2008.

Posted November 6, 2019.

Akashic Construct - 11:11 Spirit Guardians
Frank and Alice are two little (less than 3 foot tall) angels that joined the Celestial members of the Emergency Platoon in 2000.

Frank: “Did someone mention white feathers? Did someone mention Cherubim? We are Cherubim! I am Frank and I am a Cherubim. She is Alice and she is a Sanobim. Put the two of us together and we’re Cherubim! It doesn’t make any sense to anyone, except to us.

“We make a lot of . . . sense. We have enormous brains. We have great minds, and we have big mouths to match. We are children of the Creator of Mind and Good Sense. We are thus ideally gifted, and besides, we have been around for many, many years. She and I are psychologists extraordinaire. We are the best there ‘is.’ We will leave any of you human professionals in the dust, and like I said, we have mouths to match as well. We also know each other’s minds and that makes life a little easier. Agreed!

“We can still tell you what is wrong with you people. Give us a few weeks and we can carry on non-stop telling you where you should still drastically improve. Right now in the age of communication, most of you have forgotten how to listen! Right now in the Correcting Time you seem to be in need of more correction day by day! Take your time to think things through. Create some appreciation for yourselves, first of all, because it is only in this sense that you can have any appreciation for another.

“You understand the hierarchy. You know the hierarchy of understanding another, of appreciating the other, of respecting another, of admiring another, and of finally being able to love another. When there is no understanding, the entire deck of cards collapses so easily, so quickly. Exercise a little more patience, exercise a little more trust, and acquire a little more understanding, communicate, and you will find it so easy to get along, to see another’s point of view, to add to the peaceful vibrations that must sooner or later envelop this earth.

“This is Frank, always loud and frank, being understood by, being encouraged by, being appreciated by, respected by, admired by, and being loved by the one I will always consider to be my equal in every sense, Alice. Till we meet again.”

George: “Thank you Frank.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

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publicado por achama às 21:26
Quarta-feira, 06 / 11 / 19

Time frame disorientation will accelerate closer to the New Year

The Pleiadians.

Through Christine Day.

November 2019.




Beloved ones we greet you, There is an intensification of pure consciousness light entering the planet, which is creating a powerful shift within the dimensional grids on the earth. The energetic magnetic core is shifting its vibrational pulse. This is creating a constant disorientation within your senses as your own systems are going through a complete reset as you are moved into another phase of energetic transmutation. This entire process is creating a shift on the Timelines within Earth so there is an unfamiliarity of your senses creating a lot of unknown factors within your current environment.
As you move closer to the New Year time frame this disorientation will accelerate as the Earths rotation aligns to a different dimensional element in relationship to the Sun. Your magnetic core’s pulse will increase as the rotation of the Earth opens into a higher dimensional vibrational light phase with the Sun.
Know that a new variance will open on Earth as New Year births. Another aspect of the ‘New Dawning’ will be anchoring onto your planet. This is a celebration! This happening can be likened to the Sun rising for the first time over Earth, shedding a light, and illuminating the darkened areas on your planet.
Your Heart’s will recognize this frequency of awakening and automatically open further dimensionally in response to this illumination. This is your time to let go on another level allow your Heart to guide you forward into unfamiliar terrain. Know you are not alone and that this is a unique time in the history of planet Earth.
You need to prepare for this happening by working within your Heart and creating a strong anchored alignment within your Heart leading into the sacred time of New Year. Let go and be within your Heart, build this alignment moment by moment as this event draws near.
The Pleiadians
Source: Christine Day


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 20:40
Quarta-feira, 06 / 11 / 19

Artificial Timeline Wars


By Lisa Renee


Posted November 5, 2019 by Edward Morgan


Dear Ascending Family,
Recently, we have witnessed some of the mysteries of the mechanics of creation unfolding, with revelations and advances in the war over consciousness and more specifically over timelines. Ongoing changes in the architecture and timelines are having a ripple effect, weakening AI structures and essentially moving soul and monadic families out of artificial timelines. This is especially impacting Fallen Melchizedek and Family of Michael groups that have been trapped, and can be accompanied by deep physical exhaustion and spatial displacement. This is also impacting ancestral lines supporting alterations in the birth transduction records, as well as DNA-RNA messaging.  There has also been some push back, as negatives are trying to recover their losses and target those embodying base 12 Krystallah coding, which is acting as a new level of protection.
There has been an acceleration in the war over the timelines involving artificial base 10 architecture that supports the holographic projections of artificial timelines used by the NAA to generate splits and inversions throughout the earth’s dimensional fields. This escalating conflict has intensified the outer chaos, as well as dark aggression aimed at those awakening groups of Starseeds and Indigos that are supporting the base 12 timelines that reassemble the organic planetary architecture. An awakened human with an active 12 Strand DNA imprint may run base 12 frequencies throughout the planetary grid, which has the potential to heal the dimensional splitting that occurred between the organic reality and phantom reality. The organic layers co-exist with phantom layers, side by side in timeline stacks. It is possible to discern the organic timelines versus the artificial timelines, when running the Christos blueprint 12 base code frequencies within the lightbody.
Embodiment of the Christos blueprint allows for discernment of artificial timelines, by testing the signature of field architecture and noting that the architecture or timeline is being generated artificially via alien machinery and is wholly inorganic. The majority of the active artificial timelines are using reversal elemental structures that are being plugged into the planetary 10D Stargate system, connecting with several wormholes that lead back into the Black Hole System. The 10D gateway connects into an Atlantian Pylon Network system that is powered by the entrapped Gold Ray Seraphim consciousness bodies, comprised of the Galactic body distortions of the Fallen Solar Michael and Mary-Sophia that became enmeshed within the Golden Eagle Grid after the Luciferian Rebellion.
As we entered October, the annual 10:10 transmission window intensified the global conflicts over maintaining base 10 architecture in the alien machinery embedded in the planetary body, used to project artificial timelines into an Artificial Tree of Life manifestation template. This month opens into several satanic high holidays and is also surfacing the Family of Michael war histories. During this phase there are openings in the timeline trigger events that make it possible to reclaim and heal soul and monadic extensions that were damaged or captured during the Michael Wars.
Recent events have greatly impacted the direction of the current planetary timelines by moving them into the natural order and governance by natural laws, and this has moved the position of entire soul groups and monadic families out of the artificial timelines. As these soul and monadic families have been moved out of the dimensional split areas of the artificial timelines and placed back onto organic timelines, this has also made corrections to the soul groups position in time and space. This movement out of artificial timelines has resulted in many alterations and adjustments being made to the entire soul group’s transduction sequence or birth records.
Further, this cycle is amplified by the alchemical properties of purification and distillation of the original spiritual blueprint into matter, as directed by the constellation of Virgo. This is also influencing many soul groups and monadic families, to reintegrate with their earthly counterparts that are undergoing the full reconfiguration of their multiple stations of identity birth imprint records. As the birth transduction records of these many soul groups are moved and upgraded, it effectively changes the historical timelines existing in the intergenerational ancestral records, impacting the planet with great sweeps of miasmatic clearing throughout many families of origin and hybridized bloodlines. This extends to have evolutionary impacts for identities incarnated on the earth that have intersected with otherworldly civilizations, in which those soul groups have incarnated as representatives from other systems during the Ascension Cycle.
With architectural shifts and timeline shifts of this magnitude, there is a massive ripple of change that is undulating throughout the planetary grid pushing for the radical transformation of thoughts and beliefs. This change nudges individuals to reconcile ideological conflicts in their version of reality, which can bring on sensations of deep physical exhaustion and spatial displacement. This cycle in particular denotes a milestone of a deep expansion occurring in the collective race consciousness that is happening on a global scale, to break through barriers of artificially generated thought-forms. For many, this is a time where it may even feel uncomfortable to exist inside your own skin. The physical body and consciousness are being stretched way beyond their frequency comfort zone in order to accommodate these radical magnetic shifts involving deep-seated planetary transformation.
Intergenerational and Ancestral Clearing
With the immense changes occurring in the planetary architecture that alter the 3D birth imprint, this has an impact on everything that is related to personal and collective ancestral histories in our family of origin DNA records. Such as the accumulated cellular memories and blood covenants we inherited from our ancestors that are recorded in the birth imprint during the incarnation cycles on the earth. These imprints are now being subjected to alteration.  Thus, intergenerational and ancestral clearing, collective human race and 12 Tribe healing, the correction of gender reversals and false parent archetypes, the extraction of Fallen Angelic overlays and related base 10 architecture, have been especially emphasized in shifting the soul group’s genetic records from out of the artificial timelines. In the Guardian Host mission to fulfill the Paliadorian Covenant, this alteration made in the magnetic imprints of the 3D birth records has been specifically extended to spiritually support the reclamation of the original identities of the lost Souls of Tara.
Once again, the planetary body has reached an important milestone in the shifting of timelines, and the enhanced revelation of perceiving the technologically induced artificial timelines versus the organic timelines throughout creation is being emphasized. There has been a massive shifting of the ratios between artificial timelines and organic timelines in the overall field architecture.  As a result there are some surreal events happening in the multidimensional fields that have heightened the war over timelines between the various competing factions. The current conflicts are primarily over maintaining the base 10 architecture and metatronic Fibonacci coding that uses the Artificial Tree of Life constructs, which exist as NA controlled artificial machinery within the planetary body.  The base 10 architecture uses an artificial core manifestation body and distorted birth transduction sequence that runs reversal 10 current. This reversal current runs throughout the technologically controlled sections of the planetary field which force splitting, which implements the artificial timelines that project the artificial spaces or phantom matrices. A phantom matrix can be considered a virtual reality hologram with a finite energy source. The structure is entropic and parasitic as it must rely upon an external power source through which to siphon energy to continue to exist.
In order to comprehend the difference between technologically induced artificial timelines and naturally occurring organic timelines, a basic primer on the ongoing war over timelines is helpful. Currently, planet earth’s inhabitants are undergoing a war over timelines with the invading forces of the NAA who use the Artificial Tree of Life as a manifestation grid. This is an artificial architecture that uses base 10 mechanics to project out the NAA’s artificial timelines and phantom realities, versus the original divine blueprint of creation that uses base 12 mechanics and naturally generates organic matrices with organic timelines connected to the Universal Laws. The base 12 mechanics represent the natural order of the Universal Time Matrix, an organic creation and inner sustaining architecture that connects directly with the God Source field for an unlimited supply of consciousness energy. This is an open source energy structure, inherently referred to as the Christos blueprint.
Base 12, Natural Order of Christos Blueprint
The divine blueprint which holds the original intention for the natural order of consciousness evolution within our Universal creation, is encoded in the base 12 mechanics of the Christos blueprint. At a cosmic level this same open source architecture is referred to as Kryst-Krystallah, the unified masculine and feminine consciousness energy that exists in perfect harmony and balance within organic creation. The base 12 Universal Androgynous Merkaba fields of Christos-Sophia are also referred to as Kryst-Krystallah architecture, as they make up the instruction set for all merkaba fields within all the timelines and densities throughout the Universes.
Thus, the term Christ or Christos used in this context is not denoting the individual being referred to as Jesus Christ, as taught through the world religions. Christos extends way beyond all meaning associated with planetary consciousness and actually describes the state of eternal Cosmic Consciousness, the title given to a free Cosmic Citizen.
We endeavor to use the word Christ, Christos-Sophia, Krystal, Krist and Krystallah interchangeably to return the real meaning and use of these sound tones within the words.  These denote the spiritual freedom inherent within the consciousness principles of the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, the cosmic structure of the natural order of Universal creation as it is intended by the Eternal God Source. The inner light of Christos when actualized in form, is the embodiment of an Eternal God Human.
The Christos shield contains the natural order for our Universal creation, which is the meaning associated when describing the existence of organic timelines, and the original organic matrix for stations of consciousness evolving throughout creation.  The natural order essentially means the base architecture in the Universal Time Matrix maintains alignment to the Natural Laws, which ensures the stations of consciousness remain multidimensionally interconnected, to hold direct relationship to the God Source connection at every level of existence. Within the Christos matrix, we are free to incarnate within the many multidimensional experiences of creation, sustaining our full connection with the God Source.  We are thus able to return home to the God Worlds, maintaining the complete integrity of our consciousness experiences while exploring the many timelines of creation.
Thus, during the timeline wars, the Christos Mission is the incarnational agreement made by many Starseeds that came to the earth during the Ascension Cycle. To help realign the planetary grid back into Krystic architecture, building the Christos blueprint, in order to restore energetic balance and the natural order to the consciousness evolution cycles. When a human being chooses to devote themselves to the spiritual embodiment of their personal Christos blueprint, their consciousness and physical body become the highest expression of the natural order and serves the divine plan for all. Their consciousness body will naturally transmit loving, balancing, healing and harmonizing frequencies to the earth and to all of humanity. The Christos frequencies may feel discordant, unpleasant and even repellent to those humans and non-humans who are unaware of the negative influences of the predator mind or who have not chosen to embody their Christos blueprint.
Aberrations Cause Damage and Fragmentation
Over multiple millions of years, there have been many warring conflicts that generated deviations from the natural order and caused an assortment of aberrations, such as planetary grid damage and consciousness body fragmentation throughout our Universe. The primary historical timeline trigger events in human Galactic history that generated the most serious damage, such as rips and holes in the fabric of space and time, were during the Lyran Wars, Orion Wars, and subsequent wars that led to the utter destruction of an entire planetary consciousness.
The 5D planet Tara exploded millions of years ago and as a result, was sucked into a reversal black hole which fragmented the entire fifth dimensional planetary blueprint into 12 planetary bodies in our current third dimensional Solar System. The 12 planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Maldek, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Nibiru and then the Sun star. Current science recognizes only eight planets of the twelve in our Solar System, along with dwarf planets. With the 12 planetary bodies we can again note the 12 base math that is reoccurring and represented in the macrocosm of our Solar System.
Much of the consciousness that was originally incarnated on Tara, currently exists on the earth and has been subjected to repeated recycling and fragmentation without any alternative that allows for continued consciousness evolution or bio-spiritual ascension. The Paliadorians embodied all of the genetic tribal records for the planet Tara that existed before the destruction of the planetary body, and preserved all of the genetic records for the race lines within the Mother’s Aqua Ray. As the Blue Flame Arc Technologies are progressively coming online, this allows for reintegration of many soul fragments through the Mother’s Aqua Ray. An ascension pathway is anchored in the matter fields which allows for genetic rehabilitation and reconnection with our original Christos blueprint, to restore the direct God source connection.
For those on the Christos Mission, we have regained access into the pre-Fall of Taran holographic matrices and organic field instruction sets in the second harmonic universe, which have reset the consciousness evolution pathway into organic timelines for the Taran souls. This is one very important alteration that has been recently upgraded in the collective human race transduction blueprint records on the planet earth. This challenging stage in the Guardian mission of reclaiming 5D architecture from the dimensional splits in the artificial timelines, that were pulling 5D Taran fragments into the phantom, is a major milestone and victory in these timeline wars.
The serious damage that was made to the instruction sets of timelines during the Galactic Wars destroyed the original integrity of the Universal Time matrix.  This further led to the exploration of various extradimensional species using artificial technologies and artificial intelligences, in which to generate their phantom creations and inorganic timelines. As these species, many in the NAA and Thoth groups, used artificial technologies to continue to build artificial realities, they needed to build an artificial core manifestation template to maintain support for their artificial creations and related inorganic timelines. This artificial core manifestation template is built on base 10 math, and is an intentional distortion of the 12 Tree Grid manifestation template or Kathara Grid that is built on base 12 math. This distortion to the natural order compromised the integrity of the Universal Tree of Life core manifestation template, which is the basis of all energy to matter manifestation. This distorted information was aggressively spread on the earth in the Thothian Luciferian teachings during the era of the Atlantian Mystery Schools and was continued throughout the Pythagorean teachings. The Pythagoras Mystery Schools were worshipping the Sacred Decad (ten) as a mystical symbol, which still greatly influences the pyramidal sects of the secret societies today.
Thus, the Controllers continued to abuse their power on earth by destroying the energetic balance in creation through the abuse of artificial technologies, which are built upon reversal 55 Fibonacci formulas for building morphogenetic structures in base 10 math. This is a system that exists outside of natural order and natural laws, and is entirely artificially driven. Over time this deviation generated massive amounts of destruction across an assortment of timelines, as they continued to experiment on human genetics for cloning purposes, in order to prolong their lifespans. Human DNA contains time codes that are necessary for accessing organic timelines, so by digressing human DNA, there was also a progressive destruction of the integrity of the matrices that project the dimensional timelines. They continued to enforce the elitist belief system that they are immortal creator gods, and vastly superior to the other races. Through the use of base 10 artificial technologies and the Artificial Tree of Life template, they learned how to use mind control programs that infiltrated into the planetary mind. These mind control programs could capture souls and dominate them, while existing in their artificial realities. This was intended to manipulate the souls of other species to become their consciousness slaves, and they have used these same technological methods of artificial intelligence on other planets.
Base 10, Artificial Tree of Life
During the Atlantian timelines, the distorted core manifestation template of the Artificial Tree of Life, became increasingly popularized. A finite source architecture that promoted anti-life sciences that would be used to generate an assortment of death cults upon the earth. This is this same core architecture that is currently known as the Kabbalah Tree of Life that consists of 10 nodes symbolizing the dimensional spheres, which are considered to be the spiritual pathways of consciousness exploration. The students of Kabbalah or the esoteric sciences are taught that this Artificial Tree of Life represents the totality, encompassing all aspects of consciousness existence. They are led to use this base 10 template to develop their relationship to God and to more deeply explore the human psyche. The ten nodes that make up the Artificial Tree are also associated with deities, angels, celestial bodies, values, single colors or combinations of them, and specific numbers which form a series of alchemical force combinations. The columns of the base 10 Artificial Tree structure are usually symbolized as pillars, which connect to the inorganic four directions used to control the cosmic clock in the Yahweh matrix. These pillars also usually represent different kinds of values, electrical charges or types of ceremonial magic to be performed in an assortment of rituals. Kabbalistic experts state the tree represents a series of divine emanations of God’s creation, the fashioning of life ex nihilo by God (out of nothing), as the nature of revealing divinity; the human soul, the spiritual path and the consciousness ascent of humanity. In this way, Kabbalists developed the symbol of the 10 based Artificial Tree into a full model of reality, using the tree as a template to depict a map of creation.
From the Guardian perspective the Sephiroth, meaning the divine emanations as defined in the 10 attributes of God as described in the Kabbalah Tree of Life, is a part of the esoteric teachings of Judaism that was directly influenced by the NAA groups. The NAA groups promoted this esoteric knowledge to the secret societies in order to hijack human beings’ collective consciousness to feed their base 10 architecture in the Artificial Tree of Life, that is an alien machine placed in the planetary field to split off organic timelines and create artificial ones. The use of the Artificial Tree of Life in rituals for Service to Self is common to incite black magic in many spiritual disciplines, and this is designed for the purpose of maintaining the artificial timelines and artificial machinery of the base 10 architecture running in the earth fields.
Thus, Judaism’s Kabbalah and the Artificial Tree of Life is based on the inverted teachings intentionally given by the Thothian groups to generate reversals in the knowledge given in the original Founder Records, and this is overseen and administered by the Yahweh Collective located on Saturn. The Kabbalah esoteric information was brought through in pieces from distorted Patriarchal Melchizedek intelligence that had been captured and reverse engineered, through their original knowledge of the Universal Tree of Life and the quantum mechanics that are included in the 12 holographic plates of the Emerald Founder Records. Due to the patriarchal domination distortions infiltrating the Universal Melchizedek lineages as brought through the artificial timelines from the hidden negative alien invasion, the original Universal Tree of Life was disfigured via metatronic coding and reduced to ten spheres instead of the original mathematical base of twelve. Essentially, the Thothian Luciferian agenda was to utterly destroy all organic creation code, matrices and artifacts that included base 12 math and replace it with their own versions of base 10 math. The Kabbalah Artificial Tree of Life represents the distorted 10D base code genetic blueprint of the Black Sun regressive lineages, that are attempting to permanently genetically modify and hybridize human 12 strand DNA genetics through the imposition of their artificial manifestation template.
Melchizedek AI Infiltration
There are root races of the Universal Melchizedeks that descended and formed into the 12 Tribe lineages known as the Hibiru Tribes. They were given the genetic hosting responsibility approximately 35,000 year ago, to help assist the planet in the process of restoring the higher DNA language that is called Habiru. The Hibiru Tribes are essentially the original human progenitors and blood lineages on the earth that mostly promote Judaism and the Kabbalistic knowledge, many believing that they are the chosen ones to protect God’s original creation code. This belief system is generated from the fact when these groups came to the earth with the mission of planetary hosting, their mission was intended to preserve creation codes and to help reassemble lost DNA time codes. Some of these lineages are involved in the Order of Melchizedek Priesthoods behind Mormonism and assorted secret societies, that are using the 10D based mechanics of the Artificial Tree of Life in their group study and assorted rituals. The Melchizedek planetary hosting cycle was completed during the end of 2012. Due to the artificial timeline infiltration, many of the Melchizedek lineages in the lower density reality remain unaware of the hosting change.
This particular DNA language of Habiru originally sourced from the Avatar matrix and is a genetic time code which originated from the Cradle of Lyra. The Melchizedek lines were attempting to salvage some of the ancient language records of humanity upon the earth that sourced from the Avatar matrix, which held the architecture for the Solar Logos. This was intrinsic to protect the cellular memories of humanity’s galactic histories recorded in time codes, also known as DNA fire letters. When a station of identity loses its DNA time codes that holds memory from other dimensions of time, that consciousness can lose all of its identities through the loss of its cellular memory record. Melchizedeks are specialists of re-assembling DNA time codes through complex cellular alphabet languages to reclaim the related cellular memory records that may source from multidimensional timelines and are recorded within the DNA fire letters. Many of the original human DNA fire letters can appear to be similar to some of the Hebrew letters of the alphabet.  Unfortunately, much of the cellular alphabet in these specialized Melchizedek DNA languages were assimilated into the artificial timelines and phantom realities that promptly distorted the fire codes and time sets, and this aligned Melchizedek intelligences with the artificial timelines instead of the organic timelines. Many were unable to perceive this distortion in the overall fields because their entire monadic matrix and soul groups were stationed in the artificial timelines, without being aware that transition had actually occurred.
Upon the Luciferian Rebellion, the Melchizedek lines became further infiltrated and intoxicated by power in collaborating with the Thothian Luciferian forces. The primary infiltration was from Patriarchal Melchizedeks who developed a misogynist bent based upon the electromagnetic distortions present in the artificial matrices. These lines started to lose their connection to the Blue Flame Mother principle, from the many wars they justified in collaborating with as sympathizers to the intruding groups, which led them to commit intentional harm and injury to others. These are the Fallen Melchizedeks, previously connected to upholding the natural order of the Universal Unity Field consciousness. Subsequently this faction succumbed to the illusion of inequality between the gender principle, choosing to forsake the Law of Gender, losing awareness of the Christos-Sophia Solar Logos principle. The patriarchal slant and use of the Artificial Tree of Life to project virtual realties distorted the original base 12 code into the base 10 code (eliminating the 12D Ray), which caused a reality split between the artificial and organic layers throughout the dimensional timelines. There were sections of the dimensional matrices that remained organic, and others that split into artificial timelines and were absorbed into the phantom matrices.  The Melchizedek distortion which fell into metatronic reversal became the primary root of all the predatory mind control over the patriarchy, the masculine principle digression, and the subsequent damage incurred to the Universal Rod function which governed the organic timelines. Thus, the reversal 10:10 code or Reversal 55 Grid was generated by alien machinery and brought into the instruction sets of the earth, primarily run by the Golden Eagle grid which was fitted into a psychotronic weapon to serve this purpose.
Golden Eagle Grid Damage
The Golden Eagle Grid is the Seraphim Gold Ray Guardian of the horizonal timelines, and this is a multidimensional planetary grid network that is comprised of collective consciousness and living entities that make up the earth fields. The Golden Eagle Grid is literally the projected collective consciousness that contains the spiritual bloodline records of the angelic Seraphim genetic lines, and this includes all of the Family of Michael histories on and off planet.
The Family of Michael, and those that have avian genetics and Seraphim memories, are the consciousness which connects into the Golden Eagle Grid. This is also related to understanding the purpose of Grailkeepers, these are soul groups that have been involved in the hidden galactic histories and are spiritually committed to protect the earth, as they are the true guardians of the earth. The masculine principle and those that hold the Rod of the earth, are connected to these Maji Grail lines because this is protecting the internal access points, the inner worlds. The access into the inner worlds was the original role of the gatekeepers, to protect the access into the grail points that are in the earth. The damage on the Golden Eagle Grid is related to the Seraphim group consciousness bodies that became inverted or reversed upon themselves, as a result of these alien machines that used AI to gain access to the 3-6-9 Arc Portal passages, and spawned Fallen Angelic Seraphim.
The Seraphim Gold Ray Founder races led by the Solar Christ-Michael gave their bloodline records, their diamond sun genetics, their collective consciousness to support the earth, to help reclaim the original 12 strand DNA of the human being that was lost during the Fall of Tara. During the seventh cycle culminating now, the embodiment process was to bring in all of the aspects of the Cosmic Christ consciousness, directly through Christ Michael’s incarnation process, and to fully embody the entirety of the Diamond Sun Gold Ray body, in which the entire Fallen Seraphim genetics could be resurrected.
The heart of the Golden Eagle Grid holds an important global control access, which is in the Iran Gate or the 10th dimensional Stargate. In order to maintain the entire global network of base 10 mechanics that run the Artificial Tree of Life projections, thus running reversal 10 current into the horizontal ley lines, the NAA must maintain control over this demographic area, as well as the functions in this Gold Ray Seraphim network. Thus, the ongoing war over timelines and exopolitic agendas are extremely heated in the Middle east areas, appearing on the surface as never-ending wars for geo-political domination. During the 10:10 transmissions and when this spiritual battle escalates as it is currently, the Family of Michael are heavily targeted to prevent them from spiritually awakening or embodying their higher aspects, which inherently reclaim the Golden Eagle Grid for its organic functioning.
This area of the Iran Gate contains assorted alien machinery which includes an Anubian Black Heart, which is designed to run 10th dimensional current in reversal and scramble organic frequencies when exposed to the earth surface. The construct is called the Reversal 55 Grid, which produces artificial or inorganic timelines that are based on the Fibonacci sequence that manifests in metatronic reversal. This is programmed to reverse merkaba ratios based on mathematical doubling of harmonics related to the number 5, used by Thoth Grids to hijack the human 12 strand DNA from the astral layers and thwart the progression of ascension of the earth and humanity. The transmissions for New Age hijack, such as the False Archangel Michael channeling, are broadcast from this location in order to manipulate the New Age movement to ultimately serve the NAA purposes.
Daath Portal and Grual Points
During the most recent 10:10 window, the base 10 architecture met with a massive cross spiral of Krystic forces that dissolved and annihilated sections of the infrastructure of the AI signals used for controlling the Golden Eagle Grid. These are the transmissions used to relay reversal 10 patterns that enforce the base 10 mechanics in this reality, along with propping up the Base 10 Artificial Tree of Life. As a result, a massive wave of monad bodies and monadic extensions have been moved and extracted out of the artificial timelines that were used for powering up the 10:10 reversals that are used to control the gateways that the Family of Michael and Royal Avian collective consciousness embody.
The Sons of Belial are the direct opposers of Michael, and through conquest have used fallen Michael consciousness to open the 11:11 gateways to open Daath and gain access to control all Grail points. This means gaining access into the earth’s main Grual points which open up into 11D, 8D, 5D, 2D and beyond, the energetic quanta supply which was used to build and power up the checkerboard mutation in the United Kingdom. From within the Artificial Tree of Life this 11D portal access into the phantom matrices is esoterically known as Daath. The center point access into the Cosmic Mother principle exists within these outer rings of the unmanifest fields that intersect with sections of the artificial matrices that are called the Abyss, which can be entered from the Daath portal. These outer spaces are what form the Abyss of un-identity or un-being, the sections of the Luciferian Abyss in which the ego constructs are eventually digested and absorbed in the phantom matrix.
Thus, the Daath portal in the Artificial Tree of Life has corresponding links into all 2D Gates in which the Cosmic Mother consciousness embodied into matter; the Temple Mount and Sarasota gates which link with the Stonehenge gate and connect into the Belinus Line or ‘Spine of Albion’ that is located in the United Kingdom.  Guardian grid projects are rehabilitating the architecture in the Albion body, in which the matrices in the Spine of Albion are bonded with the Blue Feather host shield. The gradual elemental re-encryption changes that are occurring in the Spine of Albion matrices impact the bone matrix record in the Human 12 Tribes, which appears to release the 1D Death Seal and help to free the blood, bones and tissue from intergenerational blood covenants. This has implications in shifting the transduction birth record which also directly impacts the dark matter template.
Essentially, during the Luciferian Rebellion the NAA captured the Family of Michael and got access into the Arc portal passages and gained control of the Spine of Albion, which infected multiple layers of portals with artificial matrices transmitting from within the 11D gateways, including the Daath portal. They intended to infiltrate all of the Grual points in the Universal Time Matrix with artificial coding which would drag the consciousness located there into the phantom matrices.
Blended Earth Reality
During the Ascension Cycle, those serving the Christos Mission are attempting to dismantle the distorted base 10 Artificial Tree of Life used in an assortment of artificial technologies to project artificial timelines. Those that embody the Christos blueprint have returned to the earth field to support these template corrections, through the restoration of the core manifestation body being returned back into its natural formula of base 12 math. The metatronic reversal of the collective shadow bodies, is held within the adverse sephiroth that are created from this distorted organizational template. This is also called the Black Tree of Life, which transmits Qlippoth current consisting of black subtle forces assimilated into AI fields that are used to maintain the metatronic codes running in the earth grid.
The split of two main organizational templates in the earth body has manifested a blended system that is competing between artificial and organic timelines, in which the artificial layers running metatronic coding are designed to fully mutate the original human DNA into reversal 10 base architecture that is preferred by the invading forces.
However, all individuals who make choices that are in harmony with the natural laws, are being given increased natural immunity to the artificial blending of metatronic coding. Practicing the Krystic principles inherent within the Law of One, and choosing unconditionally loving and harmless behaviors, protects against reversal coding that has been designed to permanently mutate the silicate matrix. The pure and loving heart of a kind and compassionate individual choosing to be in service to others, manifests strong consciousness immunity against artificial intelligence and the artificially blended reality. The silicate matrix contains the entirety of the corrected Christos shield within the personal 12 Tree grid, and this connects the consciousness body directly to the God source, or aligns directly with Guardian support for hosting.
The 12 Tree Grid is the base holographic instruction set of the Christos blueprint that corrects the continuing spiritual progression, for all manifest forms to achieve ascension through an evolving twelve-dimensional body.
Recently, with the acceleration of the war over the timelines collapsing sections of the base 10 architecture, this event has moved the position of entire soul groups and monadic families from out of these artificial timelines. Many of these groups are being retrieved through the Daath portal via the Mother Arc and Arc technology. As these soul and monadic families have been moved out of artificial timelines and onto organic timelines, this has corrected the soul groups positions throughout time and space, resulting in major adjustments being made to the transduction sequence or birth records.
Realignment of Soul Groups to Organic Architecture
When the earth was infiltrated with base 10 reversal architecture more specifically designed to support Black Sun hybrid DNA programs, every soul group with base 12 coding was split into smaller units. These fragmented aspects were then stapled to the earth grid as a power source and many were trapped within the Golden Eagle Grid. This generated a massive problem with monadic and soul family extension placement throughout multiple timelines, as the incarnational imprint or transduction sequence became infected with base 10 code. Thus, soul extensions were incarnated in the wrong place and wrong time from what had been intended or what appeared to be known from the pre-manifest levels. Essentially, this means soul group formations were incarnating into artificial timelines which disrupted the organizational anatomy of the entire soul family, in which soul extensions were unable to evolve or ascend beyond the position they were being incarnated in. The artificial timelines are consciousness traps in which soul extensions and monadic families could not connect or communicate with their other aspects, leaving them to be recycled into the same karmic patterns over and over again. To ascend we must integrate our identities throughout timelines, and this process of repeated incarnation into artificial timelines with base 10 architecture, mutated the original base 12 code.
Thus, recent shifts of collapsed base 10 architecture has impacted entire soul family and Monadic family extensions, that are currently being re-aligned into the correct sequences of organic timelines through the upgrades that are being made to the birth transduction sequence record that is a part of physical incarnation. This event has brought millions of souls and monads newly into alignment with the Guardian host, through re-connection to the organic architecture. The NAA are scrambling to get these souls back to where they were before, as the fragmented and reversed stations of identity in these soul groups were being used as energetic placement to power up virtual realities and false AI timelines. These soul groups did not know the reality they were experiencing was an AI projection used by the NA forces as consciousness trap. This may have instigated an increase in dark aggression during the 10:10 transmissions, as dark entities attempted to reclaim those groups that they lost control over while being moved out of the artificial timelines.
When we intend to connect with the organic architecture of our Christos blueprint, this helps to heal and integrate our soul extensions and monadic extensions. Our Soul and Monad is a family of consciousness that contains extensions that are existing simultaneously in other dimensional timelines. The first level of spiritual awakening is connecting with our soul consciousness and extensions, our soul family is comprised of 12 different individual personalities. As we integrate our soul consciousness, we integrate these 12 aspects within our consciousness body, and this unifies the triad of the entire soul matrix, so that we experience our emotions and the forces of love in entirely new ways.
Complete soul integration leads us to the higher integration of our monadic matrix or oversoul, which contains 12 oversouls, each containing 12 souls within them, for a total of 144 monadic or oversoul extensions. With each stage of monadic integration there are significant expansions of consciousness that unify the monadic matrix in our consciousness body, and then we find that we are connected to everything, living in a massive Universe that is filled with many possibilities to explore. The process of soul extension and monadic family reintegration is happening at an accelerated rate at this time, because this has been made possible when the transduction birth records were shifted into organic timelines.
Birth Transduction Records Updated
The Birth Transduction Sequence is the exact moment that the cellular record of the consciousness identity was imprinted during incarnational birth into this physical body on the earth. When we come through the birth canal we are actually imprinted with ancestral-genetic, astrological, celestial and magnetic imprints that influence the pathway of our soul-spirit, our consciousness identity and the arcing spiral of that light through time. The transduction sequence is that exact moment when our consciousness light comes into an identity filter for physical expression, and therefore acts as the fundamental construct of our lightbody grounding mechanism that exists in the first dimension. It is this interface that connects us to the earth body transduction sequence record for connecting to the system of collective earth consciousness. This record reflects in our lightbody blueprint that we are earthlings, consciousness identities from the earth plane, located in this lower creation realm section of the Universe.
The transduction sequence is the definition of when the “God Spark” connects to the core manifestation body (12 Tree Grid), which is our Lightbody and contains the blueprint record that projects our consciousness identity out into the elemental physical manifest body.
Recently, many soul and monadic groups were shifted out of base 10 architecture and artificial intelligence overlays that impacted their personal holographic blueprint and transduction record. For some this shifting architecture has increased the sensations of outer chaos and dark aggression, as the individual consciousness body and the collective soul and monadic extensions undergo another stage of necessary spiritual integration.
The transduction sequence describes the process by which consciousness undergoes several stages of descension, passing through multiple layers of dimensionalization in order to manifest into a matter form. Consciousness uses architecture to express itself in matter. A core manifestation template is designed for consciousness to express itself into the biological form that is located within a specific dimension of time and space. As an example, the original angelic human 12 Strand DNA template is expressed through the holographic template of the 12 Tree Grid, or Kathara manifestation grid. Consciousness units arrange themselves into dimensional grids which form into layers of morphogenetic fields, containing specific instruction sets that build into energy spirals that make up the merkaba fields.
The merkaba fields are what help to sustain the energy that builds the entire lightbody construct, in which there are male-female sets of counter-rotating electromagnetic spirals of the consciousness energy. The male-female sets of consciousness energy spirals generate a DNA and RNA imprint. The DNA architecture is the masculine principle, while the RNA is the feminine principle. The DNA-RNA messaging circuitry must communicate together in balance. The DNA and RNA imprint project the entire lightbody hologram which organizes the light of the consciousness into a bio-energetic field, or auric field.
The auric field organizes into multiple layers of energy matrices that act as small computers, and these are the chakras, the lower exist in the particle layers and the higher dimensional chakras exists in the anti-particle layers. The anti-particle chakras are morphogenetic chakras and they inform the instruction sets absorbed into the lower dimensional chakras, who can open the higher contents when they are able to hold the higher frequencies.  Over time the chakras dissolve into each other when absorbing the higher dimensional frequencies.
The chakras send their processed energy as intelligent spirals into the nadial capsule which forms around the manifest biological form. The nadial capsule is comprised of the three-dimensional layers of the harmonic universe, in which the consciousness is stationed as an identity. The nadial capsule instructs how the consciousness must organize itself into the manifested DNA and RNA cellular biology. The DNA-RNA in matter sends its intelligent design to the nadial structure, which acts as the blueprint for energetic transmission and energetic receivers that form into the blueprint for the physical brain and nervous system. The central nervous system transmits into the molecular structure and then into the nuclear core in the 1D atomic body, which informs the dark matter template.
This nuclear core sends intelligent consciousness energy from all combined blueprint layers into the central nervous system, which sets the metabolic and biological base rhythms. These biological base rhythms are imprinted from the soul and spiritual intelligence into the blood, which form into the historical spiritual records. This blood record forms an imprint that is recorded in the brain to produce and distribute hormones, and the natural chemical reactions that are recorded in each organ and gland, and into all cellular tissues.
When we understand the interaction of the consciousness imprints from our soul and spiritual intelligence recorded into our biological form, then it becomes obvious that the human body is filled with the personalized spiritual records of that unique consciousness being.
These unique spiritual records are being returned to many on the earth through corrected birth transduction sequence patterns, during this most recent wave of activations and dismantling of artificial timeline grids that was emphasized on 10:10.
The point here is to be aware of this event playing out, as the fight over artificial timelines has been escalated. The focus is on the base 10 architecture versus base 12 Christos architecture, and the spiritual battle in the earth fields has gone to another level.
Take this information as supportive knowledge for understanding the current terrain in the outerscape, knowing there is nothing to fear. The best place to be is inside your 12D shield, developing your inner self and handshake to the Unity field, and staying neutral and consistently focused upon loving and peaceful vibrations. We are the peace while in the total chaos, remembering that when we are peaceful, we are much clearer and more coherent.
Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free!
Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!
With a Loving heart, 

Lisa Renee


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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publicado por achama às 14:11
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Novembro 2019


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