A Chama da Ascensão


Segunda-feira, 15 / 07 / 19

Scientists have observed phenomena that has an astounding explanation. ~ Matrix Wisdom

Scientists have observed phenomena that has an astounding explanation.

Published on Jul 12, 2019.

Something Is Going On Inside The Moon...Is Something Living In There?





Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 23:09
Segunda-feira, 15 / 07 / 19

An Exercise Anyone can use for Guidance. ~ Uteah, Chris Maurus

An Exercise Anyone can use for Guidance. 

Teacher Uteah.

Received by Chris Maurus.

Asheville, NC, USA, May June 2, 2019

Akashic Construct - 11:11 Spirit Guardians


Posted, July 15, 2019. 

Teacher Uteah: “See yourself from the perspective of your Indwelling Spirit? If today you were to switch roles and you were the Father Fragment working with your Destiny Guardians, what would you do to guide your mortal self through this life? This is an exercise that can be very helpful to you in working with your guidance team to see that you are a participant in your own progress to achieve greater development as a mature spiritual and human personality. If you are open and honest with yourself, you will find that by standing in the shoes of your guides, you will understand a better way to work with them, and by consciously working with them, you will find that your life will begin to flow in a way that is akin to those citizens who live in worlds of light. 

This is how we begin orienting the citizens of a world moving into Light and Life. You are the pioneers that will lead the way by understanding how to work with your guidance teams to bring more light to this world. Consciously working with your guides is the next step in your spiritual evolution and soon you will see that this way of working with Spirit was always available to you. Working with your guides does not necessarily mean you will become psychic and develop great healing powers or become a great teacher to the multitudes, but certainly some of you will, but rather you will understand how to live with purpose and understand your purpose. This is what guidance is for — to “guide you” into a true, beautiful, and good soul that is working and participating in the Great Plan. 

See yourself from this higher perspective as a guide looking down onto a soul you are guiding in light. Take time to review this soul’s life and look back at the path from birth until the present. See how guidance has brought you to this place you are today? Observe in this soul how you could better guide her to understand what you want her to achieve? What advice would you give this soul to help her understand her purpose? It would be easier if you could speak directly to this soul, would it not? Seems frustrating that this soul can’t hear you, but you know that she really does have this ability to hear you — this soul has only convinced herself that it cannot hear you. 

Imagine that you, as a guide for this soul, believe she cannot hear you, and that you have a chance now to speak openly to her. You will write a letter to this soul and you will write it in the most loving way you can speak to show her that you have nothing but unconditional love to give. Address the letter this way: 

Dear (Your Name), I’ve watched you grow from a little child into this soul I see before me, and I want you to know that I love you dearly, and all I want for you is for you to become more beautiful in every way. I want for you to take more time to listen to your heart and see how you can take better care of yourself by loving yourself enough to be filled with the light I have available for you. Whenever you want to hear from me, sit in the quiet and write to me about your life and anything you want to know. I will write the answers and my guiding thoughts without being critical or condemning. You will hear my sweet loving voice that is always speaking to your highest good. You will write my thoughts to you on the same note you are sharing with me. You will know my thoughts because they will always be speaking to guide you into a more beautiful soul that has purpose. 

If you write something that speaks otherwise, you will know it is not me speaking, but your own critical mind wanting to doubt and defeat the changes that I want you to explore to see that you are becoming this more beautiful soul that I know you are. 

Write to yourself, my dear students, and guide yourself with the words you would say if you were a guide. Step into the role of Father Fragment, and you will see that the words here are different than the words of your Destiny Guardians. Then speak from the voice of the Destiny Guardian. Soon you will find that the words you say are not your own, but they really are those of the ones who guide you. You see, you really do have the ability to hear them — you just needed a way to discover this. Let this exercise be the mechanism that opens up your ears to Spirit! 

In loving service to your soul, always, 
I AM Uteah.”


© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.

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Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 



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publicado por achama às 22:01
Segunda-feira, 15 / 07 / 19




Kate Spreckley's Inspiration.



day 18.





This week we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse which brings to a climax the current energy to create an enormous shift. Eclipses super charge the incoming energies bringing to light that which is in need of healing, change and transformation. This second eclipse will significantly amplify the intensity of the current energies encouraging us to gracefully discard the past.

Everything is changing and everything is new. Powerful, unexpected events are at work which urge you to look deeply at yourself, your life, your relationships and your world. This is just the beginning of a new journey which is vital for the evolutionary growth of your soul. Align yourself with the events that are occurring and move into right action. Explore your intuition and your interests. Go where they lead you. Discover who you are now, your thoughts and your feelings within this new reality. Move with the incoming energies and weave together your new life. Trusting in yourself and the changes you need to make will bring many beautiful new experiences and opportunities.
Much love,

Kate Spreckley
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About Kate Spreckley
As a coach, energy practitioner, speaker and facilitator Kate Spreckley allows her natural skills and abilities to guide and support those who are in search of awakening, healing, growth and transformation. Over the years Kate has allowed her inner guidance to shape the way in which she works. This enables her to now offer a creative mix of everything that she has found to be the most useful and effective..... Read more

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
Spirit Pathways <kate@spiritpathways.co.za> 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.


Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.


Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.


Discernment yes; judgement does not.

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 
With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 



Please respect all credits.
Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 21:37
Segunda-feira, 15 / 07 / 19

Jiddu Krishnamurti on Craving ~ Wes Annac

Jiddu Krishnamurti on Craving.

Wes Annac.





The craving for more is the beginning of conflict and misery. 
We try to escape from this misery through every form of self-deception, through suppression, substitution and sublimation; but craving continues, perhaps at a different level. 
Craving at any level is still conflict and pain. 
(COL, 1, 73.)
J. Krishnamurti, Commentaries on Living. First Series. Bombay, etc.: B.I. Publications, 1972; c1974, 73.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
New Study Reveals How US Military Veterans Really Feel About America’s Wars
The Creator Writings: It All Starts With You
Nuclear Experimentation: Year 74
Jiddu Krishnamurti on Craving
(New) Openhearted Rebellion Needs Your Help
The Creator Writings: Honor Each Person…
Powerful Mind Changing Perspective On Who We Are
“The Basement Office” on UFOs, Episode 3
Majorities of Both US Veterans and Public Believe Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan ‘Not Worth Fighting’
The Creator Writings: Choose Wisely…



 * All Posts

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 21:27
Segunda-feira, 15 / 07 / 19

The arrogance of science has doomed humanity ~ Mike Adams

The arrogance of science has DOOMED humanity… 

eye-opening new video from Adams.

 by: Mike Adams.

July 15th, 2019. 

Mike Adams


Under the banner of "science," humanity has been subjected to mass poisoning, radiation, toxic medications and nutrient-depleted food.

Now, it turns out that "science" is working to annihilate humankind and destroy human civilization. You're not allowed to point this out, or you will be labeled "anti-science".


Image: The arrogance of science has DOOMED humanity… eye-opening new video from Adams.



(Natural NewsThe arrogance of science has doomed humanity, and events have been triggered that will result in the annihilation of human civilization as it exists today. The climate change hoax is the perfect example of how “science” has become a malicious, dangerous cult of lunacy that now demands Earth be turned into a cold, frozen planet by dimming the sun and eliminating carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This pits the climate change cultists squarely against warmth, photosynthesis, liquid water, rainforests, food webs and sustainable ecology.

In a very real way, climate “scientists” have become enemies of life as we know it.
At the same time the “science” lunatics are trying to destroy the atmosphere and thrust the planet into another ice age, they’re also working overtime to poison the children with toxic vaccines, mind-altering medications, nutrient-depleted junk food and cancer-causing herbicides and GMOs. The mass poisoning of humanity is being pursued in the name of “science,” and nearly every member of the scientific establishment has sold out humanity in order to keep collecting grant money, academic recognition and various awards handed out by the very same same globalists that have already slated humanity for global depopulation.
Even beyond all that, scientists have set events in motion that will unleash a nuclear apocalypse during the next solar flare event, resulting in the simultaneous collapse of hundreds of nuclear power plants across the globe. In effect, we will see hundreds of Fukushima meltdowns happening at nearly the same time, even as the governments of the world will lie to their people and claim everything is under control.
As a simple example of the sheer stupidity and arrogance of the “scientific” community, consider the fact that California built most of its nuclear facilities on or near the San Andreas fault line, which will one day undergo a magnitude 9.0 earthquake that will completely destabilize nuclear fuel storage pools and active nuclear reactors:
Watch my eye-opening video lecture to learn more stunning truths about how “science” has doomed humanity.
It’s available exclusively on Brighteon.com, the free speech alternative to YouTube:
Read more about the dangerous cult of modern “science” at ScienceClowns.com.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 


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publicado por achama às 20:41
Segunda-feira, 15 / 07 / 19

A Vision for Thinking No Harm ~ Alignment Project

A Vision for Thinking No Harm.

The Vision Alignment Project

We envision ourselves living in a world where all people everywhere have risen up and out of their old, dark, thinking patterns and have realized how utterly beneficent it is for us to think no harm.
We see an awakening having taken place in every culture, in every land, so that we are now living in complete peace, creativity, and serenity because no one is thinking harmful thoughts about anyone else. Now that we have learned that our thoughts are very powerful and creative, and that whatever we are putting our attention on is what we are becoming, we have taken that bit of wisdom into our lives, and our lives have improved immeasurably as a result.
Indeed, since harm no longer happens inside of us in our thoughts, it can no longer happen outside of us in the world.


If this vision was sent to you from a friend, you can go to www.visionalignmentproject.com to sign up free for The Vision Alignment Project.

The Vision Alignment Project is sponsored by The Intenders of the Highest Good. If you have a Vision you would like to share with the world, please email it to [office@intenders.com]. Your Vision may be published here!


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 19:52
Segunda-feira, 15 / 07 / 19

Sisu: The Finnish Concept of Inner Strength and How to Adopt It ~ Jamie Logie

Sisu: The Finnish Concept of Inner Strength and How to Adopt It.

By Jamie Logie.

July 14, 2019. 

sisu finnish inner strength.



You have more strength in you than you even realize, but how do you bring it out?

Sisu is a Finnish concept based on grit, bravery, and resilience. Sisu is all about having a real stoic determinism and is something that the people of Finland pride themselves on. We may call it “having a stiff upper lip“, but it goes much deeper than that.
This article will look at what Sisu is all about, and how you can adopt it for yourself.

What Does Sisu Really Mean?

I mentioned some of its traits, but we can see Sisu as the ultimate form of courage. It’s about what you do when your back is up against the wall and all the odds are against you.

It’s all about sticking to a course of action and not backing down no matter what adversity you face. No matter the odds you may be up against, Sisu allows you to not be overcome by them.

We can see a popular culture example of this in Han Solo in The Empire Strikes Back. When faced with certain doom from an attack by the Empire, Han Solo – with his back against the wall – takes the Millenium Falcon into an asteroid field.

Something that’s considered a suicide mission. He is informed by C3-PO that the chances of successfully surviving an asteroid field are 3720:1, to which Solo responds, “Never tell me the odds…”.

This is an easy way of looking at Sisu as it’s all about displaying courage in the face of overwhelming adversity – and insurmountable odds. 

How Long Has This Concept Been Around?

Sisu goes back hundreds of years and is one of the foundations of Finnish culture. It’s thought to be one of the best ways to understand what the Fins are truly all about. The country has always prided themselves in going beyond one’s own mental or physical capacity, and Sisu is what represents their people.
Sisu has been explained as the word that describes Finland and that “it’s the most wonderful of all their words“. This became popularized during the famous “Winter War” when the Fins were invaded by the Soviet Union. This occurred during 1939-40 and it’s when Sisu came to the forefront.
Time Magazine noted that the “Sisu” displayed by the Fins was all about tenacity. It was about the ability to keep fighting long after others would quit.
The Fins were able to take the war into Russian territory while at the same time withstanding brutal attacks by a reinforced Russian army. This allowed them to gain the upper hand as the Fins could fight in harsh conditions with no sense of throwing in the towel.
Sisu is all about bravery, bravado, and ferocity.

More Examples of Sisu

Sisu applies well to matters of war and battles, but is it something notable in a modern, non-military aspect? Most people forget that one of the biggest phone companies – Nokia – is actually Finnish. As the wireless phone market grew more intense, Nokia could hang on despite many odds being stacked up against them.
Nokia was constantly able to overcome many obstacles going into the mid-2000s and the “guts” they had displayed allowed them to stick around in the industry.
This was chalked up to the Sisu shown by Nokia’s executives. The CEO of Nokia noted how this unique Finnish quality allowed them to persevere and have endurance where other companies would falter.
We can see Steve Jobs as possessing Sisu as he refused to ever throw in the towel. He had an intensity and endurance that others couldn’t match. For Jobs, it was all about being relentless and not giving in to create the best products possible. No was never an option.
Even being forced to leave the company that he started only made him embrace this white-knuckle courage to push forward and come back stronger than ever turning Apple into one of the biggest companies in history.

Where Does Sisu Come From and How Do You Adopt It?

With the Fins, it’s considered having developed because of their harsh Nordic winters. To survive in an environment like that takes the ultimate in perseverance and courage.
But it’s also seen as a product of genetics, biology, psychological, and social factors. Some of it may be in you, but it’s also able to be nurtured through your environment.
This may be a social construct, but the concept of Sisu can exist in anyone. Some people have this “never give up” mindset from the day they are born – but it’s still possible to develop it.

It all comes down to your thought process and mindset.

If you grow up in an environment that fosters this approach, it will be easier for it to become naturally engrained in you. It may be the culture that allows Sisu to exist in you more than it is genetics.
This means you want to surround yourself with people who have these traits as they are more likely to rub off on you.
If Sisu is something you don’t think you have – and you want to adopt it – it means getting out of your comfort zone and exposing yourself to people – and situations – where resilience is common. Over time, you will embrace the qualities that allow you to persevere and not back down.

It also means retraining the way you think.

Your brain is like a muscle and it needs repetition to get stronger and more developed. Positive thinking – where you tell yourself to be determined and resilient – will eventually become second nature.
You need to catch yourself every time you doubt or second-guess yourself and remember that it’s just your mind telling you these things. You can train your mind, the problem is it’s we have bombarded it with negative self-talk because of the environment and culture we find ourselves in – so it takes work.
When you continue to reinforce the idea of Sisu in your mind, you will find that the perception of it has now become a reality.
  1. http://www.bbc.com/
  2. https://www.psychologytoday.com/
  3. https://www.sciencedaily.com/
About the Author: Jamie Logie

 Jamie Logie is a personal trainer, nutritionist, and health & wellness specialist. Jamie also studied sociology and psychology at Western University and has a counseling diploma from Heritage Baptist College. He has run a blog and top-rated podcast on iTunes called "Regained Wellness". Jamie is also a contributing writer for places like the Huffington Post, Thrive Global, LifeHack and has an Amazon #1 book called "Taking Back Your Health".

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 19:41
Segunda-feira, 15 / 07 / 19

The shifts of consciousness that are happening. ~ Arcturian Group, Marilyn Raffaele.

The shifts of consciousness that are happening.

The Arcturian Group's Message  

Through Marilyn Raffaele

July 14, 2019


Dear readers, know that the strife and conflicts taking place at this time on Earth indicate the shifts of consciousness that are happening. The status quo is being questioned and no longer blindly accepted by an ever increasing number of people.

The innately self-serving goals of many three-dimensional standards are beginning to be recognized for what they are and, as more and more awaken, will be eliminated or transmuted to higher forms. Know that all is proceeding according to plan.

Some refuse to let go of three-dimensional concepts now being recognized by many others as false. They continue to identify with what is familiar in the belief that their belief system is their identity, showing others who they are. These dear ones believe that they would no longer be the person they believe themselves to be if they were to change.

This type of thinking represents separation and demonstrates the common human need to create an ideal persona based in the individual’s concepts of what constitutes a good, bad, perfect, ideal human–illusion at its finest. (1)

Many continue to believe and promote that change and new ways of thinking will never be as wonderful as in the past. These dear ones live in the past, nostalgic for what they falsely believe were “the good old days,” not realizing that the past only seemed better because the same issues being exposed today were very much alive at that time as well, but were hidden.

Never forget that those who remain fully three-dimensional are also Divine Beings. Your job is to live from your highest enlightened realizations in the ordinary moments of each day. Many of those choosing to remain rigidly attached to illusion will at some point leave the planet as they will not be able to align with the higher-dimensional frequencies.

Do not overly concern yourselves with those choosing not to awaken at this time even if the person is a loved family member or friend. Remember, every person has a Higher Self, Guides, and a spiritual contract and this lifetime may not be their chosen time to awaken. After enough lifetimes lived in the illusions of duality and separation, every soul grows tired of the nonsense and begins to seek for more.

Evolution can be postponed, but not avoided forever because the reality of every soul is Oneness with Source.

Every one of you has experienced lifetimes mired in the sticky energy of duality and separation. It is important and necessary to have hundreds of different three-dimensional experiences before a person is prepared to let go and seek the deeper realities. That is how the ascension journey works.

Everything you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell is energy . Everything is in vibration. The faster the vibration, the higher the frequency, the highest being pure Light. Highly-resonating frequencies cannot be seen with human eyes because the two frequencies (three-dimensional versus fifth and higher) do not align. This is why most people are unable to see their Guides and beings from the higher dimensions. However this is rapidly changing as the ascension process brings change to the personal resonance of every individual.

There are some who have brought psychic abilities with them into this lifetime, they see “ghosts” and get information usually from the fourth dimension. Contrary to what many believe, psychic is not the same as spiritual. Psychic information flows through the consciousness of the individual giving the information and will reflect their level of awareness. Keep this in mind when getting a reading or body work from another. Seek out those who work from a high level of spiritual awareness and always trust your intuition.

Earth is a spiritual universe filled with Divine Beings and governed by love, but what most see and experience are the false mental interpretations of this spiritual reality. This is why it is so important to practice non-judgement regarding appearances at all times. Example–Rather than being shocked, repulsed, or pitying of someone with a severely deformed body, say to yourself; “Oh, God disguised as a deformed body.” This is unconditional love.

We are not speaking of deformed fetuses. The soul does NOT enter a fetus at the time of conception as many believe. In preparation, the soul may come or go into the developing fetus during pregnancy, but many do not fully enter until birth.

Unconditional love is a state of consciousness that is able to acknowledge the realities that lie hidden behind all appearances. It is a conscious realization of Divine Oneness regardless of circumstances. It does not mean ignoring whatever human footsteps may be necessary but does mean that these human footsteps are taken with a consciousness of Oneness.

Many of the negative situations you observe in others lives are actually facets of that person’s spiritual journey, experiences chosen by them (not consciously) as being necessary for their evolution. Even what is termed “karma” is an energetic reflection of energy given out, a learning experience and never punishment. God does not punish. God could not punish ITself. Never forget that. All painful experiences are creations of the one experiencing and no one else.

Consciousness is omnipresent energy. Energy is not good or bad; it just is. Everyone feels energy although most do not understand what they are feeling. When you enter a place of heavy dense energy, you feel it and want to leave. These frequencies are commonly felt in bars, antique stores, and businesses that thrive on lower human instincts.

When you enter a place where the energy is light and refined, you feel that as well. It resonates with you and you want to stay– commonly experienced in places of natural beauty or places of prayer and meditation.

The state of consciousness of the individual determines the energy they align with. Those living fully in duality and separation and who get all their pain and pleasure from this level often enjoy being in heavy dark energy and frequent places of that density. Some go on to create their own situations of dark energy–satanic rituals, serial killers, and those who thrive on the pain and suffering of others.

They feed from these energies because they are unable to access the inexhaustible source of energy within themselves. They have blocked their flow and need to find it elsewhere, outside of themselves.

Always know that high-energy frequencies of Light are the reality and that heavy, low-resonating energy cannot enter into the higher because there is no alignment. Let this realization be your “sword and shield” in every situation.

There exist many metaphysical protocols for “protection,” and most of you learned and have practiced them along the way of your spiritual journey but you are now shifting into a higher state of consciousness where your Light is the only protection you need.

You no longer require rites and rituals meant to protect, lift you into the Light, or bring you closer to God. These practices are based in beliefs of separation and you now know that you never have been or never could be separate from God. These practices serve newly-awakening students of truth and were important facets of your journey at one time, but at some point become obsolete.

This is the shift from metaphysics into mysticism that you have been preparing for over lifetimes. Metaphysics is changing a bad picture into a good picture through the use of energy tools, mantras, etc. Mysticism is the realization that nothing needs to be changed, healed or corrected.

Let go of assigning power to anything that does not reflect truth, always remembering that God alone is power. You who read and resonate with these messages have been preparing though many lifetimes for a higher way of living and are ready.

There is nothing but God, Divine consciousness, regardless of how the outer scene may appear. As you begin to acknowledge and live this truth, it becomes your state of consciousness and your lives will begin to reflect it because you will be creating from reality rather than from concepts of duality and separation.

We cannot emphasize enough that at some point you must cease being the student and become the master. False ego based “humility” will say, “Oh I am not worthy.” This type of thinking is impersonal and reflective of the un-awakened three-dimensional collective belief system.

Intellectual levels of spiritual study reach a place of completion where one begins to be taught from within rather than from some guru, book, class, or practice. There comes a point at which every individual must let go of the tools that served them along the way and begin living and being truth.

It is every person’s free will choice to stay in the illusions of separation, continuing to seek and search for some concept of God to save them.

However, you have graduated and are ready to experience the infinity of Consciousness not available to the human mind should you choose.
We are the Arcturian Group 

Marilyn Raffaele



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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 19:14
Segunda-feira, 15 / 07 / 19

It All Starts With You ~ The Creator, Jennifer Farley


The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

July 15th, 2019




Take a moment and think about what you are opening yourself up to on a daily basis?  

Is it loving, compassionate and kind or is it negative, hurtful and derisive?  

Each and every one of you has the power and free will to make your life what you want it to be.  

Positive or negative, it is all up to you!  

The Universe is bringing this to your attention because it needs to be practiced!  

You have been given the task of changing how your world operates.  

Whatever you choose will be, dear one, and it all starts with you! 


Jennifer Farley





Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 17:22
Segunda-feira, 15 / 07 / 19

Benjamin Fulford Sample, 2019/07/15: Execution of George Bush Sr. doomed JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank, Merkel

 The Execution of George Bush Sr. doomed JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank, Merkel.

Benjamin Fulford's Sample Report 


The execution of George Bush Sr. and his wife Barbara is finally opening doors to a real take-down of the satanic Khazarian mafia cabal, multiple sources agree.  This is seen in all sorts of news events being reported even by the corporate slave media.  The resignation of Trump’s Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta over his involvement in covering up for Mossad agent Jeffrey Epstein is just another domino to fall.  At least 110,000 others will follow, including a wide swathe of politicians, celebrities, and billionaires, promise Pentagon sources.

This purge at the top of world power will go hand-in-hand with a massive campaign to fix up the planet.  “A letter of recommendation for a world future planning agency has been distributed to all sovereign heads of state,” according to a high-level European royal family source.  The plan to reforest an area the size of the U.S. and China combined has been added to this proposal, the source also said.

This proposal is under a diplomatic corporate/associated press embargo until the market-moving details of its structure are worked out, the source says.  However, he says it has already been decided that the project will dwarf even the multi-trillion-dollar Chinese Belt and Road Initiative.

World financial markets, which are becoming a giant hallucination with negative interest rates and soaring stock prices, may be shut down and rebooted as a part of the preparations, the source adds.

However, a complete purge of the satanic elements of the world power structure will be needed before this is possible, Pentagon and CIA sources note.  This has continued with a Special Forces raid on the Clinton Foundation and other satanic infrastructures that took place during a power outage in Manhattan last week, the sources say.

“While China may get media attention, an extreme prejudice counterintelligence task force aided by the NSA, the military, and Russia is ridding America of …
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full report will be post here this Thursday


Notices, Letters to Benjamin

July 12, 2019

Benjamin Fulford Talks: Interview July 11, 2018 with Truth Is Out


Here is Benjamin Fulford’s July 11, 2018 interview with www.truthisout.net:





Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
Free counters!

publicado por achama às 17:11
Segunda-feira, 15 / 07 / 19

Nuclear Experimentation: Year 74 ~ Ethan Indigo Smith.

Nuclear Experimentation: Year 74.

By Ethan Indigo Smith.

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

July 8th, 2019 

Time Zero: July 16, 1945


Nuclear experimentation began with the first detonation of the Manhattan Project. The first detonation began the unstable and unceasing chain reaction that is the nuclear era. The scientists involved in the detonation experiment actually debated on whether or not it would start a chain reaction of total planetary atmospheric ignition. Numerous detonations afterwards would also experiment with atmospheric influence. The atmosphere did not ignite, but the experiment began with a boom unlike any before in a New Mexico valley fittingly called El Journada del Muerte (The Journey of Death).

I’ll try to be brief because radiation impacts mental capacity, limits attention span and impacts decision making capability – and I have started to wonder, as I observe the world, if it is causing our mental decline along with social media, and so on. The atmosphere did not ignite, but the atmosphere and every strata of the planet has been saturated by and is being continuously being inundated with increasing radiation, nuclear experimentation pollution to the detriment of the world!

Nuclear experimentation continues to be the most taboo and obfuscated subject matter, overtly and covertly, the world over. The experiment is one of the most taboo subjects not only because of cultural (read military industrial complex) influence, but also because of the following rule which I call the Idiocy Certainty Principle: the less mental capacity, the more one muddles or denies the actuality of any and all things one has not seen themselves. This rule is most notable with near invisible subject matter such as nuclear experimentation and indeed with another matter of mostly invisible subjects; spirituality. If you cannot hold it, wear it, eat it, or spend it, how can it be worth anything or even real? And so, perhaps depending on one’s exposure to nuclear experimentation pollution and subsequently affected mental capacity, nuclear experimentation is either a very big deal or it’s out of sight/out of mind.

You can’t see radiation. Which, the aforementioned Idiocy Certainty Principle tells us, may be why most people ignore the topic of nuclear experimentation. Perhaps part of the reason I am fascinated with the subjects of nuclear experimentation and spirituality is because of the invisible nature shared by the diverse matters.

Since the journey of death that is nuclear experimentation began, there has already been a vast nuclear war on terra. There have been over 2,000 experimental detonations and the production, refinement, and storage of the elements of the deadly journey continue leaking into the planetary environment the world over, from Fukushima, to Hanford, to Chernobyl, to The West Lake Landfill, and back again.

A waste site fittingly called a “coffin” of waste is leaking radioactive material into the Pacific Ocean, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres warned. “The Pacific was victimized in the past as we all know,” said Guterres, according to AFP. The structure is on the Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands; Guterres described the dome as “a kind of coffin” designed to contain nuclear material. The world needs secure above ground storage facilities and yet there is no such developed place and the contamination continues:



On the 74th anniversary of the journey of death that is nuclear experimentation, we also have the 40thanniversary of the Three Mile Island meltdown and the 33rd anniversary of the Chernobyl meltdown. A major milestone too this year is that the Japanese are reopening some of the formerly closed off zones impacted by the Fukushima event. Japan is to host The Olympics in 2020 and is obviously showing off how exceptional they are at cleaning up radiation beforehand. The Secrecy Law implemented post-Fukushima in Japan admittedly might have been to hide how they clean radiation so efficiently rather than to hide how dirty it remains…but probably not!

The Three Mile Island nuclear experiment is planning on ceasing power production by September, 2019. The owner, Exelon, will have to look after the spent fuel, the cooled reactor next to the melted reactor for decades to come. The frightening prospect of nuclear experimentation is that even when we discontinue the power generation, we still have to deal with the storage of waste. Can we count on Exelon for even the next 100 years? Can we count on any institution for the next 1,000?

For the radiologically mentally impaired who otherwise would dare not research the 74 Year old nuclear experiment on their planet, HBO is airing a miniseries devoted to the Chernobyl event. From the part of the horrorshow I did see it looks quite outrageous and expositional. This year a parallel funny sprouted: a lost sequel to the Burgess novel ‘A Clockwork Orange’ was discovered. It is said to be a thematic look at the impairment of visually stimulated ‘cultures.’

For the not so radiologically impaired, there are ways for individuals to implement change. Anyone in US can submit a Memorial Bill to State Congress by being a United States citizen with some signatory assistance. Anyone can put together and implement a Memorial Bill and The Bill itself can be toward anything. There are innumerable requirements and bureaucratic loopholes to go through, but it is possible. With a little understanding of history, one can conceptualize anything, and one can certainly easily conceptualize reasons to cease global nuclear experimentation. The visible plastic waste of the petrolithic era being is accompanied by invisible radiation of the nuclear age, and we must act.

Perhaps there is someone in The Greater Los Angeles area who lived near Santa Susana nuclear waste site who would be inspired. This nuclear experimentation site experienced the first known nuclear power generation experimentation meltdown in the USA! When there were radiological releases from accidents, residents in nearby Simi Valley and beyond were not informed. The workers at the experiment were not allowed to inform their own families to take precautionary measures -to their demise. This was an era when even normal procedures without accidental releases were as uncaring to the surrounding environment as possible.

Standard operation of disposal of barrels of waste by gunfire in Los Angeles Hills. The bullet caused a chain reaction and dispersal.

Another interesting event in nuclear experimentation this the 74th year since Time 0 of the journey of death was the clandestine use of the disputed Yucca Mountain waste site in Nevada. The DOE secretly brought one half metric ton of disposal to the site. Side note: there have been 928 nuclear experimentation detonations in Nevada since the fateful day we embarked from El Journada del Meurte.

“The Justice Department notified a federal judge in Reno the government had already trucked the radioactive material to the site 70 miles north of Las Vegas when Nevada filed a request for an injunction to block the move in November.” ~Reno Gazette Journal

Let us hope and pray that the saturation of the environment does not stupefy us all and that we can raise awareness of the global nuclear experiment. We simply must change our focus from our current cultural predicament of war to pursuing having clean water. Speaking of water, Russia set sail a floating nuclear power generation experiment. What could possibly go wrong?

And in all seriousness if something does go wrong – or hell, even when standard operation procedure goes “right” – where will the nuclear age institutions of our global “culture” be? Perhaps they will lend a hand. Perhaps they will fight in order to not have to help.
Peace on Earth.
The Terraist Letters
Ethan Indigo Smith’s controversial book, The Terraist Letters, humorously contrasts the very serious issues of global nuclear experimentation and global marijuana prohibition. It is a funny and provocative political satire that attempts to brings some sanity to the  most serious subject matter of nuclear experimentation, in a way that only Ethan can.
“Ethan’s work will titillate, irritate, but most importantly, stimulate some serious thought concerning current conventions. Give it a read. Your brain might thank you.” ~ New York Times Best Selling author, Jim Marrs
The Terraist Letters is available here on Amazon.
The Complete Patriot’s Guide
Ethan Indigo Smith’s book, The Complete Patriot’s Guide to Oligarchical Collectivism: Its Theory and Practice, is an insightful exploration of history, philosophy and contemporary politics of today’s heavily institutionalized society.
An inspiration for positive, peaceful individual action, The Complete Patriot’s Guide is pro-individual in its perspective and, although political, discusses our society and its institutions from neither left-wing nor right-wing perspectives, exploring history, philosophy and contemporary politics relative to the fictional work of George Orwell. Layered with insight, it is in part a literary exploration of the themes of Orwell’s 1984, and provides solutions for individual and collective empowerment.
The Complete Patriot’s Guide to Oligarchical Collectivism is available here on Amazon.
Recommended articles by Ethan Indigo Smith:
About the author:
Activist, author and Tai Chi teacher Ethan Indigo Smith was born on a farm in Maine and lived in Manhattan for a number of years before migrating west to Mendocino, California. Ethan’s work is both deeply connected and extremely insightful, blending philosophy, politics, activism, spirituality, meditation and a unique sense of humor.
You can connect with Ethan on Facebook, check out his author page on Amazon, or visit his new websites, Geometry Of Energy and Meditation 108, where Ethan offers lessons on individuation, meditation, the conceptualization of energy, and the metaphysical significance of 108.
Ethan’s books include:
The Geometry of Energy: How to Meditate: Simple and profound, this book offers an empowering four-step meditation, focused through the sacred dimensions of geometry.
The Little Green Book of Revolution an inspirational book based on ideas of peaceful revolution, historical activism and caring for the Earth like Native Americans.
Meditation and Geometry for The Youth: A short and sweet book to introduce young people to meditation and sacred geometry, in a simple format for the youth and youthful alike.
108 Steps to Be In The Zone, a set of 108 meditative practices for self discovery and individual betterment, including techniques to develop balance, transmute sexual energy.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
Free counters!

publicado por achama às 17:05
Segunda-feira, 15 / 07 / 19

Autism can be Cured – How to use the Chlorine Dioxide Protocol to Recover Broken Lives

Autism can be Cured.

How to use the Chlorine Dioxide Protocol to Recover Broken Lives.

By John P. Thomas.

Posted July 14, 2019 by Edward Morgan. 




I hope no one has been discouraged from using the chlorine dioxide protocol developed by Keri Rivera for treating autism and other chronic illnesses because of the recent NBC News report.
The deception presented by NBC News writer Brandy Zadrozny concerning the CD protocol is exposed in the following Health Impact News article:

Parents Seeking Non-Medical Help for Autism Online Being Reported to CPS to Have Children Medically Kidnapped

As the information in the previous article clearly shows, chlorine dioxide has not injured or killed anyone. Chlorine dioxide is not bleach. 
Chlorine dioxide (CD) has been approved by the US Federal Drug Administration (FDA) for use in food and for disinfecting water. It also has been approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO) for water purification. [1]
Clearly, chlorine dioxide research shows that it is not harmful to human life. [2] 
Kerri Rivera further describes the safe and beneficial uses of chlorine dioxide. She stated:
ClO2 is a yellow-green gas that was discovered in 1814. Since the early 1900s, people have been using it as a disinfectant. Chlorine Dioxide [CD] is used to disinfect food and surgical tools. It is sprayed on produce to disinfect them before they go to market. It can sterilize air and improve air quality. CD is more effective than hydrogen peroxide for killing bacteria. [3]

The Great Bleach Lie that gets Repeated Over and Over Again

Chlorine dioxide is not bleach! Chemically, chlorine dioxide (CLO2) and Sodium hypochlorite, bleach, (NaOCl or NaClO) are two distinctly different chemicals.
Let me say it in another way. Chlorine dioxide kills pathogens on food and in the human body with oxygen. Yes, the same oxygen we breathe every day to live.
Sodium hypochlorite kills pathogens with chlorine. 
During World War I, chlorine gas was used as a weapon to disable and kill allied soldiers. Chlorine gas was released into the air and it flowed into the trenches where soldiers were positioned. [4]
It is highly destructive to life [4], but this is not the case with chlorine dioxide. [5]
So, any time you hear somebody refer to chlorine dioxide as “industrial bleach” you know they are either intentionally lying or are seriously misinformed. 

Kerry Rivera is a Pioneer in Autism Recovery 

Kerri Rivera has been researching methods to recover lives of people with autism and related conditions since 2006.
She completed DAN based training for the biomedical treatment of autism in 2009 (DAN refers to “Defeat Autism Now”).
She has a degree in homeopathy, and has been trained to provide hyperbaric therapy.
She is the developer of the chlorine dioxide protocol, which has been used to recover 557 people from autism and related conditions. [3, 6]

Who can be Helped with the Chlorine Dioxide Protocol?

Autism is not the only condition that can be helped by the chlorine dioxide protocol. There are a family of conditions related to autism which produce disabling effects for children and for adults.
These conditions include Asperger’s, PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections), PANS (Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome), PITAND (Pediatric Infection-triggered Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders), ADD and ADHD (Attention-Deficit Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), and PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder-not otherwise specified) which is often another label for autism.
These related conditions can exist side by side with autism, overlap with it, or be separate from it.
Kerri Rivera puts all these labels into context by describing them this way. She stated:
What all those labels have in common is a compromised immune system that is not functioning as it should. There is pathogen overgrowth. There is inflammation throughout the body. There is candida, bacteria, parasites, viruses, and of course heavy metals. [3]
In short, these children, and the adults they become, are suffering with the consequences of life in the 21st century. They are the more extreme cases of modern illnesses which afflict our entire population in one way or another.
They suffer from the effects of glyphosate, denatured industrial food, contaminated water, polluted air, environmental chemicals, vaccines, antibiotics and other pharmaceutical drugs, radio frequency exposure, and many other assaults to their bodies.

Can These Children Really Be Helped?

There are three answers to this question depending on who you ask. 
  1. The conventional medical system insists that they don’t know what causes these conditions and therefor there is no known cure. They discourage everyone from seeking a cure until Big Pharma finds the solution. They contradict and smear the reputation of anyone who is daring to find any treatment that is not part of their system. The only thing they offer is psychiatric medications, which in some cases might make life easier for caregivers, but does not help anyone actually recover from these illnesses. [5]
  1. There are those who believe autism and these related conditions are just normal variations in the human condition. They say we should accept them and love them as they are. They say it is an insult to try to fix them. They contradict and smear the reputation of anyone who is daring to find a remedy for the condition they say is normal. [1] Apparently, they seem to be unaware or are ignoring the fact that other people on the autism spectrum are still wearing diapers as adults in their twenties, are spending their days crying in agony, and are beating their heads on walls all day long. Such behavior is not normal by any stretch of the imagination.
  1. Finally, there are those who have become convinced that the many variations observed in children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders can be treated and the symptoms can disappear. They have seen evidence of recovered lives. They are not willing to throw away the lives of children while Big Pharma searches for a wonder drug. They are not willing to throw away the lives of these children by saying it is normal to live dysfunctional lives until they die. They have witnessed full and permanent recovery and will not stop their research until everyone who wants to be healed can be successfully recovered. [3]
Kerri Rivera is in this last group. She has seen over 550 full recoveries from autism since August 2010 and knows that tens of thousands of people have been helped. As her CD protocol continues to be refined, the rate of recovery continues to grow. [3]
Kerri Rivera asserts the truth without reservation when she states:
Autism is avoidable, treatable, and curable.
The CD protocol has revolutionized autism recovery. We have put all things that work in the protocol and the things that are not working any more have been taken out. So, it is constantly evolving.
We are focused on killing pathogens and helping the immune system to heal the body. Until we recover 100% of the children 100% of the time this protocol will continue to evolve. A practitioner is only as good as her or his toughest case. [3]
Recovery is measured by the ATEC test. A score of 10 or less indicates recovery. Kerri Rivera recommends doing this test before beginning the CD Protocol and to repeat it every 3 months to monitor progress or whenever you are ready to start a new component of the protocol. 
She stated:
It doesn’t really matter when someone says your child is PDD-NOS and the ATEC score is 100. If your ATEC score is 100, then you are safely in the zone of autism, and you can safely treat with the protocol. [3]

Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist – Take the ATEC online

The CD Protocol is not just for Autistic Children and is Much More than Chlorine Dioxide

Kerri Rivera stated:
A wonderful thing about this protocol is that it has shown itself to be effective for basically every illness including autism, because at the root of all illness you are going to have very similar things like inflammation, pathogens, heavy metals, and so on. [3]
The full CD protocol involves: a modified ketogenic diet, chlorine dioxide, chondroitin sulfate D, humic/fulvic, black seed oil, digestive enzymes, anti-parasite medications, chelators, binders, thyroid supplements, ionic foot bath, and hyperbaric oxygen. 
Kerri Rivera stated:
The CD protocol is not just for autism anymore. You can use all of it together or use pieces of it alone.
There are people who just buy the Breakthrough Chondroitin D because it works for speech no matter what protocol you might be doing (even if you are not doing a protocol) or if you just want to be healthier.
You can do that, or take the humic/fulvic or black seed oil. You can do Parts or all – all are wonderful!
Of course, I recommend doing all of them for autism. We need to get in and out as fast as possible with as little discomfort as possible.
The CD protocol can be used with MS, chronic fatigue, Crohn’s, Lyme, fibromyalgia – basically any chronic illness.
An acute illness such as a cold can be treated with a couple scoops of black seed oil and a few doses of CD – this will get you right through it. [3]

Learning to use the CD Protocol

Please understand that the information that follows is only a brief summary of the CD protocol, and is for informational purposes only. It is not medical advice.
Anyone interested in learning more about the protocol should listen to the full presentation given by Kerri Rivera at AutismOne in May of 2019 to get more details.

Kerri Rivera AutismOne May 2019

Also, I recommend getting a copy of her book that is available from her website. Amazon recently removed it from their product list. Her book is available in several languages.

Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism (2nd edition) (eBook)

There is also a wealth of information in videos and articles on Kerri Rivera’s websites. It will be time well spent exploring this information.

Home – CD Autism – Kerri Rivera – CDAUTISM.ORG


Real Kerri Rivera – For Real Solutions

Finally, I recommend communicating with Kerri Rivera if you have questions about the CD protocol.
You can contact Kerri Rivera at:

The Chlorine Dioxide Protocol Begins with Diet 

Kerri Rivera stated:
The modified ketogenic diet I developed is revolutionary for autism recovery.
The diet is of course gluten and casein free, but that is only a start. We have to avoid the grains, rice, fruit, and fructose that are feeding pathogens like candida and parasites.
We have to be grain and fruit free. This is where it is for healing the gut and brain – the ketones heal the brain. 
Getting rid of some of these foods is a little bit challenging at first, but we have a booklet now. It is online and you can download it. There are recipes and it explains what we are doing. 

KetoKerri Cookbook (English) | Keto Kerri

A lot of doctors don’t know this, but ketosis is not ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis is something that can happen in a type 1 diabetic who is uncontrolled. That is something very different to ketosis. 
I find that when people go toward a keto diet or the modified ketogenic diet I recommend for most people, they get into too much protein – too much chicken, too much beef. You really want to watch that you are not getting too much animal protein – you want to make sure you are getting a lot of fat. You have to focus on fat and not on animal protein. 
If you get too much protein then you can have issues with ammonia. Parasites are releasing ammonia and a heavy meat diet is a big source of ammonia. This can cause damage to the brain.
You have to watch out that you are not eating too many sweet things, because this can lead to brain damage and other damage to the body. 
It is not a true ketogenic diet – it is a modified ketogenic diet. It is not a no-carb but it is a low carb diet. It is not so low carb that is under 20 grams of carbohydrates. We are not counting carbs.
For instance, if we are eating cashews – they may have 13 carbohydrates per serving. With just one or two servings alone we are already out of the low carb zone, but we are still not having the sugars and the starches that are feeding the candida and the parasites. [3]
The modified ketogenic diet that Kerri Rivera recommends includes:
  • 50% of total calories (based on age) should be in the form of healthy fat. 
  • Nuts and seeds can be used for making nut milks, nut flowers, and nut butters. They can be used for making tortillas, muffins, cookies, cakes, etc.
  • Animal protein should be consumed in limited quantities. (Vegans can use plant proteins such as pea protein.)
  • No fruits. No grains. 
  • Unlimited vegetables can be eaten, but not starchy vegetables such as potatoes or corn. 
  • C8 oil is the best fat out there and avocadoes are basically unlimited. Avocados are the perfect food besides coconuts. They have lots of important minerals and vitamins, and 1, 2, or 3 can be eaten per day. 
C8 oil is a food supplement that is derived from coconut oil. Kerri Rivera indicates that it is the best for brain healing. It provides instant ketones and instant healing. It does not have to process in the liver. It balances moods and behaviors. It also makes it easier for a lot of children to cut the carbs from their diet and to stop grazing on nuts all day long because the pathogens are constantly demanding to be fed. [3]
Coconut oil provides great support for the immune system. It is anti-candida and anti-Alzheimer’s. It heals the brain. It should be use for cooking and frying. [3]
A special note about Playdough: Playdough is made of wheat flower. It must be completely avoided to prevent children from eating it. Gluten can also be absorbed through the skin when using Playdough. Gluten free playdough can be purchased. [3]
Kerri Rivera provides this advice to parents who are using her modified ketogenic diet with their children. 
She stated:
Always keep in mind that you don’t want anybody losing weight on this diet. So, you have to keep in mind how many calories are needed for that person for that day. 
When I hear comments such as “my child is losing weight and we are on this diet,” I am always interested in hearing how much fat they are taking in. Typically, they are taking in no fat or maybe a half teaspoon a day. That is just not enough.
During the first month you want to write down everything that the children eat to make sure they are getting their caloric needs. [3]

What Exactly is Chlorine Dioxide?

Chlorine dioxide (CD) is a member of the pro-oxidant family. There are 4 pro-oxidants: chlorine dioxide (this is the weakest), oxygen that we breathe, ozone, and hydrogen peroxide.
Pro-oxidants do not cause oxidative stress. They reduce oxidative stress by killing the pathogens that cause it. [3]
When used for autism and other conditions, CD kills pathogens but does not harm healthy cells or tissues. It reduces overall inflammation. It is antibacterial, antifungal, anti-viral, anti-helminthic (parasites), and neutralizes heavy metals.
It is not a chelator, but it makes heavy metals available to any chelator that is used at the same time to remove heavy metals. [3]
Because CD is a gas that is dissolved in water, CD can pass through the cell membranes of microbes and cause their death. It does this by taking electrons from mold, candida, and bacteria leaving them to break apart or ooze themselves to death. [3] 
In a research study, CD was shown to reduce 98% of bacteria and fungi such as E. coli, candida albicans, and streptococcus (strep which is found in PANDAS, PANS, and PITAND). [3]
When a person drinks CD, it is dispersed throughout the body and is not limited by the blood-brain barrier, veins, or the GI tract. [3]

Where can a Person get Chlorine Dioxide?

Chlorine dioxide is made at home prior to using it because it has a short shelf life.
The Internet and YouTube are filled with widely differing methods for making CD and it is often not clear what is real and what is intended to be misleading information.
The chlorine dioxide kit recommended contains one bottle of 22.4% sodium chlorite solution and one bottle 4% HCl (hydrochloric acid). It is found at https://wps4sale.com/product/wps-with-hcl-kit-4oz/
The two liquid chemicals are added together in equal amounts. Each must be in the proper dilution before mixing. One drop of each chemical is placed in a dry shot glass with a rounded bottom and mixed for one minute. This makes 1 drop of chlorine dioxide. [3]

Notes about using Chlorine Dioxide

It can be used in a wide variety of applications. It can be swallowed, or added to a bath or put in a humidifier. It can be used in the eyes, ears, nose, or as a spray on the skin. A powerful option is to use it as an enema.
If the CD will be consumed by drinking, then one drop of CD is mixed with water and divided into 8 or 16 equal size doses. The doses are consumed throughout the day. The goal is to start out with a very low dose and to proceed very slowly, because it will be killing pathogens. [3]
It is possible that CD could cause a Herxheimer reaction. This could happen when the quantity of dead pathogens exceeds the speed at which the body can remove the toxic debris from the dead pathogens.
If there is fever, bloating, chills, cold sweats, cramps, constipation, or diarrhea, then the treatment needs to be slowed down. [3]
Kerri Rivera indicated,
“It doesn’t mean it is a bad thing actually it means we are on the right path. There is no permanent damage done with a Herxheimer.” [3] 
If using CD in a humidifier then add 9 drops of CD to a liter of water. This is great for moldy rooms or if a person is getting a cold or has mucus in the winter time. The humidifier can be used while sleeping or all day when a person is not well. [3]
Ear infections can be treated with CD ear drops – antibiotics are not needed. [3] 
CD spray can be used on the skin. It can also be used to disinfect vegetables. 
CD can be used in a bath for chickenpox or shingles, or for any kind of skin itching. It can be used for eczema. The CD bath can be used for a cold or the flu, or if a person is not feeling well. Add 50 to 200 drops of CD to the bath tub. [3]
CD can be used in an enema. Enemas are the best way to get rid of nausea from the ammonia from the parasites or the headache that detoxification protocols can cause. One drop of CD is used with every 100 ML of water. Use 10 drops of CD with 1 liter of warm water. [3]
The CD enema can help change the pH of the intestine. The CD enema helps remove parasites and break up biofilms. Strep and staph bacteria live under biofilms. Biofilms are also full of pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, candida, and parasites. 
Keri Rivera adds these suggestions. She stated:
Some people don’t like the taste of CD if they have to take many doses over a long period of time for lyme or autism or PANDAS.
The CD can be put into capsules. It is very important that you drink lots of water with the capsules. This is definitely not for small children or for someone who is non-verbal and can’t tell you how they feel if the capsule gets stuck in their throat. It is a nice alternative in the cases where we can use it.
Dr. Stephanie Seneff is the one who made the glyphosate connection to illness, cancer and autism. Please take a look at the video that they don’t want you to see. We had over 200,000 hits until YouTube took it down. Dr. Seneff tells us how Glyphosate is causing the increase in autism as well as other illnesses. 

CENSORED Kerri Interviews Dr. Seneff: CD Destroys Glyphosate 

[Because of glyphosate,] we should all be taking maintenance doses of CD especially if you are living in North America. Glyphosate is basically on everything we are consuming. [3]

Looking ahead to the Rest of the CD Protocol – Part-2 Coming Soon 

In part two of this article, I will summarize the rest of the CD protocol. The use of the modified ketogenic diet and chlorine dioxide are just the beginning parts of the CD protocol.
The next article will summarize the use of: chondroitin D, humic/fulvic, black seed oil, digestive enzymes, anti-parasite medications, chelators, binders, thyroid supplements, ionic foot bath, and hyperbaric oxygen.
Everything works together to produce healing and recovery for children and adults!

About the Author

John P. Thomas is a health writer for Health Impact News. He holds a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Michigan, and a Master of Science in Public Health (M.S.P.H.) from the School of Public Health, Department of Health Administration, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


[2] Judith R. Lubbers, Sudha Chauhan, and Joseph R. Bianchine; “Controlled Clinical Evaluations of Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorite and Chlorate in Man,” Fundamental and Applied Toxicology, 1981.
[4] “Was Chlorine Gas Used in World War 1?” Answers.com, Retrieved 6/20/2019.
[6] “Home,” CD Autism, Kerri Rivera, CDAUTISM.ORG, 6/22/2019.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

A Complete List of Alternatives To The Google Search Engine
Autism can be Cured – How to use the Chlorine Dioxide Protocol to Recover Broken Lives
World British Tanker Seizure Try Fake News, Totally Fabricated
State Department Report: U.S. #1 in Sex Trafficking – 60% American Child Sex Slaves Come Out of Foster Care
Google’s Chrome Web Browser “Has Become Spy Software”
Hypertension: What You Need to Know About Your Blood Pressure
About Contact Jeffrey Epstein: Sex Blackmailer for the Mossad and CIA
Fully Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated
The Dimensional Structure of Consciousness
Prevent Memory Loss: Health Benefits Of Vitamin B12 For Seniors With Alzheimer’s
We Are At The Pinnacle Of A Historic Bubble. At Any Moment, The Wheels Will Come Off.
Foster Care is a System Set Up to Sex Traffic American Children, Claims Attorney Reporting in Newsweek
Benjamin Fulford Report 7/8/19: Major victory as all three power obelisks fall: Washington, London and Rome
Cannabidiol Is A Powerful New Antibiotic
Laundry pods continue to poison people
How To Rebel Against Corporate Food (And Why You Should)
The More Time You Spend With Your Mother, The Longer She Will Live
The best diets for balancing your blood sugar
Crypto Chaos: This Is What You Need To Know Now [VIDEO]


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

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publicado por achama às 15:51
Segunda-feira, 15 / 07 / 19

Federation of Light 2019/07/15 ~ Blossom Goodchild

Message from Federation of Light.

Via Blossom Goodchild.

July 15th, 2019. 




In black=Federation of Light 
In grey=Blossom Goodchild
Good morning! Continuing on … You have spoken of ‘topsy turviness and upsidedownness’ often. In our news it has been revealed that the leader of the biggest child trafficking organisation in the world has been arrested, which will lead on to many ‘celebrities’ being uncovered for hideous crimes committed. Is this what you have been speaking of? Thank you.
Welcome Dearest Souls. We find ourselves ever closer to your thoughts and sentiments … for the closer we are able to ‘connect’ with you all, the more we are able to ‘understand’ things from an Earthly perspective. We are able to ‘read’ your thoughts more clearly, now that the Energies are settling and blending.
Are they settling? Doesn’t necessary feel like it.
Yes. The initial ones are … which have made a clearer pathway. Yet, Energies rolling in shall continue a flow filtering through now … to lift you up … build you up … and pave the way.
We shall address your question first and foremost.
This is indeed that which we have been speaking of. The arrest of this gentleman has/will open the biggest can of rancid worms … and uncover movements that one could not possibly conjure up in their darkest nightmares. This is why we implore you to …
TO SHINE IN YOUR TRUE COLOURS … because when such ‘News’ is presented and brought out to the public … it will certainly be necessary for you to do so.
For a while … there shall be much ‘culling’ of what can be and what cannot be divulged. For indeed, many will be so appalled that there is a possibility of much uprising amongst the people. People, as we have said, will not know what to believe is True … for much will seem literally impossible for a human being to stoop to such levels.
There are many celebrities fearing for their lives and not knowing where to hide for safety.
Yet, it is law that you reap what you sow and may we say, some of the seeds that have been sown by so called people of status, are far from what one would or could possibly expect.
So much is to be exposed and when it is … each shall then open up to yet something else. For it is not just within the said child abuse/trafficking that is to come out. All of this shall lead to uncovering’s of manipulation of your people. We would go as far as to say … ‘Slavery of your people’. Those with a great deal of power and money have taken advantage of their position and now they shall have to deal with the repercussions of such.
We can say without question … it shall not be a pretty sight.
It all sounds rather horrific and yet, you have prepared us for such for a long time and now it seems here it is.
And this is why, Dearest Blossom and all … we have continued to shower you with our Love and expressed the essential need for you to discover THE LIGHT THAT YOU ARE.
For without that KNOWING with inside of yourselves, it will be very difficult to cope with these coming days … for they shall hit you like a ton of bricks.
Please KNOW we are not trying to be negative … we are simply preparing you … for this is not a small matter that will just roll on by.
THIS is the beginning of THE CHANGE … in a way that can be tangibly experienced. There shall be no more ‘Well I’ll believe it when I see it’ … for as trials that have already taken place shall reveal … there is no going back now and your world is about to turn on its head.
Again … it is our purpose to continue to express the ABSOLUTE NECESSITY for your strength to shine through.
When things come out … when souls cannot deal with these things …
 It is then you you keep saying this to yourselves over and over …
Over and over repeat this within your Being … for not only shall it give you strength … it is the call that goes out into the beyond to gather your tribes together and BE ONE.
And through this KNOWING you will be encouraged … and you shall feel the Love and the back up from all Angels and Light Beings and sources from other worlds.
For they too have been awaiting to hear this call … from you!
Billions of Light forces from ‘Everywhere’ shall heed your call and come to join you.
They too have been preparing for this time …
Far out! My heart is all a flutter. May I ask where you stand within all this? Just in case we need beaming up!
We are with you 100%. All the way.
For this is what we have been preparing you for. We certainly do not feel that we have ‘done our job and we’ll be off then!’
That’s handy to know!
We shall be where we have always been … in your hearts.
I guess what I am asking is, within all this … when all these atrocities are out in the open and uprisings and upside-down-ness etc. are taking place … can we expect any ‘tangible’ assistance from you?
There will indeed be ‘signs’ of what is to come. Signs, not only from your skies, yet, other phenomena also.
When you say other phenomena, what do you mean?
In that, with this strength you bring forth … you shall also allow yourselves to ‘step deeper into your True Beingness’ … which will provide you with ‘Powers and abilities’ that have been in slumber.
Darn … I knew I shouldn’t have thrown out my superwoman outfit!
Psychic abilities … Healing abilities … ‘Knowings’ that you didn’t know you knew shall be in the forefront of your everyday movements.
It will seem as if the ‘training’ is over … (for want of a way of describing) and you WARRIORS OF LIGHT are ready now to walk into the field.
You have been preparing for this, for so long.
You have waited so diligently.
You have had times when you thought you would give up and give in.
Yet, here you are … READY!
This waiting has been relevant to the jigsaw pieces being put in place and the picture although not of the prettiest … is complete.
Although that which is revealed will feel so grim and ‘mind blowing’ … for it WILL blow your minds, Dearest Ones…
 In order for you to MOVE INTO THE GOLDEN LAND.
YOU ARE IN IT NOW. Yet, the darkness must now leave for ever … and it shall.
Revealing to you … Opening up to you …
THE GOLDEN LAYER OF LIGHT that you are now free to live within.
THE GOLDEN LAYER OF LOVE that was buried upon your Planet eons ago.
The rightful and fitting Energy of your Divine Mother Earth is once again to HOLD HER OWN.
Dearest Souls … BE yourselves.
The moment of Glory is upon you.
How we have waited, like you … to be this close.
I can certainly feel the energy pounding through my Being. Any other advice?
Ask yourself if what you are presented with is Truth or lies?
Do this by taking a few deep breaths and FEEL that which your heart is telling you.
This is the only way you will KNOW.
Sometimes I have tried to do that … and I am still unsure.
Then breathe some more …  Sit with it for as little while longer … and ask for the answer to be felt by you.
There may be much conflict and discussion amongst many as to what is Truth and not only that … the correct way of it being dealt with. For such much anger and hatred will come up to the surface for many … And it is YOUR LIGHT AND LOVE that needs to balance these Energies out.
We do not expect you to not experience this for yourselves … for there will be much delving into your ‘knowledge base’ in order to ‘understand’ the bigger picture and even more understanding required in order to be able to ‘Forgive from your heart’.
Yes. I know it may be tricky to understand where these ‘beings’ were ‘coming from’ to even conjure up a notion of certain behaviours, let alone be able to just ‘Forgive them’.
Yet, may we then suggest you ‘Forgive’ in a general manner? Offer out the Energy of Forgiveness as A WHOLE … FOR ALL THAT HAS TAKEN PLACE … TO ALL THAT ARE IN NEED OF THIS LOVE … Perhaps do not focus on any one particular event … should it be that your ‘mind’ finds that too difficult, yet, as we say … Send out Loving Forgiveness … AS A WHOLE … TO THE WHOLE.
Thank you. I think many may benefit from that suggestion.
So in the toughest of times …
That which is TO BE will allow you to KNOW A PEACE upon your Planet that She has not felt for so, so long … that the feeling is almost forgotten.
Yet, it shall be as if a spell has been lifted as in a fairy story and the land shall once again be …
Full of sunshine lollipops and rainbows?
Oh, and so much more Blossom Goodchild … So very much more.
Whoa! A wave of Love so strong just washed over me, it made me cry!
It shall arrive at the Divine moment … when it is most poignantly in position to do so and be released.
Many ask if this is the solar flare that is widely spoken of?
It is part and parcel.
We have spoken before of your Sun (that you are aware of) being the gateway to the Divine Source. Therefore, THIS DIVINE WAVE OF LOVE HAS TO COME FROM WITHIN IT.
So, Yes. We confirm it is ‘tied up within’ the solar flare that is to come.
Tied up within, meaning?
Exactly that … A Part of … All that is involved. For once this wave begins to flow … there shall be more to follow.
Oh. I haven’t heard of that before.
More so, in the sense that once ‘The Wave’ has been sent out … it shall be like a ripple effect upon the Planet and also, as if releasing the initial Wave allows then … the ‘breakthrough’ … the Freedom  … for the Energy stored up behind it, to flow through, also.
Forgotten what it FEELS like.
Yet, instantly shall you remember … the moment it touches you … and indeed …
Beautiful, my friends. In such Gratitude … in Loving service. I AM.
Blossom Goodchild

  1. http://blossomgoodchild.com/
  2. http://blossomgoodchild.blogspot.com/


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No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 15:11
Segunda-feira, 15 / 07 / 19

Remembering ~ The Creator, Jennifer Farley.


The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

July 14th, 2019




Your Earth-plane experiences are neither hard nor difficult. 

You were gifted withand have the knowledge that everything is easy and graceful. 

Remembering is the key! 


Jennifer Farley





Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
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publicado por achama às 06:38
Segunda-feira, 15 / 07 / 19

A DATA LIMITE - 2019/07/11 ~ Vital Frosi

A DATA LIMITE - 2019/07/11.

Por Vital Frosi.

11 de julho de 2019. 



Um dos assuntos que se destacam nestes dias, é a data limite citada por Chico Xavier. Na verdade, foi uma informação passada pelo seu Mentor, Emmanuel, informando da moratória que foi concedida à humanidade.

Ao término da Segunda Guerra Mundial, o homem já tinha o domínio das armas nucleares com potencial tão destrutivo ao ponto de dissolver completamente o Planeta Terra. 

Passados 24 anos no final da Guerra, o homem pisou na Lua em junho de 1969.

Tendo o homem as armas para destruir o seu próprio Planeta, e também a tecnologia de viajar fora da atmosfera terrestre, obviamente, por interesses ou para demonstrar o PODER que o ego humano é capaz de desenvolver, a humanidade terrena também poderia destruir outras Orbes.
Essa preocupação da Confederação Galáctica provocou uma reunião de emergência entre o Cristo que é o governador da Galáxia e o Conselho dos Anciões Angelicais. Na discussão de como deveria ser resolvido o destino do Planeta Terra, chegou-se ao consenso de lhe conceder a moratória que vence em 20 de julho de 2019.
Precisamos entender que muitos outros mundos já foram auto destruídos antes. Há muitos relatos de Espíritos que viveram isso e nos passam aquilo que aconteceu com eles pois vivenciaram tais eventos .
A DATA LIMITE nada mais é que o término dos 50 anos estipulados pelo Conselho, com o próprio aval de Cristo. Em resumo, dizia que, em caso de não ocorrer nenhuma Guerra Nuclear aqui na Terra ou fora dela, provocada pelos humanos, a Terra receberia toda a ajuda externa por parte da Confederação Galáctica e passaria então para os mundos mais elevados, ou seja, deixaria de ser um Mundo de Expiações e Provas e passaria para um Mundo de Regeneração.
Informações fidedignas vindas das Esferas Superiores nos informam que esta data limite já foi superada desde o ano passado. Levando em conta que o tempo é só medido aqui na 3D, para as Esferas Superiores já aconteceu aquilo que vai acontecer aqui. Já podemos comemorar esse grande feito. 

Não haverá mais nenhuma Guerra Nuclear aqui neste Planeta. Os dispositivos que acionam as ogivas nucleares estão todos desativados pelos próprios membros da Confederação Galáctica. Isso é fato consumado.

Mas o que há também é um pouco de folclore em cima da data limite. Muitos esperam algo tremendamente grandioso neste 20 de julho. Lamento decepcionar estes, mas nada vai acontecer. O que acontece de fato é a Transição Planetária.
A Transição Planetária já está acontecendo desde 2012 em função do Sistema Solar ter entrado no Cinturão de Fótons. A intensa energia dessa Luz Fotônica, favorece todas as mudanças necessárias. Isso é apenas o processo final da Grande Transição que começou há quase 300 anos. Mesmo que a Terra fosse destruída, o restante do Sistema Solar passaria pela Transição, pois toda a Galáxia está subindo uma oitava de Dimensão.
Devemos sim estar cientes de que tudo vai mudar. Em poucos anos, a Terra estará irreconhecível comparando com a Terra de hoje. Muitos conseguem notar as mudanças; outros não, pois continuam presos às velhas energias 3D. Cada um sente e vê aquilo que a sua consciência está pronta para sentir e ver. Simples assim, pois a consciência velha é mental. A mente é analítica e crítica.
A Nova Consciência migrou para o coração. Não é mais mental. Ela agora apenas é! Ela sente! E o sentir não é medido pela mente pensante e tendenciosa. Lembre-se das palavras do Cristo: “Quem tem olhos para ver e ouvidos para ouvir, reconhecerão a verdade”.
O joio e o trigo já foram separados nestes últimos anos. Cada consciência já escolheu de acordo com a sua vibração. Agora estamos na acomodação de tais energias. Alguns ainda não sabem que estão como trigo. Outros não aceitam que estão como joio. Esse é o “aparente” caos que se vê por aí. Toda acomodação gera tumulto. Não é diferente neste caso.
Nos próximos anos, todo o joio deixará a Terra. Muitos líderes das Sombras já foram; outros estão sendo levados. E você que está interessado neste assunto, mesmo que não saiba, já decidiu estar no lado do trigo. Posicione-se! Faça o teu melhor! Não julgue e não se misture com o joio, pois não há o que fazer quando as escolhas são individuais. Haverá oportunidades em outros mundos ainda de Expiações e Provas para que esses nossos irmãos réprobos possam se recuperar e evoluir. A Providência Divina não falha, jamais!

Eu sou Vital Frosi e minha missão é o esclarecimento! 

Vital Frosi.

Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.
A religião organizada é desnecessária à espiritualidade.
Excelentes ensinamentos dos mestres têm sido contaminados pelo controle dogmático dessas religiões.
Discernimento sim; julgamento não.
Com discernimento é possível alcansar o espírito da letra de qualquer escritura e é também bem mais fácil escutar a voz da alma que vem do coração.

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publicado por achama às 06:32
Segunda-feira, 15 / 07 / 19

REFINAMENTO ENERGÉTICO ~ Arcanjo Gabriel, Shelley Young.



Mensagem do Arcanjo Gabriel.

Através de Shelley Young.

13 de julho de 2019.




Querido, permita que suas crenças evoluam enquanto você continua sua jornada de iluminação. Não tenha medo de deixar sua própria verdade divina liderar o caminho.
Você está mudando em um ritmo muito rápido agora, acessando mais e mais a totalidade de quem você é. Isso significa que você pode facilmente discernir o que é capacitador e correto para você.
Dê-se permissão para ser o perito em você, pois sua ascensão é um processo autodidático de descoberta e para o qual você está bem preparado e pronto.
É perfeitamente aceitável que você permita o que se encaixa e o que, simplesmente, não o diminui quando você continua no fluxo de refinamento energético.

Arcanjo Gabriel

Shelley Young






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Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.
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Excelentes ensinamentos dos mestres têm sido contaminados pelo controle dogmático dessas religiões.
Discernimento sim; julgamento não.
Com discernimento é possível alcansar o espírito da letra de qualquer escritura e é também bem mais fácil escutar a voz da alma que vem do coração.

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publicado por achama às 06:29
Segunda-feira, 15 / 07 / 19

HONRE CADA PESSOA... ~ O Criador, Jennifer Farley


Escritos do Criador.

Transcrito por Jennifer Farley

13 de julho de 2019

Tradução – Adriano Pereira




Uma das coisas mais profundas que você notará durante esse tempo de mudança atual:
Um lembrete gentil; ao viajar pelo seu caminho, seja gentil consigo mesmo e com os outros.
Existem muitos, muitos paradigmas diferentes.
Alguns vão ressoar com você, outros não.
Em vez de agir de maneira irônica, honre cada pessoa e seu caminho escolhido.

Agradecimentos a:  

Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.
A religião organizada é desnecessária à espiritualidade.
Excelentes ensinamentos dos mestres têm sido contaminados pelo controle dogmático dessas religiões.
Discernimento sim; julgamento não.
Com discernimento é possível alcansar o espírito da letra de qualquer escritura e é também bem mais fácil escutar a voz da alma que vem do coração.

Por favor, respeitem todos os créditos


Recomenda-se o discernimento.


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Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.

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publicado por achama às 06:27
Segunda-feira, 15 / 07 / 19

SUA ONIPRESENÇA.~ Conselho Arcturiano, Daniel Scranton.


O Conselho Arcturiano da 9ª Dimensão.

Via Daniel Scranton.


Tradução: Adriano Pereira,

a 14 de julho de 2019



Saudações. Nós somos o Conselho Arcturiano. Temos o prazer de nos conectar com todos vocês.
Nós temos uma consciência que nos permite estar presentes com você e estar presente com seres em outros planetas em outros sistemas estelares ao mesmo tempo, e não precisamos diluir nossa atenção para você ou para eles ou qualquer um de uma série de outros grupos nos quais poderíamos nos concentrar simultaneamente.
A razão pela qual podemos fazer isso, é porque temos a onipresença e sabemos que a temos.
Agora, vocês são tanto Seres de Energia da Fonte quanto nós, mas vocês se sentem mais localizados em seus corpos físicos, porque foram ensinados a se identificar apenas com seus corpos físicos.
Nós não temos mais corpos físicos, o que torna muito mais fácil para nós reconhecer a verdade da nossa onipresença.
No entanto, você não precisa aderir a essa crença de que você é seu corpo físico. Você é consciência, e sua consciência está alinhada com o corpo físico que você conhece como seu corpo, mas você não precisa sentir apenas sua consciência em seu corpo físico.
Não estamos falando de ter uma experiência fora do corpo, e não estamos falando de projeção astral. Estamos falando de estar centrado em seu corpo físico e alcançando todos os outros pontos do planeta.
Este é um bom lugar para começar, porque você está procurando unificar o coletivo humano, e depois a galáxia, e depois O Universo, e então reemergir de volta à sua completa Consciência de Energia da Fonte.
E assim, sugerimos que você pratique a concentração no centro do seu coração e, em seguida, expanda-se em todas as direções para preencher cada partícula de todas as coisas físicas, pessoas e animais e todo o próprio planeta.
Você está pronto agora para experimentar sua onipresença. Você e todos vocês estão prontos para começar a dar a si mesmos um gostinho de como é saber que vocês são seres físicos e da Fonte da Energia ao mesmo tempo, e essa prática o ajudará a curar os outros à distância.
Ajudará você em suas manifestações. E irá ajudá-lo a conhecer-se mais como o seu ‘Eu’ da quinta dimensão, e neste momento, este é o nome do jogo para.
E continuará sendo o nome do jogo. Tudo agora é sobre a expansão da consciência. Enquanto você espera que o resto da humanidade se prepare para a conclusão da mudança, você precisa dar a si mesmo mais experiências como essa para se sentir mais harmonizado com o local onde está.
Você precisa ir além do que a realidade física parece estar oferecendo a você neste momento, porque há muito mais, e você neste momento você precisa ter um gostinho desse mais além, e vai ficar interessado o suficiente para querer continuar lá.
Nós somos o Conselho Arcturiano, e nós gostamos de nos conectar com vocês.


Daniel Scranton.


Agradecimentos a:  


Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.
A religião organizada é desnecessária à espiritualidade.
Excelentes ensinamentos dos mestres têm sido contaminados pelo controle dogmático dessas religiões.
Discernimento sim; julgamento não.
Com discernimento é possível alcansar o espírito da letra de qualquer escritura e é também bem mais fácil escutar a voz da alma que vem do coração.

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Recomenda-se o discernimento.


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publicado por achama às 06:25
Segunda-feira, 15 / 07 / 19

SENHORA SHAUMBRA ~ Geoffrey Hoppe.


Por Geoffrey Hoppe.

Julho 2019.

Tradução: Léa Amaral


Shaumbra é uma entidade em si mesma. É a consciência mútua de todos que se conectam ao trabalho do Círculo Carmesim. Embora cada um de nós seja um ser soberano singular, o que temos em comum dá vida à entidade conhecida como Shaumbra.
Shaumbra é um substantivo próprio, que significa que tem valor de um nome específico.
Por exemplo, professor é um termo genérico e, portanto, um substantivo comum, mas Sra. Livingston é um nome específico e, portanto, um nome próprio. Shaumbra é uma entidade em qualquer maneira de falar.
Imagine se o Tobias nunca pronunciou a palavra Shaumbra e nunca contou a estória por de trás do nome. Teria sido difícil criar uma consciência, ou entidade, mútua, por causa da falta da claridade.
A Igreja dos Santos dos Últimos Dias identifica a si mesma como Mórmons e porque pessoas suficientes se subscrevem ao conceito e à palavra, há uma entidade conhecida como Mórmon.
Os fãs do time de futebol Manchester United se denominam Red Devils, portanto uma entidade Red Devil existe.
Uma Entidade de Consciência Mútua é muito real, embora ela possa não ter um corpo físico. Pense nisto como uma nuvem com uma identidade, formada por pensamentos e crenças mútuas de pessoas que tem um elo em comum.
Há muitas consciências mútuas, ou o que algumas vezes é chamado de consciência coletiva. Isso acontece quando duas ou mais pessoas têm um interesse, desejo ou afinidade comum (ou mútuo).
Catolicismo é uma consciência mútua embora o Vaticano pode nunca admitir isso. Enquanto estamos falando de igreja, Jesus é uma Entidade de Consciência Mútua porque muitas pessoas acreditam nele, mesmo se o seu conceito tenha pouco a ver com o atual Yeshua de fama bíblica. Jesus é na verdade uma entidade (embora não um ser de alma) e provavelmente você o encontrará no outro lado. Ele provavelmente estará bem contrariado por causa da variedade de crenças sobre ele.
Outra forma de Entidade de Consciência Mútua é quando um ator cria um personagem bem conhecido. Por exemplo, a maioria de nós está familiarizada com Han Solo, dos filmes Guerra nas Estrelas. O personagem foi interpretado pelo ator americano Harrison Ford.
Um número suficiente de pessoas abraçaram o personagem de Han Solo que ele se tornou real e agora Han Solo existe na consciência de massa, bem como em outros reinos. Sua existência não depende mais do Harrison Ford; Han existe por causa dos efeitos da consciência mútua. Você pode se conectar com ele, sonhar com ele, canalizá-lo e ver como ele muda. Batman, James Bonds e Dorothy (do Mágico de Oz) são outros exemplos de Entidades de Consciência Mútua.
Eu fui um co-fundador de uma empresa de tecnologia de aviação antes desta vida atual com o Círculo Carmesim. Ela começou como um conceito desenhado num guardanapo e cresceu para uma empresa com mais de 1.200 funcionários (gogoair.com). Até mesmo uma empresa como esta se torna um tipo de entidade devido à consciência mútua. Eu geralmente sonho com esta empresa porque eu ainda estou ligada a ela energeticamente, embora eu preferiria sonhar com outra coisa.
Shaumbra somos nós – você, eu e dezenas de milhares de outras pessoas ao redor do mundo. A entidade conhecida como Shaumbra existe como um ser não físico neste mundo e em outros reinos. Você pode conscientemente se conectar a ele e, portanto, sentir a essência de todos os Shaumbra ao redor do mundo, bem como aqueles que estão agora do outro lado. A entidade muda à medida que mudamos e pode ser vista como um Ser singular, como você viria um anjo, uma fada ou outra entidade não física.
Do meu ponto de vista, Shaumbra é mais feminino do que masculino porque a maioria das pessoas no Círculo Carmesim são mulheres e porque muitos de nós somos altamente intuitivos e sensuais.
Eu a chamo de Senhora Shaumbra, sabendo muito bem que Shaumbra não é homem nem mulher e nem é apenas humano ou espírito.
Eu gosto do título porque para mim isso torna a consciência mútua dos Shaumbra mais acessível e humana.
Eu vi a Senhora Shaumbra em nosso encontro recente, em Santa Fé. Ela era uma deusa e um anjo, uma aparição e uma realidade.

Eu a vi com os meus olhos enquanto me sentava no fundo do salão, ouvindo uma das apresentações. Ela estava pairando acima do palco, pelo menos quatro vezes maior do que a pessoa que estava falando naquele momento.
Ela estava cintilante e brilhando como uma verdadeira deusa. Ela exibiu um arco-íris de cores, mas os tons primários eram avermelhados e dourados.
Ela parecia não ter idade, jovem e madura ao mesmo tempo. Ela não estava sorrindo ou franzindo a testa, mas sim com um olhar de amor e aceitação.
Ela parecia alheia à pessoa que estava falando no palco no momento, mas intensamente consciente de todos na platéia.
Eu literalmente esfreguei meus olhos algumas vezes porque nunca a tinha visto antes. Eu me perguntei se era apenas a iluminação do palco, mas então percebi que ela estava de fato fazendo sua presença ser sentida por todos. (Eu ainda não vi os vídeos de Santa Fé, mas estou imaginando se as câmeras captaram alguma coisa?)
Fechei os meus olhos porque não queria que os meus olhos-cérebro interferissem nesse momento especial. Eu me perguntei se eu deveria canalizá-la mais tarde na conferência? Adamus tinha sido muito esquivo sobre quem eu iria canalizar, então talvez fosse ela? Sem ouvir as palavras, recebi um imediato e claro: “Não”. Percebi que ela queria ter um papel de apoio em segundo plano, como Kuthumi faz conosco.
Eu senti os raios da luz ou sabedoria de Senhora Shaumbra, ou como você queira chamá-la, expandir e me penetrar. Eu não precisava ouvir as palavras porque recebi a mensagem. Vou tentar colocar em palavras aqui para o bem dos leitores:
“Sinta como cresci e mudei! Quando cheguei ao estado de ser, eu era pequena e frágil, mas agora sou tão grande quanto o mundo e tão firme quanto as estrelas no céu noturno. Eu tenho todas as memórias de sua jornada juntos, como Shaumbra, e mantenho a sabedoria coletiva deste grupo. Eu contenho e preservo os potenciais de onde podemos ir juntos. Pergunte e eu vou te mostrar o que pode se tornar.
Isso chamou minha atenção. Sim, gostaria de saber o que nos aguarda.
A Senhora Shaumbra continuou:
“Você plantou as sementes da nova consciência há 2.000 anos. Agora você está trazendo-as para a vida, no momento em que o nosso planeta precisa delas. Você está colhendo consciência em um momento de grande fome por um novo caminho na Terra. Tivemos muitas voltas e reviravoltas ao longo do caminho, mas hoje, nesta reunião, digo que estou firmemente ancorada na terra, no coração e na mente deste planeta. Concluímos a terceira grande fase do nosso trabalho e agora nos preparamos para o nosso segmento final.

“Eu vou permanecer muito tempo depois que você se for deste planeta. Eu estarei aqui para aqueles que chamam em desespero no meio da noite. Eu confortarei aqueles que estão perdidos em sua dor e sofrimento e mostrarei a eles que eles também podem ser completos e um novamente. Eu lhes mostrarei a luz quando estiverem envoltos em trevas. Mostrarei a eles onde encontrar as respostas para as inúmeras perguntas que eles têm.
“Hoje, como Shaumbra, nós paramos de perguntar: “Quem Sou Eu?” Agora perguntamos: “Até onde eu posso expandir?” Perguntem isso juntos, e juntos iremos descobrir.”
Senti uma sensação incrível de paz e satisfação sobre mim. Também percebi que temos muito a experimentar juntos nos tempos vindouros, mas atingimos um marco importante. Em vez de sentir o futuro com trepidações, eu só senti alegria e paixão.
Depois de um tempo, minha atenção se voltou para o que estava acontecendo no palco. A equipe do Rude Despertar acabara de terminar a palestra e a pré-estréia de 20 minutos do filme deles estava prestes a ser exibida na telona.
Adamus sentou-se ao meu lado. Ele colocou seu braço à minha volta e com um enorme sorriso amoroso, ele disse: “Estamos aqui. Conseguimos. A partir daqui, tudo se resume a viver como Mestres. É o nosso sonho, nosso sonho Shaumbra.”
Geoffrey Hoppe.


Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.
A religião organizada é desnecessária à espiritualidade.
Excelentes ensinamentos dos mestres têm sido contaminados pelo controle dogmático dessas religiões.
Discernimento sim; julgamento não.
Com discernimento é possível alcansar o espírito da letra de qualquer escritura e é também bem mais fácil escutar a voz da alma que vem do coração.

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Recomenda-se o discernimento.


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Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.



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publicado por achama às 06:15
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Julho 2019


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