A Chama da Ascensão


Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19




Mensagem de Owen K. Waters

16 de junho de 2019.

Tradução: Regina Drumond.


Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) foi um psicólogo que se tornou conhecido pela sua hierarquia das necessidades humanas. Quando ele desenvolveu a sua teoria nos anos 50, ele previu a transformação da humanidade em um reino de transcendência espiritual, mas não tinha idéia de quão breve isto iria se transformar em um grande movimento.

A hierarquia das necessidades humanas de Maslow mostra que as necessidades humanas básicas têm que ser satisfeitas antes que as pessoas possam atender às necessidades e valores mais elevados.

Primeiro, as necessidades fisiológicas básicas da alimentação e do abrigo devem ser supridas a fim de assegurar a sobrevivência.

Segundo, uma vez que o alimento e o abrigo sejam obtidos, a segurança e a proteção devem ser alcançadas.

Terceiro, a aceitação pelos outros é procurada, em ambos os sentidos: tanto social, quanto pessoal. Para satisfazer esta necessidade de “pertencer”, as pessoas se tornam parte de um grupo, uma tribo, de uma família ou comunidade.

Quando estas necessidades externas são satisfeitas, então o indivíduo trabalha para adquirir o respeito próprio. O reconhecimento pelos outros produz a autoestima.

Uma vez que estas necessidades externas são preenchidas, a necessidade interna dirigida para a auto-realização entra em jogo. A Auto-realização significa se tornar o melhor que a sua personalidade pode ser. As pessoas auto-realizadas incluem aquelas que alcançaram a abundância material, e também aquelas que, como uma decisão do poder pessoal, escolheram a simplicidade e não a busca de mais abundância. Em algum momento, quando uma pessoa diz “Isto é o suficiente”, para a busca interminável da segurança financeira adicional, então elas se tornam livres para realizar qualquer coisa que inspire mais a sua alegria interior.

A auto-realização é alcançada depois que o indivíduo deixa de ter deferência à autoridade hierárquica e amadurece na habilidade de criar as suas próprias regras de responsabilidade pessoal. A personalidade pessoal é sempre mais poderosa e eficaz do que qualquer sistema de regras impostas. Por exemplo, vocês podem ameaçar punir alguém se ele roubar e espera que a ameaça funcione. Mas uma pessoa auto-responsável simplesmente não iria roubar, porque ela sentiria empatia pela perda que uma suposta vítima sentiria. Ela simplesmente não teria a coragem de fazer isto a outra pessoa.

É uma questão de aumento de maturidade. Quando uma pessoa abandona as imposições de autoridade externa e se torna a autoridade auto-dirigida, então ela se torna muito mais funcional no mundo. Isto é, de fato, um estado mais elevado de consciência, que proporciona uma maior visão da consciência. A partir desta perspectiva expandida, ela pode ver claramente que, como um indivíduo, pode servir melhor à humanidade.

Neste estado de consciência, a pessoa adquire a habilidade de pensar e de analisar as situações de forma independente. Como resultado, soluções novas e criativas vêm à mente. Ela tem a auto-estima suficiente para ser capaz de ver claramente as suas próprias necessidades, habilidades, pontos fortes e fracos, e a partir disto, ela vê onde pode ser mais útil à humanidade.

Uma vez que as necessidades básicas sejam satisfeitas, os próximos valores a requererem atenção se referem a ser. O primeiro destes valores é a auto-realização, que é a necessidade instintiva de um ser humano aproveitar ao máximo as suas capacidades únicas.

Acima disto, Maslow colocou a transcendência, que ele considerou como um valor espiritual. As universidades tradicionais tipicamente presumem que as questões espirituais estão além da compreensão dos seus estudantes, assim eles apresentam a hierarquia das necessidades humanas de Maslow de forma diferente. Elas a apresentam com a auto-realização como o objetivo humano primordial, e omitem o estágio da transcendência.

Os valores de ser da auto-realização e da transcendência são os aspectos mais elevados e mais belos da consciência humana. Eles incluem o amor incondicional, o altruísmo, a alegria interior, o amor à natureza, o desenvolvimento da intuição (em homens e mulheres), o idealismo e um senso de sabedoria que surge do interior. Estas habilidades desenvolvem as funções da criatividade e da intuição no cérebro direito.

Nos anos 50, Maslow acreditava que somente 2% da população tinham alcançado a auto-realização. Nos meados dos anos 60 mudou tudo isto, quando as massas de pessoas começaram a busca pelos valores mais elevados, tais como o amor incondicional e a sabedoria espiritual. Hoje em dia, este grupo de pessoas progressivas se desenvolveu de 2% para mais de 20% e está aumentando a cada ano.

A Mudança não é um subproduto temporário da geração baby boom, ou qualquer outra geração da cultura moderna. Não é uma moda passageira. Isto não irá desaparecer. É uma pressão cósmica que está se revelando e aumentando incansavelmente na frequência de toda a consciência no planeta.

É parte do plano do Ser Infinito que avancemos para a próxima fase da realização humana consciente. A Mudança é, colocada de forma bem simples, a mais maravilhosa transformação no registro da História. É onde a humanidade irá construir, literalmente, o Céu na Terra.

Owen Waters.

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publicado por achama às 23:48
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19




19º DIA.

Orientação Dos Anjos

Canalizada por Sharon Taphorn

15 de junho de 2019


Tradução: Regina Drumond


Quais são os seus arrependimentos? Quais são os passos que você deu que desejou não ter feito? “Quando uma porta se fecha outra se abre; mas nós quase sempre olhamos tanto e de maneira tão arrependida para a que se fechou, que não vemos aquelas que foram abertas para nós”. – Alexander Graham-Bell “Nós temos que deixar de lado toda a culpa, toda a agressão, todo o julgamento, para libertar nosso eu interior para atrair o que dizemos que queremos”. – Joe Vitale Quase todos têm arrependimentos. Queremos que olhe para estes com “olhos de anjos” e veja o presente na experiência. Para alguns, este exercício não é fácil, mas estes são os que mais precisam. Queremos que você realmente veja estes como degraus para algo melhor do que eles realmente são. Quando olhei para trás descobri que na maioria das vezes, estas experiências acontecem porque eu fazia coisas que os outros achavam que eu deveria e eu não estava seguindo o meu coração. Hoje eu pensei em compartilhar esse vídeo maravilhoso de Lee Carroll e Kryon (em inglês). Eu amo Lee e Kryon. Eu conheci e entrevistei os dois e amo o trabalho deles. Eu tenho todos os livros que colecionei ao longo dos anos e estão na minha coleção de livros espirituais. O trabalho é definitivamente valioso para esses tempos de mudança.

Os Anjos e Guias.
Sharon Taphorn

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A permissão é concedida para cópia e redistribuição da Sabedoria dos Anjos sob a condição de que o conteúdo permaneça completo, que todos os créditos sejam dados à autora e que seja distribuído gratuitamente.


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  • Regina Drumond – reginamadrumond@yahoo.com.br


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publicado por achama às 23:15
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19


  Manifestações do Amor Divino!

Pensamento do dia.

Por Sathya Sai Baba

16 de junho de 2019 

Image result for sathya sai baba

Se alguém disser que os poderes de Sai Baba foram dados para esta ou aquela pessoa, você correrá até ela. 
Os poderes de Sai Baba não são dados a mais ninguém. 
Ninguém tem a capacidade de tirar poderes de Sai Baba, nem de dá-los a outra pessoa. 
Os poderes de Sai Baba não são dados assim e você não deve ser desviado por tais declarações. 
O poder de cada um está dentro de si mesmo. 
Não é possível dar tal poder a outra pessoa. Dessa maneira, se começarmos a correr de um lugar para outro, permitindo que uma mente fraca assuma o controle sobre nós, quando teremos força mental e controlaremos nossa própria mente? 
Devemos ser capazes de seguir um pensamento, um caminho. Não é preciso viajar ao redor do mundo e gastar muito dinheiro em busca de poderes espirituais. 
Esteja em sua própria casa, desenvolva-os em si mesmo, pois esses poderes espirituais estão em você! Você não tem que correr atrás deles aqui e ali. 
Deus não é externo. 
Deus não está fora de você. Deus está dentro de você.
(Discurso Divino, 28 de março de 1975)
Sathya Sai Baba.


Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.
A religião organizada é desnecessária à esperitualidede.
Excelentes ensinamentos dos mestres têm sido contaminados pelo controle dessas religiões.
Discernimento sim; julgamento não.
Com discernimento é possível alcansar o espírito da letra de qualquer escritura e é também bem mais fácil escutar a voz da alma que vem do coração.


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publicado por achama às 23:06
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

Pensamento do dia para 2019/06/16 ~ Sathya Sai Baba

  Manifestações do Amor Divino!

Pensamento do dia.

Por Sathya Sai Baba

16 de junho de 2019 

Image result for sathya sai baba

Se alguém disser que os poderes de Sai Baba foram dados para esta ou aquela pessoa, você correrá até ela. 
Os poderes de Sai Baba não são dados a mais ninguém. 
Ninguém tem a capacidade de tirar poderes de Sai Baba, nem de dá-los a outra pessoa. 
Os poderes de Sai Baba não são dados assim e você não deve ser desviado por tais declarações. 
O poder de cada um está dentro de si mesmo. 
Não é possível dar tal poder a outra pessoa. Dessa maneira, se começarmos a correr de um lugar para outro, permitindo que uma mente fraca assuma o controle sobre nós, quando teremos força mental e controlaremos nossa própria mente? 
Devemos ser capazes de seguir um pensamento, um caminho. Não é preciso viajar ao redor do mundo e gastar muito dinheiro em busca de poderes espirituais. 
Esteja em sua própria casa, desenvolva-os em si mesmo, pois esses poderes espirituais estão em você! Você não tem que correr atrás deles aqui e ali. 
Deus não é externo. 
Deus não está fora de você. Deus está dentro de você.
(Discurso Divino, 28 de março de 1975)
Sathya Sai Baba.


Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.
A religião organizada é desnecessária à esperitualidede.
Excelentes ensinamentos dos mestres têm sido contaminados pelo controle dessas religiões.
Discernimento sim; julgamento não.
Com discernimento é possível alcansar o espírito da letra de qualquer escritura e é também bem mais fácil escutar a voz da alma que vem do coração.


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publicado por achama às 22:53
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

ALINHAMENTO ~ Arcanjo Gabriel, Shelley Young



Mensagem do Arcanjo Gabriel.

Através de Shelley Young.

15 de junho de 2019.




Querido, na mudança de energias, onde você se alinhou um dia pode não estar onde você se alinhará no próximo. Isso não é para se preocupar!

Assim como o sol pode estar atrás de uma nuvem ou em uma posição diferente toda vez que você olha para o céu, mas que pode sempre ser encontrado novamente, você pode ter certeza de que seu estado de alinhamento ainda está brilhando para você onde quer que seu local mais recente esteja.

Você redescobrirá isto através de sua intenção e disposição de se conectar a ele em seu ponto atual.

Esta é ainda outra forma de se entregar, orientar o fluxo e auxilia você – ele permite que você aceite e mova-se com as energias, o que quer que estejam fazendo em qualquer dia, com o conhecimento de que você é sempre parte de tudo e que nunca está fora do amor e apoio do universo.

Você sempre pode encontrar seu caminho de volta para onde a luz brilha mais forte para você.

Arcanjo Gabriel

Shelley Young






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publicado por achama às 22:45
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

PARA SUA INFORMAÇÃO... ~ O Criador, Jennifer Farley


Escritos do Criador.

Transcrito por Jennifer Farley

15 de junho de 2019

Tradução – Adriano Pereira



Aqui está, meu querido; um pouco de calmaria nas atividades, para que você possa recuperar o fôlego. (Sorrindo)
Isto é como uma preparação para a próxima onda, então, pratique o seu ancoramento e crie um momento de paz para si mesmo.
Dependendo da sua preferência, encontre alguma solidão ou passe alguns momentos com outras pessoas com quem se sinta seguro.
Conecte-se com seus amigos animais e vegetais ... eles estão experimentando as mesmas mudanças energéticas que os humanos.

Encontre um pouco de alegria e compartilhe-a se você se sentir inclinado.
Alimente seu corpo com uma boa comida e, realmente, aprecie-a.
Permita-se conectar-se com O Universo, e faça tantas perguntas sobre as energias quanto você escolher fazer, quanto quiser.
Quanto mais informações você tiver, mais entenderá exatamente o que essas ondas e mudanças significam para você e seu mundo.
Cuide-se e, o mais importante, divirta-se! 

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publicado por achama às 22:43
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

UMA IDEIA QUE PODE AJUDÁ-LO. ~ O Conselho, Ron Head.



O Conselho via Ron Head.

21 de abril de 2019


Traduzido por Adriano Pereira

a 16 de junho de 2019.


Hoje, queremos oferecer uma ideia que possa ajudá-lo com um pouco mais de confiança em si mesmo e também com a sua compreensão das grandes mudanças de que falamos e que você tenha alguma dificuldade em enxergar.
Muitos de vocês ainda estão atormentados com pensamentos sobre sua incapacidade de mudar alguma coisa. Você se sente impotente diante das situações que observa ao redor. Você lê nossas mensagens sobre o poder que você realmente possui e, sua voz interior diz: "Eu não tenho!"
Nossa resposta é: "Sim, você tem!" Mas romper esse bloqueio é muito difícil para a maioria de vocês. Temos ensinado isso a você há muito tempo.

Agora, vemos que você tem uma imagem mental do "véu" como uma barreira transparente entre o que você pode ver e o que não pode. Embora isso seja verdade até certo ponto, gostaríamos de oferecer a você um quadro ligeiramente diferente que poderá ajudar você a visualizar o estado real do mundo.
O véu, você vê, não é uma coisa material. Não é uma folha de algo pendurado em ganchos de chuveiro celestiais para impedir sua visão. Está em toda parte para a maioria de vocês. E impede a visão precisa e verdadeira de tudo. Tudo. Isso não seria melhor descrito como um nevoeiro? Sua visão foi embaçada. Além disso, seria mais precisamente chamado de sua percepção, já que a visão não é realmente o problema.
O que pode causar uma percepção defeituosa? Que tipo de neblina estamos discutindo? Por que, é claro, são falsas crenças, inverdades e medos. Poderíamos escrever um livro inteiro sobre esse assunto sozinho, mas se formos direto ao assunto, como você diz, existe realmente uma premissa básica que foi alimentada para você que, se corrigida, instantaneamente elevaria o nevoeiro.
Se esse nevoeiro fosse levantado, se esse equívoco fosse corrigido, sua capacidade de aceitar e "ver" a grande mudança em andamento em seu mundo se expandiria imediatamente.
Qual ideia você mantém que, provavelmente inconscientemente, poderia fazer você, conscientemente começar a mudar, que permitiria a você fazer isso?
Há um entendimento que causa na maioria das pessoas, se não todas, sobre as ideias erradas sobre O Universo, e também para a maioria, senão todas, de suas visões errôneas do seu mundo.
Você se considera separado. É isso aí. Você se considera separado. Você está sozinho. Você está perdido. Você não está ligado a nada, nem um ao outro, nem ao seu mundo, nem ao seu Deus.
Você não tem o suficiente. Você não consegue o suficiente. Você é impotente. O que você pode fazer? Você é minúsculo. Tudo o mais é mais poderoso que você. Seus problemas são muito grandes.
Tudo isso é mentira. Tudo isso são mentiras.
Todos vocês alcançam os limites de suas visões do possível.
Você sabia disso?
Você já pensou nisso?
TODOS vocês alcançam seus próprios limites auto-impostos.
E enquanto você continuar tentando ultrapassar esses limites, será muito difícil para você. Nós facilitaríamos um pouco mais se pudéssemos.
Você vê, quando usamos o pronome “você”, você pode geralmente interpretar isso como uma referência ao seu eu coletivo. Se você se desse conta disso, e praticasse pensando de si mesmo dessa maneira, muita coisa mudaria para você. O pequeno e insignificante você, se tornaria um você em milhões - e crescendo. Praticar isso diariamente começaria a levantar o nevoeiro. A doença da separação começaria a se curar. Você pode até começar a ver além - além de qualquer coisa que você possa imaginar atualmente. Você seria capaz de entreter possibilidades onde impossibilidades costumavam viver.
Tente. Você não tem nada a perder e tem universos para ganhar.
Você é aquilo que você procura. 
O Conselho.

Ron Head.
Há dois livros publicados e disponíveis na loja da Amazon que contêm as mensagens coletadas e recebidas por Ron Head (que sou eu). O primeiro é The Wisdom of Michael, disponíveAQUI, e o segundo é It Rings True, Disponível AQUI. Um terceiro livro está sendo compilado agora.
Copyright © Ronald Head

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A Place to Share Insights and News


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publicado por achama às 22:40
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

YOU are the Creator of your Perceptions. ~ Arcturians, Suzanne Lie.

YOU are the Creator of your Perceptions.

Message from the Arcturians.

Through Suzanne Lie.

June 15, 2019. 

Arcturians, Suzanne Lie, The Arcturians



Your thoughts and emotions are becoming more and more balanced and in alignment with each other. In this manner you are creating clear thought forms regarding the reality you wish to live. Please remember that if your thoughts and emotions flow in different directions you will find it difficult to effectively begin and/or complete your desired outcome.
One of the primary outcomes that you are all wishing to create, whether you are aware of it or not, is the slow but steady transmutation of your earth vessel. Your earth vessel is the envelope that encases your consciousness third-dimensional consciousness. 
When your consciousness begins to maintain a steady connection to the higher frequencies, your body begins to shift in an attempt to stay in alignment with the resonance of your thoughts and emotions. 
If your thoughts and emotions are not in alignment with each other, your body becomes confused and is unable to create a steady frequency rate. Hence, you will likely feel nervous, depressed and/or disoriented.
Your creative process is based on your thoughts and emotions remaining in a steady state of entrainment. If your thoughts are, “I am ready to return to my innate higher resonance,” but you have fear-based emotions, which are basically fear of the unknown, your earth vessel is confused by the two opposite messages.
Fortunately, your third-dimensional earth vessel is very accustomed to your thoughts and feelings being out of alignment and is far too familiar with fear-based emotions. Hence, your body remains firmly fixed in the resonance of the third dimension. 
However, because of your conscious or unconscious desire to return to your higher vibration, you will likely feel a great sense of limitation or loneliness for something or someone. These types of thoughts and emotions lower your consciousness. It is then that the process of transmutation of your earth vessel comes to a halt. 
When you begin to have memories in which you feel a unique and deeply comforting feeling that you were returning, your transmutation process is re-activated. These memories may not include what you were returning to, but they give you a great deal of hope and reassurance.  
Without this hope and reassurance, you consciousness dashes to the depths, and you feel “cast adrift on a hostile planet.” However, Gaia is not hostile. What is hostile is the humans who wish to halt Gaia’s transmutation. They want to halt Gaia’s transmutation because deep inside they know that they could not transmute with her. These people are usually filled with fear, anger, and negative thinking.
Do you see now how these “enemies” are actually tormented people who cannot allow themselves the gift of transmutation? If you can realize that fact, your fear and anger will be released. With your own fear and anger released, your emotions come into entrainment with your emotional desire to return the higher realities that flickers just beyond your physical perceptions.
Fortunately, these higher dimensional perceptions expand your consciousness so that you can continue your personal process of transmutation. While in this process you become increasingly aware of how your thoughts affect your emotions and your emotions affect your thoughts. 
Wonderful! Now you are remembering that your thoughts and emotions have infinitely been connected. You are also remembering that your long sojourn through the third dimension is cycling back to return to the awareness of your true Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, you are remembering that you chose to enter third dimensional Earth to assist with planetary ascension. 
Do you also remember that YOU have ascended several times? Do you remember that that is why you were chosen to take an earth vessel during this NOW of Gaia’s shift? The memory of your past ascensions will greatly assist you to align your thoughts and emotions to create the thoughtform of personal and planetary ascension.
Once your thoughts and emotions are in alignment with the joy and privilege of assisting with planetary ascension, your Lightbody begins to awaken from deep within your earth vessel. Your Lightbody is nestled in the core of your Kundalini, which is within the core of your spinal cord.
Before you connect with this latent energy field within your core, we ask you to connect your own core with the core of Gaia. Because you are wearing a humanoid form, your core is long and runs up and down your spine. Conversely, Gaia’s core is within the center of her circular, planetary form. 
We suggest that you allow your self to remember the many times your consciousness has visited the core of Gaia. When you entrain your thoughts with your emotions AND entrain your personal core with Gaia’s planetary core, your human vessel comes into alignment with Gaia’s planetary vessel. 
When you are in alignment and entrainment with the planet, you feel very safe and comforted. Furthermore, when you align your thoughts with the emotions of safety and comfort, you become a happy, loving “package” of transmutation. 
Since Gaia is transmuting, and you are entrained with Her planetary transmutation, your personal transmutation is greatly accelerated. You can best maintain your alignment with Gaia by entraining your consciousness with unconditional love and unselfish thoughts of serving Gaia and all Her inhabitants. 
This alignment with unconditional love and service to all life is important because that state of consciousness best allows Gaia to assist you, just as you assist Her. “How can the planet assist me?” you may ask. The answer is once you love and serve all life, you realize that every component Gaia’s planet is alive and sentient.
Your transmutation begins with your own body’s elements of earth, air, fire, and water. These four 3D elements are in constant resonance with their fifth-dimensional elementals of Gnomes (earth), Sylphs (air), Salamanders (fire) and Undines (water). 
With your inhales you breathe in Gaia’s fifth-dimensional elementals and allow them to intermingle with your own inner elementals. With each exhale, you breathe out these intermingled elementals. Hence, with every in breath and out breath you merge more and more deeply with the planet on a basic elemental level. 
This process begins when you merge your thoughts and emotions to create the thoughtform of ascension. Then you can more easily merge your physical body with your ascension body. Your ascension body is your Lightbody, which is awaiting re-birth in the core of your Kundalini, which is in the core of your spine. 
Once consciously aligned with your own core, you can merge your transmuting core with Gaia’s transmuting core. While in your core you can merge your third-dimensional elements of earth, air, fire and water with your fifth-dimensional elementals to escalate the transmutation of your personal form. In this manner, you can best assist Gaia by merging your personal elementals with Gaia’s planetary elementals. 
Can you see how human and planet are becoming ONE? Do you also understand how you must first become ONE with your personal potential before you can become ONE with Gaia’s planetary potential? This process of merging with all life around you can only occur once you have merged with all life inside you.
It is within the core of your self that you can deeply experience being within the core of the planet. Remember the higher frequencies/dimensions are not above you; they are within you. In the same manner, the lower frequencies/dimensions are not below you, but around you. Do you see now how YOU are a Portal? 
When you travel inter-dimensionally, you do not go out or up, you go in and through. Turn around inside yourself and see the light resonating from your inner core. The mere act of using your fifth-dimensional imagination to look inside your self expands your consciousness enough for you to perceive your own inner light. 
You do not have this inner light because you are “good.” You have this inner light because you are an “alive.” The polarities of good and bad mean nothing in the fifth dimension, as they do not exist at that frequency. 
In the fifth dimension and beyond there are NO polarities. We realize that freedom from all polarities is a novel concept for your third-dimensional brain. However, even the term “polarity” does not exist in the fifth dimensional and beyond. 
When you travel inter-dimensionally, your first “landing pad” will be a fifth-dimensional expression of your own Multidimensional SELF. (“a” because you have myriad fifth-dimensional expressions of SELF) However, your fifth-dimensional SELF is not separate from the fifth dimensional SELF of others. 
In fact, there is no fifth-dimensional concept of “others.” Everyone is an expression of the same Oness. Thus, everyone is in constant connection with everyone, just as all your fingers are in constant communication with your hand. Also, your hand is in total unity with your body, which is merging with your Lightbody. Actually, your Lightbody's hand appears more like a flash of light, than a palm with fingers. 
Your Lightbodies are totally adaptable to every situation. Therefore, if you are on the ship ready to a great guest, you may choose to wear any form that will make the guest feel comfortable. Wearing a form in the fifth dimension is similar to wearing a uniform. Your uniform merges with you so that you appear to be wearing a body that is wearing a uniform. 
You usually choose to wear a form when you present your SELF to third-dimensional humans, including your own third-dimensional self. In this manner, you can share your unconditional love and multidimensional light without frightening their, or your, third-dimensional expression.
Just as your body is transmuting into a “light body,” Gaia’s planet is transmuting into a “light planet.” This light planet will no longer need to confine Her great essence within a dense, third-dimensional shell. In fact, the animals, plants, and aspects of nature that have become extinct to the third dimension have actually been the leaders of re-location from density into the light.
When you begin your conscious visits to fifth dimensional Earth you will be happy to see that many of the flora, fauna, and humans you believed have died or become extinct have only “died” to the resonance of the third dimension. They lived the timeline that they chose and have NOW re-located to a version of reality that does not exist in “time.”
“Time” and “space” merged to become the 3D Matrix of Earth. When you leave time and the sequential space that time created, you leave the 3D Matrix and return to the fifth-dimensional resonance and beyond. We say “resonance” because the fifth dimension is not static in the same manner as the third dimension.
If you look out into your yard and see a big tree, it will remain exactly where it is no matter what your state of consciousness, intention or belief. If you were to see that tree from a fourth dimension frequency it would still be bound by many of the 3D rules such as the roots go down into the earth and the branches go up into the sky.
Conversely, in the fifth dimension, you may not see a tree, but when you think, “I wish there was a big shade tree next to me.” With you next blink you see the tree. If you wanted the tree to be taller, your thoughts would change the size of the tree. One thing you could NOT do in the fifth dimension would be to “chop down the tree.”
All life is always respected in the fifth dimension. Hence, if you did not want to be by that tree, you could transport to another location, or shift your reality to no longer have a tree. If there was no tree, and you decide you do want one, you would just think about how wonderful it would be to have a beautiful tree beside you. 
You would then connect your thoughts of, “I would like a tree beside me,” with the image of the tree. Then you would feel the emotions of the comfort of the tree, enjoy the feeling of the tree’s shade and the beauty of the tree. You may also choose to enjoy merging with the life force of the tree and its many inhabitants. 
In other words, you would merge your consciousness with the experience of being beside a tree. You would then allow your perceptions to follow the dictates of your imagination so that you perceive what your imagination is creating, while you simultaneously create what you wish to perceive
Again, your inner, higher dimensional SELF would project out your inner thoughtform and fill it with unconditional love and multidimensional light to give your thoughtform fifth-dimensional life. All fifth-dimensional life exists within the NOW of the ONE. Hence, all life is accepted and appreciated as a living, sentient being that shares the same frequency of consciousness as your own. 
In this same manner you can unite with your Divine Complement, ascended friends from physical Earth, your Mission and your Guides who are actually higher dimensional expressions of your own Multidimensional SELF. All of these experiences exist infinitely within the ONE to display infinite versions of “All That Is.” 
The AllThat contains every possible reality that IS. YOU set the appearance and members of your reality with your own thoughtforms. YOU are the creator of your perceptions AND your perceptions are the creator of your environment. 
In other words, “Perception IS Creation.” You perceive what you want to create and create what you want to perceive. 
Your desire creates the perceptions that represent that which you wish to perceive. You may ask, “Are perception and creation separate or merged terms?” The answer depends on your state of consciousness, which dictates your frequency of reality, which determents how you perceive your world. 
All realities travel in a circular path of creation/perception and perception/creation. In the fifth dimension and beyond there is NO separation between “perception” and/or “creation.” 
In fact, in the higher dimensional worlds, there are NO communications of separate words spread out in sequential order. ALL is within the NOW of the ONE. All that you could desire, perceive, create or communicate is within that NOW with which you are ONE!
Blessings dear Ascending Ones,
We are ONE with you NOW
All that you could desire, perceive, create or communicate
IS within that NOW with whom you are ONE!
Suzanne Lie

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publicado por achama às 22:33
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

Connecting… ~ The Creator, Jennifer Farley

For Your Information…

The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

June 16th, 2019



Dearest one, you already have all you need!  

Just take a moment and allow that statement to sink in. (Smiling) 

Now is the time to stand in your power, to understand that some work needs to be done and know you can do it.  

There is a deep, indescribable beauty in a human searching for (and finding) parts of themselves they have forgotten.  

Like a dot-to-dot picture, it may not seem like much in the beginning but, when you get to the end…oh! What a glorious sight! 


Jennifer Farley





Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 22:31
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

A Vision for Trading Guns In for Musical Instruments ~ Alignment Project

A Vision for Trading Guns In for Musical Instruments.

The Vision Alignment Project


Here is a short but powerful Vision sent in by Signa Schmidt. Signa says:

I envision everyone with guns trading them in for musical instruments and making peace, harmony, and music in place of war, anger and killings.

We are in complete Alignment with Signa's Vision. Do you Align with it?


If this vision was sent to you from a friend, you can go to www.visionalignmentproject.com to sign up free for The Vision Alignment Project.

The Vision Alignment Project is sponsored by The Intenders of the Highest Good. If you have a Vision you would like to share with the world, please email it to [office@intenders.com]. Your Vision may be published here!


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 22:29
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

The Art of Constructive Feedback: How to Give and Receive It ~ Michelle L.

The Art of Constructive Feedback: 

How to Give and Receive It.

By Michelle L. 

Contributor writer to Learning Mind.

March 16th, 2019. 

constructive feedback


Few people are likely to raise their hands with an enthusiastic ‘me’ when it comes to receiving criticism. But those who are advocates of it know that constructive feedback is not only useful but also essential.
People don’t love feedback too much because they are unfortunate recipients of crippling criticism – the kind that makes them feel as though they aren’t able to do anything worthy. That outlook may change if they understand the difference between negative criticism and constructive feedback that helps them grow.

Telling the Difference Between Constructive and Negative Feedback

Giving criticism is integral to your role, whether you’re a parent or a manager who looks after the performance and welfare of staff. Many people feel that they have done their jobs as long as their children or subordinates receive some feedback. The raw truth is that criticism isn’t useful if it shatters the recipient’s confidence completely.
Delivery is the key, and the first step to doing so effectively is to understand the difference between constructive and destructive criticism.
People use negative feedback if their goal is to shatter a recipient’s confidence. Managers may tell their subordinates how poorly they’ve performed on tasks without providing evidence or reasons for their evaluations. Employees seldom understand why they’ve underperformed or know how to make improvements.
And there is a parallel to the home – parents who give negative feedback to their children may discipline their youngsters without telling them why they have earned harsh criticism.
Constructive feedback, conversely, instills confidence in an employee or child. Think about your favorite teachers when you were in school. They were probably the ones who knew how to point out the errors in your assignments without making you feel as though the topics assigned were out of your league.
Similarly, respected and competent managers are the ones who highlight the flaws in their employees’ performances without making them feel like complete failures at their jobs.

Why Constructive Criticism Isn’t Always Bad

Feedback in any form isn’t easy to swallow. Perhaps you need some convincing.
First of all, feedback tells people about your expectations and improves performance. Learning about their strengths increases the confidence of your employees. They gain the motivation they need to improve their skills and align with business objectives. The person who provides feedback also becomes proficient when doing it.
Furthermore, organizations invest considerable sums of money in finding talent. That said, employees have to spend a significant amount of time learning their roles and responsibilities. Feedback helps them with their work so that companies won’t have to find replacements.
Feedback improves trust. It creates a bond between parents and children. Most children understand that parents mean well when they make suggestions. If you are a manager, giving constructive, open feedback to your employees builds their rapport with you. It inspires loyalty.
A manager’s role is to offer feedback that encourages a staff’s development. It is vital that he or she does so on an ongoing basis and not only when performance reviews come around.

How to Provide Constructive Feedback

Constructive feedback is essential to get others to improve on their shortcomings, without causing ill-feeling or shattering their confidence. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

1. Be specific and focus on the problem

First of all, instead of merely telling people what they need to do better, explain why they need to make improvements. Saying “You need to submit work on time” and leaving the statement open assumes that recipients understand what the problem is. However, this may not be the case – perhaps the employee has never faced the ire of bosses before.
Also, never assume that people have the necessary background information they need. They may not understand how their behavior affects you or others. The more you focus on the problem, the more likely the recipient of the feedback is to address it.
If necessary, tell them how the situation affects you and the rest of the business. The more specific you can make your feedback, the more actionable it will be.

2. Don’t get personal

“Constructive” implies that feedback should focus on impartial observations instead of personal attributes.
“Your draft was poor” isn’t likely to get a warm reception. The recipient of the feedback will probably see it as a personal attack instead of an objective assessment, even if the work is not up to par. Focus on the problem at hand and not the person’s attributes.

3. Use the Sandwich Method

One essential key to making feedback palatable is to include positives with the negatives. It tells everyone that you have a balanced perspective.
Deliver feedback like you would serve a sandwich. State the positives, discuss problems, and finish off with more positive feedback to cushion any sting.
For example, you can tell a child, “You’ve improved your math test score.” Then discuss the areas that need improvement. “But the algebra needs some work.” It’s essential to finish off with, “You’ll become a math whiz in no time.”
You can use this approach if you’re addressing employees. Start with “You did an excellent job this quarter. Sales are up by 15%.” Then, discuss the problem areas.”Customers have mentioned that response times are a little slow.” Round off with “Overall; they are delighted with the work you’ve done.”
Be careful not to be too positive as you may come across as insincere; everyone needs to improve. The Sandwich Method of delivering feedback ensures a balanced perspective.

4. Be direct but informal

Try not to use technology such as email, text message, or the phone to relay your feedback, as this can lead to misinterpretation and make it seem less important than it is.
Don’t deliver feedback via text messages or emails unless circumstances entail otherwise. Using technology may lead to misinterpretation and cause people to dismiss it.
Have an honest chat with the person instead. Try not to beat around the bush because constructive feedback is most effective when delivered straight to the point.
Find a quiet meeting room where you can have an honest and informal one-on-one chat with the employee. At the same time, try not to beat around the bush; whether it’s positive or negative, feedback is most effective when you get straight to the point.

5. Show your sincerity

Make sure that your tone and manner matches your feedback, to avoid confusion. If it’s positive, make sure that your body language shows that you appreciate the person’s efforts. If the input is negative, use a serious tone to indicate that the problem needs addressing.
Again, remember not to address personal attributes to prevent blame assignation or fault finding.

6. Listen

To ensure that your feedback is constructive, allow recipients to respond. The response time is essential, especially if the criticism is negative. It shows them that you are genuinely interested in their interpretation of events and that you sincerely welcome their solutions.

7. Make it timely

Always try to give positive feedback when the employee’s praiseworthy achievement is still fresh in everyone’s memory. Give positive feedback when the achievement is still fresh in everybody’s minds, to ensure objectivity.
Timing is essential when delivering negative feedback. Again, it’s wise to cool off before addressing issues to ensure that you don’t color your feedback with emotion.

Receiving Negative Feedback

Feedback is a two-way street. We receive criticism as often as we give it; here’s how to accept input like a professional.

1. It’s never personal.

First of all, feedback isn’t personal if you deliver it constructively. It merely consists of impartial observations, whether in a business context or otherwise.
It doesn’t matter if the person giving the feedback is being mean or wishes you well. What counts is yourself and your reaction. Respond respectfully and with gratitude. Remember that you’re intelligent enough to discern if the person means well.

2. Ask for examples.

Most people try not to offend when giving feedback and therefore skirt around the issues at hand.
They try to be as polite as they can, which is excellent for removing the sting of negativity. However, you will need to provide details if you wish to get to the root of the issue.


Show that you’re not interested in fault finding but only in solving problems.

3. Get help.

A sure-fire way to show your interest in another person’s feedback is to ask for advice on improving your performance. Say, “I feel the same way as you do and would like to do better. Do you have any advice?”
When you acknowledge the truth of the feedback and ask for advice, you show your willingness to learn. The deliverer of the input is likely to respond with helpful counsel.

4. Share your progress.

You are likely to work on areas that need improvement if you respect the people who deliver the feedback. Share your progress with them and show them that you are willing to take the steps necessary to improve your performance.

5. Be a feedback mirror.

Remember that people make themselves vulnerable to criticism themselves when they deliver it; after all, no one’s perfect.
That may be why people are so rarely honest about what they think of others. Offer yourself as a partner in self-improvement, and you’re likely to become an agent of change.
Constructive feedback produces results without causing any hurt if delivered well. Try these the next time you are a deliverer or recipient.

About the Author: Michelle L.

Michelle is a freelance writer who loves all things about life. She has a broad range of interests that include literature, history, philosophy, human relationships, and psychology. When she is not busy writing her heart out, you will find her tinkering jazz tunes on her piano. She loves anything that helps her to grow as a person, including her pet terriers, Misty and Cloudy.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
Thanks to: Learning Mind <noreply+feedproxy@google.com>



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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 22:26
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

Bashar 2019: The Past, Present and Future Are Within You


The Past, Present and Future Are Within You.

By Bashar.

Posted June 16, 2019 by Edward Morgan. 




Bashar The Past, Present and Future Are Within You
Conscious Life Expo Talks 2019 with Bashar



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 22:24
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

The Answers Are Within You ~ Archangel Gabriel, Shanta Gabriel.

The Answers Are Within You.

Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel.

June 16th, 2019. 

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

For this week, the message from Archangel Gabriel is reminding us that we have a direct connection within our hearts to all the information we require to thrive.


The Gabriel Message Card for this week

Be Aware that the Answers to All You are Seeking are Within You.

There are times when I receive this message and feel frustrated with it. I want the Gabriel Message Cards to help me receive the answers I am seeking. I think I want more information than to merely look within. There even may be a part of my mind that wants the decisions to be made very clearly for me.

I know this card is telling me to settle down, breathe more slowly, take some time to be still, and THEN I will have the answer. Sometimes my rebellious nature shows up, making me feel impatient. That is when I really need to go for a walk, do some yoga, dance to loud music, or something else of a physical nature.

Those are the times when my mind has gone on mental overload and there is no way I will be able to find my answers intellectually. Why does it seem so hard to step away from the computer, when it is so obvious I need to do something more resourceful or loving for myself?

I find it really helpful to stop and say a prayer. I am letting the Divine Mind know that there are answers I am seeking and would appreciate the flow of clarity and wisdom that will help me to receive. And I might make sure that I also ask to be a better receiver, what they speak of in Buddhism as beginner's mind. When my mind — or my heart — is not open to receive, there will not be any clarity for me in that moment.

After a prayer, gifts come to me that look very different than the answers I had imagined. If I am not able to receive my answer clearly from within my heart, in perfect synchronicity a book might fall off the shelf in front of me. I may be in a store and overhear a conversation, or a friend will mention a class she took and will give me insight to the answers I am seeking.

The Universe is conspiring to support us in every way. Our willingness to have an open mind and heart offers us the ways to receive all that we need in every area of life.

Divine Presence,

I offer to you this decision I need to make. I offer to you the questions in my life that require clarity. I offer to you my work, my relationships and my Well-being.

Thank you for bringing me the support, the clarity and the answers that I require to thrive in the physical world. As I begin to trust myself more and more, allow me to begin to be a willing participant in the transformation of my life. Help me to open my receptive channels so I can be inspired deep within, with true knowing from my soul's highest wisdom. I ask to integrate this wisdom within my being to assist me in living a more fulfilling life in the world.

For these and all my blessings, I am filled with Gratitude and Love. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel

June 16, 2019


The Gabriel Messages #16


Be aware that the answers to all you are seeking are within you.


Dear One,
When you are in harmony with your heart's intelligence, seeking answers to your life's questions outside yourself will seldom be necessary. This seems impossible to you and yet this is a time when people no longer need an intermediary to be in tune with God, the Source of all Life.
There has been a quickening in the vibrational frequencies on and around planet Earth. Because you are an electrical being, you are very much affected by this increased Light. A higher level of energy enables you to attune yourself to a finer vibration, which allows you to consciously receive the resonance of wisdom and love from the Divine Mind. Wisdom and love come through your energy field as light energy, which carries with it information allowing you to live more in harmony with the needs of your soul.
This means that as you pray and meditate, you raise your vibration and draw to yourself, like a magnet, a high frequency of light and love-filled energy. As this energy permeates your being, it opens your mind to receive answers to any question you put forth. You have the capacity to be a conduit for information, as well as for the ecstasy of God's love.
It may not seem possible to receive answers to complicated questions. Yet this is true only when fear and doubt cloud your perception. Pray to receive clearly, and pray to know the truth that is in your highest good. You can ask to know beyond a shadow of a doubt. Then you can follow the "Diamond Covenant of Moses." This declares that you are willing to do whatever is revealed to you, when you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that which is in your highest good. This willingness to follow your inner guidance sets up a flow of energy through you, which allows your Higher Self to be attuned to your conscious mind.

When you are in a relaxed and expanded state of being, you have access to all the wisdom of the universe. The Angels are available to flood your mind with love and light if you ask. When your being is filled with love and light, you understand consciously what steps to take in any situation. This inner knowing may not be immediately apparent to your conscious mind. However, as you go about your day, you will begin to respond to all situations with greater calm and certainty. When you look back, you will see how you just "knew" what to do.

Try writing your question on a piece of paper. Have it with a pen close to you as you meditate, and pray to know the truth beyond a shadow of a doubt. Ask that your Higher Self be in tune with Divine Mind. Now sit, breathe in a rhythmic way, and allow your mind and body to relax. Visualize yourself sitting in a pillar of golden light connecting Heaven and Earth. After sufficient uninterrupted time, you may feel the impulse to write.

While you pray and meditate, you are in an expanded consciousness. From this place all answers are obvious, yet the critical nature of the mind loves to make judgments. Do not read your answer right away. This will defuse your inner critic. After an hour or so, go back and read what you have written. Most likely you will surprise yourself with the simple, practical solutions to your questions. With practice this process becomes easier, as you set up a direct conduit to your higher self, that part of you in touch with the Angelic Dimensions and Divine Guidance.

This is the dawning age of direct guidance and wisdom. You no longer need priests, gurus or those outside yourself to show you what is in your highest good. This does not mean that teachers and role models are not important. It does mean that you do not have to seek outside yourself to find the answers to your most important questions. No one else knows more than you what is right for your life. When you are aligned with God and spend quiet time in prayer and meditation, all that you want to know will be there for you.

So remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

Be aware that the answers to all you are seeking are within you.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel

June 16, 2019


About Shanta


Shanta Gabriel is an author, teacher and healer,whose life is devoted to Bridging Heaven and Earth. She began her studies with an Indian Shaktipat master of the ancient Science of Sound in 1977.  It is the inspired ancient practices she received at the ashram and has used in 40 years of training, that she offers to others in her programs.

Her work with the Archangels began in 1988. She shares this work through alignment, immersion, and transmissions from the Archangels through her classes, membership groups and private sessions. Her mission is to facilitate and invite people into a direct experience of Infinite Intelligence and Divine Love.

For more information about her classes as well as private sessions and products, visit ShantaGabriel.com.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
  • Shanta Gabriel <shanta@shantagabriel.com>



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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 22:18
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

Maslow Predicted The Shift ~ Owen K Waters


Whole Brain Thinking.

by Owen K Waters

June 16, 2019

Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter
Spiritual Growth, Vitality and Wellness

Abraham Maslow (1908-70) was a psychologist who became well known for his hierarchy of human needs. When he developed his theory in the 1950s, he predicted the transformation of humanity into a realm of spiritual transcendence, but he had no idea just how soon this would develop into a major movement.

Maslow's hierarchy of human needs shows that basic human needs have to be fulfilled before people can attend to higher needs and values.

First, the basic physiological needs of food and shelter must be catered for in order to ensure survival.

Second, once food and shelter are obtained, safety and security must be achieved.

Third, acceptance by others is sought, in both the societal and personal senses. To fulfill this 'belonging' need, people become part of a group, a tribe, an extended family or a community.

When these deficiency, or outer-directed, needs are satisfied, then the individual works to acquire self-respect. Recognition by others produces self-esteem.

Once the outer needs are fulfilled, the inner-directed need for self-actualization comes into play. To self-actualize means to become the best you personally can be. Self-actualized people include those who have achieved material abundance, and also those who, as a decision of personal power, have chosen simplicity over the pursuit of further abundance. At some point, when a person says "That's enough" to the endless pursuit of additional financial security, then they become free to accomplish anything that inspires their inner joy the most.

Self-actualization is achieved after the individual ceases to have deference to hierarchical authority, and instead matures into the ability to make their own rules of personal responsibility. Personal responsibility is always more powerful and effective than any system of imposed rules. For example, you can threaten to punish someone if they steal and hope that the threat works. But, a self-responsible person simply wouldn't steal because they would feel empathy for the loss that a would-be victim would feel. They simply wouldn't have the heart to do such a thing to another person.

It's a matter of increased maturity. When a person abandons the impositions of external authority and becomes their own, self-directed authority, then they become far more functional in the world. This is, in fact, a higher state of consciousness, one which provides a higher vista of awareness. >From this expanded vista, they see clearly how they as an individual can best serve humanity.

In this state of awareness, the person acquires the ability to think and analyze situations independently. As a result, new and creative solutions spring to mind. They have enough self-esteem to be able to clearly see their own needs, skills, strengths and weaknesses, and from that they see where they can best be of service to humanity.

Once basic needs are fulfilled, the next values to require attention relate to being. The first of these being-values is self-actualization, which is the instinctual need of a human to make the most of their unique abilities.

Above that, Maslow placed transcendence, which he considered a spiritual value. Traditional universities typically presume that spiritual matters are beyond the understanding of their students, so they present the Maslow hierarchy of human needs differently. They present it with self-actualization as the ultimate human aim, and omit the transcendence stage beyond that.

The being-values of self-actualization and transcendence are the higher, more beautiful aspects of human consciousness. They include unconditional love, altruism, inner joy, a love of nature, the development of intuition (in males as well as females), idealism, and a sense of wisdom which springs from within. These skills develop the right-brain functions of creativity and intuition.

In the 1950s, Maslow believed that only 2% of the population had achieved self-actualization. The mid-1960s changed all that when masses of people began the search for the higher values, such as unconditional love and spiritual wisdom. Today, that core group of progressive people has blossomed from 2% to over 20%, and is climbing every year.

The Shift is not a temporary by-product of the baby boom generation, or any other generation of modern culture. It is not a passing fad. It is not going away. It is a cosmic pressure that is unfolding and relentlessly increasing the frequency of all consciousness upon the planet.

It is a part of the plan of Infinite Being that we progress to the next stage of conscious human achievement. The Shift is, to put it simply, the most wonderful transformation in recorded history. This is where humanity gets to build, literally, Heaven on Earth.
Owen Waters

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publicado por achama às 22:14
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19



Uma mensagem de Kryon.

Canalizada por Lee Carroll. 




Uma mensagem de Kryon.*
Canalizada por Lee Carroll. .
*Este vídeo é chamado de “Kryon ensina como treinar sua mente a alcançar a sincronicidade perfeita com o universo”. Kryon compartilha uma bela mensagem sobre os 5 alinhamentos.(*)* *É uma excelente maneira de olhar para si mesmo e sua vida. Kryon faz algumas perguntas para as pessoas no workshop, relacionando estas à sua vida. Deixe a sincronicidade da vida ser seu guia.* *Confie que o Universo lhe trará tudo o que você precisa quando precisa!* *“Nunca olhe para trás e se lamente. Olhe para trás e sorr... more »

Agradecimentos a:  
  • Regina Drumond Chichorro - reginamadrumond@yahoo.com.br
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publicado por achama às 17:31
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

YOU are the Creator of your Perceptions ~ Arcturians, Suzanne Lie.

YOU are the Creator of your Perceptions.

Message from the Arcturians.

Through Suzanne Lie.

June 15, 2019. 




Your thoughts and emotions are becoming more and more balanced and in alignment with each other. In this manner you are creating clear thought forms regarding the reality you wish to live. Please remember that if your thoughts and emotions flow in different directions you will find it difficult to effectively begin and/or complete your desired outcome.
One of the primary outcomes that you are all wishing to create, whether you are aware of it or not, is the slow but steady transmutation of your earth vessel. Your earth vessel is the envelope that encases your consciousness third-dimensional consciousness. 
When your consciousness begins to maintain a steady connection to the higher frequencies, your body begins to shift in an attempt to stay in alignment with the resonance of your thoughts and emotions. 
If your thoughts and emotions are not in alignment with each other, your body becomes confused and is unable to create a steady frequency rate. Hence, you will likely feel nervous, depressed and/or disoriented.
Your creative process is based on your thoughts and emotions remaining in a steady state of entrainment. If your thoughts are, “I am ready to return to my innate higher resonance,” but you have fear-based emotions, which are basically fear of the unknown, your earth vessel is confused by the two opposite messages.
Fortunately, your third-dimensional earth vessel is very accustomed to your thoughts and feelings being out of alignment and is far too familiar with fear-based emotions. Hence, your body remains firmly fixed in the resonance of the third dimension. 
However, because of your conscious or unconscious desire to return to your higher vibration, you will likely feel a great sense of limitation or loneliness for something or someone. These types of thoughts and emotions lower your consciousness. It is then that the process of transmutation of your earth vessel comes to a halt. 
When you begin to have memories in which you feel a unique and deeply comforting feeling that you were returning, your transmutation process is re-activated. These memories may not include what you were returning to, but they give you a great deal of hope and reassurance.  
Without this hope and reassurance, you consciousness dashes to the depths, and you feel “cast adrift on a hostile planet.” However, Gaia is not hostile. What is hostile is the humans who wish to halt Gaia’s transmutation. They want to halt Gaia’s transmutation because deep inside they know that they could not transmute with her. These people are usually filled with fear, anger, and negative thinking.
Do you see now how these “enemies” are actually tormented people who cannot allow themselves the gift of transmutation? If you can realize that fact, your fear and anger will be released. With your own fear and anger released, your emotions come into entrainment with your emotional desire to return the higher realities that flickers just beyond your physical perceptions.
Fortunately, these higher dimensional perceptions expand your consciousness so that you can continue your personal process of transmutation. While in this process you become increasingly aware of how your thoughts affect your emotions and your emotions affect your thoughts. 
Wonderful! Now you are remembering that your thoughts and emotions have infinitely been connected. You are also remembering that your long sojourn through the third dimension is cycling back to return to the awareness of your true Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, you are remembering that you chose to enter third dimensional Earth to assist with planetary ascension. 
Do you also remember that YOU have ascended several times? Do you remember that that is why you were chosen to take an earth vessel during this NOW of Gaia’s shift? The memory of your past ascensions will greatly assist you to align your thoughts and emotions to create the thoughtform of personal and planetary ascension.
Once your thoughts and emotions are in alignment with the joy and privilege of assisting with planetary ascension, your Lightbody begins to awaken from deep within your earth vessel. Your Lightbody is nestled in the core of your Kundalini, which is within the core of your spinal cord.
Before you connect with this latent energy field within your core, we ask you to connect your own core with the core of Gaia. Because you are wearing a humanoid form, your core is long and runs up and down your spine. Conversely, Gaia’s core is within the center of her circular, planetary form. 
We suggest that you allow your self to remember the many times your consciousness has visited the core of Gaia. When you entrain your thoughts with your emotions AND entrain your personal core with Gaia’s planetary core, your human vessel comes into alignment with Gaia’s planetary vessel. 
When you are in alignment and entrainment with the planet, you feel very safe and comforted. Furthermore, when you align your thoughts with the emotions of safety and comfort, you become a happy, loving “package” of transmutation. 
Since Gaia is transmuting, and you are entrained with Her planetary transmutation, your personal transmutation is greatly accelerated. You can best maintain your alignment with Gaia by entraining your consciousness with unconditional love and unselfish thoughts of serving Gaia and all Her inhabitants. 
This alignment with unconditional love and service to all life is important because that state of consciousness best allows Gaia to assist you, just as you assist Her. “How can the planet assist me?” you may ask. The answer is once you love and serve all life, you realize that every component Gaia’s planet is alive and sentient.
Your transmutation begins with your own body’s elements of earth, air, fire, and water. These four 3D elements are in constant resonance with their fifth-dimensional elementals of Gnomes (earth), Sylphs (air), Salamanders (fire) and Undines (water). 
With your inhales you breathe in Gaia’s fifth-dimensional elementals and allow them to intermingle with your own inner elementals. With each exhale, you breathe out these intermingled elementals. Hence, with every in breath and out breath you merge more and more deeply with the planet on a basic elemental level. 
This process begins when you merge your thoughts and emotions to create the thoughtform of ascension. Then you can more easily merge your physical body with your ascension body. Your ascension body is your Lightbody, which is awaiting re-birth in the core of your Kundalini, which is in the core of your spine. 
Once consciously aligned with your own core, you can merge your transmuting core with Gaia’s transmuting core. While in your core you can merge your third-dimensional elements of earth, air, fire and water with your fifth-dimensional elementals to escalate the transmutation of your personal form. In this manner, you can best assist Gaia by merging your personal elementals with Gaia’s planetary elementals. 
Can you see how human and planet are becoming ONE? Do you also understand how you must first become ONE with your personal potential before you can become ONE with Gaia’s planetary potential? This process of merging with all life around you can only occur once you have merged with all life inside you.
It is within the core of your self that you can deeply experience being within the core of the planet. Remember the higher frequencies/dimensions are not above you; they are within you. In the same manner, the lower frequencies/dimensions are not below you, but around you. Do you see now how YOU are a Portal? 
When you travel inter-dimensionally, you do not go out or up, you go in and through. Turn around inside yourself and see the light resonating from your inner core. The mere act of using your fifth-dimensional imagination to look inside your self expands your consciousness enough for you to perceive your own inner light. 
You do not have this inner light because you are “good.” You have this inner light because you are an “alive.” The polarities of good and bad mean nothing in the fifth dimension, as they do not exist at that frequency. 
In the fifth dimension and beyond there are NO polarities. We realize that freedom from all polarities is a novel concept for your third-dimensional brain. However, even the term “polarity” does not exist in the fifth dimensional and beyond. 
When you travel inter-dimensionally, your first “landing pad” will be a fifth-dimensional expression of your own Multidimensional SELF. (“a” because you have myriad fifth-dimensional expressions of SELF) However, your fifth-dimensional SELF is not separate from the fifth dimensional SELF of others. 
In fact, there is no fifth-dimensional concept of “others.” Everyone is an expression of the same Oness. Thus, everyone is in constant connection with everyone, just as all your fingers are in constant communication with your hand. Also, your hand is in total unity with your body, which is merging with your Lightbody. Actually, your Lightbody's hand appears more like a flash of light, than a palm with fingers. 
Your Lightbodies are totally adaptable to every situation. Therefore, if you are on the ship ready to a great guest, you may choose to wear any form that will make the guest feel comfortable. Wearing a form in the fifth dimension is similar to wearing a uniform. Your uniform merges with you so that you appear to be wearing a body that is wearing a uniform. 
You usually choose to wear a form when you present your SELF to third-dimensional humans, including your own third-dimensional self. In this manner, you can share your unconditional love and multidimensional light without frightening their, or your, third-dimensional expression.
Just as your body is transmuting into a “light body,” Gaia’s planet is transmuting into a “light planet.” This light planet will no longer need to confine Her great essence within a dense, third-dimensional shell. In fact, the animals, plants, and aspects of nature that have become extinct to the third dimension have actually been the leaders of re-location from density into the light.
When you begin your conscious visits to fifth dimensional Earth you will be happy to see that many of the flora, fauna, and humans you believed have died or become extinct have only “died” to the resonance of the third dimension. They lived the timeline that they chose and have NOW re-located to a version of reality that does not exist in “time.”
“Time” and “space” merged to become the 3D Matrix of Earth. When you leave time and the sequential space that time created, you leave the 3D Matrix and return to the fifth-dimensional resonance and beyond. We say “resonance” because the fifth dimension is not static in the same manner as the third dimension.
If you look out into your yard and see a big tree, it will remain exactly where it is no matter what your state of consciousness, intention or belief. If you were to see that tree from a fourth dimension frequency it would still be bound by many of the 3D rules such as the roots go down into the earth and the branches go up into the sky.
Conversely, in the fifth dimension, you may not see a tree, but when you think, “I wish there was a big shade tree next to me.” With you next blink you see the tree. If you wanted the tree to be taller, your thoughts would change the size of the tree. One thing you could NOT do in the fifth dimension would be to “chop down the tree.”
All life is always respected in the fifth dimension. Hence, if you did not want to be by that tree, you could transport to another location, or shift your reality to no longer have a tree. If there was no tree, and you decide you do want one, you would just think about how wonderful it would be to have a beautiful tree beside you. 
You would then connect your thoughts of, “I would like a tree beside me,” with the image of the tree. Then you would feel the emotions of the comfort of the tree, enjoy the feeling of the tree’s shade and the beauty of the tree. You may also choose to enjoy merging with the life force of the tree and its many inhabitants. 
In other words, you would merge your consciousness with the experience of being beside a tree. You would then allow your perceptions to follow the dictates of your imagination so that you perceive what your imagination is creating, while you simultaneously create what you wish to perceive
Again, your inner, higher dimensional SELF would project out your inner thoughtform and fill it with unconditional love and multidimensional light to give your thoughtform fifth-dimensional life. All fifth-dimensional life exists within the NOW of the ONE. Hence, all life is accepted and appreciated as a living, sentient being that shares the same frequency of consciousness as your own. 
In this same manner you can unite with your Divine Complement, ascended friends from physical Earth, your Mission and your Guides who are actually higher dimensional expressions of your own Multidimensional SELF. All of these experiences exist infinitely within the ONE to display infinite versions of “All That Is.” 
The AllThat contains every possible reality that IS. YOU set the appearance and members of your reality with your own thoughtforms. YOU are the creator of your perceptions AND your perceptions are the creator of your environment. 
In other words, “Perception IS Creation.” You perceive what you want to create and create what you want to perceive. 
Your desire creates the perceptions that represent that which you wish to perceive. You may ask, “Are perception and creation separate or merged terms?” The answer depends on your state of consciousness, which dictates your frequency of reality, which determents how you perceive your world. 
All realities travel in a circular path of creation/perception and perception/creation. In the fifth dimension and beyond there is NO separation between “perception” and/or “creation.” 
In fact, in the higher dimensional worlds, there are NO communications of separate words spread out in sequential order. ALL is within the NOW of the ONE. All that you could desire, perceive, create or communicate is within that NOW with which you are ONE!
Blessings dear Ascending Ones,
We are ONE with you NOW
All that you could desire, perceive, create or communicate
IS within that NOW with whom you are ONE!
Suzanne Lie

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 05:33
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

For Your Information… ~ The Creator, Jennifer Farley.

For Your Information…

The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

June 15th, 2019



Here it is, dear one; a bit of a lull in activity so you can catch your breath. (Smiling) 

As preparation for the next wave, practice your grounding and carve out peaceful time for yourself.  

Depending on your preference, find some solitude or spend a few moments with others you feel safe with.  

Connect with your animal and plant friends…they are experiencing the same energetic changes as humans.  

Find a bit of joy and share it if you feel so inclined.  Feed your body good food and really enjoy it.  

Allow yourself to connect with The Universe and ask as many questions about the incoming energy as you choose.  

The more information you have, the more you will understand exactly what these waves and shifts mean to you and your world.  

Take care and, most importantly, have some fun! 


Jennifer Farley





Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 05:32
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

What Is Introverted Thinking and How It Is Different from Extroverted One ~ Janey Davies.

What Is Introverted Thinking and How It Is Different from Extroverted One.

By Janey Davies.

June 15th, 2019.




Did you know that the Myers-Briggs Personality Theory uses our way of thinking to separate us into introverted and extroverted individuals?

If this is a surprise to you, then you’re not the only one. I thought the personality traits of introverts and extroverts extended only to external behaviour. For example, the way we act around others, whether we like social contact or whether we prefer to be left alone.
For instance, a typical introvert will tire easily in company and find solitude the best way to recharge their batteries. On the other hand, extroverts love to be the centre of attention and find alone time hard to deal with.
However, I didn’t realise that we could also think in an introverted or extroverted way. So what exactly is introverted thinking?
You might imagine that when we think, we do so in a kind of social and personal vacuum, but that’s far from the truth. Every experience, every connection, every person we’ve ever met colours our thinking process. As a result, when we think, we bring up all this knowledge and it shapes our thoughts.
So, it stands to reason that someone who is, by nature, more of an introverted person is not suddenly going to start thinking in an extroverted way. But it’s actually more complicated than that. There are very clear differences between introverted and extroverted thinking. And some you might not have thought of.

Differences between Introverted Thinking and Extroverted Thinking

Introverted Thinkers:

  • Focus on what’s in their head
  • Deep thinkers
  • Prefer concepts and theories
  • Good with solving problems
  • Use precise language
  • Natural followers
  • Get projects moving
  • Need to know how things work
Examples of Introverted Thinkers:
Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, Larry Page (Co-founder of Google), Simon Cowell, Tom Cruise.
Introverted thinkers don’t mind mess and chaos because it allows them to sift through the mess to find answers. They like to analyse a situation before they make a decision.
They will gather all the necessary information they have on the subject, measure it carefully against what they already know, and see if it corresponds or not. Any new information gets stored for later use, anything that’s incorrect gets tossed.
They continue to work in this way, re-evaluating every situation until they are satisfied they have the right conclusion. Having said that, they are always open to new information because at the end of the day they want the truth.
They have an almost obsessive need to know how things work and, as a result, are renowned for coming up with new inventions. They understand complex theories which they can then use in the real world.

Extroverted Thinkers

  • Focus on the real world
  • Logical thinkers
  • Prefer facts and objectives
  • Good with planning and organising projects
  • Use commanding language
  • Natural leaders
  • Get people moving
  • Need to know how people work
Examples of Extroverted Thinkers
Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, Martha Stewart, Judge Judy, Uma Thurman, Nancy Pelosi (US Speaker of the House).
Extroverted thinkers can’t stand mess. They are typically much-organised people who need to know where everything is before they can either start work or begin to relax. You won’t find an extrovert with a messy desk. Moreover, if you are messy and disorganised, just ask one to help you and you won’t ever regret it.
Extroverts are direct people and this applies to their approach to life. They won’t faff about. They make quick decisions, take the fastest route or skip lunch to make a meeting. They plan in advance, schedule appointments and know exactly when their train or bus is due to arrive.
Also, they stick with what they know and don’t like new information because it might mess up their carefully thought-out plans.

5 Signs You Might Be an Introverted Thinker

ISTPs & INTPs use introverted thinking.
  1. You don’t believe everything you read.
Do you find you are always fact-checking before you repost on Facebook? Did you question your tutors at school? Do you take things with a pinch of salt? These are all signs of introverted thinking.
  1. You like to take your time when making a decision
No one can accuse you of making rash decisions or acting on impulse. You won’t be rushed when it comes to important decisions.
  1. You’re not afraid of arguing your point of view.
Some people don’t like confrontation, but that’s not you. If you believe you are right, you’ll back yourself, even if it makes you unpopular.
  1. Sometimes you find it hard to explain your position
Just because it makes sense to you doesn’t mean it’s easy to tell someone else.
  1. You don’t follow normal societal routines
People that follow their own path, whether it’s getting up late and working until midnight, or going vegan, natural rule breakers are internal thinkers.

5 Signs You Might Be an Extroverted Thinker

ENTJs and ESTJs use extroverted thinking.
  1. You like facts and figures
You have a tendency to believe and trust people. You look to experts to give you advice and you’re happy to follow it.
  1. You can’t bear people who procrastinate
There’s no ‘doing it tomorrow when you can do it today’ for you. In fact, you don’t get the point of putting something off and you can’t understand why someone would.
  1. You’ll make a decision quickly
People can rely on you in a crisis because of your quick thinking and the fact that you are not afraid of making hard choices.
  1. You are able to vocalise your thoughts
You can easily externalise your inner thoughts to others. It’s part of how you can communicate easily and get the job done.
  1. You like rules and regulations
Following the rules allows things to run smoothly and that lets you plan and organise your world more efficiently.
Did you recognise yourself in any of the above descriptors? If you want to know more, why not see which Myers-Briggs personality type you are?








About the Author: Janey Davies.

Janey Davies has been published online for over 8 years. She is the head writer for Shoppersbase.com, she also writes for AvecAgnes.co.uk, Ewawigs.com and has contributed to inside3DP.com. She has an Honours Degree in Psychology and her passions include learning about the mind, popular science and politics. When she is relaxing she likes to walk her dog, read science fiction and listen to Muse.

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 05:30
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

Secret Galactic History – Mind Control and Occult Magic ~ Montauk Project, Stewart A. Swerdlow,

Montauk Project Survivor Speaks Out! Secret Galactic History – Mind Control and Occult Magic.


Posted June 14, 2019 by Edward Morgan. 




Dr. Rev. STEWART A. SWERDLOW has already become rather legendary within the field of conspiracy and truth research, and is known for his decade-long work to expose the truth as he sees it, and enlighten people in the field of alternative science, spirituality, therapy, mind control deprogramming and truth research. This new AGE OF TRUTH TV production features Stewart Swerdlow in an in-depth hard-talk conversation with AOT TV presenter and interviewer, Lucas Alexander.
A famous survivor of the dreaded and infamous MONTAUK PROJECT, Stewart Swerdlow was one of the so-called Montauk Boys, who were put under Mind Control experimentation and compartmentalisation along with being used for Occult Sexual Magic at Satanic Rituals performed by dignitaries and elitists at the Montauk Military Base on Long Island, New York. Stewart Swerdlow is an experiencer of Extra-Terrestrials and according to himself, been part of alien experiments. He witnessed seeing Reptilian and Greys aliens, and claims that these aliens are working with the Deep State Military factions of the U.S. Government and Governments around the world.
At Montauk, Swerdlow was told and taught a very alternative and different version of WORLD HISTORY and our galactic and alien connection, which he claims is the true history of the world. It is a fascinating and mind-blowing tale of our universe, the galaxy, the history of the Earth, the Moon and the planets in our solar system. What really happened and why are we told a completely “wrong” version of the origin of life and Earths civilisations?
Stewart Swerdlow go into details about this secret knowledge, which is intensely eye-opening. SELECTED TOPICS DISCUSSED: – Swerdlows Soviet, Communist and KGB Family History and bloodline. – THE MONTAUK PROJECT (Swerdlow as one of the “Montauk Boys”).
– Aliens / Extra-Terrestrials / Inter-Dimensional entities and races: REPTILIANS, GREYS, NORDICS, ANNUNAKI, INSECTOIDS etc. – The Galactic Alien connection to Planet Earth and alternative history. – The MOON, SATURN, MARS – PLANET MALDEK and NIBURU. – The ILLUMINATI and The New World Order Global Government Agenda. – Satanism, SATANIC RITUALS and the sinister “reason” behind sacrifices! – 5G and the A.I – Artificial Intelligence DNA human take-over. – The CERN Agenda and the Notré Dame fire in Paris. – WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE DIE (the reincarnation soul trap). – Religions and the Vatican. – SPIRITUALITY and HOPE FOR THE FUTURE!
“You can decide”! ……all this and much much more as Stewart Swerdlow takes you on a extraordinary journey into the unknown, questioned in a dynamic interview/conversation with Age Of Truth TV presenter Lucas Alexander.
Source: https://beforeitsnews.com.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 05:28
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19



Message from the Angels via Ann Albers. 

June 15th, 2019.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Your sleep is a rich and productive time. It is a time when the majority of your spirit leaves your physical body and visits the heavens. You can engage in a multitude of activities while your awareness is in these other dimensions.
Some of you have “planning meetings” with your angels. You examine your upcoming choices, creations, and the many possible pathways for your upcoming growth.
Many of you receive our love, nurturing, and encouragement. Earth is a tough school and often you just need love and support so you can move forward with renewed energy in your lessons here upon the earth.
Sometimes you have long discussions wit other souls whom you know on earth. You talk about how you can help each other grow, whether or not the relationship is productive, or whether it is time to move along. You talk about what might have to change in both of you to catalyze each other’s growth more kindly.
You also make plans from time to time, with souls you want to meet in your waking life. You discuss the growth you wish to do together.
Many of you spend time with your dearly departed loved ones, just enjoying a picnic or a walk here in heaven.
You can set your intentions before bed if you have something specific you’d like to do in your sleep! You can say, “I’d like the healing angels to work on my body while my soul is nurtured and comforted.” “I’d like to meet up with a loved one.” “I’d like help in solving this or that problem in my life.” “I’d like to wake up with greater clarity in my life.”
The choices are infinite. Imagine waking up with your intentions fulfilled, feeling refreshed, alive, awake, and grateful for another day of life… no matter how much or little sleep you get. Feel it. In this fashion, you program your sleep and your waking before you drift off into the other realms.
If you have trouble falling asleep call upon us. Perhaps you are fearful, excited, or just have a lot on the mind. Perhaps you heard your parents argue or had something frightening happen at one point in the night. You are safe now. We are with you.
Breathe in slowly and deeply. Breath out even more slowly. Imagine us all around you for we will be there laying our hands upon your heart, soothing your forehead, and gently whispering, “Relax dear one. All is well.”Breathe in our love, slowly. Breathe out your concerns, slowly. Keep breathing in this fashion while we work with you to gently loosen your energy from the day’s concerns or future anticipations until your spirit can slip sweetly into the other realms.
In the morning, before you move, record your dreams. You can interpret them later if you like.
Most importantly of all is to lie quietly upon awakening and give thanks for the day ahead. Imagine the best possible day. Ask your angels for help with all you’d like to accomplish, or just simply pray, “Dear Divine Source please help me have the most loving day possible. I am open and ready to receive your love.”
Finally, when you are ready to move, imagine your spirit is like hand slipping into a glove. Breathe yourself all the way back into the body. Before you move, set your intentions for the day. Ask your angels for the help you need. Imagine your day going extremely well. Now slowly rise and feel your feet on the floor. Stretch. Give thanks for the day and for anything else you feel grateful for.
This, dear ones, is your spiritual coffee! This type of routine, or any other that makes you feel alive, loved, grounded and ready for the day in an invaluable asset in enjoying your daily life.
Your physical sleep is rich with opportunity for the soul. Program it with clear intent. Imagine waking up in bliss. Then, dear friends you will find each and every morning a true resurrection of the soul.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
The Angels.

Ann Albers.

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here. 
(Investigate yourself)

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

More @ http://violetflame.biz.ly and 


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publicado por achama às 05:26
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

Ward Matthew via Suzy Ward, June 14, 2019


Message from Matthew Ward


Channeled by Suzanne Ward

June 14, 2019





With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Always the purpose of our messages has been to offer enlightenment, spiritual guidance and encouragement during this unprecedented time in the universe, and at times encouragement is needed most.
“I would love to believe in the existence of a fairer, safer saner world and finding and reading your posts had given me hope, but it just seems it is getting worse. with the political state of the world and the people in charge, the push for vaccinations, the fear, the introduction of 5G, all things that make my head spin and give me nightmares about what the next years will bring. there is no intelligence in the world that i can see, so i don’t know how this paradise on earth will ever manifest in my lifetime. it seems the dark forces are still extremely powerful and cannot be stopped.”
We want to dispel the apprehensive outlook of this dear soul and others who have expressed their feelings about world affairs in terms that include unconscionable, frightening, ominous, dangerous, alarming, and insane. What you are seeing is the revolution aspect of evolution—awakening peoples are revolting against long-prevailing injustices—and this revolution does not include more wars.
The ever-intensifying light is pushing to the forefront of the world stage all activity based in dark intentions so the individuals involved are placed squarely in the light’s high vibrations. If they continue to refuse the light being beamed in abundance, neither they nor their activity can be long sustained. The same principle applies to both—without sufficient light, the intention of an activity and the bodies of humankind cannot survive in the high vibratory levels of the astral planes into which Earth is steadily ascending.
Because those individuals with dark hearts and minds have used almost all of their bargaining chips to no avail, they are struggling mightily to keep a toehold on their greatly diminished power, so upheaval will continue for a while. We know that you would like “a while” put into a specific timeframe, but that cannot be done with any accuracy. It is not only the difficulty of assessing linear time in the timelessness of the continuum; much more so, it is the countless free will decisions that are shooting into the collective consciousness every second and moving the “time” yardstick in the energy field of potential to sooner or later.
What we can tell you is, the dark ones are gently accepting that their time of controlling life on Earth is over. But it is! And, as you observe their futile struggle to cling to their last remnants of influence, please keep in mind what we told you some time ago—it is as true in this moment as it was then:
Planetary vibrations will strengthen and advance only endeavors that best serve Earth and all her life forms; anything to the contrary cannot be long-lasting.
Hard-won rights and progress in social justice cannot be dismantled. It is not the destiny of Earth’s peoples to go backward, but to move ever forward toward peace, mutual respect, cooperation and life in harmony with Nature.
The world where life is like that and the planet is restored to health and pristine beauty—the world you are helping to create in linear time—already vibrantly exists in the continuum. [December 9, 2016]
Now then, not all lightworkers’ soul contracts call for living in that far finer world during this incarnation—some of you chose to move on to more evolved worlds that offer ringside seats for watching Earth’s Golden Age unfold. Not only will you feel gratified by having helped Earth’s civilization manifest that Age, but by volunteering to participate in this grand unique venture, you leaped forward in spiritual and conscious awareness. You will rediscover innate capabilities that aren’t available to you in this moment, and when the Golden Age is in full bloom, when Earth once again is an Eden paradise, you may choose to return and have a long joyous lifetime.
Beloved brothers and sisters, rejoice about Earth’s future—remember, it is thriving gloriously in the continuum—and the next chapter of your immortal life!
“Exactly what is going on ‘behind closed doors’ that gives us any reason to feel hopeful about the world our kids will inherit?” It is behind closed doors where progress is undeniably apparent, not yet to the world, but to us and to the international group of individuals who have been designing resolutions to complex issues that are global in scope. They are acting in concert to remove the last pockets of Illuminati influence, reconcile conflicts, fairly allot the vast wealth of the world, and establish a governance that serves all peoples equally. In short, the group is setting in motion the structural foundation of the transformed world that the light is enabling the society to manifest.
“My friends and I are afraid of losing the choice to have a baby or an abortion if we become pregnant. It’s none of the government’s business or anyone else’s when we decide to start our families, but we want to know if abortion is against God’s laws.” No—God’s laws pertain only to the orderly workings of the universe. Abortion would not be a legal, religious or political issue if people knew what a member of an eighth-density civilization told my mother many years ago:
A soul does not need a body for life itself, as that is inherent in the essence of every soul. It is only for experiencing physically what cannot be without some mass for functioning that souls choose to have a body of some sort.
Among your people, there is a great misconception about “life” and the difference between a soul and a body. You have a process called “abortion” that some believe is the destruction of a new life, and there is argument about when a soul enters a body being formed in the womb. No soul’s life ever is destroyed by ending the formation of a developing body. Bodies grow independently of souls through the natural laws of physical mechanisms reproducing in accordance with the cellular programming of each civilization.
Souls are not restricted to incarnating in a specific civilization. A soul’s spiritual evolutionary status automatically puts it within a certain vibratory level, and it chooses a civilization within that sphere that can provide the experiencing needed for its advancement. The greater the spiritual evolvement, the higher the light station within which a soul may choose the civilization for embodying, or living as a free spirit member.
Souls whose spiritual growth needs are within the third density of Earth or other placements of similar vibratory status have a number of choices regarding bodies. They may reside around the parents even before conception takes place, and after conception, they may enter the fetus to experience that growth sensation. If that kind of experience isn’t needed, they may remain “outside” for other kinds of experiencing prior to the birth, but with a soul contract “claim” on the developing body that other souls respect.
If a soul enters a developing body and then reverses that decision, the woman experiences a miscarriage. A soul may inhabit a developing body until imminent birth, then decide not to continue in that body and a stillbirth results. Also, a soul may make one of those decisions, experience what it requires emotionally, and in agreement with another soul, will exit and the second soul enters until miscarriage, stillbirth or live birth occurs. A soul with a “claim” on a developing body may permit another soul to reside in the body to experience the growth and birth sensation, then that soul leaves and the first one takes over the physical life.
These various situations always are by agreement with all souls involved, which of course includes the parents and any other family members, and the purpose is to permit chosen experiencing to several souls at the level they need. Abortion, like all the other stages from prior to conception through a viable birth, provides opportunities for the participating souls to experience the attendant emotions that fill voids in their experiences to that moment.
Thank you, Mother. Because those truths are not known and feelings about abortion around the world run the gamut of emotions, controversy about this issue will continue. Ultimately, it will be decided that people who feel abortion is wrong will abide by their convictions and people who want to choose what best serves their circumstances will have that opportunity without legal opposition. We add that when the peoples have considerably advanced spiritually and consciously, conception will happen only when parents desire, just as it does in evolved civilizations where reproduction is by sexual union rather than mental focusing or cloning.
“Terrorist attacks on synagogues and the brazen neo-Nazi movement have made me feel afraid for my Jewish friends. How did anti-Semitism start and why is it on the rise?” It started prior to biblical times with jealousy and resentment of successful Hebrew businessmen, and that was fueled by the false claim and subsequent Christian belief that Jews’ betrayal of Jesus led to his death on a cross—as stated in previous messages, the crucifixion did not happen. Anti-Semitism continued down through the centuries for those reasons and more recently it also may stem from how Zionism, which began harmoniously and cooperatively with Palestinians well over 100 years ago, has evolved.
The control of Israel has been taken over by war-mongering individuals who descended from the Khazars, a fierce tribe that used Judaism as a means to unite the various tribes they conquered as they spread west. A few of those individuals are in the government and many more with the same aim are working outside of it, and all are in the Illuminati’s top ranks; they never have served the best interests of Israelis or Jewish people anywhere else in the world—their forebears instigated pogroms in European countries and the Holocaust. But by labeling “anti-Semitic” anyone who opposes their treatment of Palestinians or their provoking conflict with neighboring countries, these individuals gained the international support that expanded their power. A long-time goal, one of many they never will reach, is making Jerusalem the Illuminati headquarters from which they would rule the entire Mideast.
Like all other forms of darkness that have shred the fabric of Earth’s civilization, the destructive effects of anti-Semitism and all other forms of bigotry and suppression have been put under a global spotlight. That exposure is why Muslims, Christians, and nonreligious persons rallied in solidarity with Jewish congregations. It is why women worldwide are making inroads to ending the culture of male dominance, and it is lessening prejudice and discriminatory action aimed at Muslims, homosexual and transgender populations and indigenous tribes. These attitudinal changes are of immeasurable significance—the society is taking action to right the wrongs.
This is happening in response to the feminine energy pouring in to balance the masculine energy from which all forms of oppression and bellicosity have risen. In no way are we demeaning masculine energy or exalting feminine energy. Both have strong qualities, and when the two are in balance, they complement each other and produce the high vibrations that enable a civilization to evolve. Now that the energies are coming into balance on Earth, the vast majority of the population is inspired to make the far better world they want, a world where no base aspects of humankind’s nature exist.
“I despair about so much in this world that needs to be fixed. The homeless, hunger, poverty, demolished cities, damaged environment—I could go on and on. It’s so discouraging that money is spent on space exploration instead of improving life here on Earth. Could Matthew please give us his opinion about this?” Our opinion of anything in your world would not be given any consideration whatsoever by your decision-makers, but we happily offer it to you, dear lightworkers.
Every civilization needs visionaries who look at the stars and yearn to know what is “out there.” Without visionaries there would be no discoveries or enlightenment, no inventions or innovations or advancement of any kind. Indeed, a great deal needs to be fixed in your world, and all of it can be—shallbe!—accomplishedside by side with space exploration. The latter will be far more enjoyable than prior projects—members of your universal family will be technical advisers and tour guides—the light you are radiating into the world is helping to bring that day closer.
All light beings throughout this universe honor and support you with the unlimited power of unconditional love.



Suzanne Ward



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 05:24
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

Political views and opinions are being shaken up and down ~ Higher Self, Mike Quinsey

Political views and opinions are being shaken up and down.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self.

By Mike Quinsey.

June 14th, 2019




Political views and opinions are being shaken up and down all over the world, and that should not be surprising in view of the effect the new energies are having. As we have stated on more than one occasion, you are in rapidly changing times that will eventually take you fully into the New Age. In most instances the higher vibrations that you are experiencing have brought about what you call the grass roots of a new way of living that will be far more acceptable and in accordance with the wishes of the people.
It takes time for needed changes to take place as there will always be some objection to them and attempts made to stop them occurring. However, that will be to no avail as the seeds of change are well developed and cannot be stopped. It is amazing how quickly the mood of the people can change, and evidence of it is illustrated by the largely organised peaceful protests that are taking place. They are more informed than any earlier generations, and will not stand for any attempts to continue perpetuating the old ways. Change with a capital “C” is about you and in some ways it will be unavoidably disruptive, but if led by those who support democracy it will soon pass much to the peoples delight.
These are times when you must allow for new ways of thinking, indeed they should be encouraged so that solutions can be found for the new challenges that face you. The answers are already known and those empowered with the knowledge will be eager to step forward when the right circumstances prevail. Again we say look to the younger generations to make progress, as they have birthed with the knowledge and ability to provide you with the answers you seek. We support and help those working for the betterment of mankind, which is allowed, and in those circumstances not considered to be interference with your freewill, but quite the opposite.
What may at first not seem too welcome is that your life span is on the increase, and it is another effect of the rise in vibrations. Aging is slowing down and may already be evidenced by the increasing number of older people who are in relatively good health. There are more and more people in their 80’s and 90’s, and it is not entirely due to better health facilities, although it is a factor. Illness is sometimes self-inflicted by bad habits such as eating the wrong foods that do not sustain your body, or for habits such as smoking that can lead to all manner of illnesses including a shortened life span. However, you are waking up to the idea of healthy living and it has resulted in a change from food preferences that are lacking in the nutrients that you need. We mention these things not to admonish you but simply draw it to your attention.
Since we are on the subject of your well-being it must not be forgotten that adequate exercise also helps to ensure a long healthy life. Fresh air and a general limbering up keep’s your body in good shape and able to overcome the ravages of time. Of course much of this depends on your age but there is generally something you can do that will be beneficial for you. We do not propose that everyone should be rabbits, but the intake of raw food stuffs does carry much more good and can help you have a balanced diet. To some extent your own body will “tell” you what it wants, and conversely what it does not want. Listen to your intuition in such matters and do not eat for sake of it, as over eating is not necessary. We do not preach to you about such matters, but simply remind you as to what may be in your best interests and result in a happy healthy life.
Not all of you have gardens but what a lovely healthy way to spend your time, and you have the bonus of enjoying the results of your labour. In the course of it you bring yourself closer to nature and if you “love” your garden it responds to those higher vibrations. So you see, successful gardening is a labour of love that returns to you every bit as much as you give it, if not more. The energy of love is the Mothers touch that soothes a young baby or child and it illustrates how powerful it is. Can you then imagine the power of the Creator and understand how miracles can take place. Your destiny is to follow such a path, as you really are Gods in the making, but do not let the thought frighten you as you have quite a long way to go yet, indeed a very long way. It is why each soul is revered because their potential is known.
Do not ever doubt your potential as regardless of how you view it now, you have lives ahead of you that will gradually raise your vibrations, so that level by level you gradually become a Being of Light. Once in your Light Body you will no longer need a physical body, but do not be alarmed as at any time you will be able to lower your vibrations and self-create one by pure thought. It is as well that you have at least an idea of where your evolution is taking you so that you are not misled by false stories. However, sometimes the wrong information becomes embedded in your mind, but with the help of your Guides and perhaps suitable experiences you will succeed in finding your true self.
Dear Ones you should by now be well aware that you are a powerful soul and that your thoughts can manifest into reality. So be careful what you wish for and indeed for other souls. You are a healer if you did but know it and by the same token you can harm others with your thoughts if you were so inclined. So as time passes it is incumbent upon you to take care with the spoken word, as harmful words directed towards someone who is of a high vibration, will so to say bounce off them and back to you. If you find it difficult to bring the changes to mind, be sure to ask your Guides to prompt you, as they can often plant things in your mind that are helpful.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 



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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 


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publicado por achama às 05:15
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

Infinite Choices ~ The Creator, Jennifer Farley

Infinite Choices.

The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

June 14th, 2019



Over the next few days the deep purging of emotions may become very intense.  

When it is happening, remind yourself to breath and consciously recognize those moments are transitory.  

Decisions for immense change are being presented as well.  

If you are used to making ‘snap decisions’, The Universe strongly suggests taking time, thinking them through and really understanding the implications.  

This is not meant to be an all or nothing scenario…just a nudge to let you inform you of the infinite choices available.  

As always, you have the loving support and Unconditional Love of The Universe to help you along.


Jennifer Farley





Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 05:13
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

Pensamento do dia para 2019/06/15 ~ Sathya Sai Baba

  Manifestações do Amor Divino!

Pensamento do dia.

Por Sathya Sai Baba

15 de junho de 2019 

Image result for sathya sai baba

Os anos de vida atribuídos ao homem – como resultado da enorme quantidade de méritos conquistada e acumulada através de muitas vidas no passado – devem ser utilizados com o propósito de elevação à Divindade. 

As riquezas diminuem apenas quando são gastas, mas a vida é reduzida a cada momento, durante seu próprio curso. 

Mesmo quando dormimos, despreocupados, cada minuto nos deixa mais velhos e nos aproxima do túmulo. 

Com o intuito de direcionar o tempo para propósitos úteis, a vida tem que ser regulada e limitada, os hábitos devem ser sublimados, as tendências prejudiciais devem ser corrigidas e as atitudes construtivas devem ser estimuladas. 

Uma vida disciplinada é a melhor oferenda que você pode dar ao país ou ao Divino em você. 

Então, cada um de vocês deve aceitar o ideal depois de analisar suas implicações e estar convencido de sua validade. 

Os instintos e impulsos animais persistiram na natureza humana como vestígios e é somente quando seu surgimento é controlado e gradualmente eliminado, que as fontes da Divindade podem se manifestar.

(Discurso Divino, 17 de agosto de 1977)
Sathya Sai Baba.


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publicado por achama às 05:08
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19





Os Pleiadianos

Por Christine Day

Junho de 2019

Tradução: Letícia Scarpa

Revisão: Vilma Capuano


Ativação de um nível da Energia Crística Pura semeada em seu coração no momento do Despertar da Pomba, em Abril, para você utilizar-se deste espaço de consciência que espelha a Essência do seu Eu Superior e das Energias dos Reinos Superiores.

"Preparação para receber a Frequência da Essência do Despertar final da Energia da Pomba que ancorará em 27 de Abril, em Yucatán, como profetizado pelo Calendário Maia, alinhando as células do Coração com a sua própria Luz Divina e Consciência de Deus vinda do ancoramento do Corredor de Luz”.
Tradução e legendas: Letícia Scarpa - leticia@leticiascarpa.com.br
Revisão de português: Vilma Capuano -vilmacapuano@yahoo.com.br

Os Pleiadianos
Christine Day.


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Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.

Individualmete pode-se ser ajudado a encontrar a própria Verdade que é diferente a cada um de nós.

Atualização diária.

publicado por achama às 05:04
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

INFINITAS ESCOLHAS. ~ O Criador, Jennifer Farley


Escritos do Criador.

Transcrito por Jennifer Farley

14 de junho de 2019

Tradução – Adriano Pereira



Nos próximos dias, uma profunda expurgação das emoções pode se tornar muito intensa.
Quando isso acontecer, lembre-se de respirar e, conscientemente reconhecer que esses momentos são transitórios.
Decisões para mudanças imensas estão sendo apresentadas também.
Se você está acostumado a tomar "decisões precipitadas", O Universo sugere fortemente que você reserve para si algum tempo, pense nelas e realmente entenda as implicações.
Isso não é para ser um cenário de tudo ou nada ... apenas um empurrãozinho para permitir que você se informe das infinitas opções disponíveis.
Como sempre, você tem o apoio amoroso e o Amor Incondicional do Universo para ajudá-lo.

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Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.


Individualmete pode-se ser ajudado a encontrar a própria Verdade que é diferente a cada um de nós.


Atualização diária.
publicado por achama às 05:02
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19

CUIDADO AMOROSO ~ Arcanjo Gabriel, Shelley Young



Mensagem do Arcanjo Gabriel.

Através de Shelley Young.

14 de junho de 2019.




Querido, o passo mais vital em sua cura e jornada de iluminação é criar um espaço seguro para você florescer. Você está disposto a se tratar com amor, cuidado e respeito a si mesmo?

Arcanjo Gabriel

Shelley Young






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publicado por achama às 04:57
Domingo, 16 / 06 / 19




18º DIA.

Orientação Dos Anjos

Canalizada por Sharon Taphorn

15 de junho de 2019


Tradução: Regina Drumond


O que deixa os seus olhos arregalados de entusiasmo e estimula a sua paixão?
“Você deve aprender a dominar uma nova maneira de pensar antes que possa dominar uma nova maneira de ser.” - Marianne Williamson
“Se você estiver triste, coloque mais batom e ataque.” - Coco Chanel
Espero que algo tenha surgido instantaneamente em seu coração quando você ler a pergunta de hoje. Caso isto não tenha acontecido, você poderia ter se interiorizado mais. Interiorizar-se é bom, pois é aí que o seu eu autêntico, o verdadeiro  está vivendo.
Embora isto realmente não tenha a ver com o tema de hoje, pensei em compartilhar uma maravilhosa meditação de “Honest Guys”. Gosto de suas meditações e “Correndo com os Lobos” de algum modo me pareceu adequada para compartilhar, pois eu sinto uma grande formação de energia em mim ao ouvi-la. Espero que você goste!
Lembre-se: Viva momentos que você não consegue colocar em palavras!
“Deixe-se ser guiado silenciosamente pela estranha atração do que você realmente ama. Isto não o desviará do caminho.” - Rumi

Os Anjos e Guias.
Sharon Taphorn

Por favor, respeite os créditos ao compartilhar

A permissão é concedida para cópia e redistribuição da Sabedoria dos Anjos sob a condição de que o conteúdo permaneça completo, que todos os créditos sejam dados à autora e que seja distribuído gratuitamente.


Agradecimentos a:
  • Regina Drumond – reginamadrumond@yahoo.com.br
