A Chama da Ascensão


Sábado, 15 / 06 / 19

The 25 Goals Of The Evil Factions Within The Illuminated ~ The T. Matrixbreaker

The 25 Goals Of The Evil Factions Within The Illuminated.

By The T. Matrixbreaker.

Posted June 13, 2019 by Edward Morgan. 




I will preface this post by stressing the importance of having compassion, as WE are all one. It doesn’t matter.. good or bad… we are all connected. As difficult as it may seem to most, if we hate the people / beings that have done this to society, we are losing the battle by A) Allowing ourselves to be siphoned, and, B) Working against the collective. Evil is being banished, but we must not show the same hate as them.. or it goes against US. I hope you can understand this.. as hard as it is for some to accept.
25 goals of the evil factions within the Illuminated:
1. All men are more easily inclined towards evil than good.
2. Preach Liberalism.
3. Use the idea of freedom to bring about class wars.
4. Any and all means should be used to reach the Illuminati Goals as they are justified.
5. The right to lie in force.
6. The power of our resources must remain invisible until the very moment it has gained the strength that no cunning or force can undermine it.
7. Avocation of mob psychology to control the masses.
8. Use alcoho-l, dru-gs, corruption and all forms of vice to systematically corrupt the youth of the nation.
9. Seize property by any means.
10. Use of slogans such as equity, liberty, fraternity delivered into the mouths of the masses in psychological warfare.
11. War should be directed so that the nations on both sides are placed further in debt and peace conferences conducted so that neither combatant obtains territory rights.
12. Members must use their wealth to have candidates chosen and placed in public office who will be obedient to their demands and will be used as pawns in the game by those behind the scenes. Their advisors will have been reared and trained from childhood to rule the affairs of the world.
13. Control the press.
14. Agents will come forward after fermenting traumatic situations and appear to be the saviors of the masses.
15. Create industrial depression and financial panic, unemployment, hunger, shortage of food and use this to control the masses or mob and then use the mob to wipe out all those who stand in the way.
16. Infiltrate into the secret Freemasons to use them for Illuminati purposes.
17. Expound the value of systematic deception, use high sounding slogans and phrases and advocate lavish promises to the masses even though they cannot be kept.
18. Detail plans for resolutions, discuss the art of street fighting which is necessary to bring the population into speedy subjection.
19. Use agents as advisers behind the scenes after wars and use secret diplomacy to gain control.
20. Establish huge monopolies that lean toward world government control.
21. Use high taxes and unfair competition to bring about economic ruin by control of raw materials. Organize agitation among the workers and subsidize their competitors.
22. Build up armaments with Police forces and Soldiers sufficient to protect our needs.
23. Members and leaders of the one world government would be appointed by the directors.
24. Infiltrate into all classes and levels of society and government for the purpose of fooling, bemusing and corrupting the youthful members of society by teaching them theories and principles that we know to be false. (Big bang and evolution)
25. National and International laws should be used to destroy civilization and enslave and control the people.
Lets rise up. Things are changing. We are winning. We must forgive, but never forget.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 
The 25 Goals Of The Evil Factions Within The Illuminated
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Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 00:58
Sábado, 15 / 06 / 19

WILD AND ROCKY ~ Kate Spreckley


Kate Spreckley's Inspiration.


daily inspiration 14 june 2019.

This week has had an usual intensity to it. Cosmic storms have been shredding the veils of illusion and attachment electrifying our lives. We are well and truly breaking with the past and moving towards experiences that better support, nurture and cherish us. It is essential that we maintain a state of balance and connection as we continue to flow with these wild and rocky energetic currents.

You may have felt rather unstable and unsteady this week as the incoming energies triggered new awakenings and realisations shifting your perspective once again. New concepts and ideas are formulating within you. Open yourself to the many opportunities that surround you each day. Branch out from your day to day schedule, slow down and breathe in the beauty of this life. Become aware of the new potential emerging in your life. Surrender to your destiny and you will experience peace and tranquility.
Much love,

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Discernment is recommended.
All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 
No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 


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publicado por achama às 00:47
Sábado, 15 / 06 / 19

Experiencing the Natural Rhythm of the Earth and Your Being ~ White Eagle and Silver Birch ~ Natalie Glasson

Experiencing the Natural Rhythm of the Earth and Your Being.

by: White Eagle and Silver Birch.

Through Natalie Glasson.

June 14th, 2019

Natalie Glasson from Sacred School of OmNa

Posted June 14, 2019


Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

We are Silver Birch and White Eagle, since our incarnation on the Earth we have worked to assist the Earth from the etheric side of the veil rather than the physical side. We are devoting much of our time to acting as spiritual teachers for many to call upon in order to gain enlightenment, wisdom, and guidance. We are working closely with the World Teachers Master Sananda and Master Kuthumi to directly influence the spiritual education and advancement of humanity. As we link with you now, we come forth as a united source of energy sharing our thoughts as one beacon of light.
The Universe of the Creator has its own rhythm and vibration of light, like a beat that is within the fabric of everything, and a bond that unifies energies. As light and energy can be extended from the Creator to generate different aspects and forms, so the rhythm of the universe can be divided to create new rhythms which have a purpose formed by the Creator. The Earth has its own rhythm, when you activate your senses to a certain degree or level of growth then you are able to hear and feel this rhythm which can sound akin to a melody pulsating through and around the Earth. From this melody which is unique to the Earth new melodies are formed, these melodies are formed to sustain the existence of the nature worlds, humanity and everything that manifests physically and spiritually on the Earth. Each person has a snapshot of the Earth’s complete rhythm, while the Earth’s complete rhythm is a small section of the Creator’s complete rhythm.
As a person opens to the light of the Creator and begins to sense the manifestations of the Creator then they achieve a new level of integration. Integration could be seen as the adoption or blending of new rhythms and melodies in order to hold a larger section of the Creator’s complete melody. Every new melody created adds to the wholeness and completeness of the Creator. The Creator’s rhythm can also be experienced as light; however, it is a pulsating energy which manifests as a distinctive sound, it could be compared to the heartbeat of the Creator. If you imagine that you are the Creator and you hold your own heartbeat, as you extend your energies into your surroundings you are distributing small sections of the sound of your heartbeat which then manifest as extensions and yet still exist as the Creator. This is how the Creator’s universe was shaped as a sanctuary for the Creator and us as soul aspects of the Creator to evolve, accept and learn. With this explanation we gain the understanding that ascension or spiritual advancement and integration is a process of blending the many sections of the Creator’s rhythm or heartbeat in order to access a greater link with our essence; the Creator.
The rhythm of the Creator is essential to your reality whether you are in existence on the Earth or on the inner planes. As spirit beings on the inner planes, we are guided to accept, integrate and listen to the rhythm of the level of energy we are working with. For example, as you make the transition between a physical being on the Earth and a spiritual being on the inner planes you begin to awaken or accept the planetary level energy of the Creator’s universe, realising its rhythm and using this unique beat to support your growth at this level. As physical beings you hold a small fragment of the rhythm of the Earth which will build and develop due to your spiritual advancement, making it easier for you to view and understand the truth of the Earth and the Creator.
We, White Eagle and Silver Birch, have stated that the rhythm of the Creator is the essence of the Creator; this means that it is immensely healing, rejuvenating, uplifting and balancing. Even small aspect of the Creator’s rhythm which you have held since your manifestation on the Earth are healing to you. When activated or balanced they allow you to exist as the highest vibration of health, intellect and spiritual alignment that is possible at this level. Sometimes due to experiences and challenges, the rhythm within you can become tainted or pushed off balance hindering you from existing at your highest positive state. The Earth and Mother Earth can experience this also, causing the Earth’s rhythm to become slow, depleting the Earth, nature kingdoms and even humanity. In the past the Earth’s rhythm began to slow, causing many problems for all on the Earth, fortunately, several Galactic Mastersstepped forth to begin to reactivate the Earth’s rhythm and rebuild the Earth’s connections with the Creator. This activation began the quickening of time upon the Earth that humanity are still experiencing to this day. Now it is humanity who are accelerating time or conscious awareness and the vibration of the Earth. As the rhythm of the Earth becomes more and more balanced it anchors greater life force energy and light to aid renewal for all.
In summarizing our explanation, we have shared with you that not only do you have the constant beat of your physical heart, you also have a beat or rhythm which is anchored into your soul and spiritual energies, this is also held within your physical body. This rhythm is your essence, when pulsating free from disruption it can allow you to exist as the highest potential of your being and energy. The Earth also holds a spiritual heartbeat which is now being restored in order to heal the Earth and rejuvenate all forms of existence on the Earth. With this understanding reawaken within your consciousness we wish to bring forth a practice to allow you to activate and balance your natural Creator rhythm and that of the Earth. Thus, aiding the possibility of all including the Earth existing at the highest positive state conceivable.
Experiencing the Rhythm of the Earth, the Creator, and Your Essence
To activate the natural rhythm of the Earth and your being is relatively easy as it simply needs you to place your intention or thoughts into manifesting the activation of your natural rhythm. We, White Eagle and Silver Birch, wish to support you in experiencing the rhythm of the Earth and your own being personally.
‘I call forth energy of an orange, red and golden light to surge into my body and enfold my entire being.‘ Feel the consciousness, light and protective energies of the Earth’s ancient positive vibrations, it will invigorate your being and awaken your senses.
Imagine that a sacred sanctuary extends from your being into your surroundings, we, Silver Birch and White Eagle step forth into your sacred sanctuary. A united silver and white light glows brightly before you, an immense surge of love flows into your being from our souls.
As you breathe in our presence and light you may even feel or hear our ancient natural rhythm as it integrates with your being and supports your energy.
‘I call upon the ancient energies, inspiration, and wisdom of our positive and loving ancestors and the sacred ancient energies of the Earth to amplify my request to the Creator. Beloved Creator, I ask that you shower me in your pure light, let it fall from the heavens as a blessing for the Earth and humanity. I call forth the complete rhythm of the Creator to enfold the Earth and restore the Earth’s natural rhythm with divine timing to aid the positive and absolute wellbeing and health of the Earth and all manifestations of life. Let the rhythm of the Creator empower the Earth’s natural rhythm, ringing into all beings and bodies to aid further integration with the source and soul of Mother Earth and the Earth’s beautiful nature kingdoms. Through this process and activation, I predominantly ask that the balance and peace of the Earth are restored to the most appropriate level to gently support the spiritual development of humanity. I ask that the melody of the Earth and the Creator manifests as abundant energies once more on the Earth. I place my intentions and loving energy in the hands of the Creator to oversee the activation and restoration of the Earth’s natural rhythm.’
Take a moment to allow yourself to feel the sacred rhythm of the Creator and the Earth build around you. It is important to be aware that the Earth already holds a high vibrational and restored rhythm at a higher dimension, and it is this that we are calling on and anchoring into the Earth.
‘I have now activated the natural Creator rhythm within me to bring forth balance, perfect health and wellbeing as well as a strong divine link with the energy of the Creator. I feel, hear and sense my soul’s rhythm building within me.’
Imagine that the Earth and your entire being is zinging with energy and the sound vibrations of the Earth, have faith that the sound vibration of the Creator that you hold within your being are activating and you are allowing other sound vibrations from the Creator to blend with your energies to assist your greater unity and integration with the Creator.
The Earth and your body are being charged with vitality, vigour, and liveliness. Take time to listen to the silence as it holds the rhythm and melody of the Creator guiding you to accept new melodies that assist the Creator’s complete melody in manifesting within your being.
With much thanks and appreciation,
White Eagle and Silver Birch

Natalie Glasson


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Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here.

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 00:40
Sábado, 15 / 06 / 19

This Is a Very Large Playground ~ The Team, Peggy Black.

This Is a Very Large Playground.

The Team via Peggy Black.

June 13th, 2019. 


We are here to honor you in your magnificence. You continue to move up the spiral of evolution with every conscious thought and conscious action, especially in the midst of the chaos as the old paradigm is dissolving. You are witnessing the collective shadow of negative and misqualified emotions rising to the surface of world events. These shadow emotions are being seen, witnessed and transformed by those of you who understand the principles and the universal laws. The light that you carry and broadcast is making a tremendous difference.
You are not alone in this task of transforming the negative and misqualitied energies. The entire galactic community of divine conscious starbeings, ascended masters, avatars, ancient ones, and archangels and angels are always available upon request.
The transformation of consciousness on this planet is a cosmic event that has been taking place for eons of time. This is the result of timeline experience after timeline experience. No matter how dark or hopeless it all seems, that can all change in a moment of the collective breath.
So with this transmission we are inviting you to begin to reconnect with your own star or galactic heritage. Begin to consider that even though you have a physical body there is an energy that is animating that form and that life. Just as you might consider your physical body your genetic heritage consider that you are also a part of a galactic heritage of energy.
Allow yourself to imagine for a moment that you have star essence, that you do carry the traits and the abilities of a galactic heritage, what might that be? How would these abilities or this divine lineage manifest in your life and actions?
What if these intrinsic gifts, these star and galactic abilities were awaiting the activation of personal codes. What if you could activate the codes or stimulate or quicken these intrinsic gifts. These are questions we are inviting you to begin to consider.
You know yourself as a physical presence; now we are wanting you to begin to engage with the idea that you are also an energy presence. Perhaps you can begin to engage in some form of energy exercises. Use your imagination and begin to allow time to play with the possibility that you might be able to travel time. Imagine yourself visiting other time frames in your history. Imagine that you might be able to travel even to other dimensions; allow yourself to see or sense what that might feel or look like. We invite you to leave any expectation aside. Remember you are just playing in your imagination.
You can use the quantum field to create a space in which you are safe to travel, to explore and adventure.
Let yourself relax into the process and just observe how this might manifest for you. The use of sound can also trigger a state of mind in which you can experience other realms and realties.
We are just inviting you to consider the possibilities and give yourself the grace to explore what your star heritage might be. What star system has always interested you or perhaps this is an entirely new concept to entertain and think about. You can do some searching and investigating. Study the star systems and the galaxies, does one interest you more than another.
Consider for a moment that there are something like 300 billion stars in your Milky Way, there might be around 30 billion planets in your galaxy alone, and there are over 100 billion galaxies in your observable Universe. Many of you have heard of some of these systems Antares, Pleiades, Arcturus, Betelgeuse, Sirius and Andromeda. This is a very large playground.
We are inviting you to create a sacred space, an Alchemist Chamber. The space is created in your imagination. Make it as real as possible. There are no limits here; remember, you are a creator. Once you have the space, the chamber, allow yourself to close your eyes and sense or feel yourself there. This is the place where you can invite information about your star essence, your galactic heritage. This is the place you might meet other energy beings that come as colors or geometric forms or patterns. Be open to the possibilities.
Remember you are a divine multidimensional being. You are in essence star energy. You carry a galactic heritage in your very DNA. We are just encouraging you to begin to access this information.
It is this connection to the bigger picture of who you are which will allow you to step more fully into your personal power as a master. As a divine starseed being you have unlimited energetic abilities. You are so much bigger than you ever have allowed yourself to consider. You just happen to be playing in an unconscious field and dimension that is limited. So as an empathic being you match the energy of this unconscious limited third dimension.
Now is the time to begin to stretch your awareness, to honor and call forth your personal abilities and gifts. It is time to quicken and stimulate the latent legacy you carry.
We invite you to begin to simply invite your star family, your star tribe, to make themselves known to you. Decide that you are going to watch movies or programs in which the subject may be starbeings or ET’s. Notice how new information appears, notice what you decide to read or what program you are guided to watch; that will offer clues to your questions.
Be aware of your dreams and the images that come forth while you sleep. The opportunity is happening now for you to awaken more fully to who you are and your connection to the stars and all the galactic energies. , Find a place where you can watch the stars in a relaxed setting and make a practice of observing the night sky. Imagine or even pretend that you could talk to the stars.
We realize that what we are suggesting here might feel a bit far out or even silly. Notice your reaction to our transmission. Does our words and invitations intrigue you, do they feel impossible or even feel like nonsense?
You can call upon the divine ones, named or unnamed, to assist and support you in this discovery. We assure you that once you begin to investigate the possibilities, doors of awareness are going to open and more will be revealed. It is time, and codes are being activated within many of you earthwalkers. Step into the truth that you are truly more than your physical body and form.
We are always available to support and assist; please call upon us in your journey to your true revealing. You are star seed, you are part of the awesome and amazing galactic unfolding. You are creators of worlds. the ‘team’

Peggy Black

©2019 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address.


Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 00:31
Sexta-feira, 14 / 06 / 19

Perception Is Personal ~ Arcturians, Suzanne Lie

Perception Is Personal.

Message from the Arcturians.

Through Suzanne Lie.

June 8, 2019. 











(Dear Readers,
I had no idea how many you tubes from my writings that others have posted on YouTube. I appreciate these postings and am happy that these people have spread the word.  Therefore, I am sending you the overall YouTube link for my messages, so you can easily view them if you wish.
Blessings, please click below link
Sue Lie

Suzanne Lie

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No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 02:55
Sexta-feira, 14 / 06 / 19

You Know You… ~ The Creator, Jennifer Farley.

Your Time Has Come…

The Creator Writings.

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley.

June 13th, 2019



The Universe is aware that you have been doing some deep releasing over the past few days and, with more on the way, it may feel as if you are running a marathon. (Smiling) 

One thing to keep in mind; you control the pace!  

If you want things to move slower, ask.  

If you would like it to speed up, okay.  

The choice is yours but, keep this in mind; it may be tempting to release things as quickly as possible to ‘get it over with’ but, check in and see if it is really the best thing in this moment.  

You know you better than anyone else, know exactly what you can take and how your inner self accepts change.  

Listen to your body and soul and all will be well.


Jennifer Farley





Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


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Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 

No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)

Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 02:40
Sexta-feira, 14 / 06 / 19

A Vision for Helping Troubled Souls ~ Alignment Project

A Vision for Helping Troubled Souls.

The Vision Alignment Project


Today's Vision comes in from Linda Remington and it is absolutely beautiful. We intend that you read carefully and take Linda's words to heart. She says: 

I intend when we see or know someone acting out of their pain and insanity we awake to helping them rather then choosing not to get involved. If they are expressing violence toward themselves or others we embrace them with love while holding them in the Divine Light. We listen to our hearts and contact professionals that can help if we are lead to do so. I intend we each become aware we can help troubled souls with Love to stop the senseless acts of violence. By living each moment from a place of unconditional love we can change, homes, schools and public places into safe places.

I intend this for the Highest Good. so be it.

We wholeheartedly Align with this Vision. Do you?


If this vision was sent to you from a friend, you can go to www.visionalignmentproject.com to sign up free for The Vision Alignment Project.

The Vision Alignment Project is sponsored by The Intenders of the Highest Good. If you have a Vision you would like to share with the world, please email it to [office@intenders.com]. Your Vision may be published here!


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All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 


No religious or political belief is defended here. (Investigate yourself)


Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

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publicado por achama às 02:38
Sexta-feira, 14 / 06 / 19

What Is Primacy Effect and How It Messes with Your Memory and Perception ~ Sherrie.

What Is Primacy Effect and How It Messes with Your Memory and Perception.

By Sherrie.

June 13th, 2019


Ever wondered why you remember some things and other things are quickly forgotten? Well, this could be due to the primacy effect.
The science behind the primacy effect is simple yet complicated to navigate. I’ve recognized the characteristics of this effect many times in my life. This curious state of mind works in a valuable way, helping us remember certain important facts.
Unfortunately, other seemingly important information is dulled or completely lost from memory, unless placed last. In the model of first, last, and middle, primacy is the information that’s remembered first and is more likely to be stored in the long-term memory. Here’s a bit more information.

The meaning of the primacy effect

The primary effect was established in 1940 by Solomon Asch. This was when the primary principle came into being. Basically, the primacy (remembering the beginning facts) and recency effect (remembering the last facts) are two strong characteristics of how our brain works.
For instance, if we make a grocery list, the first few items will be remembered much better and even stored within our long-term memory. The items in the middle of the list may be harder to recall, even harder than the last items (which are considered the recency effect examples.)
But to focus on primacy, the effects are seen easily in studying for exams as well. Again, the information first read will be stored faster and thus remembered quite well for the test. Questions involving these facts will be easy to answer correctly.
So, the primacy effect is a positive thing, right? Well, for the most part, but there are ways it can distort our own and the perception of others.
Let’s take a look at the flaws of the primacy effect.

1. First impressions

Everyone knows what first impressions are, but do they really understand the implications of this? Well, when you look at the primacy effect, you can see how there could be a negative take with the first time you meet someone, especially if things go all wrong.
If your first impression isn’t that great, it can frame how the other person views you. Remember, this first encounter with you is what they remember the most.., just as the last encounter will be.
In this situation, the primacy effect can greatly change how a person views another, even to the point of severing future contact altogether.

2. Reputations

In a way, being late for your first day at a new job can be seen as a first impression, and really, it is. But, it also helps us look at how reputations are formed. The fact is, you may not ever be late again, but your reputation could already be spoiled, causing you to lose out on advancements in the workplace or even fall victim to termination.
Although the primacy effect helps us remember the first facts and commit them to long-term memory, we miss so many good things in the middle sometimes, especially where the true value of a person is concerned. It’s detrimental to us and others.

3. Emotional distortion

The primacy effect can influence our emotions as well. We often feel the first emotion much stronger, whether it’s happiness, paranoia, or anger, and we give little time for the emotion to deepen or change. Many rash decisions have been made due to focus on the primary emotions.
Also, as you know, primary emotions are the ones we remember for a while. They can change the way we see many things. It’s like an imprint.
Even though the thought process, as it deepens, is considered the “middle” and not the first thought, it often has some of the best rational thinking and analyzation. Our perception of many things has been changed due to this effect.

4. The formation of lists

Another way that the primacy effect can influence our perception is by their role in lists. As I stated before, the item at the top of the grocery list will not be easily forgotten, while the other various ingredients may be.
This is just one of the shortcomings of the primacy effect. It’s also the one that propelled this type of thinking, to begin with.
Another way that lists are affected is when there are various descriptions of a person’s personality or characteristics. For instance, if you say someone is moody, beautiful, and dependable, you will always remember that they are moody above all else.
Likewise, if the order was changed to “beautiful, dependable and moody”, you will think of that person as a beautiful person…and I would bet you would see the moody description more along the lines of having “depth of emotion”.
It’s strange how that works, isn’t it? And guess what? This example was the first known experiment in the primacy effect back in 1940.

So, is the primacy inherently good?

While the primacy effect can indeed distort your perception, it can also prove useful as well. It takes a great deal of maturity to understand how the primacy effect and the recency effect can prove useful.
In fact, the middle is where you find some of the best information and form some of the best connections with people and situations. You just have to be open-minded enough to see it.
So, even though we can appreciate the first things we remember, we should also learn how to change the order and read again. Revisit the list, consider the applicant, and wait to see how we feel a few hours after we’ve grown angry. The primacy effect isn’t bad, and how we see this is how we respond.
  1. https://journals.sagepub.com
  2. https://study.com













About the Author: Sherrie

Sherrie is a freelance writer and artist with over 10 years of experience. She spends most of her time giving life to the renegade thoughts. As the words erupt and form new life, she knows that she is yet again free from the nagging persistence of her muse. She is a mother of three and a lifetime fan of the thought-provoking and questionable aspects of the universe.



Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

Thanks to: Learning Mind <noreply+feedproxy@google.com>


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publicado por achama às 02:37
Sexta-feira, 14 / 06 / 19

A Love and Mercy Oriented Universe. ~ Beloved One, Lytske

The real Purpose Of Life.

Teacher: The Beloved One.

Message received by Lytske

Urantia, May 12, 2019

Posted June 13, 2019


The Beloved One: “In order to love one another without reservation or condition, it is mandatory to truly love and accept yourself just the way you are. 

“Forgive yourself for all past mistakes, and for all past and future failings. Accept yourself as the God-given personality you are. Hardly perfect, but knowing that perfection is the ultimate destiny in eternal life. 

“In this foundational earth-life you are waking up to become more aware of the true purpose of life, to be the best you can be under all circumstances. 

“Life teaches you lessons, through which you learn mastery over self, be it over greed, jealousy, gluttony or addictions of any kind – anything that holds you back from your greatest good and attainment. This is to be achieved without the use of dishonest means or by using another person to attain your goals in life, unless such help is feely given. 

“You are learning to travel with Me as your Guide within. This is what Jesus mastered when He walked the earth as a Man among men. 

“Remember that the most important lessons He taught and lived, were to love God first, and to then learn to love and accept yourself as God loves and accepts you, to love your neighbor as yourself and to forgive each and every one who wrongs you. 

“You all live in a love and mercy universe; as your Ruler Michael so lovingly and eloquently displayed in His own life as Joshua ben Joseph, Jesus of Nazareth. 

“His life was and still is a triumph, which all humans can aspire to in their short but intense lives in the flesh, as they are lived here on this planet. 

“Jesus, even as a young boy, often sought the Still Voice within when He chose to be away from others to better communicate with His Father in Heaven. 

“So too, can you follow His example and practice this as often as needed, for I am always with you.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I am the satisfaction of your Soul – The Beloved One.

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publicado por achama às 02:35
Sexta-feira, 14 / 06 / 19

UNITY BREATH ~ Kate Spreckley


Kate Spreckley's Inspiration.


daily inspiration 13 june 2019.

Integrating the intense cosmic energy that is currently flooding the planet is key to maintaining some level of stability. Our central nervous system is taking strain which makes us feel out of sorts, anxious and stressed. Unexplainable aches and pains may also be felt as the physical body adjusts to this new energy. Meditation is one way that we can ease these symptoms as it enables the energy of our different bodies to realign and adjust to the increase in light energy.

The Unity Breath meditation centres you between Earth and Heaven. It helps to anchor you in these chaotic times. It is a simple, yet profound meditation which will enable you to enter into the sacred space of your heart to absorb the vibrations of love, compassion and peace.

Here is a link to a recording of this meditation from my Awakening to Spirit Meditation CD. Enjoy!

Much love,

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publicado por achama às 02:33
Sexta-feira, 14 / 06 / 19

Benjamin Fulford FR, 2019/06/10: Anglo alliance cemented by Trump UK visit will lead to reversal of post-9/11 fascist trend

Anglo alliance cemented by Trump UK visit will lead to reversal of post-9/11 fascist trend.

Benjamin Fulford Full Report


Posted June 12, 2019 by Edward Morgan


The visit by U.S. President Donald Trump to the UK last week has healed rifts in the Anglo alliance and will make sure the post-9/11 fascist coup in the West will be reversed, according to Pentagon and British royal family sources.  “The visit to Great Britain was very much about the entente cordiale in the Anglo-America axis and all of the ongoing issues of which you are already aware.  Brexit is a very big deal.  I would say that the trip was a success and the bonds between both countries are now stronger,” was how a British royal summed it up.
This means there is a split between the Anglo-Americans and the European fascist Nazi aristocrats behind the Bilderberg Group.  A semi-official report from a Bilderberg participant confirms that there is a major split between the German-led EU faction and the Anglos, as well as the Italians.

Sources in French Intelligence, meanwhile, say they have found proof the recent EU Parliamentary elections were rigged by the German faction.  They point to articles which accurately announced the results of the elections that appeared before the elections took place.  The battle to liberate France continues, the sources say.

Dutch whistleblowers, meanwhile, have been putting out damning information on the Bilderberg founding by the Nazi Dutch royal family and their connection to the fascist American Rockefeller (Clinton), Bush, etc. faction.  Among other things, they report that Boeing manufactured bombers and sent them to Germany to bomb Americans during World War II.

This is important, because we now have a 30-year Boeing veteran, Patrick Shanahan, as “Acting Defense Secretary” in the United States, even as all genuine military veterans left the Trump administration at the beginning of this year.
Pentagon sources are telling us “the domino-like, sudden collapse of 26 telephone poles right along the main thoroughfare servicing Boeing’s many Seattle facilities along East Marginal Way” last week was “no coincidence.”
“This was a white-hat message to Boeing to cease and desist from the use of remote control override technology in its planes used in its ‘airplane accidents,’ as well as its other warmongering/war crimes/war technologies (that may use 5G), both public and secret,” the sources say.
There are also now more signs that a major financial event, likely bigger than the Lehman shock, is being prepared to finish off the Federal Reserve Board and the EU-central-bank-owning Nazi faction of the Khazarian mafia.
This means that the fiat “trading platforms,” created by Bilderberger Henry Kissinger for the Rockefeller family after the U.S. abandoned the gold standard in 1971, have been shut down and replaced with …
… a basket of currencies trading within a band relative to the price of gold.  This can be confirmed by looking at a chart of currency movements since 2012, when the Federal Reserve’s 100-year mandate expired.  This, combined with massive pumping of money into the stock markets, has led to relative financial stability.
However, as Russian President Vladimir Putin noted last week after meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, “The policy of quantitative easing and the other measures that were taken [after Lehman] did not solve the problems in essence, but only pushed them into the future.”

That future may have arrived.  Market participants are betting on a huge, seismic shock to the financial system.  The graph below shows how global trade has now collapsed in a manner identical to what happened at the time of the Lehman shock.  By the way, we encountered a systematic attempt to censor this graph from the English-language Internet and had to go to a Chinese site to relocate it.

The other graph that indicates something huge is coming is one showing how long-term interest rates in the eurodollar markets are even further below short-term rates than they were immediately before Lehman.  This happens because traders feel something huge is about to happen and try to lock in long-term, stable money before it is too late.

The G20 finance ministers meeting this past weekend in Japan did not help ease market fears when they issued a statement that read in part, “risks remain tilted to the downside” and that “trade and geopolitical tensions have intensified.”  As the usually bland and vague G20 official communiqués go, this is pretty radical stuff.
We asked our British royal family, Pentagon, CIA, and other sources about what this shock might be, but we have run into a very thorough news embargo.  The British royal hinted that nothing would happen before September, though.
The fact that most U.S. tariffs on China and sanctions against Huawei and other Chinese firms do not go into effect until September also hints that some sort of world-changing deal is going to be negotiated between now and then.
There are some signs of what the deal might involve.  Chinese Finance Ministry sources say China has offered to help rebuild U.S. domestic infrastructure and reintegrate U.S. manufacturing into global chains.  Pentagon sources meanwhile say they are ready to cut the waste out of the military-industrial complex and pay for rebuilding the U.S. economy with some high tech they have been keeping secret.
The other big issue that is going to be worked out over the coming months concerns the high-tech giants like Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Apple.  Here, the G20 have already agreed they are going to force them to pay taxes.

However, the real issue that needs to be addressed is the censorship and fake information that is proliferating thanks to these high-tech oligopolies.  We noticed, for example, that all photographs we could find on the Internet of King Salman have been replaced with photographs of his new and young body double.  I remember clearly, as do my colleagues, that this article below, talking about how King Salman is so senile he cannot remember what happened a minute ago, had a picture of a very aged and decrepit-looking king.  That picture has been replaced.

Newspapers and traditional media which actually have reporters in the real world reporting on real events are also saying these high-tech oligopolies are putting them out of business.  Even though subscription revenues are rising, high-tech theft has cut their ad revenue down to $16 billion in 2017 from around $50 billion in 2006.  This has forced them to cut newsroom employees to 39,000 from 74,000 over the same period.  For years, this newsletter too has suffered from Google pirating, Facebook censorship, etc.

Now, these oligopolies have started shutting down thousands of independent news channels in the name of “combating hate speech,” when it can often be shown this is pure censorship.
For example, this morning when we clicked on a link from Jimstonefreelance.com to an article in The New York Post about the murder of Hillary Clinton’s brother, we got a message saying the link had been censored.  Now it just says, “cannot find it.”
This intensified censorship by the Internet giants is coinciding with a new murder campaign.  Pentagon sources say Hillary Clinton had her brother Tony Rodham murdered to silence him.  Also, New York Deputy Police Chief Steven Silks and veteran detective Joe Calabrese were killed last week because they had possession of copies of the video of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin torturing and murdering a young girl, the sources say.  Also killed was former Arkansas State Senator Linda Collins-Smith.  Smith was working with a Department of Homeland Security insider to expose $27 million taken from Child Protective Services by the Clinton Foundation, Vatican P2 Freemason sources say.
This writer has also recently received death threats to himself and his family by Khazarian Nazis angry at our exposure of their crimes.  However, they are not going to be able to murder their way out of justice this time.  There are too many of us to kill, and we have truth and justice as well as the military and special forces on our side.  The fact that Clinton had to order the death of her own brother shows just how close investigators now are.  The wheels of justice grind slowly, but they grind to dust.
We will conclude our report this week with an update from Indonesia.  The banks and pawn shops have reopened now after being shut for 9 days, much to the relief of everybody, sources there say.  However, a White Dragon Society source there says:
“Something is definitely brewing here with the disputed presidential election results.
“My contact on the inside told me that the constitutional court (MK) is scheduled to give its opinion around the 22nd of June.  This is not over yet.  There are a few surprises yet to be played.  It seems that 17 million ‘ghost’ votes have been confirmed by independent analysis in Central and East Java.  All in favor of Jokowi.
“The MK has this information along with the proof, and the judges know it is authentic.  This can flip the results, and Prabowo turns out to be the winner.  I am informed by Indonesian Intel that the Constitutional Court (MK) will declare that a new vote will be held for Central and East Java.  They cannot ignore the hard facts.  Change is in the wind.”
This is part of the proxy war between the U.S. and China that will hopefully be settled by September.

Benjamin's site:

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 

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publicado por achama às 02:31
Sexta-feira, 14 / 06 / 19

Intensified Energy ~ The Council, Ron Head.

Intensified Energy.

The Council via Ron Head.

June 12, 2019. 



We would like to speak today of the intensified energy field that your planet has entered. You are experiencing this as ‘incoming energies’. Many who are empathic or otherwise quite sensitive are struggling with this.
Perhaps the best thing we can do for you today is to offer you yet one more different image to work with.
Firstly, the image you have of incoming intensified energy is just an image. The reality is more accurately described as energy that you are entering. This is compounded by your individual and collective opening up to energy that seems to surround you. We say ‘seems’ because it is actually the greater field of which you are a part. You are becoming awake and aware of new things, new vibrations.
Some of these, as we have said above, are quite a bit more intense than what you are accustomed to. This will continue to be your experience. It is a part of what you have signed on for and of that which you have named ‘ascension’. Therefore we say, it will be of benefit to you to find a way to navigate these changes in the easiest way possible.

Now, as we have pointed out, and we admit to using the image ourselves just now, you think of this as intense and uncomfortable energy that you are newly encountering. We propose that you decide to, and then learn to, think about this in a new way.
As we said, you are the ones entering the new, and even becoming the new by raising your own vibrations and opening to the awareness of that. It is something that cannot be avoided given the destination you have chosen. So what can you do?
This energy is a field phenomenon. A field is rather like a sea or an ocean. Now what happens if one enters a sea and struggles against the experience? One sinks, do they not? What happens if one relaxes, lays back, and determines to enjoy the feeling? One floats, correct? And this is infinitely more enjoyable.
Now, we have said this before several times in our past messages. But even though it was just as true then, the change had not yet reached this magnitude. Well, now it has. So we advise that you fling your mental arms open wide, and feel the deliciousness of what you are entering. Feel yourselves adjusting to this new vibration that you are in and that you are becoming. You are becoming that which you have desired. Keep that in mind, as well.
This is not something that is being done to you. It is something that is being done for you. And the truth is that it is also something that you are doing. Keep in mind that there is, as we have been at pains to stress, no separation. You have infinite possibilities of things to learn, but your greatest lesson and opportunity lies in the remembrance of that. No separation. No separation. I am that. Tat twam asi. It is a field. It is only a viewpoint that you are seeing it all from. And you are free to choose a different viewpoint whenever you like, as often as you like.
Please enjoy your journey.
Ron Head.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://ronahead.com/


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publicado por achama às 02:28
A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e esta libertar-nos-á! -Só é real o AMOR Incondicional. -Quando o Amor superar o amor pelo poder, o mundo conhecerá a Paz; Jimi Hendrix. -Somos almas a ter uma experiência humana!

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Junho 2019


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